3 SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFL1NT0WN Wednesday, May 4, iisi. TERMS. ctfvnf Inn. SI F( m tiiniiiH C 'f --- y - -v- f.m aauJM u JJVJU yritbin 12 mootha; $2.00 if Dot paid within Transient advertisements inserted at 50 cents per inch for each insertion. Transient business notice in local col itiin 10 rent Tier line far Mrh In.... Inductions will be made to those desir'uie to autcriiDo we jcHj uaii or quarter O Sabbath evening an audience of aer. eral hundred peofle were present in the Hethodist church to hear Rev. Mr. Ganoe preach from Hebrews, 9th chapter, 27th verse : -And it it appointed" into me once to die, but after this the judgment." The text stood out in bright letter high up on the wall back of the pnlpit at the head of life-sise picture of Moses on his way tap Mount Nebo, where he died. The pic ture represents Moses, the greatest of all men, as ascending a spur of the mountain. He is clad in a red loose-fitting robe that reaches quite to his feet'; in his left hand Jie carries a long staff to assist him iu his journey. His right band is thrown up to shield as it were the intense light that is beaming down from the mountain into his race and giring to his head, long white beard and hair a patriarchal appearance. Away beyond the spur of the mountain which Moses is climbing lie the perspec tive of the picture, consirting of mountains, water and foliage. The text announced the common lot ot man, and the picture, while it relate par ticularly lo Voses on his journey to death, illustrate the journey of every other human being in the way to the end of life. Alter a pleasant and instructive intro ductory the preacher presented two strik ing thoughts or facts aa the chief head of the sermon : Fust. That .Voses left this world with a song upon bis lips. The boobs of Moses were turned to, and songs of praise were resd songs that Moses tang to his breth ren at the time all things were ready for him to take his departure for the mountain top, where he must die. From the happy departure of Moses, the Reverend gentle man deduced the fact that the departure for the unseen land of bliss may be the occa sion for song and praise singing. Since the time of Moses, it is a matter of record that people have died amidst the songs of praise. The mother of John Wesley ex pressed a desire that at the honr of her death her family should assemble aronnd her and sing. Her son, Charles Vesley, composed a song or hymn, especially for the occasion of the death of his mother, and when hor spirit was about to wing it way into the unknown world, the family as sembled around her bed and sang the song. Upon its conclusion she said, "Good night, children, I will meet you in the glorious morning." Mr. Uanoe read the h; c-n that had been composed for the occasion of the death of Mrs. Vvsle. Lydia Baxter, also, when she lay on her dcafh-bed, requested that a particular hynm be sung about the time ot the distulutiou of soul and body. Mr. Gaooe also read the hymn that was sung at the death-bed of Lydia Baxter. Sxooid. That Moses lull this world before his life-work was finished. There was a bar rier of one sin that prevented the accom plishment of his work. How many others never finish the life-work f Vben the child lisp the name of its departed mother, and calls upon it father to writo to mother in heaven, there seems to be a life-work not finished. When child is suddenly called away into the nnseen a erld there seems to be a life-work not finished. When the stu dent is taken away from his earnest pur suits there seems to be a life-work not fin ished. There may be one sin in the way, - but we should follow in the footstep of Moses, rely ing on the promises and com mands of God, to remove the (in and give rest in the promised Iaa l. Court Proceedings. Moat of the cases before court last week were of such a character that no one gave tli-!? attention excepting the fit ties en gaged in the matter in dispute, and the lawyers on the respective sides. One of the cases that awakenod general interest was the action against Charles Grose, colored man from Fayette town ship. He was charge! with having stolen wheat from his neighbors. He bad sold a considerable quantity of wheat, and a he raised no wheat, and could not account for having such a quantity in bis possession, he wu fonnd guilty by the jury, and sentenced by the Court to 2 year lu the Western Pen itentiary. Another suit that aroused attention was the suit against a man named Jefferson Adams, a citizen at this time of Mifflin connty. He wa charged with the theft of a horse owned by Samuel Rick nbach, of Fayette township. Adams alleged that he bought the horse from a man named Culp ; but, as he could not produce Culp, or cor roborative evidence sufficient to convince the jury that bis story of the transaction was a true story, he wa found guilty of horse stealing. A motion for a new trial wa made, which question will come up for argument on the 17th inst. A to the bridge question the Court said : There having been presented to the Court a petition praying lor the appoint ment of viewer to determine whether the Corporation bridge over the Juniata river at Mifflintown should be declared a county bridge, certain citisens of eaid county hav ing remonstrated against the appointment of said viewers, it is proper that their pe tition should be trested with respect, and the reason why the Court cannot regard it be made known. The act of the 8th ol May, 1876, make it the duty of the Court to appoint viewer, just as in road eases, o that a view may be had, and no remon strance can be then heard. After report wf the viewer ha come in favoring the purchase of a corporation bridge by the county, then it U proper for the Court to hear remonstrance against the approval of the report, but not before. For this reason the Court must proceed to appoint viewer, notwithstanding remonstrance of citixens. They will be heard in opposition to the pur chase at the proper time and hour on their day In court. Br the Coct. The viewer appointed by the Court are John C. Beale, Abraham Rohrer, Henry Titxell, John R. Jenkia, VTm. Banks, J. C. Crawford: Court was not concluded last Week. A uit between Mrs. Jane Gallagher and D. D. Stone kept the court holding session till Saturday evening at 5 o'clock, when it ad journed till Monday morning, when the case wa resumed and continued till Tuesday morning, when lawyer of plaintiff Mr. Jane Gallagher took a non-suit. The trou ble between the parties relates to the trans action for the sale of railroad stock that Hr. 8 tone conducted for Mr. Galllaher. People who prole to know all about matters of moon eclipse (ay that on the 11th and 12th of Jnne there will be total fcclipse of the moon. SHORT LOCALS. Sabbath morning was Trorty. Farmer plant corn thi week. Tjrone ha a "liver pd factory.' G ypsie are out summer campaigning. Buj Dr. Morrison' mntt-billiona pils. JhU year the 4th of July come on Mon- year"COrHOD COme 00 Mond"' thu Ihe late hard winter froxe many peach tree. Potatoes are in demand at an advanced price. No ry stalks were in bloom on the 1st of May. Sprinkle sulphur on pUnts to present mildew. The largest number of people attended conn last Wednesday. A school for the teaching of music U to oe opened at UcAlisterville. The hard winter weather damaged the waeat crop In Franklin county. It is no uncommon sight to see trains of iw cars pass over the railroad. Small-pox patient cost Millcrstown, ferry county, $169.75 but winter. A number of young people held a May party" in Riverside Park on Friday. A WillUmsport man predicts snow be tween this time and the lit of June. HWeo Two aboles, that weieh about 60 pounds each, at 5 cents per pound. David Ilolmaa has rented itii Fonndrv in thi place, and will open the place soon. Agent for the sale of agricultural imnle- ment were numerous in town but week. J. E. Shaffer, of the Central Store, ha returned from Philadelphia with a line stock of Goods in their line, which was purchased for cash from the best wholesale dealers. and will be sold at bottom price. F. EarisstHAD. The Republican of Snyder coiiuiy will bold their primary election on the 21st of May. Communion service was held in the Prea byterian Chapel on Saturday and on Sab bath. A plasterer at work on the new hotel at Cresson, put on 2800 lath a day. So it is said. North Sterrett, of Milford townshio. lost a valuable horse last week, by stomach ail ment. 1. G. Marks and C. B. Crawford have gone to Colunibits, Ohio, to open an insurance office. A nntubsr of people were admitted to membership in the Methodist church on Sabbath. People who profess to know say, the world will come to an end on the 12th of next November. A number of people were admitted to membership if- the Presbyterian Chapel Church on Sabbath. Black, Brown, Cardinal, Drab, and in fact all the shades in Silk Fringe, at the Cen tral Store. F. KsPCsscBADt.. Eight candidates four Republicans and four Democrats aspired to the office of County Superintendent. Rev. W. V. Ganoe will preach an illus trated sermon next Sabbath evening. Ser vice at 7) o'clock P. . The stable and blacksmith shop of Joseph James in Fermanagh township, tu destroy ed by fire on Sunday night. Pennsylvania railroad stock sold at 70 last week, which was the highest figure ever reached by that company's stock. Solid new cabbage is being brought from Florida and sold by market men along the railroad routes of the Northern States. A number of persons were severely af fected by spring fever hut week. No seri- sjns consequences excepting loss of time. A fanner aays that he invariably btaioa more shelled corn to the acre from the eight rowed than from the twelve-rowed varieties. The Central Store i replete thi week with everything new and novel in Ladies' Dress Goods, all the new ahades in mixtures. Brocades and Stripes, all at the very lowest prices. F. EsmscRaDB. There wsa a thaw and a heavy fog on the 8th of February, therefore, people aay, " Look out for a heavy frost on the 8th of May." A stuffed "gar fish," hanging on a pin in the fence at John Hotlobaugh'a place on Bridge street, attract considerable atten tion. The Cbambersburg Fuilic Opinio aay the peach trees in Franklin county are found to be badly irjured by the severity of the past winter. A journalist of sound judgment says that personal abuse is like (pitting against the wind; the offensive froth is blown back upon the person that spat it out The email boy, end the bigger brj, t'otb, are paying close attention to the tempera ture of the water. They can hardly wait till it is warm enough to bathe in. In Ladies' Skirt we have beautiful pat terns ia all the new styles and shade, at low price. F. EsrciscHAtx. Ayer's Pill contain no croton oil, calo mel or mineral. They are compounded of pure vegetable extracts, which have posi tive virtues and always cure, where cures are possible. The Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Juniat County Sabbath-school Association wi'l be held in the Lutheran church, Mifflin town, Pa., Wednesday and Thursday, May 25th and 26th, 1881. There are people who thrust s finger or thumb into roll of butter when it i brought to market, and then lick the finger to taste the butter. The Harrisburg Tele graph calls such people "butter gongers." The crow is said to be a greater extermi nator of the quail than the hawk. The crow will rob the nest, and catch the young quail, while the hawk ia content to swoop down and carry off the full grown bird. B uch is the recent theory. On Friday morning flock of wild ducks oa their way up the river encountered one of the ropes stretched across the river at the ferry t the result wa two duck were so hurt that they fell in the river and were picked out of the water by William KeUer. The School Directors met in the Court House on Tuesday, at 1 o'clock P. M., to elect a Connty Superintendent. J. Nevin rocreroy wa elected President, and Rob ert E. Parker and A. P. Shelly Secretaries of the Convention. The candidates were W. I. Hibba, E. O. Kreider, W. A. Auman, W. H. Gronioger, WV Smith, J. H. Smith, J. J Patterson, A. Y. McAfee. Welling ton Smith wa re-elected on the lUh ballot. The last ballot tood :' W. Smith, 6 1 j W. Bibbs, 31 ; J. J. Patterson, IK "An Indiana woman baa just killed twen ty snakes which she found on one spot en joying the warm sunshine," which causes a hard-working editor to sigh and exclaim: Oh ! if Adam only had had that kind of a wife. A valuable mocking bird owned by Mrs. Tnrbett escaped from its csge several day ago. AU effort to re-capture it failed for three days. The bird frequented the trees In the garden of Cyrus Morrison. On the fourth day the bird's cage was placed in the garden. The songster recognised the cage, entered it, and wa re-captured. It Is a well-known fact that Col. WUliam Bell ia agent for almost all kinds of Agri cultural Implement and Machines. He has', to aupply a want, become 'agent for the In vincible Vibrator Separator Threshing Ma chine. See advertisement elsewhere in these columoa. Experienced thresher men in Jo niata county have seen it working and' can vouch for it effective or thorough work Doing of Presbyterians in Venango county may be learned from the following Item: H. Donaldson, of Emlenton, Ve nango county, a member of the Presbyte rian church of that place, wa brought np before the executive committee of that de nomination and finally suspended from mem' bcrship for dsncing. Mr. Donaldson has' appealed his case to the Board of Presby tery. The Presbyterian congregation that wor ship in the chapel appointed a committee last Saturday, to meet tSe committee of Presbytery, eorhpoeed of Rev. R. Hsmil, D. D., Rev. at. N. Cornelius, and William Davis, Esq., with the object ot compromis ing the trouble that exist between Mifflin town and Lost Creek Presbyterian. The committee are A. J. Patterson, Hugh Ham ilton, E. J. Nihvle, N. A. Elder, Col. J. K. Robinson. Aa exchange aays : Every mother knows how difficult it is to prevail npon children to take a dose of castor oil. We have been infoimed that oil may be giveq to children in peppermint water without tiieir knowing it. Just take two or three peppermint los- engee, dissolved in a little water, pour in the oil, and the child will never know that it haa taken a dose of the most repugnant of medicines. Parents should give tCe above a trial and test it for themselves. Akron, Ohio, is the first city to adopt the plan of illuminating with electric light from high towers. Two towers have been erected 220 feet high, with four lamp on each, aggregating 16,000 candle power. The engine, towers and all the machinery cost only (8,000. A bright light was pro duced, illuminating an area fully a miie in diameter. The time of night could easily be told by a watch nearly Half a mile away from the tcwer." That is the kind of a light to put on the spire of the Court House in Mifniutown. How many years must elipse before it can be dene f Just as soon as the borough is financially able tc do it. We have a beautiful line of Notions and Fancy Goods, such as Ladies' Lace Ties, in cotton, cotton and silk, and pure silk, White, Black and Gold Dotted Nett, for Tiea and Veils. Ribbons, all shades and widths. F. Espmschadi. To tbs SrsDAT-ScHooi T?oekcss or Ju hiata Contrv : You are requested to meet in annual convention in the Lutheran church, Mifflintown, Wednesday and Thursday, May 25 and 26, 1881. All Pastors and Superintendents are mem bers. ?!c!i Sunday-school Is requested to send two delegates. The entire force of S. S. workers is cordially invited to be pres ent. Let every school in the county be represented. Entertainment will be provi ded for all members of the Convention. Send names of delegate to Dr. T. A. Elder, CI. irman of the Committee of Arrange ments, Miffiiotowa, Pa. Let your prayers ascend fcr the success of this Convention. Come prepared to tike part in all the pro ceedings. Programme next week. By order of Executive Committee. A. II. WEIUUAN, Chairman. The put year will long be remembered as remarkable in its destructiveness, using the elements, storm, water, and ice to destroy property and life. The public re"erber how nearly a number of citixens of this place came to losii-g their live by the up setting of data in the river shortly after the bridge was taken away. An accident such as just mentioned took place last Thursday, 28th alt.; at Elgin, Illinois. A bridge over the Fox rirer had been washed away. A ferry was establish ed, and a flat wa propelled by a rope. Some mishap overtook the flat, and it waa upset. There were fifteen passengers in the boat, all of whom were drowned excepting one. Most of the passengers were school children. The accident took place between 8 and 9 o'clock in the morning. A OEAni DiiiiE in Cincinnati, Ohio, pub lished the following crop report but Friday, April 29, 1881: Ohio Wheat, there i s large acreage and encouraging prospect. Tobacco, the plants are advancing finely. Peach buds In some place are partially and in other totally killed. Kentucky There is a poor promise for wheat and a poor proapoct for fruit. Indiana The wheat prospect i encour aging except in Southern Indiana. Barley is total failure: Corn-planting haa com thenrod Ifl the sostEem counties. Arkansas and Texas The season is cold and late. Pea'ohe are a failure. Early corn waa injured by excessive rains, and there ia a reduced acreage of cotton. West Virginia The peaches are killed, and the late wet weather is unfavorable to thi o!her crops. Tffi Philadelphia Record last Saturday published the following : Reports of grain at the seaboard st'ow a marked decrease during the four months ending to-day a aa compared wilh the corresponding period or last year. Tfce net decrease at this port is about 50 per cent, in combined receipts of wheat and corn, but the arrivals of the former are slightly in excess or last year to date'. Official figures are not at hand for a late comparison of arrivals at Baltimore and New York, but the decline has been important. The severe winter is largely responsible for the adverse showing at all ports. Hie Doctors Disagree as to the best methods and remedies, for the cure of constipation and disordered liver and kidneys. But those that have used Kidney-Wert, agee that it it by far the best medicine known. Its action is prompt, thorough and lasting. Don't take pills, and other mercurials that poison the system, but by using Kidney-Wort restore the natural action of all the organs. Hew Covenant. A election wiil be held at the Tnscarora Academy on Monday, the 9th of May, at 1 o'clock P. M., to elect Trusteea for the Academy. By order of the President. J. C. OLIVER April 26, 1881. Tbc Frederick (Vd.) Tim relates the following story of the fpecutjtion in live in that city : In connection with thi in (urance craze another amusing story is told It i aa follow : Aa old man of about 80 years, living in the suburbs of the city r sup posed to be lifteiy to die at any monrent, wa insured oy eitiien for $i,000. The man being oil and decrepit, poor and for lorn, having asked the holder of the policy 03 hi life fcr assistance, was given a cheap suit of clothes and wa told to wash np a little. He took his clothes, went home, scrubbed np, and later made his appearance with pride beaming from his countenance before bis noble benefactor looking as fresh as a daisy. The policy-holder was thunder struck at the old man's yocihful appear ance. When he recovered from the shock, he excitedly called his wife. Cn her arri val upon the scene he pointed In horror at bis subject and bawled out, " Look at that man ! Why, great heavens I he looks ten years younger than he ever did, and we've paid $35 assessment on him during the past week, too !" The old man whimpered i "Why, Mr. Blank, you don't want me to die, do yon t" " Dou't want yon to die I" frantically yelled hia benefactor, "what in the name of Jerusalem did I Lav you in sured for T" The insurance Companies in operation in Selinsgrove, Snyder county, pay ont every month to employes in the town about one thousand dollars, and that la again distrib uted by purchasers and so fortE in the business of the place. The Snyder connty Tribune says: One of the good result springing from specula tive Life Insurance i the fact that a num ber of persons who have been spending their money for liquor are now saving their dimes to pay assessments." LOVE'S delirium: Over the goblet filled to the brim , She sends a bewildering glance at him. Over the aea of pink foaming wine He reel in the light of her beauty divine. Deeper and deeper abe dreaming dip In the rose-tinted wine ber rose-tiLted lips. While over the glass she airily langha A pledge which he eagerly catches and quaffs. And he drinks in a madness wilder than wine Through ber smile and her eyes bewildering shine. He drinks in delirium, danger and death, A over the goblet comes floating her breath. As over the flsgon of rose-colored bliss She wickedly, witchingly wafts tim a kiss. Then laughing a laugh derisively sweet, She is gone, while he Eceel In despair at ner teL A CARD. I am prepared to furnish the best make of Kudtet, Shuttle, and new port for ANY Sewing Machine, (old or new,) in the mar ket, also, the beat pure tperm machine oil. W. H. AIKKNS, Main street, Mifflintown, Pa., Oue door above Post-Office. FOR SALE. A commodious Dwelling House, and two Store Rooms, in the bor ough of Mifflintown, Juniata counly, Pa. This is a rare chance to acquire a dwelling bonse, and business place in Mifflintown ; a chance, which if left pass, may not be equaled in many years. For particulars, call at, or address this office. jan29-tf MAKRIEDi HPCK.EXBERY RICHARDSON On the 28th ult., by Rev. C. Myers, Mr. Jacob Hockenbery and Miss Margaret J. Richard son, near East Waterford, this county. COMMERCIAIj. MITFLINTOWN MARKETS. MirrLnrrown, May 4, 1881. Butter 2D Eggs 10 Lard 8 Ham 12 Shoulder;.!. 8 Sides 8 Potatoes 40 Onions 1 00 Kags 1 MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Corrected weeitly. Quotttofs r ja To-dat. Wednesday, May 4, 1881. Wheat i 05 Corn...;; 4-i Oat 82to33 Rye 85 Cloverseed. 8 75to4 00 PHILADELPHIA GRAIN MARKETS. Philadelphia, May 2. Wheat is firmer but (uiet; No. 2 Western red, $1 211 toll 22; Delaware and Penn sylvania red and do amber, $1 21 to $1 22. Corn is qniet and easier for local use; steamer 56c; yellow and mix ed 57 to 58o. Oats are qniet and eas ier; No. I white, 49 to 50e; No. 2 do 47te; No. 3 do, 46 ie; No. 2 mixed, 46a. Rje is searoe at $1 10. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. Philadelphia, May 2. Cattle Sales 2,800 bead ; tbe market ia ac tive : prime, 6a6e; good, 6a6Jc; medium, 5la5le; common 4a5e. Sbeep sales, 8,000 bead ; tbe market is fair; wool sbeep, 5l7o; clipped sheep 45 !s. Bogs sales 3,000 head : mar ket is active; prime 9a9ic; good, 8 J 9tc; medium, 8a8c. Medical. m THE GREAT CURE RHEUMATISM As it la fcr all ftlasa of tbIQNIVS, LIVER AND BOWELS. .. . It slsinsns ths ajrrtem' if tha acrid potaaa that naiians ths drstdfltf snflerin which gait ths ylotuas of ahenmatlns a naif. THOUSANDS OF CASES at ths wasst farms or this terribla Sissss harrs aas qtdskly rsUmd. ta a short tasst PERFECTLY CURED. kasha waaaaifal sural aa.apd KS. aaia tnarervpaxtof Uta Cormtry. In hvo ill i la f in 11 ' is - i r ' " sis had BUlsd. Itis intld. bat a Oaten t, TEST ATS IS ITS ACTION, but hacmlaas inaU oases. tWIt eleaaars, SlrM bras aad I.lra to ml the Important organs of ths bod. Ths natajal action of the Kldasyala iastorad, Tha Ursr is slraucsdeCsildlssaaa.aad the Bowels mOTSfrael rand haalthfaUe. lathis war the worst lUiitsts ar eradiealsd Bros As it has base prrrsd by thousands that l..ia'MW.l:r I isdy SorelaaaataaT was It 8PRINC MEDICINE. Always enras BTUOnSfBas, lOKaTIPA TIOST. flLSS aad all rKaUX.S IHsaaaaa. . s pat ap In Wry Tesrtafcle Coras, la Ua ease, ae packare nf McniaawSqajSl atallttaa, ' Alerta Uaatd rarakrerr Cianatratrdfcr the eoareaieaoe of those w horaaaet faadil r ara. pare. eitaaiilaieacvwlarorsv OCT rrorTOPR druggist. rcJCE.si.es WELLS, BICHABDSOS A Co.. Prop's, nrmefloTtsoaM at sjjjbtos. tt. MISCELU1.VE0US A TRUE A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. JROX BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Induration, Ihfpepmo, Inter mittent Fever, Wantof Appetite, Lorn of Strength, Loci of Energy, etc Enriches the blood, strengthens the muscles, and tjm new life to the nerves. They ad like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, socfa aa Tbv-'sy tke Food, Belching, Heal ts the .Sioaach, Heartburn, etc The only Iron Preparatiah that will not blacken the) teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the A B C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading ml free BROWN CHEMICAL, CO., Baltimore, Md. mm new si1 (Ire. IN POHT ROYAL,' JUNIATA COUNTY, PENN'A. Having just opened a new stock of store goods, sncb aa Dry Goods, Notions. Cloth ing, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Fish, will take pleasure in exbibitiug goods to all ine nignesi niarsei price tor country proauce. Don't Torget the place, at Cook' Store in My 5, 1880-6m.' D. Ws HARLETS Is tbe place where you can bay THE BEST AND Till CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & bjts, caps. Boors, tHOEs, HE ia prepared to exhibit one of the most this market, and at ASTOMSHISGLY LOW PRICES ! Also, measures taken for suits sod parts of suits, which will be mi da b orde at short notice, very reasonable. Remember tbe .place, in Hoffman's Water sheets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. SAM'L STRAYER das )il3t returned from tbe Eastern cities wiib a fall variefv of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, i.. . - - GENTS' FL'RNISniNO GOODS. Goods and be astonished Pants at 75 cents. Patterson, Va.; April 16, 187?: Xew Advertisements- vai.laum: farm PRIVATE SALE. THE heirs of Frederick Lsnver, dee'd, will offer at private sale, a larni, situ ated in Greenwootl township, ferry county, ra., bounded by, Unas ot J. Anker, J. j. Jones, J. Kipp a. others, containing One Hundred & Fifty-fiye Acres, more or less, about 115 acre of which are cleared and in a high atate of cultivation ; the bal'sce n well set with titbcr. The improvements are a Large Mb Frame fam, BANK BARX, Hog Pen, Corn House, and n ash House, with a Well' of never-railing water near Ihe door. There is also an ex cellent Orchard of choice fruit on the tarm. Tliia ia a most desirable property, being situated in a limestone valley, convenient to schools, churches, mills, etc., and within a few miles of the Pennsylvania Railroad. C7 For further particulars call on tbe undersigned, who reside on tbe farm, or address them at Millnrstown, PerrvC., Pa. SIMEON LAUVKK, BOLDER LAUTER, May 4, 1881. Administrators. VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. rTWE farm of tbe heirs of Samuel Horn JL ing, deceased, is offered at private aale. The farni is.jitrated in Lost Creek Valley, Lire inilcs from Mimintowo, contains DUE HUHDRED ACRES of cleared land, .and FORTY ACRES of Timber-land. The tnildicga are good, con sisting of LARGE BANK BARN, MAXS10X iSD TEXA5T HOUSE, Spring House, Drv House and other out buildings. A Large Al'PLB ORCHARD of selected fruit. The farm ia convenient to schools and mills. For term, call on Bliaa Horning, residing near the farm, or C B. Horning, Mifflin town. April 27, 1881-tf BROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE. Tin and Sheet-Iron Manufactory, Main Street, Miffliniown, Pa'. CLARK WHIGUT & BOX, Would most respectfully inform the pub lic that they have started a branch, of. the'r Patterson Tin and Sheet-Ironware Estab lishment in the Thomas room, formerly oc cupied v M. U. L!ttle3eld, where fhey are prepared to msnn'actnre and repair every thing in their line. ..... Their stock will be fonnd to embrace a complete asro.-tment of Tinfare, Japanned ware, Cooking Utensils, to., which will be kept fully up to the times in variety, style, quality and price. As one of the firm will be constantly at work in the shop, tbe public m.y depend on having all kinds of JOBBING with which they may favor na, executed in the prompt est and most workmanlike manner, and at the IwrM rate. TIN KUOrlNG and SPOUTING pnt on new and repaired in a workmanlike manner and at lowest rates. . Mrinnfacture of stove-pipe and fitting up of stoves a specialty. By strict attention to business, good work and moderate charges, they hope to merit and receive a fair share of public pat ronage, v . V OYSTERS, riSH, 4c. All Kinds of Oysters, Fresh Fish, ate, iir season, supplied to families on shortest no tice. Al! orders left at the shop wiU be promptly attended- to. Mifflintown, April J.7, ISSl-tf 70 A WEEK. $12 a day at borne easily PI U made. Costly Outfit free. Address Tac it Co., Augusta, Maine. mar 2, "bl-ly . Consult your interests and advcft;s0 ia tbe Sentiutl and Republican: .ID FER T1SEME.YTS. TONIC and a general assortment of strro rood. I who may favor me with a call. Will pay Pert Roys). t. M. COOK. BOYS' CLOTHING j.d rvRNisHiyo Goods. choice and select stocks ever offered in New Bai!d:n?. corner of Bridce and Jan. 1, 1879-tl - -... r of a'l kinds are low Come and see me 07" SlITS MADE TO ORDEK.r SaMCRL STKAYKR. Aeip Aiirerttnementit. Sperinl Soticn. PIMPLES I will mail fFroe) the recipe for a simple VsorrtBL Bslm that wll remove Tan, FRECKLE?. PIMPLES and - Blotchis, leaving the skin sntt, clear and beautiful; also instructions for roducinsi a. lnzuriaal growth of hair on a tali heed or smocih face. Address, inclosing 3c (tamp. Be. VasDKir ft. Co., 6 Beekiuan St., N. T. TO CONSUMrTIVES; The advertiser having been permanently cured of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, ia anxious to make known o hi frtlow-snBerers the means ol cr'ro. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free ol charge.) with the direction for preparing and asing the same, which they will Hod a rat Cras forCosrPTio, Astiba, Baos chitis, ic. Parties wishing te Prescrip tion, will please address, Rev. E. A. WILSON, 194 Penn St., Williamsburg, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED. Big Pay. Light - Wort Steady Employment. Sam ples frei. Address. M. L. BYKN, 49 Nas sau Street, Kow York. ERRORS OF lOtTH. A GENTLEMAN who luuered for rears fro"i .Nervou DEBILITY, PREMATURE DCAY, and all tbe effects of youthful in discretion, will for.thn.sake of suifer-jg hu manity, send free to all who need it, the re cipe and directions for making tbe simple remedy by whieh he waa cured. Sutlerera wishing to profit by the advertiser's expe rience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. . JOHN 8. uGDtN, 42 Cedar St., New York. Jan 28, 18SI. After the First Day of December, ' 1880, TOD WIIL FIND JACOB G. WIXEY In bis New Store Room at the East end of m ilisterViLle, with a Large Lsrt'f . ST0YES AST) .MS.1ERS ndC, ilVkjiid, Stiive Fjp-", Crd Can.. Mica rati kb iruu.nare, tripping rans, anuiii kk.da.0f' . . . TLXAHD PHEET iMS'WARE, WbkhVrticIes be will'sll at .the . Lowest v .'Fexwiole Trices '- ' '' Thankful bv ftAfV'tioiiire te . duetts. by slrkt attention tr bsju,esa,4o receive at least bis sLare) the fiituse. " .wCOB 6. WINEY. Nov. 21, IStO. V , -' . - "". y ESb Ltnl .Voficri. Register's "Splits. Kotiok is uert-'by given t!' :':e following persons have tiled thuir accocau m tl tw ister's Office iu Mihlintewpy ar j that the same will be presented to li.e 'Jourttr con firmation and allowance, ca TL'i-oDAV, MAY 17, 1881: . 1. First and fins! a-count of S. C. Pit, gnsrdun of Anna D. Ingram, miuur child of D' II. Ingram, deceased. . . 4. Account ol Luciea Banks, guard bin of Nancy J. Smith, who ha attained ber ma jority. 8. Account of Andrew B.ubore, rinr.lian of Annie Gravbill, nee Annie Spivber. wilier child of Kiuanuel Spichi-r, Ui of H'alkur toYnsfitp, Juniata county, deceased. 4. First and fjnal acrvunt of 3. C PsgO; gur.rdiaajM Mary A.Ingram, m.uor child ol D..U. Iugr:. deceased. ' - 6. First and goal account of S. C. Pare, guardian ol Susan R. Ingram, niiuor child of. D. U. Ingram, dec rased. fc. First and final account of B- F. Burvh fleld, administrator of ilenry H. H rtle, Lite of the borough of Patterson, dxesed. 7. The first and flml account of William S. Brown, adta'r of Jacob Uostdtler, late of Delaware township, det M. 8. Tbe account ol W. H. Me Vlistxr, ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Jane McCully, late ol Fayette township, decM. 9. Tbe account of Dr. (i. U. Graham, guardian of Anna B. Koonsl minor rhjjd of Jacob Koous, law of TurDJtt lownofc y, de ceased. , 10. The account of Dr. G. M. Or.ih.tm, guard ian ot Thonus hloous, minor child of Jacob Koonv lata) ot the township of Tur brt, dfttAstsi. - 11. The accent of Dr. G. M. Rrahim. guardian of Elisabeth Kuow, minorcliild of Jarnh Koona, late of Turbett township, de ceased. 12. The second partial aceooot of David O. Shelleoberger, executor of Christian Shellenberger, late of Monroe township, de- ceas'.'d. . 13. The first and finil account of Andrew Bo hoar, administrator of Peter Be? hoar, Lite-of Fayette. township, deceased. 11. The arcoin. -jI Saniuel Murkier, ad ministrator of the estate of Daniel Byers, late of Ktyr'te township, deceased. , lo. r ml and final account of John Kurts, administrator of Sarah liahman, late of the county -( Elkhart connty. State of Indiana. IS. Accouut of William PuCenPerger, executor of Frederick Putfenberger, Lite cf the township of Fermanagh, deceased. 17. Tbe account of Davrt U. Wirt, ex. eeutor of Catharine Fletcher, late of Walt er township, deceasfd. 18. The account of A. G. Hornberger, administrator of John Shetterly, late of Monroe townbip. deceased. 19. The first and partial account of L'nah S human, ariministratornC Koburt M. Thomp son, late ol Delaware township, deceased. 20. First and final account of David Beale, administrator of John McCulloch, late of Tnscarora township, deceased. 21. The final acconnt of Amos StontTer and Abram Stouff r, administrators of Dan iel Stoufter, late ot tbe towcshiri of Fer managh. deceased. 22. First and final account of J. M. Mor rison, administrator of Elizabeth Wallace, late of Lack township, deceased. 23. The account of L. R. Marger, admin istrator of Michael Maager, late of Spmce Hill township, deernaed. 24. The first and final account of A. J. Patterson, administrator of Catharine Alex andisr, late of Port Royal, dect ssed. 2o. The final account of Amos G. Bon sall. executor of Benjamin F. Kepner. Isle of the borough of Miltlintown, deceased. 2. Tbe first and final acconnt of Jacob Sausman. administrator of Elizabeth Siu; man, lale of F syatta tnwns'iip, ceces:. J. M. McDONALD, Rtgiter. Register's Office, Mifllintown, i April 18, 1SSI. $ Adtulnliitratrlx's Notice. Ettate of Samuel W. Brubaker, iereated. ETTERS of Administration having ben JL-i granted to the undersigned on the es tate of Sam iel W. Brnhaker, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate re request ed to n.ake immediat- paym-jrif,au1 all per sons having claims sgaiost said estate will present them without delar to MARY ANN bRl'BAKF.R, : Adm'aistrairix, Fermanagh township, Jul lata Co., Pa. March 14, 1881. SOMETMB WORTH MOWLKB. A GRAND OPENING! We bare just come from New York with a new stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS fc GROCERIES, AND A FULL LINE OF STORE GOODS, for tte ionhtr' trade. DBe sure and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as you can cer tainly aavt money. Ho trouble to show Goods. One rice to all. IiOCl'ST GROTL', One mile southwest of Patterson. Hair i levin. April 27, lliSI-ly JUKIATA VALLEY BANK, bFMIFFLISTOW.f, PA. . . WITH BRANCH AT PoRT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. J. NEVIN POMBKOY, Prenfnt. T. VAN IRWIN, Cwr. DiKKcroas : J. Nevin Pomeroy, Joseph Rothroclt, ueorge jacoDS, rump .H. nepner. Amoa t. Buasall, Louis E. Atkioscn. W. C. Pomeroy, . . TOCKHoLDE : J. Nevin Pomeroy, R. E. Parker, Philip M. Kepner, Sam i Ilerr s Iieirs. Joseph Rotbrock, Jane H. Irwin, George Jacobs, Mary Kurt. L. K. Atk'nsoa, Samuel II. Kurtz, W. C. Pomeroy, J, Holme Irwin, Amos G. Bonsiil, T. V. . Irwin, Noah Hertiler, f. B. Frow. Prnitl Stonfter, John Ilertzler. Charlotte Snyder, 3 Interest allowed at the rata of 2 ier cent, on 6 months certificates, 3 per cent, on 2 monin certiocates. jan23,1873-u' KENNEDY & DOTY, (Succvasort to Bnrers Jl Kennedy,) T DEALERS IJ CEMENT. Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster, ' SEEDS, SALT, .C, We'buy Grain, to be dU-,trc'd at Kiflia town or Mexico. ...... We are prepared to luraisu Salt to dealers at reasonable rate. ... .. KENNED! DOTS'. April 21, I879-tf beukocl and ?"-;'Ulln;n $l.o a juai . Profftsionat Carat. j JOi;ii P.. ATKINSON, ATTORN ET -AT -LAW, JKFFLINTOWN. PA. ' r7Co'lectiug and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Owen On Main street, in iia place of esidence, south of Bridge street. 31 ASOX IRWIN, . AT70EXEY-AT-LAW, .". wr.vrvir.v. jpmatj co., pa. SXJf All business promptly attended w. !'Ti On BrtU;e ;Ut, opposite the Court House square. "bO-Ir J.VC03 EEIDLZii, AT rORNEY AT L AW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. 7"Coilections attended to protrp' 7 Orric With A. J. Patterson Eq, oa Bridge, street. tb 2 , 80. D VVID D. STONE, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, - ..IFFLINTOWN, PA. rrCcilcft'-ip and all professional busi ness promptly a'.tended to. jnne 20, 177. THOMAS A. ELDER, M. t: Physician and Surgeon, Mlt'FHSTOlVN, TA. Otbce hours from 9 a. u. to 3 r. .. Of. Bee in his father's residence, at the south end of Water street. ocl22-U D, M. CRAWFORD, M. D., Ha rcrr.me I rttvc!y.. th- practice of Medicine and Surgery an 1 t'eir culUteral brioches. Ottice at the old corner of Third and Orange streets, MUIlintown, Pa. March 2'J, 1876 J M. BRA-EF, J!. ., PHYSICIAN AND-SURGEON, Jtcudemia, Juniata Co , Pa. Orric formerly occupied by Dr. Sterrett. Professional business promptly attended tj at all hours. D L. ALLEN, M. D., Has commenced the practice of a-licina and forgery and all their collateral branches, Office at Acadeiuia, at the residence of CapL J. J. Patterson. fjulj 15.1874 JOHN" JlcLACGHLIN, . INSURANCE AGENT, POLT ROYAl, JLSUTA CO., I'A. DOnly reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, 187-i-ly IT EN R Y II A RS H BE RG ER, 11. 2. Continues the practice of Medicine and Surgery and all their collateral branches. Oilier at his residence in McAlisterville. Feb.?, lo. .Vetticu. THE BEST REMEDY fob; Dtes of Hie Ttaist una msx TH.sea.wi of rfin Ayer's rmlmonary onpuiH are so prevalent and fatal, that a safe and reliable remedy for them is invaluahlq toe very community. A V T. R ' S I'llRl'.E V ( I'xcTOB-iL is suck 3 V,j reuieay, h,'i nu VHEKKY merits tie conn- dence of the puouc. II IS asciemiitc cuie Ol.;ntin of tl.. ni.IL fiTjf'eiruU principle and I , ),- curative irrns, oi Jjii tlie finest tlruirs. a a.v a waa ui, n,rB great. est possible efficiency and uniformity of re sults, which enables physicians as weli : invalids to use it with confidence. It is the most reliable remedy for diseases ot the throat and lungs that science has pro. dnced. It strikes at tbe foundation of all pulmonary diseases, affording prompt and certain relief, and is adapted to pa tients of any age or either sex. Bt-ing very palatable, the ynunpvst children take it without d Jiiculty. in the treat, ment of onlinary t'oue;ns. Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Inlluenza- Cler gymaa's3oreThroat,Asthnia,Croup, and Catarrh, the etlecte of Avf.k s Chuki Pectoral are magical, and mulii todes are annually preserved from serum illness by its timely and faithful ue. It abould be kept at hand in ewy hose. hold, for the protection it affrd in siui den attacks. In Whoopinfr-connh aiui Consamption there is no other riuedy so efHcacions, soothing, and helpful. The marvellous rnres which Am?' Chkkjit Pfjtokai. has effected all over the world are a suracient guaranty that it will continue to produce ttie l-t'ro.-nlts. An impartial trial will convince the m..-t Sceptical of its wonderful imrative powers, as well a of its superiority over all other preparation for pulmonary complaints. . Eminent physicians In all parts of the eountry, knowinir its composition, reeom mend Avkr's Chkhrt Pectoral to inva lids, and prescribe it in their prortw-e. Tlie test of half a century haa proved its' alwolute certainty to cure all iHilmouary complaints not alre&ly beyond the rc.;Ii of human aid. Prepared ty Dr. I Q,. Aycr L Co,' rraetical aad Awar tesa CbeialsU, Lowe'!, hTass. UOLZ. ST IU DEI S'i.STS ETEBVWHaES. iilanbood: HowLojt Eow Restored Just p'llt'islied, new edition i.f f 1 I'r. Cuherweli'a CtleNrated Kssay rrx the radical cure (without meii: cil. of. h p rin.ilorrliii a or eiuinl wu..ik ness. Involuntary Seminal Losses, Ic-j" tem-y Mental and Physical Incapacity, Iir pedimerts to Marriage, etc ; alsn,. Cou suniptiim, Epilejmy and Fits, indc?d by suit -indulgence or sexual cxinsratr-nce, 4-c. . The celebntled au:hor, in thfj L admirable Fsiay, clearly demonstrates, f?-m a thirty years' successful practice, ti.t the alarm ing consiliences o!" self-abuie tr.ty tie rrd H-aily cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or tbe application of the knife; pointing ut a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and rjfecuml, by mean of which every iifforcr, r-Htr liat hi condition may be, may enre tiiuacif cheap.' ly, isrivately, and r!.'i'-i7y. SJ I his Lecture should be in Oi hand of every youth and every msn in the land. Pent tree, undi-r seal, iu a plain euvelupu, to anv address. Address the Publishers, TIIEtTLTEBWELLKEDItALrC, 41 Ana Si., New -ki j:ineI8-ly Poat-OtUce Box C4L'TIO SC'TIt'E. ALL persons are ht-rtl csutione I not to 'respaes Uu the ' riil i of the oiidrtg:iviI in Delaware tovnship, tor the pur;V,e of lumberinB. or f;ir arv other p'lrposo. Mar , J. Y. KURTZ. T. n pvfl Per dav at l.onie 5vii!ipu s St 1 J t J Willi isorlh i true. Address Stis vis Ji Co , rrt;ar.l, Maine. mwifl-ly . Subscribe for the Sentinel and Rrpuliiinn. It contaiu atorti, and a greater ariety if gisjd and useful uiadirg maitjr than any other county cape.. dUU V out !it lr-e. Address II. Hauett fc. Co., Portland, Maine. mar2l All kinds of job work nestlv and expedi tiously executed at the office of the .Vtaturf unl Rrpuhtican.