gRNTigEL& REPOBLICAR . HirFLI5f0ffH. We4ela, Febremrx T, 1MI. . P. SUHWEIER, IBTTOB AST) FBerHXTOB. Bosroshtg ft Stonewall Jackion AssoeiatiGfi. GrraJfas Pittims, desiree that every member of hit cabinet shall lire at Harmbnrg. Thb grave robber haa put in an ap pearanee, among tbt grave yards of Lancaster county. Boki on ha ft bill ia Coagw that appropriate money forth hold ing ff a centennial ootton and indB trial exposition in 1884. Thtfb is a bill before Congress, that provides for the payment of $ 40 par month to soldiers, who lost an area or ft leg in the lata trar. Fiucr i ia a atew, as to how to get rid of her nobility, and each other people, who claims to hare a right to kingly power in that country Govtrso. Hons son, and Mica Annie McMichael, of Philadelphia, were married in St. Ma:k'e Protes tant Episcopal Church, in Thiladel phia Isst Wednesday evening. Thi Republicans that hold such offisf, at Earmbnrjr. as Governor PaUipoTi controls rend not fret over the situation- The Governor will sooner, or later, turn them out Dok't forget, that it is the Demo crats that are the most severe on Can eidy. Ho mMj of them are jealous because he desires to po to the U. S. Senate, tbnt they nearly soured the whole Democratic lump. Tbb Dinf.eratic Senaiors at Har risbnrg held a meetLrg a few even ings n-o and discussed the relations between tlic Gos ernor, and the Senate Thev sgrwd that t4ie Governor is a jool d.:-tsnee elf from his party friends. 'Sv.itze?.t.!st has rejected the nat nraliziti in treaty ptopoed by the Unite! States, Ecording to which nnti nal'.y is f :rfited by m.iJin tor certain period abroad, oa the ground thkt th a clause of the treaty is contrary to Swiss law." Two Mexicans at Socarro, 2ew Mexico, had a dispuleoTer attention paid to a yirl, tht bulla ftd.u.n-d. To eett!e the depute tber iocke-d ihtui seivas into a ioi,m and fuught a duel with ip6. lie rne ';a cut the ethers Load c.T Evea the Mezicsns call them JetiOLS. A rd'.igkms tain n-tuad Hit-hard Eio'jards living hi iicaaliif. tbie tt:e, when Le prvs fcr a piu iculnr on goes to the river acJ visits in dwo water up 1 1 Lis uwk ad frjin s.ich -.!a?-e uelirc-re Lis prayer. It is believed tut theie is something wronj: with h.a mind- Tbess i a bill in tlie LV'-i-Iiilaro that rciji;irs the State, cjatity and poor tsx, to be piiid to tl:s coituty Trtai urtr. it: vijiio to tL.e 1st day of Bef.tfcbcr, a waiiant is to La issued gftinrt inch as Co UOi pfty, wl,ill 31 day 6. The Tra.nrer is to rcooive 2 per cect. CU ail tavc3 coilectsd. A ksw .rolulionU confutes Dr- wine theory of mao being oii-insl- ly an animal. He ksjs n;an bits de valopcd from vegetable. It n;av l.-e. And this will ,xplain why one man somctiniM ceils anolher a squash, or ft cabhape head, or soiueihinjr th:t war. Ihey have not vet fulljevolut- ed.' Mnv of the-Ji sliU wear a turnip nose, and others are regarded as old "beats." The vegetable theory is plaus ble NoTisiown Herald. ".Jcd61 Jeie S. B.aek, ru,.d an arjuiutnt before the Hotu-e Judiciarj Comniiltes agaiiibt the bill to prevent biauaj in the Tt-rritorit f, iutroductd, in the House bj Mr. Wiiietts. Judge Black argu ed that the bill, or anv such bill, id TmcARstitationtl. II said the EI ciands bill which creitad tha Cjci miscion, was uno(iiLiiulioniiI, and he did not believe Mr. Edmunds ever wrote il : because Le was too Rood a eonstitaUoniil lawver. Juaa iila.'k also ssid he baiieval the It.r ritorica have the right to make what ever laws they please coaioraiaj the marrying of wives." Tntsa is aa Anti Free-Pass Bill, in the L-gir-lutoie. If member or a jnJge is iiiflaeiiced by a pass over a a stae, stpa.nboat, or rdlioad route to do injustice, where be should denl out even haiuled justice, Le should he pnnished, lut tlie vT the ifisa ing of i asen is tt'fcpd about by cer tain parties indicates inure idiocy than lenity oti their jisrt. If things keep !i,'oiiif' at tais raU, a while icn- pr, the an ii pa idiots v. ill wDt to ; impute bribery and the Lord only! A t oiotado bajs that at 10 knons. what ols, to a tuan, when ha o'clock on taa nigut ol January 23, a asks aiioi'jcr ran to dinner, or when j sow liJe ataried iroin toe sun. out ol he cffr. a friend a cife'ar. It may be Kuby Peak, uear Irwiu, and travoied that before long the uuii puis crai.ks iti Icaitui rciocny the distauce of a wid be putting their noses into the j "tie, o the boitoin ol the guloh, toiai Sunday schoais, abont Chtist:aas ; lj aeairoymg and carrying witn it all times," and be r.skiiig what ail j suafi-iii'n ai.a maoliiuery couuecied the cift pivirifr l,n:,:riGfs means, giving "hes Governor Pattisun anj'0;nt ed a Mcthodi.-it to an ot&e,tuat is close to his excjilency. the Protest ant element cf the Clmrch gave thnnks. Wlien he appointed a C ith olic to a cabinet cfSce. the l'rototstituts were surprised, and the Catholics became thaukful. Tha appuintuieut of a prohibitionist dclightes.t t!ie cold water people, but when he drew a sa loon keener into bis oihcial circle a reneral murnn-r of surprise was heard from ail quarters, r'roui tue ap pearance of the appoint monts it looks as if the Governor us c-onclutlcd to ran the government on the plan of the heathen Romans. The plan on which the Roman govt rninent was run previous to the days of Constan tine, was to recognize no particular system of religion, or morils, P.oiue was the friend of every body that was a friend of the civil and military pow er of Rome. A mau mipht wombip the Btara, the m on, the birds of Uie air, the animate of the fields, or luia ges carved bv the hand of man, aad Rome cared rot so long as he did not use his doctrines as a medium through which to make assanlta upon Roman ffOTernment. How classical the Gorernor has become, in his appli cation of Greek and Roman princi ples of proTernmeEt He Las bunch ed the liquor men with the prohib itionists, end the protsstant Tnth tlii catholic. TnucTT persona thai war entreAT-1 a wimesiing m coo ugub, M 9 -4 " . ' l M I 4 1 I town in Jx L, last VTsdnesday, wen all arrested by as fent of tha socie ty, for th praTention of erne'ty to animals una lowis. 05 the last day of January 'Tranb- lin Fierce, claiming to b a phvsie ian, was held in $3000 bail at "Wor cester, Mass., for maaslanghter is causing the death of Mrs. Earca Be mis, of Oakdal. He treated her for internal erysipelas by bathing her in kerosene and roiling her op in bandagsa saturated with that oiL The woman was literally blistered and skinned alive, and died after ft week of horrible suffering." Do- ia Philadelphia, tkey are having an unpleasant time of it in the common school department One of the teachers has made the charge that in ft certain di t-ict certain men are elected school directors so as to carry on their flirtations with teachers of the opposite sex. Another tearher made the charge that ft number of teachers paid their favors to the directors, that had seenred them position, in immoral practice. The men who were delivering each charges, were ! advocftting the election of lady di rectors as a remedy. Tmkbb is ft talk of an extra session of Congress beinr called, if the pres ent Congress fails to revive the tar iff. It r.oald be ft Godsend to the country, if Cengress could meet, but onoe in every 3 or 4 years. An amendment to the constitution with such provision would be apprecia ted by the pedple. In this state it was ence deemed proper to bare the Legif-ture met every year. People pee that, that was not correct. The fctaie would be better off, if the meet ings of the Legislature were requir ed to be 4 yenrs apart The qutoruess of some people in this woiid, is set forth vy the fact, that in t'ui6 state they desire to pro hibit and punish railroad, stvamboat, and stage route men from pasting people free over thir lines, while at the same time in California, suit has ben brought agiinst the Central Pacific Ksilroad Company, because it refnscs to curry lunatics and pris oners free over its route. A sane lnau. and an honest man, one would 'l ink (.houlu have ss much privelego as a lunatic it a thief. It is claimed in the suit, that railroad charts pro vides that ln:iatice and prisoners ehdil be j.s6d free over the road. rt.ns. Governor Foster Ohio schools, cost too much fur th limited ntaro. Tiro Uedfurd count? jeatft men who shot a lunii. r'l ccg r D.i"? oud-'r aireH lor earning flouccalcd weapuua. A mail in liuckn O'.uuit ovns a bot gun, Kliinb :ilUf tortj p iQbd. TUe guu is six ?! in lor.gih A brt D. W like, tt, Fa., ts i Brown's Iron Bittri-bk gut-a more sj!i lirlinn thru may r cli. lnp I know ol." V. Inie kueelu.jE iu .r)friu the Lu theran cliaruh i 3ibaiKii ilven, vu j Sunday uistit P. G. Koous dn pied dea-i t-ib o. urt o beste. 119 was 41 jer ol ga Wilj r. Moutsiim, Jit. Carmol.Pa., aays: lroB "i!t" taur..u.l.j cured ie ol iudi5.:i,.u aud jonoral aeuiiity. Jn last cuaeaa., Jaourt 3Ut Ou the Uriu ot Mr. llai t, in U.acKuole V alle, a uumter ol tueu were eogagtd " 'l.i-fg gr'" iu.obio and a joui.g uj.a nauiud D. ir, vrna driving th bor.-s. liS some rnewt he stcjcd snppe-i ia aacb a way as to have hi., l8 0aCSi; ,n crKs fti beeie, au(1 bBiur ,he ""coery ooald Lo j a-opped tba leg crushed inio a jelij j iircurrmiauuK; imjiuiauvu iiciun iu the kue. In our family ol tea for orar te jaars Psrkar's oicfeer Tonic has cored hasdacbe, malaria and oiker couipUints so a!ia:actur :y that .e in eaceiiaat baaiih and no excna lor ductaii or othar loedielnea. Chiouicle. Pr.ouDor cuo fined ia the Nurthum btnaiia Co. jali are Aeol at aork mak- log tag oaipel. A qaaibt old clouk, ovoed by idics ; Kobti, JoLuaiowc, atoipcd sad- ueuij , luer jaaif ago. it was out Wound again. tSoaie dja aiuee it unexpect edly FiarteJ, atruuk elefeo and ag.iu relapsed lutu aiieuce. Stiortii alter iMta Kobb received a message ttat ber aialor, hviug at Buirsvillo, was Htug at ili poiut of dtaih. King SVi.iiaiu, ol Geroiaoy, the old est ot liie kiuS aud tuitra ot the world is Bigti'y-six, aud Aliouso, ol tfpalu, the )oaueest, tweuiy five. The fope ia savautv ILrts, AlcXauUer, ot ilaseia, tbiriy uLe, aud V iciorla mxt-ioiea. Prrmatura gravnens avoided by ukiii; Paiacr'a Hair iiaieaia, dlaULQiallt'd lor lla oleauiinonc and ortume. who It 14uo , ijoiet, Uoararj txien alou, Durai.go aud Oak Oiiuea. aa'ght niea, buried iu the snow. A reecniug ( arty tuned iu tearou of the lost cuoa, kQd ueu loaud Frank Uolaud was dead aud Wnliaui Biowu and William CoieuiaD probably laially iujuied. l.ant SaluiJay, J iV UooOS)eod, broth er of the celebrated clergy man of oi:a3 aud buperiutcudeul of the Paradise Mtuiug Compauy, while cros sing the moauiain bear tiotbio was ". 10 u ""i8 "n4 l the galub nod but led at loam 100 fust uudcr tho auoar, wuere the bouy wait reuiaiu until euuiuier. lie leavee a widow and tJ ciniiirea. This morn ing an tuiuieusa suae on the Goihie Mouutaiu, near Ooihic, went doo with huch tngaitui toroa xa to shake the whole town like an earthquake." - Fretful tubus cannot help dul orbing aTervbo.1v. and mothers ton Id know how ariothiiii; I'lrker's Uiueer Tonic ia. Itttops bbixs pains, makes hem heairhv, relieveaj Iheir own anxiety and is aata to use. Jour cat. . Three hundred and thirteen tramps have been killed on the railroads nf tb- United Sutet, in the past eleven mntlthfe. A Roman Catholte prieat Las return ed a stolen watch to its owner a Vio cennef, lnd. It came into bis bands from tba thivf into bis hands from the tbiwf in the confessional. ' James Mod roe, of Dayton, blew out Lis brains while sleighing with his wife. K 1 ZGSTPT8 4 XPXNDnTJBI9 COUNTY OF JUNIATA, TftOX IAHSABT 1, 1883, TetAStABT 1, I&88, Tt tkt BnurabU tlu Jmdgu tht Ctmrl tf (mmen ritf oj jmmmla leaa, rm- The BDdemgaed, Auditors of the eeao tv el Jonit, elacted and swora according to law, to aodit, aetll and adjn.t the ac eoaots el tha Trratorer, SkanaT and Com aiuaieaara of ih said eoanty of Jsaiais, reapoctfally raport that we mat la the Aa eitera Ottca, is Miff! iotawa, aa tka Irat day af tbo mentb, aad after a awl at ex aiaaiioB oi aaid aceaanta, we liid thaa to be aa followa, from the Irat day af January 18B2, to taa Irat day of January, 18K8, til Troaaarer for tka year, Jacob Lamoa, Eaq., psraaaal te aotice baing praaaat at thia aattlemeat : 1889- JACOB LEMON, Tri'r. Or. Jaa. 1, Ts balaace from J. if. Kirk, late Treuarert Jaa. 1, To eatataading laxaa, u 44 taxaa levied far the year 19S2, Dor.. l, Ta cub received from aala bnnda daring the year, Dec. 81, Ta verdiel fees, 4 12728 75 Id I 73 84 J0935 00 82 HO Total to2Sb 1889. JACOB LIMON, 7Va.'r Dac. 81, By county order paid Cr. iMnrd prior to 1882, 8 17 40 Dee. 81, By do uanad ia 1882, 8539 18 4 4. 44 raad viaw eertiBcata paid. Dee. 81, By exonerations to eal lactors, Dac. 81, By do naaeated lands, 44 44 cub te Tf. Smith ea aeenontol Tasehark'loalitota, Dec. 81, By Suir tax paid. 44 44 ,4 nr cenUf e on ssrae, 4 44 4i onts'aaiiiac taxes, 44 u m Treanrar'a salary, 4 44 balance dar eoaaiy, 142 40 804 49 ft 0a 188 00 442 4A 4 46 13608 08 603 0 2878 S9 ToUl, 8i23So 80 Jaa. 1, 1SSS, Batsnea daa eoanty, $-!6?3 S9 Ontttchding Tmzei, Use. 81,1862. Trxr. Sun ul Col. Townhip. Aavonnt 1R78. Mathias Si amp. Lack. 8 W IU0, Janina T.bhurlock. Kuala, 1U0 IS John Burehiield. Aliifliutown. 11 OV 4 Isaiah ttry, larfcclt, 4i 01 44 Lake Davis, W alter, lo6 1&8I, Rul Inuis, Bealo, 46 o 44 Jame llcCauiey, Fayette, 4V ' 44 Psul C"K, OirauWooJ, ti a 4 D. f ., Fori tt j)J i2i 4. Nuah Kah, bfruca Ui.l, 112 l 44 UriaB Frymuycr, buxiuch'aa, 46 44 Samuel XcMaen, I QiOrll, O J 1882, J-'ha Woucari, Koala, 660 oy 44 Nathan Vaulioru, UoiaKare, 0' 0J 44 W. V. ithtrn a) cllo, 14ol 40 4 John Sibar, Fermauiaoh, ata4 44 (i. A. Letter, (jreouwvod, 'Iii 1 44 Alexander M alias. Lata, eii 44 K. A. Kiaer, jkitDiuluKa, 641 3i " 5. T. MuUuiiocli, iilllorJ, li a utf 44 E. C. Graj biii, Muurue, t4 t2 John llaak, raiiroo, 2 W 44 Samuel Coupor, i'uri ttoyal -a 4j 44 TLouiah E itae, Spruce lilii, o4 to 4. Levi Lisui, 2ui)acaauaa, 4o co 4 Ijco Kegi,U:iv t BuiupMaiu an, Cii 4 O. Jl. koriiu, I a. belt 0-6 zl " A. C tlucKeubrrrj, luscuura H -2enry Bok, Wa.tcr Utu 04 Total, $.6Ja OJ Ali ot rhi:o ia rrspeotfully subtuitiea, Lkkm 0ca, H. H ilcn. 1 Jj. Aaiuora. i. W. W ilml, ) AcniToa's t.irriCi.,iMitt.iJiuo,aaa. 2, lad. STJTZJlZXr OF OHOJiRS ORJH'S tf mt Uiiuikiun af lie Cvan of Jittuui oa itic t rcasurf uj fiiia t-'waavs, fiOM Ikt old . jji oj 4aaa . tdai. to tut i4uj of utctmmr, lo62 mcia irc Muctliaitnui. Isaac M. Gokhou, owai iwr Jai. $38 27 icaau, tVciinu.- aud alcalcaa, J. Minor .ncUjiiaHl, Keoordins Co., oOlJers lirniui, 2o Vo A as. li. tvouiora, pvaiaa s'jl lhoiuaa Oiuaa and otuers, par com- .or Liilinuui lax in ibi tf aud lesJ, i23 r6 Ahiaiiaui farmer aad oikers, caul lor coiiecliu lax lo lotl, 72U H-i Joa. JT. ou-uaiiujf',, oieuorauur, 2o4 tfj 6. IS- Loadou, lou.t U.iar i i oil trauciacus alatdtaaro CO., IDr- cnauitiaa lor luxl iiooao, 1 1 3a JuLa ir'ooruuian auS oihois, hoard- iuz more, 2 J So J. IV. IvirK. lata C. Treasarar. lax on (Jo. buuda, 160 CI I), a. Lyi-', 1 loaauror Ji'ulaU Co. Hni.n.iurl aocici, 1W 00 svatiuea v Mr tuiv, ckoI lor Co art lloUse ana i a.l. Ill) V. H. Hai lou, oy ar ja.;d utx, si Jaoaca i. urouincr abd uUlers, aijaniug Co. Orioaaa, e so el ou 2v 09 5i Jar Loiiuauaio4tars, Jurv UaunMiuW cleiks. 'i atuati oidara aiaoaaluij le Tclal, Cottobln and Jnttictt Feit aud JusUcas ices hi CoaauiuawsaJih oaaea, Commonwaailha iiuaasca, iKtwa. Coronet aud JuaUcaa tqaisi iioos, Public Butdtngt. J. J. Grayhul, auHUrioa lor Court House, Jauoca V. Uauiiitea, paiulio 8 rooaia, 6. c. ii liaou, LB. Codaraad olh- cra, carU4r woiKaiJail aad ouiDaiuiiu'B, ffllio I'auuaoa&er, Jr., di)iug pU lor p.iy, ilaiiry Uaak, tuasoa work at urivt, IS3 8d 873 2i 170 2. 18 60 4 do o2 76 8 (W 8 60 a oi' 116 63 0 iii 14 in, ltt 60 laaac biKa, piatoiiaa in tha Jail, Bvenueay a. loiv, iuwoor an hiiiKiva lor rfali aui oal- buna lugs, K. il. aiuoiiauo, repairs lo Court House, root, stoto-jo--, at., J. ft . Slasier, ualuuug- ou.oand iK-i Prauciscus Hardware Co., lor nails, ock, Ave. Total -i' Conrh and Jurors Pay. Amoant paid Grand Jurors, 596 64 Amouul paid font Jurars, lSsO HI Total, $2otf 6o jtittnan. Amount paid for assassin:, 484 0b Ceai.'aMfJ Rtinrn. Amount paid for Goastabiea Ks- tnros. 882 20 fox, Mink and ITiId Cat Scalp r Amouul paid lor lox, naiuk aad wild cut SCI. , PrniUnhmry. rTestern Fcnltantiary, eCoc'F Prim. 8. S . Tfi'son. board ins; prisoners, furnishing clothing. Ate- County Bonds. 190 60 189 tl 439 71 Conntr bonds paid, i InUrast paid ea Co. bonis, rmihe iVinftng. Wm. M. Aliiaon, T. D. Garmaa, Total, Stationary. Bollowbnsh, Cary and Reed, iuk and fvna, 124 58 00 270 70 514 f0 20fl 60 tl 0 8 73 fedaoa Best, ptaer aod aavaV eties, William Maaa, doekaU F. L. flatter, for asaetaoreot, rsaTktratiria aad ether bleak Koaka Boa. Chtflaa A. Baraett, HO eepiaa of Inatraetiaas fer Grand Jsrera, m as tO 40 87 Tl 10 00 Total, 8IM 18 BrUgtt. Q M. Graham, plaok lr kridge near S. T. McCnlloch'a Mill, 9 00 J. P. MeWilliams, plank far Briaer's, Poaaeroy's and Pert Royal bridgta, 146 47 Wai. G. Tboospaon, for Inasbar aad work at bridge la Dale ware toaoabip, 43 60 Wm B Zimiarrmaa, Jaajas R. R. Hawaii and otbors, work at Brtnar's aao PonMroy's bridges 85 85 J. B MeCakaa and others, fat lambrr and work at iron tridge ac-aaa Loat Creak, 109 86 James GraniDg- r aad othara, lar lambar and work at bridge near Hawn'a Mill, 84 60 Cloyd doreing. for lambar and work at bridge aear Bokm's Mill, 19 70 K. f. Shfer, ropslrlac Cannty lina brldga across Mahontoage Creak, 171 66 William Cox. Ekj.. repairing bridge la Grsoswood toamship, 43 78 ft, horib Stsrrett. nnttirg up feora at Llckiaa (. brvtxa. In Millo-d townahia. 6 85 Jamas K. Grnaini r, for Inmbar aae work, at tireainzdr'a bridge. 34 76 N. H-r liar Av Son for bnaHs, ahinalea and nails, for Port Roval bndica. 8 60 James N. Uroningar, repairs and takins- eara of Port Rorsl bridce. 1 C9 R. W. Humphrey, for Inmbar and work atCrou Road Bridce in Delaware lownnhlp. 84 6S WlltiamS. Maimer, plank for Port Rnral and Grunincer'a bridt-es, 31 40 Pater Brows, aad othara. for re pairs oa aix other bridges, 11 23 Total, 8-69 CaatmiHtsarrt' 1 Banks Wilson, 161 H. I. McKei-a, 11 David Partner. 180 Jeramiah Lvoas, counsel, 40 00 James lrwio. clrk, 669 00 John Diehl, janitor, 110 00 Tout, $10o2 60 Public Ojflics. B F. Bcrchflld, anditing Pro- thonoiarr's and Kegtsier m Kaeardr' offlces. Oeo. Jaj oti, RVq., attorney fees, Mason Irwin, 'I H. S. Doty, Adra'r of Otwrga Exynoids. daoeasad Frothon- olarv'a feat, Geo- S Conn, Protk'y fees. J R. K.i It and S. P. Wilson, Sheriff's faa, Total, Ccarrul and Spring ltclBnt Amoant paid election offi-ora. clerks, cen-nablaa, hoana rant, Rtcapitalalitn. Sb68 CT IfiscelUneOD, 108S 89 IU So 873 io 170 i; 267 23 Constables and Jaotieea fees, Commenwuaith wiioets. Coroners and Justices inquisition, rubliR bKiMiocs, Co arts anil Jurors par, Asiaews, Constables rvtara, 25oo 444 IW 8i2 26 160 60 IK9 81 439 71 2248 00 JSt.O 70 4:'0 60 193 15 7b9 01 10:l 60 448 o4 68 87 Fox and mink sa'p, Western Foniteutlirv, Uonmy Prison, Count Bonds pin. !ntait piii on County Benis, Pnblic Printing, Staiioaarv, Bn-tgi-n, Comuiissioner'i o3!ea, Pab'K otficea. Ganeral and spring elections, Trial, $5406 18 By reieronce to tha Auditor's report the ind,ibinoss ef the County of Juniaia on the Brat day ol January. 18P3, la as follows: Oatslandlng Countv orders, 9 00 44 44 R,nl. 88765 W) Interest to Jan. 1, IbSi, about 14"6 Oil Liability of t onolr, Erom which dedacti Bal. in handa Trees., Uutatanding Taxes Jan. 1. l3f-3; Bal. of jiidgemval vs. Milloid twp., 2678 83 12608 08 766 89 16f89 81 s:4iti 02 Gray aquirrels are s troaaitiaome in Oooneourat that the farmers have in vited sportsmen t exieriutoate thrm, and thee are heme tiii ia i;rrat nuiu bera. A pariy "I ihrea recently bag ftd lOo '(Jlirfi. !u a tier STRONG FACTS A peat rnaay people are asidcf what particalar troubles BaowN's Ieck Brmits I good lor. It vd cure Heart Disease, Paral ysis, Drojwy, Kidney Disease, Con sumpfton, Dy-ipcpsia, Rhewmatwm, Kountgia, and oil simiLur diseases. Its vrcnderrul curative power is simjtiy because it rmriiies aod en riches tue b'.aod, thus beginning et the foutdation, and by building up the system, drivw out all duciae. A Lady CuTcd of nheumaticm. Kahmiare. Md., May 7. r T. te?4. Mt InatJi waa zaucti ahattarac bj 9 kmmfka trSaa I cemniancad takinc ttrawa't Iron Cittaia. sad I Scarcely had ttreiwth eootia tf at- r:ae ta e'7 euir liont-iiaiu trmn. 1 aainewcttiiEOteuttnia.i1llaiil 1 ent nci:ain4l alieaHin dailr. aad 1 t acetfitT recreitoead it to aiL I raanTt a.ty too anoeh in ralea af it. lia. Majit F- BaaaaLaa, trj Fmuaanst. KiJney Disease Cared. CHrSriaeatjJiTV Vs., . ISofruqi e1 Vi-leaf aaeaac, fm trnica I ecuid jet ao raliaf. 1 tHeal F.rwa-a's 1tt, fctfteia, winch enrtd eia enenteTehr. A child oi anee, racevennx from scarlet Weer. pad ao ap4tit aed ia not seem ts VeaelatncmtataU. I caeh.m iron B'rrrera aridi tbe haepicat rcficlta. J. KLS MOVTTACCS. Heart Cbjate, TiMet.,Brrufj7r. Ta, Uee. .. ,J6,. Aer rT-7'nc ifferu rTaicauts aei eiany luai "Ikt at paipeaofa ef e heart withatu reca-Trnf any t-eacftf. I araasdviacdutzy t-nvt'l tree r.irtsr. I hiva osad two bet ftca aad acvar riaaai aaj-utia tiiat a-re aba so moth t:k1 Mn. jasa Esss. Tor Use peculiar troubles to which ladies are rubject, Bxowx't Ixon Eittsxs is iBvaloalle. Try it Be sure w.i get the Genuine. 106 60 8118 ol I Ae.alalatratar'8 !ltlc. LETTERS TESTAMENT ART OS THB eatata of Mrs. Catharine 8 lis. Into of Fermanagh lownakja, JnnlaU reaaty ee- ecaaral, having eeaa granted te the uadar- aigaoa, ail persons ladehtee te said eatate are rejaate4 to make payment, and tkoae aaving claims or damaada are raajaeataa w maka known the same wiihaal dalay te SAMCEL ST1NE. Administrator. Roland, Ceaiei Co., fa. Jaaaary 10,-82. rNTBlCOUKTSOf PERKT t-0. Ordsr Otaagiag f Timt af Holding tht JUgular Ttrmt tfSntral Courtt af Ptrrf Conat). It in oi dared that the line ef holding the ragalar Terms ef the Ceurta of Cooimon Pleas, Qaarter Sessions of the Peaee, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, ia aud lor tha eoanty of Perry, ia tae State ol Pennsylvania, ba so modified and chang ed that hereafter the time of holding tho regular Terms of ssld Courts be. and tba a. me ia bereby fixed, aa follows, to wit to begin On the (8rd) third Uenday of Januarv, )n tho (2ml) second Mondav of April, On tha (1st) flrat Monday af A o gust, and On the (S) third afenday of November, of each and every year, anieas further mod- iBed and changed. Provided that thia or der shall nol take effect astll Ike same shall be published In not less than two newspapers in each eonntv of tha diatrict at least thirty days bolero the time tit Bled lor holninr aad Courts, as provided la the Act nf Assembly, approved ea the fth day ef April. IP, 4. B tha Coart. CUAS. A BAKNBTT, Pras't Jsdga, I. January, 1888. Sle-fe of Peanv . Perrw Counta, as. r I. A. B i.ROSH, Prolhnhotary of the Cnnrt ol C-.m sob fleas, and Cle:k of the Quarter 8eaaiona of tha Peace aad Over and Terminer. Ac, do hereby certify that 'he foregoing is a trna copy of the order of Court chancing the time of koldinr the regular terma of the several Courts of Per rv eonntv aioreaaid, aa the asms remains on flle and is of recor d in my o file a. Ia testimony whereof I hareanto set my hand and atix the seal nf aaid Coart. at B nomSe!d, :h.s 2tih day of January, A. D. lcSS. A. B GHOSH, Prats.. Ac. Jan. 21, mt. freb 7 4t ITK'f?rill3 i V. sa-UaeisaAjy m liWf f ir, k .- mcrw A fa- tt. tV naMS.Ia- sUlHei, vm wf JJ Jcrttne?ti mt. 4 t-r.f. IS It Cm IMS irenKr jiat B 9i-f tiaalt r sXrCaVdakl J t Ll.i ca!p x4 k jr t afJaaJ-ray- C R!U-VwUrfl;C.?KtoC.T7Wf-lavT U 1 arltCT Knr Balcua ia find rrfriwaKt! and b $ raTTBTic. t fTTvcnt akla; of the hair d k rr ti more tawAtKiniai eULditchairc. Hiacox & Co , N.V. m . ankal f) aJnaWaV a SW t eWaf waW Kjt. UJJI I I 4V-TlaTejnrwX.-C, WPysyp'j A Suptrlatlrt leallk sad StrirjH Fttlcrtr. If yju are a mcekanic or feinhrr, wera ant a-kh ct tf-V. or a inQhcr roa ren, S7 fcunif or aousc ka 4 C- try Faxuzh's Oi?cea 1 i:nc. If in rrea lawrer. wnmVrcr or ertrneat fnaa e hrrw 4 b7 menial on n ar aanena crex. aei taaa i.Tlr-fizaersiusnBUau.batuse 1 fcct 1 (r.rr 1 rrz i t:-n C mumnprioa, Tf peata. I:hnra hm. X.-ir-r('wnrna-:. ar ney cirraeTefClaret, tci lcwe, tiaricTnr l'ajr;-p Tr?,.ciri.!cAfva. ItitthaGraaten Bic-od Porfcer Kt C,3 Ct anj iml Cs:a Cera Cvar 1 ton ars va4rmc iwtf fcrrm axa, eWinalioa er try mumm ar acmitnns snd r-iini t s 4Uasiani niex Ctiitcsv 'lor ic at rata: it will invlcnran, snd VrW, ea-i vpfifwm ths s M UOV ait wilt never inioetcatn. ' hjm tared fcand.aca of Uvta; k aiaj sa,s yorra. riCTlO.V ! lUntaT aait44. rvhr'iP?vTnli b WfaM af taa tort nOMSial arraM Sj kk.wM..r nh T a I Trm TriM ! r afftr aaM. aHaa :m (4m r. a r.. . V. fctliaasuaaaiain cheat savins itTise collas tczx. d lacuna fraaraace baa aoso ttJa I aVumeeacea-ejiElT rcpular. I here ! H fsao'hlax likalt. laaiat uiiea hariag Fbeaaa. I ft tow CoLOvr are 'ar k tat ttvaauxt of f! mrr Wfi. AST -(T4 4T Saab, hi aartatsn ff tea t--rr t-. ft -t It S ijtifiv Sirriwa wa. srrg. WWSRtTViB PRIVATE SALES. House and Lot in MoAlieterTille. A Lot ceal.ninicg ene-fonrth Acre ef ground, wi:h a twn-atnry double Log tionse, wea'her-boaidi'd ia front, aad soma rooms plsstered intiide, snitnble for one er tare familiOK ; also, S!b!". Large Sliop. rij-peri, Ac, all rmder good fence, and weil anp plied with Urz' and smalt fruits. Terms easy, and prce to suit the times. A pplv to Stephen L'nyd StcAlistBr. near the pram iara. or to Vrs. Rebnuca L. TTilaoa, For Roval, Juniata Co.. Pa. :.liii)?!li':0 CHURN Tsj nTljPM fr FnVt'-JTJ ccs. 7-rdi ' aed taa P4 w-rit. Bttopc. AfCCaAi. XBTjnitsTO(i dOaf i THE 6TANDARO CHURN OF TH2 '. COUNTRY. TRY OWE, Send for full Descriptive (.hxulars to PORTER BLA'CHARDS COMOOIO. sj. H. A lOt.tUitt FOU RALE. A t on'inrr, in eooa orflirr, al Joliastown i I aonitit !'.. i t. t ne ecin ia netr. I ma. Imp ; jvrfi iw ji;sl been overhauled and at g.tod as when now The shop is Urce and roomv Alt of the serera! de. j ptrtment are ur..1er ono ronl. Tha Foiiii. dry ha th b- at rcn of cu"-m ia the I conciy. In conmt-linn with (he Fonndrv there f 4 or 8 acr-s ol land for sal, having theteoo eret !ei a Larjre f-tm Twelinc Hout-e. noarlv t:ett. and a gooil-aised Ba-n. (.ood Orchard. Apples, Wrapes. Ac. Everv thine contie.-iieat shout the premises. Wilt sell ail or part. For tnither ptrtirniars call en fr address J II. KOUKBS. Johnitown, Juniata Co., Pa. A LOT or UKOCMi IN THE V1LLAUB ol klcCoyst iile, Jimitia roimty. having thereou orected a good pwolliii' Hons 2Ux 60 feel, new -isble 2Ux30 feet, new Wood Hu'se 12x3n lei-i, Hox Pen aad ether ont b,n:amga. Well el trood water at the dour. Frnit on th- lor. Terma, reasonah.e. Fer lurther ptrticu:sr, cail on or address KEAL M. STBWAKT, McCovsviile JonU-a Co.. Pa. A FARM Or 75 ACHES. 85 ACRES clear and in a gnat state of cultivation, tha baince in ti-noer. ia Spreoe UiII townahtp, Joniaia county. Pa., ene-hall miitt from the proposed rairead Irom tha Jnniata to the Potomac rirer, six mites iron Fort Royal. Ihe improvements are a Lsrje Stone Duel lief liouse, 35x80 feet, with a wU ef good water at the door. Bank Hern, Corn I'riba, and ether oclhaiimi, a large Arjle Or chard, us t tti variety of frail.. Also the nght to e,na.Tr lima atom on a farm abont n haI eistant. The farm has been limed recentr. TBma Une-baf eash, bUtace in two anana psymenta. Fer farther articoar addreas 8. A. UOFFMAV, fprnce Hi!, Janiata Co., Tt. CAI TIO.I SOT ICE. ALL persona are hereby cautioneo ! against Ashing er hunting, fiaihenn i berries, or crossing f. e!dn, or la any otUr ; way trerpescins ea the lands of th; under, t SigrwM J. ?. K.Lrr. t 61 tflil a4SrJ3V nmmm i keens ft It, n H an na n 1 19 3I II! rr I Ul B ftlmrla. WsUL jUMATAVALLiil f mrri.i3.TwH s r. wtrft JJjlaiaNCH AT FoBI BOIaVJ- StookioldarB Indif idiiallj Liatlt. Diascroas i I. Navm romeray, Joaopa. George Jacobs, Philip it. tepaer, Leaia S. Atkiasea. Aaoa U. Seasau, TT. C. Famaray, sTecsJioxaaas i J. Savin Pamorey, E. S. Parker, Aauie M. bbelley, Jaae tl. Irwia, Jaary Kurta, Samuel M. alurta, J.UoluiaS lrwio, T. V. irwia, r. B. Frew. Philip M. iepner. Jvavph itotbrock. Oiaorge Jacoee, L. K. Aikiuaoa, W.C. Fousaroy, Amoa G. BoasaJ, Noah liertsier, Charlotte Snyder, John UertaJeX. lanona oatuer, -w- - 07-lntereat allowed at the rate el P" ut. ea moatha certincales, 8 Y" 12 moaiha cartihcaiaw. ,MTotr U S, w; f ttot, Ula isaaaepiug by, ge X and daro betoro you die, oa4u.4.g iu ghty and auBLma la-ve eo . Sod a week l Jour ...a i4. li ouidllroe. We nak. irary- Ihiugaaw. Capital not re(uired. W a will luruiab yoa avooliiiug. many are making loriunos. Ud.ea make as muca aa mea, aad Boya aad gins mate great pay. Head er, il yea nasi bualuaaa ai wuicB yw can tuake gra I pa. all the time, e for jer tivuiara le at. iUlH,TT Co., 1-erilacd Jlaiae. I armera aad olbere desiring gcuteol, lucrative sg -acy buaiaesa, by whith f3 te 4:o a Hay cau be earned aeud adaraaa al once, co ).oaiai, la ft. C. WL4US Co. 19j aua 17 1 u.Ua ueel, aw Xoik. Dec. 2u-b2 bin. PIUVATaBSAUi. A faia of 0! 06 acres, luoro r iaas, in i)elaar loau.u. p, Juuiaut 00., Fa- Te miles no.-ihweai ol Itouipaonteait. Il is s.-.ud laud, all Cleared, tXcepllEg about 4 acrea, hioh are ia uikbcx. 1 here ia a Fvauh U-cuaid ol tao acits, aad aa A;-lr lJ.cha.-d ol 3 acres ou the larui. Tha jluuso is a tiood Fraxe liouao. Baak Barn, Oui buitdin;,, c pring tt alar at lb Bocae. A baigaia. For lurther parl.cuara Call ou, or enures A. LbLHSh, I aompscui'n, J uuuu Co Pa Valuable cal istata at Prirata Sale. The nndersinoU oilers lorsale, a tract ol Uuo iluuuied Acres, ol laud more or ieaa, oa aruiou there la a largo SiOAB-UiYfcLL-i.Sti-iiUlat, in good .ipair aud good bAMv-IiAUN aud out buildinga and a l,i.ii l-;.tli.L ibree siorita nigb, the tare loiter entitles CI a hich are alone, abd the itird irauie, witu lliree ruu ot good trench bun., sew o.eiauol ftheel, 000 new run anevi, aud gearing nearly new ihiuiiB vul, with ea. onrl fiattr power. lila laud 1 goou lai m laud, and iu a good stale vt cultivation. The bil l baa aa exce.iuat country bade. 1 Lis is a very desirable property aua is situated oualul.e audoso-tourlh norlb-arest ol JlcAliaiervii.e Juuiala Co., Fa., aud will Ut sold ou ey teruia t or lumber puiicaiars please ea or ; idreee Jacoo bmitb, iloA.isterville Fa., j r aerelulad L)ooe, aiiotiniowa Fa., or t Jdreae or John . bualh, Caestor triua9, Chealar oouuiy I A FlUST-KATS f AK.a is 1 ISCARORA ' Valley, conuii.i:' at'o acn.a, aooal 175 acres Ciear. 1 .to ol Dui.a;u;s. .No. 1. L1-1? I.oune. 3i.,x24. tiiialercd ,...1.11.4 . 1 slucbLn attached, liil6 ; fc.riug, and s o I a ncil ol water Be&r iac ooor; iioe Sank uaxc, 4i'x'J0 ; Uiciiaid. bo. 2. Jsew Irame Uooae, 114 "ooUcoliar Honae, rprw; aua cpuug nc.i--; Sew r rsnie l ata, 4oxtd; VI agon ae l ; j ood Voung UrcliarU, ol graltud Irn.t. in Dealing commute Vw'iil til el! ... la ... . . ' anil purcUaer. 1 he laud is well adapted i by nl.nre lor lb. rai-ing ol grain and sZv. ..... aata, vi Uatil . IU . riwniy ti time alone. me community is mmnni-. .. good. Churchua aud acnool bonus eonve uient. Tertus moderate. Fur particnlars call oa or adcress C.ilEfcRo, Fanners' urote, Junuu Co., Fa. POHT OBilPE Willi Used in tho ptiueijal Churchrs lor Com manion purjoses. Eicellerit for Lcdie3 ard Weekly Persons and the A?ed. FOUR YEARS OLD. rptiln t.-tatii;.. lhi) a AlWls WINE ot the 4)p"rlo O . ti c, raixed in U. t-ouiiiry. Ita icval-1 Uabie. TCI.: ikD ST3;s;ThrilH3 THZfV.'iit are niiaiirpaaseil o any o.her iNauvo tt iue j "t J-'wio jutt.e n tue orapr, prcQUC- ed onder sir. fepeat'a own petaoual auper tluoti, its jili.uv its KeuuineiicKS, are guar auteed. '1 i.e JuULirti child may partako ol lis feenoioua quitiaica, ta.4 tno weakest intaiid i.e it lo ativauuge. Il ia 'arlj b.-uehciiil I . i'uv aed aud debiliattd, and soilcti to the Various aiioieuia that ali eel the eKt r sea. It is iu every reeuect A WINE TO LE LELiLD OS. P. J. SliEIlliY. The P- J. EiitHitt is.wiue ol Super ior Character aud partakes ef Ike rich quai-" iliea ol iLe graje iruiu which il ia aad.-. Tor Puri'v, KwhneB. Flavor and Oitdicioal l'repei ties, it it n iii bo loocd cnexce.lod. SPKER'S P. J. 15HANDY. This BRANDY aiauda nuiivaiicd in thia Country being lar superior for aediciual pui poses. IT IS A PCUE distiUtion from the grapo and couluma'oiu mediciuul prop-rMes. It has a delicate Bator, similar to that ol the grapoa Irom which it la distilled, aud ia In great later among flmt-clias lamiliea. S-?e that the signature of ALFRED BPKEU, Faaaaic S. J., u over the cork ot each bottlu. Solo by L. Banks, everywhere. Sept. 13-lfSi Aod tj droKltta Pais Bills printed oa short notice at the O&cc of tiic Sntrmel and Rerblica. ' Vf.kV K1V3 (luiit el lMi 7J- w ". .3 r c U-aMl taas mr - EAST ff AiO. aaia ataUDi daily at 'iu jTii and MarruarsV " tive s at Haf riaoai a atU CM BB. T aa a. m.. A'tovua nl P- Miffli ping at all regular "".TkiU it b S p. -. Uarriaburf J.8U t- " rBUM adelphia UWf deltbiaxMP"- Wa.STffAB. u.,.L.a AciWllatoBAHoe leaves iai..,. dailr at 10.1 a. m.,l MoppUjg at JT .7.T.oM. rivea at MittUn al ia. w p. - 1 Pii-.ia.laIuLin daily at at Hum ma 4iow- . m . Pituburc 8 40 P. U....I. AcaaisiatOBATloS leaves Banis- burg Htlir except Sunday at .W .....V.... .. .11 .tationa. arrives at HuBlast rrs 7.00 p ! 45 a in ; Feta-rsburg 7IUsniS frw" v.o-- 7 1o a ni Tirana lliiai - T r.i a m , Altoona U IB a u 1 Filtabu-S 1 S6 pa. Paat Line leaves Philadelphia at 11 05 a m 1 Uarriaburg 8 16 p in 1 jtittlin 4 87 p a 1 Leiston 4 i-tfp u. ; lluutiogJon S CO p a j Tyrone 6 40 p m j Aitoona IWiai Filta- targ list pm. LSWI8TOW1I DIVMiOit. Trains leate Le.aton Juucliua lor imil- rry at 35 a . 10 0 a to, 4i,a -iunbarv al 7 ti a a. 1 35 9 ul. Trams arnva at Learistowa Jui.ctlon houi Hiiro y alt 10 a si, 160 pro, 4 60 fu 1 ftea Sudbury at 19 So a m, 4 43 p a. lYKONKEiyiSIOX. Tralut leave Tyrouo for BclU-fonM a.d Luck lla'eu al 6 30 a m, 7 8 p Oi. Lea Tyrone lor Curweusvl.a aud Cljaitteid m S 60 a m, 7 io p m. Trains leavo Tyi one lor Warriors Vark, Pennsylvania ruruece and Scotia at tt 39 a an and i S J p a. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Bellefontc aod Lock flaveo al 7 80 a , and 6 85 p m. Trams arrive at Tyrone from Ourweas ville aud Clearfleld at 24 a m. and 5 66 p m. Trains arrive ai Tyrone from Sco.ia, War riors Mark and Peuusvivsn.a Furnace al 7 8J a a, at 2 ii p m. Philadelphia & Beading Railroad. alrraBg-eaaeat ef Paswajer TraUs. Jos 2C.h, l?S2. TVaias Ititi Hsrruburf at ftllotct 1 For New Tork via Ailenlown, at 7 SO a. ana I lo p. ra. rr New ,u PhlI,d, fci, ,nd Brock Kuut0f. g 5J 7 60 am. n m 'Bound and 1 4i p in. For Fhiladclfhia, I 82, 7 SO, 9 SO am, 1 ai.d 4 no p m. Fur Kending at i 2D, S a'5, 7 8", 9 60 a m, 1 15, 4 00 and 8 11O p in. For Pol'avil.e al 5 20, 7 .SO, 9 50 a m, and 1 4 and 4 IK) p. in. aud via 3ohnyiklll & 0n.sq11cu.1nna Uranch at 2 40 p a. For Auburn, b IU a ru. j For Allentown at 6 20, 7 50, 9 SO id, 1 It aiot a uo p a. met io am, aLd 145 pro trains have inronglicars lor w Tork via Ailea town. 5C.Va9.fF5. si! a s . ., . - ' , VT't.. . 0 Fh.l.rte phia and way atatioa. I "- 4 g in. 7etwsr flrr4re arr af fiilant Leave X w York via Ailenlown at 9 00 am 1 U9 aad 58(1 p m. Lea New Toik via "Bound Brook Route" and FliiladelphU 7 45 a ni, 1 3I, 4 U0 aud SO p m , and I2.IH) midnight, airitir.g tt Uarmburjt 1 50, d 20, 9 2 b. m., and ' ii iu ana eij a m J Leave Philadelphia at 4 g'J 9 4 a ra.. 4 03. 5 69 aud 7 33 p m. Leave Pottsviile al 6 30, 9 Ot) a. a. nnd 4 48 p m. Lewe Keautnjr at 4 81, 7 SO, 1 1 69 am 1 27, 6 15, 7 5') and IU 25 p a. ' Leave Pottavillo via Schuyikili and Susque hanna i.ranch, 8 14 a n. and 4 X ) prn. Lsave Ailenlown at W, 8 4u a a.. 12 13 4 80 aud V 05 p a. S PS 0.1 73. Leare New York via Alleutown, at 5 30 a. Philadelphia at 7 85 p m. Leave Reading at 7 J0 a m antf V) 25 p m. Leave Allentowo al Bl1., p bj Loav. UAhRliBUKQ for Paxion. Loch '!; 1 Sll'on daily, except Sun.lav,6 25, 640, iui(llj and 04ii p a ; dai.y, ex cept Saiurday and Sunday. Zlnpm, and on Saturday win, , 4 4 j i(n p , Re.turnit.n, leave STEKt.TN daiir. ex eeplbunii.y 6 1U,7oo, looil, il 45 .a, only, o 10 aud 8 8t p m. C. G. HANCOCK denrrai Manuttr. AGE.TS! AGEVrSl r-wT-WV Ta-TVi-aa...-. . ae,rt;rta'5 -Amona iHTaaTsw-SJ nlmly ( atas bj Geiu Sherm UH Aev la aaUb.. tt. Mill Ti iara aaT m... (, , . 'T rm ear.. e. s. r.nlX7 a. -- .t f.VTTT -1- M ny tZL. J iTL"-".'"-' " -5 .tiw.-r ttaA.-.rV ,hn,L" Vf U4l taan,.,. hi F4,BeaLr, r A-TrsTl CACTIOS RUTIC E. A L persona are hereby eaniii.t iara arf mm. na n'antt . . Jonathan Ciaev C O Shelly A B Knrta JaviJ Sn,), 8 Owen Evsoa Teaton Benner C- F. Spiche, John L Aukoi 8 barber S M Kaffn;ia ' f Dettra Hsabergn, Arnold Varno. 'KSlyer, Wan BracthoSer Henry t piece lathariue Kurtn John Mcitoen D B Dliaro O W Smith S J Kuril Henry Anker Lucien Dunn ' vT Hosteller Jesse Pinoa Jacob Hoopt. a ,188. Fvere ianit. -i- . P-ner. 8.hro.:r. ?" y r.L pwM e.,. M". eW a. afaatl W. BB MWl Sxpres, l-v a i H. AIW 3 P " Tyro e P ffl .jj. ,Bgdon806pm Lewu-te-a U pm 1 in4Spi Uarriabarg 11 Up alt FaciBo Expreasloavea FhUaaeipuu a . a , Uarrisourg 8 0 a in I Duncannon 8 68 a m; Newport 4 18 . m; mi LewUtowne25amj McVeylowa 6 60 .... u. siaaui: UunUUildone a . a 1 11 AA Mania aaa uaasvaai - - FAXJ- STOCK OF CARPETS.' ( FftttetM ia VELVET, BRUSSELS, Extra Super Hidiia &ad Low - - Grad. UN GR AlJNS, VENETIAN, i Com? lt. Ur ef - RAG, 1 Ci-i.a Lot of HEMP, f4itUfjl P&tttxu in STAIR, HALL Carpets aiT TH Carpet House aaISTD FuawiTuas aooivis Oaf THii JUNIATA VALLaEY. JoiZ.YSa GSiiYBILL, It Old Staid, ex rin totTBwze-r muu e B3IDQE & T7ATE1. STBEETS, MIFFLIJITeffJ, FAt SA5JCST BEC&ITS All the ebcTe enumerated exttcles, and ail other this; tiiat rear be found ia CAMT iuiniiE mi AT iIIIJK3 BEVOSO COMPETlTlOSw ALSO, ALL KIXDS Of f( R.MTUUK. A.N UXTftA LINE OF MATTRESSES, Bolsters and PiUirifs, WINDOW SHADES, in aiiaL coLona Looking Glasses IX GREAT YAHLKTX, Tr. r ?C' &0" to fact everything usually kePl n First-Clasa Hou Furnislung Goods Store. J0HiN' S. GRAYBILL R1DG ITBEET. ...,h ilelev '"tTateTitre-e,