Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 02, 1882, Image 2

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W4a -, Af , mi
rMiwk ask FiriiTOi.
Tke McKeo Repablican State Com
mittee met in Philadelphia laut Wed
nesday to oonsider tbe proposal of
, tke Cooper Repablican State Com
auttee to harmonize Republicans on
the State ticket, bat they rejected tbe
proposals of tbe Goo por Committee,
which seems natural enough, when it
is considered thai the Republican
reform element in the late Legisla
ture tvs t-on enough to send so
able & u an as ilitchtLl to the United
States Semite. To say it the wild
est, it was presuming that the re
form clement was green, or
not in
ariiesL whoa it was presumed. 'that
it would agree to present the Bearer
ticket, and the Stewart ticket, both of
which had been formed by conven
tion management to a vote of the
people of tbe party. That would be
no decision oi tbe party as to its
preference by a popular vote ; it would
only be an expression of preference
as to which one of two tickets, both
of which had been set up by a con
vention. The McKee Committee
proposed to withdraw both coo ?en
tion tickets, aud then provide for tbe
holding of a nominating election for
Governor and other State officers, in
every election district in the Com
monwealth, and tbe candidates that
had tbe majority votes for tbe re
upective offices shall constitute tbe
Republican State ticket The Mo
Hoe Committee also, demanded that
none of tbe convention candidates
hall become a candidate at the new
election by the people this fall. Tbe
Stewart ticket proposed to withdraw
from the field, if tbe Beaver ticket
would do so, and give the people tbe
chance to nominate a ticket by a di
rect vote. It was a mistake, from a
part- htand point, thrtt the popular
method of tbe nominating of candid
ates was not agreed upon.
Jrw Pecshinu. Democrat in
the Pottsrillo district, proposes to
again become a cuididate for the of
fice of Judge, without regard to tbe
action of any political party.
The Egyptians say : that the En
glish bad seven war vessels sunk by
the Egyptian forts on the 11th of
July when the bombardment of
Alexaudaria took place.
Tbt United States Government
has about 1,000 cats cared for in the
several largo Post offices, in such
places, for instance as Philadelphia,
and New York. Tbe cats are tbe
safest, and most certain rat and
mouse exterminator. Rats aud mice
must be kept out of the maiL The
Government pays for the keeping of
the cats.
To a C ibinctai etiug, on tbe ques
tion of Assorfiirncnts, President Ar
thur, tbe other day "expressed bis
views freely ami folly. They were
in subsU.ice that no person in any
one of the Executive Departments
declining to contribute thall on that
account be subjected to discharge or
criticism, and no attempt to injure
him on this ground will be counten
anced or tolerated."
The Philadelphia Trade and Labor
Council have issued a call for a Con
vention to be held in Philadelphia
August 28ias2. The Beaver people
hope to catch the most of them, so
as to make up for the loss of such as
vote for Stewart. If Beaver can
keep his feet and carry, a majority,
over, the Stewart Republicans, oer
the Democrats, over tbe Greeuback
ers, over the Prohibitionists, and ov
er the new prospective Labor ticket
he will be the next Governor. There
will !e 6 tickets to divide the vote of
the people.
Ir Beaver keeps on talking about
the littleness of Senator Cameron
both the father and the son may
take offense, and turn against the
General. Neither of the Camerons
are running for office, and Beaver
ran be of no use to them excepting
for three purposes. First He could
be of use to them to help them dis
tribute the State offices to their
friends. Second. He by being friend
ly could help keep their prestige of
political influence or power. "Third.
Ho could veto any Le 1 '.stive ap
portionment till that might be favor
ed by the Legislature that might not
be in accord with the apportionment
views of the Camerons. The Camer
on succession depends more upon
the complexiou of the Legislature
than upon the governorship. If
Beaver throws off Cameron, Cameron
san throw Beaver.
A Ewthh correspondent, from a
towa inland from Alexandria Egypt,
eame to the coast and despatched the
following, relative to the barbarities
he wituesscd on tbe I3th of, July;
4 'By mid-day I counted not less than
eighty -fivo corpses carried past, in
groups of three or four, each pro
cession headed by two women, carry
ing each a bludgeon to which dismem
bered arms and legs were tied. Then
followed other women uttering cries
of joy as at weddings, surrounding
the bodies, which were dragged along
by ropes tied to the legs until they
became dismembered. Then the
rope was shifted to other limbs. The
taob with bludgeons beat the bodies
until they were flattened, and after
ward they caught up the viscera with
sticks and threw them against the
windows of the houses inhabited by
Europeans, the bodies having been
previously robbed."
Tib venerable and newsy Lewis-
town Gazttte still keeps tbe bloody
shirt hanging on tbe outer walL
Since tbe bloody tragedy tnat was
enacted at Washingten July 2, 1881,
by a Repablican office seeker, and
bloodv shirt Haunter, it is meet for
nod Republicans, to not mention the
v 1 . .... . . . .
bloodv shirt huice teat areaoiuu
enactment it is best to keep the
Hoodiy garment in the back ground.
Hide the garment father Frysinger,
and do vonr intelligence justice.
The bloody shirt issua is dead, dead,
as tbo issue ol li uy, aeaa, as mo is
aua of 1812, dead, as the issue of the
annexation of Texas. Step a pace or
two, to the front line of Republican
ism, to the advocacy of a more per
fect avalem of primary election laws,
and you will be in accord with the
Republicanism of the day -and tbe
only kind of Republicanism that
run prernjl. . ,
Juki bogs are dying of ehoiera
in Illinois.
A bikxir, at Jonesboro, EL, has
left for parts unknown and tbe bank
is 1200,000 short.
It w but a short time since the
grare-yard insurance companies
nouriKUea and became like full grown
sunflowers. The following despatch
irom MamsDurg last Wednesday,
relate the process of closing out one
of the death rattle concerns. Re
cover John II. Weiss, of the South
ern Pennsylrania Mutual Relief As
sociation, of Hanover, York county.
one of the first "graTe-yard" insur
ance companies proceeded against by
the State, this morning asked leave
of the Court to present his account
and plan of distribution on Septetn-
! Dr wtucu is one week later than
I tne day required by the rules of the
j Court. Tiiis was asked for with a
view 10 enauie nun u nave me same
printed and a copy placed in the
hands of each person interested thirty
days before the day of confirmation,
in order that it may carefully be ex
amined bv tbe beneficiaries and oth
ers. Ine amount of tbe benehciary
fund which Receiver Weiss is only
ready to distribute now is $22,745,-
oo, to be distnbuitod
2000 persons.
anion? about
Tbere is an investigation in progress
is the Philadelphia Almiuon.se over
the fact, that a baby was got oat of the
msuiatioa by a wile that had so baby,
to satisfy ths longing of her bat band
lor a baby. 1 be wue made her hus
band believe, that it was tbeir own
natural baby, and not until tbe autbori
itias began to look np tbe tniaaiog
Alnishouae baby did tbe hatband be
gin to suspect. Tbe name ot tbe fami
ly i Itubmejer. Tbe Philadelphia
itmctsay; Mrs. Lobueyer is very
pretty, iter manner u frank and in
genious. I hey bave been married
more tbae a year and a half. She is
very tuuob. in love with bar husband
aud he thinks sbe is tbe best little wife
in tbe world. When be learned how
aha bad deceived him be was more
pained than angry, and as sbe naively
put it; Ileory was a little burt, bat
be didn t scold me a bit, and he is as
good humored as ever." 'Well sous
time ago, my fmnd, Mrs. Rosenberg
suggested that 1 should get a cbild oat
ol the Almshouse and aiake mv bns-
bind believe that it was oars. 1 cod
sented to the scheme rather than make
Henry unhappy, for he wanted a child
very inaeb. Ia February Mrs. Rosen
berg and I went to tbe Almshouse aud
taw a man who showed ns all the ba-
bies, bat I didu't see acy 1 liked and
we came away. A few days later we
want again and 1 aaw tbia dear little
thins;." Here sbe dropped her itorj j
long enough to kiss tbe baby on ber
knee. "A girl named Mary Gallagher, i
who had been a serving girl or some-
thing of that kind, and wha had jast
been taken into tbe Almshouse, was it
mother. 1 was pleased with tbe baby
and didn't care whether its father was
knowu or not Tbe' mother at once
agreed to give up ber baby, which was
then about a week old, and Mrs. Ro
eenbnrg said it was youug enough to
deceive uiy JJeurj. MVe eame away
and went back again two days later, on
February 24. There was a meeting
of a committee of tbe Board of Guard
ians, or something of tbat kind, and
Mrs. Rosenberg and I went before
Ibem. I told tbein I wanted to .get
Mies Gallagher's baby, and I told them
all about my ease and what I wanted
tbe baby for. 1 concealed nothing,
and when 1 told them tbat I wanted
tbe child to deceive my husband they
all laugbed. 1 said I did not want to
take tbe olii'd it tbere wai any danger
ot my husband finding it eat. They
said tbere was no danger, and passed a
resolution or a motion to let me get the
baby. Sirs, nosenberg and 1 came
away from tbe meeting, and Mary
Gallagher brought ber baby outside the
Almshouse a:id gave it to me. Sba
did not want ber relatives to know she
bad a baby, and was vary glad to have
any respectable person take it. Now
1 believe she wants to get it hack bat
she shan't bave it." Here Mrs. Lob
meyer administered a hasty kiss to tbe
baby and went on with her narrative.
"Well, we were going to have ber
christened Olivette in tbe Methodist
ohurch we go to, bat tbe people have
made so much fuss about it tbat I guess
we won't do it" In closing the inter
view sbe said tbat as Henry bss forgiv
en her sbe is satisfied, and they will
Keep ana love unvette. Sbe says
Henry told ber last night tott not one
man in a thousand would take the de
ception a easy as he does, and sbe evi
dently believes bs spoke the truth.
Englebart Bright, a farmer ia Spring.
field township, Backs eoaaty, claims
tbat his daughter was eured by the
prayers of a Boston minister.
John cbeehan, of Chicago was oat
late tbe other night, and finding the
door looked when be went home he
kicked it in. His wife stood in ths
ball and said: "If 1 had a pistol I'd
shoot you." Sbecban handed her ba
revolver, and she immediately, sent
bullet into bis shoulder.
Many years ago, Samuel Bailey, a
farmer in tbe Isle of Wight, sobjeoted
himself and family to incredible priva
tions. In order to save teed for bones
tbey even did tbe ploughing and bar.
rowing themselves, and would eat flesh
of animals which had died a natural
death. Yet ha lived to be 92.
John R. Koeoig, of Wopielgdorf,
Berks eoaaty, has a bog only 3 years
old thst weighs 1300 pounds.
Aligator fat is now used for oookmg
purpoaa ia some parts of Florida,
Large numbers of fish ia the Sus
quehanna Kiver bave been killed re
cently by snlpber pumped into tbe wa
ter from the mines.
A log rolling down hill at York Fur
nsoe, i ork eonoty, a few days since
struck Henry Lyman, of tbat place,
killing mm instantly.
Moses Gross, of Richmond, Vs., lor
ed to go on periodical drunks, and
wben thus disguised would cruelly
beat his wife. Bat on tbe last of these
ocossiotis sne oiacxea doiq mi eyes
with ths poker scalded him with hot
water until tbe fl-sh pesled off bis
(boulders, aud then bad bim looked np
Miss Sarah Sergeant, aged 19, and
very pretty, is a mail carrier ia Wash
ingten eounty. '
Elizabeth, Barth, in kindling a fire
st Ashland used coal oil. : The oil ig
nited and sbe wss burned so severely
tbat sbe died yesterday.
A good medicinal tonic, with real merit,
la Bwwo's !rn Bitters, eo all druggist say
Tba aborting of Bbumaa Miliar, hotel
keeper, la XlUeratowa, Perry cnaoty, a
Saturday evening, July 22 1882. is atfil the
subject of attch talk. Tba maa who shot
ll'llcr ia named If a. Wagner. Tbe flew.
port. Parry county Airart says; Wm. Wag
ner ia tbe aoa of a respectable farmer nam'
ed John W. Wagner, tenant oa Ferry
Kramer's farm, ia Tuscarora township al
most 2 miles from Xilleratown, oa the road
to Ickesburg. He ia not quite 21 years old,
weighs 140 pounds, ia Are feet tea inches
bia-h. of licht complexion and dark bair.
Wagner, and a burly negro named Charley
Green, worked together in tbe taines.
Green, was recognised as the bast man"
physically ia towa. When is liquor, Miller
had mauled Greoa on more than one oc
casion, and maa encounter with hia oa
Saturday night, July 15, 1882, hammered
him until tne blood Cjwed freely from the
negro. 8 human afterward took Green to
the pump and washed tbe Mood off hie face
and then "set up" tbe drinks. In the fra
cas, however tbe landlord received several
abrasions of tbe akia on his face, which
were still visible aa he lay in his coffin on
Monday. Wagner and tho negro not only
worked together but they were friends, and
associated together tueucn an extent aa to
occasion unfavorable comment on tbe part
of those, who think a to Jamihar corupao
ionehip socially between a negro and a
white man is not desirable On Saturday
evening. July 22-1882, Green got into a
tin',', on Sunbury street, noar tho canal
Indjra. It looked as if 'iietn would g j out
ot Uie battie victor, bet aereril otUer while
men rushed in and aasissted in unmerciful,
ly pumineliog tbe "nigger." Shumaa Millar
ataading in hia hotel, at least a square away,
jumped from bis porch and rushed to the
scene of the disturbance and took a band
in pounding Green, who Anally succeeded
in getting away fro at his enemies, who
woald have handled hira rougher had he
not made good his escape. Drinking was
Indulged in up to a late hour, and daring
the evening Wagner said Green wasn't
shown a fair chance in the row. This reach
ed Miller's ears and highly incensed him.
Green, airaid of hia life, got out of the
reach of his ataailanta and Wagner'a future
movements were directed to drinking np to
the time he entered the Union Hotel, early
Sunday morning.
The testimony of the witnesses, before
Esquire Titseli's jnry, best relates tbe story
associated with tbe actual killing of Shu-
man Miller.
Pail Cocnits Sworn In the flrst place
known to tua. Wm. Wagner took aidea with
the black uun against the white man. I was
told the man 'a name was William Wagner.
He entered the silling room of Shu man
Millers hotel about 11;2'J o'clock p. m., Ju
ly '21, 1882. I describe Wm. Wagner as
follows Countenance rather sober looking,
pale, middling prominent nose, heavy cbiu,
all tbe linr. of his face cut deep, hair and
eya appeared dark blonde; probably about
4 or 25 rears old. Shumsn Miller approach
ed this man reproaching him tor t iking
the part of the black man against the white
in 'he tight and ordered him out oi the
house Miller and others followed except
myself. I sat on the wiudow. It appe red
to me there was a scuffl-j outside, but I did
not ao any. I then approached the front
window and heard some one, whose voice
seemed to me, to be tnat of tbe nun Wag
ner ey, "emtio on, if you dare, S human
Miller, you s of ab , I'll shoot you."
At the commencement of this sentence
Sbuniaa Miller started to run towards him ;
at the close of the sentence I heard tbe shot
and saw Miller stapger and fall on his face.
Question. How larwas Wagner from Sba-1
man. Answer; Not more th.111 5 yards, in
my oriuiou. I saw Shuuiau; he was in his
shirt sleet cs; saw tbe Hub of the revolver. J
The street lamp was extinguished on the
corner. Wagner was clsd iu dark clothes, i
could see the outline ol bis person. 1 be
lieve Wagner tired the ratal ahot. I recog
nized him by the voice. I was in tbe front
window. j
Two minutes after Wagner came into the
bar room the shooting occurred. 1 am not
certain as to tbe time given above. I had
been to the stable with Socman and returned
with bim about 11 o'clock, and do not know
haw much time elapsed after tbat until
Wagner came in. I was reading in the ollice
iu the meantime. It appeared to me that the
shot was Bred I rom close to the side of walk
leading Irom Miller's to Martin's hotel.
EaLru B. Tnonrsos Sworn Inthetlrst
place 1 csiae into the hotel of Shnnmn Mil-V-r
an lay down on the (oud in this oilice.
Mr. Miliar talked abor.t white mm taking
the part of colored men. He Mil he would
lick any white man ia Millerstown, big or
little, wha would take tbe part of the black
s of a b Wm Wagner and some one
unknown to me came into the office and
was going straight through to the bar room,
heu S human stopped them. Sbuman said
to Wagner, "you are one of those men who
take part with the niggers." Ue then nude
aa though he would atnke Wagner, and
Wagac-r begged off, and said he waa druuk
and tbat Sbuman waa a better man than be.
sbuman said, that don't make a damn bit
of difference; you take part with tbe niggra'
bbumjo then struck Wagnar on the left
tide of the face. Wagnar went oat; Shumsn
followed after. He begged off onco more
and walked away, Shuiuan atill following.
Wagner aaid a few words before he shot
Miller, but I can't tell what ihey were.
When be fired Shumau staggered back.
turned and fell on his face. He never utter
ed a word after tbe ahot was fired. Wag
ner ran towards the bridge as soon as he
bad shot. Sbuman staggered back aud turn
aud fell at my feet about 6 or 8 feet from
the point at which he waa atandiug when
shot. 1 believe Wm. Wagner to be tbe man
tbat shot Miller. Wm Miller, son of Sbuman
Bred 4 or 5 shots at Waguer aa he was run
ning away. It waa 25 minutes of 1 o'clock
by the office clock, guniay morning, July
23, 152, when b human was carried into
tbe office immediately alter tbe shooting,
The testimony of other witnesses, and
tbe teaumony or tbe doctors on the point
ol examination of tbe wound vf the de
ceased are not given here. Tbe following
verdict waa rendered by the jury ;
"Tbat Sbuuisu Miller came to bis death
by a gun shot wound, and tbat William
Waguer fired tbe lata! shot from a revolver
or other Ore arm."
Ho sooner bad Wagner shot than be
started to run, in tbe direction of tbe river
bridge, followed by Wm. Miller, aged about
15 years, Shumsn Miller'e oldest son, who
firad 4 or witn a revolver at the man who
bad slain bis father. One of tbe shots paes
ed through between tbe fingers of the flje
ing man's hands, merely cutting the akin,
while other bnlleta came nncomlortably
does to hia bead. He creased tbe bridge
s fast as he could run and reached the
Tuscarora mountain in safety, remaining
among its fastnesses until Sunday morning,
when be descended to bis home, where be
was informed that be had kilied Shaman
Miller. Ue did not appear to particularly
! regret bavins committed the deed, claiuiug
ttat he acted in aril -defense and only In
tendnd shooting hia antagonist n tbe
arm. He remained at hoiua only a short
time, and when be took his departure ha
aaid be waa willing to surrender himself to
an odcer ot tbe law who would guarantee
him protection, as be seams to feel tnat bad
ha bean captured on Sunday morning he
would have been lynched, aa public feeling
ran high against hirn at thst time.
An Arkansas woman wss fined by a
magistrate $3 for using abusive lan
gosge to a neighbor; she had no money,
bat tbe obliging justice took Zl steel
traps io fuil payment ot fins and eoats,
sod tbe no lets obliging attorney who
represented ber in tbe trial took a spot
ted dog for his fee.
Hugh MoCaon, a laboring man of
Albany baa been in the habit ol sleep
ing with his right arm under him.
On Tuesday morning be awoke and
fouod tbat tbat arm was paralysed, and
tbe surgeon tells him tbat it is doubt
ful if he ever regains tbe ne of it
A deapatou from Little Uock, Ar
kansas, states tbat within tbe past 2
weeks more than OO.UUU head of par tie
bave passed np the trail, whieh makes
a grand total of over 150 000 for the
saao, thus lar.
Adespatob from Pittsburg under
date of tbe 25th inst., says ; Tbe vill
age of Freeport, in Way so eounty, for
ty miles southwest of this eity, was
convulsed to dsy by tbe discovery tbat
two girls named Stearns bad murdered
tbeir stepmother last week. They se-
ereted her body, bat tbe seeret bore
heavily oa oae of them, and sbe told a
friend, who informed atbeM authorities.
Ooe of the girls has been arrested and
is in jail at Waynesboro, bat the other
has fled. Tbere are two stories of the
tragedy. Cos is tbat the woman was
poisoned, and the other tbat a sbarp in
strument was drwen into ber breast
The girls bsd not taken kindly to their
stepmother for some time past.
Care-worn persons, students, weak and
overworked mn there will find in Brown's
Iron Bitters a complete tonic, which gives
strength end tone to tbe whole tysteiu.
uc flloKTtsI. aUi.iar aaa
AaS alP3yBKST lias la St. Joseph,
points In lowCrAtehlsaa. Topeka Deal
Nebrukakllimrt. IuXiWm, ballaa Gal-
Ma. New Mrilco, ArUona. kiuJs votea.
tana anj Teiaa.
O "EI. I O -A.
hia Uaute tiaa ao,aprlor lor Albrrt
lEiTcim.- -jejjj, Nationally H-putM as
" ta assi equipped "iJ?STi,roll.hCar I
as I'iee Pritt .t Qtm'l ilanagtr. cn. ram. Aau,
vnicaao.su- Vuloasa. 11A
That's a common expres
sion and has a world of
meaning. How much suf
fering is summed up in it
The singular tiling about
it is, that pain in the back
is occasioned by so many
things. May be caused by
kidney disease, liver com
plaint, consumption, cold,
nervous debility, :c
Whatever the c?use, don't
neglect it Something is
wrong and needs prompt
attention. No medicine has
yet been discovered that
will so quickly and surely
cure such diseases as
Brown's Irom Bitters, and
it does this by commencing
at the foundation, and mak
ing the blood pure and rich.
Lagniinrt. Tad. Das. t, iSta.
Tor a loac tiau I kava Wa a
euffcfcr from stomacn aad kidaay
! IfyappeuMwasworaesr
wad tka very swiall amount 1 oia cat
jaagnsd wita n. I vaa aaaeyed
very Muck from woa-mamioa af
wriaau 1 triad but icmadica witb
wo mcceaa, an til 1 aaed Browa'a
lraa Bmcn. Since I used taac my
twairk dora wot bother ma aar.
S4y appetite ia limply imSMaa. Afy
fejdwrf troabla ts aa iwt, aad my
a 1 kaalik m sack, that I mat
lika a aew maa. After tba waa af
Beava'a lfaa Biltan far one maaak.
1 aao Bnand tvaaty poaaaa ia
u. tv. Baaeaarc
Leading physicians and
clergymen use and recom
mend Brown's Ikon Bit
TEJL5. It has cured others
suffering as you are, and it
will cure you.
WehavestoraslnlS iMdlnsr Cities,
' . . . ... .. . 1,1.
Our B-aetorfee an PrinetpaJ ifracee are at
Prifs Pa. hand for onr New Calalasma aad
us ts aetata liMisaa
Mil I nVtl I ' "" Cardan .
CAITIO!! iaOTlCfc.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned
ajtainst fishing or iiuotinr, gathering
berries, or crossing fields, or ia any other
way trespassing on the laads of the under
signed J. C. Ksseff.
If you lh to buy rral estate, consult
flie Cflllttjss nftbe Sra'fnrf sir fif
All eoanilBa made V
TlckrtaTtathiXnr YV aad joa will
Celebrated L:ae 'SfCVS' Sad I rattling j
sale at all oflloea irsSrV htxary, Inatrad
tbe v. a SAJs. -
Canada. (V AnNJlHS. comfort.
ttn lUtra o'.VV.
S rn- 6Srrfu Caa. Kif
f st Oeweraes.
Gas. Jaaca A. Baavaa.
JTer Jdtt a as Swarms CVarf,
Wn. Hcsbt Kawu.
tor lint. Ceaerwec,
W. T. Da visa.
fvr Srcy a htmal Jffmir;
Jo M. Gassa.
afar CefTtttma t arg4.
Mabsiov Baoaics.
Jon Ukwabt.
'ar Judf tftkt Suprtwu cowrl.
tiaoaoa Jcaara.
Far Liaultnmnt Cvvsraer.
Cot. Lsti Bia Dcrr.
1st Stc'fInttmal Jffairt.
Majob ii to. W. NlBBICK.
For Ctngrnman-at-ltrgu
Col. Wiluam McMicaasi.
Ji!r Stiitl aud Rtpublunl would
announce U. 8. Lauuia. ol r'ajetle towa
antp aa a candidate lor tba oflice of Sfaorifi.
Mr. Laodia is a yjung man ot good habits,
and ia abundantly qualified to lid tbe poal
tioa o Sheriff. His father and graod-tala-er
wore citixene ia Juniata beiore bim.
He is an earaeat Bspubikaa. He sneaka
Dots, tbe Knglisb, and (jar man laagaagea,
which in Juniata county, ia a matter 01 im
portance and saliatactiM ta both officer
and people.
t A I fiTTE.
Editor Srmtiott and RrpMicn Tba
pla ot Juniata, will uecaiied upon to cbooee
a auitabla person to ftU the oOice of kief la-
tar and Kecorder at tba election in Moveua
ber. Allow us to present tbe sawn of S. B.
Cavany, of halter son as a candidate for tho
Republaran nomination. Mr. Cavany la well
known as a genUeman ofintegrity, possess
ing every qualification requiato lor the ettv
cient discharge ol tbe vtticc, and it nomin
ated will be a atrong caadidaU.
Editor Sftintl aW Rr publican Allow
ma to aunounca tbo name ol 6. P. W bar
ton of Spruce Hill aa a candidate for the of
fice ol KegiMrr and Krcorder, subject to
Krpublicaa usages. Mr. Whsriou is a
young man of good busiuess qualifications
and ii elected, would make an obliging and
cUicieut officer.
Editor StmtiMl mnd RtpuoUcon Plea.e
announce ii-jor J. U. 1 low all, ol Spruce
Hill, aa a cauUidate tor the utbco of Assem
bly, siil'jocl to Kaubiicao usages. The
Major U a representative man 01 ibe peojile,
waa a good eoldier, would bo a strong can
dictate aud, if elected a Bale aad pradeat
Editor Srmtmtl mnd Repuolican 1 weald
prcaeui Ueury Auker, ol Vk alaer townsnip,
to tbe Republicans ot Juniata county, aa a
suitable candidate for Ine oifice of Jury
Commissioner. Mr. Aucker ia a good Ra
publican, but atill not so blind a parly Biao
as to do luj'i.tice iu ths relation of men lor
the jury waeal.
TUB undersigned. Exmutnra of tbe rs
iste ol Jacob Hie hi deceased, late of
h a' township, Juniata county. Fa , will
oflVr at public aale, on the premises at 1 o'
clock P M on
tho following described real estate to-wii :
A f AkM situate in Besle township, Juuiata
Co , i'a., containing
147 ACRES,
and 79 perches. Tba iinproveaunta are, a
with wag-en abed, and corn crib, attai ned,
and other necessary out-bnildinirs. Fruit
sucb as applea peaches, cherries, grapee,
and ao forth. Tbe farm ia bound! on the
north by landa of William Clark, and J. II.
Bonn, on tbe East by landa ol Calrin Stew
art, and store road, aouth by lands of Adam
Fisher. About half of the farm ia under a
good atate oi'culrfration, the balance is in
yoang titnner nearly bait of which is chest
nut osk. Ths farm ia ia Tuscarora valley.
9 miles from Miftiintown, the county seat ;
9 miles from Fort Koval ; 1 mile west oi
Academia. Any person wishing to sea tbe
farm can do so by calling on the undersign
ed residing on the premises.
TERMS : 25 per cent, on the day of sale,
25 per cent, on April 1, 188:1, balance in
two equal annual payments with interest
from April 1, 1883.
Aug. 2. 1882. Executors.
THE undersigned, Executor of the last
will ami testament ol Abraham Kniaely,
late or Walker township, Juniata County,
Pa-, dee'd, will expose to sale by pub ic
vendue or out ere, at the premises about
one ball' mile east of Miftiintown, on
me ioiiuwuib: vaiuauie real eaiaie, to-it:
A VALUABLE FARa. situate in Walker
towo.hip, Juniata county. Pa., bounded by
landa of Ezra D. Parker, Union Cemetery,
A brain J. Moist, Jonas Kautiuian. David
Ru-keubacb. David Fowlea. Thaddmia Rwix.
er, and others, containing
and one ruu, tuote or less, about 64 acres
ot whicb are cleared. mimI thm K. 1 1 ..... i
laud. The iuiprovcmetite are a
And Itauk Barn.
and atber out buildings There ia a good
orchard on the property, and an abundance
ui CAieueui waver.
TERMS OF SALE: Ten pereent of the
purchaae money to be paid on day or aale,
one-half of the remainder on tbe second ot
April, A. D.. 19.43, when deed will be de
livered and possession given ; the remain
der on the 1st d iy ot December, A. D., 18
3, te be secured by judgement bond
Execntor or Abraham Kaisely , dee'd.
AT the aama lima and nlM win t.. i a
fnwWW, W Ol'IU
nt public t-tle, ih following fH-ronaJ prop
AwK lA Writ rr aa.. A ll' a .
j w" aw vuaj S-ajiw- aujtA MmM a 1 CllOa. IUVt
1 nio pUi store, 1 burraa. bediitds And
btddinf, Ubtn, fttaxla, qotnhwue, and
eifmRmtrTV. 1 rSktinaa Iraaftlaa I... U I
J r - " f" aw. .aw vuaifm, aUpiWsrtl
together with a gboeral AMort merit ot hUMJ.
ha-iia mhri kitnhum ".,.v.e.. 1... .a a
.k. . ' J
aawiv amaaa mitvUVSJ I lilUlllirB. Illli Ol II A V Ft ST
TERMS made known day of aale.
ExecnUirof Abraham Rniselr, dee'd.
Aug. lt70.
Subscribe lor IbeSeatiaWaad Hemubluan.
It contains more, and a greater variety of
gma man nserui reamcg matter than any
GraybilTs Column.
Choica Patterai ia
Body and Tapestry
Extra Sopor Medium and Low
A Foil Line of
A Complete Line of
A Choice Lot of
Beautiful Pattern, in
Carpet House
At tne Old Stand,
All tbe aboT enumerated articlen,
and all other things that may
be found in a
Bolsters and Pilbws,
Looking Glasses
In fact everything usually
kept in a First-Class House
Furnishing Goods Store.
Between the Canal and Water Street,
M1FFLLT0WA . . pe.W.9.
2Tm0 AdverfuemnoU.
The noacrsignert, Adainlstrator cum
testamento aonrxo ot Jai-oO frank, lata
ot the Boron ot Pat -ere n, J ualata comity,
deceaard. will rxpose t- aale by nubiiw
vriKtm-, or out-cry. at tbo premises i ne
Rnnmffh of r'attertoo. on
at 1 u'clock P. ., on said day, the rollew
tng Tiilnable real estate, to-wlt i
ho. 1- A lt or ground altuate on tie
North aide ot Main Srreef, to the Boroigh
of ratteraon, near the Pennsylvania Kail
road depot, having a front oi 60 fret on
Main Street, and extending Dark 1 10 feet
ta an alley, bounded en the gonth by ilam
Straeu en the Weat by lot of Pennsylvania
H. North by an alley, and East by lot
Ho. 8, bavlug thereon erectad a good
The abive la one ot the beat business
locations in the town, and a very desirable
No. 3. The undivided one-half of a half
lot ol grouud, situate on Path Mrcet, In
said Borough, having a front t 25 feet on
Path Struct, and extending back 1 10 feet to
an allay, having ihareoa erected a
COatd DwclllBsr Ucasw,
Also, Uue aitare ol block in Porryavllle
Bndgo Co.
TtKMS or SALE s Tea per cant of par.
chase tuunry to ba paid on day ol' aale, 21
per cent, oa I at ol January, A. D., 163X,
ahen deed aiil be delivered and poaaeasion
given ; 8a J per cent April 1, A. V , 18M.
with nit rc t Irom January 1, 13 ( 8!l
pur cent, ol pnn-baaa bjolbv to remain iu
the property Uurmg tho natural of 11
tabelb rrank, widow of Jacob Prank, de
ceaaed, and tbe inturest thereof to be paid
to b paid to her oa the lat day ol January,
A. 1)., Ibe4, and annually thereafter on the
1st day ol January ol eacn year, and at bar
death tbe principal to be paid to Juaeph
Rothroek, Adnuuistiator c. t. a. ef Jacob
fraute, deceaaed ; unpaid purchase money
to be aecurvd by judgement bond and uort.
July 25-62. Adiu'r o. Jacot Prauk dc'd.
Pnrsusnt to an order of sale issued out of
the Orphan's Court ot Juniala county, Pa ,
and Io iue directed, will be expoaed to pub
lie aale, oa Ibe pre mi sea, one-hall mila nort
ol Oakland Milia, iu Pa.stte township, Ju
niata couury, at one o clock p. ra., ou
All that certain
MtMMStger, Plaatattloa ; anal
'1 raCtwf laaMaSl,
la Payette toaraabti, Juuiaia couaty, Pa.,
bounded by Ianla of laaae heltebbargrr,
Datd Smith, Keuoea Leocaid, J. A. aud
J.C. Piuea, aud Jobn Aukce, cuulaiuing
115 CliiCS.
More or less, aua bavmg tbereuu rrectad a
IScw ISank Mariv Waffon
And other ont-bu.hliuKa, all cf which are
cleared except Ave acres fb land ia in
tbo bigbet atalo ol cultivation, gid water
on ths premise, and excellent Iruit.
No. 2. A Tract of Waodland,
Situate lu reiuaiaau lownsMp. noundi-d
by Ui.dot llaVKt kVoligang, H. 'Zoos and
(.Ultord Singer, cotiraiuiu
70 Acres and SO ITerolies,
More or less.
TEKMSor SAl.K : One-loarth tbo pur.
chasso money to oa paid ou euuBruatiua
m aaitr b tbe court; one louuh oa tne 1st
day ol April, A. U lbtf2, wbeadved ait. be
delivenil aud possesaiun fum ; uun fourth
on tho first ol April A. D 14, with inter
est trotu April lat, 182 ;. one-lourth on the
1st da) of Aainl, A. li lebi, with inleraat
from April lat lbb-i, lo uut payaenta Io
bo aecared b) judgauianL
Administrator of Henry H, Brubakcr.
June 21,
Stooiiolder8 IndivaiaaUj Liatlfta.
T. VAS IRW1M, Cathitu
DiBBcroat :
J. Kevin Pomeroy, Joeeph Rnthrock,
Gaorga Jaeoba, PhiJip M. Kvpnar,
A maa (i. Honsall, Laaia E. Atklnaoaa.
W. C. Poaeroy,
BTacKmoaMas :
J. Kevin Pomeroy, . E. Parker,
rhilip H. Kepner,
Annie M. ghelley.
Joseph Rothrock,
Jaaa EI. Irwin,
Mary Eurti, '
Saauel M. Kxrtx,
J. Holmes Irwia,
T. V. Irwia,
F B. Prow.
Joha Hornier.
George Jacobs,
L. B. Atkinaoa,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amoa G. Bouaall,
Noah Hertsler,
Charlotte Snyder,
37" Interest allowed at the rale et 2 rr
cent, on 6 months certificates, 3 par cent, oa
12 months certiUcates.
f jan23,1879-tf
ALL persona are liereby cautioned againa
treapaaaing utn tho landa of tbe un
drigad, iu Payutte, Dol .aare or Walker
townanip, by. fishing, hunting, or ia any
Jonathan Eiser
H ni Brantbotfer
Henry & piece
ratbarine Kurtc
John McMeeu
D B Dima
ii Vf Smith
S J Kuna
Henry Auker
Luciun Dunn
i W llostetler
Jasaa Pinea
Jacob 11 oops.
C G Shelly
A U Kurts
Davl, Smith
S Owen Evans
Teston Benner
C. F. Spicher
John L Auker
J B Gather
S M KauHiuan
J P Dettra
David Hunberger
Arnold Varnaa
Levi K 11 era
ov9, 1881.
Ltgal .Yoltctl.
AdBalalstratar'a Ilallcc.
Asfais 0 iasaeti, uhir, ttctni.
I bl'l Lao ol .AUuiiuiauaiiua ou tbo aa
J-4 ale ol fc.iialKJlu Putter, iata oi bcala
toausbip, Juuiata couuty, Pa, dvceaaed,
hate beeu granted to tne unueraifued, to
whoa all pereone indebkd to aaai csuta
aru r quested to aako payaeut, tnuse
bavii g ciaiiua ordeaauda, m make known
the aauo wubout dela-
July 13, IH82. auuiiuiairator.
lluuiiiiguon Pa.,
Adoilalstratar's Ratlcc.
Etwt oj Ulittr t. Auutermaa, arccusea',
1 kill fc.Ha oi AUluiuiairaihiil ou IU uo
ale Oi U. P. KoUiaraau, lalo ol - JB0I1
low toanablp, Juuiata cuuul, deceas
cd, hate bota grauted 10 tno MuaeraiAad,
to whoa all iwrauua huIhIiImI l.. ...i
ans rtqucatt to uube pa ant, aud Uiuao j
"a vwtuia v, wNuauua wiu uiaao anown
the aauie without aeiay.
W.G. S141TU,
July 11, 188'. Thouiisunion Pa.,
Oa srd sftar Monday Jane 5, rWUJ.traioa
that atop at liaSlii will ma as Mtcwt,
VjfSLlx Aoconasoiaae-jaa loavaa) VeSsaj
dally at .i a. ra.. and (stopauax at ail aiaw
tivna bet "aaa aiJSia aaj urvaVaaa;, .
rived at Barrtsburg at ii 2' a. u.
Jua ssavWB Elrasss isve akeoaa dal!v
at 7.80 a la., aad etotpiag at ail trgu!,
stations batwaan sUtoona aad Unrriitcu
reaches iiitta ar 10.45 a. ai.. Uarrhbaa
U.4Vp. U.,aadarrtveela fhTadaliilua a"
J.Mp. as.
at all Taaia leavea PKtatiL-a; 4 u
7.38 a. a., A foona at t.ti p. m., aad r .
ping at all regular atatioaa arrive, at Xitfi
at 6 Vi p. ta, Uarrlsbarg 1.i p. a., l-b.lv
dvlpbla J.5 a. m.
Hail Express leavea PitVaur. at 1 bo p gi,
Altoena 80 pa ; Tyrone 17 ptn ; Iian:
mdon 805pm; Lewiaown 92 oiu) Vil
iin4ipta; Harrisburg 11 15 p aj ihLa
delphia 'liifm.
HlttLis Accommobatiow leaves Hsrris
rlsburg daily at 10.15 a. m.,ao4 et-pping at
all sutions, arrivea at Ui29ia at li. Ij p. m.
Matt Tbaib leaves Pbra.ia!pbw dai: at
J.tsj a. ia., llarnaburaj 11.15 a. n J,ajtt
li.SJ p. io., aioppiug at aU atat'saa be
Mlfllin and Altoona reaches Altecaa a.(t
p. ra., Pittsburg 8.60 p. a.
afivrux Accowa-OBATlos !aa Bv.n.
borg dailr except Sunday at J.Otf p. n..,,5(l
sto j plug at all atatioaa, arrtvea a-. .t
r.OU p. a.
PaciBa Exareas leaves fhiladai llj,j
p a ; Harriaburg 3 Vi a a ; Daccaauoa I
Horn; Newport 4 15 am; UiOlinSOla
a; Lewlstowa 6 ii am ; SUVevicw. n .j
a a; lit. Union bl.ui; HJatiaidoi
45 a ra ; Patersburj 7 0a a a ; Spruca Cre-k
7 liau; Tyrone 7 34 aui !!', nc
765a mj Altoona 8 1 a m ; ft.Lib
1 aa pa.
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 11 cj,
a Hamsburg 815pm; MiSia 4 t? p
Lawlatovn 4 5Up a i. Hantindon S Cw pm
Tyrone 8 40 p ra ; AITeona 7 J') d a i nu.
Traiaa leave Leviatowa Juaatioa lor ."it
roy at u a j a a. w 6U a a, 3 x ai
r- i ...
ounuurv ai t oo a a, 1 d p a.
Trains arrive at Lewntowa Jadetiaa '-
Mllroy at 9 Hi a w, 1 50 pa, 4 -V p w ; Trvm
5aei.u-r t I' a n, 4 iS p a.
Trains leave Tvrono for EeUe'ea.a Li
Lock Haven at 8 30 a a, 7 80 p ai. L.v,
TyroDe lor Curwensviil. and Clearte.'4 at
S y a m, 7 60 p m.
Traiaa leave Tyrone tor Warriors rk,
Penssvl. ania Puraacaasd Satia si J m
a and 3 30 pa.
Trains arrive at Tvrono fraai t'J.Jjr.tr
and Lock nu il'tUaa, tadttt ps
Traina arrive at Tyrvuo froa Cara-tsa-ville
aod Cloarflold at 7 i t a us. and i 6 S m
Traina arrive at Tyrone froa Sco.ia. Wr
rlors Mark and Pennsvlvauia j'a.-naae at ?
30 a a, at 2 45 p a.
Philadelphia & Readins 2ailroa3,
Bf-t r Passeiy. r TraU.
Jne 24 b, USA
TVaias iravs fttrruourg ot fotiiv :
Wot New Tark via AU.otown, .t 7 iC, ,. n,
and I 4.1 t -b
I Tor New V .rk fUilx.Vt 4n4 .EaJnil
! )
j f l''',i 4 i2' 1 3 aa, 1 45
! rRium a'f 5 2". 4 i'J. 7 19, t iu . tf
r I 4.. 4 ! LrlH M .aTl a.
r r Pott.r. ,t 6 ill, 7 '5(l- , Jtt , fcfc4
i t ano uu . io. ua va asav
atiscjueoa'.ifa B;nch at i 40 p ia.
iAuuun, o ' a a.
Far Alleiits at 8 20, 7 i, 8 SO a a, 1 ii
awl 4 x p. cs.
Ta id ia, ,i4 14J pa. Uor-o sta
I turoug b taea t' Son York : ilj.
Par Allt'Btiv and m aia.iv-.i a: JO a a.
"r Hsd:r;rPT?adelpbia sud -. s(4'.'a
a:6i"aai I 4. p m.
7aiy. Burruonri laevs r.',i':.aia i
Loave e for. i Ailenluwa ai t M a a.
1 UU aud 53U p aa.
Iaave N Tork v.a 'lieasd Bjaak luau"
aad Philadelphia 7 4a a a, 1 3. 4
83Uparaad lioOa.ldni.ii.ar.-ttlsvu
Hamabit, ItO.a.K, n .
12 JU and 44r u
Leave PhiWIaiphi, at 4 39 9 . a m., 4 1 J,
b5u andaipm.
Leave Portavtilo at 00, a at , . t ti
tl aaa.
Loavo Kaaulag at 4 40, 7 SO 1 H J a a.
l vans iu za ta.
j Leave Pottavitio via Souy!fc-j and dawjas-
haaaa Branch. 8 1 a to. 1 4 l(. , m.
.eave Akontowa at 8 W, 8 laj m u 1.
H aad Oi p n.
vr'arr. ava .
Laav Xaw Tork via AllosioAia, at f"
U Pbilada'r.Ki. .1 7 i .
Leave steading at 7 3D a a-aaa l" II p m.
Laava UAkRKKi'u,' u.. ,
lal, and Steeltou daily , riceptSandav.8 II
b40,93aaa, 135 and 40pat d-liv. ex
cept Saturday aad Sanaa v, 6 3- p a, aa i aa.
Saturday onl, 4 45 sl ' lw, p .
Katarumg, Uaio STSiLTtiN daliv, aa
cepl S unday. iu, 7 H 10 00, 1 1 it a a.
2 10 and IU lvpia; di,, exc.,, BA!vitf
and Suuday, a 10 p t, and oa l.tutf
uiy, 6 lUaua Saoa.
c. "u. hawcoci;
r G'tTitl P" ana1 Tm jasJ.
Gtnrrmt Jfaatr.
Compltte Stock,
F. Ia. GRATBHal,
Haa jnst ratnrwad Iroia tke Baotera tlsiaa
w lib a Lare and Complete i'.oak of
CROCKRICN, yi ttss Wlftl,
Hats & Caps, Boota & Shoes,
Cigars, Tsbaccas tc c.
Parties will flnd it preallv to tier advaB
tsg to call and aea ay AbVaj and hear mr
Pricto heturo purchasing aiaewbare.
Stock Entirely New and Freih.
I can accommodate yea iu alaoat eveiy
thing called for ia a Store 01 lata kind.
Valuable Real Istate at Privata
The nsdaniirtial ..a... ..1. . . . -
One Hundred Aerea, of land mora or la-n,
on -u 0. inara a a urja alOMJ.D'.VELL-lMi-tt)f.NK,
in good .epair aid gMd
bANKH.AhN and out luiMr.ja aud a
GKlST-hlll.L ll.r.e
l-.aer atori.a of which are atone) and the
third frante, wiu three raa el good frvnrh
ourr, one new nvarahnt wk,, Seo a
PI' w
ir"o wneei, aid cearma nearir new lavou
ons, with axra.i
land is go-hi ura "and. and ia a at.,u aU
ol cuitivation. Tba mill has an excellent
Country trade.
Ti ia ia a verv da.irbla propny and ia
situated 011. utile and ua-t.crib Borta-wat
ol alcAliaiervillo Juuiata Co., pa., aad ailt
bo wild oa eaay (arms.
For further particulars plaaae call oa or
ad rir raa Jacub Smur., HeAliiitnriila Pa ,
or Jvramiab Lyona, fctiWiatewa Fx., or
John E. Siaitb, Cheater Sunaga, Chaar
county Pa.
Snnacribe for the Stntixtlaiid Jf.aaSiKaa.
a paj-ir that givea you agraater vanatv, amy
batter selection ol reading aatter f-ajt
Mhr T-fr in tha Jni4r V!tv.