' ;" -i . t ' I : " I ' j M i-1 H Mb A Murnrw Fat. Albert HickeraoD, the Insane murderer now cocflaed in ail awaiting the action of Judge Laagulin, at Louisville, U mourning toe loss of hi pet and companion, which death stole from him a few days ago. LaH winter Bickersoa was seized with an aberration of the mind while drinking in the Golden Lion saloon, at the northeast corner of Seventh and Pine streets, and drawing a revolver, fired et his friends, fatally wounding one and seriouslr shxt inx another, lie was committed to jail, where his q icer actions have always ex cited tbe attention of the other prisoners. Though given the liberty of the door rim his locai cerat ion, he availed himself little of the privileges. His voluntary and steady coufinement, even duiing the exer cise hour, excited the curiosity of tbe in mates of murderers' row nd the jul guards, who watched him closely and dis covered the cause of the secrecy. He bad caught a small mouse in his eel), and was engaged in the laborious work of training it to companionship. Duriug the first lew days he tied it with a col ton cord to tbe lattice work of the ceil door, allowing it to caper alul tbe buuk and floor. Becoming accusiojied to its new surrounding, tbe little rodtnt showed signs of confidence, and was accordifgly released. It would ait on bis ex ended band or nestle in his boeom at a tin from him, showing reuiam able sagacity in many litile l nets. At mcht when be retired be placed his mutt cell male under bis pillow, where it rested qiielly until the morning. "W hen released it ran about ibe cell, and at tbe call of its master would Jump into his lap. Fur w - ks no one knew of the existence of tbe pet, wbicb bis master, in an insane fear of detection, would frequently cwtj in bis arm pit, where it would lie quietly uutil given us Ireedom. One night it escaped from 11 rest under the pillow, and running down into his underwear, found I'aeit imprisoned y the stnngs of bis unmen tionables ado it the ankle. Bo accustomed was II ckerson to it that tbe curi.us sen sation did not awaken him. On getting up next morning tbe pet was eone, having gnawed a hole tbruugh his mderw ar and escaped. A prisoner in the 130 row cap tured tue runaway and returned it to the rightful owner. At morning and nrn Hickerson would S'jiuu on tbe fl xjt of bis cell aiih bis rrouMS on ono side and bs duffiraod buil's neck on the ctner. Io this way be ted ana nursed it f jc nearly six months. A lew days ago it was taken sick, cau-ing its weak nitndtd waxier much tnMiliie. He was untir.ng in his efforts to prx-cerve tie creature's lite, bathing it and reporting to all the remedies be couid think of. li'it it was all in vain, at last tbe utile pet lav down and died in its niastci'e hand. Since then he has been unusually depressed, and only recently told tue caui-e of bis sorrow in confident to a lew f How pri-omrs. Alter bis moute died Uickerson set to work catching tbe Jul cockr -aches, which are giants of their kind, and make tbe speed of a rat acrobs the sleek bandsion. tiles of tbe jail court. As be captured each be carefully deposited it in a box near the library. When asked what he was doing this for be said: "I am Eomg to catch a lot ef them and train them as an army of soldiers." lie a'mudonet this, however, being unable to n.aae any headway, and is now without any pet with which to while away tne weary hours of confinement. Bat Guano in Texas. The I r egress of railway extension In Western Texas has led to tbe development Of the beds of list guano In certain caves in IT vali :e county A recent visitor says that there are two ot these bat-inhabited caves, which have been parially extl' red. The entrance to tbe smaller, or Ciholo Cave, is about SO feet huh and 23 feet wide. The passage widens gradually for a lis an of aN)iit 250 feet, wben the outer cave is reached. Tbe bottom is of guana Tne walls are of limestone and unite nearly 2 0 feet above in a grand dome. Tbe cave is as dark as Erypt. There appear to be j neither stalagmites nor stalactites. This cave is 300 or 4'J0 feet in diameter, and the fl wr is covered wilh about SO leet of guano. In some pari it is believed to be much deener. The atmosphere is very dry, and five years ano tbe guano caught fire, tbe whole surface being burned over to the depth of about four feet, Since then, eight feet ct guano have been de posited, s-i that we bave proof that tbe fertilizer is being deposited at tne rale f more than a foot and a half a year On tbe inner side of tbe outer ctve, in the side ot ibe dome, about 120 feet from the floor, is an opening about 6 b 8 feet in size. Through this all tbe bais go to an inner cave, wiiir;b has never been explored. It is believed, h -wcver. to ie very exten sive, because i f fie immense number oi bais which any sleep in it, and becausr at tlie time of the fire in the outer cave great quantise' of smoke esraped tbrou crevices in 'be rock near tbe Cibolo Kiver, on the opposite side of the hiiL, two miles and a bait from tne niaiii entrance. Tain inner cave is believed to be fully tw mi es long aud very broad. The Uvald Cave is said to be about six times as Urge as He 1 100.0 Cave. It diflers from he la ur n l;iug moist inxtettd of dry. There is no ruuuing water in enl.er cave. ine aistr ci is a nte Liny, and is com posed ailoaeluer of a limestone formation In the abrupt liil!g mauy small Caves are known io eX'St, and all of tbem are in naoiteu vy Oats; out only lue two men tioued, it i believed, are of sufficient extent to warrant working for the guano deposits. Tne first shipment of truano was made from tbe Cibolo Cave but a abort time air v it is claimed that annUcis shows tbe guano to be worth from $5 J to $60 a ton Tbe L value Cave deioait has not been touched. It is said that a factory for the production of sulphate of ammonia is to be set up at L val.le by the company wbicb owns and works the phosphate de posits at Ctarleuoft. S. V. An Ancient oraclan Cuirass. One ot tbe iml luieie-uug specimens of aiciiaic Greek an in existence has been brought to litibt by Mr. 8 lllnian, and is now exciting tbe keenest interest in the arc-Las logical circics of A then-. This treasure is tbe back of an elaliorately wrought bronze cuirass, and is luo-igbt to be at least as old as tbe sixth ccutun before (Jurist. Tbere are seven subjects engraved on it. which are thus d'senhed The main sul-J-ct, wuich occupies the I;wer part ef the C'liraw, cousi9'.s of two groups of three figures each, each six inches high, and it has been diversely interpreted to represent either tbe recon ciiiation of Apoilo and Uerins or a king consulting Apouo. on tue one sine is Apo:lo.p!aying on the lyre, attended by laito and Artemis, and on tbe other a rojal or div.ne figure, follow sd by two alteadants. The personages ars diesseo in tne most elaborate cost i me, and every detail is rendered wiih finished skill, the patterns even of tbe stuff a of their various garments being delineated with tbe utmost precision. The subordinate personage aie barefooted, but Apollo wears a pair of sandals, and tbe other principal figure high peaked boots, such as are wora to the present day by Epirotes. Above this row of fi-Urea. runuu g across the lower pan of the cuirass, there is on each of the clavtclvs a bull, and above tbe bul lion, each fadv hi counterpart oa the other clav.cle. Between them are two leopards, rampant, suppottiog each other, surmoun ted by two sphinxes, also rampant and in tbe Same attitude. Each of these subject is framed in rich ornamental bordetingg of different patterns, that which runs aloug the lower eoVe of the cuirass under tue chUf design being especially quaint and elaburalK. This uu:que art treasure wa tound some twenty j ears ago in the Al pheus by a fiKherman, who caught it in hut et and sold it as old metal at a shop In Zinte, where it lay buried among a mass ot worthless Inmiier until Mr. S-illioan's critical eye dUcerned its value and rescued It tioai oblivion, it has been placed in the museum at ""na In tor lafe. "This ceU," said the warden, as we reached 213, "belongs to one of the oldest lifers in this orison. 1 believe h nat neen her nigh on to thirty years and be bids fair to last for twenty more. Ha u s very singu'ar man." His crime was murder, of oarse I" 'Yes. and a stranire murder. He was then a young man of twenty-two, rather quiet, if not morose, and no one bad ever beard bim use an oath, ot seen him display even tbe smallest vice. 11 ad he stolen an axe his friends would hare been amazed ; what could their feelines have been, then. wben be was chanted with murcer? One nteht, wiih no eartbly excuse for offence, be g out of bed, walked three miles to the bouse of a friend and called bim out and stabbed bim to the heart. lie then retraced his steps to bis h"me aad returned to bed and slept soundly untu morning, tbe bloody knife on a cnair by his side. He made no effort to conceal his crime, and when arrested had no excuse for 1L From tbe day the constable put hsnds on bim up to this hour he has not spoken except when forced to. 1 bave several times had to threaten him with tbe strap to make him answer mr q lestionO "Does be mate wi.h auy one!" 'Jcr, be comet and goes as it aione id tbis great prison. I cum it imagine what inducement could be held out to make bim address a prisoner, lie shuns all of ns as if we were poison. Daring all Ibe tears be bas been here he has never asked a favor of any sort." "Is be ever sick?" Oi.Cs in a great while, but he never comnla-M lie weuld die in his tracks before he would a.-k to see tbe doctor. He has fainted away at bis wotk-Vncb, and cried out in tbe delerium of fever, but be bas never complained. "What do tbe prisoners say about him ? ' They fear bim. I have been told twenty different times that be would some day reiiek and tnat he would have to be shot before he could be di.-armed. I can't say that be is plotting, but we keep a sharp eye oa him. He baa the eye of a perfect uevil, and he will los at you in a way to make your flesh crawL" Can be be insane f ' X ; a doz. n different doctors are agreed tnat be is as sound as any man. tie is simply a b irn devil. He was never In wn to laugh or cry. ills old mother used to come here In years goue by Is f m site died and she said she had never seen a s xile on his bps or a tear on bs cheeks, not even durmg bis babyhood. lie is a baler He bates himself. H bates everything living or dead. I here is a cauldron of uplines) boilinig within him and sr me day it wilt bubble over. When that event occurs we thall most likely be foiced to kill bim in self-defence. " Has he any relatives ? "Not that we Know of. His father was dead before the murder. He bad a mo' her and a brother, but wben he had been here about five years ibe poor old woman went to her grave. If a man bas any heart in bim a uiouer s love and tears can touch it. She used to come here and wring her bands and weep and sob and pray, and tuis fiend sat as unmoved as a rock even refusing to answer one ot her questions. She was old and wrinkled and beart Lroken the last time she came. She to'd bim that it waa her last visit, and itat sua bad ouiy a few weeks to live, and tbe murderer turned bisb.ck on her. Tbe brother came tb ee or four tidies, receiving the same treatment, and tbe last vi-it be made came near being bis lajt day on earth, t aking advantage of tbe mruieu tary absence ot tbe Doorman, tms fiend itrasped bis brother's throat and was last choking bim to death wben help arrived. I he brother died several years ago iu Illinois, and now tbe man is alone on earth. Ho one asks a:t r him nobody thii.ks ot him. He is turied a ive. Uj never writes to any one I" ' Never. He bas not bad a pen in his band since entering the prison. Most ol the prisoners uiauace to keep posted on outside affairs, but ttiis man neither knows nor cares to know I don't believe be knew of the' war, long as it lasted. He won't talk, he can't or won't read, be won't permit a prisoner to talk to him, en 1 as a consequence he bears no moie ol this world's doings than if be were in bis grave it must he a horrible feeling for man to live 'bis way, and yet be seems to enjoy it. One diy is the same as another to him. O-je eight is no blacker than nother. Weeks piss and bring no cnnnne. Years cume and go and bis routine is the sa i.e. The pal is full of blood the tuture a a long uubroken inidLight. I uave wondered that be aid not commit suicide." He has never tried to escape 1" "N-ver. and that is why we fear bim Three different times aiuce be came hi be bas hod g'Od opiiortuniues to take French leave, but be lias refused to go. It wasn i becaue be feared reciptiire and puuisbmeni, for any of tbem will take tbe one chance iu a LUudred cn that It was because be bale I the world worse than his prison. U.ve h iu anoih, r caance to-day and be wouid ie use it. As 1 told you, he is half uian and ha f deviL rJica year be is growing moie like a fieud, and every lime 1 look into bis. eye 1 think it bas a mi ire 6atanic gleam. I don't know what tbe eud w ,li lie, but I half expect it w.ll be full of reliellion, devperalioa, and blood &ouie day his bate will overpower all other leeung, and ne will pick up a bar of iron. an axe or a sledge, aud be will fight us to tue death.' At tbe Jardin des Plantca the following a e ibe allowances for the various wild animals: 1 be monkeys are fed oo carrots. cooaea potatoes, saiaa ana bread made fro maize aud potatoes. Tue lious, tigers md bears bave each 0 kilos, (includins bones; of freh nieat per dav. Kor the pmtlwr S to 4 klloe , and for the bvena 2 to 3 kilos, of tbe same suffice. Tbe wild cat gets i kilo, ot freh meat withoui bones. Tbe tac n gets tbe same. Tbe esgle is tved with 1 kilo, and tbe vulture witb 1 kilos, of fresh meat with liones per day The elephant eats per dty 4 hnndlns of saufoin. 1 decaliter of bran. 2 kilos, ot tiread, 3 r 4 bundles of oat straw; cost fl' Ihe sirsff -ie siiip ied with 1 bundle of lucern. 2 pounnaof bread, 1 libr of bar lev. I lut r of beans. 2 liters of maize; co t 2Jf. toRf. Tbe stair, oa a half bundle of lucern and fire liters of bran, is kept a' about If. per day. Parrots and such like birds are fed for 25 to SO centimes per dav. It will be ' orne in niiud that tbe kilo is 2 15 pounds tbe liter a quart, the frank 20 cents and the centime 1-5 of a cent. 77ie Archiv der Fharmacie give the lo lowing totu.u.a lor u-akiD paper for wrapping np silver Six parts of caurtic soda are dissolved in water until tbe by drometer marks 20 deg. Baume. To the solution add four parts of oxide f zinc, ami dou uui.i it is dissolved. Add sum ciew water to bring tbe solution down to 10 J Bui tue, Paper orcaico soaked in tbe solution and dried will effectually pre serve tbe most bwhlv-polisaed silver arti cles from tbe tarnishing action of tbe sul phuretted hydrogen, which U contained n sucb notable quantities in the atmos phere of all large towns. 'i r. said the editor's wife, "let us be thankful there is one above wbo can restore order and save the country." 'I understand, madam,' returned her visitor, who bad called to deprecate tbe unsettled state of affairs. "Providence i all powerful, and 'Ob, I d du't mean that," said she "I referred to tr y buhand, wbo is now up stairs preparing bis leader for tbe morn ing paper, and it will be a smasher, a reg alar country saver, you bet." It is bard to tell which will bnng the most pleasant expression into a worn at face to teii ber tost her baby U heavy or 1 her bread light. AOKICITLTURJI. rVtTitnra Rnrnit Rrarsn Oa manv hnni thorn noruona of land that can- not be ploughed without great difficulty on account of tbe rarme or stones, inry mav be seeded to grass and t'sed for pas- hnt it is hard to cut the sTass that irr nn thorn. This broken land mav generally be utilised to exoelleut advan- tage by planting it to crops mat require considerable room. G'apes do wen on rocky aud broken land, it sufficient pains be taken to prepare tle place where the vim are to stand. Quite a large hole should be excavated and partially filled with manure and loots earth. A rocky all tbe time; add strong essence of pep soil is ordinarily warm and well drained J permint to suit tbe taste, and drop on tins hv the anaces between tbe stones. Manv I or sheets of smooth wbite paper. The tbe best vineyards in turope are !ocat- edon land so broken and rocky that it cannot be made to produce paying crcps of grains, grass or potatoes. Tomab can also be profitably raised on broken land. Tlo vines require considerable space in which to spread their branches There is some trouule in preparing the bills, but tbe warm lccation ard gotd drainage will generally insure large crops tbat linen early in the season. 1'umpkina, melons and sauashea may be planted oo broken and lxckv land to most excellent advantage. As tbe hills should be about ten feet apart, but little difficult will be found in making tbim. Excr vaiions can be made with spade or pick if necessary, and nearly filled with suitable manure and Use earth. Ibe large space between the hills will require little attention except to remote tbe .weeds, which will not be very troublesome in a poor soiL If a tar- met bas large tracts of broken and rock; land be can scarcely do letter than to plant it to foresi trees, giving a preference to those tbat will produce nuta. Tu Rbibakb I ust.-No garden is complete uuieea it cot.tuns a few rhubarb plants. 'Ibev are often grown on tbe edges of walks, and sometimes near lenas, when but a few are wanted. Jthubarb is excellent for pies, and when prepared the time as when ready tor pus it can be put away in jars for future use. Koon set out this year will produce Rood sized stalks next year. Tbe plants will dc best if sup plied w.th a dressing of well rotted manure and an occasional watering witb soapsuds. I busier also benefits tbem, as also will common spIL In dividing the roots for planting, a pott ion of Uie crown abo Id reuiain with each section. Khu- baib need good cultivation, and tbe soil should Le kept mellow. Mulching also assists the plants Ax agricultural experiment station bas I een established at Geneva, H. Y., under a board of control, and on a farm of 125 acres. Tbe place came into tue possession of the Elate on the 1st of March, and witb the appropiiation ol $20,000 annually will go immediately in o operation. Dr. h. Lewis biurtevant bas been appointed uirector, and from bis successful prattice of bis theories on b:s Kau.-hakain farm in Massachusetts it is believed that report a of great value are ex peeled as tbe resu.t ol tbis scneme. In tbiee other Stales sta tions of this sort have been establUhed, New Jersey, Jt mth Carolina and COnnecti cut, which was ibe first to introduce the public experiment station. MiNCSt is best applied for potatoes by spreaaiuit on ibe surface and plowing ii under, the furrow being lapped on edge and not turned flat. Tbe barrow then mixes tbe soil and manuie totceiber vc:y thoroughly. V hen tbe seed is planted ii is in tbe centre of the inanuied soil, and the roots fitd their food within tbeir reach from tbe Drat, ccatiuy potatois are so made by worm and grubs eatiDg the skin. 1 bey are not desirable for seed, because tbere may be some f the eyes destroyed aud eaten away, and also tbat tbe habit of (rowing scabby may bcooiue fixed in tbe potabt. Seed, like breeciog animals. anould be carelully selected, and only tbe best, finest, anil fairest chosen. MT sometimes bear cou.piaiLts about a poor patch of cluver, especially wbere tbe land is poor or bas been "bard run." Har row in clover without any other crop, top 'ess with manure, aud li e icsulta are an that could be desued, especially in a drv season. This is a good way to bring up' poor r wrrn out laud. 11 should no lender be nectar ary to auvise any Amen tan farmer to sow piaster In spring On young clover. He anc.ws it pays, aud tbereiore follows ibe practice. As ibe setscn crows warmi r tbe horses sl.oLld be led sparingly on corn. Oat', wtil crushed, make the best grain feed a to n contains too much oil, and produces lai and au.mal heat, with little muscie. II t-ata are moitecel j revious to feeding the .'.in n.l Ii. H . I ait... f . mu i r . ar 1 1 1 Iu. lessen, d. and too much water at that time olten cairies tbe grain from tbe stomach I in o tbe intestu.es, wbere U cannot be a.gts'cd. (Join often causes sweating wi.en given in larte q lan'ilies. A Hint for U xsiiikx. Horses whicb eat too radidiy it r good Oige-liou snoulu have tbeir train p round, and the bay and si raw should be sleauitd, or Wat with hut water, i.a n tsls tptii k:ed over it for lew Lours le.ore tie im- iu Tbs poultry iai e.a iu Chester county suffer greatly from the depredations of ibieves. More land tban ever will be put in to bacco in Laucaster and Chester counties this season. A horse s hoof is et the same nature as born. A hot shoe mak s tbe boof brittle instead of tough. J'apr jsegattott. The method of the l reparation of paper by Messrs. Mor gan & Co., of Greenwich, Eoglaud, is a special tne, and lorma. with sme of its applicaiions, tbe subject of a pateM. Tbe bject is to render tbe sensitive fl.ni, as fai as poisiule, lLdepectlent of its paier sup port ( bicb may or may not be retained as the final sui p r ) and so to reduce the chances of trauulaiity. The paper is, ii lact. a iraiisier pai er. tbat is lo sav. the pit tun. ot development may be removed oi irausieirtd to any otbtr suitable surface. B it fly, ihe method (n.pioted is as fol .t w: Tbe paper is hrsi ot all submitted io tbe action ot acid to remove from iu pores all traces of aiz.ng material. Ii then letaive a laer ot an imulsiou of finely powuereu as best of, talc, or simt.ar n.aien al ib gelatine. When dry this is submit ted ie very heavy pressure under polished sttel rollers, a second coating is given and tl e robing repealed, alter which the paper bas a beautuul tatiu-eoamel surface, to wbicb, after a polish with a minute ol wax and resin, tbe sensitive geiatiue-bro- tuide emulsion is applied. Tbe preliminary loating serves the double purpose et isola ting the gelaiino bromide from tbe paper. auu also ol causing it to ceiacb itself east ly wben n quired; in fact, Mr. Morgan says the d fflculty is lonietimee lo keep the Dim on tbe supiorc. r-xteusive premises are in process tt erection fir the preparx tion of tbe new transfer paper, which will shortly be in tbe market, A portion ol the patent relate to tne pressure af papr into mock either nat or cuived readt tor exposure m the camera, iiy tbe aiL ot tbe curved surfaces it ia claimed that a better marginal deliuition is secured, and after dcve;;nient the plctuie may be transferred te a plane suiface. It is said that if you have presence of mind enough to face a raging bull and look straight into hi eyes be is powerless to de you barm. "We tried this experi ment once." says an agricultural con- temper try, "and found it worked admira bly. Tbe fierce animal tore tbe ground with bis feet, and bellowed witb all bis might; but something seemed to ho d him back like magic, and he aid us no injury. Perhaps we ought to add, in order to be correct historically, tbat tbe oull was on the other side ef the fence. W never try sa experiment of that kind without I the DOMESTIC How to make peppermint drops, lake a convenient quantity of dry granulated sugar, place it in a pan having bp-from wnicn ioo cun tenia uiuy puiuw dropped, add a very little water, Just f noueh to make the sugar stiff paste, two ounce of water to a pound of saear being about tbe right proportion; set it over ine nro sou auow u w imnj uuu. keeping it continually surrea; u must not actually come to a lull noil, wit must be removed just as the bubbita denoting tbe boiling point is rescbed begin to rise. Allow tbe syruo io cool a nine, wunng dropping is performed by tiltine tbe vessel I slightly, so tbat tbe contents wui slowly run out, and wilh a small piece of stiff wire tbe drops may be 'trained fT on the Uds or paper. 1 hey should then be kept in a warm place for a few hours to dry. If desired, a little red coloilng may be added just previous to dropping, or portion may be dropped in a plain wuite toim.and tbe remainder colored. Tbere is no rea son why peppermint should alone be used with this form of candy, but confection- era usually confine themselves to this flavor. Any flavor may be added, and a great I variety of palatable sweets made in tbe sauie manner. If desired, these drips I may be acidulated by tbe use ot a little tanane acid ai.d flavored witb lemon, pineapple or banana. In tbe season of inula, delicious drops may be made by substituting tbe juice of fresh fruits, a straw berry, raspberry, etc., for the water and otherwise proceeding as directed. Eiif & CP. Put on a shank of beef in tbe morning and let it boll till the meat is ail ljoeened from the bone and very ten der Take out tbe n.eat and chop it flue wbile waim, season wiih pepper and sal . Set tbe broth away till next day; then add as much more water as desiren, season and' add half a cuptul of nee, or barley. which bas soaked over nigbt, aud boil oi e h'tur longer. If you wish "noodle soup," lor about three quarts of brotb Uke one egg, 2 tablet pouululs of cold wattr, work iuio tbe egg ana water all tbe flour you possibly can, then divide into very small parcels or pieces sn 1 roll luin as possible and bave it bang together. After all are rolled out let tbem lie for some time, than taking one at a lime, fold it up Into a roll aud with a sbarp knife cut into flue shav ings, then leave tbem on tbe bread board lo paitially dry. About ten or fifteen minutes belore taking off the soup throw ibein in. Stuffed crab or looster is now looked upon as c particularly delicate dish, to be served as an entree for an elaborate din ner. Bjil tbe crabs (carefully preserving the shell wLole), rub the meat, wben it is lender, till it is tine with saiad oil, add ing one-fourth as much bread crumbed very fine, a little cayenne pepper; tbe grated nud and tbe juice of one lemon, and a little sneet cteoui. The epicure declares tbat a dash tf nutmeg improves the flavor. When this is thoroughly mixed, replace in ibe shells, dusting the top with bread crumbs or powdered cracker, and put little !umps of butter over IU and let it brown in tbe oven. W hen served, estnt h with paisley and lemon. If lobster is used li stead of crabs, proceed iu tbe a-tnie way, but rub the meat with tbe cream. Crkam Toast. Toast your slice of bread a golden brown. Burnt t'wst is de testable. Have oa the bta'.h a sba'lo dish more than half lull of boiling water ia which a little aall has been sprinkled. As each slice is toasted dip it in this for second and lay into tbe deep dish in wbicb it is to be served. Have leady by tbe time all the Dread is toasted a quart ol mil scalding hot. Thicken tbis with two lablespoonfuis of flour wet wim a liuie cold muk; let it simu.er until cooked and iben add three tablet pxintuls of butler; let it melt, then add two well beaten cga. Boil up once and pour over tbe toast, lut mg up tbe sices one by one tbat the creamy nuxture may run In between them, Cover closely aud set in the oveu two or three minutes belore seuuiug tbem to tbe table. This is most excellent. Oknamevtal Hans. no Baskets Bed flower p;.s can Im converted into the' pretty baskets for lawns aad porcbea I wo lnrge pots, ot tbe ten-inch size will make a handsome pair. Oct a small biad awl and gimlet of larger size, and a p ece of a small saw blade set iu a handle; work boles in rows all around tbe pots half an iccb wide (.first lieuiug tbem IV soakiug over aiabi) Jive tbe surface two cts stone colored paint, tben spriukle wiih sand in which mix diamond dust or fioslinir; or paid wbite, ana dust w tb marble or stontcut lers sand mixed wit a Ironing; Ibis will '"fce Uke stone or marble, as may cbtstalizio ubassxs. An improve ment upou tbe alum crystsls is found in common salt. Boil one q isrt of common salt in two and one-had quarts of water for fifteen minutes. Tie ihe grasses iu small buncbts, and suspend as uianv as possiole in a wide mouthed iar. The salt will not entirely dissolve, but etir It, and pour while bot over tlie grasa. Place ia dark room or in tbe cellar, where it will not be shaken; let it staud twenty-four hours-, then gently lift out the grees aud bang tbtui up to urr: in a tew hours they will be beautifully while and glisten Tni following method of )ftenins putty is useful to thie having hardened putty to remove from sashes: Take soda or potash tbe latter It ine prefetabji anu uisaoive it in water and mix tbe salii ion wiih fiesh burnt, fnsu slacked lime. After tbe mixture bas stood for a t.m pour off tLe clear fluid and bottie fur use. Putty mcisttned wnh Ibis fluid quickly Milieus ann is easily removeu. Fbbit Jcmblis. One cup of butler.two cuus oi sugar, three cupa and a ball of flour, ball a cup of mdk. three pit. uan a uuimeg graieu. tbree teaspooui ul.- l uaking powuer, one cup of English cur rant. Vtasb the fruit in at Itast Uirtt- waters belore adding tbem to tbe dounh. Bake tbe iuuiMes in a broad, shallow tie. cut them in q lares while warm, using a uin snarp abne. it tbe dough is stiff, you can mark tbe squares witb a fork be- ore baking. imi Omxht, to be seived with broiled rparts rib or roast pork, ! very tieiicaie. isae nine large tart apples, our rggs, one cud of sugar, one table- speontul of butter; add cinnamon and other spices to suit your taste; Stew the apples till lb y are very sofi; math them ro there will be no lumps; add tbe butter nd sugar while they arc still war at. but let tbem col before putting in tbe beaten eggs; bake this till it is brown; you ixay ui it all in a shallow pudding dish or U iwo tin plates to base. Coi n Laiib. To give a delicious flavor to lamb which is to be eaten cold, put in the water in which it i to be boded wboit cioves snd king sticks of cmnr.nion. To one leg of lamb aliow one small handful of cloves, two or tbree sticks of cinnamon. If tbe lamb is to roasted, boil tbe clove aaa cinnamon in water and baste the lamb wiih it. VY xrr all tue same : There was a crowd of carnage in front ef a church tbe other day when a man came along, disco veren that something was going on, and, leanint against a hitching post, he asked a pedes trian : -was it very suddenl" "I don't know." 'Presume it was. Well, we've all got to go that way. Do you know, sir, tbat that Here bis voiee broke down ud be reached for bis handkerchief. What's the matteifinauired the other. 'Young woman's funeral in there. " 'Ibals no funeral, that's a marriam." "Kamigel Ah, yea, marriage 1 see. well, it s all the same to me. Give m young man's Dame, and I'll ween over EUMOBOUB. Classical: "Canst tell me, Brut u?, Queried Casnus. removing hi Mavau from hi hp to say it, why oar mutual friend Antonio, who Teaterdav feasted upon his fattened Brahma chicken, reeem bles the valiant FpartHCus f "Oo to," replied Brutus, toying witb his revolver in a menacing way. "I pray J you trifle not with me. Tbou knowest I am not given to these trivial ties." Nay. but tell me," continued Cassius. "A war. alight man," exclaimed Brutus; "wben Cesar bved ho dared not thus have moved me." "So you give It up?" "rty my troth I do, and instanCy. "Well, then," said Ca-sius, "it is be cause te is glad be ate her." And Cas sias tripped lightly out of the tent, lust in lime to eacape tbe tip of the enraged Bru tus sandal. Caela Sam's Men. Uncle Sam's letter-carrier are hard working set of men, and are liable to con tract rheumatism because of the constant exposure to which they are subjected. Calling at the pjs:-offl the repwter had a pleasant conversation with Air. J. 11. slattern, one of the most popular and clever letter-earners in Indianapolis. ' Mr. Mat tern said that, while in tbe army dur ing tbe civil war, he sprained one of his ankles, wbicb was alwav worse in tbe spring during the period of the rapid cnanges in the weather. He did not find much relief from tbe several remedies he apolied. But two years ago he hit upon bt. Jacob's O I, and ex per enced wonder ful relief from its use. beveral applications of the Great German Remedy relieved him entirely. Tbe reporter talked with other among tbe le'ter carriers and found that the great German Remedy was popular in the por-otfl . Tuey ute it for sore feet, rheumatism, eta, and praise it highly. Indianapoli (Kt) Takcx at bia word: A Maine grocer wh bad lust "experienced religion ac knowledged in meeting that be bad been a bard sinner, cheated customers by adul terating bis goods, etc., but, being con verted, would repay any one be had wronged. Late that nigbt be was awak ened by a ring at his door bell. Looking out, be saw a man. "Wno are you aud what do you want? be asked. 'I'm Bill Jones. Ton said to-nigbt vou would repav these you bad cheated. Gv me that $100 you've owed me so long." "Can't yon wait till morning'" ".No; I ain't go ng to wait till then and stand in line all day." He was paid. We see in the Aew York Spirit oj tno i ime mention or the cure of Mr. George Orake.46 Fifth street, Indianapolis. Ind., of a severe ctse of water rheunna'iim. bvthe nseof 6t Jacob's Oil Cincinnati JSnguirrr. A mopebh suggestion : Professor to classical student "If Atlas supported the world, who supported Atlas? "Student "The question, sir.has often been asked, but never, so tares I am aware. satisfactorily answered. I hsve alwavs been of tbe opinion tbat Atlas must bave married a neb wife and got bis support from her father. " Why are yon Billon. Because you have allowed your bowels to become costive, and bver torpid. Use Kidnev-ort to pinluce a free sta'e of tbe bowels, and it will stimulate tbe liver to proper action, clanM tbe skin of its velliwuess. cure oi lous neaaucie, ana cause new lire in tbe blood. Drureists have it, both dry and liquid Zion JJerald. A boo belonging to tbe sexton tbat had been lying at the church en'ranc during tbe rrorning serviee arose lust after the collection bad been taken up and moving to tbe spot where tbe pla'es had been de posited, grabbed a mouthful of loose change and scampered off before it could be mtrr cepieil. One M tbe deacons who ohseved ,be exploit, turned to bis wife and remark ed, as the animal vanished : "Betsy, I on't Ibink it ran be denied after tbis tbat on uave souls " Battlb Cbkek Mich., Jan., 31. 1379. GaNTLkUkS Having been slU clod for a number of years with udigesuoa and general debibty, by tbe advice of my doctor I used Hop Bif.ers. and must say they aff vded tue almost lustaot relief. 1 am glad to be able t f-stify in th"ir be half. . . TilOS. G. KJtMX A mailed knight must bave required a good many postage stamps to carry h:m inrmien uxe8fuilv. Vegetine. ii blond panfler. llann of tu manv woO'lerful corwt aner all other reniei.e had liieil, I tisius! tae Laisjmorr, and omvtnc.! njy-4-lf of tta merit. It in prrpsrvil frm bancs, mots and taertM, eai-Ja of whiou is effective, aud they are ouipoundeil ia sues a manner as to prodaueastoniamug results," Vegetine b the gnu Blood-Purifler. Yegetinc WUl core the-worst owe of Scroftua. Vegetine ts recomraen kfj by pnrsiRtans and Japothecaries. Vegetine uas etreetea some marrelons enres In cases of tracer. Vegetine Cares the worst caws of Canker. Vegetine Will eradicate Salt Rtteam from the system. Vegetine Removes Pimples and Humors from tbe face. Vegetine Is the great remedy for General DeMiitj. Vegetine ii acknowledged by a:i rtsM of nenple to be the nn mans oioou pun. Ber in the world. Vegetine IS THE BEST SPRJN3 MEDICINE. Vegetine ta Sold ly all rrnggists. ! IS A SURE CURE i tor all diseases of the Kidneys and LIVER organ, fishlltif It to throw off torpidity aad InaatVm, stlf nlatltig the haalthx ecrattoa of the BUa, ead by keeping the bowels la free condition, eSecting its regular discharge. PfJ ji If yon areeofferiag from ItlQIUl Ida malaria, have tne chills, are biltooa, dyspeptic, oreonstipeted, Kidney Wort will sorely relieve and quickly eare. In tha Spring to nl ncn the Sytem. every one ehonld take a thorough course of It. I O- SOLO BY DRUCCI3T8. Price SI. A Month Tot JLMJIiUI Hen or Ladle, la a Sartu boatneae atau-honas. Send for Ctrmlae. 9. W. SXgQLJBat)x.m Area 8t, PtsQadelptim, Pa '.W',' "T s-oalty. jPirvr Haiiiehiny enoreiy new fur utta aa out, tltxea & W. ft-UKAJftLM CO.!fcoaton7Mir a I I I Galla3tet : A lady stopped tbe otcer day to look more close ty at a nanuaomo I sea'skin sacque that was displayed in u.e front of a store. Tbe pnee was oo a con- spicuous placard 1490. rilie looked ad mirfrinirlv at the garment for s few IDO- ments, and then, gathering a far-lined ar- cular more closely about her, started up tbe street. "ML there, missus !" yelled small. ragged , and thoroughly typical IMew York bootblack, "Come back'n I'll bay it far ye." Hatur Sltuea-Wavi The kidueys are nature's sluice-way to wash out tbe debris ot our conaiauuj rUnmmr hndiea. If thev do not work nrooerlv the trouble is felt everywhere. Tben be wise and as soon as yon see signs nt diaordcr tret a package of Kidney-Wort and take it faithfully. It will clean the sluice-wsy of sand, gravel or slime sad purify the whole system. Druggists sell it bom lia nd and drv. and it is effisieut n cither form LfleptndcnL "I navt very litfle respect for the tie of tbis world," as tbe rogue said when the rope was put around bia neck. aioTHKRS Dost ii sow upw many Children are punished for being uncouto. rural, sad indifferent to instructions or rewards, simply because they are out of health I An intelligent lady said of cuild of this kind : "Mothers should know that if the would give their little ones moderate doses of Hop Bitters for two or three weeks the children would be all a parent could desire. " Again it bas been proved by M. L. Bvl that low temperature bas very little to do with tbe frac'ure cf railroad tires. Other tilings beinf equal tbe tire are as strong in severe frost as when tbe tempe rature is normal. But low temperature increases the rigidity of the road and its in qualities and so renders the bockj re- ceived by tbe tire very violent. Btc ta Tooth. RooHxsTkk X. Y. Jan. 8. 1930. H. II. Warxes & Co. : SirtYoar Pafe Kidney and Liver Gire made me feel uke a new man after the doctors had given me up. Uisbt Gxkad. Large iron ore deposits of gocd quality bave been discovered in Westphalia t no treat dent bemath tbe surface, and Considerable force of workmen is engaged in removing tbe ore. But what is of equal importance is tbe discovery also ot nu-nsive coal vein of from eight to fourteen feet in thickness. Lydia Piikbsm's Vegetadle Compound I a remarkable remedy for all those pain ful complaints and wekneses so conmo lo our best female population. Send to Lydia E. Pinkhain. 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. The principle of water ris'.ng in artesian wells is tbat percolating through previous strata, such a sand, gravel or chalk, the water is finally arrested by an impervous stratum of rock or clay, thus causing 'o accumulbte In tbe lemons stratum above, as in a reservoir When this source of supply is higher tnau tbe spot wbere the well is bored, or higher than the depth to which it is bored, tbe water will rise to tbe surface or even considerable aheve it. rty a flee, nt liu.Kirt-ust Improveuir-ot Dr. tiol'iian has erfecfed a great addition "i the emcaoy aud usefuln jss of Uolman's Pn1 in tbe treatment ot persistent Chro- uio Diseases. Toe can't make a portmonnaie out of a two-legged caX T ic C i ;0 mui t .and rail Americans nould g' and bin- a IxMlle of Carbjline, 1 be deo-.lorized petroleum hair renewer and dresser. Since the recent improvement, no preparation cer had such a sale or gave it'ich general satisfaction a carooune. Sold by all druggists. The proportion of matter assimilated from d ff.-reot kinds of food vares great I v. aceoniirg to the investigations of Mr. Mix K itiner. Of tbe nitrogenous mailer n fresh meat aud eggs, only 2 5 to 2 percent, lsnpcted; in milk, 7 to 12 pr cent ; in peas, beans, etc, 10 5 per cnt. It is inlt rred that a healthy body cannot be sustained on an exclusively vegetable diet. As t ow improved, Dr. Uolman's Pa ell deserve Professor Lioouus high en dorsement: ''Thev are nearer a Universal "anacea tban anything in medicine." lliAi.n at a back pate ; "Yes, I'm go ing lo leave mv place. 1 wou l wjrk in bat woman s kitchen another day. The dea of expectiug me to go to Loa Branch gain this summer. Ira tired of Long Branch and she know it, A slivee in your baud is worse tban twe ihousand ui tee ha d "f your fnend. On 1 tUiljr Umja Trl il. Tbe Tol sic hell Co ,MarhaU Mich., wil nd tl etr ecto Vuliue Beit aa- oUim t ectr e Appliancai mi tna; tor thirty dais t any p rt.a anli -ted wrh Nervou Deot ity -Awl v.talt , and indrt.d tronbtra cnarant- iok eompla restoration of viuor and man- nooi. Ad lrM a aVve without delav. F. 8 No risk is incurred, as 30 days' trial a allowed. Per a rich man on mule back and tbe nule will throw bim just as quick as he win a beggar. Lias? said the sooner tbe deadlock is ended. ADifi Brmla Faa4 Cures Nervous Debility and WeaKsx 4 Generative Organav tl all drnggista, Sand for circular. aUlen's Pharmacy, III First avM xi. 1. Putt is often but knee deep. Don't Die in tne Hans. Ak lirngvlsta for Bo iLb on Kits." It olmraom tat miee. brd-bngs, rnaebea, ver- nin. n.ea, ants, luatota. lie per box. Ir a man' aim in this world be good. tbe chances are that be will miss Are in be next. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness, headache, and dvsDerria. should use only "Sellers' Liver Pills." A happy world: If "Ignorance bliss1 there an- a great many happy pt 'e io the world. Tiorrrsi. No medicine bas attained sucb a grtat reputation as this justly cele- irateu con piuad. af. BtKST mustache dreads the snort ci- ar. Tibed Natube's 8vntrr Bestoreb Od third of tbs life of man is spent in sleep. It i 0 t'i utmost imp-iitanoe. tberefove that tbe bed a id its appurt nancea ahoold be of -nou a etiaranter as to ecnra cam and com fort For this cood feather, warm beddinsr aod fins ha r riiatreases ars iodu-penssble and t .e place to buy them ia of reliable a-id ex perienced dealers. If yon need anythmfr in tiia lioa, th-n. go to Stern herder's. Hia roods are all firs - ass. hie feather odorless a hi steim-curej and warrantet to g.ve per tot aa lafaO'jon, R-itiemher tbe riaoe. H. a. euro r0ex a, No. 1219 ilarket street, Fnda deipbia. lr. Kline' CrreaS Ilervs Ksatarar tha marvel of the ae for all aerre rtincianon AO ate atormed free. Band to S31 AreJi R- Philadelphia, fa. IfaWSaa. MinaBAW a HBam.-v nil rie. rSnildinir, Tentu and Cheer not ustami a n.ni hand a superb stool 41 extra One qualliw.JMa monda, which they offer at aa low prrseaas "auiuaeuperoawiea i extra one quaiiiwrnav mond, .which they offer at a low prtwraas In a irwllua." Da K. V. rurck : Dwr Sir U fall my dauglter was In a decline and every holy thought she was g-Jng Into the eooeump ion. I got bcr a bottle of yoor "Kvorite Prcr:?-oi. ti bt. Ofa!ldro,-insL Aics. Wart ilis s. Whether an animal will suffer or not from eating mold vegetation ueyeuu. w ik Mnatitution of the aniwiai. Ore animal will suffer no bad effects , ,. .,m. fnnims which will destroy II V'LU aTwaaaaw . w . the a-trtTtkriBa (if another animal as a malig nant parasite. Montrose, Can. Weak luoe. soit'ing of blood, con sumption, and kindred aff jettons, cured without a phy-ictan. Addrei for treatise, with two stamps, W. bld s Dispmsakt IUdical AaociArP-, biffUo. X. I. T nninn there i rtienath : "I wish. said a farmer's wife to her husband and six boys, "that some of you would shoot the yeller cat.- So they all. when they happened to ibmk of it, went and loaded tbe gun. Luckilv it was the youngest by tbat fired it, for be was very healthy and could stand being kicked tnrongn im fence. The iie World a Dispensary and In valid's U Jlel at Buffalo. N. Y., i now completed and ready to receive ratienia. Sxyxk bui.d castles In tbe heir, they are ever liable to be overthrown. "Since taking 'Dr. Lintlsey Blood Searcher, tbat old runnin? sire of mine is entirely healed up." It's sure cure. Tseng's msny slip between the pulpit and th- cburrh dnr. Rupture ! CERTAIN RELIEF AND CURE WIL JOHN SPIEI.RESr.Ktt. A PROMINENT citizen, indorses lr. Miennans Treatment in the moit euiuoat c manner, ai may be seen in the lowing comniiuuoall'H : -I nave i-o a sufferer from rnptore tor rimre then tweniv vrars have o-ed ail the hest troasea In Phililelp ii piuil oat iots of moaev. and been tonnre-l and tormented more than tungne can tell: but now. i hank UmL, a nee I ut voar treatment I aia mtsrlf auatn. I can wort, rule, run, lamn. asnee an l frm as nafe an I eriod as tho rh I ha-1 dot. Fhet-o r-iptumL Vour treJJinent l a irreat ! hi n to nw: w.lv. I would n.K takethoaands of dollar uvilav and in without It. I have neen Us ing my frten-bi whiU a good thine it is, an-1 reoiro D!snlin( them to try it I am well known here, au-t von mav publish thin for those who are ara cted and ilont know you will have onna-H-m-e in what I nr. Johk sriiLBBKOra, To Dr. J. A. SHint4!. No. llsi fanu St., Pbus.. Apr. s, 'St.' Dealer in uia-a ani i mow. Kasidence, Ult S. h St. DR. SHERMAN'S PATTENTS CERTTTT TO THB BENEFIT DERIVED FKOM MS TREATMENT. We. the BnderiKne1. have onmn'fed Tr. X A. Sherman, of PhllleiDhui offl. 4 Walnut St.. an l reeeivel his treatment tor Knpture. wm.-h af- lorila as enure mti-iactirn, and gives at pieanare In rscoinmeishnr it to other . We tr.ed inies nefire om-iuliiiix Dr. 9-, from whs-n we ilenvel nxiiina: bat vexstinn, inlnrv an l an lncrra-e of enffenuir: tietnre P. Renter, fed iire. Keninir tnn avenue and Front Street; Richard W jtwwl, SaiiS Uope itreet. ahove mem"; mv phntoirr.ipa can be seen at Dr. StiermAn ortlce; William Chal mers, paper milli. curm-r s runt and r..m streets. CaiU'len, N. J.; J. W. Early, confectioner. 4SB 8, Filih strwt, I aindr n, N. J. Kupture Relieved snd Cured hv rr. j. A. sner- man's methiHl, withour the injur trnees Inflict or hin-lrance fnm larnr. BNk, with proofs from doriiirs m nt-iers. merchants and others during p4 thirtv-nve jesrn, who have fieen cured, mailed fur 10 eenfs. PhUb-lih'a im., SW Walmct street. Next ilayi of ronultiirioa. May a, 4, a, 17. IS. IS and 31t and June Iai an I L Principal OnVe,"d Hkoapwat, '. V. Domof consultalioe mere, nonoay, lues-lay ana fraiuruay or week. l-'arent sad Brt mniiciae ever Xmu. aevl iiaMnatinn of Hevna. Bueh'i. Man- rjrsk a'vabo Oandelion.wHS a.1 tor beat and oiabte titvm of all ocurr auttern. irtfnaiM BIOOO r-irrfiee. Liver Rez u X tor, ad Llie aod Kealia lirafcnn Asa4 eai &SSSaaaamaaa earta. No dtsraai ci pmxihty lone r?-- whre rtip ratteri are neSM vai a.-U aaa! perfect are their lasygivam iftaalr!;tatia?ia!!a. Toatiwheae eTa-'ntanTawntsfmaae Irreemlart tyof tae eu weaKa. mrulrT erKaua, er who re qureaa Aipeaser-.Torue amimlUIStlBiulaat, Hop IhtlOTare invai WJsaSe, without intoy catinft. taasaaW KomaKcrwhatyoar t.v"-rart oe errnnrms are what the ibwaeeor ail -nent Is use Hop Lit ters. bentwailantiiyouaWre ate but If Toe euly fuel bad or muerabieW'swi ier- a enra. ltmayaaveyourlire.ltaa'4-''av hm.dre.l4. $500 wiUbe paid foraeal -.hey :i M eamor h-lla Io aot euTr V- a t yoeir ira-nuj atferjbutuaeaadanre thea toea i:o? B Kemember. flop R.ttels Bca. vue, drapd dronkt-a owx-etroia. bt ut Mt?iasirs vrtr ma : lm hnA BOTS" ".ami bo fvrua Or n.l.O.Haui nS-ot..? and lrrHit::i torriTua-iUi'dSC .wororhini. t-boco 0I.T1II K "A, AUUl I CT 't Ur" wrV & for Cm-ular. BHtm Hig. 6,. Rpeee.rT sHT-r K..2tLLERS A CO. PITTSBURGH. gtjjajj J -sil'i ij ' Si I .UN jj U KLEBfUTEO if tiffin1 For a smarter of a eemnr w wa - - Stomach B.tters has tsen the Twiirnins spec ittc fox uvl rest Ion, dypep-na, fever anT atrue! lose af physical stamina. liver eomruaim .nj ..V onlera, and has been m'M emphatically hiiiorsM bymedicai men as a health and strenxth rettura- - - ... Kvirnrj to prematnra dav eay, and atwauu and comforu the aed and ti for sale by all Dnnnrlvts and Dealers generally. HabH faraS la ta auav till laa ua.s, Lebauun. tab 10 A alkta af Beaaiy ia a ey Varever. DE. T. FELIX UOCRACITH OKIETLtKLA.Oa MAttKAL BBACTIFIEB. Kernona Tan. l r ku-. .1 Vraroena. and every blrnuah eo beauty. It has stood the 'AS.: .. JT1 ' anu IS eoharmlaawe harte It to be sure the pre paratloa le Properly made Aeeept so wmjieri ot 1 he dlati SUleord lr. a hsyn Savra. eaid toalaayof the aCT TOM ts . TH- R nw, I aacoaaasn -Gou. pmoeot aai.ua, aaa a as Tit LXaST IliaRL Or ail. TBI 8 lis jsaxraaaTtoRa." Aim Poudre Hnottie ruooiaa superfluous hair without uiJury to the akin. USX M. t far mi taT.WIC3ACD.8casPBsj .asWa.da. w w awi rioci 8 Purest -vav" tb-at a nsVaaJBSaV VIDEW E SmES SjLXil FOR LOSS AND ISsMM a i a ailrH Ajt;iwiA KStUDlALPi-HIM, QFLnii C J v w-i "aV r V ii V- LYDIA E. PINXHAM'S VE3ETASL5 CZimD 19 S Po,t:T 'T-S for TI ISM Palatal Caalalaw m4 Wi BwlUcareeaUKlj the worst form of r.mi,P platbta, aU onrlaa troablee, InHsmaiulsn ana 11cm tioa, rallln and tbplaeraK-nta, scd U Spinal WfaJtorM, aad Is parUcalarly adajxed to tta changee Lire, It aUl Inaslv and expel tomom from tbe o eoteriiisi aa early stase ot amlopawut. re Wik, eeroae hamors there Sichtcked wry -pewii.y aal reawree fattltnw. aatntearr. cfattmr. t nwt, for etunalaatsad n-lievrs wia.scor th.tiBar. St eon Bluatuv. Bads-h, Scttoo. 1-jv.trulo. Oeaeral DebUlty SleepUaaae-s; tS-preoo ud That terlliic of hearlne down. rn-lrc pals. -iii aad Urtch,M always permanraUj enmity j, IS wUI at all tames and nnWr all cimnnano art la harmony with the laws that govern the f-siale syatea For the cure et Kidney Cempianu of either kzUuj Cowpeand al mawarnaiai a. LTW1A K. riXKBAW TXCETADLE CSV. Pat -IB ii prepared at ta aadss W.ra are... Lyna.SUus. Price ! Stlbotlks for SS. S-ntbyaa,, ka the torn ot plus, akm la the form of loangea, oa reeetas of price, ft per box for either. Mr. Pintjaai freely answers all letters of Inquiry. 8-mHor pampt kC Adureasasahova MattUmUuspiftT. Ho family vnoedd be without LTDIA E. PINEILLJ- LTVaJt PILLS. Toa-y care eoeutlpatioa, s.t- inaai aad torptdtty of tneUver. Seeaoiner box. - JSold by all Drasursts. -ia THE LARGEST FEATlltlt. MaITUESS AND BEDDDtQ ESTABLISH JIEXT IN THE STATE. tmr celebrated brand of odor lea steam cored Can he houg!u of aU flrst-Claai furniture aa J general Korea If not kept by jour merctun send oruer di -I GEESE 1 FEATHERS. rect to as. E'.e e!;:. tz. ThU Cut It on every Eng. BevNm of Imitation. Send stamp far price-lut. 12 S Vlorketat-, miUM.. ra. Uolman's Pad Acts by Absorption Thr"s!i the XERVK riiRI ta and Ibe llttt I LAIIU. The Ou y Trna Ouy 3L1LAKIA ANTIDOTE. It is the on!v known remely that pmitiveiv et reis every vestl.eol mslirai ta ru from ihe Vood w.thout tne use of ptM-oniujiilruz- liiaapae. itiva raveatailva ami row. nr. ilt man's Stomsi-h anu Liver Pai wa-uv re un reire df lor bill anil Fever, an I rvrrv o a-r form of malana. ail stomai-h au-1 liv-r tf r,it nervous and s.ek ha.ia h-, rhr'aic l:srrnoa, eniMren's 'lipase-', an I many of the out;lainj pecul.arto Fetus en. S,-ii intruet."UH free f eharire by a'lir-ing ti. A'. Hoiaian. M. D Fail treatise sent tree on applii-at.'in Kirsile hv ail llrtd-clasri DniaTiruiis. or sent hv mail pff-pu-l na rei-eiK of price, "rfesiil.ir ' Pan, ': l imit Pl, a:i.X Beware af heea aail liait.tilaa SMlex Aala far Itr. staluiaa'a. lake a ether HOLM AN PAD CO., Box HIS. IIUr.Msai,V T. AOMSTH WV1TKD One IWsrwITl hny 50 Rffv' rnsrias which neil for two il4 nr rapul.v ef. vtb-re. 1o dol;ar premium rffred. Ad1r . el CLK PUZaUjL. ai: Cailowlnli stm;!. I'hiAlcliiuia . ra. STOPPED REE McTvti turctsi. fii c rwa7 Dcernscfi a ta t-tAjp. TrMitM t.oii 9itrl tt:frr.t . t:wtil,thr" prvm: tprmz. fcfd nwrtv . and riprt? adilraM to lift. KL1SZ,&4 fcid b sjermia nt m mtu-tttm. adtkvM V xi i- i IMC tVc'S OftUGKTERS ST aaaio.t iiuimi, I V ' M'KD! At. I I S Fvervabt-re I" rh mat:h e.-s iioia fir he in 4i.ei- iiuj il .::rs Aurtor of "Cwntnim of Auierea. lluu.irla w'.se mtt HfiCsrl4M,:' ol ibou-auiiswi..o-'lp a Dow reattr I.r sun- as every woman wiu ser bers. Jo" mo'her or want it. Tenus, etc.. ol uuilftiter, know uif ilh J. K. ANDt(tMi an-i U. .ouieuu. would tail to !. ALLS. , ."i.'H.'tiau.sera hu it. au, ,v , ru. T'y poreelaln-linci Pompi are manafacfure'l end.-r license,ar.d buyers ire .aran tti arainst anyandallc'aimt fron tlw Cotnpzry hcidinj te pit-nt. fs'l jail to mailt a srofe of xaas jotar. Carefu"T made Ml tte mjt Valabie trrprovemer.ts. of Best Selected Timber. Th BLATCHLEY PUMPS sreferjileby f-e best houses is vie tra e. hame of my nearest t.-re-t M be furnished cs appiiutioa ta C G. BLATCHLEY, Manrfacttirtr, 308 MARKET ST, PHT.ADn.PHiA, PA. r)KTtVHRDT TTJVTSIFT.s: . jnedi.-sfM Fa-w Powder of wrm.lrfiil -rri-art In ltiififuir the skill, reniovlne frpi-k'ea, rmp!ea, and o-m:' eTi'-nJ hi miKhes. Kinn w!!! 'rTait!! rl-han V-arl tints. Inumailetnrier.vtitie. by mail. tl.lrir-Jj a Co., V. rk. Pa send Jo. auunp ft ant of fancy earia. SrREtT-REfirrFrHspayorFltatn il bmira. Fna lo poor. I' a kni-ita. a-l Araunai nt.. St. Louia, Ho. niHwlPe- SB.CHS, ItlllailajIfBV xsTxararas taaai uis 'fatat THRESHERS traa, TUM AULTHAJI a TAy LOE UA. U naeahl Ik MIRES' irsoviD IIMIf BEKS. ana. packare makes a falloaa of a Selksoe. wSolaanroa arairklinw TemoerSAee beveraga. Art your drurrl-t, or sent by mail ft 1 1 kirk rWlaware Ave-. PhiiA TRIITU W nMI1- rw liHilMi. ,-aX m r'.jaestocl. a-H, Iks, esrota, wstal Ssra. bartr V BtTT 1 jm W sand law erisS, swsl O HH11.T flC- . ' .(.MtW aaep. feMsalt ot till, wfl HM.WI w Mav tBaajtawia, sastl dasai ml assrirasra. a-r4v. J ltV awapdweuai. asw rscwiviasj H kll M MtssS4. V w r. b- tmm , it) MsaM'f n..M mm. aa t11w fete r wv?e-'i ;s 1 laaua a .aa. U ? Ii. o. TXaXUatajOb I i I L 1 1 X Vrt2B Waeia aaa a ai law aa avawantsaxaeaa a sawaa? anpaaa kaa AVslwaetlsw aaal Nlir im ktaH j , aawthaaaeara IT L a " ai iwa