Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 21, 1882, Image 3

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Cmboiptirt. tl.60 per annua if paid
within 12 month. . KM) If not paid iUiin
U nxutas.
TnMnsl adTcrtwaents ineered at 60
ceets yt r inch tr each insertion.
TnuMt business notices in local col
CBia, 10 Cents per line tor each insertion.
fjed'ictioiia will bo made to tbuad desiring
t advertise by Cio year, kali or quarter
Thomas C. Cjopor, Chairman of
the Hanis'ourg JLiopubiican Statu
Committoe has c tiled the Conven
tion to ro-coiiveiiw at Harrieburg for
the purpose of nominating a candi
date for Congress-man-at large, in
place of ilirs'aall reHigued. The Con
tention i to re-conveno Wednesday,
Jane 21, l$t-2 at 12 o'clock noon.
Last ThorsJay m'tcrruysn a citizen
tf Lewisbiirg Union cocntj said to
tlio wn'.er. "It w not t;ery town in
I 'ennsvivaiiia tnai cm l'o back 10
uclii cleur record ol historical inci
deirtf, and Indian tmiSe, and tragedy,
as Lewisburg and BurTulo Talley.
He then rolated a r.uu.br of Indian
itci Jonls, and tragedies, of rnorethaa
100 years ago, nrd mentioned thebm
rf old settler. Aid pointed out -the
Lonips of a uiunber of their descen
dant of tiiis dev and generation.
One of the relics of tlio past is the
ruino of an eld mill, built by Lsdwip;
Derr in l-72, situate on a email
tream tbat r-ntors tho- river i the
lower end t.t town. The banks of tbe
treara from the mill tlown to the
river, have a gentle slons, xrbieb is
cuvf red -vrlth a thick coat of blua
thica? coat
irras. vtrch doubtlesn has 'been na-
tivo to Ire place ever swtc tne daya,
-r.hn it as a favorite np-t for tho
Indian, to land from the river.
Dorr liacl lo'ated thcrl:nauy years
tefora liO built thi mil!, audit ws
therc'lLsi Lo wrs sctie-ly engaged
s an -Indian trader. Ko -was a (r
jnaa. or DutchaiHTt; mr informant
did net know which, Txither could lir
toll whet Lor li vras atire.itel by
Dut;h ftmilics that irroeedad hhu n
making Bo'.ticu-.ents" the bc-aut3.il
nd forfiin BrJTnlo vt-lley, or vhctter
oth:r Dtch joop!e wore atrrssljd
"4bi-.her by Lis eiftr lent andtT-ading
peat, but .-rUia'?r. is. that Dctch
laniiic-is-'ttlediaho valley alout
-i,fce sin t'la-", ?r not miay yars
&tT j-rr locate a vn-re. .a.ong
ILe Dv.tch fs?ni;ii iiir-nticEod, vtho
a-2ttl-d tbeto uor- than liW yoar3
go. ai:d -ho to tay have rercoon--t-.uives
cr vlrf.-enfr:ts iiTiug, btth at
.-I--ewisburg nnd KiiSintowp. are the
Van Vnlzali firiJy and the Van Oundy
firui'.y. Dr. Gi-cgo Derr of Miffiin
. towu is a lineal descendant of the
Ludwig Derr srr.ritio!l abti. Ln J-
trig Derr --as the founder- of Lwis-Lorr-
One ui doscenditnts, Goorgo
.Dsrr, a bacLelor. died recently
.-and W.i an tntiro estate, valued
.at C t. 3 thonsaiid doilars to
the Christian hc..ch org-tnc-itioJi of
Tjowifburir. Kis v.;I: lias creatca a
,od deaf of talk in that community,
Td-rcm tV.f ho vs. net a
ember r-itke Christian cenomina-
.tion; or a:y -thcr religioiu d. nomiu
tiou, and el'ivm. if over in hishiHtr
divs att.ndel thur.-h. lLe-i Van
Cainpen tLa Indian i::l:!er fmment
ly sojourned k) the val:y ar.d in these
i-ys oceaKonaliy Co!. Sunford a
blocd relative of hir. visits the place
on a lecturing tour. There is a world
f difTernco between hunting In
dianF. f.fcd delivering lectures.
people also
tied at an rlv data in the valley ,
jind wore .uaang tho hrst Assx iaUirs
in the cans? of Independence in 1776.
Whether the Independent movtment
that is now to strong three, is an
outcroping of hereditary revolution
ary spirit is a question njtto be con
sidered here, but it is a fact, that to
lay tLc Independents are numerous
in Union county. The Lewif-hurg
Chronicle a Republican pat-ei, ably
-edited by J. R. drnelius ns outspok
en in the IndepciKlent political cause.
The Millinburg Telrgrepk the only
.other Republican paper in the coun
ty, which is aluo managed with tact
nd ability by 3Ir. Siioch is tamest
Jy advocating the Independent cause.
Tho names of a number of Scotch
Irish people might bo mentioned.
Major John Kelly a famous 6o'dier
Against the Indians livd here. He
Tinconpciously won a national reputa
tion by cutting down a bridge over
Stony brook creek, in sight of pr.
of CcrnWiOlis' advancing army. His
saiuo and blood is still perpctuited
by a number of defendants at Lew
Captain John Brady, a man famous
in the si.md.i of Iudiln warfare lived
acroes tho river from Derrs trading
bouse, tnd it is a poitt in tho lo&u
Littery of the place that on a ctrtap
ccAs:r,n. vrior to. pr -about the
brcski-;'' out of the revolutionary J
-r-arthata pr.rty of one hundred
Mum-v and Seneca Indi;tn warriors
vith tlrf ir equaws, and pappooses,
stopped at Dorr's trading house, on
their wav up the West Branch from
fori Angina, now Sunbury where
thev Lad concluded a treaty with the
CJofoniulautlioiity. Drr rolled out
a baT-1 of nun for them to drink,
and tiicv soon dink to drunkeness.
BradvhVijd the carousal and came
overand upset the rum njng, to
Drrrsshe npset the baireL -My
GodLr.dwig! what have you done?
D3ir looked at fcim a moment And
then answered. '-Captain, dey dU
mo von rif nm no dre tt town on Ue
fort so I dinks as I gif um one here,
ali he go h .me in bcai-e.
L-w'burg now numbers a pop ala
ilon of about 4003 people.
It is dependant ehttdy upon the
.-ricultural JiBtrict that surrounus
iCfox support There are several as
s tablithments for tho manufacture of
agricultural iaplement-, and
woolen Mill in the place. There
are two jicwspnper offices nd a
if ofSce in the town. Two na
tional bnk. Seven rburches, and
nrhi,-li latter uui-un -
' "I, ? un ifa denr-rtnicnts from
the acidc-my lo the end of a regular
eollegiae course. The inshtuUon is
eonduete-J tinder the aaspices of the
Bapii.4 church. Tho movement for
establishment was Ust made m
18 by a Baptist preacher cpemn
a bc!i?J1 in the bawmcnt of the P-
urn, caurcn m LewntHnra tk-
school pr gres?a l alowij until Dr. J.
uoomm cuaie to tha bead of it.
Under his management it took the
proportions of a codege organization,
and buildings were erected. The
mats building u between 300 and
400 feet long, of proportionate width
and height It is Talued at almost
$303,003 thousand dollars, and is
free of debt The Baptists have a
splendid church where Doctor Loom
iB preaches. The spire cf the build
ing is 170 feet high. The doctor i
one oi the most energetic, accom
plished, and versatile of men. He is
a preacher, a doctor of medicine, a
writer, a carpenter, a painter and a
traveler, and a builder. It was bis
energy and business management
that caused the present handsome
parsonage, and preaching house to
bo built. With his own hands he
carved the topmost point of tho spire
out of the hardest wood. With his
own h&cdo, he painted the topmost
point njsd the whole lonr; spire from
the base at the roof of the buildiug
with ft dozen coats of paint. He has
At 1 i m n, .
iraveiea around tne world, and is
now on a trip to California. He is
ab.Tut 70 years of age.
The new connecting link of the
Vanderbilt 6VBtem of railroads i3 to
pass through tho college grounds,
unless a change in the course of the
road at that point can be maie,
which the mi-nageunent of the insti
tutiou, it is -said, are trying to lave
done. Tfctre are many attractive
looking dwelling plas in and
around tha tovrn. Andrew DiH, ex
Democratic candidate for Governor
lives in-! handsome Lvcese with 6hade
trees around it close by college hilL
While passing it, we thought of the
remarkable expression of Mr. Dill in
a bj4vh that he delivered teoout the
time of Li nomination. -It was that
tl Republican party bad developed
a stite of soeittv, . ith tramp at
i,,TC cnL Rri noub at ;ihe other.
I'i-a Journal of Lcwisbnrr is an ultra
Democratic paser of considerable
4 jihty. ith inch teauers, it is iio
Prouder that raiiy of tha Democrats
'of that section -have most unfavor
able opinu'sn oi the management ol
the lit publican party et tha nation.
We heard Democrats in Lowieburg
publicly declare tLeir belief that
President Arthur rvaa in a plot with
Guiteau to asHssrinato President
Giirneld. and they are confidently
looking for-ard to'iCie pardon of tho
wretchtJ murder, befure tho 30th
day of this month tLo dny on which
Guiteau is to barg. They believe
that he wiil, befoie that dato arrives
make a cciifession "which will nnmi.--takably
ctmnect Arthur in a plot to
asisssinais Gariidd. if their expec
tations in that ttiv ciion are not re
alized wliat efi'cei the disappointment
w ill Lave on tie Democratic mind
remains to be-setn or heard vt
General Beaver, Las a near relative
living close by ollefe hill in a haud
hoiue hote jsiatd light green. The
General a number of wrni
friends in t!ie town and county.
Cusriiw V.'oLL as bo is familiarly
caikd, iives in the town, iio is a na
tive ol ijen isiurg. ii:s r puianoa
T..-W lir-.Tietf. ia lrt tntfl Tf. ia Ci :tl.
red a conscientious man. His
at Harrisburg agaiust the
W1? l dan.ago act placed
buo high n tne pnt-bciamd. Ifcitfor
Limtaey leve tho Suwwoa:l have
been nia,le p--.v ry us own l.-gi.latiire
tno sum vi irujty, j j uam.to ior xue
11. it hcm vi n lot ci
a l UiB. ine
:.a aboiiihmb'e
ductiine, to advoc.-.te, thit a state, or
ownsbip, or borough, fchall ba made
t -,f.y diiai'jes dene by b;id men.
Tht-y look upon it. as ulxraiinable
doctrno and practice, to ajov the
guilty men; tuo meu that destroyed
and stole prcpei ty to escape without
puuwhuiei.t and Hu n fad bk npc.n
the inncent tiCJipie, who had no
Hand wmuevtr m iu uuiiugn;
ui ,--., " i""VJ
Siroyed. o men era i-iiujsueu iui
burning and stealing dm ing the riots
; of 1877, but it was proponed to en
act a law compelling tlio )opI0 01
tho State to pay $4,U0J,G0J damages,
for the property destroyed. Charles
Wolf was m tho Legisiature, when
the bill was framed, and brought for
ward to steal that sum of money from
the people of the commonwealth to
pay for t'ao property destroyed by
bad men. Ban such a system of legal
robbery to its conclusion, and the
state, or county, or borough would
bo compelled to pay for all that
thieves wonid destroy, or 6 teal. Too"
much credit cannot bo given to Mr.
Wolf for his able advocacy of the
rights of the people. May his re
ward in tbe future bo commensurate
with the good he bita done for the
honest industrious people of this
. There is a fine court houso at
Lewisburg, tho singular feature of
which is that in its basement is the
jail for Union county. The cells are
said to be dry comfoi table aud sc
enic. The economy of having a court
house and jail thus united ia self
General Simon Cameron, was in the
place, having been brought up from
Sunbury by John B. Packer, in a
bugy, but the money making, and
political power loving old gentleman
made such a Hying visit, that he was
there, and on his way agiin to Sun-
biirv, before the " Lteiary fellers"
learned of his presence. The Gener
al's friends say that his visit was not
for a political purpose.
Th ir!d aro act. the fluid are preen,
AH thin? arc glad and growing.
And fn-h and cool aeroM the pool,
Tho fwutlo wind i blowing.
Tb humid clouds Jet fill the tkfi
Tbe riiii has ceiwd its failing,
And Irora fcis rail acrons tho male,
I hcr tlw partridge callins,
Tha ij-olted partridge calling.
Thro' the i!enee not a not?.
Ilia listening ear Is greeting,
But hear, O hear, how load and clear,
Ilia call he is rejwating.
What pleading lingers in his tone,
What tendernrM revealing!
O, soft and sweet, across the wheat,
A timid answer's stealing.
The timid answer' stealing.
Sisila A. Gakoso.
An oTcl.auce eavs; For soft corns
A;n niece of linen cloth in tnrpen
tine, and wrap it around tho tender
toe m'gbt and morning, me rouei
is said to be immediate, and after a
few days they will d!&prer.
Hay making commences this week.
Many people in this
eat Itugi. 1
Thia Wednesday is the longest day
of the yer. J
The dead Harrisbunr conventinn
meeU to-day
John Mcileen, bourht a car-load of
western cattle.
Mrs. T. J Middah.
friends in Oliia
Miss Blanch Wright is TiRitincr hap
sister Mrs. Joseph Martin.
The Democratic State convention
is to meet on the 23th inst
A Refreshing shower of rain fell
last Wednesday afternoon.
General Baaver, has already started
upon a canvass of the State.
S. L. Kinzer, of Oakland Mills, la
home from New Berlin school.
Mrs. Burge from the State of In
diana is in town visiting friends.
Ex-SherifF Hamilton is repainting
Mrs. Dunn's house at East Point
The loss by storm on Sajtnrdav, in
Kansas city, is estimated bt $200,000.
E. S. Paikar, bought a oar-load of
cattio that were brought uom W is-
The liichfield brass band, held
festival and cake walk, lost Saturday
Jerome Thompson, of Mexico ship
ped a number ot line lioracs to New
lork city.
James B. Stein, md preacher Wil
son's toil, are home from Williams
port bcaooL
Mr. Holman, fosndryman, w-Lc has
been sick the.paat 9 wtseks is ab'.e to
bo a boat again.
Tbe prospect for a crop of peaches
from tne peach orchards, 12 this
county is jDioniising.
Tobias Auoker, and Mr. Pre?, the
baker, have laige potatoes of their
own raising this year.
Dr. Kobcrt Reynolds, of Lake
county, California is now in Juniata
visiting roktives and friends.
Dan cannon has a street lamp at
each street corner. They have no gas
m that town but use coal til.
Tho lightning struck a pear tree j
in McCoy s yard, fit tho hist lock
north of town, on Friday evening.
The Druggists Siato Association,
met in Altoona last week. P. D. Ham
lin f rum this place was in attendance.
Captain Lewis Degan administra
tor ot II. H. Biubaker offers a valu
able farm for sale, bee advertisement
A liuml-er of Juniata veterans at
tended tbe re union of the Mifliin
county soldieis, last Thursday at
A festival, and cako walk, was held
in tho had of the Patterson Hook
and Ladder Cumpauy, hwt Saturday
Ji.rues Irwin, and wife, celebrated
the 25. h anniversary of their mar
riage in this place, last Saturday
t '
Since the show, Patterson
, p
perform on tho horizontal bar. Will
Wangle, was severely mirt, wwie tnus
l)cinocnttic county committee
t vu Siturttav. ami elected b.
1 A-.l i;,.iin ,i;tHiivi ili;t ?r!te to the
s-..t ,.., vMi.ti,,u.
Soldivrs in Huntingdon county will
receive tiOO.OJU pension money this
year. 1 lie sum is dismouiied among
5 JO pensioners.
A number of tho youth of this
place, wiil tako 1 art in tho com
mencement exercises t Airy ' lew
Academy tins Wednesday evening.
... . . ft ...-.i,.. of complaints
from subscribers, stating that they
, . UI,rJ ,:.
lault must be with the mad service
somew here outside of this office.
Important T Travellers.
bpecial luuuceiueuls are cticrtd yuu by
tbe burliuglou Koute- it will pay you to
reid llieir aiivertiaenicct to be found else
where in this iseue.
Insiu-amo Agent, Cribbs, has a
'paten of straw berries," that are
liid to beat, in point of size, lie
dioxpeu one into tue o;iice the other
Uay, ui;tt mouhured 111 circumference
Brakcaicn .lbert Tice, was kiile
by tne carsiii Dmudtl iat:ju on tne
Oclingsruve and oaubiuj Ll. ii. lust
'Inmbuuy moimiig. lie i.ave a wife
to mouiu hmi. iio was a citizen of
A Cincinnati woman was swinging
in a hummock in tne seclusion 01 her
back j aiU, and her leet hung down.
A neighbor looked through the fence
and cued, '"Snoot tuem leet!" He
was prbetutcd and, though he meant
no auverse criUgifeui ot the feet, nor
disrespect of the owner, was fined t
An exchange says. Prayers for the
newspapers and magazine press of
tne wnoe country were o tiered at
several religious meetings in New
iorK city recently. Thanks! Wonder
whether they ottered any petitions for
delinquent patrons? 'lnoso are the
lcilows that need them most
There will be a fneeting of the
stock holders of the Riverside Park
and Agricultural Association, on
Thursday, June 22 ltWi at 2 o'clock
p. 31. at the odice of the undersign
ed, for the purpose for the purpose
of electing officers for the ensuing
D. B- DOTY Jr., Sec y.
A newspaper reporter ws in a
Boston church one Sunday afternoou
and in the next issue of the paper
he said tbe preacher said "The little
pood any of ns can do must be done
with our hearts thumping against the
hearts of our fellow men." And
every young woman in church looked
at every other young woman and
smiled approvingly.
Two tramps that were refused
of rl.c bouse of J. H. Shoff in
Cumberland county near Sbirrous-
a K.rj -
town Wt'llt to the bam ami Pet It on
f x-., tl.n lniilJii:!?. vitil i OOV.s and
4 (Mi) IKitiDilsi of tb;if4ii vtlf5 destroy-
ed bv tbe lire. Tho tramps m-re
purBittid and iin"est-d anil uupnson-: a(.nt tb(J verdicl being amtdcr in tho sec
ed. If sueh an ocewreuoe bad taken ou(1 degree-
place hi the the tramps rovtd f--ftif-Kifibjii.
be lmchd 1
Our special artist, here presents
tbe back view of a local reform
spoils gatherer, looking off into space
for Republican Federal destruction,
that he may catier spoils.
Ho is the Tribune reformer, and
Federal destructioniat, that the Phil
adelphia Press correspondent spke
of. The Prtst can rely upon the
correctness 01 the picture.
Tho strikers in Pittsburg, indulg
ed in a street parade last Saturday.
20,000 men were in line. The proces
sion was nearly 2 hours in passing a
given point A great crowd liued the
street to see the parade. The men
were orderly as becomes citizens of a
great free state,
Colorado bocno tup tocbist tick
ets at greatly redxtud rales, via C, B.
& Q. R. R., new Chicago and Denver
Through Line, good during summer
months and National Mining and in
dustrial Exposition in September are
now on pale and fud particulars as to
trains and rates can be obtained from
anv Couixm Ticket Office in tho
United States and Canada.
Samuel Kennedy, of Milford town
ship, had one side of his face blown
off last Thursday, by tho explosion
of a blast in Loudon a iron ore mine.
The blast did not go off as soon as
expected, and he went back to exam
ine it, and while ho was thus cngag
ed the exilosion took place.
nose and one eyo wcro blown away
with the Sido of the face; both jaws
were shattered. Kennedy died on
Sunday night.
An old gentleman asked a newspa
per man recently to let him koow m
his next issue, What a house was
without a newspaper ? The editor
responded by stating that, 'It was a
place where old Lata aro bluffed into
window irames wnere mo cnnurin
are like youug pigs; the house-wife
like au original savuge ; the husband
with apauorauia ol the Dismal swamp
painted on his shirt bosom with to
baoco juice, and tho geural Dutlook
resembling tne home of a depraved
Late List Saturday night a cyclone
swept through central Iowa. Many
people were killed. Houses and barns
were b:owu away. R til road trains
were wrecked, and a scene of uupara
lelkd destruction followed in the
muiu track of the storm. Iu the town
of Grianviilo 40 people were killed
and 100 people were wounded by the
falling houses. At St Mary's Aca 1
ainy, Kansas, 4 btndtnts were killed
by tho main tower blowing down.
Great drnnage to property at Leav
enworth. The Bloomfiold Advocate of last
of l:st week says: On Ntturday a
week the bark peelers employed by
Henry Gibbous, in East Hor.-e Val
ley, near iilain, this county, discover
ed a dead bear lying in a small stream
in tho mountain. It had been heard
previous to that time in the woods,
but the amount of noise made by old
Brum caused them to think it was a
horse running through the woods.
Mr. Ii. II. Kdl cut off one paw,
which measured about 6 inches ac
cros. It was a black male and prob
ably died of old age. His weight was
estimated at between 500 and COO
pounds. 3Ir. Morrison would like to
know whether any porson within a
reasonable distance wounded a bear
Tbe Verdict of tbe Jury
Wr. have jual received a copy ul the most j
popular piece of niuic published in this
country, called the "Verdict March," com-
posed by Eugene L. Blake. It is written
in an easy style, so that it can be played ou
either piano or organ. The title page is
very hiidoiuu, containing correct porlriats
ot Hon. Geo. B. Cotkhill, lion. J. K. Por
ter aud Judge W. 8. Cox; also a correct
picture of the twelve jurymen who convict
ed the aassin of our iato beloved Presi
dent. This ( iece of music should be found
in every household throughout the entire
couutry. Price 40 cents pur copy, or S
copies for $1. Postage stamps taken as cur
rency . Address all orders to P. VV. Ileliuick,
Mubic Publisher, 18J Elm Street Cincinnati
Silver baa been ditcvured in Fayeite
A marnagu in high life is forthcoming in
Berlin. The parties are each over 8 feet high
A man named 1'iiest ai d his wile while
boating some lew days at Neeoab, Wiscon
sin, were carried over a dam aud drowued.
Mrs. Esther Anger Cote was killed by
lightning during a thunder storm at Saint
John d'Escbaileous, Quebec some days ago.
i It is estimated tbat lbU.UUU Chiueso d e
1 .......
every year trout tne enects 01 smoiiii.g
Out of 111 counties in Missouri, S3
conmies refuse to grant license to sell in
toxicating drinks.
A Urge barn in the cattle yards at Pains
rillu, Ohio, was burned on Saturday night
a wet h, and two tramps perished in it. I
is supposed they set it on fire while smok
ing. Japan has nearly halt a million more men
than women in its population of Sb.UUl',-
j ro, thus proving au exception to the ca-
. fjijHjIied cbartrristic ol old commiiLities.
j jt VTalsh. who kicked hiswifetodeath
' Tfli uirr 5, was some days ago, at Ilcrfc-
. neinM.r jf . y.t 8-r.ttnccl to lite imprisor.- i
What with April frosts, chilly
pells in May, and other abnormal
meteorological phenomena, the sea
sons of the year 1832 are in snch a
confused state, that anything which
may be interpreted as a sign of their
regular sequence is w elcome on that
account alone. This is one reason
why we are glad to receive the Sum
mer number of E-siucb Fashion Quaa
txbxt. Another reason is, that the
book is fall of interesting matter,
and is decidedly the most agreeable
melange of literature and fashion
that has been issued from the press
in a long time The costumes illus
trated are sufficiently diversified in
style and cost to enable every lady
reader to suit both her taste and
pocket ; and a host of well executed
woodcuts serves to show eacn lair
subscriber the last sweet things in
bonnets, tbe latest efforts in parasols,
the prevailing styles of fans, and bo
on, through the entire range of that
delightful science which the lair de
nominate ''Shoppincr.
The purely literary features ol tne
magazine are excellent t-oen ri.
Rexford's poem, -The Patter of Lit
tle Feet," has a tender pathos of
which the greatest of our poets might
have felt proud. "The Editor at
Home," discusses cunent topics with
a quaint humor in which a strain of
earnest purpose is obstrusively ap
parent; and a charming illustrated
story entitled "Hard Times," en
chains the reader's interest from end
to end. Nor 13 purely instructive lit
erature neglected; the lesson of
China-painiirg are continued, and a
beautiful design for a tile ia illustra
ted, with full directions for execution;
an illustrated article on outline em
broidery introduces a 'p:e:,-5:ng occu
pation for -njuwr afternoon; end
the laws and iuvtiic.is of lu-oln ry and
lawn tenuis uj;j ilesT'iibr.l in a brae:
of well v.-r';!t..5i art teles.
Altogether o think tho Fa.mx
Quaetuklt i9 a Buccess. Ib cost is
only 50 cents a year, and if it pub
lishers propose lo givo f.ir that price
4 books of equal merit with tin one
before ns, they qnii3 deserve the
success we wish them. The Maaine
is is.ned by Ehrich Bros., Light h
Avenue, New York.
Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer.
It is cntin ly dilfiTCnt Ironi i! others.
It is as clear as watnr, and. s its mine in
dicates, Is a perfii;t Vegatablo Huir Kcstor
er. It will immediately ire the h.ud friiii
all dandruff, rcrture gray huir its natural
color, and produce a nw growth hc ro it
has fallen e3". It does not in any way affect
1 . 1
tue neaitu, wmcii ;piir, miju- oi ioa,
land ffitrato of Silver jT. j-.-rui;.ns hav
done. Il iil ciianicn light or U'lrJ hit. in a
few days to a b.-autiful g'otsy brown. A:k
your druggist for it. EjcIi bottle is war
ranted. SMITH. KLINE A CO.. V.Im.Ic
mIp Agents. Phiix'l'-!j !.u, and C. N . ::IT
TENTON. New York.
The criminal new of a single wee makes ,
a sad showing of boyish de'iravily. A boy-
cl Beiievi-!r. Ir..i kill'-1 the Rlrl -h re- J
jectrd Lis auarensca ou accout ul his dtsi-
p.ition. Two Arkansas boys quarreled orer J
a rabbit bunt, and one slew thj other with
au ax. A St. Louis boy stabbed tho play
mate who trid him for his ignorance of
English. A West Virginia boy shot his
rival in a girl's affections. A Virginia hoy
confosu the foi.oni:!g of two persons. A
Texas boy sl:-t a little ?irl because she re-lUM-d
to put down a psil when he ordered
her to. A Kaisis boy is on trail for inten
tionally drowning a pUymire. two f is
cotisin buys m dfre.ltd a child nearly to
death. Three boys jilea'Icd guilty to high
way r.'bb-ry u Cliicigo. An Iowa boy is a
for-sr. A Missouri buy set fro to a house.
A New Mexico boy sb jt a tsoy. A Colo
rado horse tlnrf ii aRed is reirs, ami nono
of tho othrr criminal ni'.:i'.in.-il were over
Sr. Clm, Juno If. At au early hour
this morning about 111 ty leet of New Cas
tle towchip road fell into thj old workings J
ol tho colliery at New Castle, formerly op
erand by Oeorge S. Kepplier. Tbe cave
in cms oil all wagon trtlij to Frackvillo
and all point north of this p'.aro until it is
filled in,wlii'h will t:iko consider 1W0 time.
To facilitate matters a Urgo forco cf men
went to work this morning cutting a tem
porary road arouud tho break to allow tne
p-1-.sagtf of c trrigr-s. A dwelling house
and stab'e stood on opposite ides of the
road and weru nearly carried into the hole.
The inmates of the house were awakened
by a crash and moving of the housj. Hal f
of the foundation w-is carried cut of sight
and the building stoed on the ballance,
ready to topple over. The family, six in
number, owe llieir sale exit to their pres-
encc of nund. xs the lesst conlusion insiao ,
j would probably have resulted in thir death j
j and i:i tho toUl destruction of the building. '
Dyspepsia, hetrt-barti, natisi.
s- 1
tion, etc., aro always relieved ly
Iron Bitters
m fiUuillsr. 4i,..r.sr ana
An all 4i-C?sJ'EST liae to St. JMfpb.
poisu la Iowm74;gJfAtcb joa. Tepck. Dtnl-
1. New Mcxice, Arizona, MuT?L Tfrs vrKou,
tana an1 Tezt.
!.: lUiuie eta, aufu-.-rlor fr Aicrt
l'nlTera,-,iSSS. Vl...' n nntnl .
I '-. Ulnnt-iiinitiiB, St. FftnL
! coaredrd iu .fJJj. beiur the Great
br the best eqalpsed 3f5JnrighCar
Kailnmd ia tbe World for "7J! Line
ail CIBaae or TruT.I.
n rVa'K On't Xmafr- Pim. Aj'..
Ihlracft. III. Chsrwan, III
V All eonnectlo&a made Ql
,COv la t nloa vlVAV
Throosh 7VN. VVV S TI7U
TlcS;TiathlaSr !M will
Celebrated Use StZStiXL ' trvr':l
taleai:offleelriOjv huurjr. taatead
the V. S. stj )C (tJiyS. of a d:
CmiJKU. sZCWs' njMJv ecxf-t.
V Fare. S:eeBtne Carj.v'VV
KcFaiLA.iB Caxviia Ob the 14th iat.
by Kev. J Laodia. at It SaLta, William
UcFarland, t Miss Hannah B.CarraU, both
of Thompsontown Juniata Co.
mrruHTOwir makkkts.
MuruiTows, Jane 21, 1882.
EB8. il
Hm J
Shoulder 11
8 idea 12
Corrected weedy.
Qgotatioms roa To-dav.
Wednesday, Jane 21, 1882.
Wheat 1 80
Cora, ....... 5
Oata, 6
Rye W
CloTerseed 00
Timothy seed 2 26
Philadelphia Markets June 17th 18S2.
Bed wheat $1.40. For July 25,000 bushels
sold alt 1 ,21 For August li.OcO bushels
were sold el $1,17. For September 25,000
bukbela wore sold at $1.17. Kye at 8 cents
per bushel. Corn 84 to Biennis per bushel.
Oats 60 to 62cta per buahol. For September
oats 4bcis aas bid.
CHICAGO, June IS Hogs Receipts,
23,000 head; market weak and 6c ta lower;
mixed, $7 .St) to $; heavy $Sto80-. light,
7.35tu7.yO; sliips, $5.6toi.25. Cattle
ReceiDt3.65.Cx' l.ei; prices 15 to 20cts.
lower; exports, $4.20tott 55; good to choice
snippiug $7.4oio7 VO; common to fair $ .75
to$; mixed butchers nut plentilul and
stronc: common to good, $2.5Uto5. Tixaos
iu lisbt supdIv and stronger at $-1.50too 60;
s toe Her aud feeders steady at $vJto52"j
Sneep Receipt, 1000 bead; market quiet
aud dull; poor to lair, $3to4; medium to
good shorn, $l.2jto5.
EAST LIBERT T, Pa., June 15 Cattle
Receipts, 2i4i head; market low; prime
SStob 50s X'lvd, $7to7.60; common, Jjlo
6,50 Hogr Receipts, 600 brad; mirket ac
tive; Philudelphiaua at $3.25to8.50; Baltimore,-.
Aio .10; Torkers, $7.7oto7.90.
Sheep Receipts, SOAH heal; market slow;
best $o,25to5,60; good, $4,75to5; common,
At New York the rairktt for leaf Tobacco
has been ou!y moderately active, and prices
reraaiu steady. Sales 2"0 cases Feonyva
nia, crop libb, at Clo2oc; 50 cue Jiew
EaKland. crop It-tO, at MtoCUct; 150 cases
, Ohio, crop li-bO, on prirato termi, and S50
balen tlavana at Sctct 1,.'J.
(Successors to BtiTers 4 Eannedy.)
Calcined Plaster, Land Plasters
We buy drain, to be dolivercd at Mirt'.in
town. Port Royal, or Mexico.
AVe are prepared to I urn'uh Salt to dealers
at reasonabio rates.
April 2!,l2-tf
Whon you liivo ati iMitme.I eye, a
swoilcd hand, or decayed a:id acliit: tooth,
you do not t ke and till ynur stoiuucli with
drugs to enro it, but apply a cooling loliou
or some soothing narcotic Cirectly to ttu
parts. So if yon have a wiak or lame
back, sore kidnej. profuse or scanty urino,
or tho secretory system is clogged and in
active, you shouid use Prof. Oulmetto's
French Kidney Pad, which ig a directly lo
cal application, which always gives speedy
relief and alwavs cures the disease. Ask i
your druggi.it for it
For sale by L. Bank's and Co., I'reggista
The Secret
of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters is sim
ply this: It is the best Iron
preparation ever made; ii
compounded on thoroughly
scientific, chemical and
medicinal principles, and
does j ust what t s claimed for
it no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
assimilation with the blood,
it reaches every part of the
system, healing, purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
7) Dearborn Ae., Chicago, Ko. 7-
Kira been a frrcal Mifferer froia
a very weak ttoimJcH. haax&burn, atd
drspcpiia In iu worst (Urns. Nearly
everything 1 ate f- Cj - Ire., ,
a.-.d 1 ctu'4 eat but lit'.ie. lain
tried ceerylhmjrecaoimendee!, hara
t .ken the prescription of a doica
fHraiciaa. butr. no relief vntil 1
tok Brown' lrm Bitten. I (eel
Booc of th old troubles, mnd am a
aew soaa. 1 am getting asoch.
stronger, and feel fint-rate. I am
a railroad engineer, and now vaak
aae trips regjsriy. I can not saw
too morn in praise cf your wonder
ful sediuae. I. C klaut.
Broivn's Iron Bitters
does not contain whiskey
or alcohol, and will not
blacken the teeth, or cause
headache and constipation
It will cure dyspepsia, indi
gestion, heartburn, sleep
lessness, dizziness, nervous
debility, weakness, tic
Una only Brww-T, Item KnMsS mad by
Bmwn Chemical Co.. Baltimore, Cum a
ALL persons are hereby cautioned j
against fishing or hominc, gathcricr? i
inrries. or cros?i:g fields, r,r ;:i ny other j
wty trcspaas-pg on the lands of the under-1
J. S. Kcr.rr. ;
Fcntlmd ::! nenuhiiean fl."9 a vrii i
Is the place where
HK ia prepared te exhibit one f the most choice and select stocks erer efW i
Alee, measures taken for suits and parts of suit, whisk will bt made te eras
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember tbe place, in Hoffman's New Building, eoraer ef Bridge a4
Water aTeeta, MIFFLIJITO WN, PA. Jen. 1, 19T-tf
Has just retaroed from tbe Eastern cities with afull variety ef
CENTS' rO'RXISHINli GOODS. Goods of all kinds are low Come aad eee sm
and be astonished. Pants at 75 coata.
Patterson, Pa., April 16, 179.
2xd Doob North or Bumcs Stbest,
Mifflinto-nru, Pa.,
Calls tbe attention of tbe pubiio tothc
following fasts :
Fair Prices Our Leader I Tho
Best Goods Oar Pride !
One Price Our Style! Cash or
Exchange Our Terms I
Small Profits and Quick Sales Our
Motto I
Our leading Specialties are
AND SHOES, for Men, Women and
Children, Queensware, Glassware,
Wood and Willow-ware, Oil Cloths,
and every article usually found in first
class stores.
j exchange for goods at highest market
Thankful lo tbe public for their
heretofore libera, patronage, I request
their couticned custom ; aud tik per
sons from all parts of the county, when
in M. Ill in to call and fee in? stock of
r. tsrcstiiADi;.
Sept. 7,
Professional Cards.
Locis K. Atki.ssuw. tiio. Jacobs, Jb
SaColIecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
UrriCK On Main street, ia place of resi
dence ol Louis Ii. Atkiuaon, K-q.. south oi
Bridge street. Jcl2C, lbbl.
Attorney at Law,
All businesn promptly sttended to. Spe
cial attention given lo Collecting and Con
veyancing. Office on Bridge fctrcct, oppo
site Court Uoue Square.
All business promptly attended to.
Otricg On Biidge street, opposite ine
Court House square. (jau, U0-lj
MIFFLIN imv;:, PA.
CColW lions attended to promptly.
Orrics With A. J. Patterson K-. on
Bridge sireet. Feb US, P0
T1I0MASA. "eLUEK, il
Phyaiciaa and Surgeon,
MIr ruSTOH X, r.t.
Off.ce houra from 9 a. a. to 3 r. a.. i
i!ce in his residence, on Third street, op
poaite Meiiiodiivt pars(n.ige. octii-tt
lias resumed ac'ivuly the practice of
Meilicine ami SnrZT and their collateral
branches. Othce at the old corner of Third
and Orangd streets, Mifllintown, Pa.
March 2'.l, lfe70.
J. 1
.1 end f mia, Juniata Co., Pa.
Orrics formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett.
Professional business promptly attended to
at all houra.
jonx Mclaughlin,
n7On!y reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, l75-ly
Continues the practice of Medicine and
Surgery and ail their collateral branches.
Odice at bis rrsidenre in HfcAlisterrtlle.
Feb 0, 1H7;.
yu aa bj
Special .YJict.
A Great Clhs3 cf Enmm Misery
It the Loss or
A Lecture on tho Nature, Treatment aaC
Radical Cure of 'ainisal Weakness, or
Spermatorrhoea, induce' by Sell-Abnse, la
voluntary Fmusions, Irnputtncy, Nervous
Dubiliij, aud I- ptuiuucr.t j to Marriage gen
eraily; Ccnsnn;i:tio!:t L'pi!?p.iy and litaj
Mental and Pliv.ical Ini-a;ucitv, Ac. By
thor ot the "G.-eea Book," c.
The world.rcnowr.od anthor, in this ad
mirable Lecture, clearly piovea from hit
own experience that the aw!ul eonsequea
ces of Self. Abuse may be. (lectually renier
el without mo'.lic.nes, and wicboui danger
ous surgical oporarious, bougies, instru
ments, ring or coidials ; pointing out sv
mode of cure at osce ceruin and effectual
by wiaich every sufferer, to matt-ir wLathi.
coudition my bo, may citruhimsell cheaply,
privately and radically.
ftflhit Ltrtmt will prtut a t i'f-
tandi and
Sent, unddr . !, in a plain envelope, ts
any add.rij, foii-paH, en receipt of six
cents, or two poiiage atampj. Aldrean
41 Asa 3!., N Yo:a, X T. ;
junelS-ly Post.OM.ee Bux 4ie.
1 will mall (Tier) thoreceipe for asimplo
Vioitablk Cms that will remove T41,
Faicxsu. TiMrics and PioTsnas, learttfr
the skin aoft clear and beautiful; also In
structions for pri'iut irg aluxuriaut growtai
of hair on a baldhe&d or sinooth (ace. Ad
dress, inciosing Zc. stntiip, Bs. kVsanas
A Co., 12 Barclay it.. N. Y.,
to cojisuinivKs.
The sdvorliaer bavirg teen prmaaeM!f
cured ol that druid cucase, CoascmptloB,
by simple remedy, is anxious t Make
known to his feilt.w-sntf.-rkrs the lueana of
cure. To all who c!i .r it, tin nill seed a
copy ef the presiriptiua usi d, (free f
charge.) with the direciious lor preparisg
and nsing tbe same, wuU h they will Hod
sure Cccb for Cl-vciis, L'clss, Co.ssvxpt
lon, Astuha, Emxcutris, 4.C. l'artiee
wishing llitf Pre5c.-ir iiou, will please ad
dress Uev. E. A. WILSON, lv I'eaa St.,
Williumsbr.rli, N". V.,
A Ceiitleuiari who si:Tere! for J oars from
XLrvou i)et'.!i!y, I rruiiluio Decay,
and ail thu cth cU ot Juufhtul it.diacretion,
wiil tor the s ko of s;.fT-;ring humsuity,
send free to ail who need it, the receipe
and direction ior nakm thw ait.iple runted
by which he was cured. S'lfTerers wishil.g
lo profit by the adveitiae:' experievHc CmM
do so by addressing in perfect conlidocce,
JOUN B. UGLK, 42 Cedar St., N.
Juno 14 b2 I yr.
THE undersigned, harirg put the Miffln
lown Koiiodry in a state of rcpa.r, uv
prepared to do ail kin 's of foundry work.
will bo made auJ supplied to trier.
Flows, Plow Shears, Cast Iron
Hog Troughs and Field
r paired in a workmanliko Uianner.
Irou Kallinr; aud I's-oclns;
j made and oidtriU to suit pnrt Laser.
i Fur any and ail kinds of work that ia pro-
I due cd iu a Ii nnurv, cail en
iAi an iioLM ti,
Fi'l"' LiliV MAN,
Miliin'own, Juuia'a Co., Pa.
Ott- it,
aVo awtf tm mmtf Singrr fas IAe Mmrhtt.
The aboe eut representa the aaoei ncF,',l"
fyle for tbe people wtieh we ofl'er for you fcr
the 'err low price of tJO. llemeraber, we do
not Sale" ynu to per ontil you have seen the
machine. After having e.aaiiced it, if it is
not all we reprwnt, returu it to at oar
expense. Corwalt your interests and order a.
an re, rr send for ein-elars sr'd re-!innni&!a.
Address CH A Rf.i-S A. WOOD A CO.,
Ke. 17 . Tenia i'., i'LiLuialphia, Ta,
March 15, IS-8J.
We hava stores In 1 5 leadinar Cities,
rreeawtilra oor trotba tb-tstrfw'Jnslciiy
O ir I jcurrt , a..! f riurliMtl Mt'j.-n TnTrit
Krle, Ihu 8eudv tor ir Sow CaUaUoamas
k-cuia to aiwcta Siiirms
M If. I Own I S'?.?t1 0rsei
.til in ms e s.Sae rnia,oVHIA.SA. j
fiubecribe for tha .Cv.fiwii CilU..
' tc bt riewepntrr in the wet n sr.
vm&h lira