3 . - sal - - - -W mi S JU ! I 1 L "Tr: I ...--rv I DOMESTIC. I ltnioBots. A nil igmniiiF. nVlltlUVAJJi v -a. i I I Professor Colladon, of Geneva published Ihe conclusion several year ago that when lightning strikes tree it U received on the ends of the branches, which, being excel lent conductors, lead it, without suffering disturbance, down fo the large limbi. Thence it descends to the main limbs and the trunk, whose conducting power, in trinsically inferior to that of the smaller I cannta of th toD. IS inSUfB- cient'to sustain the concentrated force ot the currents which have united here fran the thousand channels by which they hare so far descended. Here, then, generally appear the first marks of the shock, not be cause the lightning has struck tt.e tree at that pice, as might be superficially sup posed, but because the conducting powers of the tree begin to fail at this point. This view was satisfactorily confirmed by the effect of the lightting upon a poplar tree which was struck at Geneva on the 5th of May, 1830. The young tender leaves of the main topmost branch of this tree and ot th. branches immediately below it were torn up into small fragments, which strew ed the ground below them, as if they had wnlergooe a violent shock of air, such as would be produced by an explosion of dy namite. Many trees may be compared, in respect to their power to conduct electn city, to structures of wood or masonry, which are well-furnished with conductors on tbeir uppei part,,but with which no conductor XMinecting with the ground is given. If such a building were struck with lightning, its upper part would not be hurt, while its lower part would suffer badly. The danger of being struck by iigbtnimj, to which persons standing under a tree are exposed, is thus accounted for. The top of the tree bristling with conducting twigs at tracts the liirhtuing; the current, meeting with non-conducting obstacles at the trunk jumps from it to the surrounding bodies whether they be bushes or men and ani mali Of two persons, one standing under the tree, the other sitting among the limbs at the top, the latter would be in a vastly safer posiliou. Birds having nestj in trees are rarely struck by lightning, and their nests are hardly ever damaged. Large trees growing near a house will protect it from lightning, provided there is no pond or well or stream beyond the bouse to attract the current across it. If the water is on the sau;e side as the tree, or the tree is be tween it and the house, or has a rod attach ed to it, the protection is almost perfect. When a vineyard is struck by lightning, !.. i..titr-e ,iv.t l:.n'f circuit will, a few hours or days afterward, appear discolored showing that tne eieciricai action ua la ken place in a diffused manner, and not in u Mu.n.nlnilMl ut!uL In Rlich C&SeS flUQ- tlmis or even thousands of vines may be nalnaulv that it is the property of lit'hiniug to manifest itself upon the whole top ol a tree or a pioi oi t?f.r..tutiin In his nipnuiir on this subiect. JL C'aliadon mention a single stroke of lightning whicn leu lis traces on more man tao thousand things. I'm o Fool. Three or four days ago a citizen of Bron- eon street called at the Oration Avenuj Station, Detroit, to say to the Captain tliaa he suspecteu a plot on the pait of his wife to eloe with a neighbor of his, who was not ouly a married man but the father of seven children. "What makes jou suspect such a plot ? Hkl the Contain. "Well, my wife has teen kinder pickin' up her dud, asking about trains ana trying to cet me to go away on a visit." "And atxiut this neighbor ?" "Well, he and my wife arc talking over the fence about half the time and throwing kisses at each other the other half. I don't care to raise a row over this thing, but I'd kiuder like lo stop 'em from running away." 'Well, you must take your own way to frustrate it, unless you goto the Police Jus tice. Be careful, however. Anger and jt alousy may get you into trouble. " "Ou,' I'll be careful,' was the calm assur ance, as the citizen went his way, to be heard of no more until a subsequent eve ning. Then he called a passing patrolman into his house to ask further advice. "You sec. they had it all planned toelope." he explained. "Yes." "But I cot 'cm.'' "How i" "He took the lamp and !e.. the way to the wooushed. The neighbor, dressed in his Sunday suit, was tied up in onecomer.and the recreant wife occupied an empiy dry gout's box in the other. "ii t 'em last night at 9 o'clock," said the husband, "aud I've put in the whole day telling 'em what 1 think of such busi ness. GuessI'd better let 'em off now, hadn't II" The officer thought so, and the neighbor was released, led to the doir, and the hus band said : Mow you trot, and if you ever try to run away with my wife again I'd I'll be hanged if I don't go over and tell your wife about it!" He then turred to his wife, untied the cords, aud said : ''I guess you feel ashamed of this, and there ain't no need to say any more about it. I ain't very mad this time, but if you try it again there's no .knowing what 1 may do.'' " Well p rasped the officer, as he drew a Ung breath. ell, didn't 1 git 'em? chuckled the husband, in proud dclhdit. "I may look like a spring chicken, but I'm no fool, and don't you target it ! " A Way in Africa. I am not immodest enough to assume to speak for other readers, but for my own part I have become rather tired of African travelers. One always knows beforehand what they have in their pack, and precisely the w ay in which tney will spread out their wares. The victorious struggle with the lion, and the hair-breadth escape from dealh at the hands of the native chiefs, are mat ters easily anticipated ; aud that romantic young savage who at I aches himself body aud soul to the person of the adventurer, and invariably returns with him to civili zation what a threadbare figure that is 1 Hew well we know him under his various guttural aliases! But what would six months in Africa amount to without this lineal descendant of Uobinsou Crusoe's man Friday I I may seem to display a Wint of tact in disparaging African travelers, being, in an humble laauion, an African traveler my self, but 1 have a rare advantage over everybody who has ever visited that coun try, and written about it 1 remained there enjy one day. The stand-point from which 1 view the dark continent is thus unique, if I had remained a year or even a fort night, 1 should have ceased to be original. 1 auould naturally have killed my lion, tempted the appetite of the anthropopha git, and brought home a little negro boy. 1 uid none ol these things, and instead of obscurely falling in at ae tad end of a long hue of Alncan explorers, I claim to stand quite alone, and in an attitude so wholly unconventional as lo entitle it to copv right. So tar as I am aware, the idea never belore entered the head of any man to trave. five thousand miles to Africa, and V stahen ty there ouly twenty-four hours. As appreciative jury : During a trial for assault in Arkansas a club, a rock, a rail, an axe handle, a knife and a shot-gun were exhibited as "the instrument with which the deed was done." It was also shown that the assaulted man defended himself with a revolver, a scythe, a pitch fork, a chisel, a hand-saw, a flail and a cross dog. The jury decided that they'd have given $5 apiece to have seen the fight. A little Boston girl called one of her dolls, a little jointless ere at ire, her wo man's rights dolL " "But why do you call her so?" asked her aunt, a lecturer on that much discussed question. "Oh, 'cause, AuntX.," the child answered, "she's just like you; she can't ever sit down and be comfortable.' Trn'f'Iif7tpsfttfririlT,"rfrit5';M?rL'(; ,Vr?Ti't.'l-:'-'T.r!iir.'fi:Tr"--ii7r-rr ; - i f-.. ' f -;-...-1 . i .-;. -'n.(i.--i;, (!,.-... : . .'i.; .. ir';i' ' ' -1 .r i ,r 1 1 r i 1. 1 i . . ..j.. .. . - - . ; -k. . , . ..' -t y ? '' wiui, " I I a Potato Ctxttb. In order to hs.ve the best success in growing potatoes, and to secure a hea'.tly vigorous growth and a crop free from rot, says Thorburn, it is necessary to plant aa early as the ground can be got ready. Select a neb. soil, and plant In rows three feet apart, and the sets one foot in the rows. To kill the young weeds, run a i;, aoi-ivh humir over the field lengthwise of the rows ; this will allow the crop to get me start ot me wenu, t..k. nn all lumna and leveling the u&EMu6 K 1 , . , ground ready for the cultivator, li wood ashes ana piaster can tie prutuicu, rfmuuinir nver the fitld after the Dota- , -. , nn f f a Terr earlv crop is desired, it will be necessary to sprout me Kofnr. nlantinir. Cut the DOtatOeS WtO pieces of any size desrrable, and plice in a warm, light room iroin lour in six wecu before required lor planting in uie open ntirinir this time shoots will start out strong and vigorous, so that as soon as planted they will sena out root ana grow m..h mn ronirllr than those treated in the ordinary way. Anothi method is to place the sets In a hot-bed two weeks before they are wanted, and then lift carefully and set out on fresh horse dung, so that the heat rill mum them to atart at once. If the Colorado potato beetle makes iis appear- nm th vmea miisi ne ousieu wiut run green mixed with about eighty parts of plaster, or what is Detier, mix tne rw rrvon m wafM- two tablesDOOhfulsto a paiL ui nnlr with a small brush or broom. Take care to stir the mixture ouen, or eise the Paris green will settle at the bottom. Tin nr thntt- annlications durinz the season will usually sumce to ciear on an we beetles. Kimo Canada Thistles. A contem porary notices two modes of destroying this weed, one of which is to put a lauiespoon- ful of salt on each stalk or stub, causing the Dlant to wilt, become dry and disappear by October. This is recommended as bet ter than the other mode, which is to cut off each plant with a Snife just below the sur face of the ground, as one does asparagus. These modes may answer for very small natches in gardens, but any one may easily contrast its economy in labor on a large scale on the farm, with the rapid work of turning the plants with a plow. have destroyed many acres in this way, so that not a plant ever reappeared. A strong pair of horses will turn over a sod eight inches deep, and iruch lower than the knife in th. band will go ; and if the work is thoroughly done, ana no balks left, the plants will stay under the inverted soil for three or four weeks, unless in very porous or light sou. which must be plowed oflener. The only failures which we have known with this treatment was where the plowing was so imperfectly done, or so long intermitted, that straciers found their way to the iignt and furnished a feeding to the roots below. Clwbino Plants. Our farmers could easily have lots of interesting places about their homes, especially near woodlands. pile of old stumps can be covered with creeping, twining or climbing plants, and though it brings nothing back to the purse it will of ter give nore pleasure than money can buy, to their wives, utile ones, ana friends. Many kinds of climbing plants have some curious things about them. One of the Passifljras open its fljwers with a loud noise, hence probably its name. The menispermum, or moon seed, has a curious shell that partially covers the seed. It looks like half a hazel nut shell with the nut in it The ladies of the South collect them to make frames for pictures. The Periploca has a curious pipe-like appendage to the flower, hence it is called l)utchmans Pipe. The Loasa is covered with hairs that will sting like a bee's sting if touched by any ten der part of a person's body. How To Keep Chickens. Keep a record of your work. Do not burden your mind with trying to remember either your suc cess or failure. If you make an experiment record it, so that you can trace it up for reference if it is a success ; if a failure, you cau protect yourself against it another time. Do not allow the bones from the table to be thrown into the dust heap or lie around the yard ; throw them into the fire, burn them a little, crush and give them to your fowls. If breao is burned, or anything else that is cooked in the house, do nut throw it away, but use it as charcoal lor your birds. If they have been obliged to run in the orchard or meadow to pick up their living as they can and feed on what they could get, their eggs aud flesh are likely to taste ; feeding cliar- cial in any shape will remedy the evil. Salt is a valuable fertilizer and costs but little. It is cheaper to use pure salt at t6 per ton than the refuse of salt works, which is mixed with lime and magnesia salts, at 12, as a smaller quantity of good salt can be used with better effect. Salt is useful on pasture and grass land, and is especially useiul lor all root crops, cabbage and aspar agus. It is also beneficial to oats. Two hundred pounds per acre may be useful. YorE pies often suffer conMerably in getting their teeth. The gums swell, and the irritation and swelling often spread to the jaws, cheek and the whole head. It may be cured byicuttinz thes wollen gums over the place where the second teeth are coming, or drawing the first teeth with a pair of placers or pliers. A rather moist soil and a season not too hot are the best for oats, barley and spring rye, consequently they should be sown early that they may get their growths before the hot, dry weather sets in. H7iaf Influence Digestion. Then are certain substances upon which the gas tric juice exerts no action, and it should be remembered that whatever goes throug the stomach untouched passes undissolved through the whole of the alimentary canal The frequency with which such substances as dried currants and apple pips are passed unaltered is familiar enough to all. Indi eestible substances are occasionally retained in the stomach, causing pain, indigestion and irritation for days and days together. There are many circumstances, besides the nature of the food, which exert an in fluence on the process of digestion. First and foremost amonir these is the quality of food taken ; for the efficient performance of digestion the stomach should be fairly filled, i.at not distended. Dr. Beaumont's experiments show that a certain bulk was necessary for the performance of healthy digestion. This fact has long been known by practical experience to uncivilized na tions. Thus, the Kamlschatdales are in the habit of mixing earth and sawdust with the train oil on which they are frequently reduced to live, and Yeddahs. or wild hunters of Ceylon, on the same principle, mmgie me pounded nure of soft decayed wood with the honey on which they feed when meat is not procurable. The time which has elapsed since the last meal was taken should, for the effectual performance of digestion, be sufficient to insure the stomach being quite clear of food. The amount of exercise taken previous and sub sequen: to the meal is not without its in fluence, gentle exercise being favorable, and every exertion injurious to digestion. Then there is the state of mind, traauuilli- ty of temper being apparently essential to quica ana easy digestaon. in addition mav be mentioned the state of bodily health and tne state ot the weather. In all likelihood Mr. Preece, of the British postal telegrapic service, has learn ed something which mav be of vain tn hi. countrymen in his late examination of the raruuan eieciricai experiments and estab lishments. Ills renort on what he has may be read with interest, if not with much prouu tie is, at least, honest in bis opin- From the nodule of rhmmite in th in. terior of the meteorite iron of Cohahuila, Mexico, Dr. J. Lawrence Smitfi, of Louis ville, K v., has obtained on analysis of it 62.61 of oxide of chromium and S3 R9. nf ferrous oxide. m wri naiidaapaaaac - - T - xr.-rr r-m ti,T Snmikinz of the un avoidable waste attending the restoration of frozen meat, poultry ana mmn, -' ii;i i xt- - All the articles.but Ut - - - especially the latter, must be carefully thawed, email game can ubuuj " stored bv bringing it into the kitchen two or three'hours before it is needed for use. Large birds, hares, venison, etc, must be completely immersed in cold water until their uesh is puani. an in m game and poultry must be kept away from me dr, oecauac muj buwiw . hi oanoea tlie nnlrefaction of meat which has been frosted. Care must be taken to use it as soon as it has been thawea, ana a littlA v1ra timp. about three minutes to each pound, must be allowed for cooking. 5j salt should De aaaea to me "-- m whtr-h it ib imnwrwi because it would in- crese the necessary percentage of waste by drawing out more oi uejuira " than unsalted water. The skin and inner membranes ot frozen poultry nd game are to a certain extent disintegrated by ef ini nf intna mil and reauire verv care ful handling to avoid breaking them when the entrails are drawn ; it is aavisauie w place a little bag of powdered charcoal in the neck, to remain until cooked this will remove any trace of taint. rvve'r Unn. Yoitr Milk. Te animal .;K.,n.an whii-h milk ftintA:ns. and vb which the nerves in the human body are , i . i i. ... i made, is hardened ana acsiroyeu vj uou inr in milk nri hv children whose systems are being built up and formed, this is ol vital importance, out an w oe teriously considered by adults whose nerves are repaired and strengthened by tkio lhnnun nr nervft fond. The above applies also to eggs and to all food. The t rench, who rarely suner irom uisoruers ui Imil their food. Their cooks are taught to cook slowly and gen- tlv. so that tneir aisnea are ieuucr, uuui- cious and easy of digeston. I am quite n.oM ff th tunHpniMT nf milk to hold and nmmiita tliO imiBlll flf ffPXmfl. SS well as of the typhoid fever some few years ago tn Alaryieuone ana rauuingvun, ,.f thauiwatAwliifh it viu attributed. nevertheless, except under extraordinary circumstances ana lor a suon time uuu, do not bou your miut. How to Wain Clothe Without Fak ing. A ladv correspondent sends us the follow mir recirje. which she has tried with success on all kinds of fabrics : Wash and peel Irish potatoes, and grate them into cold water. Saturate the articles to be washed in this potato water, and they can then be washed with soap without any running of the color, I have taken oil out of carpets saturated with this potato wa ter, when simple would make the color run ruinously ; have set the color in black muslins, in colored merinos, in ribbons and ether silk goods. Often the potato water cleanses sufficiently without the use of soap ; but the latter is necessary where there is any grease. la such cases (with out soap) 1 take the grated potato itself and rub the eoocts with a nannel rag. in wool en roods it is necessary to strain the waier, else the particles will adhere, but this is not necessary in goods from which tuey can be well shaken. Pickled PiAcnEs. Take a gallon cf good vinegar, and aud to it four pounds of sugar ; boil for a few minutes and remove any scum that may arise ; then take cling stone peaches that are fullyripe.rub them to get off the down, and stick three or four cloves in each peach ; put them into a stone ar. and pour the liquor, boiling hot, over them. Cover the jar closely, and set it in a cool place for a week or two pour off the liquor and boil it as before ; after which return it to the peaches, boil ing hot, which should be carefully covered and stored away for future use. Greex Pea Sorp. Put two quarts green peas with four quarts water, boii for two hours, keeping the steam waste supplied by fresh boiling water then strain them from the liquor, return that to the pot, rub the peas through a sieve, chop an onion fine and a small spng of mint, let it bou ten minutes, then stir a table-spoonful of Sour into two of butter, and pepper and salt to taste : stir it smoothly' into the boiliag soup. Serve with well-uuttered sippets of t m -ted bread. We are cot going to let you forget that the eggs and sugar should be beaten to gether for all kinds of custards and cakes, in short everything that eggs and sugar are used for. All who try it will find it a great advantage; the sugar is entirely cis solved then and consequently the cake will be much lighter. It is useless to beat the whites and volks separately for any. thing except white mountain cake, mar ble, or something where they are baked separate. If you will beat the eggs and sugar long enough they will make a cake light as yoa would wish to see. To Remove the Smell cf Xew Paint Newly-painted rooms are very unpleasant for several days, but if a handful of hay is strewn on the floor upon which is sprink led a little chloride of lime, after a couple of hours the offensive smell will have en- irely disappeared. Roast Lamb. Put the meat in the drip ping-pan with a little hot water in the bot torn. Sprinkle with salt and a little pep. per. Baste often, and allow eieht or nine minutes to a pound. When done take the grease off the gravy, make it bubble on top of the stove, and make a thickening of browned flour. Toilette Yineoak. Pick a quantity of rose-leaves into a bowl, boil some common vinegar, and whilst boiling pour it upon the leaves. Let it remain a fortnight, and then strain through blotting-paper. Any sort of rose is good for this preparation. A siaall spooiiful of vinegar in a glass of wa ter with a little sugar makes a very pleas ant drink. Florida Watek. Dissolve half an ounce each of oil of lemon, oil of lavender aud oil of bcrgamot, and half a drachm each of oil of cinnamon and oil of cloves in a quart of the deodorized alcohol. Add two quarts of filtered water, and bottle tor use in the toilet. To Obtaix a Ulosst Skis. Pour upon a pint of bran sufficient boiling water to cover it. Let it stand until cold, and then bathe the face with it, only patting the skin with a soft towel to dry it. Tcrs up the big toe as bard as you can for a cramp in the leg, and rub the skin where the cramp is briskly. This toe remedy is the best possible for a cramp. Now that measles are prevalent, mo thers as well as astronomers are looking for spots on the son. Moths will not work in the light. "Biddt," said a lady to her servant, "I wish you would step over and see how old Mrs. Jones is this morning." In a few minutes Biddy returned with the inform ation that Mis. Jones was seventy-two years, seven months and twenty-eight days old. A celebrated lawyer once said that the three most troublesome clients he ever had were a young lady who wanted to be mar ried, a married woman who wanted a di vorce, and an old maid who didn't know what she wanted. Oxs of the most exasperatingly humili ating moments in a man's life comes at about 2 a. m. when he gets to his front ddor and finds that his latch-key is in his other vest. GKACix'a first eTnm-ipnnp in Mtm . peach "I've eaten ltcloth and all, mam ma; now what shall I do with the bonef a i ,n in. i.m.ii i ' ror-jnifn "f nniWstand. sir." said Jimmy Flynn to old Dr. Potta, as the lat ter entered Phil McGovern's sal son the other night ; "1 understand, sir, that y.iu said in the presence oi inese kcuucuicu that vou considered me the drunkenest old vagabond on the coast," "Well, sir; what of UP c'anyouiooK me in iue mnA Fort it I" aaid the slandered party, steadying himself against the bar, and drawing himself up to nis iuu neigui. 'Yes. I could, Jimmy," said the doctor, solemnly. "I could if it wasut for your breath." And Jimmy laid his head on th counter and wept. A rvirnpiTtn Herman Dhvsician has advocated a new theory, and that is that all food should be a ten raw, insieaa oi oe irr mntnt and ha claims that if hia In structions are carried out, ami meat and vegetables are eaten in their natural state, tbre will be no more aiCKness, ana mat twvinlA will die of old aire instead of dis ease. The thing locks feasible, b'ut we should like to see the uermaa aocior uy his own theory, for instance on bologna sausage, and have to catch his dog. (Indianapolis, Indiana, Farmer.) Evrrvbodr Blfbt. &r.Arw UlA M1T a thine IS MX it nucu cicj . bl - . i . 11m tlkia noint Air. A. xx. man. Druggist, Manistee, Mich., writes: Every one who 'xies St. Jacob's OiL says that it is the best remedy ever used for rheumatism. Mr. White, a customer, after having employed every known spec ific for rbeumatiam was cured by St. Jacob's OiL Tne tram had lust emereed from a tun nel, and a vinegar-faced maiden of thirty five summers remarked to her gentleman companion, "Tunnels are such bores !" which nobody can deny. But a young lady of about sweet eignieen, wno aat m ti.o eot imn.miiaielv in front of the an cient party, adjusted her hat, brushed her frizzes bacK, ana saia 10 me uenuuicu young man beside her, "I think tunnels are awfully nice. 1 caskot nav vou this morning." said the customer to the milkman; 'you'll have to chalk it down." "Cbalk ltdownl stammered tha milkman. "Yes. chalk it down. Why you look as if you didnt snow what a piece of chaiK is. me milkman blushed, an 1 picking up his cans sadly took his whey from the door, pond ering on the uncertainty of human affairs. T. a . n,ietalfM tn l.'l tpa dr&W tOO !oil Afti.r it has atOTwri seven minutes in boil ing water the virtue of it is ail out. What comes after that is the tannin, wnicn no- hvltr tranta In drink. OT OUeht JO. SS it IS the same quality that tans leaUier. Pour off your tea from me leaves at me enu 01 this time, if you want a peneci cup 01 tea. (Fall lUver, tfara.) PailJ Herald. p.m.rd .DulMtaniil Comiy. n t r nrt Sunerintendent. No. . . .. . .,-.- I have used that superior remedy, Sl Jacob's Oil in a se vere case ol meuiiiausiu m j - its effect was wonderful, having banished, after a thorough trial, all pain leaving my arm as well as ever. Bittered Apples. Peel, slice and core one pound of apples, put into a frying-pan about two ounces of butter, add the apple and cover over with two ounces of pound ed sugar ; put them into the oven until done. A very nice disli lor children. When done they may be dished up on nice crisp piece of toast with sugrr ovtr. 'Which had you rather be, a twinkling star in the heavens or a comet that with its broad train of fire sweeps in majestic course through unknown space I 1 should pre fer by all means to wear a train," said she, "but not in unknown space. It would never be described in the newspapers." Puofessiosal advice : "You want to be free from whatever gives you annoy ance," said the doctor the sick man, "free from all causes of worry and nervous ex citement, from everything that tends to piokca n-eutal distress and agitation f D ictorl" exclaimed the patient, sitting bolt upright n bed and ciasping his pio f fsinn il adviser's hand with enthusiasm, "put that in writing and I'll apply for a divorce at once." min t Ot The Chill. If yon are Kal.jw t to Ane yoo n.nt be anre to keep our liver, ooweia a- a w-no" iu kwi frt-e coi.dition. When so, yoa wi I be sa'e fr.im all at:ack. The remedy t n-e ia Kidney Aort. It is tlie brat preventative o' ail ma larial disease that yoa cai take, be-) adver tise ment in another eo.nma. A Galtsxtos school teacher asked anew boy ; "If a carpenter wants to cover a roof 15 feet wide by SO broad with shingles o inches broad by 12 long, bow many shingles will he need?" The boy took up his hat and slid out of the door. "Yi here are you going ?" asked the teacher. "To find a carpenter. Lie ought to know that better than we fellers." Tco much learning: "tioin' to school this niorninT' shouted Charley Smallboy to his friend over the way. ' .Naw, I ain't goin' to school any more. I told Dad last n'gbt we should all have zymotic fev ers if he didn't shovel away his ash heap, an he got mad. bald I knowed too much book (tuff already. Sy, lend us your new ball for to-day, will yer?"' In the old Puritan days a young man I caught waiting at the church door to see uia gin iiouie nuuiti tutvc uevu act uuwn as oue shade worse than a sheep-stealer. We know a man so cross-eyed that he put his hand into another man's pocket and abstracted therefrom a watch, lie wanted to learn the time. The Judge told him it would be three years. Kl-ving : An Irish gentleman, with that pecular perspicuity of statement charac teristic of his race, says the chief pleasure in kissing a pretty girl is when she won't let vou. A ImXbk Joke. A prominent physician of Pittsburg said jokingly to a lady patient who waeomplain ing of her continued ill health, and of bis inability to cure her, "try Hop Bitlersl" The lady took it in earnest and uied the Bitters, from which she obtained perma nent health. She now laughs at the doc tor for his ji-ke, but he is not ao well Dleastd with it as it cost, him a good pa tient. Cp.rKLTT to DOets : "Farewell" is th title of a poem sent in from Ohio recently. is is a gooa tuing that tne gifted authoress said eood-bve to the little pern, hmmw she will never see it again. As old farmer stroked his trmv Wti unit sadiv remarked. "I didn't old and feeble I was until I went to lick James this morning, lie 8 only seventeen, b it I couldn't make him holler." irWin T .....1.1 - 1 , . Anfffc, a uaic lAugui a Buocaing coia in the head. What would you advise me lil.ta1 1. t . 1. . 1. if 1 - - ' n. iJia.efc.iiaiiuft,erciiiei. " Jekkoi.d ssvs that vonnir hnvs h., m.m old maids "eather in the Hnnncr nf lir tha golden fruits of Autumn." Why is it imnossible that tlim iuij . WIU1U be one best horse nn a rr mrmuk id ealise you will always find a better there. - - , - iu, uuiauicu ia enugTAte to Kinsas is the fact that extensive chalk beds exist there. A ROBBSu'a cave A burglar's fession. con- CAMpiies- drives away mosquitoes. : Vegetme Cared Her. -x c. . 1 miMi state nn. n. ft 8TEVfc.N-i -.. r---.M SIS'Jil u. aal.sl.cu". ip RICK. , kno, tne aboTe tn TnMEIER.ti DrnggW and ApcUecary, 13 Monmouth St .11 .mnnrifi Of the VMrenne For erm-iicauu - ftai to effect a care, IT'1" WMW "uTthe urouiiieU by uueaae. Vegetine. Puriflra tlie Blood. Posrov, Mass., Jan. IS, 18T7. STa. and .can ,2"- gntai cieani-i r . " u " N a Ko KD. Pastor of Eglestoo Squire M. E. i narch. Kerroaniesa, ana an acn--""'-- .,,Ti ui. are unullj eonftel w5 liarl . .. . .... . .... utt rfm nrv- SusBeilhT ultinir Vwtine. It anenre medicine, ffi acontUuig power over the aenr- woo nave been restored 10 uenlln. Vegetine. Prepared by lit It. STEVENS Bostoh, Mass. Vegetine it Sold l All Druggists. OILTBUL PIXrRlH CF LYNX. KISS, LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S 7E5ETABLE COMPOUND. In a Ponittre Cm IW an itt P.lnl Omldiu aaj TmIimm i 1 1 1 i MmtImi frw.1. rtHlaaw Itwinuatlilrtbawon( f a ot Fmml Coo. Iiklisi. !! insiwni tiinililni Inflomir-" ana Ckora Uoa ranins aa4 Pbplaconwnts, aedtbs eoasMixa Bpbud WcakBMSj sad to partlciuWly aoapt4 t the Cnance of Life. It win dtanlrs sadnpFltamonfrmtbaatorala aa earir sue of orrdotwiit. Iba tndrnrytoew. earoua kmnora tliel to ebeckml wrrpBdily by Its an. It nuM fUntDMS, fistulrm-T. dacruTsaU enUi( forattmalaata, sod rrlifTr. wcknem oftbeMomara. It eorva BkMtina, HeadacbM, VemMm Praatnuloa, OonenU Dobillty, SliilianiFM. Detiriaaoai aad lil- ThjU trrttot at bfrincdowa,caiiii psia, wrii-ht and backarhf. to ahmy permanently eared brttaeaa. 1 will at all tSroea aodjuder aU elmunitaaras ac la bamony with the lawa that rpwi the hndtrSM, Fortbacarauf Eidnry OimplaiBts of elthor aaz tUs LTBIA E. l-INkHAM-S VEGETABLE CJi- peODa prrpaied at tas and OA Weatorn ATaaao, Ijna. " r-rkvtL SUbottleaforSS. SaatbjnaU In tha form of ptl.a. aim lathe form of kamm, oa menpt of price, tl Jwr bos for aithrr. Mrs Plnkham rrrwlTaaawmaUlrtteraof inquiry. Sml for panipa 1st. Addraae as above. JaVstioa Out Puptr. Ko famllr ahoold bp without LTDIA E. nXEHAJf S LTVaR PUXS. f jay eure eonaripatioa, tilll inisaiasay sad torpkutr of the Uver. m ornta per bos. ar rU bv all I raSa lata. "a DOES WHY? WONDERFUL CURES! Beesaaeitaetsea the LITER, BOWELS Md KIDSEIS mt th w tt. Bmmn It elsMOMa tb my uimn of tha poisos' Km homoit hl driop ia K.iday nf Ort- ptttioa.PU, or la BhouMtim, HotMcte, 8KB WHAT PBOFLZ SAT s Eqrnra R. Stork, of JntwHtoa City. Kashm. my. ludMy-WorC rtd him rur rfftiiu FhJ ticiAM lud bmm trying for tow n. Mr. John Aramll. of Wtwhinfftcm, Ohio. mj mborwufifrauttodtt hy tomr proailBaot IvJdoey-Wort. my h ww not xtjfvtxl to live, finm blotUoJ W U B flMaarla - - ... . - .Win btyood lMUr, but iLidDey-Wort cmrod him. ! Abb I Jmmtt of Month &. Jf. ityi thx Mien 7mt MfTe-rlrMr from kidney tronbtoal ana COOipuctUUMW M oaaMra DJ IM suaney-vf on. John B. UwTWf of Jftfkwm, Ttm., affr(I for yean frota livor wm! hdre troabVr &ni Liwr lAitinc "imrrei or other nilrin KidiMy-Wort Mdt kin U. MfrhtW Colo of Moiitgoinry Contfr, Tt, itTrrd (rlfht yornr with kldnT dimclty ud wm antvbl to work. Kidorj 1 BwjUuftr.M fon PERMANINTLV cures kidney diseases, liver complaints, Constipation and Piles. tar It la put an In Itrj VrgrtaMo faeas In tin cana. one Mrunnf whirii miiiam aumnm ot nwdM-ine. Alao in Lleatd Farm, very Cwa B4 eeairaiia, lor in aaa uu ranma laamij pre pare u. tW It meit irfa eaasl tfrtnef fa ei(ar arm. SET IT ATTBE DRCGOUTS. PRICE. Sl. WELLS, B1CHA KDSOS A Ce., Prep's, (wmaaad the dry post-paid.) rmWTO,TT. II HflSffifJElJS The Traveler wke Wisely Provide Against the eontlnifency of Illness br takiar .....i a Dmiun.ii DtUW casioo io congratulate hlmxelf on his torment. ha, h. .Ana t . . . . , u. ui i o .uvni, arnRvwv iuih) s suffering Irom some one of the maladl-s for Wr.ll.!, It I. - Km ...1 , . ..... .. u . i. lu uj win CT-rn1 ' ,c AmoDV these are fever an.l .. hnimunou n . . - 1:od anl rheumatism, dlvrases often attendant yiu a t:uaDe ot climate or unwonted met. U i. aa In h. . . . . . . . .. vj ui vKKiaia anu ueaiers Knermtiy. Payne's Automatic Engines ttk u law, sot fitted i lafoniiailoa sod Most osmted Catalomia J." f . w. ru .M BOwa Boa saty Comlac, M-Tf, anavasr apo an saallas tsBaWaSteT the) AdwartJaar aaaal SA. fWblAahar aaUMvma amw SMasK OS wiU readily A tin Or trvra liuji v - float provided it displaces an axnount of wr greater than the weight of the metal iTSe veieL Bui even . aojid ironrmay be made to float provided it U small enough. Take fine needle, wipe it with an oily rajr, but do not leave any visible trace of the oil on it, and then lay it gently oo thesaoe of the water in the basin; it will float and continue to float for some little time. The cause of this is the fact that a quantity of air adheres to the needle sufficient to buoy it up. Moreover, as the cohesion between the particles of water Is considerable, and water has no attraction for s perfectly dry piece of steal, the cohesion of the water is greater than the weight of the metal ; and so the latter U supported. In the same way insects are enabled to walk upon the water. Tne hair on the ends of his feet enclose an amount of air which enables them to float As each foot is put down it forms s sort of cup-like depression in the water, and liquid thus displaced is sufficient to float an insect Our younger readers will have no difficulty in matin the iron wire or needle float on a basin of water, and the experi ment U a most astonishing one to those who see it for the first time. Avcrtlslns Cheats. It has become so common to write the beginning of an elegant, mierenuu and then run it into some advertisement that we avoid all such .cheats -nd simply . t in tha mrila of liOD BltterS Ctuaucumu in as plain, honest terms ss poesil'le, to in- . " ; . , trial aa no duce people to u one who knows their value will ever use anything else. rv.-f jria n Kieiearilts. It will no doubt be a genuine surprise to all stu j . r n.ira tn team that a German UCUW V ' . scientist has found fossil plants and animal forms in most oi tne meieunra vumiuiv which he has examined for the purpose. JJr, Utto xiann, wno wan uauu i"""" t in tha rliarmsinri on the "EoZOOn new p . - canadense," has, in thejusual way, prepared sections oi many oi intass uuuics. he had photographed and thereby attained a result which is independent of themicro ...!.. winn TV ITahti claims that thev VWJm m ' - - - show many forms of plants and animals in fossil state comainea in uieir mass, ui u.k ),. kiffkaat fnrms arerrmotda. corals w UM.U auw "-f,"-"- and allied species. He has placed this col- - . i i 1 T lection ot sections m uie uauu m mji. WainiuiH nf Tnhiniren ( formerlv of Phila delphia), for thorough classification. Yrwrmrvhrrne nf bald heads CAirBOLTTE. a Hvv1nrirl extract of rjctroleum. Every objection removed by recent improvement. It is now faultless. The only cure for baldness and the most delicate hair dressing known. Mes. Spaxoles breathlessly said : Dear, I will tell vou an awful awful thing. Do yoa know that Mr. Slowbox cannot take his breakfast in tne morning untu ne nas had s cocktalL Now. my Mr. Spangles never does such a thing as that. lie would not think of a cocktail. lie sim niv rolls in bed, looks around the room for his clothes and says, "Mary, for the love of the great stars above us, I feel as if I tad s cinder in my mouth ! Uive me a pitcher of water none of your con founded little goblets, but a bucketful. Hurry 1' But you never bear him ask for a cocktail. He hastens down to the store without his breakfast." Vans-rivBL This nreparation is scien tifically and chemically eombined, and so strongly concentrated irom roots, neroa anu hara-a that its s-nnd e Beets are reaiizea im mediately after commencing to take it. A Pebbt county minister was preaching very eloquently to his congregation the other day. Waxing quite warm in bis theme, and becoming quite earnest in voice and gesture, his artificial teeth new out of his mouth and landed in the altar. Wind ing up his discourse very suddenly, he called on a member to lead in prayer, and during the devotional exercises he slipped down into the altar and recovereel his grinders. An exchange says : "His con gregation protest ainst having any such vulcanized eospel thrust at them again.' Children are cured of bed-wetting by taking Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Compound. The subsoil of Paris contains abundance of sulphur now in course of formation, as was recently proved in making excavations in the Place de la Kepublique. M. Dau bree says that this native sulphur has on thing to do with the escape of gas from the mains, but tha! its origin is due to the simultaneous presence of various kinds of organic substances and of gypsum in the sod. 1 1-Vr. K. Bright has described to the Society of Electricians, England, a method of diselectrifying dry wool, mohair and alpaca, so as to enable these substances to be spun with facility. It consists ia put ting the bobbins into an exhausted chamber of iron having a metallic connection with the earth. The rarefied air permeates the yarn and discharges the electricity in from ten to thirty minutes. Those subject to costiveness should at once try "Sellers' liver Pills.' 25c. per box. Sold by all druggists. The oritrin of the Fnirliah mil has haan discussed by M. Paye before the trench academy oi science, it nas long been sup posed that a mile was equivalent in length to a minute of a terrestrial arc. In M Purc'i opinion ;he mile, which bad probably been j. .j 1 n. . ueuuceu i rum noiemy s measure, owed its error of nfie-sixth tn th Ennluh in. graphers having supposed that Plolerxy urcu uie vtrees i (xx, wnicn juatosthenes used 400 years before, whereas he used the Phileterian foot, which is about 0. 36 of a metre, the earlier one being 0,27. Era tostheness counted 700 stadia to a degree, but Ptolemy only about 600. "Female complaints" are the result of impure blood. Use "Undsey's Blood Searcher." Besides the superheated steam system of Banff, and the heated air system ot Bower for preserving iron from rust, a new method for effecting the same purpose has been invented by Mr. Ward, of London. It is called ''inoxyd'uang." The articles are coated with a silicate composition and neaiea in a furnace until the composition is fused into metal. The result is said to be very satisfactory. MiJWra. Hoboan a Biadlv. Mutual Life Building. Tenth and Chestnut atresia, bare on hand a superb stock of extra One quality Dia monds, which they offer at as low prices aa atones of the nrst quality, perfect alike la color mwA oaoyx, van ue BOlU tor. Files aad SfoaqoltOM. 15c box -Ronb on Rata" keeps a house free from flies, bed-bags, roaches, rata, mice. Habitual CostWeneas ta the bane of nearly every Amerean woman. From it n-ntiW arses those disorder that so rarely und rtniue their health and strength. Erarw woman nmmm it in 1 . .t ,n t. family to dm that e iebrated medicine Kidoev- OTa 1. im . . " - -i.D mi, i ruiouj luroDoaupauoa and for all disorders of the kidneys and liter. Try it in liquid oc drr form. Equally efficient in either. Bottom Sunday Budget. SIT TTJ AUEXTS WASTED PoK DIBLE REVISION .Jf.T. V eh'apea innstrafed edition of the Renaed New Test amenv. MllUona of Deoole are wilting for IV Do not be decalyed bTthe Vheao John publishers of inferior editions. See that the copy ynu bar eoatains IMOnri iraTlngs on s'eel and wood. Airenbi are eola. Ing mooeyMiung this edition. Send tor areo lars. Addrvwl jATioMai. Pui'mrm co Phnadelnkla, ra. )(e I" aaV7wl-aSV.'3 lV.,7"flt tfflrtXnrrMut,l , . stayalanaTaaal "" ""' ' iintl ' ' "'",'"" " i-i.... ' ;i ' .laJ..::?::vi;t;tii;;:;::::i.;!:.r::'Jr;-' iJ GREAT 6ERMAN REMEDY roB RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, SORENESS srraa CHEST. SORE THROAT, QTJINST, 8WLLDT0S SPBJsJNS, FROSTED FEET Alas EARS, mo. GssnlBciIIIrPalDi TOOTH, EAR HEADACHE, ALL DTBB PI1RS Aira ACHESl iMtdaa aaa aaJanna wuk paia aalsiaa. patstmoM is una uascisis. fjunut MWtirrt am nuns u meist .V. VOOELXR CO. Card Collectors! 1st Buy seven bars Dob bins' Electrio Soap of your Grocer. .2d Ask him to give you a bill of it. 3d Mail us his bill and your full address. 4th. We will mail YOU FREE seven beautiful cards, in six colors and gold, represent ing Shakspeare's " Seven Ages of Man." I.L. CRAGIN&CO., 116 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. hop bitters: (A .MeaUetae, M a Driak.) COXTAIXS nops, Brriir, mandrake, DANDELION, A!ro tttt PraasT aim Frsr Mrmr-Ai. Quali ties or iu otbss Birraaa. Til EY CURE ATI frtoesaesof theStomarh. Boweta. Blood. Liver. Kldnrre. and L'Mnary tlncan. Nrr TOlianraa -lirli rn -n-r-t eapevlaliy r emaje UHupujsia. $1000 IN COLD. Wm pfd for s emm thty will not earp or A .-fp. or lor an vin i hk mi pure or injurious . fvao4 n Uirav. Ak yonr drarrtst for Hp Btttpn mt try them before jvii slet-p. Tnke mm Mlwr. D C Uan arwfotendtrrp!fffh!pTiTfor ill aaj&euuetf, mam oi oium, uotvtxv mod luuxoiic. SlXD POE ClBTTUtB. I All IbfN bldWha Hop Btttm M tg. fCvKsrator. H. Tim, OK RUPCMTUS CaMbratM Siljla Braafli TirViw onot cuna aiia v. aiSS)ae. Prwzcle aad Rreerh-TadlBtT Owwa. Rifles and latola of awM aywi nid XntuJt mmd Ammeam atoaaa til kinds af japartlna Impleaaeata ami artidei vqniml Ir Snrtauin anl tiiinniakera. Colt'a Mewj Breerb-raillna It.able Mas at S-O nrx JOH.1.4.KI BB aV ilk, 7 I Market . tm alaavar iVvAiat. Pkilaalelikia. Pa MIRTHrrX MflRHEL. a a!eniM ITtlraomBS Ps-r OB trial 3 BMjulha ftirAa. a inlaiur. K&i- tr Co . Pbllad'a. Pa A LLriC It ratal fmm cares Narrnss In- V biiitr ana s-akwa ot U-irstiTa Orgsna, 91 airdmariata. Send for eircolw to Allan s Paar siaej.Jit riret Aaeaoa. J. I DllOnirO f' fusion- "flinm 'frt : Tyiw HUUUltaS Y- iHIO CAMIA8C M TQ CA, UWWVIbU Cinoianati. O. Cataiucue s BiJi. the Electric Wonder. THIS COMB .1 iJ i ninfVl U UVU U"8oabI Biml Vfeiaw I mmek Laadaaa I 1. lr I aasaataaa wA Trr. aciTArm ITEATJArTTK PTI.IJJ ears most wrmderCnny ta a nrf short time both SICK and NKRVOIS HEADACHE; and wtailo avrtine; aa tao sernni system, cleaasa the atomacJa of excess of bile, producing a regular baaitliw action of tha bowels. in oo mi A fall slaa Vrt of lima Talnahle FIXLS, wtth fan dlrwctlotis for a eorav atota esra, mailed ta any address oa receipt of nine tares cent poatace tasapsj. kor saU by aU dmriata at lie. &la Proprietors, BBOW3 fHTtlCAL COMPAJTT. Baltf naorev XL o o o o UBtiSclEAATTPEI fill WHm AaM t Tha Aaalo-Aaaerte REVISED NEW TESTAMENT IT SELLS ' "'"a tt hi as exact rrod net loa word irin .ii.i-'r.!?: ft,r.'? rraiou ol i;amori4a. 1 u ..... . . . - --. """'v-i m "hi, rftSfworld ",,'"'" f ttia iZJtmiZrIZ-Z. 2" M ' Osr faoli-.iea ara au-ia-ilrd- ASealsar 7otmZSrjTSXT'JTVU.JUa,nmwm,blml'0'k- T" eawardof laJ,iMlali.aay or sroias una w he tas edition the seopl. warn. OuSia aoe. o t ma to loa tBT .-,, -j... Addraas HUBBABU BK0A, 733 Cha.tnnt Street, Phils ar hob a or tbs Saallah edltlana asata a taia imrtui u ..i... ... u..i.lui Hut' "' tares laras sriBliBS-offleas aad alaha k i wa Cava aur raBFri.T NOVELLO! prrsox A CO. are the mt tsmtm a Coiled States mr tne magtuScent No7itJw Oratortos, Operas, Glees, Part-sonKa, tzl cents to 10 cents each, and are Terr lLT for occasional singiDK. The toUowu, J?'si lent and practical uuiracUre worlu, sad iILtt "Pnmera," but are really a great deai 1AHTOP PIASO PLAYING. R. wi??'! I 1 THE ORGAN. B Staloer. . 1 J1 I L SI.NGISti. Br rtandenrer. .... U A MUSICAL FOKMS. Bj Pauer. . . M A HARMONY. Bt Stainer. . . . U 7. INSTRUMENTATION. By Prota. . " 8. VIOLIN. By Toura A MUSICAL TERMS. BTStainer. . 14 ia COMPOSITION. By Stauier. . . J LIGHT AND LIFE i nrrw - "-a Dip,,, irr a . McLNTOriH. Price 35 cents. Liberal rtsli.. . a.Uf OVKaaI Sma Tl k lor qoanuuea. Lltrht and Life to all he Dunn Klxea with healint; on his suun, Hail, thou heanen-bnrn Prince of Ptarat Hall, Ibon Son of Ktghtemuoeat r fmm the attrsctire title to the last pax d,)e and Inside, the whole boo is hill of U,' f ill of UgM- Se iUDips for tfnoutttJH Boeclmen pages free. "f OLIVER DITSON k C0n Boatg. at. K, MTMI. CO. ' VnaaalVkka DR. R. C. FLOWER, Tte Great Heater and Wt& nowned JfajneiUL OFFICE and KSIDENCI: 1013 RACE Street, FhlUddp. a1X1 5 West 22d Street, w Yrk. lr. F1-wt hu trrt1 and eiiml withla rW w Tar npwarUuf thirttN-n tbuu-tnt1 ti t-.trd mil cKTsctr f diaM)M4ff. HnnUml mni ttMtmm of thM MriMUia L 9 brQ bronchi to th T o(tW oa bed of kkavt aii lnoa .a iIm Unii TaM'Ph'latl'Tph-a Sn4mm Mrrmri.t X . kU Rac street, ia perform. a g u.rfoi vm hi raailnr. . Tha PhiladolahU Kifwrf, of 1W. Ir. riowr hM dMaonalratcd thai Bia tratiD dtatM. hia ua-rior ud atatcnl ow aU othr py-t-ma of h-aJtog whica haa prol that d.a-aa haa a UnKruiM r -A DtKtr. and tha Jd ayaaaa ol drixga a Uur. "tV Philadelphia Timi mt NrrrrmN-r Malw dt. W l wr xtraomiosr- t m t- mw wotta rm . dfd.and ontidof th ordinary Md:ri motMn' Tba Phiiadalphia Sunday Item X N . u. m aaya; - Tha eurn tTi-cti hy lr. Flowr-r -ritnu- ktwffk are unlv niracaliM- D kM bronchi to a rt.tnd-till hy thia wondrul maa.1 Tha PhiUdelphi Mercury of 11, l-w.tn "Over two haoirwl au tifty oatkaia vwatVMi aay lant weh by Dr. riower." Dr. O rard. of N-w York, one oppwd t Fr-.w-r a vMfm, aftrr lnvMticaiitff th mmm V hin-alf, dt-cUrvd throorh th rr-a tkt wtirk of htwlinir th work which I am amcy to ba'tova. Dr. Flowar h brea railed W and mm to b mora th bias in tuU work. H bm tw h wood r f wonder. I h ae him enr it tn-Untl. bnn them froaa tha throM4(afa in a f w minntra." . . , . Ir. flnwor can ba eianltfHf at Hthr of tbttbi. a) cm, ithrr throotfh crrwpiad?nra or bj m wmat appiM-aiion. If ft p-pn- iBtr-tw t, airt4t. arnmic-menta bould ba ntada ia advaoa. YOU CAN BUY THE BLATCHLET PURflP Callaadrfa' wrtk Cappa-w, Psreclala jut Ires lalna-a- Each one stenciled with my atnwa manulacturer is warranted In material sad on truttien. For sale by the best nou.ee in tha trade. If yon do not know where lo ret tha pump, write tn roe aa below, and I will ant name of aeent nearest you, who will supply yoa at my lowest prices. CHAS. 6. BLATCHLET, Manufacturer, 80S Market St, Philadelphia, 7a "lK INKlKM.l. l ION UPON MINERAL. Tl a nr.n ani rnriiiuts: uukd id .,aiiw,'i ffiniasnd Went Virirtnia. srnil fir s.vtrn taal .1 . . ' II IU I (1 UluilMi I I'll 41 Lexinion Mrret. Bailunore, XI (XtRPENTER S PtX'KET COMPANION, L j liesi-nptive Circulars Free. AiMrrfs TlluS. .'-IOLO.M.Y, jKkaoo, Michigsa. CAiwlr.'i-AnnllniKi with CI UU 11IC 1UllUl of disease. Doctor ixoa, NuaanlM, Ala., and set rriat TneFarquhar Separator NbSS. wka. a " r' ar. aiaM mC: 7 rrr o 5tl.T a Onts for a Whits HsadleilTrwa-B'jM Asila. Mlalatars Baoary Uo fkilas a fa. -nrnririj SMITH'S PAT. BLIND AN3 SHUTTER B2W:i nutter ran h pi 1. S, 4, 3 or forty-i ftav and hold cm aty in a tbar ao-iition. A(fnt --t In avry c-rnuty. Ct mak big wi- summ-r mi FalL Tbabat and hanOaoiaaac thing oat. B vrf Hnia. writ hr paticolar. mail frrrnt aoatxg. AilrMa SMITri4tli. St4 3la4r Mtrewg. rhllaaflpkla. rn. CAMrrRIM$TITlITr. Frof. Kii-f.rjf arirntitiC trraUDmt ml inuxjenM tract:ca. lrnuui-ty unr-H and ia acko JWitdrf. autb- nty on racr-r mc ix kiniinsd. Tb&vata traurdinary rurm tj M tTmt Cim;mi Cmm Antidolm ara nconai A km. Wtiirwsl lrqnirad in mocmaf J Urvrnt of Cancer- Tunxra. Fr irt" mw,A r.u TMlar r emu on VH. iuj-.i A n h Ht .PhilnltY1 Maaafartareal aader r. f. aaal Karal letters Pstaat leapeH.-illy the Cnrra that result from Ita y utK ur Tiu in i h t kntl Kt. It is imbued snu i-narrM - "ODU; KOK1E." a aww ELKCTRO PRYStOUXlICAL rjva.t" Imparts to the Scalp new Ufe sod Vlirnr. rlvea to the Hair ifc healthy Suae, preventinc Its falling; nut or turnlmr irrar. short time, eure the bkm dlstreaatnK NEl RAUilA or RHtt'ArJI l le .n Al.r-. or fAIS In any part of the Head. To ah.iw Ita poaw" ELElTKIC t CRRENT. or "Ortlc Force.- ask rour drural oraeaia-a liH you teat It with hU GALVANOMETER. These t'aaaaa are'e" aaach alraatrr anal twice aa d ara bis as any atker laaa. Prli-es: In CKLLL Uiili. of finest quality, huthly p.lwlir cnrKl. ftraurht or allirhtly tapered, jl 25. For Batot nalthra ai RL'BKER, KVtnch, tl ltk ,n,.i, Rbber Comb. 3 ccnta. Sst r paid on recvipt of Stamps. Pmual Money Or-Ier or Bv,uterl I For full particulars and terms to Agent, address LONDON ELECTRIC FABRIC CO., . F. O. Box 494S. 144 Daaa. sit, sw Tart o po LL ptPEi TKO!(. HA J a a Is Ihe rsaniar MHIaa of Ihe TFTF. FASTEST! for and. iin.rn. i. r. f the ?! r.nr reprint la enarsnterd br tara or i11,, . )t- '.arrsarlM la snarsnterd b thra. of the swa "" - ' i. . . mi. Mi., m.M.il of bar rrp- ,aa- Pnlladtlaa HKtaa . X-1 . i. X.. .Za -aVT. imr , cpies ras wacs 5 s i f I 4