MIFFLIN'. OWN : nemt4S, June I. vl. TEkHS. h ut Option, $! .50 j-r annum il ( aid wunia 1- :-ucitLa ; J.UU if nut iid within i - ( Trauaient . vertlseme-aU inserted at oU cent per inch tur t-acb insertion Iraiisiifit busmen notices til hical rol ....... 111 rnlii tiw line li rsrh irmTti.kii Ijcduclious iUU-iiiato lUf)ed.-!ritital''n8,b,,'!,lUcll'4nn" far down to to advertise by lbi year, ball or (juarler . "r avillo. At Dunranuott a number of T. j.rrnl nt fl.M rivir .1 ll.ii ..1-.. i . -. rapid, Tailing at tbe rate of four fx-t to the luile, and at every period of the year ex cepting tbe months at July, Auguat and tbe first fca XX Septehioer, compauiea, tbat attempt to bridge tbe river on trestle-works incur great risk to tbeir enterprise by flood. Tbe winter flood are hardlv ever more than gone tiH wtit comes tbe June flood, and tbe to warm month of summer arc scarce- ly ended till the tquinox flood sends down ita torrents, and thus it u easily understood that builders take no comuiou riks when they attempt to bridge the river at any time ficepting in the tiiue doi uated above. It is an uncommon occurrence for a Hood of any volume to take place in the months .l July and Auguttt and the fiist halt of Scj.temtw-r. The bviliiers this year have tieen unfortunate enough to be caught by the June flood at such a stage of tbe work that .damage of eight hundred dollars has i?irtH ..,-n it.en. a ...t.-f. trestle-work bad been put across to con nect the two spans tbat were not swept away by the ice Hood iu February, aud though tbe river gradually rose higher all j last week no apprehension was felt until last Thurday nioruiug, wbon the ui.magc luent deemed it prudent to put more weight on t'ie structure to keep it down so that it might rot float away. M-u weie hatily gathered and employed to put stones on the trestle-work. The stones were witidlasscd from the ice-breaker attached to tbe pier i nearest Ibis side of the river. As raridlv the stones were hoisted ud unto tbe foot- way they were taken on " lumber trucks ' and run out and distributed along the toot ay that was built across the river on the trestle's. Tbat work was kept up until it was thought that sutlicicnt weight had been put on to keep the timbers securely down till the river had become bank full. Slowly the river kept on rising, and toward the close of the day drift began to run, and then the faces ol the proprietors ami all the well-whers A tie concern took a decided ly earnest expression, for it was clearly to tie uuderstood that the new structure could not stand the iiresture of the combined force of drill and twelve feet of water run ning 4nwn a grade of four feet to tbe mile. During tbe earlier part of the day Sa.uuel Wilson had been a conspicuous figure w ith a long pike pole in hand, n the very out- r edge of the upper side of the trestles, lo dislodge drift tbat might catch on the tim bers. Many predicted that he would lose his balance aud fall into the Miram and be rlrowned. but be Hved thtoufrh it all. To wards evening a large pine log came down tbe river along the Mittliu side of the Isl.-.irl. As it n eared the bridge the spectators he'd their breath in suspense. A deep silence tell upon the crowd until the contact came. Tbe log struck a post, whirled around and lodged sidewise against two posts. A brace or two were sprung off from the tim bers, and that was ail the damage the struc ture received frcm rhe contact. '(iood, for the brHge to stand such a shock,1 was the verdict of tbe spectators, and tbe hope ei all grew stror.ger, that peihaps the concern vould stand a stronger pressure Urn a was thought of. About that time sutue one came along and said, "The river is clear of drift between this place and Lewu-town, but between Lewistown and McVeytown there are lots of heavy drift." A calculation was speedily made, and tbe conclusion reached that it would take till midnight for the heavy drift to reach this place, and earnest hope were expressed tbat the drift might be bo worked by the current to tbe Bide of the river that it would pass under one or tbe other of the spans that had been left standing by the February Hood. Meanwhile Mr. Bachelor, tbe foreman of the contractor, was busy planning to have the large log, mentioned above, removed from its menacing position. 2amuel Wilson and Georgj Smith under took to put a noose over the end of th submerged log, and their efforts to do bo were successful. The runuing knot was got over the end of the log, aud the rope was attached to the pulleys and the windlass up on the bridge, aud an effort was nisde to pull the log away ; but there wa not power enough to remove it. By this time a great crowd had collected on both the Patterson and Mifllintown sides of the river, to wit ness the efforts to remove the log many ladiee were present. In such a crowd there was no " lack " of advice ; every second nan w as f ull of it, and eager to tell just what to do, but nothing that was offered seemed feasible, till Kobert Parknr suggest ed that a party be sent out in a tootlvnt with cross-cut saw, to saw the log in two pieces. It was just the thing to do. Wm. McCoy and John Bender volunteered to so in a skirl to the log and saw it in two pieces. The obstruction waa approached Irom the npper side. The skin was so managed by rowing that it gently floated down and was lodg-d so tbat operations with the saw could be commenced. Tbe rush of water and the general surroundings ki impressed the mind of Bender that be grasped hold of the leg of a trestle and chmb.d np to the top. McCoy stuck to the boat and began to saw the log. When it became apparent that McCoy had the boat saff ly moored Moses Fannebaker slid down the leg of the trestle to help to saw. Of course they did not fall out, as the two Irishmc n did tbat Went out to saw ice, as to which one should go on the under side, rannebaker held the boat, and McCoy did the sawing. The log wait finally sawed through, and the two ends floated away, and f iervbody breathed freer. The crowd, or the great bulk of it, dispersed. Wilson, S nith, and James Parker kept up the watch into the night. The drift ran thicker as midnight approached. About 11 o'clock some heavy ohjwt over near the Patterson side srmck a trestle, and shook the w hole fabric. When it was manifest that it would not go that time Wilson and Prmih ven tured on a tour of observation. Parker re mained on this sid. The two men moved cautiously over the works. When near the other side they discovered that a large tree bad lodged with its roots against the leg of trestle; iu limbs projected np stream. Other drift was gathered into the limbs as if into so many arms. The whole struc ture was trembling nnder a vibratory swing ing motion op and down the river. The P.o . . . sine was the nearest Tbcy rg tbe,r Sterns, s a danger signal to JT hUrried to the P,n hore, nd tb tr-atW went down about the time 7 ot tt another le . row of bfkk., lJ lawrd a ay ttuii ih current. Tbe throe U.c0 era uf, n'ilsoa and S.a-.tb ii yonder alia iiud Parker u tb.i aiJd. It seemed but sloirt time alter tile danger became apparent on Thursday morning till Uiiltiiflit, lu 11 all was euded aud tlio uew utk aa swept iu the realities tu-H- iiig river. n Krifsy Robert Pa; kcr and Samuel Wiiaoh tartd dean the r.icr in pmniuui me uim wjiks. About uiio-li.it of tbeiu were fouud scattered I . " " " " 6 river down at far aa to Duncannou, aud t'ie trestles bad hxa taken apart aud hauled tp iuto the town. Tbe parties that cap- . ... . .... ... i urea i no noon aia not take time to unpin the plate or top piece, but they sawed the tetiona off, which will require Dew tenon to be put on before the timbers can again be used. A Letter from .Nebraska. T,ie following letter was written by Har j ry Moore, of Van Wert, to Sheriff J K. ! Kelly: Stkrli.vo, Jonxsox Coi tt, Nebraska, June I, I. Mb. J. R. Kellv Aftitr t-iking brisk drive in the country, and viewing Several herds of cattle, I will undertake to fu)till my promise to you. A few years ago the savage native Amer ican , and great herds of buffalo roamed here in lar.e numbers. Following them came the honorably -discharged soldier, and "lucr "T peor, as emigrant settlers ! from the et uk their place. Tclve years ago there was not a house to be seen here, but now there are several hundred in habitants in this tuwn of Sterling. True to its name, tbey are all on a stir. Encour aged by jirosjierity, they soon came to the conclusion tbat tiiis is the place to make a fortune quickly and easily. There are no lazy people here, but, on the contrary, every man is alive to his own interest, and alse to that of his neighbor, so as to en courage emigration. Town lota and land are raising in price every day. The people are kiud, obliging aud honest, and spare no Fains in 'S e Pennsylvauian around, aud giving him a hearty welcome. The niost of the people here are from Pennsyl vania. Their habits and customs are the same as among the same people in the east. The same Hymnal is used in the Presbyte rian church ; the same books are Used in tbe Sabbath-school ; they whistle the very same song on the street and in the fields. Decoration day was observed here. A largo concourse of people collocted to wit ness the ceremonies of Post 62, U. A. K. Not one drunk man was seen that day, which is owing to the fact that liquor is sold only by druggists on prescription. The spring is late ; farmers are planting corn ; wheat aud oats look very well. One reason why Johnson and tiage coun ties are preferable places to locate in, is on uccount of the depth aud quality of soil, and its being abundantly watered. Springs and creeks abound in almost every section. Tbe creeks are deep, which accounts for tbem never overflowing, as in many other localities. Lands along this railroad, from Atchison to Lincoln, called the A. and N. li. R. U., which were bought ten years ago at from 7-3 cents to $ j per acre, are now worth $S to ') per acre. All of it will yield 10U to 100 b-ishels of corn per acre. They farm it every year. There are many thousand bushels of corn in cribs, and more is yet mihiskcd in tbeficlds. Corn is worth 25 cent? Jht bushel for the best. It is no uncommon thhig for a farmer to have l'W to 31 MJ hogs and 60 to M Ilea 1 of cattle. The cattle can be put out to a fccHcr It a cost of one dollar per bead for the sUmvner. They are kept fat all the time. Many cattle per ished last winter for want of fhelter. The winter, like with us, was colder and pro duced a deeper fall of snow than is usually tbe case. Han est comes in July and Au gust. After that tbey cut and stack the prairie grass, at an expense of fifty cents per ton ; consequently the man that gees into the lire stock business can realize a large profit on the money invested. Hogs are worth 5 cents per JWBtlTl, and beef o cents per pound. Many hundred head of both caltle at'd bogs are shipped feast. Wheat is worth 75 cts. per bushel ; corn, 20 cts., as it runs j oats. 25 cts.; rye, 50 cts. ; flax, 8 to 10 cts. per pound ; butter, 8 to !0 cts. per pound. It is astonishing that such great crops grow from such poor farm ing. To-morrow I expect to go to see a herd of ten thousand cattle. The people here have good habits j they are moral and cultured. The culture of music is closely attended to. There are more musical instruments in use in tbe couutry than in Juniata country districts. As to single life, the ladles here marry at lti years of age ; at 20 tbey are called old maids. I find quite a large number of bach elors; of couree they have my sympathy. I have promised to ship a car load of lad ies from the east, so you may expect a matri monial recruiting office open in Mifllintown alter tuy return to Juniata. Ladies tbat de sire to be recruited must have the. requisite qualities to meet western life. While out on a drive the other day tbe horses were baited in front of an elevation on the plain, w hen out of the ground popped two young girls. Alter a short chat we were invited into a "sod house," and to our astoiiishmeut found an organ there. Ve spent a lively half hour with the family. Yours iu baste, W. H. MOURE. The Everett Vcjs of June 7th Inst.. say : McDonald Lyon, a former resident of Bed lord, died iu Denver, Colorado, recently, from the effects of an overdose of mor phine which was administered to him by a woman with whom he had eloped from Chicago. It is stated that the poisoning was accidental. ' Mac " was a son of the late William Lyon, Esq., and was engaged with his brother in the insurance business in Chicago. The woman who was the cause of his death was the divorced wife of the partner of the deceased' brother. The Bedford Republican says: "George Uershberger, of Snake Spring, went out to a field to plow about ten days ago, and be fore beginning h tied his two fine, large horses to a locust tree. They ate some of the bark ol the tree and became so sick that Mr. Uershberger was afraid they would die. First one of them and then the other got the blind staggers, aud for more than a week they could not be worked. He has no doubt that his horses were poisoned by the locust bark that they ate." j An Old Doctor'i Advice. It was this: "Trust in God and keep your bowels open." For this purpose many an old doctor has advised the habitually costive to take Kidney-Wort for no other remedy so rffectnslly overcomes this conUi tion, and that without the distress and griping which other medicines cause.- It is a radical cure for Piles. Don't fail to use it Translated from Ike Ae rorkitr Zeit- . Subscribe tor tbe Sentinel fc Repubhcaa. SHORT L0C.1LS. ?tllt sorui culture. Ok I tiia cucumber. ua timers destroy malsrii. Hogs are not plenty i JmiaU. There ve i:!jr a fe loal.-ra in tmu. Tin Li -i.l'irc a li jiirned lust Thursday. Children iu Port Rcyai have n lei icier. Hay lr. lurriou'a anti-billious piila Rowdyism prevails at night in Hunting- dun There was frt in New week. York State last John F. Allen, a citiien of tbis borough, is seriously ill. Students are happy In anticipation of the coming vacation. Tbe Universallsta held a convention in Beading last week. Does a girl cudgel her brains every time she bangs her hair ? Candidates for the approaching cairpa!n are being spoken of. In many places in tbe west, instead of raiu last week tbey had snow. The raiu freshened up the pasture for the : cattle and hog that run at Urge. Kev. Mr. llitrhen preached in the Metho dist church on Sabbath evening. It is said that water snakes, in trout streams, destroy many young trout. Twenty furnaces have suspended business iu the Lehigh and Schuylkill valleys. The number of emigrants that pass this point on the railroad every week is large. Many people remained up to see the eclipse of the moon on Sunday morning. The 4th of July will be celebrated in the Main Centenria! Building at Philadelphia, (turn coa's for men, and gum cloaks for women for rainy rea'.her, are coming iuto use. The latest potato bug exterminator, ac cording to report, Is chimney or stove-pipe-soot. Sportsmen are on the lookout for a targe otter that frequents the river near McVey town. The singing at the Juniata Valley Camp meeting is to be conducted by Prof. Ellefi bergirr. Cambria county Is to have a new court bouse, at an expense ol eighty thousand dollars. Samuel Bergy and II. 11. Brubaker shipped a lot of cattle eastward, on the cars last Thursday. J. B. Wilson, a member of the Board of County Commissioners, celebrated his silver wedding last Friday. The Juniata Valley Camp Meeting at New ton Hamilton will begin August 10, and con tinue ten days. I " 'Tis love tbat makes the world go round." It also makes the young man go round to the home of the girl. Kev. Mr. McKean preached in the Lost Creek Presbyterian church at McAlister ville on Sabbath. Buttons and so forth are dispensed with ; where a ribbon or a cord will answer, every thing is being tied. A farmer in Bratton township, Mifflin county, turned up a sod in his cornfield, aud found ut one place 401 cut worms. Catholics of Lettistown and Yeagertown, Mitllm county, held a picnic in Banks' liroiu, June 11. A student entering a Normal School, or any other school, si.oiiid abide 1-y t'ie rules of the institution. A sporting exchange remarks, that the favorite dance this year will be the " glide, and the three-step polka." The Supreme Court of this Common wealth has decided that building associa tions are liable to taxation. David Megahan, of Huntingdon county, turned his family out of the house, and, in turn, was turned Into jail. Tobacca plants for sale, at 15 cents per hundred, by Absalom ruder, near Pine Qrove church, in Fermanagh twp. 3t A great deal of corn has been replanted this week in Juniata county ; such is the case in othsr counties in the State. Gentlemen whose beards are not or a pleasing shade can remedy the defect by the use of Buckingham's Dye for tbe whiskers. Some one with a team and wagon has been trespassing in an aggrevating manner on one of Squire Jacobs farms in Slim Valley. They are not all Gipsies that travel afoot and in wagons. The blooded Gipsy is of dark swarthy complexion, with long straight black hair. A man down in Port Royal took 21 ordi nary doses of quinine at one dose to cure ague. He nearly died. Ho has not had the ague since. Mr. Higlx-e, the State Superintendent of Common Schools, is opposed to the em ployment of men, as teachers, that regular ly visit grog Shops. The Orani Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of Pennsylvania will hold its an nual session in Reading during tbe third week iu August. Joseph Adams, of Walker township, was in town on Saturday with a lot of large strawbcrilcg. The largest measured 8J inches in circumference. Mrs. Partington, when she heard people talk about "wild cat insurance companies," exclaimed, "What on earth do thoy want to insure w ild cats' lives for I" Jeff Davis says that it is not true that he tried to get away in his wife' petticoat ; it was h!s wife's cloak and shawl. AU agree that it was ia woman's dress t that will do. The Post of the G. A. R. will hold a fes tival next Friday and Saturday evenings at tbeir head-quarters. Tbey have ample room for the accommodation of a large company. A fashionable lady accidentally dropped one of her false eye brows in the opera box and greatly frightened her beau, who, on seeing it, thought it was his moustache. Suraaaaft Recorder. A clergyman, in a lecture how on How to Get Married," said : " Every man wants a wife and every woman wants a husband. But the great difficulty is that the woman the man wants won't have him, and the man the woman wants wants some other woman." On Saturday afternoon Jackson Graham, Thomas Lanver, Robert Giles and Isaiah Warner took a skiff at Grabamville and came down on the river to this place in 18 minutes ; the distance is alsjut fonr miles. Tbey helped the boat along by rowingi Ground wa broken at Florence, X. J., a few days a? o for a new Methodist church, when twenty-flve'ladies or the congrega tion dng the Brat cartload of dirt." rfben the ladiea take hold of the work IU such manner there can be no drawback to' the building of a church. lnoiBia In Im i lauit iu tiruui .f-f s)m4 Bear Patterson oa ti 4:h of July. Intoncaiibg drink aiid Intoxicated peraobs ill not be allowed on the ground. Music and dancing all day for one dollar. The flood in the Weal Branch of the Sus fR nanus nrer broke tlio bourn a! Lock Ua.en, at Linden, and at WiMaiusport, turniiif aUiitt l.''s that contain. -d b.e bu'a-Ir.-d aiid fifty miiliuo feet ol loarJs. Large numbers of bias were caught with book aud line at the breast of Cuba Mill dam last week. Poubtlesa the fish swam there to get aw y from the rush of the river, kurtx af.d flank S toner caught Sti at tbat place. During tbe late freshet Dr. Graham suc ceeded in floating tfO.OOO feet of ash, linn, and poplar lumbar from the head waters cf Licking creek to his saw-mill in the voli'cy near where the old paper mill vd to stand." Last Thursday the :rclment weather ! again required tbe fostrncment of thj picnic of the teachers of the Presbyterian Sabbath-school. The third time will pro- .1 . 1. .. . ..A A ..I . - v. : - uiiuv his viiwni iiu u'luu-iru a euruuug picnic to-morrow, Thursday. Miss Mtnlo Cu&nian art Kiss Panitlia Garman, school teachers in Patterson, were the first ladies to cross the river on Fridsy morning. They went over in a skiff, to dis cbarge their duty a teachers in the Patter son stCools. John r.isick roircd tre skiff. J. Brodie Crawford has returned from Silver City, Xew Mexico. Ho reports the Juniata people there all well, and flourish ing. The elder Ailman is ding a business of over three hundred thuuind dollars a year. Mr. Crawford was s!e!t all the time th it he was there. Scene at the bait Short sleeves. " No, thank you, Mr. B., I'm not dancing this evening." (Rashly.) "I've just been vac cinated." Mr. B. (CnacquaintiHl with re sources of femiuine ingenuity.) Really I ' Didn't take, did it ? Don't see any mark on your arm." Short sleeves (Behind her fan and thinking of her remark.) "No, I guess it didu't 'take.' " Jlbany Jrgnt. There was no preaching in the Presbyte-ri-ic and Lutheran churches on Sabbath, for the tesson that the preacher of the former was tip to Waterloo, administering the sac rament of the Lord's Supper to Presbyte risns of that fart of Tuscarora Valley, and the preacher of the latter was up to Altoona attending the General Syuod of the Luth eran Church. Rain last week prevented s inging on the gr.te j moorlicbt rambles; put down tho grass ; stopped bass fishing ; took away the trestle-work across tbe river ; stopped the working of tbe growing corn ; washed tons I of ground off the hillsides of plowed fields; stopped tbe ravages o( the fly in the grow ing wheat, and prevented tbe maturing bra great deal of wheat that was in blossom. Such, at least, are said to be some of the effects of the late ran. Looking across the river from this shore, to tho vacant lots adjacent to the railroad shops, a prominent object tbat greets the eye is a large conically -shaped pile. The first thought that il awakens is that it is a pile of lime, but when aa inquiry is made iu regard td !f, the informatiou is imparted that it is a pile of t".:.ill stones that have been broken by tramps tbat have beef, pro vided for by tlio authority of thd town. Tacitus writes from Fayette township S3 follows: Died May the , 1881, in Mon roe tonnship, Juniata county, Jacob Lau ver, aged 'J'i years, 4 months and days. Mr. L.iuver's father was one of the pioneers who settled near Kichlield when he was a child ab'TIt li .ars of : 1 1 I could r- Lite the early history of that section of country very well from memory. He said ho was born about midnight as the old year expired and the new year was ushered in 17r;. Jefferson M yer and Mrs. Mover started in a carriage to Lewistown on Saturday afternoon. They did not reach their desti nation. When they got to the Narrows they found the pike covered by the river to such a depth tbat it was not safe to drive through the water that covered the road. A man in a high-seated wagon came through from Lewistown, and be reported that the water was a foot deep in the bed of the wagon, lie stood on the seal. The reports of the Illinois wheat crop are unfavorable. In the southern division of the State fully 16 per cent, of tlio wheat has been plowed up, and that left standing will not yield a half crop. In the central division of the State the ciop is poorer still ; 40 p?t cent, has been plowed up, and what is let t. un plowed will scarcely yield a ball crop. In the northern division of tbe State the prospects are poorer still ; 57 per cent, has been plowed up, and tbe balance w ill not be a half crop. Some of the most outrageous acts are comtuitted by New England boys. An other dreadful occurrence among Massachu setts boys is reported from Springfield, Mass., nnder date of the 9th inst., as fol lows: D wight Kidder, jr., who fataliy shot bis half-brother, C. D. Kidder, was yester day held in default of $10,(100 for examina tion next Wednesday. Interviewed by a Union reporter yesterday the prisoner said : " It all comes of carrying a pistol. I have carried one for six years. IT t had a hoy who carried one I would break bis neck." The prisoner said his mother overheard the murdered man saying tbat she wanted his father to die, so she could get $5,000 in surance on his life. The prisoner asked him if he said so. Ite raid he did. The prisoner threatened to kill him If the re mark was repeated, and was put ont of the hoilse. The prisoner ran ; the half-brother pursued and struck him, and the prisoner then fired the fatal shut. The Northern description of the costume in which JetT Davis sought to escape from bis captors was tbat he was robed in his wife's petticoats. Davis, in his new book, differs a little in his description of wEat tie bad on when he made the effort to escape. IIo confesses to it that it was several pieces of his wife's app3rcl, but he does not con fess to the petticoat as being part of tbe disguise. He says : "As it was quite dark in my tent I picked np what was supposed to be my raglan,' a waterproof light over coat, without sleeves ; it was subsequently found to be my wife's, so very like my own aa to bo mistaken for it j as I started my wife thoughtfully threw over my head and shoulders a shawl. I bad gone perhaps fif teen or twenty yards when a trooper gal loped np and ordered me to bait and sur render, to which I gave a defiant answer, and, dropping the shawl snd raglan from my shoulders, advanced toward him. He levelled his carbine at me, but I expected, it ho fired, he would miss me, and my in tention was, In that event, to put my hand under his foot, tumble Lite off on the other side, frinj into bis saddle and attempt to escape. My wife, who had been watching, when sbe saw the soldier aim his carbine at me, ran forward and threw her arms around me. Success depended on instantaneous action, and recognizing that the opportuni ty bad been lost, I turned back." Tbe ditf f lis II 4ih - t n J aa il T ipuara to fast bUiloeas lo ilia Wiuja uw t'. ltd of July aud (O f (.' . II r. Greeley prep.J th saci thins1, wry year for a period of tbt'lr ), and arte aucrreded ia gattin; awav lu ac-oup.h the oft -repelled niuie. V h'pr il w.il not bo u witu the r-i.tor ol ti,e ..'-.'. Six weeks ao a borne in the Cold r liiery stabl-: at llarrisbnr; had a !- !.'. u. A suigun was c tiled ; the horse . .1 cti! rd, so aa lo balance easily ; the biokvn leg as "set," and s iilliu:i was tho v liol j business conducted s-'nee lie time, thai tbe horse wn released lai S- sday fnon bia ! place of suspension, ana nc has if a ue ' of all his leg. It was a graat triumph fur i horse saery. The Harrisburg tUerratk relates the fol lowing : A cigarette and a by of eleven years were waiting around a church dor one Sunday evening recently, waiting for a catch-on." After the benediciion a four- j teen year old miss came out with the crowd, (also ready for a victim. Said the aforesaid c. b., "Miss, can 1 see you home this even- I : .. t 1!.. - I I .... .i . f iiu was B'uciciieu u llie rviy, ("No, sir I c haven't any cradle ir !iie j ' houso-" H'lause from the crowd The following was published !u the New port Ledger, last week : La-t Monday morn ing, just before daylight, a boy named Lowe, aged 18 years, driver lor a tympany canal boat, was drowned in Ihj Cai-11 lock at Mt. 1'atrick, Perry county, unde: the following circumstances: The boat i about eutei iug the lock, and it was the drive'. s duty to throw the low line over the balar-.ce beam, aud it was while doing this tbat the line looped about his lcj, just is the team stetchei! the liu'J, jerking the boy into the canal. Every effort was made to rescue him, but when he was taken out life was j extinct. S. E. Buck, Emi., held an inquest, j the jury rendering a verdict in accordance I with the above facts. The ho Iv of the bov ! was buried at the Buck's Valley church grave-Jli 1 ori Xohii.'y. A gentleman of this comity, who has been to Millers, ille Normal School, siys that most of ths trouble there arises from the rules of the faculty against nialo slu-l dents associating with the lady students of ! the institution. Boys are not allowed to stop aud speak to the girls on the campus, on the sidewalks, or anywhere else about tbe plaee. And so particular his the man agement been that students have been com pelled to forego the pleasure of talking to tbeir sisters and aunts on the College cam pus. From this information it then ap pears lhat t'ie cause of tho trouble at Mil lersville is a primary cause of trouble it is woman, !io si'u'xe of all our joys and sor rows. K''r..emlHT Eve in the Garden of Eden. When will the race ever escape from first causei t If Eve h:ul obeyed thj rules lucre r. o"'-i have been no trouble. Anthony J a moon, of Jieaver town ship Crawford count)-, recently found 1900 concealed in an old barn he was tearing down, lie thinks it belonged to an eccentric brother who died some years ago. . - a A CARD. I am prepired to furnish the best make of Xeedlrt, Shntllei, and neu, purls for ANY Sew ing Machine, (old or new,) in the mar- " ket ; alo, Ihc h'tt pure tperm machine oil. J W. II. A1KEXS, Main street, Mifllintown, l'a., One dour above f ust-Olbce. FKKKliUKfa Ml'SH'AL COLLUDE This noted insPt'.'.en lor ! sfdy of rocl auI instruiiit htal music will begin a session of sis weeks on Monday, August I, lwfl. Address, Mi sir At C ira, juiicH-lt Freehurg, Pa. W)N'TBE lKCEIVKi by such dodges as a t'ioii Oigau at $o t j $0, rtlien you can buy tbe same grade of instrument at home at to $70, and save the freight, by calling on W. H. AIKENS, Main street, Mifllintown. The Reason W liy. The tonic i-flect of KMney-Wort is pro duced by its cleansing and purifying action i on the blood. Where there is a pravelly j deposit in the urine, or milky, ropy urine j from disordered Kidneys, it cures ii'.ioutj fail. Constipation and piles readily yield lu its cathartic and healing power. Put np in dry vegetable form or liquid (very concen trated), either act prompt and sure Troy Budget. . Organs ! Organs ! Organs ! $i0 AND UPWARD, WITH FKOM 6 TO 17 STOPS. I buy direct from the largest and most re liable Organ manufacturer in this country. Slool and Book with each Organ. Call on or address W. II. AIKENS, Main street, Mifllintown, Pa. Sept l-3ra . . FOR SALE A commodious Dwelling House, aud two Store Rooms, in the bor ough of Mifllintown, Juniata county, Pa. This is a rare chance to acquire a dwelling house, and business place in Mifllintown ; a chance, which if left pass, may not be equaled in titany years. For particulars, call at, or ai'dresS tbis office. jan2:)-tf JtA It lit ED: K1NSI.OW WATERS On the 11th of May, 18M, by Rev. 1. S. Lear, Mr. Samuel Kinslow, of Fayette township, and Miss Martha M. Waters, of Mill'jrl township. PATTKKSOS SITERS May 2oth, by the same, George T. Patterson and Sarah E. Siders, both of Greenwood township. nTNBERGK.I WBAVER May H;h, at tbe residence nf Jr. Geofge IlrnCcIman, by Rev. John Sherman, Mr: A. K. tlun berger, of (Joodwi'I, Juniata county, Pa., and Miss Lydia Weaver; of St- Joe county, Indiana. BEQUEATH-YOCUSI On t!ie2Gth nit. by Richard Doyle, Esq., at ttfo residence of Mr. David Adams in Ceaie township, Mr. Samuel Bequeath, of Milford township, and Miss Margaret Yocum , of Beale township. C03I3IERC Ala. MIFFLLN'TOWN MARKETS. MirrtniTOws, Jun 13, 1881. .4. 12 1 8 VI ;.. 8 40 1 00 11 Butter . . Egs.... Lard.... Ham . . Shoulder Sides.... Potatoes, Onions. . Kags..:; JllFFLLNTOWX GKAI2T MARKET. Corrected weecly. QCOTATIORS rOB To-DAT. Wednesday, June 15, 1PM. Wheat 1 12 Oorn. 60 Oata. ; 85 Rye........ : 85 Cloversecd. . .3 75U1 W .imt i:LLi.vt:rs 3 A TRU: A PERFECT STRENGTHENS. A SURE" REVIVER IROX lHTTKKS are hiirhly rwvwimenjej fbr all diseases rs qui riii a certain and cmcicnt tunic ; especial !y tna-yntfom, iyqxpasa, itAo mUUnt fever, H'.mt AppttiSt, Loss of Stmcth, Ltrk of Entry, c Fnriubdai the blood, strengthens thai Bansciea, and gives new life to the nerves. They act. like a charm on the digestive organs, removing? all dyspeptic rraptoms, sac!i as 7Ufi4 tL Fo-i, Eeieki Ileal nt th Stomark, Uenrtim, tic. The only Iron 1 "reparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache td by all anuorists. Write tr the A B C Cook, S2 pp. oi useful and amusing readins; A"w free, liliOWS CI113IICAL CO., Baltimore, McL SOMETHING WORTH KNOWING; GUARD OPEiXING ! We have juxt come from Xew York with a new .-tock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS AND GROCERIES, AND A I I'LL l.I.VE OK STOKE GOODS FOR THE roi'NTKT TRADE. Cy Be ki;r and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as you cau cer tainly save monev. So trouble to allow Goods, tine price l all. LOCUST GUOVE, One Utile SOlltllWCst 'A' llttCISO!l. w. April : lHSI-lv D W. HAELBTS I the p'.ace whre you can buy Till SiKST Till CalaaAI'IaST MENS' YOUTHS & BOYS' CLOTHING H.iTS, C.1FS, BOOTS. SHOES, .i.SD rURXlSMXG GOODS. HE Is prepared to exhibit "lie of the most choice and select stock ever offered in this market, and at .ISTOSISHIXGLY LOW PRICES ! Also, measures taken for suits and part of suits, which Kill be made to orde at short notice, very rea-souable. Remember the plaep, in Hoffman's New Hsilding, etitser of ltri Jpe and Water s'reetK, MIFKLI-VTOWS; I'A. Jan. 1, IST'J-tf SAM'L STRAYBR Has just returned from the Eastern cities with a full variety o MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, HUNTS' rTKNISUlXU ROODS. Hood of al kinds are low Coin, and see sw am! be astonished rants .it ci'laiN. C7" SLTl'S MAIrS T I'K'tHK.- Patterson, Pa., April lo, lx;'.. IN I(!!:T K')V.!.. JTMVIA I'lfNTV, PKNN' I I.ivine iul i; !i"d a new sl-.'.-k of store such is Irv (...-!-. N'..(i" iil(t. Hats, ltools. .-hoes. Rroeeri.-s, Ki-h, ami a general m.i !..:.!, t if .-.tel. will take plea-ire in exhibitinz goods to all who may favor ui'- Mitii a call, the bighcnl niArket price lot coiinfrv produce. Poh't fir?-1 t'i- place, at Cork's St --re in Port Koa!. ilav o, lNVM'nii. .Medical THE GREAT CURE JOB RHEUMATISM i4 it ! Ibr aU dUiiif of thm KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWKtS. It el it th sjntBtn of th tend poison that tmuamm tho arwdftil oaffaruu; which ml tho Tietlmo of "h""""' ema reoluo. THOUSANDS CF CASES of th wont forma of this terriblo dlof hftvo been quickly reliored, in a bort tuno PERFECTLY CURED. hmm hod imiWi laavary jwrtof th Coactry. In hnn dredof ouflit hsvonred wbentll also Bad failed. Iti mild, but fflalnt. FBTMN IS ITS ACTION but haxmleaa in all eaaea. VWlt elraaaea, Atra7tbM mad Nw Ufa to alt th important orgna of th body. Tbe ntural action of th Kidneys I r torrL Th lAwtr im eJeanaed of all diae . and th Bowel move treaty and healthfully, tn thie way tho wont diinin ara wadicated frcm theeyvtem. Am It ha been provad by thotiaanda that im tho mot etfeonial remedy for eieanmng' the eyetem of all Tcorbid aecretlona. It ahonid be need in every household aa a SPRINC MEDICINE. Alwara earva B1XIO0SNESS. CONSTtPA. TION, FIXES and all r EMSXS Dlaiaaii. la pot np In 9ry Tra.fcli Farv. In tin run, an parkam of which tuakea Sqoarta adirm Also in UaaU FrB.rr CMtWf the coooirace r.f ta wbo cmnnoc rrttdiJT pra paralt. Itaetiintkrqnai rffiettnewtntttterfarm. err rrorxoi-R DKfotitsT. iki.-k.i. WELLS. BICHABDSOX To.. Prop's, (Will Md th ttrr pm-tK Bl l T.GTOS. TT. I ,;il.iHilV.4.Vi.l;iTI Special .Yotxces, PIMPLES. 7 I will mail (Free) the recipe Cirnple VrcrTAHLK Balm that will remove Tan, FKKCKLr PIMPI.E3 and Biorciiks, leaving the skin s-ft, ileir and beautiful; also instructions for producing a Inxuriant growth of hair or! S ball bra-1 or smooth face. Addrerr, inclosing 3c sCAmp, Bex. Vasnetr Ctf., 0 Beeiiaian St., N. T. TO CONiSUMI'TIVKS The adverli;r having been piTiiiarieiitly tUreil of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is an.tions to make ttnown to bis fellow-sufferers the n'eans of enre. T all ho desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription csed, (lre ol j charge,) with tne dtreclioni for preparing and Bsiug t!ie same, which they will find a si-be Cta a for Cossi-MPTio.t, Asthm a, Bros citiTts, Jtc. Parties wisLing the Prescnp tier, will please address, Kev. E. A. WII.SOX, lf Penn St., Williamsburg. N. Y. AGKXTS WANTED. Big Pay. Work. Steady Emplo inent. Liht sam ples free. Address. M. L. BY K.N', 10 Nas sau Street, New Yorfc. ERRORS OF YOLTII. A GENTLEMAN" who sutlered for rears from iXervons DEBILITY, PKE.MATI KK DECAY, and aU the effects of youthit.1 in discretion, will for the sake of suflerip hu manity, send free to all who need it, the re cipe and directions for making the s-mp!e remedy by which he was cured. ?iill. rers wishing to profit by the advertiser eip rience can do so by addressing in pertect confidence. JOHN B. OGDKN, 42 Cedar St-, New York. Jan 2C, 18SI. ffi:;t:.vt:.vr. TONIC BAiii & Levin. ? A V J ' K L STKAYKR. STORE. IH ClolV- fo-K I Will p.,y T. M COOK. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. I-. heirs of Sar-n. l Horn- i:C. iltrearfi ITered at 1 riva'e sale. i tie larm is s:tinte.t in j.ost I reel; V alley, three miles from Milllintown, Contains ttn in .miii:i a t tt f. i.f clear, j land, and FoiiTV AfKM of Tiiulier-laud. TSe u;"l .ng- a-c coii-M.-ting of -MAMO. .M HOI'sn, Spring House, !rr liouse an! other out- b.iil.luvs. A I.arce AITI.E Oi!CH.RI of, . l ct.sl trr-it. The farm Is convenient to , cto.ls and io:ils. Tor trrn'. c .11 on Eliss Il riiin(r. rei!inir : near the larm, er M. Iloruii't, iiJliiii-; loin. ' I April 7. I.ssi-tf I KESNKHY & DOTY, (Succc.iors to Ku.crs 4. Kenr..!y. DHAI.EKS IN 'tiisAi'.T, 4 la I Ji liia I" CEMENT. Calcined Plaster, Land Plaste SEEDS, SILT. &.C. We bny Grain, to bu delivered at Mi.'tlln town or Mexico. We are prepared to tt!r jish Sal: lo Oalera at reasouablc rates. utsxzhY u. i(rr. April CI, IbT'j tt After the First Pay of recerhber, ' 1330, TiU il I. , JACOB G. WLNEY In his Xew Store Kootn at the Easl cud of MclLriTERtlLLE, with a large L 4 ot STOVES AND HEATERS of all ki-ids, Stove V'pe, Larl Caus, ITica l.r-mt r.. U irit I - L ... a i . t ........ .... a,.1r,U(5 , ..,, ,., all ?. to:e ,n ji.M!Utown la.j lt WPmt itiaa ol I - , , . of tue couatry .t--e. Ib lr. fur- Tit. AND SHEET IKON WARE, merfy pracl.c-t! ia Waterloo this eouc Wl.i h articies he will a -tl at thj Lowest ' tj. US '11 80. Possible i'lk-rn. j Thaniiful for p;st patr.ns'.- le eirert. t7? A WEEK- 5' - 3 u ,-v ' easily by strict attention lo business. . ,e. , ' made. fostly IMittit free. Address' least his siiire in tbe f'ltiire. I JACOB G. 17INEY. JoV. i'!, l-0. $5 to $20 woriit fr at honir. Samples free. A'tdrr .--rif sos & Co., Pvrttauat, M.uue. uuu -1) 1-1 y .1 ATTOKNEY-' V.f! : !T",r .; . t: ..; ..-! Cot. r -i.au. a.t..a. i " i i-C s A 1 " ---- ; - : . al . -.'I- slrevT. -ri t: .re. , l-.r, 1 ATfO::XKY AT LAW. VIFILINroTN-, FA- Coi:e !.-n- :rVn-id te r.?a.-j'liv. r t i Vt . J. fjiteraoo L. on itrb ; D AVID l. STUNK, ATTO K X K - AT- LAW , lain Li:; rows, ha. C7" Collections and all pro!e:onl y.n;: ness promptly attended to. juiie JU, 1ST 7. Tiroii as a7eld EU, M-1 Physician and Surgeon, mFLi.sTOH-y, r.i. O.Tice Sotirs f-om 3 a. . 1 1 3 r. Of fice in his father's residence, at the south end of Water street. oet'J-tl j) m. ckTw7oud7 iTdT Has resumed actively the practice of Medicine and Surgery and their co!Kt ral ur inc'oci. i.Tioe at the ol corner of Z'..'.:. I and Orinje streets, Millliiito.vn, Pa. March - J, lSTti J. M I5KAZKE, M. !., PHYSICIAN AND SUKGEON, .fcct 'e.nitt, Juniut i Co , Pd. Orrice formerly occupied bv Dr.Stenett. !'roleion:tl business promptly attended to at all hums. L. ALLEN, M. IV l!.s commenced the practice of Medicine and S urgery aud all their collateral branches. Ollice at Academia, at the residence ct Capt. J. J. Patterson. , fjiiU 15. 1'TI JOHN McLAltJin.IN, INSURANCE AGENT, port nnr.:i.. jcxuT.t x.. r.i. COuly reliable Coiii)j.;;i1l L represented. Dec. 8, is; j-ly JJKXRY HAKSilUi-IKfJ VAX, M. D. Continues t!i? practice of Me.iii Ine stij Surp.-ry and all their collateral lo-inches. Oihee at his residence iii J! A l'.'"rv 'i'.;. Feb i, is;;. .Vt'Ml ll. Is acrmpotmil of the virtues of snrsar rilla, stillinL.'ia. mandrake, yellow dsk, with the ioiileif isitashaud iron, all pow erful bloil-iiiakin!r, hlou.t-clcait.sing. and life-siistaiiiin;; elements. It is tbe purest, safest, an.t in every av th- must elTs-tnil Alterative tisliciiie known or aailaMet the puMir. The s.-ien.-es of medicine am! cheieistry have never pn.liiee.l so valurn ble n remedy, nor one so rsiteiit to cum sill disease r.smltini from impure MohI. It runs ScrofiilM, and all M-rofulouS) lisease, Krysipeliis, Kose. or St. An thony) Kire, liinplesi rni.I Knre grubs, I'ustules, HloU-heH, Itoils, Tu mors, Tetter, Humors, Salt Kheum. fVald-heixl, Kincworm, I li-ers, Sore, lCheuniatisiii, lerruriial IfseiHe,ieu t-alirin. Female Weaknesses and 1 r reniilarlties. Jaundice, A flections of the liver, lvspep-.u. Kmuciation, and lieneral Debility. By its searching and -I."ansinffnalitia it purges out the foul corruptions which contaminate tbe Mood, nu.l caiis de rangement an.l ileear. It stiinuhites w enlivens the vital function:. It promote energy and strenili. It restores au.l pre serves health. It infuses new life and Yigor throughout then hole system. Nt ButTererfrom any disease whieharisi s from impurity of the blood uee.1 Ies.air, who will give Ater's Saksaj-rii.l. a fair trial. Itememlier, the earlier the trial, tbe speedier the cure. Its recipe has nvn furnished to physl rians everywhere: and they, recognizing its superior qualities, administer it in their pr.tctiee. For nearly forty ypar Arrs's Sar saparii.la b.-tn been wi.lely used, an.l it now possesses the i-outideiiee of million of people who have experience.! In-n.-lin from its marvellous curative virtues. Prepared by Dr. 1. C. Ayer 1 Co.,' Practical an.l Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. BOLD BT SLL URCbUlsTS CUr.ni'lIECB. Manhood: HowLot,t. Ec red Just I'llbii-ln I. a n .v edition t. JJII'r. t. nl erWi-li s I ., iled r.ssay 2 i -S rnntcttt cure ( .liii'ou ineor- 1 ii:e of S:.erin:.or ho i o,- S.-ijiUal weak ll:e ol nes. fiivo;iti!ury Si .'jinal f.os.-ies, liupo terry, Mental aiil l'iiy" ! Incapacity, Im K?diin'Uts to la.-ria?", el'!.; also, 0.i suiiiptioo, Kpilepsy and Fits, induced by sclt-indti'jrence or sexn.il extravagance, Itc. Tii.-e..lel.r,.;e. author, in this admirablo Ksay, rlearlv tleiuonst-ut", from a thirty year- ' ;-,r .,, ! j-r!' tic", tbat the alarm ing ct -i' .eiiierices of s"lf-abnse may he rad ic.siiy cured n it!iou t. dangerous use of l!".' iiftl ine'licine .r trie application of th aite; pointing out a rnoile of rure atoueo simple, certa'r , .-:; ! rlfertual. bv means of whfrH errrv .-uireis-- no ioa't. r what his rondi'ton lu-y Le, may cure Imnselt cheap Iv. r.rivat.-lv, and radically. TThis Lcctnps should l.e in tUa ban.t j of tvery vonth am! every man ;.: the Imri. i'ent free, under Seal, iu p!ua er e.'epe,r !o any address. Address the Publisher. T.iE(TLYERWVU.aEPM'AI.IU., 41 Ann rt.. New VorK -. i' tielS-lv Post.Ort-e lt.it I V.. P1M.?. I's only Lr. J 'I. Morrison 5u2r ooaU.I Aait-bilios as tliv ara now actnowledeil to l.e t; best Liv er Fill in.).?, a Los of ihem shonM b in eferj family. They are aNo a jforxf pbvMj. Cen b IikJ it Tr. Hank'i . . Tata St Co.. Angusta, Maine. inar2,t)l-ly No paper n the Juniata Valley publishes as laree a piantitv of reading matter as th Sentinel rmt Rrpublnau. it i Ih.v all otheu tV paper lor thi genaral reader- pSrsap axilla