Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 18, 1882, Image 3

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    Sentinel & republican
Wednesday, Jannary IS, 1SS2.
Subscription, $1-60 per annum if paid
within 12 months; $2.00 if not paid within
12 months.
Transient advertisements inserted at 60
cents per inch fur each insertion.
Transient business notices in local col.
inn, 10 cents prr tine for each insertion.
Deductions frill be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
The Difficulty Between the Chapel
Church of Miffiintown and the
Lost Creek Congregation.
Editor Sentinel and Republican I am ex
ceedingly sorrowful that the Chapel church
liave behaved so strangely ofUte. It seems
to me it is a great crime on Iheir p irt to leave
the Brick church under the prtltr.se that
tbe Lost Creek congregation have not acted
in an upright, manly, aud Christian manner.
I am sorry for the Chapel church ra:lu.r
than tor the Lost Crock church. I must sv
that the Lot Creek church has acted fr.nn
first to last in a Christian spirit. The com
munication of L. C. C. in your pp ir ot the
1 lib January is fair and truthful, and its
truthfulness can be established by legal doc
uments. To deny tbe tacts set forth in his
article would be to stultify one's self, and to
place one's self in the position of deuying
tbe written evidence of the origiail docu
ments. Men should either be honest -and
trn:htul, or cease to lay cl dm to the Chris
tian character. I write plainly ; 1 m san it.
It is the greatest of follies to array one's
elf against demonstrable truth.
I will enlarge upon two points referred to
by L. C. C. The paper referred to by L.
C. C-, as sigued by the two committees of
the two separate churches, which met the
committee of Prebtory on the 18th of
May, IMII, is not the proposition of the !
church of Lost Creek. This piper of the
committee of Presbytery and tbe Commit
tee of each of the churches, aud signed
only by the committees of the churches,
was to be of no avail, unless rati tied and
confirmed by the churches themselves. Tha
church of Lost Creek met in a congrega
tional capacity on the 30th of M iv, to tako
action on the report of their committee.
This committee reported that tbey bad
offered to take eight hnndred dollars,
saying that the otfer was in these
words: Eight hundred or nothing The
words 'triiaoaf interttt" seemed to be in
terpolated alter signed by or read to tlie
committee. I think it was interlined. But
this bss nothing especial to do ith the
question. It was never tbe action of tbe
church, and they were in no way bound by
it. They agreed to the terms reported by
the committee, with this excep'ion: the
price they were to receive was to bi $3)0,
tciii interest, f nut paid down. Tbts action
of the Congregation was reported to the
Mifl'.iu church and also to the Presbyteriai
committee, and this com nittee of 1'rea
byteiy fepwrted to the Prcsbyteiy at its
meeting in June, stating that the Church
of li.-t Creek bid agreed to the conditio
recommended bv Iheiu, but that Miltliutuwu
bad riot, and offered a resolution that they
lx allowed to have worship in the Brick
church. Action on this resolution was de
ferred until the fall meeting of Presbytery,
by a majority of one. At the fall meeting
( Presbytery tbe resolution would no
d-iubt bate passed and the old church of
Miillintown and Lost Creek" would no
doubt have had preaching in the bricK
building in MilRintuwd, bad not the Chapel
church aked a re-visit ot the committee of
L. C. C. gives the results of that s.-con
visit of the Presbyteriai committee. At tin
meeting the congregation of Lost Creek re-
atlirmi-d their former act with regtrd to the
$800. giving all concerned to understand
that this was tb-ir ultimatum.
To say that the Lost Creek church have
receded from their proposition is not true,
let it come from a hat source it ni vy. Tbe
requirements of Christianity is, that we be
Hrst pure, then pesceible, easy to be en
treated." Lost Creek has pursued both
Diiritv and peace. We have coveted no
roan's silver and gold." While we have
endeavored "to keep the unity of ibe Spirit
in the bonds of peace." we are not willing
to bo misrepresented, or to have the sius of
others laid on our shoulders.
The other reason for leaving the Brick
church that the Lost Creek church de
manded security for payment of the $S00
is very damaging to the Chspel church. I
canuot see why honest men, whu intend to
do what they say they will, should bave any
objection to bind themselves to do so, and
to giving all the security they can that they
will do so. There can be no objection to
giving security for the performance of our
monetary obligations, unless we wsnt to
twist out of it, or take some advsntage.
An amusing little affair occurred the other
day in which two prominent citicens in this
town figured. The citizens were George
Jacobs, Sr., and George Smith. A lot of
turkeys belonging to Mr. Jacobs strayed
way from the Tarm, and several of them
fouud their way to town- When the owner
of tho fowls was made acquainted with tbe
fact he set about to look op tbe turkeys that
. . frith th Assistance ot
17,;. The fowl took to It. wings s,,d
UDW s"J v
while a boy reported to the 'Squire that the
turkey had lit ou the top of Mrs. Irwin's
hastened to tht
-i mwtA ;. he arrrived there Mr.
George Smith arrived upon the scene with a
gun on his shoulder, which he took down
and proceeded to level at tho fowl. '-Hold
on ! Are yon going to shoot ?" said Jacobs,
v .iH Smith: "I have been
burning that turkey all over town." "No,
but that's my turkey," said Jacobs. Smith
took the gun from the shoulder, and the cit
izens looked at each other and laughed. It
xras a humorous situstion for two old
friends to find themselves in. After com
paring notes as to the general appearance of
the plumage of tbe lost turkeys, no definite
agreement could be reached as to which cit
izen the tuikey belonged, but tbe fact that
Smith had the instrument with which to
bring down the fowl, caused them to agree
that Smith should Lave the turkey. The
gnn was leveled and the bird was shot, and
r. !led off the roof. dead. Mr. Smith took it
up and carried it home, but when he reached
that place he was utterly am.xed by Mrs.
Smith telling him thst their turkey had come
borne safe and sound. Mr. Smith said,
-Well, now, that beats all; that turkey
really does belong to Jacobs," and forth
with he can led Ibe turkey over to the house
of Mr. Jacobs and left it there.
In Philadelphia two men were sent to jail
for one month for stealing two newspapers
front tbe dooMteps of suwertbecs.
Kails hare advanced in price.
Houses lor rent are scare in Chambers
burg. The ladies look perfectly splendid in their
large hats.
Ex-Judge Junktn has resumed the prac
tice of law.
The Lebanon bar legal bar has a lot of
bad lawyers in it.
Two newspapers in Perry county are ed
ited by preachers.
Go to Heck's, on Bridge street, and buy
four boots and shoes.
St. Jacobs Oil almanac is a humorous and
instructive little book.
William Hawk has a job of masoning at
Logan, Mifflin county.
Rev. Joseph Mathers was visiting friends
in town last Wednesday.
The Bla:r county Radical looks well
in its dress of new type.
There was a fall of an inch and a half of
now last Wednesday morning.
Three young ladies joined the Chapel
Presbyterian church, on Sabbath.
A. (J. Shi-Ueuoerger,. of Ri. bfiM, has
been appointed tuercantile S praiser.
Samuel Brown of Patterson has been
taken to the asylum at Philadelphia.
Communion service was held in the Pat
tenon Evangelical church last Sabbath.
The Mayor of Ilarrisburg issued a proc
lamation asking everybody to vaccinate.
Astronomers say that on the 17th day of
May there will be a total eclipse of the sun.
MissTiilie Ureer, daughteref A.J. Greer,
of Altoona, has been visiting friends in this
The mother of S. D. Bstesholta, foreman
of this office, has been quite ll'. the past
Twenty-six tramps slept in the boiler-
1 house of the Newport furnace the other
The BloomSeld Jdvocate advertises for
an intelligent boy to learn the printing busi
ness. Pattkesos Your coramnnication came
too lata for this issue. It will appear uext
Superintendent Smith visited the schools
in Patterson and Fermanagh township last
Republicans of Snyder county present
Charles Hower as a candidate for Supreme
J ucigu.
Kev. G. KT. Goodlin preached in the
Lutheran church on Sabbath morning aud
The free bridge people will sgain petition
Court for a free bridge across the river at
I this place.
Young Mr. Weller, in Fermanagh town
ship, lost a highly -prired black aud tan col
ored l'i hound.
Membi-rs of the Reformed church in Bed
ford will build a new house of worship the
coming summer.
Mr. Slimuan has already begun to put in
rtpiir the Will Hotel property that he
bought but recently.
Moral suasion wss a failure, as a preven
tive of disorder in Tyrone schools. They
whip now like blazes.
S. C. Tussey, of Morris township, Hunt
ingdon county, his a coon dog that caught
27 coons the past fall.
Jeff Mover hauled ice last week from
Co a dam. The ice varied in thickness;
2 to 8 inches wss its thickness.
There wss a snow of 6 inches in depth to
mit the neonle when they awoke from
their sleep last Friday morning.
Rev. Spangler, Lutheran preacher at
BMomncld, Perry county, has resigned and
will go to another field of labor.
The belief is abroad in this community
that Yar.d.rbilt is about to engage extens
ively in railroading in Pennsylvania.
Mrs. Swarti, wife of Mr. M. Swarti in
Fermanagh township, fell and sprained her
right wrist quite severely a few days ago.
The Masons held a banquet last Thursday
night, on the occasion of the installation of
officers. John Hollobaugh furnished the
To every subscriber that is in arrears
more thn one year, a bill will be sent be
tween this date and the 28th day of F ebru-
ary, 1SS2.
Take Ayet's Cherry Pectoral to stop your
Colds, Coughs and Bronchial Affections be
fore they run into Consumption that you
cannot stop.
Some days sgo, while sawing boards at a
saw-uiill in Beale township, James Bl got
bis right hand too near the saw, which re
sulted in the hand being sawed across tbe
palm to such a depth that ampntation be
came necessary.
MIFFLINTOWN. Your communication
on the certain operation of paster and
folder" at Ilarrisburg lies on the table at
present. Call and have a personal inter
view with the editor of the Sentinel and Re
publican on the subject.
An embankment in the road in Jackson
township, Perry county, npset the bnggy of
Jsmes A. Robinson, by which npset Kouin
son bad an arm broken. He brought suit
against tbe road supervisors of the town
ship, aud in court reaovered a verdict in his
favor of $3,500.
By baving your bills for sale of persons!
net and Republican you may obtain a urn-
a ! ber of blank promissory notes to be filled
bp t.-r purchasers that are entitled to credit
under tbe terms of sale.
The Conference Sevt, a semi-monthly
publication in the interest of the Methodist
Church, lies on our table. It is published
at Hartisburg, and is edited by Rev. W.
Manlin Frvsmeer. D. D. It is a handsome
ly gotten up piper, and is full of church
. .ml v-neral intormation. A new serial
has just been commenced in it, which prom
ises to be exceedingly interesting.
Go to Heck's, on Bridge street, and buy
the Keystone boot. It is the best boot to
wear and to keep i.nt water that is sold in
Juniata county. He warrants every pair to
give eutiie satisfaction, and if tbey don't
give satisfaction he will replace them with
another pair.
Henrr Spiece wilt aeli, t his place
of residence at Thoropsontown
ary 22, 1882. Three head of boises,
four head of horned cattle, farming im
plements, plows, harrows, one wsgon,
bnggy, sleigh, sled, harness and a lot
of household furniture.
The long winter nights are here You
will wsnt a psper that gives you home news,
.nml news, and miscellaneous reading.
The Senhntl and Republican is tho paper to
supply that want. - It gires all tbe impor
tant home news, all important general news,
besides a large quantity of miscellaneous
reading, more than any other piper in the
county. Subscribe, and suggest the paper
to your neighbor.
Lost Last Tbarscla evening h
tween Miffliotowo and Reno's, a black
nd white checkered woolen scarf, a
yard and a half JoDg. The finder will
confer a faor on a poor girl by sending
it by siege of otherwise, to the Post
Office at MeAliiternilo, where it will
be called for.
FAYETTE Tbe communications that ap
peared in the Sentinel and Republican last
fall oa tbe eve of tbe election, were written
by Tour different citizens, each aud every
ooe a reputable citizen, and representative
or large property, or real estate interests.
Once a communication is accepted fr pub
lication tbe author's name is never revealed,
nnless the writer desires that his name be
. The trial of Gniteau, the murderer, is
drawing to an md. The Court will not per
mit him to deliver bis speech in court. A
number of daily papers filled up their col
u.nns with his trashy speech. He presents
only one theory of defeuss for the murder,
and that is, that he was authorized to do so
by God, and God's command stands above
all human law, and that is Ibe reason that
tbe human law against murder cannot be
brought to bear against him for tbe shoot
ing of President Gartleid.
Lawyers have been arguing the case
of (iuitcau, the murderer of President
Garfield. By this time next week it is
probable that the jury will have decid
ed tbe fate of the murderer as fsr
as the? can. Tbe publio generally
bave a deep desire that the murderer
be banged, not out of a spirit of revenge
but because of the belief that if be es
cape the public good will be endanger
ed. If be be acquitted, confidence in
tbe cnurls as a means to redress wrongs
will be greatly shaken.
Some doctor, writer, in the New York
Tribune, says that he has used a medicine
against diphtheria contagion most success
fully. He says ; " f nse one dram of Mon
sel's salt, or the sub-sulphate of iron, in
eight ounces of cold water, adding plenty
of sugar, simply to overcome the taste of
tbe iron. Of this solution I give from one
to eight teas poo naful each day, according to
the proximity of the disease. As It has j
proved so slu; acious ill my binds I am auri
ious to have it generally tested." I
On Wednesday last JamesStevrart, of
McCoys'. ills, while hauling lumber from
Black Log valley to McCoysvi le, fell and
tbe wagon passed over his left leg some four
inches above the ankle joint. Botb bones
wer broken into a number of pieces. A
large detached fragment protruded through
tbe wound. He was taken to his home at
NcCoysville on the following day, where his
injuries were attended to by Dr. W. R. T.
Sjhm, of that place, and Dr. D-, M. Craw
ford, of Mifflin town. Although bis injuries
are f a serious character, he is doing verv
There are exceptions, but in a majority of
cases, when a man is ncara to frequently
shout boss, ring, and so forth, he is a ringster
and a bossed man himself. Tilt on your
glasses and look. The boss and ring
sbouters in this county bave bd convic
tions above a trade. They belong to the
herd of political jockeys, a set of men that
would trade off their grand-motker for the
spoils of office. Their case is the old fable
repeated, of tbe jackass putting on a lion's
skin to make himself appear like a lion.
The boss and ring sbouters, shout boss
and ring, and use blackguard expressions
to bide their own crooked operations.
Henry SuloufT wss driving home Isst
Thursday evenirg in a " buck-wagon," in
which was seated with htm his daiuthter-in-law
and a grand -child. At the bridge
across Homing's run, beyond "Arch Kock"
school bouse, in Fermanagh township, the
horse, wan aud all a ere precipit ated over
the side of th bud-. Amldft the wreck
that followed the ta I the daughter-in-law
and grand-child ecaped without injii'V,.
but SuloufT himself was considerably bruised
by the overthrow.
The Lewistown Gazelle tells the lollow-
ing : Instead of being shot singly, as used
to be the custom, muskrats are now cap
tured in families by closing tlie hole lead
ing into the water and digging a trench un
til their harbor is reached. We bear of one
party op the river who captured taenty in
one bole, and of another who took sixteen
out of one nest and fourteen out of another.
As this establishes the fact that they hiber
nate in large numbers, they can readily be
exterminated when so numerous as to be
come nuisances.
A shocking railroad accident took place
in New York SUte, along the Harlem river
near Spuylen Duyvil station, last Friday
night, whereby eight lives were hst and
many persons wounded. Something got
wrong w ith the breaks, the train was stop
ped, a brakeman was sent back to signal an
approaching train to stop, but for some rea
son tbe train was not stopped, and ran into
the trsin that was standing on the track.
Two cars were telescoped, set on fire and
burned np. The terrors of tbe scene, the
passengers say, is beyond alt description.
Tbe brakeman was arrested.
The Korlk American of the 12'h inst.,
says : A raid was made on a suspected house,
near Jeffersonville, in Montgomery county,
on Tuesday night, anu a late quantity .,i ,
property which had been stolen Imra j vr..i
sons living in the vicinity was discovered.
Among the contents of the house were a I
large number of chi kens, ducks, geese and
turkeys, most of nhich were alive. Two
watches, one hundred and sixty-seven dol
lars in money, and a general assortment of t
goods were found in different portions of;
the house. Fonr men, who were in the j
house at the time, were arrested and com
mitted to jail.
To you who are dealing with other stores
do I especially speak. If yon have doubts
as to the assertions which I have been mak
ing in regard to the difference you can save
by dealing with me, all I ask of yon, before
you sgain buy, is to call and assure your
self that I have never yet advertised any
thing thst I did not live np to. I leel con
fident that I can sae you fiom 25 to 50 per
ceot. on all the boots and shoes you buy.
Call, even ir you don't intend to buy. Yon
will have the pleasure of seeing the largest
and only llrst-class boot and shoo store in
Juniata county.
Geo. W. IIkce.
Bridge street, MifBintown, Pa.
If hr Are You Billions f
Because you have allowed your bowels to
become costive, and liver torpid. Use Kidney-Wort
to produce a tree state of the
bowels, and it will stimulate the liver to
proptr action, cleanse the skin of its yel
lowness, cure billions headache, and cause
new life in the blood. Druggists have it,
both dry and liquid. Zioa's Herald.
War. babies are fretful they disturb
everybody, and mothers should know bow
soothing Parker's Ginger Tonic is. It takes
away half their anxiety, stops babies' pains,
and is always safe and pleasant to nse.
Bom Jburnal.
Appeal for all persons that believe them
selves to be aggrieved by late assessments
ill be held in the Court House on Tuesday,
February 7, 1882, for the west end of the
county, and on Wednesday, Februasy 8,
1882, for the east end of tbe county. If yon
are interested, cut this out and paste it up.
The Huntingdon Journal says: Congress
man Fisher wants a new Mint in Philadel
phia. The putting up of new buildings at
public expense is a cheap way of gaining
notoriety cheap for Mr. Fisher, but not for
the public and the notoriety, when obtain
ed, will hardly last aa long as it will take to
build Huntingdon's Reformatory.
Edward Mines wrote to' tbe Liverpool
M rcuru, " I am willing to risk my reputa
tion as a public man, if tbe worst case ot
small-pox cannot be cured in threa days
simply by the use of cream of tartar. One
ounce of cream of tartar d lasolved in one
pint of hot water diank at iutorva's whin
cold is a certain, never-failing remedy. It
haacurid thousands, uever leaves 1 mark,
neer causes blindness and avoids tedions
The Huntingdon Local News says thiton
Wednesday evening, Anna, aged sixteen
months, daughter of John and May Smith,
of Huntingdon, swallowed aim : burnt mor
pliiue pellets which she f juu 1 upon a table.
Shortly altera ards sh! was noticed to be
come stupid, and tlum it was discovered
that she bad taken the morphine. I'r.
Bruiuliaugb, who happened to be pissing
tbe bouse, was called in and administered
strong coffee and other antidotes, and the
life of tbe child was saved.
The Newport A'car says: A recent dis
patch from Ellswoith, Kansas, states that
W. E. Graham killed, rrbbid and burned
Philip Egly, at Venango, Ellsworth county,
and wss substqueutly bung by a mob in
front of tbe court house. Graham was the
son of Isaac Graham, a blacksmith by trade,
whj moved from Neaport to MthVrstown
last spring. Egly was also formerly from
Newport, having emigrated to the west a
year or so ago. According to the informa
tion received Egly had obtained some mouey
by tho sjle of his property, and to get it
Graham murdered him and then set the
j.se oa Cre to cover uu it tracks. Egly
was Graham's uncle.
On the 10th inst., W. Cloyd Uuss, divi
sion foreman on the railroad, ith rusideuce
at Black Log station, three miles north of
this place, was run over by the ears and
killed. The distressing event tmk place
about noon. Sir. Go is h .d partaken of bis
dinner and gone out, and was only about
100 yards from the house when he was
struck by a passing freight train. He had
stepped nut of the way of a train coming
east on the south track iuto the wy of a
train g-riug west on the north track. His wife
was the first terson to see hi.u alter the ac
cident. She was looking out of the win
dow and saw an chj -ct of the appearance
of a man lie by the track. Quickly she sent
a ueighbor to the place. The neighbor re
lumed with the painful intelligence that it
wss her husband. lr. B.mk was called, and
examined the body of the unfortunate man.
Both thighs were bruken ; the skull was
lroken, and the left leg was nearly severed
from the b'xly. Instant death was the re
sult of the stroke trm the train. Mr. Guss
leaves a wi'e and two children to mourn his
death. He was about 4 years of age. His
remains were interred on Thursday, ibe 12. h
int., in tho Licking Creek Lutheran gravt
yaid. "Ths turo-otil to Dr. McCabe's enter
tertuiumciit ill the Court House on Wednes
day evening, Jan. 'i-th inst., will no douot
be large, many tickets baving already been
sold. It has been decided to admit ex
sotdiers and their families through b n k
door of Court Room, ahere they will find
reserved seats. The Sold lets' Orphans
Irom UcAlistervilld will b admit ed imi-
larly. The Court K..om is U-ing renovated
and will be 111 pood order, with extra chairs J
ard benches to accommodate the ainlience,
as people are coming Irom various sections
of the ennnty.
Mj Mother's Peaittiful Hinds," as ren
dered hy ihis great-souletl and wonderfully-
voiced man. is worth more than money. If;
you do not want to laugh to drive away
blues and digest hearty nippers don't come ;
yet if yon do come ( nd we hope you will),
yon will Qnd the eulertainnn lit in perfect
keeping with the Chri-ti.niiiy the l)i:tor
represents. The proceeds will g0 to the
Church in this place.
When Dr. McCabe lectured in Chamliers
burg, Pa., a gentleman called him in c.fl the
strett, after hearing him sing and speak, and
said : -I will give yon five dollars for your
work if you sing that song sgain, entitled
"Tbe TrUndle-Ked." The Chaplain com
plied, .and sent tbe money where it has
made others to sing the glad "new song" of
" I Don't Want a Plaster,"
said a sick man to a druggist ; "can't you
give me something to cure me 7" His symp
toms were a lame hack and disordered urine
and were a sure indication of kidney dis
ease. The druggist iold hini to nso Kidney
Wort and in a short time it effected a com
plete cure. Have you these symptoms ?
Thn ect a box or bottle to day beloreyou
b!-c-;::o i:i"..-able. It is Me cure; sale and
Mir. KhoxcUU Republican.
Btraasoitaetsra tfcs II T Eft, BOWELS I
sad V1DSEIS at the ss
BraM It elsanass h system of tbs polson-
ms honors that envelops la aadney and On-1
asry Diseases, Biliousness, Jewndiro, Constl. I
ipaUtm. Piles, or In Wionmstists. Nonzawi.
Nervous Cisoidsn and Female Complaints. I
KitM a Stork, of Jnnrtlon Citv. Ksnea.
vy. KlUBrr-Wnrt eared him after regular l'J
laan bad been Irlnf tor tear Jrmrt.
Mm Jobs Smell, ot Weehlngton. Ohio. eer.
herborweeflrrnaritodle b fowr proeiuwit
phTntrwnp aud tbafc ke was al tarwanis cared W
kidney Wert.
K. If. B. Goodwill, en editor In rhsraoB. Oblo.
ssrs he vu n,a ezrerted to live, being bloslov
beyoud belief, but. kMloej- Wort cured bim.
Anna L, Jarrett of Smith Salem. If. T ssy?
that Fe.rn year enffertii- from k idney trooble
ud other rMuuuceaMeai was oswied b the turn ol
John B. Ijurrenee of Jselrwi, Tenn., oofferert
for years front liver and kidney tnwbki anil
after tsltlnc -larrrls of otbar asedietaea,'
SldneyWortasndo hiss weU.
NlebaM CMo of Hntconwrr Center, Tt,
snffed ehrht years with kidney dislculty Jm'
was enable to mark. sUduey-Wort made hue
. , .i rs:iH fH
VOnstipaimn onu rn.a.
Wit to put n nrT VertaSle Fern, Ir
tin cans, one per.aae of .hlc.. na ju
or mraicine. ieira . - -
catrsaed, for taoss Una cawas readUr H fel
Or U act! rlth eonoJ aJJeirser tn eOSer farm.
WEllSi KICaAEDSOSaCa.. rroB'a.
(Win send tbe dry pnet-pmja.1 biuj.,m,
O.C tfiOfl P'r day at hom". Samples
worth $ free.
Address tn
son 4. Co., Portland, Maine.
Puhscrine for the SeotlDel fc. RepuWiean.
Pskst county papers lout week re
ported &8 follows i There resides in
the vicinity of New Buffalo, Perry
county, a man named ' Squire Gar
ui an, whose wife was in tuo h&bit of
iudolgiug in the luxury of smoking
a clay )ipe. Ou Wednesday moru
injr ltat tbe 'Squire wa called
a-.vay on business, to be tfone a cou
pie of days. Oa Wednasday eTeu
iag a b jy paddler in p isjing the yard
in front of tha 'riquires re ii'e tee 8-isr
the dead bdy of Mrs. Oarmau lying
in the yard. The clothing hail lieea
entirely barned off the corpse and it
w:u bhu-ketied and in some places
burned to a crwp. It is s-.ippos-.id
that Mm. Garmaa, who was bat 35
yi-'irs old, was taking her uhujI sui'jke
aud Ml aslsep wiila the pipe; in her
ui-jiitu. Tha pipe slipped Irom its
resting pl-we and the burning tobac
co igaited her clothing. Suddenly
awakening and finding herself in
darner she ran out and nad fallen ex
hausted at the place where her body
was found.
A fev"" weeks ago some person or
persons went to the stable of Charles
Vaaderao, in Howe township, and
took two of his mitres and drove
them several hours and then returned
them to their stalls. Mr. Vanderan
offers a reward of 23 for the arrest
aud conviction of the person or per
sons. Oa Monday of last week a mulo
belonging to Mr. Geo. F. Ensminger,
of Biootiiueld, broke a leg while in a
team hauling wood to Newport The
mule got its fot into a rut. It is
possible the animal may recover.
Mrs. George Shumaker, who re
sides near Mirkelville, was quite se
riously injured on Saturdav a week
by falling some fifteen feet through a
hay hole.
Farmers in Center township com
plain of illegal visits made to their
corn cribs, and several have provided
themselves with powder and shot
with which to give the midnight call
ers a warm reception.
A wild cat was shot and crippled
by John Baker, in Tuscarora town
ship, one day last week, when the
dogs that were chasing it came np
and dispatched the animal.
Will buy a new aud beautiful Organ, same
! gride and kind (f 50 to $70), that other par
lies hve been selling recently for $110 to
$145. Your choice of many styles from
dillereut factories. Six years guarantee
W. U. Aiasss,
July27-3iu Main St., Miillintown, Pa.
For Salt five shirca or Odd FellowV
Uall Association stock. Call at Uu oilico.
1 am prepared to furnish the best mike of
Needlet, Shuttlee, and atir parte for ANY
Si-u ing Machine, (old or new.) in the mar
ket, also, the bat p tre sperm machine oil.
Main street, Miillintown, Fa.,
One door ik'Vi Post-Olbce.
dencu ot I. P. Burns, Lewistown, January j
8.1882, by Kev. Thomas Sherlock, Panirl ,
CII j an a:,d Mi.-s Nancy Elliott, all of Aca- j
deu.ia, Juniata cimuty. t
SMITU-VAN-ORUER-At the I...,.r-
- ' I
by Kev. J. M. RciiiM-nsnyder, J O. Smith,
of McAlist'-rville, and .Mary E. Van-Ormer,
of Coculamus, Juuia'a county.
eran parsonage, Miirlintown, Pa., on the
Hth inst.. bv Kev. R. E. Berry, Mr. J. Wis,
j jcy JlcCfhuo and Miss Louisa F. Dipplc,
j both of Miltord township.
ni.,FkH,)fi A VRIKF At the IT. B.
Parsonage in Est Silem. Jan. 8, 1S82, by
Kev. J. Lati'its. Mr. IViUittm Colii-r and Miss
Jane Botinriet, both of Thouipsontuwii.
DIMM BllO VTJf At the residence of
the br dc's parents. Jan. 12lh. by tlie same,
! Mr. bavid H. bnnm, of L ist haleiu, and
Mi's Lizzie S. Brown, ot Browu'a Mills,
this pountv.
C01U91I2RCJ Ala.
MtrrmiTows. Jan. 1, 1?.2.
F.utter 2 "j
E;rjr 2 .
Iard 11
llau 15
Shoulder l'
tides l'
Potatoes, 1 "0
Onions I 0"
Kigs 1J
Corrected aeeiily.
Qcotitioxs roa To-bat.
We-luesday, Jan. 18, 1882.
Wheat 1 23
c'rn, "
Oats, , ..i. 45
Kye 9
t:ioveraeed 4 2 jtoo 00
Timothv seed 2 25
I'iiilamlphia, Jan. Hi. Wheat, $1 41;
ollercd for February (I 44.
Corn 7(1 to 7 lets. .
Oats 4'J to olcls.
After the First Day of December
to; win iiso
In his iiw Store Koom at the East end of
with a Large Lot of
of all kinds, Stove Pip', Lard Cans, Mica
Granite Irun Ware, Dripping fans, and all
kinds of
WhLh articles he will sell at the Lowest
Possible Prices.
Thankful for past patronage ho fxpt-cts,
by strict attention lo bQsim-ss, to receive at
least his share in the future.
Nov. 2t, 1880.
dV7r) A WEEK.
$12 a day at home easily
Wl It made. Costlv Outttt free.
Tsi r Sl Co., Augnsta, Maine,
mar 2, 'l-ly
House and Lot in McAlisterville.
A Lot containing one-fourth Acre of
ground, with a two-story double Log (louse,
weather-boarded in front, and some rooms
plastered inside, suitable fur one or two
lamilies ; also, Stable, Large Shop, Pig-pen,
Alc, all under good fence, and well sup
plied with large and small fruits. Terms
easy, and price to suit tbe times. Apply to
Stephen Lloyd McAlister, near the prem
ises, or to Mrs. Bebecca L. Wilson, Port
Royal, Jnniata Co., Ts-
IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re
quirin? a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Iyprjma, Inter
mittent Fever, WantcfAppttUe,LoaofShTngth,Ikofhnarrj,tie. hnnchea
tlie blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act
like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, snc6
as Tost MW the Fnd, Lelchinn, Heat t" the Stomach, Heartburn, tie. The onlj
Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give
hcadaolie. Sold by all dmgKists. Write for the A B C book, 32 pp. of
useful and amusing reading fht free.
BROWN ClXEMICAIa CO., Baltimore, Md.
il ni 1 1 v a.
A Pure Family Uedicin3 tht Itrisoratsi
withou; Incoricatir-g.
a BMchfcEic
luu t.a by taiaJv ur noc-cauia ouoe. uy rwinwM ,n-i.
If yim are a lawrrr. mmi:er Uatnc-s maa eahalMctl y meUM
rr -nxtou cava ia uot ukc muuicalu!; il w.uiiv but ua Y
Cr.ci. T'.nic.
Is van tuvc Dvw DMa. Kidnrr r t'rmarv Comotaints rr it Mr a-
Hair Balsam.
Tt HVM. CUnmrti. aJ
M4 F.xssmt-s 'ai llaur IW
issf . Nvrtrr fats, to ivi'M ttM
Aulhf il olor f arnrr baur.
WraibieJ wuti any eaonkr
yua caa be cured t y I'seKsa's Cisgi- 1 "Ml?
There are hundred of miserable sulfercis duly !)rme fVom fnu-, Iu-'ecv
rtk! iierwis diseases b Hiiht tesami by using I'ajikssS T.:.tc
If . a vmisr sw rrim a;e. emio-tr or srv cw e r-'-r
n.Hl CiNtt-i licatooce:itiliisiiioeaicaiidb.ii.Jyinpfc.jr-.tlrtl;f: -s g
fl 1?r.Ta Pill :iTS It ka sm ham:ie taw. a- yam. Ask s
th-auu.sv.1 l...ifli,,tu.K,JtTacrcuiAri1.H!S.oX&t.tt.MVi. j
jy Be sure and examine our stuck b-fore purchasing elsewhere, as you can cer
fainly save money, tio trouble to show Goods. One price to all.
One mile southwest of Patterson.
April 2T, 18Sl-ly
Is tbe place where yon can bay
AvAlil O X U A A
repariH, , exh!blt on0 f the most rh..ic and select st.K-ks ever offered in
t j( ,ml t .isTOXISHlSdl. Y LO " PRICES !
Also, measures taken for saits ...d part, of suits, which will be mad, to orde
at short notice, very reasontbie.
-. i.: i A
Remember the place,
in UoBmrrj a
Water s'reets, MIFF LIN TO IVN, PA.
Has just rctort-ed from the Eastern pities with ;fu!l variety of
.1 BIWS' f nTHlRf;
GENTS' Ft'KNIslHN'J ROODS. Goods of a'l kinds are low Come and see me
1 and be astonished. Punt at CCIl.
TatU-rsnn. Pa.. Ap.il 10, 1M79.
(Successors to Bujcrs & Kentie-.ly,)
. lal'MIiElJ
Calcined Plaster. Land Plaster,;
We buy Grain, to be delivered: si Mitllin j
town. Port Koyai, or Mexico.
We are prepared to lurniah 51 1 to dealers i
at reasonable rates.
April 21, !8l-tl
Special .YofirtS.
I will mail (t ree) Hie recipe for a simple
Vkgktsblk liALN that will remove lax,
rKECKLE?. f 1.MPLES and HLnrcuk.
leaving the shin wdt, clear ai.d bcautilul;
also instructions fr isdiiciii)f a luxuriant j
growth of hair on a bali head or sinnoih i
lace. Address, inclosing 3c stamp, iits.
Vssi'kir av Co., 5 lSeckman St., N. X. j
The advertiser havinjr been perm mently
enred of that drrail disease, Consamptlon, j
by a simple rrm.-dy, is anxious to make
known to bis iellow-surt.-ri;rs ihe means nl j
cure. To all who desire it, he a ill scud a
copy of tho prescription used, (free "I j
charge.) with tbe directions tor prepsring j
and asing tbe same, which they will find a j
sisKCrax furCoSsrarTiiis. Asthha. Baos- !
c H ins, fcc. Pariirs wUhing the Prescrip- j
tiou, w ill please address, j
Kev. E. A. WILSON,
191 Penn St., Williamsburg. N. Y. j
I ight
ork. Steady Cuiplos men!.
pies free. Address. M. L. BYUN, 49
sau Street, New 101k.
A GENTLEM AN who sntfered for rear
DECAY, and all the effects of youthful in
discretion, will for th sake of smTerg hu
manity, send tree to al) who need it, the re
cipe and directions for raakmg the simple
rented v by which he was cured. Sufferers
wishing to profit by the advertisers ripe-
rience can do so by addressing in isricct
confidence. JOHN B. tiGDK.V,
i'l Cedar St., New York.
Jaa yt 1881.
or feiaer, worn our with mgi rn: or a p"t?"
ot ibe luugv ,to Jca, Imwox, bfcusl ecs 1
13 AIR & LEYrriY.
J " v
ew ivuiiumi;, corner m lhk
Jan. 1. i!.i-ii
MJ SI ll a M.ur. io i7i.ur.n..
Cathartic Pills
Combine the choicest cathartic principles
in medicine, in pnxirtiun ir-i:iirately
adjusted t sn ure activity, certainty, and
nnifoniiiry of efTii. Tin y are the result
Of years of careful study and prwti nl ex
periment, and are the ir.iwt eftrvtnal rem
edy yet discovered foriliea-s. eaii.s;il by
deraneement of the stomach, liver, and
bowels, which rwniire prompt and elVei tn
al treatment, Aykk's Pili.s arssseS:i!ly
applicable to this class of iliseasrs; Tl.ey
art directly on the dilutive and assim
ilative pris-esses. and restore regular
healtbv action. Thi-ir extensive luie by
phvsieiuns in their practice, and by all
civiliil nations, is on of the many
pns.fs of tlieir value as a safe, sure, aud
perfectly reliable purgative meiliiu.
lieiiis ctimisiiirMled of the concentrated
virtues of purely reaeta'ile suMtanees,
they are iKwitively free from calomel, or
anv injurious properties, ami ran lie ad
ministered to children with iierfcctsafety.
Aver's Pills are an effectn.it mre for
Constipation or Costiveuess, Indizes
tlon. Oyspepsia, Ixew of Appetite,
Foul StomiM-h and ltreatli.IUtinrs-s
lleudache. Loss of Memory. Nuiiib
ess,Killousnpss,JaiiniHe, IMicum
tism, Krtiptlons ssil bklu Diseases,
Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neural
gia, Colic, Grilles, Tiarrhea, Dysen
tery, Gout, Piles. lisrlrs 6f the
IJver, nnd all other diseases ri-siiltiu-
from a dLsordered state of tho tli:siiv
As a Dinner Pill they Lave no eqnal.
While gentle In their action, tiiese
Pti.LS are tbe most thoruiigli and scan h
injf cathartic that can be employed, and
never give pain unless the bowels aro
inriameil, and then their iiirluciiif ishcal
lm. They stimulate the appetite and
di-retive onrans: ther Operate to purify
and enrich the blond, anil inllwrt renewed
health and vigor to the whole system.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr k. Co.,
Practical anil Awnlyllcnl Chemists.
Lowell, Mass.
som ST au BacootSTS xvcavvncaa.
j .luntc sw a rcspasvi i
I l '! 1 n " ruas an persons
XI fiiund trespassing on the lands of the
I nnitersignnl in liclaware lownmip, either
nv n.-uiutf, nunimc, cnuin; iiiuocr, nui.u
ing fires, or in any way battier, will br
dealt with aa the law din-cts.
li. W. Ill HIMISET.
M. C. Fasss.
may M,I979-tr Has. M t KricH.
Xo paper in the Junia'a Valley publishes
as la-ire a onaniitv of readinr matter as Ihe
Senlvul and Republican. It v. shove all
others the paper lor the general reader.
Sale Bills printed oa short not ire at the
akee ef the Stntitni and Uttublirmm.
JTeie A rfrwfi nemtrtUa
2xo duos Nobth ur Briecb Stksit,
Mlfflintown, Pa.,
Calls the attention of the pnbiie to the'
following facts :
Fair Prices Our Leader! The
Best Goods Our Pride !
One Price Our Style I Cash or
Exchange Our Tencs !
Small Profits anl Quick oajesOur
Motto !
Oar leaJicg Specialties are
fresh goods evert
AND SHOES, for -Men, Women aud
Children, Queeosware, Glassware,
Wood and Willow ware, Oil Cloths,
and every article n-uallj found in Erst
class stores.
exchange for goods at highest market
Thankful ta the publio for tbeir
heretofore liberal patronage, 1 request
their eoniinaed custom j aud ask per
sons from alt parts of the county, when
in M Sio to call and see my stock of
Professional Cards.
Lotus K. Atkissos. Gto. JaCi'BS, Ja
B7Collecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
" rrica Ou Main streff, i p!ce of rsi'
dance ol Louis K. Atkinson. Ks.. sih f
Bridge street. HcfJC,lf.
gtlODIE J.
Attorney at Law,
SllHLlXTOWS, - - 't.V.VJ.
All business promptly a't-ndil t. Spe
cial attention f-iveu to C"-;Ls;tini and Cou
vey slicing. Office on Utiilge direct, op'JO
sue Court Huuse Square.
r .?0N n:viN'.
All busiuess promptly attended to
Orrn-K On Bridge street, o;-psite the
Court House spjar. jani, '3'-ly
EyCuUccti'ios allandej t.j promptly.
Urrics With A. J. Pf.ja E.ii, on
Uiid street. r-b 2. 'SO
rXCollertiuns slnd all prolcssMna! busi
ness prompllv attended lo.
june 20, 1ST 7.
WOMASTlsLlrM. l.
Pbysiciaa zz& Surgeon,
Mlt FLlXTOW', r.1.
0ce hours from 9 a. . to 3 p. .. Of.
flee in his fathers residence, at the souiU
end of Water street. ..cl22-tt
ll:is resumeJ ac'ivvfy the p-actice of
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. Otlice at th old corner ot Third
and Orinc? if;-ls, Mi.'tlintuao, Pa.
March 20, 1S7G
J M. KKAZKK, M. D., '
jicadenia, Jnniata Co , Pa.
O'ftcs formerly occupied by Dr.S terrv.t.
Professional business pr'.ra;itiy atScnJcd to
at all hours i
port Rorji.. juxiit.i co.. r.i.
COniy t1UM Companies roprcseuted.
Dec. 8, ISTVly
KN a Y II A K5 n B L RU Kit, M . P.
Continues tho practice of Medicine and
Sursrery and all their collateral branches,
tltlicr at his residence in XIc A lister ville.
Feb 'J, IBTii.
Ou the IaOt ol
A Lecture on the Nature, Tr.-anuent nf
Ksilicil Cure of SemiiKtl We.iknrsn, or
Speruiatorrha-a, indnce-l bv Seir-Abnse. In
voluntary Emissions, Iwpotcnrv, Njvii
Debility, and Iniptdrnwiits to Alarrinjfe iren
erally ; I'uniiiiipti'.n. Epilepsy and Fits
ilv-u'ul and Phvsicsl Incsjaciti-. A,c. By
thor ot tho " G.-esu book," ic.
The world-renowned sathor, in this ad
in i ruble Lecture, clciilv proves from lua
own elpericiiee that Ihe awlul conseiieii
ces of If-Ahrtre ur.iy be rtlVeSnnHv remova
ed without medicine, and a itiiout danitor
ous surzical operations, boiijtics, instru
ments, rins or cordials ; pointing out a
rneile of cure at onci? curtain and ctl'cctUhl
by which every surferer, bo matter what hi
condition mry be, may curt: himself cheaply,
jirivately and radically.
C77'ls Lecture will prove a boon to thou
sands and thousands.
bent, nndcr seal, in a plain enve'oie, tv
any address, posl-pavl. on receipt of six
cents, or two poMuge stamps. A l iresa
4 1 Aun 3 I.. New Y-rtt, N Y. ;
junelS-ly Posl.Otlice Box 4U.
Subscribe fur Ihe Stnlintl and RtpuVimm,
tlH H-rSt Bspspe IK lb CSUIirT.