Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 04, 1882, Image 4

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    Traffic In Stck Bird.
A tbabl'U; dreed man gently pushed
cpcn the door of Broadway, New York,
wine aud lunch room and stepped in'lde,
I would Jike to sell you two fine Can
ary birds," he said to the proprietor ; " I
raised ibera myself, and would not part
with tbem, but am out of wort and need
lie placed oa she bar a small wicker
case in which were two rather pretty
birds ; oue of a light yellow and the other
mottled with prn and drab. They
seemed frightened, and huddled together
oa the peich. Several persons gathered
around. The mottled bird, startled by
the faces, fl ittered about a moment, fail
ed to liht ou the water cu , and then
cowi-rtd iu the footto.n of the cage.
How much do you asfc for them I "
inquired the proprietor.
"They are singers, and the dark one
is of genuine liclgien breed, and has a
very iong song. Thty are easily worth
$4 a piece, but il you will take the two
1 will rivs tlk-m to you for $3.50, for I'm
completely broke."
That U c.ieap,' observed one of the
bystinrieif. " 1 paid 44 for a canary for
my wife not three days ago,
""1 guess L don't want them," said the
proprietor. Uirds are such a trouMe ti
attend to."
I would like to seil them," the man
continued. "Take them Tor $2.00."
The birds were finally sold for $1.50,
and the man went away grumbling. The
proprietor was congratulated on his bar
gain, lie was so pleased tha. he bought
a brats cage with white feed cups. The
birds were transferred to iu and the cage
was suspended from the ceiling. On the
following morning the Belgian bird lay
dead in the bottom of the cage, while the
pale yellow balanced itself with difficulty
on the perch above it. It seemed so weak
that the enaad boy was dcjpa'ched with it
to a neighboring bird store. The bird
fancier grinned.
" Where did you get it ?" he asked.
"The boss bought two of 'em from a
chap yesterday," leplied the boy.
Well, f aid the bird fancier, with a
chuckle, "it serves him right I sold
those identical birds to a fellow yesterday,
lie came in and asked me if I had any
sick bird". 1 told hint tha: 1 had two that
would die in less than a week, lie said
they would do, and 1 let him have them
and the cae for half a dollar. On leav
ing he remarked that be wouldn't lose
anything on them, and I Si th.it be
The pale fellow died on the way back
to the wine room.
There are a number of men in this city
who make a regular bmness of trafficking
in sick birds. They buy the birds from
the dealers, who are ttlail to get rid of
them at any price, and often give them
away. They go from store to store,
carrying a wicker caee, which generally
contains two birds. Their story is that
they are car drivers out of employment,
that they have ra'sed the birdi themselves,
and that poverty compels them to sell
them, lhy start ol by asking a fair
price for them, but wind up by taking
whatevei is offered. Their easiest victims
are German saloon keepers, who, as a
rule, are fond of birds and like to have
them hanging around tLeir . places. They
some times, when the buyer is mistrustful,
promise to come back in a day or two and
take the birds back it they do not prove
satisfactory. It is ndiess to say they
don't come.
Oue of the largest bird dealers in New
York, who sells both at wholesale and
retail, was found by the reporter in his
establishment in Canal street. Hundreds
of canary birds were trying to outvie each
other in sjDg. Parrots praised themselves
in hiiTih tones, and mockingbirds mimick
ed the Dotes of the others. King doves
were coing, and robins whistled.
"Yes," said the bird fancier, as he
rested bis arm on a large cage in which a
dissipated-looking macaw slowly rocked
i:self iu a siting, "there are men who
call aiound aid buy sick birds. Tiiey
tell m they can cure any disease to which
a bird is heir. We know OHrselves pretty
well when a bird can or cannot be cured,
and those that we let go are not the best.
We don't like to httve the dying aud in
curables around and are perfectly willing
to let them try their hands at ucctnring
theci if they to desire. W e generally let
them have the canaries for the price of the
little wicker cages in which thty are
carried. lhesa cai;es are worth about
twenty-five cents. 1 sold a fellow a par
rot for twenty-fiv cents the other day.
I told him It would not live, but be said
he could cure it and look it along.' '
Not Sfeirpnaed.
When John Scott (Lord Eldon) was at
the bar, be was reuturltable for the sang
froid with which he treated the judges.
On one occas'i n a junior counsel, on bear
ing tueir lordships give judgement againit
Lis client, exclaimed that "he was sur
prised at such a derision," This was
construed into contempt of court, and he
was ordered to a trend at the bar Lext
morning. Fearful of the consequences,
be consulted bit friend. John Scott, who
told him to be perfect 'y at case, for he
wculd apologise for him In a way that
would avert any unpleasant result
Accordingly when the name of
the delinquent was called, John rcse aud
coolly addressed the assembled tribunal :
"I am very sorry, my lords, that my
young friend has to far forgot himself as
to treat your honorable bench with disre
spect : he is extremely penitent, and you
will kindly ascribe bis uuinUntional insult
to his iguorance. You must see at once
that it did originate In that, lie said be
was surprised at the decision of your lord
sbips. Now if he had not been very ig
norant of v bat takes place at this very
court every day had be known you but
half as long as I have he would not b
surprised at anythin: you did."
Lions are one ol the greatest dangers be
tween Zanzibar and the lakes. They some
times hunt game in packs of six to eigLt.
Some animals show fight against them suc
cessfully. Lions never venture to attack
the adult elephant, and even avoid the
buffals unless they are more than two to
one. In general they do not attack cara
vans, and never in day time. At most a
hungry lion may spring upon and carry off
a straggler while passing through the
brakes and jungles. Iiut it is otherwise
at night. When liens, scent the caravan
from afar, particularly if it contains goats
or beast of burden, they approach and an
nounce their vicinity by terrific roaia,
Nevertheless, in a well-inclosed camp
there is no danger; the lions never attempt
to clear the obstacles, and marksmen from
behind the palisades can pick them off with
almost unfailing aim. There is danger
only when the camp is not completely in
closed, or when those inside go out to at
tack them.
In a recent note Mr. W, T. itlanford
described the distribution of land in the
Indian Peninsula and the intervention of a
vast plain traversed by the Indus, Ganges,
and Bramaputra. This plain baa been
generally considered to have been the basts
of a great sea, but in the opinion of the
author the ev.dence advanced does not ap
pear to contain a single fact in favor of
the sea having at any geological period oc
cupied the Uangetic or eastern position of
the plain. The tract is evidently a depres
sion area filled up to above the level of
the sea through a long period of time.
Experiments by AL I'ateur in vaccina
tion for splenic fever have proved entirely
successful. The new vaccine matter can
be cultivated at pleasure, transported with
out injury, and preserves the animals into
which it is introduced from a mortal dis
ease. Experiment have been made with
compressed guupowder, made t J fill the
drill holes and cut into short lengths. It
was found to poetess many advantage!
over loese powder, among which n a sav
ing of 40 per cent, in powder.
Agriculture Axoor tha Ancient.
Prof. ilcBryde finds among the writings
ot Columella, woo wrote nearly seventeen
centuries before Elkinston was bom, the
following passage concerntn the improve
ment of land by drainage : "If it be wet,
let tbe abundance of moisture be dried up
by ditches. Of these, we are acquainted
with two kinds, covered and open. In
compact and calcareous soils they ate left
open ; but where tbe eround is more por
ous, some of them are left open and some
covered, so that the free vents of the latter
may discharge into the former. It is ne-a-seary,
however, to make the open ones
wider at tbe top and sloping and contracted
at tbe bottom, like inclined pan-tiles, for
those with perpendicular sides are soon
damaged by water, and filled up by falling
in of the sides, in addition to this, tbe
covered ones should be sunk three feet
deep, and, after being half filled with
small stones and coarse gravel, t-bould be
made level with the surface by returning
the earth thrown out in digging them. If
neither stones nor gravel are convenient,
then a bundle of twigs twisted together
like a rope, should be made of such thick
ness as to exactly fit and fill the bottom of
the di'ch. This should be stretched along
the bot.om, and cypress or pine branches,
or any other kind if thete can not be ob
tained, pressed down above it, and tbe
soi thrown over ail, first placing at the
held and mouth of the drain two large
stones, one against each of the sides, and
a single stone across these after the man
ner of a little bridge, in order to support
the sides and keep them from falling in
and obstructing the ingress and egress of
the water."
How very like the methods now recom
mended by modern agricultural writers, and
practised by the best farmers to-day. How
very familiar, too. do the words of Colu
mella sound complainiug of tbe degeneracy
of tbe age in whica be lived, and re-gretting
the "geod oid times" when 'our worthy
ancestors esteemed it their glory to take
care of their farming interests, and to de
vote themselves to agriculture. Later,
Palladius writes approvingly of experiment
farms, managed somewhat after the style
of the experiment stations we are working
so hard to introduce into this country at
tbe preseut time. At these farms, the
Egyptians planted many varieties of seeds
in little plats where the hardiness, prolifi
cacy and excellence of each was deter
mined by close observation and watchful
ness. The list of cultivated plants in those
er!y days would equal the catalogue of
tJturst any of our leading seedsmen. Great
pains were taken in the selection and sav
iug of field seeds, particularly wheat, the
best ears or beads being culled out at har
vest time and threshed separately, and af
terwards cleansed in sieves which separa
ted the small and inferior from the large,
plump kernels. Seeds were also soaked
in chemical solutions before towing, to en
sure germination and give tbe young
plants a more vigorous growth, from which
it would appear that the origin of artificial
fertilization dates far back of the days of
Lie-big, Yille or Stockbridge.
Fields were kept fallow for the purpose j
of resting tbem and increasing their subse-:
quent productiveness, seventeen centuries
ago, the land receiving repeated ploughings
to sprout and destroy seeds of foul weeds
which increase under ordinary or careless
husbandry. Clover, lucern and other le
guminous plants were gtown and turned in
to fertilize tbe soil, precisely as bv the mo
dern system of green manuring. The
theory of ploughing clay lands in ridges
and leaving sandy lands fiat, was also well
understood by tha ancients. Animal ma
nures of all kiLds, the sweepings of streets
and court yaide, ashes, lime, salt and
chalk were all highly valued as fertilizers,
and were collected and used with care.
The breeding of animals for improvement
was well understood by the It mians, who
also have left books of veterinary practice,
which might not be entirely unworthy of
modern cattle doctor.
But we had not expected to learn that
the reaping machine or "header'' was in
common use in the year io of our era.
Pliny, however, writes of a harvesting ma
chine being pushed through tbe grain by
oxen bitched in a reverse position, the van,
armed with sharp teeth, going before - and
taking off the beads w iic!i fall into the
van behind. Three hundred years latsr,
another writer describe a similar machine
mounted on two low wheels, and having
two poles i l tbe rear, between which a
well trained ox is harnessed for pushing
tbe carriage, with its sharp teeth, around
into the fields of grain. The driver fol
lowed behind, and with levers or otherwise.
was enabled to raite or depress the cutters
at will, l he machine was driven back
and forth across tbe field and in a abort
time performed the work of several hands.
Old Ironside.
Lying at the Brooklyn navv yard, set
eside as unfit for further use is the frigate
constitution, uid Jionsidea." The Con
stitution was one of the largest of aix fri
gates whose construction was ordered by
Congress on JUarch 27, 1794. She was
launched in October 1797. She was built
in Boston, of tbe best live oak. aud cost
$202,718. She began her career in the
Tripolilan war in 1S04, engaging against
batteries mounting 115 guns at Tripoli.
and her broadsides assisted in recapturing
300 American sailors who bad been cap.
turod by the Tnpolitans from on board the
frigate Philadelphia. In the war aeainst
Great Britain in 1812, she gained her fam
ous victory over the British frigate Guer
i it-re on August 19. On December 26 fol
lowing tbe Constitution had an engage
ment with the British frigate Java, and
after a hot contest took her as a prize. The
following year on the coast of Guiana and
among the Windward islands, she captured
the British sloop- )f-war Pictou, a letter of
marque, and t.-veral merchant vessels. She
barely escaped being captured by a British
fleet in IS 14 by taking refuge in tbe harbor
of Salem, Mass. On February 20, 1815,
during another cruise, she captured, after
an action of forty minutes at night, the
British f i bate Cyanr, and the British
sloop Levant. The latter was re captured
by a Biiush squadron off tbe the
harbor of Porto Pray a, and Captun
Stewart of the Constitution, fearing that
the neutrality of tbe port would not be
observed, ran away with his other
prize. Tbe Cyane arrived in New York
in April. 1815, and tbe Constitution
a month later. Dating tbe adminUtta-
tion of Presids t JacLsoo, while tbe
C'Mistitution was moored in New York
harbor, a curious incident occured. A
figurehead cf President Jackson bad
been put on the prow, and the cir
cumstance arousing the indignation of a
lieutenant, he d'Uraiined that "Jackson
should tot go before the Constitution,"
He tbe:efore bsLe dl tl.e figure. The
head was recovered and replaced by
Commander Elliott. It remained on
the prow until the vessel was repaired
for centennial duty, when the edgy was
removed and pltced on a pedestal
cn the grounds of the Annapolis naval aca
demy. The Autocopytst. A moelificatioo of
the cbrotneraph giving copies os letters in
the black ink of litbograthers, has been in
vented by M. Lelra. It consists of a frame
on which is strttcled a s' eH if pirchment
papery coated witx gelatine. The manu
script to be copied is written with a special
ink sold with the apparatus, and contain
ing a base 't ptrchlotide of iron. It is
laid face downward on the gelatine, pressed
by the band, and tbe ink thereby trans
ferred to tbe gelatine. After this roller
charged with lithograthic ink is passed ov
er it, and the letters witi be been to absorb
the ink, so that if a piece of clean hits,
paper be passed over it, a copy of lb writ
ing in black will be obtained. Fresh cop
ies can be made by passing tbe roller over
the inrnusciipt as before, and laving a clean
sheet of paper over it. Instead of parch
ment paper, a glass plate coated with a film
of gelatine, hardened by alum, can be em
ployed. There ara now 100 stationers in
Boston. In 1849 there were only 20.
Kind Ibkatxkst of HoKaisa. It bas
been observed by experienced horse train
ers that naturi'Jy vicious horses are rare,
and that amows-lbose that are properly
trained and kindly treated when colts they
are the exception. It is superfluous to tay
that a gentle and docile horse is always the
more valuable, other; qualities being, equal,
and it is almost obvious that gentle treat
ment tends to develop ill! admirable qual
ity in tbe horse as well as in the human
species, wbi'e harsh treatment bas the con
trary tendency. Horses have been trained
so as to be entirely governed by the words
of his driver, and they will obey ajd per
form their simple but important duties
with s Ditch alacrity as the child obeys
the direction of the parent. It is true that
ail he-rses are not equally intelligent and
tractable, but it is probable that there is
less difference inong them in this regard
tbau there is among his human masters,
since there are many Incitements and am.
bitions among men that do not affect ani
mals. The horse learns to know atd to
have confidence in a gentle driver, and
soor. discovers how to secure for himself
that which be desires, and to understand
his surroundings and his d u! if i Tbe tone,
volume, and inflection of his master's voice
indicate much, perhaps more than the
words that are spoken. Soothing tones
rather tbau words calm him if excited by
ftar or aner, and angry and excited toots
tend to excite or anger him. In short bad
masters make bad bores.
Look to the Fbm Horsk. Farm hor
ses in tbe fall are often ungratefully neg
lected. Their hard toil in he ping with
the heavy work of the season once over,
when only odd jobs await them, il is too
frequeut a custom to dock them ot their
gram and allow them to shift forihemseives
on tbe pastures often without needed shel
ter fiom the bieak wind and early frosts cf
autumn nights. After feeding awhile tbe
poor animals get chilled and run about in
tbe dark in search of warmth, which they
often find only at tbe tost of a stumble or
fall, resulting cf ten in a sprain or a cut that
injures or disfigures them for life. Tnen,
when warm and tired they lie down ti
lest, what wonder if they rise up niff.
spiritless and not rarely suffering a severe
cold after their heated blood and relaxed
sinews have been exposed to th blasts and
frosts of a chilly niirhL When the days
are stormy it is well enough to let hones
run in tbe pasture, but every night should
find them comfortably bedded and fed in
the stable. Ingratitudj to our fellow-men
is justly considered an odious vice, but
is there not often a strong taint of it In the
treatment of there noble animals, to wboee
faithful help in all kinds of drudgery far
mers are deeply indebted fur full barns
and comfortable homesf
Sicctsd lx Fakmiso. To lie 8iicfeful
in farming one must always be cartful in
selecting his seed;, use good judgment in
selecting animals, keep his farm well cul
tivated and free from weed", keep fences
in order and take good care of 1o j!p. He
must also, as an exchange says, be one who
keeps out cf debt, and has a con'.cuted
mind; sends his children to schxi', and
takes one or more good papers devoted to
farm and steick interests. A farmer who
never reads is like a machine that is never
oiled it wears. He wears hinise'f out,
exhausts his land and dies poor. One good
suggestion found in a paper or book, is
worth to men more than half a life of trials
when not made intelligently. Djn't be
afraid to read and acknowledge that yon
can learn from others. No one knows it
all. Somebody knows something that you
don't. Let your aim be to acquire every
thing any one can teach yoi', and it will
put money in your purse, brains in your
head, and influence in your presence.
PsofEsSjb Knapp. of Iowa, is credited
with having instituted a series of experi
ments with soft woods for fence posts, the
preserving element being hot gas, or cosl
tar. Up to date, bass wood, willow, Cot
tonwood, etc., show as durable results as
oak. The tar was applied boiling hot, the
posts being allowed to remain in the mix
ture some fifteen minutes, and then dned
for a month in the sun. Green wood seem
ed to take up the tar best, and examination
found the penetration cf the tar bad been
from OLe halt to three fourths of an inch in
many cases. The cost cf thus coating 158
posts will b3 about one dollar, the coat ef
a barrel of tar, besides the labor, li the
expenmeut is conclusive it goes far toward
answering the question of posts, for all
farms have got abundant material in beech
basswood, willow, etc., for poets, aud the
expense of coating them with tar is a mere
trifle compared with the purchasing of
ceaar ior tnal purpose.
CcTrrso Fbcit Tehes There is a great
aeai to De learnt yet regarding the best
time to cut timber. So far there has been
no practical tests on a large scale, and
what we know Is chiefly what is tbe op.n
ion cf mdif iJuals who have had experience
in ea ting timber. The following extract
is an example: "An old experienced far
mer says that hickory cut in July or Au
gust will not become worm-eaten. Oak,
chestnut, walnut or other timber cut from
tbe middle cf July to the last of Angmt,
will last twice as long as when cut in win
ter. White oak cut at this season, if kept
off the ground will season through if two
teet in diameter, and remain Deifectlv
sound for many years. Whereas, if cu; in
winter or spring it will become sao-rotten
in a few years." These observations rre
valuable as leading to the truth, but what
is needed is through tetts under competent
Milk Cosim feom Foou. We know of
many dainmen who give their cows a
small grain ration all the season, and keep
ing a strict account of the yield of milk
show that they make money by this hber
ality. One who feeds fifty cows savs thr.t
he fed four pounds of middlings per day
through the reason, finding that 1 e was
fully paid in the extra milk; and tbe cow
was in so much better condition in the fall
that it saved him the whole co-t of this
extra food in wintering. He has followed
this sj stem tor ten years. He colled our
attentiivn to a neighbor of his keeping about
the same number of cows, who followed
what he called the economical plan let
bis cow pick for themselves both taking
their milk to the tame factory. Good
feeding produced $45 per co: poor. $27.
a difference of sixty per cent, in favor of
Ubtraiity In feeding, This illustration can
be fonnd in almost any dairy town. Let
every dairyman ask bimte'f to whicu class
he lelorigs.
Tuutt are some common eeote rules in
fattening stock, the. value of which every
farmer must acknowledge. The animal
must be con for. able and contented to do
its beat To insure this coodiiioa ihey
must have plenty of gcod, clean water.
easily accessible to drink, plenty of good,
palatable food which they can eat in quiet
ness and undisturbed, besides having nuiet
pleasant companions in the field that do
not hook or bite.
The drcught nas m j urea crops more in
the southern than in the northern half e-f
this State. Tbe abundant rains have at
last revived tbe pastures nearly all over
the State. Wheat figures 70 per cent, of
last year's heavy crop, fifty two and a hall
million bushels, and oats 103 per cent.
Tbe crop report will n 4 be ready for dis
tribution before the fifteenth, being delayed
to include the final analysis for the year of
commercial fertilizers. When ready it
will be sent to any farmer on application
by postal card.
" Too much attention can not be- paid to
tbe cleanliness and ventilation of stables
and pens. To insure the health and com
fort of animals they must be kept dry an I
warm and nave plenty of light as well as
pure air and pure water.
A Liffli manufacturer of butter at Al
bert Lea, Minn., states tha: the buttermilk
from his creaiut ry is sold to farmers at
twenty-five cents pet 100 pounds, and that
itarakes the best of feed for pigs.
Fsaartn. outrage upon a gentleman:
"Goodness! James, what can be the mat
ter?" The sympathetic questioner was
the wife of the President of tbe Gieat-Public-Six-Cent-Horse
Railway -Company
of Philadelphia. The time was last even
ing when he entered his residence His
hat m crushed, his hair was disheveled
and perspiration dripped from bis red face
like rain-drops from the eaves of a dwell
ing. "N Jthing," be gasped, falling upon
a lounge, only that wretched creature
Jones set a trap for tr.e and I fell into it."
"A trap?" 'Yea, the rascal persuaded
n.e to ride up town in one of my own cart;
I'm nearly dead; of course there wasn't
standing room, for there were sixty-eight
people crammed into the car; I'm literally
smashed; I wouldn't go through that again
for fifty dollars; phew, but it was awful!"
Lcyan, (Ohio) UucUng Sentinel.)
Mucking- Valley Slaw.
In the absence ot anything startling or
terrific, politics and the exploits of
tbe army worm excepted, news from
this delightful valley will not prove
nerve-tingling. However an item
of very great importance to many
people u communicated by Mr. F. Har
rington, Wholesale and retail Druggist of
Logan who thus writes: Mr. Alex.
McClurg, Union Furnace, states that his
wife bad been afflicted with rheumatism
for the last twenty-five years, being unable
to walk without canes or other help the
nufct ot that time; has now used two
bottles of St Jarob's Oil aud walks not tnly
about the house but also in the fields
without any helps.
A roLi. cnp of it : Desiring to show
our distinguished visitors some attention,
a very small man with a large mustache,
representing an alleged morning paper oi
this city, sided up to General Sherman
this morning as he was viewing the cotton
patch near the exposition grounds. "Gen
eral," yawped the little man, "do you
think cotton can be successfully raised on
such soil as that!" "Humph!" remarked
the General, "yea, I think it can."
"What else can be raised on it?" asked
the little reporter, smiling on William Te
omseh in a genial sort of way. "What
else?"' replied the General Oh, any
thing can be raised there. Why, I raised
h 1 on this very spot myself seventeen
years ago!"
A gentleman who was Inspecting a
house in the most fashionable part of
Austin complained that the location was
too dull and lonesome, that there was no
life. "It may seem a little dull now,"
responded the owner of the house, "but
you wait till the first of the month, when
tbe grocers and butchers are trying to col
lect their bills, and you will think there is
a fair or a circus out in this part of town.
1 know it is a little dull durilng the day.
That's the way it is in all fashionable
localities, but just wait till about twelve
o'clock at night when the hiah-tooed roos
ters Dime home drunk, and pound on their
fiont dir and whoop."
) LSaglnaw ItaUr Nil
j Mr. Geeirge Schick informed our repor-
J ter, that he had been suffering with rheu
matism in dis ieet so Dauiy, tnat ior weeas
at a time he would be uuuble to leave bis
bed. He tried various remedies without
relief, and concluded to u?e St. Jacob's
Oil. It acted like magic In two days,
be was entirely cured.
That awful Jimmy Tuffboy: ''Say
ma, tell me, is there any truly ghosts!
asked young Smallface last evening,
"Why no, my child, there are no truly
ghosts." "Well; Jimmy Tuffboy says
he's sten Vm and they were all dressed in
white. "Jimmy Tuffboy is a very bad
boy to fill your bead with such atuff.
don't want t. hear any more about ghosts.
My gracious! Whatvs thai! John! John;
O-h-h-h, and tbe woman screamed at the
top of her voice. Jimmy Tuffboy had
just appeared at her window on stilts with
a sheet wrapped around him.
Onci, when under tbe influence of
drink, a certain citizen of Windham.
! Can., wandered ff into tbe fields and
went to sleep. On rising he forgot to put
on his old cocked hat, Somebody found
it and took it to him. thinking to cover
mm wuu contusion. "la which lot did
you find it!" be inquired blandly. "In
Mr. Whitfe'a n:mturt ninr thA Imrn.
"Well, boys, go tike it right back; that is
my place to Keep it."
t-oiki.NCE and sympathy: Mrs. Agaasiz
round one morning in one of her slippers a
P'jot little slimy snake, one of six sent tbe
day before to her scientific spouse and
carefully set aside by him for safety under
the bed. She screamed; "There is a
snake in my sl'ppei!" The savant leaped
pom his couch crjinc: "A snake! Gxxl
heavens, when are the other five."
Answer this Is there a person living
who ever saw a case of ague, biliousness,
nervousness, or neuralgia, or any disease
of the stomach, liver, or kidneys that Hop
Bitters will not cure I
AiiY person emDloved in the ivmIhI aer.
vice hv rMldinir A mmmtinuHttnn am .
postal card subjects himself to a fine of
not less than $100 cr more than a $1,000.
. . i i .
ii uus taw nis neen enlorveJ, as we pre
sume it has. It ia n i lnntrpr wrtn1tff-ftil that
our national debt has been so greatly re
duced. Uobinhox fafter a lomr whLst hnut m
the c'.ub) "It s awfully late. Brown
w hat will you say to jour wife?" Brown
fin a whisnorl '( lh I alian't nmnh
you know, Good morning, dear,' or some-
t. : -r . i . . n. ... .. ...
ujiuk vi iubi mtn. oue ii say ute rest.
A New York man who rpnnrtmt tlmt K
saw seven comets iu the Leavens the other
mgntis supposed to be a member of the
Business Men's Moderation Society of that
city. If it bad not been for this fact, he
would have seen more than otmiwii hun
- - - - h, mill .1 . 4. .
fh'nr Xir I l,B-j q . I i-i c 1. 1 !.l:
- - w -mmu u 1111 , HU1CI M
trV VOUT "Favorite Prfnr-nntif.ii" .nH -
er see it fail to d. more than you adver-
Yours truly, Mrs. A. M. Raskin',
141 Rates street, IndianapolU, Ind.
A CewreKpondcut of an agricultural
n.cnthly ask?: "W hv doesTimothv run
outl" We haven't time to read the
editoi's re-ply, but if Timothy is at a theat
ircal performance the answer may b-j very
readily surmised.
So better use can be n.ade by tbe good
houfewife of the ccld soap-suds, after each
washing day, than to apply them to the
growing grapevines. If too much is ap
plied the leaves will become yellow.
IIkboism in thett : "These defendants
are dismissed. The Court finds they stole
a large amount enough to entitle them to
admiration. Call the next case."
ONcaaweek: "Is your father a Chris
tian I" said a gentleman to a little boy on
one occasion. "Yea sir, said the little
boy "but I believe he bas not worked
much at it lately."
It ia a fact that can not be denied, that
for headache, biliousness, fever and atrue,
etc., "Sellers' PiUs." have nc equal.
A Pot k man once came to a miser and
raid : "I have a boon to ask. "bo have
I," said tbe miser; '-grant mlna first, then
I wi"l amply with thuie." Agreed,"
Said the miser, "My request is that you
as me for nothing.
The Gsds Help
those who help themselves, " and Nature
invariably helps those who take Warner's
Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
The majority of sculptors have a cast In
their eye.
Arx you feeling very ill t" asked tbe
physician; let me see jour lentrue, please."
"It's no use doctor," replied the patient,
"no tongue can tell how bad I feel.'
- Haw ar ran Xr Old Friend?"
Asked a bright looking man. "Oh! I
feci miserable, 1 am bilious and can't eat,
and my back is so Lime I can't work."
"Why in the world don't you take Kidney
Wort t that's what I take when I'm out of
aorta, and it always keeps me in perfect
tune. My doctor recommends it for all
such troubles." Kidney-Wort is the sure
cure for biliousness and const iiwtion.
Don't fail to try it. Long Branch
Navait allow salt meats of any kind to
boil bard.
IketPamt saa Umt Brtllciaa cicr Xada.
AoolaMnatioa of Hops, Buctiu. Man
drnkleuui Dandelion, "UuitxWtui
moMteurmtivirofwrtle ot mil oebar Bitten,
mktiiTir biooo purifier, Ltwr
Rex u ln tor, and Ij' aui Btaiib knrir
Bneni mn uVedo nnl ud irtc an Ukit
Taj tin sswlila ttlf-prtatsngtsiaiuara.
To all whoae anilwyBwicww inown
BiBatmlanu without Intor-
So nwltrt- what toot f--Hn r arnptomfl
r what the dta. ail iaaa ! e Bop Bit-
HI iMO-twaMontU junaWt wit If yoa
onlTMthad or mlararM,aiaB as
It aijr nra 7ourure.it 1
AAwmtMtmldfaraeal' thv wfTI
cure or kelp. Bo o anrrer -t your frienda
a.iSerit waeanuara tbemtoM Nop 9
KrmMnbar, Bop Bltfer oo"V "WW
dnmken auttnua. but to Pnrvat
Ki-l.-nrrT-r ma.1 ; tha UTtLlDS
a-Mt BUrS and a.) raoa Or
-h-uM be wttfcont tnun.
n I ft I. aa ahaoratp aid II IgnHtlMe
fTi i bi-UQKi-Div-ia. - f outom. t4eer
naf.ot.- Ail awl nj nmri-it
rorl-irvulae. bap BltWa aftf. V,
In Hoata of Families
UoMetter'a Stomach Bitten U as mart reganled as
a Dooavholil necetwitj aa tugar or con re. 1
reason of this la that Tears of experience have
proved It to he perfect! reliable In moee casea of
etoenrencT where a prompt and convenient remedr
a demanded. Constipatmn. liter complaint, dys
pepsia, in.l genion auj otuer irour.ie are over
come bj IL
For sate rT DrngiriU and Dealer, to whom ap
ply ior uoweiier a Aiinauac tor
L-i. Jr- wavCv
rfTNn other line rani Three Thmueh Paa.
senirer Trains Daily between Chicago, Des
Moine, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln. St.
Joseph, Atchivn, Topeka and Kanoas City.
i-nevi i-iuai-vtifiii9 ior an points in lvana.
Nebraska. Colorado. Wyominr. Montana. Ne
vada. New Mexico. Arizona. liLtho. t ireirim anrl
The Shortest. Speediest and Most Comforta
ble Knute via llannib&i to Fort Scott, Denison.
Dails. Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Gal ves
ion and alt points in Texas.
The uneiualcd inducements offered by this
Line to Travelers and Tourist", are u follow.:
The celebrated Pullman (l-wbee Palace
ileerina1 Cars, run only on this Line. C R 4
Q. P.ilace Drawing-Room Can. with Morten's
Heolinlnsr Chairs. No extra chanre for Seat
In lleciinlnir Chairs. The famous C R. & Q.
Palace Dininc Cars. Gonreoua Smckinir Cam
fitted with Elesrant High-Backed Hattan Ke
volvinir Chairs for the exclusive ua of first.
elas peng-ers.
steel irara ana superior Equipment, com
bined with their Great Throuirh Car Arrange
ment, makes t his, above all ot hers, the favorite
Route to the South, Soutu-West, and tbe Far
Try it. and von rill find traveling a liirni-r
instead of a discomfort.
Tbroufh Tickets via this Celebrated Line
for sale at all office in the United State and
All information about Rates of Fare. Sln-i.
ta Car Accommodations, Time) Table,
wui ie neenuuy riven, and will send irn t
ir.y address an eieirant L'owtilu Jup of t nllcd
states, in colors, by applying to
PERCTVAL LOWELL. Gen. Pass. Airent, Chicago
T. 4. PtrTTER- fieneral U.n.M.
ih I rnt-rlt fata A J - BWa
ICKCai, Aatama.ae.
Wt II ft B.nmi.an n n A
t-ainlr ffititWl to rnt diratirkrtiisn on amamt ra Hi.
aoftUMaa to tbe anl.uer. Hi kxur experwoo aud ex
peneuoa la ererythuia- enaUea bun to brinr ahoot a
veedjr aetUeiuent of ail ejaea at eiaiina, 1 ba fee for
ofccainina- a penaioQ ia xn ten uVaiara. while tbe perr
aiooer frajueotly drawigwveral hundred Jullara at firat
annem. And tbe pension Uwa are to Terr liberal
u a penalofi ia given for any kind of a wound, duv
eaae, or dtaahluty. even if oauaed by anaOeot or other
wise. And it abouid be known by every one that Mr
Prttcbard makea rejected pension canes, and sueb otner
daiina as nsve been nnakilf ullr and nnrlnMnrlt
euted by Umanpetent artoroeyiL a apeculty. All sucb
iib oau ue lavuraoiy aeruea. it not anoom
muct for nlm 10 eacuie tha allawarw rV a i.nJi 1.,,.,
after more than one rejection. Tbere an thousands of
last and roentorlras ctaijua for penstona UuU weiw r.
isuted dunnf tbe are years dial " Vr." BanUey was
Osnnilsalntier. ail of wnotn abouid apply aanain and
wa ssj anly to Mr. Prltehard and know tbe duabte ad-raDtaa-s
o havtaa a guod saumey. and one at lbs Oapt
tal. wbara.be can and will give such ease hi lanonal
ttawtkaj. Ha makes do obanc for airica, KaiiX
diwsjitboxM. Washinatori.il. f!
-a Bert
44 r-Kvi-.-- -JCttsT.
XirncAA nonsense: "father.' asked
Johnny, "what iaakg" "A log. my
ton." replied Brown, stealing a hasty
glance at MravB. to see if she was listening
for his answer, "a log, my ton, Is a big
piece of wood or timber. Why do you
ask, Johnny? "It tells in this story about
heaving the log, and it says tbe ship went
fourteen knots an hour What does it
mean by knots, father!" "Knots,
Johnny? knota ? Why, you have seen a
log always covered with knots havent
you! Well, that's what it means four
teen of them the ship not by fourteen of
tbem in an hour. '1 hat's all, Johnny,"
said Brown, with a sigh or teiief that he
bad got out of U to easily.
Sudtlea changes of temperature are very
ptoductive of Coughs and Coids. which
always yield, however, very promptly to
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
A u-rtter in The Enylith Mechanic
points out tome of the advantages of double-glazing
in promoting the health of
homes in winter. Skylights, he saja, ought
never to be put up unless double or double
glazed. DeMible-glazing answers perfectly
if tbe sashes are grooved out for glass on
each side, and are then glazed with an air
spare of oue half inch or more between
the panes ot g!aa. The glass must be put
in with its inner faces perfectly bright and
clean; and the gluing should be done on a
culeL dry day, so as not to include watery
vapor, which in cold weather will condense
inside the air space, and cat.se nil-tneoa.
This double glazing will, an ar SKce makes
a window almost as warm as a briek wall,
and n4 onl keeps up the temperature of a
room in winter, and saves fuel, but it keep
the room tool in hot weather, and it makes
the temperature metre uniform throughout
the apartment. With ordinary thin glaz
ing in winter, the inmates are always being
cbil ed on that aide which looks toward the
window, and baked on the side which is
toward the fire. Double glazing on win
dow sashes would save all this trouble.
New Bloomficld, Miss, Jan. 2, 13S0.
I wish to say to you that I have been
suffering for the last five years with a
severe itching all over. I have heard of
Hop Bitters and have tried it, 1 have
used up four bottles, and it has done me
more good than all tbe doctors and medi
cines that they could use on or with me. I
am old and poor but feel to blew you ior
such a relief by your medicine and from
torment of the doctors, l have had ni
teen doctors at roe. One gave me seven
ounces of solution ot arsenic: another
took four quarts of blood from me. All
they could tell was that it was skin sick
ness. Now. after these four bottles of
your medicine, my skin is well, clean and
smooth as ever.
A romantic girl and a tenor singer ar
harmless when apart, but they make a ter
rible combination, remarks an exchange,
and we ft el compelled to rise to explain
that It is the same way with a tin can and
a bnncle pup.
Young, uuddle aged, or old men, tuft
ering from nervous debility and kindred
weaknesses, should send two stamps for a
large treatise, giving successful treatment.
tios, Buffalo, . T.
Etios coated with butter, in which two
or three per cent, of salicylic acid bas been
dissolved, and then packed in dry saw
dust without touching one another, will
keep fresh for a year.
"Great Blood Tonic, for the cure of
all blood diseases '-Dr. Lind-xey's Blood
Searcher. lias no equal
Tub fowls that are destined to play the
part of sr ring cnickeus next year are al
ready able to fly tn roost. Y e live in an
age of progress.
Wisdom of our fathers: It ia lutlecs for
physicians to argue against short sleeved
dresses. The Constitution of the United
states says: "ino right t bear arms
shall not be infringed."
Polish. They allude to Eve in Parts as
Jtliue. Adam: but the French are a very
polite people. They would even speak of
Monsieur le Diable.
Habitual Coatlvvneaa
ia the baue of nearly every Aum K'-t:
woman, i'min it usually arUes th we .lis
orders that to sti'ely undermiue their health
and strength. Ever- w mdsu owes it t
herself and to her family to ate that Cf le
brated medicine. Kidney-Wort- It is the
sure remedy for coostipatioo, aud for all
disorders of the kidneys an.l liver. Try
it in liquid or dry form. Equally efficient
in either. Boston Sunday Budget.
It seems that competition has foree.1 the
price of teeth down so low that it Lsu'l
really worth a holy's while to cut his nat
ural on as.
Lydia E. Pickbam't Vegetable com
pound has done thousands of women more
'ood than the medicines of manv doctors.
It ia a positive cure for all female com
plaint'. Send to Mis. I.ydia E. Pinkhara.
"Alwats py as jou ko," said an old
man to bis nephew, -'tiut. uncle, sun-
pose I bave nothing to pay with i" "Then
don't go. "
As Esomicra Traffic Pittsburg
Doaais that S49.746 bottles of Cabboline
bave been sold within the last six months.
This shows that tne great Army of bald
heads will so.m be reduced to a corporal's
Tex placet Saturn is now in onrxwition
to tbe sun. But the sun will prolwbiy sur
vive, in spite of Saturn and all his rings.
Important lu Travelers
Special IsDrcKMEKTS are offered vou
oy the m-RLi.NOTos Korrx. It will pay
you to read their advertisement to be fouud
elsewhere In this issue.
A aiaine preacher has just preached a
sermon which a local paper compare to
"a jackscrew raising earth to heaven.
If you are bilious take Dr Fierce'
''Pleasant Purgative Pellets, the original
little Layer Pil'a." Of all druggist
It has lren con.ut ml that the ixjwer of
the steam engines of England wHiid suflW
to raise from the quarries an.l place in po
sition all the stone of the Ureal Pyramid
in eighteen hours.
A Benefactor of Mankind.
P. Manru M. Marr. UHIL, Cath. pnwt
Sew Trier, Iacot Co., Minn., write to P.
Nemtaedter A Co., aole nunnfactarera ol
AruLlcrrU, Dr. Stlabee's laruaJBLC Craa fob
Pile: 1 neaj only four of tha Anakrtu
beans; the first two without observation of t-.e
preaoni t. therefore without taoca-s! 11 y caae
waa very difficult, lasting mauy years. 1 wrote
for other medicaments to support the first
doses; meanwhile I took the second and third
?lobulna according to ordinance, and a.n-w
our week and two dars after using tha awe
tened ptlia, mm currd. Dr. Saabee. a really
a benefactor of mankind. I euppoae 1 wiil
have no need of the second box aud eren not
of the H ret one! I am cored, bnt 1 will keep .1
for my fellow-citizena aaffenng ander like
pain, and aeud hereby the two doUara, an un
speakable, ems 1 amount for aa great a benefit.
Xbanka be to God.
Keepeetfally, Tour obedient servant,
P. M v ten M. MaTB.a Hi Ik. Catb. pnesL.
Samples) of A Hoketit, the Great External
Pile Kerne ly, are mailed re to all nffarer
on application to P. Neuataedter A Co.. U-rx
39M. .New York.
Mtsres. MvsaiAst m HBaDLV. MotaiU Lire
Building, Tent b and Chestnut tree a, breon
hand a saperb stock ot extra One qaalhsDla
monua, wblcb tney offer at as low prices aa
stones of the drat qoalxy, rs-rtect alike la color
and aoaoe. can be sold tor.
Oa Thirty Days' TrtaL
Th. Toltaie Uat Co. Marshall M en., will
sand tbeir Eleetro-Voitaio Bait and otber
aUectrie Appuarjca. on trial for thirty days to
any canon afflictex. with Narrooa DwDtlity,
Lost TitaUty, and kindrad troublea, ruarante.
buj rawnpiaxo miixniua or vigor tvaa
idiltttw as abova witheat data.
F. 8. o riak at uaoorrad, aa W daja' trial
if alVswtsl
Signal Office.
v r. An.rt.inh Toa-lrine. 'h
9 loan tneoeaiHiiui - ,
n.-t:t tor mete-urlne: and de'n''2
ih-Ti.ri.-ns chaise- aud a-"''
oMb.tlK-r. PuUnetottastan.
T. tbe use-sof the heat
ntain r. i . ?-Ziel a
nkTinercbine to aot th.-ea herta
harln' and barreat lime." Hb Ins pec-
turmkeTn tha whtd
ndll wlib." The bar..incu;r was
t b EVfiitiy recollocUng
hlm:ir.Mr.T.toppedon tbe raggwi
edKeof the. thieadbare remark, and
said: -lonlvwantrfto know forif
ihi trnp ipoinuiiB - : '
when folks has It they use T. Jc"
mu an- itsa pow.m.1 awui
renmalia in TLl'i-.
right .very me.- 5nUw
tl.e unexpecwj ""ZltxiV Tna
etTaTwhile he. ?Ut&
osner r-d: -Mrs. T. A. Gut, .No.
PJe..--V 7... l4,ltli.lrhis.Fa
ijih naiuu anv-... . .... r ;
writer i nai - , - . ,
determination to stay, andeaiorn
inr I obtained Uie sr. Jacobs OIL I
5ldnotput my f down tothe
floor, even pt a - ; -
Uiat evenim for the nnt Ume. and tbe
next momlt.g for the second UK,
.ior several -- j it
foIlowlnxIcetildand opati U
a few srepa. Ou Tocmiay could walk
about mroom.nd went down
by bolding on to the bsnWfJ:
I can walk quite well and there la
re ltrtlepafn left. Jut think! on.
bottle and a half, and I ant almost free
from pain! Klaa wonderful medicine.
Ia s Prxrftes Crm
asralt Itatss Palaral Cssipllssa asal Waakssssa
It win ear sntb-ery tbe werat lorm ot rrma Co
jaalnoeaJlesratwNaa.teflsjuuatksiaad Clcerw.
ttf IWHaa- ao4 Ptaptacafnents, anal tbe ewtswrasat
SrtosJ Weaksaea, asd If psrt!caaary m&-fU te tta
Cbsncs ef Lira.
It w.n tfaworre aaJ erpe! taiworv emwi the nWrae tn
as arty ata cf drvelormanX. Tas hrmtirmcjtonm
peTruahaiionUT la checked verapeecUy by ft or.
R iemua faistsasa, fisralsnry. aestrcys-JI ennt-
for at lmakmes, sM raEeraa wtsaraiwi of the atsrcsUl
II eves BJnsfxa, tlnwainhss. Crrruaa riuatisHnn.
Omsrsl Debility, S'jerlrisnei. Kermaalna and In
That fetfioa- ef b-rlnj Jowa. cawntr g jala,we!s;bt
se-T - ,.wt;i anvad bTltavr
It wfll : all Uses arl wajer s-'lelrainKts seas set m
hsmouy with da bn tbut c-vera tba feasCs ajatcrw.
r. r bs eareac Canary Complaint ot sitter sax Ii
Ceanpoogjl Is aisui isjaw ft.
Lvni.i e. riNtnwt VEGETABLE
FMF Ol prrpaxnl at S3 and 0 Wasaara Aaossa,
Ljiia, Maa. Prknt Sutbortloafar $i. Ssotbyaata
tn toe form of pua, slse l-.tba torsi of leseases, a
saeerpt of price. Si perbox foreitbar. Bra nnasaam
rrlysaawwrasllbttenof uwrtary. elta
tee Adirvae as above. JTrarie-i IA." IVt-r.
Ho famfly absaja V wttiamt LTPtA K. nnOiAJi t
LTvxa riUA 1 w -ore eouattpsilcn. btilnnsai
aad torftOttr Ja etw. S cants par box.
sT-HsM K" rl l i-r. -S
As It la foe all disease, of tbe KIDNEYS,
It eleuaes tbe ayvtem of tbe acrid pofvoa
tbat eaases the orwsdfal enffannsT waieb
onij Uim vlotlras of BAemnstlars eaa nsllsa.
ef tte want forrtM mt flaia torribl diMM
hmwm bn qtdck.y trilTd, la alMrt Um
kmm bW wiatcr fail ud i
BsU in tsTTj pirtot ti Cotuitxy. Ia hun
dreviti of Pt.'f-lr katmxrd whert tvil l90 hd
telle. It i iniM. but lBMn, t:n r 11
I ITS Al r bnt humlc-a la all mm.
tyUrteHin, Ktre-fsyClrrra ! Xew
t.1f Xoml tii lmpr?rrtaiil)fr .- tins bed 7
Tbaattini.l aotionef tltm Kui ry ta-featored.
To Uver la ck aaaed of all 4lmmo. aad th
Bowels BrTa frwl y and baa tii full . In tai
way tba worat duaaaea ara aradleatod from
Am It has batra jmrad Xjj thooax.nl thai
ia tbe mtt et79tTOaU tamed y tor eleanaliMr tb
5t4iu oi all morbid a9?retiona It aaoaalaa
aaad la vry he-ueaboid a a
Always earas BILI00SKK33. tOttsmPA
TION, Pliasl and all P KM ALB Biases e.
Is pat wp In laey Vecetssls Psess. Intta ase,
ons psckacw ef whteb aisSaa tefosraa aaadaetos.
AJas la l.laaia Far, aery CawacwtrsseA for
tbe c-ii-eiloiv- ot Uioae M eaaoocreamir pra-
asrait. It acta arttA er I eSf.-arary tn tttKfrorm.
get rrfrTn.Tt Dr.coGrsr. nticr. si.e
WELL-. E1CHAKDSO AT... rrse'a.
(Will srrKl h--'- el aalrl. ai rtCTOX. TT.
rnaibv ia foar
and ba can-tin of a
it3fTj, atUWaa VsUafiAIlft
Uttua. siaiiaBTUia
j GREAT VV8rFjf. GL'II V;0RKS, f!
2 1 111 11 " sit, -vl-uin.-.-ck,
B .-n SWsaa --w.. 4.
In tatUea or vests' Mae. aaa. r.nLar um. aM
Mollal Mlver. full )ewe!leu Anobor Lever i .e-uk-ou
Unra or buy a sixa, t.as, retrulsr pnre tlx.
9i leael Cbatailns WsU-taav .mall or larxw alss, witb
(liateiaine, tV4.aw. resnilar irue SIX. Tba shore
wah-iwwar warrant. 1 io.j.1 tliue-keetiera. All otber
kinds ot Jewmiry aoid at eiaIly low prices Oaods aent
e:. e. D and niuner will be reusded if not as mora.
e. B. i jc vr. in. xn. s aiitb Atsx, Ksw Tork City.
tA.rnc. CwtaloaTie free. Aitdrea. Staniuu-rt
II dXIlcS Amencaa Wstck Co.usouri(ti.l
eXJUJE DOtik, C I". aUnotKB. Knnul jie.
Embracixw fall utd antotitle atrDfmta nf mrt fitk.
tKn of aurvrfat and iiiodirb ttnta, and luctudliAir hut-
ry m we ne aoa iui vi toe or- cum iwuaa Kia-
KmlVt midUe Mrea me crirjaka. the feudal afmu-m.
e irviunriaciai, tbe diaoovarj and -alilaiiiiijl u Ute
It oontxuiie line hlivtonraJ mmTrnn tnA la tKa
XDott aitDpxaHe tiistcory of the Horid ever iruthitbrd.
ttf cd fur tApecmiren patcea and extra ton&e to AAft-ota.
sawAAAA usi i, .vaisu-aa. rvauruiiJia """"la .
Direina rREAPi,T, withoct wvw
ticity. UmmrtitMi, IaoouMCUiity. aU eauaea: lor
ukii) . MsmrnrtivtL, kaouuivuiAuj , au ail lata lot
nsrrU tkn kmtsitsk A.lc-iosa ..v.. A. m W
seuor WiWt. lei k 1C Jtruadway. atoau , S. I. City!
j a. lio.i.lsr preasaU;sqoars sissd Dtaoululeejuur aery
kandjums rotual eurnera. ruatwood eases, tbrss aulsaca.
HfJ. 3 ! ae prtoea, tew i, tklvj
alifction fuaiaulaao or aunsy teranda,!, alter eoa
l'yXTklftmm't'Ttm rMoVJ;eats.
:ostla prWea tJou t Wfw.atasMlarU rMaauvorUaof ibe uiil
vsras.sstsirtssmrtataallfv:amit.nMe. i... ...
L-A V,'taiL- r Sfem
, nviieir jJ&Stt-
E a rertr! i- ioauf t r(BF
X.aa, aaat Oaaa, Saalwa. AnnaiaHtaa. Sataaa. ..
Faaaat Taaan, Sisiti.Aa. isaa O. B.aja asaaussUas. p
aEAisfH et B03T is ELf H of MLHO
and a elsau SklaV if VOU WOUul . .r ., ,
una. yoir boneatoand wtthoate r-, w.iT
aocapleooo f lr. a- Havel way a u-aaaarn
Uavai SteeoleesiX.
A remedy compoaed or turrt-dlenta tt
erdiaary med cai prorertles esaentlai to pur
aeaL repair and Inrlvorate Um brr keoiow.
wsjl'ed tXXly UlCs:. PLB48AST. SAla S
rBaMA.N B.ST intu usment and cure.
Ho matter by wbat aama tbe eoinpiaioi
t deaurjiatsd. w&eiber It be a. ro nu Ca?
auraouot, Sypo-l's. tncera, Soroe, Tum-Bdii
Bryaipebaa, or Balt-lebeuav diseases atuu
Lunar. Kidaeyaj, Bladder. Womb, atin. Uvl?
Stoaucb or Bowels, aitber ebroaie or eontti
aonal, tbe viras ot tbe dlaeaoe la la tba BUmH
wolcb soppltw tbe wxaie, and builds uoil
pa rs Uksao orguos and wi,tl tissues at ni
sratem. If aae blood la anbeaitny, ma nrcrj..
rtrwnalrmoalbeanaosind "-m
Tate x4arsuaaallllHiai KewelTeat aot oa
la a oompeoaaJliiz remedy, but seuraj i 7
mouloua aoi loi of eaca of tbe orvaaa U tajrj.
Habea mroug-boot tbe entire system ranctlor.
kajTBOuy, and lupotlwt tbe b.ood-TeHk-ia w-,r .
pare aad heal by current of new Ufa. The sttie
after a few days sue of tbe aarsaparlUias C
I clear and beautiful. Piracies. kira,'k
Bhaca oots aud .'klar Brant oat are rm.
bored Aa.i CI era toon cured. rsraoosatJerka
(roa Scrofula, KrapUvs Dlaeasea of tee lr!
sfoaUl. Ears. Len, Tbreiu arid eunda, uus
have aii.iaUteJ aad spread, eiitej tiura u.
cared dUea.te-i or mereury. er trom tbe ut ,
e"orroale sublimate, may rely agon a etu.
tbe aaraaparilluaD la ooaunaed a sofflcteat s
le aiak. lis ImpreMioo oa tbe jstem.
One bottle contains more of tbe acurt ntaev
Bias of uiediclnee tbaa any otber praparauT
Trra In Teaspooaful Doxea, wall, oihera fb
aire five or six tune, aa sxuaa. aa Belial
aettla -
Only require) aalaatee aot bear. u a
Beve pala aad one acate dlaeaae.
Ready Relief,
to from one to twenty mlnatea, aerer fxnj H
relieve PACf witb one tbotouzb appitrxuoa.
no raatter how violent or exeru. UtJug it. paji
the KbeumaUC, Bed-nddea, Inurm. Cnpolet
Serveua, Neural a"lc or prjetrated with diarxt
maa suffer. RaDAT leiCAJt RSLIsy wu
afford lualaiit aAse.
taiawswswrlnsi Tthe BfMaeye. laaasisto
Itsw f Ike Blaadsler. laBasaaaxulM afuw
Bveweas, i snrMisa ef the Ussj. aZ
Ttraal mmeaiM Bnalklit, Pmlpuaiw
4 Ike Ueavrt. Mysteries. Craaa Otaa
Shorts, t'sitavrrh. iaiaweauua. HeaSaeaa
Teaafsiaelie, aesjr-laiv. Kheauua
COM ajkliaa. tm "-bills, CTsllhuUaa, saw
PraMS Knew. HrailMw. Mwaaaaar w
alaiaea. Sn TOwseiews. fS lee e I essasaa
teaxs eolsa. r-rabu, falas Is
Chess, saavehv er 1. tea be sure lestaatly a
Fever and Ague.
rrvint and AQCB enred for M ceo'A Tjb
tt sec a remedial agent in tbls world tbat i,
rare rerer and Airue. and o ber Maiariova, fta
earlet. TjT"Oi.l. Tellow and otuer terer
(ai led by Radway a Pli.aj so qulcOy u s
wava Raasv Kaxjxe.
it will in a few moments, wben takes accon.
IDs- to directions, euro Cram pa, spaama. Sou
dtomacb. Ueartourn 8lck Beadaebe, Dtxirbom.
Dysentery, coilo, Viind In tbe Bowels, au xu
internal Paint.
Travelers abouid always carry a bottle af its,
way t Beady Rei'et w.to tbem. a taw drops is
wa er wul preveat atckneee or paiaa re
e nature of wat-r. It la better tbaa Frnct
brandy or hitters as a stlmunt
Miners and Lumbermen abouid aiwajl b
pronded wiu iu
AH remearjal agents capable of dwtnrar Jbi
by aa overdoea should be avoided, Morpa
eptniB, strvcbnlDe, sj-qka bjoe-latnua, stal
other powerful remexliea. duet at certsla timet
tn very amtll doses, relieva tbe patient doroj
their action In tbe system. Bnt pruaps the
second doee. If repealed, may a;raraie a d b
exease tbe aQfferlnir. and ano'ber dose cat.
de.itb- There is no necessity for vafnr'.ana
Uk-rtalri agents b-n a positive r-taciy ut
Radw .yTi R.aJy Rel ef 111 step tbe moat c
orucla:ln pain quicker, without entaOUbjUa
least dimcuity In ellber Dfsnl or tdult
tUBWAVt Raaov Rtt ntr ts tS only recMcisi
aaai tn rogue that will uucinuy xtoppaia
riflj Centa Per Bottle.
Regulating Pills.
Perfect Pnr)r?tves, jocihirij Aperl
enta, Act Without Tain, Always
Seliabie, and Natural In tbeir
PerTe Uy Ta-tel.. el"tfanfly oiauvd wtb
wret tain, purj-e, reg iia-.e, purlf.-, clranie aa
Ripwav's Pills, ror 'ii en e of a!l tr-orders
or tm- .h omacn. Llr-r. B iweia. Kidneys. BUluer.
Nervous Uteaaea, H Ad ica e o iSt pitloa.e'ov
t ve&eaa. lad Jest ion. La --pp-.ia, Billortoxyaa
Fever, iafl imailon of tbe tiuwe-U, Piles, ami all
deran y i ru. dm of tbe lmern.il Viscera. War
rarted to err -ct a per ect cure. Pureiy rre
tabie, confaiuiuir no rr.ervtuy, minerals or drle
t-r:- -i- -.rn.-M.
ar i .bee' ve te following synjptotns rerol tcs
fr ia Dls.-a.-s t t'lebl.e live organs: Ooaso
patlon, Inwa-d Plies, Fullnesa oftheBlodta
he Head, Acidity of Hie Siooiach, Nanae.
Heartburn. I trust or Pood. W il.neae or Web;hl
in the tora icn. t-oor Kruotl-ins, Slnkl
Plutb-niiK at tne Heart, ca king- orSutraruu
S- n-iaUoiia wuen In a lymz poeture, Pimn-e
vision. Dots or Weba KefLre tbe aigbt, Fs
and Dull Pain In the Head. Deficiency of Per
spiration, Mellowness of tbe Stem and Eye,
Pain la the Side. Che t, L-mbA. and Snddaa
flushes of He.it. Bunjlnir in te Ft' ab.
A fewdo-eaof Rsowxr's I'lixs will free tu
yatem from all tbe above-named DuKruora,
Price, 23 Cents Eer Bx.
We repeat tbat tbe render most consult -books
and papers on tbe a ibject of dl ac laJ
tietr cure, .moor, which may be named :
raise aad Trme."
Raslsrsiv Irrtakls Frelbra,"
"Kadway scrofula,"
and othera relauag to different c:a-aes or t)b
Snd a lerteratxmp RtDW.IT s re.
ex aa Vt arreai, Cer. Cbsireh tt, Se
tar-iosnrmarbia wortn Uottaaadawtll be teat
u jcn.
qnrw TrarCarte Sew styles with Kame. I
eaVa-oatpa. o0. XTHAXD A Ctx. Nassau, 3. 1.
j Womlerful seereta, revelations and
ir married or aina-ls. sscurtna lieaUa.
wealth and baprHnes) to slL Ttus bsndaonis buuk of
uiMixa xur omy w cants, of ina L.njoa snur
Oa, wark. 3. i.
f f nix turn for tne Stiar Spaneied Banner S
I U moa. Notbin: like it. stab year. 8 paires,
dlu-trate-L Spw-iniena FKER. Addreea blAit
bi-A.SoLD BA.NSf!!, liinmlale, JL H.
eavsAaaaa, aa Swi !MualaMl"ea'-" J
Farming for Profit
aw. Aaawrals. Castrakasrlvs. A ewnle Farva
Uarary la iu. f A ira aia a wininfal farwaas.
Make Money
A Cava (er UTS Bleak.
tl mm mmmt wm m
taws litma'r.d"Bi. rWn ftr CiiT3lr ataal tarae
i.Q.MxtC,&DX CO, sVlUlWalplraa. r
Christ the Lord. iJSL.
Hain.sa a'ne VI , w...l V.-; f ... . i . .
" -"U.cse tie-T-rV rjuti thUU UUTaUVw UlatwH-.
J anU Hast-v-riv-tj can asuiy karn u fur a Xireiae ir-r-
Bead for L1I 1 br lnM Crela.
Beauties of Sacred Song.
93. ; CVrth $t 5); B. yJi 2. A nobit? pnitnt U ll-
WfLXl0T3 tt? U-t. ia-? i.f ti TT. bt aUCajwMlul BUtaapft
Um iUj. bj , tjuuens couajgcc
Rhyme 3 and Tunes. SZZ1'h?Z
aooara, kulai a a id a.ndenrsrten rlay. al ta
Gems of English Song, ifi:
a, tut. Tbe t ew and must fsvorlte eoUsvuou.
Norway Music Album. i
tha Vlxinara of t ie Nurtn. Wild and tusnJul.
Franz' Album of Song. Jr:
S3. rUt. rtsniaowneOl ton tf bis farm OS tiermas
Christmas Cantata. ii BT-
Clvnraea, ouanta. buioe, tr. SavAtl aorJ-v aiiJ
yiri&at-i Biiuisx,
OLITHi L1TS05 k CO., Boatoa.
C. K. D.T805 k CO,
K9t nawxaut lit. Pbua.
. a. .