Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 23, 1882, Image 4

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    The Art of dressmaKing; in America -has
been of lute years ao simplified that almost
anyone with a reasonable degree of execu
tive ability can manufacture a fashionable
costume by using an approved pattern and
lol'.ewing the directions printed upon it,
selecting a new paitTa for each distinct
style, while in Europe many ladies adhere
to the old plan of cutting one mojel and
using it tor everything, trusting to personal
skill or luck to gain the desired formation.
However, some useful bints are given
which are well worth offering alter the
paper pattern has been chosen.
'1 be best dressmaEera ore and abroad
u.e silk for lining, out nothing is so de
rame or preserves the material as well as
firm slate twill. This is sold double
width and should be laid out thus folded.
riace the pattern upon it with the upper
part towards the cut end, the selvedge for
the ftouts; Tne ude pieces for the back
wilL most probably, be got out of the
width, while the top of the back will fit in
the intersect of the front. A good yard of
bluff may be often saved by laying the
patten out and well considering how one
parts cuts into another. J Tick the out hoe
on to the lining; these marks save for
guide for the tacking.
In forming the front side pleats be care
ful and do not allow a fold or crease to be
apparent on the bodice beyond where the
stichlng commences. To avoid this, before
beginning stick a pin through what is to be
the top of the Dlcat, The bead will be on
the right side and. balding the point, one
can begin pinning the seam without touch
ing the ui,per part of the bodice. To as
certain the size of the buttonholes put
piece of card beneath lha button to be used
and cut it an eighth of an incn on either
s.de betoud. Having turned down the
piece in front on the buttonhole side, run
a thread a sixteenth of an inch from the
extreme ede, and again another the
width of the card. Begin to cut the first
buttonhole at the bottom of the bodice and
continue at equal distances. The other
side of the bodice is left w:de enough
come well under the buttonh'ds. The
buttonholes niut be laid upon it and a pi
put through the centre of each to mark
where the button is to be placed. In sew
ing on the buttons put the stitches in
horizontally, if perpendicularly they are
likely to pucker that side of the bxhea so
much that it will be quite drawn up and
the buttons will not match tne button
As to sleeves. Measure from shou'der
to the elbow and again from elbow
wnH. ' Lay these measurements on any
sieeve pattern you may have and lengthen
or shorten accordingly. '1 be sleeve is cut
In two pieces, the top of the arm and the
under part, w hich is about an inch nar
rower than the outside. In joining the
two together, if the sleeve is at all tight.
the upper part is slightly fulled to the
lower at the elbow. 1 he sleeve is sewn
to the armhole with no cordings now, and
the front seam should be about two inches
in front of the bodice Beam beneath the
.. arm, but one must be guided in this by
the lorni ot the wearer.
lixlues are low worn very tight-llttitig
and the French stretch the material well
on tne crocs before beginning to cut out,
and in cutting allow the lining to
slightly pulicd, so that when on the out
side stretcbis to it and insures a better til.
An experienced eye can leil a Fiench cut
bodice at once, tne front side pieces being
always on the cross. In dress cutting ami
tilling as in everything else there are fail
ures and discouragements, but practice
overrules thete little waller?, and trying
aam Dring a sure reward in succtfi
Auotuer nini may ue ol bcutul to per
sons ol moderate means; they should, as a
rule, dress iu black or dark colors, as such
arc not conspicuous, and consequently do
cot tell their dale as lighter articles do.
blue dress, tor instance, or a red leather,
how plainly they speak the wearer s iden
tity, even at a distance, and how glaringly
they tell of the leniith of time they have
been in wear.
A sensible suggestion is mads in regard
to the Emsli in necks or dresses lor morn
n;g w er. l'luin collars have rather
Stiff appearance, tulle or crepe lisss frilling
- are expensive and frail, so it is a good idea
to purchase a lew yards of rea-ly good
washinglace, about au inch and a half in
iltptl ; ill ill or pleat, and cut into suitable
lengths to tack around the necks ot dress
cs; this can be easily removed and cleaned
wLcn soiled. A piece of soft black r-panisu
lace, folded loosely around the lbtoal.clo.-e
to the fruhugs, but below it, looks very
pretti.j;or jou may get three yards ot
tear I iate, trim the ends Willi uuiliuga,
p uce it aiouud the Leek, leaving neatly
all tne length in the nt,ht hand, the enu
lying upon the kit sh u er teieg abou'
liaii a yard long, w ind the larger puce
twice round the luioat, in .oo-e soft folds.
and leioon lue oilier ard and a half and
fasten with brooch or flower at the sidtx
'1 he diesses made now at the faihionable
establishments are called eiiiergeucy cos
limns, being made either for spetial oc
casions cr because the lady has money
enough to pay for what she does reallv
need, which is certainly an advantage
the dicsMiiiiker, ho must have employ
ment at ail stasons to pre vide the lamily
One of these very elegant toilettes Is of
tuiquuise-blue surah and lake-blue velvet
and is intended for fall wear as well as
the watering place. The skirt is grace
fully cut and edged with velvet, ha
veiled over with a border of Chantilly lace
no paxicrs or pt.C-, but a druperv of tur
quoise blue fcuiah, tnuui.ed aitb. open
work embroidery, cream colored, thrown
over me SKirt and caught up several times:
bodice with a '.ace ruffle over embioidered
plastroa, with a hatque skirt in front and
pulled out at the back; sleeves three-quarters
long, puffed out at the armhole, with
embroidered revere at the bottom. All
sletves, almost without exception, are
semi-suou or inree-quartera long, so that
Jong gloves or uiitteua must be worn.
A pretty dress lor a little girl has short
satri oi juparese foulard, slashed orxn
about bait way up at regular dis a rices to
admit of a triple fold being ii.sorted. The
biocse is made of blue surah, trimmed
wi:b ene!ian lacr; the sleeves are half
loog and loose.
The i.oveity in bathing suits is made of
pale blue and yellowish serge. The draw
eis are tnnintd wiiti vuffa of blue, and
the long blome, of the blue serge, is trim
med irora tec-k to lower edpe ot skirt with
giaduatiug puff f yellow fabric. The
yoke and sleeves aie also of the yellow
and are gauged and puffed. The blouse
is confined at the waist by a canvas Del',
and an (ll-silk cap, garnished with blue
braid, covers the bead. Canvas sleeves.
blue bound, and as vy Liue stockings com
pile tne costume.
li ncn paint is nu.itil with any s'ronv
alkaline solution, sucb as s da or strong
soap, the oil of the paint is liable to be
changed to snap and the paint is seriously
injured. To avoid this take some of the
best whitirg, and Cave ready some clean
warm waier add a piece ot flannel, which
dip into the water and squeeze nearly dry;
then take up as muen whiting as will ad
here to it, apply it it to the painted aur-
face, when a uitie rubbing will remove
any dirt or grease stains. After this wash
the part weil with clean water, rubbing it
dry with a soft chamois. Taint thus
Cleaned will look as well as when first put
on, and the operation may be tried without
fear of injury to the most delicate colors.
It answers far better than the use of soap.
and does not require more than one-half
the time and labor. Another simple mettl
ed is the following. Put a Ublespoonf ul
of aqua ammonia in a quart of moderately
hot water, dip in a flannel cloth and with
this merely wipe over the surface of the
woodwork. j rubbing is necessary. The
Crzt recipe is preferable, except where the
paint is badly decolored.
There was at one time exhibited by Sir.
T Pn.lioh ,.rtwl. ..I a H M.fl Oil nilA
AjUit, mil ' ' -fl iu iiiwi i iiimi uiitau mv.vw
feet long, spun by twenty 4 wo silk spiJen
in lew than two hours; and which was five
times as floe at the thread ot the silk worm.
Thb Valcb of Oats. The better farm
economy ard the feeding value of crops
are understood the more oats will be ap
preciated and the larger will be their cos
sumption upon the farm. The claim is
frequently made that they are not profita
ble as compared with corn, and hence,
though possessing merit, they must always
take a secondary place. Let us compare
the cost of producing an acre of oats and
their value with Cora, it is estimated that
$4 will cover the c rat of ploughing, sow
ing, harvesting and slacking an acre of
oats including seed. The straw, if val
ued by the amount of proteiue and fat it
contains, is worth by the pound more lLan
one-half good meadow hay, or one-third
that of com. When corn is worth 25 eta.
per bushel, oat straw is worth 1 3 per ton;
or if the product per acre of oat straw be
one ton, its equivalent in corn is 12 bush
els. The feeding value of oats by the
pound is determined by the p rot tine about
20 per cent, above corn; this places the
value of a bushel of oats at about two thirds
that of a bushel of corn. If a crop of corn
be thirty-six bushels per acre, it will re
quire the oat field to produce owe ton of
straw and thirty-six bushels to make an
equivalent in feeding value, if the pro
duct of com be sixty bushels per acre, it
will require one ton of slraw and seventy
two bushels of oats ol an acre to maka its
feeding equivalent. These are, however,
simply theoretical values, measured by
proteine; practically, the oats and straw
are worth more than the corn, because
they will be better masticated, and they
furnish more bulk. Again, there 'is a dif
ference In the cost of production in favor
of the oats amounting to nearly (3 per
acre, if the oats be fed in the sheaf; so that
upon an average if the number of bushels
of corn and oats in two fields be the same,
the greater profit for feeding to cattle is in
the oats. This supposes the oata to be
cut early and fed in the eheat; and it
makes no allowance for the cornstalks, for
which the oat-fiel-i makes full compensa
tion by allowing the farmer to plough in a
crop of rye for lull pasture.
Tm Gate Wok. After a careful in
realisation in scientific works on kindred
species of internal parasites, 1 have come
to the conclusion that the natural history
of the gape worm is as follows: 1 bat in
the spring of the year the young poultry,
In their search ior insectivorous food
amongst decayed vegetable matter, swal
low the eggs of ver sn ail worms, which
in about tour or six weeks attain their full
size and produce :heir fatal effects. I have
years ago several times examined them
under a compound microscope as taken
from out the windpipes of poultry that had
just died from this cause. They were al
ways found clustered together, generally
lie. ween five and eighteen in number, of a
reddish color, chiefly over half an inch in
length: a few case of twice this size, cy
lindrical in form, and, what is curious, in
all I thus examined were forked or divided
at one end, having the appearance of pos
sessing two heads on long neck?, one of
which is supposed to be especially used to
fasten itself the more securely to us place
of lodgement, as may be well kuown to
those who have endeavored t J detach them
by means of feathers, thread or horse bain
I hey were found to be chiefly females
(ihe males being considerably Hmal!er)tilled
with eggs, and from having arrived at their
growth, now desire to emerge to enter more
particularly In'o ncn. moist ground, to
make their deposits to reappear the follow
in sprit g. Mo doubt if these worms Ire
merely killed and thrown ou the ground
the mature eggs will prubsbly remain un
injured, aad when d composition sets in
lh young embryos will sooner or later es
cape from the shell, migrate in'o the soil
or some congenial mailer, aud ultimately
find their way again iuto the air passages
of young poultry and other birds.
What was Kaised os ax Aces. A far
mer living in Maine makes a statement of
what he had raited last year on an acre of
land almost enough, we should think, to
support a family, lie rianled one-third
of his acre in corn, and he usually produc
ed thirty bushels ot good corn. 1 his quan
tity was sultlcieut lor his family use and
for fattening two or three large hogs. From
the same ground on which the corn stood
be raised two or three hundred pumpkins
ana an ampie supply oi beans, f torn a
bed ot six yards square he usually obtained
sixty Dushelsot onions; these he Sold foi
(la bushel, which amount purchased hu
flour for one year. Thus lrom one-thiroi
of an acre and an onion bed he obtained
his breadstuff's and two or three bundrei
pounds of pork. The remainder of the
ground was appr.-prutttd to ail kinds ol
vegetables lor uo:n summer and winter
u.-e. lie also ha l a flower garden, rasp,
berrita, currants, too.-cberries iu gria1
abundance, and ai-o a few choice apple.
p.ar, peach and ip i d1 trees.
Experiments have established tLe far
tnat there are to bad resu.ts frcui breeding
targe-sized stallions to small marts, but.nt,
the contrary, the offspring make must de
sirable roadsters and coach noises. One
Wes ern farn tr bred a I'erciicron stallion
weighing 2300 pounds to an Indian mari
weighing ouiy SOU, i roductng in the cro a
an animal of lb bunds high, of flue muj
cle and action.
Ir any one wishes Ut try an experiment
that is pretty sure to kill lice on cattle r
bogs, let them catch half a dozen and smear
Ibea. with hog s lard and watch the re
suit. These vermin bicatbe through the r
skins as does the louse which causes scab
in sbeeps and anj thing, no matter how
simple, that will so cover the skin as to
prevent breathing, will kill the vermin.
Mr star D is one of Ihe most valuable
plants for plowing under. It grows as
quick as anv other crop, and if sown thick
ly will sflord au excellent green manure in
Uaie for wheat. It lias the advantage of
being able to grow as early an peaa and as
late as the arrival of fro t To renovate
aitb mustard, not only one, but succes
sive crops can Iks turned under the same
Tnn rrefect of the l.-partner,t ol t!e
Seine-el-Marne. France, ha i.viicd a de
cree pert mp'oril) ior 'iddin.: the tWtruc
lion oi all a nus oi owls, ttiey Dring con
sidered ot the greatest service against field
mice and rl.
A Fbencb chemist reports that water
made slightly salt, and to which, when
boning, bran in the proportion of one quart
to every galion has been added, has been
found in a series of experimentr.to liicrecse
be yield of milk 25 per cent., ir gien to
the cows as their ordinary drink.
A German paptr sa that a roof can lie
made fiie-oroot by covering it with a m x
ure of lime, salt aud o.id aatee.aiidinz a
little lau.pblack to give a dark color. Tbi
rot only guards a jaiust fire, it is claimed,
but also in a measure prevents decay.
Light lands should receive their mcal
of manure in a well-rot'ed Condi ton; for
it is useless ta make tbem more optn than
they naturally are; and, their memories
being vry short, the food should be riven
Pckds for carp should ii&ve muddy b-1-
tooia, ani there should be no other fi-u.
in them, not even minnows. Carps are
naturally veiretable Irelera, but will no;
refuse woruut, larvae and other animal sut
The coast of Louisiana abounds in oys
ter banks, and a considerable oyster trade
has been developed at .New Orleans,giving
employment to aoout 200 luggers, each
manned by from 3 to 6 men,
A new way of luring fish into nets by
means of electric light is being made as
experiment by the French Government.
Ine light is placed inside of glass globe
and sunk to the desired deoth. Tha fish
flock to that part of the sea thus brilliantly
Pickled Walxtts. Select lull-rown
green walnuts or butternuts when they
are soft enousrh to be pierced through
with a neeJle. Thev are usually in Et
condition in July. Prick one hundred
nuts well through, and lay them into a
brine made of four pounds of salt to each
gallon of vinegar; let them remain niue
davs. and at the end of the third and
sixth days change the brine for fresh.
On the ninth dav lav them in the sun.
After they are well drained place them
in the sun till they turn black; they will
need to remain several days. Bod one
trallon of vinegar, two ounces of black
pepper, half au ounce of cloves, one
ouuee of mace, cue ounce of all-pice
and oue ounce of root ginger sliced, teu
minutt s, and pour it over the walnuts,
which Lav been packed in jars three-
quarters f ulL "When the vinegar cools
cover them up tiht. They will be
ready to use in mouth, but they are
liettor in a year, and will keep ten years.
This pickle is an excellent accompani
ment of fish.
Hot Milk as a Restorative. Alilk
that ia "heated much above 100 degrees
Fahrenheit loses for a time a degree of
its sweetness and ita density: bnt no one
fatigued by over-exertion of body and
mind, who has ever experienced me re-
viviiicr influence of a tumbler of this
beverage, heated as hot as can be sipped,
will willingly forego a resort to it be
cause of its having been rendered some
what less acceptable to the palate. The
promptness with which its cordial influ
ence is felt is indeed surprising. Soma
portions of it seem to be digested and
appropriated almost immedintely; and
many who fancy thev need alcoholic
stimidants when exhausted by labor of
brain or body will find in this simple
draught an equivalent that shall be
abundantly satisfying and more endur
ing in its effects.
Savoy Biscrrrs. Beat up twelve eggs
with three spoonfuls of water, adding
gradually a iound of fiuoly-powdered
loaf sugar. When the mixture becomes
of the comvstency of thick cream mix
with it a pouud of fine dour previously
dried and mould it into long cakes,
w hich are to bo baked in a slow oven.
Savov bucuiU may also be prepared in
the iol lowing way: Take about six eggs
and weigh them aud atterward Iveut them
into froth, and mix them with some
fresh grated lemon peel beaten with t
little sngiir in a mortar into powder,
Then beat up with them the same weight
of sugar as of the eggs employed, and
also the same quantity of flour. When
the materials re made into a paste
mould it into biscnite, sprinkle white
sugar ou them and bake them on paptr
at a moderate heat.
Iar Water. that there is virtue in
odors has In-en shown by the eff.n-tive-
uess of smoke from burning tar in driving
out of plum orchards injurious liis-.-cta.
And now it is said tar water will pre
vent potato bngs aud cabbage worms.
Take two quarts of gas tar in a pail, aud
fill the pail with water; stir it up well,
aud let the tar settle. Then sprinklo
the viues with the water from a spruik
ling pot This has proven more effoct-
iv ) than Paris green. It is inexpensive
and perfectly reliable, and no doubt will
prove equally sure death to insects of
evaiy kind on trees. Ihis gas tar can
be htui for $1 a barrel, and one barrel
would supply a whole township.
A fakmer near Troy has adopted
new remedy for potato-bugs, lie pro
cured a numier of boards and placed
them here and there among his potatoes,
and on the.se boards were placed raw po
tatoes sliced. At noon, on the first il.iy
of Ids experimoiit, he and his hired men
found every piece of potato covered
with bugs. Ihe men killed this crop,
aud at night another crop was killed,
though not so large, and iu a week not a
bug could be seen, and his trouble wiiu
bugs after this was comparatively smalL
Cons Chowder. Two good sized sli
ces of salt pork, fry brown in the pot;
oue lurge or two small oruout, simmer
iu the fit ; six potatoes sliced ; cover
with water, boil till the potatoes are
done; then odd salt, j-eppur and crack
ers to snit; add one quart of milk and
c m from eight good sized ears; boil
ten minutes. The above may be made
from canned corn, but it must not be
allowed to boil; allow merely to &ei
thoroughly beuted.
To Baffle ants in the pantry a for
tgn authority advises to strew the
shelves thickly with ashes or powdered
chalk. The hut is better than standing
cake-boxes and open preserve lors iu
water, as some desirerate housekeepers
are forced Jo do, as it does not need re
newal often and is a jxrfoctlv clean
shell lining.
Newcastle Pcddixo, Six ounces of
rice n. 'Ur, six ounces ol white sugar,
four eggs, a pinch of oarbonato of s da ;
put it all iu a small basin, and beat it up
until it is very liht aud win e; beat
tour ouuoi-s of butter to a cream, put it
into the pu.liliug, and teu drops of es
sence of lemon. Beat all together for
five miuutus. Butter a mould, pour the
pudding into it and boil for two hours.
del ve with or without wine sauce.
JJow to Thfjit Bites and Sttxos.
Apply msbuitly, with a soft rig, tnest
ireely, spirits of hart-horn. The venom
stings being an acid the alkali nullifies
it Fresh wood ashes, moisreued with
water and ma Je into a poultice, frequent
ly renewed, is an exoelleut substitute,
ior sooa or soloratus, all being alka.ies.
i o be on the safe side iu ca-xt of suaka
cr mal-dog bites.tlrink braa.ly, wi iskey,
rum or otner spirits as tree as water, a
teacnpttii or a pint or more, according
to tue aggravation of the circumstance.
Cireex Tomato Pbf.sf.rv-e. Cut the
tomato iuto fonr or six pieces according
to size, and take out the seeds. To
every pound of fruit put b. loaf snsar
and iz. root ginger, cut small. Lna
solve the sugar in a little water, and
let it simmer with the ginger for five
minuUs, thet, add the fruit and boil till
clear. This preserve should have the
color aud flavor of green cages.
Fecit Cake. Two enjis of molasses.
two of brown sugar, two of batter, one
of mile, nve of Hour, five eggs, one tea-
sp.;oiful of suluralns ; out up the butter
in the nil Jr. warm the molasses, stir it
into the milk aud butter, then stir in the
sugar aad let it cool, then add the eggs
well beaten, one pound of ram ins, one of
currant, half pound of citron; bake iu
slow oven.
When you use a shade over your ens
light, you need to bam nearly twice the
quantity of gas that is necessary to pro
duce the light that one-half the quantity
makes without the shade. All this is out
of your pocket, and into that cf a big
monopoly. Make a note of it
Mock Dr. Tske a rourd steak.
mnko a stuffing as for turkey, spread the
stuffing on the steak, roll it up and tin
it; roast from half to three-quarters of
an hour.
In the collegiate schools of Germany Vuc
ttuir of Greek is now to be retarded tor
one year, for the purpose of giving more
room to French and physical science; aud
it is indeed remarkable to see what impor
tance is laid on the proper acquisition of
the French language. The understanding
of it wh'.n spoken is to be specially ac
quired by dictation.
Ihe sumac busiress is quite an impor
tant business iu Virginia. The pieaent
production is 10,000 tons per year, and
the price if (45 per ton.
Bound to make something: General
Grant wsed to toll a story of a blacksmith
who sttrted out to make a "clevis" out
of a piece of Iron. Grant continued
that the blacksmith hammered away till
he discovered he didn't know how to
make the instrument named. He then
said: "I'll make a horshoe." He failed.
"Then I'll make a horse-shoe nail."
He failed again. Then in his wrath,
plunging the red-hot shapeless mass ol
iron iuto the blacksmith's water bucket,
he exciaimed; "IU make a d n big
fizz of you, anyhow."
A mno stay: Colonel Percy Yerger
was eoinplaiui'ig confidentially to Hos-t-
tier MoGiunis of the frequency with
which his mother-in-law paid him visits
that she came to see him four or five
times a year. "My wife's mother," re
sponded AlcGinnis "has, vim ted me only
onoe in the last five or six years. The
last time she come to see me was when
I was first married, five year ago,"
"Lucky man! When is she 'going to
visit you again?" "How can I tell? She
has not got through with her first visit
yet but I can't see where the !ack
comes in."
A Noted Xfrnmrnn.
The Item In regard to the failure of
"Yours for health, Lydia E. Plnkham,"of
Lynn, Mass., which has been floating
through the papers, we are glad to learn
Is false ui every respect, as we found on
inquiring at Hubbard's International
Newspaper Agency cf this city. The
Lyna lice said a few days since; The
Lydia Plnkham Compound Business is not
financially embarrassed as reported, but is
being conducted on a much larger scale
than ever, doing a large and growing busi
ness and paying one hundred cents on a
dollar.'' Mr. Hubbard has whole charge
of the advertising ot this and other similar
bouses, and informs us that he has insert
ed her advertisement on yearly contracts in
over 8,000 newspapers last year, so that
she Is to-day the best known woman in
America, In addition to this fact she is a
live, earnest woman of over sixty, and
doing a great deal of good In the world, aa
many ot the best families in this city can
testify. Her advertisements, though
worded plaiuly, are not eq iivocal in any
sense, and her remedy is one of the few of
great merit before the public. -Asw
JIavcn Sunday licsjUter.
Important requisite: "Yes," said the
gentleman wh wanted to join the crack
volnnteer regiment, "I went all through
the war, and have the documents to
show a first-class record. I'm six feet
anl one iuch high, sound as a nut, know
the manual of arms and am posted on
military tacttcU." "Yes," said the com
mandant, "those qualifications are no
objection, but what waltz step do you
Olp Scotch geutleniafl sitting in a
Toronto car a young lady enters, and
makes a rush f J the toltnost seat Ihe
car starts rather suddenly, the young
ludy lands on the ol J guntl&nan'a knee.
blushing, and exclaiming, "Oh! beg
yonr pardon." Old G. "Duma men
tion it, lasMie; I d rather hae ye sittin
on my knee thou stonniu' on ceremony."
A Lrrn.8 fonr-yeor-old girl pid not
obey when her mother first called hor.
So htr mother spoke rather sharply.
Then slia came iu and said, "Mamma,
I ve lx-en very kind to you ro-doy, and
I don't want you to spook so large to
Ecu-ij, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1879.
1 am the pattorof the Baptist Church
here, and an educated physician. I am
not in practice, but my sole family physi
cian, and advise in many chronic cases.
O 'er a year ago I recommended your Unp
Bitters to my invalid wife, vSo had been
under medical treatment of Albany's best
physicians several years: Sbe has become
thoroughly cured of ner various complica
ted disease! ty their ie. We both recom
mend them to our friem's, insny of whom
hivc-I o ! en CIK.M of He-ir virion" ail
iurts bv iii-i. iii;. r: u vv.uatvN'
Is a provincial town the low comedian
of the theatre giving a series of imita
tions at the cafe, to the exceeding joy of
his companions. "Is there any one else
you would like to have mo imitate?" he
finally o.ks of the proprietor. "Oh, sir,"
gently repu. s the long-suffering person.
if yon would only imitate some of the
people tut pay !
At a dinner party, a clumsv footman
spills the contents of a sauce-boat over
the dress of oue of the guests. "How
clumsy! What a pity !" savs the lady of
the houso; "how could you do snch a
thing? As likely as not there wont be
snucci enough to go round now !
A mam intruded into an Irishman's
hhnntv the other day. "What do vou
want?" aske i Pat. "Nothing," was the
visitor's reply. "'lTien you will find it
m the jug where tiro whiskey was.
WoMtlrrful Power.
When a medicine periorins sucn cures
as Kidney-Wort is constantly dring, it
may truly be said to have wonderful pow
er. A carpenter in M rotgomery, Vt, had
suffered for eight years from the worst of
kidney diseases, aud had been wholly in
capacitated for work, lie says. 'One
box made a new man of mc, and I sincere
ly believe it wi 1 restore to health all that
are similarly afflicted. " It is now sold in
both liquid and dry form. Datibury
IT is sni.l that Jesse Jumes once
thought serious!- of "going tlirongh
college. The outlaw -'weut through
nearly everything else, and tlte reason
he didn t "go through ooLVko must
have been because he couldn't see any
money in it
Too frisky: A famous cheee-makcr
ordered pictures of his product from a
Paris photographer. On seeing the
proof, which really was very bad. he
said: "1 his wont do. Confound you.
my cheese never looked like that." "Ah.
sir," said the photographer, "but, you
see, it moved."
AIh mm and Uay I ever.
For the newest anil most r omrrr. hen-
rive treatise on "Asthma and Hay fever;
their cause and cure" write to the L. A
KrJght Company, 697 Broadway, Nen
iota in v. iknignrs Astnuia and 11 n
Fever Cure is the most successful ivmnlt
vet discovered for these diseases, s
testimonials in another column.
AESTHETIC wife Ifmhliimrl "Don roof
1 11 see that vonr irrav, is krut imun
but not one of those horrid bright greens.
A nico olive-gray Rreen, with an old
brouzed tombstone, will look too awfully
lovely for any thing."
The king lir.ving dismi sed his pose!
was asked why he did so, and replie;:
"io man can trim over a new leaf with
out trying a new page."
Brown is vtry pioud of his argumen
tative powers. "I always carry my
p'int," he says. Fogg thinks he has
seen Brown when he was cirrying a
great deal more than that
A modest request was made the other
day by a little daughter of a well-kuown
St. Fraucis Xavier street, MoatreaL
stock broker: "Pill wiU you cive me a
corner iu stocks for my birthday present? '
Dr. Klina'a fli-Mt Kmnm ItMtm., t 1 1..
mimi or iiiabita r .rail imm if All
fits MtoDned fre. h'pnA tit fill lnk Ktrcat
Philadelphia, Fa.
How she lost her arms: The buzz-saw
is no modern invention. Just look at
the Yeans of Miio.
Two brothers who were tmt success
ful dentists bnik a Lir0 and handsome
house, the appearance of which was
thought to resoluble a lare molar tooth.
It was a common remark, "ree what
brothers con do when they pull together!"
Pastor Grace M. E. Church,
SrKrx.iriKM), Miss., Dec. it, isst
Ma H. R. Ktcvins: Pear Sir, One jrxr aeo
about the present lnur I wan attlieteU with srotu
ous H'uivir, also with t'uMrA. For two months
any Diirhta were Heaarr of ajronv. After atrHiUiel
sleep id ttie rarlr hour, I oul(i wake an? where
between one and three A. M. with the uinslexcru
ciaiititf Ruffeniiir Id my toeml, anil he fir-e-l U
walk my study tl'Kir the rest of the Diirht. Ihirinf
the ilay lino I wat often attained with d-zzinen-t,
both upoo the street ami at home, to that itMeeinea
for a unnute or so that eoDriouanejui wa aitout
to leave me. This suae of affairs continued untU
rny nerves were wily onMrunir, aal I lnran to
fear orvantc dinease of trie Dram. By ailvn-e of
Ker. Ueo. W. MauHDeld, who hail been niui-h bene
fited hy your meiliciue. I wrote to vou anil shortly
aiterwaril commeoceJ DSIJ17 it. 1 biok. several
tattles of VeKettne, ani wa- entirely rureL I
have waited to see u there woula be any return ot
the ulseaiw. Nearly a year hax pan-ie.1 : I Dud not
ne symptom of IL I do hum cheerlully recom
mend Vegetine for the cufiilaiats for wr-ica It la
recommeD'leil. I remaio, Sir,
Very truly jour, & B. SWEETIES.
Police Officer's Report.
Bostox, January 19th, lssu
Ma. II. R. Rrcrm : Dear Sir, I am plea eil to
add my name to the long lit of sulwrlntTd to the
virtue of V'Koms." Have been for some years
on night duty la the "Police Depart Bient," and
troubled with the wont kind of I'UxratiiX &jre
Thrum, contultinir the best phyilclans in Ihe city,
taking naneatlnf; dne, undergoing painful sur
gical operations and laying off from duty for long
periods. About a year a I was Durua'led by
friends (having do faith nivself) to try "Vr.ua
Tini." Am hapc.v tay la thai time have had do
recurreni of sore Ihroat or any other sickness,
and have gained lit, of flesh, only taking lores
bottles of your Justly celebrated preparation.
I am, air, with mm h esteem, yours very truly.
UK. U. 11 A WES, 1'oiice station lu.
is mi! srar
Spring and Summer Medicine-
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists.
(ttrr InMiine n-ll'-f and w lt:iihble
fllf. bjr !inti'evrrTwhirr-. PrW. : pr ho
prriMtiJ hv uil. va:jl1w t-ul to i'tiis:r.in
odl) unff'-Tvrs. 1-y P. Niieu.thcr t ro Iot auML
For qnaner 01 rpmnrr or more ll-wetter'a
Stoma!. Ifittrrt be-n the TfitruiriK rwiflf. Utr
i!whjreiion, ilvMpt-rwifv, feTr ol airm, a Iim of
p hv leal ftLanitiia, liver complaint u4 mlitr litv-
oriT antl has !eo mt ruptiatti'a!lT indurtwU
tj mtftical men a a health au l trruiin remit ra
Ire. II nHintenM-tca teaWeDry to premature iie
cav, aol ftuatama and ooiufurta the age! aud in-
For sale bj ail DnigiTlsti and Pea i era ireneraf-T.
of ba4ra-
(rv1 by riM rTtnua or
jtar tHitw-ri arcwd
UUsat 'l tt. Up ie-1
Hop Bitter. Ijj-vxLHia, Hop 8
tf Trrfj trm Tnarrr lt I J -rniTnir frr n?
litM or tmrii. r e W ntii,f. mil Ttti r.n
nrwrwlkHatth or li'irl-b ff on -r tcJ u iu-J
inn, fij an h o pjitters.
cUKIOdw 2J rfV
tfau year rMtvin ytji 1 rw vt f!iUnev S
ned5 oWarrtnif.to.v y YV t 't n'y 1
tug or -timuutum, i 1 b-w t f;
l take HOP
o. u o.
or nnw'nisv
hi an ioit'9
nd irivrur
r for
-diTutkennPtis .
"n-j f ofuum.
Oi t.V ff-.I UffVJ
rVwfW-t, biooiL
liver arwervn t
Ton will bf
ctirtwj if jmn nnr
Hop Bitters
it i It may
s ave y our
life, ft has
sared hun
dretis 1
ftajtobirco, or
I uuai twUoi.
$. And fur
W T-W. rf pV a a-at "AwF k atawl
for all diseases of the Kidns-3 and
It haa rr0OiAlo aotion oa Uu moat tnporlant
organ, enablixj it to throw off torp&iity and ( h
Tawrtinn Kfinnlotiscr tli hill.TT avvrction of W
tha Bile, and by kaepisc the bowel ia fro
cooditkm, c!bctiii iLi rcjulor discbarce.
mVfl a r av ! If yoa rjrsuGLr-iiic from
lvaM.I4i ljim miaiara. liavo tii- chill.
axa billoaa, ti y jpuptia, or constipated, Kidney- C
Wort wul aure :y relieve and qvaiw core.
In tha 8 priii f to oieanso tlio fl.r- tc -rv, every
one hocld t&ke a thottmf h course ol aU
SOLO EY r.'JCClSTS. Prlco !
!n a.?anrf. MMIoa rTJTir.
linMrtd Ut yr -. r-Irtrs kw
ihan ever. Ar-rmj wi iu-.l Iau
wume Unic. iv-cciJ frcucuiu.
10 lb. Good niaeix or Mlxerl, for $1.
lO Ibn. Fine fttlarftt or Mixed, lor iz.
10 lbsCtioice BlackorlUiea, for $ i.
B-nd fr ponnd pamrle, 17 eM. eitm for ivxtac
tuvu net up ciuh. i noicri in in in) waritiw
Lanrt?Bt VarlctT. Fleaj-a evrytodv . otrifdt
Hoore !a America. No ehnnno. a liuubi.
Stralpht btw;nea-Value fur money.
CIV varvASTK nntrrt T-mmn.
If v-w wmat LaanM lastart.
fTC hwatm a m r"w'Ji W btwr kt
LNTKJOaVM th HiR M.wnm 41 a
YOUNG HS2f'rr,Trmr.,,J
!arn Te
sod beonUun of a rtmacon. addnss A.ULll.-.i
ittadIiV m a ftW IITI?!i.
ThoM suvenui aa advertisement wit
raaler ay favor upoo the advertiser and the
SakllalM)r by statins- (hat the? saw tbead.
tvrtJaaBee la UU Jonraal, uaaniaf .pap
errrsRtwGtf, pa.
ytj teMtHiTnrfnver nio- r
JcsT luarneil: 'x'hev wre raised bere
in Austin, but sba did. uot know much
about curjewni?; at the same time, she
'did not care to expose tier ignorance to
her husband. They had only be-n mar
lied a short time, when he said: "I
Lotice the asparagna ia abont ripe
don't vou want to co ont into the car-
den and ffet seme?" She replied: IH
tell you what we will do. We will go
out together. Yon climb up and Iiake
the tree'and I'll catch them in my apron
as thev fall.
"With Cratelul Fmlloga.
Pb. Piikoc, Buffalo, N. .i Dear Sir
''Your 'Uolden Medical Discivery" and
in..r.iio IViM" have cured niv daugh
ter of Scrofulous Swellings and Open
bores about tue Aecs: ana your -r avmiw
Vmantntinn" haa airoimnliahed wonders
rmt,rinir in health mv wife who had
been bed-fast f:r eight month from fe
male weakniAs. 1 am wttn graiciui icu
ings, Yours truly,
T. II. LONG, Ualvcstoo, Texas. :
Hiohteocs ludltmation: It wan at a
circus, and Hexr Hiiruor Vou D. Smith-
ione&kv was Koiujr through Lis thrilling
act in tli cne of live lions, when sud
denly one of the beasts sprang upon him
and took a generous bite out of his leg.
Intense excitement, in the midst of
which a pious woman ia heard exclaim
ing, "Conie.let ua get ont of this Sodom
before the centre pole fall and crushes
ns ! Ihe idea of a lion that eata meat on
Friday !"
"Golden Medical Discovery" is warrant
ed to cleanse the blood from all impurities,
from whatever cause arising. For Scrofu
la, Sores of all kinds, Skin and Blood Dis
eases, its effects are marvelous. Thous
ands of testimonials from all parti, bend
stamp for pamphlet on skin diseases. Ad
dress World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, liuffalo, N. Y.
AcrETTED conditionally; There wan a
irnstfnl look in hia durk-gray eyes aa he
turned them full nixm her and said:
"You will be mine?" Her txwom Leaved
like a cockle-Hhell lioat on the glassy sur
face or a hike gently stirrud by the soft
pultun of an Italian atmosphere, bat she
conqnered her ngitiition snfBciently to
answer, "Yen." "When?" he ardently
continued. It was then that the subtle
nature of a long line of piriticul ances
tor! Uia:Tifil."Nl ltseif uud dropping her
lovely head she ninrmnred: ''When the
IJrooklvn bridge i titiiilieti."
ralrCIrl Uraduates,
whose sedentary lives increase those trou
bles peculiar to women, should use Dr.
Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," which is
an unfailing remedy. Sold by druists.
"Fathuk, did tou ever have another
wife liesitles mother?" ""o, my loy.
What pohaesiied you to ask such a ques
tion?'' "Kecati-ie I aaw in the old fiuuily
Bible where yon married Anno Domini,
iu lSit'i; and that isn't Mother, for her
name wns Stilly Smith.
. A ITorlil of Good.
One of the most popular medicines now
reforc the Arrerican publicis IIop Hitters.
You see it everywhere. People take it
with good effect. It builds them up. It
is not as pli asant to the taste as some other
flitters, a? it is not a whiskey drink. It
is more like the eld-fashioned bone set
tea, tliat has done a world of good. If
you don't fel just n?ht, try Hop Bitters.
3,'unrfa Xrirt.
It L only the rich who can stay at
home ind enjoy their lawn dresswi, cool
veracd.is, and pie tvsnnt rooms. TLe poor
must go away every Snnimor, or some
one will think tLoy haven't any money.
A IIcuI'Jit St.ue.
Pcop'e are conit.antly chinins their
hemes from East ti Weat anil from North
to South or t'ec versa, ia iwarch of
healthy Slate. If they would learn to be
contented, aud to use the celebrated Kid
ney Wort when ssck they would be much
better off. The whole system can be kept
in a healthy sts'.e by this siicpln but effect
ual remedy. Si.-e lnrg.: adv.
Av Irish sorvaiit-girl, a year over, was
given some macaroni by her mistices to
prepare for the table. Noticing her sur
prise, the laiy said, "Didn't yon cook
macaroni at onr lat place?" "Cook it?
We ued them things to licht the gas
Tlie c Ichraled Vegetable Compound for
lenuues, wuicti, wuntn a lew years, has
.. r M. r i . ... .
uiiuit, uc name u ji.s. jjyn:a Cj, i itiKnain
anown in every p.tt oi tue civilized worlil.
mellKKl of eqiiiilt7.ir.it the vital forces and
ri-hi vi-4 Ftnli.ritt r hv tlin c..r -,.1
inus regulating tne organic lunotions. It
is only by sucii a method that disease is
evi-r arresteti ai u reiuovetl.
Dio ho i-teiil the dog? "Yes, Judge,"
stt-U the prisouer, "I admit that th
back tf my trousers were tagled in the
dog s teeth ana that 1 dragged the am
mid away, but if yea cull tlmt stealing a
dog no man ou etirtu is sufo from com
mitting crime."
For dyspepsia, indigestion, ilei-essiou
of spirits su-1 geutval Ue'niity, in their -rious
forms; abw as a preventive atftinst
fever and aiiic and othit intenHittent
fever the "Ferr--p!iit-pli )ntt'l B'.iitrof
Calisaya msdc by Uustvcll. IJ t&ud & Ox
New York, sold by all Drtii!ji.-ti, is the
best tonic; and for pttents recovering
from fever or other sickneas, it has no
Ax enthusiastic Briton: First John
Bull. "Iluduiiral Seynioor'a the Wy!
Hi woiiidu't give ii uch for liuntbi when
the nada ind's done with 'im!" Sicoud
J. B, "Them's the verv words Hi said
nipself this heTei;ing. Hi 'ope the Had
mirul will bring 'ome the 'arem 1"
19 your hair falling out or your tea!?
uibeasetir uartxriiue, a deodorized extract
of petroleum, as now improved and per
fected, is jn the article, you need. Buy
a bottle, and, like thousands who are us
ing it all over the IaniL you will value it
as the choice of all toilet preparations.
Wordsworth imrrov,v1- "TTpuvon 1!a
aliont ns in onr illfHIler " nnra tha nnol
The inferenco is that as soon aa we gi t
oig enough to fadk we can be relied on
to rtlv about oursoivis If iin not
our eueiiiks w ill lis about ns.
3fmb.teiinl l:rci-luinenilt:o-l.
Jarrei-isvillk. Harford tti. JId.. Jan.
8td, 1S7U. U. U. Waexlb & Co.: Sirt
Your safe Kidney and f.iver Cure has
greatly relieved me, ami 1 suffer but little
1 am anxious that others should Cry it.
lUv. J. Dfkt Muosk.
Aunt "Ha any oue beeu t tha-e
preserves? Dead sueuee. 'Havayon
touched them, Jimmy?" - Jimmy, with
the ntmo.'-t dr hbereration 'Pa never
lows me to bilk at dinner."
V eocti.ne wm looked upon as an exDeil-
menL for some time by some of our best
physicians, but those otost incredulous In
reffurd to its merit are now iu most ardent
friends ani supporters.
A Wifk should be like roit lamb
touder, and nictly dre8etL Xo euuoe
Decline of Man.
Sexual Dc bility rnrwi bf We.l a Ui-aith Ko-
ewr, fi- Urtigsi-t. a nJ for pamph et
E 3. KlXri, JolJ Cit J, X. J.
A prixteb should always marry a trood
type of girl.
iAf ' ' ' i i
Is a PosfttreTnra
Far an these Fa
AXselclaaferWaaua. lamaled i a TToaraa,
rrepar4 ST a Vaaua.
tw rii .lnl aMbal pnmrratss va af alawr-
tVttOTtm tb drooplajr rUrtta, lartaoratee aad
a. i-h.nr3an5 famines Ktraaslastkitr aad
arauaaaMtlMe.ieavmtMaatiizallasM totae
era, aad pUats oatba pale eawa of woaua the fMa
mars of Ufa's sprlas; asd early aaatsMT aaaa.
rfrPrklBs Use ft aas rorias a rWy.-Sm
for SBmaiaat,aalieTasweaiieejof tae stoaaaca.
That fkrUaeof bnarlaa-dowa. eaadnf pal". wi'h
asd backache, la always prnaaaeatlr cars by Its aae.
Far the rare ef KMaey eeateUletaefaltaar ess
taia Ceaaeeaad la easel psura
i.tm r. Pi'VKBAw-i Bi.oFr rn
will rrLlr! rrry -JUro '3"J
Bl.nd. and ulro fonn aid nvntt') Qauaa, es
aaawaaiaaur child. laJ ua ailn a.
Both the OompoowJ aMBlood Porlfirr ar prared
at S3 and XS Waabra Aama, Lyna. ataaa, Prieeof
either L SUbnttkafor fa. STt by nail htthe form
ofpll er ef loarawas, ea nretpt ef pries. Slpwboa
for either. Urs. Plnkhaai f rerly answers all Irttera ot
Inquiry. Enclose Jet- staiee. Seadtorpaaiphh-a,
WfimllT-AmiH ha without I.r" r',.T2 "
LIVKS. FILM. Tor ,awili".
audsorpkiltyofthellTrr. a kou pr boa.
4VJ-old hy all uraga !.-
I have hatl Aithma for 22 Tear. sutTerinc a
thousand deaths ; have beca so that I could
not ko out lor lour months at a tune, out a?
ia a ch.ttr niht and dy. I have tried every
remetiv I ever heard of, and pent ihutnjnus
of dollars in search of a cure; but all iu
vam untU 1 found hmigkft Ast Cmrr9
That was in Fbruary Utat. My Athma
had brenunually bad ail winter. Sia bot
tics of this nniicine nave nl me leel lika
a aeuv man. I call myself well. 1 have not
been oppressed Ior breath all througn thts
trying .prn.ig, and can not express in words
what ti.:s wuiuicrfui rem civ has done for
A. S. Bradford, Arlington, M.is.
1 feel Tite ihanlint; Mr. Knight Inr h
cellent Asthma Cure. It ha done very
much to relieve me of a esse of Asthma;
an l, from my frreni improvement, 1 -
fK.ct to be uuUcr till greater obligations
PrtTt R. H ebar Hoi brook, of the National
eNorEOol university, icoanon, U.
I was everTy alTlleted with Asthma front
lv to ; trirJ many rcmethes f.o called!,
and pem mui h money in vamf seeking rehcL
In February, 1SS2. I received the first bottle
of Kntht't Asthma Curt. I commenced to
improve at once, have had very few Asthma
symptoms since, and am now ;s free from
it as a person who never had it. I can sav
with certainty that Knight' AstAmta Cary
i& the beat yet discovert. J."
E. C. Weaver. Lawyer. l-0 F St, Wash
tnton. L. C.
I have traveled nortS, ea;t, and west, an4
spent f.mr yers nmith in order to rtlir.v!
tnyse'f of this terrible ciseasa. Asthma; and,
until 1 received Knight Attkmm Cmret
fwund no permanent rvlieL After tatting this
medicine but a fortnight 1 obtained the
greatest relief, and can say I am now cured
entirely, and that my cure is considered aft
most a miracle py my menus, l ou can ro
te r to me at all times.
Prof, a W. H iwxhurst. U Wl'low Sl,
J atter&oc. J.
My wife has found Kn-gkft Asthma Caw
a perfrct success wh-re ail others have
praved a failure. Having been a great .suf
ferer from Asthma, and having taken so
much medicine for the disease without oV
taining any permanent benefit, she hesitated
to try any more. But sh was induced to
try a bottle of Knight Cure, and from tha
day site commenced taking it regularly sh
has not had a single attack. This medicine
is a great blesaing to suffering Asthmatics.''
0. Q. Draka, Supt, Schools, alt. Washing
ton, O.
lam ovtr tfi rears old, and have had hm
Aathma over 3 years. Have tried many
remedies, but obtained only temporary relict
Knight s Atihmm Cure has helped me mora
than all others fit titgether Since I com-
me need taking it. I re-x well at night, and
the neighbors all suy 1 look better than t'r
many years.
W. A. Chandler, Travene City, Mich,
la the Chtaftst as well as the Ftst Price. $1.00
per Bottle, or six bottles for SVOU Urite for
Knight's new treatise un "Avthma; ITS Calsi
and Cukb. if your Urucist has not the
medicine, send direct for it (inclini' money) to
S97 Breawlway, Jfrss Terk.er
JonNSfeK. llnl 1 lVAV A CO.)
FKblNCH. KK 11ARIH A faj
- rh.la.lf Iphia, Pa.
Prepared for Immediate Use.
BuiMincs painteil with raiiiis mlxeil h; haiul
hare to be repainrnl ererj Uiree yearn. The best
Paint cannot be male bj hand mixing.
The Taint used Is the smallest Item In mst of
painting, labar the lance!.
Anr balliling will be reiintel si our expense
Dot satistuctorilT siaioU wiiu nr i amu.
For sale by one dealer In ererj '"J A' nu
D the I'mtetl States.
rdiThIfi!ircl I'oiTiler SHU
II will tborougtilv eiu-rmuiate Kiaw-hes, Auih,
ne-l Hues Klraa, l.Ve,T"iifoaii"ICoiin Wuriii.
Moth,e' It u safe, aiire. rleaiilj anil rh-ap. It
will mil noisiin aniiuala or fnwls. fainpie pa.lt-
ain-a br m:til 'JO cents, p'Mt-pu iL stamps taken.
I'uviiiam tree. Airents Manful. AUlreiw. J. li.
JoHNsro.N, Sweiliah hi-:t Kow.ler Co.. Pllta
bnrirh. Pa.
mA MOSTH bnard m jt ennrtty.
IjillM. I 'frvit biimiKS. AJ'InHM
iKjlt.maco. aVm. Fhiiwt-iibta. Kt
. JO
Airt-4ou m: Tjeil.
iv a InaauBA. Iuv awi
tf en4 Aerva JLAwttmma.
I iJ'rt,-,',,ue- 'reetlae i 2 trial eottlsfraal.
iifiLuiMii uieaas aireettd,
ArchoLrniMaitUa.r SwnZkMZmT
Philadelphia, Pa. If years' expeneoce. (Eat
IMM for treatment with porely vegetable nedW
claea.) Dr. Lot s long arperlance to tha trail
Bent or djsasaa enables hint to goarantee a care
toalleasea, ConmiUBna free aad etrtotir eoa-
IdentlaU Call ta pema or by letter. O&Vat
oort: 11 to t and T to 10 erenlog.
coMcraviTORY or
s school or r.Naus:i
RDANPHrc i AuctiArre
HI If lr
Health of Body it Wtalth of Mini
Sarsaparillian Resolrrnt.
Pur blood makes aooad fleah. strong bone, and
elrar skin. If yon would ha your Brsh aria,
yobr bones eoatvt, without ranee, aad your nm.
plexlon fair: net KADWAVS 8ARSAJ'AKlUJA.f
A remedy eompoaed of mgreillrata er eirr.
rillnary meihcal priperue eaeniiai to niirif?,
repair anjl.mve? ra(e tliebrokrnlown aud wate.
tosll-asI-itK.PLlkA.HANT.HAr'K and PtlOIA.
bi xT in its matHiebt and care.
No nutter by what name the eomp'aint mar be
MMiaiaieii. whether It le !cnfula, t'onninpiina,
SjUliltiA, Uloera, !irea,Tnia-a. if ills, krysipriaa,
ar hklt-Hheum jltwa-es of the Luiuta. hulneis
aatlUer, Wmub, Skin, Liver, Stomach fir Bowe.s,
either ohronlc or ranstituunal, the nnis at the
nea a in the BUxiU which supiihrs the waste
ml bends and repairs tnee orKona and w'asted
liaeuea of the natnn. Iftuebid is unhealthy,
lae proeess ef repair must be onoiuM.
Trfs 8AaartKii.uaN Kehoi imt frit only Is s
rnnpeusating remedy, but secures Ihe tariiioniiHia
arttoD or each of the orfcuns. li e.uiilMiiea
Ihroughont the entire arsteiu fum ttunal harnuini
sod supplies the blooit-rrweW with a pure ami
healthy currrni of new li re. The skin, after a
few dars use of theSarsapanll:an, hecomet c m
and beantirnL Pmip.es, klitti hea, Bia- k Spubiaud
Stln Kruptlonsarereiuovnl; soreKan l I I. fr.a
snreiL pennas suffering from Sa-rdula, truia.Ts
Diseases of the Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Lirs, l iiniai
and .lands, tnat hare act nniuUted and Sfireait,
itber from nacitred diseas or mea-ury, or rnim
Ike ni of CorroMire Snbliinate, may rely upon a
on re if the Ssrsanailllian is runtinueil a sufflcient
tuae b fasae its impresaioB on the nystein
On bottle rontalns more of the active pr a. i
lea ef Medicines than any other I -re para n.n,
takes la teaspoon ful doaea, while others require
Its or six tunes as much.
Oaly resnlrsa anwrras sot soru, is rs'tevs
els sad care scat disease.
la from one to twenty minnres, never fails to re
lieve PAIN srlthoneuioroaK'h application: Eruau
tar how violent or excraciatiug the pa n, the Kheu
bssUc, Bed-nddeo, lnarm,'rtpplel, Nervixis, Neu.
ralgle or p met rated with diaease mar suffer, KAI
WAY'S SUtAVX KELlKr will afford Instant ee.
IhaVrmmeefoa o fAe fM'il, fHtammatUm ui
to htaAOrr, InjUmmaUtm of v Virw, r.
grstion of th Imho, r Tftrwt, lif!i-utt
BrtatMnq, PolpUatUm of A Heart, Uirn, ,
Crowr, flsrVArrlu, CatarrfL, iHihwiati, llrmv
ecne, ToutHach, ytwaltfia, Rfumutti.n
Chain, Ag" CltUts, ChUtMatttM awl PrtM-tmrM,
BruiMi, avmirkrr Cwnptmnts, .Vemfwrneju,
BlrrpJ'tmnu, CoufhM, t'ods, Sitraiiit, 'iirnj in
V (.VicaC, aock, or Llint art vuuiidiii re'ira-d.
PEVEK ATTD AOT7H enred for 90 eta. There is
ot s remedial agent la this world that will care
Fever and Agne, and other Malarious, bilious,
fcarlet, Tvphoid, Yellow and other fevers isn!l
by KAUW'W ; PILLS) ao quickly as KaDWai
It will In a few mlnntes, when taken according
to the directions, cure 1'ranips, Spasms, Sour stimi.
act). Heartburn. Sick Headache, lnarrhcea, IiiHea
terv. Colic, Wind In the bowels, and all Internal
Travelers sbonld always carry a bottle of Kad
wav's Heady Keller with them. A few drops is
water will prevent sickness or pains from charm
f water. It la better than French Brandy or Hit
ters as s stlmaianu
Minors sad Lumbermen shoold always bt pro
vided vaa aV
AH remedial agents espsble of destniytr.g 11 Tr hy
an overdose should beavotded. Murptiine.opinni,
strychnine, arnica, hyosciamus, and either power,
fol remedies, do at certain times, 'ji very small
dose, reifeve the patient 'luring their action in the
system. But perhaps the second rtoe, ir repealed,
mav aggravate aud increase the suffenng, and an
other dune can, death. There is no necessity fur
asuig thee uncertain agents when a positive reiue.
dv like Kadway'a Keaiiy KeUef will stop the must
txrruciawng pain quicker, without eutatling the
least dilllcuitj in cither infant or adult.
RiDwsTt Hiitir Rktrer Is the only remeilis.
agent In vogue that will instantly stop pais.
Fifty Ceats Ter Battle,
Regulating Pills !
Par rvrgallTts, JUmrTttnq iptrtrnt, Ae1 witA,
out Pata, aluxive RrliaHe and .Vaiui ul in
Utiur Vprraium.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet
fam, purge, rvgulaLe, purify, cleause and streug
then. Kadwat 1 Ptlls for the cure of all disorders oi
the Stomach. Liver, Boweis, Klduevs, Hiailder,
Nervous Utseasea, Headache, Constipation. toe.
tlvenrss.O Indigestion, Uyspepsis, KiliouweKa.
Fever, luilammatlon of the boweis. Plies, and ail
dvratirrnienisof the Internal Vtscera. Warranied
to eHeot a perfect cure Purely vetfetaiue. -tainlng
no Piercury, minerals, or delete noa ib-tir.
taT" observe the following avmptomsreiiaitiug
front Diseases of the Digestive organs; CuiKtipa.
Uoa, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in ttie
Heail, Acidity of the stomach. Nausea, Ueammrn,
Dixgust of Food, Fullnass or Vt eight In the sto
mach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flattering at
the Heart, Choking or Suffering Sensations when
In a lymg posture. Dots or Wens before the Signi.
Fever and Dull Palo In the Ilea. I, Deficiency of
Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Evee,
Pain la the Side, Breast and Limbs, and Suddea
Fleshes of Heat, Bnrnlng of the Flesh.
A few doses of KauwatI Ptllk will free las
system tram all the abora-osmed disorder
rrlea, S3 Casta Far Baa.
We repeat Oat the reader most eonsolt onr books
and papers on the subject of diseases and teen
ou re, among which may be named:
" Faint uiul True."
" RaVeay on IrrUabit VYtthra.
liatSvay on ScrofMa.
And ethers relating to different classes of Disease.
Send a letter sump to KADWAT A CO., Ho. M
Warrea, Cor. chorea St., New York.
srlnfornuttoa worth taoeiaada wis sa see
I)fiS. J. . A: J. I. HUiit;.NSAlK-
sIkiuIiI not hesitate I onuill J. S. aud J. B. Ho
BK.VsAi 'K.i.l 2 6 North Second street. 1'oile.lel-
li i, either ty n.ail or by pvrxMi, during the hours
Ijoio i A. M. to 1 P. M. and to P. M.
A' lT.ce free, vt Uosoevt-r wimld know his condi
tion and Ihe way to improve it sliouM re;ul
Sent on receipt of tareo-ccnt .toiup.
KI PI KM V I'elehr ttsxl Hlnsle Rreerk
LeJieg Uaasat 'A at.
Doable Barrel Breach Loaders. 18 Vo.
rsrrtssilAWslsk s-k.k.
BJ- w.rrH MnHiss s.aaa. at ai-S.SO
sulesas Hrereh LssSlssUsaasaS rUv-
Sf:a-'f ni.Mt 'pr,it Knrf.i-hati.1 Alie-ncaa tuktw.
All hlad .1 Sporllnc IsipieeiraU and arts.
dcre.ii.riil t.y "rl.in-ii I'lliiiiniiikiirii
Ji. f. hltl'lIHA ftt, "I Isikrl a
Bend tout aiui lur Pnco-1 jat riiilsSsluhla.
Meal aad Snrulcal Mtitii
For the ir tfnnl f .lne:a of men mtbt, Du.
b.'H piMimn, pstuii ia tne flrb au l ttoueii, ri
Hp-XI. uicert. i r.c lures ki an l blaMer,
wekrif ncrrou4 ane ireueraii tletiUiiy, prelum
lure ilw'eT, mem. aul utiynu'i (rjHriiia, ajl
other aYLMft-isii iira.-K?j HireJ.l ai:l. peruuuieaU9
cureL Faiieuta muj nU a jeTtpUoa ul tbe.r
Hip:omH, vie, an I pprr:ai? Kiueiiieti wlU. dW
nxuati wiii te eut to anj SdMreiu,
DU3. J. W. GIUNDLEaod A, a CRHT,
PhTujciani and Surgeons,
1T1 Weal Utb Street, Sew York.
AUU11U JiL,a wnyur ia a Ifw moattia.
nd certain of a ntaaboB. atidxw TaUaak lt I
VOTUa, tmatMTUi, VsaaWUIaWsV.
A Lt.K. BR4I PMa MnArUaltoDJti
V, r -ba BtaIm UfarraUft Orffaa It
poait.T.y cur. rou lability aul rcs:um rw4
ma puwtjia. Hold ty dnur.iA.tx ftl I f-r VV
TC r"' 1 on rw-r'pt ol prU. JOH5I am.
n rnri i iTr? aira
II ll K I I II Umhmt. f i awhii sw. Qaga, t,. sa, Csa-mt.
mmE ewtvawwVfsm. tfM!fV wsViL
uiyrUHlimuuiArl. L.T0URJE&