Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, February 23, 1881, Image 3

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Wed-cday, Februarr 23.
. -,i t..lo per anncui if paid
in-h for each insertion.
1 ... nrr line lor each insertion.
tocre by the year, half or quarter
The rite of fil'v out fur four insertions,
lor les t'"10' ,oUr '""-r,'OD,,
greedier all sales registered ln ""' c"1-
niuni and I-'i -rt,!" P" IOr eCh Ub"
Fonrnt insertion.
W hen bills tr sales are rMSTin IS this
orrice. or ibc are "" " THIS
rsr. B. charge U1 be made lor
witi tiieui in tester.
I; i important that persons havm tales
r personal properly or reai n.a.e ......
them nromptlv regi-teied in tin col-
Uain, to retain ihe day tor themselves ex
clusive!! in tli'ir neighborhood, and that no
misunderstanding niy ""ne bu.ve
M t. Ihe time ot i-ale. Many dollars will
be saved the seller bv using this Register.
The Sentinel and Republican reaches pur
chasers no cm be addressed in no oilier
sy so conveniently and satisfactorily.
Fib. 21, 1M1. Joseph B'ok Personal
proIrrtv, at his p'aee ol residence in Fer
managh' township, not far from Jericho
Mills. H. H. Snyder, auctioneer.
ptb 25. Vndrew Bashorc. Administra
tor ol Peter Baahore, deceased, in Fa.ette
l.,-n.-lnp Per"tial property, mules, nitre,
cult.. cv. a, young cattle, sheep, and farming
u.rch 1 Joseph Rothmck, at his place
of residence one and a-half miles east of
MifKintoan Personal property. Dorses,
2 nitres, 4 cows, wagons threshing ma
chine, fliws. harrows, culiivstor, horse
rake, mod ladders, horse gears, &.C.. also,
household furniture, 5 stoves, '2 bureaus,
3 tables, cupboard, sink, bedsteads, settee,
stsrals. chairs, carpet, and other articles.
Man-h 2. Samuel E. Warner Fayette
township Personal property, hur-es, cows,
voting cattle, sheep, sh-.les, farming imple
ments and household goods.
March 2. Abner Voder, about 3 miles
sortliesst of Miiliintown. in Fermanagh
town.-bip Personal property, 2 horses, 2
vows, 4 shotes. Brsliina chickens, fariuiug
ntensiis and household tumiture.
Vircli 5 Vaiicy Bergy, at Jericho Mills
i d .....rli ,..u-n-liin ,r.nl rirmxtrtiv
4 horses, 1 mare, 5 cows, young cattle, 2
fthev 2 sows. H shoals, tariuing utensils t
sad buUeUold turnilurc.
March 7. Thompson Valentine, cne-half
mile east of hat Sairm, 111 Delaware town
ship, personal property, horses, ct-ws. yonng
eaitie, suites, Isiuiing utensils and house
hold furniture.
M-ueh 8 John Bashoro. Milford town
ship. 6 hordes, 4 c . 1 bull, young cattle,
S sfcet-p, hof . chickens, hav, corn-lod ler,
oats, coin, aud farming implements.
Msreh 10, Is! D. P. Mmnichan. at Port
Royal, peisonal projTty, horses, entile,
sbet p, olber stoek, fanning implements, &c.
March 12. Errs Smith, at the residence
of So!u!uou rvaufl'mau in Wals-r lownsliip,
2 miles southeast of )aklan1 Mills. Per
sonal proprrty. 5 mires, 3 col3, 4 cows, '1
hriters. I Durham bull, 4 head oung cattle,
2 bead ol slie. p, and tanning implements.
March 14. J. W. Lf der, Delaware town
ship. mile east of 1 botiipsoiitowD Per
siinal property, 2 mires, I colt, 2 cows, 2
heiters. 2 sows, 7 slmtes. large lot of lariu
iug implements slid machinery, aud house
hod furniture.
March 15 Alton S. Adams, at his piece
of residence in rt'slker township, personal
property, horses, cows, young caU'e, house
hold furniture, vc.
The New Bible- Quick Work.
The new version ol the New Testament,
nhirh has been to many years in course ol
translation, and which is unquestionably the
njflst important literary enterprise this cen
tury has seen, is being waited lor with cu
riosity and anxiety by hundreds of thou
sands. It is not generally known that a
first edition of 50U,XK copies has already
been manulactured in England, and IO'.CiW
copies are said to be already in New Vork
City, not one of them permitted to he sold.
They are awaiting a telegram from the au
thorities in England authorizing their issue.
The hist copies can only bo bad at tli'J ex
UaVjgitit j.ra:e A il) r-r copy. The Lit
erary Revolution proposes fuily to meet the
demands which its army of triends are ma
king upon it by doing probably the quickest
work iu book-making which has ever yet
been accomplished. Arrangements have
been lully ru.ide to put the emire book into
type inside of 24 hours from the time a
printed copy of the English edition can be
procured, and w ithiu three days at least 10,
tKiO copies will be bound ready lor delivery
to waning pjichasers, aud at least 5,1 WO
Copies will be manufactured every day
then-alter, until the demand is met. It wnl
be printed in large, beautiful tyj, neatly
and strongly bound in cloth, iu a volume of
about 50m pages, and sold at the nominal
price ol 30 cents. A hue editlou iu half
Russia, gilt (op, will be sold lor 00 cents,
and one in lull Turkey niorocco. gilt edges,
iur$1.25- Of course, the popular demand
w ill be enormous. Orders will he tilled in
the order iu which they are received, with
reiuiilaiice. American Book Exchange.
New York.
The HarrUburg Ttltrapk of last Friday
said: During high water it is noticed that
large quantities ot tisb are driven iuto the
shallow water along the shore of the river,
supposed to be the result of the sulphur
which Ouws into ihe river from the wash
ings out of the mines in the upper psrt of
the county. Ibis rooming large numbers
of tish were discovered iu a torpid Condi
tion, lying along the shore ot the river,
from as high up as the trotting park to the
UiTiisburg' bridge. Some of the largest
trout ever caught were picked oat ot
the rivtr near the water bouse by par
ties in boats and standing along shore.
Other pirties higher up stream also caught
large numbers of trout and pike in the same
tuanner. These fish, thus stupefied by the
cfiects of sulphur, are not fit to eat uutil
they hsve been put :n fresh water and kept
there for twenty-four hours. Iu the sum
mer those washings from the mines go into
the canal by the Wiconisco feeder and at
the Clark's Ferry dam. In the winter the
washings run into the river along the Dau
phin shore, producing the eS'ecta referred
An item of interest has just been issued
by the Census Bureau, as follows: "The
Census office announces the following ap
proximate distribution of the total popula
tion of the country among the several
classes: Males, 25.52,5i2 ; females, 24,
632.2M ; native of the United States, 43,
475,506; foreign born, 6,677,360; white.
3,404,877 ; colored, 6,577,151 ; Indians
and half-breeds not in tribal relations on
reservations under the care of the govern
ment, 65,122; Chinese, 105,463; other
Asiatics, 2,550.M
The StxtxtuJ mui Rtpnblua office is the
fiace at wnicb to bar tale till printed.
OiEcers Elected
AT TBK LATB sraiSO BLCCTloa, in th SIT-
UitHintown Judge, John Iluztvj; In
spectors T W Auker. An-on Willj School
Directors, W H Rodgers, Jtmea Q Simons;
Overseers, n S Goshen, S II Showers; As
sessor. John N Howe Auditor, A J Pat
terson ; Justice of the Peace, S B Loudon ;
Constable, Samuel Lapp; Chief Burgess, E
S Doty, jr.; Town Council, C f n inkle, J
W llaniilton, George Jacobs, sr., KS Par
ker, A Saodee, George W Heck.
Fermanagh Judge, Emery llcCahan; In
spectors, Jos llusser, W H Stine; School
Directors, Joseph Uothrock, PbiloShively;
Supervisors, Wm Peoples, John Michael ;
Justice of the Peace, Eli Dunn ; Overseers,
Evan Davis, Abram Stoner; Assessor, Hen
ry Berger; Auditor, Emanuel Mover; Con
stable. John McCoy ; Township Cleik, John
S toner, .
Fayette Jndge, H W Sieber; Inspec
tors, D S Landis. D H Siuedly; Supervi
sors, L Ingram, D K Warner ; School Di
rectors, John Musser, John Ehrenx tiers;
Overseers, Geo Martin, H II Brubaker ; As
sessor, Aaron Leidy; Auditor, John E
James; Constable, E W Phillips.
Delaware Judge, S D Varnes; Inspec
tors, J W Knrtz, H fcvans) Justice, D A
Kepner ; School Directors, C B Shelly, Jon
athan keiser; Overseers, A L Auker, Ar
nold Varnes; Supervisors, J E Longacre,
Jscob lliMipes ; . Auditor, Jerry Lounden-
slager; Assessor, N S UonkeU ; Constable,
J M Siutts.
Thompsontown-i-Chitff Burgess, J Speich
er; Judge. J S Vines; Inspector, Joseph
Feehrer, John MCurdy; School Directors,
T Zimmerman, S M Kepler; Town Council,
J G II ildeman, D C Keiser, H A Myers,
Emanuel Smith, Israel Tennis, Noah Cam
eron ; Constable, J ff McN'aight; Auditor,
Ell Cameron; Assessor, J R Dangherty ;
Overseers, D.tniel Unstress, W M Nelson.
Walker Judge, H N Ilartmsn; Inspec
tors. B Htibler, R S Moist ; Assessor, Henry
Kloss ; Overseers, J N Van Ormer, C Tyson;
School Directors, George S I.nkens, George
II-cknian; Supervisor, JS Weaver, John
Clect; Auditor, William Kurtz; Constable,
Andrew Shirk ; Clerk, J II untibexger.
Gioeuwood Judge, Isaac Miller; Inspec
tors, Peter Miller, J Brown; Overseers, Jos
Nipple, Adam Arnold; Supervisors, JR
Ferguson, Geo Keeler; School Directors,
D B Cox, John Rhoads; Justice, J as Cox ;
Constable, J U Patterson; Assessor, Paul
T Cox.
Su'-qu-hanna Judge, Lewis Wilt In
spectors, J Bruner, J Knouse ; Justice, Ab-
saloiu Barrier; Constable, Henry Bay; Au
ditor, Levi Light ; School Directors, E Staf
fer, G W Lvter; Supervisors, H Karstet
ter, A S I.iinbert ; Overseers, 0 Fisher, 11 K
Tro'itnian ; Assessor, George Kliogcr.
Monroe Judge, J W Swartx; Inspectors,
Wm Keller, D Fiiikeiibiuder; Supervisors,
Wra M McCounell, Jos Laaver; Overseers,
I W Swartz, Thomas Watts ; School I1
rector, John Nfemond, D (I Shellenbergi-r;
Assessor, Peter V warts ; Constable, John
Patterson Judge, W R Dietrkk ; Inspec
tors, S V Kelly, John Hawk; Burgess, Rob
ert McDonald ; Council, John Copelatid,
W S North, W.iijiara Beale, S C Giishard,
W W Copeland, J P Euimiiiger; School Di
rectors, T J Middagh, F D Frankenberry ;
Overseers, Cjrus llench, J B M Todd ; Au
ditor, Jotu Dietrick , Assessor, John Kelly.
Millurd Judge, H M Groninger; Inspec
tors, John K. Robinson, John Robiuson, jr. ;
Overseer, S T McCuIIocb, Charles Wareatu ;
School Director, J S M Gihson. W N Ster
rett ; Supervisors, Cloyd Horning, S Mc
Fadden ; ConsUbiv, Isaac Longacre; Audi
tor, J R Jenkins; Justice, Jas L Stewart;
Assessor, John T Sterrett.
Port Royal Chief Burgess, J B Okeson ;
Town Council, W C Pomeroy, R Sterrett,
Jacob Grouiuger, T Taylor, Daniel Lesb,
W U Noble; School Directors, J P Whar
ton, C M Fuaik ; Overseers, D M Lebo, E
Ranuels; Assessor, D C Coyle; Auditor,
Samuel Buck; Justice, J P Shadle ; Judge,
Wm Rutherlord ; Inspectors, Francis Hyde,
John M-jFaddeu; Constants, P K. Meloy.
Spruce Hill Judge, S Petti t; Inspec
tors, W T BrackbiH, D Delancy ; Overseers,
TheO. Meminger, Wm Graham; Assessor,
S P Wuaiton ; School Directors Jos Weri,
Wul Coke; Auditor, Yost Voder; Treasu
rer, J L Bartou ; Supervisors, J Book. J J
Cuibertson; Clerk, A W Suyder; Consta
ble, Jacob McLaughliu ; Justice, EP Gra
ham. Turbt-tt Judge, W K. McLaughlin; In
SfHsctors, S R Weiuier, Shelburu Keptier ;
School Directors, G W Fink, Wm Turbutt ;
Supervisor, James Koons, S A MeMeen ;
Overseers, S A Koous, James McLaughlin ;
Assessor, 11 I. MiMeen ; Treasurer, T II
McClure; Clerk, John T TUibett; Justice,
James Mclaughlin; Constable, J P Cal
houn ; Auditor, R E McMeeu.
Beale Judge, Wm Milhken, Inspectors,
Wm B Young, Wm Reed; Justice, Richard
Doyle ; Supervisors, David L Coder, Adam
Fisher; Overseers, B P Clark, J P Kellj ;
school Directors, R V Campbell, Rob-jrt
luuia; Auditor, Michael La-iver; Assessor,
J Fraukhouser ; Countable, Armstrong Paul;
Township Cleik. Joseph Brown.
Tuscarora Judge, Abraham Noss; In
spectors, Abraiu Millikeu, David Woodward;
Overseers, John Millikeu, Lucien Ludwig ;
School Directors, A J Furguson, Jas Ki-ld,
AS Anderson; Super isois, John Wood
ward, Abraham Rourer ; Auditor, Thomas
Ai buckle; Assessor, C C McVullocb ; Con-
stable, John Harry; Clerk, D W Stoler ;
Treasurer, S 0 Woodward.
Lack Judge, Bobert Pollock ; Inspec
tors, J 3 McCshau, Eli Campbell ; Overseers,
John Andrews, J DSinioiiton ; Supervisors,
Jacob Shearer, James Zimmerman ; School
Directors, John Kerlin, Alex Boggs; Audi
tor, Thos Murphy ; Assessor, James Rhine ;
Clerk, J W Kenepp; Constable, Jas Rice.
Marriage by telegraph is no uncommon
occurrence these days. The latest transac
tion ol the kind is reported from Chicago
under date of the 17th instand reads thus:
A curious marriage took place at the can
tonment in the Bad Lands, DJtota, yester
day, between Frank M. Shappil aud Henri
etta Louisia James, Rev. Mr. Stevens, ot
Bismarck, officiating from that place by tel
egraph. Frank S. Moode and Engineer
DeuUch were witnesses that the parties re
sponded to the electric marriage ceremony
at one end of Ihe wire, while the Pioneer
Prei correspondent and several other saw
the clergyman perform bis duty at the other.
The questious and answers were written,
telegraphed and responded to and a bles
sing was pronounced in the usual form.
Mrs. DeHuff, whose husband met with
snch an untimely end on the railroad last
autumn, received a splendid donation from
former f riends of her husband, last Thurs
day. Engineers, and other railroad men,
living at, and between Alioona and Harris-
burg contributed money and such things as
pertain to bouse keeping.
Gypsies are on the wove.
The alnging class tings merrily oft.
Many are the boats at the river shore now.
Huj Dr. Morrisou'a anti-billiouapilli.
Horse and cattle dealers are on baud to
A nrmber of citisens are learning to row
a skin.
There are 933 lodge of Odd Fellows in
this State.
Rabbits bark young trees for something
to lire on. .
Already men are telling what the summer
will be tike.
The coming summer will be loenst sum
mer, iu places.
The Literary Convocation last week was
well attended.
Along the railroad it used to be -slepot,"
now it is "station."
In Huntingdon they fine men when they
swear on the street.
Fr. iik Miller, of Millerstown, Perry coun
ty, died of smill-pox.
Vaccinate, if you have not been vaccina
ted w ittiiu a few years.
The county printing In Franklin county
cost $2,130.69 last year.
There was two months and a half good
sleighing the past w loUrr.
On Friday there was a fall of snow about
a foot deep in Northern Illinois.
Tuscarora valley peop!e drive to MifQin
town by w.ij of Port Royal bridge.
If people cannot walk across the river,
they may talk across by telephone.
Tanglefoot got the better of several coun
trymen w ho came to town last week.
A est skiu, nuder the vest across the
chest, is said to be gowd for rheumatism.
935. OO, cash, will buy second-hand
Goldeu Tougue Organ. Call at this office.
Will you attend the inauguration of
Garfield?" is a question frequently asked.
Johu Tyson's stable, at the canal lock
west of town, was considerably wrecked by
the ice.
The broken river bridge prevents the at
tei.dance at church from being as large as
The Franklin Rrpotitory aaya that " all
tramps who come to town are sent to jiil
for 30 day .
FOR S ALE Five share Odd Fellows'
Hall Association stock. If you wish to buy)
call at this othce.
Newport, Perry county, has developed a
note forger. Cashier Irwin detected the
w ork of the scamp.
The Newton Hamilton bridge was a coun
ty bridge, and but a few years ago Cost nine
teen thousand dollars.
L. E. Atkinson bought the Sbanip prop
crty on Washington street, on Friday, at
public tale, lor $50.
The next Slate Fair will be held in Pitts
burg, in tlse Exposition building, from Sep
tember 5 to September 17.
Stockholders of the bridge company say
that they will soon be at work rebuilding
the bridge across the river.
Mr. Smith, Superintendent of Common
Schools, visited the town schools last Fri
day, in company with directors.
A boat, owned by a Huntingdon man, lies
w;th its bow on the tow-psth below Mexico,
as a result of the late ice fiood.
Why is a newspaper like a tooth-brash 1
Because every one should have one of bis
own and not borrow his neighbor's.
L. E. Atkinson has about ten feet deep
f ice on the meadow of his fsrm beyoud
Mexico the result of the ice Hood.
The Newton Hamilton Camp Meeting
management announce tht they will open
camp meeting Tuesday, August 16, lr-ttl.
Thomas W. Price Co.. of 505 Minor
street, Philadelphia, have issued their spring
cards. The designs are varied and pretty.
Jonas Brubaker, of Elkhart, Indiana.
Came to Juniata to attend the funeral of bis
mother, and is now visiting among friends.
The most noted men of modern times
have publicly attested to the value of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral as a cure- for coughs and
cold a.
Miss Kate Gallagher, residing on Water
street, fell on the ice on the pavement in
f ront of ber bouse, and broke an arm, last
Splendid overcoats and other clothing for
men and boys, at marked down prices. Step
in and get a bargain at Harley's Clothing
The late flood swept about one-half of the
breast of the Nevin Pomeroy mill dam
away. The mill it located not far from
Tobias Auker's cow got a square meal of
sweet potatoes, cabbag-?, tc, at the vegeta
ble stand of Al Uackenberger on Saturday
at 11 o'clock a. .
B. F. Books, eon of Postmaster Books, is
horue from a course of lectures which he
has been at tend ii g at a Homeopathic in
stitute in Cleveland, Ohio.
Many railroad ties, fence rails and saw
logs were mingled in the ice that remained
several davs on this side of the Island. The
timber was washed there by the late ice
The railroad company stretched a wire
across the river, by the point of th Island,
to ferry employes and passengers across the
stream. II. D. t uok is the manager of the
boats for the company.
Rev. E. E. Berry has been holding meet
ings in Arch Rock school horse, in F er
managh township. His efforts have been
blessed with success. A number of people
have professed conversion, and will join the
The bridge a not duly appreciated
w hen H stood. Now that it is gone, there is
a general lament, and everybody is heartily
desirous that the company proceed at once
to erect a new one. A foot-way would be
highly appreciated by the public generally.
It is said that the Baldwin Locomotive
people desire to move their works from
Philadelphia. MifHintown would be a good
place to takelheir works to, it being accessi
ble by rail to all parts of the country, east
and west, and convenient to lumber and
There were six literary societies repre
sented at tne Convocation last week, name
ly, MifHintown, Cuba, Delaware, Center,
Richfield and Mount Pleasant. The enter
tainment was such as are participated in at
school exhibition. Such meetings are pro
ductive of gobd.
Kev. R. E. Wilson, former minister of
the Methodist congregation in this place,
was in town a few day ago. He had jnst
closed a splendid revival meeting in bis
charge in Clearfield county. Seventy-six
person professed conversion, and of that
number fifty-four have already allied thenj-s-lre
to tbt cburcb.
Fresh young man to lady he has jnst es
corted to the dinfng-roowi at a literary
gathering ' Are yen partial to Lamb'
Tales' f" Indignant young lady, after ex
hibiting much uncalled-for emprise-" No,
nor 'ninttoa beads,' either 1"- Ynktrt
Statesman. '
A second, and laat, Grand Concert will be
gives by Mr. F. W. Cochran's class In vocal
music on next Tuesday evening. Doors
opeH at 7 o'clock ; concert at 7:30. Ad
mission, 10 and 15 cents.
Mr. George Smith was depntised by the
bridge company to go down the river to look
for the departed bridge. He performed the
work of search, but did not find the bridge
timber. He was down as far as Harrisburg,
where he met an old friend who pnseuted
him with s handsome dog-wood cane..
Sheriff Kelly took J. L. Deering to the
Western Penitentiary last week. While
the S heriff was away in Ihe discharge of
that duty some one started the story that
Deering had escaped while the cars atopped
at Greensburz. It was a story without a
shadow ol truth.
Tiacbkmh' Istitit. At the request of
citizens of Johnstown and vicinity, a teach
ers' adjourned institute will be held at that
place, beginning on Friday evening, the
25th inst., and continuing Satuiday and Sat
urday evening. A cordial invitation la ex
tended to all teachers and the public gen
erally to be present.
An exchange says: Ah excellent thing
to kill lice on live stork is a strong tea made
of Quassia chips, well brushed into the skin
with any kind of a brush. Cattle especially
are liable to become lousy in the whiter,
and farmers will save feed and have their
stock in belter order by investing twenty
cents in a pound of this article, which can
be obtained at any drug st.e."
New Haven Rtgitter t Does a man ever
go into a gr.icery store and say, "I will give
you five cents a pound for sugar," and ex
pect to be treated with respect f Not at all.
He asks the. price of sugar, and piys what
is asked or goes without Eut the same
man will otfer a price twenty per cent, be
low rates for a given space in the advertis
ing columns of a newspaper, and feel offend
ed because it is not taken.
TIME EXTENDED. Many subscriber
ot the Sentinel and Republican, that were in
arrears more than one year, paid up their
arrearages within the past month. A num
ber of others who are in arrears more -ban
one year have requested an extension of
time. Al ter the first of May, l&bl, a bill
will be sent fo each and every one that is in
arrears more than one year.
There are a number of persons w ho favor
a free bridge, or county bridge, across the
river. A number of people are opposed to
a fiee bridge, or county bridge. Those who
oppose a free bridge say that if a county
bridge is put across the river at this point,
so shojld there be one put at Port Royal
and at Thoinpsoniown. They maintain that
the tax-payers of the county wili not sub
mit to an additional load of fifty lo sixty
tbous md dollars for the luxury of free liver
Frank Noble's gentle driving horse con
cluded to play wild horse on Tnesday morn
ing, and did it up to nature by beginning to
kick while in a spring wagon to which be
was hitched, being driven down Cherry
street bill by bis mister. The kicking was
supplemented by leaps, sudden starts and
other horse performance, till a post was
reached at sandoe's corner. There tbe
Case was aggravated by Constables .Noble
snd Lapp, who were both in the wagon,
being thrown out The horse pursued the
tenor of his frisky ways on down Xi a:r
street, demolishing wagon and harness in
the most approved wild horse style. Nei
ther of the two men sustained great injury.
Axrj View Academy.
Tort Royal, Juniata ( oniity, Tenu'iu
The Spring Session of this well-known
institution will open on WEDNESDAY,
APRIL 13, 1(81, under the personal care
and instruction of the undersigned, who
will give their undivided time and attention
to the Svhool.
For particulars, send Jor Circular.
David Wilsos, Principal.
J. fJ. Smith, Co-Princip-d.
PoaT Rout, Feb. 16. 61-5t
The Railroad Company will issue excur
sion tickets to Washington for the inaugu
ration of President-elect James A. Gat field,
at reduced rates, on the 2nd and 3rd of
March, good to return on till March 7, 18S1.
Try .Ml In wood Academy.
Livt, thorough, practical. Expenses
light. Spring term opens April 4. Circu
lars mailed tree.
J. R. BvKca, Principal.
Suadk Gap, Iluuiiegdon Co., Pa. 2t
Use only Dr. J. M. Morrison Sugar
coated Ann bilious Pills as they are
now acknowledged to be the best Li?
er Pill wade, a box of thrm should be
ia every family. They are also a good
pbvsio Can be had at Dr. Bank's
Drug Sjure ill Miffliutown aud at inogt
of ihe coan'ry stores. Tbe Dr. lor-:..-rly
practiced in v aterluo this eoao
ty. dec -21 60.
BURNS On Tuesday, Jan. 4, 1881, Mrs.
Mary Kothrock Burns, wife of Elder J. C.
Burns, or Cross Keys, aged 63 years, 10
months and 3 days.
Mrs. Burns, for some years an invalid,
su tiered from a cold, when on Monday, De
cember 27, she was attacked with pneumo
nia, aud on the following week, Tuesday,
between o and 6 o'clock in tbe morning,
passed away. A laithful, diligent and de
voted wile, and caret ul keeper ol the borne,
a patient sufferer and sincere christian wo
man, has thus gone. Her friends lost in
her death, but she guined her eternal re
ward. She was buried at McCulloch's Mills
on Tuesday, the Cth ol" January, 1881.
Mitl'iu county, aud Perry couuty papers
please copy.
After the First Day of December,
In his New Store Room at the East end of
with s !argH L)t or
of all kinds, Stove Pipe, Lard Cans, Mica
Granite Irou Ware, Dripping Pans, end all
kinds of
Which articles be will sell at tbe Lowest
Possible Prices.
Thankful for past pstronage te expects,
by strict ai ten tion lo business, to receive at
least bis share in tbe future.
Nor. 24, 1880.
If yon wish to boy real estatn, consult
tbe columns of tbe Sentinel and Stpnblitan.
kirrunrowB, Feb. 23. IttHl.
Sutter. IS
Egga 20
Lard 8
Want la
Shonlder ........................ 7
6ides ,..4. n
Potatoes....... ................ 40
Onions...... 1 10
Corrected weekly.
QcoTlnoss'roB To-oat.
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1W1.
What 1 00
Corn..,...........,.....; 42
Oat 30to35
Rye 75
Cloverseed 3 7-',to4 2-i
Philadelphia, Feb. 21 Wheal No. 2
Western red. $1.14 J ; Pennsvlvania red ft.
I3al.l41; do. amber $I.Hal 15. Corn is
quiet ami steady ; steamer, .Vic ; yellow 54c;
nixed ftiivlc. Oats are quiet but un
Philadelphia, Feb. 21. Tbeeatll-i mar
ket ia fair; sales S.o'-O head ; prime 6 J iiip- s
good, 6 t6c ; medium, 4 J i".: ; roiimi.,n, 4
4u. The sheep mirkei is lair; sales. 'J,
(XM head prime, tij it; "c ; gid, 6iOJc;
medium, 5 i5Jo ; common. 'c. 1 he bos
market is l.iir ; sales 4 .WO head ; prime, 9J
a9e; giod iJ'Je; medium, oar-:.
Special .Vol ices.
I will mail (Kree) ,hn recipe lor a simple
Vegetable Bal that will remove Tax,
FRECKLE:1. flvii'LEs and Hlotciies,
leaving the skin soft, clear and beautitul;
also instructions for producing a Inxuiiant
growth of bair on a ball head or smooth
lace. Address, inclosing lie stamp. Baa.
VaKDEir Jl Co., 5 Beekman St., N. Y.
The advertiser having been permanently
enred of that dread disease. Consumption,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to make
known to his .ellow-snrtVrers the means ol
cure. To all who desire it, he will send a
copy of the prescription used, (tree ol
charge,) with the directions for preparing
and asmg the same, which they w ill ti id a
Sl'SE Ct'BE for CoMStHPTIOM, AaTUMA, Uso.1-
chitis. Air:. Parlies w ishing the Prescrip
tion, will please address,
Rev. E. A. WILSON.
194 Penn 6 1., Williamsburg. N. Y.
XX W ork.
Steadv Lmplov meut. a Tu
ples free. Address. M. L. BYKX, 49 Nas
sau Street, New York.
A UENTLKM N lio sutlereil t .r vears
from Nervous liEBILITT, I'hEil ATL'KE
DECAY, and ail Ihe elieets of youthtul in
discretion, will lor the sake ol suffering bu
rn inity. send tree to all who need it, the re
cipe and direction for making the simple
reine.lv- lv w hich he was cured. Sutlerers
wishing to profit by the advertiser's expe
rience can do so by a tdresjng in periect
confidence. JOHN B. oGDE.V,
42 Cedar St., New York.
Jan 28, 1881.
(Successors to Buyers It Kennedy,)
CO A la
Calcined Plaster. Land Plaster,
We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin
town or Mexico.
eare prepared to turnish Sail to dealers
at reasonable rales.
April 21, 187-tf
Stockholders Individually Liable.
J. NEVIN roMEItOr, Preu-hnt.
T. VAN IliWIN, CoiAirr.
DiascTORS :
J. Nevin Pomeroy, Joseph Kothrock.
George Jacobs, Philip M. Keener,
Anion G. Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinson.
W. C. Pomeroy,
J. Nevin Pomeroy, R. E. Parker,
Philip M. Kepner,
Joseph Kothrock,
George Jacobs,
L. E. Atkinson,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amos G. Bonsall,
Noah Herte'er,
Daniel Stolitier,
Sam'l Heir's Heirs,
Jane II. Irwin,
Mary Kurtx.
Samuel M. Knrtz,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
F B. Frow.
John Uorttler.
Charlotte Snyder,
17" Interest allowed at the rate of 2 per
cent, on 6 months certificates, 3 per cent, on
12 months certificates.
jan23, 1879-tf
FOR SAL.li; !
THE nhderaigned has for sale the valu
able pioperty, known as the
located about two miles north of MifHin
town, Juniata county, Pa. The advan
tages of I his property are unequalled in the
Parties interested in the Milling business
would to well give this notice prompt at
tention. Apply to
Attorney at Law,
July 28, 1880. MifHintown, Pa.
ALL persons aie hereby cautioned not
to allow their dogs to run, oi themselves to
Ash, huut, gHther berries, break open fences
or cut wood or young timber, or in any
way trespass on tbe lauds of the under
signed. Isaac KiiK.
John Woodside
Alexander Wallace.
J. H. Wallace.
Joseph A. Koss.
Jatns Wallace.
Benjamin Moore.
Lemuel Ramsey.
Matthew Clark."
Jan 28, l80-ly
ALL persons are hereby cautioned not to
allow their dogs to run, or themselves
to flsh, bunt, gather berries, break or open
fences, or cut wood or young timber, or in
any unnecessary way trespass on the lands
of the undersigned.
M. K. Beshore. M. 4. J. H. Wilson.
David Hetrick. Henry Hartman.
Thomas Benner. Porter Thompson.
Christian Shoaffstall. William Ilctitck.
John Mo tier. David Sieber.
Henry Kiosk ang7, 78
7VoaT' iluvlt.
Tftsocoli aud Local PasscNCift Tsani
BsTWKsa Haiu.-Brnra axo Axfoona.
p. t.;A.. A.w.
12 MJ, 1-801 7 3(
i. . :r. w.
4 1-V 8
p. .
. w. :
4' fjlstj
4 41 8 I )
SoollNrrisb'g i 7.10 I fM
2 KuKockviliej 7 17; i IU;
2 21!M irvsv-iV 7 Hi 1 IS
2 27i Cove j 7 Or.j III:
2 Sc1! Duncan'itj 6 ':I252!
2 41 Aqueduct' 6 4 ) 12 44
2 Vj: Baiiv's 640,12;
8 45
8 35
4 W 8
5 Hi 8 l
8 24
8 12
8 02
7 47
7 32
7 00
6 40
6 33
5 I V 8 4H
5-Vi 8 4,
6 10 9 0!
t:"' 014; .105 Newocrt fi3iV222:
6 4"i M 27! .1 l.iMillersf'n! 6I;!2I2
7 II 9 to: 3 2";riioMil.n 6 m; 1201,
7 4o! 954 34j! Mxico I 5 541147
7 410 0f: 3 4H Perrvst'ei 5 5i;il4.'
8 oo; 10 If,: 3 iVl. Miftlin 6 40, 1 1 3o
ilOloj 4 2o Lewisto'n; 5 17.1! 1
1 1 ia 4 3 Anderson j 5 or, 1 1 ljoi
:1117: loOMcVevi'm 452 104H'
!llf, lt7 Manav'nki 431 1037!
ll 623 Nllaniil'nj 4 27 1027!
ill 60! 5 32 Mt. Cnionl 4 2l 10201
;llo8 5 40 Vaplelon.i 4 12 "0 15;
I20H, 5 17 Mill Creek' 405 lOOHi
!28 BHi flunting'n! 3 52 955i
1235 6 18 Pelersb'g S3 941
;I24L 62H! Barree j 881; 934
1251, 6 38 Spr'eeC'k 8 251 927j
104 6 52 Binugu'iu: 3 13! 9 12
I I 15 7 Oil Tyrone ! 3 08' 907!
1 24 7 13; Tipton I 2 9 8 3S,
j I i 7 i9 Kosioria ! 2 V5 8 34
I IH4 7 24 BelUMills iot 8 31.
I 56 7 4ii Altoona i 235 a l
I j ! i . I
IP. . P. ' U.M..A.K.i
I 8 50, 1 15 Pittsburg. j 7 20; j
Westwaro Fast Tauxs.
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia 11 55
p in ; Harrisburg 4 20 a ic : Uuncannon 4
48 am; Newport 6 11 am; Mifflin 550a
tu : Lewistown 6 12 a m ; McVevtown 6 23
a in; Mt. Union 7 K) a m; Huntingdon 7
'"am; Petersburg 7 35 a m ; S prn.Te Creek
7 49 am; Tyrone 8 12 am; Bell's Mills
8.11am; Altoona 8 00 a ni ; Pittsbuig
I 4 p m.
Pittsburg Express leaves Philalc'pMs at
6 25 p ni ; Harrisburg III 25 p ni ; Rotkville
10 ill", p iu ; Miitl.c 1 1 4'i p iu ; Lewistown
12 0 a m ; Huntingdon I 13 a m ; Tyrone
1 53 a ui ; Altoona 2 25 a m ; Pittsburg 7 00
a m.
Fast L'-ne leaves Phila-lelp'uia at 12 IU a
ra ; Harrisburg 4 05 p ni ; Miliiiu 5 2 p in ;
Lewistown 6 it p rt ; llutitniu l ,n 6 -V pm ;
Tyrone 7 3D p in ; Altoona 8 00 p in ; Puts
burg 12 01 pin.
Chicago Kxpress leaves Pliilad-tphia at 9
in) a iu ; Harrisburg 12 25 p 111 ; MitMn I 40
pin; Lew n 157 pm; Huntingdon 2
54 pin i Tyrone 3 SI p ni; A.toona4 05p
m ; arrives at Pittsburg 7 30 p mt
t'att Line HV.f. oa fnndjys, will ttop at
X)aacaaaoa. AVicpor, .tf.-t'eyrou'. Mt. Union,
Peteriburg and lit 11' t Mill; ir.tcs flagged.
Eastward Fast Tsaiss.
Cincinnati Express leaves Pittsburg at
4 2o p m ; Alioona 20 p m ; Bell's Mills
JStipnii Tyrone 9 52 pm; Pet-rsbnrg ID
21 pm; Huntingdon 10 34 pm ; sit l"oin
10 5! p in ; Mc Vev town 1 1 30 p in ; Lewis-
town II pm; Minim I. I a m ; arrives
at Harrisburg at 1 40 a m, and Philadelphia
at 5 15 a m.
I Pacific Express bares Pittsburg at 4 20 a
m; Altoona 8 3 am; Tyrou 857 am;
. Huntingdon ! 30 a in ; Lewistown " '!2aru;
Mitllin 10 51 am; Dnncannon 1 1 47 am;
111 a-risbiirg 12 15 p ai; arrives it. Pbilailel-
phut 3 45 p in.
Paafic Express Eul on SunJuit Kill t'.op
az Beit t Mint, Zprure LreeH, feieriinrg.
Mill Creek Mt Vnien, McVtjlcsn a:d Aem
port, uhen PUgged.
Train leave Lewistown Junction for Mil
n.y at 7 00 a ni. 1 1 OtJ a m, 4 S3 p iu j for
Sunt.urv at 7 25 a ra, 2 05 p ui.
Traius arrive at Lewistown Junction from
V ilroy at 9 30 a ni, 3 00 ptn, 5 50 p m ; from
Suubury al 1025 a m, 5 10 p ni.
Triins leave Tyrone for Bellefonte and
L"Ck Haven al 8 20 a m. 7 f5 p ni. Leave
Tyrone lor Curwensville and Clearh. Id at
9H5 a m, 7 50 p m.
Trains arrive at Tvrone from Rellefoute
and Lock 11 iv--n at 8 48 a m, and 7 32 p m.
Arrive at Tvrone ironi Curwensville and
Clearfield at 7 43 a m, and ti 00 p m.
Philadelphia & Beading Railroad.
ArrangpmeBt ft Passenger Trains.
Novcmrcb loth, 1860.
TVaim leave H irrisburg at folloire :
For New York vu Allcntown, at b"3 a. in.,
and 1 4- p. m.
For New York via Philadelphia and "Bound
Brook Koute,' ' 6 Ho, 8 to a m, and 1 4 i
p m.
For Pbihdelphia, C 35. 8 05 (through car),
950 am. 1 45 and 4(M) p m.
For Heading at 5 45, 6 3-5, 8 05, 9 50 a ni,
1 4 . 4 iHiand 8isi p ra.
For Pottsville at 5 45, 8 05, 9 50 a tu, and
4 IKI p. m. and via Schuylkill Al Susque
hanna Branch at 2 10 p ia. Tor Auttum,
5 Hli a m.
For Allentown at S 45, 8 05, 9 50 s ni, 1 45
and 4 IKI p m.
Tbe 8 05 a m, ai.d 1 45 p m trains have
through cars for New York via Aden
town. susDJrs.
For Allentown and wav stations al 600 a m
For Ke tding, Philadelphia and way stations
at 1 45 p ra.
Traim for Harritbnrg leatt as follow :
Leave New York via Allentown at 8 45 a m,
1 00 and 53U p in.
Leave New York via "Bound Brook Route"
and Philadelphia 7 45 a in, I 30, 4 0 and
6 30 p ni, arriving it Harrisburg 1 00, 8 20,
9 10 p iu, and VI 35 a ni
Leave Philadelphia at 9 40 a ni., 4 00, 550
and 7 45 p m.
Leave Pottsville at 7 00, 9 10 a. m. and 4 40
p in.
Leave Reauing at 4 AO, 00, 1 1 60 a m,
1 30, h to. i 00 an I 10 8 p m.
Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill an l Susque
hanna Hrauch, b 30 a m.
Leave Allentown at rj io, 9 00 a m., 12 10,
4 30 aud 9 Oo p m.
Leave N ew York at 5 30 p. ni.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 45 p iu.
Leave Beading at 8 00 a m and 10 35 p m.
Leave Alleuiown at 9 0o p tu.
Leave IIAKKISBI KG for Paxton, Loch-
iel, and Steelton dailv, except Sundav. 5 Jo,
6 40, 9 35 a m, 2 10 p m ; daily, except Sat
urday and ioiml.iy. .- 4- i ni, and ou Saturdav
only, 4 45,6 10, 9 30pui.
Returning, leave STEELTON dailr, ex
cept Sunday. 6 10.7 'HI, 10 (HI a in, 2 20pm;
daily, except Satmday and Sunday. 6 In
p m, and on Saturday only, 5 10, C (, 9 jO
General Pait'r Ticket Jgent.
General Manager.
Vn n. in ,L. Iiln,. T-.I1..V V.K. 1 -
as large a quantify of reading matter as the
Sentinel and Republican. ft is above all
others the pa per tor the general reader.
d.70 A WEEK. $12 a day at home esi!y
$ ill made. Costly Outfit free. Address
Tc V Co., Augusta, Maine. fdec3-ly
C f n (fiOfl per day at home. Samples
ipu uu vpuu
I worih $ free.
Address S-Ti.i
sos k. Co.
Portland, Maine.
The Sentinel and Republican office is the
place toget job work done. Trv it. II w ill
pay you if you need anything in that line.
Consult yonr interests and advertise in
the Sentinel and Republican.
- .
K STATION. I. 3. 22
II i? t & li si
?. JL 1 ' ?
IIJON' BITTETCS are highly rcctmmmdcl or all diseases re
quiring a certain and i tiic-efit Ionic J c-pecialiy Indinntion, Jjtppcpit Inier
miittnt T". ten, Wont cf AppeiUe, Lot of Utrenyin, Inr.k if J-'iurgj, etc LnricLea
the biorsL strengthens muxjes, and fives new life to the nerves. 1 hey act
like a charm on the uitviive organs, removing all drspr-pticsyjirom ,so Ti
as Tiutirtitht Food, Bikhiny.IIiotm the Sinouh. U'JXTi!nTn,eie. Thecrifj
Iron I'repar-.tiou that will not blaokc-n the tooth or prio
IlfiUuoIic rx)id by all drugirisU. V.'rlie ior tue A B C Cook, 02 pp. ol
nscful and amusing readin; a- at jr..
miOVTS CHEMICAL CO., BaJtimoro, lid.
r -pa
Dry Goods,
Having Purchased the
nas opened with the Latest Stock ever shoan in tl-is i;;.,:ket, ami will continue to
receive, daily, all the Latest Novelties of the season. We iuv.te ev -iylnxly to oil and
examine nnr stock and bear onf prices, whether you wih to p'-re'nse or not, feeling
confident that when y -li do, we can suit you', both in ' l ilily ami prices.
Tins immense ar.d elegant asa.irtiu. nl couaist ot Ihe leu-fins imported a .J Am -ri-can
Fabrics, fioui the Fiue-t fo tuj Chcipcst, la
We have a large assortment, and our stit-k f
Is very replete, with the fiiest sliad.-s snd deigii-.. We have sn eler tut st of
Muslins, prints, Cassi-ires. Oinrhams. Skliiiaijs. Th1!c I.iueus. liriliiugs, S!ii.i: .,;3
Toaeliugs, Tickings, Sheetitigl, Ermines.
Is replete in everything We np-n an tlee.int I'ne of Trimmi- s, a large li.n of
Laces , in Buttons we have all the New Nov-lnes. VA c , ,Vt. a t -autil u: linn of S'-'-i
a grest variety ol Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Bows. 5-i-arls. 11 ir-dkerchi'-ls, C 'I'a-s
Cutfa, Corsets, Ribbons, Underwear. Sbetlaud, Grmaniovvu and ilowe-mide F tiy
Yarns, in all colors, etc., etc. Our stack of
Is the largest in thi county. We have sr. elegvit line of 1. 1 Ii v', Misrs' and Cuii
dren's Shoes, suita!.!;' for fill and winter weather, at Prices tint will astonish ynn Oi-.r
stock of Boots for M jp. Youths and Boys is very extensive. Wj have them st -vll
prices and qualities. Wo keep a fin) line i-f
A large stock of F.uor, Tjble ar.d Stair Oil Cloths. Our sti 1 :! is too larg lo enn
meriiie. We invite you to call and see us, aud we wi I show v tiie. Beat ato. k ot
Uools to the Couuty.
Yt-urs, resj-ec'fuily.
Sept li. lriff ).
s t
W .2
"fpl!f .-
Self-Threading Shuttle. Srlf-Setting Notdio. Lightest Run
ning and Noiseless. Lanest Robbin in I'm. Winds
the Bobbin without running the Machine or
removing the work.
The NEW DOMF2TIC tales no fanlrvms. Xo -mg Uk or arrtawiit
required, every m:i'-Line telling its own Ktorr.
The NEW DOMESTIC lits no ttumits, exempt those vlh se!!, or ar in
terested in selling ot'aor makes of ntachinivs.
1 2s Till a AvonrAi.
It Sews Anythisc. It ,rtr.i.?i-s Kvrin b.jii .
Call on or aMre&s
Th.r l Street. Miliiiat. an. JuuiaU Co , Pa.
tof Aim Agent tor t!i ESTLY au.I
easy monthly pajineits.
It the place where yori can buy
Tin: IIKST am Tin: c iiimtust
HE is prepared to exhibit one of the mos: choice anil ufl.t stocks ever offered ia
this niarfcet, and at JSTOXISHISGLY J.O'.i' PRICES t
Also, oieasnrps taken for suits ftn;I part of fiuitu, which will be ma-Je to rdd
t short notice, rt'ry reasonable.
Remember tbe rlaee, in Hoffman's New liuilJitig, corner f KriJee and
WTater sTcets, V IFFLINTOWS, PA. t J.,n. 1, 17 -tt
Has jnst returned from the Eastern cities with a full varietj of
GEXTS' FUR.1SHIX GOODS. r,oolH of all kind, arc low Come and ree ua
and be astonished Pants at 5 Cents). SL'ITS MAKE TO ORDEK.jti
1 Patterson, p.( AprU 16, 18TH.
otitor m-ik. s f Orpin. Si. hi on
!. 17. 1ST