3ESTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. Wedaeaday, Jal 43, 1SS3. B. F. SCHWEIER, KSITOfc AND PSOPB1ETOB. Tm ar in Egypt goes ou. The Crescent, tlie picture of tbe U6w moon standing on its point, cansee JoLnuie Bull to laah Lis tail And roor. Tecte is no accounting for ta&te, as as again saal, over tbe announcmcnt of the marriage of an American girl 3y a Christian roinibter, at Augnata, Oa., to a Cliinatnou. Tki Turkish government Las au thorised the Eulisu government to reetore order in Egypt, and Aribi livy has ordered Ali Foiiiu to com on:uid the Suez Canal. Abibi Bev, is the war minister of the Khedive of Egypt The Khedive La sent an order for Aribi to cease his hostilities. The order is a littlo lite the order of the Tope's Bull is vid against the sun. A battle was fought in tie Indian ouutry, between Indians, and U. S. troops on the 17th. The fight was in Ariazona ; 14 Indians were killed ; 6 women and children were taken prisoners. The ramp outfit of the red skins, with 100 head of horses were captured. There is yet three months of line weather before the Indian, in which to ket-p up a run ning fight, and after that is over, And the cold of wintor comes ho can ask for peace, and receive it till next cummer. The Indian loves to fight the white man during the summer months, and during the winter months he lores to lie about the wigwams with the squaws, sleeping, eating, and lrinkiug. It has ever been so, 6ince the rrul man, and white man first met, and it w:ll be 6a "till the red man is no more. The firft (speech that General Beaver delivered, after the failure to fix things with Stewart, was deliver ed at Bristol, Bucks county, last week. It was a Bvini Penu bi centonniai political speech. All hades of Republicans and Democrats were present- The General spoke about William Fenn and the Quakers. He spoke of the tariff question. He declared that lie has not been seek ing the Governorship and he would rather thun $ 1 0,01)0, if he had it to give, to be out of it, bo as to bo able to at tend to his private business, but duty to his country causes him to stand firm. He told the assembly that he would be glad to answer questions. Some one in the crowd took him at his word und said. General" "I shall not vote the Republican ticket, but will vote for the Independent candidates, uule.-s I am satised that your ad ministration will not bo organized in the interest of Don Cameron." A re porter of rhil:d?lphia says; the General answeied "That's a very fair question." and I'll answer it I said when I was nominated that I had not made a pledge to a living Uiin, and I say now that I cannot make any pledge. WLy. what is one man? They have maguitied a little mam into a big man and think he fills the whole Republican party and the whole of this gnait State of Pennsylvania. Don Cameron, iav! friends is not a big man, but a verv little man. (Great cheering.) He Las no hold upon me Cheers. When a iuau is wrong the thing for you to do is to defeat him. Now I can't make any more upecitic pledge than that. My friend here would not want me to pledge myself to organize an ad ministration against Air. Cameron. He would not want me to organize an administration iu his favor. I can not be expected to organize an adminis tration that will control the represen tatives and Senators of tho State Legislature. I did not come into Bucks county to make pledges like that Such things are only worthy of the pot-house politi cian. Let our friend tight Mr Camer on if he like, but let ham stay in the Republican party and do it" I expect to be elected by about $50,000 ma jority this fall." The English have succeeded iu de stroying Alexandria, but Aribi Bey, what of him ? Veil if he succeeds iu destroving the Suez Canal for the English, who'll be ahead, England, or Aribi, or Egypt ? It is an unpleas nnt picture to contemplate, look at it from whatever side we may. Tho Democrats say that when Beaver and Cameron get together they laugh over the game of decep tion that Beaver has played over the people. Beaver could truthfully say that Cameron is a little man, for he is not a large man, he is not much above the average, and is shin. Beaver's remark, that Cameron is a "small man" is one of tUose 6.iyings that may incau that Cameron's prac tices are not of the right kind, that they are small, and below the aver age acts of ordinary every da- men. But the saying may not mean that It may mean that Cameron is not a large man in p jiut of bodily size and weight. It would be just as well, if Beaver would deliver himself in lan guage, that is not susceptible of a double meaning. Anybody can con fuse matters, and now almost every body is confused to know whether the General was talking about the practices of Cameron, or whether he was talking about the size and weight of the Senator. Of course the Dem ocrats must needs put the most un favorable construction " on it, by charging the General with a fair squuie effort at deceiving tho people by making them believe that he ia against Cameron when he is for him. The Stewart men seem to think, that Beaver found a strong Republican rautiment against him in Bucks and Alontffoinerv county, on account of the close relationship that has exist ed between himself and Cameron, that in order to break the force of the sentiment, and belief, he deemed it best to say something, that should be bo indefinite that it can be construed either way. If the In dependent construction of his 6peech is correct the General Las succeeded admirably, for no one, who reads it carefully can tell what he does mean in regard to Cameron. However, se verely the 6peech of the General may be criticised, it is consistent in one thing with what he said. He said that he would make no pledge, and the speech is consistent only with that one declaration, it makes no pledge. ! Dcbido the past 10 rears, the num ber of farms in the United States have doubled. Is this State, the Republicans are divided on-the question of bossiain, and tbe method of committee and convention rale. In Indiana the Democrats are divided on the ques tion of Bom. The Democrats say that when General Beaver called Senator Cam eron, a small man, he did so for the purpose of making the people be lieve that he and Cameron are n jt one, and that Cameron is not his boss. CONSTITUTIONAL PROHIBITION, A aerici of public meetings in tbe inter est of Constitutional Prohibition will be held ia Juniata County, at tbe following places. Fort Royal, Friday evening, August 4. Spruce Hill, Saturday evening, August 6. East Waterford, Sunday evening, August 0. Waterloo, Monday evening, Augnat 7. McCoysvilie, Tuesday evening, Angutt 6. Johnstown, Weduesday eveuing, August 9. Patteraon, Thursday owning, August 10. McAlistersville, Friday evening, August 11. Kichfield, Saturday evening, Angust 12. Thotupsoutown, Sunday evening Augut 13 Mitflintown, Monday evening, Angust 14. Mifltiutowu, Tuesday August 15. These meetings will commence at half past seven o'clock, P. M. At each meeting held in tho county, an auxiliary Constitutional Amendment Asso ciation, will be formed, and addresses de livered, by a representative ef the State As sociation, and others. These who favor a continuance of the liquor traffic and license system, ar- invited to attend all these meetings, and to those who are opposed to the prohibition of the manufacture or sale of intoxicating liquors, except for legiti mate purposes, a reasonable amount of time will be given to defend their cause. Turn out! Everybody! irrespective of sex, race, party, or denomination, and bear tbe dis cussions. At each meeting, delegates will be elect ed to attend the Convention, to be held at Vifllintown Angust 15. Will the ministers of all denominations, and all others in tbe cennty, who are inter ested, please make thorough annonucement of the time or all the above stated meetings and lend yoar aid and influence to mike all a success 1 By order of EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE N. B. Cut this article of announcement out, and preserve it for reference. GE.1ER.iL ITC.MS. A llerks county farmer boasts of eight bushels and two quarts of rye from one hundred sheaves. A LoDdon clergymen makes a charge of $5 year to women who want spir itual advice. Mrs. Agnes l'oe, a demented lady of Chaojcraburg, escaped from tbe sec ond story of bcr botnee on Thursday by using a rope made of sheets. She bag not since been beard from. Rye is six ood ia same sections seven feet high in Iowa. California takes the lead for heavy heads of wheat. Some stalks have shown, six feet high, with heads six inches long. The army worms, winch are abund ant in Lyons county, Ky., are being destroyed by myriads of small red ants. Tbe large bean raising districts of New York are afflicted by a worm call ed the bean weevil, which is doing great damage to newly planted crops. Tbe oleomargarine factories of New York have a producing capacity of 116, 000,000 periods annually, while the production of dairy butter in the State is only 1 1 1,000,000 pounds. An enterprise is on foot to illuminate Mount Washington by electricity. It is proposed to place six powerful lights no tbe observatory aud it is claimed that they can be seen a distance of one hundred mile. Franois Trabold deserted his wife fourteen years ago in Germany and coming to America, settled in Johns town. Tbe wife appeared there few days ago and had her recreant Lord ar rested, lie has since promised to live with bis wife and tbe suit against him bas been with drawn. 1 A salmon io the Susquehanna River at Snnbury, a few days since, leaped from the water and was caught by tbe "ills in a bush overhanging the river. It was cap'ured and found to weigh 121 pounds. A young lady in Heading received a proposition of marriage from a gentle man visitingic in Europe, and to cable him simply tbe word "yes" cost her $2.15. Lessie Karey, a young girl, died in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, on W ednesday of inauition. Id two years she was reduced from 140 ponnda to 40 pounds ia weight. i From the Osceola Sentinel. In connection with tbe White Breast Bottom, Iowa, storm, we wish to speak of tbe beroie conduct of Mrs. Carey, a yonng married lady, who Was stopping with Mrs. Wiles for tbe night. About 9 30 or 10 P. M tbe banks of tbe oreek be;ao to overflow and soon the water began coming into the boast; tbe whole bottom was a black and roaring body of water; tbe rain was pouring dowo io torrents ; tbe clond overhung tbe sky like a velvet curtain and tbe thunder was terrifio. Mrs. Carey took one lit tle boy, aged about nine, and Mrs. Wiles' baby, but six weeks old, left the bouse and started for tbe high ground Reaching tbe gasden fence, perhaps 100 feet from tbe house, she found tbe current so strong that she could not keep her footing. Her clothes became entangled in a barb wire fence. Fortunately she was at the foot oi a tree. Helping tbe boy to climb the treo she banded Lim tbe baby to hold a moment. Tbe waters were raging all about ber and were rapidly rising. She must act quickly. With great presence of mind she disengaged herself by tearing ber dress from ber person, and swung herself into the tree. As sisting the boy to olimb further np she took the baby and held it and herself by one foot and one band to that sway tree for three loug hours and till res cued by men, who swain io to ber and brought bcr and tbe children away . by tbe aid of ropes. Wben tbe men reached ber she said, "save the baby first." The heroism of this noble lit tle woman woman who tbus saved these cbildreo tbe children of another de serves to be mentioned in song. Not an alcoholic beverage, bnta true and reliable family medicine is Brown's Iroa j Bitters. Gala Times at Cape May. BsoiMino with tbe 18th iost. Cape May puts ea holiday attire, and from that time until tbe close of tbe season sojourDors there have been, and will be at no loss for matemeat. Tbu fsmoqs Baltimore ragi meat, the "5th Maryland," with 300 men and a band of 40, encamped on the 19th and still remain, during their stay, there will be balls in tbeir honor, exhibition drills, lawn concerts, parades, target exercises, and all tbe features incidental to camp life. On tbe 29th and 30th tbe Grand Musical Festival will take place, and it is promised by those in charge that it will bo tbe great est event of tbe kind ever held at a water ing place. U. Aibuckle, the famous cornet virtuoso, and other distinguished soloists, have already been engaged. Simon Hassler, Carl Bents, and J. P. Zimmoruan will lead an orchestra of Yl and a chorus of -00 voices. The programme will embrace num bers from tbe most prominent composers of tbe German, Italian, and French schools, and among those already decided on are selections from 'Stabat Mater," "The Cre ation," "Fanst" -Mose in Egypt," "The Messiah," -. Commencing oa the SiOth inst. there be gan ascensions ia a captive baloon, one of the largest ever constructed in this country fur manufacturing and conducting, which the famous aeronauts Prof. Chas. E. and John Wise have been engaged. By tbe attachment of strung cables and suitable machinery, the baboon will be held captive and permitted to rise to tho height of 1000 feet, at which altitudo a view of SO miles in every direction around Cape May will be obtained. These ascensions of coarse will be tor the public. Capo May was never more popular than at present, and with its beach, which is the finest iu the world, illu minated by electric lights; its improved ocean drive"; beach railroads; excellent surf, etc., stands number 1 among the wa tering places of this country. The Pennsyl vania Railroad Company have arranged to give excursions covering the Musical Festi val f rom alt stations on its lhes at less than half the usual rate, the particulars of which may now be bad of tbe ticket agents. UCtEKAL ITEMS. A calf from the Jersy cow Beauty, owned by John Patterson, of Ches ter county, was recently sola lor $2500. A crow alighted in a ewamp near Korristown a few days since, when a snapping turtle seized upon his leg and held him until a man captured both of them. A tramp who was allowed to sleep in the house of Henry Miller, in Hun tingdon county, robbed tho honse of its valuables during the night- A party of New York capitalists bas purchased four acres of ground near Lehightoo, Carbon county, upon which a factory will be erected to manufact ure fuel from coal dust. Three men belonging to a show com pany sat in a box car near Lykens, Dauphin connty, with their legs daog liug out at tbe door. In pacing a sid ing on which cars were standing the foot of one was caught aud ail three thrown out, one being killed and the. ether two badly bruised. A Western circus manager arranged , to bare a wax baby dropped from a second story window in every town in which bis show visited just in time1 to be caught by one of his athletes. ' Tbe performance was successful several times, and crowds went to see the hero of tbe rescue, until tbe newspapers ex posed tbe trick. The Kansas Uity TunM, says ; Near Meiioo, Mo., a mammoth tree was fell ed on tbe farm of Charles Cowan. It measured nine feet through near tbe ground, was 110 feet htgb, the first limb growing out at a height thirty feet from its base aud is thought to be at least 300 years old. 'J be wood was made up into 800 rail, 300 fence posts besides ten dords of firewood. By its fall twelve sqnirrels and one raccoon were killed. Tbis is the largest tree that ever grew in that section. A bitter and relentless war bas been deelared on the part of the farmers against the invading army worm in New Jersey, near Ilelaidel a tew days ago tbe owners of a farm hastily dug a trench across tbe track of tbe pests, which was soon filled witb a struggling mabs Kero?eue vai il j tnred ia and set on fire, but the civaoci:g hosts tnarobed on until tbe last of the line had been consumed, and the crop cf com, which would otherwise have been entirely destroyed, was saved. Anoth er farmar in tbe tame vicinity scattered straw ia advance of the worms, which was also saturated with kerosene and set on fire, and succeeded in saving bis eorn. The following is related by the South Carolina Calhoun Time, about two weeks ago Mr. Mr. Smith, liviog a few miles of Calhoun, Georgia, on the Oostanaula mer, lost a belter and as it was fine stock made diligent search, but could not find it A few days ago a party of young men fishing on tbe river were attracted by tho smell of a dead carcass, and upon examining tbe cause, lo and behold, they found a monster catfish, which bad swallowed tbe ealf, and the horus of tbe calf be coming entangled in tbe fish's gills bad drowned tbe fish. Tbe fisb measured exactly twenty-three feet and seven in ches in length and was five feet eight and one quarter inches aoross tbe head, and from tbe length of its whiskers sup posed to be one hundred and seventeen years old. A Florida paper relates the follow ing; A strange sad accident lately be fell a La Grange boy in Florida. Charles heard bad shot a water turkey, aod not kuowing tbe vioious character of the fowl wben wounded went for bis game. It showed fight and plucked out one of Mr. Heard' eyes io tbe en counter. Tbe other eye i now affected and Mr. Heard is in Atlanta for treat ment. The Philadelphia Record of last Thursday says. One of the largest aud Hoest collec tions of Jersey cattle that has ever been offered at public sale in this country went nnder tbe hammer yesterday at ilerkneaa' Bazeer. There was a large attendance, and tbe bidding was spirited. There were in all 82 head disposed of 60 cows and 22 calves Tbe average for cows was $457-68; for calves $187.05. The highest price paid $1360 for a Coomaseie heifer, 2 years old, and the pre mium calf, two month old, brought $700. Advertise ia the Sentinel and Re publican, it has a large and growing circulation. Every family should bare a connty news, paper. Subscribe for the Sentinel and Re publican. Enrich a:d revitalize tli fc'.ood by umij Brown's Ire a Bitte.-s. PUBLC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The 'aadcrsigned, Administrator cam testamento annexo of Jacob Frank, lata of the Borough of Patterson, Juniata county, Pa., deceased, will expose to sale by public vendue, or out-cry. at the premises ia the Borough of Patterson, oa SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1882, at I o'clock r. , oa said day, tbe follow ing valuable real estate, to-wit s Ns. 1. A lot of ground situate oa the North side ol Main Street, in tbe Borough of Patterson, near the Pennsylvania Bail road depot, having a front vf 50 feet oa Main Street, awl extending back 110 feet te an alley, bennded on the South by Main Street, en tbo West by lot of Pennsylvania K. B-, North by an alley, and East by lot Set. I, having thereon erected a good DWELLING HOUSE, STORK-ROOM, STABLE AND 0UT-BU1LD1XGS. Tbe above is one of the best business locations in the town, and a very desirable property . K. 3. Tbe undivided one-half of a half lot of ground, situate ea Path Street, in said Borough, having a front of 25 feet on Path Street, and extending back 110 feet to an alley, having thereon erected a Good Dwelling Uouse. Also, One Share of Stock in Perryaville Bridgo Co. TERMS f SALE : Ten per cent of pur chase money to bo paid on day of sale, 23 per cent, on 1st ol January, A. !., IBni, hen deed will be delivered and possession given ; S3 J per cent April 1, A. D., 18H4, with interest Irom January 1, 1S83 ; 33 per cent, of purchase motey to remain in the property during the natural life of Eli zabeth Frank, widow of Jacob Prank, de ceased, and the intercut thereof to bo paid to be paid te her on the 1st day of January, A. D-, 1884, and annually thereafter on tbe 1st day of January of each year, and at ber death the principal to be paid te Joseph Kothrock, Adminieiiator c. t. a. of Jacob Prank, deceased ; unpaid purchase money to bo secured by judgement bond aud mort gage. JOSEPH KOTHKOCK. July 2G-F2.J Adm'r of Jacob Frank dee'd. PRINCIPAUUNE CHICAGO KANSAS CITY T. J POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL. 4 lies fraft t Slanacer. fcn. AaK Chicago. 111. Chicago, lli GUTTHISOUT! S?S15i2S40wVERi. We have stores in 1 5 leading Cities, fpntn which mr acrata obtain tlraum-h qnlrkly. Ifir FnrMritxi vt Prlnripnl OtXrr are at Frits Pau Send tor our New Cataloajne aod terms to street Audrey MM I nVCl I '3 Sprtn; Carden St. s sis LUICLLphilaoei.phia.pa. Noted Men.! Dr. John F. Hancock, late President of the National Phar maceutical Association of the United States, says: "Brewa't Iroa Firren has a tiea.Tr fcir, i, conceded to be a fib lic ; the character of tho maira acturera is a voucher tor its purity aad nediciaal excellence." Dr. Joseph Roberts, President Baltimore Pharmaceutical College, says: "I indent it as a fine medicine, reliable as a strengthening tonic, free from alcoholic poisons. Dr. J. Faris Moore, Ph. D., I'rofcssor of Pharmacy, Balti more Pharmaceutical College, says: Brown's Iron Bitten l a safe and reliable medicine, positively free from alcoholic poisons, and can he recommended as a tonic ftr cue those who oppose alcshoL" Dr. Edward Earickson, Secretary Baltimore College of Phar macy, says I indors It as so excellent medicine, a good digestive agent, and a noaiiuoaicanl ia the fuiicst Dr. Richard Sapixgton', one of Baltimore's oldest and most reliable physicians, says : " AH who have used it praise its standard virtues, and the well known character of tlie house which makes it is a sufficient guarantee of its being all Ihst is claimed, for shey are men who cnuld not be in duced to offer anything else but a reliable medicine lor public use." A Druggist Cured. Bonwthero, Md.. Oct. ts, iSSo. Gentlemen : brown's Iron bit ters cured me of a bad attach of Indigestion and fullness in the stom ach. Having tested it, 1 take pie ju st re ia recommending it to my cus tomers, and am glaa s say it give, est tire satismctioa to sll." Oao. W. HorrxASf, Druggist. Ask yoar Druggist for Brown's I son Bmus, and take no other. One trial will convince you that it it just what yoa need. CAt'TIO! HOT1CE. ALL person are heroby cautioned against fishing or bunting, gathering berries, or crossing fields, or ia any other way trespassing the lands of the onder signtd J. S. Kaiirr. If you wirb to bur real estate, consult Ae eolumjs of lb 3in(iml etnd Rtpvbl'rir.. 5? And silvljPKbT lliie io St. Jmrph. pulnu la lninir,;ch:on. Topfka. Di-al-Nrbraka.MlMonn. KmiTxf3feinn, Ualiaa. tiat s. New Mrxtco, Arlrtma. lSiS vctlwa. Q-nil. liilr 1:. no.uprrlur lor Ail-rt i-.i-CSSS-J-'s- JiiniiespolU aaa Sr. PuL ly eonertfd la Q b-i,i tbe Great Ilallroad In Itie World fr SSS1 iTn. an of irivi. VA!l conaeetloM madeJt Through N'XjXVNV Trytt, Tickets via lUiSynr YyVud too will Olrbrt. d Llue SfSd aai travell a sale at alt o3':rinyOS. loturr. Instead tae r. s. VtiSv of "" Canida. (V AnNSzftJv comfort. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. For Governor. Gis. James A. Bsavaa. For Judge of On Suprtm Court, Wa. Hcsar Sivu. For Lieut. Governor, W. T. Da vtxs. For Stc'y of Internal Jffuirsp Jobs M. Gacxa. For Cougreuman-at-larfr. Hakeiot Bbosics. STATE. For Governor. Joaa Stxwaet. i'sr Judge of the Supreme court. Ucoaoc JcxKM. For Lieutenant Governor. Col. Lis vi Ciao Drrr. For Sec'yof Internal .Iffairt. Majob Geo. W. Meeeicx. For Congretman-at-lerge. Col. William SIcMichacl. ANNOUNCEMENTS. SHERIFF. jCditor Sentinel and Republican I would announce U. S. Lanuis, of Payette town ship as a candidate for tbe office of SheriA. Mr. Land is is a young man of good habits, and is abundantly qualified to till tbe posi tion of Sheritr. His f ather and grand-tath-er were citixens in Juniat before him. lie ia an earnest Republican, lie speaks Doth, the English, and German languages, which in Juniata county, is a matter ol im portance and satisfaction to both olficer and people. PAYETTE. REGISTER AND RECORDER Editor Sentinel and Republican The peo ple ol Juniata, will tie called upon to choose a suitable person to fill tbo office of Regis ter and Kecordrr at the election in Novem ber. Allow us to present the name of 3. B. Caveny, of Patterson as a candidato for tbe Kepublican nomination. Mr. Caveny ia well known as a gentleman of integrity, possess ing every qualification requiite tor the effi cient discbarge of the office, and if nomin ated mil be a strong candidate. F4.YETTE. REGISTER AND RECORDER. Editor Sentinel an4 Republican Allow me to announce the name of S. P. Whar ton ol Spruce Uill as a candidate for the of fice of Krgiler and Recordt-r, subject to Republican iig-. Mr. Vh;irti.u is a youi g man of good business qualitlc itions and it elected, would make an obligiug aud cflicieut officer. MILPORD. LEGISLVITRK. Editor Sentinel and Republican I'leae anuuuuve Mujur J. 1. linn i ll, of Spruce Li ill, as a cauiiiuate lor the ullice of As-em- bly, auljuct to Repubiicau usages. Tne Major is a representative nun ol tbj jieople, was a goud xoMicr, would be a strong can didate aud, if elected a sa'e and prudent legislator. EEALE. JURY COMMISSIONER. Editor Sentinel and Republican I would present Henry Auiier, ot Walker township, to tbe Republicans ol Juniata conntv, as a suitable tandidatv for t'.ie office of Jury Commissioner. Mr. Aucker is a gol Ro publican, but still not o blind a party man as to do injustice i:i the relation of men Irr the jury wheel. WALKER. Legal .Yoiiccs. AdiuinlNtrator'9 notice. Ettate of Elisabeth Either, deceased. LETTERS of Administration en tho es tate of Elizabeth Pbhcr, late oi Beaie township, Juniata county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to w bum all persons indebted to aaid estate are reriueMed to make paymeut, those bating claims or demand, will make known the same without del.tv JOHN K.U"FFMAN, Jnly 12, Administrator. Huntingdon Pa., Adiuinistrutor'a Notice. Ettate of Oliver P. Kotherman, deceased, LETTERS of Administration on the vs ate ol V. P. Kotht-rman, late of Hon rue township, Juniata county, Pa., deceas ed, have been granted to the uudersigneti, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to nuke piyment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delav. W.'tf. SMITH, Administrator. July II, lbfJ. Thoiupsontown Pa., OlirilAlXS' COURT SALE. or VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Pursuant to an order of sale issued out of tbe Orphan's Court ot Juniata county, Pa., aud to nie directed, will be exposed to pub lic sale, ou the premises, one-half mile north ol Oakland Mills, in Pajette township, J u niata couuty, at oue o'clock p. m., on SATURDAY AUGUST 26th, 1882. All that certain Sfestmage. Plantation and Tract of Land, In Payette township, Juniata county, Pa., bounded by lands of Isaac Suellunberger, David Smith, KeuDea Leonard, J. A. and J.C. Pines, and John Auker, containing 115 .ACRES, Mora or less, aod having thereon erected a ST0XE DYYELLLNG HOUSE, IVeiv Bank Ham, "Wagon Shed, And other oot-buildings, all of which are cleared except five acres. Tbe land is in the highest state of cultivation, g'md water on the premises, and excellent fruit. No. 2. A Tract of Woodland, Situate in F errusn ieti township, bounded by lands ol David Wollgang, 11. Zook and Clifford Singer, containing IO Acres and SO Perches, More or less. TERMS or SALE : One-fourth the pur chase money to oe paid on confirmation ot sale by tbe court; one fourth on tho 1st day ot April, A. D 1883, when deed wil. be delivered and possession given ; one fourth on the first of April A. Drm84, with inter est from April 1st, 1884; one-fourth on the 1st day of April. A. D. 1886, with interc-t from April 1st 1883, two last payments to be secured by judgement. LEWIS DEUAN, Administrator of Henry II. Brubaker. June 21, 1882. The GREAT GERMAN INV1GORATOR is tbe only specific for impotency, nervous debility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in tbe back or bides, no matter bow shattered tbe system may be from excesses of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the lost functions and secure health and happiness. $1.00 per box, six boxes for $3.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by P? J. CHENEY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Circulars and testi monials sent free. Subscribe Tor tht Sentinel and Republican. It cor taius more, and a greater variety of good and useful reading matter tha any ctker eounr- pi per. Graybill's Column. SPRING STOCK OP CARPETS. Choice Patterns in VELVET, . Body and Tapestry BRUSSELS, Eitra Super Medium and Low Grade 1INGRAENS, A Full Lin. of VENETIAN, A Complete Line of RAG, A Choice Lot of HEMP, Beautiful Patterns in STAIR, and HALL Carpets AT TIIK Carpet House FURMITUHE BOOMS OF THE JUNIATA VALLEY. -:o:- At the Old Stand, OX THE SOUTHWEST COItSER Ot BRIDGE & WATEE STREETS, MIFrLISTOvTX, P.4., HAS JUST RECEIVED All tbe above ennmerateil articles, and all other thiDgs that may be found in a CARPET I ITOITIIRE STORE, AT 1'KICES BEYOND COMPETITION ALSO, ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE. AN EXTRA LINE OF MATTRESSES, Bolsters and Pillows, WINDOW SHADES, IN ALL COLOES. Looking Glasses LN GREAT VARIETY. In fact everything usually kept in a First-CIass House Furnishing Goods Store. JOHN S. GRAYBILL BRIDGE STREET, South Side, Between the Canal and Water Street, JiIFFLLTOrVJS . . PEW.1. Keic Advertisements. $;00 Beward I CVIR A MIUIM or Psor. Gbh- ITTE'S iidneyPads Have already een sold in this country and in France ; every one of which bas1 gives per feet satisfaction and h.is p r ft,rn ed c n r e every tit;..; ustd according to direc tions. We now say to tbe atflicled and doubling cn-.'S that we will pay the above raward l'r a single case of That the Pad fails to cu.-j. This Great Remedy will poaiTtviLT and riRMA-NSSTLr . cure Lumbago, Lame Back, Sciatica, Gravel, : Diabetes, Dropsy, Brijjht's Diseaae of the i Kidney, Incontinence and Retention ol tbe t L'rine, ludamttioa of the Kidney, Catarrh I of Ihk Bladder, High-Colored L'rine, Pain ia the Back. Side or Loins, Nervous Weak ness, and iu la t all disorders of the Blad der and Urinary Or;ans, whether contract ed by private disease or otherwise. LADIES, if jou are suffering from Fe male Weakness. Leucorrhcsa, or any dis ease ol the Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary Oigans, If OL ri.H BE CIREDI Without swallowing nauseous tuadicinea, by simply wearing PROF. UULIIETTE'S FREXCrt KIDNEY PAD, WllICa Cl RLS. BT ABSOBPTIO. Ask your druggist for PROF. GUIL ilEnk'3 PKENCII KIDSEY PAD, and take uo other. If he ha, not gut it, send yiMU SLd you wiil rcecivtb Pod by return wail. TLSIIMONIU. LROil TDK PEOPLE. Jtnuz ElcusMax, Lawyer, Toledo, Ohio, says: "One of Prof. Guilmettu'a French Kidney l'-da cured ui-9tt Linn !):.;; o in three Ul .. . -1' fill... Ill- 1- . - U K 1.1 t ..... Tl iriv.n tl " by the be,l Doetor as incurable. During afl Ibis lime 1 suited unt-idanv and nam out large sums ot laonry .. . .. Gkoaua YtTtaB, J. P., Tolfiit, O-.says: "I suffered tor :Urt tears itli Sciatica and Eldnry I)ica-.r, and oftrn bad to go about ou crutches. 1 was munly aud perma nently cured alter wearing Prof. uiluiette's French Kidney Pad lour weeks." , '0.1 lea S.i'. StoiT. .Sylvauia.O., writes: "1 lists been a great surk-r-T tr 15 years ! with Bright'a Disease oi the Kiiintya. For 1 weeks at a lime 1 was unable lo get out of k. .1 ? titf-ir hrr:s i.f n.Mtif.ltit. h'll tli.iv 1 W tva 1 gave me only temporary icl-ci. i wore two rmlauelpDia (Z aleifJin0" lvulrw?.j ol Prut. UuiUuotte's Kidney Pads aix weeks, D " ' and 1 now know I am entirely cured." irmugeuieut of Psager Tralas. Va. IUli t Jsaorn;, Toledo, O., says : " For years I havo b-en coiiri.t.l, a great. Jtsa 26'h, lbsii. part ol the time to hit be"1, with Leucor-I t,.,. ..,.. si -. i rhura and Irmale wcain-as. 1 wore cno ol T"" r,,A"r " ''" - Uuiluictte'a Kidnv l':.;a and waa curud Uifur'w V1J AKeutoara, a; 7 i. a. u one minih." ' i "' 1 lj V- .. , , .. ... ., K. Ii. 0;i!i.TLnl.H.!(.rocrr, tiuuiar. O., writes: "1 -LTJVred tor 2i v era wuh lame back and in Unci. Trek.1 1 wis ui- olPrvl.Uuit- nentiy cund ly wcariog one incite s liid'iv Pd3." port, Ind., wt.cn si miiiig in a:i ontiT lor kitln.-V l'i.s. H rites ; I v. umi ihn nrst iiiii e had and 1 rtv-ivi.l lu.irc bell' etit Iryin it tn -ill unj iiii:.i 1 ever iimh. I: te had and I rcc-ivci m.irc b.-n- tn .tl tin n.i 1 ever iim-i. I:i ids give better gtniTiil sa;iMuc - :n Kidue. - reined v e ever .old."' ' , ' , iio.mki.k, lrns2f.t, lluioilMt, lart the Pa tiou tmu a: Uar K. S ao.. write: Wo aro worKinz iir lively trade 1:1 jwir Pads, and are L .;ring of good resnits Iroiu thrm every d.iy." Prof. Uuilmi-ltcN Ircutit I j. or Pail Will positively cure Fever and -Ague, Dumb Ague, gae t'ak, liiiioiis Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price (1.50 by mail. Send tor Prot. Guilmctte'a Treatise on tbe Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address rREXlH 1A CO.. Tolido, Ohio. 131 pv Thousands ot IVV iJXJ mVi I ' Slaves are auntially robbed of Ibeir victims, lives prolouged, happiness and health restored by the use of tbe great GERMAN IKVIG0P.AT0E, w hicb positivoly cures lmpoteucy (caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal Weak Bess, aud all diseases that I olio w as a se quence of Suit-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lassitude, paiu in tbe back, dimnoa of vimoi, premature old age, and many other diseases that had to insanity or consumption and a premature grave. Send lor circulars with testimonials free by wait. The Invlgorator is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes lor , by all drug gists, or will be sent tree by mail, securely sealed, on receipt ot price, by addressing I J. CUES El", Druggist, lrti Summit Sc., Toledo, Ohio. Sole Agent for the United Slates. SUrch 2J, ltfhli. Wholesale and retail by L. Eanks k. Co., Druggists, Mifiiiutown, Pa. JUaMATA VALLEY BANK, OF JIIFI LISTOWX, PA. WITH BRANCH AT PuUT ROl'AL. Stockholders Individually Liable. J. KEVIN roMEROV, President. T. VAN IKWIN, CosA.rr DiaiCToas: J. Nevin Pomeroy, Josoph Kothrock, Georgn Jacobs, Philip .M. Kepner, Amos G. Bonsai, Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy, Stockholm as : J. Nevin Pomeroy, R. E. Parker, Philip M. Kepner, Anuie VI. Shelley, Joseph Kothrock, Jane II. lrsrin, George Jacobs, Mary Kurtz. L. E. AtkioHoa, Samuel M. Kurti, W. C. Pomeroy, J. Holmes Irwin, Amos (i. Bonsall, T. V. Irwin, Noah Hertzler, F B. Frow. Charlotte Snyder, John Hertzler. Interest allowed at the rate of 2 per cent, on 6 months certificates, 3 per cent, on l'l months certiorates. f.jan23, 1879-tf tAlTIOS .UillE. A LL persons are hereby cautioned arains X trespassing npon the lands ot the nn derstgned, in Fayette, Del iware or Walker township, by fishing, bunting, or in any other way. Jonathan Riser Wm Branthoaer Henry S piece Catharine Kartz John McMeeu D B Dimra W Smith S J Knrtx Henry Aukcr Lncien Dunn J W Hosteller Jesse Pines JarpS Hrop-. C G Shellv A Ii Kurtz DuvmI Smith S Owen Evans Teston Benner C. F. Spicher John L Anker J B Garber S M Kantfman J F Dettra David Hnnberger Arnold Varnes lvl K Myera Nov 0, IK-1. Traveler? Guide. P EN IS S YLV ASIA E AILliC TIM K-TABLE Oa slsJ after Jfoadey iuK 6 i, tbat stop at auffila will run aa EASXWAET. UlttUA AC0MJs0410 !Mtw j. , daliy at 0,20 a. ra., au Uny tt Jy.ulH lions between ttiiZiu aU ilarn,!,-.... rivod at liarruburg at H to) a. n. " " Joiiasiows ExiiilcaTaai10 at 7.80 a m., and or.piag ,t nii, stations between Ai'utoa and Kn-.H" reaches 31 itt in at 10.45 a. ra.. Bar,; 12.40 p. &!., and arrlTs ,'a t Mail Taa.Lt Imtn fiua,, a . 7.33 a. m., Aitoona s.t a.'ii p. a ,Ej ping at all regular statioaa at ' -i at S p. m., Uarristcrj ?.3u p. m lt deiphia 2.5i a. in. "-.iVrv Mall Expresa leaves Pittsburg at 1 0(i. Altoon. IS .20 p m ; Tvrore 7 Kp tngdon b 05 pin; Lcwistown J -n rm u" " flin 4i p m ; llarmburg 11 1; p i . delphiaiiiSpm. S, nhJr WESTWARD. Virtu AwojuioBinws Icar,., riabura daily at 10.15 a. m-.at iip,, ali stations, arrives at Jliijjiu atliii ; j, Hail Ttaix li-.e niladeluh; tVjr 7 JO a. m., Harri.burj 1 l.ii a. a -ss 12.SS p. m., arming at ali statiunsV " " Mifflin awl AIImm rracfce A;towr.a '' i p. in., f ittsborg 8. 3'J p. n,. burg dailv cicej,! S tnday at 5.10 p r. stopping at all stations, arrive . v l 7.0 p. IU. "- 'a.! Pacific Express le ivee I'tiladelnL;. :i - , p m ; Ham.bnrg 3 W a iu ; DunvaLat 63 am; Newport 4 13 a m ; i:irjn 5.,' . m; Lewistnwn iiatu; .VtcVe-t wi ' am; JIt.L'nion (ilaiaj Hantin 4J a m ; Pct-rsburj 7 0; a m ; Sprac. c r 7 15 aw; TjDue 7-1 am; te.Is 7 65 a ia ; Aitwona a to a in: Fit- 1 85 p in. Fast Line leaves PbUad!rbia -r iu m ; Harriaburg 8 13 p ta ; Ui;3ia 4 s; ' i.eisiown eoBpa; Huatingdun 6 6vnu Tyrone 40 p iu ; Altoona 7 0 m . '' UrgllSOpa. . .ri'. LEW1STOW21 lJiVl.SIw.s. .. , .owiJiwwa jutictioa lor va. nv at o i S a u. 10 50 a ni. i Sunburr at 7 05 a ru, 1 25 p n. P ni ; ! , iraius arrive at I.ewistou Ju Milru.v at 9 10 , n, I JO pm. 4 40 p u : frac. Sunburyat lOJ.laiu, -Ha'pu.. TTKONEUlVsioX. '. . h -.T, Ir i Iir.btti'!tf t "l!" 8 80 P Trains leave Tyront Io iipise iuriurw!m:l auJ r:..ir.:.i a i' am, 70 pin. j rains ieav iy,-oae l r W arrwri ila-V cuusyi.ama r urnace aa I icoLa at iUa ni at.d 3 SO p m. Trains arrive at Tyrone from HsCleiouw ami VkIi Hiven at 7 SO a ui, and 6 8i r. Trains arrive at Tyruna friu Curw.ii,! ville and Cleiirtlcld at 7 4 a nt.L J 515 1 m Trams arrive at Trrunu f"roui'.S :u.ia TlrJ riors Mark ard Pennsylvania r urnae'e s; 7 2 a ni, at 2 15 p ni. n 1 ... ircrcw lorfcvial'hiUdcIj.h:, tld .,BU,.4 Brock Kouto," 7 io a -a i m 1 p m ' MJ j For Pt.il ..1 ..'t,ai,,, , 7 5, ,:Jaai , 4i ard 4 - pu.. ' tor Ueadi: v at Z s r'j. 7 ku v, i-j. . U . a ia. ..,..! o ..-.. . ' - . . - . SHU "J II III j or' '.ctt' S!:!o t -J 7 'j i'j Ui ,u4 ! ' " P HI. at.ii vis S;:i.n-. Ki.l ' "!'!.!: s-in. J rix n at . 10 p m. ISr f Aiibilro, SlOani. 1 OT A,ietwn at i I'-i, 7 r.v, Vj a ta, 1 ii 1 n'j 1 ? rj- T nvJ 145 P'u trains have j throngH cms for .W yotS AH. town. su.D.irs. For Alli-ntown and way stations at 5 ie a ui For hVadmc.FliUdolj.biaakd war jtaticat at 5 2) a in and 1 li p ni. Trans fur Jiarrnburg Ut.it an ; Leave Nev York via Ailautowu ai W a ni 1 00 and 530 p m. ' Leave New York vi-'Ii-uuu" Brenk Enata" and Philadelphia 7 45 a su, 1 go, 4 .Ki iia5 6 SO p ra , and l.tJO n.iduiUt, arrivbj t ilamsburg 1 60, 8 W, 3 . in., aad M 10 and 9 4'1 a ra. U-ave Philadelphia at 4 SO 9 45 a an., 1 (W, 5 50 and 7 35 p m. Leave Pottsville at (i 00, 9 00 a.m. and 4 40 p in. Leave Keaaing .t 4 60. 7 iO, 11 ii m, 1 -i", 6 15, 7 i'J and lo JO p ia. Lvuve poSt.ville via Schuyikul nd Susii hanna Branch, 3 15 a n. and 4 1-j , m. Leave Allentown at 8 W, 8 Iw a m., 1 J U, 4 30 aud 9 05 p r.i. s csD.tr s. Leave New York via Ailentowa, at i l . m. Philadelphia at 7 36 p Leave Kua lin; at 7 30 a w and U ii p Leave Allentown at 'JOS p u STEEI.105 BK.4.-1CII. Leave HAKRISKt'UG for-Paxton, L'h ipl. aud Steelton d.,ily, except Ssria, le. 040, 35 a ra, I S5 and 940 y m ; i. , i cept Saturday and Sunday, 6 85 p la, and - Saturday oniy, 4 45 and C I", p 01. Keturnmg," leave STEEI.TUN dailr. cept S unday, fi 10. 7 0i, 10 00, : I 5' a ra, 2 10 and 10 10 p ci ; daily, excep". a!id-r and Sunday. 10 p rn, aud ea i-la.d.? only, 5 10 and S -W p ru. C. U. HANCO'.K General Pass'r and Ticket Jgen!. J. E. WOOITEN, Genera! Manarer. Complete Stock, F. Ia. CwRAYUIIals, HoAiiiorviiie, !'., nas just relumed from the Eastern CiHva w ith a Large and Cotuoirtu Z toeU t DRY GOODS, CiROCEKIErt, tJl EETS H iKH, Hats & Caps, Boots & Sices, READY-MADE CLOTHING. Cigars, Tobacco, i.c, V.c. PartiCi will fiud it greatly to their advan tage to call and see my stork and hear soy Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Stock Entirely New and Fresh. I can accommodate you in almost avery thing called lor in a Store ol this kind. V. L.. GR4IUILL. Get. 25, 31. Valuable Ecal Estate at Priyat Sale. Tht- nndersiijned 1 n'?rs for !, a tract i One Hundred Acres, of L.nd im.-r.; or lesa, on wa.ch there is 1 Urgu T'JNE-DrELL-lN;-IiiJl"E, in good repair ard jot-4 BANK-BaKN an I out luildirgs au GRIST-MILL three storiea b;gb, tj tm lower stories of which am atone, and the third frame, win, luree ma ot gmd french burrs, nni new overshot wheel, one raw iron w lieel, and geariTijrn.Mrly new tlons ont, with excellent water p-jwer. Tl laud ia good tarin land, and ia a good sta ot cultivation. The mill has an excallent country trade. This ia a very desirable property ad is situated one mile and one-fourth north-west of McAusrerville Jnnjata Co., Pa., and wilt be sold on easy terms. For further particulars please rail er address Jacob Smith. IUirii:. P. . ' AF JMni,h l.f. K : lOT . .. . . n. jJobnE. Smith, Cheater Bpriugs, Chester j comity Pa. Subscribe for tbe Stlnei'anTRepniiu. -. ; a paper that givw you a greater variety, any ; iwttnr setrc'ion .f rad;r ?,ttr t'sn ?.e t olhT -::fot i" th. JtinU'..' Vf';".