Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 14, 1882, Image 4

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    Pack's Son.
A young fellow who Is pretty smart on
central principles, and who if always in
good humor, went into a Chicago store
the other morning hirping and seemed to
be broke up generally, i'be proprietor asKed
hiui if he wouldn't sit down, and be said
he couldn t Tery well, as his back was
lame. Beseemed discouraged and the
proprietor asked him what was the matter.
"Well," said he, as be put bis hand on his
nistol Docket and groaned, 1 here is no
encouragement for a boy to have any fun
nowadays. 11 a boy tries to play an inno
cent 1Ke he gets kicked all over the
house." The store-keeper asked him what
had happened to disturb his hiUvity. lie
said he plaved a joke on his father and
had teen limping ever since.
You see, I thought the old man was a
little spry You know he is no spring
c licken yourself, and though his eyes are
not what they used to be, yet he can see a
pretty girl luriher than 1 can.
The other day 1 wrote a note in a fine
Land and ai'dretsed it to him asking him
to meet me on the corner of Wisconsin and
Milwaukee streets at 7:30 on Saturday
evening, as I had an errand with him, and
signed the name Daisy to it. At supper
time pa he was all shaved up and had his
hair all plastered over the bald spot, and
got on some clean cuffs, and said he was
going down to tne loncistory to initiate
some candidates from the cruntry, and be
miubt not be in till late. Be didn't eat
much supper, and h'irried off with my
umbrella. 1 winked at ma but didn t say
anything. I weut down town aud he was
standing there by the poet-offlce corner in
a dark place. 1 went by him and said
"Ilello pa, what are you doing there !"'
Be said he was waiting for a man. lie
went down the street, and pretty soon
went up on tie other corner by Chapman's
and be was standing there. Be didn't
know what corner Daisy was going to be
or, and he had to cover the four corners;
I saluted him if he hadn't found his man
yet, and he said no, the man was a little
late. It is a mean boy that won t tpeak to
his pa w hen he sees him standing on the
corner. I went up the street and I saw p.
cress over by the drugstore in a sort ot
hurry, and could see a girl going by with
a waterproof on, but she skited right along
and pa looked kind of solemn the way he
does when I ask for new clothes. I turned
and came back, and he was standing there
in the doorway, and I said, "l a, you wi 1
catch cold if you stand around waiting for
a man. i ou go down to the Consistory
and let ire lay for the man. "I a said.
".Never you iniud; you go about your busi
ness and I will attend to the man." Well.
when a boy's pa tells him to never you
mind and locks spunky mv experience U
tnat a toy wants to go rLsht away lrom
there, and I went down the street. 1
thought 1 would cross over and go up the
oilier s;de, and see bow long he would
stav. There wta a girl or two going up
a btad of me, ana 1 see a inau burn ing
acrots from the drugstore to Van Felt's
corner. It was pa, and as the girls went
along and never lookvd around, pa looked
mad aud stepped into the doorway. It
was about eight o clock then, and pa
was tired and 1 felt sorry for him, and J
went up to Liai and asked him for a bal;
a dollar to go to the Acadtmy. 1 never
, anew bim to shell out so quick. Be gave
me a dollar, and 1 told him I would go
and get it changed and bring him back the
half a dollar, but he said 1 needn't ni.nU
the c'jaxj;e. It is awtul mean of a boy
who has always been Heated well to play
that way. and 1 felt ashamed.
As 1 turned the corner and saw him
standing there fcliivenng, wailing fi r the
man, my couciencu trcui k d rue, and 1
; told a J olid Iran to g. aud te 1 pa that
Daisy Lad been sudihnly takeii with
worms, aud wujM not te there that eve
ning. I peeped around tlie corner, and pa
and the p jliceuian weut on to get a drmK.
1 mas glad they did, cause pa ueeded it
after standing around so long. Weil, when
1 went heme t e j ke was so good I told
ma all about it, and she wa mad. i gueas
she was mad at me fur treating him that
way. 1 heai d pa come home about eleven
o click, aud ma was real kind to him. bL,e
told him to Warm his feet, cause they was
ju4 like chunks of ice. Tnen she asked
him how ciativ they initiated in the Con
sistory, and he said six, and then tne
asked it they initiated Daisy in the Con
siatory, and pretty soon I heard pa snoring.
In the morning, when 1 got up, he took me
into the La euieut and gave me the hard
est talking to thai I ever had with a bed
a:at- He said that be anew that I wrote
that note all the time, and he thought he
would pretend Le was looking for Daisy
just to tool me. It don't loos reasonable
that a u an would catch the expizootic
and rheumatism just to fool his boy, does
it r hat did he give me the dollar for i
Ma and pa don't seem to call each other
pet my more, aud s lor me they both
look at me as though I was a hard citizen.
1 am koing lo i.Uttouri to tke Jesse
James' place. There is iio encouragement
for a hoy here. e.l, good morning, it
pa comes in Lore asking lor me ted him
that you saw an express wagon going to
the morgue with the remains of a pn tty
boy wbo acted as though he died from
concussion of a bed slat cn the pistol
pocket. U, he has got tne awfulest cold,
And the hoy limped out to separate
couple of dfcs that were fighting.
Slldnlsht W lags.
A writer Irem Worcester, Mass., says:
One of tbe pLsooniena which has been
noticed in connection with the cold and
stormy weather of the pant few weeks is
the scarcity of some species of birds which
usually make their appearance in numbers
throughout the country from tbe first to
the fifieenlh of ibis month. Although in
the milder weather of the last month tbe
early brds came thick and fast, passing
on their way to the north, the tide of mi
gration has apparently been stayed ty the
unfavorable wtalber, which has retarded
es well tne growth of vegetation in some
ways. Wc were prepared on the rise of
the mercury to note a flight of birds during
the niebt and were not disappointed. The
early hours of the evening passed without
much having been heard of tbe.birds ex
cept now and then the chirp of a warbler
r tbe noite of a small flock passing over
head. At 11 o'clock, however, bird calls
began to resound tilth in theair and on all
side-', and from 12 til 2 in the morning
multitudes of birds were heard passing
overhead, some low, some so high that
tbeir notes can.e back like a faint echo in
from the darkm-as Occasionally a flock
of arblt rs or sparrows would pass, fly inr
so low tbat tbe rustling o! their wing
could be beard. ow and then a flock ot
small song birds passed high overhead,
making the r call notes a continuous musi
cal rit.plj through the night From tbe
regions of tbe upper air, high above ali,
oi me back the tones of the plover and
other shoie birds, all tending toward the
Ibis vast multitude of birds continued
to pass throughout tbe night. The notes
of maty, such as the bobolink, tauager,
Wilsons thrush, w bite-crowned sparrow,
it, were recognized, ai.d during a walk
the next day these birds and n-aoy others
wtre found in numbeis. This flight o!
birds, which is probably net local, may
extcLd over the en tne Northern Limed
Elates east of the Mississippi, or even fur
ther. Countless millions of birds are bow
spreading through these Mates, returning
from their aDdtricS in Southern forests
loi heir oid homes in tbe ISorUi.
It is suggested, with a view cf avoiding
tbe burstiiiit of water-pipes or freezing,
to make them ti'ptital ia secliot a. As th;
water expind to torai ice, it will alter ti e
shape of the pipe, causing it to become
circular in section, and therefore giving
morerootn for the ice. It is proposed to
squeeze tue pipes Into their original shape,
when, by a succession of frosts, they have
been rounded.
Not ii. I'las tor Wnrrwmio Bias.
Choose any soil that is a little descending
and net under water in the spring. Plow
with a corn plow furrows the width of the
hives, as long rows as you need. Throw
nut the earth on both sides, making the
ditch or trench four or five inches deep,
except the lower end, which will be nearly
on 'be surface, rut any Kin a ot rxnros m
the bottom of the trench, then fill the
trench with long rye straw. Piace it as
you would to thatch, commencing at the
deep end of the trench. Piace 3x1 cr 2x8
joists on the straw against the outside of
the trench. Now place the bives on the
joists, close together, with caps removed,
tlso the honey board or canvas, and place
cotton quilts or mats over frames. Piace
the long straw on the top, commencing at
the lower end, four or five inches thick.
letting the straw project over the end hives
two teet Stand stiaw on the butt-end
against the bives, on each aide and ends.
four or five inches thick. Mow place
boards ten or twelve iuies wide slanting
agaiast the straw aud hues on both sti'ea.
To form roof, nail together boards ten or
twelve feet long the width of hive, thus:
Bend the straw standing upright over top of
the hive, and this roof bold it down and
leaves a space over the frames on tcp filled
as well as at the bottom of the hives. If
row of hives requires more than one length
af roof, where they come together pull
out some of the straw that lies on top of
the frames, right and left, about four
inches in diameter. Bind this and then
crowd i be roofs together as close as the
straw will admit. Bind the straw to a
core or to resemble the nuzzle of a Bing
ham smoker. Place short pieces of boards
sUnling at tbe ends of the hives under the
nds of the roof and straw that lies on top
of the frames. Cover the whole with
earth from three inches at ridge to four or
Si I luches at base. Jiow we hare a mound
say forty feet loug, with the straw and
boards of the bottom projecting some two
leet beyond to cany off any water that
may collect, and at top of ridge three per
pendicular straw veulilatnrs, and a hori
zontal one at each end. By the earth be
ing rtniovtd from each side to cover tbe
bees, the trench under the bees will be the
highest, axd to keep it dry plow a furrow
to drain off any water that may collect
Thus thry remain quiet, not being distur
bed or affected by tlie beat or cold until
the maples look red or tney can find pol
len; then remove them at night in their
summer stands, i his mode of wintering
is no new thing. It has bcea tried suc
cerflully for a number of years. The most
ot car bives have loose bottoms, so that
the bets ccme in contact with the straw
under them. 1 formerly wintered in the
eel ar. If I have choice colonies and want
lo kill them without brimstone 1 put them
there, and when opportunity offers carry
them out for a fly and return them, each
time many bees less. Bring confined, and
more or leas disturbed, ihty become uuea-
, aud wiien they are put on their sum
mer stands they are weak, exhausted, and
scan pcrihb, aud by the hist of June they
art all gone. 1 have been t igging in acd
out all winter and gained my object, but,
dj way ot excuse, term it "spimsr dwind
Mokkt is ilcLEs. Raising mules for
rale is cne of tbe most profitable, if indeed
it is cot tbe most pn fitable branch of
stock breeding. A mule is a very poor
specimen thai will not sell for $125 when
it is three Jtars of age, while twice that
sum is otten paid fur an active animal of
large t ie. F.rst-class mules are only
raued from gjed marcs. Many farmers
think thai any old, dibilitated mare is
tuiubie lo raise mules from. But in this
they aie mistaken A good dam as well
as a good s:re is le'imrtd. tjuj erior mules
ol Jart.e size aie in eoLstaut dtuiauu at high
l-iicei I Ley are wan'.ed not only on
aims but in laie towns litre there is
btay teaming to Co. They tLilure dust
smoke, aud beat much teller tLan horses
At present lbeie is a fereign demand lor
mules that is likely to increase. Mules
s and a sea voae much belter Uian
ucrses. Jluc coils are much easier to
taite tl-au hcise colls. They can be
eaned much earlier, and with less trou
ble. It is o.tbcu.l to work a mare that has
borse colt, as it will want to suck every
ttw Louts, but a mule colt will abstain
lrom sucking five or six hours without
u.aa.iDg irouDie. a. mule ot any ae U
less da,uty about its food than a horse. It
wi.'I make a good meal ou lodder tnat will
be rejected by any domestic animal except
a tai ii i-as surj using endurance and
viaiity. It e.l led ii will get along verv
comloitaUy with no shelter except during
severe storms. 1 Le co t of raisiug a mule
le ou J.er ceit Jess than that ot raising
toist, ana u wilt ticiuariiy bung more
money. Some of the most prospercus sec
tions of the country are lh.ee ia which
raiding mules ia a leading business among
Fatteslno wise. When hogs are be
ing lulteued in pens there should always
Le two apartment, trie one tor leeding aud
the other lor sleep:n? in. Tne one should
te cleaued ciaiy, and the other kept well
altered wun straw, and tbe straw renewed
as otten as the neat becomes very diity.
V neu nrst penned, mix with the feed of
each hog at least ttiree or four times I
week a Uas;xouful ol pulverized copperas
Feed regularly tbree times daily. A rub
bing pott iu the inclosure will be of advan
tage. Also place iu a trough under shelter
a mixture ot rotten wood, pulverized char
coal; ashes and salt. These methods or an
open range are indispensable to the good
neaim oi tLe beru.
Isfixksck cf Trees. From observa
tions made curing nearly U years in
lorestintbe Jura, it appeals that when
light strikes the ground without having
been silled ty loliagc, it stimulates the
reduction ot uselul acids in the soil; that
the growth of rood is diminished when
tbe underbiu&h is so thick and tall as to
impede the pa age of sunlight to the soli.
and its r flVx acticn cn tbe brarxbes of the
tries; aLd tLat u.eid in tco great a thick-
ntss becomes inert, and thus remains many
) ears as in the case with laim-yard ma-
nuie, when too deeply buried.
Soot contains ammonia, gyt sum, nitric
acid and certain other substances, to
which iu wel.-known effects upon vege-
laliou are chieoy to be ascribed, boot acts
advantageously upon root crtpi. English
experiments show that fifty -8.x bushels of
soot, mixed with six of common lalt, pro
duced larger crops of carrots uaa twenty-
tour tons or tarm-yard manure, with
tweuty-four bu.-be sif bones.
A good Getnsn n.eibtd to soften and
remove haicetcd putty: Di-foive potash
in water, and ado caustic or fresh lime.
Alter a time f-our off lie clear liquid and
lottle for use. MoiskLtd with ibis, put
ty quickly sotttus. it tLould be added
ttai tbe litsh lime mtkes tbe potash in
tensely taut tic, ana it should be kept
irom me nugira.
It is in.n iti rial at what time vegetables
are trenti-lsmed, piovidtd Ibty are not
too large kid Ibe iomd is warm and
mellow; tat ttey iLouia Dever be tin-
plMjttd m i it u stoini, when 1 e ground
is pLiidl). 11 trai splanted when it is
warm and n el low, root acticn begins at
liorXAS.A exce s sll other countries in
Euitpe in the piooii'jlion of Indian corn.
TLe average yield is thirty-four bushels
per acre, the total crcp aggregating about
108,WW,uW bushels.
Thc coffee plant has the general ap
pearance of a cherry tree. It grows to a
height of twenty or thirty feet, but in the
course of culture is kept cut clown to five
or six feet
So class of real properly lfl appreciating
in value so rapidly as forest lands or well
wooded areas. They will also be rich leg
acies to future generaUona. ,
Conditio of the South. "Is this a
very backward season in the South ?"
"lea, all the fruit max we nave ieeu
thus far is canned corn." "How much
do von thiok it ia behind lat spring?"
"About one year." "What height does
yonr thermometer register at present?"
'Eahrenbeit " Is there any room
tlr fur an honest mou who is out of
employment?" "Why that is the con
dition of every man here, tiiey are wail
ing to be sent to Congress." ' Do you
m much corruutiou down there?"
" Yes. a deal of it. especially in last
vear'a vecetablea." "But are the lit-
much affected?" "In coutl
dence I will tell you plainly that I
never saw such affectation : tuey arc
like the tortoise itself." "How is that?"
"Pretty well, thank yon."
A story is narrated of the present
Bishop cf Limtnek, which, coming
from LordEmly, must be true. The
Bishop, who has for some time back
been in extremely delica'e health, was
told tome days ago by bis physician
that a trip to Nice was positively neces
sary to set him np in health, bat be
positively declined to entertain the idea
of going and shook his head so deter
minately Uiat tbe man of pills and po
tions thought it only right to express
himself in plain terms. "My Lord,"
he said very so'menly. I tell you can
didly that your case is a most serious
one, and if you do not go to Xice yon
must very soon go to Heaven." "Oh !
well, in that case," said tbe Binbop,very
dismally, "I will go to H ice. "
Thky were a jolly crowd, and as they
sat about the table, many a story was
told alont Glasea', Aberdeen of the
Hielands, when all at once Sandy Mc
Pherson, "the king among them a',"
stood np, shook himself together and
said : "Weel, lads, I maun Lie awa'
ha me."
"Why, wha's wrong wi' ye, Sandy ?
It's no Late vet"
"I ken that, but I maun gie hame.
"WeeL lad, if ye maun, ye maun but
well hae just ain mair afore we part."
"aw, was the firm response, "I
drink na mair the cicbt."
"Just a Doch-na-dourish, mon,
another iusisted.
"DieT a drop, lads, ye see I hae
changed mo boanlin hoote the day, an'
I'm na yet well acquaint wi' the stairs."
A max wbo had lieen carried to a
Philadelphia hospital while suffering
from the effects of severe contusion was
asked if be bad leen treated kindly
while there. "Considering all things,"
be answerod, "I think I have no right
to complain. They amputated lioth of
mv feet, removed mv collar-lwne, cut
off my right arm, trepanned me, took
out a piece of my under jaw, sawed my
left hip-bone in two, and were aloiit to
excavate five or six ribs when a fire
broke out in tbe establisliment and the
police got away with tbe rest of my
body in safety."
A Coboseb'8 jury returned a verdict
that the deceased came to bis death
from exposure. "What do yon mean
by that?" asked a relative of tbe dead
man. ''Weren't there two bullet-boles
in bis skull?" The coroner replied,
with a weve of his magisterial band.
'Just so. ho died from exposure to bul
Bt a LAitoe majority : Teacher
Mr. A and ?Ir. B. were candidates for
Congress. There were two thousand
and forty-6vc votes thrown for Mr. A
and Mr. S. got as many more, twice as
many more, and one .vote and a half
How many votes did Mr. B. have?"
Pupil "fifteen hundred." Teacher
"How do you make that out?" Pupil
"Mr. A.'s party did the counting."
The widow s mission paragraph : A
legislator was reading a newspaper at
the boardiug-honse breakfast table at
the Willow Flip jack's a few days ago,
hen he came acres the item that
there was a dreadful famine in South
Africa ; that the people were overrun
by wild bogs ; which item be read out
aloud. "Good gracious!" exclaimed
the Widow Flapjack, "have they got
legu-islors down there, too?"
A country woman presents herself in
a pnotograpbic studio. "I have come,
sir, to have a picture of my poor dear
husband niade. Ho he " died three
mouths ago!" "Very well, my good
woman, very well. 11a ve yon anv ior-
trait or daguerreotype, or anything of
tne loved aud lost? " no, sir, but
" bursting iuto tears "I . have
brought his birth certificate!"
A little girl asked her mother:
"W hat kind of bear ia a consecrated
cross-eyed bear?'' The mother replied
tnut sue bad never b arj of such an an
nual. The child insisted that thev
sang it at the ouuday school, "ja
stud the mother. "It is 'A cousecrated
cross I lar.' "
"I met Mr. Miggles to-diiv " remark
ed Mrs. Chippick. "He's quite a chanc-
eu man. i naru.iv Knew linn, lie s so
chipicr and hvelv." "Indeed " re
sponded her husband gravely. "How
very strange ! x read in the paper
mat riis wite sailed lor .urote last
Michael's wife was leaning over the
bank of the canal washing some clothes.
A boatman on the towi ath observing
ner said : "Mite, aren t vou afraid Mrs.
Midlaney will fall in and get drowned?"
"Devil a bit," responded her husband,
"she can swim loike a tailor s goose.
UBiorrrocs : When Mrs. Homespun
heard of tbe recent assassination in Ire
land and ' that it was attributed to the
Irish she exclaimed : "Massy sokes!
You don't tell me the Irish have got
into Ireland? well, welt I believe
they're everywhere !"
There has always been great difficulty
in tbe way of making brick wall water
tight, but tbe Sylvester process, used on
the interior walls of tbe gale-houses of the
Croton reservoir in Central Park, ISew
Vork, has stood a l:ng test In this pro
cess two washes are used, tbe first com
posed of three-quarters of a pound of Cas
tile soap dissolved in a gallon of water laid
on at boiling beat with a flat brush. Twen
ty-four hours la'.er, say tbe direction's ap
ply in the same way the second wash of
half a pound of alum dissolved in fjur
gallons of water. The temperature of this
siiould be 60 deg. to 70 (leg. Fahrenheit,
Alter twenty-lour boms apply another
soap wash, and eo on alternately unfl four
coats of each have been put on. Experi
ments showed that this was sufficient to
make the wall water tight under forty feet
bead of water. At the time of application
m tbe Croton reservoirs, the walls had been
saturated and the weatlier was cold. The
gate chambers were covered over and
neated thoroughly with large iiovca. The
drying, cleauing the walls with wire
brushes and applying the mixture took 96
days. iwenty-sevea tons of coal were
used for the drying, and one ton for heat
nig the soap solution. Eighteen thousand
eight Luuurtd and thirty square feet of
all were washed with four coats. The
drying and cleaning of the walls cost 6
cents per square foot and the plant, ma
terials and labor ef applying the wash
cost 3 cents per square toot
The habit of chewing gum. common
among children ia objectionable because
it tends to separate the gums from the
base of tlie teeth and exposes tbe sensi
tive portions of the teeth to the air,
makes the teeth prone to decay and,
futhermore, induces an knnatural flow
of the saliva! fluids as does smoking and
ooewmg tooaoou.
, - . i i
Kaoolt or TsjjdebiiOWii Choose
about two pounds of the tenderloins of
fresh pork, taking care tkat the flesh is
firm and fresh, rosy color : wipe them
with a wet cloth, cut them in pieces an
inch sanare. and brown them in
clean saucepan with two tablespoonfuls
of fresh dr.pping or butter ; when they
are brown pot in a lablespoonful of dry
flour, and stir them nutil it ia brown ;
then cover them with boiling water.add
a palatable seasoning of salt and pep
per, and st.r them until tne nour is
mixed with the water and a good brown
cravv ia formed ; then cover tlie sauce
p n and let the ragout cook slowly for
at least balf an hour. Meantime peel
a quart of small, even siza turnips, boil
them just tender in salted boiling water,
and drain them on a dry towel ; pat
iuto a frying-pan just large enough to
hold them a teaspooDfoI ot each ot but
ter and sugar, and let them melt to
gether ; then put ia the turnips, set
tue p-n over the fire and shake it occa
sioually fulfil they are light brown
keep them hot. without burning, to
serve on tbe dish with the tcndeiloius.
Fixh'b Gehs or Ptffs. Drop into
a pint of milk one egg and a little salt,
Stir in gradually one pint of flour.
Beat this batter till quite light and free
from lumps or particle of unwet floor.
Let them stand on the top of the stove
a few miuutes. after having put the bat
ter into hot battered gem pans, then
put into the oven and bake quickly.
Cornmeal or uraham can be made in
tte same wav onlv add two table-
spoonfuls of flour to corn meal ; or
gems are desired for dessert, they need
a little more care : should be richer,
Melt three ounces of butter in a pint
of cream. Let it stand till cold, then
add to it two ounces of flour, beaten
till smooth. Beat the yolks of four
eggs with two ounc of white sugar.
Spice to taste. Add the whites of two
eg"s. beaten very light, the last thing,
Bake in gem-pans or cups, and serve
the instant they are done, as they will
fall and become heavy if left standing.
Eat with any jam that is agreeable.
Arrowroot pidddio, which is nour
ishing and easily digested, is a very
simple dish to prepare. Take one pint of
arrowroot dissolved in a little cold milk.
with three eggs beaten into it Stir
this into the hot milk and let all loil np
once : pour in a faucy mould. Various
sauces ar made with this pudding.
Oue is made of sugar, butter and wine,
the butter and sugar rubbe together
and then made thin with wine. This
is not to be cooked at all. Another
sauee is made of the juice of one lemon,
water and sugar, and some bits of cin
namon : let this come to a boil, then
add tw j eggs, the yolks and whites
leaten separately to make the same
light Pour thia over the pudding be
fore sending to the table.
Any suggestion from Russia or for
eign parts seems to have a wide circula
tion whether it is valuable or not In
almost every oue of our exchanges we
have seen a corn remedy of a Russian
apothecary quoted as follows ; Salicylic
acid, thirty parts ; extract of cannabis
iudicus, five parts ; collodion, 219 parts.
It ia to be applied by means of a camel's
hair-pencit I here can be no harm in
trying it, but we dou't believe we should
lose many dollars if we were to offer to
pay one dollar to every reported case of
cure by it
Chicken Puddiso. Cut np tbe
chickens and stew until tender. Then
take them from the gravy, and spread
on a flat cnh to cool, having first well
seasoned them with butter, iirpper and
salt Make a batter of oue quart of
milk, three cups cf flour, three table-
i spoonfuls of melted butter, ouohaif
teasoon of soda, one teaspoouful of
cream tartar, a little salt. Butter a
pudding dL-.li and put a layer of the
chicken at tbe bottom and then a eup-
ful of the batter over it. Proceed till
the dish is fall. The batter most form
the crust Bake an hoar, and serye the
thickened gravy in a gravy iioat.
Velvet Cake. Oue pound of sugar,
half a pound of butter, one pound of
Hour, one pint or ice water, four eggs,
two teaspoonfnls of Royal baking pow
der, sifted well with thc flour. Bake iu
jelly cake pans and spread icing aud
grated coccanut between the layers.
Pastry cream may be used with the co
coatiut instead of the icing, or it may
navored delicately, and put together
with orange marmalade. It may also
l baked in a loat. 1 bis cake is suscep
tible of as many variations as vou have
originality and good taste to bring to it
Iron Kettles. The lest way to pre
pare a new iron kettle for nse Ls to fill it
with clean potato parings, boil them for
au hour or more, then wash the kettle
with hot water wipe it dry and rub it
with a little lard; repeat the rubbing
half a dozen times after using. Iu this
way you will prevent rust and all an
noyances liable to occur in the use cf a
new kettle.
Cotifciout Automatons. In an Insect's
bodv, says Mr. Grant Allen, there is co
regular subordination of all the parts com
posing the nervous system to a single cen
tral organ, like the brain in man. The
largest knot of nerve-matter, it is true, is
generally to be found in the neighborhood
of the sense organs, and it receives direct
nerve-bundles from the etes, antenna;,
mouth and other chief adjacent parts; but
tbe wings and legs are moved by separate
knots of cells connected by a sort of spinal
cord with the bead, but capable of acting
quite independently on their own account.
Thus, if we cut off a wasp's head and
slick it on a needie In fioct of mme sugar
and water, the mouth will irreedily begin
to eat the sweet syrup, apparently uncon
scious oi me laci mai ii nas lust its sto
macb, and that the food is q iietlv drop
ping out of the gullet at the other" end as
fast as jt ls swallowed. So, too, if we
decapitate that queer insect the praying
manti", the headless body will still stand
catching flies with its outstretched arms,
and fumbling about for its mouth when it
bas caught one, evidently much surprised
tbat its head is unaccountably misnng. In
fact, whatever may be the case with man,
the inject, at least, is really a conscious
automaton. It sees or smelM food and it
is at once impelled by i s nervous consti
tution to eat it It receives a sense-impression
from the bright hue of a flower,
and it is irresistibly attracted towaid it as
the moth is to tbe candle. It has no pow
er of deliberation, no ability even to move
its own ii bs in unaccustomed manners.
Its whole life is governed for it by its
fixed nervous constitution, and by the sti
mulations it receives from outside. Aod
so, though the world probably appears
much tbe same to a beetle as to us. the na
ture of iu hie is very different It acts
like a piece of clock-work mechanism.
wound ud to perform a certain number of
fixed movements, and incapable of ever
going beyond the narrow circle for which
it is designed.
The havoc wrought by lightning is of
ten Ingblful. A few weeks ago a thun
derbolt stiuck a chimney 150 feet high
; oca ted in a town in the r ottii of France
and cut a deep fiure in its entire leaptb.
Among other examples of like powerful
effects, Arago states tbat In 1762 lightning
destroyed the turret ot a chunk at Ccr-
nouau es, and threw a stone we'ehme not
less than 226 pounds to a distance of 150
tett; and in 1809. a wall near Manchester,
weighing more than 26 tons, was lifted
from it foundation and removed nine feet
I at one end by a very violent thunderbolt.
I Tb Doctor IMaaaTOO.
as to the neat methods and remedies. lor
the cure of constipation and disordered
liver and kidneys. But those tbat have
used Kidney-Wort, agree that it te by far
the best medicine known. Its action is
prompt, thorough and lasting. Don't take
pills, and other mcrcuria's that poison the
system, but by using h.idney-vorr, resiore
the natural action ot all the organs. New
Xo encore : "Yes 'down with the en
core, that s what 1 say, said young
Musicale : "it's a terrible bore to have
to do a thing over again after you have
done it as well as you can. Mother,
pass ns np another piece of pie,
"Down nth the encore, my son, was
the response, and he didn't get the pie.
Answer this.
Can you find a case of Bright's Disease
of tbe Kidney's, Diabetes, Urinary or Liver
Complaints that is curable, tbat Hop Bit
ters has not or cannot cure! Ask your
neighbors if they can.
Heading fbom the local paper
"Lost, a blue sapphire gentleman
scarf-pin " Ac Schoolnia'ani medita
tively "What a jewel of a man
must be!"
Th Conqueror.
Ibvisoton, jN. Y., May 2d, 1831.
II. LL Warner & Co. : Sirl bare
used your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure,
and 1 take pleasure in recommending it as
tbe conqueror of all diseases of tbe kid
neys, liver and urinary organs.
Ira Stock max.
I suppose our minister preaches
well," replied a Michigan lady, "but
I'm ho busy looking, at tbe fashions
that I really never hear anything be
Yeoktiis is composed of the best vege
table ingredients the dispensary of Nature
furnishes. Their juices are extracted in a
way which preserves their undiminished
medical properties, makinz it one of the
greatest cleansers of the blood that can be
put together.
At this season, the question which
interests a loy is not so much whether
his Ufe will be crowned with glory and
honor, as whether bis new summer
vest is to le made out of bis fa'lier'
old browsers.
Dont Pull Down the Svtem
With Poisonous Drugs. Rather build
un with the true tonic treatment by the
absorption theory suceessf ully applied in
Dr. Hulman's l ad. It cures without me
dicine, doubt or danger.
"I guess dad wishes he'd die aud goto
heaven, said a miser a son to his ma
ternal parent. "Why so? she aal e
npou recovering from the astonishment.
"Ob, couse heaveu s such s cheap
place to live in.
"What's the matter, John?"' "O,
big boil. "Well, why don't vou take 'Dr.
Lindsey s Blood Searcher, and be cured ?
Tub good die young. The bad live to
lie plxmt the weather, and are spoken of
as the oldest inhabitants.
Write to Mrs. LyJia E. Piukham. No,
233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass.. lor
pamphlets relative to the curative proper
ties of her egetable Compound in all
The condition of
the Czarina's
health causes anxiety.
I am Now Using it Free
ly in My Practice.
fALTiaoEB, ML, Jan. K, ISA
Mr. H. It. FntTEN: Heretofore I hT been
Strongly oppose! t all proprietor? nwdionta, nut,
a there is an rxrrptioo to mart rule. I feel that
tuj prrjmliue axauut pJU-nt me-llnnm ha rul a
tearful ahoclc in iheraHeor rour VKiiETKE. and
naiDen compelled toRiTe before the utronjrar
rruinice nrjtuix. Aixiut two Tearmur" I was In
duced to e-iTe a fair tnl of four VKi.KTIXK u a
uetrrgenl to some stntitui (Scr .fniiwiiO casee of
hereditary traniuni-.un. attenied wittuwemneof
me lymphatic g-,aud9 and y intn, cartons ulcera
tions of bones and onn-ititutiuuitl 8ptiilitlc taint,
aniL In Insure. I feel I should be derelict to dntr
did I not testify to the sreal lalne of your VEUE-
llr a ttnuut eTifitiutii. I hare found It an ad
mirable adjunct In the remoTal of the above con
atituuoual dtsturlnUK-ea. m now nsuuf it freely
iu my pranii-e. 1 am aware that 1 am rendering
niyneif amenable to the charire of unprofessional
conduct in thus outraging the rules of medical
einiCT, m lower";; a u-ca:ii-u iHtieK Meant lie.
This at simply &oii .' Ka.1i tell the Morv. and 1
again assert that VEGET1NE is a valuable adjunct
to our Materia Hedu-a. If this testimony lo its
value wm sell one more bottle, I shall feet that I
have done some poor snnVrer a t-mnanun bcuetlt.
loorayerv truir,
I am Cured.
Botrrox, March ti. 1981.
Mr. H. R STwntss Dear Sir : I suffered from
Cattkrr a tTeat while, aud tried most every well
known remedy to cure lue. but to no svaiL At last
I boneht a botUe of kfci.ti INK. wh.ch helped me.
and I continued to use It. Now I can truthfully
aaj i am permanently on red.
lours verr respectniiiv.
Miss L. A. MtxiSER,
1 llawthorue pL
Vege tine.
13 mi BEST
Spring and Summer Medicine.
Ir. S. Sflsbse's External Pile Eenedy
Gives Instant relief and is an inf allitle
Sol i by Prncjrfets everywhere. Price, SI on per box
prrjxifithT rjiiil. Sapiples sent fret to fr-nyncisns
snd all na;rcts,by V. Sensti.e,fr-r C o, Hoi Kit,
Bsw York City, bole lusfeurauirtra of "AnnArnt
,,2 rr nas
C ai-rsmr wtXTro.
for terms
O Ma W. HIT I ART. "arwsrk
Sfwark, Ma., ae r.. . V,
fit free.
t"er Week can be made tn any locality.
Sonitthuiir entirely new for agnu. as out.
U. W. iNOttAMAM CO. Boston. Mass-
ma MONTH and board tn ynr county. Men or
Laiu-x. fl,--ant burin.. AddrW t. W.
ZIEOLUi a CO. Boi as, 1-huadrlpfaia. 1-a.
radiiM it aMtr'airwal Im M
mu lonanoa. (jo,
Obamos Basket. Remove the inside
pulp ot the orange carefully by makintr
a small incision on one aide. Then out
the skin in shape of a basket, leaviiiK
without one-half an inch of the stalk end
for n handle. Fill the basket with ices.
ice creams, frozen punches, or whipped
creams, jellies etc. They look very
trettv on a table. The pulp of the or
ange can be utilized for the children by
removing the pith and seeds and sweet
ening with sugar, or it can be used to
make orange ice cream or water ices.
Sow Wall ausd kttroas;."
Em f max, Illinois.
Dr. R. V. Piikcb, Buffalo, N. Y. :
Dear Sir I wish to state that my dangn
ter, aged 18, was pronounced Incurable
and was fast failing as the doctors thought
with consumption, I obtained a half
dozen bottles of your '"Golden Medical
Discovery" for her and she commenced
improving at once, and is now well and
Very truly yours, REV. ISAAC IT.
AUGUSTIX "Discovery" sold by drug
gists, Roses. Any good garden soil will
crow rosea. A rich loam well enriched
with well decomposed manure is to be
preferred. Do not use fresh statue ma
nure. Pruning may be done during the
growing season to get the plants into
fine form. This for heavy forts is de
sirable ; their shape can be easily con
trolled by pincbincr off the young growth
Kafter the plant has" attained the heighth
desired. When protection ia removed
in the spring, all the dead branches
should be cat out.
Mrs. J. C Henderson, of Cleveland,
Ohio, write : "The use of two of Pierce'
Pleasant Purgative Pellets' a day, for
few weeks, has entirely cured me of sick
headache, from which I formerly suffered
terribly, as often, on an average, as once
In ten days." Of all druggist.
FfBxrmtE Polimh. Make a mixture
of three parts linseed oil and one part
spirits of turpentine; it not only covers
the disfigured surface,bnt restores wood
to its original color, and leaves a luntre
upon the surface. Put on with a woolen
cloth, and when dry rub with woolen.
Toung and middle-aged men, suffering
from nervous debility and kindred affec
tions, as loss of memory and hypochondria,
should incioee three stamps tor Part Vil
of "World's Dispenoary Medical Associa
tion," Buffalo, N. Y.
Lady customer (hesitating over pur
chase) Dear me, Mr. Higgs, this
fowl looks as if it had died a natnral
death !" Poulterer (readily) "111 war
rant yer it did, ma'am, for I killletl it
meaelf !"
Liquid or Dry.
Some people prefer to purchase medi
cines in the dry state so that they can see
for themselves that they are purely
vegetable. Others have not the time or
desire to prepare the medicine, and wish it
already to use.
To accommodate each clas the proprie
tors of Kindev-Wort now offer that well-
known remedy ia both Liquid and dry
Sold bv drueeists everywhere. Truth.
ajExvt, said his maiden aunt. -yon
should eat the barley in your soup, or
von 11 never get a man. "Xjenny,
looking up innocently, inquired, "Is
that what yon eat it for, aunty ?"
Cant Get Iu
Diabetes, Briirhfs Disease, Kidney, Uri
nary or Liver Complaints cannot be con
tracted by you or your family it Hop Bit
ters are used, and if yon already have any
of these diseases flop Bitters is the only
medicine that will positively cure you.
Don't f org ft this, and don't get some puffed
up stuff that will only harm you.
"Think I'd live in that building
exclaimed thedady who ran a boarding-
house, "ot a bit of it ! Why, ail the
doors fasten with bolts; there isn't
hpy-hole in the buddirg.
Every one ot our lady readers
should seed five three cent stamps for
copy of Strawtridgc& Clothier's Quarterly,
one of tbe largest fashion magazines pub
itshed- The present number contains 120
large pages, with 1000 engravings, illus
trating the new fashions and four pages of
ikw music. Strawbridge & Clothier, 8 b
and Market streets. Philadelphia.
Mamma "How dare yon slap your
sister. George?" George "she kicked
me when my back was turned, and hur-
ted me very much, I can tell you.
Mamma "Where did she hurt you?"
George "'Well. I can't exacly say
where, because because my taet was
turned, and 1 was looking another way.
On Thirty Days' Trial.
The Voltaic Pelt Co.. Marshall. M.ch.. will
end their Eloctro-Voltaic Belts and ot'ier
Electrio Appliances on trial for thirty days to
any parson afflictex. with Nervous Debility,
Lost Vitality, and kiixlred tronblea, guarantee
ing complete restoration or visor aad man
AdJreas as above without delay.
P. a No risk is incurred, a 36 dare' tr.al
is allowed.
At a resturant Dinner: "Here, wai
ter, I say, confound it, this game ia too
much so.' V alter, blandly: "Beg par
don, sir, but you're mistaken, sir. It's
the other gentleman's fiah at tlie next
table, sir."
ABea's Brala Fa
Cures nervous Debility snd WeaKBesi
af Generative Organs, $1 all druggists,
Send far circular. Allen's Pharmacy, til
First av.. N. 1.
A theological student supposed io
be deficient in judgment, in the course
of a claas examination was asked by
rrofese-oi,' "Fray, Mr. E . how
would you discover a fool?" "By the
questiccs he would ask," said Mr. E-.
Biliousness, constipatk a. or headache is
the sien of diFordcred liver. "Sellers'
Liver PilU" always cure. 25 cents a box.
Max wants but little here below, and
that's jttHt aliotit what he gets.
The successful man has many imitators
in his peculiar hoe of business, but still
there is only one originator. So, also, the
great petroleum bair re newer, tjarboline,
as new improved and perfected, holds the
palm against all imitators as a genuine ar
ticle of merit. Try it.
A whiter says tnat contagion consists
of minute solid particles and not gase
oua disseminations. If this is true we
can readily understand that a ceraon
who breathes only through his nose
will be much less likely to catch a con
tagious disease in a sick room than
would a month-breatber. Free venti
lation, pei feet cleanliness and frequent
changes of the clothes afford the best
means of removing the contagions par
ticle given ou dv sick persona.
Files acd Buss,
Flirs. roaches, ante. bedbDtr. rata. mice.
sophert, ch pmnnka cleared oat bv '-Bimrh
on Bate lac.
Tus Hour niaie lrom sorgo seed is nu
tritive and healthy, and many western ex
perts ciaun that tn the near future It will
be Isrgely used for human food.
Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Baatnrar ia
marvel ot the a;e for all nerve dieoaaea.
fits stopped free, bend to 931 Arch b"
Philadelphia, Pa.
M Mams. Moaaaw at Rtaav
Ballduig, Tenia and Cher em emeeis, swyw esi
band a au pert) stock at o-- - jaj ejuaiuy IX.
twee of the time, nan ty, i
aaa sbsm, mm ksaae fit
m. libii l piznia, of lyes. kisi.
'A 7
' 2
9 V.
. al
Is a Positive fnre
r7.n tkM r.i.r-i i.i-t. . TVi
i .in .ilr tbe worst taraaefraaaale
saints, all evartea troaWse. InOaauiaUoa "m
Hob. ralUn sad IHspuMeassats, aad the eonssqwsot
Spinal WUss, aad Is parUcalarl adapted te tbe
Caen et fire.
11 slU dissolve and iel tnoTv frMS lis auras t
aa early stag, of d.vriopant. Tbe teadaaey te eaa
earoas haawntberokt eheeksd very spssdllj by He ass.
It rsawvas raiatnsss. aatutoaey. daatroysall cravtoc
forstuaauusts. aad relieves wsskaeat e tbe etoaaaca.
it cans BloatlBC. Headaches. Kerveas matretloa.
Genera! BeuullJ. Sleep-assess, teiaaa aad ladl
Sllon, (
Tbat ferttnr baH" down, eaoatnc "
aad baekaeb. to alwaya porwian.iHIy eoied by -
ItaUlatalltnaeaaBd sailer all cli uiimstaarss set ia
kanaoay with tbe laws tbat lovero tbe rsssale syetses.
For lb. career KMasy Coa.pbu.tt of elthsr ssa thai
Compoand Is ansnrpsiatJ.
itDtt e. riMtuis-s Tr.cETi.K cew-
re)CDia prepared at CJ aad O Western Avaaae,
Lran.aaas, FrleetL SU bottles for. Saatbysaell
tstbsforea ef pills, also I a tbe forsa eMoences, ea
ne.pt of price, 1 par boa for either. Mrs. Itokhaaa
ftaalyawacsaUlatttteorianMry. a e r--
let. Jililisss as above. Jfcatioe tki rapr.
Ho family aboold be witboat LTDIA K. rnrCBAJFS
LIVXK rriXS. They eare soDstlpatioa. ilisssaasi.
aad torpidity of tbr liver. seals par eex.
tr Sold by all nraaadata. "
tm surest curb for
hM, etr disordered mine Indi
cate that yoti axe a victim r tujui iwi
HSrraTS; se Kidney-Wort at ones, drus
rtsts recommend it) and It win speedily oeer
: . ,k. and restore bealthy action.
I nft as rarconpum-i"""-
htlUIVdi to yonr sex. euen. a. pain
d weaknesses. Kidney-Wort is onsorpsaaad.
as it will act promptly and aaaiy.
KuherSex. InoontiTvmce. retention oi umw,
brie duat or ropy deposits, and drill draxxinc
pains, aU speedily yifiia to lte eazaave power.
43. SOLD BY ALL BUUUITB). mm 91.
Dr. H. Ketarork. of Philadelphia, Baa
tut rmtilished a book on "DISEASES er the
CC BED. "which he offers to send free, post
paid, to aU applicant. It contains valuable infor
mation for all who suppose theauelTea afflicted
with, or liable to, any disease ot the throat
longs. Address
aev ffl V
For a onarter or a eentnre a mwa ttv,. ...
Stomach Bitters has been the reiiramir sdsc iti lew
"""Biwu, siwia, lever anu afrue, a loaf of
phvslcal stamina, liver eommaint anil other Am-
onjia, awi uaa ueen mnet ernpnatically iniioned
T meinrai men as a neaitn and strenirth restoiw.
Bve. It counteracts a tendency to prematura de-
r, auu us.-ni aii. i comiona tne aaed and la-
for sale by at! , niniva and I-aiers generally'.
S200.00 REWARD.
Will be paid for the detection and convictioD of
any person selling or dealing in any bogus, coun
terfeit or Imitation Hor BrrrEas, especially Bit
ters or preparauous wi the word Hor or Uors la
their name or connected therewith, that ia lntenl
ed to mislead and ch at the public, or for any pre
paration put in any form, pretending to be the
same as Hop Brmaa. The genuine have cluster
of Ckbks Hops (notice thU) printed on the white
label, and are tbe purest and best medicine oa
earth, especially for Kidnev, Liver and Nervous
Diseases. Beware of all others, and of all pretended
formulas or recipes of Hor Brmaa published in
papers or for sale, as they are frauds and swindles
Whoever deals in any bat the genuine will be
prosecuted. Hor BrrntKa Mro. Co.,
Rochester, . T.
Our celebrated
brand of odor
lews steam cured
Can be bought
of ali flrat-claas
furniture and
general store.
If not kept bi
your merchant
send order di-
aaaae" rect to us.
131 Market U,
parLiDi pa.
Taau IKL
ThU Cut to on ererv Bag.
Wmre o Imitation.
Send stamp for price-list.
ear. tar T. . .. . j ; ny
afcs. a..,-,-;, - -"'"a-ast
Vr iTrty-aTrmtM Jrrot ftte Tmmta
Brwxbe-ra . m: it is &
itli ? llltiiMWL and nomy.ctm
CU Ui tirtf ttM. LJuaMi: Buxiavl ol
C 4iM IkilaSUJle Ike KtlllsW, tttC lMMa4r.
jns -ifnarw after rV-arn. hts wife, his
:rochtllren Um-m tu owCUwry.tbc Fonis
wti Maxle tlC(:apCurv.tciMa full pa c
fnurajvint ol Gm. Cnnrttdeik.
tTKL Cift-lin tree. Outfit--.
Tnui, UspAnly trwehisiorr. Rwmrm o4
smalper MitKn. CW f liai il.Hiai
V -ft
Cuuu-un rt-uuTlN "wVl
Health of Body it Wealth of Uinti
Sarsaparillian Kcsolvrnt,
Pure blood make soond flesh, stronr hmv . .
a elear skin, if yoa would kav j,r e.h .JSr
yoor bones sound, wltnnat canes, and vunr
gSjvf5-T" SAi-LtiliSi
A remedy composed of tniredlems or evre
ordinary medieal pripertles exsentiai u Z,,
repair and tnvtgorate thebnken-lwn ami W,Zt
hoUy-VHCK, PLEASANT, SAFK aod l-p?2?
NRST in Ha treatment and core.
No matter by what name the comp'a nt m.,
deRtsnale!, whether it be Scrofula, lonsnoij
Hvphuis. I leers. Sores, Tumors, Boiia. trrs,!l"
or Sait-Kheom diseases of the Luns. k
Bla-kler. Womo,Skm, Uver. stomach or B ,"'
either chronic or contitutioDal, the virus -t
dkwase in the Bl MD wh:ca sii. plies ih- .,?
awl bailila and repairs tuexe orvuiis and wV, 1
tissues of the tlra. If the bi--l is um-e.
Ike process ef repair most be nn-smmL J"
T us SaaaaraaiixLa-i KKaoLvt.Tr r,t nn!v t .
oompensaunir remedy, not secures I re Iisrr.,.")ni7w,!
actioa or each ef the cruris, it tuS
taroughoat tbe entire system funct.,iui hirni,m7
and auppliee the blood-vessels with a pure ai l
healthy current of new life. The sk-uT after!
few days ne of the Sarsaparillian, be, -omen ,- l
and beautiful. Pimpies, blotches, Bia. .p. JTi
UK In Eru ptHins are remove, I: sere-an. i rJr,j7a
cured. rtnwossntferinslrom.S-p.riiij.tr-,,,
Duea.-w of the Eyes, Mouth, Ears, Lci Tr;r.,il
aud (.len.H, that have aorumulaie,! ai;. nrei
either from nacnred disea-es or mercurv. or rr,i
the use of Corrosive SuhUmate. may rr'ir nmal
wire if th ParsspartUiaa Is coniiiinel a sum.
tune u maks ita iiripreasioa on tlie svs;em
On bottle eontarns more or the actir. pnn,n.
plea of Medicines than any other iTrnJ,,,!
takes In teaspoooful doses, while others rwiui
Sr. or atx timet a much. 1
Oaly requires sikli not ocas, te re'iev.
taut aad cox acute dlseaae. "
ts from one to twenty mtsntes, never fills tn re.
neve PAIS with one thorouirh aiiplii-atmn: Eotr..
lev how violent orexamcutiint the pa:n. the Kneu
matie, Bed-niiden, Inarm, mppied. Nervun, Net.
ralgic or prostrated with disease mar suffer Kau.
WAY'S RkADY RKLUilF will afl.ird Utaauiiease.
yirmmrrton of fhe jrfdney. InHamntaHttn qi
the AodVfer, Inflmnmatiim of ir.e frrr't, n.
Qtiet of the LuncM, Stirt 77iri, i,t
Breathing, tutfntatvm of the Henri, Hjvnca,
CmHp.lHphtherta, Caturrk, Innnei.zn,
cAe, Toothache, JiPttrnigiti, fAeiirr(.., flflit
Chills, Aie Chkilt, Chti'Auiit aiut r'l furl's r.a.
Brut set, ttmtHr Complaints, .Vcrrfa.,,
SteDtmmet, CoujhSy Colds, .vpr;i, Javi Ji
Ots Chest, Alack, or Limt ar vutaialu refined,
FEVER AND AGTTK cured for 50 cts. There is
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It will tn a few minutes, when taken ai-eonling
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ach, Heartborn, Sick Headache, liiarrliora. Iitm-s-terv.
Colic, Wind in the bowels, and all Interui
Travelers shnoM always carry a bottle of (tul
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f water. It Is better than French Brandy or bit
ter as a stimulant
Miner aod Lumbermen should always be pro
yidc4wakla. CAUTION.
AH remedial agent capaMe of testmrlnj life by
an overd e should be avoided. Morphine,, pmm.
strychnine, arnica, hyosclaniaa, and urner power
ful reniedies, df at certain times, :n very entail
doses, relieve the patient during their action in tbe
system. But perhaps thesecord Jo-e, if reieatrd,
may aipravate and increase the surfennft. anil ai
other U'e cause death. There ts no neresMry for
nsinir these uncertain agents when a positive reme
dy like Radway's Keaiiy Kelief will stop the most
excructattiifF pain quicker, without en'auaig the
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Railway's RaisY Rrantp ts the only re media,
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Fifty Caata Pep Bottle.
Regulating Pills !
Twrfttt rvryatrm. Soothing j penent. Art trt.'V
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Me-ir Operattun.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet
gnm, purge, regulate, purify, deans and tire ag
ue. sUPWAys Pius for th core of alt disorders oi
the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kulnevs, Bla-liler,
Nervous Disease. Headache, Constipation. fv
tlvenessS) Indigestion, Dvspepsia, ttilioti-nens.
Fever, InnajamailoB of the Boweis, Pile, and all
derangement s of the Internal Viscera. Warranted
to effect a perfect eore Purely vegetaine, ci o
talntng no mercury, minerals, or fleletern -ns dniri
tBr"tbeerve the following svmptoms refu ting
from Plseasesof the Digest iw organs; Con.pa
tkm, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in t.le
Head, AclHltv of the Stomach, Nausea, liearti-ura.
Disgust of Food, Fullness or VI eight in the Sto
mach. Sour Kroctauoos, Sinking or Fluttering at
th Heart, Choking or Suffering Sensations wnea
tn s lyaag posture. Dots or Wehs before the Agtit,
Fever and Dull Pain in the Hea l. DeOciency ot
Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes,
Pain la the Side, Breast and Limns, and Suuuea
Flushes of Heat, Burning of tbe Flesh.
A few dose of Kan war Pills will free tas
syatem from all in ateTa-osmed disorders.
rrle. SS CsatU For Box.
We repest that the reader mast commit our books
sad paper oa the subject of disease and iheu'
on re, among which may be named:
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Haftteav on Scrofula."
And others relating to different classes of DiseaM.
Send a letter stamn to SADWAT A CO.. No. U
Warren. Cor. Church St., New Torfc.
taInformaUon worth thousands will h sent
).ITr.Jll Cnk Uanueanfl'(r,-nlanf-enthvni.iil
fur ti a-ceut arutf. Ii. Uf xxl car. t'ara-lf. r.
A (
a rtll,.a which mii tun, ,t.j . ... .,.,."1-. rf
w!1'fiptrT?.'H'!,r I'twuium offered. A.l-lr.. Lift
U E ft .I. K.a;; Callowluil SUM. l'lu.le.i-ti:a .!.
VfilTVP. MrW It r"o want to barn Tela
" araphy in a few mm'H
132 STT""1 a eltnatuHt. addreas TaXi-MUMI
actus, Jauesvula, fAtacutialA.
i r J. a HATim
fff.lVftkM.I, -,., IW Tfiilrfp'f
FtMmfafV iMf, HTM. J AM
"."a ia.fatMta.ii-a auaaca,rb.
Indian A. 3Iouud Helics
Ancient Coins Confelerai
Moey and Bonds, Minerals, Fos
sils, stamps, t uriffsait-s, Ac, A-.
Seufl stamp for circulars aud
prk:es paid for rare coins.
Mercer's Bric-a-Brac Bxitr,
Cincinnati, O.
1UU1IU m.JL.Xt tnfj. , (fW moutt.
and be certain af a tetnatloa. afidnaa VAUlMLMs
aiaoa. Janeavuia, w -
Kvervwher to sell this
jniatchlesa book for the
I mothers and daughters
lof Amerca, liuu,lrels
Author af "TfiMmon
eii.e ia the HonsrluAl.
fd IhouKinils will be soift.
as every woman wil'
want it. Terms, etc, of
J. K. ANDKKXtS an.l H.
S. ALLEN-.WChauioer
Is now reaflv for suit-
sen hers. No mother or
daughter, know.ng its
contents, would tail to
Day K.
1st.. New Vork.
nt ao. package makes t gaiiosa of a
deltCiOUa. WbOleanma. anarklina Tamnaraac
beverag. Ask your dniggi.-t, or sent by mall for
U. X. UlKJiS, is X DeUwar Ave, Phil.
a Tnat.se t,n ,k.i, rill I fill
f Paf1ycureSKNT FRKK. VaJ a
Aun-MAJ.-'.u.jjux llie,Chicacoau.
FNfilNFC tTr""'"n fKut'iir) for Farm,
aiiviiiaw faw a:u m r:anTation. r rpncea,
etc. rr.la TIIR ll'ITUtv & Tiv.r.u 1-tl.
Atanafleid, Ohio.
ty wsr waen aosxri Tiwf.M.
CTS 1 ""f a . fcf fj avtmk w tow. m fit
" t, i. m a TaicKiil sraasf.TaaM m
nseaark a. aaia f to tofi,f.
fSJTtmX osLv'aia istjtv"lTiosa
. IMWcH aiialit.
, Csaavilslt-lti. 0.