I.iunUerlaas Bill. . "Well, Blunderbuss Bill, what Lave yon to say; why yon should not be declared m vagrant? Yon are not an In dian, are yon?" "I am, sir, to a certain extent, for the dark blue blood of Powhatan's fourth cousin flows m crimson streams through the many i-arrowgage connections with my heart, and under the act, I claim immunity as a constitutional right," says'he athletic, savage-looking priso ner." "The Court rules that the Statute of Limitation bars the Indian in this case, but as I do not wish to be hard on an F, F. V., if yon can show me where yon have toiled durinsr the last ten years I will k-t von oft;" The prisoner's fiice clouded for a mo ment, but like a flash of lightning he brighteued np, and said: "I used to cljan out saioous over in Bodie and Virginia City.' "Wlio employed yon?" "Xo one. I did it because I liked to work." "What did you cleau them with brooni?" ' "Xo." "A scrubbing brush?" "Xo," "Well, what did you use then?" "Sometimes a six-shooter, and now and then a bowie knife, and once I re member using a shot gun." "Twenty-four hours With a breech loading mop and a double-barreled spit toon," laconically remarked his Honor, and the mounta n-whirlwind was led be low to swell the ranks of the "Cuspidor Brigade." 1111 uu Canyon. Men are now grading the track of the Northern Pacific B iilroad at a point in Hell Gate Canyon, nine miles West from Xew Chicago. One day alxrat two weeks ago a crevice blunt was set in a rocky bluff twenty feet above the river. The main blast consisted of seven kegs of black powder, which was placed at a depth of fifteen feet. Two auxiliary blasts, with a short fuse to each, were arranged so that they would open the crevice. The fuses were fired, the men sought shelter and two explosions fol lowed, one sharply upon the heels of the other. XeLson Benue t, a contracter, said to F. H. Anderson, Robert Dunn, Mi chael McCarty and Clias. Beichenberg "The shots have all gone out let's go down," Andeisju demurred, saying the big blast was still below, but the five men walked to the crevice, neverthe less, and began to examine the rocks. While they were thus standing directly above the immense charge the seven kegs exploded. Three hundred cubic yards of rock were lifted into the air as lightly as a man raises his hat to a femi nine friend. The five men went up with the earth's crust like sky balls shot from the schoolboy's board. Fellow workmen who witnessed the terrific ex plosion affirm that the five were hurled at least 120 feet upwards. They came in the river some unconscious, bnt none st riously hurt and every one was able to eat his supper that night and draw his wuges next day. Tba Calm Rep'.y. Yes, I have h.d souie pretty close shaves in my lif etime," answered the cap tain as he sat down his glass and took a seat by the stove. "Go ahead," called tbree or four at once. "jLrt seventeen years ago this tall, when 1 ws sailing tne Martin from ." Here six of tbe men took r.ut pencils and scraim of paper and begin to- j' down names and dates, and, as the ra;itain ob served it, he coulinucd : ' But 1 think tbe clostst miss I ever had wa abnu ten years ago, when I commanded Ue Daylight. One Digit, along towards the last of November, we were trt ing to make Buf- fa'o. That was to be our last trip. Well, that wa the darkest night 1 ever saw, and the wind blew great euus. Tne schooner climbed mountain high, and then fciid ' down as if she meant to strike bottom, ai d 1 thought every plunge would be the last "And she finally went on her beam ends ? asked one. "Oil, no she ride as level as duck." "And didn't lose her musts I" "Not one. the went into Buffalo with everything a taut a) you please." Then wh re was the miss " asked petulant voice. 'Why, Icame within four seconds of missing the midnight train for Detroit t was the calm reply, as he turned over his quid. Soldiers aa Gardeners, In one or two ttamsons on the Continent tje experiment of establishing kitchen gardens in (be neighbor bot of liat racks to be cultiva'ea by the soldiers in their spare hours, has been late y tr ed with very suc cessful results. At It' men, for instance, such a garden, establ'sued by tbe Twenty- fourth regnm nt of in at y, y it lied during a period ol tigut months vettables cab bage, carrots, 'trnips, oniony etc. which could have hten old for at least 100 ; while a similar garden tilled by the men of two battalii ns infantry in a German garri son appears to have been equally produc live. The value of such a gardvn must not, however, hi estimated sioiply by the morey value of its (reduce ; since it no only ensures the men cultivating :t a plen tiful supply of vegetables, but it enable the tro.ps to obtain tbe latter in a fresu and hh s me condition; while rait herbs usetsi for tbe seasoning of soun, etc , but which cannot aiways be bought, cau be groan in U. Tne pardon, aain, will afl.rd tbe n.en to whom it bclon. s e t y and lntere.-tin oocupiton di ring u any hours which other ise they mniat be tempt d to spend in the Leer-house or wine-shop, while the knowledge they ac quire in it may prove very uaelul :o thi m in after life. The ins i.ution ofsomUi-gardemu;-. is, indeed, one who deserves eu c Hirageiceu: ; and it would be well if it were far more general than it is in Bng land. The t fleets of sea w ater upon land have been th'ii determined at a German station for experimental agriculture: Lind that has been submerged by sea water general y sterile for some time, in some cases for leu or fifteen years. Tuis can be traced to tbe three following chemical causes, in adoi tion to the mechanical injuries produced by the inundation: To the introduction of too great a proportion of chlorine saltf; to the hydrosotipic p-operiy communicated to il; and from the forma ion of green vitriol or sulphate of iron, which is known to ex ert a very pre judical effect upon plant growth. Land which has thus been dam red should be drained as qu ckly as possi ble, sown with grass and clover, and al lowed to rest. Experience shows that it recovers i s fertility f oncer in this way than if cultivated as arable land. Moldincss is occasioned by the growth of mwu e re.e atioo. Ink rw-te ieathtr, snd seed m fr qnently suffer by i' A clove will preserve n; esseuual oil answers equally as well. Lea'.ncr -nay be kept free from mold by the same substances. Thus Russia lea: her, which it perfumed witn tbe tar of b rch, never becomes moldy. A few drops of aiy essential oil will keep books entirely free from it. Items Kotlin-fcild. A Parts correspondent says: Bsroo James Edward Rothschild, one of the chief nembers of the great banking family, was found dead in bis bed the other morning; and the world was informed that he had ihed of a ruptured blood verse 1. But it is charged on the Paris Course that be conimiited suicide cut his own throat on account of having lost some 30,000,000 francs. I cannot tell you the true story ; but this much is certain, the deceased will be missed in Paris. lie was a good man and a eenerous one. and one who held a high position ocially, Outocially and in tellect ailv. Baron James Rothschud uvea most of the time near his mother in the most romantic residence in France. It is the Abbey of Vaux de Cernay a ruin which has been renaired with wonderful art. so welL indeed, that the cothic walla, en wed by tbe passing centuries and covered with ivy, now contain comfort able salons, brilliant with modern elegance and articles of luxury. This old abbey dates back to the eleventh century. On the 19th and 20th of January. 1790, tbe National Assembly, by dercees, accorded a nenaion to those monks who would ahandnn their monastic societies. The eleven monks m the Abbey of Vaux de Cernay thought it best under the circum stances to leave, and the Male too posses sion as public domain and sold it to private individuals. In comae of time it cunc into possession of tbe Baroness Rothschild, the lam Ramn havimr induced his mother to purchase it. The chapel of this old abbey, tn which Hlanche of Castile once made a Diioimaee. has remained standing almost uninjured, with its cunous sculptures, its oive windows, and its gravestones from which the hand of time has effaced tbe names traced bv the baud of man. A bee erowine between the paving stsnes b violently pushed its shrubby he d through one ol the classless windows an emoiem of eternal life writing the word hope on the threshold even of ruius. It is aid that this romantic con.er of tbe abbey suggested the famous scene in "Robert le Diaule" at tbe Grand Oiera : but no scenery in the world wid ever render tbe touching solem nity of this subli ue ruin where tbe moon beams bathe with their silvery luster tbe old stcnes, narrow windows, crumbling porticos and the dark verdure of the cling ing vine?. This abbey in nook of the valley of Clevreute, surrounded by a pretty wood, with its old cascades and mossy rocke, is numbered an ong the most perfect masterpieces of the picturesque. The Fresh Air Hablr. Karly impressivxis are very endearing. and can make the useful habits as well as evil ones a sort of second nature. In order to forestall tbe chief danger of in-door life, nuke your children love-sick after fresh air ; make them associate tbe idea of fusty rooms wub prison life , pLU&hmeLt and sickness. Open a wiukw whenever they compla n of headache or nausea; promise them a wo d and excursion as a reward of exceptionally good behavior. Save your best sweetmeats tor out -door festivals. By the witchery of associated ideas a boy can come to regard the lonely shade-tree as a primary requisite to the enjoyment of a good story Iwok. "Or, met pensecs no roulcnf jamais alter qu avee met jam bes. Says It U hBaU ("Only the movement of my teet seems to set mv brains a going') and it is just ai easy to think,, debate, re hearse, etc., walking as silting; the peri-patetic-pbilosophers derive their name from their pedestrian proclivities, and the Stoic sect from their masters' predilection for an (pen porch. Children who have been brought up in hygienic homes not rarely "feel as if tbey were going to be choked" in unvemilaled ro-ms, and I would take good care not to cure them of such salutary idioaoycrasies. Every observant teacher must have no ticed tbe innate hardiness of young boys, their unaffected indifference of wind and wuiiher. They seem to take a delight in braving the extremes of temperature, and, by simply indulging this penchant of theirs, children can be made weather proot to an almost unlimited Uegrie ; and in notmng else can they be more safely rusted to the gu dance of their protective insurers. Don t be afraid that an active boy will hu't himself by voluntary expo sure, unless his chances for oat-door play are so rare as to teu.pt him to abuse the firs opportunity. Weather-proof people are almost sickness-proof ; a merry hunt ing excursion to the snow clad highlands will rarely la.l to counteract the conse quence ot repeated surfeits ; even girls who have learned to brave the winter storms or our northwestern prairies will afterward lugh at "draughts' and raw March winds.' J. Pasteur experiments on Carbon M. Pattern- bas now had an opportunity of practically testing the truth of his theory as to tne protection or, annual froa charbon by their inoculation with the artificially cultivated virus of that disease. On the 5th ultimo the farm of a veterinary surgeon at Pouilly lc Fort and sixty sheep were placed at M. Pasteur's disposal. Ten of these sheep were left untouched, in order that they might later on serve for compar ison. Of the remaining fifty, twenty five were marked with a hole in their ears. and were inoculated, tbe first time on the 5'h of May, and tbe second on tbe 17th. Oa May 81st none of the inoculated sheep nsa lost lat. or spirits, or appetite. On May 81st tbe fifty sheep were taken, with out di-ftiDction, and inoculated with tbe strongest virus. -M. Pasteur predicted that, on the 2d mst., the twenty-five sheen not inoculated wouM be dead, and that the inoculated anin.a's would show no symp toms oi sickness; and aecnniinelv. on that day, a number of spectators, including the President of the Agricultural Society of Meiun. the Prefect of the Department, and the Director of Agriculture and Commerce, assembled to witness the result The pro phecy of M, Pasteur was exactly fulfilled. At 2 o clock twenty three of tbe sheep which bad not been inoculated were dead At 3 o'clock died the twenty-fourth and the twenty-tifth died an hour later. The .wenty-five inoculated .animals were quite s Mind, and in perfect health. Only cne of i hi m was feveiish; and the fever, which a ss caused by tbe annual having design edly beer, iuocu ated with too strong a . ose i uie virus, sp;eauy disappeared. The twenty -flee carcasses have been buned in nxei. spo ; aud. on the infected grass which will arow over it, experiments are to be made with inoculated and non inocu- .ated sheep, M. Pasteur's discoveries in i his direction are being amply corroborated by Ejglis1! experience; and i the matter be propt-rly taken up, the agricultural in terest will hive one less difficulty to con tend against, since it ought to be practi cable to protect herds against charbon much In tbe same way th-tt human beings can protect themselves against small pox by vaccination Tnx f. llowing was found In a memoran dum bmk belonging to Burns : "Oh. b'trr", I e thou with us : but if Thou be not w.th ns, e n against ns ; but leave it between the redcoats and us!n Bio college joke : lie was a freshman and in all his molality was watching Rossi as O ht-llo. ' I thought Italians were white," he said. Ir a dime with a hole in it is worth five cents, a dime with two hole) in it ought 10 be worth 10 ceats. Wo S3 barbers should have pretty mugs. A Teacbeb says: "In one evening 1 counted seven meteors sitting on my piazza." As esthetic poet, on being asked on his arrival at Brighton what train he bad ar rived, replied, -'Bv tbe two two." "As that's the P.hsr ci Hercules V she said, adjusting her silver spectacles. -Gra cious, what's the rest of his bed-clothes ime, i wonder i Sgkkbodt, In describing a lady, says that she has s face "a painter nlKf jIwaII UTH tufMiJ waMiaui j AOBICTJITDB. Si it torn Weill Frxin. Salt is used as a fertilizer, and usually with beneficial effect on crona. It Is known, however, that a too liberal application of it will de stroy vegetation. Tbe refuse salt from the Onondaga salt works it ded quite omnman- lv in Western New xork on wneat lanus. It is applied sometimes on tbe growing crop in spring; but usually on ine nem aou worked into tbe soil previous to seeding. A mnrh lanrer auantitv may be used when worked into the soil than when applied di rcctly to the crop; 300 or 400 pounds per acre may be sown broadcast oa tbe crop, though one barrel of 280 pounds is about the usual Quantity used, and three or four times that quantity rr ay be worked into the soil with safety. Lsed tn tnis way u is beneficeal in destroying insects and worms in tbe aod, as well as to promote tbe growth and early maturity of the crop. It is not claimed that salt 'is a direct fertilizer, for sodium is not found to be an element of plant food to any great extent in the cereal crops, bat a mechanical effect is somehow produced which is beneficial to vegetation to a limited extent. List season one of my neighbors used over tour tons of salt on thirty acres of wheat land, worked into the soil before seeding, for wnich be thinks the crop was much improved; the yield was ovr thirty bushels per acre of a superior o-iahtv of wheat. The straw of grain when treated with salt is usually brighter and cleaner f rust or fungi than elsewhere. which would seem to show a more healthy condition of the plant. Babbed WiKiFxscEa. Experience bas demonstrated the practical value of the following suggestions of constructing bar. be '-wire fence: Set substantial posts one rod apart; the posts at the starting point should be braced by cutting a notch in it two and a half feet from the ground, and runninc a Krone pole fnm tbe notch to the toot of the second post, where It is fit ted to rest firmly, and is supported about three inches above the ground by means ot a short block driven down beside the fence post. This method of bracing should be repeated once in forty rods. A faulty construction would be to cut tbe notch in the staniag post four le t from the ground. make tbe brace shorter, and allow tbe low er end to rest upon the ground, for tbe moment the wire is lightened npou the fence, the short brace acts as a fulcrum to lift the initial post. When the posts are set a wire is wrapped firmly around the post, four feet and two inches from the ground; then the cod is unrolled forty rods aud tbe wire drswn tight by means or set of pulleys with grapples. After this wiie has been securely stapled, a 6econd is similarly fastened one foot below this, lea ving a foot space between the respective wires, the mound space is fourteen inches. Four wires thus arranged make a perfect cattle fence. For horses the lower wire should be without barbs to prrvent cutting the knee, and a fifth wire snould be placard upon the posts five feet from the ground. BKEF-Mrrr.w Grass. It is stated, on what is regarded as good authority, that an acre ot grazing land in Lincolnshire, trig land a country famous for its grass will carry an ox and a sheep from May 1 to Uc tober 1, and that during this period the ox will gain 280 pounds and the sheep 40 pounds in net weight of meat when slaugb tered. Ihe acre will thus yield 320 pounds of meat in 163 days grazing. Its produce may be sixteen tons, perhaps more. This is ore pound of n eat for every cwt. of grssa, but we must remember that tbe grass of such land differs from the average in the quantity of its product. We have not the least idea what the estimates would be in the west or northwest, of the quantity of grass rt qui red for a 100 pounds of beef or mutton. The result, of course, would be varied by moist and dry seasons, and by tbe quality ot tbe glasses with which the pasture is stocked. The apt'tude of the aaiinal for faitemn would also effect the result. It is claimed that hi Montana the buffalo grass is the richest of all gras ses for fattening purposes, it being quite equal for fat teeing animals lo feeding corn in addition to most ot the grasses tn tbe west. The American Cultivator says sheep are justly becoming popular with tbe mass of farmers, and the L nited states is des tined before long to produce all tbe wool ber factories may rexuire. Those who set k to increase their profits by stock-raising, and at the same time improve their soil. raise more grass, employ less Ubor, and make more money, wUl raise more sheep. A p wnd of mutton can be raised cheaper than a pound of teef or pork, and is wor.h as much in the market, the wool is thus extra profit. The writer advises us to con tinue to use thoroughbred males upon our common ewes. lie has no disposition to dictate what the breed shall be, only let it be of its breed lull blooded, and in a fe years, ty culling our poorest ewes, we will have a nock equal to tbe best. Fbom the investigations of Professors Kedzle, Nczzler, Barth. Fleck, and Schmitz it appeals that potato sugar contains as impurities sulphuric acid, iron sulphate, and lime. Its most dangerous ingreuient, however, is a bitter matter which remains after the sugar has passed into fermenta tion, and which occasions cold sweats, op pression of the chest, headache and other dangerous or annoying symptoms. Wines treated with polau sugar are consequently pro lanto poisonous, and the autho.itiee given above question whether it should be permitted to be employed in brewing. Ifinrc wheat bran for packing tender specimens of fruit, to prevent bruising. bas been long practiced, but an improve ment has been made by which, in addi tion to this protect ion, tbe fruit is preserved from decay. Tbe bran is slightly charred by a patented process, n e are Inrormed that delicate California grapes and plums have been thus shipped East wuh safety, snd that the carbonized bran prevent deca long enouch for the fruit to be sold off etadualty as wanted. Tbe Co'swold often weighs as hltrb as 300 rounds, but do not attempt to kep iberu unless you have rich and luxurious pastures. A large Cycad. The Royal Gardens. Kew, have j lat received, through Sir Fer dinand von Mueller, Government Botanist, Melbourne, perhaps tbe most remarkable Australian Cicaitnceous stem which bas ever been imported into England. It is about fcur feet high, five aud a half feet in circumference, and weighs about six huu dmlweicbL It u a type of a new species described by yon Mueller as Macrozamia Al3oret in honor of Mr. Charles iloie. Oirc'tor of tbe Botanic Garden, Sydney. Tne exhibition of two stems (of wbicb U at secured for and sent to Kew is one) in the Q leenaland Court at the Melbourne Exhi bition seems to have drawn attention to the aptcies. Tbe plants appear to have been obtained from tbe mountainous dis trict near Springsure in Queensland, where specimens have been seen twenty feet In height, with a girth of six feet four inches. ones measuring two to three feet in lenirtb and leaves seven feet long. The stem at Kew has been placed in the Palm House. It is in excellent condition, and there is reason to hope that rt will in time push a new crown of leaves. But even if it do i not, it wUl form a urique museum epeci men. The new metal of which it is proposed to construct pipes in which to lay telegraph wires nnoer ground is described as veiy light only about one-sixth the weight of iron and, being composed almost entirely .Y pure caibon, is in destructible, whether in 'Me air or under ground: it sloes not rust or change by exposure, and is not affected by heat, or frost. Ihe most - important chractenstic claimed for it, however, in connection with underground wires, is its being a perfect Insulator. The pipes of the metal need sot, it is stated, be buried i very deep in the ground, aa tbey may be of selves to the slight upheaval and depression ! a9 Ka muinil (kwmrh 4HA aaIm. m kuikmmiv , i fc , ir jui nig. ''- DOMESTIC. Ast person may paint a wooden mantle piece, etc., and can obtain tbe effect of elaborate marble painting by tbe following method : First, give the wood two coats ot white paint, and when the second coat .s neariy dry take a piece of French chalk, any color you may prefer, and with this draw lines and veins this requires no skill, as the more rudely tbey are drawn, the mere closely they will resemble the natural markings then give a coat of thin white paint. Into this the chalk will work up and tbe lines will assume the softened and graunlated effect seen in real marble. A glossy surface may be given by an after coat of copal varnish. Copkt BciLUM. This preparation gives boned fish a better flavor than cooking in clear water doer. Some cooks use wine in it, but there is no neessity for that. Four quaru of water, one onion, one slice of carrot, two cloves, two tablespoonfuls of salt, one teaspoonful of pepper, one tables poonful of vinegar, the juice of half a lemon and a bunch of aweet herbs are used. Tie the onion, carrot, cloves and herbs in a piece of muslin and put in the water with the other ingredients ; cover and boil slowly together for one hour, Then put in tbe fish and cook as directed for plain boiling. Pxrr-gB Saccx. Take twenty-five pep pers, without the seeds, cut them pretty fine, then take more than double tbe quan tity of cabbage, cut like slaw, one root of horseradish, grated, a hand full of salt, rather more Uian a tablespoonful mustard seed, a tables poonful of cloves, tbe same of allspice, ground ; simmer a sufficient quantity of vinegar to cover it, and pour oyer it, mixing it well through. Salt Fish must soak over night. Bone less codfish now cme put up in boxes. and takes a much shorter time to cook than the bard dry fish. There is no skin, either, with the boneless teh. This ought to cook hi little over half an hour after it be tins to boil. Cook all salt flab in cold water. 1 be '"picked np" codfish is shred' ded with a fork after boding and served on tonst with the egg sauce or the sauce used for cream potatoes. R ast Beef asd Rousn Potatoes. Roat the beef in the usual manner; and about half an hour before takin out pour off three quarters of the gravy from the dripping pan and lay about the meat some balls of mashed potato, worked smooth with pepper and salt ajd raw egg, mould ed in your hands and rolled in flour. Turn as they brown, and when done drain off the grease snd dish with the beef. We find the following bug destroyers mentioned in aa exchange : A thin coat ing of dry road dust while the dew is on is tbe best cure for the green cabbage worm. A Iiti.'e rag tied on a short peg, and satu rated with kerosine or crude carbolic acid, stuck into a cucumber hill, will drive away tbe yellow striped bug. Fresh cow or hog dung applied about tbe plants will have the same ttiect. It is said alulterated sugar may be de tected by a very simple test. A Utile pure sugar is taken in tue mouth and when dis solved is replaced by a little of the auspec ted article. If the lalter contain starch, glucose or chloride of lime, a distinctly bitter taste will be present. Fish Rules. Oily fish, salmon, mack erel, etc., keep fresh longer than white fish do, where the oil, as in cod, is centered in tbe liver. Fish should be washed off quickly in one (cold) water, and not be allowed to stand in it- If it is to be cut up, wash it before cutting, as otherwise it loses some of its flavor. Potato Sorp. Roil eight huge potatoes aud rub tbcin through a colander; pour over them two quarts of boiling water season with salt and pepper, and boil one hour ; stir In three tab espoonfuls of but ter rubbed in flour and one cup o' hot milk ; when it Soils up pour out and serve hot. Puei'abed chalk for tbo toilet may be made as follows: Tie up in a little cotton bag five cents worth of common white ehalk and boil it all day in clear water. Next day put it In the oven and bake agut or ten hours with a slow fire. It will come out firm, hsrd and free from impurities. Sweet apples make delicious pickles Peel and quarter then, boil them uutil tender in viuegar and water ; to one quart of vinegar add two pounds ef sugar ; heat the vinegar and dissolve the sugar in it add cl'ivet and cinnamon and pour over the apples while hoL CrcmBEBS. Shoe cucumbers very thin and let them.lay lo salt and water aa hour before using. Serve in a vegetable dish with powered ice, and let each one season to suit the taste. A Man, having a terrible attack of uele- riura tremens was, for a week, the star of artistic London society. They thought be was an esthetic Tbe milkmen are human, for an Hiber nian -asures us that "they have their weak p'inta.' "Who was the first into tbe breach? asked Professor Stearns, when the class in history was up. "The patch,' said the new smart lov. But the Protestor mark' td him one minus and said no. The bole was in before the patch. A PEnRit toper justihes himself In this mamier : -i am fond of long life. Jovi ality and good feeling promotes long life Whiskey engenders joviality and good leeliug. lience I cultivate whiskey.' A Shoet metre welding : A young cl r- jiynian in Iowa recently married a couple n the follow ng brief manner : "Do you want one another I" Both responded yes. Will, then, have one another.' M. Jamin bis made a considerable ad. Vance in the arrangement of bis electrical candle, tie encloses hi carbon Icop tn a carefully closed vessel containing air. Tbe electric action at first produces the comb! nation of tbs ox gen and nitrogen of tbe atmosphere, aud tbe uaual coloted vapors are st en; these are soon destroy ed bv the nygen combimug with the carbon, nitro gen and crrionic oxide alone remaining in tbe glas globe I ha phosphorescent arc tnen brcttucs qiile fixed, givin:' light of a greenish-blue tint. Each candle by this arrangement lasts tw hours. ion see, u s lust this way,' rays a local polilian : "a bummer votes forty times a Main street man won't perhaps vote once, ftov, u a man wants an office. to whom shall be go for votes I The Light of the Atari. For a aura ber of years the special work earned on at tbe Harvard Observatory, under tbe direc tion of Professor Pickering, bas been the measurement of the intensity of the light ot the heavenly bodies. Some of the results presented at a recent meeting of tbe Socie ty of Arts, at the Institute of Technology, Boston, indicate measurements almost in credibly fine. Tbe light which falls upon tbe earth from tbe satellites ot Mart, for example, is about equivalent to what a man's band on which the sun aboue at Washington would reflect to Boston. 1 he labor of measuring the brightness of all the visible stars was begun two years ago. It has since gone oa at the rate of about 40, 000 a year, and will be completed next fall. One eighth cf a grain of Indigo dissolved in sulphuric add is capable of giving to 300 ounces of water a sufficiently deep blue color to De ctscincuy visible rn one drop of the water. Aa in this amount there are 125, 000 drops, in one drop of the blue sortition Umm is one-millionth Df ft ladlgn. Neiohbobit: Not long since a family moved into a kousw on Austin Avenue. After a week or so a friend of the family called on them and asked bow they liked the locality. "Pretty wen. "Have you called oa any of the nelgbors yet f" "No but I am going to if there Is any more of my kindling; wood missing Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mr. Ibeolore ilively. tobacco and cigar dealer, 109 Seneca street, was recently lal Up with rheumatism so that he couldn walk. After liberal use of various pre parations he purchased a bottle of St Jacobs Oil, and to use his own expression "It was tre first thing to - ff ird him any. thing like relief. lie has completely re covered by its use. Qtite provoking A lady being asked how many calls she made the other after noon replied, "On, I only made seven : I was unfortunate chough to fled everybody at home." fLa Fayette Jouia4; Sm:b lxrU Us Ux a Hrart ioud. Mr. Frank YVilke, North aod 9th streets S a ted, that it was not only highly praise by his customers, bu, the St. Jacobs Ol has not failed to give satifaction in a aingl ca&e. Somebody observes that when six young ladies sit down to talk about a new dress pattern a small boy with a tin horn is a refuge for the weary. uqnid r Dry. Some iple prefer to purr base medr cines in the dry state so that they can m for themselves that they are purely vena table. Others have not tne time or desiri to prepare the medicine, and wish it al mdy to use. To accomodate each class the proprietor! of Kidney Wort now offer that wed known remedy in both Liquid and dn forms. Sold by druggists everywhere TruUi Tbikk their feathers pretty : A satiri cal slave says tenors put on more airs than they sing. For dizziness, headache, pain in tbe back, biliousness, and fever and ague, use only "Sellers Liver Pills." Ballots and beer glasses : The liquor saloons were closed in Waterbury election day to give tbe citizens time to vote. Easily Proves It is easily prove-i that malarial fev-is, con-tipa'ioii, torpid t of the liver and kidneys, general debility, nervousness, and neuralgic ailruests yield readily to this great disease conqueror Hop Bitters. It repairs the ravaces of diseasa by convert.ng the food into rich blood, an-j it gives new life and vior to the area aod lahrm always. Qtite a number of leading merchants a' Galveston, who speculate in cotton futures, are "out on bale." Vegetine IS THE UhMEDY. HEART DISEASE, LOSS OF APPETITE SIHHiXlcsTiu.K, Iowa, Oet, 14, IS78. H. K. STIVE, Bostox : ! 8ia : I moxt rbrrfiiUr eira hit tn niunr In farir of Tour irn-Jt mrilH-uir, ireUo IHjr w:fe wa tnxjl.lisl wuh limit Dine al tsuet ttf A .turtitr. al.d HUM rfluml Bhlral thai Khe was not alile to lo her work, liavu Irted Tartua remedies. h Anally tk Vem-un' lueh completely -urel ber. Mie Is now stout u beartv. I aia ttrfttdel that Vegetine hi rAe reinel lur ail tul i rlauued lur it. alia even more. Youni trulf, PAf RKK KIRWIS. VEGETINE A SPLENDID MEDICINF. HEART DISEASE, KIDNEY DISEASE, FEMALE WEAKNESS GamosTUj a, tu, Jul? xs, ists. H. K. Srsvevs, Bomo : DK Si : I was afflicted with Hnt.t ami K Mew ixjmue, and other mfte R'rviA-iinur, aa dortnred with Kerentl phrsirtaiM anil receive! beneOt, until I truil jour VegHine, an. I alter U4 tag two buttles I wM completely oureu, ana n been a health woman ever tux. alilionKh I a la my aixtnuith year. I do heart. ly reconimei K as a iplenlhl medicine to all aitlicied aa I hat eeo, and I mesa me uay it ten inio my nanus, MliS. MAKIA HOBSO.V. PREPARED RT a. at revysa. . am. Vegetine ts .V Id by AU Ifniygixts. stUPERTUS Calebratw &3gBnKlUslia Snot Cunt aaa Rraxeb.Laadtaa' Gwaw, RISea m ftala myl mpwd eU W iarte ufc'i anntaed by Hunrtsmen and i :nmr.i.r n man 91 PMntif liavieaieata at t ' treecawlaifin m riaablr iBwat SoOn; JUM.Ct.HI m4 fc. Tii- H dtt t .. 7 1 S .III HrkM Mt IlllUHUfcW j sfAbsortang ' U a as lattrot b cotumenced In the Ssiember number of Arthur Home Magazine. AG new tabwribert tnr lim-i will reeel rfjrr thsMirmnborand Dmmbrr Not. r tC ot thi year. Teh Ms . iia year; i roplca SiM; icopleato 4eopieat6: Sand one ex tra 112. dvYor tperimen number, contaioliut fin chanters of tHrnnml" mrA . T H. AR'l Hl RAhflS-, PhitaAJrA jQ, $777 J5 TKAR A!TD BXPFN8K" TO ta. OntSt tna iiUma m. aa. i av,a a. ai BEAUTIES OF SACRED SOISTG. This snlendld new roUeetton of tae mm fivnd 8ongt of the day, will he moat valuable addition to our ubranea, ana Is full of re ma. Amour toe anthort we notice tbe names of Ooa. nod, MUliyan, Manual a, AM, Thomas, Kmart and MDKim, aim mere are more tnan w others or good !puic iMjunoo a -ureea mil tar away : ranret Palm Branriies:''and Aht't Ahoye'the staia." moicaie toe nujo rnaracteroi tne compoaiuona. wajra are an in uomucr. Pi ice 92.00 Boards : 82-SO Cloth THE dANNER OF VICTORY. Thto bmlTlTi ltti tetrrnn tn ft ratwr STtrn BOOK tor Bl NDAY SCHOOLS, Ju oat. It It by Abby at Mutrer. who mvle fouled mcv etat in uwir lut boofc," wbitb Kotsts," and who Lb tfcua new eoaaUsUloa, tarni n notcber ot tk twecteat nreruiliti eer pUoed in collection of tne . im p-sge-. -vna nbont m manr avootrm, mnn kn sVuM to tbe PrTr MMtiiiaT. avsi wii tn the dDD4sj scbooL Prtce 36 eonta. Oliver Ditson 4 Col. Bottoo. J. M. T ITMV OO.UBC IB tish L BocKj Iirrw VXwtVJk J Imt I lara I 1 JT LJt . w 3aj LYDIA C. Pir.KHAM'a VEGETABLE COMTOTin). IssPualUieCirfa) trail lb 1 1 1 FataM Oinlalta mm WnlnaW if raawkOaa wis sarty ttagsot htilnpat Thstaaaaaeytaaa itaaasfc ib nihil m j by am That sial-nt st taafadsn. sad anrharas. la alwaa $ lew it la fj aarad by It B at aH anas and asdaran b aiiaatsi hr T " ' 1 tar tk and Eidnay Caashaaa) at attaar taa attr Lvwia e. putsaiaw-a rsecT.fjt csnv pa-Caw teapand at tn and SB) Vaaa Saaaatk tawmaav PltaaSL Ste batUsttar SL SaatayaasS at a farm st pUla. alas laths form at I naia aa st arlsa i par bos tor ansae. i aS lonars st Isfaary. ScC. Thamrrtt R. E. SELLERS & CO. PITTSBURGH. PA. UlI'liU a'aV : bUI :M i-L l aud feet.! J.riiCaa -iff Xaito. mfatfl-sttoK or Kept Buctu. Mart- 9 auiU UanneiiOnfwu uiiusnmswi hit tivt, pnarrikks of ail othr Bitten, thcp.tticsj Blood Purtfter, Liver aWesU -BaaBytBa-naaBie Ko diccAshf c. pomobiy too nw wsw unp BaattniA.tAMttf Ciarff.TavU al:lrcrtc tit aBlavai fa2ra. ToaUvboaa a ty of Use UHrtOsor iixi3aU7 Oairaoa( or who ro qnlre&a AppeHmr T,tbtue and mud Sttnauutat, liopDatteTHsUV leatins aW.I Wftnou intox So imatwrr what jour are what the disr.He or H on Hop Bit term. Icnt waut ontUvoa onlT feel bad or aTMravbl t tick but if yom it amy savj jsxxrhfr.lt v&B ed niiDdredaa $ 50O J1 be pci'd for m cl thtr will not euro wr help. p not miiW 1 "p f nwul aiTerrbut aso aod anra tlam0,1:!l Hop B Uememr, Hop Cicten la nok Tliv Arufmi dronkea mutram. bait I be Pu-rsW n d rttt MMlirirf errr cmAe ; I TUJOftiv FSICa and OrT and bo penoa or Itt hooid be iritauut tatns. O.I.C.hanahnr,irresi'4ti'lt' ca-l forUninksisaia. u.-e m ui-ium. U 'jmuco au. ff samti L dUiaul'i or n -urtrt-Ht. tvnd . fur Cuvoiar. if mtun at. vv THE CREAT BUItLIXGTON ROUTE. w So other line runs Three Through Pas. senircr Trains Daily between Chicairo, Det Mohkm, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Lincoln. St. Joseph. Atchison, Topcka and Kansas City. hi reel connections tor all points in Kansas. Mebraska. Colorado. Wrominir. Montana. Ne ritnA, e Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon and .niiioru!K. 1 be Shortest. Sneediost snd Most Comforts. ble Route Via HaiinibaJ to Fort Scott. Ilenison Iwllns. Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galves ton ana an points in lexas. ine uneouatea mnucernents otiered Dytms Line to Travelers and Tourists, ara as follow: Tbo celebrated Pullman il6-wheel) Palace ieeninat Cars, mn only on this Line. CB.Il Q. Palace Urawing-Room Cars, with florton't Keclinne lulrs. So extra chanre for Seats in Kcvlininr. Chairs. Tbe famous C B. A y. Palace Iiininr Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cart fitted with Klreant Hiirb-a-irkod Kattun Re. voiving; inam tor tno ezciusivs use of nrst- lass Dasctiers. Steel Track and Superior Eouinment. enm. Dineo witn tneir tireat 1 nmtifrn car Arramre mont, makes t his, above all ot hers, tbe favorite Route to the South, Soutu-West, and the Fat West. Try it, and vou will And traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Tbmtieh Tickets via this Celebrated Lint for .-ile at all offices in tbo L'nited t tales and snail n. All Information about Kates of Fare. Slem. rnir Car Acotninoistions. Time Tables, 4c will be i boerfullv s-tven. and will send r'res to any address an elP-.'Mnt Count? Mau of L nited Mates, la colors, by applying to PERCTVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pass. ASent, Chleazo BALLOT asiELraiGizis. For le82. Illcstrateb u pages Etitert t'nnieT.t a V-nth (!.S"t a Tear lis $: Si per Aumim. Postpaid. I hara'lac Ruaianees, HanMrsa ftkeel f. uim, r.-aye iiit Adf-alam ay jara nn I n nil lllnaira eal fnaaa staaie. JmrBiit Uesartfeat. S'l lAr't Eliaser. Pnulr Page. I.aal e PfMrt meHi. Cawilc i.lnatratiiMta. JleM ail larwa- sT r- yivi FTr tin pnrtua nr. I.I IL. A.U OI.UKJIT 1 TUE V-l .T.l, Hint ul:r.ll' lur nut iHiiitication uata you have sent lo rent', to the publishers ot this hupa Iht mianiilr. aud rei-e:red a eir of the Issue foi January, 18-.1, with ns many a.XEW IMfKoVQ .MEN'I'S. 'lheo. if you wih to ootinne. It will only be necc--ary tu rem. I VI. 40 lor the balaiios h,' tne ye.tr. fl .no onirf-e rases ot ponai carat calling rot irunpleA. or a:e ne aTt Mrsn at lSe. a ropy, TIIOIIS mt Ttmot. Paka.. UUaalr; ktree. Stwataw. Jiaaa, Wfltrhec VtloffM tn- Adaress Standard II alt1 1 CO Amencaa Watch Co-JTUaurg hPa AilSA lil'.irMuiUKlb. Jtjm-K. in . WhaT nrnfnb::m ..hi nuiuj.t.. i. , ... adsunia roural eoriMTs, nnrwinl c4mi lure ux.k . tirfi f jto9s?.3oicaiozuepr'ret.Msi : taliitactjoB tiu-wct ir skidi-v r-ITimlc I. a:tf af-Mi fsr'te; I arfjBf PtaselartlM SiiH-.-Viir. a. Wfae pnret V-J l" :n!U.-'l pian. fL.rl.-i ir i a u-. -yerse.aallMSuanda testify :wnutArmm-wth "rut ... I.---nmoniaia. Reatty'al'ehisei OR; Ss,-.lh,-,r fwsean1aenj-eliiviai1J('rt;i::ii.iritii itaii d u... oar e-llir,ni free. Ail 1-na or ran arua PA S 1 E L If. BE TT i , Wa ckmi, !Crw Jt-r. M.itsi ruisi ruavai rtvava ror aeadue cmba, for Amateur Tnearrteala, Tem Flays, Dtawlng.Kgum Piaya f aur Pla cplan Mara, Guide KtT lyatm- Lunitm. Staioicaliim "-ji, piuera raatotnuiaa. Taa. Cork. Tbeaencal awox twOaara mtankf taa wan tn jMlrta. Hurt f " r aw. !ante aa Dbthaaaw aaata ' l""' steal WnHia, aa aamaalarn Unlit ts Shs ttiwi st ma, tin lr aaataslSMra (Mas sis asms ss H iiaiiilfilntans,Sitiiliary. Sminyisa waasas SaraUsMlaata sad ainhl Wsiiiia St ssras Kansas, Wntntm, iraM rrwtraSM, gtosml Daatltty. SI l mini ' ' and ladV Silna awssaj sJs,wsbjM las, attliw aa il mi. Mmnm turn fasar. ShiSaadly aaaald be wttaaat LTSta B, PUVEAJBI uvam prua, TWy sais narinaia. Mamma IT J III. mmm WOrU. wM. Hf-arrsSt. Umarhaa i Vwu,.. I "1 1 PaamwMaa. - -n . "a . ' stssao alius. r rylTSllatMa. JarirTa V. at awa-ssawBfHilatasal ' - J- f" nherr New Caknw sent fraaTTw H taiwiair m, ?T 5???. .d-rlrUnti and priona. SAMtRL ' yr- Qjaaratj.i-i.w rot. htlZZl. J1""' AC)!rvEiiiiTroxhenl tbe 6iiir She Did Sheridan or Knowk te The ScboM for Scandal f" He-Wiy, a mwW of ootirM. Sberldan was a gen- -.t t. k. .emtr. ktholT. and never wrote anything tdnt Too br iit vi. ..Mt,r thfnnffh Georgia I She v I reinember, bat I'alwaya did pet those two men cot fused. So out wih 1 1 ali iuaT'v I'islurb l- emi rt f a pui.I.i: .-tii:r;0 by Cfavla: soughing ; bat we ft el that it i the prop iiinit to call the attention "f those afilM-tef' with Conehs and CCiNn 1. Bull's Coru?h Jyrup which always cures. Price 25 cents "f there anv ooeninit here for an intel lectual writer J ' asked a seedy, red-nosed individual ol an eonor. -zes mj incuu, replied the man of quills. "A considerate earrvunter fnreafieiluT VOlir Visit, has left an opening for you. Turn the km b to the right. M MrsicAL courtship : A n.uaical young friend of ours, wishing to bespeak his mls tnxtm.' attention to the siiDDliant posture be had Uken np at her feet, sang with thril ling effwH this, his earliest xercise : Dure me for sclace see f'a A Uakdesed wietch: "Des our talk disturb you t said on- of a company of talkative ladies to an old gentlemen sitting In a railroad station the other afternoon. Xo ma'am, was the naive reply, "I've been nrarried nigh unto forty years." A villi X iMAUca tit t.Aku Li.va, a C.eo-tkrs.-u txuaci of pelrolcu.u, will produoa new bair on a million bald beads, which is tnuietuui tnat no other preparation ever discovered will do. Tn man who travels by way of Gates ville is not much better off than a man who has'been to a church fair. The smje has been robbed four times in the past month. The robbers taSe every cent a man has got TEXMixDors college joke : French pro fessor at H. G. a "What is the French word for sweets I JurJor (thinking be said Je nils), replied"! am." The Dir. made him uuderstand his mistake. Ashbi-rmiam, Mass., Jan. 14. 18X0. I have been very tick over two years. They all gave me cp as past cure. I tried Ihe mo.-t tk lful physicians, but tbey did not reach the worst part. The I'-VS and heart would nil up every ni,'hl aud distress hie, and my tluoat was very bad. 1 told uiy children I never should die in peace nntil 1 had tried tlop Bitters. I have tanea two buttle. They nave helped me very tnuch indeed. I am now welt There teas a lx of sick folks here who hava teen bow they helped me, and they used them and are, cured, and feel as thankful as I do that thtre is so valuable a medicine made. MCS Ict.llO Cl'dUINO A Poocetbook laid n the counter in tvansvUIe quickly disappears. The rage to eet money to subscribe to the Michigan sufferers wtll make an Evansville man do anything. "Is patriotism dying out t" asks tbe Chicago Inter -Ocean. Ka sir ; not much it isn't In places where there are no sa loons it is sold in the drug stores. A Drixkiso man was told by his phy sician to hold his breath while he couuted lus pulse, but he couldn't do it. ills breath was too strong for him. AlTsTEKT SutVLu the enm secret o the wonderful tocccs of YtuuTiNZ. li strikes at the rH of di-eire uv purifying the blixxl, restoring tlie 1 v-r And kidneyi to healthy action, inwgoraing the nervout system. Kow doth tbe small boy make rai.ls upon every orchard that is not fortified by a dog, and decide to Join some Sunday school, to be on rleck for a Christnas present. Cool, very. Foreman "Have you set up In Russia.' yet ? Compositor "Jio ; It's cold enough In this room without going to Russia. Women that have been given up by theif dtaret friends as beyond help, have been permanently cured by the use of Lydia E. Pinkbaiu'a Vegetable Compound. It is a posith e cure for ail female complaints. rVnd to Mrs. Lydia . Pnkhaiaa 223 W a.ern Ay.-.. Lynn. MattL, for pnuoli Cbcamed Pi la rots. One cupful of milk, a teaspoonful of butter, salt and pepper to taste; put tbe butter in a small frying pan, anL when hot, but before it browns, add flour enough to thicktn ; stir till smooth, and, gradually add tbe milk ; have yourcol 1 botle Ijpoutoes ready sliced, turn them into this, and let them grad ually neat tn rough. A dash oi nutmeg helps tbe preparation. talt and pepper, and serve. There is no use talking! "Undsey's Blcod bearcher" is taking the lead for curing all blood diseases. Soot always contains a large amount of ammonia when first brought from the chimney. Soot also absorbs ammonia, after it bas been cptead upon the land ; it also contains a large quantity of creoeote, which Is rueful in destroying iDsects, be sides beirgan excellent lertillcer for all kind of crops. Mix a little sulphur witn salt and feed occasionally to sheep. It will effectually destroy sheep ticks. Th same remedy applied to cattle troubled with lice will soon rid tbciu of vermin. Look out for Suddea Chang of weather, and srns.nl against them by using W arner's Sa'e Kidney and Liver Cure. A restaurant keepur advertised for a man to cook. Two or three babiea would suit better ; they are tender and not so s'rongly flavored with rum snd tobaccc Tha Dws-tura Disagree) as to the best niHls xls and rem tlf-s, fii the cure of conaiipition and difordenl linr and knin-ya. But those that havi n&ed K.dney-Wort, agrua that it is by f.it the best medicine known. Its action i prompt, thorough and larin.i Dout toki pills, and other mercurials that poison 'hi system, but by using Kidney-Wort rcs'or the natural action of ail the organs. Set Covenant. Oa Thirty Llaya rrl !. j oa yoiuKt os I c w .ns -i.all M eh., tn J Electric Appliance-, ou tnl for thirty days to an; rersou arB.cts. atth Ne-vooa DebJ.tv Lost V.taUty. and ki bo red troo blew, taaraotae "m 'mwi , , ijaiia and at . . ng uaiim reawraiMm or vigor aod Ban hood. Address a above without delay. P. a No nk al Miun4. as '30 daja' tr al is al.oatd. Bod-Bogw, Boaehoa. Rate eats, mica, an's, flies, lneecU. d eared ont by -Rough on Bats." 15a, drnggirt. MnRB stoaaaa a HSaotr. Mirmn . BullUug. feutu nd Cheauiiu airee a a ye hand a superb stock w can One luainr m a" . wtiica (ue o8m at as low print a. -aoaea w im Int qoaUr, pettaoa alias la eoloi ' d wane, eaa tm aol-l fnf. ElaNSIONSTOALl Jwata. ia t . a- . 1-anese.ta, mmmj Mtat ml aaaw tock iri . wtu. alaitf iattaa. S2a T, mZJ! oaar iktna er emkbuiw. artM -nsm mmZZi a i lit ! fci.ni i 7"s im mm amss. atr aslW-ayM w -h. ""wa U CSUtMti ! VrP. El USl ril f a "aim , HMH. I II J .',nTaSja.7ltafaM"aI I 1 a a .irtit wit tniiil sraiilnsnraaiT t) w . ....uw rh , ru. 6 tCbk9 PERILS OF THE DEEP. Tmrlna; mv rnp i?oTn the liivef Taius. fn Snsin "' said Captain Btiyton ;j a tvprex-uiativs irfthis journal .ii a teienl cnirrsit.oii by tbe sea thore. "I had to shoot' H6 watert'ol'j. the larnst being about eighty-live fevt, and innumer able rspida Crossin the Straits of Messiua I had three ribs broken In a right wiih sharks: and comlnK-down ho tromane. a river in France, 1 Kceiyed a cbarze of shut from an exdted and tartled huntsman. Althoucli this was not yerr rCmant and mhcht be termed daneerraw, I fo nothing more on my tripthan inleiise cold; for. aa lone as my limh are fr-e and esy and not crdor benumbed I aia aU ns!it. Of late I rurrr a stock of ?T. Jacobs On. In my little Vnt TbeCapUin calls ifBaby Mine.-' andhasstoreu therein signal rockets, thermometer, compass, proTisions, etc. and I have but little trouble. Before starting ont I rub mysell thoroughly with the article, and its action upon the muscles it wonderful. From constant exposure I am some what subject to rheumatic pains, and noihinr would ever benefit me until 1 gut hold of thu Great German Remedy. Why. on my travels I have met people who had been sutiering with rheumatism for years : by my advice they used the Oil and it cured them. 1 would sooner do without food for days than be without this rem edy for one hour. In fact t would not attempt a trip without it." The Captain became very en thusiastic on the subject of ;-T. Jacobs Oil. and when we left him he was still citing instanres ol the curative qualities of the Great German Ktm edv to a party around him. THE GREAT CURE FOB, RHEUMATISM Am it to tor 11 diseiscs of th KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It Lmn9S th .tyntrai of the vrid poivm that sjsiustrs tbo drtwifal wutZermg which oalw the victims of IUictuiuuisua can reauas. THOUSANDS CF CASES of thi worst forms or this terrible diaease aasw bssa qoiealj' nlMved. In a abort bats PERFECTLY CURED. haa ba4 watrrfssl urs ;, and an inuiMiiM alo tn Tery part of tha Country. In hnn dredaofcaseaitbaaenred wbt:i bad tailed. Itii mV.'i. but moMent. ( IS ITS ACTION, but haraiicaai in all cmw. tWt t rtonm trttart nasi l we- Smw Life to ail tha important orKavnsoC the body. The natural action of tbe Kidneys ts restored. Tha Isieer W cleansed of a. i disemae, and the Bowel moTe freely and heaJUifally. In this stray the worst ducascs are -jradicalcd. from the system. Am it has been proe.l by Uiomanda that ia tabe most effectual i-smed y for eleanainc the system of all morbid smrretlona. It shouid be raed in every houseoold aa a SPRING MEDICINE. Always cores BilJOUSNSSd. v ON3TTPA TION, FIXE3 and all FECIALS Diaeaaea. Is pat en in llry lj.lbk Tarw. intiarana oae paok-treof hu maurt'i'i.irfc milk-ina. Abo IB 1.114 farm. ry t wealratrafiir taee.arnieniv,.t Ime wii-iinm-t reauiiy pra- pareit. Itaetntett rntt rrtrMCZ im -ilwr'jr. OCT itoftot-:: m:i':i;:sT. p:u'-e.i.o WEi.l.v. Ull imtllON A !'.. Prop's, rwui nd ih. r n....i.t. si at iiiitih. rt. 8T03ACH & Ou of the Keariessares onable Of life, a mprrly cookeil meal, affunls little or d present enjoyment, awl niu-h tnosequeot lurnre to a confirmed dyspeptic But when rhmflw in digestion is cimliaued with llostetier's Mim k Bitten, the food is eaten with relub, and nnnU im portant of all. Is assimilated by and niHinslies tne system. Vse this grand tonic and corrective ilm to remedy constipation, buiutuueas, rbeumatiam, feyer and'agrie. For tale by all Druggists and Dealers geueraUy. YOU CAP. BUY THE BLATCHLEY ralloadr with Copper, Forcetatnr Iroa LlaltMca. Each one atenc llrd aith my name ar Btanufacturer at warrant-d In material and con ttnjrtion. t-t sale by Ihe best hooves in the traila If you do not know where to get tin pump, write to me ss below, and I will teed name of aeent neareM you, who will supply jor at my lowest prices. O. ELATCHIST, Jfannfutarsr, 30S Kariut SU Ptuladalptua. Pa S.noo A rcnta s-,Ma fns Life of It emtatn the fnD M t rt nf hi mle and rxrrMvt Dtrmu'i dalar t'.y -.iiiiu..;i. M:iri--.i-l tnMii.t. Jejath. fun-ri . j-i,.., . .a-, j l t ,-hauL'e "1 ynur life tomnke rn-i-v y. Beware ff "catrliivruiy'' im.ur gva- ltiu the only a.itliac a-il kiily ulurtrbl tJ-e-a our Martyreil l'linfc-.iL llr.e alwl p.nrul axtra termn lo A-nt. r.r.iHtfi trw. A.li'rvi. AAlluNAX l'tiLl&ill.ti ;o, 1'huade.phla. Pa Payne's Automatic Engines atatlaaio, Darable aad Keaaralcal. aaa rWi. a aorie our tcitA lea ual u4 auur Uoa "T 'tmT -' sot oitd with aa a u toman lafaetnarliiB and Fncaa B. w. raKK k i5a. T.a tor uiuacyated Cair Calr-ie r. pySK a Box StsL Conuxa. I JARTNEB TTAXTKD with small eai.ttal htampUlWlUJ.UIHOLJLtJSotJi.I Knefoaa HuLMts.,B,,l ja. Seech City ty' ft Willi Nan:, loo D A i:j.. .Sjui. .. V. J.OVK 0ifKT?-!ilp and M KKIAI1E--MoniL-rful mw. .. .... . I VI' uia.u fiir.ioly lueeuia. be I'm,, tula ..CSEAJ GU27S fcr TSS PSCPLE-3 ;6RW WORKS, 5 a - rg.r-- s sS j"fr' -S'JTSSia. o-tiUMortraft . af a SkM Sw. artMTWs, AmmMlM. mtmm. J aiat) laati tiia.tt aal a O-H-tte tataiaaiaa j I wU owfar a taeor aaoa tbo adrartlaar asa tfes paauafcarfcy Haass aa ta r Uw tkat Ibvsy aotrtaa astva rfSst sirat waastsa Ul '