M. i v f.t-,r SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN : Wednesday, April 19. lSSS. . . TERMS. Subscription, $1.50 pr annum tf paid within 12 won lbs; $2.00 if trot paid within 12 months. , . Transient adrertiseKienls inserted at 50 cents per inch for each insertion. . Transient business notices in local col umn, 10 cents per line for each insertion. Deductions m ill be made to those desiring to advertise by tbe year, half or quarter year. . SHORT VOCALS. The Sea. Century t be was rich and of hih degree; A poor and unknown artist be. 'Paint me,"heail, 'a view of the ea." So be painted the tea as it lo.kel the day That Aphrodite arose front its spray; And it broke as she g x -d on its face the while Into its countless dimpled mini. 'Wbt a poky, stupid picture!"' said she; I don't believe be can piint the sea." Thca he painted a raging, tossing sea, Storming, with fierce and Midden shock, Wild cries, and writhing tongues of foam, A towering, mighty fastness rock. In its sides, above those leaping crest". The thronging sea birds built their nests. "What a din igreeable daub!" said she, "Why, it i.n't anything like the se-1" Then he painted a stretch of hot, brown sand, With a big h r.t. l on either bind. And a hand.-.onie paviilion lor the band Not a aign of tbe water to be seen Except one little faint streak of green. iThat a perfectly exquisite picture!'' SliJ she; It's the very ini-ge of the sea!" Over iu Snyder co-tuty, after the b"dy ot j Jonathan Mover who was hang.-d was j put in the grave a report g t abroad that he ; bad been -bur.ie.i alive," the report lead : lo his dis-iuterment, but he ly in ills c in fill as when placed th-re. l!ed straw hats this season. l)r. Brazee, of Acalemia has betn sick. A gi beral assortment of hats, is kept at Parkera store. The public schools are closed. Superintendent Wellington Smith, visit ed the schools in town on Friday. Shad have been selling in the town mar- ' ket at oScts. apiece. Jacob Etka has seven houses to plaster t Logan in Mifflin couuty. A hole b ired with a gi-u'.et in the sole of a creaking shoe 6tops the disagreable noise, An exchange says so. If you want a pair of nice, nobby and stylish sliofs made go to Heck's. The 1st Lutheran church in Altoona has a membership of SI 8 persons. The next State fair is to be bell at Pitts burg. Tbe corner stone of the Presbyterian church at Tyrone, was laid on Tuesday the 18 to day of this mouth. E. D. Parker contemplates the erection of an Academy building the coming sum mer. A man aged 87 years, and a woman aged 64 years were married at Covington Ky., last week. The State Militia Encampment will be held at Lewistown next Autumn: beginning Auzust 19. There was a large sale of horses in Ky., list week. One hundred and thirty-one horses sold for $30,270. A fruit grower says that the ravages of tlu plum tree and peach tree borer, may be prevented by tying a piece of any kind of g il a'.inl Jhj tea. D. IV. Ilarlcy has gone to Philadelphia to bay a stock of new clothing for bis store The supervisors of Fermanagh township are putting a fence along the lower side of tbi pike, between the first lock and town. A daughter of Stephen Keno, died on Sunday; tbe child was aged 10 years. In terment in K ino's grave yard. If yon want a nice pair of fine boots made to order, go to livek's. John Leach, of Patterson, had bones in one of his feet broken last week, while at work on the railroad. If you want a nice pair of Ladies' french kid shoes go to fleck's. Postmaster Rodgers, has appointed Miss Annie Ksuffman as an assistant in tbe of fice. Isaac Copelin, a well known cilia jo of Mifflin county, died at his home in Lewis town on the 11th day of this month. A number of hogs, owned by citixens of this town, have died within the past few weeks, of some unknown disease. If you want a nice pair of Ladies toe box kid button shoes go to Deck's. Not many people from the country visit ed town hast week. Oats sowing claimed the attention of farmers. Some one has advanced the theory that tbe drought of last summer caused such an araouut of dust that tbe disease called pick eyes" was generated. Tbe bouse of George McCullough at McCullough's Mills was destroyed by fire on Sabbeth while the family was away at preaching. Loss $2,000) no insurauce. Presbytery met at Hollidaysburg last week. The consideration of the case be tween Mifflintown and Lost Creek congre gations was passed over for consideration till next June, when Presbytery is to meet at Bedford. The following freight rates from Chicago to New Tork went into effect April 17th: Cattle, grosa rate, 60c, per 100 pounds. Live hogs, net rate, 30c per 100 pounds. Sheep, gross rate, 60c ts. per 100 pounds. Horses and mules net rate 00c per 100 pounds Dressed beef, 64cta. per 100 pounds. The actual weight of live stock and dressed beef will be charged. An exchange saysj manholes are being cut in the roofs of the baggage and mail cars on tbe Pennsylvania railroad. The hole cut is about 13 inches in diameter and is covered by a movable piece of heavy plate glass. They are made with a view of giving a man a chance for hia life in case of the car being upset and goods and bag gage blocking up the passage way. Ex post master Books met with an acci dent a few days ago. He had. delivered a load of Graybill's furniture to a house in Grahamville, and was in the act of turning the team to come home when tbe wagon onset; he fell under the wagon and was considerably bruised. His clothes were badly torn. Mrs. Fox stopped tbe team. The furniture wagon bad to be sent to tbe w agoner for repairs. Seatinel and Republican $1.50 a yiuu Tobias Kreider haa sold Lis house and lot at East Point to J. U. McDonald. XV Bair and Levin, have just received a lot of new goods at their store at Locust Grove. Call and see them. After paying the preacher in full, there yeUremains a balance in tbe bands of the Treasurer of the Port Royal Presbyterian Church congregation. The display of aurora borealis Tbe nortben lights on Sabbath evening was brilliant, people that were up during the night, say that tbe display continued the whole night. Old people say that older people long ago looked upon a display of of northen light as a sign of cold weather. Patterson people talk of macadamizing Main street. Charles Mayor had the in struments used to test the grade, or fall of the street from the railroad to a point op posite Mr- Robisou'a honse at the river, the fall is a fraction over 4 feet, ths distance is cW feet from tbe railroad. A circular aaw in the foundry of J. F. Jacobs of Port Royal, burst or broke into pieces a few days g-. 'o one was hurt. Tlollidaysburg people will vote on the 22ud inst, on the question of the building of a new school house. A New Tork newspaper says; The "no license" tickut at Lockport, X. V., was elected on Tuesday a week in a poll of 2,500 votes. Captain Edward W. Rogers republican, was elected mayor by 164 ma jority. Tbe city government is republican. General Garueld once said that, in walk ing through the Treasury Department, nbal struck him most forcibly among the clerks was thii absence of well developed back heads. No doubt tbe deficiency was more than mide up by the presence of well developed front check." Xorrittowu Ikmld. Pa," asked little Johnny, "what does the teacher ui?au by saying that I must have have inherited my bad temper?" "Shu truant, Johnny, that you are mothers own boy." Boston Trautcript. The Konham Messenger says whisky uitiNt go. Whisky need not go as long as there are so m my people who are willing to pty fur the privilege of carrying it 7xu Siftintt. Tile Altoona Tribune of April 13th inst., savs; A man very much bent with age and i:i!iriuities passed a party of corner loafers the e;hr day iu Hoitidaysburg, w hen one of them remarked: That old man will never die." "Why do you think so?" asked a companion. ''Because be will soon double up and roll off, and that will be the last of him." The punster w as promptly arrested. The Altoona Triian says; A new office has been opened in tbe Pennsylvania rail road station in Philadelphia. On it is the sign, '-Bureau of Information," and at tbe open window stands a bland man, ready to answer all manner of questions about trav el on the Pennsylvania and connecting lines Wbeuever he gets stuck by a bard query be uses tbe telegraph or ttlrpbono to get the right reply. Ladies of the Lutheran church will hold a festival at the house of Mrs. M'ckey in Patterson next Friday and Saturday even ings. Tbe proceeds are to be used in the payment of church debts. Tbe Sentinel and Republican gives more, and a greater variety of reading matter, than any other psjier in Juniata County. If a subscriber receive it for a period of 10 months, he gets a greater amount of reading matter from it, than from any other paper published in the county during a per iod of one year. A subscriber of the Senti nel and Republican in tbe period of 8 months gets more reading matter than a couple of papers published la this county, give in the period of a year. The following despatch from Greensburg Westmoreland County under date or April 14 says; A man named Giddiogs is in the western part of the county giving away what be calls Russian oats to the farmers and taking an agreement to pay one-half of the product as an equivalent. Last year be was around with alleged Chili wheat and succeeded in swindling the farmers out of nearly $2J,000 in the aggregate on this same scheme. His present gamo is tbe same as that of last year. A few years ago, C. P. Presbyterians were know n only by name in this town, now quite a number of people of that de nomination reside in this place. Mrs. Mc Donald and two sons. James Irwin and wile, and niece. The Misses Adams, and Mrs John McMeen. Tbe nearest denominational preaching place is Mexico, where Rer. Mr. McBurney resides and preaches in a church building owned by the U. P. people. If a man, or a woman, have money and do as much of their work as they can. Tbe envious people, jeaious people, and back biting people and doless people call them old foggies, stingy people, who do not know how to live in this world. If a man, and a woman have money and employ other people to do their work and do as little work themselves as they can. Tbe envious and so forth people, say they are lacy, stuck up and want to grind the labor of tbe conn try. From tbe Montgomery Advertiser. A correspondent in Franklin county writes: some weeks ago Jim Coins' little son was bitten by a- mad-dog and I saw him taking the boy to a "mad stone" in Marion couuty. Since that time George Wilson's dog, in a fit of hydrophobia or some thing similar, bit Wilson's wile and a calf in a pen. Mrs. Wilson was carried to tbe mad-stone." A horse belonging to Ross Sugg was bitten about the same time and was carried to the stone. Tbe calf has since gene mad and grew so violent that it was killed. Mrs. W. and tbe horse have escaped so far. Mrs. Hales' dog be came violeut and bit one of her children, and then ran off and bit a child in the neighborhood, bit a number of dogs, hogs and other animals, then returned home aud made a desperate attack on another child, which be would hare killed if had not been choked off and despatched. Court nest week. Letvistowa is to have a circus on the 25th day of this month. If yoa wrant a stylish pair of La dies' walking Buoes go to Heck's. It is said that a bad husband can easily beat a good wife. . General Zook is to have a monu ment on Gettysburg battle field. Straw hats received a back set last week. It is said that tr.ivelin' musicians in great numbers are leafing the cities for the country. Woman is the noblest pursuit of man. When tha woman pursues the man how then? About 800 ladies signed a remon strance against the seliin of intoxi cating drink at certain places in Mifflin county. About a dozen ladies" held a sur prise party at the Louse of Mr. and ilrs. Showers a few evenings ago. Quite a number of boys from this town attend Professor BaVid Wilson's Academy at Port IloJaL Dandelion greens are wholesome. Fish stories, how many did he catch? G. W Wilson, and Dr- Elder from this placa, attended Presbytery at Hoilidaysburg List week. The eighth Pennsylvania cavalry will hold a re union iii Williaawport May 2. A railroad surveying party is still at work in Perry county, in Fishing Creek ailey. Ed. Sirayer, son of Samuel Stray er, clothing merchant in Patterson has bought a splendid new buggy. Jacob Lanver L.is bought John Cunningham's farm in MilfurJ town ship. Price paid 3.20;). If you want gool shoe dressing go to Hecks. Archy Craig, colored, was sued iu Mi'flm county; chargs, larceny, ver dict, not guilfy. If yoii want a nice pair of shoes, go to Heck's. E. W. Claypole, appointed to maka geological biu-vey of Perry and Jun iata county, has taken np his resi dence in Bloouifleld. Ifyoawant a ni.'e pair of Baby Shoes go to Heck's. FoltzOu the 7th inst, in Dela ware towship, Mrs. Salmon Foltz, aged 68 years, 8 months and -1 days. If you want a gjod pair of plow shoes go to Heck's. The cold icy snap of last week caused everything to look blue. If you want a pretty pair of pretty slippers go to Heck'p." The thing next to the weather that is most talked about is the prospect for fruit If you want a pair of Forney's make of sh s go to Hack's. LESaix Oa the 5th inst, in Del aware township, Danifl Lusher tiged . yeans months and eleven day.. xnusviiie lias a $1U,UI0 brass foundry, ilany other towns have lots of brass, without either the ten thousand, or the foundry. If you want your b ats or shoes neatly repaired go to Heck's. i Miss Maggie Wcller has au order' to paint a pictnre for a wcalthy Phiiadelpiaiau; not the Phiiadel phian's picture, but a picture repre senting a trout catching scene An old bachelor says; "Xaomi, the daughter of Enoch, was 3.S0 years old when she got married. Take courage girls. "And now the pay and festive frog Within the marsh is seen The loafer seeks a tunny spot AroQnd the corner t lean." If you want a nice pair of Ladles' gaiters for 85cts. go to Heck's. The writer that lienned the follow ing must have had a time of it When ever you see a woman talking straight at a man and beginning to nod and keep time to it with her upraised in dex finger, it is about time fur some body to climb a tree. The Bloomfield Advocate sxs t On last Thursday a large boar owned by Daniel Keapsomer, of Spring town ship, made a vicious attack upon him, and was driven off by the combined efforts of his son David and his fa ther, but in doing so the young man was badly bitten on his left hand. The wound has become very piunful An exchange say3 that the last clause of this lem is not true. For the man she loves a wom:in will sacrifice everything home, friends, reputation and fortune, aye, eveu her heart's blood; but if he askel her to wear her winter bonnet ia April she would scratch his eyes out If you want a nice pair cf Ladies' lasting gaiters go to Heck's. For the period of a century and more, the fathers could travel over the roads in Perry county, without ever once thinking of making the public pay, if perchance one fell over by the side of the road. Xow, how ever, if a man gets off the road and is hurt he brings suit to recover dam ages from the public, or rather from the property holders. Courts over in Perry have sustained the suits. Perhaps it would be pist as well for Perry connty to resolve itself into an accident insurance company. If you want a good pair of men'6 brogans for 1 go to Heck's. The golden wedding of George Jacobs Sr., was celebrated last Wed nesday evening by relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs assembling . and going to their home. It was a sur prise call, and for this reason was more highly appreciated by Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, who have journeyed happily through this life, hand in hand for a period of half a century. The relatives and friends present on the 50th anniversary of their marriage we:c, Mr. and Mrs. Jaines North. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. North and daughters Nellie and Mary, and son James. Mr. and Mrs. Gwrga Jacobs Jr., Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Pork?r a:id daughter Bessie, and sons Boyd mid Ka!ph. Mr. Jacob A. Cinnsty, -Mrs. .u.;rn,n McKnigltt Miss Maty Chrisly, Miss Maggie Christy, Miss Sailie Ciiristy, Miss Kate Burrows, Miss Beckie North, Miss Lizzie Djea, Miss Bell Derr Miss Kate McKnight, Master James Mathers, Dr. L. Banks. Notice. At the request of a num ber of subscriliers in arrears more than one year, the time for the pay lnent of arrearages has been extended to the 15th day of May, 1S82. After that date a bill will be sent to all per sous.bal are in arrears more than one year. George Burner, a resident of Lan caster, committed suicide by throwing himself in frcot of of a freight traiu. Domestic tronble u supposed to be tbe cause for tbe act. When I hare a baby at the breast nothing is so useful for quieting my own and baby's nerves as Parker's Ginger Tonic. It pre vents bowel complaints, and is better than any stimulant to give strength and appe tite. A Newark Mother. If you want a nobby pair of Misses' kid button shoes go to Heck's. Liver diseases, headache, and constipa tion caused by bad digestion, quickly cur ed bjt Brown's Iron Bitters. JESSE JAMES . This is an age of rapid boos: making. We have the fact forcibly exemplified in the an nouncement of an illustrated volunin con taining1 the lives of the JaJ1E3 AI YOUNGER BROTHERS, including an ex baustive account of tbe recent successful methods of pursuit of the noted robbers under tbe direction of Gov. Crittenden, at d tbe final culnunatioo in the tragedy of tbe killing of Jesse James in St. Joseph, Mo. As giving interest to this narration the pro- !fueo :ss of illustration is a noticeable fea ture. Additional to tbe cuta illustrating persons, scenes and incidents in tbe 2l years career of outlawry, are those from photo gr.iphs of the persons and surrouodiuga in the last act of the drama. They include pictures of Jesse James before ar'd afler dealb, his young wile and two children, tha mother and sister of the outlaw, tbe de tectives. Fords, who did the killing, and the bouse in which the deed was enacted. It includes, also, a well executed lull pags likeness of Gov. Crittenden who devised the means of breaking np the band, and relieved Missouri of the- stigma of "The Bandit State." It is gnphic both in stateme nt and and illustration of this sensational tragedy that terminates the long and wonderful ca reer of this noted outlaw. The entire his tory was written by Dr. Pacua from facts given him by fami'y and friends of the out laws, and attested by final events. The re peated interviews with the young wile, strikingly corroborate the thoroughness and accuracy of what baa been previously given in this voluuin. As a record of con temporaneous history it w ill excite the in terest and wonder of every reader wonder that such a career of bold, reekiess succes lul outlawry could extend through a period of 20 years belore meeting with tragic ter mination. As giving the social and domestic life of an outlaw's family, it is uf absorbing inter est. It constitutes a pig in American history of startling character, and will enlist the attention of the thoughtful as well as cur sory reader. The woiltvis published for tbe subscrip tion trade by N. D. Thompson &. Co., St. Louis, Mo., and a fiords agenta a chance for rapid and profitable sales. We advertise them in another cclumct CQ31MKRCJ4Ia. MIFFLINTOWN MARKETS. MirrLiHTOwa, April 10, 1SP2. Butter 32 Kp?s r I-ard 12 Ham 15 Shoulder 10 Sides 10 Kag 1 KIFFLIXTO.VN GRAIN" MARKET. Corrected weexly. Ql'OTlTIOXS fob To-dat. Wednesday, April 19, 1882. Wheat 1 35 Corn, 9J Oats, ,V Kye 1 110 Cioverseed i 00to5 00 Timothy seed 2 25 SSaWSMBSaBnrtMMSJWIi'll IWUMMSI PniLADELI'illA MARKETS. PiiiLAULLrnn. April 15 Wheat; stock, 69.1oO bushels, rejected st $1 43; O'W bush els long berry smber at $1 50. Corn Delaware yellow at 90c.; track at 91c. Oats at 65c. Smoked hams 12 to 15 Jets. I.arrl I lots per pound. Shoulder 7 to '. cts. Bellies i:.-ts. Live chickens 13 to 14cts. per pound. Butter rangi d from 28 to 42ets per pound Eggs 17 and 18 cents per dozen. Hay ?I5 to 19 dollars per ton. Straw 80 to 90 eents per 100 pounds. Cattle 2 jOO heads at C lo Pels fat cows at 5 to 6els ? heep 4UO0 beads at 5 to 7cts Hops, at 8 to lOcts. I'R-ti-Nt I o-.l .Mti:p.i:ts e s.ititq. -K 3m; jo pa; n S'Jt'l-:i -CO sj a;tAJsjiiv3;V ' Sv lul.-K "J, '3HUXPK IH330H -ja.iSv Aui .Cq (.inp nsqsi) nn oj p-ipurq pile Sm ti qr.ci opera q it saon Jnojt, '0V9 io p.M -ifji aaojo.-jaq ntiiqaEOI Jiqio Sia.9 p'l .in jo iir3ij.vuv 'atsoji 'j,SuS jo ptg -dnnne ptui noil .ior;d o lU 'Sy Am pjpnujs -ui aq I iqi 'stjntq.mnj yiMtj npig jsao Biiiqarm Piqi jo .CilJouidns ati j jtiap -J!'I03 CS p J -811103 o sjrs.C .ubiii jj B-lird.u 0 JTOilll qi Suipioas snqi 'SiX t Smtuni .;dtu! Xq 'dn prfu.114811 q ud 11 )noq Siiucjq .CioAft -oipiau ai o sapis qioq 00 p wj Jo "Pinna "-'I natq.wMj !'IX KJ-Jni.isnusui aqi moJj piioj no.C s jn-tthi .ftn mrvij aiO st ji Xnq aej no. jrqi pui'SrJraiA'.cu.i.i .loaisjs oqi ojut jqXUoJ jj.-. euiqjejv Siil.ns jsq oqi jo; iDU-iSu aqi aaijn rarq j jrqi '.t'es pino.w I 'fluiqjrn; Sm wog Suto'nq p qi;qi oqw asoqi ox 'civ:Fra NOTICE. White oak plank, scantling, and boards can be bought low from Robert Mclntyre in Black Los; Valley, Juniata Co.' fa. I will exchange lumber for live stock, and for feed for live stock. Address Robert McIxtY be. Tcm Mills, Juniata Co., Pa. mWONDERFUL 11 111 i C m ittnre f m ! i. jftVeansritaetsaa fl I.1TEU, BOWELS I aii J KIDS EIS at thssamstisss. Bassass It elearma the arstam of tha poison ous htuaon tbat develops in EidneT and Un- i i nary Diseases, jsmonsraes. armoice, ionw. lSPtion, Piles, or In Rheumatism, Neuralgia, 1 Saswu Disorders and FemaUi compuuiue. 1 8EB) WHAT PEOPU SAT Vnexfie n stork, of Jnnetlon CitT- Kan my, iki'lncr-Wort cored hftn slur regular I aciane wed been testae; for fowx years. I rs. John Arnsll.ef Wesnincton. Ohio. T- W In. wuCTi.an f.n a Aim k.w f..HT" l-OHl i WTl! AnMMn.ltl.tL.U.IIlrilMMll tui fiaiOney Wort. M M. X. H Ooodwfn. an x!1tor In CharAan, Ohio, 6 SSimynb wu not nttfH-txj to live, betr utoaicu l P beyocd brlief, but ksdm-y Wtartt-ureai him. fei Anna I Jarreft f Hoath Ram, K. mr K-'i thaU K-rrn jrf r" PtifTrirjr frotri kiilnT troul!" ta (HOT rsmpaM-aWJ1 CWWU UJ u mtmm vi rii'lftey-Wurt. friTriTr Kidary-Wort MtJ kim wrtL niTasrfHlrirtitTcartwilh ktdarf diUVutiy ' i was finable to worlc Kamu El ' well u .rer. 4 w.i-imm mrilTI V CUDCB li KIDNEY DISEASES, f1 LIVER COMPLAINTS, Hconstlpation and Pile. fcj W-H is put tip 1 lrr Tetle Termt" CJtinnns. nic psrlsir. ..f .1.1.-1. t:iasrs six nysru tntrsixl, for IHM lul cannoc nulr pr I"."- , GET IT ATTIIE VliUGGlSTS. 1T.1CC U00 t.1 WELLS. KICU a I.DS3S A Co., Trop-. i sr- it rtrt trn.i mm v ' - (WnisradttM. dry post-paM.) St tt I ! 1CTOS. TT. JOB PRINTING OF EVERT KIND done at this office. AH kinds of job wotk neatly and expe.li tionsly exeented at tha ottke of tha Sentinel and Repnblican. Sew Advertisements. Noted Men ! Dr. John F. I Hancock late President cf the National Phar maceutical Association of the United butts, says : Brown's troa titters' bat a fceary sale, is caoceded to be m fin tonic ; the character or the manu facturers is a voucher for its purity naA nswilfinal caccileace." Dr. Joseph Robert President Baltimore Pharmaceutical College, says: - "I Indorse Una Coe medtcfaii, reliable as a strena-theaitiw tgeic, tree tram alcoholic juttST as Dr. J. Faris Mocre, Ph. P., Professor of Pharmacy, Balti more Pharmaceutical College, says: " Brown's Irtm Bitters Is ft Safe and reliable medicine, positively free from alcoholic poisons, and caa be recommended as a tonic for tts6 among those who oppose alcohol." Dr. Edward Earicksox, Secretary Baltimore College of Phar macy, says I Indorse It as an excellent medicine, a Rood digestive agent, and. a non-inlosir alii ia the iulicst Sense." Dr. Richard Sapixgtox, one of Baltimore's oldest and most reliable phv&icioiis, says : M All who have used It praise Its standard virtues, and the well known character of the house wltich makes it is a sufficient guarantee cf its being all that is claimed, fur they are men who could Dot be in duced to offer anything cUe but a vcualle mlicinc tr puulic use." A Druggist Cured. Booftsboro, Sid., Octt is, Centiemen : Bruwa's irua bit ters cured me of a bad attack of Indigestion and fullness id inc stom ach. Having letted it, i tale pleas ure in recommending it Iu my cus tomers, and am glad to say it vcs entire satisfaction to all." Oku. V. Uofrxjuf, Dnifcjist; Ask your Dru(jEst for Enows's Iron Litters, and take no Other, One trial will convince you tlut it ii just what you Deed. Are you low spirited, down ia the mouth." and weak in the back t Does walking, lifting, or standing cause pain in the.snjall of the back f If so you have kid ney disease, and Trot. Uuiliuette's French Kidney Pad is tbe only remedy which will cure you rspidly and permanently and without fiilliiig your stomach with nauseat ing medicine. Wholesale and retail by L. Banks and Co. Mitllmtown Pa., Why suffer day after day, and month af ter month, with lame back, sciatica, lum bko, gravel, diah;-tes, female weakness, etc., when jou cm be cured by wearing Prof. Giiilmette's Kidney Pad. Wh-desale and retail by L. Banks and Co. Milllintowa Pa. Lentil A'olices. Adutlnlttrator'M Xotlce. Estate of Jacob frank, deceased. LETTKKS of Administration Cum Testa mento .inntso havi'tg ben prantert to the undersigned on the estate of Jacob frank, deceased, late of tbe boro'igh ol Patterson, J,iuiaU cornty, Penna , all per sons indebted to said estate are ntjnested lo make immediate payment, and those b tr ine Ciatius u:iitit the same will present theni w ilhuul delav to JOSEPH ROTHKOCK, March 1, i8Nt!. Administrator. r&ccutom' Sotice. I'.ftate of Joseph Robiton, dictate!. LET1EKS TEST AM EXT A SY OX THE estate of Josi i.h Riibt.oti, late id Lack toHiiship Jiini.it j county. deceased, having been (rra:ited to the uitderMied, all j)er sous indebted to siid estate are requested to nuke paym.-nt, and those hav ir.g claims or demands are requested to make known the same without delav to I.ZKA MONTGOMERY, Executor. Waterloo. M.ireh 3. 12 Adiulul'strsitur'H notice. Et'.a'e of Mitt Miry .1. Hoffman, dtceated. IKTTKitSof Administration on tho es 1 tate of Mirs Mary A. Hoffman, I lie ol Millliniown, Juniata county. Fa., deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, to whmii all persons indebted to s aid estate ate reduetted to make payment, and those having claim? or demands, will make known tbe same without delav. D. V. HA RLE Y, Feb. 15, 1882. ' Administrator. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE! THE undersigned, Executor of James Leach, deceased, late of the township of Beale, Juniata Co , Pa., will offer at pub lic sale, on the lands of the said James Leach, deceased, at I o'clock P. SI., on SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1882, The following desenb.-d real estate, to wit: No. 1. A tract of land situated in Beale township, county and State atoresaid, con taming 14 Acres and 150 Perches, more or less, all clear l.'nd. bounded on the west by lauds of Ja:oS K. ihl, on the north west by J. M. Boon, on the east by D. P. Clark, and on the soutb by tbe " old store road.' ! No. 2 A tract of 2 ACRES and 145 ' PERCHES, more or less. In Beale town ' ship, as above stated, and bounded by lauds of same parties as that of tract No. 1. 1 No. S A tra. t of 13 ACHES and 1261 I PERCHES, mure or less, in same township as tracts Nos. 1 aud 2, bouuJed on the west by lands ol Clem L ach, on the northwest by "old store road," on the east by lands of : James Coder, and on the south by lands of Adam i'atton. i TERMS OF SALE. One-fourth of the : purchase money to be piid when tbe prop ' erty is stricken down to the purchaser, aud the residue of the price to bj paid in six months thereafter. WILLIAM LEACH, Execntor of James Leach, dee'd. April 6, 182 PRIVATE SALES. A HALF-ACRE LOT, SITUATED IN Walker township, about two miles west of on the old pike, hing thereon erected a comfortable two-story Dwelling House, with kitchen and ontbnild- tiM Vmit in Vatria.ftr Uatpr t t hs frw.a Terms made known by calling on Fbilip 1 1 r'tub- An n. i. ..ii Philip Cletfc, Thonij-sontown, Juniata Co., i Peuna. CUTTHISOUT! Aw5lSP S15toS40wpETk. Wehavestorslnl5 leading; Cities, from which onr agwnts obtain their sum-lis qnirkly. O ir Fnrtarie. S--.I PrineirmJ ltires are st Krie, Pa. Keud tor our .New Cmuioaaw anU terui to atrenui AdUiww MU IRVrtl wo Spnnss Cardan St. 1 n LUICLLphilade.lphia.pa. Joe Truiubo, who, it is alleged, criminally assaulted Emma Z rbey, a girl of 14 year, on tbe Blue Mountains was captured and sent to prison at roUaftlle. .Miscellaneous. r. EsrExscnAi. AT TUB CENTRAL STORE 5lAi!l STREET. 2jd Door North of Bridos Street, MifflintoWn, Pa., Call the attention of tbe public to the following facta : Fair Prices Our Leader! The Best Goods Oar Pride ! One Price Our Style! -Cash or Exchange Our Teras I Small Profits and Quick Sales Our Motto ! Our leading Specialties tare ' FRESH GOODS EVERY WEEK DRt GOODS, NOTIONS, GKOCERIKS, BOOTS AND SHOES, for Men, Women and Children, Queensware, Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Oil Cloths, and everj article usually found in first class stores. COUNTKY ITsODUCH taken in exchange for goods at higheftt market price. Thankful to tho inblio for their heretofore libera, patronage, 1 request their coutinued custom ; and ask per sons from all patls of the connty, when in Mifflin to call and see mj stock of goods. F. ESPEXSCIIADE. Sept. 7, 18S1. KENNEDY & DOTY, (Snceessora to Bayers A. Kennedy,) DKALERS IN CrltAIX, COAL Ist'atttlEn, CEMENT, Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEDS, SALT. .C. We buy Grain, to be delivered at IlilHin town. Port Royal, or Mexico. We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. KENNEDY I'OTT April 21. ISSl-t; FOUNDRY."" rrsIIE undersigned, hating ptt 'be V ifVin JL town I'o'Vidry in a s'-tte f r piir, is pripirfi to do ail tind, of foundry orS. CASTtXtJ UF ALL KINP3, will be ni3W? and supplied to rier. Flows, Plow Shears, Cast Iron Hog Troughs and Field Boilers. THRESHING MACHINES snd POWERS repaired in a workmanlike manner. Iron Railing and Fencing; made and ordered to suit purchaser. For any aud all kinds ol work that is pro duced in a Inui'.itry, call on DAVID HOLM 4, FOUNDRY VAN. HiEio'iGHc. Juniata Co., Pa. Out. 23, '81. onsria"' so. 1 PIIIL.VDEI.PIfl.V sixgeu maciiim: TTrjMif to MHf Sinrrr in th JSark-t. The alnve cnt renrnts tl.e nw'rt fr.pulnr tvle far the Permits which re fir for x u ft-r i the very lvr price of cVO. Urn.ember, tkc d. not ak." )'(u t par until y.'U hnvr :rr ll; niacuinr. .-iitr iij isifi rjin. .it-u i, n not all we reirescn:t retiir.i it to 1:5 opt expense. Cmitult your inierrt and cnlcr at nee, or neml fr rirru!an trf imoniuSs. AJJre rilAULM A. V! i UK, No. 17 N. Tenth 5?L, 1'faiU.lelpbia. Ta- Marcb 15, Mter the First Day of December, 1830, TOP WHL FIND JACOB G. WIXEY In his New Store Room at the East end ol aiC.tLIVrERTIE.LE, with a Large Lot of STOVES AND HEATERS of all kinds Stove Pipe, Lard Cana, ilica tiranite Iron Ware, Dripping Pass, and all kinds of TIN AND SHEET IRON WASE. Which articles he will sell at tha Lowest Possible Prices. Thankful for past pstrnn.ipte he expects, by strict attention to business, to recei.e at least bia share in tbe futnre. JACOB G. WLNEY. Not 24, 1880. Subscribe for tbe Senttttet and Republican, the best paper in the connty (brrn A WEEK.. $12 a day at borne eaily tblumade. Costly Outat free. Address jTaoi Co., Angusta, Maine. aaar .,: oi-iw lSt mm MIS CELLAJTEO US JUST RECEIVED AT LOCUST GROVE. A fCKW STOCK OP GOODS CAS3!KKS Alt !LK GOOD. SUMMER SlUm.S, CALICHES At TIs'E CTS. EEDT MADE CLOTHINU AT THE LOWES! PRICES. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROCERIES; AND A x UI-I. LINE OK jiTOI-.E (iOODS TOR THE COCNTKT TRADE. rje sure and rxsniine onr stock b -Ore purehasine; elsewhere, as yon can car tainly saT9 money. Wo trouble in show tJo"ls. One pnee to all. LOCUST GROVE, Please gi;e n a ctll, an! priro the roods. , One mile southwest vt' Patterson. W. BAIR & LE IN D. W. HAB, LET'S . .... I. r'hf pltoe where Ton can bay illE BEST AU Tnil CIItMPIIST MENS' YOUTHS & HJTS, C.iPS, BOOTS, SHOES. HE is prepared tw exhibit one of the nmst choice and select stocks ever offered in t. is market, and at JISTOSISHISGL T LO IV PRICES ! Alan, measures taken for soita and parts of suits, which will be made to ord. at short notice, rery reasointUlo. Remember the place, in HoCraaa' Water sTeets, HlFFLINTOWN, PA. . Parker's Hair Balsam. A m elen!, agrtt&t Drtsfttg that Rever F2i!s to testers Cray or r'adtd lair to iw YootKfuI Clur, oc. ani $x size. SAM'L STRAYE-B Has just retnrned from the Eastern cities with a full variety of , MEM & BOYS' CLOTHING, II TS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. ALL SIZES, CENTS' FURXISHIN"' tiOilPS. Goods of a!l kmd are low Come and ma aud be astouished I'unts at 75 CCUlt. ZT SL ITS M ADai TU Olil'LK., rattorson. I'i., April 1C. IST'J. Prufessionxl Curds. Locis E. Ateissou Plo. J ;. Ja ATKIXSO.t & J IfOIJ', ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. 117"Colle-tin and CoaTeyanring prompt ly attended lo. 'rricr On Main street, iu i!ire o' resi dence ol Loins K. Askiuson, ti- . smi'li ol v. .- L ' j B UODIE J. IKAvVFOflb, Attorney at Law, MlFtLIXTOirX, lEXX'1- All business prompt's- attended to. Spe cial attenti..n given lo Coll.-ctir; an-l l'n tryncin)t I ! Bice on Bii lyn street, oppo site Court Bouso Square. JASON IR'A'IN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NIFFLIXTOU S, JUXLIT-i CO., PJ. AU business promptly attended to. tirrtrt On Bridge street, opposite the Court House square. lil' 'SO-ljr JWXOB EEIDLEK, ATTOUXEY AT LAW, MlFKLtNTOA'N, Pi. E7"Colleclion attended to promptly. Orrica With A. J. I'at;orsn E-, on Bridge streot. Feb 'li, 'Sl JAVID D. STONE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Collections and all proiesioi! baai ness jironiptiy attendei t". juneUO, li'"7. TII031AS A. ELDER, 31. D. Physician and Surgeon, XlrFLlXTOWS, 1.1. Office hours f-otu 9 a. a. t 3 r. IX- flce in his residence, on Third street, tip posite Metbo!i-t parsonage. oct!!-;! D. M. Cl.AUFOKD, M. D., Has resumed ac'isely the practice ol Medicine and Surgery and iheir collateral branches. Office at the old corner of Third and Orange streets, ilil!!:utown, Ps. March i'i, 1876 j m. bkazeem7d PHYSICIAN AND SDBGEOS, Acudemia, Junintn Co , Pa. Orrica fonnerlv occupied by Dr.St-'rrett. Prolessional business pruiuptly attended to at all hours. JOHN McLACdULIN, INSURANCE AGENT, PORT ROYAL, JUXIITjI CO.. r.i BOnly reliable Cowpauies represented. Dec. 8, 1875-ly H EXPsY IlAPsSHKEKUER.M. D. Continnes the practice of Medicine anl Surgery and all their collateral branches. Oicce at his residence in AicAlultrt ii'.e. Feb 9. ik;.;. PRIVATE SALES ONE OF TtlS MOST PKOFITAELE BLACKSMITH STANDS ia the ccunty may be purchased of the undersigned at a reasonable price. TSe property is sifjated in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and Trrtn the Smith staud includes a fet of cWit TWO ACKE, having thereon ereeled a comfortable Tiro-story Framellouse, s com uiodiocs !5t:i!!3 and other outbuildings. There is a Welt of good water" at the clo.r ol the house. For particnlan call ou or address WM. Hi MIPS. Walnut P. 0., Juniata Co., Pa. 1 Cn per day at home. Samplea ij Ml ibLU worth $ free. Address Sria sos Jl Co.,' Portland, Main, mar 2 1-1 r AD VERT1SEJH E.YTS. TOYS' CLOTHING f.V0 FURXISHISG GOODS. New Building, corner of Kridpe and U llTS-U Floreston Cologne. A '(t aVITl rw11.a rt-TTa. TmGMWT. hlfRfOrWH, l.AiTtwn. Sib as ItvaxKu t i .n;aT aTasB'.Jis-m I14CUa.C0l,N.T. iassTNiJHi ia l.ior. Bar ha, JI and rake, M.iliai and vtanf ol tbe best akruictcoa kuuwa are combined in lAKBai I'.noek Tosic, into a mcdione of uc'a Tnncii and eiitfctivc powers, a to make it the Greatest LLoU PuiLtier aad kidney Correct and ue Zest InJth aa4 Strcogtli Restorer Ever Qsetf. It eurrt Dyiprpta, Rbeumatisna, Kernlia, lero e5Vass.and ail u tucoi I fae ftKmach. bowel,Lung Liver, Lnnary Orns and all fr enwle CompiaiuiA. If yo x-e waning away with Connunp'soo or any dlrase, the Ioxjc toHiajr. It wilisnre.y hrlpyoo. - kcmembeT! Th:s Tonic is the Et Family Medt- cin ever made, and i tar superior to Inttrr Lsfcn-ies ot Ginger and other Tomes, a it nevei: Ir.txwairss and cures lrunkennesa. Any dealer in drags can supply you koc and $i sizes. Kone fuine wiUwut signature of Hiscox & Co., Chemist N. V. isARca Sating nt liuxist tiis IVixas Size. S.sV.l'SI. STKAYEiL Special J'c'i-':3. PIMPLES. I will mail (r'r.-e) Hie leeioe tor a simple Viotrmtii lint will rt-fn.se Tas. FKE'..KLE. flM'.'i.Ks and Bloiculs, leaving tbe kin s-.fr, clear aid tK-liitilul j aiso iii:r::cti"jns lor ;r,'itu ?r( a HUiiaiit er-JWth ft li.nr ou a -u t ii-ai or s.iiooili ta?. Ad iress, inclosing l!j stamp. Bts. VaNDEir 4i Co., it B-e.Kio.sii .St., N. t. ' U.VS ii KS. I The adrertisrr liavi?-. l..-n p-fr:nanntly I cnreJ of that dread iliseise, "I'sarupnon, by a siiiifie renh-dy, is a'iXioits to make known to bis it Uou-suttt-ivrs tbe nieans of en . To ;'! h. de-ire it. hi tll snd a i eoi?v it tii- preM-.ti;-l;oii iivl. (iree ol cii-T?e.) wiib the iiirr.:!i.us lor tr-priiig sti-t r.mz tlic same, ubirb titer ai'l dud Hmfrm foi C-.xs?arioa, Asriia. Bsot ciiitis. !. Parti, s wihin, :iie i'reserip tiou, '.;! please address. K-v. E. A. WILSON. 151 Per.n St., tVi:liaiu-l.u:. X. T. t liENTS WAN Ir It - -Hiz Par. L:ii : a:u- X. vVoik. Sttrjdy f.nip'oi nint. l. s Iree. A.ldrrss. M. L. 15Y:N,4'J Nas sau Slreet. New lork. A tJENTLESAN lio suliered fvr run from Nervous lEBIi ITT, I'll KM ATL'KE PKCAV, and all ihe rtr.s-is of onib!ul in dl'r'li.u. will lor the sa!:e ol si:!e-" ig bu uu;tiity, se:d tree to aU who need it, tiie re cipe and liirxetion for ruikii'K tbe sinipla remedy by sihieh he was cured. Si:tfer.ra wi.-Iiiiig to pioiit by tlie aiiveriis-r s expe rienee can do so bv a l-lres--ii7 in Txrfect confidence. "jtHN S. tit! L'hN. 41 Cedar St., New York. Jan 26. 181. A Great Causa cf Eamn Llisery Is tllC IaO! Of A Lecture on the Nature, Tre;i:ient and Radical C'V.e of Sen.inil U eaktc.-s, or Speru-.atorrhira, induc-'d ly Sel'-Abusf , In voluntary Emissions, liiipotf r:ey. Nervous Debifit), and Iuijcdime:ils to Marrii'lte gen erally ; Con'impli'iti. Epilepsy and tit-; .Mental ai:d I'livsiea! 1h jp.i. i!v, tie Dy KObLkT J.CULVEIiWEI.L, 11. V.f Au thor ot tho " U.een liook." a.e. The ior!d-enoined siitlmr, in tUi? ad miruble Ltrcture. clei.rly p-ves froiri i:is 0n experience that the aufnl cousc'iuea cesol .S.!f-Ali:e uiay be. HVctuaily reiuoT ed without medicines, and without dai.ir'-r-ous surgical operations. bou;i-:s, i:istru cients, mi?-! or cordials ; p-:niin? out a nn-de of cure at onre ceruiu and elleetusi by wbirh every sutferer. no matter what his condition tu ty bo, may curt: hiuisell cheaply, privately and radically. Z'l'hts Lecture will proct a boon to thou tawis and thousands. Sent, untliy se.il, in a plain envelope, to any address, poft-paid. on receipt of sis ceuts, or t postage stumps. A idress THE ITLYF.K WELL .M F.DICAL 1 0 41 Attn St., New York, N. Y. : . june'iS-lj Pst-Oaice Box 4o(f. VALrABiai: rA km PRIVATE SALE. THE heir of Frederick Lauvrr, dee'd, will offer at privat-j s le, a I arm, situ ated in Greenwood tows!ii. Perry coiifttv, Pa., Ixiuiitii-d by lands of J. Anker, J ft. Jones, J. Eipp and others, containing One Hundred & Fifty-five Acres, more or l-ss, ab ut 11 acres of trhich are. clyared and iu a hib stuie of cult:va:i"r. ; the balance ia well set wiib timber. Tha iiupruTcmcts are a krgo BdhIIs Fri28 Im i BANK BARN, Hog Pe, Corn House, an l Wash Hou'se, with a Va'ell bf never-lailini; .t ir near the d'ir. Tbore is also an ex celljnt Orchard of choiee fruit on thdlann This ia a most desirable property, btiti. situated Id a limestone raliey, convenient to M-b.mls. cbnrches, ttiilla, 4te., and within a few miles of the Pennsylvania Railroad. For farther particulars call on th- undersigned, who reside on the farm, or address tbeio al MiMerstowo, Perry Co., Pa. SIMEON LAUVKK, BOLDER LAUVEU. May 4, 1861. Adruinistratora.'