Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 13, 1882, Image 4

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    Turkish Women.
.Nicosia, tiie capital, u undoubtedly the
town containing a larger portion of "Vwit
than any other part of Cyprus. The Tur
kish women there are certainly beautiful.
and are very numerous, and nltnough they
were obliged to conform to Moslem re?u
lations durmg the Turkish rule they have
kicked over the tracts since the British
occupation. When Cyprus was Turkish,
the women were Turkb-h in every respect,
Tbey hardly ever went out. and then only
to tbe ha mam, or bath, attended by old
women, servants and eunuchs, their faces
covered with yasmasks so that not even a
Turk should see them, tar more a Christ
ian. W henever tbey met a man and be
fore be could approacu them, they would
turn their faces to the wall and pull their
ferelzes, or cowus,tiglit!y over their heads
while the attending servants and eunuchs
would call ut to the stranger to mke
haste and go his way so that their "lady"
should pass unmolested. Ibcy never ap
peared at their doors, and their window?
were protected with wooden crossbars so
close together that, although they could
see into the street, nouodv could see them.
Now, however, all is changed. The Tutk-
uh woman, knowing tbat die can no more
be puuisbed by the religious authorities.
whose (tower ceased the dsy the JSritUb
troops brut put foot on the island, has open
ly thrown off the yoke and claimed her
independence-, a-d with a vengeance, tood
Turkish liuobamis. lathers, brothers, ann
friends are frantic with despair at tbe ture
affairs have taken. aud should a Turk com.
here from any i art of Islam he would not
believe his own eyes, for this is the very
first time and plat that "the tiling," as
the Faithful call the woman, bas dared to
act in direct opposition to all that is dear
to ilohanmiedans. Women belonging to
the harem can now be seen at all hours of
the day and night in ibe streets and on the
ramparts of iictii, returning their feret-
res, but not covering tneir laces wi'h yaa-
masks at least the pretty ones do not
and an officer irienci of mine has tliscover
ed the way to lind out in the distance if a
Turkish woman is good-iookiug or not. If
she is pret y she is sure to so about with
her face uuveiletL Luc should (-he know
herself to be ugly she is certain tD tave
ter fact c!osely wrapped up, karimr the
Giaours to judge of her loks by tne fire
of her ejes, which are aiways uueovin-d
and te, it is next to impossible to find a
Tuikish woman without superb eyes the
uninitiated will at first smut" think he has
encountered a houri. it, however.ihe ha
rem beauties would content themseivia
with siinpiy walking about with uncover
ed faces husbands and brothers would not
have n.uch to complain of, but unfortun
ately this is not ail. They talk to the
Christians and walk anu-in arm witu the
Eugii-h oflicers.aud even with the 8 il-Jiers.
They give coffee parlies to which gentle
men only, and they Giaours, are invited,
and instead of receiving their visitors iu
the selamlik part of the house, w here all
men should be received, they receiie them
In the harem quarters, and when their
husbands ami relatives come home they
are shocked w ith what they hear and rush
to the darem 10 find the door closed hCainel
them aud 10 be told th:tt they must have
u.aue a mistake in coming to the sacred
female entrance, as according to .Mussul
man usages, wh ch they so niueli love,
their I luce is iu the selau l k. 1 saw them
sitting at the cales smoking and drinking
rakil Actually drinking. Kaury a druiia
en Turkith Woli.ai;! Surely tne world is
coming to an end and JMauotiH-l's i(e
Ayesha urns', be turning in her colliu
Take a seat, sir," says the cateitgi. or
piopuelor. 1 6-ere at him iu disu.ay anil
leel ceitaiu that 1 am iu a cream and
squeeze the arm ol the lnend who .tvo:i.
pau:es u.e; teilmg him it must be a dream.
Dream te bioweti!' sajs he; "wait a
minute" winch he has hardiy said wheu
a barre-1 organ starts up -(Jrphee aux Eu
f era, " aud the hanouiu ( Turkish w omen)
dance actua.ly dauct an t not a.'eue.bui
wi.h Tommy Atkins, uud Tommy Atkins
of the lowest lpe. They understand the
music, they know the dauce, but what is
this? Te cancan! Is this the labie,
abolished in 1'aris to be transplanted in
Cyprus? liy Allah' but this Verily cannot
be true, but say what 1 will and think
what 1 may, there they were, aud there. 1
understand, Itiey cnu be seen a; any time.
Kvery Turkishwoman in the island is su
ing lor a d' voice, which tiie uusbanla are
only too glad to grant, and if the Turks
themselves ever cieci to gel wives or a
harem again they aie very much misUikeu
unless they search tor them among the
Christian popu.atiou.
1 have lived in Jlohaiuu.edau countries
all my lite, and this is the fir.-t time 1 have
met the emancipated Turkish woman, and
after a caret ul study of the subject 1 huve
am ted at the conclusion that the harem
inmate is only waiting for a chai ce to put
an end to harem lite, and lhai it the liul
ish occupation t kg) pi continues icr an
length ot time, aud the religious autiiori
ties lose their Lo d on the male population
good-bye to harems, aud thiough them to
eunuchs and to slavery.
Villa ot ijoverniiient Properly.
Probably but a very few i-rsous
realize the aggregate valae of the Gov
ernment projiertv located at our caul
taL A corresiHinJeut commnuicates
from Washington a transcript fr 'm the
official assessment, in which it appears
that the Gapltiil biuk!mg is a.sr-f d at
gia.bU'J.oJb, aud the grounds at 1",
595 ; the White House at 734.5110, and
the Executive stables at SJ8,0(W. The
Treasuiy Dep:irtmeut bnildiug ami
grouniia are assessed at S7,OV8,4o4 ; the
State. War, and Navy lX-parinieut build
ings $6.211, 101 ; the Agricultural ie-
paitment bmldiup, 331, &2o, aud t .e
grounds, gCS'.l.OMJ ; the ttniitiiHouiin,
gl2,J51, aud National Mtieeum. S-5H,-000,
aud the grouuds, ,053,378 ; the
National Monument grounds, $l,blo,
781, and the Washington Monument,
S3(jO,IK)'J; the National Observatory
grouuds, 120,801, aud the building,
S2S5,'.:tl ; the Patent Oliice bui.diuy
and grounds, g:j,7o4,8fcf3 ; the Arsenal
buildu:gs, S233.324, and ground, 1,.
221,(07; the Murine lxdrnu-RS giound,
$31,235, aud buddings. .-32'J 037 ; the
Naval Hospital. S7,1'J8,128; Bureau of
Engraving and 1'rii.tin, ground. 27,
612, builmug 327,537; W aider's build
ing, Used by Eiigiiievrs Ilureau of the
Army, 214,:;f.7r Uuittd States Medical
Museum, '.6,2) ; General IVw-t Olliee,
ground, 312,4!)2, building, 2.124 5U0;
Goveruuient Priiriug Oliice 2ot,0(H);
Judiciary Sijuiue and City H.dl, 1,3'.H,
713; United States JmJ, .j25,55k;
Uiut-d States Navy Yard, ground, 1,
413,500, liuiluiugs and wlnurves, 3,;
615,808 ; Botuhieal Gardens, ifroumis,
1,462,251, buildings, 056 07C, I ot
houses, 58,?iM. ilie Aqueduct is
valued at 3.847,517, aud water pipes
and plugs, $172,276. The intersections
of streets, circles, and r-i.aei-s are put
down at S4,GS2,912. The Department
of Justice, ground, 150,000, and build
ing, 150,000 : the Government Insane
Asylum. 1,349,775 ; the Relorui tichool,
221, ( 56 ; the Siolaiers' Home, grouuds,
333.947, buildings. 350,000; N.iv;d
Magazine, 95,000 ; the Georgetown
Post Oliice aud Custom House, 03,
767. Old meaaows snouid usve a sprinkling
of fine manure early in tbe autumn to give
the grass a good start again before w.nter.
We do not believe in pasturing meadows
much, if any, after the hay crop has been
In the tariy 6tbges of tjpLoid fever, Dr.
Guillassc, of the trench Navy, has admin
istered coffee with marked success. Three
tablespoonfuls are given adults every two
hours, alternating with one or two tea
spoonfuls of claret or .Burgundy wine. A
beneficial result is immediately apparent.
A little lemonade or citrate of magnesia is
also administered daily, and alter some
time quinine is recommended.
BiSiSAS and Plaktaixs. A podud
of bananas contains more nutriment than
three pounps of potato f, while, aa a food,
it is, in every sense of the word, far supe
rior to the beet wbesea Dread. An acre
of ground planted with bananai will re
turn, according to Humboldt, as much
food material as thirty three acres of wheat
or over a hundred acres of potatoes. The
banana fit should be called plain tain, for
until lately there was no such word as ba
nana) is divided into several varieties all
of which is used for food. The plantino
mazinito is a small, delicate fruit, neither
longer nor stouter than a lady s forefinger.
It is the most delicious and prized ot all the
varieties of plautain.
El plandno guineo called by us the
banana is probably more in demand than
any other kind. It is subdivided into
different varieties, the principal of which
are the yellow and vurple bananas that
we see for sale in our markets, but the
latter is so little esteemed by the natives
of the tropica that it is seldom eaten by
J'l plantino grandc kuown V us as
simnlv the plautain is alto subdivided
into varieties, jrhich are known by their
savor and size. The kind that reaches our
market is almost ten inches long.y.rt on tbe
Isthmus of Danen there are plantains that
crow from eighteen to twenty-tw j inches.
I'hey are never eateo raw, but are either
boiled or roasted or prepared as preserves.
Cittkk is usually salted in accordance
witu Uie demands of the market to which
it is to be sent. American butter is gener
ally raited at the rate of about one ounce
to the p-Hind. Perhaps the greater pat of
the sweet cream culler bas half or less than
half that quantity. In the south of Europe
indeed all Latin countries, oil Is in more
geberal use than butter and uncalled butter
is preterred. 1 be i'ansiau custom of serv
ing buttef entirely unsalted is tometiues
aped in England and some of our American
cities, but as a rule the markets demand
that tne butter shall carry more than half
an ounce of salt.
Unsalted butter wlil keep forever pro
vided it is butter and only butter. Uat the
outer of commerce is never pure. It re
tains aore or less ot the other properties
of the mnk, and it is these which, while
they add very much to Us value, are sub
ject to almost immediate dcterioration,and
in turn lend to injure the butter itseir.
Even salt will not loug preserve them, Un
salted butter does not "keep.'- Tbe use of
salt in butter is more for flavoring than
lor preservative purposes. The protec
tion and preservation of butter are due
far more to the packages than to the sail
which U put in it.
Peofit os Osk Uoo. 1 kept no stock
except a hog and a cow. Tbe hog was
valued at $4, in June. I had it put in a
close pen,and all the refuse from the house
and garden was thrown to it. I bad weeds
and grass given it every day and had sod
cut three or four inches thick every day
and gave it as much as it would cat- 1
had the pen kept clean and dry with de
odorizing materials, such as road dust,chip
dut, lorost mold, etc Tbe tases escaping
fro:ii the pen were held by deodorizing ma
terials. 1 had during the fill forest leaves
thrown iu the pen a tool deep, to increase
the manure 1 bought corn at 50 cents a
bushel and ted it 10 busheK On the 3)'h
day ol November il n.aoe 243 pounds ol
dressed pork I lino 5 wagou loads of ex
cellent "'fnure. The P'rk was worth 3
I er bundled, umkinj. $12.15. which a-i-
n d u the manure at J 1 load made $17 15
1 'tie hog hog al $4, the corn ai $5 ni tdu Jy
exeuse, making $3.15 prodt.
Pk (iterixa Tkees from Mice. a very
sueccsslul protection against un.t, adO
ted by a successful Iru t grower, consists
of taking sec nous of worn-out and dam
aged stove-pipe, and, alter opening a seo-
lion at the seam, clashing it around the
tree and settling it in the ground. W hen
tuis bas been once properly done it will
last for several years and is perhaps the
safest protection tbat can be adopted. Pie
ces of old tin can be used in the same
manner; but usually damaeed stove-pipe
can be procured, and if used in this way
it will be loi:ad much better than throw
ing it awav. Il is a perfect protection, tor
the reason tbat mice never attack trees
while they can procure other food, and
when they cannot the ground is frozen so
ihat they cannot burrow under the pipe
aud ihey never attempt to go over it.
'Iwo Punts SimtD. Tlie English
fiockuiaslcr ha- settled two points in Brit
ish experience : First, that mutton is more
profitable than woo); and, second, thit
aieor.g English mutton consumers there
is a decided preference for Down or black
faced mutton, 'lender, juicy flesh, with
a fine grain and a rich flavor, ripe and yet
carrying plenty of lean meat, is tbat
which suits the English market, A com
bination of th-.-se qualities is found to
moit perfection in some of the black or
gray-laced breeds or their crosses. This
preference on the part of buyers is so
marked tnat the butcher is enabled to give
at least 2 cents per pound more for dark
ened mutton than lor any of tbe white
faced and long wooled steep.
Fakmers are turning their attention to
zood butler cows, tood wool and mu'.tor.
hecp, to good beef cat t.e, fine hoes, to
now! horses and niu.es Que domestic
fowls, aDd to qualities in all of these that
are u-eful and profitable. Scrubs on larms
have had their dav better blood and bet
ter treatment of demo-tic animals are now
questions of treat interest to American
Tn latest reports from tbe ft'est are
to the e fleet that the wheat crop bas Ikcu
overestimated. This is the natural re
sult of a confessedly large crop. The
yield of 1882 is now put at 600,000,000
bushels, against 600,000.1:00 bushels e-ti
mated to months auo. At tbe smaller
figure, the demand will take ail we can
spare al tair prices.
It is Said croup can be cured in one
miuule by the Use of aium and sugar. Take
a kuife and shave off in small particles
utiout a teas; wot ul of alum; then mix it
ith twice its amount of sugar, to make
It p.;l itable. ot administer It as quickly
as Hssibie. Itelicf will folio almost
It is a good time to renew tha iccoin-
mendati in to gather up fallen leaves.
Ihey make an excellent addition to the
compost hesp, and besides are Very un
Mchtly, blowing a out the yard and road
ways. Fkopsals to furnish about 4,000. OX)
pounds of beef for Indians were rejeciau
at Washington, as tbe prices named
ranged from f 4 17 lo $5 43 per 100 pounds
which was considered Uio big .
Hat contains a mucn larger proportion
ot mil ash and lime than the cereal crops,
aud a much smaller amount of phosphoric
Svjtcnnlendent Kimball of the life
saving service is experimenting with lu
minous paint upon ine tally Doards used
On tbt SeacoasL, which contain instructions
to wrecked vessels how to cooperate witn
life saving crews on shore The tally
boards are attached to a rope, whtch is fir
ed across the wrecked vessel's rigging
from a mortar, if tbe experiments are
successful all of the boards will be lettered
with luminous paint, which can be used
as well at night as during the day.
Vie experiments made to ascertain
the cause of iron rusting or oxidizing have
led to the conclusion that this cannot be
due to the oxygen of the air, unless dis
rolved in the water which is in contact
ith the iron; even carbonic acid, when dis
solved in water will produce rust, which
dry carnooic acid will not do.
Boast Lont of Vkau Wash and rub
thoroughly with salt and pepper, leaviug
in the kidney, around which pat plenty
of salt; roll up, let stand two hours; in
the meantime make dressing of bread
crumbs, salt, pepper, chopped parsley
or thjme, moistened with a little hot
water and butter some prefer cboppe'
salt pork also add au eg? Unroll the
veal, put the dres-UDX wcil aronnd the
kidney, fold and secure will ith sever
al yards of wl ito cotton twine, covering
the meat in all directions; place in the
dripping-pat! with the thick side down,
put to bake in a rather hot oven, jrrad
uaticg it to moderate heat afterward;
in half au hour add a little hot water to
the pan, baste often; in auother half
hour turn over the roast, and when near
ly done dredge lightly with flour and
bas'.e with melted butter. Before aerv
big carf ully remove the twine. A four
pound roast thus prepared will bake
tender iu about two hours. To make
the gravy, skim off fat, if there ia too
much iu the drippings; dredge some
flour iu the pan, atir uutil it browns,
add sonio hot witer if ueceasary, boil a
few moments and serve in gravy bout.
This roast is very nice to slice down
cold for Sunday luucheons. Serve with
green peaa and lemon jelly.
A Shelf Lambkeqi-ix. If yon have
a rough, uncouth shelf in your kitcueu
or sitting-room, first cover the top neat
ly with some diuk, smooth cloth; then
bike a strip of dark but bright double
faced Canton flannel, about eight inches
in depth (more or less, acooniing to
length and width of shelf,) and long
enough to reach acroes the front of the
shelf and arouud at either end; buiste a
pretty, contrasting stripe of cretonne
through the center, and stitch it on witu
t ie machine, hem the lower edge of the
flannel, and finish with an pretty
worsted fringe aa yon can afford; bring
the upper edge over the edge of the
board and make fa t with minute iron
tacks, and you will have not only a con.
veuient receptacle, for lamps, books, or
vases of flowers, but au addition to the
furnishing of your room in the shspeol
a very artistic and bye-pleasing shelf .
Boiled Babbit. Time, a very small
rabbit, half an Lour; medium size,
three-quarters of au hour- a large rab
bit, one hour. A radbit; six onions;
liver sauce, or parsley aud butter.
When the rabbit is trussed for boiiing,
put it into a stewpau and cover it witli
hot water, aud let it Ixul very gently
until tender. When done place it on a
dish and sniotlVr it with onions, or with
parsley and butter, or liver sauce, should
the flavor of onions not be liked. If
liver sauce is to fo served the liver
must be boiled for ten minutes, minced
very fine, aud added to the butter sauce.
An old rabbit will require quite au hour
to boil it thoroughly.
Fio Cavpt is not at all difficult to
make. Take one cup of sugar, one-third
of a cup of w;der and one-fourth of a
teasioonftd of cream of tarbir; let tile
sugar aud water lx.il until it is a pale
browu color, gently shake the basin in
which it is boiling to prevent its burn
ing, but do not stir it at all until just
before vou t ike it from the fire; theu
stir iu the cream of tartar. Wash aud
cut open some figs spread them ou a
platter, theu pour the suar over lliem
lake care to have each bg covered; set
them iu a cool phice till the sn-ar li.is
t me to harden.
Ammonia A great iMOor-saving arli
cle, and like some medicines, good lor
almost everything, is ammoidu. A
small quantity in warm water takes
every spot off of patiit, removes every
particle of grease fioni cooking utensils,
cleans aud disinfects the drain pipe,
clek ibds delicate laces without rubbiiig.
chaus silver aud brushes, aud is an ex
cellent fertilizer for plants. Like other j
good things, it juust I carefully useil,
plainly lalndled and kept out of the
reach of .little tiugeis.
Something New in I eets. Beets aie
familiar enough bailed and sliced, either
served hot with butter, pepper and salt,
or pickled; but a novelty is a beet pud
ding, made by mixing a pint of cooked
sugar-beets, chopped, with four eggs, a
qiurt of milk, a little salt aud pepper, a
tabiespoohful of tmtUr, and baking
them half an hour: cold boiled beets
sliced aud fried with butter are palata
ble; to cook them so that none of their
color shall be lost, caretuily wash them
without breaking the skin or cutting off
the roots or st.lks, and boil them uutil
tender, about an hour, in boiling salted
Coffee uuounis make a Lighly suc
cessful tilling for a pin-cushion. Th.-y
must be dried perfectly before using.
Put them in a buz and hang behind the
kitchtn stove till you have enough that
are dry to fill the cushion. They do
not gather moisture aud consequently
do not rust the needle.
Potato balls are very nice for break
fast. Boil them, and while still warm
mash them uutil there are no lumps left;
theu mix butter, pepper, salt, a little
chopped parsley, and one or more raw
eggs; btat these, together thoroughly.
theu mould ill ba'ls, dip in beaU-n eggs
aud then in flour, aud fry in butter.
The retort sarcai-tic: Judge Tar bell
tells the following joke on himself: A
short time after his retirement from the
bench he happened to meet an old friend
wheta he had not seen for some time.
The Judge, all smiles and heartiness,
effervesced over his fneud in such a
way as to provoke the inquiry: "What
fliee are you a candidate for now,
Judge ?" The J u.lge made a deprecato
ry movement with au outward turned
palm and said: "for n- ne at all, my
dear brother: "I'm simply a candidate
for the kingdo.il of heaven." Hi bit ml
regarding him sorrowfully for au instant
and theu, with more wit than politeness
aid more profanity than eithi r, said:
"I'll bet you don't carry d town
ship !"
The conductor's little joke: "Ticket!
said the conductor, as ho stoppou iu
front of a Chicago mau, who looked as
if he was anchored to his seat. The
fellow addressed li.iiided over the re
quired pasteboard, which was duly
punched, and, locking around, tbe Con
ductor said: "Where's your friend?"
"What fr:eud? I have no friend."
"Where's the party accnpying the seat
with you? -'I'm alone." said he. look
ing somewhat puzzled at being qn s
tioued. "Then wnat are yon doing
with two valises ?" "Two valises ! Why,
I haven't any," at the same time moving
his feet with xeit o:i. "Oh, excuse
me," said the conductor, and as he
passed O' t of the car was heard to re
murk: "The biggest feet I ever saw."
In sclietirig a nump care should Jie
taken to have 11 ot a much larger capacity
t aan that needed to suppiy tbe boiler, is
there are n.any th;ngs which iiffett the
w kinus of pump, such as defective suc
tiou p'p-s, leaky valves, etc It is the
practice cf mo-4 manufacturers to give ihe
capacity of their pumps in gallons ol waU r
delivered per minute, fiom which it is ea
sy to select a suitaiile size, Dut the speed
given in the tables at which the pump 's to
run is generally faster than that at which
it is desirable to run them.
One of the problems of lb? lime is to
obtain silk direct from ihe worms. If it
is sjlved a grand industrial triumph will
bave to be chronicled. Our silk worms
whose cocoons cannot be unwound will
then be valuable.
"How is your son oonung on ?"
"Oh, I am having power of trouble
with him."
"What the matter now?"
"Well, you know, I ouldn't send him
V. school, because, thanks to Governor
Roberts, there are no free schools and
I could not afford to send Lira to a pri
vate school."
Ye, I know that is so."
"Weil. I seut him away fiom Oalvea
ton, out to the frontier, and as luck
would have it, he got convicted of
homo-stealing, and got five years in tbe
"That was bad,"
"Xo, it wasn't; for you see at the
peunentiinry be could learn a trade and
become a useful citizen."
'Well, that's good."
"'So, it isn't; for Governor Eoberto
has pardoned him out on account of bis
youth and ignorance.
Aa Acs of Suxplcion
Truly, this is an age of suspicion. Never
theless, Capt, F. 4L Howes, ot the
steamer William Crane, Merchants' A
Miners' Transportation Line between
Boston and Baltimore, who suffered se
verely from rheumatism, caused by the
exposure incident to his profession, was
cured by tit. Jacob's OiL This is no sus
picion. JSoston Globe.
A czktaix barrister named Jones, who
practised in Brougham's time, contrac
ted a habit of commencing the examin
ing a witness with these words: "ow,
sir. I am going to put a question to you.
and I don't care which way you answer
it." Brougham bad begun, like many
others, to grow tired of this eternal
formula. One morning he met bis
brother lawyer near the temple, and
addressed him thus: "Now, Jones, I am
going to put a question to yon, and I
don't care which way you answer it
How do you do ?
"Better bear present evils than fly to
those unknown." .'k-tler still, use Kid
ney Wort and nuke your present evils fly
to parts unknown. If you find yourself
ceiling bilious, head heavy, mouth foul,
eyes yellow, kidneys disordered, symptoms
of piles tormenting you, take at occe a few
doses ot Kidney-Wort. Use it as an ad
vance guard either In dry or hquid form
it is effluent.
tSJTNo family dyes were ever s popu
lar as the Diamond Dyes. They never
fail, Tho black is far superior to log
wood. The other colors are brilliant.
A shot that told: A French officer
said to a Swiss colonel: "How is it that
your countrymen always flight for mon
ey, while we French always fight for
honor?" The Swiss shrugged his shoul
ders and replied: "I suppose it is be
cause people are apt to tight for that
which they need most.
Rrftf it's DImim, Diabetes.
Beware of the stuff that pretends locitre
these di.eases or other serious Kidney, Uri
nary or Live Diseases, as Uiey only relieve
lor a time and makes you t?n times worse
a'terwards, but rely solely on Hop Bitters,
the onley remedy that will surely and per
manently cure you. It destroys and re
moves tiie causs of disease so effectually
'hat it never returns.
WhvsIio ca.-t him off: "How pro
foundly still and Ix'autiful is the night,"
sh wliiap -re. I, resting her tiuely veined
temple agaiust his coat -co! I r and fixing
her dreamy e.es on the fr-off Pleiades,
how soothing, how restful." "Yes,"
ho replied, toying with the golden au
reola ol her hair, "and what a night to
shoot cats."
Is tl r. e time the nun be aaa before he be
gan niene Well-' Health Keoener. tL
L'oa'T Die u ths tiocsa. 'Itoogh on Bats."
Cleaia out rat, mice, roao .ea, bed-bugs. 13&
"Xo, papa, 1 uo not wish to marry
yet. What I want is a man who does
not drink, smoke, chew, snuff, go out
at l.iht, gamble, let, over-eat, etc,
iu short, a man with no vices, and one
who is alwavs good. "My daughter,
said Mr. DnsenWrry, "you are but a
stranger here, neaven is your home."
Toeke is a great hue and cry in the
weods just now the hue of the autumn
leaves and the ery of the squirrel hun
ter. Whex a Hw iudler attempts to cheat a
dealer in vegetables, the latter will turn
cp his nose at the beat.
A banana skip's iuvitation:
somebody please step on me?"
Spreading of rails under high tempera
ture is a source of danger, the maemtude
of which travelers know little. When tbe
ends of the rails are too close, as tbey are
very apt to be when laid by the usual rule
of thumb way in cold weather, they are
certain to press against each other and
bulge out the track into a sort of double
wave line in summer. Spikes will not
cure the difficulty. Indeed, the less strain
placed upon spikes the oetter for every !x
dy. Here is the remedy for spreading
which one now forever silent was about to
put into practical shape and patent, but
which may be here Riven free: No track
for a railroad should be laid without a cou
stant consultation of the thermometer and
the application of guages properly regula
ted for temperature. Tbat is tbe geneiat
idea, the force of which will be seen at
once by every railroad engineer. Invent rs
may find in this bint something valuable
A reliance on spikes against spreading
might be shown to be nonsense by a little
boy who had received his first lesson in
"expansion'' of bodies. Tbe absence ol
snikes, though, may show that the rail
had tpread and that tbe inspection was ne
gligent. A chemist at Ut idelburg, Germany,
ptepares a sutstitule for tioiled oil by mix
.ug ten parts of whipped blood, just as i
ts furnished from the slaughter bouses.
ith one part of ait-sl ked lnue sifted into
u ihrouub a fine sieve. The two are wel
mixed and left standing for twenty-foui
hours. The dirty portion that collects on
lop is taken oft, and the solid portion is
hr kcn loise rout the lime at the bottom,
be latter is stirred up witu water, left to
eide, and the water poured off after the
lime ha l eilled. The clear hquid is wtL
mixed up witu the solid subsiauce before
mentioned. 1 bis intss is ie.fi standing for
teu or twelve diva, afier waicli a solution
ot ptrmaoant-i of potash is addeJ, which
decol'wizts it aud prevents putrefaction.
Finally, tbe mixture is stirred up, dilutee',
if necesary. with more water, to give it
the consistence of very thin size, then fil
tered, a few drops of oil of lavender added,
and the preparation preserved in closed
vessels. It is said to keep a Jon 4 time
without change. A single coat of this
liquid will prepare wood or paper, as well
as lime or hard-piaster walls, lor painting
with oU c dors. It is cheaper than linseed
oil, aud cio?es the pores of tbe surface so
perfectly that it lakes much leas paint to
cover il than when primed with oik
Ihe motion of heavy bodies like rail'
wa trains .-hikes tbe earth lor considera
ble distances, and observation ot such
facts is gradually giv.ng rise to a beiiet
lhai tbe force ueeessary to produce earth-
quake shocks bas been over-estimated. A
delicate apparatus used by Professor H.
M Paul showed quite strong vibrations
on the passing of an express train a third
ol a mile away, and like effects were obser
ved even at somewhat greater distances.
A perceptible vibration was transmitted
tnruuah the ground whenever a stow was
struck by the wheels of aone-horss vchlcls
passing at a distance of 400 or 400 feet.
EL R. STtTOs--, Esq, :
Dear air During the put Ave fears I tiave had
ample opportunity to JuOge of Uia merits ol Vscs
TINS. llj wite ou seed It tor oumplalnts attea d
tug s lnr ot deitaiM health, wltk more beneficial
resulu tHaa anything- elae which she ever tried. I
kaTeilTealt to my children under almuet every
circumstance an ending a large family, ami at ways
with marked beneflh I have taken It myself with
such gnat bene lit thai I cannot And words to ex
press mj unqualifled appreciation of iu goodness.
While performing mj dunes as a Police Offlcer
la uu city. It has been my lot to I all in with a
great deal ot stckneas. 1 unbeaitattngll recom
mend Vkoetims, and I nerer knew of s case where
It did not prove til that was claimed for It- Far
UcuUrljr In cams of detalltated or lnipoerlslied
uue of the Mood, Its effects are really wonderful;
and, for all complaints aruuug from an impure
Mate of the blood, U appears to work like a charm;
and I do not bcllcre there are auy circumstance
mler which Virimss can he unci with injurious
results; and it will always afford me pleasure to
give any further information as to what 1 know
about Vkuctins.
WILUAM B. 11 ILL, r-lice Station 4.
Rochester Policeman.
M a. H. K. Stevens:
ler fir Having uned hut three ltle of your
ViorrlNt in a very hart case ol liver complaint, I
and myself Improving rapidly ; am weiiriiiiig eiirht
pounds more al present tnsn I did when I heiMa
taking It, and lirheve with a continuum e ol a
small quantity more I shall he entirely rureL Be
fore I U-ijan taking the Veobtisk 1 was un-ler the
doctor's care ; waask-t a Ivuic time. Mr. Smith,
who bad receirel srvat hen. lit from taking the
Vehetini. advised me to in it. 1 cen cheerfully
recommend it to everyone as a good medicine, as
the Wireline has done more for me than the doc
tors could to. JAM. A. .loll NS N,
. l"oli e offlcer.
Xo. 323 Brown street, Rorhester, X. Y
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.
w DEI I J I, IwT
Sr. S. Silsbea's Estenial Pile Senedy
Olne tastant relief end u an Infallible
Sold by IrwTte everywhere. Prtre. SI 00 per bo
prrpai l lv n.rt. M-npl'-e er.t frf lo I'ovnc'ans
all iit;- frr. bj I'. N-ttpt-li -rA tUix r-yL
hew VorkCllf. Soleiutmi.lur:rsul Analfu.'
EfmembtT This.
If you are sick nop Bitters will surely sid Na
ture in niakn g you well when all else fails.
If jou ate om-tire or dyspeptic, or are suffering
from any other tbe numerous diseases of tue
Kouiach or bowels, it Is jour own fault If you re
main Ul, for Uop Bitters are a sovereign remedy la
til such complaints
If you are wasung away with any form of KUU
sey d:senie, slop tempting Death tins moment,
and turn for care to Uop Bitters.
If yon are sick with that terrible sickness. Ner
vousness, yon will find a "Ua-m in GiieaJ" in the
sse of Hop Bitters.
If yoa are a frequenter, or a resilient of a mias-
uuic district, bsxricaile your system against the
Kosrge of all conntnes msJar.at. epidemic, bll
oos, and micrmuicnl levers by uie use of II p
If von have roogh, nimclv, or sallow skin, bad
tre&ib, pain and at-bes, and feel miseroiile tren
eraily, 4iou Hliur will give you fair kn. rich
!iood. and sweetest breaih, health, and cotufort.
n short they cure ail L Irenes of the stoma- h.
Bowels, b.ooit. Liver, Nerves. Kidneys, lir:gtit a
Dieae. !Mt will be paid for a case liiey wui not
aire or help.
That poor, bedridden. Invalid wife, sister,
Bother, or duugmer. can be nude the picture or
Health, by a tew bottles of Hop Kitten, ousting
aut a trine. Will you lei them suffer T
Remember that m......... .u enenrr. the lire
principle or whatever yon may choose to call tiie
resistant Dowers battles against the causes
of disease an-i death, ta the grand safeuurd of
healln. It Is the garrison of lue human fortress,
and when it waxes weak,thetme policy is to throw
In reinforcements. In other words, when such an
emergency occurs, commence a course of lis
tener's Bitters. For sale by lnnnrt.-ts and Deal
ers, to whom apply for U -suturs A.tuauic for
. for all diseases of fie Kidneys and
It hM specifl. AwCtion on Uu most izuxtortout
orgmn, enabUng It to throw on tarpidit x and
lnaetton, tT""'Mr'nf the healthy secretion of
tha Bila, and by kecpuis the bowel in fire
OondiUon, affeetin its regular Lsc!iareo.
KJ fklorifa U yaa arewTcnus from
kTiCklCkl ll Bialarta. have the chills,
are Milan. dywyTc. or concUpatcd. Kidney
Wort will surely r?llev ud qmcV y cure.
In tha Sprlriit tna-eanse the Pvatrm. every
! one should tziko a liioroch course cf it.
fl- SOLD BY CwUCCISTS. Pr!c 91.
.1Tir,oaIt tW HAIR aa me? 41 kw a mra el.
Trtbeajt ?. Jiwib, wh-efc ha M Y R tPT
lltt-D. "evult "II IX tJaVr' M Pr. J. I.'tlli.
ras sf mu sUsmiism
CTT7.-1 SJiiVtT
Ha a Pal dihvtmr trm at I mtaa,
a capar. wua blA4jamlam
mMoo. mt tb. tody, wh 1. tM
i id cMiw.aaawiiMiil.fcll
X. THUS! M XtmamSlmm.mtnmmmLt
V wua Ik hhew. ltk lil
9 "Sawaw- m.tllliil-li.l4ml
layaoSelf&t, wad a ladeslci. estate. Ills awy, saiaaw
At! ban bw
rvnud ac arm n r-r rr.i -are rt t- ' fr 4:
pi nH sb Srtw f ttarxl sin. ft (ura-itw-l w it e(iT'c tuv m
I UrttiiaXk SMi-t -araww-f-' -rrti. T-.-4a 're. t
MWHL May Mrm oJi Arri- -cn-t. ltu.i. l(.t. I'tv. X
Hsiaw -I inn Tm iirn.wrmn.ei -' isnassw mail i' ml n mi Jwa,
HRIV K3f . 4M bt aiitborf I'm- aud Po-try.
mtmdiiftioui by T. L. C.iytr, D. l. Tim clwr-uit
Hntue bixk nijulr rtitl morv lMtiit:fiiL R-vi.. Kn.
tire n-v plaU?. ,c-w-l 31 irw authors.
Makitur it by ar the iii'Mt rtra4tve joj raii.l---ii.uif
biMrk in tb mitrkH. Kxtn tml icint;ut'to uJd agtOjU.
Secure trrit ry at rtnrv f.r h 4iUy wrk
Ftir circular-and t-r u t xuu, ai lr w
rxL'iiiA.SbU-tOa..ai(D) N SesveutU sU, Philx. P
IIIDflDTilUT We arc heaiiqiarters for
IMrUn I AH I I HolidT ValeDUaes And
Birtttdaj CrU, fnocil or plain. iSesd 5 rents
or mora for sample, oleofrapbs of Mrs. Lanjr
trj. size luxia, by mail 15 ceata. (.artleld's 'aiui
j 11x14, 16 cents. Frames and Cttroiuua of all
ao Crtietnut Htroet.
Tbow, aiuworutc a aumniMawnt will
evu teeyr sBm-Hha atrrtlavrr and tbe
paboihayr, 1y aOMaaa; Uimt saw saw tha ad
nrtMsSawt la snraal rwavsabasj aastar
m. mm m mmm. mm
Cvf SFMsmr it
A small boy'a mistake: A Chicago
family were anion;? the passengers on
steamboat that was lazily plying
waters of a Florida river one morning
last mouth. The youngest member, a
boy about eight years old, happened to
espy an alligator" baskiDg on tie shore
and was greatly exi itd by the specta
cle. KuuMEg across the deck to where
his mother was talking with a friend he
tugged at her t-kirts until he ha;l attrac
ted tier atteEticn, and theu, pointing
toward the recumbent lnonwter, cried
out: ' Oh, niamtiia, look yonder; there's
onu of eiatev Sallie's old gum shoes."
Every ons has a will an 1 a mind to
think for himself, yet many will so about
hacking ami conirtiin until a friend re
commends Dr. liuii's Cough Syrup for
that couh.
"Uncus John-," said little Emily,
"do you know that a baby that was fed
on elephant '8 milk gained twenty ponnds
in one week ?" "Nonsense ! Impossible!"
exclaimed Uncle John. And then he
asked: "Whose baby was it?" "The
elephant's," said tho little girl.
."In choosing allies, look to their
power as well as lo their will to aitl you."
In choosing a remedy for bowel, liver and
kidney diseases, try Kidney-Wort, and
you will never regret it. If you are sub
ject to ague you must be sure to keep your
liver, bowels and kidneys in good free
condition. When so, you will be safe
from all attacks,
JatSTPrcsfes, cloaks, coats, stockings
and all garments c n be colored successful
ly with the Diamond Dyes. Fashionable
colors. Only lUc
Mim.vtkrs have len funny ever since
they began to preach. The chaplain of
James I., when speuking of the deprav
ity of the age said: "Almost all houses
have been mode into ale houses; meu
in these generate days runke matrimony
a matter of money, and they are apt to
risk their paradwe on a pair o dice.
Was it so in the days of Noah ? Ah, no.
If you are a woman and want both
health and beau'y, remember that all su
perficial efforts to increase your personal
charms are vain. Freshness and beauty
accotr.pinv health, and to secure this Sirs.
Lyd'a E. Pinkham's remedies for. all fe
male weaknesses offer the surest means of
renovation. Toe highest intelligence loses
its lustre when it must find, expression
through a bilious complexion. Uood for
either sex.
"Evek do aiiviliing heroic ?" said tho
enuout iiinii. "1 riikc.ii 1 did.
once went bail for a ueighfor o'miue
wbo wasn't worth two cents."
U Nrwrly ! ., I.
afti r tukrni! i-Miie fiijli.'y puffed up stuff,
with Iodk lesihu dii!s, turn to Hop Bit
ti-rs. and have no fenr of any Kidney ot
Urinary Troubles Iini;ht's Di.nse, Dia
betes or Liver Complaint. Tiiese disease!
cannot n s'st the curative power of Hop
Bitters ; besides it is the best family mcdi
ciue ou ea. '
Ax "u" is lut a small space, yet it's
just tbe dill", reiice In tween a small lx.y
and a tomato, p'or one is canned aud
the other is caued.
Mysteut SLVEi. The treat secret of
the wim'terful u.ri.s of Yehet,ns. It
striki-s at the rrnit o: disease by purifiing
the blixxi, reit irine the liver and kidneys
(o healthy action, 'nvieori'in the nervous
Patients do more for doctors than
doctors can do IT patients. The pa
tients cntibli- the doctors to live.
A Valuable Medical Treatise.
The edition for 1SS3 of the sterling Mert
C:U Anntiil. tnun ai ilostetter's Al ma
nse is now re!v, and ma7 be obtained.
ine of coit, of dnnrgtsts and general coun
try dealers in all parts of the United
States, Jlcxie.J, aud indeed in eve-y ctvi
liz M portion or tne Wrfa-rn lliuisphere.
This Almanac hi bn issued regularly
at the comTenceuieot of every year for
over one-firth of a century. It combines,
with the soundest practical a i vice for the
preservation an t restoration of bealtn, a
large amount of interesting and amusing
UuLt reading, an t the cuVndar, astrono
mical calculations, chronological items,
&c, are prepared with great care, and
will be found entirely accurate. The
issue of Il i tetter's Almannc for 18S3 will
probably be '.he largest e Jit ion of a medi
cal work ever published in any country.
The proprietors, Messrs. Utetettor &
Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa., ou receipt ot a
two cent stamp, will forward a copy by
mail to any person who cannot procure one
in his neighborhood.
Geoiioe Washixotos never told a lie;
bat it must be remembered that he
entered polities when the country was
very new.
Pure cod liver oil. from selected livers,
wn the seashore, by Caswell, Hazard Co.,
ti. Y. A'wlutely pure and sweet. Pa
tients who hnve once taken it prefer it to
all others. Physicians declare it superior
to all other od&
Chapped hands, fsc, pimples and rough
skin cured by wing Juniper Soap, made
by Caswell Hazard & Co.. N w York.
Scene in the aoditonnni of a theatre:
Actor (who bns appearetl in the first
piece) ''Good eveuing ! May I take
the seat next you?" Lady "Certainly;
but don't yon aptienr anv more to
night?" Actor "No." Lady "Oh,
I am so glad. Pray ait down." -
RESflKD Knilll DEATn.
William J. Conirtilln. of Somennlla. Mass., sara:
ta the fall of ls'S. I was taken with iuidim of
raa Lirsaa, followed bv a sevrre conch. I lost my
appetite and fleh. and was confined to mv bed. 1a
1877 1 was admitted to the Hospital. Tbe doctors
said I had a hole in mv lane as bis aa a half dollar.
At one ttmea rpport wrnt aroond that I was dead,
I (av np hope, bat a friend told me of PB. WIL
rot a bottle, whan to mv snrpnae. I commenced tw
feel better, and te-dav I fees better than for three
yean past.
BAKER'S PAIN PAXACEAcun-s pain la Maa a
Tfrart For uae externally or laternallj.
The bst deser.ptioii that we ever
heard of a slow mau was that he was
too slow to get out of his own way,
Tbe onlv.tural hair rznewer is Carbo
line, a rteodorizeil estrict of pretroieum,
prepared without cisttlla'.ion or reciiflca
tion with acids or aika'.ies. containing ro
uineral or otlier foiwins dt;!!hiful!y per
fumed and as cli-nr and pure as spnnj
It is find that Patti and Nieoliui oc
casionu'Iy indulge in lively quarrels.
This confirms the report that they are
Allen's Itraln Food.
Cures Jlervon Debility an.l WcaKnesS
of denerattve Organs 1 ail druggists.
Send for circular. Allen's Pharmacy, 313
First av. N. Y.
Not a barrel of whiskey was lofct by
the recent floods in Kentucky. Every
cloud bas its silver lining.
Prevint crooked bts and blistered
he. ls by wearing Lyon's Patent Ileel stit
feuera. Thebe isn't a cow on Pitcarirn's
Island. What a paradise for milkmen '
Their btLsincas is all profit.
See advertisement headed How tc
Live " in another column.
Joseph Cook has been lecturing in
Bombav. Which is all rirrl.t A f..w
Hindoos more or less won't make any
ainereuce to the world.
Dr. Kilijc'a ureal aXerv iaotorer la tbe
mrel of the age for all nerve dtem All
d ewppea nree. Bead to 9i Area ttoeet.
Relieves and com
Sciatica, Lumbago,
Soreness. Cuts. Bruises.
BrBSf. C.St.O,
And all nthor tmttty aches
Sold bv !l TWiieei'Us and
Ilralnnl Uirecliuus in 11
The Charles . Voqeler Ca.
1II.ii, mi. to S. VmiKLSK '"O i
lliaan. C. S. i.
A Rm Cnrc for all FEMALE WEAK
MASSES, IclUin I-merrhern, Ir
veawlar and Paiiiful Jleostrwalion,
IaBaaawimlioa and l lceralloa af
tbe Wernb, HoeWta, PUO
r7-rVaaant to the ta. te, emracios and immetlatc
la iu effort. It b a gnat help ia pregnancy, and re
lieves paia florics'latioranC anjuf K'li'-i
rBTiciissrrT axb rrs iiel it fkiilt.
rwToa six Wa-rpnssrs of f he jenerattrs oreims
of either el, It Is second to no remedythat has vt r
been before the public; and for all dL.'ai ot the
bssnsttlsUwGniitesClfriacilyuitAa World.
I ih. I DET rO."I PLAINTS of Either Sex
liad Great Belief ia lis lac.
ITDI E. PISKH ill's Bl.oon Pt ltmrR
will envlx-al MrrT vlii of lluui 'rs Irtwn tne
111-mmI. ai the wwne l',m will t-ne ami -tr. nth l.
the s jcsa. A u.i ttia- m result ma the C'wnipuuia.
-BrthtteC-'r"i'land n -Hi Vririfl-r are pre
pared at S3 and 3 Wet ra Avenue, Lynn. IIa.
Price ot dt her, 1. Sis bottles tr i The Composed
S sent by matt in the form of pills, or ot loevnces, oa
receipt of price, SI per bos for either Mrs. PlnkLant
freely an.iw.rs all let t. re of tn iulT. Enclose S cent
stamp. Send for pamphlet. MentUm thiJipcr.
fJ-TT-I F. TTcr-.MW I n SK Pru enre C"nrtr
Uuo. huiowuaw ana lurpulity of tin; Livrr. s
fj-SoId by oil I)rwr;i-t-"S ui
for the nmknim CURE cf
Ko other tiiaewa ia o prevalent ia this eoan-
trr as CozisUaatton. tuid co remedy ham ever
qtaailed the celebrated ludney-Wort ma ml
cure. Watver ine cmxier, nowevrTrooBTizuaie
th emae. this remedy wiu overoomc it.
nit B? O TIH3 fiistrewinz com-
MT I i-t.Jn plaint 1 TjrT apt t be1
complicated withoonatiption. K ldny-Wort
jtRtifthena the weakened parts and qnjckly
cores all kindaof Piles even whea pisuuisj
and medlcioca nave oexore zauoo.
u. flt yon have either or tner tw.Kfi
price si.
carr mi Scrufala. PiaBpln. Boi.a. Tetter. ( ol
Son Etm, Memrtad Dimm, Catarrti. Loa r
AppvCte, Female Ctwplau a. a&! all BUasal
..a. it iMrar teala. AH dmca-nt. an.l
eaoBtry imn kfpn mtli it. B. K. Mlrr
a I ts-, Prwp rttt.hsrfrlt. on r-rrrr Mt'
do "of tiroduce sickness at the stomach.
oartSv-. r griping.
They act directly on the Liver, the
oiran which, when in a healthy eon-
diuon, pnrint'i tne blood l ir the whole
In r,C.STlPATIONthey
cleanse the stomach and
bowels without disposing
them to subsequent Cos
They are the only p rf.c: p.epratioo
of MANDRAKE, th great BuUttttnte
for Mercury, There is liot their eqnul io
the whole range of Cathartic Medicints
known to man.
Tftrv art aofd by trwjgtslt nerifictiert.
Dr. Schenck'a Book on ConHnmption,
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia is bent
free, post-paid. Address
rhUadep'uia, Pa.
Devils Lake
0,000,000 ACHES
of Fertile Government Land ia
la the Grand Forks &nd District.
Sectional Map and foil information
sent FREE to any address in tha world
by applying- for Publication lo. 9, to
Aaet. General PaeeenceT Atfnt.
St Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Ry
la onfailta and mfa:n
bl ia eonoc Eptlpptte
Fita, Srrsma, ConTui
aiona. St. Vitua Daoc
ArCotanllsni.OtMtim KaV
inc. ternhii antl a
Korvoua and BUid It
iu. T- (;!trkvtne'D,
Lawyer, LjtT- .7 lr-a,
lifwtuantfs. Kut-ra
Lali-s aud ail wrv 4
arJentary mp!"fmwt
eausea Ncrrotn ira
ttoo. Irryiiansjaa U
tha bkod, atoiuacri.
bowela or Kidneja. o
who tequi.w a Etn
wsM5. aipe1izr 4
alimiilanC. SAMARt
TAN IS LBV I N fc ia ia
Talnable. ThiMisaada
pmrlaim It tbe m-X
nierful In vigors tit
that ewer eoataiaad the
amain artm. Foe
aaia by all lrua:anata.
Hale Preprlrf ra. Ht. J eph. Mm.
Cheap Farms
Tbe state of Miehlmn has more than 4.IM0 mitesof
ratlraaJ. a.irt 1.M4 nnlesor lake lraiiaporuun. w:liuiL"
u tbnrbfl In every county pulltc builtlinm all
- . n.a'ii iuu iioiuie otuiuifie ip
arooocelaige crops, and It ia taebettniii stale la lli
Rorthwiifle m.u . . . , .
lsrdssrsytqts tnarSet s low prices. Th.
sJJUjl a PlVtTtt.ET eostalnlns a mipand
SfJ SW. eeors sad geoarsl rastHin-ea.
r w u. im wi ctarm pt wntlntf to tne
OS iSoF IiIinOBlno. Deuvut, Jiicb.
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Bet Se'scted
name sf rj ssarnt .re-; ,a ,
SfP-lCilGS. ra'
303 MAgXET ST.. Pi-V
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It is the Im- .rwtiral l.UJliTls..
rilnl. - ' .... .
It is an 1 v. r-preent an.l reliu
piant. r l. tlir lnlffaai"iT. .
6. & C. MERRIA5I a CO .T-.: -t'-- ""
no. zf yi'vru ri:-itirHcjr
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cme) Ir. !.' " - "i-' ;.-&.- i
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.n all ra-s. i " i . c .i ,: tu .
saentl&L ,n rt-rs-.c r t.
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llKiw. Jant.iA.
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f j ! in !nne. ! f :rxt
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Two SoiK
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rorT . JK". M N. si's 'llil!4
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AsenCs Wan'"-''.
TIi i DlnT-rat'"- .-et
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trnon now to aJii tree U' ai-ts:. ac-DA cfan
ieNi tuirht'ii wra-r. ' vsM -rjtii
lerj deauaU. W.U.lUOMKiesiuftila5.
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(Mhar witn a TAtC ABts i
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