Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 27, 1882, Image 3

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Wednesday. Sep't VI, issa.
, . . ...- - - i
Subscription, $1.60 per annum if paid
within 12 months ; $2.00 if not paid within
12 months.
Trauient ad v-crtisements inserted at 60
ceuts per inch for each insertion.
transient business notices in local col
umn, 10 cents pt-r line lor each insertion.
Deductions will be made to those desiring
to advertise by th year, half or quarter
Ksii melons.
Corn cutting.
Clover.-iae.l hulling.
Fletyant politician.
Mo n ligLt and lovers.
SolJ.ers rj-union to morrow.
Cider is scares at $0 a barrel.
Altoona is to Lava electric light.
Fair d tys at Port Royal next week,
fitraw hats are gradually disappear
ing. Beaver's frionda are sanguine of Lis
Few farmers have rider to drink
thia falL
A number of people are afflicted
with cold.
The farmer'a original Kejatone
Boot at Heck'
Ltiwistown i to have a auuiber of
weddirgs soon.
Four liraes bauda will toot for the
Ulair county "Fair.
Marshall and Lear, will both take
the stump for Stewart
D.ivid Craig's latest heir is a son,
that weifhs 11 pounds.
The fcnnter retumeth te his home
with at empty game bag.
Tha friends of Stewart Bay that he
ia to bo the next Governor.
The Cramor family held a re-union
at IIollvdaYbunr, last week.
H. G. Fisher, ia warn on the track
for re-nommation, for Joncrre8B.
Spring chickens -and butter are
ttirh in price, and mar eo higher.
Saturday evening was cool enough i
!4o cause men to put on overcoats.
Tight pan is for -men and boys, thai ;
have little bodily work to perform.
Cholera is reducing the number of
hogs in S:iulle township, Ferry Co.
Lawis SI. Bikerts, wa9 reccntjy
artesteJ in Batkr Co., as a hawse
A steam dreSging machine was at
work in the canal north of town list
It is estimated t'aat the strikers
cobt $S,GUU,900 by their 6elf imposed
A drove of 112 head of catttefrom
Indiana conntj parsed through town
oa Friday-
Rev. llr. Dsvciport, will -assist
Rev. Btfnaaga during the coaciuua
icn season.
Holen.iack pnt a man t riep on a
atore box on Main Street, laet Satur
day evewiag.
FOR SALE .'t first rate, -second
hand, Wa-ihmgtj u hand press. Call
at this ofli -e.
A cat in Pittsburg, gaaothtre.l a
child two weeks aid by laying on the
child month.
Word H. Mill,, will lecture in the
Court Houe- on Triday and Satur
day evenings.
Wheu AcusLrt rag waa in tevra he
declared that he will reeervfea large
vote in Xowiubc ar.
NextStbVath, the Sicratcent of
the LuriVSnpp- r, will be aJminis
tered in tht Cha pel
Wheat sewn t ra days ac shows
above f round liicfly: will the fly
catch it is fiie qu estion?
Landlord Loud on, of the Jacobs
House, will fcecou e agent for Adams
Express, onOotol cr 1st.
It ia "id that 8 0 old maids, live in
Bellefonte tkat ne rer found man,
to suit there s a brasband.
Masons Fruit jas and Tin Fruit
Cans, for al cLea, at McCSintics
tinware toFe, Brid $e street
Isaac Etk. is hard to beat as a
white masher: the e-reneasofhis work
hows his kiE as a -orkuian.
Preebyteriws of Bellefante are
rich, and they talk at tout building a
$10,000 Sunday echo ol house.
Astronomer were astonished on
the 19th inet, Wy the a ppearanea of a
daylight comet near tl te sun.
i;9v. Joseph 55 Uher.t, preaefeed in
the Lost Creek Presbyterian church,
at McAlisterville, last Sabbath.
The rain, of last Wednesday -evem-i-
did notetop the pre paration.taat
f annere were making for owing.
Astronomers, mp, that the cornet
almost touched the sun as it pasted
around that body on the 13th inst
J Wallace Faaick, has been al
moin ted tu7 PuUio in place of
Philo Hamlia. who Juas left the coub
Ladies ean secure elegant flttinj
aAoeaat Heck". Store on Bridge
street Special bargain on Re-umon
Mrs. Ki'U of ,Jmes Y '
wiseaaMd, died at her pW-e residence
near McCoysviile last Ihsradav, Sep
temier 31st .
George Blymer, was Unowned in
the dant in the river at Lew.stown,
uSt rSay by the uprtbog ol a Bad
sitors cn secure In"
oa Re-union day by pur cbwW
and shce. from Heck, on Bridge
street. .
The Ladies Toreign .Missionary
Mr. of tbKi"hS"
will meet at Mrs. McKoighti, on
Saturday. T
The white waters, at the Logan
xue "J"' . bef,n dismissed.
hone Alt jona hao D, " fiaj b.
and their places hare been fiUed bj
colored waiters. , ,
, . i. f tobacco were
tobacco was $3o,0JU. ,
.Johr,Kessler,b bought . P-
Tho Beaver Reantf laHtnollAl.l wti:.
convenUon in Huntingdon, last week
u uominaieu a. u. i iHhertor Con-
Only first class
Hecks Shoe Store. Call
in person on Re-union day and be
A base ball nine from Alfnnn.
a nine from this place played a game
in Patterson, last Wednesday. The
Altoona boys won the game.
Call at Heck a store. Oil HA.nninri
day, and examine his "Dollar" al.r,a
They contain good stock and will
give substantial wear.
If the turn out at the fairs wn ;
proportion to the number of people
that attended pic-nics durin" the
past summer. What will the crowds
number T
There ia a whisper that the Stew
art Republicans propose holding a
county convention to nominate a
ticket on Friday the 20th day of Oc
tober. The Beaver Republicans, and the
Stawart Republicans, each, held a
motiting at Lewisburg last week.
Not however on one and tha same
Jeremiah Londonslager, haa been
off to West Virginia to buy timber
land. He has been engaged quite ex
tensively in the lumber business in
this county.
Luther . Thompson, bought the
Kempor farm in Walker township, at
public tale tor Sbo.lu per acre, Two
years ago the farm was sold at pub
lic sale for $10 per acre more.
Mrs. Kreider, raised a peach tree
from a 6ecd, in her lot, on Cherry
street, that bears a large yellow, free
stone peach, that is not often surpas
sed in size appearance, and flavor.
Thore are some fast traveling
steataboats, and cars on this conti
nent but the comet that carved
around the Sun the other day travels
at tie rate of 1,50U,UU0 saos a day.
The Lutheran Church, motxns the
loss of miRsionarv A D. Ron e, who
died in India of Typhoid ferer. Mr.
Rowe lectured in the Lutheran
Church building ia this town in June
Just as a ljvcaattng (Jo., woman
had finished putting up ItO quarts of
fruit in glass jars the cellar shelf on
whicn the jars stood brose down and
thev were all broken and the fruit
The Reunioa of the "Veteran sol
diers, of Juniata enmity takes place
on the 28th inst When you come to
town make it -a point te call at G- W.
Heck's store and buy -your boots and
shoes for wmter.
The springs and stvaams have till
been filled by the late rains, and ffor
that reason some people say ti at
winter will come in -arly. That it
may be looked for in the beffinaing
of November.
About 10 days ajrs a crocodile es
caped from the Philadelphia Zodlng
ical GarJcn. Last week it frigtton-
ed a lot of boys by appearing aong
them, while-thev ware bathing it the
Schuylkill river t Reading.
Huntrnjrdon crunty is like the
state at large, in this, that it has two
Republican tickets in the field. The
naughty Democrats say to the Re
publicans, '"If numbers go far any
thing, two tickets should whip one."
The long evenings are nt hand,
subscribe for tho SenlintianiL'tepublu
can a. pleasant' newspaper companion
fall of news and information ti nt will
do yon and family good during the
winter nights and days to corie.
Ton will ba--3 a good opportunity
on Re-union duy, to see the famous
original Xeyetone Boot for ale at
Heck's ahoe at jre on Bridge Street
Buy a pair. 'If they don't gt satis
faction return them and you-vill re
ceive a new pcir, free of all cost
I will be -pleased to -exhibit my
goods, to any one who desires to ex
amine them, feecanse I kno x they
never fail 4 fPTing satisfaction.
Don't neglect te stop at the only ex
clusive Boot and Shoe store iu the
county, on iEeunion dy.
Geo. WHei-k.
The othpr morning a fireman of
an engine that had stoped on a sid
ing of the Tyrone and Clearfield
railroad juwped into a Ccid and
shook some peaches from a tree.
As he was in tho act of climbing the
fence back to the railroad, he was
shot by J. W. Budd a son ot-the pro
prietor of the property on which he
had trespassed.
Under a law approved JunetS, 1881,
fraud, at nominating elections, nom
inating conventions, returning1 boards
countv or executive committee, and
f Wtinn of delegates to neminat
ing eonventieg conventions, in the
several counties in we cominuu
wsalth. i nucishable by heavy fine.
and imprisonment
The regular Orphans Court was
held on the 19th, with all the judges
present Little of the business of
the day was new, and the transactions
consisted chiefly in confirmation of
matters pertaining to estates, and
guardianships, and return of rates
and so forth. An item of public i-
terest to people of inompsontow;
i - -! tLst tha charter an-
..lication of Mozart Hall Association
. m i was (tniiflrmnl.
Oa inompouu"
'I've stolen a coat" said a man to
a lawyer, "and I want yon to defend
me. "Think you can prove me inno
cent?" "Oh, yes : we can prove that
yon were in an adjoining township
when the coat was stolen, and that
the prosecution is malicious -How
much will von chanref" "What sort
of a coat is it?" "First rate; never
Len worn any." "Well, I won t
charge yon anything. Just give me
coat" -Arkansnw Traveler.
Prof EE. Barnard, of Nashville,
Tenn., on the 14th inst discovered a
new comet located near the star
Lambda, in the constellation of the
Twins His discovery was announc
ed by telegraph to Mr. H. H Warner,
of the Warner Observatory, Roches
ter N and almost at . the same
moment Prot Lewi Swift, Director
of the Warner Observatory, reo"
intelli-nce that a large naked eve
meVhadbeen discovered Mjjftj
Janeiro. South America. Wfewor
Barnard is the first person the pres
r to receive the Warner Pme
of 200 The fact that these two
comets cn!"f
time i exceedingly significant.
uWhat a tiresomn fliimr fK.t v-..
thw! exclaimed Mrs. Brown.
I eahed there to-day and she ran on
telhnsr me nhnnt. hm .
and her new rirl nni k.!..'. ;
teeth, and her new bonnet that I
didn't get a chance to say a word
about my new jacket or our parlor
'u'u'' or xreaay s coming home
with the menHlfl t
- , uwau va:ien
dyspepsia, or Uncle Charles' rheu
matism, or how Bridget burned that
batch of biscuits. Ou, she's such a
tiresome thing !" Evening Telegram
The following item from Lh
county, under date of last Wednes
day, explains itself: The Indiantown
tup region, in the northern part of
Lebanon county, whern dm .-ik,
ed Raber murder was committed, ha6
been the scene of
On Sunday afternoon, while Mrs.
watuaniel Balshore and her infant
were seated nn tliA
v a,vuW pviiu Ul lUO
house all the rest of the family be
ing absent two men with blackened
faces entered at the rear door and
seized Mrs. B.ilshore, bound and gag
ged her. threatened to shuot her If
sne attempted to make any alarm,
and then plundered tint hnnw urn,.
ing about $400. Thev then left the
woman in a helpless condition. In
uer struggles to free herself she
managed to reach thp rnalailn
she was found by a neirrhh- rlin
chanced to pass that way.
John" said an old Ocnrm' vitsn
tation-ort ner to a faithful negro, "are
the cows all driven out of the south
pasture?" "Yes, sah." "And the sheen
ronnded up under the east hill?"
"Tea, sah." "And the mare, two-year
old and bay filly put up ia the sta
ble?" "All snuT. hoaa." i-;,rV.
You know there a a couplo of Atlanta
ecu tors coming aown feere in the
morning to light a duel, -and one can't
I. A A11- ...
uo too rctreim oi nis UTe stock while
they are tiounillir awav nf niri rHit.r
all day;' Chicago Chiik.
Weed IL Mills, the boy lecturer.
will deliver two lectures in the Ceurt
House this week. The first will be
on Friday evening, -ttie second will
be n Saturday evening.
"Tne first eveutag oi the lecture
180 show the paxsible featares of
matter as it existed previous 'to the
at days work of Creation, end the
works respectively of each dy in the
.preparation of wis Globe as the per
fect habitation c' man. . The second
evening will be levoted to the con
sideration of the magnitude locution
and significance of the Tlanels in
their respective spheres le space, and
the elements df lite as the perfect ac-
companyment in full development
of the works ct God, and in display
of his wisdom and power, and the
fallacy of Atheism, and Infidelity,
and which upon the whole may be
duly considered a philsophical life
lesson rarely rendered.
Some tiiue ago Archie Craig, col
ored, from -this place, was married to
a colored woman in L wis town. Af
ter the ceremony waa over, and all
hud returited from the Episropal
Church, to the houxe of the brio"s
father a floor iu the- eooui where tfce
bridal paEty stood bfoke dowu and
all the people in the room full through
into the ecil.-ir. No-one was serious
ly hurt The newspapers through
out the t-tato have got the facts
wonderfully mixed,.for example hare
is one uf the most common items tel
ative to 'the mishap : An Altocna
wedding party wie about to Kit
down to titipper when the floor geve
way. The groom wis black, the bride
was white and .tho guests aucut
equally divided in. hue. No one rus
seriously hurt
A rtaae of glass -was removed fr.vn
the lruct door of Hinkle's store, on
'Saturday evening, and tiirough the
opening thus lntule, thieves eutesed
tue sture, ami stole two pair of boots,
jxcket .knives, a Jot of razor, a
nuinber'of pocket kandkerchiefa acd
so forth. A youug man, who was
sparking his girl beyond the riytr,
came to this side uf the stream about
midnight, and befove he bad quite
walked to the store, which was rn
the route to his house, a man rtn
away from the place; and across the
street as if desirous of avoiding hua
It is believed that the man that ran
across the street hail to do with the
robbery. The frequent depredations
and robberies give rise to talk of or
ganizing .a body of .-secret private,
watchmen. A clue has been struck;
an arrest .may follow.
The Leiristown GaztHe savs : Steal
ing potatoes and other Jots is about
as mean atusiness ana as a sueaji
thief can bnnuiie in. If cauirht he
ought to be treated to 0 lushes on
the back and then pitched into tne
river! Here is an other item from
the samo paper: Ed Bates, the
leading sportsman of Uilroy, was
aroused froinins slumber, a few nights
a.'rt bv a distrubance cniong the
chickens, and .on getting theie be
found what ho -supposed was tni
cause. Then starting in pursuit of
his never failing fowling pice to put
an end to the supposed owl he came
back and seeing .an object sitting on
a grapevine near ly, in ail jappear
Iooking like a large owL he fired.
W hen tue smoite ciearea awiiy ue
..lnnMil in tha -moot where it lay
bleeding, and discovered that in
nt linntinr sa owL hehadhot
PDunu w " ry
their large and handsome roost.
i rhflniherRbnrfl' DaDer records
the following melancholy occurietce;
Mrs Emma S. Keeney committed
suicide at her home near MowersviSe
in the northern end of tne county,
by shooting herself in the head with
a revolver. Her husband, who was:
threshing in the barn, heard the re
port but paid no attention to it as
it was the report of a
sportsman's rifle. On going to din-
ner uis wiie couiu uoi juuu.
He went in search of her and iounu
tree in the orchard, only
one chamber having been emptied
Mrs. Kenuey had maae several at
ide. once bv hanging.
at another time by shooting, but was
discovered in time to prevent tne act.
Sho had for sometime labored onder
temporary insanity. Some months
since Her motuer uieu, puu j
afterward her father married the ser
vant girL This troubled the daugh
ter so that she was driven to the des
perate act of 6uicide. '
Tbouisi Riley well known pro
fessional wimnier, was arretted f Bos
ton for atumpiing to negotiate a thou
sand dollar olen bond.
Subscribe for the Sentinel and Re
publican, a staunch Republican paper
that narrates . the events favorable
and unfavorable that take place with
in party lines. Intelligent people, in
these intelligent times have no need
for a journal that publishes only one
side of a party question, and blao k
guard the other side.
Dr. W. B. Roberts, of Titusride
has invented a 1 pounds torpedo to
be used in clearing land of stumps
and large atones by blowing them in
to uinad pieces. A Tittsvide paper
speaks of the work of the invention
as follows : The first experiment was
tried on a l trge stump. A hole was
made down under the stumD bv
means of a crowbar, and the torpedo
placed iu this excavation. The spec
tators then withdrew to a safe dis
tance. Mr. Erastus Roberts applied
the match to the fuse aud immediate
ly had basine88 in another part of
tne held- The explosion that follow
ed was not quite so extensive as was
generally expected, but was sufficient
to scatter tne stump, in small pieces,
all over the field. Roots and all
gave way, and nothing was left ex
cept a small hole ia the ground.
Torpedoes were then applied to oth
er stumps with an equally satisfac
tory result
Ihe explosives were then tried on
great rocks that were imbedJed in
the soil, and these were shivered in
pieces and thrown from their places
m the twinkling of au eye. What
would have taken a team of horses
and their driver an hour to do
uone in seven miaates without any
fatiguing labors to any one. This
invention, if it may be called euch,
WiU create a great revolution iu clear
ing up waste land, or land thick with
stumps and heavy stones. One of
these immense rocks or large stumps
can be removed for not to exceed 50
cents and without much of ny work.
A man working with average agility
should clear out about sixty stumps
in a single -day. When tfce rapidity
with wuioh tnis work is done and the
cast are -considered, the value of this
method -becomes very apparent
That 'truth is strongrr than fiction,
finds another illustration in tne fol
lowing from the PiUsuurg despatch
uf last week. J tut thirty days ago
the funeral sermon of Eddie Seubtnn
of Sliaron, was preached at his ia
ther-4 home in tuat-town. Eddie,
iad-of 16 years disappeared about
the 1st of June. He wurked in a mill
with his father, it weeks later bis fa
ther advertised that his son had been
enticed from home by a tramp, and
iWcnbed maiks-by whicn he could
be identified. n August 30 the fa
ther read the story of the return of a
boy to his home at Baltimore who
Lfead been mourned for as dead and
buried at Hrwtol, Pa. This latter boy
had strayed away, and his father had
idenlined tue .remains ot the boy kill
ed by the care near Bristol as those
of his son, and buried them there. As
his sou subseiuontiy returned alive
aud weil, Mr. Seaburn wrote to Bris
tol, and fiuaUy went there -on the
17th of Augoit had the body disin
terred, idenuiied it positively as that
oi his son, and, greatly relieved, re
tnterred tue remains at Bristol,
changed the name on the gravestone
aud ou the-j?0tu of August a Presby
terian minister preached a .memorial
sermon for. hit. o EJdie. This after
noon Ed'fce Seaburn retuuuod '"us
large a.-i hie," but a tnile snabbier
from much traveling nnder difficul
ties. He ji'iuped from a .train at
Suarou, aud reached out bin baud te
the first bey acquaintance tie knew.
Tne boy ws sumewliat tercified, but
soon spread the news. Eddie's lather
beard it rau for tb.e crowd in the
street pualied through it and caught
hold oi ia son. At first he was
doubtful, i:it his doubts were soon
dispelled, and an effecting s.ene en
sued as he fairly Carried the boy to
his motner. who wept for joy. The
gravestone iu the Bristol church
ward will Lave to be mailed un
known aga.'n.
The Republican County Commit
tee met at the J uuiata Hotel o day.
The following persons ware Resent;
William U cruder, Henry Auker, J.
S. Martin, J- K. Graham. U..J. Hoff
man, S. A Thomas, James McAulev,
T. R. Laudie. George Go-ihen, Clovd
Kloss, J. K. Patterson, E. .VT. II.
E. W. H. freider, was chosen Sec
retary J 4?. Martin, was substitut
ed to act in place of P. D. Haii-lin.
Un wotiou-ot J. b. JHartin it was
ordered that the Primary election be
Lheld on Ssturday, October 21, 3 82,
'-between the hours of 1 and 7 odock
LP. M.
E. W. H. Ereider presented dhe
following resolstion, which was, on
notion of Mr. Patterson, unanuncus
hj alopted ;
Wntmi, the paberal Election is so jcar
atstand Ibatonr Psiinary Election will act
beheld sono rnottgh under our rules ta
give sufficient lime fee action in the Coc
greMional canvass, at-l the Conf. rcuce mar
be feeld before the date appointed lor the
Rusalred. That in that event, Jeremuh
Lynac, J. Nevin Pontesey and J. S. Lu
kes, te and they are hereby appointed
Coaferes to represent (bis county in the
Conference, and said Conferees are hereby
ins:rueud to support itiien of Juniata
county for Congress, if asy such desires
the nomiuatieu ; but said Conferees shall
not act until wuhin two waavks of our Pri
mary Election, and if more than one per
son shall be a candidate for tke nomination
ia Jnniats county, said Cttcferees shall
consider the merits of the resjjteetive can
didates presented, and shall act as seems
to them best (or the interest andrepoUtion
ol Jnniata conntf .
On motion of I. S. Martin, the Secretary
was requested te furnish the Befsibliean
county papers with a copy of the proceed
ings of Ibis meeting lor publication. Ad
E. W. H. KKEIDEK, Sect'.
Mifflintown Sep't. 2J 1882.
Brave B?ar, tbe Siux Indian who
waa to have been Luug od tbe 18 b for
tbe murder of Jobuson, near Fort Sully
has been grsoted a second respite for
sixty da) a.
Officer Marion Shepard, of Fayette
county, Iowa, was abotdeid near Wsd
oua Tbursday while arresting two broth
er named Barbour for horse stealing.
B-th escaped.
Four cattle belonging to Simon
Weaver, of tioistown, near Johnstown,
were killed by Jigbtciog.
A Lanoaster eottoty drover reoenily
went to look after some oattle on tbe
farm of Mr. Benjamin Jones, near Fsn
aettsburg, and suddenly came npon a
den of copperheads, lie lost his bal
anee for a lew momenta, but be soon
regained bis equilibrium, and boldly
went to work, killing 17, averaging 4
feet in length. Soma 8 or 10 made
their escape. Mr. Jones went oat next
day and killed 2; bis hireling also kill
ed 3 afterwards.
William Young, aged 93, woo a
wretliog tuatob and ran a mile in five
minutes at an Illinois fair. It ia charg
ed that the other wrestler was bribed,
and tbs timekeeper for tbe raee is also
accused of corruption ; but all agree.
including louog himself, that Iouug
is a wonderful old man.
William Landis, a MoVeytowa coon
banter, fell from a tree which be was
climbing. He reeovered consciousness
tbe next day and is all right again.
31 in Emily Colby, who died recent
ly in Erie county at the age of 73 years,
never saw a steam or caaal boat, nev
er rode ia a railroad car, aud was nev
er ten miles from borne.
Celee Montee was riding on aa engine
when a colision oceused at Delaware Pa-,
and waa pitched bead for most into the
fire box and burned to a crisp.
Walaat Lear Hair Restorer.
It ia entirely different from all others.
It is as clear ss water, and, as iu name in
dicates, is a perfect Vegetable Hair Restor
er. It will immediately I'ros tbe head from
all dandruff, restore gray hair to its natural
color, and produce a new growth where it
has fallen off. It does not is any way affect
the health, which Sulpher, Sugar of Lead,
aud Citrate of Silver crepc-rations have
done. It will change light or faded hair ia a
few days to a bt-autifu! giosay brown. Ask
yeur druggist for it. Bach bottle is war
ranted. SMITH, KLINE CO., Wiwle
sale agents, Philadelphia, and C. N. C KIT
TEN TON, New Tot.
Twe horges were stolen from the sta
ble of John Zetgler a Perry ouuty
farmer, a fee nights ago. Om, of lit
tle value, waa found by the roadside.
Tbe other is still iniesiug.
Tbe 11 year old daughter of John
Feller attempted to kindle a fire with
coal oil at at Pittsburgh and waa
burned to death.
A land rsller weighing 'half a ton ran
over a young sob ot J..tm Msreen, at
Lebanon, oa Tuesday, cutting and
bruising bim ia a frigbuul tnauuet.
IntjjMftrtaDt To Travellers.
Special inducements are oilt-red yon by
the Burkmgton Route- it will pay you to
read tbair adrcrtiseiaeat to be lound else
where ia this issue.
NOTICE Tbs Twenty Second annual
exhibition of tbe Juniata Couuty Agricul
tural Society will be held on tb'ir grounds,
at -Port Koyal, on Wednesday, Thursday,
andfriday, October 4, 5 aod 6, 1'i.
JojrraXorBuoci, President.
Juan P. -V saitus, Sec'y
DlFt'KKEM Wuilbi Tbe ubcibur
wats lO.UUU crox-ties of chestnut, birch,
white lnut, sluci aud oak, lor which -tbe
highest prices will be paid. The lies nusl
all be b teat loug, but may be eitner t6 or
-7x7. They must be delivered at my yard
in Patteron or the canal hiukic Mill! in
to n prelerenoe given to latter place. Eur
further inlormatiun call at my store in Pat
terson. ULOKbK UU6I1EN, Agent.
Patterson Attg. a lo.
EarLOTHS.iT toa ladies Tha QLeen
'City Susptndr Company, of Cincinnati,
are now mauulacturing and introducing
their new S leaking S upportera tor Ladies
and children, aud tneir unequal Skirt Sus-
Lpeiiders lor Ladies. None should be with
out them; our leading physicians recom
mend them,4n4 are loud in their j raise.
These goods .are mtnulactured by ladies
obo hare made the wauts of ladies and
eliildren aatudr, and they ak ns to reer
lb.m to some reliable and energetic lady
lo introduce them in this country, aud we
certainly tbauk that an earnest solicitation
in every household would meet with a
ready response, and that a determined wo
man cuuul.malio a handsome salary and
have the exclusive agency lor thia .county.
We adf ie some lady who is in need uf em
ployment to scud to the Company her name
and adiressrand mention this paper. Ad
dres(uevn.City Suxpender Company, No.
179 Ham Strctrt, -Cincinnati, Ohio.
July2C 12ia
HAIKS KACrVMAN On the 14ib
inst., at4bep:irsori4ige, oftbe U. P. Cburch,
at McCoverilleby Rev. J. A. McGill, Jtr. G
W. Mains, of Mifflinfown, Pa., and Hiss
Rhettie KauSnian,. of Acidemia, Pa.
KEl'NER, On the tJih inst, in Turtett
township, Mrs Aliza Kiyiner, sged ti2 years
2 months, 194tavs.
PRT, On the Jlflth, Inst, Id Turbett
townnhip, Samasl J. Pry, aged 8 years 8
months, 1 day.
HivruaTowa, September 27, I8R2.
Jrd ,
Shoulder ..........
a -
Corrected wers.lv.
Qeoririoas vox To-oat.
Wednesday, September 27, 1812.
Wheat.... ...
Rye ,
Timothy ared . .
'J 00
Saturdav, September 23 Wheat, $1.0
to 1,08. Corn, " to "8cU. Oats 32 to 35
cts. Whita potatoes, rose and burbauks
70 to 76c Is per bushel i other potatoes at
50 to 60cta per bushel. Ouions $2.25 to 2-
75 per barrel. Whiskey iron bennd $ .25
per gallon. Butter, 18 to 32ca Eggs, 23
to 26cts. Chickeut, 7 to lieu per pound.
Beef cattle, good at "cts ; medium, 6c ts ;
common, 4 J to 5c ts ; fat cows 3 to i.
Sheep, at 4 tl Ju 6 Jets.
Veal calves, 7 to 9cts.
Hogs, extra 12 to 12 i medium, II to 11 J,
Milch cows, $90 te $76.
of HcCoysville, Juniata county, having
thereon erected a good Dwelling House i
50 icet, new Stable 20x30 feet, new Wood
House 12x30 feet, Hog fen ana oiner out
buildings. Well of good water at tne dour.
Fruit on the lot. Terms, reasonable.
For lurther particulars, Call on or address
McCoysviile, Juuiata Co., P.
House and Lot in McAlisteryille.
A Lot containing one-fourth Acre of
ground, with a two-story double Log House,
weather-boarded in trout, ana some rooms
plastered inside, suitable for one r two
families ; alm, S table. Large bhop, fig-pen.
fcc., all nnder good fence, end well sup
clied with larire and small fruita. Terms
easy, and price to suit tbe times. Apply to
Stephen Lloyd HcAlister, near the prem
ises, or to rs. KeDecca u. wusob, i
Koyal, Juuiata Co., Pa.
cuar and ia good state ot cultivation, the
balance in timber, ia spruce niii lownsnip,
Juniata county, Pa., eae-bail mite front tbe
proposed railroad I rum the Juniata te the
Potomac river, six niilca from Port BoyaL
The improvements are a Large Stone Dwe-
line Uouse, a.JU feet, wit a wei ot gooa
water at the door, Bank Hrm, Cum Cnbs,
and other outbuiAlinga, a large Apple Oi
chard, and a great variety of IruiU Atse
the right to quarry lima atone on a larm
about a bait distant. The farm haa been
limed recently.
IcEMd One-haff cash, balance la two
annuai payments.
For further tarticufars address
s. a. uorrsiAN,
Spruce Hill, Juniata C., Pa.
A tOl.lUalt VOm. S.4LH.
A Fuundr. in cood order, at Jehaatewn
JuaiaU Co., Ps. The egiue ia aew. The
uniting ai peralus has Just been oTerhaaled
and made aa ei as Uo new. The shop
is large aud roomy. AU of the several de-
pariuii-ula are under onu root. The Fai
dry has the best run of can-m in the
county. Iu connection with the Foandry
there b or acres ol laud lor sale, baring
tbereou erected a Large Frame Dwelliag
House, noarly new, aud a gocd-sised Barn.
Good Orchard, Apples, Gripes, fcc. Erery
thiug couveuic-at about the premises. Will
sell all or pari. For lurther particulars call
on or address J. H. ROGKUS.
Johnstowu, J uniata Co., Pa.
Valley, ooutaiuiug 2u5 acres, about 176
acres clear. Two sets of buildings. No. 1,
Lug Hoase, 20x24, plastered aud pebbled ;
Kitchen attached, 12x1s; Spring, and also
Weil of water near the door; Muu Bank
Barn, 40x'J0 ; Orchard. No. 2. New frame
lluune, 2SX32, good cellar ; Suiumur House,
14x20; Spring and Spring House; flew
Frauie Bonk rurn, 45x06; Wagon Shed;
Good Young Orchard, ot grafted Iruit, iu
bearing condition Will sell all, or hall', to
suit purcba-H-r. The land is well adapted
by uaiure lr the raiding of grain aiid slots.
Plenty ol lime stone. Tbe community is
geod. Churches and school house couro-
Ulent. Terms moderate. for particulars
call on or address C. METERS,
Fai mers' Grove, Juniata Co., Pa.
One UuuUred aud Sixty Acres, in the best
wheat-growing district iu the State ol Ohio,
situated oue-halt mile Iruui Amauda rail
road station, in Kairticld county, and one
mile trmu a good pike. The improvements
area Urge two-siory BK1CE UOL'SR (13
room.-, hall and cellar), Double Lug barn
aud SUbie, and other buildings, ami a well
ol good wau-r. A stre.uu ot spriug water
traverses the centre of the farm. Thore is
a large orchard oa the premises. Will take
$70 per acre, part ca.tli, rest in pv.'ucnl.
A tar a adjoining sold tor $IH0 per acre.
The reason torsclliug.is the dexire to invest
in city property, iu Circleviile. For all in
formation aldres J. SWEYEK,
Circleviile, Pickaway Co., Ohio.
may be purchased of the undersigned at a
ruasuuable price. Tbe property is situated
in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with
the Smith stand includes a lot of about
TWO ALKE.S, havii.g thereon erected a
comfortable Two-story Frame House, a coia-
modious Stahle aud other outbuildings.
There is a Well ol good wstur at the door
ot the bouse. For particulars call on or
address . HOUPS,
Walnut P. O., JuuiaU Co., Pa.
Pay menu lo suit Purchaser.
less, ot limet"Ue and sbalu land, iu Milford
township, in LU-kiug Creek valley, Juniata
county, Pa. ; about ItiO cleared, 40 acres
timberland "under fence. Tbe improve
ments are a Large Double Stone and Frame
House, Large Bank Barn, Wagon Sbed,
Large Hg Pen, Sherp llouw. Carriage
House, Wash House, Spring Uouse within
ten yarl of the door. Fouut.un primp ot
nevrr-lailing water at both bouse and bar.
This is a desirable property, aud ia only two
miles from Milflin railroad slalioa. Terms j
easy. For particulars, ia:l on or address
John Rohisii, Patterson. Junuta Co., Pa.,
or Slielhuru Robison, same address.
Valuable Ecal Estate at Private
The undersigned otters for sale, a tract ef
One Huudrrd Acres, of land mere or less,
oa which there is a large STONE-DWELL
IMi-IIOLSP.. ia good rpair aud good
BANK BAKN and out buiklmgs aud a
.GKlsT-MlLl. three stories higb, tbe two
lower stories of which are sloue, aud the
third frame, with three ran ol good french
.burrH, one new overshot wheel, one new
iron wheel, and gearing nearly new through
out, with excellent water power. The
land is good farm land, and iu a good state
ot cultivation. Tbe mill has au excellent
conntry trade.
1 hu is a verv desirable prep -rty ana is
situated one mile and ooe-tourta north-west
of McAlisterviile Juniata Co., Pa., and will
be sola on essy terms.
1 or uirtber particulars please call eo or
address Jacob Smith, .HcAlish-rville Pa.,
or Jeremiah Lyons, MillliDtown Pa., Or
John E. Smith, Chester Springs, Chester
county Pa.
To Buy a Lure Tract of Good Land
at a Moderate Price:
To a man who desires to nuke farming
and stock-raising his business, this is the
great-! bargaic in Juniata county.
7ar Hndrfi Arrtt u4 inure, having
thereon a Urge Brick Dwelling Hon. in
good condition, bare and other outouild
ings; a runniug stream of water ueai the
door, aise, good well water in rant; an
Orchard of 8 acres, as good aa any in the
county; a grove of sO maple trees, which,
it attention were directud to, could be
turned into a source ot income, as such
groves are ia hoiuertet county, this State,
and as such groves are ia New England.
God timber on tbe farm. The I arm will
produce 40 to 50 tons ol hay anuu tlly, and
grow grain of all kind. There ia an abun
dance ef I.UIESTO.tR ou tbe farm.
We repeat, this ia the greatest bargain
now offered in this county, to the man who
has energy, aod desires to tarui and raise
stock To such a man, who has a moderate
sum of money for first payment, there is a
rare chance to secure a property, that in the
nature of things most increase in value
gradually, for the period of a full genera
tion yet to come.
Time, S to 7 years, to suit purchaser. If
yon have the inclinstion. the means, and
the pluck to developu one of the finest
tracts of land in the county, call at this of
fice for particulars.
Wo have atorvs In I O loadlna; Cities,
from whk tnr ateats obtain flierr serrne qnlrkrr .
Qir Faetariee S"1 Prlaripal Olttreii are at
tola. Pa. Ml for mir New Calais and
Senas to aswita Aisli
f II I nVn I Spvlea Oardesi St.
una ill bW a. a. a. pni
If rou wish to buy real t-sta e, consult
the cM-nrrav ef Ike Sfnt mn4 BijmHttt-
I the place where you oao bay
HS U prepared te exhibit one of the most
a.aii7 fwtn w-n
tout market, ana at Jizt i.-ai.ii.r t,utr at)
Abo, measures taken for suits and parte of suits, wbiob will be made t ofle
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember tbe plaee, in Hoffman'
Water street, MIFFLINTOWN, PA.
Haa aeaataatly ea hind
GENTS FURNISHINO GOODS. Goods of a!! kinds are low Co'Gft jJ sec w
and be astonished Panta at T Cent. B7 SUITS HADE TO OUUErl.Q
Pattsrsoa, Pa-, April U, 1879.
F. ESPll?i!K:nAlB,
2nd Doos Nobth of Bbidoi Strut,
Mifflintown, Pa.,
Calls the attention of tbe publie to the
following faots :
Pair Prices Our Leader ! The
Best Goods Our Pride I
One Price Our Style! Cash or
Exchange Our Terms I
Small Profits and Quick Sales Our
Motto I
Oar leading Speoialtiea are
ANDSUOKS, for Men, Women and
Children, Queensware, Glassware.
Wood and illow ware, Oil Cloths,
aod every artiole usual I v found in first
olasg stores.
exchange for gooda at bighest market
Thankful to tbe publio for their
heretofore libera, patronage, I request
their oootioued custom ; aod ask per
sons from all parte of tbe county, when
in Mifflin to call and aee mj atock oi
Sept. 7, 18S1.
Professional Cards.
Locis E. Atiissos. Oso. Jacoss. Ja.
uncollecting and Conveyancing promct-
ly attended to.
Orriis (Ju Main street, in place of resi
dence ol Louis K. Atkinson, Ex., sooth of
Bridge street. Oct 26, 18M1.
Attorney at Law,
All bnsinesa promptly attended to. Spe
cial attention given lo Collecting and Con
veyancing. Office on Bridge atreet, oppo
site court uouse bquare.
C7" All business promptly attended to.
Orrirs On Bridge atreet, opposite the
court House square. (Ju7, 'UQ-ly
CCollections attended to promptly.
wrrica nun A. j. ratlersoa Km, on
Bridge atreet.
Feb 25, njO
Phjaician and Surgeon, ,
MirruxTowtv, rA.
Otbce boors from 9 a. M. to t p. .. Of
fice in bis residence, oa Third street, op
posite Methodist parsonage. oct22-tl
Has resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. Office at the old corner of Third
and Orange streets, UilUintown, Pa.
March 2'J, 187S.
Acidemia, Juniata Co., Pa.
OrricE formerly occupied by Or.Sterrett.
Professional business promptly attended to
at all hours.
C7"Only reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1876-1
j KN R YHARSli BE RGE R,"m7d.
Continues the practice of Modlcine and
aurgery and all their collateral branches.
Otbce at his residence in McAlisterviile.
eb 9, 187.
gutacrih lor the gntinal It Ri-ptib'.icsa
choice aud sleot stix-Xs ever offer-! tc
wt fit IT TW nniat.' m
ISew Building, corner of liria sa v
Jn. I, lei-
a fall variety sf
Specml .YUices.
1 Great Cai23 of Iw. Mlsspj"
1 the Lov of
How L.ot, How Rc.itus'ed.
Just published, a new edition ol 1K.
on the radical curt ot ;-i.e vvtosH!io t i-r
Seminal Weakneis, Involuntary S.uiia--t
Losses, IapoTxscr, atent.tl acd Kr. -.:-
Incapacity, In pe-linients to Marrla je, etc. ;
also, CossrPTio, EpilcpiV and Krrs, :a
duced by selt-icdu'goaco or scuule.'ra.'
sgance, &c.
The colebrsteft auil.or, la this ailuiir is
Essay, clirly dnustrate., from at:iity
years succe-..iul prartiee. ;hr l the afsrru
ing consequences ot sll- aonse riay t e ti t
ically cured; p.uulin out a ru-'tle of curt
at once simple, certain, and etioctusi, by
oieais ot which every aMli-rr, no nj(v'.tr
whit his coudition mty bo, may curu hiui
lelf cheaply, private!, ar.d radically.
CTbis Lecture should bj iu llr hnuds
of every youth and every m.iu iu the laud.
Sent, under se.i'., in a pl.tm nTe! pe, tt.
any address, wl-'iu, - r--- i" ' - 'i"
cents, ortw p(.i,;ti sisiupH. A lurtJS
41 Ann St., ew YorK. N Y. ;
junelS-ly Post.OiCco Bvi- 1Z.
I will mall (Free", ibarricipe lor a ainn.H
VtUiTiBLS k.LH that "ill remove ia.v
Fskcksls, PmrLs and IHlotcbks, leaving
tbe akin sui t clear and besntilui; also ia
structions lor pr.-x'ur.inn a luxuriant growth,
of h-tir on a btldhead or smooth iat'e. Ad
dess, inciting Sc. stamp, Bsa. Y asaaw
4. Co., V2 Barciay St.. . Y.,
TO CONSliiiTi'iViiS.
The advertiwr having .vrj per:r.:i;it"i!!y
cured it lhat dread Crse, Constxiuption,
bv a simple rrmeii, i snlous to iumWo
known lo his fellow-. iff.-rer the means of
enre. To .til bo desire it, b wa. all s -ud a
ropy ef the pre?rriptlnii ned, (free of
charge.) with Ihe direciii ns for preparing
and Using the same, which they will find a
sure Cms for t'oious, (.'olds. CosLrT
lon, Astua, PauxcHiits, Ao. Parties
wishing the Preriptioo. will pleun id
dress Rev. E. A. V Ii.SO.; 101 I'enn at.,
Williainsbnrgh, N. Y.,
"i: Smiirs of t
Oentleroan vim scfT rvd lor )CJrs troal
Nervous lability, Pi-matnr
and all the effort ot jou't tul i:d;M.i-ti
will lor the s.ke of sufft ring humasl.v,
send free Jo ail wno aeed it, the reeeiee
and direction tor mskm the simple roru-d v
by which he eas rured. hutl'rrers !sh':'i
to rroflt bv tbe advertiser's experience oaa
do so by a-tdressin: iu ve''e:t cafl'li-e.
JOUS B. ik;)EN. 4 J Cedar at., X. I .,
June 14. S2 I r.
S fics frcji A cmI If iaear: pi Pnm Ajt
vaicajwiis t,aa
(Successors to Bnyera a. Keauedy,
CO Ala
I.I .M Ilia It.
Calcined Plaster. Land Plaster.
We boy Grain, to be dxliveied st X Jtiiu
town. Port Royal, or Mexico.
We are prepared toturnixh 3alltodca!ere
at reasonable rates.
KEN N'EDlf . DOTr.
April 2!,ix2-tf
Aita ll1p?,5kST 1In
poUta. Xm Iowa,illlfcJAtchliu. T'p-V, LHrtti-
VtMrwka. Mlatwurl. lihiTgWMa. Uku.a.
5ew llutc, ArlaooaV, ir t,1lwC
tVl aWl TT . "Nayv
iw T tul houn lm amfaiKtiuf lot A ''rt
ralvCTsai-xJRj; Satloesi.v r-pui-J aa
It cooodrj lo.SlQJjiiau tiw C.at
b th sest sesifssd "i5Trruijir,ir
Kallruad la tlM Wuna tor iI""; Ua
AU csattL-ttloaa bumis tQl
Threnih XyJaTW .CNV Try It,
Tickets via tbnXnr tut Tu WIS
CeiebrurS L!se 'SfVC " usk;!bz a
salsstsUoOees!OjJv laxurj, lui-1
is u. a ma$ffl
Canada. sCCVsr r ssmfort
VVyr mboal Kavs of NTVVV
1 srs. sfJ X
waa(V.neflo"gwe8,Q,' l