Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 03, 1881, Image 3

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r i .
J--W-Tfc-3-3BfrM. mm J3
jredgcsday. August 3.
cnbscription. $1.50 per annum if paid
Jh months; $2.0Utf not paid wiUnn
V'ient advertisements inserted at 50
rer inch for each inse-tion.
C Tnsient business notice, in local col-
10 cents rT line for esch insertion.
""I, 'tions will be made to those desiring
todvertife ? the year, haif or quarter
war- - -
"jjblican Frimary Elebtio
. - of the Rft!ibV-du County
a a Tier a""-
5i0iJ7- LOCALS.
Data harvest ia over.
Farmers report yonng rabbits plenty.
A splendid rain fell last Friday night.
The bustle is again coming into fashion.
President Garfield's condition is improv
ing. The chief color of the sun Is said to be
Bellcfonte, Center county, has a board of
Corn well, lae crop will not be large in
Maud S gave an exhibition of speed at
Philadelphia last week. The mile was made
in 2.12; her best record is 2.10 - Her
backers say that she can do better than the
last mentioned figures.
The one-horse grain-biuder is the article
that farmers need in the harvest field. A
son of James MrCanley, of Fayette town
ship, this year bound Up thirteen acres of
grain in one day with such a machine.
The Sunbury Democrat says : A child six
weeks old was killed in the arms of its
mother, Mrs. Gideon Landan, by a stroke of
lightning that came down a
Apples are plenty in the northern part of
the Stnte.
Turnip growers are busy sowing the whole-
Committee, the Republican Primary Elec- root.
n mill be h"'1 w J"1"1 county on j The quality of the iiheat in this county
. ccnTiruKPK 51 1MS1. ! is first-rate.
SATL iiu-
A the niee!
,ura Judges 0,1 lh ''" ioS Monday
in- of the Convention of Re-! lf.e oats crop will be an uncommon yield
walnut tree
near the door of the house in which
Landan stood.
The decision of Judge Pearson, sustain
ing Attorney General Palmer in his advieu
to State Treasurer Butler, not to pay the
members of the Legislature more thin oue
thousand dollars each as salary, is received
by the people at large with favor.
i iu this countv. Michael Voder will sell at yub'ic sale, on
Mrs. A. K Huns?!)! W Wn atVi-t.-A ith ' the premises, a firm of 1U9 acres of lime-
Tbc fell-wing is tl,e. s.vUm" under hich ' r,.ver. ; stone ami gravel hind, about one mile north
Thieves entered the Clothing store of D.
W. Harley, in this place, on last Thursday
night. The entrance to the room was made
by prying open the front door, or by prjing
open one of the doable front doors. A
chisel taken from the blacksmith shop of
Wm. Ellis on Water street was inserted be
tween the two doors, and the leverage thus
secured was sufficient to break the cast
metal hasp, into which the bolt of the loc
had been turned when Mr. Harley .retired
for the night. The thieres in the store
Will bny a pew and beantiiul Or'a, s.wue
grade and kind (f-50 to $70), that other par
ties have been selling recently Tor $1 10 to
$135. .Tour choice of many styles from
different factories. Six years guarantee.
; , .. W. H AlKSXS,
July 27 -3m Main St., lliu'.iiitown, Pa.
1 am prepared to furnish the best uike of
Xetdles, Shuttles, and aeir parts for AN V
threw the clothing about on the counters, as i Sewing Machine, (old or new.) i.i the uiar
if searching for some firticular Ibid of k(.t the best m wA . .
suits. A considerable quantity of burnt
piper lay about on the lloor behind the
counters, and from the aptiearance of the
ashes and their location near itifjiirimable
stuff the wonder is that the hotise waa
not set on tire, by which act tlie thieves
Main street, Mi.tiintowu, Ta-,
One door above Post-OAke. j
Troublesome tlsUiiren, 1
that are always wettiui; tb-ir beds ought not j
LSfewsr3 v-e-T.'-'?? If-'-'"
mvM fette
IKON BITTEKS are hisUly recomrccnJeJ for all diseases re
quiring a certain and effluent tcmc ; especially Indigent on, l 'ypffwci, mrer
vi'Jimt ftw!, TiVnl of Appetitf, los of &reag!h, Lnek jf Lnerrrj, etc. Enriches
l.lwt trMni:pTis the muscles, and trives new life to the nerves. They art
would have been guilty ol'tlie double crime j to be scolded arid punished for what thry j
of robbery and arson. . Tfoin the ar.ioiint t cannot help. They reed a i:i-tiicine having i
of paper ashes on the floor ihe light in the j a tonic effect upon the kidney and the
Such a medicine u Kidney-
Do not fail
room must have been considerable, and the j nrinary rgins.
" first. The cat.d
... Ivimarv fcl.-clions are UelU :
tididates lor me several oi- i
. ii itw.ir names auiiouucea in
1Cor more of the republican county pa- j
.. i-t tmr we. ks previous to the pri- :
nltings, staling the olfioe, and sub- i quite n..-ar to M ore.
Bel!s on sbeep keep dogs away,
sheep grower says.
So a
wonder is that it did not attract attention j Wort. It has specific action,
on the street. It is conj xtured by soire ; to get it for them. Exchange
people that probably a r.iiiiiler of thieves
Tre erg iged in the work, and that some
rnnri jv nn ami d4wn the street to signal
Manv b.is are caught in shallow wafer, i . ' - " , . . i- , ;i .
c M t . in:.... - . .A .n f (Km 9imriucli (it tmtniiii Iravehnff at 11 1 " til.
II nVLUIIC J.l 1 3 i i II'JH idlU 111 j j . - i - 0 I
riisi.tiear Irnni a roini ront:iinini' a ulatenf when the liifllt C.mld Lave been put out.
Pref. D. D. Stone and bis "son Charles ,he fo,!owing Ulixtlsre. Hair u-aapooi.ful j Two chisels are mUsing from Ihe Hiis
have gone to Norfolk, a. , . . . ; . f hrwn blacksmith i.hoii : the one one was found at
like a charm the direv;ive orfrnns, removing all dppeptic symptoms, su !
as TxUni the fW, lickhiun, lift ia the &.-rh, Jtcartlwm, ete. The onlj
Iron Pi-eiKuatioH that tvill uot blat-kou the toetli or give
herHisoii::. E-jId Ly til ilmpyist. Write for the ABC Book, S2 pp. of
Eful and am'JFin1.' reailir. fut free.
Br-OV.-- CilETJICAIa CO., Daltiinorc, 3IJ.
! of Oakland Mills, Fayette township, on Fri
j day, August 12, 1881. This will be a fine
opportunity to buy a farm.
. ... il.j a. Iloll t sanl prunarj iii.-c.iii,. i
Second. The roters responding to Hepubli- j
,a; ynnaple, in each township or borougi.
.'all meet on Saturday. .v-p:eu,b -r-M, 1831,
Ine cual piaceot uoia.op ...e 6 -- bmti: of ,, wtather,
..VI. .'it v. anti prcceetl to elect ,
'.n tor Judte and lo irs iis tor ; A portion of Main street in Patterson is little
....J- ... shall form a board to receive ; (i,stPllrtril In- l.ri.l- 'm!..r !
voles and determine who are the pr-per per- ,
,,, rote, and jhali hold the polls open
... . .1. .. .....1- ...... . i i .ii . ..... . I i,uu..i..
V.ofK P. M. Atl'r I u iiMio niv uuuun .in uinc reu sins vui. uacuviucr a
i of black pepper in pow der, one of brow n
Hurry up the picnic; only six weeks LUfrir, a!Hj one of creaiff! mixed together. I Harley's store door; the point of the other
The remedy can at loaat be tried, as it costs ! was found at the sa:ue plwv, but the uiale
ami handle are now here to beionna. Loais,
until i
.i... ..n.i;.t ing .titionnil as aiore-
,re'n-u i"e -
J,d shall be balloted lor; the utiiie of each
r-rs..n voting shall be itteu ou e rst at
.. ....... .... . M-.mll lli.ill m11ou .i1
I A numner ol t::e lucmix-rs ot me t ost,
It is said that fresh onions laid in cup- ; while at Gettysburg, listened to Colonel
description ( the futile.
$ unbury claims to have the oldest Masonic
Lodge outside of Philadelphia.
... time ot votins, uo p.-rfou oem- a.
re man once oir rjiu fio--
ills are closed
Among the regimen's that were mentioned
as bavins lost a
pants, shoes, hats and neck-ties were stolen.
John McNi-ihar, residing in Patterson, and j
i James Codei had a serious diiliciilty in the
i :.. . L . .t.A l. A ..t
There is a teport that the tobacco crop of - J
,- . - . . ., , Geo. F. McFarlan i.
ivUiiuci: ill, ul 17 tt laioirT; iuib v.ii. i
George Heck sold his bird dog. He re-
lo vote n:oi
ti.vJ Alter I lie P
..,a imll nr.K-eed to count the votes thai
h candidate reciived. and make out the ceired titleen dollars for the pointer,
retiu-nsaccorauigiy, i ue..f:..o
.L j..ri atti'stel 1V tlie Clerks.
VcnrM. The Jii.ljf (or one of the Clerks port. Perry county, has been given up.
..luted hv the J udte) ot the respective
. -.ti.n. district slia.l nn-.t at the Court !
Iluse in Viitlintowri. on Monday following
the primary meetings, lit 1 o'clock P. j Carnage travel is more indulged in this
hiving the' returns and a list of the voters, ; sc!lf,a ti.in m manv vear8 jllst pis,ed.
V1i c.iutit the votes, and the person having
ihe behest number ot votes for any ntflce ! The Post boys are all honiu Trom Oettys
shall be declared the regular nominee of the I burg, and are highly pleased with the trip.
heavy percentage of men , r.. . . . ww i,h
a club, which broke one bone in thu right
arm of McNcinar. The latter, b.:ing of a
There are many deeds, releases, am! other reumroC;.l turn of mmd. snatched the club
Cnnlilican partv
Fifth. It any two or iy.nic persons have
OT equal titiniber of votes for the same ot
ficc, the Jii-i;.res shall proceed to ballot tor
its choice, the person having the highest
nutnburot votes to be Ihe nominee.
Satk. The Keturn Judges sr-au oe com-
. ...
j papers in the ott.ee ! the it. gister ana tie-, frim u;9 ,mgj)i,tic opponent and delivered
! forrffr in the Cf':rl Ilonsft. all tif which I . i t. l..... ;-k
. . . . , ... - . - i 1 v.ouer a UiOW HLnia II V. urw .il o m-1 .
The enterprise of holding a fair at New- , , , . . i. . .
lur. h..n r.or(l..n. F.irtieS fil'.nm? tile . .1. 1 .... . I. .A ... 1... .I.un
- - . - o lorce uiai his skiiii n nm tn.v wi uiwavii.
pipers iil confer a fvor upon the Register Botn men were unlitted for work or busi
and Recorder and do themselves juaiee by ncs8 hy tno tgil, and doctors were called
calling and lilting said documents. j in to minister to their respective injuries.
One set of wheat dealers say that the ; The probability is that it will tike a lot of
price of wheat w ill go up to almost two i lawyers, a judge and 12 disinterested men
dollars ; ar.other set say that il:eat will de
cline in i rice to one dollar. When there is
Bedford is to have a keg factory. Will
that reduce the price of mineral water t
Rev. Mr. Wilson, from New York, preach-!eli a great difference in the expressed
ed iu the Presbyterian Chapel on Sabbath
Mr. and Mrs. J. ti. M. Todd celebrated
their Silver Wedding last Monday evening.
Miss Kate Gallagher has gone to visit her
petent to reject, by a ma jority the returns brother jameg oiaghe,, ln Bureau county,
trora any c.nt uiht - '
vidence ot lraurt, eitner in me reiurns, or
The September term promises to be a
lively court. Twenty-two cases are on file
for trial.
othvise, to the extent of the frauds com
mitted. Seceuth. No person shall be permitted to
vole by proxies.
At the Primary Eleetioa held August 19,
176, the first article of the system was
anier.di-d. " Lr,iitig the time of announce
ment of candidates to two wekks instead of jong au(j paijeutlv without becoming over- '.
roia irttKS vrwr to the I'rimaip Elcctiou." . . . .
The Perry county Republican Convention . a ms system.
will be held at Bloom&eld on Monday, Au
gust 15, 1HB1.
The fisl'ermah rejoiceth ; ho can now sit
opinion of dealers, how are the growers of
wheat to know I
John Hohenshildt, of Center township,
Perry county, saw a copperhead snake at
tempt to work its way into a stone w all. lie
caught the reptile by the tail, and the snake,
to reciprocate the complimentary pull,
turned and gave John a complimentary bite
on the hand. The mail drank large quan
tities of whisky, aud that killed the snake
At the Primary Election held August 2,
1879, the following three amendments were
adopted by an airjost unanimous vole of
the party :
1st. Ihat the Representative Delegate
and Senatorial Conferee oe voted lor and
elected at the Primary Election.
Ind. That the Return Judges and Clerks
thail be sworn, according to the general
election laws, before receiving any voles at
the Primary Election, that they will honest
!y and faithfully discharge the duties de
volving upon said officers.
3rd. That the Chairman of the County
Committee be voted lor and elected at the
Primary Election.
Last year 1880 the Convention of Re
turn Judges passed the following resolution
as to the sense ol ihe 1st auiendmeut of
the three amendments adopted at the Pri
mary Election Angus! 2, 1879 i
Resolcci, That it is the sense of this :on
fention that the amendment which was
adopted in 1S70. prescribing that a Sena
torial Conferee shall be annually elected by
th people at the Primary Election contains
a rlcnral error, to it : Using the word
C.ml?.ree" for -Pel-gae," and hereafter
tile term .I)ei-gate" should be Used instead
of "Conferee" in said amendment.
President Judge, Two Associate Judges,
rrothonotary, Two County Commissioners,
County Treasurer. Two County Auditors,
Chiirtnan County Committee, Representa
tive Dolt-gate, Senatorial Delegate.
Tue flarrisbure Tehzravh of July 27th
ay: Mrs. Mary Shoop, who lives in Fish
ing Creek valley, and is a regular attendant,
with her husband, at the Broad street mar
ket, gave a Tdizraf.h reporter this morning
the details of a desperate fiht between two
dogs and a rattlesnake, on the mountain
rear her home, on Monday afternoon. Mrs.
Shoop and three of her children were en
gaged in gathering berries, and had with
them two dogs, one a large mastiff and the
other a small dog. While engaged in gath
ering the berries they discovered a snake in
the bushes of a prostrate tree. The snake
gave the usual sijnal with much vehemence.
The small dog begau the attack bv rushing
beated bv the sun
Who is the man that, in connection with
bis other business, will start a tobacco ware
house in this place ?
Doctors in Johnstown, Cambria county,
express '.he belief that liies carry small-pox
f rom family to family.
Francis newer sa s that the sV.in of the
ground hog la stronger and makes more du
rable straps than calf-skin.
The Sabbath-School State Convention
will be held in Johnstown, Cambria county,
October lfcih, 19th end 20th.
OlJ successful wheat growers say that a
crop scarcely ever falls on ground that has
been flowed in the mouth of July.
A number of the veterans from tiis place
were severely attacked by cholera rMorbus i
while on their way from Gettysburg. j
A Judge in Illinois has declared that the
running of railroad trains on the Sabbath j
day is an act of " necessity and mercy."
The Tnscirora township annual picnic
will be held in Panneb deer's grove, in the
township just mentioned, next Saturday.
Leo nartmann, a prominent Russian Ni
hilist, has come to this country. The as
sassin should- be iuvited to leave the coun
try. The time la here to record the largest to
bacco leaves. It is the quality of the weed,
and cut as a necessity the siiethat gives it
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Parker and Mason Ir
win and sister have returned from their trip
t Gettysburg.
There is a song or hymn in the Moody
and Saiikey Gospel Hymns", that is not
often sung. It is, " Where is My Boy To
night f"
If you get out of bed in the morning at
U o"cl.ck and look eastward, if the sky is
clear, yon can see the planets Venus, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn.
From certain movements abent the Harley
corner it is telieved that the robbery of the
oi the venomous retit!le as he stood with
head erect, with open mouth and glaring ! store had been contemplated a week before
eves. At the first jump the dog made the the job was executed.
saike struck hiio lair iu the hreast; near vo Philadelphia lawyers have been sent
the heart. The moment the fang pierced t0 tia Penitentiary for forging a will, that
the one dog he retreated howling with diverted the estate of a childless rich man
gony, while the larger deg jutujied on the irom his near relatives,
reptile from his rear, wounding him severely Rfnnedv & Doty will receive orders for
near the head, but before he could get away coaj (jUI.jg the month of August at the
frura hiai the suake struck his second as- f0nowjg prices : Pea, $3.50 ; Chestnut,
sailant near the rump. Disregaidino this - , - . r.arirer siEes. S5.00. 2t
wound the dog returned to the attack and
killed the snake. In the meantime Mrs. S.
and the children s .ood by observing the
tglit, and when it was over one of the chil
dren ran home to inform the father of the
injury to the small dog, which lay in great
agony. Mr. S. was soon on ihe scene aud
did what he could for the poor brute, wrap
ping it iu a big, while one of the children
carried it towards home, but before they
got home the dog leaped from her arms, ran
short distance, howling fearfully, fell down
and died. The larger dog had milk admin
istered i it, with other aulldotus applied to
Its wounds, and it survives. The snake had
fourteen rattles, which Mrs. Shoop cut off
and thii morning gave to the reporter. This
would indicate that it was seventeen years
el-l. It was a monster in size, and had it
not been killed by the dogs would probably
iave attacked Mrs. S. and the shildren.
Where are the Fish Commissioners t The
fl,h are all being killed in Bald Eagle creek,
b r refuse water from manufacturing estab
lishments located ou the bank of the creek.
County Treasurer John W. Kirk, when
on his way from Gettysburg, stopped off a
while at York. He believes York to be a sort
of paradise for Lutheran preachers, judging
from the number that live there.
A man in this town has four wives buried
in the Presbyterian graveyard, and he keeps
up their graves quite nicely ; he has a tomb
stone whereon is recorded the names and
age of each one of the deceased w ives.
A quiet shower of rain fell last Wednes
day evening. There was no wind, no thun
der, no lightning. It was the quieiesi ram
of the summer, and surprised people be
cause of the absence of the noise usually
aitendant upon summer rains.
Iu Aycrs Ague Cure we have a positive
remedy for fever and ague and all malarial
disorders, and one entirely free from qui
nine, arsenic, or other injurious dregs. It
is the chemical and medicinal triumph of
the age.
On Tuesday a week the large circular saw,
run by Cook's portable saw-mill in Milford
township, broke in twa by coming m
tact with a splinter of a stick or log that it
was then sawing. It is the mill that is
,t;,T nn lumber for ex-Sheriff Walls.
Mrs. General Meade, the wife of the com- , . .,h and tumble
mander of the Union army at Gettysburg,! "I, " LLv. A citixeu
M on a visit to the town just mentioned 6 . ..,.. ...."mit in front
ring late encampment of the Grand .,17 hose.
- tjl til a uJ-"'
He turned the stream of water on the ngni
inE men, which ended the tight and scat-
Mjr Good IV o man,
"hy arc you so out of sorts, never able to
tell folks that yon are well f Ten to one it's
n Caused in the first place by habitual con
stipation, which no doubt finally Caused de
ranged kidneys aud liver. The sure cure
for constipation is the celebrated Kidney-
Wort. It u aso specific remedy for all
kidney and liver dir eases. Thousands are
cured by it every month. Try it at once,
Toledo Blade.
Army of the Republic at that pjaie. Nine
members of the Post fro. this place that
was in attendance upon the encampment
ealled on Mrs. Meade to pay their respects
o the wif of their old commander.
tered the crowd more rapidly than it was
I gathered
Dr. Banks had a party of men out on his
farm last Friday. Of course the Doctor
must needs, always, when out in the coun
try, have a dog with him. The party were
not long at work till tlie dog found game in j
hole in the ground. AU hands tamed in to
unearth the game. It was dug out, and it
proved itself to be a Urge ground heg.
Two Tusearora valley young men, named
respectively Hurl and Cassner, were com
mitted to jail hy Squire Richard D.y'e on
the charge of having stolen a lot of carpen
ter tools aud a pig. The young men were
scarcely in prison on Friday when Cassner
was taken before Squire Samuel I.nudon
and admitted to bail in the sum of two hun
dred dollars to answer at court.
Wesley Andrews, aged about 3-5 years,
living about one mile and a quarter north
east of Oakland Miils, died Lust Thursday
night. A few days before that date he was
ki-.-hed in the center of the forehead by a
horse that he was leading, ilir. case was a
distressing one; it required the attendance
of a couple of men at his bedside all the
The McVeytown Junrnal of the 28th tilt,
states that a rather hastily arranged but
nevertheless enjoyable surprise party was
given at the residence of Mr. D. S. Forgy,
on Saturday evening; in honor of the Misses
North', of Milliuitown, who were their guests.
Onita a number of .ur ladies and centle-
nien were present and a very pleasant time
was had, all expressing regret when tte
near approach of Sunday broke np the
happy assemblage.
A Philadelphia lady was outraged by a
guide that rowed her across Long Lake, in
New York State, last week. When the
lady reached the shore and w as received by
her friends she fell into a swoon. The
guide ran into the woods. Pursuit was given.
The guide reached the railroad, took a
train aud went to Canada, but officers were
sent after him, and he was captured and re
turned and lodged in j ill. Hereafter ladies
will not be entrusted alone with guides, in
the Adirondacks region.
John BarcVll, who supplies this town with
Ihe freshest of whortleberries, encountered
a large rattlesnake on Shade mountain, on
Monday morning of last week. The reptile
rattled, and that prevented Mr. Bardell from
walHing on, or over the poisonous thing.
He attacked the snake; a well-directed
sharp-edged stone cut the snake in two
pieces. The head piece wriggled into a
crevice amone the rocks. Nine rattles were
taken Irom the tiil piece. The snakO was
oue ol the largest that Mr. Bardell ever saw,
being about three inches in diameter and at
least four lcet long.
It was said long ago that truth is stranger
than fiction. Occasionally ihe truth of the
saying is forcibly brought within the com
prehension of the most unobserving. now
forcibly the fact is made manifest to people
in this community is found in the fact lhat
in 18G3, during the battle ot Gettysburg,
Jacob Lemon, a citizen soldier from this
county, lost a knife in the hurly fetirly of
the great fight. Last week he visited the
lamous battle-field with the Post of which
he is a member from this place. A boy on
Ihe field offered a number of relics for sale.
Lemon examined them, and, to his amaze
ment, he recognized the long-lost knife.
The maimer in which two blades were
broken, and the peculiar kind of a knife led
immediately to its recognition. Mr. Lemon,
bought the knife of the boy, and now has a
relic that is beyond price for his children,
or for the Post collection of relics.
A go-called widower married a Richmond,
Yircinia, girl under false pretense. He rep-
..niul himself as from Ohio, a man of
means, and conferred title to property
worth thirty thousand dollars as a wedding
eifl. At Richmond he fleeced a bank out
of eight hundred dollars en a forged check,
but his bad work wm not discovered till he
was away with the victimised girl on the
wedding trip. He left the bride in New
York State and fled to Canada to get out of
reach of officers sent by the defrauded
bank. The title to the $30,000 Ohio prop
erty was a forgery. He does not own a
root ot ground. It is a dreadrul expe
rience for a good honest gill to pass through
The credentials of a stranger should be care
fully examined. I is a pity that the scoun
drel is at Urge, for he will practice his fraud
ou other banker aad innocent girls. .
as jurors to settle the trouble between the
Under the provisions of an act o" Assem
bly, appro'' ed the 8th day of June, A. D.
1881, practitioners of Medicine and Surgery
j are rtqtiired to register their nan.e la a
hook in the Prothonotary'a ollice, in such
couuties where practitioners discharge the
duties of their profession. The book bas
been opened in Prothonetary Reynold's
ollice. The first practitioner registered in
this county is Dr. W. K. T. ?ohm. Dr.
Sohm registered on Monday last. Tne baok
is large enough to contain the names of all
the doctors lhat may practice in Juniata
county within the next hundred years.
Joseph M. Christy, telegraph operator.
John I.. North, shcema'ur.
Jacob Sulnuff, dealer.
Solomon Sieber, butcher.
S. C. Move.-, farmer.
Frank Joils, miner.
Spruce Hill.
J. L. Barton, merchant.
Cyrus lirackbill, farmer.
Cioyd Gilsoii, farmer.
Edward Shellenuerger, farmer.
J. W. Montgomery, farmer.
Wilson Calhoun, farmer.
J. K. Graham, tinner.
George Hecknian, farmer.
Jonah Dunn, farmer.
Keubcu Caveny, J P.
Elias Crawford, shoemaker. -.
Tuomas J. Ebey, tanner.
D. K. SuloiilT.
William Millikeu, tanner.
Wm. J. Campbell, w heelwright.
William Faira, tanner.
Jacob ruauffiuan, agent.
Samuel Heaps, carpenter.
Abraham Wiil, hotel-keeper.
William H. Koliinan, jaweler.
John E.ka, merchant.
John Byler, farmer.
John Graham, farmer.
Jacob Hbaer, farmer.
Enos Boltou, laborer.
Andrew Smith, farmer.
John Wiser, farmer.
James Mengle, farmer.
Jacob Fryuiojer, farmer.
Jacob Earner, farmer.
Lewis Cargill, farmer.
Denny Marshall, teacher. .
William ii. Wilson, farmer.
James Woodsides, farmer.
Mathias Stump, farmer.
David Rhinesnlith, blacksmith.
William Swarner.
Alexander Wallis, farmer.
Henry Conrad, laborer.
Jacob Page, farmer.
Samuel Swartz, farmer.
Peter Wise, painter.
John Soder, farmer.
Georgi Shivery, farmer.
E. L. Jamison, farmer.
Reuben Leonard, farmer.
W. M. Maklin, carpenter.
Jacob 11. Smith, taimer.
Spruce Hill.
Samuel Meloy, carpenter.
George Pannebaker, farmer.
T. B. McWilliaras, farmer.
William Clark, farmer.
William Kelly, farmer.
William Laird, farmer.
W. H. Moore, farmer.
David Fowles, farmer.
William Egler, laborer.
Matthew Rodgers, farmer.
Alfred Crimmul, laborer.
William Guss, farmer.
William Stewart, surveyor.
James L. Milliken, farmer.
Joint it. Middxgb, blacksmith'.
John Doylo.
Port Ruytl.
E. H. Oves.
Ed'.hr Sentinel and Republican Dear Sir.
AiTiuug ine lu.poruuifc uiuces io no i.i eiec-
tion in the campaign of 1881 is that of A
soc!tte Judge. At the solicitation of
number of citizens I present ihe na:..c ot
Jacob Smith, Esq., of Fayette township, as '
a suitable candidate for the Republicans to
nominate for the office of Assh-Mate JivlJ; ; ;
subject to the rules of the Republican p.rty. .
Respectfully yours,
a v.
publican partv. Mr. Patterson is well
iGed for the position. He bas never held
an office, llu election would rell -ct credit
onlhepirty. TUSCARORA.
Aug. 3, 181.
Floreston Cologne.
.iDCpr, Ituclio, aani!n.k SlllliL'i and
many q( the test molicmcs known are combined in
I akkek's GiNf.FB. Tonic into a medicine of such
vnncd and effective powers, as to make it the Greatest
ASSOCIATE -jriHiS. R ' ( - -wi 7.. Lico4 i uiiiicr and Kidney Corrector aiiU uxe
c-.,;.,-; -, k.i;Ti..:r ' B . S&J&M Best Health and Strcvath Restorer Cr
. ii t ' f. " rfcJ,Li-V . . -r- -r If mm Dvsnewiia. Rheumatism. lSeuraicia.
Flee announce (.ait. J.J. ratttTSOn, ol a iAl A't-, . Ti34 lenand ai liseuscjf the i-l. .mach. U-m-e
R..;il fiairtixhin. ia a candid:.!. lor Avuwi- H V . S. V-r fliS'. 'A s't-i -i'i; 'f Livrr. Urinary Organs and all r'cmals
. 0 VlVr W''mI1. ;' If youarewau away witn Consumpu.
at Jndfi. MiihiiT.t to Ihe rulta cf Ine R. i U ts-;-- r1 A .,V Ai-a ne ihe 'Ionic to-dnr. Itwiilsureiy
or any
UmwdSt! This los'IC is the Ucst tanulv Mciii-
Ff J1 tl! nf cine ever mjde. and is fJ-superior u ililters, tssraces
prKPr C H5 f Kl'SSi!. of Ginger and ol her Toaics. as it never Intoxicates
' . n nd cuna Dninkennrss. Any dealer in drUES on
Am eu-uitt, atealj Hair Drtsnntnai 1Upply you 50c and $i sizes. None genuine without
Sever fsia to Ki5.:rs Cray crrar.ia BaT ugnatureot mstox clo., tntmisu. ... .
to its YfrnirriJ C-lr. and 1 sizes.
'. PrjfwvHitil Vor.h.
S.'lrTI.IN'TO'.VN. PA.
! Tv't-Vt'eetin? and Conveyancing ironijt
: ly u:tellel tu.
I rfir.K t :i Vain str.-rt, in his place of
! rsidence. soi:t'i of Btle strwt.
f ..:, 111 a in,
j zy A!! t.u.iin. s.-.i'Viiii: (!y ait. :i i- 'i to.
! 1 .i-icr :i K.ti" tre-t, ; -:;: ti.:
ilui.w .-ri.iti.-. i'" '-ly
j-vcob liKi:;:..:;.,
C.'JolWtum ttsnd-l to promj.tly.
Ort-ici; Witii A. J. l'.it:.:rs.n K . or.
lriUu strwl. !'. b "bO
Mlf FLIXT'?X, I'A.
CTT- Collections iv.i. ail prolcssioca' boai-in.-.-
iironiptlv .ittcu.lo l to.
jime '), lb77.
THOMAS A. KLDKit M. 1)."
Physician and Surgeon,
Otlice bourn f-om 9 . . to 3 p. )i".
rice iu lii latWs reaulonce, at t!-u ;u:tli
:..! of Water K'root. ocf-t!
McAusTEa'LtK, July 23, 18S1. ' j
I hereby announro myself a candidate for
Representative Delegate to the State ton-
reution. S. L. McALISTER.
STAILT llFTKICK July 25th, by the
Rev. S. G. Dressier, Mrs. Isaac Stall v, of
Greenwood township, this county, and Miss
E. Iletriek, of Howe township. Perry
HOLLOBAL'Gli MAR On the 28th ul
timo, in Fermanagh township, at the resi
dence of Joseph Hampton, stepfather of thu
bride, by Rev. Y. V. Oanoe, Mr. Daniel
Uollobaugh, of Huntingdon county, and
Miss Jennie Mar, of this county.
SAUSMAX On the ?"th n!t , its Fay
ette township, John Sausman, aed lio years.
DAVIS Ou the 20th r.lt., in Fayette
township, James Davis, ag.-d 82 yc irs.
VALENTINE On the 27th nil., iu Mil
ford township, Lillie May, daughter of Sam
uel nii Susan Valentine, aged 2 years, 6
months and 12 days.
BRUNEK In Pfotttz' Valley, July 20tb,
Mrs. Mary M. Bruner, aged 77 yearn, 4 mos.
aud 17 daya.
KURTZ At Goodville, Delaware towti
slrip, Ju'y 20th, Edgar L., infant son of
Samuel Kurtz, aged I month, 1 week and 4
.. SPEECE In Kurtz Valley, July 20th,
tirialt Shutiian, son ot Pavid and Mary
Spcece, nged G months, 4 weeks and 4 days.
; M. CKAlA FOKl, M. !.,
His resumed kc'iv;ly the practice o.
Vn-ili. ine and .Sur,rery and their collateral
br i lie lies. UlH-e at tho old c-ruer ol 1 L"n'.
m l Or.inir.' i.:.e. ts, iliiUint"'". P-
j March '.t, Iti.
j j ""i. 'buazkk, 51. i).,
! Acadcmia, JuniaU Co , Pa.
Orric. fnrnserly r.ccupied by Dr.St.-riett.
Pr .tession i; business promptly attei.dcd 10
it ail hours.
j jT L. ALLKn7m. I ,
! Ha commenced the prscl'.ce of Melii-.m J
! .in.! Surgery and all their collateral l,rai'c!-.es.
I lii:- at Acaileinia. at the resilience o!
DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROUEKlLb, : c,. j. 4. hii.
ivri i in i i ivr nir STODV Cimll? VIlR TtlK nii:'TKT TRADE. t -
11 1 bill' Lil.. u vy. -J' ....... - , f I t'PIIT IV
i cm.! ja.b.vLuuui,i,
' J r - '
C?"Ouiy reliable Companies repriiset-tc '.
Dec. 3. ia7-i-ly
We have just come from New York with ;i new stock of
1X7" Be sure and examine our stock before piirchaiing elsewhere, as you can cer- i
tainlv save monev. o trouble to show Goods. Uoe rice to all.
'locust grove,
One mi!e potitliwest of Patterson.
W. J3AI11 & LEV IN.
f july 15. l.-74
April 27, 18Hl-ly
I the jilace where you can bay
Tlil-I JJi:ST A3i. T2IK CilEAr'r:
us- ti ,-...! to evlnliit one of the most choice and select stncljH ever off-red ii
. ' this market, and at .1ST0SISH1XKLY LOW PRICCS !
Also, measures taken for suits and part of tsuitu, which will be uiaJ.; to ord. r
at short notice, very reasonable.
in Hoffman's New Building, corner of Bridge and
Continues th practice of Medicine art!
Surgery and all their collateral branches. ,
Oiiice at his residence iu HcAlistcrv iilo.
Feb 9, 187 ti.
Remember the place
Water gTects, MIFFI.INTOtTIJ, PA.
Jau. I, lS7'J-t!
i tr-.a
la it la for U disease or the KIDNEYS,
It elaairaa the system of the acrid poion
that emussa the dreadful auCerinff vhich
anj the nctima of Bheamatiam can realice.
of the wont forms of this terrible disease
have been quickly relieved, ln a short time
ha 11 wBderlVI vnmwr, and an immense w
a&lo tn every pari of the Country. In nun
dredaofcaseaitbaaeurcd where a'.l ebie had
tailed. Itis mild, bnt efllcient, CFKTAIJi
IN ITS ACTION, bat baroileaa in all caaea.
fwIt eleaaaea, Strearl x
Ijre to all the important organs of tbebody.
The nattiral action of the Kidneys ia restored.
The Liver is cleansed or all disease, and the
Bowels move freely and healthfully. In this
way the worst diseases are eradicated from
As it has been proved by thousands tnat
is the most effectual remedy for cleansing the
system of all morbid secretiona. 1 1 should be
used in every household as a
TiON, PILES and all FEMALE Diseases.
Is put np in Bry Testable F.r. in tin cans,
one pack&re of which makes Gquaru medicine.
Also in Liquid Fans. Tery Ceaeeatrated for
the convenience of those cant- r'wulr pre-
paieit. It acts with tnmti -iti.l-t"i sur-rfnrM.
get rroFTom wtrensr. rr.:rr. ti.oo
fWill mmi the dry r-w-twi.' '' v.uTC. TT.
co3iaif:RGf aIj.
Has jn.-t returned from tiie Kastura cities wi:li a full variety of
CF.NT' rJ.'VNlS'HX't fJOODS. Goo-ls of all V mils are low CiHitR and see lin
nU be ast-jtii.iie'i. Pants :it 75 cenlx. Z7 SUITS MADri TO OiiUEK.3
Patterson, !'., April 10, 1ST
ll:iviii(r junI .p -ne(l a new st.n-k of tnr.' Eiis. sii'-li as Hry (iuo ls, Xottm, Clt'i
ing. Hals, Hoots, Shoes. Griieries. Pi.-li, anl a peiu-r.ll K!i..i tmeiit of ftnt r"',' 1
wili" ta!;e ji!e:i-u-e in exliitiitin p ioiis to ll lnr luay Uvor lue wilii a cal.. Wiil pay
the lir!iest iii:irk-.-t yriee tor coiritry rr.nlnce.
Di.u't forget the. I'ii- e, a. Lni. More in L :i. i.ir.c.i.
11 a V &, l!-S:Miiii.
Special .Vulices.
i I wi:l mail (Kree) tile reeijie tor a annidu i
V:nET4Bf.E liny tint wiil remove Ian,
PKECKLK?, fl.MPI.Fd f'i Blotciii.. '
leaving the ki!l aolt, lear a::J beautiful; t
also instructions lor ir'ntiieinir a ltixu. i.uit i - -growth
of Iiair on a bill lieml or s::iraitli; WU.il.ii
laee. Aduress, inclosing 3e stanili, llEJC. :
VjiNDtlf ' Co., 3 Keekman bt., A. 1 .
(Successors, to linxers & Kenneily.)
It is a most ssjjToeaMe (1ii-k.?Iii?, tiliich
is once harmless ami ftToetual, for
pn'3:rviii! the liair. Ii r. stores, with
the "loss ami freshness of youth, faded or
pray, licht, and red Ii:iir, to a rieli brown,
ordeep black, as may be drsir.-d. By 13
n ;e tliiti Ii;iir is tliieluueil, r.nd 1a!dne33
of'eu ill it-.!;!i not aivvavs cured. It
clu cks i.iiliug i f the hair immediately,
r.nd causes a new growth ia all cases
-.vVre th" ylatids are not decayed; M liilij
!o luas'iiy, weak, or otherwise diseased
h:;;r, it imparts vitality and strength,
ai.J renders it pliable.
The Vkioi: cleanses tlifl scalp, euros
ti I prevents the formation of daiidnitT;
and, by its cooling, stiniulatin, and
StKitiiin properties, it heals most if not
nil of the humors and diseases peculiar
to the -calp, keepin it cool, clean, and
froft, under vhieli comlitious disease of
the scalp and hair are impossible.
As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair,
The Vit.ois is incomparable. It is color
1 contains neither oil nor dye, and
will not soil white cambric. It imparts
an agreeable and lasting perfume, ami
as iiii article for the toilet it is economi
cal aud unsurpassed in Us excellence.
l-r-; tirl ar.l Amilytlrel Cbemlsts.
. j c: t.i. i.ti.t'ii.-T i r.'. Lr.rui.Kli.
IfrrrLiKTOwii, Aug. 3, 1SS1.
Butter 14
Egg. 12
Lard.... 8
Ham I--;
Sidea 8
Oniohs....;...;..i. w.
Rags...i.:. 11
Corrected weesly.
Qijotatioss ro To-dai.
Wednesday, Aug. 3, ISSl
Wheat 1 I"-
. Com.. ...
OaU, old
' new :
Rye. ;
Clovers eed...... ..3
to4 00
As old lady writes us i 1 am 65 years
old aud was feeble and nervous all tue time,
when I bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonis. I
bare used little more than one bottle nd
feel as wefl as at 80." See other column.
Philadelphia, Aug. 1. W heat
V.estjrn red, $1 24; Feuudvlvauia
red, $1 22 to 1 21: do amber, $1 24
to 1 25. Corn, bteamcr, 53 to 54.: sail
yellow, 57c Oats, white, 441 to 45c;
"mixed, 40 to 40ic
Philadelphia. Aag. 1 Cattle
Sales, 3,500 head: prime, 6.to7o;
pood, 6toCl: medium, 5to63; comuiOD,
4tc5; light Texan and grassers, 3to4.
Sheep Salep, 15,000 bead; prime,
5to5Je; food, 5to5le; common, 4e ;
culls, 3lto4e: stock ewes, $2 00to4 50:
lrobj, lambs, 3ito8c. Hogs arc in
active demand: sales 3,500, rime C'to
10o: medium, 8to8o.
The adveitiMT h.:nir been pcrvianently
cured of ltut dread diie-tse, Coiisuruption, ;
by a aiiup.c reiiu dy, is a:ix;.ii:s io ruaKe
known to his iellow-siitl -rers the means of
cure. To all who desire it, be will send a ;
copy of the prescription used, (tree ol j
tharge.i with tiie directions for preparing.
ttA Ksiiiff the umc. wliuli they M cml 3
. ! Kanhoodi EowLost HcmEesto? hT
' "a I' i Ju.t publUlie.l. a new ediiion of
I f j Dr. C.ilvei well's Celebrated Kmiay
' i on the radical cute ( i:l.out medi-
Iji!JlCKI5,,ciiicor Sperniatorrhi-a or Seminal weak
ness, Involuntary Soiui!:al I.o.ses, Iuipo
! t.-nrv. Mental and 1 iiVMcal Incapacity, !u-
T r'"' T"1j""VT T ' ' uediiiieuts to llarriajre, etc
xnnu.tion. Ei.ilct'sv ami tits, i::uce(I Dy
! 8ei(-ii-."inli:eiice or sexual extravagance, Lc.
The celebraied author, in this adinirabio
si-RKCv'BEf.rCoNsvj!rTiov,AsTUJlA,B!iON-' Caldlied Plaster, Laild FlaSter, 1 EHav, clearly ileii!on-t!-ates, from a thirty
CHITis, rariien w.iwi me i rurip-
tion, will rJease a-idress, ,
Wev. E. A. WILSON', j
l?l Penn St., Wtiliamnbtirg. N. Y. !
AGENTS WANTED. Bur, P'y. Light,
Work. Steidv Emploj nent. Sam-'.
pies free. Address. M. L. BYiC, 19 Nus- j
April 21, IPSl-tf
We buy Grain, to be delivered at jiiKia
saa Sireet, 2ew York. town. Port Royal, or Mexieo.
liRRORSOF YOl-TII. ! w" "e preparer? to lunisUS:i:itodears
i prKTt Ft i V tt.hn snffered lor Tears ! at reasonable rates.
DECAY; and all the effi-ets of youthtul in-j
rl'ieretum. wi'l for the sake of aiuTerie hn-
mmitv, se.id free to aU who need it, the re- jT'?T IT i V A IV V 1 V V
cii and direction, lor inakins tire simple L y lA 1A -W,Ji. 1 l.l.a,
' . . . , 1 C- .. .1 IT . ' . ' m -,'. V S3 s
, 9K .ta a c a a.a.k m xw .s, a
i Stockholders Individual!? Liable.
I vears' micceful uractice, that the alarm-
J "ing conseipiences of self-abuse may be rail
icaltr erred without the dangerous use of
; internal i;.eiiic-ne or the application ol the
j kuite; pointing out a mode of cure at onca
! Simple, certain, and tSectnal, by means f
which every sufferer, no matter what his
I rondilion may be, may cure himself cheap-
j ly, private. v. ami raittcntty.
I CThis Lcetiiro hotld be in the hii;ids
of every youth and every rcnr. in the Lind.
I Sent tree, under seal, a plain envelope,
i to anv address.
Address the Publishers,
41 Ann St., New lork :
remedy bv whi- h he waa cnreil. Sutl'ereia
wishing tu profit by the advertiser's expe
rience ean do 80 by aidresing in jn-rtect
couflJei.ce. JOHN 3. DGDRN,
42 Cednr St., New York.
Jan 20, 1881.
Post-O-Jice Box 4.".S.
h'... JnAwli.miint. t
J-N-inPomeroy, r.. E. Park-r,
hJSjn -W-oVn'. 7iirrUi J 1 ! Phiim M. E.ei.ner, Ifcrr'a Heira,
N'EVIX P'.i.MEK.-Y, Frwlnt.
T. VA!I liUVlN, Cashier.
Xer".:i I'umerov, Jonrph Kothrock,
(ieoriirt Jacooa, I'hiii; M. Keener,
Amos (. Bonsai!, Loaij E. Atkinson.
i W. C. Pom roy,
T.......i, V. .,)... V-
(ecrge Jacob.,
J.ins H. irwiu,
Saiiy Kurtz.
Saiu.iel M. Kurtz,
J. ll..!inei Irwia,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Krow.
John Uertiler.
ALL persons are herery cautioned agatnsi i u. r.. aiuiiwu,
trespassing on the Janets of the under-! W. C. Pomeroy,
signed either in Delaware or Walker town-! Amos G. Bonsall,
ship, for the purpose ot fishing or hunting, J Noah Hertzler,
, f.., ne nther turDOe. I Charlotta Snyder,
J . t rwit ... M.. ..A .k .
Ij. . ATKISSOIV. I t J luwimMiupru u . tiiiz ibig w i M i i . . .
K. A. Lritsa. cent, on ft months certilicates, 3 per cent, on Subcribe for fhe Sentiml a:iJ R.pj!'.c j-i,
octSI-f G. S. Lckxss. 12 month certiUcatcs. 1 the nest paper in the county
After the First Day of December,'
1880, ..
j In his Xew Store K mi at the E.ust end of
i JlclLftTCRTiLI.E,
I ' with a Lave Lot of
if al! kinds, Stove Pip, Lard Cans, Mic
! Granite Iron Ware, Dripping Pans, and all
i kinds of
Whi,.li articles ts w:i! ae'.I at th- Lowest
Possible Prices.
Thaafefal for past patronage, to expects,
by strict attention to business, to receive at
I iea.it his share in the future.
! Nov. 2L.1S30.
, t
1 1 C'
'-HI il
1ft I
lT"f T
! i )' '
1 !!,'.
t; If Hilt