MIFFLINTOWN: tfedoeadar. March 16, i88l. TERMS. Onbscription, fUO per annum if paid Jb-2 months; $2-00 if not paid w.tbia :2Tiiea advertisement inserted at 60 cents P" inii fur ench insert,oa- , . . Transient business notices tn local col- n TO cen per line for eh losertlon. " IMl-ict'ooi will be mad to those desiring todrertiee by the year, half or quarter year- EEQISTEROF SALES. SALK OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. March 19 W. ir- McAlisttr, at Cocola u(Persocl property, 6 bead young cat a t shotes, farming menu's, household articles ana store good. Jjrcb 2S. Isaac Shirt, Fayette town ship. I1 mlle c McAlisterville Per sonal u.-uperty. 2 h rses. 8 coin, 4 cows, J brad young cattle, IS bed sheep. 1 low with 6p - shotes, I fuli-bluod Berkshire 1 luil-biocd Berkshire ow farming ..nliia also. half interest of 18 acres vt wheat In the ground. Apr' 2 Mary Ann Bruhaker, In Fer mlII,jh township, near Happy Hollow Kb ol house, will sell 2 uiules, I cow, I to-hor. wagon, top buggy and other tarni 'ng implements, also household turnitore. SHORT LOCJ1LS. Onions are acarce. Tapped The sugar maple tree. Wild geese are flying northward. The time to report large eggs la here. Buy Dr. Morrison', anti-biilious pills. The rich are talking about summer re aorts. The trade in oyster will aoonend forthia season. Altoona La bad one case of apotted fever this spring. Wheat in the fleldi baa a moat unprom ising appearance. For Sale A good Ko. 9 Cook StoTe. quire at this office. The Keiser boyt stay up to ferry peopl for the night trains. In- STATE ITEMS. The police of Philadelphia are to be Ticciaaied. Ctintria cicnty Las been filled with CtnLteneit silver dollar. There are. 3.500 procers in Phi'adai cSii wbo employ 6.(X'0 sssistaots. T3 71-3'jg prls were arrested at Mur:oc, Delaware couuty, for distuib lLg, bv laughing and conversation, a nmetitg n Mftbodi.t church at that p ace. Tiiey were seutenced to pay a ihe aai $) 91 CJSts. A Ui about ei.'bt years of age, earn ed ?f :krr, living in Washington, this State, obtained a railroad torpedo, looking somewhat like a ttn blacking box , on M-ioJi' morning took it Louie std coa.tr eased pouudiog it witb a latcliet, abr-.i it exploded, catting a severe gisti in the little fellow's groin. It uiig' t ha-e killed bioi. ffie ittp iuoiii-n of eheep herds if to be attested m a large scale la p art of Centre oi-uuv. , wbeie the mouutain regies are well aosp'ed for grazing portis-a. A J'caiville, Pa., girl who was mar red at 15 sni divorced at 16 his taken afectiJ lusband Lj way of celebrating brt birthday. 'I'iie Xewi-ert IriJge company have irded the c.-iitraet for rebuilding the bridge washed awsj by tbe resent flood to J wbua Sweger, of Newport, fcr $4.S.'0. Tbe bridge is to be fiuieb ei by Juce 1 iSsl. William li. W bite, tbe man wbo murdered Charles E;:en in Millers toco stveral weeks ago, was arrested rn M tidsy a week iu a sLauty within cue kiiadred feet ot wliere the crtuie wis O'liitiiltted, acd where be has beeu la tii.Vng pver ainr. Pifi rapbs ot lit murderer Ld been petit to all pirt. of the eouutry, aud a reward of $Sl'U tffired fur bis arrest. Dauiel Swar'z, of Juniata township, ferry couuty, has i.et tiiirty-lwo skeps cf bees duncg the wiater. Pottstown reports an elopensont, Married Pu 'dicr lvid Wiss having idn with Pdidier Harvey liarteo nine'a wife, who leires twa cbildrt-n behind her. Ten e Ojiil in the Lignuier Va'ley i estu,.-rt'.&jd C 'Utjfj, are snwirg and ahijpiig ci;e iliUiuU feel of luaiber per mama. MdiLeim, a njall town in Lancaster couutt, coiiiaiiiti twenty five cigar lac tone, Lve tuhacco packing establish lsetits and five cigar b x factories, giv ing euij I-A uitiit to 3-19 persons. A eoh-red tramp was saed a few dive agu from a br.k?n head by being the py-s-f-sor of a tinok fkull. He eaiied at a biackoiuilh shop iu Bi-rks At 10 o'clovk, and at half-past 10 o'clock err Sibbath morning SnloUlTa large flat wm leare the Patterson shore for this aide of the river, for tbe accommodation of all peraona who desire to attend church in this town, and after preaching the 11 tt will make two tripe to tbe Patterson aide, for the ac commodation of people who have been to church. The "round trip" will be free of cnaige. In a few days Snlouff expects nave a tut tbe safe carrying capacity of which will be twenty tons. Senator Horatio Gates Jon", champion of tbe "religious liberty" cause that is to exempt the Seventh-day Baptists from the penalties of the Sabbath laws had a dia mond pin stolen from his shirt breast while going down Cheknnt street, Philadelphia, in a street car, last Thursday afternoon. Two men were concerned in the theft ; they I OUshed On arainif thm &initn. K Horses h.ve been selling a, high as $H0 jostle that ensued the pin was torn from the i - shirt front and handed to a confederate, wbo left tbe car. The thief that remained in the car was arrested. Senator Jones Is a gentleman, a philosopher, and tbe loss of the pin will be appreciated, and viewed from a standpoint b. tilting so liberal and well in formed a gentleman aa the Senator; at public sales ; cows at $25to80 per bead Jacob Sulouff baa bought the Kennedy & Doty ferry. He also owna one-third of the adjoining ferry. FOR SALE Five shsret Odd Fellows' Hall Association atock. If yon wish to buy, call at this office. It is said that the fashionable spring bon net will be big enough to be a prominent figure in a man' eye. The river presents an animated scene when a half dozen row boats are propelled through its awltt current. Jacob Slautterback, a first-rate black smith, will locate, and open a shop at Van Wert abont the flrat of April. Timbers for the rebuilding of the river bridge have been brought to town, aad the exact diatance between piers measured. The occupation of the early garden baa been seriously interfered witb this season by the "winter lingering in the lap of spring." A great snow storm, that blockaded travel in Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota and other Wt stern Slates prevailed on Saturday, the 12ih inst. COMMUNICATION, Poit Rotal, March 12, 1881 Mr. Editor : As tbe late ice flood de stroyed a portion of the bridge across the river at Mifflintown, the question of free bridges instead of toll bridges haa been raised among the people of the connty. 1 would like to say briefly that 1 know tbat a large portion of tbe people are opposed to buying the river bridges from the compa nies that now own ibem, bat I cannot see on what grouud they oppose the county owning or building and keeping up a bridge across the river, when it builds and keeps I np bridgea in dii-tant parts of the country. It would be a great convenience to have all the river bridgea in the county free. 1 sup poae that thirty thousand dollars would buy the MuHintown bridge, the Port Royal bridge, and the Thompsontown bridge, and Lere. Love is not made of kisses, or of a'gbs, Of clinging hands, tor of the aorcerws And subtle witchcrafts of alluring eyes. Love la not mads of broken whispers) not Nor of the Noshing cheek, whose answer ing glow Telia that the ear haa heard the accenta low. Love is not made of tears, nor yet of smiles ; Of quieriug lips, or of enticiug wiles ; Love is not tempted ; he himself beguiles. Th'.s ia Love's language, but this is not Love. If wo know aught of Love, how shall we dare To say tbat this is Love, when well aware That these are common thing, and Love is rare Aa separate stream may, blending, ever roll In course united, so, ot soui to soul, Love is the union into one sweet whole. As molten metals mingle; aa a chord Swells sweet in harmony ; when Lore ia lord; Twa hearts are one, aa letters lorui a word One heart, one niind.'one soul and one desire, A kindred taacy and a sister Are Ot thought and passion j these can Love in spire. -MISCELL.MEO US AD VBR T1SEMEXTS. This makes a heaven of earth ; Love. for this is it FOR THE BEST AND CHKAFKST FUR3iITUKU AUD CARPETS in the county, go to GKATBiLL'S, In ilifilintowD, thn .l'rl IhiwHl- jknuM . nmm 1 . . -1 iL.. When you feel a congh or bronchial affec- j .1 ' .-- .. . . do over the creek bndee. I know the tax payers shrink from taking on another lo-d, out then many other counties carry b'gger loads than that. The county bonds would take well amorg people who have money. They could be redeemed in '6 or 20 years. FREE BR1DUE. tlon creeping on the lunes. take AVer's Cherry Pectoral, and cure it before it be comes incurable. Rev. Mr. Berry's meeting at Arch Rock school house, in Fermanagh township, has closed. Result about a dozen new mem bers hare been added to the church. An exchange says: The Supreme Court ! has deciritrd that tax-payers hat a right to work out their road tax, snd the snperri sora have no right to a percentage on tbe taxes as worked out. Mr. Jitucs Irwm aud wife were away to Shade Gap, Huntingdon county, a few days last week, to see an old friend, Mr. H. C. Robinson, who expects soon to go across tbe sea to the old country. John S. Gray bill haa sold bis farm near Van 'Vert, ia YTaker township, to John Ueckmao for $3,8u0.00. Tbe farm con tains 103 acres, and was formerly known as I ho Beijimin Wei J man farm. Take back the love thou gavest me," she sang. It was a love of a bonnet, but didn't match her complexion, and she want ed him to exchange it (Or one tbat did. Cincinnati Saturday Sight. Two young men from Altoona will ever remember tbe ipaogcration of President Gai field with a slmdder. They drank liquor, were drugged by Wabbitrgtou liquor sellers, and robbed of money and clothing. Daniel D. lunner, cf the Shamokin Timrs, was seriously hurt, in the wreck of the passenger train on the Baltimore and Potomac Hailraad, when coming from the inauguration. It was the same train that Mr. Haye was on. Recorder (to witness with bandaged head): 'Did he have any provocation when be struca you I" Witness "He may have had some thing of tbe kind consayled about hia per son, but it was a once ce situck me wia. Eoilo Giobt. On Friday of last week, the pupils of the First School in Patterson presented their teacher, W. R. Auman, with a neat box filled with paper an 1 envelopes, silk band only, and n assaulting the owi.er . te-chief, moustache cup and saucer, and a wiiKu ore-Ira to ieiTe as deairteveral b.i; over ii;e Lead with a bur of iron, without serious i jury. He was subse quently arrested ar-d lodged iu J -a 1 1 . A li; tie girl, five years of age, wag fatally buri,td in Putts-town on .'ion day mornitip a wc-k by ber clothes taking fire fr;m a lighted stick in the bands of a p'a;. mate. The Puilileiihia committee of One Hundred have caused the arrest of six teen eiecti n cAk-pm, wbo have been bound over for trial. James Lorkin the defaulting tax collector of Meadvilie Pa , w!io attempt ed suicide in December died ou tbe 9:h from efiVcls of tbe shot. He lived tLree nif.ntLs wi'h the bullet in bis brain, atid had r-covered 80 tar as to walk about the streets. Tbe wound never ceased to i am him but was im proving net ill within a few daya. Tbe deceased wig frty-fotir years oil and leaves a Lrge family. Ten persons bave died at Treuiont, Pchujikiil county, of smallpox fcince February 1. Pnysiciatis there contend tht in cne br tw.j lastaiices the diiease has been carried from one bouse to an other by calg. tlisi t'ooper, sged 12 years, was ac quitted tPrllM,.ie,)11XLursday,of the charge of murdr-r. He struck and killed a boy named -u::.van in a snowball fight. The Grand Jary of Schuylkill coun ty has fjund a true bill of indictment agim't Jacob Hiutzirger for embef flng 5:14,000 that Protbono.ary Kernt. Hdcn deposit in tbe Miner' Trust Laak. A man as dangerously injured in nttsbarg on T iips.I-iv a Tck. bv be ing struck on the bpad with a coal-oil lamp. The knp exploded, envelop ing his hf-ad in the flumes of the Lurn g oil. but fortunately ther were ex tinguished in time to save Lis life. tuc lUnt has hcen nested. Ihe bunhury Democrat of last week M'rA reI'res,u,a''ve of tbe Baltimore nd Potomac railroad, on which tbe ac cident occurred last Saturday, was in "umber who were injnred. and paid a A. Wea- verre ceived $.,00 ; W. II. M. Otam, U; Geo. M. Marshal, $250: W. Allen Jones. Sli.T il p ni..i- $250 F, but ones, 5o0: G. F Unl.tin D. S. Glloor rj.itm..!,.. -,'m. oausser. S150. nrl .i.. .....n. ' - - v uiuui a Duiauci satisfactorv "e editor, refund to settle yet. He m traveling ou a pass, tbe acceptance w which always exoterates the com efyIrJnpaiD1CIitforany injurJ re rI V the Sent 8aT8 tba' this faot ""a"r wil1 be taken f tbe we tbat pass wasnsd. The company w ' ks VUhMr9- YonR? in f-w Uic T J 0ffer81 b will tot be s than $10,000. set of glassware. AU of the articles were of the finest qual Ity. The roan who takes a connty paper, reads it, aud pays for it, is never among the vic tims of gas that escapes from the gas pipes in his room in a city hotel where be may stop w hen away from home. He has learned in bis country home from the paper that gas should be tnrntd out, not blown out. The Huntingdon Journal says : Large numbers of apple trees in different parts ol the country bave been discovered to be split on the one side from tho roots to tbe limbs. It is supposed that the extreme moisture of tbe trees froze during the cold weather, and expanding burst the tree. There were four bidders for the re-bnild-ing of the Newport bridge. One of the bidders was from Philadelphia ; the bid was $5,087. The three other bid were by Per ry county men, and were $4,-503, $4.49-5, and $4,300. The latter bid too tbe bridge. Tbe contractor is Joshua A. Swesger. The following are the tax collector ap pointed for 1881 : Beale, Robert Innis; MU ford, A brain Tartner; Tuscarora, James Louden; Lack, T. H. Caruthers ; Spruce Hill. Noah Eh Turbett, Samuel McMeen; Port Royal, Jos. Stininftll; Patterson, Wil liam Hartman ; Mifflintown, C. B. Horning; Fermanagh, Isaac Pcfll-nberger; Fayette, James McCauley ; Monroe, John G. Shel-' lenberger ; Susquenanna, Uriah Frymoyer; Delaware, A. 11. Knitz; Walker, Michael Coltlren. The Baltimore .imcncaa discovers that Baltimore girls are the prettiest because of the climate and of the food they eat. Ohio girls, it says, eat pork and sauetkrant, Mas sachasett girls eat codfish balls, Virginia ginia girls eat bacon and greens, the Gulf State girls eat gr.mbo, Ne'w Hampshire girls eat pie and doughnut and Kentucky grrls eat blue-graaa beef, and yet all these are prettier than the girls of Europe. But the Baltimore girls eat oysters, terrapin, canvas-back duck, bay mackerel and oft sheU crabs, all productive of beauty. The Huntingdon Journal writes of a case of sore affliction as follows : Mr. Sarah Henry, wile of Kuasell Henry, died at her residence, in this place, on Sunday night. Tbe deceased was the daughter of Mr. John Johnston, of our town, who seems to have more than hi share of trouble. On Tues day, while preparations were in progress for the burial of bia daughter, he received a telegram informing him of the death of bis youngest son, Blair, who has been an inmate of the Insane Asylum at Harrisburg, for some time past. His remain were Drought to this place on Wednesday evening, and consigned to their final resting place on Cem etery Hill. Out of a family of four chil dren be ha but one left, tbe others having all died within the past eighteen montha. We sympathize with our old friend in his sore affliction. What an Insurance Journal Has to Say of "Speculative Bisks." . The U. B. Mutual Jul Journal, devoted to lile insurance, has this to say of the per nicious "speculative" risk business : "Another feature of the game is to de ceive the old, bait dead men and women into signing the document. Recently sev eral young men were anxious to take in surance" on tbe life of their grandmother, but they could not persuade her to sign the paper. Finally, one of them said, " I can fix it." So, takihg another of the party witb him. he went to the old lady anl told ber tbat he was about to go West, and thought it would be a good thing to have a certificate ot good moral character to take with Mm. and asked her if she would not sign such a certificate. She readily consent ed and wrote ber name on the paper he gave her, which was an application for $ , 000 insurance on her lifo. Tben turning to his comrade, he said, "and now yob sign it too," and he signed aa a witness, and the thing was done ; and these pirties now have $5,000 insurance on their grand -mother' life, without hrr knowltdgt or cement. " A man stepped into the U. B. Aid office the other day and asked the aecretary if a certain mm of a certain place was insured in the sociciy. On being told that he was not, ho remarked that the man was recently insured in several companies for $12,000 or $15.ti00, and is lying at tnu point of death, and has not seen a well day for more than two year." Falieu Flowers. One of tbe workers of the world Living toiled, and toiling died ; But others worked and tbe world went on, And wa not changed when he wss gone, A strong arm stricken, a wide sail furled ; And only a lew men sighed. One of the heroes of the world Fought to conquer, iben fought to fail, And tell down slaiu in hi blood-stained mail, And over his form thev stept; Hi cause was lost and hi banner furled; And only a woman wept. One of the singers among mankind. Sang h aliug aongs from ao o'erwrougbt heart ; But ere men listened the grass snd wind Were wasting tbe rest unsung like a wave; And now of his fame that ill ne'er depart He has never heard iu bis grave. One of the women w ho only love, Loved and grieved and failed away Ah me. I are these gone to the God above, What more "I each can I sav f They are bunuu dw.-rs that flower and fall, This is the sung and the end of them ail. Airy View Academy. Tort Rojal, Juniata County, Penn'a, The Spring Session of this well-known institution will open on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1SP1, under the personal care and instruction of tbe undersigned, who will give their undivided time aud attention to the School. For particulars, send fcr Circular. Davio Wilsow, Principal. J. B. Surra, Co-Priucipil. Toar Rotal, Feb. 16. '81-5t . 31 A ItlilEI) t Cba.noi is Postal Reotlatio.k. The Postniar.ter General bis issued an order, un der date of February 21, 18S1, revoking Section No. 232 of the Postal Regulations. Under this section it was p-rmitted to send all printed commercial paper filled out in writing, such as papers of legal procedure, deed of all kinds, bills of '.ading, invoices, and tbe various documents of . insnranc companies, etc., at third class rates. Under tbe new order all the partially written mat ter must be prepaid at the regular letter rate of 8 cents for each half ounce. Tbe following exceptions to tbe rule are made: Corrected proot-sheeta and manuscript copy accompanying the same. Date and name of the adaresses and the sender of circulars, and tbe correction of mere typographical errors therein. Upon third-class matter, or upon tbe wrapper inclosing the same, the sender may write hi own name and address witb the word "from" above aud preceding tbe same, and in either case may make aim pie marks, intended to designate a word or passage of the text to which it is desired to cail attention. Tbere may be placed npon the cover or blank leavea of any book, or ef any printed matter of tbe third class, a man uscript dedication or inscription, but it must be confined to a simple address or consign ment as a mark of retpect, and it must not partake of tbe nature of personal corres s;ondence. Upon fourth-class matter the tender may write bis own name address, preceded by the word "from," and also the number and names of the articles inclosed. He may also mark the article for identification. The disorderly people in Huntingdon require a police force of three men. An enlarged police force is one of the penal ties of becoming so populous. A CARD. I am prepared to furnish tbe bat make of Utedle; Shuttles, and sew p artt for ANY Sewing Machine, (old or new.) in the mar ket, also, the 6eif pure tptrm machine oil. W. U. AIKEN 5, Main street, Mifflintown, Pa., One door above Post-Office. TIME EXTENDED. Many subscribers of tbe Sentinel itd Republican, that were in arrears more than ooe year, paid np their arrearages within the past month. A num ber of others wbo are in arrears more than one year have requested an extension of time. After the first of May, 1881, a bill will be sent to each and every one that is in arrears more than one year. PILLS. Use only Dr. J. M. Morrison Sugar ooated Ann-bilious Pill s thej are now acknowledged to be the best Liv er Pill made, a box of them should be in every family. Tbey we also a good phveio. Can be had at Dr. Bank's Drug Store in Mifflintown and at most of the country stores. Tbe Dr. for merly practiced in Waterloo this ooun ty. e 21 80- Subscribe for the Sf afriirf and Rfpubllcun. HALDEMAN MILLER. On the 3rd inst , at tbe Presbyterian parson ige, in Mil- lerstown, bv Kev. w. H. Logan, Jerome a S. Haldeman, of Tbotnnsoutown, Juniata county, aud Ida M. Miller, of Millerstown, Perry comity. IHEDi MALIN On the 8th tnst., the residence of his parents, G W. and Mary- Malin, near McAlitcrril!e, William Y. Malin, aged 30 rears, 9 months and 11 days. MIFFLINTOWN MARKETS. MirrLisTOwn, March 16, 1881. Bnttot Eggs Lard..... ..... Ham , Shoulder ....... Sides , Potatoes....... Oniona. ........ Raga 1 20 12 8 12 8 8 40 00 n MIFFLINTOWN GRAIN MARKET. Corrected weealy. QCOTATIOXS FOB To-DAT. Wednesday, March 1C, 1881. Wheat 1 00 Corn,, 42 Oats . 80to3 Rve 75 Cloverseed 7oto4 00 PHILADELPHIA GRAIN MARTSl Philadelphia, March 14 Wheat i quiet No. 2 Western red. $1 17; Pennsylvania red and amber, $l.loal.l7. Corn is firm; steamer, 63ao4c ; yellow 6c mixed bdc. Oat are quiet and steady; No. 1 wbite, 451c i No. 2 do., 41Jc; No. S do. 43c; No. 2 mixed 42c. Rye is scarce at $.00. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET. Philadelphia, March 14--The cattle mar ket! dull; sale 3,600 head ; prune, 6i 6c ; good,f iGc; medium, 4 j ioJc ; com mon, 4IHJO. 1 he sneep nnrket is aull; sales, 8,000 head; prime, 6JtfiJc; good, 6aHc; medium, 6 4 " ; common, oJx"Je. The bog market is dull; prime, 9Jti),c; good, c ; medium, 8s ;. Special .Yolicet. PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe lor a simple Veoetablr BaLa that will remove Tas, FRECKLE?, -PIMPLES and Blotches, leaving tbe skin olt, clear and beautiful ; also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a ball bead or smooth face. Address, inclosing 3c stamp. Be. Vaxdeiv Sl Co., 5 Beekman St., N. Y. F A TRUE TONIC V A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly recomn-nded for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter uuitmt Fevers, Want of Appetite, Lost cf Sirengdij Lnek f Energy, etc Enriches) the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to tbe nerves. They act JjJiea chirm cn the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, sachS as Taatiia the Food, EekJiintr, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc The onTj Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or giro headache. Sold by all drogjbu. Write for the ABC Hook, 82 pp. of useful and amusing reading sent res. BROTYX CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, ML mmm Medical. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been permanently eared of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to bis fellow-suQerers tbe means of care. To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription used, (free ot charge,) with the directions for prep-wing and estng the same, which tbey will find a scse Crsa for Coniumptiox, Asthma, Bbox chitis, &.c. Parties wishing the Prescrip tion, will plefiso address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 191 Penn El, Williamsburg, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED. Big Pay. Light Work. Steady Emplonient. l-atu-ples free. Address. M. L. BYRN, 49 Nas sau Street, New York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for rears from .Nervous DEBILITY, PREMATURE DECAY, and all tbe effects of yon thiol in discretion, will for the sake of suifering hu manity, send free to all who need it, tbe re cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tbe advertiser's expe rience can do so by addressing in perfect confidence. JOHN B. OGDK.V, 42 Cedar St., New York. Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles In medicine, in proportions accurately adjusted to secure activity, certainty, and uniformity of effect, They are the "result of years of careful study and practical ex periment, and are the most effectual rem edy yet discovered for diseased, caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, and bowels, which require prompt ami effectu al treatment. Aykr's I'ii.i s are specially applicable to this class of diseases. They act directly on the digestive and assim ilative processes, and restore regular healthy action. Their extrusive use ly physiciaus in their practice, and by ail Civilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, aad perfectly reliable purzative medicine. Being compounded of the concentrated ' virtues ol pnrely vegetable sulmtancee, they are positively fr.-e from calomel, or any injurious properties, and can be ad ministered to children with perfect safety. ' Arm's Ptlls are an e Iter real enre for Constipation orCostivenrss, Indiges tion, Dyspepsia, Ixms of Appetite, Foul Stomach and lirefttu.DizMneos, Heealarhe, Loss of Memory, Numb. nesSjBiliousnesSjJaunill.-e. Kheuiua. tism. Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neural, arils. Colic, (iripes. Diarrhoea, Dysen tery, Uout, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting from a disordered state ot the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner PiU they have no eqnaL While gentle in their action, these Pills are the most thorough aud search ing cathartic that can be employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are inflamed ; anil then their influence is heal ing. They stimulate tbe appetite and digestive brsans; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart renewed health and vigor to tbe w hole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aypr L Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists. Lowell, Mass sou ST au. oaconisTs iriarnuBajt. Profetsional Cards. jOUIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. tE7Co!lect!tig ah1 Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. trrtcE On Main afreet, hi Ji! place of residence, south or Bridge afreet. MISCELLANEOUS AD I ER 7ISEM$J. IS. OPENING OF FALL AND WINTER Dry Goods, PiOTKXNS, TRLM.MINGS, ETC. jyTASO.V IRWIN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLISTOWX, JUM.1TJ CO., PJ. C7 All business promptly attended to. Office On Bridge street, opposite the Court House square. j-a7, '8J-ly JACOB BElDLElt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. !X7"Collections attended to promptly. OrFicc With A. J. Patterson Eq, on Bridge street, teb 25, 80. J Win ij. STQNE, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Collection and all professional busi ness promptly attended to. juu20, 1877. THOMAS A. ELDER, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Mt'FLlXTO H'A", rj. Othce hour from 9 a. at. to 8 p. .. Of. flee in his father residence, at the soulb end of Water s'reet. ocl--tl FREDERICK ESPEN3CHADE, Having Purchased the CENTRAL STOKE, MAIN STREET? MIFFLINTOWN; Ha opened wilh the Ijt-irest Stuck ever shown in tLis market anif will continue tu receive, daily, ail the Latest Novelties of th- season. We invile everybody to call and, oxamine onr stock and hear our prices, whether yon wish to pan'iase or not, feeling confident that wben yu do, we can suit yon. botli in quality and prices. This immense and elegtnt assortment consist of lb leaums Imported aaa Ameri can Fabrics, from the Fittest to th-s Cheapest. Ia BLACK AND COLORED CASHMERES We have a large assortment, and oar stuck of FANCY COLORED DRESS (iQODS 1 very rep'ete. with the finest shades and designs. We hare an elegant stock of Mashns, Prints, Cassimeres, Ginghams, Skirtings, Table Linens, Drillings, Shirtiog Towelirgs, Tickings, Sheetings, Ermines. OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT Is replete in everything We open an elefatlt lsne of Trimmings, a large line of Laces, in Buttons we have ail the New Novelties. We have a bautitai Hoe of Shawls, a g-eat variety Skins, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Cows, Scarfs, Handkerchief's, Collars Cntf, Corsets, Ribbons, Underwear. Shetlaad, Germatuu'ffa and Home-mido Factory Tarm, la nli colors, etc., etc Our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Is the largest in the county. We have an elegmt line of Ladies', Misses' snd Chil dren's 5 hoes, stiiiatJa for f ill and wlntT westher, at Prices thit will astouiab fan. Onr stock of Boots for Men. Youths aud Boys ia very extensile. We hare I'a.m at ail prices and qualities. We keen fine line of FRESH GROCERIES , A large stock, of Floor, Table snd Stair Oil Cloths. Onr stork is too large to .nu merate. We invite you to call and see us, and wa wU shear you the Best Stock ot Goods in the County. Y.-Br, rsspectfully. Sept IS, 1880. Frederick esrenschade. fPf! Jl a SE iVEW D03JEST5C SEWING MACHINE. ""WAR isle! a '5 "T! J) M. ClUWFOKD, M. I)., II is resumed acivelv the practice of Medicine and Surgery and their collateral branches. Othce st the old corner of Third and Omiie.! street?, Mifttintown, Pa. March i'J, 1876 BRAZEE, m. d. J. M PHYSICIAN At,rD SURGEON, Academit, Jdniaij Co , n. Orrica formerly occupied by Dr. Sterrett. Professional business promptly attended to ' at all hours. ' J)k7 ALLEN, M. D., ! Has commenced toe practice of Medicine and ! urgerv and all their collateral branches. Office at AcaJeinia, at the residence of Capt. J. J. Patterson. rjul 16.1874 John Mclaughlin', INSURANCE AGENT, PORT ROYJL, JVSIiT.1 CO., F.t. iHOnly reliable Companies represented. Dec. 8, I8"d-ly 55 s i C a er-t D .3 a, o a o 3 r. c o xrv - r.'T,str" --- I 8 fcrJ'fri: 'K f.- " I n o 93 5' cr o t3 H O s-t I s f M The leading Scieutlstn of to day aeree thjt uit iliseasLs are caused by disordered Kidneys or Liver. If, there fore, Ihe Kidney and Liver are kept in per fect order, perfect health will be the result. This truth has only been known s short time and tor years people suffered great agony without ueint: able to find relief. The dis covery of Warner's Sale Kidney and Liver Cure marks a new era in the treatment of these troubles. Mude from a simp ical leaf of rare value, it contains elements necessary to nourish and invigor ate both of these great organs, and salely restore and keep them in order. It ia a POSITIVE Remedy for all the dis eases that cause pains in tl'e lower- part bf the body for Torpid Liver Head-tches Jaundice Dizziness Gravel Fever, Ague Malarial Fever, and all difficulties of tbe Kidneys, Liver and Urinary Organs. It is an excellent and safe remedy for fe males during Pregnancy. It will control Menstruation and is invaluable for Leucor rhoea or Falling of the Womb. As a Blood Purifier it Is uneqnaled, for it cures the organs tbat makt the blood. RE.IU THE RECORD. It aaved my life." E. B. Lakelv, Sel- ma, Jila. " It is tie remedy that will core the manv diseases peculiar to wocen." Mothert' Magazine. " it has passed severe tests and won en dorsements from some of the highest med ical in the country." Sew York IVcrld. "No remedy heretofore discovered can be held for one moment in comparison with it." Ret. C. J. Harvey, O. O., Washing ton, D. C. This Remedy, which his done snch won ders, is put up in Ihe LARGEST MZKD BOTTLE of any medicine upon the mar ket, and is sold bv Druggists and all dealers at $1.35 per bottle. For Dinhetes, in quire tor WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CURE. It is a POSITIVE Remedy. II- II. VTA RXEK & CO., Rochester, A. Y. JJENUT IlAHSIlHERfJER, M. D. Continues the rra:t!ce of Medicine and Surifcry and all their collateral branches. Orlice at bis residence iu McAliaterville. Feb 9, 1875. JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, OF 31IFFLITTOWS, PA. WITH BRANCH AT PuRT ROYAL. ie trop- Stockholders Individually Liable. just the J. NEVIN FOSKROY, President. T. VAN IRWIJi, CaiAwr. DtaacToas: J. Nevln Pomeroy, Joseph Rothrock. George Jacobs, Philip M. Keener, AuiosG. Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinson. W. C. Pomeroy, Manhood: HowLostHowEestored B Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the tad ical curt (without medi cine) of Spermatorrhoea or Semlnel weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impo tency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im pediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Con sumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual extravagance, Ax. Tbe celebrated atitbor, in tbi admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarm ing consequences of self-abuse may be rad ically cured without the dangerius nse ot internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter whit his condition may be, may cure himself cheap ly, privately, and radically. CThis Lecture should be in the bands of every vonth and every man in tbe land. bent tree, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address. Address the Pnnlisbers, TBTE CULVER WELL MEDICAL CO. 41 Ann St., New. York: JnnelMy Post-Office Box 4586. es-tiFel tmt Republican 9 1.5n a ya Sam'l Kerr's Heirs, Jane II. Irwin, Mary Kurt, Sar-uel M. Kurd, J. Holmes Irwin, T. V. Irwin, F. B. Frow. John Hertiler. TOCBHOLtta i J. Nevin Pomeroy, R. E. Parker, romp M. Kepner, Joseph Rothrock, George Jacobs, L. E. Atkinson, W. C. Pomeroy, Amos G. Bonsall, Noah Hertiler, Daniel StouHer, Charlotte Snyder, 3 Interest allowed ot tbe rate of 2 per cent, on 6 niomb Certificates, 3 per cent, on IK months certificates. . jan23, 1879-tf KENNEDY & DOTY, (Snocessorso Buyers A Kennedy,) DEALERS IN bltAi., CO A la . IL31DEH; CEMENT. Cabined Plaster, Land Plaster, SEEDS, SALT. A.C. We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin town or Mexico. We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. KENNEDY t DOTY, April 21, !879-tf $70 A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily $umade. Costly Outfit free. Address Tacc Sl Co., Augusta, Maine, mar 2, "81-ly Self-Threading Shuttle. Self-Setting Needle. Lightest Run ning and Noiseless. Lartbt Bobbin in Use. Winds the Bobbin without running the Machine or removing the work. The NEW DOilESTIC takes no tanlrums. No long tali cr fArgrta.e-nt required, every machine telling ita own story. The NEW DOMESTIC has no enemies, except those who 6ell, or are in terested in selling other makes of machines. ,V0 COGS TO BREAK. -YO CAMS TO GRLYD. fsI.tIPl.EiiT, MOST DURABLE, MOST PERFECT sEWMQ JIACHIXR IN" THE WORLD. It Sew3 Anything. It Pleases Everybody Call on or address V. H. AIKENS, Third Street, MilfHatowc, Juniata Co., Pa. SS" Also Agent for tho ESTET and other makes of Organs. Sold on easy monthly payments. Dec. 17, 1879. NEW STORE. iLliy STREET, PJTTERSO.V, IS THE J. B. M. TODD STJ.Vi Having just opened a new stock of store goods, sncb as Dry Goods, Notions, Cloth ing. Hats, Boots, Shoes. Groceries, Fish, and a general assortment of stcro roods, I will take pleasure in exhibiting goods to ail who may favor me with a call. Will pay the highest market price for country produce. Don't forgt the place, at Todd's old stand in Patterson. Hay 5. li;80-6m. T. M. COOK. D. W. HARLEY'S la tbe plaoe where yon can bey THE BEST AM THE CHEAPEST MENS' YOUTHS' & BOYS' CLOTHING HJTS, CJPS, BOOTS, SHOES, -f.VD FURSISIIlyG GOODS. HE is prepared to exhibit one of th most cbotee and select r.Vrk ever offered in this market, and at JSTOSISHIXCLY LOW VRICES I Also, measures taken for suits and parti of suits, which will be made to orda at abort notice, very reasonable. Remember the- plaoe. in Hoffman's New Water 'reets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Building, corner of Bridge an Jan. 1, W9-tf SAM'L Has just returned from tbe Eastern citit with a foil variety of MEW & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & CATS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. Goods of -all Sinds are low Come and see me and be astonished Pant at 75 Cents. Z3 SUITS MADE TO ORDER.rj Patterson, Pa., April 16, 1879. SAMUEL STRAYER. After the First Day of December, VALUABLE MILL PBOPESTl 1 T-vT- --s x1 wxw zsis.js. ; Job w erk on short notice at this office. J TOtJ WILL FIND JACOB G. WINEY la his New Store Room at the East end of Mc.iLISTERTILLE, with a Large Lot of STOVES AND HEATERS of all kind, Stove Pipe, Lard Cans, Jlica Granite Iron Ware, Dripping Pana, and all kinds of TIN AND S2EET IE01T WAPsE. Which articles be will sell at tbe Lowest Possible Prices. Thankful for past patronage, le expects, by strict attention to business, to receive at least bis share in tbe future. JACOB G. WINEY. Nov. :t l$n. THE nudersigned baa for sale tbe valu able pi c pert y, known as tbe CUBA MILLS, located about two miles north of Mifflin town, Juniata county, Pa. Tbe advan tage er Ihis proporty are unequalled in the county. Parties interested in tbe Milling business would. to well give this notice prompt at tention. Apply to DAVID D. STONE, -Attorney at Law, July 23, 1880. Mifflintown, Pa. tfl $9(1 I3" iT home. Samples d;U LU worth o free. Address Stw soy A Co., Finland, Maine, mar 2 '81-ly-