Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 14, 1883, Image 2

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WeBcaday. Marco 14, IMS.
ssrrsa as rsoratsvea.
Gatxr, bas gamed
pounds in weight ibis winter.
Wiaa ni of esses to read of
enminir storm by ths movement
of planets.
Ex Gv. HAETR4rr, it tallied e'f in
connection with tea rreswsntial
man in 1881.
Pnirrs, the Philadelphia poor house
plunderer will be retained trotn tan
sis, to Philadelphia, for trial.
Joa.f OiLLAOBia, hut sued CoL A.
K. lloClure, tor libel. The ease will
go to court. Til see jou later Join,
ats licC'.ure.
.4 t.ispatcm from across tue sea.
iast Thuradav snvs: that a company
cf 3 J'J Irish Virls tPPd for the
state of New Hampshire.
Taypisssa. proposes to par her
Htatodtlit, witii 5 J per cent on the!
dollar, at 3 per cent interest. 1 hat
is, there is a bill ia the Legislature
o that effect
Thu body of Henry Seyberta rich
Pfcilads'l-hian was cremated, at Wash
irgton Pa., last Wednesday, and the
sshrs of the consumed ' body taken
to Philadelphia on Friday.
B. F. Mvss, has sold his interest
in the Hanieburg Patriot to State
Senator Coxe. It is reported bywlie
political uat tne pj-per wui now TheM , mn on Fii,
he straight out for allure, for the afteniooL j anJ Eraitllllei Ettioger
United States Seuate. ! wcre preMRt tho t.rima WiW
Psaps it will give repese to the j committed. (n the night when the
sainda of the people that fear Gener-1 ijojjpj, were faud Jonathaa imv
si Grant is to be a candidate for the ' brother) was with na. There is no
Presidency in 184. to be told that truta ;n the story that Joseph (moth
ae proposes to go on a foreign trip, er brother! was there on either oc
f two rears duration.
"Awosa the items of appropria
tion strirkea out of the Mindry civil
till in conference committee was the
item giving Mr Charles Reed $3,00.)
for conducting the defense of Gui
toau. Mr. Reed, therefore fails to get
Lis fee."
A ocihstht, niakeit the following
statement to the P.iitish. Wales is
the oldest part of Great Dritain.
les before England rose from the
waters Wales t-.tood an island trod
iia by Mrange monsters, mie-bapen
birds and leptiles, whoKe" tracks are
found in the solid rock to-day.
A spicial election has been order
e ! by Lieutenant Governor Black, to
tike pl.ve on the Slat of this month,
in Chester county, to supply the
place made vacant in the State Sen
ate, by the resignation of Senator
Everhart who resigned becaut-e he
became a Congressman on the 1th
Tss Knights of labor, propose
shortly to "issue a circular to the
members of the Order in New York.
snd Pennsylvania calling on thtm to j
organize opposition to the couvict
3l.n. ..-..... ....I ..,.,1 nr.vc r
the Lcgislstnres. He says the ques
tion will be made a political issue in
the next campaign.
On the fith inst.. Governor Palti
tn. .ignod for the fint time. a
Icath warrant, that of Ward McCon
key, who killed a man named Mc
C'Inre, when the latter was leading-a
fsrty in jiursuit of McConkey forthe
robbery of a store in McKeeeport.
Allegheny county. The Governor
has fixed May 10, for the execution,
in Pittebnrg."
Kcirsn, the late Speaker of the
Lower House t f Congress, proposed
to open tbe rejwrters gallery to spec
tators. The -eporters resisted the
Spesker and closed the door on the
-nrowd that was sent to fill up their
gallery. The reporters work fir the
whole newspaper leading world, and
it seems queer that Kcifer should
have thought of filling their gallery
with a crowd of people, that were
only bent on night seeing. Perhaps
the Speaker desired to have the place
occupied by his friend, so that they
uight gvt a notice, but he filled to
et the favorable side of tho report
ers. The SUr Rout cs.se, in the Wash
ington court, created a sensation
last Wednesday. A witness had tes
tified that a check for 2,0 JO, had liecn
drawn for Congressman, James Bel
ford. Bel ford on the witness stand
desired to testify in regard to the
--beck, but the court refused to Lear
him on that point. He then left the
witness stand, and arked the court
to be allowed the privelege of mak
ing a statement. The court refused
to hear him. Belford then said,
"I state before the living God, that
I never saw suoh a check." The
court declared Bclfords expression
an act, in contempt of Court,
and fined the Congressman $100.
Dr. Edward Eoolestos says: Froji
the beginning the Americans have
been a migratory people. New Eng
landers, as we have seen, planted
themselves in Westchester and on
LoDg Island, came bv throngs into
east Jersey, and migrated to the
more southern colonies. So Virgin
ians helped to people Maryland and
North Carolina, migrated to the more
sonthern colonics. So Virginians
Lelped to people Maryland and
North Carolina, migrated northward
to New York, and, even before the
Revolution, began to look wistfully
over tbe monntain barrier into the
great interior valley. New York
Dutch migrated to South Caroliua ;
some of them settled also in Maine,
Pennsylvania and Maryland, while
Penneylvanians excited by fear of
Indian massacre during the French
wars, occupied much of the monn
tain and "piedmont" regions of tbe
colonies to tbe southward. It is said
ihat of three thousand five hundred
suilitamen of Orange county in North
Carolina during the Involution,
every man was a native of Pennsyl
vania. There was an incessant move
ment to and fro of people set king to
better their condition. Once the
European had broken away from his
mooring of ccntnries, the vastness of
the new continent piqued him. and
he became a rover. This instability
as to place remains yet in the Amer
ican character. The mental alertness,
which comes of changing circnm
stances, new scenes and unexpected
difficulties, was early remarked by
travellers as a characteristic of the
Mtiva of the colonies.
What did Congress do? is a ques
tion that is being asked by many
people. It would puzzle a Congress
man to answer that question fully.
Among the many things that it did,
was to pass the tariff commission re
vision act
The tax on matches, and bank
checks, has been stricken off.
The charters of National banks
hare bean extended.
An an ti polygamy law was passed..
The duty on iron and steel has
been reduced, and there is a differ
ence of opinion as to how the reduc
tion on iron and steel duty, will eff
eft the country.
A civil service bill was passed.
Postage on letters was reduced
from 3 to 2 cents.
Canada farmers are to be allowed
to have their grain ground in Ameii
can mills without paying duty.
A cowniit-aian is provided for, to
investigate the American ship build
ing interest
1 Ue amount appropriated by the
late Couresa is $-'29,327,511.33, of
that $86,575,0JO oea for pensions.
Uriah Movr, one of the murder
ers of John Kintzler and wife, was
hung at aliddlebur. on Wednesday,
March 7, 1S83. The murder was
committed on Saturday night De
cember 8, 1877. There is an other
one of the murdering party in jail at
Middloburg, his name is Israel Erb.
When Mover stood on the scaffold
ready for execution, he at-ked per
mission to speak, his request was
granted, and in Gorman L said :
casion. The murder was confined
to me. Jonathan and Ettin?er. This
i.s all I have to say ; for the rest look
at my confession."
The confession that he refered to
is in the possession of Mr. Hpengler,
of Middleburg.
Spengler, has given the following
points for publication : -I never
thought of murder nutil Israel Erb
spoke to me about the killing of John
Kiut.ler. He said that eld Johu was
a mean old devil ; that he called him
a rail thief, and that he would like
to Bee him killed. He said farther
that he wae no good to anybody ;
that ho had no friends to huut it up
if he wa6 killed, and that a person
would be perfectly safe in doiug it.
He said : 'We don't neod to kill the
oid woman ; we can lay in the woods
above the boue. and then when old
John comes np to let off the water
to ion it over his laud we could shoot
him and then tie our faces up so the i
old woman would not Know us,
which would scare her and the would
tell us where all the money was.' I
then told Emanuel Ettiu-'er of the
conversation that parsed between me
anj Erb a?id he agreed to go along
and do his p.irt S Emanuel and I
were there and w..tche 1 in the woods
at difffieut times, but never gut sight
of John Kintzler. '
That was the first effort A ecc
ond attempt to murder Kintzler also
failed- The third effort resulted in
the murder of both Mr. and Mrs.
Kintzler. The party got into the
house under the preteuse of meudiug
a lard can. The confession says:
"Eitinger was sitting on a griud
stone behind us with the gun lying
across his knees. He ct onco pulled
at the hammer with Lis thumb, when
Kintzler heard biin and asked him
what he was doing. Ettinger said :
'I was just pliviug with this ham
mer.' Kintzler i n I : I want nobody
to fool with a guu in uiv house; put
it down.' I then said : 'Yes, Eman
uel, put it down.' He did so. After
the can wae mended I said : 'I tniuk
it still leaks.' K nn'.er said : No it
don't ; I sbnt all the holes that were
in it' I then said: We could see if
we would pnt water into it and that
I would go to the spring and put
water into it.' When I started to
ward the spring Kiutzler came to
the door a little to the right and
stood there. I went to the spring.
filled the can about half full of water
aud as I was Lidding it np I said : "1
don't think it leaks at ail.' Kiutzler
then came walking towards inc.
When he was close to me I 6aid ; -I
guess it don't leak.' Just ss I turn
ed the can to pour ont the water Et
tinger fired. Kintzler turned to
ward the house immediately. Et
tinger intercepted him and a seveie
struggle enUi-d. I started to run
np through the lot got n tbe feiea
and looked back just as Ettinger dis
patched the old man. He then came
running up the lot toward where I
was. I bw-kone 1 with my band to
go back. I meant to ki.l tbe old
woman, for I knew she would tell on
us. He tnrncd, ran back aud met
the old lady right iuside of the door.
He struck her once with the gun,
when she sank to the floor. After
ward she breathed heavily, and Le
struck her again. That finished her.
We wa.ted long enough for auy
one in the neighborhood who might
have heard it to appear on the scene.
YA hen all danger was past e both
went back into the honse.
After we entered I heard the old
lady breathe very . heavily, when I
said to Ettinger, ""My God, the old
woman is not dead . He then stud,
I must finish it now." He then took
a stick of wood and struck her sev
eral times. We then hunted for
money, but not very long. We
thought we heard some one coming,
when Ettinger kicked tbe lid off a
chest or box of some kind. We grab
bed what was in it and ran. We had
nothiug but watch crystals and a few
tnukeU. Not a ctnt of monsy. Uy
this time it was dark. We then went
home, I to uiv house, Ettinger to my
brother Jonathan's for whom he was
workiing at the time.
The ntxt (Saturday I butchered.
After the hogs were killed and the
lard on the fire for rending, I took a
pair of 6hoes and went over to Israel
Erb. I thought if the thing was
known I would find it ont Erb and
I did not sp: ak of it that afternoon
When I returned home Jonathan and
Ettinger were at my house. They
had finished rendiiisr the lard aud
pnt away the meat I had some
wine in the cebar at tbe tune. Jliey
had drank of it pretty freely. We
waits-1 until after dark when we three
started for Kintzler's, I don't know
what time we got there, bat would
suppose it to have been abont 9 o'
clock. We theu got a light and be
gan to search for the mouey. We
hunted high and low in every place
we thought there might be some, but
found only seventy-five dollars
either a few cent more or a few cents
less. Jonathan found an old Coffee
pot in the west corner, up stairs un
der an old bed. It eont-iued some
th ng like fifty-two dolhrs. Ettinger
fonod a paste board box with some
thing like twenty three dollars in it
The largest piece of money fonud
was in the cofiee pot The next larg
est was a dollar in coin. The coffee
pot had a great many pennies in it
the paste boa. a oox nea an suvei
coin in it After we had bunt 1 sev
eral hours aud found no more, we
preparations to leave. '
I solit kindling while Jonathan and
Eitiuger carried tho old man into the
h.tuse. e then kindled a hi e an
der the bed, piltd wood upon it and
left Beside the money, we took witn
us some npiier leather, a small com
pass and I think that Jonathan lial
a small pair of pinjers. Te men
went to uiv house. I cot a light
We went to the cellar and there
counted and divided the money.
I would never have consented to
the niujdar, had I not been influenced
by Erb and sorely pressed for money.
Toe Philadelphia Tunes of March 1.
pablig hed the aeoonut of the seodiog of
a vnune uisn to the penitentiary for
administering drugs to a Juug lady
with criminal iutcnt. The Times sr
tide is reproduced in these column for
the lesson thit may ba learucii from it.
It reads as follow : Emibeih Benson,
s pretty and refi-ied young wnuiac, with
ereat Mack eves and a p!eaant voice.
told s touching Btorj in Judge E'oock's
Court yesterday oonndeuce aud us
trayal. Thotuas . Craig, private sec
retary to an i fiu-er of the Fenusylvao.
i Railroad Company, was on trial for
havins accomplifUrd ber rain surfer
proniuft cf marriage aud with baviug
afterward given ber a drag.
The ouiiu wouiau aDAWered the try
inir iiifj'ioiiB put to ber wnh noticeable
traiikne, th'-neh at times they caael
her to burnt into tear. She aid that
she bad mads Craig'a acqaaintanoe
about three years ae". at an tut-rtin-nient
givvn by the Fourth Cuittd Pres
bvtenan Cliarch, at Nineteenth and
Fitzwater streets, of which they both
wt-re then mn.brr. lie acooaipanied
her home from erviors after that and
a-ked to be allowed to call upon her.
Mis Ht-tison sskfd hr mother whether
liis n-qw-st hoold be granted and re
eird permission to receive bim
Crip railed n her three times s work
after that, b-ila accompanying her
from a regular Friday night eimrcb
service. He tud a pronoiial of mar-
"B', which was aee.-pted and a day
for the ceremony named. He then aj
rouijilislied her betrayal. Wbrn ht-r
condition becama known the girl's
mother sent for Craig and astd buu
to niarrv her at once. Miss Bnsou
ws in an alj .inmjj room and over
lirS'd say; "If T"U bring ne into
court 1 will show you her character.'
The girl want into the room and indig
nantly said : ilow dare you: You
know that you al n are the cams of
this trouble." As nig was leaving
be said, according to the witness : lf
you arrest me tbe whole Pennsylvania
Railroad will bck ia. My nnclo will
g-i my bil and I won't Lave to stand
trial, anyhow " Before this, the plain
tiff testified, Craig had given hcj some
pill to take. Si.c hesitated, bnt he
said that they were all right and that
he had a-ed Buck Waller, who he
said iiti physician at the Aliuehoae,
about them. The name of a number
of young men vrt intr"dacd into the
case. Mi-5 Benson said she knew them
bat nothing was proved or attempted
to be proved by them. A nomtwr of
persons, mvnv them ninihM of ite
cliuroh attended bv Mil Rfttison, t''S-tifi.-d
that the Utters reputation bad
always been good.
At h close of the Corunioiiw-ah!i's
ese Craig, after a consultation with
his attorney, withdrew his plea of nt
guilty to tne ehargn and en 'Ted one of
guilty. He still pleaded not guiltv to
tbe St-oond charg. The plea w ac
cepted and the bill for. administering
drugs with a criminal intent was end
milled to the jn.rv. The defendmt wa
sentenced to the Emtern Penitentiary
for two year and six month IT
maintained an aff.-otafion of indiffer
ence to the eloae.
Tbe late fl Mil caused a los "r $20,-
000 on hrtdees, in Crawford county in
this State
The Tonthfn coliir, beauty and IrJiw r
jmdually imtorcd to gray hair bv I'arkvr'n
Hair Balsam.
Durin? the psst year 300 perjions
hsve been killed and 1,000 wounded
in tbe anthracite ooel regions.
Wo nsnally leave it to doctors to recom
mend invdiciiies. but Parker's (Jiitijrr Ton
ic has been nsetiil in our taimlv in re
lieving HickiK'sa and suffering lhat we can
not say too cinch in Its pi-ainu. f'aleia Ar
The United States exported 3,500,
000 pounds of drid apples mosl of
the n evaporated to swell the popu
lation of Earnpo last year.
Two school boys fought over asohooe
firl in Tienton, and one of them slash
ed the other's fsce with a knife, di
uiinji bim fir life.
My huband had firanken h-ibits ha coal
not overeomi until Parker's Gitiper Tonic
took away bis thirst for timulrits. restor
ed bia energy of mind and cave him strength
0 attend to busiiies. Cinciun iti L tdy.
nilllcns efllerees.
From the Pniladelpbia UuHeiui.
Tbe enormity- of tbe pension busi
ness is illustrated by soma facts stated
by our Washington eorrespondest. A
. . . - I n J i . li ... .. k..-
renn.stinc that the senate he f un.ilo il
" -
wiib a list of all pensioueie, with a
brief description of each esse. Te
make this list thtee hundred and forty
elerks have been employed ever since
and tbe manuscript they hive j retir
ed are enouch to fill two larct express
wagons. Tbe list will be el' little use
unless it is printed snd circulated, and
as it will make a volume cf i-ver eigh
teen hundred psgas as big as a cen
sus compendium theesreiie w;M be
a new item in the cmt of ear pension
sjstrni, which is slresdj let.?pn oae fur indeperidenis and twn grssnbsok
snd two hundred auiilioDs a year. How j ers. Tbe new house wilt haveSC5 iom
onr heroes of lbs civil war. and the byrs, making 163 a quoruia for bus -Mazioan
war, have icarea-ed tiial'ip'i- t n.
in the lonft Tears of pes. e is of .hs . Tnp Snlint, anJ Rfpublir m,.e ,h
ponelea with whioh oiIoi,iip sua place loKvi job worSiIoiie. Trv it. IiwiU
ether philosophers ought t wrestle. pay you if yoc need anything ia that liu.
SooisrviMe Osio, Marsh 7 Ai old
man stated A J Wing we frirhteaed
to death oa Moodsy b ght by three
young eaeo, who waylaid him and fiied
off gsos, making blot btlirve hn i
attacked by neighbors, wfco had threat
ened to kill bism. He ran to a neigh
bors bouse and fell dead.
From nature
Mr Romanes remarks ia bis book
tbst tbers are a few reeorded instances
of intelligenoe in bears. Tbe following
fae's may therefore be worts r cord
ing In tbs Chiton Zjologicil Garden.:
thsrs sre two female polar bears, be
tween two aud one halt and three years
old, which cane bere quite young
One of these shows remarkable inteili
ganee in cracking eouoanata. A nut
was thrown in the tank to day. It sank
a long way, and tbe bear waited qii-t-
iy till after some time it rose a hill
ont of ber reach. Shs than mvie e
currant in tbe water with ber paw, snd
thus brought it within reaeh. This
habit has already been several times
noticed in pulai bisM. S ie th-n took
it on shore, and tried to break i'. ht
leaning ber weight on it with on p
Failing in this, she took the tint be
tween her fore paws, raised herself on
ber hind legs to her fall height, and
threw tbe not forward agnnst the' bnrs
of the den, bree or four feet aav.
She than again leaned her weight on i',
booing shd bad crtrked it, hot failed
again. She then repeated the process,
this time tucoeitullv. The keep-r
told me slio employed the same meth
nd to break tbe leg bone of a horse.
That this is tbe rei-ult of individual
experience, and not ol instinnt, is ch ar
from the fact that her companion has
not learned the trick of opening them
thn. nor Conld this one do it when she
fit st ome. The method of throwiog
it is precisely similar to that adopted
by the Ctbus monkey described by R
mmes. John Pierce, of Bridgeport opposite i
Brownsville, fa., has a gtandlather s
clock" wbicb stood in the corner and
tioavd steadily along during all the
recent fl od, notwithstanding lhat at
tuuea the pendulum was swinging in
two feet and a half of water.
A writer ou ibe N w erkur-phic.
gives the toiiowiug brief carreer of a
number of men, wbo were bo) a wheu
be was a boy :
A Rich oattle king. Attended
school in bis boynood about a year
Able to add aid multiply, but not to
pnrsa. Somewhat misty itihUinry and
geogtaphy. Thiuks tbe Kst liolns
j-nu Siberia fOUiewliere, aud tbat Will
lam the Four Hi and William the on
qmTor are identicl. lint ii worth two
million aud will be worth a i bird in
two years. Understands his business,
and lias undrr him three former col
legiate helping to keep h:s acooll'its.
i (,ttirr aini nimher "s.;riuiped j
and olietse pared to give their only
son and d-irhog boy B an rdu?atiun.
Went Ihioagb oilleg and gradua'ed
with houors. Is now 40 ear of age
aud laboring in a ruh publishers i.ffi.ie
at $15 fT we- k mikirg school books.
C Picked up the Iraguimit ef an
etiooaiiini at a ocs bogijud t-d coun
try eclijol hou-B al the
coriM-ls " j
VV. .1.-... i.t in tio. J.,ll.r. ...A
eanl ri r hml ii nl lr.i.rto...r .H not '
little else. Went to . alloriila at an j "t Assembly aroved April 1st If A.
early date, bought city lots tor t ues, cbanitcd t the t'ori-rate name of The
and is now one of ihe milllooaire pillars Sou-h I'ennylvnia Kiil K -ad Compmy.
of society and the eliurcli in An Frss '-are hrhv n-.t-H d. that an instalinent or
cisco. His opinions on tbe literary j Fiv i dollars ($".'W) per hare has been
merits t onr miuister'a" sermons are ' eallt-d bv reaolutnoi l the B rl of Ihrec
qilu'ed and leared anJ in private j tora or aaid compmy. pirtble t lh Trs
IsUifhed at. i ur r thereof on ihe STlh day of March
1) At an earlv sire showed s strong ' A. U I s
inolinattoD to study. Observing Irieuds
sent bim io school and from tbeuee to
college.. During his four years olle
giate Bourse he lived on four dollars a
week ; starved bis stomach permanent
ly into dppspeia. VY'ora his clothes
threadbare until ihev ceased to protect
hiiu from coid, whereby be It'll colli
with honors and the consumption
U ent into the ministry and i reached
to a rural cooegiiiou tor $-5l) per
tear. Siou', hearty, beet earn g liov.
Never eouid be aide to go to eoiool
r eularly or apply luiuseit to his b e ls.
Bull) amont in fellows and the terror
f all the (I'tiet rwop iu the village.
Rati awey Irom home at 1G. I- ani a
bad name behind him. Was not heard
trout for fifteen year-, but turned up
at last as a rich western railroad con
tractor. I a uie home and give his utti
dioua elder brother, who bad been
through cOlleuo and knew all about it
a situation st $500 per annum, which
be was thauklul lo gvt. h anil spells i
pork, -p irk .
F. College graduate. People well
ufi but not millionaires. F. graduated
six years ago. D clor. lias done not b
lug since but live at borne. Jievrr ,
earned a eeut lu bis life. Probably
never wirt. I
G. Kicked info ths street at 6 years .
of sge. Ueooines a newsboy. Tnen ;
a cabin boy on a I'oli'oriiia bound khip.
A bar teuder iu rfan Francisco. Thence .
salouti proprietor, and is bow a "lea I-
ing politician." N schooling at all. i
li. Weut throuub College. (Wl
nut. ent into bis uncles counting j
house, unlearned a great deal taugt't
hiiu by bia professors l-aroed in iisi
place Mien, fhitiee, affairs slid huiu tn '
nature." Unservci closely. aw which j
way ths cat jumped ( ut his financial
eye-leeih. and is now a wealthy Wali .
street man. !
"An old lu,ly, wiio had imrclta&eii
a liUvv buntiet xvcuivexl it tu Situr
day. Not loug after she w:w miMsifd.
and her alistriice wra-s sn pro.rsclen
Uiat lLo faiuiir lionuie coiiet-rued
1 Unit hor and lustituted a SeiuvL.
Alter ltiukiii"; tho prciniiies all oTer
bir dau 'ntor found her in tbu cliimi-
ber, sitting qaictlj v.iili the uew !
bounut ou. i'lid daughter erliii:n
td ; Why mother, wuut uie you do
iiiij htrroi'" "vio along down," tu lu-
' '.V K-l,iMk
I itt ouly getting used to
j this tuiug, so tlwt 1 kLuII iiut Im
I (liinLing aliout it all the tir.m in
cuuioh to morrow."
To f rst salmon -f Ihe saoo is
Ii:s'oa brought a piiund.
A Utica boy fell on the ios snd near
If bit his tuugua ia two.
In the liuxt United States hriua ot
repreBta'ivL there will be 19- deta
rsnls, 127 republic itis (oonnlinc tre
six Vireinia rearimstrs as rer.abliaans, V
r'ruu tbe Una ley liersld.
Wild ducks are more destructive to
grain this winter than are tbe geese.
While the geege feed uvre of less dur
iog the day. the rick confin their
deprivations to t'le uith', whtn the
darisneM prevtnt the herders from
suocenfollly warring against them.
Cuarlea Chapman, has been greatly an
noted by ducks and his grain has
ered to a considerable extent. Bui
I'harlie has tit upon an expedient tba
is not ouly protecting his gram, but
threatens to a nihilate the duck family
He stretched five strands' of barbed
fence wire from the top ot his barn
a pot twenty-f ve feet high, placin :
the wires about tight inches apart. A
hair irigier shotgu'i, loaded, was fas
tened on tbe side of the post, at iheiop
the nmzxles pointing along t ha wires.
From niir of the latter a smill wire
ran to the trigger of tbe gnn. Tnis
irp was set Thurdaj . night of la-t
week The wirm were nnl tliirty-'i-ur
eet m lengib. About 2 o'clock A. M
Fnd iv. Charlie was awakened hv the
gnn. Then followed a chotus nt
quicks " lie went nut. On he ground
in the vicinity of the wires he lound
tw-ntv-ihree otjeks : nineteen were
dead, the remainder had fl wn again!
the wire, the shock killing th-ni. lie
reloaded the gun and put np one of the
wires, which had been loon-ned from
the pole. B-tween 3 and 4 oVIock the
same morning he was agaio woke np.
but didn't go ont When he arose in
the ruornii g he pirk' d np t liiri v-f even
dead dark', making a total of Mitv
k'lled during tl.e night He was in
town Friil, v and 'ol I us that he in
tended erecting at leal .100 ards of
the trap on Ins grain fi -lds The ex
periment was suggested to him by re
collections of the caniier, in whieh
prairie chi kens killed the-i.selves bv
fivii.g against the telegraph wires
-hark Esf.'
A Jersey blseVsnith thinking to
have S" ne tun with a country bnv.
a-ked hi in to bind l-lni a horse sh0e,
which was lying l.e-ids the anvil. It
ws aliiioM ted hot. and burnt the hnv
bsdiy. A j-irv gave the little fellow
$-200 damages.
Tn hsgs eont iinirg thrnngh mail I
r.T New Vork and Philadelphia were!
rte!.-h f r:. l! c .'. p : tt Te.t;Ja. jojat j
before he arrival of the tram on which
they Were to have been dispaiclo-d.
There is no c'ue to tbe thief nor to the
All p:rsous imti-hted to the umtersigat i
are iieq'ieted lo csll and niske sett'ement
on or b. fo-e the liihd iy of Man-b KSo'. i
Betwi-en this tune and
sell storo pood st cit.
lhat date. I wi'l
and I re-pecttullr j
. .- bi.iI rha 1. 1. 1 ... .. !
ally to call and examine iur stck.
Vsn Wert Feb oary in-ll-SS. '
Legu .YtJicn.
The ?:oeiiholfler ol ilieSoath rennsTl
vania Riilad Company Ircorr.ited
j under the mice of the Iune innon, Landis-
hllru and Broal Top IJiilroiil Coin pint, af
I ter'nt onlr chjiir -.l to th it ol' tbs Shor-
tuanVVallev and B-oel Top Riilroid Co..
land agon haute I to lhat nl I do rrnmrl-
vanii PsciNc RaiUav Co.. hut no br
Said iii-i iliiiL-nt can b- piiil on or berre
said dato lo the underMgtied. at the oSce
of tiio couij'aay, corner a 5th ami Mark t
Strsula in the City of llnrrilur Penna.
By oid'-r of the Boaid "I Diractnrs
Secrvtirv and Treasurer, S. P. K. K. Co.
Vaich li, -'t.
The Pn'KI.MMi Ilor.-'E now occnp;ed
bs- Mrs. F. C Paltersoti al Ac-a-lemi-i. The
hoit-a is coat eim-ntly arrop.-d. sd pteaa
ttn:v licat,-d. It contffittn eiclit pmiipii.
aijh cellar, garri-t snd pinlries. It is with
in turn minute walk ol the Preshvterim
cha.ch. Mtd conveiiienf to mil'. tore and
M-hooN. It ha a good a ed gnrden. Isrira
ci-itetn srd tce-h iiM!. For terms and lur
Ihcr jarticulars. address
Aeademia. Pa.
Operatiiut ea tbe principle fd
morcT t-.r oniurrriii
" " " " -
in'tead of roilmit. rriwliai rr
aliiaia uuoa Ux VwRar. Works in Uic atlt well.
Rend for fall d-oriptlv cimkn to ths lusratort
Dd SOLE ilAKtlis
This t!f -an drew: 1
is prefcnY! hf li- -
similar autacle. cn s.-
jCOUiit of in m;n;'r
i.icaiiiiiiTisu p'iriiy.
It contatr.ft nuhrrLU
cly Uli are benccll
to th scalp aMid 2uir
and d ways
Ratom thi Ycjtlifu! Cotor to C1T7 cr Fidcd VXr
r irker't Hair Balsam b aeV perfumed and ts
w.uTanted to present Calling o: tire Kair and t ro
muve dandrulf and itching, lliscox & Co . N.Y.
mr. m4 t ssurt atavwsMsVs-ssaWmsalWrsi.
A Sapeflativt Beattli id Strtirgtli Restortr.
If yt are a me anic or farmer, wwa o-tt wtu
ttcrr-.. cr a mothvr ran oun i,y famify or twiiie-
c' J d'-sUSfi iTf i'AKKBh.'-. INUkM l.KC.
If jvtifrea Lawyer, mimtfer or buines n an trv
J-just d Ky mescal omrankimreaTe, donM tale
Lituicuaxwu'tUittee Vatha's Omer 1 'jca.
If ha i nnaiunpuon. Irpei. vu, Kheu:
t) i up ir n t it ft at wk v;t will av r nu.cau?.
li L.is ssvxi hur.d.si of hies; it suy av foun.
CAITT ON t-.VVfi taJl Mbltvtam laVeGlBr-rTsJBVia
cwps4 ti Lh bt rwwOfftl Bfrmu ibmwrii. siwtavtly
) .t f"w yvvsa-sjsit rav !?. b4 wr cirwtka?
i. a 4. w, K. T, (ajc. 4 1 sVwasrs 1 irmfs.
tar at (iATia Et:c ollau i :t
i:r. :'a . d Ustixc hiracm ftw oatft this
Tot caLCCkat aad lok wr ttgaatart et
fcro.KlJwl mrauusocrT:iiCT-cltilu.-., ,-7, . . . .v.,i,wM , f rrslianain n. . - .1 . "VaiBS
r:mcl..l.Tls.bkdr,wT. !..-.(....;. alley, conlaHulig acrra, ahoat 175 i t'J? J '? 1 " hm "f tin-
lOsicnlcurcTOu. hiiihe.rKtbiejri.nrWr acrva clear. Two sets of buildings. o I I, ' ln .vet,? leliware or W.H.
fiJ i,a tat ana SCorgS Cart tr C-i. I.g Kouse, .ilrJ4, Pla,ertd ,. .v,u '. ',;"I"flIP' hf ir-, kaatisv, r j.
Ifioaarewa.orsaway Sornrce. m.i:n or Klltt-Jl atlachtd, lxlH ; Slrine, and als i '
XZStt 7 n lb- Sone BaU ! C ft Shell,
1 aa .yf y . 91 I "1 . -I ffM.
J ii...5:u.-un. t S4iv. m I
? jag. wjJ'jSiaiajjLa. .ia,i.. .. 1 .1
Aetv -irrrswc
. wira
Stockholder. Indmdttallj Liablt.
J. Nevia romrr, Jspb Kotbrock.
(Jewry Jacuba,
AllMi U. ttuuaall,
W. C. rwiaeroj".
rsmy li"iir,
Lwuia Si. Atfciaia.
aToexuuLSsas :
J. Meviu Puctv. K. E. farker,
t bitiu a
Auuia M. th.-Hay,
Jane M. Irwia,
Mary Kurts,
bauiuel M. Kurts,
J. Holme liwio,
T. V. Irwin,
F. H. frow.
John ilcrtxler.
JuM.'ta S.MUrwct,
bniie JitcuBs, ,
L.. h. AiSmxuB,
IV. C fouMtroy, ,
Aui O. tkuu.-utll,
A,uh llcrllier,
Clurluila Suyiler,
ZT lulerrat allow
1 at I lie rale l 2 V
cul. n o muiu ceruucaie r
H uiuuius ceriiacataa.
, 187-tf
Tied in Principal CI an hes fr Cw
Excellent for Ladias and Weeklj
Persons and the Ared.
r.1': ?-?&.ir'i
gglft j
rplll.S I tLKbK Al KI .NAT1VK WINK
X Is maile lr..ia the Juice of Ihe Op-rle
Uiai-e, rai.oed iu inn iwui','. o.- -
i a.ibie.
' are uusiiraai-il ly any her Name W in
I BeiiiK the fur juico ol Ihe tspe, picduc-
rd uiidvr Hr. Speer'a Dsn vr.ual auper-
tii-iuit, Ha puriiv lis geiiuiuenrs, are fcuar-anlrt-d.
Ins "UU 1 cliloi iu-" parUKe
ol ll yeiivous iUalilie, and Ihe eaWet
iiitalsti ue rl lu advanuo. it paruuu
lariy l. uetici.il lu Ibe aed aud uU:liaU-d,
aud MllliU iu Hie Tarioiif. ailuiunis Ibal ati-et-t
ili si-akir aea. It is iu ery re-p;i
A 1NETU Bt KKI.Ifcl'i'N.
Tbe Y J. Sttlt.Ki.1 i - iu oi super
ior Cbaracier aud paruara ul lUe r.cb 4.11
"JilTssw.-'VzW iv. s o
rllllrsol iLe aap liuiu UllK II to Mi.idit.
w or ran 1, unoiiv. r iauv mhvi.i
I'rupenle, II :i ni bs lound aaexueilca.
P. J. 13KAXDY.
'l Iti &&41A i.hSj liklii.ul ,M kills
Ivuun) licibg lar ai.Kriur Iur luewicii.ai
II la A I'L'KC disiilationlruaitbegrajx
autl cwuiiftiua is altf imvoCiu! pioprdu-v.
li ba a delicate tUvur, aiixihoT to lhat ui
Ihu Krapea iivui b.cB it 1 uitoiileu, and l
111 gnat latur amou bil-esa laiuoirs.
ato ibal ibe stuatuie ol ALfKr.l)
al'kbK, faMic fi. J., i over ihe ei ul
cacu Oultie.
Sold by L. Banks. And by drnggi.t
cvei Kbere.
.pl. I3-Ib82.
Lmitlvr's Awtiie.
Lt-tt.t ivtuo:hiarj tin Ibe etale ol
.Mlcluel it. liuukie Ule 01 Tuwaruia tap.,
Jumala cbUuly. P.,., dect a-H a having been
granted lu dun luiiu of Ian lo Ibe ander
siuej re.ti.iiag ia Mccuvilie. An person.
LooHiiig Ibeuioelve ludeuled lo a nd dice
deut pie-se will make iiu-iaediate pa tue nt
aud ihuse having eaiuia p e.it iUcuj
properly Auionilicaied Iwr Cellleiu. Hi, lu
Marsh i-'iti txccuiur.
persuua are hereby cautioned
' 4 LI.
agan.sl U-hllig ur liUUUiitL, aaibt-riua
( ben w, ur ciusnmg belds, or 111 auj ulbcr
I tsay u-pa&sitig uu Ibe lauaa ul Ittv uudur-
. sigiied
4. a. K.Mrr.
ranuers and oluera dsKing a genteel,
!uir.i'4e agency business, by hKli ai 1.,
$JO a day tau bj earned send alort-s t
onte, on oial, to H C. WilKInox Sl Co.
liliaiid lyr Fuliuu Street, New Vuik.
IX-c. 'lit-Vl Cut.
iM'Ittrsl Vasal
Iiiid l cuii(ir mile. (j a cfe in viur
own loarn. si uuitil fiee. No lUk. Kv".r-
imiiKBv. CaHnal aoirrH.iir.J. V
lurnil. joaevrrilhii,,. Many are a. ,ki. ,
lo.im,e. LwliesuiaKo a much as lutn.
ai,d u..ya an.l girl, uiako gieal p.y. K.
rr, il lou oil buOM .-i at wl.itli too fan
,r.riK,isa ,ar-
fo, llund Mains.
Hcu8e and Lot in McAlistervillc.
A Lot contaiintir ono-lounh Am ..
Cruutui, a i.h a iwu-nry .loul.le Log lloiiae,
meaiher-ooat.l.a n, i,t, ai.d some ro.mi
wmi-iwi mMtif, Muiattic lor one or two
taiuilivs; al.w, Si .!!. iirga Shop, HiK-ocn,
ftwc, all lindvr good leiice. aisl well sii,-
iici mi i.Me aba small inula. Tcnoa
! ray, and ti i-e to suit the limes. Apply to
stepiien l.loyu .aeausier. Bear lh
ri.. ..
( l"w, or ni .irs. aciiac 1.. n llaOB, I US j
' Koval, Jnniau to., Pa. .
I barn, t'la'.SJ; On-.haid. No. 2. tranir
' House. 'Mxa'l. aood cellar: Sinumu !...,.
14x11; bpriLg aud Sitiiiz liucse:
Frame bank bars, ioxtrt; Waaon Sl..i .
liood- Vennff Orciianl. of cratted t-uit ;
bearing condition Will rell all. or h.lc t.
! suit purcliaM-r. Tlia land ia well adapted
j 6 nature lor tbe raising ot grain and iick.
i Plenty of lime atone. The- cotamnbiiy ia
i Eood. Chcrchea and SRhoul Snin.
bient. Temia moderate. For particolara !
can on or aooreaa li. .StafcKS,
Faimera Grove, Juniata Co., '
Sale Bills printed on ahort notice at th
oue it Ibis ottire.
, ... "BBB.S-i.
- I A FIKST-kATK FAIill TIMmor . A ul' Persons are hershvru.;...i ...
. . ib.t s'09
Mvs M:S:s
,-ioj pmg a
at..aua "-t ..a Hamburg
re-chaa Sino -. --- (.D;.d.!l,a,a a
1-.40 I
.o4 f. m.
i . .. 1 al lea'
Pittbtrf daily
it, a. tm.. ami aioe-
aa m.. A ion. - i
. m -. .
,. I - aHrasIfasliei rr IV CB e
.delphia M Wp. m-
Mail Kspr.a leare. Pi.t.burg at t 00 J
Ailoo.M ; Oron. i I. p . Heel
,..!.. SO-ipiu; Le.M-s i . p
,n 9 l. . : '-rriaburg Ulr ral,9r
- i.ru.nuiiTim leaves Harris-
r.s"l.u., daily .1 io.Io a..,aoa '
.ii .tt.-... arrives at JBUliiu li-
W 1 iil'i l" i'hi ed.lphia daily at
-..U, a. ll.rribu, 1 1.15 a. in.. M.Bho
ll.il ). u... VI - ,'M0' W,m"".
.It ,111 id .ud AlfK.ua reacnea Altwona al .
j,. m., lMllu c o P-
Jli-iua-ActesajBATIoS leaves Harris
bu.g d.. xc. j,. d .-uy at 6 .1.0 ,. ,-
S "" arrlraal ilimiuat
7.i y p. ui.
rai-inc Express leavea Philadlvbi H
p ,u : lu- r.-nrg 3 15 a m ; luiicaut.o 3
63 am: Nrwvurt 4 l a u s ilinliuoOls
Li i.cisiou-iaui; JieV-yiown Seo
am; llu L'niou liliams Uunuu.aiib
4 ai ; r. lersburg 7 V2 u. ; Spru tr
J15m; TraJ 731 am; H a Mula
744 am; iilwna Ii a ui ; iUtbu.g
1 35 p re.
rati l.in leavea Philadelphia at II Oi a
m; lUrrrtbing 3 15 pm; ilnllin 4 37 p ui ;
i.ei.-iun 4 opn ; liui.tinsaon w et'piu ;
1 yroi.a 6 to p m ; Altoona 7 V) p ui ; fills
burg 1 1 3" p m.
Traini leave Lcwiatuwu J'lnciiun for UH-
roy at t. 2 1 a iu, 10 b a 10, i t p iu iur
amioSry at Ou a ui, 1 p iu.
'1 rain, arrive at !,ct iMou Junction irom
Mnruy al V to a iu, I 60 put, 00 p ui ; liuiu
aunbury al IVIMaui, 4 & p ui.
Trains leave Tyrwno fur Bcllrfente aad
LiH'K llaveu S uu in, 1 io p ni. luuave
1 vioue iwr lUrtvciuvtlie aud CloaiBehl at
b uo a lu, 1 uu p ui.
I rams leave I y rone I r arnorv iiurK,
i'enuftt I. aula i'uruaca aud Scuiia at S 4V a
in aud ii 3d p in.
Iraiuv arrive at Tvrone from Selluruls
aud L.;ck fl i-i al -'a u, aud 0 3 i p iu.
Trams arrive at Tyrone Irom Curweu-t-
villu and clear del.l at i Jl a iu, and u it) a iu.
Trams arrivu al rvruuolroiu Scu.ia, War-
riuia MarK and IVuust Ivauia r'urnace at 7
Sd a ui, at S i p Ul.
Philadelphia & Beading Railroad.
Arrangement ef Passenger Trains.
Jc-.t Wih, 1SS2.
Traini Unit Htrrttburg at ftllovi:
for New Turk via Alit-Bluwn, at 7 61) a. oi.,
ami I 4i p. ni.
tnr N aw Vor. via I'blo-delphii aad Bound
tiiuuk K-.ntc," 6 7 5w am, and 1 4
p Ot.
fur Phillfl hia, 52, 7 SO, 35U aui, I ii
and 1 1 i p m.
I or Keadmg ai 5 i', 6 ii, 7 60, CO a m,
1 46, 4 oj aud SI I p ia.
r ur 1'uitsville at o I , 7 6'i, 9 5 a m, aud
I 4i and 4 isi p. ui. aid via Schuylkill Jt
sue (iietiaima Stanch al 2 10 p ui. I'or
A ItUnt It, p ll a Hi.
fur Atieniunn al 6 2), 7 30, 9 . a m, 1 4-
auu 4 Uo p ni.
The 7 : a ui, Ld I 45 p ia trains hive
thruufrb cars lur New York via Ailec-
Vot AI'.eBtown and way a.-ations at 5 2 a m
Kur Knadiug, l'liio!elphia and aay alatiuas
al i a m and 1 4- p re.
7'raia sr Marrubtrg Utct ut fallout 1
Leave New Turk via Aiieutuwn al 9i0 a tu,
1 Ov aud u3U p iu.
Leave N,r Vora ua-'Kouod Brook Kuute"
aud r'biladeli.hi 1 7 4.V a in, I 80, 4 iJ and
a p iu , ud li.otl n.elinKbt,airivii.lI n
HaniKbUrg 1 511,8 3, V 2j j,. m UBd
12 lo.oi.l td a in
l.eave iuila.ieluhia at 1 ;W ft 4." a IU., t 0t,
uO and 7 3-i p iu.
Leave huttsville ai b no, 900 a. ni. and 4 40
p iu.
Leave Ueauing at 4 6), 7 , 1 1 &U a m,
1 6 li, 1 5tl and 10 ii p ru.
Leave 1'ollKviile via Achil.t ikili .nd Susque
hanna branch, H li 1,1. 4,d 4 v p m.
Leave Alieolutttt t li uy, B 40 a 111., 12 15
4 oU aud 0u p iu.
Laava New Turk via Allei.tewn, at 6 30 .
fhiiadelplua at 7 3-i -e i.
Leave Kea.ll 11 g al 7 JU a lu ai d IU 25 p m.
Leavo AllenittMB al ai'S p ui
Tt.tl.lO IIItAV.tCII.
I.iav II AKIilSBL'KG lor Kaxton, Loeh
icl. wtd lee. ion d uly. except 4ouda,5 2o,
40, 9 J j a ni, 1 Ai and ! 4u p iu ; d;iily , ex
cept Saturday and Sunday, o p 111, and ub
Saturday 0:1 1 , 4 li uih 6 lu, y ,n.
Ueltirnnig, have STKKl.To: dailv, ex
cept Sund.iv. G H,7 IK, 10 (Si, II 4 , ,Ut
2 IU and 1" 10 pm ; daily, cxcsjl Saimdav
and Sutotav, H IU p ni, luid u S iturdav
ouly, 6 10 and t Xn p ru.
bara Paa.'r aad T.cJrrl .irent.
It' M I I TI' V
YfrfPi 4uast-.
' Mam tmntrL m'mm. J'l0n"
EiiBIC 111 II If IsllAIIC I
' " ," IliUIHliO
' iZZZZlZZ iL" 'T" r-,r-v
' gt -m
cy ben. ibnerman.
. " " w7 " nl tm y-
. u. . JfcMW c.n. -JV. 5 'r.
; S"'.k" mm- Borw aa
! vrioTsi tZSLZ 1
u. At - rr -p
. . T ! Tim nd wi u
i"--sftai jm-zztzl 'fr.-"
r-""w wrm. a a
A. O. VOItTHHr.Tii "7 r.
i m Brantaoff.r
A li Knits
lJ-ift Smith
S Owen Ktaaa
Te:n Rentier
I'. F. Spivbet
John L Aukar
J B Gather
S M Kautfruaa
J V Dottra
navid HnnterM,
Aruold Varaea
Levi K M era
I Hrtiry t1 puree
1 -',l"ne Korta
' rl"hn 'cIeu
) u B wiinm
: ' lv omith
' "ns
i '8nry Ai:S(
I V'w" Dut
' " Hostel
Jena Pines
Jacob Hoop.
lamlle uK....la i
v.. a a i 1111 mwm,
Oraybdl's Column
Choice Pattmi
Bodj and Tapeitxy
Extra Super Median and Low
A Full Line of
A Complete Line of
A Ckoiee Lot of
Beautifal Patterns ia
Carpet House
or THE
At the Old Stand,
05 THS 80CTHWE8T CCP.-tlil OF
.MIKrLIiTOtT.t, FA.,
All the above enumorated articla.
and all other thiu that ruay
bs found iu a
Bolsters ni Pilhws,
Looking Glasses
&C, &c., die.
fiict everything
kept in
FurnUhing Good Store
-wau-.ay AaVVUDV
MJFFLLVTOfrjV, . . pwto