Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 16, 1881, Image 4

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Trick rpow Jewelers.
"Of all the tricks, devices, sul.terfu-',
ees biiarp dodges, or deceptions I ever
el ' r f. 6 . -r , . ,
caul .iwf-ipr JODIlSlOa IU a c-;
TMirt'r "wasoiie bv which a sharp f el'
low stole from me "three pairs of dia
mond earrings. He evidently knew
when I was not in the store. He came
iu one day and said to one of my clerks:
" -Is Mr. Johnston in?'
-"Xo,' was the reply.
" I am sorry for that,' he said. ' I
wish to buy a pair of diamond earriugs
fortnv wife.
"This was rt-jx-ated on four or five
successive diiys. The last time he said
he would not wait to see me, but would
look at some earrings. The clerk showed
him an assortment, and he finally selec
ted three pairs, valued at $150, and
said: I guess I will let my wife select
from thesA She will be at my store in
an hour, and I want you to tell Mr.
Johnston to bring these around himself,
as he is acquainted with my wife.'
" 'All right, sir; I will,' replied the
" Bv the way,' said the fellow, " if
yen will permit "me, I will write a note
to Mr. Johnston.
" Cert;unly,' said the clerk, who
showed hini to a desk and pointed out
where he could get paper and envelopes.
He sat down, wrote a short note, folded
it and put it in an envelope and directed
it to me. Then he went back to the
minuter and said to the e'erk; I think
yon had better put the tliree pairs of
earrings iu here and I will seal them np
so that Mr. Johnston will be certain to
lirinT the rirht ones.'
'Very well, said the clerk, who
handed out the three pairs of earrLigs
and the fellow dropiied them into the
envelope before the clerk s eyes, ana
was apparently about to seal the enve
lope when he said suddenly
" 'Oh, I guess you may put in that
other pair,' pointing to a pair whieh the
clerk had laid on the shelf behind him.
The clerk turned and got the other pair
and handed them to the fellow, who
dropied thera apparently into the same
envelope, sealed tliem up, handed them
over and said: Let Mr. Johnston bring
the four pairs to my store as soon as he
comes back, giving the address 01 a
well-known store in the vicinity. Then
he left, and the clerk hud the envelop
4ne Hit in until I returned. Of course
n found but one pair of diamond ear
rings in the envelope, whieh was the
bud Tiir dropped in. The other three
pairs were paste, alxiut the' same size.
The fellow had taken two of my enve
lopes, and into one had placed the three
bogus jmirs. When the clerk turned to
get the fourth pair, the fellow had put
the genuine in his pocket and substitu
ted the others. We never saw him after
wards, but heard that he had practiced
the same game in otlier places.
"Of course the imierative rule is to
r.ot let roods co out of your sight until
you get the money. The trick of having
goods sent to hotels and boarding houses
with bills for collection is so stale that
the nndeviiitiug rule is to keep your
goods in sight, lint a sUrewd fellow
once managed to get three watches from
me by a clever dinlge. A bright, sharp
looking customer came ia one day and
said: I am from Ohio, and have a com
mission to bnv some (roods for my sister,
who is to le married there." He picked
out a bill of SMO worth of various am
"cles and said: 4 Just send tliem around
to my store in Broadway at 12 o'clock,'
naming a well-known carpet store in
Broadway. The goods were sent by a
clerk, who found the customer apparent
ly eneatred in showing canx'ts, and ier-
fectly t home. He recognized the
clerk and said:
' 4Ah! iust step this way 1 will
oive vou a check. He went with the
clerk to a dt-nk, drew a check, and took
the goods. He appeared to le so per
fectly at home that the clerk had not
the slightest suspicion. Of course the
check was worthless, and we found that
he had secured the desk privilege at the
canH-t store by pretending that he was
buying a large stock of carpets among
other purchases in the city. He fooled
five jewelers iu Xew-York, and others in
other cities.
'One day a swar'hy, toreign-iookiiig.
well-dressed young man calle d on a
brother jeweler and handed him his
card 'Alexander 1 Mimas, 1'russian iie-
gation, Washington. He said he was
with his wife and child at the St. Nicho
las Hotel, and wanted to buy some
watches and jewelry, forwhich he would
nav cash. He said bis wife was too
sick to leave the hotel, and wanted the
goods sent with the b:lh The jeweler
thought he would make a sure thing of
it and hike the jew els liimself. He went
to the St. Nicholas, was told that Mr.
Dumas was stopping there, and was
shown to his room. Mr. Dumas was
busy writing, but welcomed the jeweler
44 'Ah.' he said, 4 1 am glad yon have
come. I am sorry that my wife is con
fined to her bed. " I will just step into
the next room and let her make her
44 The jeweler, iu a moment of weak
ness, consented. After waiting five
minutes he legan to get nervons. He
did not like to disturb a sick lady, but
w ent to the ofiioe to make some inqui
ries. There he found that Mr. Dumas
had jnst stepped out, and had no wife or
child iu the house. He was finally
caught, after he had played the same
game on a numln-r of jewelers, and
lodged in Sing Sing. When he was
captured he tried to conciliate his last
victim by the presentation of a lieauti
ful overcoat. But the overcoat proved
to have leen stolen.
44 In showing jewelry it is the custom
so show only six watches at once, or
some uniform number. H the customer
wants to see another, one of those al
ready on exhibition will be taken away.
The same rule is olwerved with rings.
The tray is always full, or with a known
number of holes empty, so that if a ring
were taken the low would le instantly
detected. Sometimes swindlers will
watch an opiortnuity and slip in a
worthless ring and tike away a good
one. One jeweler of my acquaintance
found five plated rings thus substituted
for plaiu gold rings in one day. The
trick was played upon a nniubcr of
jewelers about the same time, and then
the rogue was captured.
4'A common trick in buying goods on
the instalment plan is to give a wrong
name, mentioning the name cf some
solvent person. The reference will, of
course, give a good report, and it will
not le discovered until too late that the
good character does not belong to the
one who purchased the goods."
One of the shrewdest and boldest
tricks ever played on a jeweler was done
bv a woman of nerve iu Cincinnati not
long ago. One day a middle-aged wo
man, of fine personal appearance, well
dressed, and of most attractive manners,
called at a private lunatic asylum, and
asked to see the snperiutendent. That
official nict her in the parlor.
I wish to make arrangements for the
confinement of a patient here," she said
44 What are your terms and the conditions
ju which you receive your inmates ?"
44Our tvrnis are 15 per week, and
you must have the certificate of two
"'Very well." said the ladv, 44 1 will
pay you for two weeks in advance. The
patient is mv son, wuo is insane on me
subject of diamonds. He has a mania
for selling my jewelry. I have not yet
cotten the certificate of the physicnins,
but can easily do so. I will bring my
son here in the afternoon, and if you
will keep him an hour I will bring the
physicians with the autnonty.
TU MlA l.1vr .rtrtvvsl l.s3V oarn't) Ts
and drove to a jewelry store. There she
selected $4000 worth of jewelry, which
she saiJ was intruded for the trousseau
of her daughter, about to be man-ied.
She f?ave the name of a wealthy f amily
it t imnJ in rinnnmll and said
to the proprietor: "A yon will let one of
your clerks step into the carriage with
me, I will go to my husband's store and
give him the money for the goods."
The proprietor consented, and the
clerk, with the goods in box, entered
the carriage with the lady, who said she
wished to stop on the war and show her
.-- -r
purchases to friend. They drove to
the asylum and were shown to the par
lor. The superintendent entered, and
the lady sail quite calmly to the clerk:
'J ust open tlie box and snow uie unngs
to this gentleman."
The clerk unsuspectinirly complied.
Carelessly drawing near, the lady sud
denly seized the box, and was walking
out of the room with it wlien Uie aston
ished clerk cried :
"Hold on. madam. I must not let these
goods go out of my sight until I get the
The ladr did not deign to notice the
clerk, but, turning to the supenntenden
of the asylum, said:
' This is the young man l simse xo
yon about He is getting a little violent
lou had better secure turn
It was in vain that the clerk protested
that a robbery was being committed.
The superintendent was inexorable. He
called his assistants and secured the
clerk, while the lady walked to her car
nage with the SiOOO worth of jewelry.
There was more than ordinary earnest
ness in the tone ot Mr. Trillpips, as be
said: "Keferrin to this thine of bein'
homesick, I want to say right here that of
all diseases, sfnictions or complaints Una
thine of bein' homesick takes tbe cookies !
A man may think what he's gut a aggra
vated case of lenders, er wmte swellin . er
bone erysipelas, that he's to be looked up
to as bein purty well fixed in this line of
trouble and unrest but I want to tell you
when I want my sorrow blood raw, dent
you understand, you may give me home
sickness straight goods, you know and
1 11 get more clean, legitimate agony out of
that than yon can out of either of tbe other
attractions yes, er even if you'd ring in
the full combination on me ! You see,
tber's no way ot treatin' homesickness only
one and that is to get back home but as
that's a remedy you can't get at no drug
store, at so much per box and if you
could, for instance, and only bad enough
ready money anyhow to cover had the cost
of a full box and no'Jiin' but a full box
ever reached the case why, it follows that
your condition still remains critical. And
homesickness don't show no favors. It's
just as liable to strike you as me. Hig'u
er low, er rich er poor, all cojies under her
jurisdiction, and whenever she once reaches
for a citizen you can just bet she gets there,
El-, every time. She don't confine herself
to youth nor make no specialty ot little chil
dren either, but she stalks abroad like a
census-taker, and is as conscientious. She
vuits the city girl in her summer tour, and
makes her wonder how things really is back
home without her. And sne haunts ber
dream?, and wakes up at all hours of the
night, and sings old songs ever for her, and
tilks to her in tbe low, ihrillin' tones of a
young man whose salury ain't near big
enough for two; and then she leaves ber
photograph with her and comes away, and
makes it lively for the boys on tbe train,
the conductor, the brakeman and the en
ginuer. tbe even nests out the traveliin'
uiau, and yanks him up and down the car,
and runs him out of cigars and fine-cut,
and smiles to hear him swear. I'll never
forget," cjatinued Mr. Trillpipe, "the last
case of tomesickness I bad and the cure I
took for it. You see my old home is most
too many laps fioin this base to make it
very often, and in consequence 1 hadn't
been there for five years and betltr till this
last trip, wtien 1 this succumbed to the
pressure, and tlirowed up my hands and
went Seemed like I'd a-died if I hadn't !
And it was glorious to rack around the old
town again things lookiu' just the same,
mighty nigh it as they was when 1 was a
boy, don't you know. Kun f cross an old
schoolmate, too, and took supper at his
h-ppy little home and then we got us a
nickel cigir, and walked and talked and
talked! Tuck me all around, jou under
stand, in the meller twilight till, the first
thing you know, there stood the old school
house where me aud him first learnt to chew
tobacco, and all that Weil, sir, you hain't
got no u'ea of the fctlins that was mine !
W liy. 1 felt like I could throw my arms
around the dear old buililin' and squeeze
it t:ll tbe cupolo would just pop out of the
top of the roof like the core out of a bile I
And I think if there ever was a epock in
my life when 1 could a-tackled poetry
without no compunctions, as the feller says,
wtiy, tteu was the time shore t"
Tbe Art er Dressing.
So important did the Sybarites consider
the dress of women, that when they invited
teem to a banquet they did so a year
ahead, that they might have ample time to
prepare their toilet. L nlike the Sybarites,
we are apt to regard woman's dress as
among the minor considerations of life.
and think that all time given to its study
is wasted time. Dress, which may be re
earded as an element of art 1S worthy of
respect and attention. It is a study worth
pursuing, for the mind that regards dress
from an artistic point of view is naturally
led to the contemplation of art in its more
extended teachintrs. When dress becomes
an art study, it is no longer viewed as the
means of ostentatious display, or of shallow
vanity, but is a teacher who leads tbe
pupil into the domains of tbe graceful.
the attractive, and the beautiful. Dress
being a legitimate source of charming, it
should not be regarded as of less import
ance than beauty of face or figure. It is
one of the chief elements of pleasing a
very important element as all realize when
contemplating a well dressed woman, or
one otherwise. To drew well is not nec
essarily, to dress showily or expensively.
Perfection of dress can be obtained with
out tbe aid of glitter. The temple of taste
is not painted, and gilded, and set upon i
shining height dazzling tbe beholder with
Bvzantine splendor. To dazzle is no t the
legitimate aim of dress. "I know that
she was well dressed,' said Dr. Johnson,
in speaking of a la-ly, "for I do not re
member what she bad on." Of course
there are seasons when elegant and clit
tering dret is becoming and appropriate ;
and the study of dress points out the times
and places.
A TriCe Hid.
A fashionable young lady visited a cook
inz school the other afternoon, where ber
attention was equally divided between a
new dress worn by an acquaintance and
the directions for making a case. Upon
returhing borne she undertook to write
down the recipe for the cake for ber moth
er, and the old lady was paralyzed wnen
she read. "Take two pounds of flour, ten
rows of pleating down the frontthe whites
of two eggs cut bias, a pint of milk ruffled
around the neck, half pdund of currants
with seven yards of bead trimming grated
lemon peal with Spanish lace fichu, stir
well and add a semi fldng pa'etot with
visite sleeves, butte- the pan with Brazil
ian toptiz tKCklace, garni -ih with icing anil
letted passemeuttrie, bake in a moderately
hot oven until the overskirt is tucked from
the waist down on either side aud finish
with large satin bows." Her mother said
she wouldn't eat such a cake and she
thought these new faDgled ideas in cook
ing ought to be frowned down.
It may be months, darling, before we
meet again," he said, squetzing ber band
as if that grip were his last; "Mountain
ami vallevs will divide, us. forests and
nrairies. perhaps the river of death itself.
Can I do anything more than I have done
to make you cherish my memory and keep
I vmir love for meucchaDizeaP "Oh, yea,'
! mhm lfPl. tmed. chokin down ber sobs.
-buy me box of tortoise-si ell hair-pins
before you start
n Miamu. It la true that
most han.j of farm f tock will exist for
several norths on a scant supply ei iooj
wter and with very little to ad-J to
their comfort The animal will exist but
they will not be profitable to men- a vners,
f-w. oint little milk. sheeD will afford
but small amount of wool, suck intended
for tbe butchers win lay on out uuie iw.
imala will make a verv slow
growth. Stock kept dining several gener
ations in this way win run ouu mcy
,!,-;, uh in size and Droduelivicens.
They will oe lar less piofltable to the
owners than animals that have their cu-
Wiial wants well supplied and nave ua-.i no
attention paid lo tutu- couiion. rmnc
auimals, like human beings, will only Co
their best when they arc well fed aud careo
y.r najnni should contain a DerDet-
ual supply of cooL fresh water, to which
..liti.Bl a Ann have access at all times. If
the pasture is large, then there should be
several dunking places. &ntuiais auouiu
not be subjected to tbe hardships of walk
ing ht.lf a mile to obtaiu a drink in a hot
day in July or August If they are com
pelled to do tins they will often remain
thirsty for several hours, and will then And
their way lo the water and drink immoder
initr Abstinence from wa:er foracou-
derable period, or a long wlk in the
scalding sun in omer io ouiain it, win ic
suit in the loss of milk, flesh, and fat
Water, next to air, is U-e cheapest article
that ia consumed oy animaia, anu mcj
hrrnlH h. it in abundance and within
easy reach at all times. Many farmers are
very negligent in utilizing natural supplies
nf water Thev take no Dai as to keen UD
the flow of water in springs, or conduct
the water they afford through pipes to dif-
. T-V- r.ll
ferent parts ot a lirge pasture, iiw iu
necessary to conduct water ia very small.
Pipes of wood, Iron or lead are cheap, and
or. oaiiir nisy4 helot the frot line.
ihv will last a life-time.
and require no repairs, u is oiteu uie we
that a supply of water can be obtained
from a spring located on an adjoining farm
or on a public highway. If there is no
spring, stream or lake from which water
can be obtained, resort must be had to
wells and wind mills, or to artesian wens.
One of these will often furnish sufficient
water to supply several farms.
Chicago Inter-Ocesn-1
Perils of the Deep.
The world-renowned swimmer, Capt
Paul Bovton. in an interview with a news
paper correspondent at the seashore, related
the followinz incidents in nis experience
Reporter. 44 Capt uoyton, you must
have seen a lanre part of tne world I
Cant Bovton. " l es sir, by tne aid or
my Rubber Life Saving Dress. I have
traveled over 10,000 miles on the rivers of
America and Europe: have also been pre
sented to the crowned beads of England,
France. Germany. Austria, Belgium, Italy,
Holland. Soain and Portugal, and have in
my possession forty-two medals and deco
rations; I have three limes received the
order of knighthood, and been elected
honorary member of committees, clubs,
orders and societies.'
Reporter. 44 Were your various trips
accompanied by much danger I
Cart Boyton. 4 That depends upon
what you may call dangerous. During my
trip down the river Tatrus in bpain, l bad
to "shoot" one hundred and two water
falls, tbe highest being about eighty-five
feet and innumerable rapids. Cr.sMing the
Straits of Messina, I had three ribs broken
in a fight with sharks ; and connntr down
the Somsse. a nver in France, I received
a charge of shot from an excited and
startled huntsman. Although ail this was
not very pleasent and might be termed
dangerous. I fear nothing more on my trip
than intense cold ; for, as long as my limbs
are free and easy, and not cramped or be
numbed. I am all right Of late I carry a
stock of St Jacob s Oil in my little boxi.
flhe Captain calls it 41 Baby Mine,' and has
stored therein signal rockets, itiermomeier.
compass, provisions, etc) and I have had
but Htle trouble, uetore starting out i
rub myself thoroughly with the article,
and its action on tbe muscle is wonderful.
From constant exposure I am somewhat
subject to rheumatic pains, and nothing
would ever benent me, until i got noia oi
this Great German Remedy. Why, on my
travels I have met people who have bteo
suffering with Kheumaiisin for years: by
mv advice they tried the Uil, and it cured
them. I would sooner do without fiiod tor
days than be without this iemedy for one
hour. In fart, I would not attempt a trip
without It."
The Captain became very enthusiastic on
the subject of St Jacob's Uil, and wc left
him citing instances of the curative qu di-
ties of the Great German Kemedy to a
party around him.
The SotrrHDowTt. The idea that tbe
Southdown may be a little too delicate for
extreme northern climates is dispelled by
experience. The Southdown, as its name
implies, is a South country sheep, and as
sheep are kept in tneland might very likely
suffer from the drizzling rams, cold, damp.
winds and clammy mists of tbe northern
part of the United Kingdom. Tbe hardy
Shropshire is very likely a better sheep for
these ungenal experiences, ilut nere c Ac,
with a dry atmosphere, tells for nothing.
and no fear need be entertrned of the
Southdown failing, with ordinary care ti e
same care that all sheep are entitled to to
stand an Ontario W inter as well as the be tf
The Southdown is more plentiful in Cana
da than the other Downs, it is a lively.
" chunky," active sheep very well adap'ed
tor rough lands, or a billy region, but
thriving anywhere. Witnout therefore, in
the least discouraging the use ot Shrop
shire, Hampshire, or Oxford Downs where
it may be deemed expedient eitber from
convenience or in order to keep up the
size of the flock, to employ them, it is to
the Southdowns the farmers, will proabbly
be induced to look, as far as the male ani
mal is cot cei aed, to obtain the sUetp want
ed for shipment to Great Britain. But to
ret and also lo obtain the particular class
of wool most in demand, and respecting
which more will be said hereafter, the
evidence points very strongly to a crsss of
the down on the long-wooled or native
sheep. What proportion of any breed
may be found in the latter it is impossible
to say. The trace of the Down has prob
ably not been altogether lost during the
long period Leicesters, Cotswalds and Lin
coln have held the field. But it is not
difficult to perceive that in every varying
degree, the "natives" have been gradually
stamped more and more with tbe long
wooled characteristics. And, wl.Ue it will
not be expedient for the careful breeder, in
many cases to keep the Leicester and Cots
wold, or the Lincoln type alive in his flock
of ewes, his object should be. if be nsts
a long wooled ram, by jndicious selection
of females approximating most nearly to
the Down, to throw the balance in favor
of the Down side. The black or grey face
and the black legs are, it must be remem
bered, a necessity in order to take tbe fancy
of the British buyer. For the Americau
lamb rurket tat lamb ot any treed
appears to be welcome at some price or
Chicago Tribune.
ir Tr Rmn the enternnsiDe real es
tate man states that he could and would
say a aood word tor St Jacob s OH, which
h.H minx! him of a severe attack of inua.n-
matory rheumatism that all other treat
ments bad failed even to atiay.
Putri snnronrlatea for aericultural
this year in round numbers $780 000. 1 bis
grant includes agricultural education, ex
penses for breeding studs and keeping np
2.500 stallions, inspection of woods and
forests and prizes to regional forests.
rvnuiTDT nr inactive kidneys cause
I i Ti.T-lr'a .lisMsa rheumatism, and
a horde of omer serious anu taw uww,
which can be prevented with Hop Bitters,
if taken in time. j
WiSHiso vs. Shaeis Shkp. The
custom of wesbiru Fh"ep before shearing
is opposed by nioet of our practical wool-
?i-owers, who say that it ia injurious to tbe
i.e- n and a needless expense to tbe owner.
It bus Letn tstimsted that by cleaning
wool with gisohne of about eighty-six de
freef, oil now wasted could be saved to
tbe extent i f 45,000,000 pounds, and the
wool be left in the best possible cencition
for taking tbe dye
Vegetise. "The life of ail flesh U the
blood thereof." And no one can possibly
be healthy when the blood u diseased.
Veoetine is composed of substances iden
tical with healthy blood ; and when taken
into the system for the cure of disease, It
is abstYbed, and replaces the deficiency
which caused the disease.
Kaiii ! "Anil vou love me better than
al! the world beside" "Yes," raid she.
"Aud vou love me better luan anybody
else?" aid be, "Yes dearest " 4:And
)ou wouldn't think any more of me if I
was worth a million dollars ( , Said she:
"No: and if I was an heiress, you would
not want to marry me any more tbau you
do now? "No. darlimfc" They were
njt lying, gentle reader; they were simply
courting; that was all.
Ail other Candidate.
p.i- 1r.. mnt.wilv the neonle of '-he
j n -"j j
United States have declared their faith in
Viiinoir.Wnrt a a remedy for all the dis
eases of the kidneys and liver, some, how
ever, have disliked tbe trouoieot preparing
it from the dry form. For such a new can
didate appears in the shape of Kidney
Wort in Liquid Form. It is very concen
trated, is easily taken and is equally
efficient as the dry. Try it Louisville
Poi'-Cobs Pictubs FkAMKs Have a
little frame made of thin wood, rather
broad surface, the outer edge waned or
scalloped, or strong pasteboard wul an
swer, then, with white glue, fasten a
border of cherry stones on itu outer and
inner edges. Iu each scallop (eight is a
good number) put an apricot stone or a
hazel nut and make little designs wun
plum stones; lastly, fill in the spaces with
red pop-corn from the ear. Varnish the
nuts and stones before adding tne corn.
There is but one rel cure for baldness
Carbouxe, a deodorized extract of pe
troleum, a natural 11 air Kestorer. As re
cently improved, Carbouke is free from
any objection. Ibe best hair dressing
Hrxis.- -To remove paint splashed upon
window-panes, use a hot solution of soda
and rub with soft flannel is rasa work
my be brightened with a little oxalic acid
dissolved in water and applied with a
cloth or brush. Forscorcbing white good?,
rub well with linen rags dipped in chlo
rine water. Colored cotton, redye if pos
sihle, or in wooleus raise a fresh surface.
Purifies the Blood and Gives
Pc Qcoix, 111., Jan. it, l-STil
Ma. IL R. Stkvkns:
Th-m- Sir. Tnnr "Vcm-tine"' has ln iloin won
der fur nie. Have bern having the I hill snd
r-prr, comrsntru iu mc Bwauifm ui urer
nothine riving me relict until I heiran the use or
your YrjrHine, it giving me immediate relief, tuning
up my system, purifying my uiooo. giving sireugtm
heresy all uther meilmues weakened me, snd
Oiled mv Kutfin wilh poison; and 1 am satisfied
that if f'auiilies that live in the sgue districts of the
South snd West would take Vrgetine two or three
times a week, thev would not I troubled with the
"Chill," or the malignant "Fevers," that prevail
at certain limes of the year, save doctors' hills,
and live to a good old age. Respectfully yours.
j. .Mitt iir.i.t
Agent IlemkT)U's Looms, SL Louis, Mo.
All Disuses or ml Biflon. If Vsotmsa will
relieve pain, cleanse, purify and rare such diseases,
restoring the Datietu to Derfecl health, after trying
ditlerrut phvsicians, many remedies, suffering for
rears, it not conclusive proof, if you are s suf
ferer, you can be cured? Why is this medicine
performing sucti great cures t it worths in iue
IiIomL in the circulating fluid. 11 can truly he
railed the (irral biota Vtrinrr. The great source
of disease originates in the blood ; and no medk-ine
that does not act directly upon it, to purify snd
reuovate, has any just claim upon puouc aunusm.
Humor in the Blood Cured.
Baltimore, Md., Apr. , 1ST.
Mr. IL R. Stkvkss:
Dear Sir, I have been afflicted with Humor in
the UIixmI for some time, which gave me consKler
sble annoyance, and after trying sevTal Wood
mnrtlm, recommended for similar affections, I
was induced to try two bottles of tvoeroir. which
benentted me so much thst 1 concluded to continue
tskinz it, and after six bottles were taken. I fouud
he annovance hail ceased, ami ud to this Ute 1
am not in the least troubled by it. and am enjoying
the tiest of health, i can cheerfully recommend it
to all persons sulfenug from any humor In the
mood. icespecuuuy,
IVovWwe thoroughly eradicate every kind of hu
mor, and restores the eutire system to a healthy
Prepared or
Hi It. 8TEVKN!1, IJostos, Mass.
Vegetans is Sold by all Druggists.
One of the Reasonable Pleasures
Of life, a properly cooked meat, affords little or no
present enjoyment, ana mucn subsequent torture
to a confirmed dvsneptie. But when chronic in
digestion is com I silted with Hosieuers stomach
Bitters, the food is eaten with relish, and most im
portant of all, is assimilated by and nourishes the
system, f ae this grand tonic and corrective also
to remedy constipation, bUiossness, rhenmatisu),
fever and ague.
For sale by all Druggists and Dealers
J ft CTS. pays f. .r ths star Spangled Banner I
IU tti-H. S.s-h.ag lire -t. ve.r. 8 pages.
illu-lr.il.-L S,x-iiirns t-iiKF. A.Wress S1AK
SfAMiLED BASS IC, U.lL-lale, S. It.
A .-ton wnntM fnr Life f Ptj-
arae;.l A enuiiHrfr. ratb
r.u h:-t -r ;r sn oradV v srave,
fn it - -. i u. . r lu. , ci
C si well
Uo all ready f.j- .l u.ery. At eVtractiy
j.i.ur.TI T.r(r.i ai toil .w ,l.,i isit.
"Ti.?' '.'i ;li.'!'L," V"- wi5s - made
l" Uvi "J-u n1'- Kxnerience not
hVTi 1'-'."re UTitmjru. Ail r.ike immense
I BOBWr m luwee B SOU BSMB
1 sesseet la t,T! .
ert.sillesl aaat tit.
kkssr sbsw aha astvue
swata tfce ps
Twrt mm dianntpil about their powers of
endurance, and one faid testily to the
other. "1 bet you that I can bo d my legs
in boilcg water longer than you can."
4 Done," cried the other, and the steaming
water was brought In went the legs, So.
.. . . ... A AH
1 with an air oi cenance, no -edifying
serenity. Ho. 1 began to wince,
No. 2 called calmly for a newspaper. No.
1 began to find it intolerable, 'o. 2 smiled
at tKak nnm nt tha miner- "to heaTOn'S
name! at last exclaimed No. 1, exasperated
by the heat ot the water ana me coo'e
of bis antagonist, "what is your leg made
oft" "Wood," senlentiously replied the
Kalahazoj, Mich., Feb. 2, 1880.
t tim Tlrtn utitpr will bear iecom-
nu.i.liltiui hnneutlv. All who USe them
confer upon them the highest encomiums,
and give them credit for making cures
all the propneters claim tor mum. uae
bunt them mnee Ihev were first offerd.tO
the public. They took high rank from the
first, and maintained it, and are more caiieu
fnr than all others combined. So long
as they keep up their reput Uion for punty
and usefulness, l snail continue to mwu
mend them-somcthiug I have never before
done with any other patent medicine.
w ww a itf yt r TT
A (Jcvnrwix states that he often
laughed, respectfully of course, from his
boyhood up, at his old fathers's prouncia
iinn i.t th srnni f nrnitoor. Ilia children
now teil him that is the wy to pronounce
, . . . ,..
it, and He nss oeen urougm in ra;axu
father as a highly accomplished old gentle-
Thocsasiis of ladies to-day cherish grate
ful remembrances of the help derived from
the use of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable
Compound. It positively cures all female
complaint. Send to Mrs. Lydia finn-
ham, 233 Western Avenue, L.ynn, jiass.,
for pamphlets.
lit B. has been appointed on a com
mittee of supervision. "How much does
it bring you in?" asks a trtend. Oh,
that depends. When we attend a meeting
we receive nothing. But when we are
absent we get fined.
Is a PosWre Care
wen Um FalafWI OawliWi eee W
U win ears sottrftr tks
lalass, an mrlaa twoskt
tsoe. rantae sssl BsMlsesswiets. see taw
Spiaal Wsssxsas, ana Is serUaahtrbr sdssest as she
Cbsaawwi Ufa,
M win SusntT saaarf wastes ffwa she sssras fa
sb sarly siaf sml if The lnaisrraa
asms kaaon thars Is ckscksa ssry stMsdOr St lie as
It ROOTS faiatasss, flimlisrr. Swliiijsall sisn
tar stlomlsats. ant ransTrs wsskaaai f th sfswjsssk
It suras Btostms. Hsailseh . r-iuwlisnse.
That rests st bssrtna Sows.
see bseksrha. Is slwars pirsnsinUy
UwUlusliamssaaS sadaranstr
IkwaMciT wltk CksswsthaS com tea f till II I Si.
rartlMaBrssr ICkIwt Cnwiplslasi 1 atttsr SM Mr
Owapsund Is SBsvrpaawjtf.
LVD1S E. PIXEHSa- ftmrtl'J M
roCNBai pnput st ta mmi tot Wavn Atssms,
tjaa,Hsav FTto SL Su SMtUstor (a. swatkraaa
si Ih form at pats, slse Is the tarsi ml luiisgss,
rssstDt wt srlea. V par sot (srattksr. Mra. flsTS
till J isiiai ill 1 nf isnslrr Sws4 Sar
nusfir skwaM B sllSsat LTTlLt a PuTKaAAV)
uvn rnxa tiitt ar
seat ssnaatr mt tbsBrcr.
ssr BmU s- ell
btsn-t aaa Umt aniiciae ever Jli.d-
mbiiiatioa of Hons. Buchu. Mnn
drokiefcua OandOlton,wltlisiltubetand
lira eve i,.jenMs oi w war miwi
makesatlgreslos BlOOd P'irrner, Liver
Reg U i vor, and Life sad lleuUs. lonloniis:
Ageiit eiifffVasaVJIHsaians
NodlwscViii T-ocf Vnr eiW wh-rnvp
IbUeis ara a,e(lo vsrssl aej purtact ara llasr
liey gin iw U IS alTir-tatSt HSn.
To sU whom emryieeteau lrmrslari
trorllsbwelsorVun,lrT orrmil- who
qolrsaa ApiSJsrr 1""" and mild Stlmulsnt,
Bop UUara ara UTsalaa, Without intotn
eating. isw ex
Komaxu-rwhatyoui leeInvs er rrmptons
sro wlsu tbe dutsue or silwasu a as Hop En
ters, IXaitwsitantilyimsTre sick but If To
only fi I bad or BasersWr.fa09 Hert s: oorc
ltmaysSTyourlife.il,liaa'avea hui.dreda.
fSOOwlUbepaklforaes ther will sot
eurs or help. Do not suffer f,l Jour lri.-mls
suiler lutudtmn them flop B
Kemember, Bop Bitters Is drugired
drunkca nonim. hut the PoTr-aa a llewt
Kedl-ineererm9i!e;tho -WTAlJDeSa. TBIK&B
Baa Burs- no ptnuie or Ismtly
P .I.C.ts sn swslt snl Irwirf-tTMere,
rttvrtcrrnr t y T,-tT.
Anthem Ha (il.t"). W. O. rerkiiis.
Emerson's Eooks of Anthems.
American Anthem Book
John-ion, Tenner anil AbtieT.
Gem Gleaner, (f 1.00) J. It. CtUUiB fc-k.
Perkins' Anthem Book.
At this season, choirs are nines In need of new
Anthems, in tne aiiove flee hooks will he found
all that possibly can lie needed, and of the very best
Era-llmt A nffcent ami ea) Charnsn win also
tie found in Eiuerson's new Hkbai.d op Pkaise
,Jl.to; in J. P. IWiH Fbvtitil l aoars Book,
tSLSSi: in Zemthn's Ispej. itl.isr): in Tourjee's
I'Boacit CHont ii.m : In Perkins' Tuple (1U) ;
and in Emerson's Voice or VYOKaHir, jl.w).
should hegin In practice some good Cantata, ss
Joseph s BondKe. (Jl.w) 1 hatlwick.
Cbris suas. (v cents) Gulterson.
There are mauj others. tSKND FOR LISTS ! -
that the IDEAL (75 cents, hy Emerson, Is the
nook of the season for Sinmiur (.'lSMea.
Any hook mailed for Ketail price. Lifaenl re-
d action tor quantiues.
i. DITSON k ca. 14 Chestnut Street,
Fancy Written CAKDS for c; fld Voc.;
for at-a .hy uau. O. K. BtlUl.Cresco. Iowa.
Aswota. Ontat f res. Addmsi 1. SX.
Qua msi si see bb
Mas. -ia.-.
ssiwS srtssaaa,
n.s..Af r.Mfr An F.nrlishTTirin was bTZ
UAX wi. i5 " . '
ging of the speee on Engl-sh railroads to
. iri . i ctMi at his aiile in one
B a uumxv W":v
of tbe cars of a "fast train" In England.
. .. ,L. ihU Mir.
The engine oeu was rung hiwu""
ed a station. It suggested to tbe Yankee an
opportunity of taking down bis compan
ion peg or two." What's that noise?
innocently inquired the Yankee? "Ae
are approaching a town,' said the Eng
lishman: "they have to commence ringing
about ten miles before they get to a stati-n
or else the train would run by it before
the bed could be heard! Wonderful, isn t
itt I suppose they haven't invented bells
In America yet?" -Why, yes," replied
the Yankee, -we've got bells, but can t use
them on ocr railroads. We run so tarnal
fast that the train always keeps ahead of
the sound. No use whatever the sound
iha wilt!? fill after tbe tram
gets by. "Indeed!" exclaimed the Eng
lishman. "Fact," said the Yankee; "had
to give np beds."
Asd got the girl: A healthy moonlight
evening s good for building "hi-uses. Ho
money is required, onij uua ij""
t .1: . l. rtitv ofrr thpv are
married. They sit down, with their arms
entwined around each other, and say tney
will build as soon as they are married and
the season nas advancea a tunc, mc;
will hare a two-story house with an attic.
n,M w;u kvo - ihrM atorv hmi9e. ner-
hana it shsil hsm this nr that number of
room a This convenience or that conveni
ence will make it mucn more uesirauie
then anv tt hor KfillweTB lliinrlrvda of little
lutiu miAj uauu e'-
points are discussed. The season adran-
, -1.
ess. t be reason passes, no noose umn.
The other fellow builds tbe house.
Hurrah For Our Side!
Many people have lost their interest in
politics and in amusements because they
are so out of sorts and run down that they
cannot enjoy anything. If such persons
would only be wise enough to try that
Celebrated remedy Kidney-Wort and ex
penence its tonic and renovating effects
they would soon be hurrahing with the
loudest. In either dry or liquid form it is
a perfect remedy for torpid liver, kidneys
or bowels. Exchange.
f t nonr hov" exclaimed the anxious
- j
mother, unwinding the bandage that was
wrapped around liis "ngnt ouKe ana ex
posing to view the skinned and bleeding
knuckles, "flow did you come to do ilf
What an awful looking hand. If confla
gration or eeriesipleutn should set in what
would your ufnrtunit father say?" The
nonr bnv riuln't seem to take a very ready
grip on the problem thus presented in re
ference to h is paternal parent. Dut nis iace
lit up with something like savage satis
faction as be observed: "If you think
that's awful, mother, you ought to see
Will Stephens's nose."
Tux sentiment of the honeymoon is a
frail thing, and after a while a man fl ps
right tnrough it like a brick through a
cobweb. A 3 mouths old bnde was ratt
ling away in ber loquacious style, when
her husband, forcing himself to appear
not too severely tortured, said: Dou't you
feel as if yon were periling your beauty by
talking so much?" "Why so, John? "she
asked, with much surprise. "Because,
precious, this is Summer time, and you
might get your tongue sunburnt.
A Testament Reviser's Opinion.
The eminent author, Prof. A. C. Ken
drick, D. V., LL, l., who is professor of
Hebrew, Latin and Greek in the University
of Kochester. and was one of the revisers
ol the Kew Testament, in general conver
sation with a number of gentlemen, a short
time sinca, said : I have received from
the use of Warner's Side Kidney and Liver
Cure very marked benefit and 1 run most
cordially recommend tt to others."
"Why, bow odd you look with your
hair parted in the middle!" exclaimed Mm.
Brown. "1 used to part mine on the
side," said Mrs. Jjnes. Then the conver
sation became general. Each lady bad to
tell how she parted ber hair all but little
Edith's mother. She said nothing. Sud
denly little Edith's voice was heard. She
evidently did not like her mother ignored.
Said she, "My mother parts her hair in
her lap."
Wilis- it was mentioned in conversation
that Biufon had dissected Ot e of his female
relatives, a lady cried out against tbe inhu
manity of the anatomist. "But, madanic,
she was dead," said De Jlairan, reassur
Thox who prove anything by expe
rience 8 peak intelligently : and the unani
motis testimony of all who use Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup is that it more than fulfils
all that it promises. Price 25 cents.
A Good housewife's affairs are !ike a
motion to adjourn "always in order."
Mas born of woman is ot a few days
and full of schemes to get hi3 name in
Sellers' Liver Pills" act directly on
the kidneys, liver, and bowels, restorimz
them at; once to healthy action. They
never fad.
Nineteen yeais ago a Tennessee farmer
refused to let his daughter go to a candy-
pull, and she disappeared. Tbe other day
she returned; lifted eleven children out of
a wagon, went into the honse and took
off ber duds as coolly as if she hadn't been
gone over one day.
Die Lkcdset's Blood Searcher cured
my son of erysipelas. Mrs. E. Smeltzer,
Larimer, Pa It cures all biood diseases.
A max about to give bis only daughter
in marriage quarreled with her lover, and
said in his wrath: "N sir, you shall
never enter my family. If I had a hundred
only daughters I would not give Jou one
of them.
"Will you tell die," at-kcl an old gen
tleman of a lady, "what Mrs. s mai-len
name was? ' "Why, ber maiden aim was
to get married, of course, exel it nied the
51 k. IloMEsiTX, on hearing sonietx dy
remark upon the hunting in the English
preserves, exclaimed; "That's just what
on; Utile Johnny does in my preserves.'-
WnES a bee is humrwicg a!o-.t yo'i on a
sharp key he means mischief, and yon
should just make a bee flat of bim, with
anything handy.
Important to Travelers.
Special Inducement are offered vou
by the Burlington Jtoute. It will piv
you to read their advertisement to he fouud
elsewhere in this issue.
"Opkslno core-ut! " yelled Uie anules
when they saw tbe woman coming with
the carving knife.
"Ir 1 had a heart like thine." said a
rambler to his opponent, ''1 should be
Bushed with joy."
Johsst was hit by a ball the other tin v. I
ine bawl iuimetliate!y came out of bis
"KoBch sa Kats."
Aalr I Imicists for It It rl.ar. int
mice, roscbee, beuVbuga, Bias, vermin, in
sects, lac
BIBS.--S. JM1 ItlaDLV. Hjfi -j t
Huua s-s. r ui u sad Cb.ewu.ut sirtw a t .-t
anl auirisuxK oi tiui nne i iu.'r
aoui,, wuich lae oBsr at, ss low rtV: a
4onra of Uie oral qual.ty, p, rtect aiiae la iuU.t
Bhape, can be sou tor.
Tka Great Pile Remedy,
"ANsKE-tK" the discoverv of Dr K.W
bee, ia entitled to be called Uie wonder of
the age, 20 000 iratefnl an Here re bless tbe
only infallible , remedy for Piles ever in tro
ll need. Only those who have used lo
tions, ointment, and Internal remedua in
vain, will understand tbe grateful feeuiif; of
instant relief from pain and lustful rope of
rertain cure of tbe terrible disease, that ANA
KES13 assures. It is naed by Doctois of all
ecnooa. Dent oy mail on receipt of price.
LOO per box. temples free by P. Neualaed-
tar at lo., cox otHo ftow lork. Sole mannfao-
, ,; said, -W eU, there'll be weather andt?s
"ct'tlsnyratc.-- Alssi weather is the - yeliow
. -.ar'-ii . .vdrtrnrvasi thinks It IilS
S-lal right to t.y to better the . and
.uris his Snathemas BRaiost - Old Pro"
and all who enlev.r to a-iat him In regulatinfc
The weather. The following communication ta
'from fZt Tice. of SL Louis. X?
meteorologwt and weather prophet of the J-t.
U does not dwuss tin weather bnt snniethir.
surelTof more importance to those woo softer
wilh'that isiinfiil miilsdy he speak? t of The
day afurctTncluiliii. luy lectures al Burlington,
Iowa, on the 21st of Pecemher last. I was seized
with a sttd.len stt.-lt of neuraliria in the chest,
eiTiiitt me excrui-iatinir pain an-l almost prevent
int bivatliiiiB- My pulse, usually eu. tell to :
intense nau-a of the Monuw-h succeeded, and a
cold, clammr sweat cr-vere.1 my entire body.
The attending physician could do not hin! to re
lieve me. Alter sutlcrm for inree mmu.
thoueht as I had lieen uiii Pt. J v obs Oil witl-
goo.1 erTert for rheumatic p:uii-l would tnr it.
laaiuratcl a piece of flannel, lniw enough to
cover my chest, with the oil. and appliediL The
relief was almost insuintaneous. liionehourl
was entirely free from pain, and would have
taken the train lo All n appointment that ntffhl
in ajieiuhborin town had my friend not dis
stisied me. As it was. 1 took the nisjht train fornir .
home, in sL Units, and have not been Uuunit.
As i: is tor sit diseues of ts KIDNEYS,
It e.'enss : .-ritem of th arr.d t' ''p
that cms? tb or.-auful uufUriaz wL.cii
only the viettms ol flh nmsiifl can rc:il.
of lb -a wont form of tli tcrribU diacaM
bAxe beea q'-acktj rirlieved, in a sliort tune
km l
nale i
i etnsfnit, 4 i:urAi I
haruiless m tail c-iei.
mtoriraneof tbe body.
be Kidners restored. I
IS I ff 4 I li, ImtltarmJe
ljr to mil tlio tmport&i.l
Thanitiinl fat?iiou of tba Kidners
Tha ijvep ia e,tuittvdor 4tilduc. And tlw j
Bowels wjefrrei.T &d healthfully. In U.u.
way th won dLwev r enwUcatcd trot
A It hrM been proTed or UioumnoM xamz
lMtLhAmeffi-etiml rt-medr for oieaaturKi: the
xyntem of ail rn-rbi'! v-cretion. Itkiou:dte
rued in evi-rr housciiold nm a
Always ev.r 111 ..O .. JV?.. . OKdTtA
SiOX.ILLi3 auu U l iJiALB Dises.es.
Li pit up in lry Vrer laSle l .rw. hi t!B mm,
one pw-'kee o w'.e-ii miu"J! r.iniieine.
SLin LlaalJ Forstwcry eestrtror
i th.e.tpniviMvuI in. .ewiKraiiii'rninyTrs.
par it- it ti-t.i. e:eisca-iaj.wr,'un.
GET lTl FYOrit IMltflGIST. rr.fE.SI.0e
Hi:i.LS. Kit lUKBMIN Jll n.. rrop".
ftVIll senil the f-wH.I BTKI l";T. VT.
tSo other line runs Three Through Pas
scntrer Trains liaily between t'hicairo. Ilea
Moines, Council Bluff. Omaha. Lincoln, St.
Joseph, Atchison, T"K-ka and Kansas City.
Direct connection for ail points in Kan:ts,
Netiraska, Colorado. Wyominp. Montana, Xe
vails. New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon anil
The Shortest. Spwdicst snd Most Comforta
ble Kouic via Ifannibhi to Kort Scott. Denison,
Dallas, Houston. .Autin. Ssn AutoLio, Galves
ton and all points in Texas.
The uneiuslfd imliicements offered by this
Line to Travelers nd Tourist, are as follows:
The celebrated Pullman (Ifi-whrel) Palace
tfleepinir Cars, nin only on this Line. C. ii. 4
O. Pulacc I irnwin-Roora Curs, with Horton's
Keclininit Chairs. No extra chanrc for Scut
in Kecliniiifr i hairs. The famous C B. & Q.
Palace lliuina-Cars, fiorfreous Smokina; Cars
fitted with Klcrant Hiirh-n.K-ked Kattan Ke
volvinw ( hairs lor tbe exclusive use of Urst
eltiss paen(rerB.
Steel Trai k and Superior Equipment, com
bined with their Crcnt Throtit'b Car Arranjre
ment. makes this, above all others, the favorite
Koute to tbe South. South-West, and the Fax
West .
Try it. and you will find traveling a luxury
instead of a discomfort.
Throuirh Tickets virk this Celebrated tin
for sale at all vOices iiTthe United States and
All information about Rates of Fare-. Klecr.
inir C-ti Accommoilationa, Time Tables, Ac.
will Is-. bei-rfuHr Klven, and will send rr to
any adi'ress an (-ii-srunt County M tiiul L nitcd
btatee. In colors, by apply lug to
PEKCIVAL l.OWKLL, t.en. -a. A-nt. Chicago
T. J. POTTLU, (General .Vaiuer, Clucagu.
8.OT.0 Arswts sTsinteil for l ife f
ft MwitlT K r,.n M.Im. VI. t a ... .
.... . .- jm- i, ... uin .r it- r.eoiITB
Ilf- t,.l ilvti:ritl)r willitl,. Surv:.T.I In tnetlL
ii iti fu:it-ru otwetioie.. -tc The t l (-hia;v ia your
L.-'tauijk ui.iii-y. LVsars of r.-!;; r-uny" untta
: :i. 1. th ; ou-- aaiociitic a- I tuiiy ulntnt-d
lle-t -.,;r Martynnl Pte.iiiL i I-1 n.tr-.it
- r."'".' .' r "tar f-.-ss. Aii-ireisi.
.ilo...L. I-l ilUsiilNo CU MulMplua, Pa.
WfltrhfiC LTualowoe free. AMrrss standard
If CUP U la Atuttiuui Watck CofltuburgtiB
JeVM works.
Isul Swkss. .coa c u iim l
The Russian Renitsdips
o.,. i 7,.-. . .1 1 tniraeti.
.k. .i V " nil iiE
aie aa w e wm bb b ri ssvtiM t I ti
. W - smw hIbTP IrVWCJfa
11 i0 Qmm9 vwrnabta PHXS. wtti fan dlTfcr.
25 nel s any addreaa ana twtwdp of nine tkr cent V
MaV- BW swio ty a clrygiaU at tVie. polo IlopTlatora.
smsiiiiniu mm.
rar klood aakw snaril flssh. m..
andaeiearskuB, if yo wooui Iut ?
arm. yo-ir boose souDd wrtinui (t-neT?,1
ftmrn BcMlveais. " MnMsn
A remedy composed of rnfredier.ta
rdlaary med cai properties esasuualta Z2
Heal, repair and InTttrorate the hmksoJU?
wsjl-ed OOdT qUICK. PLEASANT s?s.
BKHH S VKST is Its lrMlm.ni ..j't k
Mo matter by'Vluu name the n2,
ke deeitmarwd," waether tt be n$?
umpuoo, Sypoilla, Ulcers, Bores, Tirajjt
Lnaca. sUdaeys, Budd-r, Wmnb, svs tJ
sMomach or Bowel, either chrome
Vonal, the virus ol the disease K in thsaf
wnica sapp.lea the waste, and buudTj
aa-rs thaw eriraas and wasted Usbum
tyatetm. If the Mood la uaiieaiUtj lis JL
M repair must be anaiMiad. '
smwj MrurriiiMa BeeetveatsM.
fa a oompeuaUufr remedy. Oil v:r
mooloos ac'loa of each of the or.-ns h
Bahae Utroufhotit the enure svatem hZ
karmony, aud supplies the b ood-vrx-u -7
farm and heal' hy current of new uie. tv'
after a tew days use of the SaraspsnuiT.
onvea clear sad beauttroL flmp,a kw'w
Black .-pots and -kin Brant oas are tvz
horee and CI' e.- aooa eared. Psrsoasse?--!
from Scrofula. BrwDUve Dlseasea ot ... ?i
St mLa, Kara, Le, Thrwii acd sun r?
have aeca nalaieJ and spived. stuierihi"'
cured dfMses er msieurr nr ,k. 1
Corrosive sublimate, mar rei im . ?
tbe SarsaparilUaa is eonUnted asiLTlolasic.'
a make IIS lmnmMlas on th mi..
One bottle contains mora ot the acuss ,
lea of medicines than any other nr..J
'akea ia Teaspooorul Dosea. while
'lire Ave or sU Ume as much, m ihiw
rsur Beltla
Only reqtUrM mtBatt-s do kn h J
wsoIbb s avri rrsP-BB ak.-araa riiOi.au I
Beady Relied
to from one to twenty ml nates, n-e-c t
i teUeve PAIN with one thorouia antniw.
; no BLitter how violent or excru. UUi.i i J
1 . - DWU.MAMJ lUlljIllrf.. I A I
sun nu.uuj.ui. wu-a iwuu iiiiii m. vnjej
ftervuua, nvurmisiu wl rwionis s ,.s tpy..
maa suffer. KAt)AV'3 KJtADi" KLiir r.
auora instant
atssaaatlsa wftke KMwera. IsBI
ttow Bflhe ItlBiier. Inasaaaiaslwasl
- Bowel, t'smaewllww, er Ike Usm w
Thrsal. nil tie mil Breathlats. fmifZ
mtt th Hemrs. Msse-lra. Crwap.
tnsrUk A'mtsurrk. ran. H-Wvt.
UI CklUa. AfSS Ahllle, rkilkiHwTJ
FrsM . Mrwlxw, aser (Zl
tialass. aerTsatarw. sileeplessai
seas t olws, Ssrslas, Fatas u
4 km. Back a ll Bake are laaisau
Fever and Ague.
FITTER and AGTTK cured for st cents. r.-
la car a remedial asent In this world uuit I
core Pever and A?ue, and other MsUrloai i 1
uh, lorlet. Typ- 0 I Yellow asd ouisrtei-
:U.ied oy ttaaways ru.a; so quicur Ml
war's Rsadv Kausr.
Ii wul in a few Eioments, whea taxes kp-I
tng to alreciions, cure cramps, pasuB. v.H
f-ujmacn. ueanuurn, ick ueaaacae. ujrxt
LiTsenterr. coiic, wind la the BoweiauaJ
internal rains.
Travelers should al ways carry a bottle at i
way's Ready Keller w.ta them. A few drop I
wa er will preveat sickness or palm ti
CQanre or wav-r. it ts oeiier uaa
krandv or bitters as a sttmuiant.
Miners and Lumbermen auoaia Uwiji I
froviuea wrui iu
All remedial airents eapahle of destrr gr i
by as overdose should be avoids!. HoniA
opium, stri chnlne, arnica ayosctaniia, il
otoer powerr ui retneus. uue-i a can sin u -In
very smill dos-s, relieve the pjt!":r;
their action In tbe system, bat p-fust
second te. If repeated, may airjravaies s
eriae the sullerln. ar.d anoiher aJ
deith. There ts no necessity tor trlir ii
aneertaln airents w hen a positive r-m-nj i
Kadwiy-s Ready Rel et 1U stop them I
fructat Inir pain qulclcer. without entailtod
wast auacii.ty iu eiuier uuaiit or anui
Ritviri Ttvtpv Rinrsv rsihe only reiw: J
aanl la vogue Uial will Instantly stop pu
Fiflj Cents Per Bottle
Regulating Pilh
Terfect Puririivi:s K?triiiijr Af
enU, AcC Without, rain, Alf
Reliable, and Natural In tbir
Perte tly ta-teless, elffrar.tly eoti.4 '
tweet tru:n, purge, rejaia'.e, i-u.u .,u .-wi
aire iro- n
RiuwsTBPiUA for the ri.e 'f allD-c"1
Of the S: otnaco. Urer. B m e.s. K toe. H-
Nervous Ut-essea. H-ad . lit. cot-'!-' i
t veuesa. lud trestion. Ly-tvp-ia. B"l'-:'l
rever, 'nn.itn; ton or ine tj-.V'i.H. n-cv-derangements
ot the luTer'ti Vs-'-ra.1
rant d to err-t a pertv: . tire Pin- J
tafre, contAlntng no ?i'rc:iry, lairiiTaj jf -"
tert-etS drucs.
wobarve the fotloln.svmotoisre
from Diseases f t tiie .hre-tie ixaas: l 1 1
BHllon, Inwa d Mies, fuim.-s- u;w
the Head. Aciilliy of tu-; Sto S
Bean but a. 1 1 irudcof F..wl. K.ltiissior
In the Momich, four to a us,
Plntb-rinfr : me Her . i kia, or..
Seruutloiis when In a lyin tiure. ta
Vlslon, Dots or Wets lf.-rj ma sirttr
andluUPa!n In the lleL MK'1.
splration, lellont?-s of tue swa in
Pain In the sa-. t he t, !.mi'- "c"
Pl'iahes of He it. H'lrumif :n te Fl
A fewdoxttof Ksdwats 1'iua "rl!:lr!'
tjstem from ail tac aCove-niuieJ Di
Irlce, 25 Cents Tcr Box.
We repeat tl-at the rMder lan1
dooks at.a pupers on rue a ioje- ' is
their cure, ..moni vu cb my t mux'
raise and Trae,"
"Radwas- Irr-tsb'e t'rethra,
"KadWMJ ui Teralula,"
snd others retatlnz to diSercnt ta.s''
eaaes. SOLD BY DRr'.-OlsT
n1 J- tter f srrt: t" RTr,
a. Si Watrrea,, tr. CbareB si. -lark.
fLaronna' rrtti uuxL-kuJjati1 I
to you.
Tbi: srm isivi:TBiET W J1
VI OKi.lt. Water ..rk L.iis"'
Hi-hunt I 'i.tn.t ", T'- r.-l mrmtfM
k. wrww wwa-rn -1 l lflll "l
plits! puts! rt.n: rw
Foe IMiw Clnhs. fT Anutenr Tb
o.uuil-las.t.iii.ie B..s ?ifef-
lesux LjiLi. Mjunie-.i
t'orlt. I lKatni-al Isi- llrM'.'i, "
.-.uiu 1". ' ,,,-1
ors. w no, r-'ar-w, .ntninuw ii-t , v
snd r-a-r Scenery. N-w tni " iiSI'
taint: fntl ilt-n niir-n an t ' m
S'MIL.SS 11 A SMX. S E. I Ilk -
. . t -sia.
Farming for Froi
!S"w. Aeewratt. Coiii. reh-'t r.
TELLS HC1V fh ' ??iLi
Make Honey I U
Saves aat tlwM Its r7 7 ', --r -
J.''r. "-t v- .- trJE.is'
S.A.:.AXwVt.lLUa at
Twr a Lesil IMiaeee ennm jfr-V
rajs cure most womaeTroiiy -