Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 02, 1882, Image 4

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    The Novgorod Tragedy.
One need no; be surprised at anything
that lisppens In Kuaeia. The other even
icfr, -while ginokine a cispr with one of my
old friends who has iter, read and traveled
a eTeat dial, I vtas told of an incident
which occurred come forty yean ago at
Novgorod, quite as sinister as that vnich
recently occurred at Srnargoo when a pop
ulation of raging madmen flung children
into a blazing tlie, and revelled at the sight
of the poor little bodiea writhing like Tine
stem upon the blazing coals. But in the
narrative 1 am about to relate there was
do race hatred or religious passion for a
The colonel of a certain Kustian regiment
ferociously tyrannical and I may say mer
ciless toward the soldiers was in the habit
of treating this human flock like a pack of
brutes, lie disciplined with the knout;
sentencing his men to whippings for having
one button insufficiently polished; whip
ping a non-conimissioned officer for one
stain on his cloak; striking veterans of
Borodino in the face for saluting too slowly;
sending poor vretches to Siberia for giv
too free an answer. In short, during the
lapse of years, this colonel made himself
so detested by his men that be reaped a
frightful vengeance from the seeds be had
One morning during parade he suddenly
saw file off from the regiment a company
if soldiers bearing, instead of muskets,
those long rods wfcich cut deeply into the
flesh at every blow-
.Nevertheless, he had given no ordf re!
There was no soldier to chastise,
"Who is that fort" he demanded.
A grenadier advanced from the ranks
and replied uith terrible coolness:
'For thee!"
The entire regiment, non-commit-sioned
officers and soldiers were in the plot, which
bad been concocted in the barracks. The
whole re.jmeDt was present at the terrible
spectacle. I he colonel was seized, his
uniform torn off, ha was tied down on a
wheelbarrow and wheeled up and down
before the ranks of the grenadier, armed
wiih rods, all of whom struck and insulted
him. The officers who attempted to aid
then- colonel were immediately seized and
bayonets pointed at their throats. Some
were taken away and others garotted.
Only one soldier attempted to lake part
with them. Tbn a eergeant, still pallid
from the effects of his last whipping with
the knout, put bis musket to the soldier's
ten pie ar.d blew bis brains out.
And all the regiment saw the colonel
pass under the rods.
When it was all over they opened a kiln
ovec. The colonel was Hang into it, all
bleeding, together with the officers who
bad obeyed him. And when the furnace
was well fed, the soldiers beaUd it slowly
slowly until at last that Mdeous, heavy
and revolting smell of melting fat an d
burning flesh arose in the air, which the
savages cf the Kuasian frontier inhaled
come days at a Jewish cemetery al mar
gon. But the tragedy at Novgorod was not
yet over.
An imperial courier bore to the Czar the
news of the nutinv. Nicholas listened,
became white, but said nothing except to
order four batteries of artilWry to Sorgo-.
rod. Ten days after a white-haired and '
gray moustached major- general, accompa-1
Died by a sia?!e aide-de-camp, knocked at
the door of the barracks which the soldiers
bad never left since the murder of the
The general gazed coldly upon those
pale men; all neatly and faultlessly um
lormeel, wbo gave him the military salute.
Not a reproach not one useless word,
lie oaly said to them:
"At 7 o'clock tomorrow morning the
regiment will assemble in undress uniform
and without anus at the Tartar camp, upon
the little Equare, Order of the C'zir.
No one voice replied. But the next day
upon the narrow square, all in ranks with
out arms, in their long giay coats, their
sergeants at their usual posts, all the muti
nous soldiers were there, in lines remlar
as it adjusted to a string with a double
line of lance bearing Cossacks, before and
behind. 1 hen all at once from every far
sp:re, all the great bells began to toll. The
Costack horsemen withdrew. Only the
unarmed infantry remained upon the
square, with folded amis, v-iitingl Then
there came a long, low, roll of drums, and
with it, from all the avenues leading into
the iquare csme volleys of grape like ircn
Then nothing was heard awhile but the
thunder of the cannon in that city, other
wise silent as a cemetery, when men,
women and children kneeling before their
holy images, were praying tor the soldiers
they were shooting down in the square
And during an interval in the cannonade, a
hymn rolled up from tlie square, for the
soldiers were dying with the prayeis of
their childhoTd upon their lips. The can
non thundered tor bcurs. Then all was
silent. Powder and iron rested awhile.
The cannoneers entered Ibequare and re
coiled at the sight of those ranks of men
mown down like wheat ibe marsh of
blood. From under the dead they pulled
out a few breathing victims, able to live
'What t hall be done with them general!
Shall we not put them in the hospital?"
"Put them under the knout:''
DoaV Toilet.
There arc 1,669 workpeople, male and
female, who (subsist in Paris by making
personal decoiations and haliilamcnts for
pet degs or otherwise paying attention to
the canine race. 1 he trade none ty them
is estimated at a total of 5.00O.C0O to
6, COO, 000 francs, or nearly a quarter
of a million sterling, so that it may be
easily iruessed bow a great commotion is
caused among this section of society as
often as the dog days come arouug and the
inflexible rules of the Froncb. police as to
muzzling these animals are again put in
force agawst their owners. The rae for
dressing up canine pel Jiaa long prevaiied.
in Frai.eo to a much greiter extent than
on the English aide of the Channel, and
ban assumed extravagant proportions. The
Figaro gives aome examples cf the meat
notable fashions new to be observed among
the fair owners. Almost every variety of
dog has its own proper toilet, besides its
own special toilet cate, containing the
brushes, cooibs, spouges, and other appli
ances tor enabling it to be washed and
dicssed. The ornaments suitable for a
boule-dogue" would be by no means fit
ting for a "lulu," nor does it at all follow
that what would be admired on a "canicbe''
would be deemed in good taste tor a ''grif
fon." The hater, which is a long haired
. and curly haired dog much prized by a 1
French women, is pitied and despised at
this time of the year if he is not close
ahaven over the body, leaving the boa like
mane which looks so particuta'Iy ridicu
lous to the English eye. Smooth terriers,
who cannot be thus embellished or disfig
ured, are often adorned with a little plain
gold bracelet loldered above the forefoot
and surmounted with a monoraui; but it
is essential that the leg encircled with this
metal should be the left and not the right.
Rough terriers have, on the other hand, a
collar of bright metal, having a medallion
or clap upon it, sometimes with .the pho
tograph of the owner, or of some particu
lar friend of hers, inclosed. Tue best bred
"bulls," again, ought to wear the collar
known as the "offlcier" witn a colored rib
bon red or blue for outdoor show and
white for the drawing room. Every dog
having any claims to be well cared for
roust wear cotburnes or tall boots when he
goes out walking, and these should be of
doeskin, fastened with nnys of India-rubber.
Toad dj tbs Hole. Mix one pint of
floor and one egg with milk enough to
make a batter (like tuat fo- Latter cakes),
and a little sal;; grease elLh well with
batter, put in lamb chora and a litfce
water, with pepper aud salt, pour batter !
ever it, and bake for an boor. I
f Lxascrrs (jS.Ga&das Vboktablis. In
some localities one or more of the Cabbage
Worms ia still troublesome. The most
common of these are the caterpillars of
medium-sized butterfiiea, the wings of
which are white, with a few black spots;
there are three distinct species, but all are
similar in their Habits. Whenever these
butterflies are seen flitting about over the
cabbage and cauliflower plants, trouble
from "worms'' may soon be expected.
Safety consists in attacking them early.
Some worms eat into the forming bead,
and when they have thus hidden nothing
can be done. In small gardens, band
pick ng will answer, but where there are
niany cabbages, this is not practicable.
In former volumes we have gives the ex
perience of those who have successfully
used hot water, to reach the plant at the
temperature of 160 deg. Tnere are in some
localities cabbage worms which come from
other butterflies, but they are to be treated
in the same manner. The large creen
caterpillar of the 5 spotted Sphinx Known
as the "Tomato Worm," is the most de
structive; it will soon leave LOtliiBg but
bare stems upon a tomato plant, eating the
green truit as well as the leaves. When
the tomatoes are supported by some kind
of t re Ilia, as they always should be in a
earden; worms may be detected by the
quantity of large pellets of dropping
found upon the gteund. Where these are
seen, the worm should be sought for.
Stems without leaves also indicate its
presence. When cot eating, it will be
found close to the stems, on their under
side, and as it is of nearly the same color,
may escape notice. The "worms" are
never very numerous, and hand-picking is
the beat way to deal with them. In spite
of the horn at tlie tail-end, they neither
sting nor bile. Frequently one of these
will be found with its body nearly covered
with email egg-shaped white cxooDS,otten
mistaken for eggs. Worms with these
should ijot be destroyed, as they are too
weak to do much damage, and the parasit
ic insects should have tune to leave these
cocoons, as they are our friends. and should
be encouraged. The Tomato-worm may
sometimes be found on potatoes.
Gape is Chickens. This fatal disease
is of parasitic origin. It is caused by the
presence in the windpipe and gullet of nu
merous small thread worms which are
hatched fiom eggs of the worms that are
picked up by the chicks from the ground
covered with the droppings of the old
fowls. The old fowls are always infested
to some extent with these thread worms in
the intestine, in places where tbey have
been kept for some time, lience, it ia a
wise precaution to provide fresh ground
fer them, or to turn over the old ground
and bury the dung. These worms known
as Strong glut filar ia produce eggs which
are voided by the fowls and are picked
up by tue chicks. These eggs are hatched
in the stomach and the youn? worms crawl
up the gullet and either remain at the
upper part or pass into the windpipe, or
both, and gather in knots imbedding them
selves in the mucus produced by the irri
tation they cause to be secreted by the irri
tation of their movements. They feed upon
this tecretion tor a time and if not numer
ous the chicks suffer only a slight inconve
nience and stretch their necks continually
as a lehef. But when abundant these
worms produce depletion of the system by
the large secretion and clog the air passa
ges so that the ycung birds gasp for breatn
and in a short time pine away and vie.
The remedy is turpentine which is quickly
absorbed into the blood and exhaled through
the lungs, so coming in contact with the
worms and destroying them. The same
remedy frees the old birds from the para
sites. A few drops of the spirit are mixed
wth some scalded meal and this is given
to the chicks once a week as i prevention
or daily as a remedy. The worms may be
removed from the throat by twisting the
end of a small feather in it and withdraw
ing the worms with the slime and froth
in which they gather.
Thkek is a vast difference in chickens
aud the treatment thereof, the difference
varying with the breed for hardiness and
rapidity of growth. There are, perhaps,
no sturdier chicks than the Brabmas and
their crosses, and yet the pure bloods ark
delicate and long time in feathering. Where
one can handle diminutive birds there are
no hardier chicks than the Lcghorns,Uames.
They fvat her early. The first week is the
only difficult period of their cbickenhood,
and, with proper care and food, they grow
rapidly, feather quickly, ani come to ma
turity earlier than any other variety. Two
breeds will never acree. A lover and
breeder of Brahma fowls will never be
successful with the smaller birds. Size is
looked for where it cannot exist. One
third Leghorn blood on the Brahma makes
better sitters than either alone, but they
are only good tor sitters.
Tbi best roads are made where the soil
consists largely of gravel without a great
admixture of clay, and with a porous or
gravelly subsoil and a perfect natural
drainage. On such soils, the convex road
bed may be made by successively throw
ing furrows with a plow toward the centre
then harrowing well tbe surfaie to 'make
it even, and carefully picking out all
stones larger than a ben's hgg. Pass a
heavy roller over it, and it is ready for bu
siness. Some will say: "Let the pussinii
wagons do tbe rolling;" but they will do
the woi k less perfectly and eveul v. .
Oechard grass and Alfafa are used for
bo;h pasture grass and mowing. Or
chard grass is greatly prized for pasture,
as it springs up al once after having been
eaten off by cattie: starts early in ihe
spring, and stows late in the fall, stands
drouth well and produces a large yield,
it should be in tho combination of pasture
grasses. A pasture should consist of at
least half a dozen different grasata. The
points made in favor of orchard grass for
pasture, apply cquaby well to it as a mow
ing grass. It must be cut Just before
bluasomicg to prevent tt becoming too
wowdy three crops may be cut in a sea
son. If EeeJed f x meadow with red clo
ver, 3 bushela i.f orchard grass and 12 lbs.
of clover seed per acre will be required.
Othkb crops may be more profitable
than ccrn, but corn in each to tbe farmer,
and may be relied upon every year it pro
perly managed. It can usually be grown
at a less cost than it can be bought (.espe
cially when due allowance is made fer the
feeding value of the stover) and when you
have it tou can change it into milk, butter
or beet, mutton or wool, eggs or chickens,
pork or turkey, just as you please, and in
either of these changes it will contribute,
as it goes to the manure heap upon which
you will depend for the Dtxt year's crop.
Coffee GuorsDs as a Fir.TiuzKB. A
lady of San Francisco lately received some
plants from Mexico, and with tbe plants
came the advice to fertilize them with
waste ceffee and coffee grounds This
was done, and the results were to satisfac
tory that tbe same treatment was tried on
roMS. and the effect was a h althy and vi
gorous growth, and more and better flow
ers and of richer colors.
The best treatment tor a mare in foal is
to gire her moderate exercise daily; care
being taken against over-eX'.Ttion- The
food should be gcod clover and timothy
bay, well cut and salted, ground oats,
and a bran mash mixed with potatoes
or other roots.' Feed some corn or meal,
but not too much, in order to guard
against milk fever. See that the colt
promptly relieves the udder as soon as
possible after birth. .
Ir our last year's acreage of wheat had
been as carefully culiva'.ed as tbe English
wheat fields are, and had, accordingly
Tuddt d as much per acre, our wheat would
have been over a billion bushels. Just
think of it for a moment, and to take it
all in. ' At current prices for wheat such
a crop would pay three-fifths of oar na
tional debt.
S . .0 . DOMESTIC.
Cms fob Asthma: A laJy whose Ln r-
band has luUr-red very ncuieiv uvw
.s v..i hiuA minr matbodo of
aauiui, iuiu p - . .
rehef, without advantage, send tui ioi
tewing: "Cm vary hot dny when the
thermometer stood at one uuuui u
six degrees my husband took very se
vere cold, and asthma trouble com
menced. A gentleman sent him word
n.n nt tiia onnaint&nce had
iiuai bu viu luM. - r i .
been cured by sleeping on a pillow made
of 'wild ban-am, or.
setts people call it 'life everlasting.' It
grows wild in most places in the conn try,
and is very sweet, and considered by
. ...... .iu.,i thins- for colds made
into a tea of course. We had not a
particle of faith, but, as some grew cioae
by, sent and got it, and as it was not
dry enough for a pillow, put it on
the floor in his bedroom. That night
my husband did not have the asthma,
nor has he had it since. We don't ex
pect it will last, but we dont know. We
are gathering more. We are going to
give it a thorough trial. It has worked
a miracle so far.
arrmnr Htlt tin OllA ellickeU Slid Ptlt
. . "J
in a stewpan witn a quarter oi a jwiuiu
of batter, throe sliowd onions, a email
bunch of sweet herb, two cloves, two
blades of mace, three ounces of lean ham,
a handful of inush-rooms, and one sliced
.nl.' cot Hia nan nvarthe fire for a few
minutes and add a tableapoonf al of curry
. . , 1 4,.1.1
powder, moisieneu in waier, iuic
snd one cud of stock.
When it has boiled hard for a abort time
remove the stewpan to tbe back oi tne
stove and let it simmer nntil the chi"ken
is very tender. Place the fowl npon a
fiat diah and strain the gravy over it.
Serve very hot with boiled rice,
Chiokbn Jstxt. This is yery nice lor
invalids, for they obtain a good deal ot
nourishment from a very small balk.
Boil a tender chicken in just enough
water to cover it until the meat can be
pulled from the bones, then Ix'at tlie
bones and return them to the keUle;
season with salt and a stalk of celery;
simmer a tew moments longer and strain
tho liquor through a tin strainer into a
bowl. When it is cold remove every
particle of fat To be eaten cold.
FBiCASttatHD Crabs. Boil the crabs
about five minutes in water, ad.ling to
it a little salt; remove the upper shell
and spongy parts; pick the meat from
the claws and fill np the empty places in
the shell with it; turn each crab ove-r
and give it one strike with the potuto
masber, and then fry them brown iu
butter. Season high with salt and cay
enne pepper, and make a nice cream
gravy. Add some parsley to the gravy
and serve very hot.
Two Receipts fob Lemon Jellt.
Xo. 1 Grate one whole lemon, taking
out the seeds; add one egg, one cupful
of white sugar, four tablespoon fuls of
cold water; mix well together, and cook
over steam until it is clear; put in cups
and set in a cooL dry place. o. 1
Take two cops of white sugar, yolks of
three eggs, juice of two lemons, cooked
till thickened by setting in boiiiDg wa
ter; then add the well-beaten whites of
three eggs.
A ici Sros, Dish: Boil some new
potatoes and young beets in separate
kettles, with their jackets on ; when
done remove the skins, cut the vegeta
bles in slices and put them together in
a dish; pour over them a little cream,
batter, pepper and salt When properly
made, each slice seems to have its share
of seasoning, aud with beefsteak or lsinb
it is as appetizing a dish as the summer
has to offer.
Stuffed Roast Bezp: The ribs of Injef
should be boned by the butcher. Make
a stoning of bread cruml, chopped on
ions, sage and parsley, the Mter minced
very fine, blend with an egg. Unroll
the beef and lay the stuffing along it,
roll it np again and tie very securely.
Cook ia a brisk ovei, basting freiiHeutly,
and serve with thick brown gravy.
To Settle Coffee. To settle coffee
without eggs, put the ground coffde
two tablespoonfuls or more, according
to the size of the family to soak over
night in a teacup of water. In the morn
ing add more water, and pnt it on to
boil, boiling fifteen or twenty minutes;
then fill in what water is necessary, and
pnt the coffee-pot on tbe stoye In fif
teen minutes it will le as clear as amber.
Bed rooms tarnished in cretonne are
very stylish, especially when the furni
ture is of light wood, although by no
means confined to such use. i ornitnre
in suit, tha windows, mantel, dressing
table, chairs and lounge are all draped
or covered with the same cretonne. Oth -er
people have merely long curtains and
dressing tables to match, together with
revolving dressing chair and foot rest.
Mbat Ptk. Take mashed potatoes,
seasoned with salt, butter and milk, and
line a bakingdish. Lay npon it slices
of cold meat of any kind: add salt, pep
per, catsup, and butter, or any cold
gravy; put in a layer f potatoes and
another layer of meat in the same way
till the dish is full; have a layer of pota
toes on the top bake it nntil it is thor
oughly heated through.
To Cook New Potatoes. Wash and
scrape the potatoes and boil them in
water to which a pinch of salt has leen
added. When they are tender enough
for a fork to pierce, then remove them
from tha water and place them in a bak
ing-pan. Spread some butter over the
top and stand them in a quick oven nntil
they are nicely browned.
Lemon Ice One pint of rich lemon
ade with a little grated rind of a lumon
in it It must be very sweet, as it loses
much in freezing. Add the whites of
three eggs cut to a stiff froth. Freeze
like ice cream. The juice of any fruit,
with sugar aud water added, may be pre
pared in the same way.
Ice Cream. One quart of milk, the
yolks of four eggr, one large spoouful
of floor stirred to a smooth paste iu a
little of the milk, and one pouud of sn-
gar; scald until thick, taking care not to
let it burn. When cold, add one quart
of whipped cream aud the beaten whites
of four eggs; flavor to suit tuetisto, and
it is ready to be frozen.
Chocolate Cakamxxs. One cup of
Baker's chocolate cut fiue, two cu of
brown sugar, one oap warm water, three
fourtbs cup of butter. Boil nntil it well
harden when dropped into cold water,
then poor into shallow battered pans
and when almost cold, cot into small
Chicken and Green Peas. Cut cold
roaet or boilwd chickens in small pieces.
brown them ia batter, stir in a tuble
spoonfnl of flour, and when it is brown
add a pint of stewed peas with their liq
uor (or one can if green peas are not in
season,) add salt and pepper, heat five
minutes, and serve on toast
Cup Cake. Five cups of sifted floor.
two and a half cups of white sugar, six
eggs, one cup of butter, one of soar
cream, one teaspoon of soda, nutmeg,
If sweet mirk is used instead of sour
cream, pat in two teaspoons of cream of
Laxdt Ptddwo. One quart of milk:
two large spoonfuls of flour ; the yolksl
of four eggs well beaten and mixed with
milk; beat thi whites of the eggs separ
ately, mix with four tespooul ula of
sugar and drop on the top aud bake.
Good Biscuits. One pint of floor
finely sieved, two teaspoonfuis of baking
powder and milk or water safficint for
paste; roll and cat rapidly, bake in quick
-Fate of the peacemaker: A gocse,
which wS traveling acmss the country
for Ihe benefit of her ' dyspepsia, was
resting herself in bit of a thicket, when
along oa!s tr foxes in search of some
thing not too ptter for dinner. Being
tired and diasapoiiited it was only natur
al that they should feel quarreLiome and,
as they halted near the thicket one of
them observed: "if you were half as
sharp as the books make you oat you
would not now be hungry enough to
gnaw the bushes." "And if you were
half as big as you think you are you
would pass for a lion, minus the roar,'
sneered the other. "I don't want any
impudence from no fifteen-cent animal
of your guild P warned the first "Don t
give me any chin music or I'll make a
wreck of you !" yelled No 2. "You're a
thief!" "'Ditto!" "You're a !" At
this point the gcose could stand it no
longer. Walking out from the thicket
she put on a benevolent look and ob
served: Gentle nen, let me settle this
dispute. In the first place I want to
remark ." Bat she never remarked.
The foxes made a rush and gobbled her
nP' '
It rained pitchforks: The shower came
up, or rather it came down a shower
never comes np so unexpectedly that
nearly everybody was taken by surprise
and Jefferson street was in a panic.
Young Masher, who never goes without
his umbrella, saw his opportunity and
sailing up to tbe prettiest girl with the
prettiest Lat in all Burlington, made a
bow that is warranted to kill acros? the
street and said, "May I offer you my
umbrella?" '-Oh, a thousand thanks,"
she said. "Papa will bring it down to
his office in the morning," an 1 she sailed
away dry shod, leaving him desolate and
soaking in his louelimss, like a pelican
ia the wildernees and as a weather vane
npon the housetop.
A Yofso gentleman was in tlie Sun
office yesteaday, wanting to know the
definition of the word "Alonticella" We
couldn't enlighten him. He said he knew
that "Mont" meant mount, but he could
not make oat "cello." We referred him
to "Webster's Unabridged." He failed
to find cello, kut thought by looking np
violin-cello he might get some light on
tbe subject He found that it meant a
violin an octave lower than the tenor vi-
oliu. "Eureka!" he exclaimed, "I have
found it; 'Mont nionnt 'ceiJo an oc
tave lower; consequently 'Monticello,
a mountain an octave lower than an
ordinary mountain.' Fact
Fiohttso the tiger: "I wonder where
Smith was last night, said Mrs. S. in
sort of balf-soliloqny. "I know ma.
exclaimed Johny; ' he went to tliecu
cus." What do you mean, child ?" asked
Mrs. Smith, "there is no circus here
now. on, yes, tliere miiht ue, ma,
'cause I heard pa telling a man that he
watt fighting the tiger nearly all night
Mrs. S. says "Oh !" in a threatening
maimer and looks daggers. There'll be
a circus in town when Smith comes home
Sitksteb landlady "Then you and
your mamma want tbe same rooms you
Lad last year?" Youug lady "Yes,
Miss Spriggins;ouly it isn't mamma wbo
is with me, but my husband. I've got
married siuce last year." S. L. "Lor,
aow, have you? I'm gLul to hear it Yet,
afte'r all, I dou't know why I should be
glad; you never did me any harm, poor
di ar !"
Frenchman; "Maehune. you charge
ver mooch too big price for zat room."
Landlady: "Oh, you know, we at the
watering places must niuke hay while
thesnn shine's," Frenchman (indignant):
"Be gnr, madanie, you sail nevare make
ze hay of me. You must not zink zat
because all flesh in grass, zat yon can
make bay of me.
Mrs. Malloi: "Sure, Mrs. McGinuis,
an' it's rather ioorly yer looking this
morning." Mm. McGinnis: "Imlnde.
then, Malloy, and its good raison I'm
having to look porly. Here's the post
man just been to the doore to tell me
there's a dead letter waiting for me at
the poft-oflice: an I can't fur the life of
me think who it is that s deaiL
'I notice that Robinson iu dead, "said
Jones to Brown. "Did he leave any
money? asked Brown. "Oh, yes!" re
plied Jones. "How much?" asked
Brown. "All he hail," replied the wag.
Yes," said Sallie, "I think Mark is
in love with me. He hascn't told me so.
but when Fred Acker escorted me home
last night, Mark looked ugly, and to-day
threw a brick at Fred's yellow eat."
A lawyer rose for a prayer at one of
tho Talmage revival meetings recently.
He feared the judgment day and bad
doubts about asking for a continuance
of h'a case.
A wo e, having lcst her husband, was
inconsolable for bis death. "Leave me
to myself," she cried, sobbing, "you
know the extreme sensibility of my
nerves; a mere norning upsets them.
Yorso Swell: "Fraulein Mathilde,
may I offer you my arm?" "Mathilde:
"Oh, t iis offering yonr arm is getting
monotonous. Why not offer me your
baud for a change?
"ADOLPHrs, let ns leave the avenue
a-d stroll along the manna of the riv
er." '-Xot any. Evangeline; no more
margins for me. (Adolphus had been
speculating ia futures that week.)
Thb broom -drill mania is extending
all over the conntry, but it is noticed
that tbe young ladies who are most ex
pert in the drill generally go of on a
visit when house-cleaning commences.
A country paper speaks of a man who
"died without the aid of a physician,"
and adds that "such instances of eleath
re very rare." -
A rich, vaunting and somewhat bruir-
less millionaire was recently boasting iu
the presence of the Bishop of Peters
borough that he had given 2.000 regu
larly yearly to the poor. "That's the
largeat insurance xgauist fire that I ever
beard ; f, remarked the witty clerical.
Wife "But my dear, I shall catch
cold coming down so late to let you in."
Husband "Oh no, my love, I'lTrapyou
up well before you come down.
Reading from the local paper: "Lo3t,
a bine sapphire gentleman's scarf-pin."
etc Shoolma'arn meditatively "What
a jewel ot a man be must be !
A Dutch Judge, ou conviction of a
culprit for having four wives, decided:
"He hash banishment plenty; I lif nut
one !"
Man, like buckwheat cakes, always
feels sweetest when surrounded by 'lasses.
faprr has gone into U9e in some of tbe
restaurants of Berlin as plates for dry or
semi-dry articles of food. There is no
reason why cheap paper cups properly
glazed should not be employed at railroad
stations, to that passengers could take a
cup of coffee along with them insteid of
hastily drinking it at a lunch counter.
A watchmaker at Vouvry, in Switzer
land, claims to havi made a watch which
will run for jests without winding up.
The Nature says that a box coniaimDg two
watches intrusted to the municipal au
thorities od January, 19, 1879, has just
been opened, and the watches were found
An extensive and elaborate aeries of
tets has been made by Prof. B. H. Thurs
ton, to determine the comparative strength
of cold punched and hot-pressed iron outs.
Every precaution was taken to insure f ir
neas in the comparison. In respect to lia
bility U stripping the thread, for Instance,
one nut of each kinj was screwed on each
end of the same rod, ai d tbe nuts were
then palled apart till the thread of one
gave way. With only a single exception
in 180, the hot-pressed nuU save way first
It was noticed tnat these yielded noiseless
ly; but when the rod was afterwards pull
ed out of the cold punched, stripping their
thread, they usually broke in pieces witn
a loud report From tbi? and other tests
it was decided that tbe celd-puncbed nuts
possessed a much greater average strength
than tbe hovpressed nuts; the latter never
reached the highest standard strengtn, oi
the former, but sometimes surpassed the
minimum of the cold-punched specimens.
because there was considerable variety and
a wide range of strength in the iron ef
which the nuts were made. The ma Hers oi
cold-punched nuts,are,of course.delighted.
Kldnry Dt
Kidney diseases sffl ct the greater part
of the human race, and they are constant
ly on tbe increase, but where the virtues of
Kidney-Wort have become known, they
are held in check and speedily cured. Let
those who have bad to constantly dose
spirits of nitre and men stuff, give this
great remedy a trial and be cured, la the
dry form it in most eeonomw a'. in the li
quid thennwl convenieui. I'hila . J'rtis
It liiere Ozone tn tne Air? M. The
nard makes bold to doubt tbe commonly
accepted medical theory that there is ozone
in tbe air. Its presence in our atmosphere
is determined, he says, by the chance in
the depth or color of prepared paper, but
after alt, it is not known that there are no
other substances in air which can affect
the paper in tbe same way. By passing a
current of air through a eas blast; Witt-
man obtained air which actel on prepared
paper as ozonized air does; while.bowever,
this air disinfected putrid water without
rendering it acir', ozone, so it is stated, did
not disinfect it, but turned it acid. More
over, it Is known that ozone cannot exist
above 200 degree?, and yet the air modified
by VV i;t man's method bad been exposed to
the temoeralure at which glass softens. Al
though he is net prepared to deny the pot
si ole presence of ozone in the atmosphere,
M. Thenard holds it rash to regard as prov
ed what is still vague and uncertain, and
perhaps dangerous. These views of M.
Thenard have led to considerable discus
sion, alike from their cevelty and impor
tance. Wood piled in a tank and covered with
quicklime, which is gradually slacked
with water, is said to acquire great hard
ness snd consistency, after the hme has
acted upon it for a week or more.
Tt hu ttf-pn fmiml hv HrnrpAfW fclpftfr.
of Vi enna; that gal facie elements formed
of three elerrertaiy tubstances, one of
which is bromine of iodine, give perfectly
constant action, and that the electoraotine
forces correspond to the heat values of the
chemical processes.
Easily Proves. It is easily proven that
malarial levers, constipation, torpidity of
tne liver atd kidneys, general debility,
nervousness, and neuralgic ailments yield
readily to this great disease conqjumr,
Hop Bitters. It repairs tbe ravages of
diH-ase by converting the food into rich
blood, and i' gives new life aud vigor to
the aged and infirm always.
W hbn Patrick saw the announcement
in a shop window, "Great Slaughter in
Clothing," he stepped in and inquired
for "wan of thini kilt suiue."
Saved boa Death.
Baltim e, 3Id.. Feti. 20, 1SS1.
H. IL Wabxeb & Co. Sin: Youi
Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has save! me
from death from Bnght's Disease.
S. B. UsadinotjN.
"Wb old maids," remarked Miss Stib-
bins, "love cate becanse we have no
husbands, and and cats are almost as
treacherous as men.
For dvsnenqift. mrtiwtinn H(inpActM
j i i . :ji j
of spirits aud general delnlity, in their Vi
nous forms; also as a preventive against
fever and aeue and other intermittent
fevers, the Fefrr-PhnontiAraf.vl tl'imxf
Calisaya," made by Caswell. Hazard fc Co.
new Aora,Boiuoy ail druggists, is the
best tonic and frir rmtiprrt fnmmrin
from fever or other sickness, it has no
A boat can sail on a tack and not
make a fuss about it, but when a man
sails on a tack he well, the cshc is dtf -
Two Bottles Cured Me.
fit Fbanosco, CaL. Mar SH, vm.
H. R. Stivhh, Boston, Mi-jl: Drar Sir : I was
afflH-ietl with a inuxt utiuiirmaMe tut lor KTeral
month, pbTak-ian being unable to tell waat it
was. Dr. Maxwell, In. Mi Lean, Dr. 11 ale aixt
other well known hr-4irtau. in thMCUT prew-nletl
for m, aomecalluiK it Neu.e Hash, mime Krvnta,
some Piiwon OnK, ami others Mil Hlieuin, but ail
failed to (flit relief, n.l I became ao hal tnat I
eualil not sleep or attend to basinem. Two bottles
of VniKTtxa bare cared me, and I rheerfulljr re
commend it as tne Ne Has I lira of Blood med
icine. R. r. FITZGERALD, 157 Seventh street
CankerIInmor Cnred,
Providiscb, R. I , Feb. S9, 1SSL
Mb. H. R. Stktbvs :
sir After trying a number of remedies was
eared of the Ked-e'aiiker lininor by taking sev
eral buttle of VEiim.vK. Ymir,
'ot ifci 1'crkia.i street.
Yegeiiue in England.
Halifax, X. S., Dec 13, 181.
H. R. frrviN-f, F-o., Rnstm, Hum; Dear ir
I take pleasure In luformlni; j a tbat I havs had
ouca-itnn to e your well-known Vigktine. For
aome time 1 felt ran down from otoe appltcatioa
to bnaineas. 1 had only need two or three bottles
of your popular medicine, worn I felt greatly io
vignraicd, and 81 for almost any kind of work ln
connection with our tarire dry (roods boainesa.
My alater, in England, has iieen ailing from Ner
vous Prostration, Want of Appetite and General
Debility. I took her a botrte of Vmrtini on my
laxt vult, snd aent her half a dozen stone. At last
accounts, she wntea me, hehji greatly Improved,
and feel aa though she wohUI anon be aa wetk at
rer. I am rare yoor VnirriNi would have
large sale tn Engtand, if introduced into thai
country. Believe nie, yours yery trnly, etc
K. T. MAIION. of Mahon Bron.
l-ry Good Merchants.
Vesetlne Is Sold by all Druggisti
Dr. I. H. Sehenek. of Philadelphia, ass
JtMt published book on "I IS EASES r tha
CUBED" which he offers to semi free, post
paid, to all applicants. It eootalns valsable tnfor
matloa for all wbo suppose themieSres afflicted
wtth,er liable to, any disease of the throat or
tonga. Address
wir a um tha Advertise ud seu
--WBUahcr byvtauog thm thay ra Ui aarar.
Latnin W.WT-1.-Adilr for term
O CMAS. W. BTl'ART, "ft e war aiw
riea."Bewrfc. Wajraa Cat, X. X.
" To rolish Shells. Maoy shells natur
ally possess so Cos a polish that no prepa .
rcticn is considered necessary for placing I
tnern id l tue cauinet. ia geuerai,uuor. :
it happens that when shells become dry, j
they ke much or their natural iue-
Ibis may be very easily restored by wash-:
them with a Htf !o wntr in Which a '
rahix ha been dis
solved, or with tbe white cf ears. This
- , ...
is tlie simplest or mose processes
are employed, and is used not only by the
mere collecto', but by the scientific arran
ger. There are many shells ot very P10
appearance on the outside, by a reason of a
dull epidermis or a skin, with which they
are covered. This is removed by steeping
the shell in warm water; and then rubbing
Itsxff with warm lr Whpn tb.fi eDI
dermis is thick, it will be found necessary
to mingle with the water a small portion
of nitric acid, which, by dissolving part
of the ahelL destroys the adbeaioo. This
loot .irpnt must b pmnlnrMl with CTtSt
caution, since it destroys tbe lustre on
everv Dait exDosed to its influence. Tbe
new surface must be polished with leather,
laidul hv tnrmti hut fn fnanV caSCS
Km, mn thMA Ar inpff Aptiial- the fjlfi
and pumice stone may be employed to rub
on ine coarse external layers.
"Threw Away Her Supporter."
Dr. Pibrck: A neighbor of ours was
suffering from " female weakness " which
the doctors told her could not be cured
without a supporter. After considerable
persuasion my wife induced her to try
your "favorite Prescription, After using
one bottle she threw away the supporter
and did ajarge washing, which she had
not done in two years before.
JAMES MILL Git, 4216 Jacob street.
Wheeling, W. Va.
The dtstanee of the Sun. It some ce
lestial railway could be imagines, the jour
ney to the sun, even if our trains ran 60
miles an hour, day and night and without
a stop, would require over 175 years. Sen
sation, even,' would not travel so far ln a
human lifetime. To borrow tbe curious
illustration of Prof. Mendenhall, if we
could imagine an infant with an arm long
enough to enable him to touch tte sun and
burn himself, he would die of old age be
fore the pain could reach him. since, ac
cording to tbe experiments of Ilelmhoitz
and otters, a nervous shock is communica
ted only at tbe rate of about 100 feet per
second, or 1,637 miles a day, and would
need more than 150 years to make tbe
journey. Sound would do it li about 14
years if it could be tracsmi'.ted thro'Ub ce
lestial space, and a cannon ball in about 9,
if it were to niave uniformly with the same
speed as when it left the muzzle of the gua.
If the eaith cou(d be suddenly stopped in
her orbit, and allowed to fall nnobttrticted
toward tbe sun under de accelerating in
fluence of his attraction, she would reach
the central Are in about four months. 1
nave said if she could be stopped, but such
is the compass of her orbit that, to make
its circuit in a year, she has to move nearly
19 miles in a second, or more than fifty
times faster than the swiftest rifle-ball;and
in moving 20 miles her path deviates from
Derfect straurhtness bv less than one-eiehth
of an incfi. And yet, over all the circum
ference of this tremendous orbit, the sun
exercises his dominion, and every pulsa
tion of his surface receives its response
from the subject earth.
If your lu.iga are almost wasted by con
sumption Dr. Pierce's "Gulden Discovery"
will not cure you. yet as a remedy for se
vere coughs and all curable brsm-hial.
throat, and lung a (lections, it is unsur
passed. Send two stamps for Dr. Pierce's
large pamphlet treatise on (xwsumption
and Kindred Aff-ctioDi Address "World's
Dispensary Medical Association, BuHilo,
A Louisiana man is establishing an
alligator farm. Tbe hidi-s and oil are in
Woman and Her IUe:e.
is the ti'le of a large iilustra'ed trcatise,by
Dr. U. V. PUvee, Buffalo, X. Y., tent l
any address for three stamps. It teaches
successful saf-trcalrueni.
A Venetian glass manufacturer is
making a great success of ladies' glass
Ilow to set Wt-11.
Thousands of persons are constantly
troubled with a combination of diseases.
Diseased kidneys and costive bowels are
ficir tormentors. They should know that
Kianey- crt acts rm these organs at the
same time, causing thuin to throw off the
poisons that have clogged them, and so re
newing tbe whole mail. Hundreds testify
to this. 1'itUburg J'ott.
On the authority of M. Smirncfll it is
stated tbat tbe vineyards of Turkestan are
devastated by the paresifcai fungus called
Havesvills, Ohio, Feb. 11. 1880.
I am very glad to say 1 have tried Hop
utters, and never took anvthine that did
meas much good. I only took two bottles
and 1 would not take $100 for tbe good
they id me. 1 recommend them to in
patients, and get the best results from
their use
Tfte Kezanlik Volley, in Roumania, is
entirely given up to the cultivation of
roe. Tne essence is sold wholesale in
Paris at from 30 to 40 per pound. wnile
it ia retailed at 100 or more per pounC
tathna aad Hay Ferar.
The strong testimonials given in another
column in regard to tbe efficiency of
Knight's Asthma Cure, will be read with
great interest by those who suffer from
that distressing disease, if such con arm
ed Asthmatics nave been cured, there is
surely hope for the most aggravated cases.
Tbe genuineness of the testimonials may
be proven, by correspondence with the
parties whose names are givin. The medi
cine is equally effective in Hay Fever.
If taken in time, it will prevent the regu
lar annual attack, or it will cure the dis
ease after it has become seated.
Falne Ipecacuanha is distinguishable
from tbe pure drug hv being more branched
by its dirty wciite co'or; and br the absence
ot the annular rin,rs present in the genuine
Imagine for a moment tbe thousands
upon thousands f bottles of Carboline, the
deodorized pel rolcutn hair renewer, annu
ally sold, and tbe fact tbat not a tingle
complaint has been ivo-ived from all these
thousand?, and you may have wn.e idea of
its grxxl qualities,
Tfiire are only fix caaroai turn ices In
Ureat Britain, and lhey all belong to one
firm. Tbe annual yield of charcoal iron
is about 3000 tons.
Thousands of ladies cherish grateful re
mcnilrances of the help derived from the
use of Lydia E. Piukbam's Vegetable
Durina the vear 1881 less foreign wine
was imported into Switzerland than iu
1880, but the quantity of spir;t imported
rtat!y increased.
THcrsASDg pkak. Yecetine is ac
knowledeed and recommended bv nhv.ii.
cians and apothecaries to be tbe best puri
fier and cleanser of the blood vet ftismv. r.
ed, and thousands speak in its praise who
nave been restored to health.
There has been some talk of dredzine
tbe Rhine so tbat Cologne may be made a
Thar Huaband of Mine.
Ia three rimte the man he was before be began
nin Weils' Heaito Keuewer. i Ltas-
eietn. Bend fer munDhiet to F. H Rrt i u
Jersey City, N. J.
Work ia Droereasinir raniillr nn tha Hkoa.
CEobee Canal, In Southern Florida.
jyao tha Bostoa drtal
jrwra raifor.. ;.
ThewratoasMdltkra-aaof Xr. LnB t Ptofc
feaia. of Lriia. htaavwaaaboTeaacOwhujoaa brfjiare
m ba trothfnllT aUd tb -Pear Friend of Woaian,
aion ef her comapoadentt loeoean r. 8b
wrtco.1T daroted to kr work, which ia the outcome
of a Ufe-atady, aad a abused to keep aU lady
KbtaaU. to help bar anawwth larse eorrwpondeap
whh-k dailr por ia apoa her. oath brarlnc tta
tardea of off.rin. ar Joy at teUawfrom It. Hrt
VetablCooipoBadaaawdlrtoa for ood aad aot
rrU parpooM. I hare peraoaaDy taretlmtl Band
ataatbardof tha truth of thla
On aecoaat of It proraa BwrRa. tt Is iwroBMaeaded
eadprrrlbrfbytlberhwa' ,h ewaatry.
Oaa aarai -I work Hka a chana aad ma Back
u will ear aatinly tha wont form of faiuag
.Ttbe itona, Iaeorrhce. trragnlar aad patafaj
MOTtroolloa, ail Owtan Trooiwt, Innammatloa aad
Ckrtlu. Flnodinc. all Dwolraenta aad tbe ew
.osrt laalwakas,aBd I aapeciaU j adapted to
the Chans ot Ufa.'
It pfTnaM errT portion of t. rjrrtrm- awl elrw
saw Ufa 4 rlcer. It remorra fainfn latulency.
destroy aU craving- for etiamtanta, aad rol weak
nwof thattuaiark. It eart Bloating-. Heartache.
Barron rroatratioa. General Drtautr. alrrpWaaaeai,
Drpreaaon aad Iadla-eatioa. That f.-rU- of bearinc
atowa,eaoalns-pain, weight aad backache, i alway
prBaneallyearedbyitna. It will at all tbara, aad
madwaUelrriiraatance,act iahanaony with the law
tha gmeiaa the f emalc 7te!n.
tt eoeta only fL per bottle or aix for 15., and la old by
drofB-iata- any adrice required to eiialeat, and
the aamea of aiaay who hare bean restored to perfect
health by tha aa of tb Vsetal.le Compound, eaa ba
obtained by addreadwr Mr. 1, h atampfor reply,
For Kidney Complaint cf ritJur ecx thb compound
i a abundant tt-attmoniala akow.
Hnkham t Liier r-illa," ayi one writ. r. -ar
flap acat a tJU airU r the car of Constipation,
llllliuanfa ad Torpidity of tha Maer. Her Hood
Purifier worfce r-onderj to tte aprrlal line aad ladatalr
to equal the Compound in tta popularity.
All mnat respect beraaan Ansel ef Hcrey whoae aola
ambition la to to pod to athera,
PnIBviiphiA, pa. CD hire- A. at. IX
tt i i r -iaf-ani.-ri Trrtrril-Tit H
kxr Cooupatici. and remedy h evar
aawullaaew th Mlbntt3d eKjdl-TT-WOT. M ft
rOa WUWV-T UW Oavuawc, uwe;w w m.i a
I ats9. this TM-edy wiu owreomeik i
-aT THIS cltTrminc com-
rlUlsiWi Xrlaiat Is tott apt to bel
rwnHraatdkd WltllOOneTtrlon. KMlUSV-WOTt f
Ltrmtthenm the weakened ra--.-and QnickJyl
currm Mil Kmamm a-ic wr.. m i-.ien
mad edicai-e !- o-tore mi.ea.
43. yMyOttDvwq-troi fcrwBi
PRICf l. wOn. Druggists Sell P
-'KtP - --.--w rr mas
i-JA.3iw.-d '.-wet waSiwa mm I
l rrU -r ft TT1
C j mi hit
man ef
of lxmivwi.wax-
rcti Uf tUvatnun of
w r 4utc ftvotfi
Una a.ttarm.
nitrht vorst. to r-!
Um brain 'wr utu
-W--W. ue Mop wU
9nff?rt from mnr tm
5toa , if yi mrt ctuir
rouiaij. tattr rir-te tivrm
kivr on tv bad m Acit
If Tf-i sr. yoooff vd
4i;f?nia or tiltjap
5 rv1 or tntr o.u c
ponr bcttr. or aftxhcits
r oa Mo
Wbo-Ta-r yoar,
WrVaeTT 709 M
thai yonr 7m
Tbeuad! Hm aa
mtmlly iron torn
form of Kidney
lb-- that m-jr-.t
Itiar ar Mitxtniaung;
t a it HOD
vntfiwauE nfAM.-v,
Dry ft iimciy uc
Pa ftn f ?aV .
yyv-ttx, Wfamrf m
of the iar-.
ts aa atwottTt
I hi r a for
iirerarwtrw t
te-i'co, or
rVW br irrur
Toa will ft-I
-- - - . r ..... I
4 Hop Bitters
If yen are m'm
nty weak an.1
low aptnted. ir.
it l It m
life, it ha
sarecj but
It r3awte.jt, rt.
Far a anarter of a eentarr er mora Rnaxattar
Stomach Bitters eaa been the re'role; apee Lie for
hvtiseatton, dyapenaia, ferer ana ague, a leas t
pliTHlcal atamloa, uaer com Dial Dt ami otber els
erUen, and ba been mast emphatically uirwed
by medical men as a beaitlt and itreatrck reator.
tore. It eoanteraots a tendency to prematnr de
ear, and aoataina aad comfort t&e afed. and lav
For sale by all Drogglata aad dealers enema
Prepared for Immediate Use.
Baildlng palnteil wi;h Taints mixed by ban l
aare to be repainted every tbree yean, The best
Paint cannot be made by band mixing.
The Faint used is the smallest item In cost ot
painting, lawar tne larareat.
Any building will be repainted at onr expense
If not aatiatactortly painted with oar Paint.
For tale by one dealer in every city and towa
tn the United States.
Swedish Insect Powder Kills
It will tb'fTOOB'hlT esterriinire trwh ante.
Bt4 Buax, fleaa, 1 1. e,T ic con 1 cmion Worm,
'i eic it ia a;e, mire, cleanly and cheap. It
will not polann aiiimais or fowLi. amoie nar-k.
Wt by mad 30 ernt, po.n-paid. Stamp ULrn.
CimDara free. Agents Wanied. A .1. Irene, J. H.
JOHNSTON, Swediah Insect Power Co., Pitta,
burxh. Pa.
Phlladelpbla. Pa. IS years' riner rn-e rr.r.k.
Uahed for treatment wita pnreiy vetretaMe medi
cine, j iTT. uaua tang experience in the treat
ment of diaeaae enabaja him to xnaraatee a cure
in all cases. Consultation free and atrteUy eon
Bdenuai. Call ln person or by letter. Office
tours: U taadi tolOtvenine.
-.-. -' ssi rr mas i
-i-J.Siw.-d '.-t waSiwa mm I
74 n r I
- I I I 1 I
2 I
1 nrnrnpl
4 n lrnAi
" I hare had A Jthraa for yars talf-rir.. ,
thou&aiid ccjitM ; huve bacn w thi icoy ,!
aot xo out for fcor months at a time, fc '
ia a chir night and d..y. I h-n ir.ed ercra
reme-ly I erer heard of. and tpent thousaai
of dollar in search r,f a cure: bui all ,
rain until I found Kmigkft Ailknttt Caf.
That was in February last. My AjS
had been unuhUIly tad all winter. S.i'boi.
ties of this meriicine have maie avrf-ellilt
a new roan. I call my wif wrli. foyt
been oppressed for breath all through rh-a
tryinf;pri?. and ran not erpreu ia mori
what this wonderful remedy Las done far
A. 8. Bradford, Arlington, Mast.
" I feel like thanlm- Mr Kr,;---t f-i-celient
Astbm Lu.r. It haTton.
much to rel.ere me of a case of AstilS
and, from my present baproreraeetTl
pect to be under ml! f,..,.. ..."!? 1
Pras't R. Haber Holbroolt. of ei. v, .
..,. u .. ---"wos.-
1 tni.ers.ty, Leo-aoa, 0.
" I was erere!y afflicted w!th Arn-u fm
1Kj to l.-2 ; tried many remeLesisocaliH
and pent much money in ra:n. nrelfl
In February, 1n-. I received the 6tst ho,.'x
of Kmgkt't Aitkma Cure. I c-mmenced tn
improve at once, have hd T-ry (rw Asrhrr.a
aymptcms since, and am now as f-ee frcmi
it as a person who n-rer h..! it I can sjT
with certainty that A'niril t AiUrn tr
is the best yet diacovcrtu."
E. C. Weaver, Lawyer, Sj F St., Wa,i.
in-ton, I. C
I haee travrlrd - n ea.t. aid wt 4
spent f.ur years s..th in nr,! , ';
myve 1 of this terrille i-isease. A.thnu
until I received AV.'' 'c.'
luun.i no permanent iK. rf. A'irria. -r-t
metitcine but a f rtnvht 1 oht.," ,k,
jreatest relief, ani! can sny I m rr
entirely, and thjt my cure is c.rnied aL
most a miracle bv my friends. c-n re.
fcr to me at all times."
Prof. C W Huwxhurrt, 12 V;.zm t
"My w fe Kw fn-.ai AV-V Vr An'ima Cut
a perf-ct success whrre r.il otiirrs h .v
praved a failure Kavtit; h en a sreat s fr
lerer from A-th:n.. a d l.,v:i,f tkk-n sa
much mecuie for th-r rl s:t.- w.:. ;; -raining
any permane t nefit. she ht.:.i'-i
to try any mrr. But s!.e w Ls ir-i ice to
try a bottle of Knizki'i Cure, and from t.e
day she ennnrw ej Liifin it r-u'ar'y he
has not i. a ;n.: a?t--'k. 1 is rr..,i.- r;
I a i--e.lt blc to sutfenn 5 A-li.ii.iitV'
D. G, Drake, Supt Sthools, Sit. ahir--R.n,
" I am over CO v-a-s n!d. arv! have lb 4
Asthma r.ver ,V venrs. Have f ied at.'-,
rrmedi-s. but o'.ta.ni:ii f ti'r temv- rjry rtitel
Kuifltt t A.ikmj Cure his fce'ped rc
li-an ail oth-rs put t-cether nt crj!
menced tai-ii r. :t. I ret we'l atr. '-t,ar4
the neiirhVirs all s,.y 1 I'.oit letter tiaa tr
many ycrs."
W. A. Chandler, Travel City, Mich.
IS the Cieafi-tt 35 xer'.l ihr P.s! Prif. $I.Jl
prr a'ttlr, or mx Ionics I'-r ".. i nie for
Knjjt't'i n w trrt'-t on "As:hv; its Ca-.a
ano Cfm.""- If v nr It!i.-'i,i a-t tat
medicine, send ti.r;ct Kr ii i.nti, i.. aiuney
97 Rriai-lwy. Sirs Tark.ar
JOHN-uiN. II' I Iai'.VAV O).)
HEXKY TUTTKN. l,!ti:.t.!.-!r.1
brand of ortoa
lesa steam enrea
1iuik a ma.
nt Cut t on rvry Bag.
Brvar of ImltatUm.. laiS siarket St.
Send stamp for pr.ee-list. rHiLaDs., TM.
stopped nn
Irrtn. PrnlRWMLtf
3 DR.IOJ2sir.63Wr
saw KJcawc Pcrrnort
VtiABftAr Jk xi!-As. twM
- w M- a-t, ' rwyy tw a,
V imiJ Iff LAln ava d!WT(ML A PiliV&
V'-tow'tum. Tr-it!a-an.1 V2t-l&otufr-a-
V 4VCd fliprasi a4,rati t Di. KLISI.4
r r., ,- r I l-irv. ) .- , . n-ie,;,l t M i.il 11
.' 1 1 " '' ! HIV t-v.; frtM-. '...
-il.Xr.4. 1 '..; ., i :-.-.r-r. 1 i-i , ,. a. Ix
CTU 0-aa fef J .ft MATaVt
awwatL l"wTna-A0 aaC--.
rvte. ef kwa Mwawiiw a
aaoietf (.arwaT a s i
L B'ta-
. TH A UJ.T XaJi A T A t UIK tXIU ataaaaalLIA
ayne's Automatic Englnesv
arlable. Dtrrahia and Boocomli-al. sMUyWwat
lioufr sen f ka mmj tsaw- Uaa aa aw
stw vt. cot Bisnd with aa Aatomarw Oat-eat
e-ia tor Ln-jitrsted Caoiru J." !-r Uu ormttuc
ee. aVW.Faraa tf aVaaia. Baa ae. Camt At,
RrPFIt rrSTelebrtstrxl SincleBreeea
La iulaa .sttni (.naa at SI'" ap.
DoubU B-vrrp. Bree-h Ijotvders. 16 17 3.
r Brwli L.twJte.maw w . at Si 4. .VI np.
Mia.lFal l.repiM-1, fufM4 ink . jantl Pit
All hlt.sTl rf AoArt ima 1 inn as tua mxA arii-
C-arwi'ijivs hr .rma-'i w tfinnukrTw.
JO. i,wR(HRt ( Om 71 nmrliwH
Mia w-uui. afaaip for iije-LiL fit i lle.wfej la.
yousq men y'ur.vr,;:
and bwesrtaia of mtnatlon. addraa HI,liMLl
ItxiOei, Jaueavlu, Vtlamttain.
IlTtatn.'nir Clothe Wtuber. Pnrfct Xo rubtMi-r
j tviiurvsi. b- :pn-H rrnait f 1 o. A rlui I
cau nw It, nearly au,uuw aoiO. ftJIu XJaWbO.N.
BuieTh&Qiioo, IS. .
A .kU.xiii aij'I laKLilii, yiforcuu-.ty. M-u
V Lsdir. I'lfai-stit bofinesM. AtVlre-a. F. W
T R? 1 1 TU n MWrTTT. rW. AltTTTfW.
Vaf n tha (,rx wt. tUtntm
-or ef w ami saxfe Nasw aaw a I'llKK.i-T 1 1. j
mfieaorat. a. W e. e-l. w-th . ,.
I -M rttttrfw &taf a4 w ana,. snUa
ml paw of aMTns, faatl tUlaf af assTT').
ioailw atietsL , ioty !- r-a-1 to ail a
tmtAim rat, jr. Man-. aV Jaeaaa'T iO.lt.
!riiorlrl Ict Tear. I'rrr 1' -t
ihun ever. AjriJt9 w-i:tcL iacu".
wtwft3 liuc octal for circular.
1 lbau C.'K 4 ft lark or fi-edfor?l.
lO I'm Fine ISIacR or mixed, for $
Id Ib.lloije UiaCaCor Jllxd, lor v?si.
BDj fr poanj Mrnplf-, 17 rti. e-trt for p-ri.
Tben cut up clui. Cicet Te la tlie worl'..
Lanrcli T-ritt-. Wea eTrvloiv. t-'drt !
UoQse !n Arnvrtca. No rironi.. So Haiubu-
etnvicht tra:nesAr Vaioe fr uiocrr.
ftOB I VLiviaS,4J Testy St,..1.,P.O. Box lZ
Jree"e. Omter?, f?tea Krjrvirifors ami all otbr
CHIer Mat-hinerr. Ituonter A ttoaehert FrrA
es, aa Veaey St, s. Y. rautorr. Sjracaae. X X.
' Can be bcnigiii
ran. tare 1
t 1 If aot kept by
FEATHERS. "resant
u u e
1 1.
ns2r.-r!i5 sfc -iassiiiijsj
KaVwrTiu.n Aftkntaf arc r.ftfffMvf.ve atB
Nwwx-ri :u t iu janr-t cJrjnirc?:tQz- B
'- cmwrnre thm mt mptti. Price .Oc. sH