0:d Etra'a Floating- "Speaking about paying tales." Kid man wbo tad perhaps been peforflJae that p'.eesiat dutv, 'Temmds me of aa old fellow, sort oi hermit, whr rived where I did m small town In 2?ew Hampshire, and If he wasn't the uut-and-outcst Chap for avoiding the demands of the dtate.then I'm rristaken." "Why didn't they sell him out t" "liscause they couldn't eet hold (if the property. No, it wasn't air casdes, and he didn't live in a balloon, but on solid property, and every time ihe tax-collect. came around in .New Hampshire, Ezra and his property were in M ifiuicbuetu "Oh, I see. He bad ihe State line on wheels, and shoved it about to suit." Ci'ol exart'y, but be had his property fixed s that he cou.d shift it anywhere he wanted. It was ntbmg more or less than a Moating island made up ot bog and stuff, and If a good many years it blew about tbe pood, until finally the old chap put up a hut on it, kept a cow, chickens aud ducks, and bad a regular floating farm. But one day he beard the assessor was couiiair, so be cast off the moorings that be had ngeed to tUe island, and be fore the next day the wind had carried him over tbe State line that ran through the pocd into Massachusetts, and when ttie collector went out in a skiff the old bog skipper, as they called him, actually threatened to have him arrested for trjim; to collect taxes of a neighbor (State, lie anchored the islm J on the Massachusetts side until the selectmen gut after him there and lor several years he dodged tuck and forth, and didVt pay a cent on his lour acres. Hut finally tuey put up a job on him, aud two assessor, one from each Slate, went out iu ekiff, the island being anchored in tbe middle oi the lake. 1 ne old man said be was ready to pay, only be wanted it ui4 right, is he lived in both States the bouse was in one State aud the barn in the other. The collectors got to niiied up trying to straighten it, tuai they had to take it into court. Anyway, 1 don't think the old man's taxes are square yet." "A similar cae ruiiilit happen at another place in Mew .bnglacJ," said one of tbe Kn up of listeners. "On Lake Menomen auk liiere is an island that tor a ioug time was called the mysterious lslanx It be longed to tbe town of W mcueuden. Mass., coiiuucd altout six acres, aw. was covered with trees ahuul thirty feet or more high. Some of tbe people declared tbey bad seen tne inland move years ao, but they weie geuerul'y laughed at, until one morning they louud it tone, aud now it Is, or was a short time sg v, over ttie Stale line in -w Uauicsuire, nearly throe miles from wtiere H at first sfmd. It was originally bo; held together by roots, and tne water lutd gradually undermined it uulil a good tliarp breeze look the trees as sail and away it wiuU '.Many lakes have similar u-ltmls, even iu sirtaius rflecied by tide. They are tound anchored by roots, riaiaj and fall ing iih the water, aud twinging by th( it vegetable cables. Some ot tne Eutnjtean lakes have such islands that arc usU lor pa-uuiage. aud thev olteu carry the island populaliMU to great distances. ''Uurioir the great Uiod In the Missis sippi in lbT-4 ast fioating islands were luiuied iu iiie river aiid earned far out iuio t be Ciu f sti earn. One that a reSH.1 iai- into three Lundred miles Irom the delta was over an acre iu extent arid k pu. laud w .1 u a gnat vane y ol snakes, 1 ro-. and limits, Ik tides a Luuiher ot land ani mals lLal had bought pruleCilou there lloui the UMiiK Haters, en,iy to Ue awepl out to sea. Ihe tittiaj hical distriuuilun ol 111 c, it will ha eeeu. dt pends much upon lliete fii.a.iuu ifloudi a lact proved by cou I'aiiun tLe inLahiiauls ot is anils mi es apan. Several year agn a lare snake vat picked up iff tbe Uerniuda isiauda c'luemg to a ll ia.iug island li.at without douot h;ul come- from tbeAuiaZ n. Mill ot cordage tlJal out of the great rivers in Uie Miiie Hay cair)ing seeds and even animals lar around tbe circuit of liio Al lauiic. '1 he same is true ot ttie Gauge. Great rails, populated with aniuiau-, Irom the interior, have heen tound t.y voanels over 2 DO ruina Irom the mouth ot the river. the great mass ot seaweed, occupying en aiea ot many lliousand tquare inl.es Iu the Atlantic, better kuuwo as Ihe Sargasso sea, J a vast island inhabited by a laun entirely Uillerenl irom ihat ot tbe sui- rounding waleis, aud all the animals are In some Hay pecu.iarly adapted or uiJi lied to '.liiir suiiuundiiit-K. ci Hilar tracts occur iu various parts ef ibe worlu, olteu so ihick that the Mueagi-oi vessels through theui is seriously impeded. 'Weil, 1 oeclare,"said the Drat speaker, "then o.d Ezra's floating taim wasn't such a very singular tii.ng alter all: but I reckon he made au orinl use of il. Flail in Nouiliern Italy. While in an out-of-the-way pari of So til lit ru Italy, a morning's ramble to the landing place, where the boats discharged their fish, mas a constant source of interest and amu.ement: and when tue nets were shaken to free them from seaweed, curious marine treasures were often x posed to view. Itelurning to the primitive market close to the beach, consisting of a few large tula idled with Sea maier. in which the live hsb were kept, aud heaps of small tUh iu backets, ot tbe most briiianl olors blue, green aud crimson cn the ground might be seen a bjl-Osu, over 100 pounds in weignt, shaped like a ball-moon, ot a dull gray, t.x-ejed, with lung pointed dor sal aud abdominal Bus projtcung on either slue, the boys testing its horuy jaws with a suck, wnich it bit viciously, although out ol the water some time. Cloe at hand weie several triangular tlongated niuwel Ebells with the hsb.auout a yard iu leng.n In one of the tubs were cuUitLnh, really beautiful in. their transparency, fioatiDg gently on the surface. Tbe other tuos were tilled with octopus lively aud full grown, their long arms foehng tenderly over me MJes. Some riih'ng horribly, aud others quietly reposing, their arms colled al their aides, txpiug the diead suckers in every lold, tue body in sntpe and color itsembimg a lare, rouh neat uui, h lib evil, proiruuiug, observant eyt a, leokingsiraighl lo the fruni, ai tue same time vigmomJy cischarging water Irom the pair oi blow- pipes like a Sleaui puu p duimg their sbort and quick lespiraiious. When a purchaser arnvi-a and makes a sc.eH:Oi,, ine vender auroilly te:z-s tue lisu by tue ncca, tue aruis twistiug in an dmciioi s, it is droped into the scales, aud, It sporuted of, tue salesman gives it a twist, aimofl turning il inside out, kill ing "r uhrabhiig it in a moment. The octopus is taieu with gusto in Southern liai; but to tee a mess of chopped full giou octopus served with tomaio sauce Is really Uiius'. biu vei) (mail the octopus is used as a gatm h u r hsh, and w Leu tried crisp it miKht be mistaken lor maououi. Tne oc topus ha a ttrong beak like a arrol, and U especial ) ion . of craus. U is ott n csugtit by tj lug csal.s to a string and drop ping ihem ou the clear eravd Lotloui w i.ere iht-y ate qu.ckly seiZt-d by the ocu pus, who ho.ds ou s eadllv; meanwhi t he U a'eatlily drawn into ine boat. 1 be are also louud euiaugii d iu uela. The AmcrUan yaturulint says that mouKtaiu cork haa beta reCeu ly c-cd in Gera,any as atubsliiute fr animal ctiar ccal lor tbe removal of color fro u molas-a-iR. Tue u ountain cork, a ept cies of aui phitoe, u dned, igniUd aud aked in moia-ses, thi-n gai dried and ignitec. This p'oct-ss is repeated aeveral times umil some 3 5 per cent, of c rt on his become tied la the mideral, w' ich is then read for use. It is siore fflNrl lhn charcoal in rcme ving the tlkalica ficV molasses. Eeb gentle bint: Young lad W-.Men lj ataruiig) "ily goodues I ' i'cnng gsntlemau (lei stayer 'Tuat' the mattfer ?" Voung Lv'y (glancing al th dook "Xotliing; I thought I heard tLe rails-man,' AOiUUCLTUEE. Esaxn FaJM armeri mtroai to thick that ainsm it raR'y cooficad te dues ami lam villages, and that country air Is pure ard tsrm bou-cs cecessa" baltbf uU but whoever has carefully in -pected tbe premise of tbe aeraga farmer has found abundant occasion for tb low fevers which are the tcourgeof tbe coun try as well as the city, la the first place, ad farmers should look 'well to their cel lars. In too many of them will be found rotten apples, Cabbage, turnip, onions, etc In aome will be found old briae, with pieces ofjfocayed meat, sending forth m odor, wbea the cover of the barrel is takes off, vile enotigb to wrench tbe stomach ot a P'g In others there will be muly cider barrels, possibly vinegar casks, in which the Titiegar has passed the putrefactive sfegp, cibseminatmg the spores of deca and death, not only lurougb the upper part of the iiouse, but even escnpibg ibrougti the cellar windows and poduiing tlie outdoor air. Decay ing wood generate oae of tbe most subtle of poises, bccau- the odor is not i riicularly bfleusive, Iiotten tim ber in the cellars and mouldy wood or chips in the wood bouse till the air witn -poiea. which, breathed by a person ia tbe full vigor of hea'th, may ba thrown off with impunity; but inhaled by one whose blood la low may find aomgeuial ssed bed and generate disease. Uudc the eider and vineg-r ban els, and around potato bins, may often be found old timbers and boards that are full of dry rot, ready to propattate ttsetf wherever tbe rotted parti cles may find a lodgment. Jn the well, alsj rciteu wojJ is a aubiie prison, more dangerous than a decomposing toad, as tbe laiter makes his piesejce known, while lew tastes are so keen as to delect the pres ence of decaying wool 1'rot-abiy the moot prolific source of disease around our I arm bouses is the cess pool into which pan the kitcnen and chamber slops. In the cities and large villagis Uiese are earned cH in the sewers, but seldom does a tarm house have any sysUm of sewerage. The slops are too otten thrown out of tbe kitchen door, and lett to generate viie odors on the surface of Ihe ground. To keep ihe air of tue cellar and around Ihe honse pure and sweet, we have never louud anything more ecouomi- cal, pleasant and tfUcscioua than a free spi inkling, as occasion may demand, of dry, a.r-Siaked lime. Chljride of lime is a greater aoeorbtut ot vne odors, but ihis itsclt is onensive to most ollactory nerves, and is also q dte expensive. Common lime is cheap, aud it scattered f.eeiy in tbe eellar aud wucrcver there are impurities, will render tbe air sweet aud wholesome, even in lie most Uecoj.po iug dog days. It is not occesfary in this age of the world tor he farmer to i:sj in the middle ol the night and begin bis work. This getting tp so tarly id tbe morning is a relic ot barbinnu. It his ma ic hundreds of thuu'anils of vouug curse the bu iness. l ucre is no need of ge tiug up at three or lour o clock in the winter morning. Tue larmer who persists in dragging bis wife aud cjildreu Iruiji their beds oui(bt to be visited by a misslouaiy. It is time enough to lite alter 'the sun das set Uie exan pic. For what purpose do gou net upr To leed the caitli? hy col leed them more tbe night before? il is a waste of Uie. In tne old limes they used to get up about S o'clock in the u truing, and goue to work long betore the sun nal risen wuh "heal ing upoa his wings," and as a ust puuish u.eui mey all had .he ague; as ihe ougui lo bave ll no 1 no maa who cauuot k' t a living upou Uliuuis Kill wiihout nsiug la-luie ua il'IiI uuuht to starve. Kighi Loots a day la enough for any larmer to work except iu Lai ve.it lime. When J on rise at lour aunt vork li 1 dark, what la uteworUt Oi wnai use is all the iui proved untchiuery uulesa it U nils lo give tne farmer a in lie more leioure What is bai Vesting low, compared with what il was iu Ihe old time? Tuiuk ot Ihe days if reapug, ot crauliui:, of raking and bu jiu nnd uiowuig. lLn k ot tir-.-8hing wiih be B.il ana winuowjng wiib tlie wind. awI now ihiuK of ihe reajiers aud muwera the biuueis aid luiehing machine i, the Iowa aud cu livaiors, ui'oa wnich the aimer r:ties pruU-ctcc: horn the sun. If, a lib all these advantages, von cauuot get a living w ituuut rising iu the middle of the uif.bl, go iuio some other bin-mea. You should ml lob j.ur lamily CI step. S.eep la the bcs. mediuiue lu the world, ( here iu no sucu thing as health without shep. s eep until )uu are thor iubly res &1 auu resiored. V feu Jou woea, woik. aud wheu jou eel through take a good, long aud re resluug bleep. Tbb Clack aiAcr. Ihe usual mode of pioat:atiiK Ihe black wulunt is by plauuug tbe nuts. F. r this purpose the best nuts ttruld be telected, and, without allowing them to become dry, should be placed in la) era of moist taud and kept in a cojI place uutil early in spiiug;lheu tbey should 1 sown or p.anied, so as to be covered about two iiiclcs in depth. It the nuls ate p.autiu There the trees aie to stand, it is said, the best and tallest trees are obtained, but ll firvt raised in durserv rows and transplanted, tbey will come sooner iuio bearing A cortesi-, jintM of tbe Blacksmith and Wntelwrn.hl says: -l'he beat reme dy 1 lutve ever louud tor hoises clicking or striking tne.r hind shoes against tbe for ward cues is lo put on high toe calks aud low he eis on tLe bind shots. If mg broth er smiths aie iuct-dulous coucermng this remedy, 1 advise them to try it and be convinced. Ex carcsul alout permitting cattle to drink from ditches, or irom po.a in whci they are accustomed teataud, or in which their drc pms are derothcd. Such im pure water is loi only liable to iujuie tbe te ueailh of the stock, Lm is also a fear- lul cause of n.alarial and '.vphoid fever among those who use mtk product irom cows thus Watered. Fem t,B'K. Lt tier a will p'isnned sjtieu', ii wcbiu lo, be iHCtfsiry to make any uiaiktd iiKreaseol Horkiug force ou he aveisj e laid al ai y na-oo o! thevear it full at vantage u taken ot the improved larm u atbintiy tnat can now be readily oi laii.td lor a varieiy ol pnrio-es. lo tbe catcs wi.ere it u cot ie-ble to St cure au exscl unitoimiiy in tLe distribution of la bor it will be lst to u ake a close an ap- pioxima.ioa 13 it as possible. Mast dalrjnen practice milking their cows tleeaily wilLoi't allowing tbe ani mais to g tiry. Tbey leed heavily on corn meal and oil cake until tbe milk faiL- wbeo tbe cow is replaced by a fresh one. A dairy man w lo ket M orie Luuurcd anu aud flity cows sa)s stu b a practice is mo e prohtable ILaa lo lose the time between iheir going dry and coming. CriAKO al puivciized and n.'xed witb ater is IiIkL1 ncoa.n tnileil for relieving cattle snlleriD Hum ary dersntemenl ol the stomach, such u I lout, boven, etc. Is Kansas me shepherd and a dog do tbe work for 2.000 heal of fttiep durtna the summer n.-to Profettor .oomi o T!e, who makes tbe annual raiulail matter of study, re ports that on tne AtUi'ic coast fro n lati tude So lieg. north to S3 ru g. south tbe fail is nfiy inches. In Africa there if a belt ot f! ty Inches whose aersee breadth is one thousand milts, apparently enntiuu ous rom ocean to ocean, in some d stricts the fid! txceedljg seventy five lnches.Tbis makes n cq tutorial rain belt ot Dl'.y inches about 15J0 uulea wide, which appears to be continuous across all the islands and continents. It is alto found that about ODC-!ifth part of tbe entire land surface of the tljbe has a rainfall bs than 10 inches and a still larger porti'W haa a raicf-al so small as to render it Valueless for agricul tural puraoaet, except to those limited du trtcta Which al'-ew lrriatiow. DOMESTIC. Pxxii McttiOATAWjiT Socr. trfl&ti'pma irj thra larga omoaa, end with fum a slice or two of tat bacon cut bp iuio small pieoea; tlie onious most be Tried a dark brown, tret lace care not to bom tlu-m; wheu thr are a nice color, take the Pun from ue xtrf. and stir iuto it a teaspooni il ti cnry powder, four tabltiooufuls of peaa dour, and half a teaspoouful of Silt: stir these well together, and continue stir ring nniil the mixture becomea smooth: moiste-n it from time to time with a little bot water or sh ck, and go on in this way until the fryiug-pan will bold uo more; tben turn the contents into a btewpan, adding in all about turee pints of stock, including that which Las al ready be-n put ia. Chop up two large spplefl, add them to ttie soup, and lett all boil well together until the apples huve disappeared or melted into the soup. This will require oeca-ao.ial Stir ling while belling; should it become too thick, add a little more stock, and boil up ouce more, if not thick enough, go oa boiling until it Laa been reduced to tbe proper consistency; it shouli be thick enough to stick to the spoou. Eabthbx-warb r Cooking. The fla vor ot tood baked or boiled in earthen ware is t aid by those who Lava made the experiment to be fur superior to that of vegetable or animal food cooked in the same way in iron veeeels for the reason that iron is a conductor of heat, while eartbeuware is a L'on-condttctor; consequently, food cooked in the litter is raiely ever burned, the decree f beat notTarywg perceptibly during the oroceas of cooking, thus preserving the flavor of what is cooked as well as nm formity throughout tbe subbtanceof the meat, vegetables or grains, until tne pro cess of cooking is completed. So earth en ware takes the premium, aa it deserves to, and those who bave found out how much better tbey can do their cooking in these vessels than in ironware, give pots aud kettles a cold shoulder olteu. Pocket Books. Warm one quart of new rnnk, add one cup of butter or lard, four tablespoons of suzar, and two well- beateu et'gs; stir iu flour enough to make a moderately stiff sponge, add a small enp of yeast, and set lu a warm piace to rise, which will take three or four hours; then mix iu floor enough to make a solt dougli, and let rise again. When well liacu, dissolve a lump ot stdi size ot a beau in a spoon of milk. work it into tlie dough, and roll into sheets one-half inch lu thickness; spread with tutu layer of butter, cut into squares, aud lold over, pocket-book shape; put on tins or in paim to riie for a little while, when they w ill be fit for the oven. In summer the sponge can be made up in the morning, aud rise iu time to make for tea. Iu cool weather it is best to set it over nijht. Lights Bctuted ix Slbkpino Coons. It is well lo remembe-r that a burning lamp, gas or other, is taking oxygeu from the air of a sleeping r iom, and addiug to the stale and exhausted con ditioc of the air. People who are afraid to slet p in a room with trowing plants, and who yet composedly shut them selves up until in om lie with a low burning gas-light, should li -teu to Pro fessor Uuodalo, of Al issiiCUusetts, who sus that it takea ubout 5X plunts to g.ve out us much Carbonuie acid as oue taper doea iu other words, oue burniug c mdle reuuecs the frosliue--s of the sir as uiucu aa a smail greeu-bousu in one's Ued lOulu. SiBarircrs fob Ectteb. A Lu'y who is a laiiious housekeepi r recommends an economical plan for making cakes without butter, which may be ef u-m to our rcadtts who bi.e a dread t.f -'mar- iiunne," Tako a piece ol fat pork, niedt it down aud strain it through a piece of coarse Uiiu musiiu. act it a.-hie until it is cold. It ia tueu white aud firm auu may be used like butter iu any kind ot cake. Iu pound-Cake tbo as-sures ltd it is delicious. Mousasra Pocnd Caec. Take one enp ot sugar and oue cup oi butter aud t eat to a cream; add thre-tpaarters cup of inolassc; two epgn well beateu; one cup ot bwtet mila: ouo tea-iioontul ol btsl soda, t!uuo Ved iu ihe lulik; into four cups of tat tar. btir all together. theu add a teaou;f ill of raisins, well ti ridded with lit ur; a teacupfid ot cur rants, two teasiKJOufuU of cinnaiuou one t f cloves, aud a wiueKlass of Old brandy if you choo.-e. This will make two round loavss. liAEBns. liabbib, which are in the bent condition in midwinter, m y be fricasseed like chicken, in white or brown saner. To moke a pie, first stew till tender and make like chicken pie. To roast, stuff with a dressing made ot bread-orumbs chopped salt pork, thyme, onion, pepiier and salt; sew up; slices oi sail pots, auu a mud water in ue pun and baste olteu. Served witb mashed potatoes and currant jolly. AIatoxxaim or CAULirr-owER. Put some cauiilloners into just enough boil- inx water to cover them; add a little salt and butter to the water. Wheu cooked, let them become cold; then seA- sou them with a marinade of a little salt and pepper, and one spoonful of oil. Let them remain for ai hour, Wheu ready to serve pile them on a dish to a point, then mask theui with a mayon naise sauce. SrxK Woems. An Italian Iiks discoy eied that the batching cf bilk worm eggs may be hastened by friction. The pro cess consists esseutialy in brushing the eggs vigorously for ten or twelve min utes with a moderately bard brush, made preferably of Coarse grass. In less than hi teen days the eggs thus treated will batch cut, with a prealuot as Lcaltby us that obbuued in the usual way. Tas WaBsnrfo Foods. Buckwheat aud Indiau ineai are the two blaukets of the bieaklaot table. Either as mush or griddle Cukts. these hive more warmth in them, as food, than wheat breail. Eckbeb StorraBS. To preserve ca- outchouo stoppers aud tubing they should be kept in a closed jar, in whicn a vessel containing petroleum is placed. Cjeiutchcuc stoppers which have become hard my be soitened l y exposure to the vai,r of caxuon bisdipliido, TIeast. Good yeast can be tept in exo bent condition if it is twice well washed wiih ice-Cold hard spring water aud theu dried aud well pressed. This mass is afterward to be well nuxeti with malt dust and stored iu closed j trs iu ice cellars To destroy black-head, wash the face thoroughly at night with tepid Water and tuu briskly w.th a Turkish towel; then apply a mixture of oue ounce ot tiquoi ot pottaasa aud two ounces o ooiOgue. Among ibe facts set forth in a recent paper b SL Fay, who based hu stalemt-n s on the ousirvaiious of tue meieoroioica service f Ihe Uu.ted States are the follow ing: The mean TR'ocity of gyration in a lornado ia about 174 metres a second; the usual diameter is bo u S'JO metres to 400 meies; and the uieaa velocity translation is 17 u.eires a second. Most of these dis turbances of the atmosphere go from the southwest to lha northeast. They are fumed exclusively in the Cai.gero is se.ni ciicie ot a eje one and nearly always a lime in advmce. ILey prevail for the most part ia tbe mooihs of Atril, Jure and Juiy from A to C o'clock in ihe alter noon. On an average they traverse Jl leagues, and geatrally last torve qoaxiera f aahov. irrjMOEOTja Ex-Cmnorxmns 3L1 Sieauzioris teil of psJrt tees thai mabaTa Xfcsi ob ts at fUet regexd ia tiieit day. One cot a party of men, lnciadiug Jacksou, the trai of big fdef, were pre- )ennj to attnid a polit cal lrljccua It was toon disj vereJ that there wss no wny of cobTerinz Jackson, as all the vehiciia were fad. Let ine ride that mule over therer" asked Jackson. Tnen isn't a man in the worl 1 that can ride that animal. He'll work to a bnpey or plow, but no man can star on his ba.'k " I'll try bim, any wsy," and the de- tcrniined man instructed several negro?s to oA-h the muld and bold him. The animal plunged end kicked, bat finally Jack -on secure 1 a seat in the saddle. Everyone expected to see him dashed auainat the cronud, but the mule lot ksd amuud. saw the man's feet, and walked peacefully away. lie thought be was between a pair of shafts. Tab sibilant as an initial: A German, who oniy left the old country about a year ago, but baa become very runcn Americanized, speaking nothing but bad English, recently remarked, as be bought some school books that all bis bova names commenced with H. hence, that all their books and clothes were marked with that one letter. I sup pn.6 your boys' names are Ham. Simon, tioiomon, or some such names." "So; my pojs' names all pe;uu mit an B. Shon, bbim, Shake and Sherry. " Thb Lafe Saver. t'orpster: "Jn- thaukfuluess is of the world pay. See tou. of this man there have I the life saved, and be bids me the time not ouoV' Second Huntsman: "How, on what way may bave yon him the life saved? Have you him out of the water pulW ? Forester: "Xo; by one hunt shot 1 him a whole load dudigbot iu the fur csp, bad I a little deeper shot, it would out with bun have been." TntK to die: A Ilnspectable Cow once approached a Ba'cher with the Remark: "Will you Kindly knock me ia the Head, for already bave I Livid too Iouk." "And why," asked the Butcher in Amazement. ' Io you D-sim to Per ish ?" "Becau-," replied the C JEscience Smitten Cow with a Hash, '! am UveX' whelmed bv the Awful Thought that I am a Bjes." Sociktt note: '-ion needu t put on no airs, you Taller-face pijee. We keeps a cow and has cot a pew in tlie Blue Light (Au-tm)Tibernacle besides," were tue worn ti aiiss aiaiuuj ouow ball. who u as black ai bijht. to a sad- die-oolored irieud. "I dou't kecr ef we habn't got uo cow. We keeps a goat and my nimbler is gwiue to ban a car buncle on de back ob her neck." PcNxnto is trie paragraph cr's forte if be gets no credit for t Ih: E. F. Eruh of Mount Vcrnou thus writes to the Medical Kt-corrt: 4,I have lust been reading in the record fnr Sept 23, Lieuleuaut bchwatka's article on scur vy. and wish to ca!l attenticn to an article of diet, which, if procurable iu sufhV.ien! pian'iM.-s, might ba valuable addittoa to ihe arctic voyager's diet list, nvnely, tbe lark,e black acts found iu tbe wood of the piue trees. tcurvy rv frequently at tacks the lumlwrmen ot .Maine, and they adopt this f. od as a remedy when ruler log from the dissase. Indeed, some of them Ixcome so fon t of it as to est tbese ants whenever tbey can be found. as these insects retain their vitality while rti-n. imi-ided m the woxl du-l which tbey tbemser a make, n idit U not I p-sib!e, it ibe-y could be cot.ected in sulU el'-nt quintity, to carry them froze am packed ia swdu-t ml needed I r use? O e.iur-', the q in-tiou arises, "liow l m. rill thev rum their vitality in this coc ditiouf Are ttieie Dot b.ai y tlasMS oi niberuating insects whicn migut auswet the same purport? Both the propu s ou and the llgbtine ol ti -cles can be (fleeted by means of s Faiire avst-m of accumulators. In ihe Kt week of Octolier this w a shown b. Professor Ayr'on in the city of Lom'ori Altogether the weight of thcelcctroino'ou did not exceed one hundred aud fifu pounds. Toe novel means of pn ipulsioi. were placed out ot :he way and under tut seat of tbe rider. Ji J doubl one of tiiest clays the cum Mil. cxpeusive and elabor ate way of moving aho it by coachei aud nor -s will be supersoled lo a cousiderabie extent. Professor Ayrton's praixewjr h attempt is not the finality of the p ans o individual locomotio', ua'es all sius faiL Mechauica! ageuts for speedily ant: cheaply cou vov mg persons from place to place is one cf the prominent requ.reu.ent;' of the time, and history has suon thai soy age has always miislere I up skih and gjuius enough to meet wht was demandid of it, or very neary ro. Tha enotionsl language of bees is oo of tbe multifarious facts lu insect lite witb which Sir Joun Lubbock hu made th world fauubar. "A tired bee," he says. hums oa and therefore vibrates ii wings ootv 830 limes iu a second. A bet bumming on A will, oa the other hand.m crease its vibration to 440 per sccou.L'ltm liffxrence is probably mvoiuutary, but thi change of tone is evidently under tht command of the w ill, aLd thus offers an other point ot similarity to a true "voice-' A bee in puisu.t of honey hums noniinu aily and cootectedly on A, but if it is ex cited or angry it proJuces a different note. Thus, then," concludes Hi John, "th sounds ot inse cts Co not merely serve U bring tbe sexes together; they are not merely 'love songs,' but s so serve like any true language, to express tbe leeliugs. A eorrefondttit of the Scientific American is authority for Ibe following cure lor corns: lane oue-ioum eu strorg vinegar, crumb fiHely into i: soim bread; M stand half an hour, or until i -ofieus iuio a good poultice; then apply ot retiring at niguL la tLe morning the sore utss will be gone aLd the Corn can be n ek ed out. If the corn is a ery obal'nab oue it may requ.re two or mere sppbca Uous to effect a cure. A Chrtstmaa rirt. For several veur The London I troph ic and the London llhistruted aVeto bsve each sent out r costiy Ficiorial Cnri-t-msa Number which has been eagerly bought by the people at large in both hem ispheres. This J ear Americans bave taken up the ides, and the two largest houses in the book-trade, M srs D. L"hrip Si Co., of Rwton, ai d Harp r and B others, ot New Tors, have each sent out a "Christ mas" that far excels anything that London publisners have ever attempted. Botn are in simple "bis -k and whue," b it it is faidlbit tbe letter-press and illustrations f tlie Lhrops' "Christmas" tbs Christ mas v to s Aw ake (1c. No. ) cos', over $10.00 i, and thai auih"T3 aud artists, here aud auruad. htve tW-'u busy In year in lis prt para ioo. Bjundin anew cover in olns prooouncod the tluet irsgsnue ruver in i x b'.ence. it couUiins 1 41 pages and ISO p clilfes. Of the leticr-i-ress the Loston TravtOcr ays: "Ho such store of nig ciasa liieraturii was ever gathered into one nn iiber cf anv periodical l)eflre:, ajd the B'Vtun Journal adds, ennmeiat iuglhe auth at Mr A, 1J. T. Whitney, SlissPhcips, RTrry C a ke, Mtrtaret Sidney, Rise Kngsey, Mrs. ilery D. Brine, Arthur Uduiao, G torge Ca-y E glettin, Celta Thaxter, iwird E Hale, AL . B., Mrs Clira ljty Bites tn I'prry, Mrs. Diat, Fred. A. Oler, Mrs. Harriet Bsech-r S ow, Christuia R w-eili, Mr. Muleck-Craik, Pailip Bourka ilirs ton, Btisan euuhugSj Manos liar land, Mar laret i. Preatoo, Prwf. U. A. Sargeat, and dozen of tweuty otbern, In bappiai disposition on record is ! the Philadelphia wonrn who stai'ed when toll of her husbad'a daatii and wiio firtc J with the undertaker at bis faaerai. - "Lives of great me? always remind ua that we are ad sul-j -ot to die,' sayj an ex change but never cib yimrse f aay a as you can raise S3 cents tor a boUM of Ur. Hull's Cjugh Sjiup. Has is never satisfied. He now wants a postal card with a fl ip.- Next thing we know he'll be clamoring for one with a iip-pock-jt. I At a IViu Time. Commander J. B. CglilAa, U. S. N., writes to iu Imru the N tvy Yard at Mare Island. CtL An enforced residence of two years in California made me the subject ot most painful attacks of rheumitiiai. Con sultation upon my case by eminent Navui aad o her burgeons fade J to i ff rd me the slightest relief. Dr. lioyle recommended to me Su Jacob! Oil, the happy result of the n of wh eh was my complete ani wonderful cure. IVa'hington (D. C.) Army and Xavy Keginter. Pap, are first tbonarlits drunk?" "Why, no, sou. What makes you ask such a question?" ''Cause 1 always bear yon talkin about the 'sober aeoond thought.' " Great haste is not always good speed." Yet you must not dilly-dally in caring for your health. L ver, kidneys and bowels mutt be kept healthy by the uses ot that priuee ot medicines, Kidney-Wort, which comes in liquid form or dry both thoroughly efficacious. Usve it always ready. teJA pint of tbe finest ink for families or schools can be made from a ten-cent package of Diamond Dye, Try them. Disadvantages of honesty: A man at Omaha found S3 on the street, and be advertised the find to the extent of $7 and be made the loser foot the bilL It is sometimes disagreeable to meet wit': an honest man. lUabes ia Hop Fariplns. At tbe present prices, tea acres tn Hops wi'l bring more money than five hundred acres in any other farming; and, if there is a consumer or dealer who thinks the price of Ux Bitters high, remember that Hops are $1 25 per lb., and tke quan tity and q iality of Hops In Hop Hitters and tbe price remain tbe same as former ly. D lo t buy or use worthless stuff or imitatiou because the price is less, Hotdco in ancient times: 'Xrio phon tells us that tbe Persian kinprs were addicted to bunting, " said the lioardmg-school teacher. "ow, can a-y of yon tell me what they hunted ?" Then it was that the boy from New Jer- s- y saw his chance and spoae tip confi dently: Mosquitoes 1" Gtal iiiiprovumenls bave recently been made in (;arboiine, a deodorized extract of petroleum, the great natural hair reoewcr, and no w it is absolutely pert xl as t n ex q msite and t'elightfuHv perfumed hair iiroScing an i res'.erer. Eeryboly is de lighted witn it. Sold by ail druggists. The Mxia-water man miciLi sizz bnsi- nesi iu the summer. cgclinc WILL CURS rJlEUllATISIL M. ALBERT CROOK ER, the well-kBown 1rn- flsi anl aisrfaei-Ar.r or iprin,vaie, s:w-t a v ftN every uua IrtMib.tfU ita KaemnaUsia u UJ Vtt,t.lNK. K al Ilia Siairmral i raiNUvauc, SL, Oct 12, Kt n. Tt. Snrrtvu. Ktun : bear S r Uttet-a jean am last fa'l 1 w taken w.th rrteuuiti tu, wa-i unanie lo move uiilil ihe n M Ai riL. Kr iiu ih.it liiue until niree jrvar V' ibis fa.1 1 fnlfere.1 ev-r.iui wiia rlieuuiA tiaia. StinicUii.e'. mere wmiM le wet-ka at a tine tbl I c -a il n t i-tepune ale'p; nieae au ka were qnne of en. I sullered eveiTth.ng; ihl a uian tnil e ev-rihrc- je ir- a laal sprmir 1 oiu m u-el lakm; VK .EtlNK autl tJuwul it uu coin 1 UA'i t ken -even uuiilei; have hal uo ih- u uii i iu aiD-e l iai iiui". I alwata aivw ever; ou- t.iai is iroui.e-1 wii-irheaiuUisialoirjr Vtitiv 1 INIi, on I iio suil.-r l'r jr-a.. aa 1 nve il ue. Tin- I ii.-meul n sraiu.tona as far aa Mr. bleteua lacjn eroeL Vutir-, etc. ALBF.R CKO 1KER, Fir u ol A. Croiker A Co., bru.u aud AlMiriecri04. BhPliuall'iahaniW'autif Ihe Itlood. Tai hij.: in this ill ea i f ;ua l ! omtain aa H 'Mol 1'l.i Vr.tiivTiNK aeia hr euarer Ui Hie b i"sl tniui tin thirj-el cou l.twn tt a beaittij CirL-oitiioa. VK.fe.rtNA retfu.aitM the Uowei-, ahiciiMT rr linirt ml in iu a cmi. unit, eme botileol VE .fc i.K In aire rc-lu-l, uut Mellna a pcrm.iQtu. e-ire M iua4 tie Ukt-u rrjnurlj. anil iuiriake svrera. tin lies e.p.-ciaiijr ,a ta.-e of l.mzst.nJ uj. VtuKIINE it m.1.1 by h druif Kisu. Tr. u. iiui j ur ver-iaa wiU be lue iuiub aa IhJt of thml'ii-Kl-i oef ire jou. viio AiJ, "1 nevt-r founil ruuen r. her aa lr 'in the ol Vr.i.K- 'I iK,T' ah.cn is eo.utHMnl exclusive! of Ifarks, JtuuU aud iiiftM. "VE iEriXK.' ay a Boston physician, "haa noequa' aa iil.xxi iiurtucr. lteariniror i-tniauy woa.ieriul e-tirva. alter all oiurr remeliea iiail faiicU, I visite.1 the tali iramry aoil couviuce.! my aii u" it4 Kcnu.oe uier.t. ft w pruareil lr ia barks, rau auu hems, each or vutou ia highly eneo'ive, a;ul i!iey areomain to.i in !uch a iuajs- ikt a to nroauoe aaoobanig reauiia." VEGETINE is the irrcat health restorer com posed exe-luaitelr of orka, ruo s ami kerba, 11 is verj paout to ta-e; every caLd ukea a. Vcgetine is S Jd by all Druggists. ANAKESSS CIvm tatDt relief nd w u tDf Jhfil CURE FOR ALL KINDS CF PILES. Sold by lrnirsstM rrrrrwfirrr. Prtre, 91 QP tp h-t prepm-t t cuul. 8A:npM- srot ff to iriW": ndell riff-irt,by P. Sfn-uw-itpr ro. ito A kvTirkCftjr. - a a. a FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF CONSTIPATION. Ko otkar &emee fa 90 rrcvmlgnt In thia eonn. try as Const IpAtlon, n4 o remedy hmm rw EuTtum. Whatgrer toe tmoag, nr obttnaf n tjkfp ase, M'. remedy w.U overcome IU rlbLui iH.iLit la very spi t9 be erra:-3lloted wltfeocKistlparian. EWMT-Wort L'sir?a3tUea th wnfcsotl prts aad quickly I c cmt-M All kuKU of PJc even whr ti pi:7iftUsaj and ralUlJ' have tortus xaiioo. ty o- tylf yon haB either of tjw trmb'-ca il9 ONLYS2Q flora fHILAUU.PniSlNGIS of tl'ia atjtv Kqnml ta ar.j iMBfW tc lb BLiik X. Xir $nbrt r mrtid it to be ethar eenrwiiaa ratnll far $ o 0. ilMhi-M THA.ed tart m br J Tart imai-UIa. Adnm ni ioin i trrwm a m UllM&UraUbiis.rs ' I PRICE SI. I USE prugt;i8t Sellj j A csaxokd msn: "I tnppose that Colonel Nnsen who was elected to the J-egfaiatar. puts on 1m? Ji? now; he felg hiasnif safe !a the f 5oie 1 aboard say b9 did. 3o has sharveS off his beerd" and put on some fine clothes. He ia a changjd num. "Wby, his sppeftrance is o changed that be can no longer recognize his nearest friends and relatives " .''AdoaMful friend is wor.e than a certain enemy," and via vena a certain friend is iu3atte'v better tuu a doubtful enemy. Thus Kidney- on is an ujceu parably better friend to the human race tban whole catalogues full of doubtful nos trums. It is an untailmr remedy for that tormenting lisca.-e piles. It moves the bowels gejlly and rr.-cly. aadtnus removes tbe cause. Lo not fail to try it faithfuUy either iu dry or liquid form. tSTAith Diamond Dyes any lady can get as Biod results as the beat practical dyer. "Every dye warrauted true to name and sample. Tons will 1. 11: Doctor, feeling pa tient's pnlse: "Ah, Smith, youve been nnt. You've not been continiDg your self to tea. and you've been smoking. Smith: "Well, sir, it'a no use my go"1 agin that vatch o' youru. Wonderful watch she be 1 Sims to know everything! I never seen n Hie aiora 'i could teu ye more "n what o'clock it is 1" Boarnt and Liberal. TThni the Hons in each bottle of Uop Biiters fat tbe present price, $1.23 per h imt mnr thsn a bottle is sold for, be- iv medicines, and the oualitv and price ar-i kept the same, ' think it is honest aud li'wral ia the pripn- etors , and no one should complain, or ouj or use worthless stun, or cneating do iuiitatioos because the price is less. "HowDr. Sa-.i, liow is yon ?" "ilul( lin. njioliu', Jerry, how is it with yon "Similarity, lhaiik VOU Sam." "SlBCJ larity ! dat is a new word Lroke ont in unr Dcie'lilMirhntxi ii-l niomiPC. and it is ketuliihg; -verjlfay's got it. Take dat word siniiLiHtj'Loiae and bave her atuffi-d. . rir ni l-.ymtl Help. Dr. M. li. UinsJale, K natree, ;1L, ad vises us of a reinars.-tble cure of consump- n,,n He savs: "A neichbor's wife was Hanked wiih yialent lune disease, and orojiiunrsift bevond he-ln from Q lick Con lumptio. As a last resort the lauuly was o -rsuad .Hl to try Ur. Win. Hall's liakam lor the IiiDir. To th ! as'onishment of all, hy ihe time-rV lind used one half dore-n boiilts sie ii ati U the b)uS) dotuit her own w.irii. I st v her a', he-r Wimt aud ud 1 n ) 1 tea six c u'd lecove-r.'' Arxirr fi'X) years ago a eonntry editor started a joke it I out a pnut r who mace a mistake ui setlinii tip a piece ol copy. The next week the editor tried to set np a three-line editorial, and the proof leaked like Alexandria after the oom bardmeut. or a rubber overshoe after three years' service. A11 ladies who may be troubled with nervous prostration; who si II ;r from or ganic dipiaceuient; whu have a s.:nse of weariness anil a feeling of la'&'tude, who are langm.1 in the morninir in whom the appetite for food is capricious and sleep at pru.ier h mrs uuertaiu, shu'd have re course to Mrs, r'uikham's Vegetable Com pound. A LooiCAL deduction: Workingmsn "Lo.k Vre, Bill, if yon ain't careful you'll Iip run iu atiu and g-t forty ahil- liups or a moi.tli tins tiu.e." luebriate ""ha'ab 1 Forty shillings or a month! I elou't vtiuithli 1.0 mouth (hie) Imt I wuutsli lorty bliiHii gs Uul enough (hie), Seanur I get ruu iu the better (uie). Mensnisn's Teptonized beef tonic, the only preparation of beef containing its en tire nutritious priferties. It eontaint bluod-niakiiiic, force generating and life sustaining properties; invaluable for indi gestion, dy(ieps a ervuu pruetration,and all forms of general debility; also, in all enfeebled conditions, irb.-Ui. the result of exhaustion, nervous prostration, overwork or acute disease, particularly 1! resulting fiooi pulm. n jy cmiiiaiots. Cawell, ilazard & Uo-, prortc-Uirs, New Yors. bold by ad Orudis, s. rB ecriCAL suggestion r Wlien a man is excite ! he is very apt in talk without ti.iukihf. Au Aubtiu landlord culled on his tenai.t the tenth time for the rei.t, "I haven't cot any mouey,'.' was the responi.e. "V.'eU. if yon haveu't got moi.ey euongli to pay rent von ought to btiild yourself a b in-e." Acad ."ue irl. rtaiap fV rf.'l.tlr li eirr LaVd. Vth O .r .n " . M-Htv t3e.tiriip-lorTh ' lit .r:m : t fov m.x S.enl tiru, Sr. .tup. I.ir (JirX.ui- o ur Lltli ll.il.ivl ,kimin To D. Lot 11 nop A Co . Pal .'... t retiiliu -e. lkneni. u.e oi our exeuai"es coutainea an . . . . eluliorate editorial eutttied "The tiriffht j t,. i;.,. " i. ?; . wuumjiiiDui. aiiu eeiiieir, it 16 presumed, had jut received fifty bot ties of -Livir ruritier" in pay for i eolumu advertisement one year and Ufty-two rtuditig notices. ini uc wui regulate the txiwels to beal'tiy actioii. by stimulstini the secre iiri, e'eansmg and Durifylnc the blood :,f pifipous hun.ors, and, in a healthful and uatural manner, rxpeljall impun ie wnh- jut wesKenne tre v. Xhi muses Lias with lips ot flume," tutjs a recui.1 ueiei ci tlie now r,l.- then we are tiiauLful that we are not conrtmg any of the muses just now, W e don t wish to have otir best winter moustache burned off nutil later in the sea.Hon. Allen's I;-aiU Food. Cures Nervous Oebilitv aud Weakness il uenerative Organs. $1 ail drueuiata ml tor circular. Alien's Pharmacy A UN II, Al. A. A clekotuas oLce prefaced his sor- mon V.1IU: "My friends, let us say .w uiiu.o h oegin. Xhls la aliout equal to the man vim fm.lr - ouori nap ueiore he Went to sleep. T l.' . l : . . aia eg m-uie easy wuh I.von'. R.i cuueuert; mey Keep j uur booU aud shoe inugub Thet dou't wante much tim in meut in lolorado. Two men rtio..- ii, ,i ... L. r " " (Jem uih revolver oat urai receives from the other eiltjemeuts of error. acauowl- Dr. KhD't Great NVrr t.t,. . . ui iwc iurjl DcneiljM i.i m . . . : - ,. . ' i iut! ran ree. bei.d lo Sil An a .-...r . ""Wm . uMiITj,UUi J - ' aiwi a man. alter nmrr i. he bad oue-tejiih of tl.aiii.. i- .j """- u uuiert'iria to hnn l.oi.. carriage with. " J TH AT UVSI'.AVD or MIMS , ivMiiai lAMl-hua. 15c "What do you tiiiuk of the European . "er ou the neil-i ili.nl 1-., tbey wid fiL.l,e ... . , whethei .i " , Jl ""e aLsweren btJJ the siSC8 are rather omS Waur... Kl tried rniay 0 h-r ihTn.7 . 1 wbo had te an nmbreJla SEL v PPrt urala. -"S7 Atave Bo tua far THE GREAT GERMAN FOR PAW. BtJlfVes an ones ElIErMATISX, Mauralffl Sciatica, Lumbaoo. BtrKAtHK, HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE SORE THROAT. QCiNsr.swEtxixoa. rstsiaa. 9 Sersiwcs. Cuts. Brslsss, FROeTBlTBi. 5tf!lBEr3jr Andallotbl"l"r rim cmts i buttle. rh.Chsrtos.otarCo. -HBm A TOOUA S , Ml. I- BA. CSA. I YP'a r PIMKHAM'S A tm Care for aH FEW" WEJlR lacladlnr teaewrawa. W nxalar mJ Pmtafal Metiwaw, Iaflamaiarioa mat ncrrmeto" r Us Waaib. TIU FK Ltpsrs man. e. rwnxX to tba ta. atma t' taiurllt. Ilta.rrl--f r"-o- -1 -hn, pala doriac Wwr and S resalar P rmsicuss rsi rr i renrarw it mat. tw-Toa AULWavOTW e ttanmtl. t. b-or. th. pe, d for 1 " Bawro a I. Ui. ff l rrtA Ftni Great BslfrfU Ita t rr Doth the Comwxnd and Hood rariflw an i r rrd u OJ and ro W i LrJ Sofetthr.l. aiaboUI-fcras. Ih. 0npd UaontbrnaUl la tba f arm of pill or of lows. ,!pSI.lr-rbo.forlthr. fnely n'.'rb aB Wt.r ot to-iulry. Bnrli"i3oios r-.r Bond tor ripSX- JUio tkUfosxr. trtraik E. twn.r I itt tfliJem "j?' HHitiMafltttaaaiJi f IS A SUFiE CURE for all diseases or the Kidneys an LIVER XthMcpaeiiUaranoa kiii coat lupwlauft orgw, yf u to tairow o2 larpkllty aad iaaottoo, araclating the healtbx of fbm Bile, mad rj kacjic th bcrcrU in trw oonditkm, mGocUn its regular d'yiiargaw 0UyU If jots KMaftttai fr?a CliSiSricl raalana,H--.v d olHa. are tnliena. &j9ppic, or onusUpoted, SUlny Wort vill -ire lx rc".ev9 and qntrklj carac In tlia Brrln to clesnr tho Cutcm, otwj ona ahoiLA zam a tunciccnasoiH. - 80LO BY PRWOfUtlT: lion ftliirr arr f Us PwresC sal Ba Sitters Ever XtM, Tliej are enmpoaa.led from Hops, Sljit, Pacha, If in.liikc an 1 lau le-tvn, tae ol ieav, beat, sa l sal valabla niedie,n in tne world an J contain all tne beA aid in-M curative propertira of all other rerutNtiea, being Um greatest Bioo.1 HanBi-r, Liver K.i,-n' nor, ami Life and Hsalta Beatorto Arnr nn arto. No diiura-w or ill bra th esa pos- s b:y li.ntexi m-:.ere theie Bittra srs nsej. Tar t an i prfo are thMr opprAtlon. Thfr k.v n-w !.( an1 Tiinr vi tie aard n1 to- firm. o a-1 rnrt.rjvTienrs twnne trrfm- lurar or in - or urn are ivnne or im r. HO re an Apet t. Tunc in I miM ."timalan', H'p ;t:er m :Dwa inc. oiriz sictilr en rain e. bnuo tu wtnnriini, ,in.:ir intoxirarmtr. o m .itrr a a.t T.mr r u.x ot armncmna arc. w .1, tunc w ui iiiuviii nop iiruorw InhiI wi l nnt'l T in are k, bat if joq onlr feel ba.1 or nn-eralii . um Hon Bit: era at onca. re ma.Tnavei Kir Mla. Ifna re1 ruvs been atvrd by o .lotnir. tr, aria b- paid for a caas thej wU aii.ri v iir- ii iiT-ija. n-i .-tiirt-r ur irT rnar TrwnnnmiaTt not cae mni urn iaom m use iip mrrvra. Keinenirt-T. U m KirtT ta da wit itn awi ciii ever m ult : I ,r -'lav.tlura Krw-nJ itt l Htma1 ikcnirninpr Him As. . mm . , Thoao anan. - . fmfr a i.. " " "aTrviret wni AATrraWTTpl Tr HOPE iff 9. Prfce av c. Iknm DlMn, it IT1 J ijTORWEiiYBODY. FROM BABY -.--K Unukima. lrma oj Frn ts Pabvl.- n rnrme,. rny a. " "T ."n- !? r tie St.. Ill ZrJ7-Jsenoa f-TSaff KextUTba P - - 7 jswr- WJ for It. "M P Uotxratsd aDttwUmn. TVT and rt-ac 'AND AFTER ) 33 Days' TrW. vKSiatTTftaJMna. mm mO m-i.r Tram riw' . V Loot VrTAi-rrr. &ufll. wi."."TI-..i.ai trow -f!sfittBtl. MICH. rfllTAll BUT C. . ivi ner cnt. pfjflt iJi:. AGiirrs zgiKt& IT roa M lm T) tt-w tnunaa of a airBSn.au auai rxc3sr'ri? pail WZtTm BORDERS, CUTS. PRE3SE3, AC LAKuf. NATIONAL TYPE CO - 1 frwi BiotCooirb syrup. im"b. yt hT dninrve I awr .a a J i ,t r o .mi--.. B, -awwfffri al m r. a-.. t e n rr'ajar How. ?i $5 tO isftte. AdUieasMU San:i worn fort anil. Mains. Sneurnptiori Cn Me Cured 1 nHALL S LunGS.8AI.SAUi - f -ipfloa. rte. Pnram.-al. la. SUTBrWbial ltm-l-l.-. I;r...bn ssfSTOPPcDFriE ua. KldSfc'S G f T L NEFtVE KESTC -u VRA-.y ad aKAnca. Oitlt -ia ci a N'i-e Anrr iu.rm.l:marT.r IN AM IBI .Kifi.ia nain P., tafir,twUivJ. Sit OruyjL iWans VoJs UK H. W. LC38. KEC1C&L OFFICES. SIX SW OlTTH F1ETEEX1H STKtET, AQadelptiia. Pa. 1 Tearf expeneoce. (.!:. daned tor treatment wiib purely iti''.e meui crsea.) Dr. Lobo's long expenanee is t.ie creak em otetsesaes enables him to gnaraairt a crs ra all cases. Coosa: ratios frae ani au'eLy coa desnUaL Call la person or by letter uQis 11 to i and t 10 ereniaz. f)l- ;1t or iarrn:e Cu -toe l:ri r vv ,)-, r- .lirto.uv - . n.i.-ti, kun C. A. H It. Wrt- f..r i.nl in: -tj a. t t. nta rr.ur d. A JJi-a. ' li -Lkmn. Bt.l.i.1 A 'nil LK a tu. Uantui irt.in. 1 e CUliOLIi'riiO l fOT LR A I i"r tf i i-:ut. t tr1- t pr -f.M;-n r s I. .i.-a. tn.K-z -r t l - burpoit, X-'i ASIHTS..n- Lc .a ji 1'r.utiu Ci., IN t v l rv iw t. m i-.-. or ism S RF'.I.'S, M: i. nle anl I' pm. 1 U.e r'OWH an '. Siw.rti-.a- n i-t. rii 5 r J A l 1...-.' )N, I .ui-!. r . .1 YOUR Clu' i-i uf 1 :h MntnMi 'InTMmn: t'vf'-MfTlv-t.art-Kfrfliw.I rtittk h - r. . bt.ttx itttTTI Ifl w.- n- : niti.J tl'tiril) &RX!rl.Pi.OViS!OaS&STCCXS CarfcmvT,lN-r urt, iw U rM-fl;Jr .rtf mtl i Clh UrfM.rtn rnt trf, . lt 1 hlrtHl pft J lif.i. ! fl.f . ClO ' m:i ryf.rr hnck thvsr tt.n-, in fv, r:. fmm ibrrr irinrtr. Mill ornj. ui,..ii..f -a n t!- ni it,h..r rartHMiinrtrn arul I r,- f , : ptnaiof nrrularirni .'ft-e tMiati't ot'-.: u i.i ElisXIC T2US3 Baltlm s-p, ftdspts: ui( to4 Tv-w'ttoafi f U hovw. IB CMtJwwfT m mm 4 w ISIUoTUli EMaa MCSIW. SO61SSZ0S TBCS3 CO. CUcagm. O. a asfamaa: asfall (teaan Sft. Vrt .Optui EaL -reaAj,,. Kuirrt W mm au br II lmuru ""V -TH.VIOMD MKOfl AL tO. " ryprT, !H. J aak. ym. Ba tmmmmm m a - - "7 " " tl wmbl amu. ynm. wa Mkni( ymr tmtmm by maicc JT2,t- !lb'S H ndl nrtlnlin a to tk. e- Baaralila. an tha aiaancr .f tro aCt r""n err BaaotuJiwn- ttm mm asaUeatlaa. aaatm application. tiaumatie Syrup Co.. leAtt. i. t L CURE FITS! Wn I M IT UI, I n . S rMTrZZ: TJ " H Mum acVa. I 3 lCT or ! J i J r "JT" "-Ui . l 1 1 irs. t- ria " . , " l"0 If nifir - n- tra. lir. tt ti. KoJ l IM 1 vart - - r..fciiki,n.nvw" at oiiruL-IT iu;i r.intn.1 .f o-- x l-aViZ?? 'ru ?n r n(. a ,.-r.n;w n ro r. . . . . - - ,ia..(iTr .iriiun.- "-ui.Ma Kia w ;.h j.. it. aas a. - " r'-" rn ay it id "ttho rmi of Ajai.-ai sr.",,. ejrzJTif.'1.: .,.,.,.1, u:.-- WUjU fanih, LUao' ui ilej -i m. !.jJi : ' Tta f Saperb Halldaj WlTJE AV.-iKF!. '" "a 144 pujes ana ru IM pn rirfs t-T '-' foremost A mer Q ran aaU EaWi a t'wn tUs most enLnent f arratj snJ enrar ri PfaetlcalUlnstratonuf th init2t,oa :W : onthif volume stsa stir jJ'fpa3s.iri;:un;1 towtaowntamasaztae-maluti.? for J fctta and tha family. TLe Cfcn-t J ' nnnibsraM a tmntlfal rsw tsver ' 1 mm r. Bam, . aaJ is .l ! a ( BEFORE Si-IZL. rTrrt aiaS ei r.-t MSGS! "miwSZ whirs nrrn.r ... 5 iwplM " fpritrmslf ... .1- . HaLi" BAIJ4AM will rr ,.r. IS Ann Tn miiii i ii saw aw 0 fcyaatalfl.a-JaiaAal C Aioul mm AD Um'1 & LOTHE0P CO, eSSTtost'SS f uX mi. . 1..