Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 28, 1882, Image 2

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wTtydacfldsy, Jan. ?9, 1SS2.
tMTO XD rtnrttCTQB.
It is a sonroe of rogret that the
Hermtrorg Republican convention
when it met last week did not send
the juostion of nomination back to
the people. Such a course wonld
hare checked the Independents to a
great d agree from extending their
organizations in the respective coun
ties of the State. It looks now Terr
much as if they purpose organizing
in every county. Here in Juniata
there are quite a numbor of them,
and they are talking about putting
a county ticket in the field. As to
whelaer the ticket will end in talk or
whether a ticket will in fact be rre-t
sent! to the ittonle for their .,ff.
rage in Jauiata, time will tell.
Blum's houu in Washington cost
foCOJO a 8'im as largo as tnat paid
for the building of tha Court House
in this place.
A srxsiB of coal rornpauies in the
anthracite region tiavo informed their
men that after the lit of July their
wages shall be increased 10 jier cent
Th- district tint was devastated i
by etonn in Iowa, on the 15th, inst.,
was a feT d iys ago ag-iin visited by
a crcl-jua that took well nigh even
thing that was left by the hrt6tonn.
It is dreadful to think over.
A UTTSBifcO Jury Commissioner
5-1 t!iroo ctaor roughs entered s
chinaiaan's laundry It: Friday and
forcibly took between four an 1 five
dollars from tho un ct the fl wery
ki::gi..a. The jury co&iansaionor,
!.t l)rge on a bail bond of if 1000,
th ? ct"j"r thisves are ia jail in default
of liail. Tho jury commissioner is a
Ji-.p:ibiican. Fie wili have to resign
the jf!i;o.
List week, tho specisl artist of the Stati- J
w.l uad R:pnb!ican ciitutcJ, whit hat boo a j
pronounced to n good picture or tho
bid view or tljr local reform spoils
gatherer of ths 7Vt4ar, nhon be stands in
prjat dignity, with his thnmbs :n the arm
h'I ut his vest. It ik a source of regret
t':it the picture of our artist ta not appre
ia:ed by vassal. Ho can never have
another stii-ii picture taken here at home by
lor! talent. If tit- dr. ires as correct a pict
ure of himself taken here, ho will be com
polled to fend to Now York or Philadelphia
fraaa.iit. A fri- ni of tho vassal in an spo
lif -tic way, save, that tho spoilt gatherer is
In trv ucsusebjs pic'nrewasnot present
ed wit'i a front lace," or aide view. The
14JLSV -V rjv4, bu VSW aunvu - i. aa t
.tho President vesteraav for the pur
er hii appearance that ho believes, that he j IM)b0 G,- c jnTin"einnr lauI that he OilgU
woulu present a nii-re tavoraUu appearance j to mterfere io Guiteau 8 bull tif by
t.y tn.ia lace, or idu view. We con- j cjmumtiug that t i-craole m arjrer's
nail our artist on that point, and he j Bentc.nce to imprisonment for life,
rrotnpily says that it U a tuistako on the Up0u tho ground that he "is insane.
v. I'.r. m.-1 (.ar,trt.l,i .n.-S . k.Oi..f
r . ; ; : : .r ; ; i
juz r-.-.i uu-ciiiiiua u mu-ivufi; ui nu ;
i;..- ... ; - ... ,.f .v. l... iM !
i e "v "
r! !h j opntiun thit h u of Lacaiitn ex
traction, b: l with ail that, be iuauts upon
it, tLst a luck view picturo of ths local le
formur it t'uj best. A -frout face," or tide
view picture, wou'd b'iu; out the outlines
of the too', mouth, and eyes, and tbey are
Dot CaucaKiau in appearance. Ill textures
are nuru l:ke the tualuns of the Albino,
than tbe lecture ! tbeCsuaasU n. lie did
n:t pay o'.r artist lor tk:g the picture. It
be w re to bare his picture t-ikeu iu the
rug uc ? gailery, :i would be paid tor by the
fas-paver. We hope that hit picture
it a -fi-ont face"' or aide view mw
nevr har. , in the rogues gallery; j
bat tech prominence bas evrrUKen .nun, !
that never p.-es.-nied the Dimes of ccr- j
tain parties for jury purposes an
A had tbeir !
names placed :a tue jury w heel to be drawn
as jurors to it, in caw for trial af court,
lie confesses to a failure to obtain an artibt
to take a picture of the editor of tbe 5eati
ntl ani Rtpublican for tbe spoils gathering
Journal. Spoils ar rverjming wiih the
TMset. He U reaiy for any kind of a com
bination, and all kinds ol denunciatory re
marks aud writig to cover np the purpose
f grasping tbe .polls. He denounced a
largo portion o! the Democratic party, be
cause they did nut re-nominate hnu lor tho
ortice of Legislature, so that ho could revel
amids; thu spoils of the place, lit denounc
ed a large numr-cr of Republicans individ
ually a? b'f ridden wh!o the collar ot a
bus.1 was around bia neck because tuoy
wouM not entt-r a combination not to elect
a Kepnblican Superintcndant of common
clioo'. but txcau.o they would not help
to elect a political protege.
lie is au artful concealor of his purposes,
et.m b:le in tin act of d.nou!icn:g onr ar
tist's first rate outline picture of tbe van
sal, be introduce a plea tor his spuiU pro
cess by declaring bow it tiai boon tue pur
pore ucarest tu his heart to reduce tbe pub
lic expeuso ol priming iu Juniata County,
by ci.ing a ceti when a curtain bill s be
fjw Ibit of tbu itiiut and Republican.
He presents that at a test caa, but il ia tbe
aD, of the dodge ol the trickster ; it ia tne
dodge of tbu spoils g.tberer. On a reduc
tion of one bill Be wo aid crvsto the im
pression that be is wiiliug to do the public
printing at a rate far below any oiber pub
lisher, but wbeu brougui to the ten of sub
mitting ine printing to tbe lowest bidder be
sneaks around liKo a epoiit salberer, aud
pleads that It ahad not be done, and 10 that,
he spoils gathering rii'g to wbicb be be
longs say Anien. Tbe vassal' cry ot low
ered cxi-enau in public printing is like his
former cry of boss ! boss t against a num
ber ot Ittj best men in this county, while
at the tame time, the collar of a boss
encircled su owu neck. In the case of a
towered nubile unntinir expense, while be
is crying see bow cheaply 1 d the priming.
Jl9 does alt he knows now It prevent the
-public priming from being let to tue loweat
biidir. We are not prepared to tay that
the Stntiutl and RtpubUcan would becouio
a competitor the lowest bidder lor the
public priming. But at advertisert, tbe
- -
of tbe Sentinel and
Rrnniiuan coa-ider it beneath tnem to en
deavor to creat the impreasion that thoy
publish advertiseeients or county otticials
lawer Wet thaa other advertier, and
then in a tnoaking way beseech the officialt
sot to tubmit ths public advertising to a
public lotting the way by wbieh it can be
Mort.ine-1 who would do tbs prioting at
aha ltwt rates. What sortet a local re
former is fce that boatte of the cheapness
of bis advertising and J.b work rates, and
then denonneet b.s neighbori for proposing
to snbrait the advertising that tbs public is
Intercjted in U a public lettiugt Tbe public
Hinting should be Wit to the lowest bidden
Itst wasld test tbs protection ni ini vassal
sTid ht-"'r!TM.
Tbk Democratic State Convention
meets at Harrisburg on this the 28th
day cw June.
The Maaoas celebrated the 150th
anniversary of their establishment in
Jfennsylvama, last friday.
SaxvrcB Camesox'b term of office
will expire before the term of office
of Senator Mitchel expires.
Wisanrarow people say, that more
ladies call upon President Arthur.
than called upon proceeding presi
As exchange says : Camphor on
handkerchief placed on your pillow
at mgbt vail prevent the mosquitoes
from disturbing your slumbers.
Br a new law in Virginia, drum
mers that sell by nam pie have to pay
a license tux of '250, and $50, for
every 50,OJO worth of additional
goods sold.
The relatives of Thomas Jefferson,
have protested agaiust having nis re
ukeu to Washington city, and
there reentered.
Good for the re la-
Thz Philadelphia Record says ; The
Seyboldt girl in Chicago, who took
pjisoa because her mother wished tho
family to die all together, has had a
pand.ol in Danville, Illinois where
Allie Mille, a girl of 1-t- rears, took
arsenic because her father had mar
ried a bha;uulcs8 woman ; a compan
itn named Mary Oglie, 17 years old
took the same kind of poison because
she was an orphan ; while Mary
Jones, aged 12, took it because the
other two hi t taken it In the face
of ciuch said Jes as these tha question
mar well be ake2 ; Is not tne sa
credness of human life becoming less I
mid Ics fJt iu this cjuntry.
Tmr .Vori .American says; The
bill now before the Senate known as
the "Hjad Mmoy Bill," which im
poses a poll t.tx upon emigrants for
the purpose of maintaining un emi
gration bureau, is a proper one, and
snould becoma a law. Of the thou
ts.1u.j3 of immigrants who are pouring
into this couutry every week there
are many whose room is worth more
than their company, who aro at once
without means of suppjrt, and with
out abilitv to render useful service.
Tbe.te only go to swell tho ranks of
paupers and criminals, an. I if nre
were alive to our on interests, they
would be sent back to where they
beloD?. The time is coming when
we shall have to give more attention !
to this subject than we have hitherto
The .Vorth .Imerican of lat Fri
day's, sjys ; .Some persons who pre
sumably mean well, but ho certain
ly ate deficient both in sound judge-
1 ixri r a Hi I it irrtn I f nut a sn l i iit-i nnitn
l .... I II it... il.: '
i'v"i,ia , , lu'
uUesllOU wS IinUUV aiSIJOSed OI
. . i : r 1 . i :l i .
wueu "'"J4". 1.UUU1 lu" "u S'.-mnM
ftir iiik niipr.,i liiuanirv ri.n Riim
. -. i , , r
oasis fwwh ut;lt"co WHS.
rested. There is no exeiise for re-;
v.ving an is.ue which has been thus ,
authoritatively settled, and to give
tae Piosidciit advice upon tue sub
ject aiter ad that lias occuned is a
piece of iiQiKirtiuouce.
Ei Ciiisr Jrsricx Asnzw, is out in
a sem-otjudy nuirt letter against the
Pmlitueiph;a ll.-paolitraa S:ate ticket
and in lavor of tue Harrisburg Ke
puolicau State ticket The JuJge is
dreudiudy atraid ot tuo Democrats,
but it is probable tuat if ua were a
eaudiduta h" would be satishod to
tiave as UiJiiiy Vote for him as Could
he induced to do so. It the Judge
had delivered turn self half as vigor
ousiy against certain abuses wituia
the lines of the Republican party liis
letter would have liad more atfWct
He is a lesxned man, but not just tue
bell sheep tu follow. He is tue gen
tleman tuat was put forward to write
a pamphlet for tue beueht of the le
gal fraternity and others, advocating
tlie doctrine that this state should
pay the $4,O'J.),0J0, for riot damages,
done to property by tlie riot
in 1877. It would have been
an unfortunate step for tnis Com
monwealth had tlie Legislature act
ed upon that advice. He is the best
Republican that advocates the most
thorough system of representative
government. Machine boss rule, is
tue very opposite ot Republicanism.
The Philadelphia Record says:
Drunkenness is oiten pleaded in ex
tenuation of crimes of the gravest
character. It is often the only at
tempted palliation of brutal murder.
The excuse is not without its weight,
if not with lawyers, at least with jur
ies. Tbe legal aspects of the matter
have lately been carefully discussed
in a case argued before tho New
York Court of Appeals, and the de
cision rcacned is oi interest. It was
Claimed by the counsel for a con
demned murderer that his client was
tbe victim of an appetite for drink
which amounted to a disease that
destroyed his will-power and render
ed him legally irresponsible, aa iu
the case of insanity- A new trial
I ifou f liAraf.ir-A nialrtul- heojiiiRA the
Court below had refused to charge
the jury that the accused was not re
sponsible if the crime had been com
mitted when he was the victim of
such disease or if committed while
he was drunk. The Court of Ap
peals refuses to recognize drunken
ness as any excuse for crime. It
holds that not even fremy or mental
auenation caused bv drink can ex
empt a person accused of murder
from criminal responsibility. II a
man voluntarily gets drunk and com
mits a crime whue tn tliat cunoition.
he must answer for the consequences
of his acts. The controlling reason
for holding a drunken mau to full
1 responsibility for auy act of violence
lies in the fact that if a condition of
drunkenness were adjudged a condi
tion of temporary insanity, druiiken
nesB. either real or assumed, would
hn made the convenient cloak for
everv form of violence. The decis
ions of the Court lie in tne dirtction
of aafety.
Ouiteau will be huue next Friday.
The preacher that the murderer is
most attached too, is Rev. "V. W
Hicka, of the Independont Methodist
church, at Washinirtoa. It is hoped
that the preacher will not disgrace
his profession on the day of the exe-
I cUtlOUi ny anuouncuig uiui iuo Biua
1 cf th vr rf cl b yn vhel away
Gennrox, is the name of the town
in Iowa, that was stricken so hard
by storm on the loth inst An Iowa
journalist says of it, "Grinnell, is a
town of New England people a thrif
ty intelligent people, and with the
lowest rate of crime and illiteracy in
the State, and the highest rate of in
telligence and morality." After read
ing the editors favorable remarks
relative to OrinnelL a citizen observ
ed, that, from the general standpoint
of most people, it is perfectly incom
prehcnsable that Deity should send
destruction and death in such terri
ble form upon a place peopled by
such exempalry citizens," Xot so
said auother citizen. God did not
send the storm. It was tho Demon
of the air, and the Demon of the air
is the Devil. It was tho Devil that
Bont the storm."
Re Convened
The Republican State Convention
that adjourned sine die, at Harria-
lOtb of last Mar, re
convened at Harrisbtrrg, last Wed
nesday June 21. Nearly 100 of the
original delegates were not present.
Their places were filled by substitutes.
Mr. Lear tne president of tuo sine
die convention, was not there. Mr.
David Taggart, of Northumberland,
was the substitute president. An ex
citing caucus was held in the State
Library, over the questiou as to
whether thero should be a new con
vention called under the proposed
new rules.
Judge Jessup, of Susquehanna, a
touuty, that gives a Republican nia-
lontr, earnostiv advocated a new
convention as tho mea:is whereby the
troubles iu the party may be search-
ed and offered tho following resolu
Risolvei); tho State committee,
when organized, be requested- to is
sue a call for a new convention under
the new rules, to complete the State
ticket, with full power to take such
action npon the ticket alroady nomi
nated as shall be for the best inter-
est oi tne itepuoucau party in ilo
j si i n . !
Mr. Huey, of Philadelphia, spoke
in favor of the resolution, and a new
convention. Philadelphia is a major
ity county. Mr. Ualdewell, of Mercer
county, made a speech for a new con
vention. Mr. Giikins&n, of Bucks
county delivered a sjieech in favor of
w invention; Others spoko in
in the same cause.
Mr. McCrary, of Erie, offered the
following substitute for Judge Jes
tsup's resolution:
Resolvkd That tho convention
proceed to complete tho ticket by
nominating a candidate for Congress
inau-at Large, and that wo recom
mend the State committee to adopt
all honorable means to harmonize the
partv so as to secure tho success of
the Republican ticket
Marriot Brosius. of Lancaster in
an eloquent speech in favor of the
U C'M"'
substitute resolution
succeeded in
ouiotinsr the caucus, so that a vote
ho taken. The rMinltnfthe votfl
'was m
favor of the substitutes of
Judge Jessups resolution. Ths oau
ajourn Md tLe convention
t thc Q IIouRp BroBilw
. . . , favorjlbc :m,(rcssio n
by his speech, that the Convention
nominated him for Congress-man-at-Large.
against his protest, however,
after ho ti as nominated, be accepted
the nomination in the following
Gentlemen of the Conven
tion; A distinguished Frenchman,
when nominated to a seat in the
Academy, said that he felt his nomin
ation was a premonition of early death
acd, what is worse, he died within a
week. In 1801 a revolt against the
constitutional authority of this Gov j
eminent reared its hydra heal, and
my country issued hT call for the
boys; and though a boy, I felt bound,
as I love my country, to respond to
that cull.
Eighteen years ago, on tbe field of
Bermuda Hundred, I thought posssi
bly, I had made a mistake in answer
ing to that call, as I lay bleeding on
that field expecting that my hfe soon
would end. I however was agreeably
disappointed. Applaus To-day the
Republican part)- calls for the services
of that son again, and while my own
mind was made np positively, and I
thought unaUcrabiy, when I asked
permission to decline the compliment
of the nomination, yet when I listen
ed and heard and saw the feeling of
this Convention as manifested in the
earnestness of its desire that my
nsme should be used upon its ticket,
with throbbing heart and aching
brain, the call, "Come to the front."
I was willing then to sacrifice- all I
had my life, if noecessary upon
tbe alter of my country, and I must
le willing to day to lay all I have up
on that altnr again. I know it is un
wise in you to hare made it. Ton
cannot say I sought tho post, and I
wain you in advance that yeu can
never shake your gory locks at me,
whatever comes. You can never point
the finger at tue and say;. "David,
thou art the man that brought this
urion us!" rApiilaus and cries of "We
never will! "1 Gentleme of the Con !
vention I have nothing more to say,
save that I bow to your comumads.
Under mere deliberate snsreund
ings, doubtless Mr. Btosiue. would
have delivered a speech nior in ac
cord with, these peaceful days of
every dvy life business, aad done
himself j-jstire, for he ia a able num.
Marriot Brosiua was bora in Colcv-
ame tovmship, Lancaster county, in
1843. Ha attended th public and
select schools oi the cwvuty, and af
terwasds went to- tho Millersvilla Ac
adeiuv, wuere 09 gnunsaUHU HO lir
iahnrf hiK Mlueation at tne Liaw l m-
wraity of Xwi Arbor, MicLirrm. Be-
for completing hl course the war
broke out, and in 1861 Mr. Iironius
enlisted &s a private in the UTtb.
Pennsvlvania Volunteers. He vns in
tbe army for 58 months, of wLkh
time a montbs were spent in, the hos
pital, where lie was laid tp. with a
wound in the right shoulder, receiv
ed at iiermuda juundred, Alter re
turning from the war he studied law
with Hon. ThomaB E. Franklin, for
merly Attorney General of the state.
and aubseqneBiv pursued the prac
rice of bis profession in Lancaster
county. He bos not held any politi
cal office except that of School Di
rector, and is at present a member of
the Lancaster City School Board.
He is a Quaker. At tbe Convention
of May 10 Mr. Brosius was a mem
Km of tbCrnmitroon rfpootntion0.
A great storm pasted over Palo, Alto
county, Ioa, on Saturday, Emmituborg
tUe county teat was almost blown to pieces.
10U people were killed in the town. Fonr
other towni are reported aa detroyeJ. Oa
Saturday night, a cyclone in Clay eouaiy,
Minn., blew down 20 houeea and klllea i
From the Clay County Shield.
Some ten or twelve dajs sines Cap
tain Merril's corps of tDni eer and
Mistaot were eauiped in tne vslley of
Buck ereek, m Guilders eouoty Texas.
Tbeir tents were set one hundred feet
from the dry bed of the crrek. Thin
ereek was about twelve feet deep from
tbe level of tbs vslley on either side of
the bank. The valley is nesrly a mile
wide, tnt the highlands carved in clots
to tbe place where the camp was pitch
ed, and the valley widened on tbe op
posite batik. The sight wa clear, and j
no cloud in the distance betokened a j
rainfall. Tbs boy staked their ponies!
near by, turned their males loose, and
laid them down to sleep iu tbeir testa.
About midnight oue ot the boys felt
water at h s feet. Springing op be
taw the water coming, sad, yelling like
a savage giving bis war-whoop, rooted
bis companions. In less than a minute
tbey were all standing in water np to
their waists. Knowing to wbioh tide
of them was tbe bill, they rushnd wild
lv tbroi'gh tlia water and succeeded tn
jraioinjr a safe funtbold. The water
rushed by them covering the entire
valley to a depth of six feat, and carry
ing sway all the tenis and baggage.
Tbe pony was saved by one of the boys
cutting the stake-rope ss be passed biro
be fortunately having gone to bed with
bis psnts on. Most of tbe boys were
in their night clothes, and a solemn
set tbey were. The sadden rise of tbe
water was undoubtedly oauned by what
in known as a "cloud burst" on the
head of the stream, some twenty or
thirty miles away. Any number of
oittle were oarried down stream, but
most of them finally escaped.
Nervoumets, peevishness, and fretting,
nooiten connected with overworked fe
males' live, it rapidly relieved by Brown't
ina Bitter.
Ths widow of the late General
James Nagle, of Potts vills, haa just
recoived a draft for pension amounting
to $6,557.
Pnrstunt to an order of s-ile issued out of
tbe Orphan's Court ot Juniata couuty, Pa.,
and to uie directed, wiil bo exposed 10 pub
lic sale, on tiie premises, one-half mile north
ol Oakland Mil:, in Fatt-tle township, Ju
niata countr, at one o'clock p. ni., on
All that certain
Messnape. Plantation an
Tract or Land,
to Fayetto townnhip, Juuiata county. Pa.,
bounded by lands of laaau Sheileiiberger,
bavid Smith, KeiiDen Leonard, J. A. and
J.C. Pines, and John Aukt-r, containing
115 ACRE&.
More or less, and having thereon erected a
IV ew Bunk llarn, Wagon
And other out-biiddiuirs, all of which are
cleared excrpi ttve acres Tbe Nnd is in
lb- highest ue ot eulii'aliou. gol water
on the pretmsca, and excellent Iruit.
No. 2. A Tract of Woodland,
Situate in t'eiruanuKu towusiup, iHiunded
by lands ol lUrid U'ult'sMn?, 11. Zook and
Ciifl'ord Singer, cunlaiiiinir
70 Acres and SO Perches,
More or leas.
TEKMS or SALE : One-fourth the pur
chase nn'nry to oe paid on cuutirmation
ot sale bv the court; one lonnh on the 1st
day ot April, A. U Sij3, srhendeed wili be
Vllverm and posaeMon given ; one fourth
on llio first ol April A. D. ltS4, with inter
est from April 1st, 1SS4; nne-lourth on tho
lsl day of April, A. I) 185,- iih interest
from April Ut to last payments to
be secured by judgement.
Administrator of Uenry H. Brubakrr.
June 21, Khi.
$68 $ .
a week in vour own town. Terms and
outfit tree. Address II. lULHTr
k. 1 o-, Portland, Maine.
mar 2 'fcl
Large Farm at Kwate Sale.
Tbo Valuable Farm ol the Heirs of Wil
liam Oki-soii, deceased, is ottered tor sale.
It ia located in tbe ferlilo ailey of Tuhfa
rora, Juniata county. Pi-, one and a has
mile west of Aeademia, containing; S40
At rea ot prime limestone land, all iu cu.
tivaiiou, except 1J acres of Timber. Build
ings good. Large Uanaion llouv), Bjnk
Uurn, 100x50 fuet ; Wagon Sheds, Con.
Cribs, Hog Pens, Good- Spring and Spring
House, and all other nuluilditigs, also other
springs ana running wter ; Two Orchard
bearing choice Iruits.. It is well located.
near to churccs, schools, mills and stores,
Tbe land is well adapltd to grain and grxs
and for making mm. ay ti.r a new owner, as is
well known, it did ;for many years for-its
former owner. I roe will be rt-asoncbie,
and time given to. suit purchaser.
For terms, JlCwCjiII oo James B.Oiua,.
Pleasant Yiew, soar tbe farm.
Valuable Ectli Estate at Priiate
The umlera'g jod utlers for sale, a tract of
One Hundred .Acres, of land more or loss,,
on which there is a large STONE-DtWELL.-
Nti-UOLiii, in rood repair and coed;
BANK-BAltN. and out buildings and. a
GKIST-SULL thsea stories hies, the two
lower stories of which aro stone,, and tho
third irarus, wita three ran of jourt - freacb
burrs, c new overshot whe!,. one aw
iron wUeel, and gearing nearly new thnusb
out, with, excollent water power. Tne
land is .good tarn land, and ia good atale
ol csltiratioo. Tbe mill has an. excellent
coritry traSa.
Uliis ia-a. very desirable jrepTty and is
silttated cm mile and ooe-4jurth sjutih-wesl
cf McAIUtervilio Juuiato Co., Pa-, and will
be sold ca easy terms.
r or isainer particulars piease can on or
address Jacob Smith, AcAJUterrille Pa.
or Jeremiah Lvons. htirSintaa P.. ,.r
J Jdbn E. bmitb, Cbe&iHr, ipi-.g, Chester
coauy r
Otw Hundred and Sixty -Acres, in the best
wheat-growing district ia tbe State of Ohio.
situated one-had mile frora Amanda ssiU
road station, in Sajrtield county, and one
mile Irom a good. pike. The improvement.
are a Urge two-story BKICK HOL'SS (13
rooms, ball and ccrar), lXubie Lim b.
and SUbleaud other buildings, ana a well
ol good wiior. A sueam of spnajt water
I traverses ihe centre of the farm. There s
a large crchard on the premises. Will take
$70 per aero, part cash, rest n paymentr.
A farw adjoining soil lor VlWt per acre
The reason forsellinr,is lae desire to invest
ia cite property, in Ctrclvvilli. For all in
foxmstion address J. SWEYEK,
CircleviUc, Pickaway Co., Ohio.
arge stock ot ready madeclotbtng ol lbs
latest and choicest atvles,
for met and
boys, bats, caps.
boots and shoes, notions.
ir Koods ia endless variety cr
l Strsver's. tw PttT?
fa Ssui'te'
For Govtrnor.
James A. Bkavir.
For Juigt of the Suprtnte Court,
n m. UasaT Kawli.
Tor Lint. Governor,
W. T. Oavtas.
For Sec'y of internal 1 fairs,
Jons M. liana.
For Congreuman ai largt.
Maaaiur Baosic.
For Governor.
Jous Stxwabt.
For Judge of the 9preine eori,
Osoaas Jctsis.
For Lieutenant Governor.
Col. Levi BicDtrr.
i'or Sec'y of Internal Jlgairt.
Majob Uko. W. MnaicK.
For Corti$mrn-at lrre.
Col. Williax SIcMicewsl.
JCditor Ptntin'l and Republican V would
announce t. S. Lanui. ut t'ayetle town
ship as a candidate lor the oMiee of Sheriit.
sir. Landi is a young man of gr.od habits,
and ia abundantly quulitied to till tho posi
tion ot Sheriff, ilia lather and grandfath
er were citiieits in Juniata before btra.
Ii ia an earnest Republican. Ho sstaks
octbv be Knglisb, and German languages,
which in Juniau county, is a matter 01 im
portance and eatislactiou to both officer
and people.
EitHor Sentinel md Rtpubltean The poc
pie ot Juuiata, will be colled upon to choos
a suitable person t fill tue oltice of Kegis
ter and Mecorder at the election in Muveit'
ber. Allow nt to present the name of 9. B.
Caveny, of Patterson as a candidate tor the
Republieaa nomination. Mr. Caveny U well
known as a gentleman of integrity, possess
ing every qualification requiste lor tbe effi
cient diarhargo vt tbe office, and if nomin
ated will Se a strong candidatn.
' 4.YETTE.
Sdttor Sntintl nd Republican- Allow
me to announce tbe name of 8. P. Whar
ton of Spruce- Hill aa a candidate for tbe of
fice of Ki-gialor aud Kecordi-r, subjjet to
Republican usage?. Mr. Wharton is a
young man rt'Twi b!siiies i'iilitie it ions
and il electc-'i i.i-uM make an obliging ami
efficient otlieer.
Editor Srnkvi .Vy.tiJtidi;. Please-4
announce M..;er J. I. I1"-.ili., ! Sprtirc j
Hill, aa a cai-lt Ji- tor the Mice of As,em- ,
bly, subject t j KepuMican uafr-s. The j
Major b a rrj.rui Hue man ol th'( peopla, j
was a good .!iicr, wuuid be a strong cat- j
didate and, if ; u!-tred a sale aud prudent!
Editor Senthft mJ Republican I wou'.d
preM-ut Uenry Aukt-r, ol WaiKer township,
to the Kepiiblicaos 01 Juniata county, as
.publican 01 Juniata county, as a
taudjiafe. for the office of Jury j
lioner. Xr. Aucker ia a good Ra j
, but still not blind a parte rn ;
inju!s la the relation of men fori
as to do
the jury whtrl..
.Vol ice.
la the OrfKt'-a' e'aurt of Juniata Ccur.tf.
In the kaire ol Ja- oo Dressier, d-e'd.
fllne llt. lei-i.I i.-l appointed Aulltosby
JL lhe'rphi:i.' Court of Jitnitta cnir
lo nuke rli-"tiiliitans of tunds in the banids
ol D-iutci Kaotise. Ailti.initr:or it Svnix
non cum t'ttanutio annt.ro ol Jacob Prem
ier late ol 8ijiebaiin loxuslup, deceased
to and anionic tne K (t ttets, devisees and
olhi-rs l-yiUr eniiilol 111 reto, and tw as
certain heirs-ami hereby ftives noties that
be will ail and to the dunes of his jutni
nient at 11j K. Froym-iyer's h'ti-l ia Sn
queLasna tMt n-,kip, on the l-nliday.tf.il"-LY,
A. ljysL,l lo'uioek A. Ma wbn
and wh-jru all persons interested t.aT at
tend it they mc proper to preitit tbeir
claims er-be dciianed frora coiuisg upon
said land.
Juoa-11, Hi.
Eatate ot Jlugaret Laird, drseaed.
riU'iuadurtPei Auditor apuintrd
JliiO Orphans Court Ol JunsLa. Cercty
to audit, setibf, adjust, aud determine ibo
quretn'PH, nhicb arise in the evUooaut of
said L-kbtte aui account and m! dstribu-
tiortct the lund declared y tb court
aforesaid, on. ine blh day of June A. I.
to wittiMsutn o $"!.!., Taken in
the bauos of John VcLsugbl- i,. Kiettitor of
tho will of !Larg.tret Laird '.rc'd. to and
auxeng those leirally entitled :hcrr-io, h '-te
ll j $:ves-nu4sce that be wit! -jmt all parties
tntervsteoVtvr tne purpose bis. ap-omt-tctit,
at tis .ttice in the Hiroughi of .Vlltlio
timc, JunuUa Cotiiitr, Pa. Oa FKIDAY
THS.UXa DAY OK JUL'i A.. I). le&.
between, tix hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. ani
4 w'ciuelt. P. M. of said day.whea and when
all parties baring claims wiil present thee,
or. bo laeever baired.
Latote of Jacob Doioncy, deceased.
Tbu undersigned Auditor appointed!, by
Orphans Cotrt ol Jauiala C'Cnty
tu aai&it, aetile ami adjust tbe accoual oi
Saiutael Whrion Ad-onialrtor cam .'utai
nun&o anntsn ot the otalo of Jacob Uvlancy
latat ot bprsse 11 ill Township Juniata Uoua-
ty. deceased, and , mute diatributiun of
12m balance, in lbs hands of said A ;ocat
vi. to wit tho axoa ot Jioil.iij to . and
vaong cred iiora sad- others legally tootled
bbrreio, and to iteraiine tbe itesiions
arising onder Ita.w-Jl ot tbe said Jacob Dc-
iancy deceased, with power to report the
validity of certajs notes, mentioned, in tbu
account of Sasijtl W barton, adaiinJstraWn
ot said decedent, hereby gives sauce that
he will meet all .parties interested., lor iau
pnrpuavs nt appointment at his olticwia
MiUiintowi.'ia,Lata count) Pa, na Tbun
day, tbe ISiU.day ol July, A. 3 ae
twem the hours ot 10 o'clock. A.. VI., and
3 o'clock P.M.., of said daT,. w-he snd
here ail partus having cjaisua
ud tuni.iiiut present thucc.ox, Lo kivcur
FiitM lit SALE, iu Taiacaronsi Valley,
near Pern Mills, coutaicnj lOft acres near
ly all cleared, tho ballicce w.a set with
gsad wLite-oak timber, only S Bailee from
Hiu new proposea raurosa. 1 he I ind is
not much billy, a pait of shkh has been
lately hmed fifteen acres ol meadow, water
in nearly all of the fields, fruit in abundance
Log bank-barn, Good trams house 30x25,
all necessary ontbcildings, A newer falling
fountain ol good, water rnnning at tbo door
also a large linjsstono quarry about f mile
distant belongs to the farm. Two Churches
sud Scbool-boue within ba'f-eiile. Price
,000 or caii ou or address
Peru Mills, Juniata C i., Pa.,
A LL persona are hereby cautioned
ix against fishing or banting, eatberinc
berries, or crossing In. Ida, or in any other
way trcop;-using on tVs land 3 of tbo under
J. S. Ktxtrr.
SnbscritM for thu SnftnI anj RerWrin,
,b, t,r-.pirer ic the cocn
I '
GraybilVs Column.
Choice Patterns ii
Body ani Tapestrj
Extra Super Medicat sui Low
A Foil Line of
A- Complete Line of
A Glioses Lot of
Beautiful Patterns, in
fl nn. . f f na a
J il Fll'C t IIUUS
At. tia Old Staai,
All: tbo aoove enumarated articles.
audi i3 other things that may
be found in a
Bolsters and Pillows,
Looking Glasses
Iu fact everything usually
kept ia a First-Class House
Furnishing Good", Store.
Between tha Canal and Water Street,
2Tew jtdrerttsmnU.
f&00 Howard!
Pof. Crrt
Mirrx'e FRENCH
Kidney Pais
Have already
.men sold in this
country and ia
Prance i erery
one, cf wbioh
has givca per
fect satisfaction
and baa per
fumed core
rery timn.u n.ei a:ccrdin, to airec
tlons. Wo no lay to tho alflietc 1 aad
donbtin,- ooca that wo will pay tk-? ato
reward for a i?Z,.9 a. of
That tho Pal fails to core. Tl.N Great
Remedy will rasmvut ar.d Fiirr2cnT
care Lumbngo, Lame Dack.S-'.iatica,
ni.im,. nmur. BHsht'a DLsea.". of tho
Kidney, Incontinence and Retention of tho
l,.M,.iuiiii,i vT the Kidneys, Catarrh
i of tbe bladder, Iligh-Colored Lnr-.c, ram
i tn tho l'ark, Side or Loiu-, ervous Weak
ness, ani in fact all disorders of lb K'ad
I dor and Urinary Organs, whether eontrsct
' ed by private di'ea.-'e or thrwie.
i LADIES if Ju are uffering from F o-
. -...I. w.-akne-u.. Lenecrrbwa. or any uis-
easo ol tha Kidneys, Bladder, or Urinary
Without swallowing stansoou lofdioiaes,
by mupty wearinf
which cvre9 r absorptios.
Ask your druggist for FBOF. Gl'lL-
taka bo other. If lie bw not g"t it, send
$2.W and you will recelre tht hji by return
Jiooa BscitASa.-, Lawyer, Toledo, Ohio,
savs: One ot rrol. uuuineile a rroncni
ividnry Pods cured me 01 Lumbago ia three
r....lr tifkiM Mi- pit, li..if I ..-. aicin nn
br the beti Doct..r as incurable. Duriuir
ail tbU time I suffered untold aony and paid
out large suru ot ir.oney.
GzoacK Ykttfb, i P., Toledo, O., says
"I autfered lor three years i!bS:iaticaand
Kidney Disease, aud etten bad tu go about
on cruicbeu I was entirely and perma
nently cured aftrr sm.tig Trof. (i.iiiuetta'e
French Kiduey Pad fu-ar weeks."
'.Stitiac S.C. S.'OTT,Sylvanw,)., writes:
"I-have been great sUerer lor 13 years
with Bnght'a Uisea.so ol Hie Kldnes. J or
weeks at a time I was mt-sblo tu g' t Oct of
! Wl ; took barrela of ifMricine, btit they
' ua uie only temporary rdief. 1 wore I wo
o! Prot. uuilmntle . Kidy Ps!s s; weeks,
and I now know I am entirely cure-l."
Mas. Heleii Jsaoiir, Toledo, O., Mys :
"Por jears I hate been e-jr.tluwl, a great i
part ol the litue to mv t'-o Kith Le-acnr-j
rheca and friuaiu weakness. I wore en of 1
! Umlmeitv's Kidney Pads t-d r cwed is
I one n.nth."
: , u .-, '
I GattN, Wholesale Mro.-er, HcAUy,
JO., writes: 1 suJered Ir S6 years with
! met.. Kidney Pad,,'8
B. F. Kituwo, M. D., Dr?iifiriitrLci04-
pTf, ltd., n-n siftK.g k: an orJsr tor
j Kidney Pads, writes : I vro ore of the .
. first t-!-s e ha t and I re:eivel utir bn-
el't lr-.Mii it !i-tn au ibing 1 ever neo. !.i ,
, liM-t t'je i'nus E'-" betti:r g:-nrt sa ut-vr-:
; ti-m Ih in :; Kidney r.ned e :-v-r sol'V :
j It VT- Ai S'EH IkfK, Imib'K, II.'.iIl!HJ !
So., wrile: are norkme 'ip a iiv.iy :
tmd in onr Pads, and are hesrtii!; of i
iwsuiti irui Ihenieverv U iv."
i riC.tisiihitetteN FnuriL. Uver. Tail !
i i
j Wii! positively cure Fuvsra Apue, liurab-
I Agui
!."'" ' .
Stomach aud liiovd. Price f ).Cu by nuul. !
Seud lor Prot.
(juiliuette's Treatise un tae
klidaws and I.iver, free by n-ail. Addms
Twledv, Uliie-
" . " r:" - . !
TfrT7p-Thousands oij
IVVJJsJJJl griores nre anuuaily j
robbed of their victims, li'i-s rrolooc-jd,!
hatbmes aud health re5!-red bv tho oe "1
which positively cures Inipoluucy (caused
I by excesses of any kind). Suuiiual Weak
J Bess, and all disease that follow as a. se
iquuuce of Sell-Abuse, ss los of energy,
i loss ol memory, universal lassitude palii m
the back, dimness of vision, premaiura old f . , . " . . ,or 'i".
. , . U aud atee,ion.;:v,eTC' t b:isd !,:,
age, and many other dresses that Itad to. . t o, 9 3- tu, 1 ud V, p tc ; l:.y, SI
iuaauuy or consumption, atd a i!naturc jeept Saturday n-A uudsy, 5 Sip u, j1 on.
Send lor circulara with tet-timonls free
by mail. Tbe Invlsjocittotr is sold at
'$1 per box, or six hoses tor So, by all druj-
gists, or will be scut tree by null, sccurtiy
j soaltd, on receipt ol price, by addressing
I F. J. CUES 11, Druggist,
lc Summit St., 1'uledo, Ohio.
aoie Agent Iwr the Lnitea states. j
March 2-', 1SS2.
Wholesale and retail by L. Banks it Co.,
Druggists, Mifflintuwn, Pa.
Stockholders Individually Liable.
J. NKVIH POME ROY, President.
DtaacTOBS: '
J. Ncvin Pomoroy, Joseph Kothrock,
George Jacobs, Philip M. Keruer,
Amos G. Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinson.
W. C. Potueroy,
J. Kevin Pomcroy, R. E. Parker,
Philip M. Kepner,
Joseph Hotbrock,
George Jacobs,
L. E. Atkmsoa,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amos G. Bonsall,
Noah Ilertsier,
Annie V. Bhelley
Jane H. Irwm,
Mary Kurts.
Samuel M. Marts,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Prow.
John Hertzlor.
Charlotte Snyder,
17" Interest allowed at the rate ol 2 nsr
cent, on 6 months certificates, 3 per cent, oa
12 montbs certificates.
LL persons are hereby cautioned agalns
trespassing npou tbo lands ol the nn
deraigiied, in Payette, Del. ware or Walker
tonship, by fishing, hunting, or ia any
other way.
Jonathan Kiser
Win Brantlioffer
Henry Spieco
Catharine Kurts
John McMeea
D B Dimm
ii W Suiith
S J Knrts
Henry Auker
Lncien Dunn
J W Hoitetler
Joisu Pines
Jacob Htopi.
C G ShelW
A U Kurts
David Smith
S Owen Evans
Teston Benner
C P. Spicher
JoLn L Auker
J B Garber
S 51 KauS'jiaa "
J F Dctira
David I'ujifcerjw
Arnold Vames
LeriK Myers
Trevt'ew-' GvtJt.
Oa a&l a net Moaday June 5, Uf3, tr:k4
that atop at Uiffllu wilt ran as foilwt;
Mttrtni AMOatsioaalioa lasa licua
dally at Ml) a. m., aud Slept iog at all si,
tions bctea atldia ard uarrubttrg,
rived at Harnahurg at 8 iiL a. to.
Joasatowx ExkCFalta?es aitoana daliy
at 7.3U a m., aud atop pics at ait tt-fn.
stations between AJtoosa and RartitjiiLrr
reaohaa Mifflin at 1Q.4S a. in., Hwrf.bc.-y;
12.40 p. M., as t anrrea ia Fljiadc'fit; u
6MZ p. m. .
Marti Tbaw Ii.3Ti Pitt turj daiiy
7.33 a. n., A'tocna at 2.26 p. a., an.j Wap.
pLng at all regular statics airivsa a!
at b-Zi p. a., Iiarrit3rj p. a., f V
deiphia.5 a. m.
Mill Etprexs learea PitWw.rg at t UU p 04
Altouna ti -!0 p m ; Tyrone 717 pmj Um,
Ingdon SwJp n LewUtovn ft'i'j tsi M.f-Ula84-jpnii
HarrUburj 11 S p ; pl,,,
deipti 'ICA pm.
Wurus Ac;aMMODATi .t loi-es tlarrit
risbant dai: at a. ra.,nd sUiiUmt hl
-1 atatio-:.', arrives a: xncm al 12.1j p.B.
7.10 a. 10., Iiiirisb--rg U.iS i., jiiCiia
I2.SS p. nt., l -p?!cg nlml: stations bat sen
Milltin ad A!rur:.i r-i.c&ea A.':,si tt ,
p. la., piltsbe-g S.Oii p. rr.
MlFFtiN AcCOHVOnario l-etel Eij-rj.
barir daily except audsy s t Wj t. r2.s.-1
! dtoipirg at atitior.s, tu.-ivts ai Jii!n,i
7.Wt p. ru.
Pacillo Epreslcs IhU.ide!phU UkV
p m ; Harrisburg 3 0. ami Duncaanon 3
a in Newport 4 la am; Mifflin 5 &14
mi Lwwlatown 5-1 a in ; McVeytoKn J 5
am; Mt. Union Cl'Jtui Ht-ntrtj.,ji a
45 a m Pettirsburg 7 02 a m 1 S pr:e tre
7 15 am; Tyrone 7 21 tin; litii's Mil
7-V a m Aitoona 9 15 a m; 1 itlibu-g
1 35 p m.
Fait Lino leaves Philade'phia at II lis
m ; Harrisburg 3 15 p in ; Mii9in 4 S7 p n t
I.enUtown 4 u ; l!aut:ngdon C liU pm ;
Tyrono 0 40 p m ; Altosna 7 20 p ia ; P!;t
tr.rjr 1 1 '. p ra.
LK IV Ii TO W M I V H fu .
Train? leae Lev istwa Junction tor VM-
my a: BS5 a iu. 10 a pi, 3 2, p rn ; rur
1 Snniiury at 7 00 a iu, 1 25 p rn.
j Trains arrive at Lc"itown Jns.:t!v.n fr.m
3irin4;r, ,t ,yi m, 4 45 ra.
1 Tr ,caT3 Tyrone for U-ilefotto ea I
Locls iJaveo at S U') a ra, :" p a. Lea'
Tvron for Carwemrire w.J C'eJrt.!1 at
8 60 a ar, 7 50 p m.
Trai.i Icavo Tyror.j lor W.-trkTi Jisrit,
j Penn.-.yeania Furaaco af.n S?i s tq'l
in ati'I i 30 p ra.
Trains arrlro at Troi Iron: Usllefcttte
and L--lc Mivej 7 V) aii V . a.
Trains aire- af Tyrone frotn Cnrw-;,.
Tillo and Cii'trCeid at 7 2 1 a ru. au 5 ti l r...
Trains antva a! Tyrote from Sc War
riors Stark; and Pennsy lvania Fu.-::- -t 7
SO a m, st Za p si.
Ptiladelp'iia & Keadinj Eailroaj .
ArraDremcaf af PasMDger Tntn.
J-P:m S5rl,, sc
Trirtas letivflisrrittrarf a folia:
For N'ew York i AV.uuUn, at 7 60 ,
and 1 V, p. ra.- "..,
For New York iaPiilsielrbfa aid .fc-E.
i Brk Kouto 7 So . r. I-'
j p ' '" i", a.. .
j , , . ,
1 45, 4 f0 and P K p m.
, ,t or rottsville al - 'JL; 7 50
9 io a m..t.f
i - sli 4 U'" p. ai. ani m i Seiavlkii: &
5 usijuefcanna KSb at 2 40 p ia. "tr
Auburn, 8 n a n.
Fcr Alle-;rorrn at Z 7 60, 59 a ia, : i
'id 4 W p ra.
The 7 fi a ru, jr.i I is p zu trairs it,r
throtg!, cars fw :; Torit ri ...
r A! -entowa ana -av .-tions at 6 2 tn.
For il:.;,injr, Phila !i,i and way !.-.ti:.s
at 0 Zi a ui -.J I i t :t ix.
Trains frr Harrt'ivi .
:r is .'aiVii t .
iiii iii 9 .- a m.
'.e 1 ork :vAil
.-ind w;i p ri.
: i
aaV .New Y'.Tu ;.i"E'.n4 Sro; It ri .ills'-
and PhiUds.-:pji i 7 . a us, 1 5f, 4 1.0 ao-
! o!0 p in , Ld 1 O'jrjilniht, arrivsji it
! Ham.-burjr 15,, r. ki .tii.
i ii PJ and 9 10am
1-esvo i'liilaiisithi it 4. J ' ii a -n., -i W,
: 4 60 and 7 J' a is. .
Leave Pottsmle i'it, W a.m. xi 4 4
p .
hejuinj- at J 7 1 1 ."! rv
1 21, t l i, 7 6'.' j.a-i ?lr'tin.
Mu "'J sa:--
caiina Brareh, . i and 1 i-j j 'l- .
Leave Allenl jv. a s.- 0 V'J, -j 4tf a ifc , :!Ji,
4 i-J aud if o-j ; ut.
Leave Noer Yorfc. a Altvc'own, tl J ij-j.
ni. PhiLtdelpia at ' i n..
Leave Ke.-idin; it T Hi a u as-1 lw "'. - tn.
Leave AU.i tun at ! p n.
T aavn TI 1 f,1 O J'lL I 'I, 7 -. H '
Saturday ouiv, " 4a aiid i lt, p uj.
Itotarnwg. U-aaro STfctLTON tally,
eept Sunday, f W, 10 0-), I L ij in,
2 lt and 10 10 iu ; daily, xcpt Si;twdu.y
atd Sunday, 6 Hi p 'i.u. ((U Saturday
HiV, a lOauCHut p ui.
General PeJtV and TicktiJ-'.ni.
J. E. huuius,
GenerU Mnn-ter.
THE U!rs of Frederick Lauver, Ctcl
will CVr at private ale i far. a. sita
ated ia Gje riWuj. township, Perry CjJut. ,
Pa., bonudvd by Muds r J. Auker, J. li.
Jones, J. Kipp ai.d others, ceataLuisg
One Hundred & Fifty.-S Acrasj
more oj lo, abnt 115 acru of wiixb are
cleared and in a high stats of enitirati&t
the balance is well set v.la. tiw.b-.r. Tfca
improvements are a
Doutls Ssma Equss,
BAN K BAfiX, H..g l,a, Corn Hon.. aa
Wash House, with a Veil of aever-lailiug
water near the door. There is a'so an elt
collnt Drehanl or cU.ce fruit on tLe lara.
This is a most deairabio yroperty. beir
situat. d in a liioeslfcevaltey, cBven:cnt W
schools. cburrhe. mil!, g.c'., s-d wi:h: a
few miles of the PannavWauia Railroad.
CFor faither pa;tU.'ular e!l on tbs
aiideraignrd, wba reeido on the form, or
address lhrm at !4i!lcrtown, Pe rC.,Pa.
sivfcox LAUvrr.,
BtJLsEK L.i;VE3.
May 4. 181. Aatni..is-r---a-s.
Complete &1tGcL
P. Ia. .srR AYB1LI.
McAIi8torviiIe, Pa.,
Has just rernracd from the Ea tern Ci.!s.
w iih a Large aud Compete .-'oc of
CR CCt Hits, lliLM HaRr,
Hata (z Caps, Scots & SLgss,
Clyars, Tobacco, &.c.
Pvtles r,:l! 2nd i; jrad'ir ta then alv.n
tage to call aad sea uy s:.,j M i kr
Prires beturv parehaskj etweero.
Stock Entirely yw and Froii.
i can sc:ommoa:s voa in -Iicnst rr.ry
tilnj ea.d fcr is a St&ro oi rhi sji.4.
Oct. 25, fl.