Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 21, 1883, Image 3

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    rarrsmsjn i
Sulrriptioi., $1.50 per annum if paid
within 12 monshs; $2.00 If not paid within
12 months.
Transirrat advertisements inserted at 60
rents per inch fire-tch insertion.
Transient business notices in local col
umn. 10 cents per line for each insertion.
Deductions will be Kade to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
Remember, that for this sco
?on only, the Job Department,
of the Sentinel and Republican,
will turn out bills, for sale of
Personal Property, at lower
rates than ever before. A re
duction of 50 per cent will be
made, after this date on bills
printed at this office, and a no
tice of the time of ealc, in the
paper, will be inserted gratis,
Parties having their bills print
ed elsewhere, can have a notice
of their Kile inserted in the
Sentinel and Republican, for
OOets and upward to suit the
length of the notice
lieglfiter of Sale).
Philip Ksiiiruun, in Walker township will
sell February 111. 1NS. seven bead of hor
des, 9 head ot cam,-, exira driving horse,
2 coalL-, 7 CheMer white shoals, brood
m and 7 pigs, reaper mower thresher.
All kinds ol tanning implements and al
kinds o' household goods.
U. It. Miller, in Walker township will
sell Februvy 2. lt3. a lot of live tock
and J'artuiuj; implement.
Mrs. Mary E. Shollv, living 1 mi'e south
a-t of East Sali-m, IV-'uiware towiivh.p will
ell up February 24, lt?3. Ofle beavy
draught mare, 2 colts, one two year old,
1 one year old, 4 milth cowi, one ot which
is fresh.
George ITeckiuan, will sell at Lis resi
dence, in Walker township, on March 2
borsvs, cows, young cattie, and farming
impl.'ii'etU. Sa'c sr. 10 o'clock a. in. Win.
Caveny. Aactioueer.
Philip Harley, will sell, March 3 18P3,
in Delaware township, mile west of East
Saleiu, at 1 o'clock A. M., Horses, cows, a
tine lot of sheep. 2 ecmbined drills, chain
piou mower, Uruvng utensils, and house
bold goods.
J. L. Moore, will sell, February 2, 183,
in Fayette township, a mile and a half south
cant of McAiisterville. 2 mares with toil,
1 draft horse, S colls, two 2 year old colts,
1 yearling, one cow, 1 heavy road wagon.
1 two and three horse w agon 1 spring wagon,
Dodg't h iy rake, and a lot of larmiug nt en
ails not here mentioned.
B. F. Olivr will sell at East Salem,
March 17. 1 Buy, 1 two horse spring
wagon, and g -neral assortment of house
eoU goods, and house and lot. '
Samuel C. Pomeroy will sell at Public i
Ss'e, at his rei.leuce, in Spruce Uill town-
chip, Jnniat County, sbout two miles,
ast of Acaderuia, on Wednesday March
21st IHrO. An extra family, which is a
good traveler and very gentle. An excellent
one horse spring wsgon, almost new having
'two movable Seats, a buggy, a lot of pota
toes, IlMisehiM nd Kitchen furniture and
other articles. Sale to commence at one
O'clock p. bi. See bills.
-m - -
ATboophig congh.
Hcvrs sf ll, Lijih, at public wile.
Devastation bj tiool ; Whit nest ?
The spring poet sbarponcth bis
Chickens are scarce ia Fulton
Houses to rent, are 6carce in Lew-Blown-
paople will go West this
Thoro are C. S. mail carriers
in Aitoena.
A Boston couipRuy will mine for
leal ne ar Sucluiry.
Pn-a-'ber Stuiley, drew too small
an audience to pay.
Ho.'k is seiiino; boots and shoes at
cost. iSee his price list.
Auitis cil convention opened, at
Lrawistown on Monday.
Heck sellti th Jack Eichardsou
bout for 3.00 per pair.
So far, the lloods this year, hare
been went of the rntmutaius.
Ar Agri.Miicural cli'b 1) bsea or
ganized in Spruce Hill township.
In SIt-nno township, JlilUin com ty,
370 t-teers htv being fid for beef.
Fifty thousand pound capacity,
. cars Live L-- n put on the railroad.
The rti in .w
sinking its.ioug, last S;
An cthtr Ifcith euro case, is repori
. cd froia Trou-li CWk, Jiuutuigdou
Jud'f Dean, fiuod a drnggist tvt
Bell's Mills fc2UA0; for .unlawfully
Selling liiiuor.
TLe editor of the Huntingdon
Glebe, has lost a green parrot; the
bird iiew away.
A conveution of Brass bacihi wLl
.. be held at Middieburg, Snjd& Co.,
.on the 22nd inst
The store of Joseph KejbW in
Duncauuoi:, was destroyed by fire
,on Friday a week.
While crossing his train. Conduct -or
Kauffuian. of the ballast train, fcJ
and broke Lis nose.
John E. JaudsoB, expects to a
gage in the biwiutes of fruit culture
in Fayetie towusnip.
A butcher in Tulton county is hap-
yv over the achievement of having
made a sausage C6 feet long.
A few days ago, B. F. Sheaffer,
trackman, at Millenstown, was struck
ly a passenger train and kiHed.
Dr. McAluierV funeral was largely
attended on Sabbath. The Doctor
was a sou of H. T. Mc.VJister, Esq.
Gilson L- Weinier bought a farm
in Greenwood township of E. D. and
E. S. Piirker, for the sum f ir'7,250.
EichhoHz, of the Sunbury Demo
crat, has purchased 1000 nharss of a
mining and eim-lting stock cot.'pany.
4A suit has been brought in the
tv court bv citizens of
1 -,"- J'o IUU"
Si.:tv sis
r..r.t oIt in Invjr irr,Lr '
11,1 l. WVU. ' " - ,
i.'a riint to whicu the nv-
er ros, at CcinmvtL Shou d tho
Third Strtet.
The banks will
be closed od the
There are 28 contestants lor seats
in Congress.
Snyder county is to have a Sol
diers monument.
Children in neighboring towns
have chicken-pox.
"In God we trust," is not in gray
ed on the new 5 cent piece.
The season, for sale of personal
property is at its height now.
A bottling establishment has add
ed more misery to Selingsgrove.
The floods in the West have ren
dered thousands of people homeless.
Squire Parker had a cow to die,
from the effect of a visit to a meal
Mr. John Burchfield, a citizen of
this place is in a serious state of
Re. IL G Black, a Baptist minis
ter died, at Huntingdon, on Sunday,
a week.
Troup of the Lewistowa, Free
Press bus put a Prouty Power Press,
in -Lis oihee.
The harvest prospect in Europe
is reported by telegraph as uncom
monly poor.
A cigar maker wul locate in this
town, to follow his business about
the 1st of ApriL
Mount Union, has a well that is
400 feet deep, and is being bored
deeper every day.
Congressman Atkicson has gone
to Wabhiugtou, and will be away
some 4 or 5 days.
Heck is selling his winter stock of
boots and shoes at cost Drop in,
and soe for yourswi!
David E. liobison, ex-county Su
perintendent is -recovering from a
Severe f-pell of sickness.
Iiev. Mr. Siebtrt has met with
great success in the revival meeting
iu the Patterson church.
Ladies talk 1ks this month, than
in any oilier mouth iu tiie year, be
caue it has only 28 days.
Methodibt -miuisters that are
through with their revival meetings,
are thinking of conference j
Contractors Horning, and Goshen,
are hurrying, the house of foundry
mau Holuian on to completion.
If the anti-free pass bill becomes
a law the members of the Legislature
wiii not get home so frequently.
Yon can buy the only original
Keystone kip boot at Heck's shoe
store for $3.i ; former price $1.00.
A wife in Freedom township, Blair
county presented her husband
with their 16th heir, a few davsajro.
Kev. Mr. Vau-Fossen. died on
Sabbetli. On Monday his remaius
were tken to Dau :aaiun for inter
ment "
You c.in buy a pair of Jack Itch
ardson kip boots, at Hack's Boot and
Saoe Store f jr i.00 ; former price
The Stat of the weather, is not
mentioned ia a newspaper, as a mat
ter of news, but for the purpose of
Solomon Ilaubeek, proposes to
divide his faim and put up an other
set of buildings on his farm in Wal
ker township.
W. H- Spongier, of Bloomfield
raised a piiiae of 25, for the watch
man at the railroad crossing at 2sew
Port, Perry t'e.
Huck still makes to order the vary
latest styles of shoes and boots,
and out of the Trery best stock, thiit
can be bought
The bill to aJlow people to put
baskets in the river to eaten oels
meets with approval from the ma
jority of people.
Editor Troup of Lewistown, wac
hurt on the head, by a brass orna
i. lent that belot-s to his hand press
falling on him. "
Cumberland untv, last veer paid
1 3,442.72 for arresting, and committ
ing di unken ditorderly an J vegraut
people iu Carlisle.
W. H. Ueudeivon conducted an
entertainment at the AiV-ii ltuck
scool hoiiae, iu Fermanagu township,
on Tuesday evening.
One evemug last week Latimer
Wilson, and wife of Walker iiwiuuup,
gave a reception for Mr. Walt, and
wife recently married.
Mr. John O' Donald was thrown
out of a sleigh in sLickiug Creek
Valley, a few days ago, and ttaeieiy
had an arm broken.
Last Fid.ty niorairg the rirer
was high enough to back water into
j the canal through the . 6 pen gate of
the sluice below town.
Forpaugh can run a k g show, but
vhen he undertakes to .manage the
prettiest wutnau in America, he gets
himself into a law suit.
The b.iuling of lumber, w inch was
cajTied on briskly from List Creek
valley all winter, was suspend! by
the bad weathei last week.
IUt. George W. Smiley, of Potts
ville preached in the chape!. end lec
tured in the Court House, lai, week,
on one and the same evening.
If ytu have any doubt about Heck
selling boots and shoes at cost, just
drop in, and see fur yourse& " and
you will find such is the case.
Coal us that escaped from a
stove came near taking the life of
zue ianiiiy.'Oi .aciiaiiau oowers, ai
Thompsontown some nights ago.
See Heck' cost price list of boots
said shoes. So funny business about
it ; he means to;-t, and is selling for
cost Drop in cd tsee for yourself.
Vanderbilt otvee gave his check for
14 eents, the check of some men
would not be good for that amount
Despise not the day of small things.
The tin peddlers that were Bent to
jail some weeks ag in default of
pavment of fine for y.eddling with
out license, were tiirced out on
finrrnnni ledbv her children and
Ufcr pon jjj. John orth, iu .his place
! on this Wednesday.
ranch say: Tbe iasuriiicc com-
, -Q
j the jTC-ideot trying a change of sir.
There is bttie in the professed
Christianity of a man or woman that
almost every d&y gives evidence of
their spirituality by malicious ex
pressions about neighbors.
Dr. Oliver McAlister, while lead
ing bis horse to water, last Thursday
evening, was kicked in the abdomen
by the animal with such force that
he died within half an hour.
Mrs. Amelia G. Johnson, widow
Robert T. Johnson of Hollidaysburg
has brought suit to recover damages
from two doctors and several of her
friends, for having sent her to an in
sane asylum.
The Post gave an entertainment
in the Court House, on Friday and
Saturday evenings. The room was
crowded with people. People that
were there aay that fun and frolic
ruled the hour.
Last Thursday evening Washing
ton McAlister and Mrs. McAlister,
of Fayette township gave a large
party in honor of the marriage of
Mr. "Watt, and wife. Mrs. Watt was
a Miss Curran.
The old question of States rights
unexpectedly turned up in the Leg
islature through the anti-discrimination
railroad bilL This time it is
not the colored people, bat it is bus
iness in an other direction.
Ax Indiana paper 6ys: William
Darrinton, of Park county, IncL,
aged eighty-five, is emphatically a
marrying uan, having just wedded
his eight h spouse. What a ''family
circle" he will have'n tlie great here
after I
One -of the points presented by
the Pennsylvania -ilaii-ruaJ, against
the anti-discrimination bill,
is that a corporation with
inter-state connections is a sabjeot
for (Joiigressionel and not State leg
There has -been an awakening
among the boys and girls that attend
the Presby terien church in this place.
Nearly all tue boys and girls that at
tend tae church nave become earnest
inquirers under tho preaCuing of Itcv.
lie naurh.
A western pape r makes the inquiry
as to whether M rs. Langtrey, is a
Jonah At ikistxm, and Chicapo,
trouble wae occa sioued by her pres
ence, and when she appeared at Cin
cinnati the iiood came. 'A Leanest: on
is, is she a Jonah 3
Ohe of the St u Rojt ring, a man
named Kerdell i nade a couiesskiu in
court at WashiD .gton, last Thursday,
ho gave a dett aled account of the
routes, and the way they wore man-
aired, w.'ieu ti iu lurv eoea oat tue
next time, in all', probability it wiu
Petitions fro m this countv have
been snt to th a Legislature, on the
question of discrimination of rail
road freights. The average man
will sign a pttil ion when ever Asked
to do so, with jut ever once it king
himself as to w hether he understands
the question.
In New Y'oi k City, citizens fjet the
jury ceiuuiiss toners to keep tneir
names out of the wheel. . in this
county there i tre men that claim to
have miluenc e with the jury com
missioners, v rouuse other men to
have their nai ues put in tho jury
Fhiladeljihi a has been troublod
with snow fit as. The snow Ilea is
an insect whi se as snow, and f mailer
than the blac -k summer tloa. The
newspapers r eport them in nerrly all
of the cities c f the northern states
along the Atl antic coast.
The Xew York Independent eavs :
Tho fact that Gambetta s brain weifrji!
el less than thirty-nine ounces, while
the average weight of a mane brain
is about forty-eight ounces, shows
that mental superiority depends qrtite
as much on the quality as , ca the
quanc'-j of brain matter
Some days ago a citizen of Fer
managh township was knocked down
byacoaiiung sled, on Main ..street
crossing. He threatened to sue the
borough .authority, and after that
coasting cn the streets and .pave
ments was not much indulged in.
A defective llcw in Mill-town
school houae,-in Spring towueitp,
Perry Co., et tho building on fire,
one nightlcst week the fire smoul
dered along till morning, when it
was put out by the teacher. The
damage to lis buiiuing is estimated
ar. -Sizo.
Tho Bedford Intiuirer ssvs: -'-In
Wcbt St. Clair, twp., ir Bedford coun-
it, iw-iuiuoHuu iu one nouse, a
gre: randinot'ier, two gnind moth
ers, four mothers, one father, one
granoiatner, eleven uncles aud aants.
uurteda childreu, eleven grand child
reu and two great grand children.
t si , -,r
jx iujiu uaiiieu pnaries iiartiuEn.
liio other evening thonght to fright
ea a cruwd of gu-ls with what he be-
uei ed was an empty gun ; t be gue
wa loauea ana ty .its discharge a
little gnl, the daugutar of a neigh
bor was auiied. All the parties live
at Plicemxvilie Pa.
oovernor utier, ex 3iais.. was
detained at the Cnpitoi building un
til d o'clock reex:ntly. The doors are
locked at 5 o'clock, except one side
door. Through 'this the Governor,
whea ready to i-part refused to
make his exit, and waited , until the
doorkeeper was susumoned to open
the great doors in the front of the
building. Then he tallied .triumph
antly forth."
Owing to the present large attend
ance at the Mifflin Academy, all per
sons who, for themselves or for chil-
clren, uesire seats lor tne next ses
sion, (March 29 to June 23th) must
file their applications and arrange de
tails between this and the first day
of March, 1883. No one admitted
after this. J. Mason Draru,
- A Clearfield newspaper says : Six
hundred dollars conscience money
was returned to the county treasur
er ia May Inst, and appears in con
nection with the auditor's report
People wonder who it is that has
been dabbling in the county funds
to the rreiu lice of another h
Last etr it urill le remembered! and to rav the amount ot proceeds or sale
Treasurer PotU eatnc out $19 10 i jnto Court,
thoit anil the deik-iney was prompt-1
Jr met by thiit gentieumu, who, it is '
said, could never aecouut for the loss, j The meo in four lumber ctmp- in
Somebody besides the treasurer must ;Clearfieid and Elk counties consumed
Jjave had access to thr fcnd..
A western paper tells the follow
ing. Eight months ago 4 young lad
ies of Vinton, Iowa, concluded to
strike out for themselves. They went
to Dakota and located claims near
Cavour and began farming. They
are strong, hearty, intellectual and
well educated. Their tarms are point
ed out to visitors as among the most
promising in the country. The farms
"corner and each one naa a nouse
on the inner corner, which brings
them within easy call
Do not forget that at Hess's Pho
tograph Gallery you can get any
small picture enlarged for 75 cents.
Also anything that is made in Pho
tography, you can get here done np,
in first class style. All the latest
style pictures, such as Cards, Cabin
ets, Promenade, Pannel Boudoir,
&c, tee. Frames of all kinds cheap.
Editor Sentinel and Republican. I
will thank you lor a corner in the
Sentinel Mtf Republican to express my
disapproval of tue manner in which
the curistian church was compromis
ed by some ot its own members in
Mulhntown laat week.
The whole population of Juniata
have learned through the newspapers
that glorious revival meeting has
been carried on in the four churches
in the place. It is a wel:. known
laot that there have been between
one and two hundred inquirers for
ward at the meetings men'ioiied.
The result to follow tue mevtins
eecuied mott promihing. iu uay,
M it were, the glorious prospect is
ctoudud, and tue most iwverse criti
cism awakeund " by the action of
churcn members.
The Post O. A, It, in thia place
concluded to iioid an entertainment
or bemi-uiggur-ehowjust wnen the
christian lelunuos meetings had
reached thesr most interesting per
iod, heu the inquirers were bemg
organized into couicii workers. 1
do not propose to ijueatiou tlie right
of the Post to hoid whaooever en
tertainment it iioesea. J.I Las the
ri 'Ut tO H'J lUlu Tle 6Ovtf OllblUl S3
to the uxueuc ot us aoility and usuiic.
its meuibeis iuve the lliu. to mack
en theiUMil tea ana uuki- a-uiucu mi.
of the colored race aa toe -loi a
XM-.e may hoow to bta;, tnc u
does it luon it-r professed cr.-ii.tTS
church meuilivr to league tut -e. vt. -with
bU'Jli peifonuinee ua tf.v lua
Cuuit Hiiiue M tuch Riionh Wi.e:.
their preachers art ti.gatd in iLc!
t-fr.,r, hmid n i, w:ui ui Z.oa ? i
How docs it look lor a set of cuurcti i
members U. open up a paohc bui.'i j
ing uot t apart lor shows, to :p,n
lb ttl IsV UlU ilKUsU IILUO fUCU l.urraA - , a
fellow ciiurcL me.ubtrs are bcurtily peclluuy vuii-lilc attention ol
eiigabtxi ia revival work iu ail the our loi uier putrons and the
clmreijeu iu towu 1 To do bo seeum public ai general to the foiiow
to declare, by act, if not by wuiO, : Q Ust .
that religious service and certiuoi.T . , .. , ... ,
iHoiJTaiarc,tobep:acrdoaiov-j "st lhe Unu Orignal
el with a Bfcow gotteu up lor tutor- i Kejsbone Kip iloo , douo.e tie
Uuiirueutor piont.
Hovr does it bo ind to have it toM
thiit church uieuitxiis J. 13. Wil.sou,
Hugh. Mc51eD, aad Abraham i'arfc
tier, w.d their cierk tliiities Irnin
opeued tho Court lloue ior h pt.r-
forruiHce bucn aa was couiuct-d t!w-re
last Ftday and Saturday evening!
Tm-im r.uima t. i m nnu tf wsb i in .U
Uaaid that wbil the show was !
ing tm on S-turd.iy even;n-- no!
wein m tno tiiaiti aiiu ueiivbio i si
rnv.r Tn how f.unv n;Miii! tiiiLt I
hav"e.U.-n iiiouirera Laa the t-how
proveu.o be a Vtmity Fair? It does
not like riht to scold tLe
your.g t. lks for going there wum
the boiwe was opaxl for the eulr-
tainuieut by Christina church iuem-
beis With ail thet fa'as does it not
seeru too bad that Christian thm-til
members nhoiiiii maitept no
preiereuce as between a church
vice and 4. show.
i Coort ProceaticgB.
i.ourc cosfck em-.a issi i iiurs iv. ana iooe
.i. . n v . i.: ... ti,.
Mutual Aid Society. Tfis mm a case oi
liie insurance, coutchting the payment of a
policy on U.- Oliver, deed. The do-
" r-i - " -
tne iMn pijuu nt ul an aeseiuiuut but alter
beaiiijg all lot evidence iu the casiiie jury
ilig all tut evideuce in tue casi-lue Jury
rendered a voiLict iu favor l tlirer in the
sum ot $Ul3l2.
A plurius urdt r ot sale srasgnated to the
'iuunislratur le sell ruiil estate .il ; amui-1
It' tem, drceasied.
Letters ot aflu inistralton to j.'"hn W.
S bsruicr, as aduunistrator ol 'Jharlcs S her
njor, deceased, arv revoked, anu ia order
issued to Ihe first .named party iti deliver
up to bis successor nbalsoever of .the es
taM.a.l Chanea jjtmsuier that he niaj' have
in his possession.
Theeport ol the master, was tiled , iu ! w"
tbe e.1Uit case of Saaiuel Buck, n.inis- fl'OUl O Cents lip. It IS impOS
trator ol Lac H.wajr. Stesrsrl T. UCui- Slbie to glVe UU entire plce list
loch, Uw.rge W. Jinsuaui and u.u.e . 0 tjle triauv hundred dluexeut
BaWbakb. ailuiinisiratoc
C. P. Kuue Was cuu-iaiiued Iu appthJ
show Atarch IU, l1 j. cau-e uy i oj
T(u; truui his wile, .4 u - ji. &iur,
nut Ik (Mini, lor d . cju.
, ...
s. jj.
baJIIUrl Iclll, W LOIui: Hj
and fbw causi- 'jar u lil. tV.-
vorcefrom bi uiic, Ha; Li mi-i .'
nut be srantod lor uituiemb i iiu ? .t .
Kale was graitel ou P. 1.. C- ,
swer ini-ug.itorK. in toe cav: a. ti
Showers and Ii. i. Sholl Vs, P. U. ti. v ,
garnishee id Dauiei Codiuau.
L. E. Alkiusou was apwiuUil -iitor t-
dUtnbutoin inatturs ertaiuiog to tte eule
of 11. J. Aud.Tson.
Ackuoa ledgetuen t of ez-sherilf KtrJv of
a deed noil of a tract of land in 1 uscarora
township, that ws siezed and sold as ihe
property of a. j. Adron.
Tpon petition of L. A. Maiballand Jota
Waodssides and Co., lor a ri-le to show
cause why an issue should not be lormed
to try tho validity judgement no, 26 Feb.,
T., is;o, JeremUh Lyons iu uust for sr.ih
A. Moiervs, John Moser $C7I, lt, rule
ass grsnteu, and the sherin" was directed
to pay juugsment r i; Pa, Ai o, 10. Feb., T.,
IbbJ, Fcrmauagh Loan aud Building As-
sociation on julgement 43 Sept., Ti-lSTt',
i 110 beevej in four months.
Mum Nettie Clark, of Wastiiujtton,
who was to base been mwrried on
Friday, died cn Wednesday, and was
buried in her wedding dress.
WalBBt LeafBalr Restorer.
It is entirely different from all others.
It is as clear ss water, and. as iu name in
dicates, is a perfect Vegetable Hair Kastor
er. It will immediately free the head from
all dandruff, restore gnj hair to its natural
color, and produce a new growth whoro it
has fallen off. It does not in any way affect
the health, which Sulpher, Sugar of Lead,
and Nitrate of Silver preparations have
done. It will change light or faded hair in a
few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask
yonr druggist for it. Each bottle ia war
ranted. SMITH, KLINE fe CO., Whole
sale Agents, Philadelphia, and HALL &
KUCKL, New York.
MiyrLnriowi, Febroary 21, 1883.
Butter 25
Egf 25
Lard 15
Ham 18
Shoulder II
Sides 12 -
Kag. l
Corrected weekly.
Qootartoss yon To-bat.
Wednesday, February 21, 1883.
Whet.... I 10
Corn, 55
Oats, 37h4U
Bye ; 65
Cloverseed 7 60to8.U0
Timothy seed ...... 1 60
PhUadelphia February 17th 1883.
Lire Stock, Co Inactive at $30 to $70.
S heep at 3c to 7c per pooud.
Hags 8 to Lx per pound.
Cattle at 6 to 7 Jo. Fat eowa 8 to 5c.
tfitroank potatoes 90 to 95e per beshul.
Early rt.ae !0c to S5e per bushet Peerless
85c to 90c.
Wheal $1.17 te $1-26. Rje 67 to 6c.
Corn 64 to 70c. Oats 49c to 55c.
Cloverseed 13 to 14c Apples extra
Baldwin al $4-25 per barrel.
Ureeniuga al $d 50 per barrel, uiixud va
rie iei- at $i.7o par bajrel.
(.bickeli 7, 4, IU to lie per birrel.
br.M l-Sc t ponod Turaevs 17c to 18c
U iT S3? IT IS 0.
. ,. , , ,
And we w.il keep them down
uutii we reuuee our large tUxk I
to Uiitke loolll lor alU;ratlOUS,
fof truJe
We res-!
; ior $3.2o : lorttfer p.ce 4 JU.
ext cornea thai gieat
Kiciuud.'-oa ioot, doubic
it ill t:m liii- ill! inrmt'r
, ' , '
, price o.oo. a neu cornea tue
j ioibl LtOOt ; it IS a WllOie ieath-
!rr ImjoI. lieUVV double hU.e and
2.0; ldruier price $3 00. j
ivr iIHV1 nn h,in,l KHiPnu ras'J
. i
0 Ul'bt Cia
of Crit claa pilt Leather Boots
i tSOlld o4es. lori?A.iO; loriner
i -
i price 2 25. AlsHJ a good .split
towt lor jX rj) . ioirut:1. price
. . , . .
v- UU. I ne aDO e 13 a pce
Mist Oi men's boot, and is just
j what they cost us.
,.vt mipa thn Imvn u-birri
, , A '
. i we nave quite varuy ui.
The lowowin are tome of the
i prices : irst, we wi.l tell you; READY-MADE CLOTHING,
iagoodboj'8 boot for 1.00;: lgar., Tobaccw, &Cm &c.
j lOrilier price, Ql.Ju. Next, a; Parue will nud it yreaily I., tuwi advan
firwt...i..i hr,v'fl rww.f f..i- fil ' c" ud Slork "
" " v
lormer price al. t o.
Also one
, for il.t) ; lormer price 2.o0.
; Theil We have & fil'st-CluSS
! w2lole leather bo 's boot, doub-
e soie and tap, lor J52.00 ; ior-
GO I t
; ler priCe 1 O fclZCS, 1 to O.
lite aoove is a
boys' boots, and
they coal
price list Ol
is just what
S e have also ou hand a very
large tock ol mens' shoes.
I nces, $1 00, $1.2-3, &L50 and
up. sViU sell the entire lot at
Next comes the Ladies' Shoes
of w hich we have quite a lot
: jmjjj Me yy ou h;lu(i. e
have also on hand a targe stock,
of Misses' iud ohiidi eu'd iiioes
winch e are determined to
aloe out e have not said
nvth.ng about tlie large stock
Liiby ivhoes on hanu, or the
'stfgc stock oi Cium Uoots and
ih-jt-s. Jet to be disposed of;
aui not even one word about
tue IioKeii lot ol Nippers on
hand, which we will seil at
coat Cut in conclusion we will
bay that we mean Lusiuess and
intend to tell our larjie stock of!
1 Ol
Loots and bhoes for iust
j what We llilVe priced them to
! vou for. and in order to be con-
Vlncetl alj you have to do IS to
' , . , ,
Lla aUd. e t ,r yourself,
! have Olteil SCtn goods ad-
; vertiVed at cot and when you
! went to buy OU W ere asked
,,! w, U : .
I f etail VtS. fcuch IS not my
j mieniiOn, 1 say COS I aiiU mean
i w hat I say.
Bridge Street, IMifllintow n, Pa
Jan. 81 8U-;i.
Sato Bills printed on short notice at the
offce of tho Stntmtl tini Rtjnblkan.
yew Adverttaementa.
2irD4Dooa North or Bridok Street,
Miffliutown, Pa
Calls tbe attention of the publio to the
following faots :
Fair Prices Our Leader! The
Best Goods Our Pride I
One Prioe Our Style I Cash or
Exchange Our Terms I
Small Profits and Quick Sales Our
Motto !
Our leading Specialties are
AND SHOES, for Men, Women sod
Children, Queeuware, Glassware,
Wood and Willow-ware, Oil Cloths,
sod ererj article usually found in first
class stores.
exchange (or goods at highest market
Thankful to tbe publio for their
heretofore hberm. patronage, 1 request
tbeii oootiDued custom ; and ask per
sona from all parts of the county, when
in Mifllia to call and see in; stock of
Sept. 7, lfcSl.
(Successors to Buyers t Kennedy,)
Calcined Piaster, Land Plaster,
!tEU.S, SALT. AiC.
We tuy Gram, to be deliverea al MiHiin
,own Port Hoy,K or n,,.Ilco.
at reasonable rates.
k. DOTT.
: Joili Illl'tC Slocli.
F. JL. CiltAYItlLI,,
McAlisterville, Pa.,
lias just returned I'roui the Eastern Cities
w lib a Large and Complete Stuck of
Hats & Caps, Soots & Shoes,
, Prices belore purchasing elsewhere.
Stock Entirely New and Fresh.
1 can accoiuniuda to yon in almost every
thing called for in a Store of this kind.
Oct. 26, VI.
The advertiser having been permanently
cured ot that dread disease. Consumption,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to make
known lo his fellow-sufferers the means oi
core, lo all who desire it, he well send a
copy ef tbe prercriptnm need, (free of
charge,) with the directions lor preparing
and using tbe same, which they will hod a
sure Crsa tor 1'oioh, Cold-, Coksi hpt
ion, Astuhv, Bboslhitis, Sic. Parties
wishing lite Prescription, will please ad
dress Kev. E. A. W1LS03; 104 Pens St.,
WilliumsOiirgh, N. Y.,
are always on the
ut lor chances to in
crease then eariiiugs, and in time become
wealthy; tliusewho do nut iu prove their
opportumtie remain in poverty
IX' -T t
i a great cnauce to nuke money
a KrvaK ciwucc iu uume uivuc ,,e warn
I r ii.
utanv of D, xoiii.n, boys and girls to work
lor us rifchl iu their own localities. Any
one can do tbi work properly I rum Ihe first
start The business will pty more than tun
1 1 lues or1uiari wapes. Expensive outfit
I urn bhed free. No one win, engages fails
to msk-moiiny rapidlv. Von can devote
your I'ln :iui to the work, or ouly yonr
spare 'uouienis. Full inloimation and all
thai la need, d seut free. Address
Sruisov tu Co., Portlaud, liaine.
To Buy a Lnrs;e Tract of Good Land
at a .Moderate Price:
To a man ho duni. e.- to make farming
an.! siocit-raiaiiig his business, this is the
greatst bargain in Jnniata county.
Thrt4 Unwind Jcru and mart, haviur
thereu.i a Uis Brick Dwelling House to
good condition, llarn and other outbuild
ings ; a running stream of water neat tbe
door, also, good well water in yard; an
Orchard of ti acres, as good as any in the
county; a grove of 60 maple trees, which,
it attentiou were directed to. could be
turned into a source, ot income, as such
groves are in Somerset county, this State. f -lustrous. Best business now be
and as such groves are in New England. I ore the public. Capital not needed. We
Good timber on tbe farm. The farm will I will start you. Hen, women, bovs and girls
produce 40 to 50 tons of hay annually, and
grow grain of all kinds. There is an abun
dance of LIMESTONE on tbe farm.
We repeat, this is the greatest bargain
now otiercd in this county, to tho man who
has vnttgy, and desires to firm and raise
stock To such a man, who has a moderate
sum '.: money tor erst payment, there is a
rare chance to secure a property, that in th
nature of tciogs must increase in valne
gradually. Tor tbe period of a lull genera- j
tion yet to come. Important Te Ti atelier.
Time, 6 to 7 years, to suit purchaser. If t -iu ,
yon have the incliD.on. the mews? and 55peC,al tadc!Dt J 1
the pluck to develops one of the Suest ,he Bur'ington Rome- It will pay yon to
tracts of land in the county, call at this ol- I read tteir advertisement to be found else-l-ce
for particulats. " ! here in this issue.
It the place where you can bay
HI is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select stocks trer offered lx
this market, and at JS TOMSHISGL Y LOW PRICES !
Also, measures taken for suits and parts of suits, which will be made to erd
at short notice, rery reasonable.
Remember the plaoe, in Hoffman'
Water streets, If UFLINTO WK, PA.
Has constantly on hand a full variety of
GENTS' FURXISHINU GOODS. Goods of all kinds are low. Coma and see n
and be astonished. Pants at 75 cemt. 07" SUITS MADE TO OKDER.j
Patterson, Pa., April 16, 1879.
Ik&SffiFtk sab
Firmrrs Tnuoatpra In not; loealirr wiU find It la their interest to look veU into th
Murrs or ihis Wauos before purctuuun.
Bsro for ciROUiAii. Aoiurrs "v antkd.
Professional Cards.
Lorn E. Atmxsos. Uko. Jacobs. Js
trColleeting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrica On Main street, in place of resi
dence ot Louis E. Atkinson, Esq., south ot
Bridge street. Oct M, let 1 .
All business prompUy attended to.
Orrica On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House square. jnT, 'S0-ly
07'ColIections attended to promptly.
Orricc With A. J. Patterson E.-(, on
Bridge street. Feb 25, ISO
Physician and Surgeon,
Ottice hours front 9 a. M. to 3 r. m . Ol
tice in his residence, on Third street, op
posite Methodist parsonage. oct22-tt
Has resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches Office at the old corner of Third
and Orange streets, Mitliintown, Pa.
March 1J, 187o
J M. BKAZEE, 31. I.,
.lendemia, Juniata Co., Pa.
Orricc formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett.
Protessional business promptly attended to
at all hours.
joux Mclaughlin,
Q7Ouly reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1875-ly
Farmers and Mechanic Machinery.
MiQlintown, Juniata County, Pa.
Otllce on Bridge street opposite South
side of Court House.
Nov. 8, ISM.
Special JVbtices.
A Great Cause of Human Misery
Is the Lo of
Ilow lot, How Jtetored.
Just published, a new edition ol 1K.
on the radical curt of SriaaAToaxHor t or
Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal
i ... i
Heutal and Physical
, . . , .. ....
Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc :
. rr ' . """"'".
also, Comtsriiiw, EpiLirsr and Frrs, in
duced by sell-indulgence or sexual extrav
agance, Jic. -
The celebrated author, in Ihis admirable
Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty
years' successful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of selt-abuse may be rad
ically cjred; pointing out a mode of cure
at once simple, certain, and effectual, by
means of which every sufferer, no matter
what his condition may be, may enre him
self cheaply, privately, and radically.
CTThis Lecture should be in the hands
of every youth anil every nun in tbe land.
Sent, under seal, in a ;ia:n envelope, to
anv address, post-paid, a receipt of six
cents, or two postage stamps. Aidress
41 Ann St.. New York, A'. Y.;
unelS-lj Post-Otl.ee Box 4i0.
' week made at home by the in
wanted everywhere to work for ns. Horn
is the time. Yon can work in spar time,
or give yonr whole time to tho business.
No other business will pay yon nearly as
well No one can fail to make enormous
pay, by ergacinc at once. Costly outfit and
I twrns Iree.
Money made last easily and
Address Taci A Co.
Augusta, M.iiae.
New Building, corner of Bridge zl
BstahUsbd lssa Tfaouani!s is aw. I
Tb twM ia th ctuapaat. Lnrj wsaa (
ssnt from th ttctarj antil
J l lix ' ."r!l K.i'Ji
1'EAlEVai. L0,-:
rr. ttt n. .. A :i .
l ltot hHiiER ivq1 grindinff twenty bnxheis per
hour, wni f mi tn tit hurdsvpower, aud can b
run bf wntif, mtmm rr arvTvwer. T-
rr.iMlin pUtt-s .nv.rrTiM:z -.1 iron, and coat
3 I Operating on tbe priscipls of
inovad of rollina. sTrlndirur or-
aluLQK upon tho battier. WorJu la &la aU aa well
Srad for fall dMcr'ptiva circular, to the Inwntnn
JlHlf "i C 1 1 1
A Gentleman who siiUered for years Irou
Nervous I)ebility, Prernalure Decay,
and all the e flee Is ol youidlul itidiscretion.
will for the a ke ol suffering hum.inity.
send free io ail who nee'! it, the receipt
and direction for m::kir.g the simple remedy
by which he was rnred. S-uBerers wiskirg
to profit by the advertisei's experience cat.
do so by addressinir in perfec; coi.Sdruce,
JOHN B. OGDt.4J Cedar St., S.Y
June ll-c2 1 yr.
I will mail (Free) thereceipe for a simp!
Vioitsblb Balm tbat will remove Ta
FastEsEs, Pi ap lis and Blotcbes, leaving
the skin sort clear and beaaliftili also in
structions for prMncing a luxuriant growth
of hair on a baldhead or smnoth lace. Ad
dress, ir-losiog 3c. stump, 6in. V ax deli
A Co., 12 Barclay St., N. y.,
AS!P 81511 $40 ...
Wehavestoresin.5 Icaa.ny Cif
rromajfcirbmn-cnuoh iarelrsnm-bff-ai
YVLrS.''''mTi'n,:', Prlnelfnl t!lrr
rlr im tor our .New UuIm.
S-ruwtosgvnia AdUrwi
MN. LOYELL Xfcir&X:?-
snbscribo tor'thr SnimT BViittbTicsw
pvi it In XT' hima.T(iH-ti. I ni
evntnl3,MlaVMuii, KaiiNa10wia, Dl.aft. i
As, New Mexico, AliruOss, i5, ealw-V
iftni an-! 'IV m. y11!
Q X O 2r O
UnlT-rnai TiS SiloMlT rt'u:ra a.
It cccr.t-4 tn sSJ jv wing . Great
s thi'lirstequipseS 5SJtwI'i,J0l Cr.r
K-HlT-ad In the World fur "i?-, 1 1:
Ul cnntions made
."V Depot. VrlC' s
Tarocsh NJOv WV TrT
Tl. k 'UTlthlNsnr lad wli."
Ci'i-'tonced Line Bn1 ,rmlt"r
ilest ail oBcm,2Vp?,yjk luxury. loKeml
in- v. s. 'vis.yV 1:"
Cassia. sftS-t All XYS coaiurL
Ti sik M5!,s
ii I
' m 8 avaw a