Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 14, 1881, Image 3

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    Sentinel & republican
fredaesday. December 14, 18S1
Subscription, $1.50 per annum if paid
within 12 months; $2.00 if not paid within
12 months
Transient advertisement inserted at 60
cents pet ibcb for each insertion.
Transient business "notices in local col
umn, 10 cents pec line tor each insertion.
Deductions will be rhade to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
Court Proceedings.
There were only four civil cases tried last
week in court. The great trial of the court
was that of William Dnnn against the Bor
ough of Mifflin town, for damages, for pcr
aonal or bodily injury sustained in falling
Mover the quarry" at the south end of Third
street. No ease has ever been tried in Ju
niata county that baa awakened such a gen
eral interest as the one just mentioned. The
plaintiff claimed $3,0U0 damages. The
jury in the case were, John L. Patterson,
D. KL. Barton, William Gingrich, Wtu. Mc
Clure, A. F. Uenkles, A. T. Leach, John
Leonard, S. B. Barton, Thompson J. Ster
rett, Wm. Wise, O. M. Kerlin, Win. Tohn.
The verdict of the jury was for the plain
tiff in the sum of SI 160.30. Reasons for a
new trial have been filed.
The second esse was that of James Stirue
Iing and Henrietta S timeling, his wife, for
the use or said Henrietta, vs. Epbraim Ran
nels, Darwin C. Rannela and James Cal
houn. The trouble grew out of a consta
ble's aale of gooda that Mrs Stimeling
claimed belonged to her. V erdict for plain
tiff for $76. Verdict amended to $85 in
stead of $76.
Levi Dundore, for use of W. It. Kreider,
vs. J. B. X: Todd. This suit was fur the
recovery of the freight on a boat load of
bark. Verdict for plaintiff, $14.11, with 6
cents damages and 6 centa costs.
Wm. B. Leas et al vs. William D. Walls.
This suit was one that grew out of oue of
the Joseph L. Deering raised notes. 1 be
note was one raised from eight lo eighty
dollars. Verdict lor defendant.
Commonwealth va. William Frey, Oliver
Frey, Joseph Farleman and David Hunts- J
berger. Indictment Breach of peace.
Miss S trunk, prosecutrix. The charge was
that the parties indicted acted improperly
and used obscene language in front of the
prosecutrix's house. Verdict, complaint
dismissed ; officers' costi to be paid by coun
ty ; costs of witnesses of Commonwealth to
be paid by the prosecutrix.
Commonwealth Vs. Joseph Jsmes, Sr.
Indictiiient Adultery. Verdict, Lot guilty.
A number of cases before the grand jury
were ignored, and the question of a free
bridge was disposed of by the jury by 15
to 8.
Court was kept dp all last week, and re
convened on Monday, the 12tb, for argument.
The introduction of the tomato into the
United States is given as follows by an ex
change; A good many years ago a man
who had recently come from the Bermuda
Islands was aent to Tork County Fa-, jail,
for some offence. Me bad with him a few
seeds, which he planted in the rich soil of
the jail yard. Before the plants which
sprang from the seed reached maturity he
was discharged, and nd one knew the name
or nature of them. They grew luxuriantly,
bearing fruit of a large size and nnusual ap
pearance. As this strange fruit ripened, its
color changed froiii green to a brilliant red,
and became an object of wonder and admi
ration to all the inmates of the jaii.
Just when the fruit was fully matured,
tne Bermuda prisoner revisited the j til, and
asked to see the plant. This request grant
ed, be called for pepper, salt and vinegar,
and to the b'-rror of the lady keeper, com'
mrnced to cat of the fruit, which she sup
posed to be poisonous, with a relish that
astonished the beholders. After enjoying
the strange repast, he informed her that
the fruit or vegetable was the tomato or
inmt-annf. and it would be found whole-
some and nutritious. The seeds' of the re
maining tomatoes were carefully preserved
and distribuited among the friends and
neighbor's of the lady, and thus this now
popular escnlent was introduced into
the ancient and goodly borough of Tork.
For many years thereafter it waa cultivated
as to ornament rather than for table use,
but by decrees its merits began to be more
fully understood and appreciated, and there
as elsewhere, it grew into general public
bet vaccinated.
Butter is scarce.
Heil fruit is scarce.
Pork holds its price.
Get ready for Christmas.
The word Dadi b a Welsh word.
Bedford b to have a keg factory.
Bead President Arthur's messaga.
The bear on the ridge U still at Urge.
Oh! for a cold snap, says the ice men.
The shortest day will soon be passed.
Revivalists are getting ready for work.
The hawks have destroyed the partridges.
The rsging canal is stiU open for naviga
tion. The attendance at court waa uncommonly
Tbey say December will gd out like
roaring lion.
The Grand jury sat down on tHe free
bridge, 16 W 8.
Don't atop your wagon on a street cross
ing, is an order.
The "pan cake" has taken the place of the
buckwheat cake.
Mrs. E. S. Parker has been visiting friends
in Philadelphia.
LewisloVii ladies can answer: "What is
an apron festival f"
Goodness, hats, with rims 20 inches in
diameter, for ladies.
Dunkers talk of building a meeting
house, in Lewistown.
For a new carriage, or buggy, call on
Robison and Wagner.
Fob Rest A dwelling-house. For par
ticulars call at this office.
The Dunn case has awakened a lively
discussion all over the county.
Hiss tiilson of Tnscarora valley is visit
ing the family of Sheriff Kelly.
Gun is preparing to put np a new hard'
ware store building in Patterson.
The plea bf insanity, hasseltheGuiteaa'l
to fighting among themselves.
Deep wells in this neighborhood have as
little water now, as in August last.
lcPike editor of the Cambria Freeman,
has lost three children by diphtheria.
Srs; William Hamlin, in Patterson, is suf
fering in the last stage of consumption.
Thousands of dollars, hsve been wasted,
in digging for stone coal, In Perry county;
For Sale t ive shares of (Jdd Fellows'
Hall Association stock. Call at this office:
the arrest of a too much married man.
created a sensation in Altoona, lsit week.
Francis Dower, of Fermanagh township,
shot a deer cp Licking Creek some days
Maurice Leonard, of Fayette township,
has been hauling hay to town for twelve
dollars a ton.
ConimSsioner McMeen shot a wild tur
key, but he cannot have a belt until he
brings down a wild cat.
Rev. Peter Meyers, of Mifflin county, is
treating the cancer that has been afflicting
Rev. David Moist, who lives near this town
To everr subscriber that is in arrears
more than one year, a bill will be sent be
tween this date and the 28th Say c'f Febru
ary, 1882.
Some one wants to know what it amounts
to that 0 streams have been stocked with
trout, in Pennsylvania. Ask tht ilb com
Dr. Shelly snd the Keister brothers of
Port Royal bunted together in Licking
Creek and were successful in shooting one
deer and two wild turkeys.
Rev. Sir. Ganoe has been conducting
a meeting at Arch Rock rrhcol boose the
past twelve days with the most encouraging
results. Some fifteen persons nave pro
fessed conversion.
V MR .....
jvsswsm sbkcs) u high that good ad-1
Tice wu f'" it in that, when it was suggest
ed that as it was for Hancock it b not be
coming in it to do iu beat to excite the Gar
field men against the Arthur people. The
advice was well meant, of course, but it
seems to have been lost, which perhaps is
not to be wondered at, considering the tact
that the Tr&vti baa lost iU politics, h
does not know whether it stands on Us head
or iU heels, whether it Is a Democrat or a
Republican or a Greenbaczer. It has not
the merit of being a balf-breed ; it is a ques
tion whether experts on identity would even
pronounce it a political octoroon. But no
matter; it can always shout boss, boss;
that is its thunder. It claimed to be for
Speer, but list week, a'ter the Semtinel
and Republican had expressed its disap
proval of having the departments at Wash
ington filled up with worthless men, as many
of the men there are, it pops up and snouts
boss, and seems to champion Fisher. Well,
Fisher b not the worst Congressman in the
worid, but he has some bad appointments at
Washington: Which does the Tribune
champion; tUe bad appointments or the Con
gressman J Perhaps it can trade while it is
shouting boss. It U a pit? that the Tribune
has lost its identity. It is the common
talk, the truth of which b not vouched for
here, that the Tribune and its coterie are so
mixed and have lost their political bearing
that they do not know what they are, and
that ih this county they have already cut
out a ticket for next fall, which b, a Repub
lican candidate for Legislature from rort
Royal, a Democratic candidate for Sheriff
from Fayette, and an indiscribable candi
date from MifUintowh for Register and Re
corder. No doubt such a ticket will com
mend itself to every one, particularly when
the shout of boss b thrown in to whoop it
There is a nistter of dispute between the
Poor Directors of Patterson and the Poor
Ttirertara of Altrtona. It appears that some
time last July a tramp arrived at Altoona on
. t-7.w1 hnnnd freicht train. He com-
T.i.;nMl at the Mayor's office of being sick.
He remained in the tiamp room aevtral
honrs. and finally, when examined by adoc-
. , tn. h almshouse for treat-
lJI, mum oi
ment. A public officer named Powell took
him to the Doorbouse. The doctors there
renounced hb disease that of small-pox.
About ten davs after that PowU and four
children, and a neighbor's family cot small
Who the tramp was is not known
hi. home is not known, but it b charged by
i ntn f Altoona that Poor
Directors in Patterson put the tramp On the
. .u-. .,.L h;m tn Altoona. ine Ai
cram uia
in. Directors want to find that out.
such is the fact they aay that they will make
... r r.:-... nf Patterson Day, and
iue rww Anv.w v. -
that b the matter in dispute.
In the best at least, of the older countries
, trle.man. the teacher, the mechanic
. ... tJ. commercial traveler
would congratulate himself on the good tor
tune that promoted him to me suu.uB
. .hold farmer, even though his ac
should be few enough to be counted on his
The notion that a man elands
little higher who wears linen and bends
over a desk or a counter than the man who
mm cotton and holds a plow-handle is
itmuli notion. If it has had any in-
sns-si it doubtless has had-in beguil
log young men from the farm to the office,
it will not have it much longer. Asa new
country sentiment it will go the way of the
t ..him and corduroy roads Good
vg '
The Power of the Press.
t i. the nower of the press more
.urely shown than in the universal knowl
a., h.. in less than a year been an-
f used throughout fifty millions of people , of
the wonderful curative properue.
.plendid remedy KldherWert. And the
people from the Atlantic to the Pacific have
Shown their intelligence nd their knowl
edge or what b in the papers, ttf elresdy
-Jli ir.rfB-v.Wort their household rem-
arf.for all disease, of the kidneys, liver
and boweto. BtraU.
.nal oil on smouldering fire,
funeral Ugeoerally the result of such
If your hair is coming out, or turning
gray, do not murmur over a misfortune you
can so easily avert. Ayer'a Hair Vigor will
remote the cause of your grief by restoring
your hair to ita natural color; and therewith
your good looks and good nature.
Quite a Urge number of subscribers paid
... i . im. -1 :
up tneir arrearages mi wa. mire dis
continued their sper, but a half doren new
subscribers more than filled the vacancy.
There is room on the list for more subscri
bers. Send in your name, and receive the
best paper in Juniata for your home reading.
Exchange papers hsve made a heavy
weight animal out of the wild cat that John
Tyson caught. The heaviest weight comes
from the Philadelphia Record. That enter
prising journal puts the weight of the cat at
fllty pounds. It had got Joe Martin's cat
and John Tyson's cat on the scales at one
Billv Allison, of the Herald, has it thst
the editor of the Sentinel and Republican b
so independent that be will listen to no one,
while the Tribune man haa it that the eai
tor of the Sentinel and Republican has no
independence whatever, and that he b under
the dominion of a boss. They sbouia noia
a meeting, so that tbey may blow one and
the same tune. The political octoroons
should not blow discordant notes. They
ill never get the status of the Sentinel
and Republican filed if they keep contra
dieting each other in that way.
A Westmoreland county paper says that
on Satorday, the 8rd inst-, Samnel Wilhelm
thought he heard wild turkeys in a clump
of bushes. He crept toward the butbes,
and. seeing something moving in them.
firedj The bullet killed J ulius h-eeier, wno
waa in hiding there snd seeking to lure wua
turkeys with a call.
A lot of rowdy boys behaved so badly at
the house of Mrs. George Snyder, in fort
Royal, recently, on the occasion of the mar
nage of her daughter, that to vindicate toe
good name of the community ii occame
necessary to sue the boys. The tin pan
wedding serenade should be suppressed
fn every community.
Under the disguising cry sgalnst boss
role the presiding genius of the Tribune has
been managing to get his relatives and some
other folks into the jury wheel. 1 ne worn
boss is handy. It is a convenient thing to
t1k about some time before the spring elec
rtnn when school directors are to be elected.
The Tribune loves to hide behind ft,- for the
field" of the common schools has Been
-oflrahle field for the presiding genius
.rk In. Just now he b at the same trick,
ft.. nHnr election is not far distant
Shout boss, boss, and unrfer the inspiration
go into the school director election ous.uc.
i, are Republicans to be tnua noou
Kv ). trickster's shout of boss,
Thoma Schofield, sfed ninetyne years,
walked" nine milea to renew his snbscr.pUon
. v.- Indon aef. W me ge
.ion among publisners that there are
.number of snbscribe,. who are waning
ntU tbey are ninety-one ye oWto come
!n nd psy for their .per-iaw,
Jacob S. SrtiUti, a citixen of Walker town
ship, aged 61 years, 6 months and 11 days,
died unexpectedly 6H the bight of Sunday,
the 4th inst. Mr. Smith had been in a tol
erably fair state bf health all the past fall:
About 10 o'clock on Sabbath evening he
complained of being too warm in bed, and
of being thirsty. Mrs. Smith deemed it
best that he should not get np to get a
drink, for fear that if he did so lie might
take cold after being so warm, therefore she
brought him a drink of water. He sat up
and drank it, lay down, and never spoke
fter that, and died before morning. Inter
ment in the Lost Creek Mennonite grave
yard on Wednesday;
It is a well-known fact to intelligent ob
servers that men and women of eisy virtue
are always on the spy of other men and
women, and are ever ready to rattle off in
sinuating remarks about other people. So it
b with the marplot and politician of flexible
politics. So it is with the Tribune and Her
ald, thai have no politics. They are in
quisitive, and insinuate against every man
that does not train with them. They have
become deeply concerned about the politics
of the editor of the Sentinel and Republican.
It is perhaps not just the right thing to do
to worry and torment tbs lower oider of the
uman family, human political jackdaws an I
buzzards, tb'erelore to prevent the TVtisite
and Herald from further worry and torment
it is here stated that the ed'tor cf the Sen
tinel and Republican has always from his
boyhood days been a Republican of the
traiebtest order. The first vote that be
cast was for Abraham Lincoln in I860; He
voted for every Republican Pre$ident from
that time to this, and for etcry Republican
State officer froni that date to this, inclnd
ing General Baily. He was for Grant at
Chicago. He has never voted for a Demo
cratic Conzressman, Assemblyman or sen
ator. He has never voted for a Democratic
county officer, excepting for a District At
torney once when the Republicans had no
candidate in the field. He has repeatedly
voted for Democratic township officers.
Never from 18C0 to 1881 had be voted for
a Democratic county officer. In the Ute
campaign, that of 1881, ho did vote for
number of Democrats, there being
S he leant across the stile.
With her merry golden smile . "
And her bonny brown eyes glancing
Through the green leaves all the wh'Jet
And Be wtio loted her so,
Watched from tbe path below j
But she tossed her besd so daintily.
And Unghed and bade him go.
Maybe! maybe! we ca"aot know ;
Maybe! maybe! 'twas better so 1
When the winds of March were loud,
And the skies were dark with cloud,
He bad won ber love forever,
And ahe trusted all be vowed.
But she wept sgainst hb heart t
"Oh, my darling, we ninit part ;
For a barriet lies between us.
Fbrevertuore, sweetheart !"
Maybe! maybe! we cauuot know j
Maybe I maybe! 'twas better so!
And tbe years have pissed away,
And tbey both are old and gray )
But tbe same sweet dream is iu their bear! j
Forever and for aye.
dh; sweet and sad tbe pain
(if tbe love that will not waue !
So sweet, so sweet, because so true J
So aad because in vain !
Maybe! maybe! we cannot SHow
Maybe! maybe! it shall be belter so !
Kationol Republican.
Some' obe h$ been circulating that a pe-
uliar kind bf Republican Primary Election
ticket waa scut from the Sentinel and Re
publican office to s man named Frankhoui-er
at Walunt, this county. Tbe report i! not
triie; &o tickets of whatsoever kind were
sent frorii this office lo Mr. Frankhousvr.
If he received tickets, or other conimunica
Hons of whatsoever kind, representing to
have come from this office, or from the ed
itor of he Sentinel and Republican during
tbe last campaign tbey were forgeriea.
straight Republican ticket in the field.
selected his ticket.
A yonng man named David Fosselman,
said to have been from Juniata county, was
killed on tbe railroad west of McVeytowu
some days sgo. He bad been riding on
freight trafn with a companion named Da.
vid Foust. The McMeytown Journal sajs;
The following nersons were summoned to
act as jurors at the inquest : 9tisr. W.
H. Grimm, Geo. Bortel, F. M. Coulter,
Chaa. B. ttHe, Jaa McCormick, jr., and H
C. Harshbarevr who after being duly sworn
snd bearing tbe evidence relative to the
case, rendered the following verdict :
That the said David Fosselman came to his
death by being struck with an engine on
the P. R. R.. west of McVeytown, oH the
evening of Nov. 80, 1881.
The Tribune seems to be exercised over
what was said in tbe Sentinel and Republi
can concerning Congressman Fisher and
pertain antmintmenta at Washington. The
character of the men 'appointed at Wash
ington by Congressmen has during tbe many
past years been the subject of earnest dis
cnaainn bv Rernhlieans. and condemnation
by Democrats. Cut of bad appointments
at Washington have crown the talk and ef
forts at "civil service reform." Congress
men who have been keeping unworthy men
in office have always heretofore managed to
get the public attention directed against the
Administration and beada of departments,
so as to screen themselves, just as the Tri
tune directs attention from its own work by
shouting boss at others; just as the Tribune
shouted boss to cover up its tracks when it
was shoving its relatives and a lot of other
kindred spirits into the jury wheel. It does
Sot care so much for Fisher ai It doea for
the fact that the Sentinel and Republican
stated that the Congressman had come out
igaJnit a Speculative Life Insurance com
panv for nsing hb name as reference with
out bb consent. That wss what pinched
the Tribune man, for he had his name on
grave-yard insurance paper, as reference.
He shouts boss to cover tracks. How many
poor fellows were moved into investing to
their loss by bis name win never oe Known
till the judgment day, but the probability is
that tbe number revealed will be less than fen
thousand. He and ex-Judge Junkin and
the political piebald jacobin troupe that the
Judge had over from this county to Bloom
field to help defeat Spotrtlet can figure out
the grave-yard insurance rtlerence bnsineaa.
Shout boss and get as many 25 cent tax
payers into the jury wheel as you can.
Dr. Arnold, Henry Book, stfd1 the dear
knows who all, but no less than 25 citizens
of Walker township turned themselves
loose on the ridge north of town last Fri
day to capture the bear that has been roam
ing there the past few weeks. But the bear
was not found.
The long winter nignta are , here. Ton
will want a paper that gives yon home usWs,
general news, and miscellaneous reading.
The Sentinel and Republican Is tht paper lo
supply that want. It gives all the impor
tant home news, all important general news;
besides a large quantity pi miscellaneous
reading, more than any other p-iper in the
connty. 8 ubscribe, and auget the paper
to your neighbor.
Christmas toys ind candies at
Kirk's store.
Wm. Copelsnd has been appointed
post master in Patterson.
A number of Perry county people,
propoae to move to Georgia.
There are 121 families in tbe Pres
byterian thlirfch in Mifflin town.
Good strong woolen stockings for
sale at John Kirk's store.
The Presbyterians will bold a socia
ble in tbe Chapel, on Thursday even-
There was a snow sufficiently deep
on Monday morning to whiten tbe
L. Atkinson and wife will start for
Arksnssa Hot Springs on Thursday
Mouday, December 26 1881 and
Monday, Jaouary 2nd 1882 will be
observed by tbe banks as holidays.
No business on these dj.
'Sot far from tbe kingdom." was
the theme of an interestiiii; feruioo
tit Kev. George lWiHugh preached
lo a large congregation in the Presby-
Unan church, last fabbath.
Guiteau'g evidence proves how ready
he is at liillitigxgatp; al! sub people
are. Billy A I lien's paper shows bow
ready al Billingsgate he is.
The asa8io says that ne fcrose his
marriage vows so as to gJt rid of bis
ife, such course on his part, induced
ber to enter proceedings to divorce.
There was "Co preaching :n tbe Luth
eran cliurch oo Sabbath morning, Her.
Mr. Berry beiog in attendance upon
ibe funeral of a child of Jacob Slauqb
terback at Van Wert. Rev. Mr. Van
E onsen filled Lis appointment in tbe
ickihg Creek church.
It was sttbject of general remark
at Washington last week, that when it
became known that the woman esca
pades of tbe assassin Guiteau would be
revealed from, the witness stand that
tbe lady applicants for admission to
the ourt room was uncommonly large.
Witbio the $ months inst passed
Hirehe's clothing store In Duncanoofl,
Perry county, has been broken into
and goods to tbe value of $800 carried
away by tbe thieves. Tbe third rob
bery was committed last week, ine
thieves broke the glass in the front
door and fed tbe watch dog.
How are Tow, MT Old iff en T
Asked a bright-looking man. "Oh ! I feel
miserable, I'm billions and can't eat, and
my back is so lame I can't work." Why
io the world don't you take Kidney-Wort f
That's what I take when I am out of sorts,
and it always keep me in perfect lune. My,
doctor recommends it tor all such troubles."
Kidney-Wort is a sure curr for billiousness
and constipation. Don't fail to try it.-
Lon Branch' Newt.
WiTl bny a new and beautiful Organ, same
grade and kind SO to $7U), that blber par
lies Have been selling recently for $!ll) t
f 135. Tour bboice of many styles from
different factories. Six years guarantee.
W. H. AtKfxs,
July 27-3iuj Main St., MilUintown, Pa.
DON'T BE DECEIVED by siich' Jodget
as a $450 Organ at $65 to (!0, when you
can buy tbe same grade of inatrumeiits at
home at Sou to $i0, and aave the freight, by
calling on W. H. AIKENS,
Maib street, Xittlintown.
GUS3 S&TDER On the 1st inst., by
tbe Rev. H. C. Sbindel, Mr. Cloyd Gusa to
Miss Rebecca Snyder, in Port Royal, at the
residence of Mrs. Charlotte Snyder, mother
of the bride.
MILLER HUBLER-On ttie 8th inst.,
at Ihe Lutheran parsonage, by Rev. E. E.
Berry, Mr. H. Miller and Miss Kate Uubler,
both of Walker township.
SLAUTTEKBACK On tbe 9ih inst, at
Van-Wert, Walker township, Sallie May,
dangMtr of Jacob and Elizabeth Slautter
back, aged i years, 6 months and 10 days.
irrLiMTOws, Dec. 14, 1881.
. 13
. 25
Butter ...
Shoulder ,
. ...s.a
Corrected weexly.
Quotations fob To-dat.
Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1881.
Corn, .........
Rye ,
Cloyerseed. . . . .
Tiniotby seed . .
1 30
.4 50to5 25
. 2 00to2 25
Philadelphia, Dee. 12 Wheat
Delaware and Pennsylvania red,$l 41
al 42 do amber, $1 42a 1 44. Corn is
easier and quiet. Oats are steady.
Philadelphia, Deo. 12. Cattle
sales 3,000 bead; prime, 6 l7c; medium
4i5i?; common, &t4lo. Sbeep; sales
10,000 bead; prime 5a5,c; good 4
do; medmm, 3i4lc; common 33 ie.
XJ" Be sure and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as you can cer
laiuly aave money. No trouble lo snow Uoods. Une price to an.
One mile southwest of Patterson-
!..., W. BAIR & LEVIN.
How do yorf Manage," said a lady to
her friend, "to appear so happy alt Ihe ti iuer
I a'ways have Parker's Ginger Tonic ban
dy," was the reply, "and thus keep myself
and family in eood health and spirits. See
A C'aRD.
1 sm prepared to furnish the best make of
needle; Shutllet, ana new para lor act i
Sewing Machine, (old or new,) in the mar
ket, also, the belt pure sperm machine oil.
Main street, Mifflintown, Pa.,
One door above Post-Olhce.
Larga Farm at Privata Sale.
The Valuable Farm of the Heirs of Wil
liam Okeson, deceased, is offered for sale.
It is located in the fertile valley of Tuca
rora, Juniata county, Pa., SfiS and a has
miles west of Academia, containing 240
trrM of prime limestone land, all in cul
tivation, except 10 acres of Timber. Build
ings good, Large Mansion Uotse; Bank
Barn, 100x50 feet ; Wagon Sheds, Corn
Cribs, Hog Pens. Good Spring and Spring
Hoiire, aud all ther outbuildings, also other
springs and running water Two Orch irds
bearing choice fruits. It is well located.
near to churces, schools, mills and stores,
Tbe land is well adapted to grain aud grass
snd for luakinc money for a new owner, as is
well known, it did for many years for its
former owner. I'ric will be reasonable,
and time given to suit purchaser.
For terms. &.C.. call on James B. Dkeson,
Pleasant View, near the farm, or J. B. Oke
son, Port Koyal.
Valley, containing 3 acres, about I5
acres clear. Two sets of buildings. No. 1,
Log House, 20x24, plastered and pebbled
Kitchen attached, 12x18; Spring, and also
a Well of water near the door ; Stone Bank
Barn, 40x90 j Orchard. No. 2. New frame
House, 23x32, good cellar; Summer House,
14x20; Spring and Spring House; New
Frame Bank riarn. 45x66 ; Wajjon Shed ;
Good Young Orchard, of graf ted Irilit, in
bearing condition n ill sell all, or null, to
suit purchaser. The land is well adapted
by nature for tie raising of gram ana stocx,
Plenty of hme stone. The community is
sood. Churches and school house conve
nient. Terms moderate, for particulars
cin on onadilress. C. MEi tKS,
F aimers GfSe, Juniata Co., Pa.
Is tbe place where yon can bny
HE is prepare.! to exhibit one or the most choice and select stocks rver offered it
t.iis market, and at JSTOMSH1XGL Y LOW PRICES !
Also; measures taken for suits and parts of suits, wbieU will be made toordtr
at abort notice, very reasonable.
iemcmber the place, in Hoffman's New Building, corner of Bridjre at
Water s'reets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. I"- "
in Beale township, 50 acres clear, under a
good state of cultivation. Log house, bank
barn, outbuildings, orchard, well of water
at the door, running water near the house
and barn for stock. ALSO, Farm of So
acres, adjoining the at'ovc. Ten r res clear
A good stone house with frame kitchen
frame stable, fruit. These farms make de
sirable country homes. Tbey are only six
miles from Mifflin station oo tbe Pennsyl
vania railroad and only one mile from Jobns-
stown, Juniata Co., Pa. ALSO, the undi
Tided half of 300 acres of mountain land in
Beale township. ALSO, a Lot of Ground
about one fifth of an acre, iu Johnstown
having thereon erected a two-story frame
house and a Wood-honse. Fruit ou the lot
These properties can all be bought together,
or separately, al a bargain. For further
particulars,- call on or address John Kauff-
man, or Benjamin SDellcnoerger, jonnsiown.
Juniata Cb.f Pa.
weste land ; all e'ear excepting a half acre,
and only one mile and a half from the
county seat, the best market place and ship
ping point in the county. Good water.
Good Bank Barn 75 by 40 feet. Uood
Frame House." Foiii acres iu Orchard
But yo'tf will want to see tbe farm. . Call on
Patteson, Juniata Co., Pa.
N. B Terms easy. Payments to suit
less, of limestone and shale land, in Milfor)
township, in Licking Creek valley, Juniata
county, Pa. ; about 160 cleared, 40 acres
timbcrland "under fence." . The improve
ments are a Large Double Stone and Frame
House,' tage Bank Barn, Wagon Sherf,
Large Hog Pen, Sheep1 House, Carriage
House, Wash House, Spring House within
ten yards of the door. Fountain pump' ot
neVef-failing' water at both house and barn.
This is' a desirable property, and is only two
miles from MifBin railroad station'. Terms
easy. . For particulars,, call on. or address
John' Robison, Patterson. Juniata Co., Pa-,
or Sbelburn Robison, same address.
That Acta at the aasae ttsse ea
IlecaMM ve allow tkete great organ tot
ibeeome dogged or torpid, and poimxunal
Ihumonar therefor jorcea tnm w omoa
I that ehouldb txpeued nantratty.
What's tbe use of ridicg" to Philadel
phia or elewber for a spTAdid new
styled hat, when sdeh may be'obtained
sA R. E. Parker'. A new stock came
in on Monday, entirely new tjiei.
bwcmringfre action of them organ and,
Wkysaffar Blllaas sal" aaa akI
Wav taeawatea with Plies, Csastiaattoal
1 Way frlt-atMS aver JlsaretiW Eisners!
Way eaaara acrvaas sr im BSMacaw
Vt KIDNET-WOKTaad rejoice in keaitk.
BI.poS.pBf ff Taaata M Wnenu toto
eaaaoaapackacvot whK aika luqoanaot
maiUrlnT Atoo 1 Lsawl WTC
laa'fc'tta tha caaaot nadUr nnpntm tt.
raett acta wtti aqua! "f t"nt-
qit rr or Totra dkuogist. muck, vt.ee
firm aaad ta ry poatpaKM
IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re
quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion; Ihppeptia, Inter
mittent Fextrn, Want of Appetite. Lorn of Strength, Lack of Eney, etc Enrich
the blood, strengthens the muscles, and givesnew life to the nerves. They act
like a charm on the digestive organs, removing iltdyspeptic symptoms, suclh
as Tastinr) th Food, Bdckina, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc The onlj
Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or pive
headache. Sold by all druggists;. . Write for the ABO Book, 32 pp. of
useful and amusing reading -- rrtl fret. ' -
BKOWJf CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Kd.
fraftttwnal Card.
Loci B. Atkissos. , Quo. Jacobs, Ja
ATatlMSdar ik JACOBS,
,-. a -
TCotlecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrica On Msin afreet. In pl;ce of resi
dence ot Louis H. Atkinson. Eq., south of
Bridge street. H.-1 26, 1881.
Attorney at Law,
AllFFLlSTOiry, - - PEsyj.
All business Truptl attended to. Spe
cial attention given to Collating and Con
veyancing, f Ouace on Bridge street, oppo
site Court House Sqnare.
A perfect
stOKf & trcsv
in IT. efcpwitly
perfumed and
eatirciT harm
teas. Kemovct
ciaisdrufi, r
Stores Batural
color and n
vests baUorsa
hat Ann ti
sjsjhtttly incrlli 4
mttUmm wit P
WpttesMllXaltfaBf I
In ,:
Ginger Tonic
An IoTiforttiiif lldidii tit Kmr
IntcTirttsfi. - - v, x
Tbfa d&iomts cembuaboa of Gin cer. Bocho,
Mandrake, bb ttnpa. wmd Many other of the best
vegetable aUMUCatic known, cure female Com
platuu, R betaiaunt m. Nervousness. VaLcfuktjbf,
and ail ductrtjers of the bowels, wosnmch. fare. kd
eyv and onnary orav 4 -
If yo have Jct Tour apnetite and irtfcwipinied,
orfariarnnft train age. or may aeltrmur, take 1 jtct
GwgCTTonac. It wul strengthen brain and body
and give you new Hie and vigor.- -
paid for anything fnjunoM fmmd n C.'mnrr T nic,
or for a &uure to V'.or enre Try k or aak yxa
uck hTeod to try it To-Day. . - . ,.
jocandStSBtoatdrnitrixv Large savin ? Suy
mg dollar arc. Send for caxalas to tlucoa at lot,
163 WiUara Sc. N. Y.
, Attorney-at-la.w(
C All business promptly attended to.
Orricc On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House square. "', 0-lJ
ftyCollections attended to promptly.
Orrica With A. 3. Patterson - Kkj, on.
Bridge street. (Ten 25, 8a
(X Collections and all professional busi
ness promptly attended lo.
june20, 1877.
Physician, and Surgeon,
MiiFttxtoih'; rj.
Office hours from 9 a. . to 3 p. a.. Of.'
fice in his father's residence, at the south
end of Water street. oct22-U
jy M. CRAWFORD, M. D.,
His resumed actively the, practice ot
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. O.tice at the old corner of Third
and Orange streets, ilifHintoan, fa.
March 2J, 1876
Academia, Juniata Co., Pa.
Orrica formerly occupied by Dr.8trrettr
Professional business promptly attruded to
at all hours.
joun Mclaughlin,
K7-Only reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 187!-ly
has jnsi returned from f he Eastern cities with a full yiriity of
GF.NT3' rrRJTISniNO GOODS. Goods of a'l kinds are losr. Come and see m
and be astonished Pants at cents. 07" SLITS MADE TO OKLEK.JJ
Patterson, Pa., April 16, 1879.
(Successor le Burets A Kennedy,)
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We buy Grain, to be delivered al Mifflin
town. Port Royal, or Mexico.
We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
... . , i gfiNKEDT fc DOTT.
April at; 1831-tf
Speeiei Sot ices.
I will mail (Free) the recipe Tor a simple
Vioetaslb Balm that will remove Tax,
KKECKI.t?, PIMPLES and Elotchks,
leaving Ihe skin soft, clear anl .beautif ul ;
also iitstrnctions for producing a luxuriant
growth of bair on a ball head or smooth
lace. Addresa, inclosing 3c stamp, Bss.
VaSDSir Co., 6 Beeltman SL, N. T.
The advertiser having been permanently
cured of that dread disesse. Consumption,
by a simple reru.-dy, is anxious to moke
known to bis Irliow-sutlervrs the means of
cure. To all who desire it,' he will send a
copy of the prescription n.ted, (free ol
charge,) with the directions for prep tring
and asing the same, which they will find a
si-be Crat for Corruption, Asthma, Bio.i
chitis, Jtc. Partfes wishing the Prescrip
tion, wflt please address,
Kev. E. A. WILSON.
- 134 Penn St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
k GENTS WANTED. Big Pay. Light
Xm. Work. Steailv Eniplotment. J-ani-pies
free. Address". M. L. BYRN, 49 Nas
sau Street, New lork.
Errors fF YofTnT
A GENTLEMAN who snffered for veers
DECAY, s'otf all the effects of youthful in
discretion, trill for the sake of soiTerig hu
manity, send free to all who need it, the re
cipe and directions for making the simple
remedy by which he was cared. Sufferers
wishing to profit by tbe advertiser's expe
rience can do so by addressing !' , perfect
cooBdence. JOIIN.B. OGDEN,
. 42 Cedar St., New York.
Jan 26, 188U
T'L. r
' Suto
! As sayer
! and
j Chemist I
a- il nf iTasa. I
leading i
i Phyni- i
' cians
i endorsa
J recom- 1
4 mend it I
As . . I
as a
great '
in rcedi-
- Baa been I"
cnastant wse by t!
f . '
nubile lor swr -
year. Bad la the fcslri
artparatlaa ever In- S5
vented for RESTORING
V AXT tire.'
It supplies the mat'
val food aad color to Use
hair tJluda wltkewt
stalBlBg; tha ski: . It will
Inereaae and thlct the
growth r the hair, pra
rant Ita blaachlns; and
Ihillaa; ofTi awd tksi
Continues the practice of Medicine snd
Surgery and all their collateral branches.
Office at his residence in McAlisterviue.
Feb 9, 1876.
After the First Day cf December,'
188C; ...
YOU WI1L nsn
In his New Store Room at the East end of
with a Large Lot of
of all kind, Stove Pip". Lard Cans. XTicSj
Granite Iron Ware, Dripping Pans, aad ai!
kinds of
Whi. h articles lie will sell at th.J Low-st
P.s:l-le Priees.
Thankfnl fur. past p.tnoioge te Xect.
by strict aitettit.n to liuinesri, to receive at
least bii share in the future. . ,
. ,.; ,. JXOB a. MTfNEY.
Nov. 21, Ickw.
CArTto?i xqTirr.
4 LL persons are hereby cautioned sg.iins.
1 trespassing nHn Ihe lands of the un
dersigned, in Fayette, Delaware or Walker
township, by hsiiiug, hunting, or in any
other wav.
It cares Itchinc, Erup
tion, and Qaodrwn.
la Ttrry deslnble, rlvlns;
tha hair a aUken softneae
which all admlra. It
keps th head
aw ret and healthy.
Jonathan Riser .
Wm Eranthoiier
Henry S piece
Catharine Kuril
John McMeeu
D B Dim in,
' W Smijh
S J Knrti .
Henry Anker
Lncien, Dunn .
J W Hosteller
Jesse Pines
Jacob Hoops.
C r, Sheltv
A 11 Kurt .
David Smith .
S Owen Evans
Testnn Benner
C. F. Spicher
John L Anker
J B Garber
3 M Kaiitl'iuan
J F Dettra
David Ilunberger
Arnold Varnea
Levi K Myers
Nov , 18tl.
House and Lot in McAHsterville.'
A Lot containing one-fourth Acre of
ground, with a two-story double Log House,
weather-boarded in front, anl some roon.s
plastered inside, suitable for one or two
families ; also, Stable, Large Shop, Pig-pen,
ex., all under good fence, and well sup
plied with large and small frnits.' Teruis
easy, and price lo suit the f?mes. Apply t
Stephen Lloyd MLljsttr, near the prem
ises, or to Mrs. Rebecca L. Wilson, Port
Koyal, Juniata Co., Pa.
will chants the benrd to n BROWN
or BLACK nt discretion. . Belna; In
one preparation It is eaaDy applied,
and prod area n permanent color
that will not wash off.
Sold all Dsalsrs at &can,
Walker township, about two miles west of
ThomrsontowD, on Ihe old pjke, having x
thereon erected a comfoiUble w.-tory
Dwelling Ilonse, with kitchen and outbuild
ings. Fruit in variety. Water at the d.n. r.
Terms made known by calling7 on Philip
Cleck, on Ihe premises, or by addressing
Philip Cleck, Tbompsontown; Juniata Co.,
Notice to Trespaaticrs.
NOTICE is hereby given that all persons
found trespassing on tbe lanls of lae
undersigned in Delaware townohip, either
by fishing, bunting, cntting limber, build
ing fires, or in any way whatever, will be
dealt with as the law directs.
R. W. nrwBrr.
' Groans Spit aim A v .
M. C. Faa.
mayl4,I879-tf Mas. M Air Kiscb.
ALL persons are hertb) cautioned not to
trespass upon Ihe lands ot thr undersigned
in Delaware township, lor the purpose of
lumbering, or for any other purpose.
Har9, 81. J. W. KURTZ.
THE heirs of Frederick J-anver, dee'd,
will offer at private sale, a farm, situ
ated in GrefSTVowl township, Perry eotinfy,
Pa., bounded if lands of J. Anker, J. (j.
Junes, J. Kipp and others, containing
One Hundred & Fifty-five Acres,'
more or les; abont 115 acres of which are
cleared and in a Ii-gh state of cnltivatior. ;
Ihe balance is well set with timber. The
improvements are a
.Largs Mk Frame House,
BANK BARN, Hg Pen, Corn tlotiae, and
Wash House, with a Well of never-lailing
water near the door. Tbore is also an ex
cellent Orchard of choice fruit on the farm..
This is a most desirable property, being
situated in a liiuejlone valley, convenient lo
schools, churches, mills, tc, and withiu a
few miles of the. Peansvivaniw Railroad.
117" For further particulars call on the
undersigned, who reside on the farm, or
address iSrrn at Millersfown, Perry C., Pa.
May 47 I! i. ' w AdmiuUtratora.
tfiDC a week in your own town. Terms andL
$00 f- outHt fnw. Address H. Hauorn
k. Co., Portland, Maine, our X HI'
i ;