Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 27, 1882, Image 2

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Tdrt-day, Sep't 27, ISftt.
The strite in Pittsburg is over.
Is Philadelphia frog legs sell at 50
cents a pound.
Tn grave yard insurauc business
is flourishing in the South.
Btivrs's friends won the nomina
tion ii tlie New Turk State conven
tion. Stewabt Itep.jbiicans will hold a
large mec-tkig in Philadelphia Octo
ber 14.
TnsStexart Republicans hold a
mass mteticg at Aitoona, this Wed
nesday evening.
Four million acros of land will bo
olTereJ for iiue in FioriJa in October
Ht 1.25 per acre.
Biai5E Lns .publicly declared
atint the fusionists of Virginia as
headed by MaUone.
Pouticiass hare been over-looting
the Labor organization. ' It will poll
many votc6 in November-
The Church of England, has been
holding thanksgiving service for the
rietory over th9 Egyptians.
Tbebs is a project to lay a new tel
graph to Europe, the rates of which
shall not b over 12 cents a wcr J.
The Independents of Huntingdon
eouutv nominate 1 a full county tick
et last week. Their Congressman is
J. Irwin White.
Thb G irfield Republicans were de
feated in the .State convention ia New
Yoi k last wok. Folger was nomina
ted for Governor.
A MiciiiMN preucher presented a
biil to a member of his church, for
pay for vihits and prayers, while the
member was t-icL
A raorass of music has eloped
with a WiiiiiiU8jort married woman.
From time out of date some people
have been given to such things.
Fstirrs 8:tT3 that ho will never tell
who were his confederates, but then
that must be taken with an allowance
for a thief is always a weak creature.
Englishmen are holding meetings
to protest against the importation of
Chinaman to China, but the English
11 are in favor of going to China
whenever thoy please.
Tue administration won the ticket
in New York State; so administrations
do when thev have a mind to. Last
year it was the Garfield administra
tion that was uppermost in the Em
pire State.
The vision of a victory caused the
eaa l.Jates on the Democratic State
ticket to hold a reception in Phila
delphia, one evening last week. There
is many a slip between the enp and
the lip, it is said.
Tub society for the protection of
animuls do many silly things, but at
this date the society in Rhode Island
.2 ahfcad. In that State it has taken
steps to prevent fox hunting on the
ground tlwt it is cruelty to animals.
FrxTox county, in this Congres
sional district, presents no Republi
can candidate, but the republican
coontv convention, which met If st
week, appointed J. J. Cromer, S. P.
Wishart, and Wm. Patterson, Con
gressional conferees.
Judue Black, Las been employed
bj the Muriuous to test tbe constitution
ality of certain ami Mormon Congres
sional legislation.. It is professional
among lawyers to scii their servste to
those who will pay for it, jut as a mia
ells bis service to cut wood.
PHiprs,the Philadelphia alats hwue
robber, was arrested ia Ctnada, last
week. Philadelphia authority hare
gone to Washington, to eeeare pow
er under the laws eiist.ag ketweea
natives, if such power there ba to
bring him to the Quaker eity for trial
Sines, an aKtrononomer has figured
it out, that the comet that has been
flirtiug around the Sun will drop in
to the bosom of that luminary in
188-t, many people have beeome un
easy over tbe thought that, perhaps
that will cause the destruction of tae
"The National Convention of the
Anti Horse Tuief Association met at
Palmyra, .Mo., on tne 2 Jth inst They
represent over 200 Lodges. Officers
were e.ected for the ensuing year.
The Older is in a fiourismng condi
tion. No one who has stolen a horse
from a member of the association
has ever escaped.
The Stewart Republicans say their
purpose is to save the Republican
party from disaster and defeat. Ttie
lieaver Republicans say taut no one
in his proper senses can talk that
way, all oi which indicates that there
is a wide difference of views on the
question, between the Stewart and
Jieaver Republicans.
People who love to study are in
debted a great deal to Astronomers
for information relative to Etars,
planets, comets and so forth, but it
requires a strong faith in the pro
fession to believe that the new corn
el is to come to its end in 1884 by a
fail into the Suu. An astronomer
says, that is wuat is to become of the
The opponents of prohibition say
that a man has the natural right to
drink what he pleases. So he has,
but ho has not the natural right to
drink to debauchery, and become a
charge on his neigubor. He imposes
upon the natural rights of others,
wuen oilkers are required to take
him ia charge, and when jails are
built for bis confinement.
Tu Ne w York Herald is displeased
with the methods of opperation of
of the Tariff Commission, and speaks
of it as lollows : ltie absurd laritl
Couimihbiou which is now traveling
around the country, circus fashion,
in the alleged pursuit of information
concerning the 'nUant industries," is
the most expensive luxury of the
kind which ttie country has enjoyed
in many years. The bills, it is assert
ed, run up $20,000 a month, or about
$750 a aay. The Commisbioners
travel from" point to point in a draw
ing room car, and live in a styie that
only Europtan Emperors and Amer
ican ran wop magnates can afford.
Tney are investigating the mysteries
of tue tariff by sampling the best
brands of champaigne and smoking
the finest Havana cigars as they
awing from State to State across the
continent There is no 'limit to the
This from the JCorth American on
ice cream ; In a recent prosecution
of a Boston confectioner for selling
ioe cream on Sunday, the Court held
that it could cot be classified under
the huad of necessaries of life, and
imposed a fine on the offender. If
tbe learned judge had been able to
discover a forgotten law of the pil
grim fathers prohibiting its manufac
ture and sale altogether, he would
receive the homage of all the rising
male population of the Hub, who
are or expect to bo blessed with a
bst gi: 1" with a fondness for fro
zen sweetness.
A giieat deal is being said for and
aud against dancing. Tbe late Rev.
H. P. Heith, of Illinois was of the
opinion that it is good for feeMe
iniudedues. The N. Y., Advocate
writes of him as followi Soins of the
meraWrs of his Church asked bim
why he did not speak out more plain
ly against the practice of dancing,
in which the less spiritual of the
members of the Church indulged,
and which seemed to draw away the
young. On the morning of a Sabbath
some weeks afterward, before begin
ning to preach, he said substantially.
My friends I recently had a conver
sation with Dr. Wvlmer, the superin-
tendant of the Asylum for the FeeU
minded, located at Lincoln, ia this
State, in which the doctor remarkad
that among the moans used he found
none more potent for breaking the
spell of feuble-mindedness bordering
on idocy than dancing; there was an
excitement in it which woke the
feeble minded from their dreams."
He then remarked that he could see
no objection to dancing under such
circumstances. Whether this be true
we cannot say, but of two things we
are certain, namely that many feeble
minded persons have danced for
many years without visible improve
An Atlanta nero, aged 90, has 51
cbildreD. lie took a 4'.b wife the other
Mental depression, weakness of the mus
cular system, general ill health, benefitted
by nsing Brown's Iran Bitters.
Five nulls at Jacksonville, Aa., are
sawing lumber for tbe Pennsylvania
A big cat tramping a tin roof in tbe
still nigbt caused a burglar scare in
Constipation, liver and kidney diseasos
arc cnreJ by Bruwn'a Iron Bittern, which
enriches the blued, and strengthens tbe
whole system.
Mrs. Louise Long, of Pittsburg, who
bad been married but oue year, com
mitted suicide oo Wednesday by tak
mg arsenid. She bad ba recently
learned that her basbaud was a biga
mist. Don't condemn a good thin; beeanse yon
hare been dceeiTed by worthiest nostrums.
Parker's Ginger Tonic has cored many In
this section of nervoue disorders, and we
recommend it heartijy to each sufferers. 1
Rev. E. L. Kotipp. of Laorolville, ;
Westmoreland oouuty, states that while
bis wife and a male relative were pick-,
ing berries a few days since thev cauie
across a den of 150 rattlesnakes. They J
dispatched every oue of them in 15 '
A pig belonging to David Eahlemao
of Manor townsoip, Laocaster conuty,
was accidentally covered np in a bay
stack, where it remained 2(j dvs with
out food. Wbeu taken oat, with the ex
ception of chgitt weakness, it was well
tod hearty.
When a Chinese Coroner examines
aa nnwoanded body foaud in a river
he looks oolj at the finger nails. If
tbey are foil uf mud and sand it is a
saittde; il tbey are eleau it is a murder.
A locomotive wbicb ran off a bridge
over a salt water ewaiup, near Sau
Frauaisoo, pinioaed tbe fireman, Dan
iel Driteoll, firmly iu the shallow water
lie was naiujured, but in six bouts toe
tide rose over bis bead, aud be was
drowned in spite of ail efforts to save
A burglar serving a 3 year's sentence
in the Western Penitentiary has fall-a
beir to $53,000. Aeiameia bis father's
Will, uuder woiah tbe culpilt is to in
herit, makes tbe legacy Conditional on
his sons reiorutatioo
A large bald eagle attacked a little
boy named Funk in Jackson toaoship,
Casubria euuoty, oa Sunday last a, week
knocking bini down. Tbe little fellow's
grown up brother burned to bis assis
tance aud after a desperate battle iuo-
coeded in capturing tbe eagle.
A Despatch Iron Mveredalo Pa.,
under date ol Septeuibrr 10, say ; Jo-
cob Livelihood, a wealthy Duosar.,
aOoat eiguty years old, who lives re
tired upou bis farm, Bear osliBbfc.T,
six iiaiies trout tbie place, was swindled
oat ot $o,0U0, a day ur two ago ty a
gatigot btiarpera traveling with ia. M.
iluiiard s -lreat r?!"-: Jiquiseurncu
luui," which showed ia Saiiowary that
day. Tbe two principal swioUkr
claimed to be Rev tv iiiiaui filler, a
Lutheran clergyman, from Luiontowo,
who was attending a oburch meeting ia
the neigh borbood, and Judge Wilson,
of Lancaster county, foiaieriy on tbe
Supreme Bench, now a candidate for
tbe United Jtates Senate. Tbe old
geutleuiao trusted to his distinguished
companions and went with tbeiu to tbe
show to see a peculiar curly-Laired
horse wbicb was said to be there.
Tbey took bim into an aunex and intro
duced bim to a little lottery game tbey
were working. The self styled elergy
men suggested that it might be utilized
for tbe benefit of tbe eburcb, aa a scien
tific, modification of tbe well-worn giab
bag device, and offered to take an in
terest in it putting np $3,000 tor bis
share. Tbe old larmar drove to My
eradla with tbe preacher drew $3,000
out of tbe bank aud was scarcely back
at tbe tent before one of tbe gang bad
tbe money. Tbe clergyman ebed copi
ous tears at his friends loss and tbs old
farmer was so agitated that be oould
give no connected aocooot of tbe affair
uutil last night, Officers are in pur
suit ot tbe swindlers, wbobave probab
ly gone over tbe southern border.
Many wonder how Farkers's Ginger Ton
ic can perform such varied cares, thinking
It essence of ginger, when in fact it ia made
from many valuable medicines which act
beneficially on every diseased organ.
A girl in Tuscaola Co., Mich., began
canning tomatoes with 19 warts on one
Laod, and quit without any. The to
mato juice did tbe work.
Sale Bills printed on short notice at the
nfCrf of the Hfnt'Ufl end RrfnMinm.
Tbe narrative of a woman who eur
vived the wreck of tbe ship Asia, as
despatebed from Parry Sound Ontario,
last I'bursdav, is aa follows. Mies Mor
rison oos of the tarvivors of tbe ill fat
ed Asia, bas furnished a sketch of ber
experience after aba left tbe wreck in a
life-boat with tbe eaptaio, mate and
several others. She says ; -I r.aw ibe
other two life boats both full. Tbe eap
taio and mate bad pars and tried to take
ears of our boat. Tbe steamer now
went down and left wreckage floating
all around. 1 saw the other 2 boats
upset twice, and each time tbe number
of passengers was largely reduced. Tbe
3 boats drifted together for a short
time. I beard those in the other boats
eall to tbe captain for oars. One of
tbe two boats bad no oars one bad one
and onr boat bad two. Tbe eaptaio
could snare none. Oar boat went
along quite nicely for some minutes
the ethers eapidzed almost immediate
ly. Tbey bad nothing to belp them
selves with. 1 wis sitiioffio tbe bow of
our boat looking baok toward tbe wreck
I saw tbe other two boats tip over 3
times, and when I next saw them tbey
were empty, no oae even clinging to
their sides. I am sure none were sav
ed exoept Tinkis and myself.
"Finally our bnat upot atl we lost
fc.nh oars. We wurc then at the inerey
tf tire waves and wna npsrt 4 ames in
all. There were !j pcrtuus in tbe boat
before she upset. 2 women were lost
the first time. It beeame calmer near
dark aud tbe boat did not upset again.
About this time we picked up a floating
oar, but were too exhausted to use it.
Tbe mate told me to hold on to tbe life
line whatever happened and I never let
go. When tbe boat opet I bung on and
came up witb it. None of tbe 5 men
died till after dark.
"Tbe mate got upon his knees and
said be could see land. The eaptain
seemed very sad and seldom spoke.
None bad bats or coats on but Tinkis
1 bad neither bat nor abawL We weie
all in the water np to our knees, but
tho water was not up to tbe seats. If we
bad bad a bailing dish we could bave
bailed out tbe boat after tbe sea went
down, but we bad nothing to do it with
Tbe men all died quietly and seemed
to go to sleep. Tue mate put bis head
up to my face in tbe dark and asked if
it was 1. 1 said yes. My bair was fir
ing around- He seised it io bis death
grasp and roiled down my bead 1 ask
ed the eaptain who was near, to release
my bair. He did so and the mate soon
breathed bis last. We saw a light at
Bvng Inlet about dark and oouid see it
all nigbt, but drifted south shortly af
ter the mate died, aud tbe eaptaio lay
down. 1 tried to arouse tbe captain bat
be was dead. I thiuk ibis was about
midnight. Tinkis and I kept op a con
versation. 1 wss nerrous and feared
tbat Tinkis would lay down bis head
like tbe rest. 1 asked bim to come to
tue bow, bat b naid be Would balance
tbe boat better by reumuwg as we
were aud that be would ut-t laii asleep.
Daylight nually dawned and revealed
a suorc near by. 'imkis worked tbe
boat toward tbe shore with tbe oar we
bad picked up. It aas a beautiiul,
waiiu morning aud tbe suu warmed us
and dried ear clothing. We got on tbe
nxks shortly alter sunrise.
"We tried to walk across the island
thiukiug we might fiud auae bouses. I
coutd not walk, so we returned to tbe
boar. Tlbkis took tbo bodies out. 1
could not belp bim. He then pried the
boat off with ibe oar. lie worked the
boat down ibe beaco, but made poor
headway. Darkuess coming uu, 1 was
atraid it wouid get rough ; so we lan.i
ed broken bougu lor our bed, aud out
some uuder aud some over us. 1 slept
BOiUC, but was cervous. We were up
before sunrise and got into our boat.
It was calm tben. W e twud a short
time, but tbcu gave it up and went
asbore aud lay down on tbe rooks aud
went to sleep. Au ludiao came aloug
and woke us up and asked if we were
loet. Wo said we were. UU squaw was
in t boat We aeked him bow tar it
was to a bouse, tie said it was 22 miles
and asked it we were buugry. lie then
got some bread and pork trom bis boat.
1 could not eat, but 1 drank some cold
tea. Tiukis offered tbe Indiau bis
watch to take us to Parry 8ound. We
ti.l but little to eat on the way. Tbe
(qua made me a bed iu tbe host and I
slept there Sunday nihi quue comfort
ably. Tiukis oever gave up exoept oo
Saturday morning, when we lay down
to die. 1 thought ol the babes in tbe
woods, but caw no hope of rescue."
It was on Lake Huron, tbat tbe
"Steamer Asia" was wrecked. It is
now reported tbat a Mr Tinkis survives
Xoty ebeeke aad clear complexion only
accompany good health. Parker's Ginger
Tonic .ettcruan any-tbing, makes pare,
rich blwod and brings health, joy one spirits
strcogtii and beaaty. Ladies try it Bazatr.
Charles Slack, took John F. Waite's
wife to kis home at Van Buren, Mich.,
and Waite Went after her, accompan
ied oy a large party of friends, among
wbosa was a ?. salable bearing a war.
tant for Slack's Lrest on a obarge of
auuucuoa. va tne ar.ival ol the mob
Slack took Wa.te aalae b id asked bim
bis priee for the womaa. r al.e ibnogbt
$50 was not too mac j, sod Sltck re
garded it as tatber -r, tkoagb be
pain it, aa. Walte pet.; a pt, treat
lug tbe crowd to wLa.y.
fTtliE undersigned will offer at public sale,
JL ma I arm in Jr'atelle township, Juuuta
couuty, one ball mile north ot Oakland
Mills, at 1 v'rlvck f. M., on
A ii0 iarut couiduua
74,1 ACKKS,
limestone auu graei uui, t Uh.uo0 acres
are cleared, tue balance limn r it bas been
near! aiiuuiid umn luur e, tne land ia
lu a Uign state ol cultivation, tu improve
menu area L,UCi LIOUSII weatUuiOoard
ed oul-okle. uu ptasiMvu and seaiLd, ibree
rovina aud back-aucbea Ouu suns, and
toor roonuup risirs, a guod well ol water on
tbe porcuuid a spring aud a ash house nn
ar Ine same root. nao a sueaiu ol ruu-
niugaaterua tbe larui. A Lou r.iiK
iSAiifN, wagon-shed, aud crio alucn. d, beu
huuae, wora-eiiup, cMer press, bog bouse,
and atl necessary oul-nunuings. a good
orciura ol apples, pears, piuius, Cucrries,
quiuces, ana grapea, auu bluer aiuail Iruil.
11 la bounded ou ibe west by lauds ol Adain
dpuubower, oa tbe auulb by lauua ol' asm
Uei kiaaer,on the east ij Uuda la id Swim,
on tue norm by lauds ol Micbael I odor
It la cobtenieut to nulls, store, shops, aud
churches of didereui deuoiuiuations,
schools. TtKXS to suit urebuor. t or
further pariiculara call on, r address
JUH.V fcAhfcfOOT.
Oakland Jtula, i uuiata Co., Pa.,
Sept. O, B.'.J
Sentinel and RrjmWiran $1.60 a fwu
- Malaria is an almost in
describable malady which
not even the most talented
physicians are able to fath
om. Its cause is most fre
quently ascribed to local
surroundings, and there is
very little question, but this
opinion is substantiated by
facts. Malaria does not nec
essarily mean chills and
fever while these troubles
usually accompany it. It
often affects the sufferer with,
general lassitude, accom
panied by loss of appetite,
sleeplessness, a tired feeling
and a high fever, the per
son afflicted growing weak
er and weaker, loses flesh
day after day, until he be
comes a mere skeleton, a
shadow of his former self.
Malaria ease kaWw kid la
oM aaoa the aamaa Bus, the
4osrsttasimsi isiaiasisa
sisjs. The bod
aoanshmaot, bat ubauaaf
kstlf, sto di(esw arfaa
1 nan sarfana thsir fbuKtMaa;
saWWaaa torpid, aad ether
tfsa aaiaf to OS thsir row tins
work , tpssrul j becetas disotdarad,
aad innrsdssaadaastliatmart
Ta addition to beisg a eertaia care
for Bialaria aad chills and fever,
Baovm's Iaow Brrruts is highly
tecommentled for all diseases requir
ing a certain aad efficient tonic; es
peciallyiadigestion, dyspepaia, inter
mittent fevers, want of appetite, loss
of strength, lack at energy, etc
Eniichcs the blood, strengthens tho
muscles, and gives new life to the
nerves. Acta like a charm oa the
digestive organs. It is for sale by
all respectable dealers ia aaedicinea,
price, $i per bottle
Be smrw aad gat th genuine
Tain so otevsr.
rnrnnant ti aa eidrr of sle issued out of
tbe Orphan's Conn .l Jktnaia nnnty, Pa.,
and Iu me directed, aid br ex-usi-il lo pub
lic sale, on Hi pi r.r.i -, i.DC-l.ail mile north
ol U.ikl.ind Mi! s, l'i Ft ellr tosnhip, Ja
Dials county, at or.e o'c.oek p. ni., oa
All tuat r-i:jia
31eanage. I'lantuMon ana
Tract of Lund,
la Fayette townr-l.i,., Ju.itj. a county. Fa.,
boumled by Ian t il IrAir Miriiciibergi-r,
Dat id imiih, Lcnrti'U l. o :d, J. A. aud
J. C. I'lac, and J j'-n Aurr, e jiitainiug
115 ACltES.
More or le.s, ana haug llnreua t rcctcd a
rScw It a nk liarn, IVagou
And other out-buliiin;.i, ail of which are
clt-anil cxci pt live tn:i. 1 he land ia in
tbs higue-t ri.ne ol rnli?v.iiitin, good ualer
ou tin- .ri'iiiisck, and excellent Iruit.
No. 2. ATract of Woodland,
Situate in retui4n.i:n lowuship, Imjuii(1m1
by lands ol Daviti Vi oiiraiig, H. Zuok aud
Lliftord Singer, con mi. in,;
JO Acres nntl SO Perches,
Mure or it'na.
TEkilS or SALE : Out-fourth the pur-chas.-e
tuuii-y 1 De f. -A 01 rutiliriuation
ol saie b' tiie i-oiirt; one lr.:ib n the 1st
day of Ant, I. A. D I ;, abeii Jcrd ii. be
delivered and po.r.Mon giren ; one lourth
on the first ol April A. D. ISM, with inter
est trom April lri, nne-luurth 011 the
1st day of April. A. II. lh)o, ith inlerc.-t
f.-oin April 1st IM-i, tau ia.-t, (aynteuls to
be secured by jinigeiueu:.
Administrator of Henry H. Brubakcr.
Sept. 6, W2.
THE nndersigncd, Execntor of the last
will and testament ol Abraham Kui.iely,
late ol tValKer loansiiip, JuniiU County,
Fa-, dec M, will expose to saie by public
vrndue r.r out cri, at the rrciuU.i about
one half raile cast of UiUlinlown, at 1 o'clock
F. at., on
the ioMt.wnj saluable real estate, lo-wit:
A VaLL'a1LE KaRM. situate in Walker
tow.,bia juii, . .u county. Fa., bounded by
lands o Ei.a D. Farl.er, Uniu 1 Cemetery,
Abram J. .auist, Jonan Kaufl.iian, David
Kicke w : 1, D. m Fo.e, VhaJdeus Sw it
er, and otu.s, c u i ui. j
7-1 ACHES, .
and ene 1 e i:h, inme o.- 'e. a, ajoui 61 acres
01 w Kh 1 cv c t . , : jd ,ue b ,.1'a. co wood
laiu. T. i nrovo ae i.s a e a
And Hank Barn,
and athe-ou -bri'd 'ii(,s Theie is a good
orcbaid ou .o 1 "p .i.y, and au 1 Jjndauce
of escel'eiit W-.-r.
TERMS OK SAMS: Ten percent of the
purch im) moiH y o be n lu on day ol" sale.
our-hjll' 01' . .e 'eiuaii.dt.r i lie second til
April, A. D.. l9ou. fallen deed will b de
livered and pos e :ion ; A en ; toe remain
der on tbe 1st J y oi December, A. 1)., 18
bi, te tie secn-ed by j;U ;i ineul bond-
Exocuior ol Abraham Knisely, dee'd.
FARM lor SALE, iu Tuscorora Valley,
near Peru .Mills, containing 100 acres near
ly all cleared, I ho bailance well set with
good i.itc-oak tmil-er, only 2 miles from
the new propose! railroad. The l iud is
not much billy, a part of which bas been
lately hiiied tliteen acres ol meadow, water
in nearly all of ibe fields, Iruir iu abundance
Log b ink bim, Good tiaiue house 30x36,
all necessary outbuildings, A never failing
fountain ot good waier running at the door
also a litres limestone quarry about J wile
distant belongs to the larin. Two Cl.un.-hes
and School-house within hall-mile. Price
3,000 or cll on or adtfr-s
Pern Mills. Juniata Co., pa.,
arpe stock ot ready made clothing ol tbe
1 i latest and choicest stvies. lor uien and
boys. hits. cat. boots sun shoes, notions,
fuiuisiiiiif good in ctid'tss r-orit-ty for sale
at S.inincl straycr's. in rstterson
ltrge stto:k of neady-iuadp Clothine for
salo nr l. . 11 AKl.Hl.
Subscribe lor the f fntiael and Republican.
It give you a gn-at.r variety ot resdu.g
matter than any other psfWT in the county
' don at this onV.
For Gmtrnor.
Gss. Jams A. Bcaraa.
For Judtt olki Suprtmt Court,
Wm. Hilar Bivu.
Fr Lint. Gntruor,
W. T. Davits.
Ftr Stc'l e httrnal Jfftir;
Joax V. Gaaaa.
Ftr Congreitmin al-lmrge.
. Xaaaior Baositts. ,,
For Governor.
Joaa Stkwast.
Ftr Judgt tftki Smtrtmt roar.
Uioaoa Joikir.
For Lioutennt Governor.
Ceu Levi Bian Dcrr.
For Ste'v of Inttrnmi Jfairi.
Majoa Gie. W. Miaaica.
For Congrrtiman-at-Itrft.
Cor- Williax UcMiciacl.
ditor Sentinel and Republican I wonld
announce D. S. Lanma. uf Favetle town
ship aa a candidate lor the office or Shnrift.
Mr. Land is ia a voting man of rood habits.
and ia abundantly qualinVd to HII the poii-
lion ol auerill. 11 n lather and grand-taih-
er were citizens in Juniata before hiin.
Me IS an earnest Republican. He speaks
both, tbe English, and German languages,
which in Juniata county, is a rutttt-r ol im
portance and satisfaction to both officer
and people.
Mr. Sihtceier Be kind enough ta an
nounce H. tl. Morrow, the one-armed ret-
fran Kepnblican of Tuacarora, as a candi
date for Sheriff, auljeet lo keiublican m-
agea. nr. aurrow is a plain, unpretentimi
eiticen.posaeased of good business abilities
and well qualified in errrr way tn perform
the duties ot the office. lie ia a Republican
nre and simple, but one who owns him
self aad caaaot be swerved Iroin his princi
pals. His name would be a tower of atrei-gth '
oa tae arpuDiican ticket. BEALE.
ifr. tiUorKt the campaign of 1H82 is
one ol much importance it concerns the
the Republicans, of Juniata, tbat thev should
bave a geod Cba.rmin of the County Coin
atiitee. He should b-- intelligent, active
Isithlul and honest Mr William Hertzler,
last year by his succetul uiaiugemeot ol
the duties oi the orti -e demonstrated thU
be poeiM-ased sll these qualities and bis
nsme ia now tngesled lor a re-election to
the same position. IKr r'LlN.
Editor Sentinel and Republican Tbe peo
ple ot Juniata, will be culled upon to choose
a suitable person to fill the olhVe of Regis
ter and Recorder at tne election in Vivuio
brr. Allow us to presert tlie name of S. B.
Careny, of Patterson as a candidate for Iho
Republican nomination. Ur. Caveny is well
known as a gentleman ol integrity, p isses
ing every qualification requiste lor tbe effi
cient discharge of tbe office- and it nomin
ated will be a strong candidate.
Editor Sentinel ant Republican Allow
me to announce .1 e oame 01' S. P. TV bar
ton ol Spruce Hill as a candidate for tUo of
fice of Kt-giMer and Fecorder, subject to
Republican nsiges. Mr. Wbarlon is a
young man of good besiness qualifications
and il elected, wou'u nuke an obliging and
efficient officer.
Editor Sentinel end le'.ublicar Please
announce M ior J. I. Howkll, o ' Spruce
Hill, aa a candidate o ti e o'- e o'Asiem
bly, suljeci 'o Leuo' cin us a. The
Major is a 'e vin i.ive tu n o.'ihe peop'e,
oas a J.UOU . oi lier, wop'd Je a M on can
didate xv, i' elic ed li.t ard prudent
Editor Sentinel and Republican Please
anoounee W. C FoiU'trot, of Fort Royal,
as a Candida's lor Assembly, subject to the
usages ol the Kcpulilicaa party. Mr. Foin-
eroy made such a close run in I6b0 that a
very little additional exertion on the part
of his Iriends would have secured his elec
tion, and we feel continent that if nominat
ed this lall be will give strength to the whole
ticker, tad his election will be sure. Mr.
Foim-rov's standing in the county and quali
fies' iuns for the office are well known
to the public and need not be mentioned
here. llFFLINT)WJi.
Editor Sentinel and Republican I wouid
present Henry Anker, ol Walker township,
to the Republicans ot Juniata county, as a
suitable candidate for tliu i tlice of Jury
Commissioner. Mr. Aucker is a good Re
publican, but still not so blinc a party man
as to do injustice in the . elation of ui ju lor
the jury wheel.
Mr. Editor: That the office of Jury
Coninii.noner ia one of very great trust and
responsibility is admitted by all, tor on tbe
honest and judicious actioi ol tue parties
hlliag tbat office tbe aalely ol the lives aud
property ol our citizans ia a great roeuuie
depeud. Such being tbe cose it behooves
all good citizens te consider well the char
acter and standing of the man entrusted
with tbat important office. Believing that
Uillord lewuship ea. luruish aa unexcep
tionable candidate for tbe position, permit
me to snggesc Ibe name of W. iS'oaTa
STsaasTr, subject to Republican usages.
II nomiuaied, (ibe election oeiug a matter
of course,) he will be touiid, ia every re
spect, the right niau lor the pOMitiou.
Ltgal Yulicea.
Admisssats-aUWl-'a Rivtlce.
Joliu P. Mulib, Admiuislrator of Jacob
t'. Suiitu, ili.iiwl, lie xl Walker lowu-
sliip oilers at prl -t Sale, ou Ibe premises
ol sai.l UeeeUci.l, a lot ol lumber reail)
liaiued lor a wagou sued sol corn bouse,
size M ieul long, 'M K-el wido, aud 10 Icel
high, also ooi icel 1, luch piauk, boO led
boards, aud 'JM leel isiu.
Administrator el Jacob t. buiiib, dee'd.
Large Farm at Private Sale,
Tue v AiUaUoi i arm ol lue Heirs ol tVil
liam Okesou, duces-!, is oderud lor sale.
It ia located in tne tortile talley ol Tusca
rta, Juniata couuty, Pa., oue aud a baa
tuiics west ol Academia, containtug 240
Acres) ot prime liuiestoue laud, all iu cui
tivauou, except IU acres ol l imber . Build
ings good, lrge Mansion House, Bank
Barn, lUUxoU levt; Wagon ttbeda. Corn
Cribs, liug Pens, Ciood tipring a.nl Zp-ipjr
House, aud all ether outbuildings, aUootbet
springs aim, ruuuiug water ; Two Orchard
bearing choice Iruils. It is well located,
near lo churcta, schools, mills and stoie-,
Tbe land la well adapted to grain aud grass
aud lor making money lor a new owuer, as ia
well known, il did lor many yoafs fur its
former owuer. Price Will be reasonaole,
and time given to auit purchaser.
For terms, fcc., call on James B. Okoson,
Pleasant V lew, near tbe form.
The SixTisai. ako Rirraucaa baa no
superior as an advertising medium in tbis
county, and as a jonrnai oi varied news
and reading it ta not surpassed by any
weekly paper ia central Pennsylvania.
Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republican
tats bent paper in the county
yew ultlvcrtuementB.
Complete Stock.
McAiistorvillc, Pa.,
Has just returned from the Eastern Cities
w ith a Large aud Complete Stock of
Eats & Cap3, Boots & Shoes,
CI gara, Tobacco, A.c, &c.
Paruei wili End It really to lueii advan
tage to call ami ace nir Stork and hear lay
Print beton purchasing elsewhere.
Stock Eatirely New. and Fresh.
1 van iCL'UiuuijAlv you iu aliute erery
thing called for in a Store nf this kind.
V. E. Gltif BILL.
Oct. 20, HI.
Fvtr GEM. DODCK'S braa' new Bbek. ea title!
Years Among
A tr. record nftti. inthor'i
mhit tw- tasT Pssnr'tf
ty Wua aa asia
b7 Gen. Sherman.
Thim wm vorfc was at tmctt nteHto tar t? fi'sWivW
ABTatra ai tmtirm C-Wt ma4 hj Ctm. Shtrmmm, Gctv
Ormnt, Om. SMtridtm. Gin. jftmrmrk, nd lAn mwm,U f atv
knl Mrtv CSV. QavayT :-t w tkr brM 6oaaV Jbrfi
Lift tnr writtcnS Bishop WtUT MrtlWisnt,) mm ft M
AtMiMsiMNiM.- It k. th emtv antlt-ati mrmmmn
mm ladiani ever fWblitlw!, fully rrvrmliax tfaHr
ftfe. mrtrmt dmnxs, tnploita, etc It b trplrtt with OtriHiDg
.rt mmrir mm ttt tha Author, avn4 T faasoos Bojta, Tmpprn
Cow-boja, HiBtrr-. Border RuffltaM, rrTiTidj portrmjimg
Life th Gmt Wrrrt mm K amr sjl 4M dkutmt M pry.
With 8tcl EnrrmriticB mud Snpcrv Chruwi LlVarysa.
PUte ia 1ft colon, from photoffrapb- -&! bf llM V. I.
Qvwmmrat txfrrvim or tkim treat oo.
ACEXTH! Thb grmnd book m iov srat-twrtiaf n mh
10 to 1. romptUfKm. oircnta arvormjo 10 to order
m4my. W vant BBora tntm at mmem. Erehmrm
Trmtorm tmtf .pcral Term otrna. Onr btnc rf-trLaf with
foil psUeulara rmt fm. A torn fprtimrm riato orat
miditim t or 8 pt tiao. Addrrat fh oo-W paMiihna,
A. P. vTORTUIKGTOS CO, Untrvmn, Cexv.
port caapE WIRE
Used In the piincisil Churches fur Com
munion purposes.
Excel lent for LadicB anl Weekly
Persons and the Aged.
is ruiili !ro!a the juice of the Oporto
(ir.if o, r.i'eJ in ti.ij -.ountry. lis ir.va(
are un.4tirpa-.su-l by ar.r other Naiire Wine.
Hein l!ie pure juice i.l u: Grape, produc
ed und'-r Mr. j--r's .j rcrnml supr
vifion, if piiri.v genuineness, are puar-ant'-ed.
The vouniest chin, m.iy partake
ot its generous tu,'.liiis, a.nl Iht weakest
invalid mo- -t ! jjviut";z. It is prt.cn
Urly b neHviil to the .i.'e lsnd dehiliat-'d,
and suited to the various a.lmonis that aff
ect I he "fjliir -. I: is in every respect
A WINE TO t." Kr.r.If.L t)N.
The P J. SHERRY i a wine of Super
ior Character and piriakes of the rich quil
iriea nf fl.e grape from khich it ia made.
For Puri'y, Richnis.. Klavorand Mtdicinal
Prcper'.ios, it it will ba fou-d nncxeelled.
P. J. liRANDY.
Tbis BRANDY stands unrivalled in thl
Country being far superior for Biedieiual
IT IS A VCRZ distilalion from tbe grspe
and contains va'nable medicinal properties.
It has a uelicat- flavor, similar to that of
the grapes lrm which it is diMilleil. and is
in great lavor ainong first-rlass families.
See that the signature of ALFRED
S PEEK. Passaic N. J., is over the eork of
each bottlo.
Sold by L. B inlis. And by drn-gigls
Sept. 13-1S82.
This elegant drvsainf
is ptefarcti by those
similar sUtick. m ac
I count oi its tupnior
ifttanhaew and imtr.
It cofrtains inaUcruts
only that r beneficial
to the scalp aad bait
nd always
Rtsforts lti Yoythfyl Color teCrejor riM lair
Parker't Hair Balsam is finely M.iftiim.J and ia
watraaied te prrwnt felling of the hair and to ro
aftovedandniffaiuhing. Htscox & Co . M.Y.
SB.SB4 01 riM,
A Soperia!ivt Health and Strength Restorer.
It ya are a mechanic or fanner, went out with
OKTW-jrk. or a mother mn down by family or boose
bdd dunes ttypAKkKk'sC'iMCca li-Mic.
If yoj are a !awyr, nnuster or btmaen man ex"
baustM hy mental $trweranxietK cares, do net take
jaioxcatiog4inw'aiilbotue Paiker'tGmrgrTtiPaC
If yoa have C onscmptioo, Dypia, Khetma
ism. Kidney Corepbrnts, or any dioroer ef the hmrs
stomach, bowels, blood or ntrre PAftsra's GrKcast
Tonic will ewe you. ItistlreCmtestaBkiedPyhlier
M Hit Best aad Sarest Cosfh Care Ever SteaV
if yoa are wasrinjc away from ae, osipatioD or
any disease or weaktiess and retime a sbmiilant take
CiMCae ToKfCat-nce: it will mrientate arid build
nup from the fist dew bot will neve intoxtcatte.
as saved bundicds of lives; k auy save yours.
CACTTOX IUfW mtt MtMtmrtt. Tm StnjrrTtwki
iiii i i 1 1 if ihi 1 1 1 ' ' " " T
Jigerwt frvsM ftrm'mm mt r'W - 8W Itv ctMaiar I
ltbMa 4 Cm., H . T. Ncl MfjaM4sCTa ra..
ckeat satt.hq arTrxa dollar fixa.
Its li'-h and bstmg frajtaace baa saade tas
delightful perfume exceedingly swputar. Tbero
tsaethtag like it. Insist wvm aavmz Flobbs
tow i.QLQQm and look for anaaae of
m Tf Vsttla, Ar r(cM r I il g Is l iiSss aj
sta .p,J r. ta ta4 It ml ! 1 1.
ALL persons are hereby eantinaed
against fi.-hing nr knntinr, gathering
berries, or crossing ftslds, or in any ether
way trespassing on the lands of the under
signed J. 6. Kt'tLTt.
sfrapt ?l
f All f.
CtraybUl's Column.
Chaics FatUrag in
Boiy aid Tapestry
Extra Super Medina and Low
A rill Lisa of
A Complete Line of
A Choice Lot of
Beautiful Patterns ia
C a r p e t House
At the Old Stand,
on ths oirrinvEST corxes or
aiiFFuxTorrif, pa.,
All the above enumerated articles,
and all other things that may
be found in a
Bolsters and Pillows,
Looking Glasses
&o., &c, &Ct
Ia fact everthing usually
kept in a First-Clasa IIous
Furuibhing Goods Store.
Bvtweea tbe Cavil a $1 WatoKeet,
TravaJart Cuuic.
On and after Monday Jnut i, 12 tiaa
tbat tojat MjRin will run aa fullotrs
Hifrus AocomioaanuB Uavea
daUy at 60 m., aad Kloppinir at all t
tiona between aliffiia and llarriaberr J
rived at Hamburg at H 20 a. a.
Jon s siows fUrnxaa leveaahoota ti-n.
at7.S0a m., aad stoijuug ,t ,u -f
alsUoiiS beta eta Altwuna ai.d HaetiZ
reacbea aliOtu at 1U.48 a. m., Uarri,.
12.40 p. U., and artivea ia bill,.,Jlt. '
4.4,5 f. a. "
Uau. Taa leavea PittaUrj aniit
7.M a. AUoona at U.2i p. m., and ai. .
l:ng at all regular stations arrive, t
at b M p. n... Harrukuj-4 T-.W . m.,
dclnbia a.ee a. aa,
ilaJl xprttaa leaves Pittsbr at 1 Isi r
Altuonab aOpa; lyroae 7 17 pul .
inxdim HUiyiui LewUlowa S2U pta- Jt
flin 9 45 pm; llarrisnori- 11 li p m; tUi .a
KirrLis At4juaBAijw.s leavea Hon..
rist nrg txaily at 10.15 a. m.,anJ stoppim at
all tatniis,airr:ves at Mutlin at 12. .. a
alail. Taais leasee PhiladslpUa daily .
7.lt a. m., Harrisburg 1 1.15 . n'li'-l
U.it f. uj., tup-.irg a 11 sta:iotj bete
MilUiB slU Altouna reaches Aituuna a S "
p. ., l'itUbur 8 50 p. in. "
l!iri.l5i ACCOM MUOartua leaves Ksr' j.
burr Caily except auuilay at .C0p. a.,' j
sto i ping at all stations, arrives at alitt'ia" t
7XO p. m.
FaciBc Expreaslearea Philadelphia 11 .
p m ; Marrisharg 8 1)5 a tu ; Duncantorfa
63 am; Set port 4 18 a m ; HirCin acl a
m; Lcist,)To 5 25ani; HcVenuwa 5 :..
am; t. tnita tils am; Hunfinydga C
45 a ni : Futt-rsburc 7 li'J a m Sn.,. ,
7 15 a in; Tjrona 7 84 a m ;
i o a iu Ai-.oona a ia a ia ; Fitufcu
1 35 p m. "
Fas: Line leaves PhilaileTnhia .t it .: .
m; l!arrit.iir- 3 15 pin; Miffi-n 4 7 p ra ;
Leistn:i 4 6tfp n. . UuctinirJua S 61' pm
Tyru:.e 40 p ua ; Aitoona 7 2e p tu ; r.i;i
tarj 1 1 it) p ut.
leh utow ivisiv.t.
Trains leave Lewistowii Junfii..!. i,
r;r at S So a ia. 10 6w a re, il 25 p ni ; lor
SuQuury at 0j a iu, 1 'io p ui.
Trains arrive at Lewistocn Junction fruiu
Uilrov at 10 a id. 1 SO cm. 4 oil a m . i . .....
Suubury at 1929 a ia, 4 44pu.
Trains leave Tyrone for Bellefente akj.
Lock Havea at 8 30 tu, 7 30 p a. Le'-
Tyrone for Curweasville and CioarfldJ at
S at a m, 7 60 p m.
Trains leave Tyrone for Warriors Varfc,
Penasylvaaia Furnace aud Scotia at b iUa
at ami 8 30 p m,
Trains arrive at Tyrone from Boi:e:i.u
and Lock Havea at 7 83 a at, and 6 85 p m.
Trains arrive at Tyrone from Curwraj.
ville aud Clearfleld at'7 24 a m, and 5 53 p m.
Trains arrive at Tyrone from' Sco.ls, War
rior Mark and Pennsylvania Furnace at T
80 a ai, at 2 45 p in.
Philadelphia & Eeading Eailroad.
Arrtapenitnt of Passcntr Tralas.
Trains itaet Btrrisburg at follom i
Sot Sew Tork ta Alleauwu, at 7 50 a ti
and 1 4.1 p. ai. '
For New Y..r via Ph!!a'lL:p!ua and -.Sound
Broot P.oute," 5.' J a m, aud 1 4i
p ra.
For Pt.iUrtcl Lla, 8 Si, 7 0, 5t an, 1 45
aud 4 00 p m.
For kea-lin- at 5 20. tt S5, 7 53, 3 53 a as.
1 45. 4 00 and (.0 p m.
For Pottsville al 5 -2D, 7 50. So a in, aad
1 45 and 4 I'o p. ni. and via jJehuvlkill 4.
Su.xq'iehariDa Branch at 2 it p a. lur
Aunurn, 8 10 a m.
For A!!enton at 6 20, 7 90, 5 a tu, 1 15
and 4 00 p m.
The 7 50 am, uhi 1 45 p n trains ha a
through cars for New Vork via AUi-n-
For Allentown and tray stations at 5 ii a at.
F or Rtdinp, Phi'udelphia and way station
at 5 20 a in and 1 45 p ni.
7Yotr Karruburg leant a follow t s
Leave New Ter'z via Ailoa'.swnat 9 0J am,
1 00 and 5 30 p ro.
Lear a Nrw York vi"Bound Brook Beute"
and Philadelphia 7 45 a ra, 1 30, 4 00 and
5 30 p u , and 12.00 midnight, arriving at
flarrisbu-c 1 50, S 20, 9 2i p. m., aad
12 10 and s 49 a in.
Leave Philadelphia at 4 45 a u.,4 CO,
i 50 and 7 35 p in.
Leave Pottsvaie at 8 CO, 9 00 a. an. aad 4 40
p m.
Leave iieauint; at 4 50, 7 30, 1169am,
1 27, C 15, 7 6J and 10 25 p m.
Leave Pottsviiie via Schuylkill -;il S isqua
hanna Branch, 8 15 a m. and 4 40 p ra.
Leave Allentown al 8 00, 8 49 a at., 12 15,
4 30 aud 9 05 p ra.
Leave Xew York via Allmtown, at 5 i9 p.
n. Philadelphia at 7 35 p m.
Leave Heading at 7 30 a in aad lu 25 p at.
Leave Allentown at 9 1'5 p m.
Leave HAKSISiiL'KG for Pat-n, Loc'i
iel, and Steelton daiiy, except Sunday, 5 li,
6 40, 9 35 a m, 1 35 and 9 40 p m ; daily, ex
cept Saturday and Sunday, 5 S5 p tu, and on
Saturday only, 4 ii and 6 10. p iu.
Keturmntr, leave STEBL'i'UN dailv, ex
cept Sunday, 8 10,7 00, 1000,11 45 am.
2 10 aud 10 10 piu ; daily, except Saturday
and Suuilay, 10 p tn, tad oa Saturday
only, 6 10 and 8 ij p m.
General rait'r and Ticket Jgt.it.
J. t. WOtri TE ,
General Xanager.
Stockholders Individaallj Liable.
J. KEVIN POMEROr, Pretident.
T. VAN 1KW1N, CasAisr
J. Nevin Pomeroy, Joseph Roteroek.
George Jacobs, Philip M. btepner,
Amos G. Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinson.
W. C. Pomeroy,
SfOCBBoiaras :
J. Nevin Pomeroy, B. . Parker,
Fbuiu X. Kepnsr, Annie M. Sbeller.
Joseph Hothrock, Jane M. Irwia,
George Jacobs, Mary Kuril.
j. B. Atkinson, Samuel X. Knrts,
YV. C. Pomeroy. J. Holmes Irwia. "
Amos G. Bonsall, T. T. Irwin,
Jioah Herteler, T. B. Frow.
Charlotte Snyder. John Uortzler.
3 Interest allowed at the raie of S rer
cent, on 8 months certificates, 3 per cent. oa
i tuwuius ceriiucatea.
f fjanje, Ib73-M
ALL persons ore aerwby rakiiokou apsins
trespassinz upon the lauds Ol' ! aa-
d-rsignod, in Fayett, DeUwaro or Valkcr
townsbip, by labiug, huatiaj, or ia any
other way.
Jonathan Kiser C Shellv
Wm Brtrnthotfer A H Cnrta
Henry S piece David Smith
larhariae Kurta g Uwea tvabs
Joha MeMeea T salon aner
D B Dimia O. If. Spwavr
O W Smila JohaLAukor
S J turn j B Carber
Henry Anker S U :aua"maa
Lucivw Duna J F lletlra
J W ilostrtlev David Uuaberger
Jesse Pinca Araold Taraeo
Jacob Hoops. LeviK.3lyero
iVov 9,1881.
Bvery larully shonld have a county mn.
Paper. SubaOnho for thlt Smlirt Aa.
The Stnh tel and Reptibtf:e olUco U tbt
place at vitxt to have tali biflj prrotd.