IESTOEL & REPUBLICAN ' ' MIFFLlNTOWJi. frownwAday, lugtist S, 1 HI B. F. SCH WE IKK. Tbt Lifisktore of York State Las isred a law declaring At attempt to iwmmit suicide felonr, that is pun ishable' bj imprisonment in a state prison, for s period not to exceed two jeaji. Eighteen hundred jeaxs ago, auaong the Banians, then the most highly civilized people in the world it waa considered a virtae to have a deaire not to anrvive a great calamity to one's family, or self, and it was no etigtna on one's nrtroe if he com mitted suicide, to escape the respon sibility of a calamity or misfortune. Brutus, when overtaken by defeat at -very torn, after the assassination of Caesar, said, suicide, -is a deed of fashion," and threw himself upon his word. Queen Cleopatra, when she realized that the scepter that her fathers had wieldod for 300 years, was about to ba taken from her, pre faced to not witness the humiliation. Shs exclaimed, "Give me my robes, 1ut on my crown ; I havo immortal onjins" which when given her, she committed suicide. But Brutus and Cleopatra were heathens. Civilized heathens. Lone before their day aicide was considered an honerable relief for the calamity and misfortune f this world. Saul the first King of the Jews followed the fashion of the times, and when defeat overtook his army, ho committed suicide. Fash ions" change, and now in this day and generation, if York is to set the fashion for suicides, everybody that attempts it is to be declared guilty of a felonv. Hadn't York State bet ter get oft a delivercnce as to what shall be done with the people that succeed in committing snciJe. Non sensical legislation. T-is is the vear when candidates for the Legislature will bo asked questions as to how they will vote on certain measures that are expected to be brought before the Legislature for enactment. Candidates are often defamed by men to whom they have made promiso, and not kept the promise, simply because the men that required the promise of them, did not tell them of all the facts in volved in the question, which if thsy had done, instead of getting a prom ts to do so, and so, they would have been told point blank that their pur poses or scheme could not be endors ed. Sometimes a man will ask of an other, a promise, to do so and so, stating certain facts, and then after the promise has been obtained pro ceed to surround the case with a chain of circumstances that so change tha situation that it is not like the situation to which a promise of sup port had been given. A change ot i-ircumatances may release a man of a promise, and put tho party that ex pected to hold him to it clearly m the wrong. It is the experience of law ers, that sometimes men in seeking advice state their case in such a way that the right Beems clear, but when all the surrounding circumstances are brought forward in court the sit uation of affaire is different, and to the consternation of both lawyer and client thf v have no case. In view of ueh plain every day facts, it may be as well to just now suggest, for the future respect for each other, of all parties concerned, that when promises are asked of Legislative candidates, that the questions be comprehensive nongh to embraco all circumstances that may probably arise in the con sideration of the question when be fore the Legislature. Sbtob Hill, of Georgia, died last 'Wednesday. SesatobDox Camehox, lost $10, 000, by bailing General Burnside. Gen ral BtAvzB, attended the re union of the sixteeners at Harris burg, lat week. Fbaxk Mocltos, the Beecher, Til ton mutual friend, has bought the Governor Sprague mansion in R. L Cosore6smax Bayt, of Pittsburg, says that he expects to carry off the nomination, regardless of the full power of the machine opposition. From the number of proclamations that the English and the Sultan issue, one would think that they expect to put to rout Aribi Bey by proclamation. The river and harbor steal bill, as it is called is not a party measure. Tho President vetoed it In the Sen ate, only 3 Democrats voted against the bilL They were Saultsburg, Pen dleton, and Bayard. It is said that the ladies about Washington charge it against Presi dent Arthur that he desires to marry for money. Doubtless the charge produces a broad emilo on the face of tho President, The Commission for tha revision of the tariff, has been holding meet ings at Long Branch, and there has been hearing, what manufacturers of different kinds of goods have to say on the question of tariff. The Chambersburg Repot ilory, eems to be excited over the fact, that the Public Opinion of the same place, has taken down the name of Beaver for Governor, and put up in its stead tha name of Stewart A REiBixa lawyer, has been found guilty of criminally libeling a citizen of Berks county, against whom he argued before the court A reporter took down the abusive language of the lawyer and on the printed report of the arguments the suit was founded. The latest sensational story, from New York, is to the effect, that Conk ling, in the interest cf Jay Gould, at tempted to bribe the Governor of York State, to veto certain legislative eta that were against Gould's rail road plana By and by Conkling will bave something to say about the story Me at Washington, who scan the political horizon, say, that there ia a combination cloud bigger than a man's hand visible, that indicates that Arthur and Cameron, are one on the question of Arthur for the Presiden cy in 1884. Cameron is to have all the aid that the Administration can give, to help Cameron and Beaver through this campaign in Pennsyl vania, and in return Arthur is to have the undivided support of Cam eron and Beaver. Such is the report that tho6e who "oan the political ho f'n cfrrnlat. ... Tks PLA-is.'- Li Law kxi Ordr Society, tad a cubr cf dlj bar bars brought befsrs ifsgistraU Charles Brown, last Friday for violat ing the Sunday laws. Tha justice imposed nnon fc&ch brkr Kf im v,,n a an of t,00ani coats. The Rec ord says ; Tha Magistrate in hie de cision, said : "I believe, gentlemen, then when the Almighty God wrote with His finger on the tablets of stone the decologoe or precepts givsn by Him through His imrTanf Mruxa t.i man He meant every word of what IT i J . u wruio, aua among me number, oi L ' L 1 1 uicu you are au aware mere are ten, is mi i ounu, wmcn save : 'Keniem ber the Sabbath day to keep it holy,' etc. That same God rules the uni verse to-day. So d I believe that the fathers, who mads th'u ajr nf tliA I twenty-second or April, A. D. 1794, on wuicn we are iHiiiirf inr tn d believed in that higher Uw Tlmi same law is in our statute books to day, as strong and binding as it was " j'noiiou, ciguir-tugui yours ago Yellow fever, has broken ouf in Brownsville, Texas. Hamcil F. Barb, has been renom inated for Congress in the Dauphin district. Blaise, will take the stump in Elaine, acainst Uie lJm-irraf h on f hn tariff question. The warm weather lat week, was destructive to the life of many chil dren in the cities. Week President Arthur, was in New York last week, General Han cock called on him. The Republican Committee of I nion county, have declared for Stewart for Governor. Cattle brought into Ohio, and West Va., from Texas, are dying at an alarming extent, with a fever. It costs England 630 for every soldier that she linds at Alexandria, f ronpugland, or Scotland, or Ireland JahvmoL-UR," a Philadelphia ma chinest was sent to prison last week, for having 4 wives, all living in Philadelphia. The Sultan has told Aribi Pasha to lay down his arms, and that if he does not England will be left to deal with him as she pleases. Tee bones of the assassin Guiteau have been bleached, and will be put together, and the skeleton bo placed iu the Army Medical Museum, at Washington. The Bi-Centennial celebration in Philadelphia, in October, promises to be a grand demonstration. In the parade that is to take place October 27. There will beat least 22,000 troops. Thb Colored Pennsylvania State League, held a convention at Will iamsport last week, and pledge the support of the league to Beaver. The General was present and addressed the colored brethren. It is reported that "Chairman Cooper, has advised General Beaver not to accept Senator Stewart's chall enge to a joint discussion of the is sues of the campaign. Chairman Cooper believes that Stewart's object is simply to obtain a little notoriety, or rather, to check the decline of the prestige he gained in the Republican party. The trouble, in the Pittsburg Pres byterian Oak Alley Church, presents a shocking and demoralizing aspect. Not long since, Mr. Woodsides the preacher, received a notice threaten ing his life unless he left the city. Lsst Thursday August 17th., the preacher, part of the Sabbath school, and a number of the membership of the church went out on the Pitts burg and Lake Erie railroad on an excursion. On their return, an attempt was made to wreck the excursionists at a trestle near Alcgrippa. A heavy beam had been fastened across the track for the pur pose of wrecking the train. The at tempt to wreck the excursionists, or pic nickers has created a profound sensation. Rev. Mr. Woodside, and Messrs White, and Neeson, members of the flock, on Eriday called on May or Lyon, and asked that a thorough investigation be made of the affair. They expressed the belief that the deed wvs attempted by some parties or party, connected with the church trouble. Such is the latest phase of the Pittsburg Presbyterian church fight as stated by dispatches. New cotton in the South has been selling at 12cts per pound. The largest man at Atlantic City, last week was 7 feet, 8 inches high, and weighed 650 pounds. Refcblicaxs, of Chester county, in their convention, held last week, con demned the passage of the river and harbor bill, by Congress. These have been so many fires, in and around Lancaster city, this state, that insurance companies, give notice that no more policies will be issued, and living policies will be canceled, if something is not done to stop the burning of insured property. Citizens talk of organizing a vigilance com mittee. People, that are interested in the meeting of the Labor Convention, that is to meet in Philadelphia on the 28th inst, are considerably agi tated over the statement made in certain Philadelphia papers, that the whole Labor Convention movement is made by a few designing men, that expect to sell out to one or the other of the parties; the highest bidder. Ok Saturday, a despatch from Egypt stated, that Mr. Long, the American Consul at Alexandria, was attacked by a mob of about 40 per sons in a street of Alexandria. He defended himself with a club, till his shouts bronght English soldiers to his rescue. The Egyptians say that he outraged them because he drove over a number of citizens with his carriage. He did hot give them time to get out of the way. He says that one day while out driving a lot of people surrounded his carriage; he not being armed whipped np his horses, and several of the men that clung to the harness of the horses, and to the wheels of the carriage, were thrown to tne ground. Bom bardment has been going on by the gun boats along some of the csnals nevond Alexandria. CCNSTITCTIONAL AVSJTDaiSNT contention. Oa the 16 th iaet, CoastUa ioaaf 1mi4 Coavantloa iu held ia the Court House ia this piaco, to organise aa Associa tion which waa eatltled by t! CoaveeUoa, "Tbs CoBstltatleaal Tmperan;e Amend ment Aaaoclalion of Juniata County." The object of this Association shall be to secure such tEuU LegislAture at will give tho voters oi that Commonwealth aa opor tunitv to doeUo by bkllot whether they it tiro tho Conatitutioaal Amendment recited in the foregoing prembl, prohibiting the Bunafactoro oreala of Intoxicating Liquors Tor drinking parpoiee. The following resolutions bearing oa the qoestioa of liquor ttmytrmu were passed : Resolved. That alter a fair and impartial trial for 200 jreara in rennsjlrania, the sys tem of licensing the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors, for drinking purposes, baa absolutely failed as a preventative against drunkenness, degradation, pauper ism and crime. Resolved. That the license aystum neith er confers aor confirms any natural right, but ia solely a privilige granted for special reasons and for a specific time. Its abroga tion would outcry no right, nor in any prop er sense coatrovene personal liberty, nor be unjuat to any one bow enjoying its special benefits. Resolved. That we as advocates of tho cause of temperance deem it necessary that other and more eaoctive means bo mado to overcome the gTeat evils that flow from the license system. Resolved. That we recognise with devout gratitude the good, the manifest increase of healthful temperance sentiment in all this land, and tha simultaneous movement in the various States ot the Union toward the adoption of constitutional prohibitory a-nendment. Resolved. That it ia the sense of this meeting that the people of our State do have the right to say by their ballots whether the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors shall be continued or prohibited except fur medicinal, mechanical and scion tide pur pose, and to this end we urge all people, regardless ot church, political and business relations, to give their efforts and influence, in behalf of constitutional prohibition in Pennsylvania. Resolved. That we hail with rejoicing the glorious news from Kansas and Iowa, aa nouncing the overthrow of the rum power, and the signal triumph of constitutional prohibition in those great status by large majorities. Resolved. That free from partisan spirit, we nevertheless regard the evil of intemp erance as so gigantic as to believe its sup pressioa to be the leading issue now before the people. Resolved. That a committee of nine be appointed to interrogate all candidates tor the StattfVgislaturo as to whether or not they will iTelected to the next legislature, give their veto and influence in favor of a resolution submitting the proposed amend ment to the Constitution to a vote of the people. As far as heard from, at this date, the fol lowing named persona comprise tbo officers of the temperance organization in the sev eral districts named. Mijlitwn Borough President, A. J. Pattoraon ; v'ice Presidents, C. B Homing, John Btka, John Horning ; Secretary, E. W. H. Kreider ; Treasurer, S. D. Bateaholtx ; Executive Committee, A. J. Patterson, E. W. H. Kreider, S. D. fiatesbolts, 1. W. Hnghes, J. S. Thomas, G. W. Cribbs, T. A. Elder, P. W. Noble, J. R. Kelley, Jscob Baidler, Miss M. Coffnian, Miss Sallie Irwin, Miss M. C. Kreider, Mrs. C. Vanfossen, Mrs. G. W. Smith. Patttrto Borough. President, Geo. W. Wilson; Vice Pesideots, S. C. Gushard, George Goshen, George Kelley ; Secretary, T. D. Carman ; Treasurer, W. J. Zeiders ; Executive Committee, O. W. Wilson, T. D. Carman, W. J. Zeiders, B. K. Mitchell, Wm. Dei trick, A. H. Taste, R. L. Guss, K. J. N angle, Robert McDonald. Pot t Royal forearfc. President, Profess- or David Wilson ; Vice Presidents, Daniel McConnell, Henry Eberts, James Koons ; Secretary, John V. Speddy ; Treasurer, Jacob Oroningnr; Executive Committee, Prof. David Wilson, John W. Speddy, Ja cob Qromnger, J. P. Shindle, John J. Weimtr, David E. Robison, Dr. A. W. Shelley, H. E. Oves, T. II. McOlure. Tsonuoaroies Borough President, C. C. Tennis; Vice Presidents, B. Benner, H. E. Bogaurief, J. W. Leydor ; Secretary, E. Smith; Treasurer, John Parker; Executive Committee, C. C. Tennis, E. Smith, J. W. Leyder, David Smith, Jr., Wellington Man- beck, C. A. Shermar, J. P. Wickersbam, E. A. Tennis, Prof. W. I. Hibbs. Spruet Hill Totcuthip President, John L. Patterson; Vice Presidents, Daniel Conn, John Wisehaupt, Samuel Hoffman ; Secre tary, J. L. Barton ; Treasurer, W. B. Ui son ; Executive Committee, Jthn L. Pat terson, J. L. Barton, W. B. Gilson, N. H. Esh, John Gillifard, Samuel Graham, Cyrus Brackbill, J. D. Miliken, J. S. Conn, Sam uel Warton, J. C. Gilson, Samuel McLangh- lin. Tutcarorm Toveiuhip. President, George McCullocb ; Vice Preideuts, James Kidd, S. M. Beale, J. C. Crawford ; Secretary, W. C. Laird; Treasurer, John Randolph; Exec utive Committee, O gorge McCullocb, W. C Laird, John Randolph, Rev. J. A. McGill, Rev. S. A. Davenport, Rev. A. Rohrer, J as. 8tinson, M. B. Kunkle, Wm. Vansweringea Thomas Oreigbton. Vpptr Tutearort Tomuhip. President, J. W. Evans ; Vice Presidents, James Loud en, Lamuel Ramsey, Samuel Rohrer; Sec retary J. R. Bartley ; Treasurer, J. D. Buck ; Executive Committee, President, J. W. Evans ; Secretary, J. R- Bartley ; J. D. Buck, Maibew Clark, George W. Kough. James McOlure, Wm. Vansweringeu, John T. Work, Samuel Pannababer, A. J. Furgu son, Wm. Henry, James Steenson, Miss Sana Kamsey, Miss hllie showers, Mrs, Geo. W. Kough, Mrs. R. M. Bartley. Lack Towmhtp. President,, W. J. Short, Waterloo r. r. ; t ice fresiilents, Henry Titzel, Esq., John C. Burns, Joseph Gray Treasurer, G. W. Campbell; Executive Committee, W. J. Shurt, R. U. Patterson. G. W. Campbell, A. Rice, Alex. 8. Piles, Mat Lias Slump, W. J. Wilson, Thomas Murphy, Joseph Bell, Pamnel Divea, J. M Blair. Btalt Towuthip President, J. N. Pom, eroy ; Vice Presidents, Harrison Reed, Jas- liooer, Kooeri tennis ; secretary. i. u. Mc Williams ; Treasurer, J. P. Kelly, Jr.; Ex ecu live Committee, J. N. Pomeroy, D. tt. Mc Williams, J. K. Kelley, Jr., Joseph Wal lace, 8. S. Paonabaker, W. B Zimmerman, Wm. Hoops, J. K. Patterson, James R. Howell, Frank Harris, William MUlikoa, W. S. Anderson, J. P. Mc Williams. FaytUt rowatAip. President, Dr. O. H. McAliater ; Vice Presidents, Hon. Saa.nel Watts, John D Beers, Wm. Barman ; See rotary, Jessie Grubb ; Treasurer, ff. jj. McAlister; Executive Committee, Dr. 6. H. MeAlUtcr, Jesea Grubb, W. H. McAlister, Rev. A. Copenhaver, Rv. J. S. Bear, J. M Vanormer, J. 8. McMinn, 8. S. 8 long, W. I W. Warts, Hllsry Ehrruslli.r, J. H. Smith. I Register's (!. yoTKt la aereb) gtvea that the following persons have Bled htetr accouau la the Ksg iters Ltoce ia Midliaiowa, and that the awe will be presented to the Court tor con Br mat 10 B abd allowance, oa TLksOAV, ScptentOer IV. laei. at 10 o'clock A. M. i 1 The .st and Baal account of J. M. Ard, Administrator ot Wat. U. Taylor, Uto of Spruce Hill township, deceased, and admin- istratur'sdisthbaii.ittofbcireof said dece dent. S Tha 1st and Baal account of William Milliaen, aad William Teller, tecuta of the last will and testament vi Isabella Mill ken, late of beale township, Peoaa, dee'd . 3 The account of William U. Korts, oardian of William Josiah McMeen, minor child of Barnaul McMeen af Walker town ship. 4 The accoaot of Wilson J. Zeiders Ad ministrator of Samuel Zeiders, late of the borough of Pattersoo, deceased. 5 The account of Elias Land is, and Jos eph Bossier, executors of the last will and testament oi Bvuyuum i.anuia, laie oi we township of Payette, Juoiata Co, Pa. dee'd. 6 The account of Caroline E. Teller, ex ecutrix of tho last will and testament of John G. Teller late of Spruce Hill township deceased. 7 Tha dual account of W. Westley Watts, administrator ol Christopher G- Kn- gler, late of Walker township, Juniata Co., fenna., deceased. m 8 The first and Snal account of Abraham Nosa, and Ralph E. Dobbs, executors of the last will and testament of Thomas Dobbi Ute of Tuscarora township, Juniata county, Penua., deceased. 9 The first and Una! account of Samuel 3. Oberaoltier, Administrator of Susanna Besom, lata of the township of Monroe, de Ceased. 10. The first and final account of William H. Baughmaa, Administrator de-bonum non ot Jetnes Davis, lato ol fjjette township, deceased. 11 The account of John Ballentine, who waa Guardian of Frederics. AlUbaugn, mi nor child ol Peter Allabaugh late of Fer managh township, deceased, aa stated OJ John ballentine, Executor ol John Ballen tine, deceased. 12. First and final account of Elisabeth Heller, Aduiiuuiratrix ot Martin L. Ueiler, late of the township ot Delaware, deceased. 13. The first and partial account of An drew Zeiders Adiuiuisliator ot Klixabetb Zeadera, late of the township ot Ureenwood, deceased. 14. Second partial account of Jonathan B. Ukeson, one of tne Kxecutors ot the last will and testament of William B. Ukeson, late ol Port Royal, deceased. 15. First and final account of H. M. Morrow, Administrator of Eliza Crone, lata of Tuscarora township, deceased. 16. The partial account of John K.. Saus man, and Jacob Sausu-an, Executors ot the last will and testament of Juhn Sauaman, late of Fayette township deceased. 17. The first and fioal account of Chris tian Yoder, Kxecuiur of the last will aud testament of blizabet h Yoder, late of Sfruc Uilt township, deceased. lbThe firit and Final account of Alfred J. Patterson, Administrator ot Jauiima A. Alexander late ot the borongh of Port Roy al deceased. j. m. McDonald, Rtguur. Register's Office, Mittlintowo, I Aug. 19, U-Si- i STATEMENT. Receipts and Expenditures of Fermanagh School District, Juniata County, pa., tor the year ending June 1st, 142. RECEIPTS. Gross amount ot tax Duplicate for School purposes HUM! For building purposes...... 44S.95 Total SI 578,57 Deduct exonerations, deficien cies and errors 76.16 Total tsx receipts $1502.41 Cash from former treasurer.. 161,93 State appropriation 24i,t4 Total Receipt 190,!l8 EXPENDITURES. Paid Teachers salaries S"l'J,00 balance on School lot 17,91 Interest on note. ...... .....17,16 Former loai 426,10 a Fuel 1 14,21 Repairs 71,51 Salary of Secietary 15.00 " TreaMircr A. Collector.. 83,19 Miscellaneou expenses 2-,i0 Total... .. $1577.90 Bslance in the treasury $ 128,08 JACOB M. 110WER, President. Attest Joseph Rotiibock, Secretary. AUDITORS KErOKT. Wo. the undersigned Auditors of Fer managh District, Juniata County, having carefully examined Iheshno accounts of tbe Treasurer, find correct to tlm best of oar knowledge and b li-f. EMAKUEL MOVER, JOSEPH OnfcK HUI.TZER, Aug. lO.t'i. Auditors- MALARIA Malaria is an almost in describable malady which not even the most talented physicians are able to fath om. Its cause is most fre quently ascribed to local surroundings, and there is very little question, but this opinion is substantiated by tacts. Malaria does not nec essarily mean chills and fever while these troubles usually accompany it It often affects the sufferer with general lassitude, accom panied by loss of appetite, sleeplessness, a tired feeling and & high fever, the per son afflicted growing weak er and weaker, loses flesh day after day, until he be comes a mere skeleton, a shadow of his former self Malaria one havtiif laid ha hold upon the bums trass, the the hue system i door ot tho systoat is thrown open diseases. The bed weak and enfeebled absorbs so aoerishsMat, bet snbsistiasj epo wssuT, the digestive eivaaa ao footer peifuiai their ftsactiees; tho liver hecowMS torpid, sad other ergaas fciliaf so do their routiso work, speedily beceeM disordered, end taochitioB and death are apt In addition to being a certain cure, lor malaria and chills and fever. Browh's ImoN Brrnsis is highly recommended for all diseases requir iig a certain and efficient tome; es pecially indigestion, dyspepsia, inter, mitt eat fevers, want of appetite, loss of strength, lack of energy, etc Enriches the blood, strengthens the tnnscles, and gives new life to the nerves. Acts like a charm oa the digestive organs. It if for sale by ail respectable dealers in medicines, price, t per bottle Be aore end get the gemlae BROWN'8 IRON BXTTSK8. Take bo other. REPCBLICAN TICKET. TATE. For troeeraor. Gaa. Jaats A. Biavaa. Fr Judit tf On Suprtwit Curl, Wat. tillKT Ravls. For Litut. Gootmor, W. T. Daviss. ForSte'ytf Inttnal Jftn, Jobs M. Gaiib. For Cmgrttimat ti-largt. Mabbiot Baoaicf. STATE. For Governor. Jobs 8tkwbt. " For JuJgt oftkt Suprrmo court. Csoasa J ci xia. For Liouteuaut Gntruor. Col. Levi Biaa Dsrr. For Stf of lultruul Jffniri. Majob Gxo. W. Mibbkb. For Cougrntman-al-lergt. Cot. Wnxiaai McMicaatt. AflffOUNCEMENTS. SHERIFF. x.aVer Htntintl mud Btpubliemu I would announce D. 3. Lanuis, of Fayette town ship aa a candidate tor the office of Sberol. Mr. Land is ia a young man of good habits. sad k abundantly qualified to till tha port- lion of Sberiif. His father and graad-lalb er were citizens ia Juniata beioro him. Ha ia aa earnest Republican. Ho speaks ooto, tne Bogiian, and Uermaa languages, which ia Juniata couoty, is a matter ol im portance and satisfaction to both officer and people. FAYETTE. REGISTER AXD RECORDER. Kdiior Stutiutl aud Republican The peo ple ot juoiai,wui be called upon to choose a suitable person to fill the office of Regis ter and Recorder at the election in Novem ber. Allow us to present the name of 8. B. Caveny, of Patterson as a candidate tor the Republican nomination. Mr. Caveny la well known aa a gentleman of integrity, possess ing every qnalibcation reqniste lor the em cieat discharge ot the office, and if nomm ated will be a strong candidate. FAYETTE. REGISTER AND RECORDER. Editor Sentinel ni Republican Alo me to announce tha name ol S. P. Whar ton of Spruce Hill as a candidate for the of fice of Register and Rrcorder, subject to Republican usages. Mr. Wnartou is young man ot good business qualifications aud it elected, would make an obliging and efficient officer. MILFORD. LEGISLATURE. Fditor Sentinel and Repulltcan Fleate annouuee Major J. D. IlowiLL, of Spruce liiil, as a candidate tor the office of Assem bly, eut'ject to Republican usages. Tbe Major ia a representative man of the people, aa a good soldier, would be a tlroug can didate and, if elected a sale and prudent legislate. LBALB. jury; commissioner. Editor Sentinel and Republican I would present Henry Auker, ol V alter township, to too Republicans ot Juuiata county, aa a suitable candidate tor the office of Jury f!oramisifjnr- VI r. Aiwlcr i. . mnaii Bm ! voblican. but still not so blind a partv nun J as to do injustice in the relation of men for I the jury wheel. I -WALKER JURY COMMISSIONER. Mr. Editor : That tbe office of Jury CommiMooer ia one of very great trust and responsibility is admitted by all, fur on the bonest and judicious action of tne parties tilling that orace tbe safety ol the lives and property of our citizans in a great measure depend, such being tbo case It behooves all good cilitens to consider well tbe char acter and standing of the man entrusted with that importaut ofhee. Believing that Miltord township can liirnisb an unexcep tionable candidate for tbe position, permit me to snrgest the name of W. obtb Stebbitt, subject to Republican nsarea, If nominated, (tbe election being a matter of course,) he will be found, in every re. spect, tbe right man for the position. MIFFLINTOWN PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. THE undersigned, Executors of the es tate of Jscob Kiehl deceased, late of bal township, Juniata county, Pa, will offer at public sale, on tbe premises at 1 o' clock P. M. on FEIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1882. the tullowiiig described real estate to-wit: A tAkM situate in Beale township, Juniata to., i a., containing 147 ACRES, and 79 perches. The improvements are, a FRAME HOUSE, AND BANK BARN, with wagon shed, and corn crib, attached, and other necessary out-buildings. Fruit such as apples peaches, cherries, grapes, and so forth. The farm ia bounded on the north by lands of William Clark, and J. M. Boon, on the East by lands ot Calvin Stew art, and store road, south by lands of Adam Fisher. About half of the farm ia under a good state of cultivation, the balance is in young timner nearly hall of which is chest nut oak. The farm is in Tuscarora valley. 9 miles from Mifllintown, tbe county seati 9 miles from Port Koyal ; 1 mile west of Academia. Any person wishing to see the farm can do so by calling on the undersign ed residing on the premises. TERMS t 25 per cent, on the day of sale, 25 percent, on April 1, 1883, balance in two equal annual payments with interest from April 1, 1883. NOAH RIKFIL, FHAN Y KIEHL, Aug. 2. 1882. Executors. Valuable Ecal Estate at Private Sale. The nndersigned oilers for sale, a tract of One Hnndred Acres, of land m.m - l... on which there is a large STONK-DWELL- uwmiujr., in good repair and good BANK-BAKN aad ont t.mlH.n.. .-J . GKIST-MILL three stories high, the two tower stories oi wmcn are alone, and tha third frame, with three ran of good freneh burrs, one new overshot wheel, one sew iro wheel, and gearing nearly now thronrh- oat, with excellent water Dower. Tha land is rood farm land, and in a mod atota ot cultivation. Tha mill has an excellent conntry trade. This is a varv daalrshla nn.t ana L. sitnated one mile and one-four ( h north-west of MeAlislerville Juniata Co., Pa., aad will on soia on easy term. For further nrtieuls r.1.... address Jacob Smith, MeAliaterville Pa., or Jeremiah Lyons, Mifflinfowa Pa., or John E. Smith. Chester conntj Pa. CUTTHISOUT! 5iS? 015S 04OwVr. WehavaatorealnIS toadlne; Cttlea, front whlcJienr seonw, ettsni their suwlios qiaektr. terus tos Address M. H. LOYELL VmL&Y&rfcpZ Every family should bare a eountv news. paper, fjobicribe fw the "ifrrf n1 Rt. I publican. t GraylUF Column. SPUING STOCK 6t CAKPETS. Choice Patteroa ia VELVET, Body and Tapestrj BRUSSELS, Extra Super Medium and Low Grade 11 GRAINS, . A Fall Lint of VENETIAN, A Complete Line of RAG, A Choice Lot of HEMP, Beautiful Patterns in . STAIR, and MALI. Carpets AT THE Carpet House FUBMTURE BOOMS OF THE JUNIATA VALLEY. -:o:- JomrS. 6c Sit r BILL 9 At the Old Stand, OH THE SOCTHWK5T COKHtt OF BRIDGE & WATEE STBEETS, MIFFLIMTOtTX. PA., HASJCST KECEITEO All tha above enumerated Articles, And all other things that may be) found in a CARPET : IMITUBE STORE. AT PRICES BEYOND COMPETITION ALSO, ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. AN EXTRA LINE OF MATTRESSES, Bolsters and Pillows, WINDOW SHADES, IN ALL COLORS. Looking Glasses IN GREAT VARIETY, &c, dec, &0t In fact everything usually kept in a First-Class House- Furnishbg Goods Store. JOHN S. GRAYBILL BRIDGE STREET, Sentb Side, Between the Canal and Water Street, i MFFLLVTOWX, - PEX.Y.f, ' 4 lterUeot PUBLIC SALE Of V ALLAbLK REAL ESTATE. T!a taUsrsiiB'-J, A Jaiaistrat-r tcstsascto aonet-i 'A Jaceb FtuLk late ot tho Borcnrn of f a iersn, Juniata Cm., Pa.. ieteaseJ, will to sale ly BuW!e b1b. or out-cry, at tha rreeiiAfa ut tie Borough of fetti-rsoB, a SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2. at 1 o'olock r. , oa aaiJ day, tbe follow ing vaiuaUa real estate, to-lt Ne. 1. A lot f ground situsto oa tha North side of Main Slreut ia the Bjr.on of Patterson, Bear tbe Pennsylvania Kail road depot, baring a front ot W teot oa Maia Street, and extending arh 110 feat to aa allay, bounded oa lie Suuth by Main Street, ea the Wrat by lot of Pennsylvania K. K., North by an alley, aud Eat by lot Jfe. 8, baring thereon erected a good DWELLING HOUSE, STORE-ROOM, STABLE AND OLT-BIILDINGS. Tbe abore U one af tbe beet basines locations lathe Ultra, and a Tory Uesirabl property. o. 2. Tbe undivided ene-balf of a half lot of grouud, situate on Patb fctreet, in the Hvrough, having a front ot ii fort on Path Street, and extending back 110 Icet to a'ley, having thereon ereotrd a Ud Dvrelllng Uoune. Also, Una Share oT Sloe in PerrysvUIe Bridge Co. TkKMS of SALE : Tea yer cent of pur chase ciunry to be jid on day ol sale, -J J per cent, oa 1st ot January, A. 1)., lSi, when deed ill be delivered and posaeioa giveu ; 33 per ceut April I, A. V , 134, with interest trow Jauuaiy 1, ISO J i ti pur cent, ol purchase BivLey te remain iu tbe property during tbe natural life of Eli Baocia rrauc, widow of Jacob frank, de ceased, aud tue interest IBercot to be paid to, be paid to Ucr ou the 1st day ol January, A. !., 1S64, and annually thereafter ou tbe lat day ol January ol cacu year, and at her death tbe principal to be paid t Joseph Rotbroca, Administrator c. t. a. of Jacob r'rauk, deceased ; anpaid purchase money to be secured by judgeiueut buud and tuort. gage. JOSBrU EOTUROCK, Jaly 26-82. adu'r ol Jacob frank, dee'd. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an eider of sale issued eut el the Urpbau's Court ot Juniata county, Pa, and to uie directed, will be exposed to pub lic sale, on tlie premises, oue-lialt mile uorin at Oakland Milis, iu r'aHr toarnsbip, Ju niata couuly, at oue o'clock p. ui., ou SATURDAY AUGUST 26th, 1882. All lual certain niiHBe, riiantatloa an 4 lract ofLaud, la Fayette towusbip, Juniata county, Pa., bounded by lands ol Isaac Sbetleuberger, David oumti, Keutien Leouard, J. A. and J.C. Piuea, and JuUn Auker, containing 115 -.VCRES, More or less, and having tbercoa erected a STONE DWELLING HOUSE, IV ew llank ltaru, Wag-011 Shed, And other out-buildinjcs all of which are cleared except five acres. The land la iu tbe bigtiest stale ol cultivation, g-ivd water ou the premise, and excellent iruiu No. 2, A Tract of Woodland, Situate Ui fermanagn lownsUip, oounded by laoda ot David H ollganir, n. Zovk and Clifford Singer, contaiumg j 70 Acres and SO Perches, ! More or less. j TERMS or SALE i One-fourth the rur- chaaee money to Oe paid on conbrmalion ol sale by tbe court ; oue fourth ou tbe 1st day ot April, A. 1 IbUi, wben deed wili be delivered and possession given ; one lourth on the flrst ol April A. b. Itb4, with inter est from April 1st, 1083 1 oue-tourth on the 1st day ot April, A. U. IBH5, with interest from April lat 1883, tao last payments to ne secured oy judgement. LEWIS DEuAK, Administrator of Henry II. Bru baker. June 21, 182. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OFMIFFLIXTOWlf, PA. WITB BRAXCU AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders Lndiyiduallj Liable. J. NBTIX POME ROT, Preudent. T. VAN IllWIJ., Cathitr DtBBCTOKt I J. Jfevin Pomeroy, Joseph Kothrock, Georga Jacobs, Philip M. Kepoer, Amos G. Bo ii sail, Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy, rrocxaoLDEis t J. Kevin Pomeroy, R. E. Parkor, Philip M. Kepner, Anuie M. Shelley, Joseph Kothrock, Jane H. Irwin, George Jacobs, Mary Korts, L. K. Atkinson, Samuel M. Kurti, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin, Amos G. Bonsai), T. V. Irwin, Noah Hertsler, P. B. Frow. Charlotte Snyder, John Hortxler. 2 Interest allowrd at the rate ol 2 pr cent, on 8 months certificates, 3 per cent, on ia mooms certmcates. f Jan23, 1879-tf CAITTI05I NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby cautioned a;ains tresE.ssinv nnnn th l.nrf. f IK. n dersigned, in Fayette, Delaware or Walker township, by fishing, hunting, er in any oioer way Jonathan Kisrr C G Shelly Wm Brsnihofler A 11 Knrts IlenryS piece David Smith Catharine Knrta S Owen Evans John McMeea Teuton Benner D B Pimm C. F. Spicher U W Smith John L Auker S J Kurt J B Garner Henry Auker S M Rantfmaa Lncien Dunn J F Dettra J W Uostrtler David iiiinhers-er Jease Pines Arnold Varnee Jacob Hoops. Levi K Myers Sow 9,1881. Complete Stock. F. Ia. ORAYBIIsIa, McAliBterrille, Pa., Has just returned from the Eastern Cities w ith a Large and Complete Stock of DRY GOODS. GROCERIEN, ((IEE.18 ITARC, Hats ft Caps, Boots ft Shoes. READY MADE CLOTHING, Clgara, Tobacco, etc., etc Parties will find it made t th.i. .a.... tage to call and see my Stork and hear my Print before purchasing elsewhere. Stock Entirely New and Fresh. I CAD sWCOmfnodlta CAS In at.. thing called for In a Store of ibis kind Oct 16. Subscribe for the Stntiml mj It contain!) uiore. and a vreaiar 't good aod oscf'J rcs-llrg tnatt-r th-in any j Jft Jrawlort' lkk. TlTlViMA EsUUiJAD. T I M K - 7 A 8 L t Oa aaJ L'rH aXy iusr J. l--J.' , laat awf at Jt-JU wi ra aa t .. . ZAUWH3. Bxsta Jcc. aa.',Biu.. . . , dally at t ) a. at.. aaa AeMiaa; at m . tuna bcteHess hliftia an4 B irsBsiy, m. turn at H asi leasi fg at I It a a. Jeaaseaww tLraaaa kraees tlraia t .if St T AVI a en.,ea4 etereaeg as 4 refaWr afstlaee aWe.ra AMswaa aa4 etut reeefcae st e S4 IA M e. as .. HimaM 11.49 p. U., save sre aa fas sdsrisltt S.Ci p. EB. Ma. Tt.a l-r PrtLaWe; ).! t 7.33 a. oa A(onaa at Aa p. aau, sad . pieg st ail rej'Uar aAalaeaa arrive at MaoW at i 'SH f. ra., Barrisaar; 7.99 p. sa., r. delphia i.ii a. m. Mail Express leaves P:Ubur; at 1 OU pa; Altooaa 630 p m ; Tyrone 7 1." buj; U.u; ingdoaSUopm, Lewistown 9 Pt put. Vi flia V S p m i Uarrueurg 1 1 1 o p ta ; Phila delphia t ii p m. WEiTWABD. Msfiu.t ACkOaaoSaxibji leave Uarrii. riaburg daily at 10.12 a. m.,aad stopiuf a; all stations, arrives at M.lCia at lilu p. m. Man Taai.1 leaves Pbl!adsiphia Ji 7.C-U a. m., Harrihrg 1 1.15 a. m., K!A 12.33 p. ta., utoppicgat all statutua bctaaai Mitllin and Altowna reaches AluoA at a 4e p. ra., Pittburg tf.CO p. ot. AltFrLu AccoBBODariu.'v leaves 8atr, burg dally except 3 anday at S.0U p. m.,asl stopping at all atatioua, arrfves at M.f u, a I.0U p. u. Pacific Expreaalaarcs PhiladelphU 11 OA pmf Harrisburg 3 uo a m Duucannue. t &3 ami Newport 4 18 amj Mufiiaiwi m ; Lewlstjwa 6 i'i a m ; Mc Veytowa & 40 am; Sit. Union CIV ami Huntingdon ti 46 a u i Petersburg 7 02 a iu ( Spruce Cretat 7 15 am; Tyrone 7 34 am; BcU't Mais 755am; Aitooaa V IS a m i Pituhuig lUpn. FaH Line leaves Philadelphia at 11 win m ; Harrisburg 3 15 p in ; MilCia 4 37 p a ; Lewi.,town 4 i3p xc i Huntingdon 4 e0 pta ; Tyrone 6 40 p m ; Altooaa 7 xw p m ; Pitte tirg 11 SO p m. lewistoiTditisioa. Trains leave Lewistown Junctioo for M!l- mr USH. n I ii '.n . 1. . . .-- m y m jer Sunbury at 7 05 a m, 1 25 p u. trains arrive at Lowistowa Jttoctioa fVaai MilreT at 10 a m. 1 5U m llOnm, tv.r Suubury at IU 2d a m, 4 43 p m. TYRONE DITISIOX. Trains leave Tyrone for Boiitfeute aad Lock Uaven at 8 So a oi, 7 30 p sa. Leare Tyrone fer Curwenavilie and ClearBeJd at 8 60 a m, 7 60 p u. J rains leave Tyrone lor Wartiere Mark, Pennsylvania Paraace aad Scotia at I (A a m and X u p us. ' Trains arrive at Tyrone from Beilefeou snd Lock Haven at. 7 SO m, aad (5 p a. Trains arrive at Tyrone from Cam cm villa and Clearfield at 7 24 a m,,aad 5 64 y m. Trains arrive at Tyrone from' See aa, Wsr riora Mark and Penavlvania Paraace al 7 30 a u, at 2 45 p ta. Philadelphia ft Beading Railroad. ArrangemeBt mt PaMagr TralM. Jsxb Jdth, ISM. 7t ;rs Harrubmrg at faiiomf : Per New Terk vU Alleatewa, at 7 i a. at . and I 45 p. m. For New York via Philadelphia and "at;J Brook Boute," 62 7 am, aud 1 i p ru. For PbIUd!phia, J2, 7 , tt a at. 1 ii snd 4 01 Dm. For Beading at i 20, 21, 7 M, is) a at. 145, 4 00 and 8 00 pm. F or PotUTille at 6 20, 7 60, j , , ,n4 w ana w p. m. and via Sehnyikill at 8 usquebanna Branch at 2 4t p Bi. Per Auburn. S 10 m F or Allentowa at 20, 7 69, St a 1 4A and 4 00 p m. Tha 7 60 am. aad IU sb t.i. through cars fee New Terk via AUaav towa. ir For Allentowa and way autleas at i M a a, r or Blading, rniJaJulpbia and war stalieaa I X (hi . .... - nun l p B. Train for Hamtburt Itavo aa rulUm . Leave New Tork via AllentewaatlM ass. 100 and 530 pm. Leave New Tork via"Bsusd Break Kaate' ana rniiadelchl 7 45 a a, 1 80, 4 04) acd 6 CO p ra , sari 12 00 midnih arriviae as Harruburg 150,8 20,8 35 . si. aad 12 10 and 9 40.. F " Leave Philadelphia at 4 20 f 46 a at.. 4 e 5 50 and 7 35 nm. Leave Psttoville at 00, M a. st. aat 44) p ra. Leave Eaanlng at 4 80, 7 30, 11 A a at 1 til. 6 15. 7 1) n.l to "4 - Leave Pottsville via Sehnyikill an 1 Snsajae- uauns orancn, iiiiu. and 4 40 p a. Leave Allentowa at 00, 8 4t a a. 13 1. m o auu vo p ra. Leave New Tork via Allentowa. at 88 . ra. uiiaueipnia at ti p ta. Leave Read in r iHM.i... ea Leave Allentown at 05 p a. STEEl.TO.X BRA.1CH. icl, and S tecltoa daily, except Sunday, 6 2, 840,9 35 am, U5and9 40pm; dailv, ea. crpt Saturday and Sunday, hir, pu.aadea Saturday only, 4 45 and 6 10, p ru. nmurumg, leave sittuus any, eav centSundsr. A 1(1 7 mi i.inn list. - 2 10 snd 10 10pm; daily, except Satarday u , s iu p ra, aua ea sataraay oniy, a 10 snd 6 30 p a. C. U. HANCOCK General Pait'r and Ticket JgeeU. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Manager. PUBLIC SALE OP VALUABLB REAL ESTATE. TUE nndersigned, Exeentor ef the last will and trstameot ot Abraham Knisely, late of Walker towoship, Janlata Connty, Pa-, dee'd, will rxpof.e to sale by pt.biic vendue or out cry, at the premises about one half milo east of Mifflintown, oa SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 1832. me loiiowing vainaoie real estate, to-wit i A VALl'ABLB FABM. situate ia Walker township, Juuiaia county, Pa., boundud by lands ot Kara D. Parker, Union Cemetery, A brum J. Muiar. J URttt K mi: tfrna. T I A w -.w. ueaaaAA lueiAAT, AJmn i Rickenbach, David Fowles.Thaddens Swia- cr, ana oiners, containing 74ACR-rTH and one porch, note or less, about 84 acre ot which arp r l.H anH ik. v..i. .,IMUmV.Vm. lanfl. The improvementa are a DWELLING HOUSE And Bank Barn. and atbor ont-bcildinvs. TKU. i. . .... n . . . urn m uvs orcnard cn the nrAMrir . .1 .k..-j of excellent water. TERMS OF BALE: Ta. ,.n .r .k. pur;haae money to ha nairf A .r i- one-half of the remainder on the second ef apru, a. u., l Al, wbon deed will be do livesed and cosseasina . k. i dor on the 1st Hay or December, A. D., 1. 83, te be aeenred by judgement bond- JOSEPH BESHOAK. Exeentor or Abraham Kniselr, doe'd. AT the aame time and nlar a. wm K M at public sale, the following personal prop, erty to wit. One cow and call, 1 eaek stove, 1 Bine plate store, 1 bureau, oead;ea1s and beddine. tablea. ata-ida. nnun... ..a crockery, 1 copper kettle, chairs, cupboard, together with a gooeral assort ment of hneae- uu.u aucuen lumnure, lot OT hsr -fry the ton. TERMS made known on day of sale. JOSEPU r.ESHOAK, Executor ofAb-ihain Kni.!, iloc'J.