Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 01, 1881, Image 4

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    Itsrea Auula! Batter.
Some few year ago lVe Baron Ana
tole was named Secretary to the French
Legation at the Court of his Majesty
the bhah of Persia. Anitole did not
much relish the prospect of temporary
expatriation to Persia. He dearly
loved the Bouvelard, and was great
dandy. Knowing all the difficulty of
obtaining far from Paris all the re
quisites of a Frenchman's toilet, he
Uld In a goodly stock of pomade hon
groI?e and other cosmetics for his per
sonal adornment, contained in a gor
geous dressing bag, fitted up with
many silver-mounted tuWes of scent
and toilet water.
At the time of his journey itchanced
that the Shah had gone on a pilgrimage
to Meshed, escorted by nearly 3,000
troops in fact, the whole 01 nis avail
able army for the triple purpose
worshininz at the Tomb of the Saint,
of beheading some culprits, and of
striking terror Into the hearts of the
Russians, who were "assuring the se
curity of commerce" In the immediate
vicinity of the Persian frontier. The
road to Teheran was In consequene in
the hands of brigands, who seized the
traveller. Dut his uniform on the per-
on of their chief and turned the flt--
tlDgs of his dressing bag Into useful
and ornamental articles of various
klnds,according as their fancy suggest
ed. The only thing they cound make
nothing of was the pomade hongrolse.
The unlortunate Frenchman on being
asked what it was could only reply in
Persian. "Butter." The brigands at
once tasted the compound, and, con
cluding that a practical joke naa neen
intended, they forced their prisoner at
the sword's point to eat the whole of
the six poU which he had Drought
with him. and. after completely rifling
his baggage and pockets, left him to
finish his journey more ueaa man
There is something characteristically
American in the uerve which has ani
mated capitalist, and in the energy
displayed by projectors and workers,
in the extension of our railroad system
intnnur titter ReDubllc. Mexico. It
is a country of which comparatively
little has been generally known either
as to iu material resources or its real
political condition. There has been a
lazy sort of impression that Mexico
was a pariah among nations a country
not only of poverty of natural re
sources (aside from its mines) but
with what little nature had given it
rendered hopelessly unavailable by a
low condition of political and social
morals. This impression, as regards
resouices, the well-inioruiej have long
known to be incorrect. Well applied
industry and science can do wonders
with the soil, as has been demonstrat
ed. While thousands of her acres are
irrecoverably "bad country" or mai
pals as it Is termed, vast tracts now
unproductive only need Irrigation to
become richly fertile. here trie
soil is good it is famously so, and most
bountiful crops are produced. Physl
cally Mexico consists ot a series of vast
plateaus of various altitudes descend
ing in terraces to either coasts. She
thus has every diversity oi climate and
consequently a most remarkable var.
ety of vegetable products.' These cli
matic divisions are so well marked as
to receive specific names. They are
termed Tlerras Calientes, the lowest
lauds in altitude, with a mean annual
temperature of 77 degrees; the Tierras
Templanas, the next in latitude, with
equable temperature varying only from
70 degress to 80 degrees, and the Tier
ras Frias. the highlands; where the
temperature ranges from 66 degrees to
68 degrees. There is thus a wide range
from tropical heat to, on the moun
tain'', glacial cold. Euergized labor,
and transportation facilities to render
the results ot such labor negotiable,
can easily make Mexico prolific in
agricultural as well as mineral pro
ducts and can vastly enhance the
available value of the latter.
Tobacco smoke.
In further research on this subject
Dr. Lefion finds that colllOine, the
new alkaloid existing in tobacco smoke
(with other aromatic principles, and
prussic acid, as well as nicotine), is a
liquid of agreeable and very penetrat
ing odor, and as poisonous as nicotine,
the twentieth part of one drop sufficing
to paralyze and kill a frog. It Is the
prussic acid and various aromatic prin
ciples that cause headache, giddiness,
and nausea in umoking certain tobac
cos that contain little nicotine. 1 Other
tobaccos, rich in nicotine, hive no
such eflecU. The tohaccocs co: talning
most prussic acid and collidine are
those of Havana and tte Levant. The
dark semi-liquid matter which con
denses in pipes and cigar-holders con
tains all the substances just named, as
well as carbonate of ammonia, tarry
and coloring matter, etc. It is very
poisonous; two or three drops of it wi 1
kill a small animal The combustion
of tobacco destroys but a small part ot
the nicotine, and most of this appears
in the smoke. The proportion absorbed
by smokers varies according to circum
stances, but hardly ever falls below 50
centigrammes per 100 granules ol
tobacco burnt. About the same quanti
ty of ammonia is absorbed at the same
time. Naturally, more of the poison
ous principles are absorbed where the
smoke is breathed (as in a room) ; less
in open air. A frog placed in a re
ceiver containing a solution of nico
tine, with about one drop of that sub
stance to a little water, succumbs in a
few hours. Tobacco .moke cont&iitt
about 8 mllllli meters of cai bonlc oxide
per 100 grammes of tobacco burnt. The
poisonous properties of tobacco smoke
are not due tn this gas, as has boen
maintained In Germany.
For amplifying soiall motions, ai in
genious device has recently been con
trived, and exhibited before one of the
foreign scientific societies. A small
barrel is slung by two threads bet wet n
the prongs of a metal fork, In such a
Planner that if the fork is bodl'y car
ried to and fro, the barrels will rotate
around its axis; this is simply effected
by making each thread, in its passage
from one prong to the other, take a
few turns round the barrel. To the
barrel an index is attached, and the
fork is then fixed on the body whose
minute motion Is to be indicated. The
translation of the body shifts the fork
and rotates the barrel, which in turn
d. fleets the Index round the face ot a
dial, and the magnifying power Is ex
pressed by the ratio of the barrel's di
ameter to the length of the index.
To cure scab in sheep, rub It with
plain petroleum three times a week,
Dogs may be cured or trie mange in
(he aaine way.
Doos axd shbxp. Dog are tha mo t
expensive domestic animals kept In
the country. A dog will devour mora
food In the course of year than a
pig, and it must necessarily Deeis
better quality, a win injure mwro
gardens, destroy more birds, and do
more mischief tnan any animai, ior-
eign or domestic, wild or tame. The
average dog as iouna in mis couuirj
has more vices and fewer virtues than
the town goat. In most parts of the
country sheep cannot be kept with any
asxurs nee of safety on account ot the
villalnousihirailertndei ormoi num
ber of dogs. In some regions the dogs
are more numerous khan all the other
kinds of animals put together. They
are ever-present pests. They have no
respect for any person or any thing.
Xo state dog law has ever been framed
that offered any protection to sheep.
The leiral status of a dog is no better
defined than that of an Indian. It is
found to be impracticable to diminish
the number of dogs by imposing a tax
on them. The only dogs the assessor
finds to tax are those which do no
mischief, but which are ornaments to
the race. A traveler will find more
dogs about the shanty of one squatter
than the tax collector wll discover In
an entire townshio. The dog nui
sance will never be abated till there
are fctate statutes similiar to the ordi
nances of large cities, and provisions
made to execute them by competent
authorities. When all dogs are shot
that do not wear collars, showing that
their masters have taken out licenses,
the number will be diminished. Dogs
wearing no collars should be regarded
aa wild beasts and public enemies,
and bounties ofiered lor their scalps.
They are in reality score Injurious
than their natural cousins, the wolyes,
and should be treated in the same
n D . ir Stuu hb Trellis Posts
.several have asked how trellis posts
and stakes for grapevines can be pre
vented from decaying In the ground.
Of course the better plan Is te use
wiwul nf a durable kind. If locust
posts cannot be had, short pieces of
U11S woou to go iu giuuuu, w
nniixt hich enough abovu the SUr-
lace to allow upaights of more per
ishable wood to be spiked to them,
wll answer, inesmut in some euue
lasts well, and the enduring quality of
Catalpa will recomend that for such
uses. Among the methods of preserv
ing perishable wood, our experience
extends oniy to two, nameiy, inruuu
t-harrinir ! lower ends, and to soak
ing them in a strong solution of Blue
vuriol. (Suipnaie or copperas.. a
pound of this in two quarts of water
niuLM a aarurati solution or nearly
so. The ends of the posts are soaked
in this until it nag well penerratea.
for small pine stakes we once followed
a German method: After they had
h.in .! I ojiakfwt In the blue vitriol
solution and dried, they were placed
in iimo warer? nvpr nio-ht. and when
strain dried were ready for use. The
. . . .... ,i
slakes tnus treatea lastea weii ior
two seasons, when they were no Jong
er needed -
Ewes in lamb should, as far as
practicable, be fed and sheltered sep
arately from the non-breeding animals,
as the crowding and more rapid move
ments of the latter are apt to result
injuriously, while such separation
makes more convenient certain little
attentions to which breeding ewes are
entitled as the yearning season ap
proaches, and which may be profita
bly accorded to them. Advantage
will be found in subdivision of the
several ages and sexes into as many
smaller lots as circumstances will ad
mit of. as such course lessen the
liability to crowding and over-feeding
ot the stronger animals at Ibe expense
of the weaker ones. It also brings
each animal more directly under the
eye of the attendant, who will the
more "readily detect the first symp
toms ol deviating from tne desired
Pkopobtion or Cbeam in Milk.
Tne first fifth portion of milk from
the ccw contains about one-twentieth
part of cream ; the seco id fifth, one-
twelfth ; and tne last fifth, one-sixth
How important then to get the last
and richest drop, even if it were not
true that cows are quickly dried up by
a slovenly practice of leaving a small
portion in the udder. Cows will con
tinue to give a flow of milk at a much
longer period when milked dry. Farm'
ers, it will be seen, receive a doable
benefit by such a course. First, there
Is more cream in tne milk, and second,
the now will continue longer, two re
quisites Iu all dairy countries.
Diseased Trees. Cutting off the
diseased part and slitting the bark on
one side of the limb and body from
the affected part down. In fact, if the
diseased part is cut off and the limb
and body slit It will stop the destruc
tion of the tree, or at 1 ast it has for
some every time.
Slow and Qcice Teams. An ex
change trluy says : "For steady uralt
large, slow -moving teams do the work
more economically than quick-moving
ones. It is far better to go once with
a heavy loul than twice with light
ones. It la your comparatively small,
quickgoing, neryoas horses 4hat balk,
sometimes a heavy horse will refuse
to draw, but rarely."
A Wiscoksix farmer, twenty-three
years ago, planted a piece of land unfit
for cultivation with black walnut trees.
The trees are new from sixteen to
twenty inches through, and have been
sold for 27,O0O.
Too much hay and too little grain
is a common mistake in feeding work
ing horses. Twelve quarts of good
heavy oats and twelve pounds of hay
are a gcod daily ration for a working
The most fertile farms In new Eng
land to-day are. as a rule, those thai
are devoted to stock and dairy farm
There Is no crop raised which
yields so large an amount of food and
with so little labor as Indian corn.
Dr. Lent has found that Timbuctoo
has tow only 20,010 Inhabitants, and
that many of its brick-built house
have fallen iLto decay. Hut the town
yet contains many schools and rich
libraries, beside not a few h arned nun
capable of holding extremely interes -Ing
dialectic discussions, especially on
doc trims of the Koran. Theoldctnal
which lormerly connect d the p.ace
with the Siger, disti nt only bouc six
miles, are now mi rely a series of lak .
His notes regarding the Sahara are ot
importance. Tie "Great Desert'' is in
no part below sea-level, and Is a p'ateau
more than 900 feet above tide-water.
Here and tint re are hills of granite,
plains of .and, very sua low lakes, and
patches or great fertility, and there
are very few beasts of prey. The
Sahara of the boyhood ol still young
men is rapidly losing its romance ol
terror under the influence of the more
recent accounts of actual exploration.
Although Dr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys has,
during a period of between forty and
fifty years, dredged, as explorer, all
the seas ot the British isles besides a
considerable part of those on the coasts
of .North America, Ureenland. .Nor
way, France, Spain, Portugal, Mo
rocco and Italy, he has never toand
anything of value except to a n am ra
ils L nor any human bone, although
many thousand human beings must
have perl. hed In those s as. The gem,
"dead nones." etc., that was thought
to form the floor of the ocean appear
to exist only in the imagination of the
raw.- A- l.mn-ahaifoa an taShlOtt-
iu "-
able just now can be made very easily.
Fold a sheet oi uasue pF" .
... r . hair aniiare: then
fold again Into a quarter square, then
into an eigntn. wmunu"
this way a long as possible, always
folding from the center. Holding the
.mi a a A L.sl dpalff if
thick part nrmiv in oni uuu, --
.v.. tin the naner Is
uirvuxu iti - -
thoroughly creased; then partly un
fold and draw it through the hand
from the center to the outer edge.
When it has oecome wen ci"i
-..-v. fnmthniwnrtoillotr Ol Its
cuuuu ..vu. - L i
slipping over the lamp-shade.
Milk Poddwo. At 9 or 10 o'clock
t .k. ru una tables DOOnful
lit UIO UiUI u 1 . ft - "
of rice andone tablespoonful of tapioca
i tknu.ni nt nie-dlsh : add one
mw .w - - r
tablespoon ful of coarse brown, sugar
and a pincn oi sail. li mi t
the Are until 11 o'clock, and let it be
frequently stirred. Then put yery
little bits "of butter on the top, and
... It In a mmlarata oven. ' For the
first half -hour stir It often from the
bottom, then leave, it. At one o cioc a
you will have a pudding far exceed
ing In rli-hnaa one made with eggs,
and with a delicious flavor Sago, or
tapioca, or rice aione, is euuanj i
Bleedkoat he Nose. The best
remedy for bleeding at the nose, as
given by Doctor Gleason In one of his
lectures, is a vigorous motion of the
jaws, as if In the act of mastication, in
the case or a child, a wad ot paper
u v.- i ......4 in its mnnth. and the
child instructed to chew it hard. It i
the motion oi tne jawa uiai.
a i Tki, MBiiilt la an very
now oi ulwui auu, -j -
simple that many will feel inclined to
laugnatit; out u u uc,
known to fall not even in very severe
Pached Eooa. To poach eggs Is
an art. We want little egg-poachers
for this process. As yet it has to be
done in a plain nan, in which boiling
water Is ready ; put In a little vinegar,
and carefully put in the raw egg so as
not to break the yolk. When the eggs
have well set take them out with the
aln and hold them for a
minute till you put them on the but-
tered toast. A lime pepper suuum
sprinkled over tnem.
The "Parisian" tells ef a woman
whn fnnnii nut a Kir ta nrevent wrin
kles. She squeezed out the juice from
the bulbs of several white lilies until
she had obtained about seventy gram
ma nf linnM tn which she added an
equal quantity of the best honey, and
thirrv.rlvj o-rammeft of Dure White
melted wax. These substances, being
. . i i.i
well m:xed, formeu a pomaue, wiui
which she delicately rubbed her face
night and morning.
Pars lit Sour. Take a piece of but
ter and melt it: stir in a little nour
and amalgamate. AdJ gradually all the
water vou want. Flavor witn pepper,
salt and nutmeg. Simmer In this two
carrots, two parsnips, cut ujflne, and
two onions, whole. Have ready steam
ed potatoes, mashed, and two handfuis
of chopped parsley, strain me soup
llouDr over them, and stir in well
Add two yolks of eggs, beaten up well,
simmer for a few minutes, and serve
with pieces of toast.
The following Is said to be a good
cure for colds. Boll two ounces of
flaxseed in one quart of water; strain.
and add two ounces ot rock candy,
one-half pint of honey, juice of three
lemons ; mix, and let all boll well ; let
cool, and bottle. Dose, one cupful De-
fore bed, one-half cupful before meals
The hotter you drink it the better.
Bread and Better Pcpdiko. But
ter a deep dish ; put In custard beaten
up of two eggs, and mix with some
sultanas; lay into it pieces 01 nreaa
and butter without the rind, and
sprinkle over each layer sugar and
sultanas, flavoring with cinnamon or
nutmeg, w nen tne oisn is nnea up
place it in an oven and bake gently
Turn it upside down.
Whex putting up curtains which
are to be draped, in a low room, put
the cornice to which the curtains are
to be fastened close to the ceillng.even
if the window Is put in lower down,
as it gives the tnect of greater height
to the room. The curtains meeting
at the top will conceal the wall.
Corn Muffins. Two cups wheat
flour, one ot Indian meal, one and a
half teaspoons baking powder, one egg
and pinch of salt, three quarters of a
pint of sweet milk, spoonful of butter,
silt Hour, meal and powder together,
add the other Ingredients and heat the
pan before putting iu the rings.
Split Rolls. Take one leaven cake
dissolve in one half cup nf warm wa
ter; four Irish pota oes, one table
spoon of sugar, one egg, one half cut
of warm, sweet milk. Set aside six
hours to rise, then sprinkle a smal
quantity of flour in the tray, add ont
teaspoon of soda, roll out thin, spreao
but er, turn over, cut out,bakt rapidl)
say fifteen minutes.
Broil steak without salting; sal
draws the juices In cooklag; It is de
sirable to keep these in If possible;
cook over a hot fire, turning frequent
ly, searing on both sides ; place on a
platter, sale and pepper to taste.
Rustic gives the following direc
tions for keeping the hands smooth
during cold weather and curing them
ahen .hpj.el: Wath them in butter
milk in which some wheat bran ha
been stirred twenty hours before u Be
ing, and dry them over the fire with
out a towel. The remedy is most ei
ftcuve If used at night just before re
tiring. Dadoes Cork Bread. One pin
corn meal and one pint flour,two eggs,
one tablespoon ot melted butter, halt
1 up sugar, one teaspoon soda, two ol
cream tarar, one ot silt; nse enougl
eweet milk to make a proper consist
ency to bake.
Hoket Lemon Cake. One cup ol
bu.ter, two cups of honey, four eggs
well beaten, teaspoontul of essence 01
lemnn. half !im ft amir nilllr ta.
spoonful of soda, fluur enoug'h U
make it as stiff as can well be stirred ;
oaae at once in a quick oea.
Eoo Bread. Cut stale bread lu
slices and instead of toasting, dip them
in egg and milk, three eggs to half a
pint milk and try In but.er, and it it
a nice breakfast'dish.
Speaking ot machinery used in West
ern mines, a prominent engineer re
cently said lu some of the deep mines
there are employed single engines
capable of raising a column ot water
weighing 90.000 pounds a distance ol
1.6J0 leet, seven times a nvnute; also,
that safety cages used in miues travel
attae rate of 3,000 feet a mluute, anu
piopelled by s ng'e engine are able to
hold 1,200 tons of ore a distance 01
1,600 leet in one day.
Jfr. WUUa L. CarptnUr, in writing
of a visit to the Falls ot .Niagara this
winter, heartily sympathizes with the
impression which the sound of Ibe
mighty rush of water made upon Mr.
Schuyler, who thus concluded an arti
cle in bcribner. "I have spoken only
of the pitch and rhythm of .Niagara.
What la the quality ef It tone? Di
vine I There Is no other word for a
tone made and fashioned by the infinite
God. I repeat, there Is no roar at all ;
it U the subllmeat music upon earth.
-. .i. Indian around
U,. waist brave boy 1 hl
the air ana nung mm "- , .
the chasm. Panting, the toy and
watched the Indiana body fall from
in the uarantsHi - tha
moment-" just at this moment the
father oiiu-r, r, " Ti.tod the
this liasn tame j , tllA
vnim rater by the ear, and In the
woouthe matinee that 'followed the
bohadno thought of flinging the old
ma7n down a chasm. Ibere was no
chasm bandy.
. t.u nsvtA Iwvilr In one hand
A MA A Willi " " 7- . .
and pencil in the other and a look of
anxious suspense m " -J T
Detroit fruit-house the other day and
"1 beg pardon for interrupting
bnt can vou tell me how much a le-
caue isr .. ,
1 -a, a
"i guess 1 nu, - -
prietor, and he beckoned the man to
. 1 . r . Mnimi ill, iinp
tne Daca ena 01 uj -box
In the alley were about 12.000 bad
. . 1 n wt .a InP m
oranges, anu ne puw
quicKiy conunueu;
. .... -. 1 . r i.nAWlMiM and
"10 tne oesi ui mj
belief decayei is about six bushels,
dry measure:
St. Looia Globe-Democrat.
In a very full report recently pub
lished In the Philadelphia
ference Is made to m- "
. nr.- nani noli-
George 1. urauam. ,
Ucian and active journalist, (connected
uu" 7 ... .. 7....!iu Virrorl.
with tne 1 mieueiuu' j
WhO. DV U'Ua n ,
remedy, St. Jacob's Oil. was cured of
- ' vhaiimatlam.
a troublesome cj
contracted during 'he war. He closes
- .t.7 t ttinu who are
bis statement wim , ,t it 1.
afflicted with that complaint, it la
worth its weight in gum.
Ax ungentlemanly boarder: Fogg
had had one small helping 01 tne steaa,
and Mrs. Jones aked why he did not
..1.. . .nn,l Instalment. "I was
laao m rtwuu , , ,,
waiting to have it tendered, ma am,
said rogg. airs. Jones niui -
fane was crimson. As
soon as breakfast was over and the
boarders were gone, Mrs. Jones was
seen poring over the dictinary for the
different meanings of the verb tx
The front door bell of a house on
Galveston avenue was rung for about
Ave minutes without ceasing.
"I wonder who In the mischief that
can be!" said the head of the family.
"I reckon it is some member of the
legislature," replied the oldest boy,
"What da vou mean by that?"
"It's bound to be some infernal
wire-puller." was the response.
It turned out, however, that injus
tice bad been done an uniortnnate
tramp by the comparison.
Sets 1. The gambling table at Monte
. . v i.' 11.1. 1 . 1 n
lano. renwua: iuu'j iutiu iouj
. 1 . V. ittfrlA data, .ml a annHnman
whoe acquaintance they have m-uie
all 1113 11 Uld AtUUg MUJ . wu, -
awr f .Lull m.t m A ... T f. II I. tltniWI Ml
oaj , . aiinii lu. ..-.w
the number of my age !" puttiug one
on the figure eighteen. The number
twenty -eigiik wins. luiuo sibici .
tivci.st f 1. .. T Ya- i f haif rallv
put it on your right age, sis, you wculd
I ,,
nave wou. wouiuu juu 1
The poor Irishman may have noth
Ing to eat, but he can't help showing
humor. As funeral passed the cor
ner one said to his fellow : "Well, Pat,
there s another man taking his after
noon ride. Pat pulled his hat over bis
eyes, and replied : "True for you.but
nobody begrudges hiin of his good
A YCUMJ wife lately lost her hua
band, who was sboul seventy yean
old. "But how did you happen to
marry a man of that age?" asked one
of her friends. "Why," said the
young widow, "you see I only had the
choice oetween two 01a men, anu, 01
course. I took the oldest."
lEcauiYille Dtil? Courier j
A comforting conclusion is that
which leads us always to choose the
best, Mr. Andrew oimer, uiunton,
lnd. says: 1 nave tnorouguiy wjiku
SU JaCoD'8 Uil, ana nnu ior rueum
Usui and neuralgia it has no equal
"Xo. Sammy, have you read the
story of Joseph f" "Oh, yes, uncle."
"nell, then, what wrong did tney dc
when they sold their brother V "Thej
sold him too cheap."
A max advertises for competent
agent to undertake the sale of a new
medicine, and adds, "it will be high
ly lucrative to the undertaker."
Psrpeical motion is perhaps 1m
possible to obtain; but you can ap
proximate it by putting a boy on
chair at a funeral and telling him t
sit still.
The Bayadere poke bonnet is If
favor. Pronounced. "Buy-a-'ear
poke bonnet." When spoken win
proper effect the old man rarely fai
to come down with the cash.
Ait exchange advertises tor the re
turn of the ''umbrella of a young lad)
with whale bone ribs and an lvori
Ox seeing a house being whitewash
ed, a small boy asked, ''Man. f you
please, are you going to shave tlia
house 1"
"You see how bald I am.jud I don'
wear a wig." "True, sir," replied Hie
servant. "An empty barn requires u
thatch I"
Fees of Doecora,
The fee of doctors is an item that
very many persons are interested In
Just at present. We believe the sched
ule for visits is $3.00, which would ti
a man confined to his bed a year, and
In need of a daily visit, over $1,000 a
year for medical attendance alone!
And one single bottle of Hop Bitters
taken in time would save the $1,000
and all the year's sickness. Ed.
A eiUKKR fact In memory Is that ol ;
woman who never known her own
age, but always know that of her fe
male friends.
A womax who goes to church t
show her sealskin sacuque is sarq ir
religious. The plumber brigade are like th
Balaklava Light brigade; they can
'charge" like thunder.
Some of the most timid girls are nc
frightened by a loud bang.
Michioax ha produced a pig with
trunk. This ahould be "checked."
New parasols have their ribs on tit
outside a lr. Bernhardt.
Okm of the most notable late achieve
ment in engineering ha been the re.
floating ef the French iron-clad Rich
elieu in the harbor of Toulon. It will
be remembered that about the last of
December, 1830, she took fire and was
scuttled. She was brought to the sur
face again by relieving her of all re
movable weighty attachments, by seal
ing all openings, and by pumping
down air to displace the water in the
compartments, while the water was
pumped out. About 80 barrel, each
containing WOO litre of air, were also
zw mnlita having pronounced
the reading ot German text to be in
jurious to the eyefc, the Bernese gov
ernment Das reaoiveu w uuwuimm
it use as much a possible, and all
their official announcements will
henceforth be printed exclusively in
Roman characters.
For Nervousness, Sleepless Nights.
WAsaiKQTON, D. C Match it, isn.
Diab Sib. I do not belleTe tn pumny. nor
would 1 ludorse a Humbug, but 1 eooiaer 11
no more than real Justice to apea well of Vio
btinb. bettering it to be an excellent medicine.
I bare lued several bodies of it to my enure
satisfaction and great relief from an inexpllca-
. ' . 1.1 ..k kb,i ..huiI ma irmit
bie eiruuue-a im.n
suffering and sleeplees nlglita. have walavd ibe
7 ....... hi n..i-ai.t- n)..i hmlrt for nft.
Set. to no purpose. I anally thought I would
' . 1. 1 u n uttlM f ilt h I will
KlVe AU Kill-. -1 ii... I- - - - " -
admit; but to my surprise and great lellef, a
- . . n.Atliaf I hwil tTfit hold nf
ft W JtrH CUUVUII.CU uiv "
the ritfn. thing for t dimcuity. It sent out
Humor from my blood that. I JiTeaodwibj
was the cause or the misery I had endured, and
1 ioana reuei wu aa w. -7 ----- --
kintl Uhan I rkM70.ll it USA I
seldom got a night' sleep, or hail a one. and
tnT aDDOUtO WHS win, -
wai running down rapidly, but after a lew doses
1 Aa.nnma avarar wuV stnil f.flfW
1 saw a rauiutu vuoueii v.a -
roughly aat sfled with Vegetine and reooauueud
it to any peraua miuc.
Mas. J. A- Johjwow.
- vP.nri.cad V'BflirrlVIEl Slilit fllreCtlV
UDon the causes of these complaints. It lnlg
oraies and strengthens l he whole 8-stem, acts
npon iuc Bwrix-wi-o wis" - .
cleanses and cures ulceration, cures consllpa-
r1CMr.. . HMiua'hM sLiiii main
uon retfuitiwsa uw "u,,i
complaint where the Vsobtins give so qulcK
w!r v.- u AffAi.tU in ll a puna In WilaVL
ta termed Female weakness. It baa never
faUcd In one ltaiance.
Dizziness liver and Kidney
UKCiMMATi. Ohio.
Deab Sib, I have received great benefit from
tne use of the Viostimb, and can saleiy recom
mend It for Dizziness, rush of blood to ibe bead,
and a general bluod purifier. It has also been
w h. nrher mcmbera ot iut fanil y for liver
and KOduej Complainu.
JUS. A. v. 1 1 aicB.
(tw Bayuuller Street.
Visstimi Is tbe gn&t health restorer, com
posed exclusively of barks, roof, and herbs
UlBivery pleasant 10 take; every child like tt-
H. St. STEVEJfS, Boutmm, Maee.
Vecetlae leKeld y All Drwaclala.
ESI HUH L Pimil. OF Lilt KISS,
Iv a Pmlllve fnre
tar an tbM FalaM Oavalalat. aa WntilW
-- laaar M (kaala aralalla
Bwineara aaUniy Ikawont ln ramlaOae
alah. all arartaa waahha,tiilaiatlne aad Cleira.
Oca, IkObwaaa Muliiiinata aadtha lumniat
Bpiaal Wataaa, aad M taMealarty etepta W tte
Cbaaca at tit a.
It win Hmotn aadajnltamerafromthantmla
a aarty mttt amlopeMsa. ThaandHcyteaaa,
MuMaawtarHiilwiil Mf ejniinybyniaia.
II iiiaiiiiMfilnf nmiliniT lln" 7""
d miaahii aftha
tt aarM "--"-r BaadadMa, Itorraaa rratraOoa,
mat Mtif acbaaitaceowa,
aad aaeaaeaa. 1 alway. naiaiHy caiad byttaaaa
It win mt all Una aad aadarallglninnf ri irla
aaraway wltt tba law. that com tha faaa
tar tha aaraaf EMary Ooaaplalati at ettkar aaa laa
at ta aad t Watai Avaaaa,
tyaavHaaa FrleaL Kz boolaaf or fa. Saatbyaaia
htthatarw at pflla. atoo la tha fona at loaaeaaa. aa
raealptarprtBa.aiaarhaxforalthar. Mra nakbaav
tmlj umn all ltar of Inquiry. Bead tor paawb
hW. Addna aa aeaaa. Jbatiaa laA taaar.
Bafaadly aboald W wtthoat LTDIA E. PlRVBABt
UTES PlUa. Thay am Opatloa. Mil. aal
aad tarplBty aftha Uvar. S aaaM aar haa.
a- 8eM ky aU Draarrbta. "fc
it? s av
Why KaOer Jleedleaely
With tbe eonvobing', spaamodle tortures of
fever and atrue anf bilious remtttHnt, when
BuBtetter's stomach Bitters, arknowlcdaed to
be a real curative of malarial fevers, will eradi
cate the cause of so much suffering. No ken
effective Is this benignant alterative Incase
of constipation, dysp- psia. liver complaint,
rheumatism, and in general debility and ne v
ous weakness, for sale by all Druggists and
Dealers generally.
tfor Sunday Schools.
The Beacon Ught.Voo?"5
J. H. TBNNET and K. A. HOFFMAN, speci
men copies mailed fur 30 cent. Liberal reduc
tion for quantities. brrsoN a Co. reHpect.ully
call attent:on to th- marked Improvement
which is apparen' In the r newer publications
fo.- f uuilay Si'hooU. The beat talent In the
country has been employed In compiling' th-m,
and they have been rea-ived with marked fa
vor. Th Bkacon Liiiht U the work of two of
tbebe-it hymn anl tune composers In he conn
try, is a cire a ly -winnowed" book only tbe
be-t loo out of two m inuacr pt.-t havlnv r en re
t.ilned. We have not many bunuay bchool
h-f-mna better than
Love of the Saviour, tender and precious.
Deeper aad bniailer than ocean or sea,
frtrnnger than d -ath. so pure and so gracloot,
Co, la thy lullneas now sweetly to me."
"He who conqu' rs wins a crow a
When he lays his armor down.
For we be tr the cross no more.
When we reach the Uolden shore."
Attention ta also d'rected to White Rabea
(SOcts.) by Abbi'y and Muntrer; and to Goad
ft ewe (35 cts.) ly K. at. M. Iutosh. These ex
cellent books are still In demand. Their au
thors have also Lew bo ka In progress, which
will aoun be announcel.
Any book maUed, post-free, for retail price.
1. X. DITSON k CO, 12 Chestnut St, Phil a.
It vxn Aexaai to S.U tha Staaaaid Arrlealtanl twt
Farming for Prodi
Cavi-rahtaalva. A Omliu Fane
Libnrr in itlf.
ara raiiM aa aaai..iui ranaiaa.
vaiavaia an rva vropa.
Braad & Car far Lira Slack.
Grow frail .M soar, aaaiaaaa,
Aaa Mara If aaetacaa.
Make Money
aavca mmmy tlaaca no eaat earrr fcranaa. afaa.
M Hla.TrmtKiaa. SaA ( ir Cirrnlan aa4 Irraa to
J. C JtcClKDI CO., rbiladelpkla. Pa,
r0CH0 EH Laara Talerraal.rt Eara aa to
1 Mj0a aaoath. Oradaarea aaaraotaad aa.iag
ofloaa. A4draa VALKNTUB fcaOs.. jaaaaiUka.
Thaera aaeaaiiaB aa ana a anas wilt
MawahvwiaaatM adtaoijlaar aaad Usa
A Xtte Disinfectant. When warm air
U forced through a hot mixture of tur
pentine ana water, a disinfectant auo-
tance known in commerce aa tanita
is produced. It is an aqueous solution.
cbaracterizad by tbe presence of hydro
gen and certain campboraceoaa sub-
stances. With It 1 found another suo
stance called tanilatoil. also contain
ing peroxide of bjdrogen, which poss
esses a high power of oxidation. Ac
cordinjr t the account given of it ty
Mr. (J. X. tvinezett. tne oil promises to
beeome Very valuable for sanitary pur
pose. A It has been round an em-
dent agent for the decomposition of so
stable a substance as iodide nf potas
sium, It can hardly be doubted that it
will also effect the oxidation oi aay
animal or vegetable substance, partit-
ularly those which are in course oi
putretactive decomposition. It has
also the property of being capable,
after having; once performed its mea
sure of oxidation, of forming a new
amount of active peroxide of hvurogen,
which may be made available for fur
ther work. Several experiments, made
bv Sir: Kinszett. prove tnat this on is
a powerful antiseptic Beef put in
water containing it was kept sweet
during periods of 25 to 40 days; flour
paste from 3D to 60 days: the wnlte ot
egea for 60 days; wiae for 10U days.
the oil is not destined to supersede
the sanltas for it is too powerful in its
actiion to serve the purpose to which
the aqueous solution is applied, and is
not adapted to meet the same ends, dui
be valuable supplement to it. It may
be added to glycerine, oils or oint
ments, when tney are appied to tne
body in case of Infectious disease. It
may be evaporated for the fumigation
of rooms which have been occupied by
person suffering from communicable
diseases. .Plane surfaces, as floorings
and walls, may be disinfected by
wipinz them with a cloth or brush
which has been dipped in oil ; only a
small quantity of oil I necessary for
this purpose, for it spreads freely. It
is slowly volatile, and may be used as
an aerial disinfectant or emulsion in
water may be applied in great many
places : and sprinkled over sawdust n
may be employed as an effective deo
A Croa Baby.
Nothing is so conducive to a man'
remaining a batchelor aa stopping for
one night at the house of a married
friend and being kept awake for flye or
aixhoursby the cryinzoi acioss DDy,
All cross and crying babies need onl
Hop Bitters to make them well and smll
lig. "Voung man. remember thic.--r'i
Tne uses of paper board have recent-
ly.been multiplied, and it durability
crcatlv increased Dy ue loiiowing lm
provement in it manufacture: When
a sheet ot paper i immersed in an am
moniacal solution of copper, and then
dried, it Is found to be quite impregna
ble to water, and doe not lose tbi
quality even though the water be boil
ing. Two sheets of paper thus prepar
ed, and passed through a cylinder, ad
here to each other so completely as U
be quite inseparable: if. tnen. a con
siderable number of sheets so prepared
be cylindered together, boards of
great thickness are obtainable, the re
sistance and cohesion of which may be
increased by interposing fibrous mat
ters or cloths. Thus prepared, the
substance is quite as hard as tbe clos
est grained wood of the same thickness.
ine ammonucai solution of copper u
prepared by treating plates of coppei
with ammonia, of the density of O.fcJO,
in contact v lth the atmosphere.
"1 m aU Pl.iyed Out.
is a common complaint. If yon feel au, get a
package df Kiduey-Wort anil take it and you
will at once fel its tonio power. It renew
tbe health action of the kidneys, bowels and
liver, and thua rectores the natural life and
strength to tne weary body. It can now be
had in either dry or liquid form, and in cither
way is alwavs prompt and efficient in action.
lStw Bxuroro hTAKDAao
The new explosive, lignose. Invented
in Germany a woody fibre prepared
with nitro-glycerine Is a very light
ponder, which in loose condition
burns very slowly. The cartridges
made of it are larger than those of or
dinary blasting powder of the same
power. As it does not withstand mois
ture, it cannot replace dynamite. It
bag been employed in a number ot
mines, and the result? ot various tests
made or It place its explosive force
which, however, doe not seem to be
uniform at some three times, at least,
that of an equal weight of blasting
powder. Ureat safety has been claimed
as one of the advantages of Its nse, also
the exemption from explosien by con
tact witn naked fire, and tne tact tnat
but little gas is left after explosion,
this little being quite harmless.
Natural petroleum, deprived of its
color and disagreeable odor without
distillation and the aid of acids or alka
lies, is what the Carboiine I made
from. As now improved and perfected
it is a beautiful preparation, and per
forms all that Is claimed for it a a
hair restorer.
The government telegraph depar
ment in Calcutta obtained last Novem
ber a sample supply of the loud-speaking
telephone of the Gower-Bell com
iany, and the experimental trials o
theft instrument have given so mucb
satisfaction that the company received
lately on order for a large number ot
their telephones. The government of
India will not sanction the establish
ment of telephonic exchange by pri
vate persons.
veghixeU not a stimulating bit
ter which create a fictitious ap
petite, but a gentle tonic which assists
nature to restore the stomach to a
healthy action.
A rtcent investigation has led to tbe
discovery of the remarkable fact that
intense cold may deprive magnetized
steel ba's of nearly all their magne
tism This fact has an Important bear
ing upon observation of the magnetic
condition of the earth taken in hljtb
latitudes ; for what appear to be daily
and weekly changes in tbe earth's mag
tetiptn may be due in large part tr
conditions ot temperature, which afivci
the magnet used ia the observations.
LidiaE. rixEHAM'e Vegetable Com
pound changes weakness to strength
and sickness to health.
Pro. Itilty says that kerosene or ol
of any kind is sure death to insects It
all stages, and the only substance with
which we mav hope to destroy tht
eggs. Oil will net mix with water,
but will mix with milk, tresu or sour,
and then may be diluted to any desire
VElectriciie states that M. Dohri. ha
Introduced the telephone la conection
with his scientific explorations of the
bed of the Bay of Naples. By its us.
the diver and tbe boatmen are able to
communicate with each other qn'ckly
and intelligibly.
Te Accomodate ma Fnblle.
Tbe proprietor cf that Immensely popular
remedy K dney-Wort in recognition of the
claim of tbe pnblio which haa ao liberally
patronised them, have prepared a liquid pre
paration of that remedy for the .pedal ac
comodation of thoee who from any reason dia
like prepare it for themselves. It ia very
conoentrated and, as the dose ia small, it ia
mora easily taken by many. It haa tbe same
effectual action in all dine are of the kulneja,
liver or bowel. Homt md Firm.
I Ctve it ia Trial
abd yon will be astonished. ''AnaJuMia. L.
& Silabee a External file Remedv, give l:
alant relief and ia aa Infallible cure for the
tiiost obstinate eein of pile. It haa mai
the moat wonderful cores of thi terrible dis
order. 20,000 grateful people that have used
H can testify to the earns. Sample with frill
direction saut free to all anfferara on appti
?f" to !.' Depot, Boa S46, Saw
lark, Bold by ail awelaa drnggi.
aa JF
Knupalnia. Sciatica. LumbaaO.
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Smell'
ings and Sprains, Burns an4
Scalds, Genera Bodily
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
feet and Ears, and all othef
Pains and Aches.
He Praparatioa oa aarth aqoaJo ST. Jama On
ao a maft, mtrr, eaaapfe aad raw btenial
Itraady. a trial ontaila but tba cuaapaiaUvaly
tn Iliac aetiay of aa) Ceara. and ovary so anBartn
with pun can hav cheap aad poaaUv pruuf of II
IKracuoaa la Eleaaa lAnroaarao.
iiaWHiavof-a. Jfat. U.S. J
A It U for all dioo ef the KIONCVt,
It olaanaao the aratrm of tha acrid poiooa
that oeoaee tha drsadfui ealfena' waaea
only tbevistimaof Bhramotiom oaa laaliao.
at th worst forms er thta tarribl Jin
have bora quickly nliavod. in abort soae
eale in ovary part of th Coaatry. la ko
In la ii r in i ' " a la had
called. Iti mild, bat fll(-iat, rCKTAIH
LS IT ACTlaX.bat arm Haa in all poor
fa-It rlraaoro. traetaaa d arlvaaWeW
Ijre to all tha Important orranaoC tha body.
Tha aatnral action ot th Eidney io loolorod.
Th Liver I olaanoad of all diaaaao. and th
Bowel Miove (raely aad healthally. In thl
arayth worst il jot oof a ara eradicated trom
tha moat aflectual renody Djrelaanatrn th
araunnof all aaortxd aiKrrauaoa. It ahould ba
oaed in avai-y houaahold aa a
TION. PH. S aad all FEM11.B Dian n
la pet ap ia rry TeajetaW Paroa. la tia caaa,
oa packaarer f which maAaafqaarta aiedina.
Alse ia Llarald Farm, aery Caaaiatratedfor
tba eoar.enwac ot taoe m no ranaat raaoil y pr.
paxa It. Ilmrtswtlk ifil fVcfir ia mthfrform.
get rrorTora druggist, nuct ei.ee
wri ts. KII'BAKDSOM are.. Pr',
twill ,rd the dry laiaid. l at lvliToa. VT.
th lfarrat aad Beot Xrdkia rter :
Aci.l.nblnalloB oc Hope, Buefiu, Mate
drakleaad Dandelion, 1t ail the oral and
lrjratiaaurutMrtiv oi au other mnera.
thairreauat Btooo Purifier, Liver
, and Lire and Health rtiatiinng-
i ooaribry nee- mat where Bop
Leuovanad and perfect ar Uwir
IlaT fiv are tt fi ti v!cta tat n3 iai irara.
To all lne Tploymitsoana Irrecalarl
rrorthabowrlaar armory onrsna, or who ra-
anireaa ApoetlarAv oor mii.i,
H.n Biuara are uiTaiXua"". without Into
Ho awnwir wnatyoar (,.. unra er oymptnm
t ta aae Hop Bia-
tara Dootaraitaatilyoaa aiek bat if Jam
ooJv feai bad or auaerala. ansa theaa at once.
It mar aareToarlifeathaiilHnved hondredo.
SOO will or paid for a cal-e they will aot
ureorhelp. Do not aan,erf," roar frlaoda
eeftCT.bot aaeenonrvre thaanVA na Hop B
Bemember, Hop Btttrra hi acTK dromd
drnnkea aoatrum. but tha PareataV a a
Haak-inerarrnrnde-.th -OTAJJah
and Borr and no pprsoa r taauly
ahuald be wltbuot them.
n I. ft. la aa ahaolote and trreaiatlble rare 1
forlninkanrie,o-ef optutn. tooaceo ant:
aarr.nn . iuiim.i dt arurris. ne
fur Cirrular. Bap btlan Bn ta,
Tturht"- T a-'t T---"-io. o-t
Battl Creek, Michigan,
aujrtrracrcmu op thb rail rjrum
Traction and plain Engines
and Horsepowers.
ary) Carta bnahael
I .nam
W-C krtmjCL. m amdwj m dat
loaviBlrlwy Mmb-b Uatiia mutrUm mHHm.
Trnrtimm ElBeeUrd Plnla -w
aetni in U Amancmn nA&rkk
A wUtitmtU mf meriml femherm mmd tmmrmsmmmm
for ltwl. trweriittr with mpmrto epmHtim tat
tutm mmcl matmrimim Da 4 drptunrd ut bj oUv-T mMXtr.
Foot wUr ot ttotmrmXan. from to UI MM
emftparlty, for etmmm r harm mmmer.
Two rtylM nf H jVlWionted " H"i patvlN)mW a
earrfrtmntfy on hcmi, from wblcn Is built tfa tm--tmiatrmhu
vrootar-wiu of oar wrh"-T
ttemtety affMMC 4WHbt. waMsl Vaf 4&4P JraJ
mama. b. 1U i uafaa re
. Fai ai and Thrf.hr i nn are nrrtter h)
aawturate tlila maMtUm 1 hnaihinaT at artllliarT
Clrculara aant fraa. Art.irai .
Battle CrMk, Mionta
The ot artfl cTraprgt IDostnitftl MltlnnoT
the R"vitl NewTtrS'am-nt. Mlll .n of r-oi.le
are watting for It. lx not be rlenelvaai b tbe
Cbeao i tin publldtieni of Infi rttr exl t ons. Bee
that tbe copy yon bar contavne 13 floe r d
KTavingson s'r?el an-l wond. A(rfnt are eoln
luir money selling ibid eOlUuu. 8ead tor elrca
lars. Addreiq
Matioh ajl rrm- bbtbo Co Fhlladelphla, Pa.
Texas Black Lands. T71 ."ZrZX:
ef Collin Co.. an.' ne liat of La.ia. to BAlNE-t.
WOLFE a IINC11. Lawjrra aad Land Aiaua
MclLiaaey, Taxa.
HIT B C-fs for hit HnndlvM TBlsw)b4
-m' io.. raiia. v, ra.
IRTBrt'L ORi;L.. aldtd Htrawej
Pao-r oa trial S Baonlha fi.r in u .i.bm u-l.
tarv Co., Pailad'a. Pa. "
AI.l.t:JJ aTratai TmS rrr llirna Tie
bmty aaa ta.-Mtite.ai wn-rsiir. Oraaae. St
all drnrrata. Send for circalar I AUaa Phae
atacy, lil Pint Ave, M. I.
SIIv4 aad eared wtthoat th hi Jury U n m(rt.
by Dr. 1. A. BHURMAN B Saatraa. Ofac. 13
BrMdway, Kaw York . H la bowk with pboveerapht
UkaaaaH i of bad eaaos befor. aoS after aar, aiaimd
to at. B.war. oi fraedaleat laaitstare.
that a
SarsaparLHiai BisolTiit.
m f---ii -xwDir-arna,
raeaatevwjrm yk fff
lBWitijria-, P'tma. feeavaVBh
Liver ComDlelnt. Ae.
ea oarr aoae tbe 8arwrmrlllla
aaiail all rianHI tmari In thi nmnf 'limnai
Beroraloaa, Oaaatitaaaoal aad Skla TUnsma,
pttBBbU oaij poatHvw aan to
winery a Wetab ruafaeea, Bravet MabMa.
Dropey, iwoemf at Water. IaoonUaeno i
Crtue, BrbrbkVDlafa, Albataljiarla, aad La ail
li in where there ere brMk-aaaa Sep-Hlta, or
tha water Is tales, etoody, aues with nb
tajree UK tbe watt ot aa ert or thread llie
white sUk, er there la a avorbio, tart, buioo
ajapeavraaoe aad wbtte beae ut Sepoatta, aad
vrhea there to a prteklnf, fcaralng aVDaaUoa
whea paaalmw water, ao4 pais la tue (mall el
ice aaa evans tne rata, aava ay Bfa.
raiBB oa sou. a.
aaors af The eetTve artBia.
etna ad Madlolaaa UVaa aa ether rTeaaraBoaV
tahaa la Tmnpnraral 4jaa, wmOa etberi re
Beady Relief,
iMMmtm, DtAjThtsa. Cbotera Morbus, or pat
ful dlscbarora rrora tbe bowels are stopped t
la or 10 aUnatra bv talcing Kadway Kcady lb
Uef. Ho eongestloa er Inflammation, bo wea
Beea or laawiriula alii tolkiw the aaa ol the K. A
Tha Only Pain Homed y
that lnatantly Mops tba wm esmtciatlnt
palat, allay Inflammation, and enrea CoDare,
Uonx whether ot tbe LuBga. atonueri, bowel
or other Elands or ornai, bv one applicadoB
fr"a ta Iwmy aalaate. bo mtlr
ter bow vlolrat or rxcruriatlnz tbe pain, me
ibeumntic. Bed-rldilen, Inarm. Crlpplrd. Nerv.
ottrL Nearalif o or prostrated with dLseaes mat
tutte. RADWATH JUUJI ItgT.I glf pm sjlord
Instant ease.
ImBaaasaatlam af th KMavaya.
. aw.tloai f a Blavddar,
laiBa af tha Bowele.
C'atiaTeatlam ar the Laac
Sara Thrar, PIMralt rwauaiaaj.
PalpltaAlam af ik Heart
aiwPtss, Cramps alpallhrla
namrra, Islaaasa
alaaSaeha. TaeXhacha.
BaPT aaeea, Sleeleeaa
Sanumxcla, Bhemamattaam.
Cold Chllla. AraeCklll
Chllhtalma aavel rreel Bitaa.
The appUfatisB of the Ready Relief to lbs pan
tr parte where the pala or alOcullT ulai wJ
afford ease anil eoauort,
Thirty to alzty drops ta a half torn bier
watrr wUlta a few mlBotas care Cramps
Sprains Bear Stomach, Heartburn, Sick Uead
acb, DnUThosa, Uysentery, Coilo. Wind la lb
owebv and all Internal pains.
Travelers sboald always carry a bottle ot Rit
way Beady Relief with them. A lew drops la
alar will prevent tJckneas or pains rrora
than re of water. It la better tbaa prench
Brandy or Bitter a a stimulant. Price Plfty
Oanta per betua.
Radway's Regulating Pills
Aas Wttaaa rata, always Ballabl
aadl Basmral la thalr Oparatlaa.
Paiiaiaai tasaas. Maraatrr ooated wiu
aurga, lajraaata, paiw, si sa saw aae
Baswat Pnxa. for ne rars of fl Wmrtm
tt tha Moniach, Liver, Bowels. Kidneys, Stad
er. Nrrvoas Diseases, Headache, Ooastlpeftot
IXMUveBesalBdlgestloa. Dyspepsia, SUea
aess. Fever. Iaflammatlon ot to Bowels, Piles
sad all dersageBeBU St tha I n tarsal JVwra ra
WarrsJiteS to treat a perfect ear"' Parol
eaetable, eoatslnlaf a Bterourj, aslserai
AsUteiloua drua-s.
aW-Oboerro the foDrrwiBf tymptosis resltra,
trom Dtaesaes of tha Djresuvs orfnaa t Const:
aatroa, iBward Piles, Pallnesa of lbs Blood It
Bona, Acidity of th Itomsrh, Nausea, H -art-bar
a, Dtejrast of Vood, Pnllness or Welcbl ts
the stomach. Soar Eractauona, Blnklnf or Plot
tennf at tn Beart, Choking- or Saffei .n eea
satloa wbea la a rjlnf postor. Dimness oi
vtsloa. Dot or Webs Before the srgbt. Fever anf
Doll pala IB the Bead. Dnclen.v of Persptrt
Boa. Yellowness of the Ski a sad Kyes. Pais t
Kisiaa. I ban. Limb, and anOfm rinabsa
at, Banimc U the fWa.
A srw of babwat Prua vrm rros th
ammm freta ell the shove strtid iaarders
I Ba paaSeT snl esaflsjt so
Baohs aad papers ea the subject of disease an.
their OBra, aahsot which avay ho Saaved i
Pane awael Tra .
way Irwlraale Vrathrs.
tvU athsrs raaUat ts dlEarsat i
i at B
iajb "aTAidiB an nn.
Btamvy S BABWAT Ca.
was, Gaap. Ceimreh SL. Ba
anWaUAmw Will b SP
rasroeaa be so better y-rs-antee of t va's
Of Da. RabwaTw eld estaullsiied R. R. R. Rani
arss than tbe base and woruile-s Imliatloti e
theem. aa tbero are Pmlsa Kosolventi, Heiief
aaa nusj. a saxa aaa n isr itaawray-a.
way- H what
Ik Perfection I&..hto?.
The most perfect, snre and i
reaiiT sen -regTiIat ing
Aka.ViaUJBr iatcLCliiriO.
Highest Prizei swarded over all Competito.-;
wherever exhibited. '
Report of tha Judges on Incubators
1879 A 1880.
AeflMSftth lsalTilbitla of the rVeasyrvu't
bUte ArrtralUral Sorlrtr. held at Palladlnhi
boptaaiter u U iota. lint.
w hav ever a her er iwher, aad Br. UnA
sara. araair m..iiiu a-. - - . . l. w
thaerfallj (ward InlhlLVka hkUAL." (Hisbest
- - 1 j
At the Eta Asms TxbiMUea eftb Paylvaaf j
tat AsTiraitaral Ssriety. hrld at th Parma are I
bhIMUM, Fkiladeiphu, bepUsitw th to t,ta.
"w fbDy esaear with tbe report f the hixrm
f th art feadlaa- rear, aad derlar the I It I iA
rOBeUe Ptltrtmo.S IMl BATOR Ctt. (He,.
V Patrat) ts a th beat of ill kwa IStl Bi
rOBS,ta ehlrkrn katrhed v Ibis prerase kelna
strearer sad healthier tbaa fhn katrhed aad. :
the bee. W there lor rbeer fella award tbaai tha
alHABAJAI- tUighortPrlai.)
Tor sale by
614 Chestnut Street," Philadelphia. Pa
Bead s retter
. b Wan
Z0" VVJV-MOkAta Ttt
' SmtBMaWI.,1.. --f "-Bis
I an a- ...i arm-ia'-mamSb-rjjJ