Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 29, 1882, Image 3

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ffedaesday, March 29. 1SS3.
ffnnption, flJVO per annum tf paid
nHbin;2jooniha; $2.00 if not paid within
II moaJW ,
Transient advertisements inserted at 60
rents per inch for each insertion.
Transient business notice in local col
Bmn, 10 cents per line far each inaertion.
. Deductions ariil be mad? to thoae desiring
to advertise by tbe ear, hair or quarter
yur. -
PLE, MAKOU 23, 18S2.
At six o'clock last Thursday evening,
March 23. IS&2, there was assembled a com
pany uf two hundred and fifty ladies aud
gentlemen in the sptciou mansion of James
North, Esq.. in Patterson. AH thcold lani
ilies io the county were represented, and
gnests were there from more remote parts
of the Stite. An orderly assembly of
several hundred girls and twiya, with here
and there a man and womsa in it, stood
.ut in the street to catch a sight of the
invited guests as they (iiiwd into the bouse,
jl as no coiu non occ is!n. as the reader
ha already anticipated. It was tbe realiza
tion of an event that had btwu foreahadow
ed many days by rumor and t:ilk of the mar.
riape of a daughter of Jaturs North. E.,
to a son o George Jacobs, Sr., botb prom
iuent citizens of Jr.uitta comity. It wsa
the scene of an elegant wedding, the most
nolable thst has taken place in Jnniata in
rniny days. As the guots passed into the
fa.iuse they were tlir.cted to upper rooms,
wfcrre they laid oir their wri. and ar-rang'-d
their toilet, and then pissed down
lairs to the p trior, in which the marriage
srereiu'iiy as to take place. At tbe en
trance t the parlor thoy were received by
Mr and Mrs. James North. Mr. and Mrs.
North were assisted in the reception by
tli-:r son, Washington North and wife, and
bv Mrs. Norih, wile of their son, Hmnan
North. At hall-past 6 o'clock the contract
ing iar:io, George Jacobs, Jr., and Mia
Mary M. North, accompanied by attend- j
, Jei.h Cumruines.of S unbnrv. North- !
nmbsiUnd county, and Miss Bnbb, of Wil- j
liam-p rt, Lycoming county, and Arthur i
Christy, of Scraiiton, Luzerne county, and
Mis Beckie North, sister ot the bride, en- j
tered the large parlor at the west side of the
house, where they were met by Kev. J. II. 1
Mathers, who united them by tbe ceremony
of thj Presbyterian Church in the holy
bonds of tnatriiuouy. Both bride and
groom gave response to tbe interrogatories
of tbe clergyman in a clear, distinct tone,
indicative of lull appreciation of the impor
tance of the occasion. The bride was at
tired in creani-colored satin, cut ta train,
with bridal veil and wreath of flowera across
her brow. Miss Beckie North and Misa
Mamie Bubb, lady attendants, were attired
in cream-colored aatin, to harmonize with
that "f ihe bride, and each carried a beauti.
lul bouquet that filled the room with fra
grant odor. Mention may here be made of
rich dresses that a nunilier of the lady
guests wore, but individual mention would
be invidious.
Upon the conclusion of the marriage cer
emouy Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs received . the
congratulations and well wishes of the
guests. By this time the shades of night
had come. Hanging lamps and gas jets
were lit, which placed the bouse under a
subdued illumination, and revealed the
home as one of cultivated taste. The com
pany wss large, and it required skill to seat
them about ihe various tables that were
quietly arranged in the parlors, that the
guvats might partake of the bountiful wed
ding supper At 9:4o o'clock r. ., Mr. and
ilrs. Jacobs took the train tor New Tork,
amidst the heartiest expressions of farewell.
a mon the ruests t rum a distance were
Hon. R. M. Speer, from Huntingdon; Dr.
Brant with the Misses Ross, from Harris-
J.n-ir. Mrs. Dr. Hoover. Lewistown ; Mrs.
Franciscus, Lrwistown ; Hon. Hugh North,
Lancaster ; C. C. North, Esq , Huntingdon ;
H. C. Dern, Esq, Altoona; Misa Fulton,
Maryland; Miss Williams, Ohio; Rev. J. L.
Wilson, VTilliarasport ; Miss Alice Bubb,
Willianisport; C. B. North, Stlinsgrove ;
Mra. Jane North, Selinsgrove; J.G. Blaine,
Huntingdon; Mr Baldridge, Hoiiidaysburg
Miss Boroughs, Williamsport.
Tbe numerous presenta and the ni'nea of
the friends who presented them to the bride
and groom are fonnd in the following list
David Wilhrow and family 1 pair of fiue
n.. a J. Vorth. Kansas 2 barrels of
Mrs. James North, mother of the bride-
Half dozen solid silver table spoons.
Miss B-ckie J. North 1 dozen solid ail
Ter tea spoons.
Miss Sarah E. Haskell, artist Oil paint-
5ne. "The Robins' Vesper."
Miss Mamie Coffman Toilet set, thirteen
Miss Lavina Snyder Rug and rolling pin
T. J. Middagh and wife Linen table
cloth and counterpane.
C. C. North, Esq China dinner aet, 125
James North, Esq., father of the bride-
Purse of gold.
II. H. North Parlor center-table.
W. S. North and wife Chamber set.
Miss Kate Burrows Oil painted plaque,
velvet frame.
Misa Mamie Bubb Bine satin pin cushion.
Mis Alice Bubb Silver cake basket.
Ur. Chas. B. Mvdenburgh, of Wyoming
Territory Accepted draft for one hundred
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Forgy Pair of Wank
cts. and flat irons.
E. S. McMurtrie, Esq. Marble and bronze
rr. n m. Oawford and wife Silver
cream Ditcher.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jacobs, father and
mother of the groom Five hundred dollars
in bank notes.
Mr. and Mrt. Dwight Beckwith Pair
Mr. Josrnh Selheimer and sister Silver
mnlaaes nitcher and stand.
non. R. M. Speer Bronze and marble
card receiver, cold casing-
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Itger Individual sil
ver caster.
Miss Hannah Ross Majolica pitcher.
it n n t v u.rnr Pair of painted
UJID wil l A. X . a.ww-'
lhin ularea.
Dr. A. F. Brant Royal purple and old
Cold table cover.
Misa Minnie McMurtrie-One dozen linen
F. S. Jacobs. Esa. Silver apoon-holder.
Arthur Christy-Cut glass pitcher, and
one dozen egg-nog cups.
Miss Clara McMurtrie Painted plsque
Mr and Mrs. William Copeland Blue
band chamber set.
Mr. S. C. Seibert Panel painting,
n. r JWfcSilver diuner catsler.
Re. and Mia- J-1 WiUoa- Silver call
Edgar Strayer anj feter.-Sflrer and cut
glass pickle jsr.
Master Jarui. Mathers-Half doien .olid
ilrer tea apoona.
Miaa Sallie It. P-afcer-Fancy bread tray.
Mr. and Mra. B. B. Patter Linen tabla
cloth and 1 dozen napkins.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. KennedxSiWercard
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. vTilaon Linen ta -
ble cloth.
Mr. and Mra. John S. Gray bill Hanging
Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Dorr Fancy foot
stool. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Parker Pair of cut
glass rases.
Edmnnd Doty North, Esq Silver pod
ding dish.
Mr. aud Mrs. Chas. Slone Pair of blue
Mr. Howard Kirk Silver with gold lining
jelly spoon.
Mia Marion McKnight Fancy card stand.
, Miss Laura Hamlin naif doceo painted
China plates. v
Mrs. Catharine Christy Fancy camp
rocking chair.
Mr. W. J. Marks Fancy counterpane.
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Blaine A literary
man's table set. 10 pieces.
Dr. Hubert Christy and wife Basket of
airs. Jane North Fancy alarm clock.
Mr. aud Mrs. C. B. North Silver butter
Joseph F. Cummings, Esq. Silver but
ter dish.
Miss Cltra W. Wifherow Majolica
Mr. and Mra. Cbaa. B. Crawford Silver
bouquet holder.
Mr. aud Mrs. S. B. Loudon Figured ta
ble cloth.
Misa Hannah W. North Linen table
Mra. Euphemia Strouse Embroidered
table cloth.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ilays Silver nut
cracker and pickers.
sir. and Mrs. Solomon Books Fancy
Mr.s E. D. Parker Basket of beautiful
'ragrant flowers.
Herman Cran.er Silver sngar spoon.
Mr. and Mrs W
I). Cramer Liuen table
Mtss Maggio
nd Lou Cramer Linen
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kirk One dozen
Miss Rhettie Todd Pair of towels.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. North Glass bou
quet holder.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. M. Todd Elegant
coffee mill.
Miss Kate Books Silver thimble.
Miss Sallie Msyer Cut glass and silver
fruit basket.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cook Silver spoon
Mr. and Mrs. Hon. Hugh X. Sortb Sil
ver and majolica dessert dish.
Dr. snd Mrs. W. H. Kodgers One dozen
cut glass tumoiers.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Luther Thompson China
cake stand.
No name Pair of painted panels.
Mr. aud Mrs. H. C. Dern Fancy Utile
Mr. E. A. Tennis Set of toilet bottles.
Mrs. Latimer Wilson Silver dessert
Mrs. George Koons and daughter Glass
fruit tureen.
Mr. and Mrs. W: T. McCulloch Set of
silver knives.
Mr. James Adams Pair of towels
slra. Caroline Adams Silver cream
pitcher, gold lined.
Mr. S. C. Meyers Bank notes. $10,
Mr. Edmund S. Doty, Esq. Large ailver
water pitcher with silver and gold-lined cup
B. F. Schweier and wife Testament.
Rev. Mr. Stesroa ol Franklin coun
tj delivered a temperauce lecture io
tbe Presbjteriao Chapel on Mouday
eveumg. About one nunarea peopie
all told, including the boja and girls
were present Tbe church choir sang
lor the occasion. Ke. Mr. Renaugh
delivered a abort 6peeob as a preface
to tbe introduction of tre lecturer.
lie would dot precipitate a conflict of
church ud dale. Tba liquor business
lies entreucbed behind tbe power of tbe
lWislation Las been extended to
tbe liq'ior traffic, but tt is the preroga-
. . - - . i 1
live ot tbe cburoh to pennon me aeg
ilature for tbe prohibition of tbe bus
iueas of tbe manufacture and sale of io
toxical me liquors. Petition after pe
tition should oe sent io me iegiimw
Dower of tbe state. He had no doubt
of the result in tbe end. Prohibition
ill win. It is nothme to say against
. a . u -. I.. A
it, that it eaonot buccoou,
been said of maoy or tne mveunous
and improvements that society now
prire highest.
The lecturer Mr. Stearns, being in
troduced, pronounced himself as a na
tivA of the state of Maine. It wai
economy, be said that caused the en
actment of tbe Maine liquor law. In
. ..rt.in townshm in that state certain
f...,ilia became Banners a part of every
.r the UXDavera discovered that tbo
.rrp.ter nart of their earnings for drink.
6 i. ,w.t tn.nsli in
Tbe tramo in nquoi r
bv tbe Ux pa5ers,tbemen
that had too py for the keeping of
.l . Th tax next Tear was
IDS lliuwi". -
1 .iaS hd
l.r It WS ecouomy w r- -
linnor bustpess; other townships soon
.r7nted .the same prohibitory meas
ores and in that way tbe wno.e
r Maine was moved to become prohio-
,h Imnor aaestion.
Tl.. naft noint that tbe lecturer aa
dressed himself too was that of the ho-
..i , Kinr able to keep np withou
.t.- i f-i ihr to sell liouor He ar
j hotel business maj be pronu
r:.:"r s- Places where tbe
aOIV Cat I leu u - i ,
sale of intoxicating liquor is prohibited.
From tbe hotels be passed to . "
j f K moans to ston tbe bus
: th sale of intoxicating drink
. nnmmnnfiies He Clt-
in tne respetnTo
a . nlaware where ladies or
.ranized into commmittees about elec-
iion time to find out which of the run
A.A.t.m sera nrobibttion
nioi r"i'" a.
.n,i"then on election
dav the
turned out and asked the voters pcrson
.11, to vote for tbeir favorite proh'b'
. i .j:.,- la tbat w.T prohlbl-
uotiis., were elated to rffice and leg.
I.t.on shaped. While Mr. St earn, -as
t talkine to that point tbe Sentinel
reporter left the meeting.
The only scientific Iron Medicine
a Trnr1nee headache, o-c
Jn"r" v'-I-'temall the bene
fiti of iroft without its bad effects, is
Brown's Iron Bitters.
. :. .Wa of Odd Fellows!
Japan and China.'
Dates at Hackenberger'a.
Last Wednesday night was wintry.
Subscribe for the Senlinrl W J?.
Keep to the riht on the rrm1 n
in tbe street
The Duncacnon rolling mill is to
rebuilt at once.
Candidates in Snyder county are
being announced.
Methodist preachers are flittin
into their new hoiuea.
Mr. Shnman is pnsbing the repairs
to his bot;l in ibis place.
An old teacher savs that the use of
tbe rod makes a boy smart
Mr. Kinzer, of Fayette, has been
selling good hay at $15 per ton.
Thomas U. Parker and wife were
m town last week, visiting friends.
Showers is the only weather proph
et that holds out. Vennor has failed.
There will be twenty new houses
built in Lewistown the coming sum
A valuable bull, owned by Francis
Hower, in Fermanagh township, died
last ween.
An observing christian says, the
country roads are like Jordan, "hard
to travel.
The Presbyterian church sociable
met at Dr. Elder's Lome on Tues
day evening.
Colonel Dank's lecture was well re
ceived by people that heard it last
1 nday evening. -
People in Sunbury have a disease
that resembles the horse disease
called "pink-eyes."
The attendance at the various
churches on Sabbath was large, the
day was a beautiful one.
There was a temperance lecture
delivered iu the Presbyterian Chiipel
on Mon J:iv evening.
Selinsgrove, Snvder countv, people
have a siight belief that coal oil may
be found near tbat town.
To prevent sheep and rabbits from
gnawing bark off young trees, grease
the bark witu tallow.
The wheat and the grass, with the
exception of a field here and there,
looks poor enough.
Robert Parker and "William Rick-
enbach have bought the John Emery
house and lot on Water street
Henry Book, of Walker township,
had an arm hurt by a strap on ma
chinery in his steam niilL
Horses sell at $100 np to $200 in
this county. A few hoises have sold
at a higher than the last named.
The corner-stane of the new town
hall in McVeytown will be lai J nest
4th of July, bo they expect
First of April is coming. Look
out for stuffed jnx'ket books, and
stuffed old bats on tbe pavements.
Grasshoppers are hopping about
in the fields in Montgomery county.
So say the papers from down there.
The State Committee of the Green
back party meet in Harrisburg to-day
to fix a time to hold a btate Conven
Indiana county Republicans have
expressed a preference for Beuver for
Governor, and Lrown lor hupreme
B.-ars, the past eson. pive no
heed t Tyson's traps. He his
caught nothing larger than wiid cats
and coons.
The Home Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian church will meet at
the home of Mrs. E. D. Parker next
Allison Christy, a native of this
town, but now a citizen of Dultith,
while on his way to New York, visit
ed his mother and his sisters in this
The "auiltinff match" and the "sew
ing society" have been rattled ont of
existence by the modern invention of
the sewing machine.
Two doers, owned by Emery Mc-
Cahen, were swept over Z'jok's dam,
in Fermanagh township, a few days
ago, and drowned.
Upon consultation with a number
of citizens the borough school direc
tors have concluded not to enlarge
the school house in town.
Mrs. Nancy Knisely, of Walker
township, died last Saturday, aged
about 78 years. Interment in Rjth
rock's graveyard on Monday last
Milliners have planted a spring
bonnet in their show window, and
now every lady desires to have a
spring bonnet planted on her head.
One of the disiiniruished gentle
men present at the in'irriage of Goo.
Jacobs, Jr., and Miss Mary North,
last Thursday evening, was Mr. Dern,
of the Altoona Tribune.
Maior E. L. Christman, of the
Washington, Pa , Reporter, has many
friends who are desirous of seeing
him nominated for the office of Sec
retary of Internal Affairs.
Wm. Banks, of Fermanagh town
ship, has 20 Kentucky steers, that
each weigh 1400 pounds. He has an
other lot of 20 steers that weigh
about 1100 pounds each.
The Perry county Freeman says:
B. F. Bealor has bought a farm ol
603 acres abont 15 miles from Rich
mond, and he expects soon to move
to Virginia and occupy the lana.
A medicine of real merit, prescrib-
I hv many leatline; physicians, and
- -i i i . i
universally recommenaea uy iuoms
who have used it, as a true tonic, is
Brown's Iron Bitters.
Thomas TJ. Parker bought furni
rnrft of John S. Graybill, to use in
housekeeping at Pittsburg. To come
such a distmce for furniture speaks
well for the quabty of furniture that
Gravbill sells.
A great Are devastated a portion of
the city of Jiicumona, a-, on oau
hat.li last The fire started in a rail
road bridge that crosses the James
River. From the bridge the fire was
bv wind to bouses in the city.
Several pen-ons lost their bs by
Mrs. Meyers, a colored woman, re
siding near Hawn's mill in Milford
township, died last Saturday. Inter
ment in the Mennonite graveyard in
Lost Creek Volley on Monday. -
Mrs. Beshore, widow of Hon. Da
vid Beshore, deceased, is lying dan
gerously ill with pneumonia at the
home of her daughter, near McAlis
terville, to which place she went on a
Wm. Hetritk & Co. will sell all
kinds of store goods at auction sale
at their store in Mexico, April 3,
18S2. Sale to be continued every
day and evening till the stock has all
been sold.
The Methodist Conference, that
met at Lock Haven, made the follow
ing appointments for Juniata county :
Miffiintown, Rev. Martin L. Smith :
Port Royal Rev. H. M. Ash ; Thoinp-
wiuuwn, iiev. r reuencK xiogerson
The timely discovery of a fire 'in
the roof of the house of' Isaac Dep
pen in Walker township, one day last
week, saved the building from de
struction. The fire in the roof was
started by a spark from a chimney in
the house.
Whenever a lawyer becomes a can
didate for an office, and goes from
home, he is always attending to some
legal case and does not know a thing
about the situation. There are law-
yera playing that joke now in Penn
A number of the wngs of the vil
lage sent to Philadelphia for oleo
margarine butter, to test the ability
of a butter expert The expert could
not tell the oleomargarine butter
from the genuine butter, such as is
made from the milk of the cow.
lue women shouM say sometuing
about iLc man that wrote the follow
in": A woman m:iv not us nh.e to
sharpen a pencil or throw a stone at
a lice, but she can pack more articles
into a trunk that a man can into a
one-horse wagon. .
The Harrisburg Patriot, of the ISth
savs that an up towu mau has been
Leld for court to answer tle charge
of selling diseased meat iu the mar
ket At a hearing it was shown that
a cow had died and, at the owner's
request the animal was dressed end
the meat sold in tbe market
Allen Rtthfon died at his home in
Richfield a few days ago. He was
aged 21 years. Deceased was for
some time last summer in the employ
of Mr. Weidtnan of Miffiintown. He
was a young man of promise, and
died respected by all who knew him.
Canse of death, typhoid fever.
Tax-payers iu Center county will
hold a comity convention April 21st,
to organize with the view of having
the county and township taxes re
dnred. Tiiey maintain that some
parties are pulling the wires for
spoils, and making them pay too
much tax.
Johu Q iciry, aged 9 years, son of
Jacob Q jeriy, residing at .Uanyunk
station, Mifibn couniv, was run over
bv the cars and had both legs crushed
at the knees. Dr. Banks was cal.ed,
but the lad was so severely shocked
and iiij ared that reaction did not tike
place, and amputation could nut be
performed. Tiie lad died about seven
h'.nrs after tue accident occurreu.
The bov was in the act of earning
an armful of wood across the rail
road and got in the way of a freight
car. The accident happened lost
On Sundav a pp.ssenger jumped off
a fast train as it passed Lewistown.
He jumped in the opposite direction
from that in which the train was run
ning. Result he rolled nnder thb
wheels of the cars and was killed.
His name was Wildman ; he was from
Snvder county.
On Saturday a man was kille 1 m the
same, way by jumping off a passen
rer train on tue Lehigh Valley Rail-
roa l. Jien saonia not leap mw iue
jaws of death.
Atteb a lin'rerir": illnf bs with con
sumption, MifcS R jse Sharon died "at
the family residence on North Liin
stoce street tLis (Wednesday) nioru
ing, at about 7 o'clcn-k. Funer:U ser
vices at the house to-morrow at 3
o'cJork p. ni. Miss Sharon was tbe
daughter of the late J. D. Sharon,
Esq.. a iiieimwr of tbe tiaiK louuiy
Bar f ir a number of e:a-n, and was
a Lulv t'f great beauty of character
and of mental acquirements ; hwl.t
iug, in health, a de.tirbie place in
sofietv. She was a memo;- of the
First Pres!)vfer;a:i Church m this
(-itv. Springfield, Ohio,
.March 10.
MUs R ise Shnrcn, the subjei t of
the above obitnarv, was well Kn.iw
to a rircle of adiuincg fneacs and
relatives in this couuty. H.'r fathir,
the late J. D. Sharon, was born u;id
raided and married in Juni ita county.
Mrs. Sharon, thi motb.r of the de
ceased Lady, w.u also burn in Juuiata.
Mrs. Jane Irwin, of thu town, is her
sister, and General Win. Beii is lu r
"It Is Coring Kverjboaly,"
writes a drngg int. " Kidney-Wort is the
most popular lueiliciue weseli." It xbould
be by richt, for no iher medicine his such
specific sction on the liver, boaels and kid
neys. If yon have those symptoms winch
indicate bilitiness or deranged kidnrysdo
not tail to proenre it Otid use faitbtiilly. In
liquid or dry form it is sold by ail drug
gists. Salt Lake City Tribune.
TliorsistM h-'vr witness to the positive
curative powers of tho tSKEAT GEUM AN
IISVIGt)RATtK, the only remedy that has
proved itelf a spKcirtc to- g-neral debility.
seminal weafcnesa. iiiipntency, etc., and all
diseases Ibat arise from sell-abuse or oTer-
tsied brsin, flnallv ending in consumption,
insanity and a pri mature grave. Sold by
all drnggists, or will bs sent f.-eo on receipt
of Sl.lHl per box, or 'x boxes for $.00.
Address F. J. CIIENKt, Toledo. Ohio, sole
sgent for the United States. S. t.d for cir
cular and testimonials of genmne cores.
Wbol. oale snd retail by L. B-mTiS fc Co.,
Druggists, Mitlliutown, Vi.
jf0T?T8 At the request of a num
ber of ftubscn'ocrs in urfeais more
than one yar, the tioie for the pay
ment of arrearages has been extended
to the loth day of May, 1SS2. After
that date a bill will be'sent to all per
sons that are in arrears more than
one year.
Ettbscrit lor tba Swntiofll fc Bnblieaa.
TERM, 18bX
Amey Simon, fanner, Faystte.
Copeland Win., merchant, Patterson.
Cramer Daniel, railroader, pAltursoa.
Diintu David B., farmer, Delaware.'
fcroeat Charles, farmer, llillord.
Frey William, merchant, Walker.
Ford Benj imin, laborer, Delaware.
Farra Vahlin, farmer, Delaware.
Oromnger J. N., wagon-maker, TorbetL
Graham E. P., farmer, Spruce Hill. -Hubler
Josr-ph, farmer. Spruce Hill.
I leek man Heorge, fanner. Walker.
Jordan William, laborer. Spruce Hilt.
Koons Henry, farmer, Fayette.
Koblnr W. N., coach-maker, Monroe.
Lants I. C. farmer, Delaware.
Lyter II. II., farmer, Milford.
Miller Henry M., farmer, Walker.
McConnell Daniel, farmer, Turbett.
Patterson John H., laborer, Greenwood.
Patterson Uoward. farmer. Bealu.
Robiaon William, farmer. Lack.
Kice Wm. 3., farmer, Spruce Hill.
Btouffer David, gentleman, Milliintown.
Bashore Michael, farmer, Fermanagh.
Bishop Philip, railroader, Milford.
Barclay W. H. blacksmith, Tnscsrora,
Cross George, Sr., laborer, Patterson.
Culbertson George, farmer, S pruce Hill.
Campbell Robert V., laborer, Beale.
Ehreoseller John, farmer, Fayette.
Foglemaa Daniel, Sr., farmer Fermanagh.
Groningrr B. C farmer, Turbett
Gingrich John, farmer, Monroe.
Gnyer David, farmer, Delaware.
Hohn John, laborer. Spruce Hill.
Harley D. W., merchant, Mitflintowo.
Imes David, farmer, Beale.
Innis Robert, farmer, Beale.
Jamison J. E., lonndryman, Fayette.
Kreider E. W. H., printer, Milliintown.
Kirk James P., blacksmith. Tuscarora.
Kenepp J. S., farmer, Lack.
Kepuer Dauiol A., carpenter, Delaware.
Leister George, farmer, Farette.
Lanthers John, farmer, Lack.
Lanver A. K., farmer, Monroe.
McCoy John, laborer, Fermanagh.
Mumper Jetemi ib, farmer. Tuscarora.
Mctlormick Howard, agent. P.irl Royal.
Miiliken Jiihn, farmer, Toscarora.
McCacbren James A ., farmer, Fayette.
Martin J. S-, plasterer, MiHHn'own.
Minnimn llarriiwin, farmer, Beile.
Mctjiiian Kinorr. luniberinan Fermanagh
MiKlni'ii J. E.. fru.er. Milford.
VcAli.ter J. II.. gentleman. Miffiintown.
Mr.liter tieorae. Iabirer, Tnrletl.
MubV Frank. pump-mkcr. Milliintown.
tpe A. W . farmer. Lack.
I'atin Beijmiin, lab-irer. Spruce II ill.
Putreiiberjer laic. farmer. Fermanagh.
Ran-sey Thomas, farmer, Sprnce HilL
Swartf" Enoch W.. tanner. Monroe.
Sieber David, farmer. Walker.
Shartle Daniel, fanner. Greenwood.
Trcntman A. K., larmer, Susquehanna.
Tvon J. P., farmer. Walker.
Wallace Harvey, farmer, tack.
Work Jthn. faimer, Tutearora.
Wo.idward Stewart, laborer, Tnscarora.
Zimmerman Bruce, laborer, Wa-ker.
The following is a list of tax collectors
appointed by the County Commissioners for
tbe year 182:
Walker Henry Book.
Milliintown Jhn F. Allen.
Fermanagh John Sieber.
Fayette W. V. Shirk.
Monroe Ephraim liraybtll.
uuqnehaiina Levi Light.
Dataware Nathan Van-Horn.
Lack Alexander Wallace.
Tuscarora Creignton HockenbTrry.
Beale John Woodward.
Sprnce Hill Thomas Ramsey.
Tin belt tlrin Krrlin.
Milinrd S. T. McCulloch.
Port Royal Jacob Qrouinger.
The Huntinrdon Globe of last weel
says : It came to light last Saturday,
that both a thief and a forger had
stolen nineteen blank checks from the
check botk of Blain Bros., car man
ufacturers of this place, had filled
them np for different amounts, and
was passing them on unsuspecting
people. The che. ks were numbered
from C,802 to G.8J1. When the for
giry was made known several of our
town merchants found themselves
the possessor of a forged check. The
Union B ink, in which the Messrs.
Blain keep their deposits, was also
victimized to a small extent The
e person wh is negotiating the checks.
is evideuLl traveling eastward, r.s
checks have cone fr mi Mapl jtoa. Mt.
Union and Harrisburg, to the bani
here. A Mapleton merchant was
asked to cash one which called for
$S0, but for some reason he declined.
As far as they have turned up, none
of the checks are for very large
amounts, but generally for such
amounts as the employes of a lirm
usually receive for a month's wages.
The vilian will be caught one of these
This is what an exchange says : A
Colombia county Justice of the Peace
gave judgment to a claimant for six
dollars and fifty cents upon a claim
for three dollars for services in pro
curing delegates to a nominating con
vention favorable to the nomination
of the defendant for the offi ce of Reg
ister and Recorder; also, for six d !
"liu-8 and fiity csnls, money borrowed
at the instanca of defendant and used
for him in paying traveling expenses
to e.eetion, and fr men to leave tiieir
wu k and go to the primary election
for ilif-iid.'inL and for iit lor bills.
Republic of-hU.4 tlI,.j ,,. lwJ dollars paid for on.
Iirall.in of wiiiskv furnished bv the
M J pia.niUT at the instance of the de
n ' fcndiint Judge E-weil rendered an
opinion reversing the derision of the
Justice. In other words he decided
that a man cannot collect a bill by
law for services rendered a cand.date
as stated.
Six husband had drunken habits be could
not overcome until Parker's Oinger Tonic
took away hla thirst for stimulants, restored
bis old energy oT mind and nerves, and
gave him strength to attend to business.
Cincinnati Lady.
The most sensible remedy, and the only
safe, sore and permanent cure for all dis
eases of the liver, blood and stomach, in
cluding bilious fevers, lever and ague, dumb
ague, jiundice, dyspepsia, ate, ia Prof.
Guilmette's French Liver Pads, which cures
by absorption. Ak your drufigist for this
noted cure, and take no other, and if be
has not got it or will not get it for yon,
send 1.50 to French Pad Co., Toledo, O.,
and ibey will send you one post-paid by re
turn mail.
Wholesale and retiil by L. Batiks k. Co.,
Druggists, Miffiintown, Pa.
Educated Women. .
Reflned and educated wmuen will some
times ruSer iu silence lor fears from kidney
diseases, or constipation add piles, which
conld easily be enn-d by a package of Kid
ney-Wort. There is har.llj a woman to be
fonnd that does not at some liroe suffer Irom
some of the dii-eae for which this great i
. jt m m A.ifT. ft ia mtf tt i. 1 1. 1 1 n 1 1 i.t ,
.H-'. r..m. .r,...iie efts. i.!n, - Cnri.,
J ' . a
J"'a " "wm-
ae-j rt. .
23fd Inst., by Rev. C. Myera, Mr. James
Alexander Zimmerman, of Lack township,
and Miss Harriat Richardson, of Toscarora
We wore a quiet and aobei1 set, -Little
accustomed to noise and fret,
Decent and modest at work: or play,
And oh f so proper in every way.
Before we went to the Circus t
Nobody had ever seen ns go
At ail too last,' or at all too slow
No matter bow gayly we talked or sang
We never had used a word of slang
B jlore we weut to tue Circus I
We'weut to church, or we went to school,
Dy tbe vtry most orthodox kind ot rule
For we were a people of Dutch descent.
And rather phlegmatic of temperament,
Until we went to the Circus!
Alas and alast 'tis a woful sight.
Tbe way we are changed at tbe time I write t
Father is swating sgainst the breese,
liuug by tbe toes from a high trapese,
Trying to copy the Circus I
The boys on their heads, with feet in air.
Are riding wild borse.i on eacn high ch irf
Or down on their backs on the sidewalk brick
Are balancing tuba lor a iigicli"g bick;
Tbe giils have painted tbeir Uanda and face,
Aud got thrniMilvea up for an Indian lace,
As tbey saw Ineui do at the Circus I
Mother high np on the table stands,
Swinging the baby with oolii ber bauds.
Swiuging the baby with many a rub,
And bratinisbtng hnu like an Indian club!
While baby himself, in a terrtbto Iriglit,
Howls like a Zulu from morn till night,
Since we weut to tbe Circus:
Alas and alas I I csn only say.
I wish in tbe nieht. 1 wish in the day.
I wish with my heart, I wih with my head,
I wish wiib my ear, which are nearly dead,
I wish with a sort of mute Qe.-pmr,
I wish with a shriek that w..uM rend the air,
We never bad gone to the Circm!
from H'idt jiteakt.
An English unJ Classicat School.
Next term opens April 3. Supe
rior advantages are offered by this
school. A thoroun training given
in all the English branches and full
prepiration for College. Special at
tention civen to those wishing to
teach. Board and Tuition low.
For particulars anply to
Fob the past two years I have been trou
bled ailh leiicorrhoea and female wesKness,
which at tunes has been so great that I could
neither est nor sleep. I wore one of Prof.
Guilmette's Kidney Pads and it enred me.
Mas. H. JiaoMS, Toledo, O.
Sold by L. Banks fc Co., Druggists, Mif-
flintown, Pa.
NOTICE. White oak plank, scantling.
and boards can be bought low from Robert
Mclntyre in Black Log Valley, Juniata Co.'
Pa. I will exchange lumber for live stock,
and lor feed lor live stock. Addrea
Reacsr McIxTTaa.
Pern Mills, Juniata Co., Pa.
ms-SQai 'I -qaj
'illi3.da sAuiqa
-K animus jo spai r Juupidajt 0
ej ii.ujiiiv'W ' '"PH "3 "f
q tnp usqsi) noi oi ppaq put 'Ma ot
qAtd opvm aq saiu m Jo
paaagn aJOJ"isji 9UiqDiu J.iqio i.3 p is
ion jo usjray 'awoji 'j.-i3his pi npjs
-9uo reuj uo 11 asd oi lu-ijy io pai.inaia
-ui .q I iqi 'sautqjspj paaj optg jrs
j.o euiqasm suJ jo Xhjoij.kIii-i aqi .jo piap
-H'loD os pat I aran3 oj sjrai iusni joj
sjtml.u to ssuadXA qi 3niptoAS snqi 'jtajx
3iiiuin) aduts a'q Mn p-m.)ij3ii q um ji
jn-iqi: 2uuaq Sm. -aip tau aqi o tapis
qioq uo pjj jo 'pan oiqnnri srq auiqat
siqx sjatniosinusm aqi tnoJj pinoo noX s
luis Xtu moj) ji in if Xnq usa no v jrr(i
put 'eius.tifiuuaj jo airjg ?qi oim iii3nojq
jaaa auiqasa; jtniwag i q aqi Jo iano8s
i(l nar oasq ir.qi '.is pmoa J jutqjrrr
SHIM'S Juiitiq o :iii(l oq. Jsoqi ox
.1 sbbW M A tk V P A lin I"
As It la for all diseases of the KIDNEYS,
It eanra tha system ot tha arrid poisea
that eaasrs ths drraafol aaffenna which
only tha netima of Bhcaaiatum eaa rallas.
of th wont form or thio XmrriW &
havo bom qaiekly niied. In ft when ttmm
kM ktval VMttcrTuI umta, and n liininti f
ml iaverjT pirtof tlie Country. In h
dreds ottyx it ltM cured wUere ft'l !9 hd
failed. It. tni'.a. but 9eint, rr.ttTAlS
l ITS ACTION, hat hanaicja in all tmmtm
Wit lfttMr. trtrtbeM mw4 Xw
I.lft taa:i M important orraaao-' the body.
Ttio natural ceUoa of thf Kulneya is rcatrrd.
Tha Li to la eleonaod of all tljscaaa. and th
HBoweUMvefreeijandhealtlirullr. Io tfcto
Aa it has been proroJ by tbooaods that
ta the mMt effectual remedy Cor cleaasmv
eystem of all morbid mmniioxm. It afaouidbe
oaed in overy bouaoaWld aa a
aiTraTa euws biijous-ess. lONsnpa-
TiOX. FILSS and all F3I ILI Dlacaaaa.
Is put np in Dry Trcrtakle r.tnli'aa,
OM parta-r of which maKtstfuart mdin.
Also ia UaM Farm, rrrj 'ttratfdfT
the ronrrrurn.-o of thiW w -loraanot read&lr V
pare IL UaeiaTetthtl ejeumcitutttkerfovm.
orr rroFvoca i;:rc.oiT. rrtirE.ai.aa
WELLS. KltUKBit)V Ca.. Prap.
nriinndtli'""'-'11 aiamnrot. vt.
C0313II3IIC Via.
MirrnxTowN markkts.
KirrusTOws, March 23, 18f j.
Butter 82
Eggs Io
Lard 12
Ham 1
Shoulder T
Sides 10,
bi .. '
Corrected weecly.
Qrorartoss roa To-dat.
Wednesday, March 2H, 1882i
Wheat 1 nr
Cora, .................... V
Oats, 45.
Rr . '9-1 "
Cioverseed i OOtoS V)
Timothy seed 1T25
PniLADELPltia. Vdrcb 27. U'lieat, $lt38.
Corn, 74c. Oats. 55c.
Cattle, sales 2lil bead, 6toT-!. Sheep,
ales tiKI, SloTe per pound. H"g, sales
8't00 head, btolUo per lb.
- We have stores In 15 teadlng; Clt ies.
fmtn srhldl our aavnts otacstn thirfr emr liM mlrbw.
f:rit Pm. HeAd for our New CmlAlawava and
t 9. T 'S.rtmrfr. a."'1 Frinelpwl flmreii axe at
t r.rie, rs.
Mt N. LOVIHI e;Hro7.cV:
&.IJI) A U EtK.. $12 a day at home easily
d)J tl made. Costly Outfit free. Address
Tarr St Co., Augusta,' Maine,
mar 2, HI -ly
Seabnel and Republican $1.50 a yeai
SeU Advertisements.
health and avoid sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out, instead of aches
and pains, wouldn't you
rather fee! fresh and strong ?
You can' contirftie feeling
miserable and good for no
thing, and no one but your
self can find fault, but if you
are tired of that kind of life,
you cart change it if yoti
How? By getting one
bottle of Brown' Iron Bit
ters, and taking it regularly
according to directions.
Mamfield, Ohio, Sor. s6, 1SS1.
Gcndescn : I ba ve suffered witli
pxim im my sisJtt jxad batck, aJ trtmt
morcoeu oa tr brovt, with shoot
tng pains all inrouh my boiy, mc
tended with preat weakness, deprw
ioa of spirits, and loss m appe
tite. 1 have takea seerai dirlcrent
Mdicines, and was treated by ptvas
lacat ph-sciaiaS for or.y liver, kid
bcy, and spleen, but I no rrltef.
1 tlaought 1 would try Lrown's lion
Bitter: I hareiKwttfcenonelott!
&ed a half and sjb about well prim
In SsJ and bock alt (un- iore-jes
all out of my breast, acd 1 have
good appetite, and an sintnj
sir-njth and flesh. It can rm-jf ba
Caallcd mtUuuut.
John aC Axijlnijsju
Brown's Irox Bitters ii
composed of Iron insoluble
form; Cinchona the great
tonic, together with other
standard remedies, making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic, which will cure Dys
pepsia, Indigestion. Malaria,
Weakness, and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
Stockholders Individually Liable
T. VAN IRWIN, Ca ihitr
J. Nevin Pomvroy, Josoph Rnthrork,
5eor,' Jacobs, Philiji M. Keer,
An...t(;. Bonsall, Louii L. Alkinnon.
W. C. Pomerov,
STOOKUoLorss :
J. Xevii. Pomerov, R. E. 1'irk,
Philip M. K'-.r.i.-r,
Jwh HothnK-k,
George Jacobs,
L. E. A'kinson,
W. C. Ponn-roy,
Amos i. !iiiaall,
Nh H.-rnler,
Sam'l llorr's Heirs,
Jane II. Irwin,
Mary Kurtz.
Samuel SI. Kiirtt
J. Il.lm Irwin,
T. V. lri?n,
F B. Krow.
John Hertaler.
Charlotte SnliT,
"XT' IntiTf t allowed at the rate ot Z per
cent, on 6 months certificates, 3 r cent, on
VI months certiliculcs.
jan23, liT9-tf
.tot Ice to Trespasser.
JV"OTIt'E is hereby riven that all f -rsons
i.1 l..mnl tresiuHMiig on the Lin'ls of the
undersigned in Plaara tmrrxhip, eillier
by t!liinf:. hnii'in;, Culling tlmlx-r, build
in rir-s. or in anr wav whatever, will b;k
dualt with as the law directs.
K. W. Ilt artiaiT.
(iKnnor SrK.tK.ntM.
M. C. Pasat.
mnvl l,l?7t-tf !!s. M.tat Kmi'H.
Psrker's Hair Balsam.
An tismt, mgrtmNt fair Dtwtmg that
Cerer fii!t ts Restart Craj or Flisil Bjir
ta i: oathTul .. na t uzt.
Be sure and ritmine our stock b -fore piitrh fing elfi-where, at yon can tot
tainiy save nioaev. An Iroulile to jtw Uooila. One pri to ill.
One mile southwest of Putter?on.
lr ....., W.
. . . Is (be place where you can bnj
BE. is prepared to exhibit ona of the most
.' tnis market, and at JSTOXISNIXGLY LOU' PRICES I
Also, measures taken for suits and parts of soils, which will be nivie ta order'
at sn'ott notic, very reasonable.
ltrroember the plac, in H-iffman's
Water s'reeta, MIFFLINTOVVN, PA:
Has just returned from the Eavtero cidt with i full variety of
GENTS FURNISHING GOOD.Goods of all kinds are low. Come and see me
and be astonished Pants at T CeiaU. tO1" SVI'lS MAOK TO OkrEK.Qj
ProfetrioH'U Card.
Lorts E. At'cixsos Gxo. Jacobs, J
tEr"Coflectihg and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
OrpH:a On Main street, in place of resi
denre of Louis K- Atkinson. Kq.. aonth of
Bridge afreet. .. Oct 26, ISeT.
Attorney at Law,
anrusTowy, - - pexs'J.
AR business promptly attends to. Spe-'
cfal attention given to Collecting and Con
veyancing. Otfice on Bridge street, opo-'
site Court House Square.
ASOS irwix
All business promptly attemled to.
OrriCE On Bridge street, opposite tho
Court House squaro. jjni.'SO-ly
tryCollcctions attended to promptly.
Orrica With A. J.' Patterson Kq. on
Bridga atreet. Feb to, Tiff
fTT" Collections ai:t all professional basf J
nesa promptly attended to.
Physician and Surgeon,
MlFFUXTonS. r.t.
Office hours from a. a. to 4 f. Of.'
ttce iu his father's resi3t-m-e, at the south
end ol Water street. oct22-tt
His resnraeit activetv the prsctico af
Xerlirine and Surgery and tbeir collateral
branches. Othre at the old corner of Third
and Oranf e streets, Milliintown, Pa:
March 2 J, Io. 6
AcaJemia, Juniata Cd ,Pd.
Orrira forruerlv occupied by Dr.Sterrett.
Professional business promptly attended ttf
at all hours.
DjrOi!ly reliable Companies representetti
Dec. 8, 1875-iy
Cnniintes tiio practice or .Medicine and
Surgery and all their collateral branches.
Otlii-e at hi residence in SicAlisterViile;
Keb 9. 187.
After the First Day of December
In his New Store Kn at the Katt end of
with a Lale Lt of
of at! tind.J, St?ve Pifce, I.srd Cih. Mi-.
Crauile Iron Ware, Dripping Palis, aud all
kinds of
WhLh article- he will s.ll at the Lowest
Possible Pries.
Thankful lor prist pitr..mcj t.e eiptcts,
by strict attenli.m tn hniirs, to rereivnat
lcx-t his share in the future.
Net SI,
Floreston Cologne.
A Nr m rttwitoim mwmm, F;crT. i. rtrttir-
tiiarrr. Bark a, jlaadrak. Mllllasia and
artany of rne bet medicines knowa ara combtned in
PaKKH G:nceb Tunic, into a siedicine of such
vaned and etlecuve powers, as to make it the Oceateat
1441 Purifier and Kaioey Cuciectbr and the
test SnlJS aad Strcagti Roiarcr Ever VitS.
It cures Dyspepsia. Rhrnmatism. Keeraliria, Sleep.
tssaeks.snd aa ciasesof the Mmaxh. Ljwc!, Langs,
Liver, L'nnary Orgms, and all Female CompLums.
If yoa aie wastinjf awjy wuh Comumpuoa or any
disease, a'-e Ihe Tonic to-usy. It sriil surely help you.
Kemcmberl This Totck: ia tt itet Family Merh
eine ever asde. and s far superior to Litters. cetr-es
of Ciaerand other Tucaca. as il never Intoaarwes,
and cures Urunkennesa. Any dealer in Jnlp e-ia
supply yoa---5ce. aird$t sizes. None geiunne without
Signlirre if Him. ox & IV. Cheorrvs, N. Y.
Laaua SsvtiMi in lti;vlo Tiia IXaxaa Sua..
BAllt fc LEVIN.
choice and select stores ever off-red la
New BuiUing, ooroer of Bridge and
f Jau. 1, l'J-tt
ratteraoa, Pa., April 16, 187.