Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, March 02, 1881, Image 3

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    ...pim IVTOWN :
Mir i - ,
-.ion SI. SO per annum if paid
gHV not IiJ W'l.lim
12 """t advertisements inserted at 60
"n'meotifce. m lortTcol-
T""'' ..r line forcach insertion.
"B0' 10 'I! ?wi tomato tl.se desiring'
J$S or qu,rter
Th. rate of fifty fu for fo.ur '"j.0",
T less tln far insertions w.tl be
"driU registered in this col
J KJ cents per time lor each tub-
wStoi are raiKTEo rm.
la oMbe " sre.abvEim. i nits
lTm Tcbarse -ill. nude for
P, b in.port.nt that persons b.v.ng sale.
AolTprop.rty reel es ate should
ln7promp''y regWe.ed m b.s Cot
toieiuemf r themselves es
T!'.elv in tbr ncigbb..rh.od, and that no ,
T" distndin may an-e among ouyers
M.n.v iol..r. will
Sreatbe seller br oinS this Kegister.
nTsenhnel end Republican reaches yar
vJawtiocanbe addressed m no oiber
..conveniently and satisfactorily.
Wirch J.-Nancv Bergy, at Jericho Mills
uFcrmantgb township, personal property,
anlare. 5 cows, 8 yoong cattle, 20
JTi sows. 8 -hoats, farming men-ill.
md household furniture.
Virch 7 Thompson Valentine, one half
of Et Sal.m, in Delaware town
!i' p,r...nal pmrrty. hors-a. cows, voung
"ttle, hbutes. tanning utensi.s and house
bold furniture.
aiKl, g J.hn Bj&bore. Milford town
A horse. 4 cows, 1 bull, young cattle.
i J.d. hoe, clmkcns, hsv, coni-todier,
!, corn, sua larm.nj, -
Huvh I", Wl-D. I. Mmniclun, at Tort .
u t n.'r'nai pro-rlv, nurses, calm, t
ah n.' olherstocfc tannine inijlements, fcc. i Jimu W Hatuilton has gone to Philad.l
L 1" -En Smith, at the residence to liial a job ot painting. He
cLn K1Ufl:nan in Walxer township, ! boss painter.
miles snothst of Otkland Mills. Per-
sonal pneertv. a nures, cons, t cum, i.
bfileia, I Dniam bill!, 4 head young rattle,
- head ot heep, and farming implements.
14 J. W. Leyder, Delaware town
ship, i mile east of Thompsontown Per
sonal property, 2 mares, 1 colt. 2 cows. 2
beiters, 2 to ' shotea. larpe lot ot tarm
inf impkrnieiits and machinery, and houst.
bold furniture.
March 15. Alton S. Adams, at his place
of reaid'uee in tt"a!ker townbip, personal
property, hurses, cows, youetg caU'e, hou-.e-boid
luraittire, &.
Sarch 19 W. II. Mo.Viter, at Cocola-maj-Fprsi.n!
property, 5 he:id young c it-
tr b:es, larnimg ut;iisi's, household
articles nd store go jds.
the Ute earthquake shocks in Pennsylva
nia his brought forth the Mloning item
from the LewjMowu Gaxtttt : It is alleged
thst there is a spot on the mountains down
in the Xarrosa a here a warm current of
air is constantly ascending out of the bow- j
els of tie earth so warm that no matter I
bow cold your feet my be theV can be
wanard ia a few minutes. It is said to be
knows toAoly one person residing down
there, and he keeps it a secret noder a be-.
lief that valaable minerals cause the exba-
Utiua. As volcanic action is beginning to
show itself in several part, of the United
States, nutably as near as irgiuia, may not
file late supposed earthquake which woke
up the llifflintbWDers, Lewisburgbers and
othertjiire originated in a shake of S hade
Mountain 1 If so, and should it some day
bant forth with Vesnrian fury, fill np the
narrows, dam the Juniata and convert all
our valleys into a vast lake, which they un
doubtedly were in the dim past of thou
sands of years ago, who can contemplate
the result with a shudder I Get year arks
The Center Hall RtioTttr relates the fol
lowing somewhat peculiar circumstances at
tending tbe death of Charles C. Smith, who
resided on the farm formerly owned by Wil
liam Relief, near Center Hall. Center coun
ty : One ol the cows belonging to Mr. Smith
was suffering from a sore eye, and he weut
f tbe stable about 8 o'clock on Friday
morning, Feb. 11 ih, to apply the proper
remedy. lie fai'i-d to return in tiiue, and
when his wile went to the stable she was
horrified to see him lying, apparently dead,
under the cow. After untying the cow and
driving her from the stable Mrs. Smith sent
for tbe assistance of some men who were
at work near by. They ctrried Pr. Smith
to tbe bouse and summoned Dr. Alexander,
who, on his arrival, pronounced life already
extinct. Judging by certain marks on the
body of the deceased it ia supposed tbat
while administering the application to the
eye of the cow she turned suddenly, ber
head strikit'g Mr. Smith in the stomach.
He fell stunned beneath the cow when she
trampled or.t his life. The deceased had
been married about two years aud wss 30
years bli.
There was a cold w ind from fh north
west on Monday afternoon, but ti.at did not
keep about 100 ptople from looking at the
work to get the inch and a-half cable of
Rennedy & Doty across the river. Tbe
streim was high, the current strong, and
no rower was powerful enough to pull across
and draw tbe cable along. After reiwated
efforts, a small rope bed-cord size waa
carried along the side of tbe bridge to the
end of the span, and then dropped down to a
boat which was rowed to the next pier, or
remnant of pier, and thence to the next
pier, which is connected to the mainland by
span of the bridge. The cord was car
ried along the span to tbe shore. The cable
was tied to the cord and nulled acroes and
by the attachment or pulleys, a team or
mules, and the united pull of a nnmber of
nicn the cable was stretched above the
The Selinsgrovc Times says: We see it
stated that Judge Jenks of Clarion county
has decided tbat parents surrender all au
thority over their children while tbe chil
dren are ia school, and that the teacher has
the sole right to say what they shall or shall
not study. If this is to become a ruling
principle in the common school system, then
it is time to ahulish the entire system ; for
it is hard to conceive ol a more despotic
principle than that of compelling parents to
Pay taxes to educate their children, yet in
their education they shall be denied every
right that parental care and natural justice
The Huntingdon Journal of last week re
lated the following: Samuel Kennedy, of
Mifflintown, who is employed by the P. K
5. Company in building a stone wall about
one mile east of this place, fell from the
t0P of a derrick, on Monday last, breaking
n jw-bone and otherwise injuriog him-
wlf. Tbe distance from the top ot the der
rick to the ground waa about twenty-fir
feet. He was brought to this place and Ms j
injuries attended to. I
Prepare to flit.
Clean the cellars-.
' On to Washington.
How, now about the ground hog t
XUple sugar trees are being tapped.
Bay Dr. Morrison's antibillious pills.
There are 30,000 Grangers in Pennsylva
nia. Lew istown people indulged tu New Eng
laud supper.
Colored people in Tyrone have organized
a Sabbath-school.
For Sale A good No. 9 Cook Store. In
quire at this office.
Cotumuuion services in the Lutheran
church next Sabbath a week.
The inauguration of President-elect Gar
field will take place on Friday.
Clarion county people are proud of a man
who is the father of 36 rhildrn.
Rev. 8. G. Dressier was making pastoral
liiiiis in Grahauivillo on Monday.
Getting worms to Bsb with is more diffi
cult tu do than to catch suckers.
Telegraph dispatches report the lodging
places in Washington as hiled tip.
Exchange papers report pneumonia and
pleurisy in their respective localities.
Six persons were admitted to member
ship iu the Lutheran church on Sabbath.
The Stnlt.it I and Republican office is the
place at which to have sale bills printed.
$35.00, cash, will buy a second-hand
Uoldeu Tongue Organ. CJI at this office.
The Probyterian church case was argued
b lore Judge Junkin on Tuesday, yester
day. Mrs. Abraham Halternan, of Fayette
township, diedou the 22nd ultimo, aged
about tAl years.
FOR SALE Five share Odd Fellows'
flail Association stock. If you wiah to buy,
call at this office.
Mr. BonaII, vf the Democrat and Regi$Ur,
has so far recovered frotu his late illuoss as I
to be abie to visit the office.
Cochran's singing class held a coucert in
the Prtv-bt terian church on Washington
Mreet, on Tuesday evening.
Some days ago John liashorc, of Fayette I
township, bad a fall from a horse and had
his Collar (roue broken.
Miuy farmers are husking corn, a some
thing that does not oiten take place at this
lime in the year in this State.
There is a bill in the Michigan Legisla
ture tbat makes " bugging a girl against her
ill, a penitentiary oHenxo."
The rise iu the river on Monday worked
the drill pile away that was located on this
bide of the island by the ice flood.
The highest price yet reported as offered
for a small balcony or porch at Washington
for inauguration day is thirty dollars.
The mean, jealons an envious people
.are always well known by tbe manner in
' which they strive to discount better people,
a. cate observer remarks that the man
m j,0 stp his paper to economise ir like a
j man wu0 ps barefoot to Save his shoes."
, Gn Sndlv , fire brukff ou, fa St
. prick,, Agv,um ,t Scr,ntoll)
mhwby chMna wer, .mothered to
death. . !
There Is no danger in crashing the river j
when the river is high by tbe rope f'errS if j
the current board ia not put toe far down in
the water.
A Chambershurg constable arrested amah
while be was in attendance upon the funeral
of his lather. The constable was removed
from office. ,
Allen McAlister, who lives at Cocolamus,
on the main road to Richfield, fell from a
load of hay last week, and split the cap of
his right Knee.
We should not suffer fiorh a Congh when
a few doses of Ayers Cherry Pectoral will
cure it. Time, money, comfort, health, all
are saved by it.
Are yon an Episcopalian or a Catholic 1
The Lenlen season, which begins to-day
the 2nd or March will keep yon in a state
of fast till April 16.
A rope ferry bas been pnt across the river
below the bridge, and a large flat cross
the river in two minutes time. The flat will
safely carry twenty people.
It is said that alum dissolved in water
and rubbed on leet that have been frosUd
will cure the itthy sensation that affects reet
that bave been frost-bitten.
William McCachren, of Turbett township,
received the contract Tor building the Mud
dy Run school house, last Saturday. Ue is
to build the house for $1,13? .00
A woman has just been released from
the Somerset county prison wherw she bad
been incarcerated tor five months on con-
iction of being a common scold."
Tbe d. A R. appointed J. R. Kelly, Cor
nelius McClellan, J. J. Patters., Thomas
Elder and William Egolf a .committee to
visit tbe Soldiers' Orphan School at McAl
isterville. Thecommittee visited the school
on Friday, and fouud everything in order.
The np3etting of the ferry boat with Go
shen and Wie, bas sobered people np, for
the time being, when crossing the river.
It is now believed tbst the bost would not
bave upset if the board used to catch the
current bad not been pushed so far below
the bottom of tbe flat.
" We acknowledge the receipt of Report or
William P. Schell, E.-q., on the Finance of
tbe Commonwealth or Penusylrania, for the
year ending November 20, lt0. We re
ceived the report throngh fTio courtesy or
J. Miller McDonald, present Recorder ol
Juniata county.
Beauty bas a market value. Adam Fore
paugh offers ten thousand dollars for a
beam il nl woman who will appear at tne neaa
or the street parade of his show. The
beauty is to do no work, excepting sit at tbe
bead or the street parade every day Tor a
period of thirty weeks.
Last Thursday George Vosburgh, lad
about 14 years of age, son of Tunis Vos
burgh, was run over by freight train or
r.r. .Mii.T-ard-bound. near Port Koyal. 1 ne
vouth had been to this place, and was on
his way to Port Royal, at which place he
lived with his father. He missed a step in
tbe effort to get off the csr, and fell across
th -.il. The train nassed over his abdo
men, killing him almost instantly.
The high water on Monday afternoon got
the better of the flat that is ran across the
river by tbe railroad wire cable, and upset
tbe boat. There were two persons in the
flat when the misfortune overtook it, name
ly, George Gosben, passenger, and Jacob
Wise, manager of tbe boat. Wise swam to
the shore. Goshen drif ted helplessly down
the river, and if it had Dot been that Ezra
Doty hastily manned a boat and went to bis
rescue be wouM hare drowned.
It is real 4 -jeer to hear Democrats U!k
about the Republican pirfy nnler.the rule
or a boss, in the face or the f.tct' thit all
the Democratic members or the Legislature
oted for Wallace all the way through.
They did not dare to even give a compli
mentary ots toother memb-rs or the party.
They should sweep their own door or boss
rule before they talk of other people.
The Altoona Tribune says: "W'm. Given,
late a private of Company A, Ninety-sev
enth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers.
applied for and lias through the efforts or
Agent Nk-ewonger received an increase or
pension. His tuisrortune in battle was to
stop two rebel bullets, one of which struck
his neck " The soldier above mentioned
a ton or Squire Wm. Given, deceased, of
this county.
Some thief Mole a horse, that $150 had
been refund for, from the stabla or Samuel
R'rckenbach, about one mile east of McAlis
terville, last Wednesday night. The horse
had not eaten the hay that was put in the
rack, and from tint Tact it is inferred that
the horse was taken in the early pjrl or the
night. The animal had been red by the
thief, as was evidenced by corn cobs in ibe
trough. A saddle, bridle and blanket were
!so taken. The niht was a cold, blustry
one. No clue to the stolen horse bas yet
be n reported.
Ever body about town knows that the
bridge had four spans, and that the ice
flood took away the two middle ones, leaving
a span at either shore. On Monday after
noon Charles (ironinger, a youth or 20 years,
walked from the Patterson side to the end of
tbe span, and while stepping about on the
pier the stones loosened and he tell a dis
tance of about fifteen feet in the direction
of the river, landing on his ba-k, on tbe
remnant of the ice-breaker. He was not
severely hurt. He could not get bwk into
th? bridge, and it became necessary to send
a boat out for hiui.
Ther6 are two rope ferries on tbe lower
side of the river bridge. The Kennedy &.
Doty ferry, and the Keiarr Terry. About 3
o'clock on Tuesday afternoon a flut on each
of the mentioned ferries left the Patterson
shore for this side or the river. When
about hair way across some mishap over
took the Reiser flat. Some say that a ring
that was fastened to the lead rope broke.
Others say thit Ibe ropes or the Kennedy
& Doty fiat got under the Reiser flat ; but
be rnperts as tbey may, the Reiser titt was
sunk or npset, and the occupants thrown
into the river. There were in the Reiser
Hat, passengers, William Sandoe, Saniiiel
Kinzer, and Griff Conner, and James Rei
ser, msr.ager of the flit. There wss a long
bencb used on the Sat to seat passengers on,
that floated down the river. The passen
gers clung to that aud floated away with the
current. James Reiser swam to this shore.
William Reiser manned a boat and followed
ttie passengers tbat were clinging to the
bench. They were overtaken and landed
nearly a half mile below the bridge. In the
pitiless cold their condition can be belter
imagined than described. Eager and will
ing men were on the shore when Reiser
landed Sandoe, Kintsr and Conuer. Stout
men took hold or them, buoyed them np
and kept them on a run on the tow-pitb to
town, to keep them from being paralysed by
the lreezing cold.
SELECT SCHOOL. I will open a Select
School in Mifflin, beginning April 18th, and
continuing one term of ten weeks. In a1
dition to th? ususl branches studied in any
graded or high school the elemeuts of Latin
will also be taught- Terms, $3.50 to $7.00.
W. I. HiBBS.
TIME EXTENDED. Many subscribers
of tbe Sentinel end Republican, that were in
arrears more than one year, paid up their
arrearages within the past month. A num
ber or others who are in arrrars more ihan
one year hsve requested an exteusion of
time. Alter the first of May, 1881, a bill
will be sent to each and every one that is in
arrears more than one year.
The Lore of (lie Pant.
As sailors watcb from their prison
For the long gray line ot the coasts,
I look to tbe pist rearisen,
And joys come over in hosts,
Like the white sea birds from their roosts.
I love not th' indelicate present ;
The future's unknown to our quest ;
To-day is the life of the present ;
Kilt tbe past is the haven ot rest
The joy of the past is the best.
The rose or the past is better
Than the rose we ravish to-aay ;
'Tis holier, purer and litter
To place on the shrine where we pray
For tbe secret thoughts we obey.
There are no deceptions nor changes ;
There all is placid and still;
No grief nor fate that estranges.
Nor hope that no life can tului;
But ethereal shelter from ill.
The coarser delights of the hour
Tempt and debauch and nepraret
And we joy in a poisonous flower,
Knowing that nothing can save
Our flesh-from the fate of the grave.
But surel) we leave thrm, returning
In gHet to the well-lovea nest,
Filled with an infinite yearning.
Knowing the past to be rest
That the things of the ptst are the best.
The Spectator.
Airy View Academy.
Tcrt Boyal, JnniaU County, renn'a.
The Spring Session or this well-known
institution will open on WEDNESDAY,
APRIL 13, 1881, under the personal care
snd instruction or the undersigned, who
will give their undivided time and attention
to the School.
For particulars, send for Circular.
David Wilsosi, frincipl.
J. U. Smith, Co-Principal.
Tost Rotal. Feb. 16. '81-St
Use only Dr. J. M. Morrison Sugar
eoated Anti-bilious Pills as they
now acknowledged to be the be9t Liv
er Pill made, m box of them should be
in eery family. Tbey are also a good
thvic. Cnn be had at Dr. Bank's
Drug Store in Miffliutown and at most
mi a t
of the country stores. I ue vr. tor
merly practiced in Waterloo this coun
... r deo '21 80.
Organs ! Organs I Organs !
17 siurs.
I buy direct from the largat and moil re
liable Organ manufacturer in this country.
Stool and Book with each Organ. Call on
or address W. II. AIKEN'S,
Main street, Mifflintown, Pa.
Room formerly occupied by W. P. Sny
der. sepl-3nu
DON'T BE DECEIVED by such dodgrt
as a $350 Organ at $05 to $90, when you
csn bdy the same grade of instruments at
home at $60 to $70, and save tbe freight, by
calling on W. H. AIKENS,
Main street, Mifflintown,
If won wish to bur real estate, consult
tis colamnt otths Sentinel and Republican.
MOVER MIMGI.K-. On the 2Hh nit., at
the residence of Henry Alir.gl, by Rev. E.
E. Berry. Mr. S. J. Moyer and Miss Era A.
iliugle, both of Fermanagh township.
DIMM McCLELLA On the 24th alt,,
t the residence of ttie bride's parents, by
tbe same, Mr. Irwin C. Diiuin and Mifcs Eva
C. McClellan, all or Mifflintown.
CURISTT. On Wednesday, Feb. 16th,
1881, at his residence in Millliulown, Jacob
A. Christy, Eq., in bis 76th year.
ALLEN On the 85th or January, 1881,
in Beale township, James W. Allen, agi-d
70 years, 10 months and 12 days.
nART On the- 7th tilt., in Tuscarora
township, Lottie, daughter of William aud
Tiliio Hart, aged 12 years.
RANNELS On tbe 13ib nit., in Port
Royal, Mary n , diugbter of D. C. and Ada
M. Rannela, aged 2 years. 3 mouths and 17
FRY Feb. 26:b, in Delaware township,
this county, Mrs. Catharine, relict of Enoch
Fry, (maiden name Dressier), aged 95 years,
10 months and 26 davs.
tribute or liespect.
At a regular, stated meeting of Mifflin
town Lodge, No. 131, 1. O. O. F., held in
their Hall, on Fridav evening, February 11,
1BS1, the undersigned were appointed a
committee to dralt resolutions on the death
or our late Brother, Alexander Crozior, and
made the following report:
WuxtKAs, It has p'ea-od an all-wise
Providence to remove lrom our midst our
well-belortd brother, Alexander Croxier,
therefore Do it
Rtwlrtd, That while we biw in humble
submission to the mandates or Him who
docth ail things well, may we anticipate that
he has gone to the enjoyment or that "rest
which remaineth for the people ol God."
Rttolvtd, Tbat in his drath our Order bas
lost a high!)v:stecmed and worthy Brother,
the Church a Christian aud a consistent
meuiler. Society an upright citizen, his wife
I itl'.ri.in-tn liM.Kin.l hitt i I. i l.t run m
' tin.l and indnWnt i Hhr.
Rttohei, That our Lodge mora be draped
in mourning for the period of thre- months,
and that each member wear the usual badge
for thirty davs.
IltioivtH, That a copy or these proceed
ings be furnished to the triends ol the de
Ceased and published in all tbe county
E. O. .Rbeidek
DEt. 1
W. II. IIkllek, Com
N. L. Kask
MirrusToww, March 2, 1881.
Butter 18
Ejrgs.. 15
Lard 8
Uam i..: 12
M'OuMer;... 7
Sides i 8
Potatoes 40
Unions................... .....1 00
Rg 1 i
Corrected weenly.
Quotations roa To-dat.
Wednesday, March 2, 1881.
Wheat 1 00
Corn 42
Oats 30to33
Rye 75
Cloverseed 3 7 jto4 25
Philadelphia, Feb. 28 Wheat is firmer
with more iiiquirv; No. 2 Western red. $1.
l-? ; Pennsylvania red $l.I4al.Io; amber,
$1. 14al.lt. Corn is firm but quiet j steam
er, 53c; yellow 54a5oc; mixed 64o5c.
Oats are firm with a lair inquiry j No. 1
white, 4-lc ; No. 2 do., 41c ; No. 3 do. 42
alJJ:; No. 2 mixed 41c. Rye ia steady
at 'jjc.
Philadelphia, Feb. 28 Tbe cattle mar
ket is fair; sales 3,300 head ; prime o I it-Jo ;
medium, 4 'a ; ; comm. hi, 4al;c. ine
sheep market is fair; sales, 7,oA head;
prime, 6 ib jc; gx,d, Oj i'ijc; medium. 5
aoJ: ; common, .Sa'.Jc. Hogs are selling
slowly; salts 4.000 head ; prime, 9'i'Jc;
good, fj.ifljc; medium, 8a(-;.
Special .S'oiicts.
I will mail (Free) ihe recipe for a simple
Veoetasli Balm that will remove Ta,
FRECKLE?, PIMPLES and Blotches,
leaving the skin soft, clear snd beautiful;
also instructions for producing a luxuriant
growth or hair on a bill head or smooth
f.ire. Address, inclosing 3c stamp, Ben.
VaNDKir & Co., 5 Beekman St., N. V.
The advertiser having been permanently
cured of that dread disease, Consumption,
by a simple remedy is anxious to make
known to bis fellow-sufferers the means of
cure, l o all w no aesire it, ne win sena a
copy of the prescription used, (free ot
charge,) with the directions for preparing
and wsiiig the same, wuicn tbey wm nna a
scre CraE for Coxsinmos, Asthma, Bhox-
chitis, &c. rarties winning uie rresenp-
tioUt wiil please address,
KuV. r.. A. MILS' i.x,
194 Peon St., Williamsburg, N. Y.
Work. Steady Employment. -aru-
ples free. Address. M. L. BYRN, 49 Nas
sau Street, New York.
A GENTLEMAN who suffered lor vears
PEC AY, and all ihe effects or yontblul in
discretion, will for the sake or suiTcring hu
manity, send tree to all who need it, the re
cipe and directions for making the simple
remedv by which he was cured. Sufferers
w ishing to profit by the advertiser's expe
rience can do so by S'ldresing in perfect
con3denco. JOHN B. OG DEN,
42 Cedar St., New iork.
Jan 20, 181.
(Successors to Buyers Jt Kennedy,)
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin
town or Mexico.
We are prepared to lnrnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21, 1879-tf
$79 A WEEK. $12 a day at home easily
Tart Jt Co., Augusta, Maine.
Ifu LiJ jw
IRON BITTFRS are Liehly recommended for all diseases re
quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indijetlum, I'ypeptia, Inter
mittent Ferm, Want of Appetite, Lot of ti&rngth, Lack of Energy, tie. Enriches)
the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They act
like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, surf
as Tatt in(f the Food, Lelching, Heat in the UtomacJi. Heartburn, etc The onlj
Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give
headache. Sold by all dnipL-ts. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of
taeful and amusing reading sent frnc,
BROWN (CHEMICAL. CO., Baltimore, Md.
3 ?
' Larga Farm at Private Sale.
The Valuable Farm ol the Heirs of Wil
liam Okeson, deceased, is oir. red for sale.
It is located in the fertile valley or Tusca
rora, Juniata county, Pa., ono and a has
miles west or Academia, contniuing '2 IO
Acre of prime limestone land, all in cul
tivation, except 10 acres or Timber. Build
ings good, Large Mansion llonse, Bank
Barn, llXixoO feet; Wagon if beds. Corn
Cribs, Hog Pens, Good Spring and Spring
House, and all other outbuildings, also other
spring and running water ; Two Orchards
bearing choice fruits. It is well located.
near to cburccs, schools, mills aod stores.
The land is well adapted to grain and grass j
and for making money fir a new owner, as is (
well known, it did for many years for its '
futuier owner. I'rice will be reasonaole, j
snd time given to suit purchaser. j
For terms. Jlc, call on James B. Ok "son, ;
Pleasant View, near the rarra, or J. B. Oke- j
son, Port Kuy!. I
To Buy a Large Tract of GovJ LtnJ
nt a Vn.hr Prirr
0 a .U0Jcra.e Met.
To a man who desires to in."J;e farming
and stock-raising his business, this is the t
greatest bargain in Juniata county.
Three Unnlred Jtrret and more, havinf '
thereon a large Brick Dwelling House in
good condition, Barn and oilier ouluuiM-
ings ; a running stream of water neai the
door, also, good well water in yard ; aa
Orchard of 8 acres, as good as any in the '
county ; a grove of 50 maple trees, which, '
il attention were directed to, could be
turned into a source of income, as such j
grovos art in Somerset county, this Slate,
and as Mich groves are in New England.
Go m! limber on the farm. The farm w ill
produce 40 to 50 tons of hay annually, and
grow grain of all kinds. There ia an abun- -d.;e
of LIMESTONE on the rami. j
- We repeat, this is the greatest bargain '
now offered in this county, to the man who '
ban tscrgy, snd desires to farm and raise j
atsjek. To c;h a man, who has s modi-r ite
nqi f money for drai payineui, there ia a
rare chance to seenre a property, that in tno
nature or things must increase in value I
gradually, Tor tbe period of a full genera
tion yet lo com:?.
Time, 6 to 7 years, to suit purchaser. I
you have ths intliuttion, the meaus, and
the pluck to developo one or Ihe finest
tracts of land in lh county, call at this of- j
lieu lor particulais.
A Foundry, in good order, at Johnstown,
JnniaU Co., Pa. Tbe eaftiue is new. The
meltiua; ai peratus has just been overhauled
and made as good as when new. The shop
is large and roomy. All of the several de
partments are under one roof. The Foun
dry has the best rui of custom in the
county. In connection with the Foundry
there 5 or 6 acres ot land for sale, baviug j
thcieon erected a Large Frame Dwelling
House, noarly new, and a good-sized Barn.
Good Orchard, Apples, Grapes, tc. Every
thing convenient about the premises. Will
11 ail or part. For further particulars call
on or address J. II. HOLERS.
Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa.
One Hnndrcd and Sixty Acres, in tbe bust
wheat-growing district in the Statu of Ohio,
situated one-half mile from Amanda rail
road station, in Fairfield county, and one
mile from a good pike. The improvements
area largo two-story BRICK HOCS8 (13
rooms, hall and ccl'ar), Double L05 Prn
and Stable, and other buildings, and a well
of good water. A stream of spring water
traverses the centre of the farm. There s
a large orchard on the premises. Will take
$70 per acre, part cash, rest in payments.
A far-B adioining sold for $100 per acre.
The reason for selling, ia the desire to invest
in city property, in Circleville. For all in
formation address J. SWETEK,
Circleville, Pickaway Co., Ohio.
may be purchased of the undersigned at a
reasonable price. The property is situated
in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with
the Smith stand includes a lot of about
TWO ACRES, having thuieon erected a
comfortable Two-story FrameFIouse, a com
modious Stable and other outbuildings.
There is a Well ol good wster at the doer
of the house. For particulars call on or
address nM. HOOPS,
Walnut P. O., Juniata Co., Pa.
more or less, all clear, and in a good state
of cultivation, having thereon erected a
new Frame House, new Frame Barn, One
Hundred Fruit Trees. In Fayette town
ship, within I of a mile to store, school and
church. Price reasonable, with eight years
to pay it in. Possession given April 1st,
1881, if sold as desired.
For further information call on or address
this otface.
waste land ; all clear excepting a half acre,
and only one mile and a half from tbe
county teat, the best market place and ship
ping point in the county. Good water.
Good Bank Barn 75 by 40 feet. Good
Frame House. Four acres in Orchard.
But yon will want to see the farm. Call on
Patteson, Juniata Co., Pa.
K. B. Terms easy. Payments to suit
1 a comrxmnd of the virtues cf sarsaps
rilla. stiilinvna, mandrake, yellow dock,
with the iodideof potash and iron, all pow
erful tilood-uiakiiig, hlooil-eleansitij;, and
life-AUstainins elements. It is the purest,
safest, and iu every way the most elfertiial
alterative medicine known or available to
the putilic. The si-ienees of medicine and
chemistry have never produced ao valus
hie a remeiiy, nor one so potent to cure
all diseasefi resulting from impure Mood.
It cures Scrofula, and all scrofulous
clisea-Hs, Krysipeti Kose, or St. An
thony's Fire, Flmp!e wnrt Fuce
Krubs, Pustules I'.lotehes, Roils, Tu.
mors, Tetter. Humors, Salt Klieuua,
! Kleuniatm,Mer-ui lal II
raUi Female v. eaknes-
leers, sores,
ralgia, Kernale Weaknesses and Ir-
re;iilnrities, .laumlire, Attections of
the Liver, Dyspepsia, HnincittUon,
and General Debility.
By its searching and cleansing qualities
it purges out the foul corruptions which
contaminate the blood, and cause d
ranirement and decay. It stimulates and
enlivens tin vital functions. It promotes
enemy anil strenrh. It restores and pr
serves health. It infuses new life anal
vieor throughout the whole system. No
surfererfroui any disease whicharises from
impurity of the blood need despair, w ho
will give Ayk.r's Saksapakili.a a fair
trial. Remember, the earlier the trial,
the speedier the cure.
tts recipe has been furnished to physi
cians everywhere: and they, recogiiizins
its superior qualities, administer it in their
For nearly forty years Atkr's Saf
8APARH.LA has teen widely nsed. and it
now possesses the confidence ot milliors
of people who have experienced beneuta
from its marvellous curative virtues
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co.,
Fractlcal atnd Analytical Chemists,
Lowell. Mass.
sold as auL cwuo&ists svertwuiiik.
Professional Cards.
Attorney - at - law,
C7"Collecting au-l l"ouveriicliii pruinpt-
; ly atteiMed to.
j Offic On Main s-r.et, in l.i place of
I residence, south of ft, I liia street.
MIFFl.lXTOll X, JCSljtT.i CO., P.I.
C7" All business promptly attenJed to.
rri'E On Fridge street, -.pyesite iiie
Court House squ ire. ri '"J, 'SO-Iy
Collections attended to promptly.
(Irrici With A. J. Patterson E, on
Bridg-i street.
eh :, m.
T7 Collections and all professional busi
ness promptly attended to.
jimellO, 1877.
Pb-ysiciaa and Surgeon,
Olface hours from 9 a. . to S r. .. Or.
fice in his father's residence, at the south
end of Water street. oct-tf
D. M
Has resiimH actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. Ollice at the old corner of Th'rd
and Oranee streets, Miftlintoa n, Pa.
March 2 J, l7ti
J. M
Academia, Juniata Co., Pa.
Orricc formerly occupied by Dr. Sterrett.
Professional business promptly attended to
at all hours.
L. ALLEN, M. !.,
Has commenced the practice of Medicine
and S nrgery and all theircollateral branches.
Ofbce at Academia, at the residence ol
Capt. J. J. Patterson.
fjuly 15, 1874
KOnly reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1875-1 y
Continues tbe practice of Medicine and
Surgery and all their collateral branches.
Oiiice at his residence in McAlisterviile.
Feb 9, 1876.
ALL persons are herebv cautioned afninst
2. trespassing on the lands of tne under
signed in Greenwood and Susinehanna
lownshijW, Tor the purpose of hnnluii, fl-h-ins,
cutting timber, or for any other pur
pose. Levi LmnT.
sept 2, T9-ly Hasaisos HisirM.
Anna week in your own town. Terms and
bUU $5 outfit free. Address 17. Hautrr
It Co., Portland, Ma:ne.
mar 2 "81
arm a
lJjaV. OPii.xMjr
Having Furchasad ths .
Has opened wirh ih- l.xrgi'f .'ti-cfc.er, r shown in thi. niL-Sut. and wl!l eonfirme to
receive. (lailv.li x'je LalvXt "-" jr-It:es ( th- .'a"ei Wi iivilj e wry hod v to call and
examine, our Mock !tid ht-tr mir itce, wii.-lSr yn wi-.li t p'lrcase or not, feeliny
cotit'dent that when y.-u do. we raw iu. I'jt.i in q ulity and prices.
'I his iiiiii:eit.e and leetiit --j.-rt;ii.rii rins:ts ol tiu lea.li ; liup"vted ai:J Ameri
can Fabrics, froui the Hues! to tiu Cii ):;' .'st- Ij
We have a large asvrtm-t, aud our sti.ck cf
Is very rp'rte, with Hie Kft !i.-d" and ileiyis. We kvc an el.'gnnt sfock of
Muslins, Prints. Ciissi-i!T, "Jint rum. Skiitings. Tbla Lineua, Urillinas, Shirtings
Toweling., Tickings, SL'efmgs, Krniine.
I replf'e in everytfcin? We op-n r.n elrjint !sne r Triiiirihr. a ia-se !in r
Laces, in Mutton w- have all t'tio NVw .Nnv-ltiiM. We hve a beauti'tll line of Srawta,
a great vtri-ty of Skirls, Ifn-opry. Gloves. Ties. Kow. S-cnrfs, H.-ti'ilkerchfefs. Collars
fill's, Corwetw, Kibb-ms, Dsi9c'eir. Shetland, Geriuictjwu aui Hiuie-miiu pwtory
Yaras, iu all col-r-, c:c, etc Mur stock ol
T-i tlie !s-je't in thu cru'M -. Te hive sr. e!e;-.:-t !i; of 7.d:.V. M"m-.' arid C:ii'"-
dren's P'-.i'e. sni;-i! 1 i, infill .md wictrr weatlter. it Prie-s ihV wi'I astonis'i von. Oor
i stork of Ko-N lor !iii!o. Yi.iitiis and Cjvs ia very estaiiaira. We bo thsi'i at art
! prices an-.! iinaiiites. Wu iir." a fitu li-ie .f
I A larco s'i-!i . r rio'.r, Tahlj and Stair .l eli tes.
nierale. Ve invite yuu to ca!i ai.! see its, snd W e wt'l
j Goixls in the Co'J'.ty.
I Y..nw, rw-rcti'n'ty.
S.-pt 15, V.
,-- v2;?t
Self-Tiireadin Shuttle.
Sclf -
nin and Noiseless. Larsrest Robbin in Us3. Winds
thu Bobbin without
The NE .V DOMESTIC ti-JLa no
re';nircJ. every Kliine 16111110; its own story.
The NEW DOMESTIC Lis no enemies, except tlioeo who sell,
terestetl in seliinir other makes of machines.
It Sr.vs Axytiii.no.
C.'.t' on or address
Ei?".VloO Ac-uiit for the L.iJii. aui
j e.ksy monthly pavmeatx.
Is the place where you can buy
HE is prepar.-i! to exhibit one of the most choice and select streks ever o Tared id
this market, and at jiSTOXlSKIXGLY LOW PRICES f
Also, measures tnien for suits and parts of suits, which will be made to crde
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place, ia H oilman's New Ruilding, corner cf BriJjr" nd
TTater s'reeta. MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Jan. 1, l"79-tt
lias just relume) fn iu tue Kicro cities with a full variety of
GENTS' Fl'KN 1F1IX(5 GCOftS. G'-ods of all kinds are low Com ,v,d see me
and be astonHLtdPants at T3 CCQl. E3 SLTi'S J!AU TO OIIlfLK.
Patterson, Pa., April 16, U70. SAMUEL STKATiR.
Having just opened a new stock of store goods, such ss Dry (icxl-i. Nriois. Clo'.'i
ing. Hats, HimiIh, Shoes, Groceries, Fib, and a general aS'r!:iNMt of sf'rc rod-. I
will take pleau'e in exhibiting g iods lo all w ho may f.i'ur mc w::h a cali. U ill pay
tbe highest markut price lor country produce.
Don't forget the place, at Todd's old stand iu Patterson.
Hay 5, lcSO-tiui. T. il COOK;
After th9 First Day of December, j
JACOL G. W IN Eli Tlii: linJersi-ncd lias for sale the valu-
In his New Store K'tom at the East eid of ' able pioperty, known as the
ETWt'c vn 7 1 1 r"T u i locati-d alx.ut two miles north of 5l:S!in-&lUr-J
AU illjAlJid jtown, Juniata county, Pa. Tbe advan-
.f all kinds. Stove Pine. Lanl Cans, llica ! ,"es 01 ,n properly are uaeiuaiUd iu tbe
I Granite Iron Ware, Dripping Pans, and all
kinds or
ill) uuiiiii xai.Ui.1 auJji
Whuh articles he will sell at the Lowest
Possible Prices.
Thankful for past pitronsge ke expects.
by strict attention to business, to receive a
least bis share in tbe future.
Nov. 21, IS'.
y. G-oods,
U too Urge to enu
li.j Ii-st Stock '
k rr.
3 O
O i
At V I
a ira
Settin - Needle.
Lightest Run-
runninc: the Machine or
the work.
tantrum. No lonir
talk or anraneiit
or ttre m-
It Pleases Evet.y3oiy.
Third Streot, Milan. t-jwu, Juniata Co , Pa.
otntr maes o
f n.-.-o-i. cr..t j
Dec 17, 1S7J.
j nnly.
i iiierewieu in mt .Mining onsmess
1 ,tt w.eil We t!,i d",ice ror"P, -
teuiioii. Apply to
ii.vviD 0. sro.vr:.
Attomev at Law,
.MitilinlowB, Pa.
July IS, 1830.
i n t9fl P" rtav ' hom. Samples
j J J LU dLU worlh $- free. Address Sriw
: so i Co., Portland, .Maine, luar 2 1 ! '