Mifvnj,r ,y,yBi' TP? nlliiiWHmiliyi mmMmm 1 1 ia lasl IfwrtH" f 1 1 1 ill ie)tg- to WMlBiBtCiaH isaSaiai f J IT- f.V F t I f . - I- I?,! N '.1 J; iil 1 t:' c - A Crarlal Teat. The other day old Mr. PuDglenp, of Nob Hi)!, California, wu commenting on tbe railroad velocity with which young ladies ibber to each other whenever they meet, without either in the least understanding or replj ing to what the other says. "It's just a clean falsehood gotten up by you good-for-nothing-men !" said the vuunpest Punpleup girL indignantly. "All light," said her father, bemgnant ly; we'll try an experiment. I see your friend, Miss Uluckerson, coming up the street. .Sow, I'll wscer that new walking suit you want so much that you can say, "roast tuikey and cranberry sauce in re-siK.-iiae to the first half-dozen remarks she u.akt-8 without her noticing the fact." I never heard of anything so perfectly absurd," replied Miss V ; "however, I mieht as well have that suit it's just too lovely fur anything so I'll just do it to teach you a ksuo. "Mind now," said her father, as tbe front door bell nine, "fair play. You n.usn't change your expression in the least, and you must itpeat the sentence in your usual voire and manner that is to say, in a single breath ail run tegelher, as it were." Just then Miss Gluckerson was shown into the parlor, and through the library Ui Kir old J' couid hear the usual oscu- latoiy pick exchanged, and Miss O ex- tlaiui without even the smallest comma in the w hole return U: ' Oh ! jou lazy thing been here a perfect aire duu't look at this hat perfect fright toiue to Lave flowers set bat k and bow changed wny weren't you at maluiee Harry was there. " -Hoast tuikey and cranberry sauce,'' rajiitliy ini-erttU Mita P , acton; pany- ini; the words with that peculiar prelum- nary and cwjcluuing gurgle with which ail wcn.cn, for seine occult reason, invaria ably uduru their ccuvcrsation when desirous ol bung agreeable. "tjoing to Mrs. Hiatigers' party C con- tiiuid Mihs Giutkersou, with the serene ralile ol a brook over the jiebblea, "Miss Miulb is going they tell me the paints I'K iiiistd me a phaeton in the f-iinin; Fam ilial Latclul Mrs. Uiuiiptry on the street biff teitkirt and gittu niching just Kiu-y. "J,niiit tuikey and craultcrry " ih, Gioriie tkidmore's tiiolher's dead. Outb: got a tea in my tlteve little pest jiiet taliug me alive bury Ltr next buuday i;iU tu j:tl that ciSfciiig at Glint?" ICijiht tuikey anU crai. '' 'ILe girl s at C laik's are to graduate next 'lhuietiay. Jennie Giggles is going to It- tiuaie tut wah intuit iliUfitn anu white kid U ou can't you tuu.e ri uud for dinner to nioiiuw uill stay ail Kuabt tuikey anu " 'ifclit, au.l tho Milly your new bafquc? 1 l a! n, all Willi a lkht oetcout Maied at n. e vititioay Jim O Meill is going east this cuniy is liithtluily stale. "Koast tuikey '' "Ma thiLks Mrs. Erown ain't premier llniee ltms are just too lovely at ihtse tLlIb titan this mot iiing are my crimis tun.iug out yours ain't luliie ekippen said yu n.et lhailie lioj.'gs the other night aLU Le taiil somttLing nice tell mcuuickf" "ICoatl turk " Why, Lew perfectly absurd you arc, l.ir.ilii,' :Uem;pttd the visitor angrily. tu tii n't lit-ttu to a word 1 fay. 1 was tttkiig U out Charley, not roast tuikey! t.itij.e Mitlley thinks jou're awful nice. .Tm'W ull me, what did he say f Good ;ii.ijuus! What are you bugging me lor?" "And, Tiliia," thoughtfully leuiarked M its i'ui gltujp alter the matter had been Ihii.tu, anu her lather atimilted that he haU nl l.y a stialth, "1 believe in my Ltart that if you hatin't thought about Charley jun iLcn 1 shouldn't have any new tuil this winter. All ol v hit h goes lo show that there is lit least eLe subject upen whith one may 1m j e to Mtuie I ue leu penary attention ol the iuiCrDabie lemalu mind. Who Somk d tbe Horn. Our riaders Imve all heard the story of the t aping of the eli rg man's tin horn at a taini '-n eelinir, so that w hen he called the congiegalion tegether, he blew the soft sn!i over his brether clergymen, and how he exclaimed : "lircthren, I have served the Lcrd thirty years, and in that time never uttered apro- iaue wold, but I'll be d d if I can't whip the man that soaped my horn !" Our reader, we say, may have beard this, but have, perhaps, never heard tbe scouel, as was given us by a gentleman who was present. Simetwoor three years after, a tall, swarthy, villainous looking desperado strolled the giound and leaned against a tree listening to an elegant exhortation to lepeut, which was being made by the preacher. Alter a while be be came interested, fi nal!' allteted, and then taking a position the anxious seat, commenced groaning in 'the very bitteruei-s' of his sorrow. The clergyman walked down and attempted to ci nisole him. .No ctmsolation, he was a sinner there was no mercy for him. "Why, hat ci ia.e have you committed?" aske-d the preacher, "have you stolen?" "Oh, worse than that !" " "W hm ! Have you by violence robbed female inuoceuee ol its virtues V "Worse than that. Oh, worse than that t" "Murder ?" gasped the horrified minister. "Worse than that !" gioaned the smit ten sinner. The excited minister commenced "pull ing off"' his outer garments. iliTe, lit other Cole!" be shouted, "hold my coat, I've found the fellow that soajH-d my horn !' Artlflrial IndlKO. Artificial indigo is uow prepared, accord ing to Atarbach s new and successful inclb h1, ly mixing together and heating mod erately one part of dry monouitroalizarin, live parts c'i concentrated sulphuric acid, and one and a half parts of glycerine 1,'Jtiispecilio gravity. Heaction commences at 107 degrees C and becomes violent, the temperature li-ing to 200 degrees; much In lining takes place, wilh evolution of sul phuric acid and acrolein. The whole mass, when lrolhing has subsided, is poured into water, boiled up, and filtered, the residue being boiled.oui three, or four times with dilute sulphuric acid. The mixture filtrates arc ailoweu to cool, and blue separates in brown crystals; these are purified, by mix ing with water, and adding borax till the solution betsiines brownish violet the blue w ith the boric acid funning an insoluble compound, 'lhe residue is washed, de omLHsed with an acid, and the pure blue obtained by this means as a violet silky paste. frolUier mud ABimaU, Tie feni'ness ot French troops for aui n sis is well known to their countrymen. TLcie is scarcely a Zouave or a Turco who does not bring w ith him an Angora cat, a hah key, a dog, or a magpie. Huring the march these laithful animals rand quietly m the knapsack, and, unless the knapsack is k it behind, the live burden is absolutely taken iuo action; and indeed, the dogs almost always toilow their masters. Thus thrown intc the thickest of battle, some of the m are of course w ounded. Hence the necessity of uursing them. Xothing can i xctt'd the kindness slown by the French soldie rs to their pet companions when over taken by such misfortune. Fedoor Fido is caied for as the dearest corirade would te. Feminine devotion is then displayed with all its gentle power; the vivaudiere takes under her nx.-inl .lir.ti,.r, ,i.s. curicus ambuiance, and is at one and the tame tune tue furen and the garde maladc If, how ever, the wound is severe if the state of the ratienl i considered tlargeroui; tie aiedkal scitrce of thesap I er. or of the ricimental vi tcrinare rint is apptaltd to. Lint and bandages are i'loiiucu ui auuuuance, and the suffering creatures are accoiucdated as best they can le. AGRICCXTUBK. Visteb of Wob Hobses, The horse is the principal motive power on the farm, and the working and culture of the farm depends largely on the condition of tbe horses, hence t Is Im portant that they should be brought through the winter in good condition and in readiness for tbe usual hard spring work. The winter seasoa is one of comparative leisure for farm horses, as our farms are usually man aged, and the greater part of tbe time during tbe season they must either stand in stables or else be turned out in the open air. Horses are injured by etamlin constantly in stables without exercise, therefore they should be al lowed to spend a pertion of each day in the open air, when not too cold, where they will receive tbe necessary exercise. 1 they are driven ou tbe road, or otherwise used, of course no lurther txcerclse is required. Many farmers seem to think that because lit tle is required of their horses during winter a correspondingly small amount of attention' need be given them, and they leave them to teed upon poor hay or straw reserving all their good hay, and grain for spring feeding. This we believe to be poor policy, tor though we do not believe in high feeding dur ing wiuter,yet we believe horses should have such feed and care as w 111 keep them in good working condition. Hurh feeding, without sufficient exercise, is detrimental to borne. s Work horses that are grained heavily through the entire winter, without being worked, will not usually stand the hard work required of them w hen spring opens as well as thote that had but moderate ieeding, snfliclent only to keep them in good working condition. High feed ing in the spring, to horses that have not Leeu accustomed to it during the winter, w ill be much more appreciated. It will enable them to stand the hard ships of spring work without much tailing off in llesh, It should always be the aim ot cw ners of horses to keep them m good order. If ouot they be come vtry poor in llesh it requires much mere leeu to recover the lost flesh than would be needed to maintain itat Iil St. Gkun ixti 1ev Woob. Nothing tau be more provoking to a woman lhan to have to burn green or wet w ood, and nothing in our opinion goes so lar to tonvict the farmer of shil'Uess ntss as to neglect furnishing an abun dance of good, dry wood, borne farm ers contend that there is a saving in mixing grevn wood wilh dry, because i hey say that it lasts longer; but tbe reasen lor this is that the sap from tbe green w cod has lo be evaporated before it will turn, and this evaporation ol sap absoibs the heat lrouitbe dry wood so that a certain amount of dry wood has to be burned in order to consume the gieen. This may be classed as one of the was let upon tbe farm, ltisvery unpleasant lor the farmer's wile to Lave to to lo the wood pile and bring in wet weed, or have to dig it out ol a snew Lank, which is not unlrequently the tace. A shed might be construct ed at a slight txpet.ee, in w hich the i aimer ccuid not only store his wood alter it was cut but also telore cutting and laige enough so that he or his hiitd man ti.ia.hl work in it on stormy days, in such a shed the whole ot the wood niitlii he cut wilhoulinterterlug with any regular work. All that would be necessary would be to have a year's sleek, in advance; dry wood could then always be bad and easy oi access, cutting cfl' another treat waste on ILe laiui. li. is a wise old adage w Lichsays: "Take care ol tbe cents aLd the dollars w iil take care of tticni-seivts."- It is taking care of the cents every day upon the larui which lays up the dollars at the end of the year. Cake of Yovsg Pius. Three or four weeks is the age at which pigs need the most caret ut attention. At about this period the pig reaches a point when the milk Cf the sow is not suffi cient to keep up a healthy growth, and unless the pigs have been taught to eat Lelore this lime, there will be always trouble w ith them. The only way to aoid it is to teach them to eat and di iuk at the earliest possible age. This may easily be done by placing a little miik or other palatable lood, iu liquid or ttmi-liquiu lorin, in a trough near tltni, but w here the snow cannot get at it. .by tbe time the pigs are a w etk old they w ill begin to lasie it and, then they will very quickly learn to eat heaitily. Give them plenty ol nutriti ous, j aiattble loed licni this time on, anu thcie will be no further Citlicul- ty. Far those having small greenhouses or window. gaidens, it is well to keep on. baud a quart or so of pure liquid manure lroui tbe stable. Add lime to neutralize the odor. Use a tablespoon- tul of ibis to a gallon of water lor the plants, to be used every tw o weeks in the winter. Among the very best plants tor the winter garden are ger aniums, carnations, luscias, justicias, bouvatciias, Ivy geraniums, viucas, lobelias, amelliat. These will all 00 in a cool temperature say CO degrees. AVaions or earn with broad tires may be drawn over newly-plowed laLd y ithcut cutting in, and ou niud eiy tcads lliey are pulled w ith greater ease than narrow tires, because the soil is i teked dew n and Lot cut up. The popular prejudice in lavor of narrow tires is a strange one, as it is impossi ble to keep the roads in repair w here they are used. They are also very hard on horses. It you are about to pui chase a cart think of this and have it built with broad tirea. t tw realize the necessity of manur ing orchards. When once planted, the trees are to remain on the same soil thirty or forty years at least. '1 hey, in a lew years, exhaust the lood In the soil that they are most lond of and then they will cease to te productive aud thrilty unless properly fed. Keaubks, when you achieve success by any new method of farming (and who does not every year?) do not hide your light under a bushel, but write down the facts and send them for pub lication. An Et sUtn naturalist, while preserv ing ants and spiders in bottles of alco hol, met with a touching exhibition that caused him to forego further ex periments. He w ished to preserve a large female spiderand twenty-lour of her young oces that he had captured. He put the mother into a bottle ol alct bol, and saw that altera few mom ents she folded her legs upon her body, and was at rest. He then put into the bottle the young ones, w ho, of course, manilested acute pain. What was his surprise to see the mother arouse her self from her lethargy, dart around, and gather her young ones to her bosom, fold her legs over tbem, again relapse into insensibility, until at last death came to her relief, and the limbs, no longer controlled by this maternal instinct, released their grasp. . Tteo new kinds of tea, having very peculiar qualities, have been discov ered by Mr. E. C.Barber while explor. ing the region west of Klating-tu, China. One of the varieties was rare and appears to have been grown only by some monks of the monasteries on Mount Omi. An Infusion of it tasted like strong Congou to which brown sugar hd been added liberally; but Its sweetness was a natural property. The other tea grew spontaneously at heights of more than Oooo feet above tbe level of the sea. It is a leafy shrub, with a stem about four inihes thick, and it attains a height of fifteen feet. In making an infusion every part of the plant except the root is employed. The beverage produced is a strongly-colored but weak tea, having a natural milky or rather buttery flavor. THE HOUSEHOLD. T...TUvr il Alt ATTiCK OF A P- poflest. Loosen th clothes, espeel- .. . a .1 maaV .nil all? tnose acout uiroat "j send at once for a physician. Mean while, remove the pitient into a cool, well ventilated room, raise the head above tbe level of the body, and apply cold to the head either by means of rags aippea in water, uct uviuS them to become wsrm, or by Ice in a bladder, Ac. The diet will require great care when the patient is reviv ing. Only very small quantlites of milk, beer tea. Ac . must be given un . : i i. j. .kia ts, il i tricf more. Surno- sing the patient to recover from the fit, great care win ue rnjuiiru w im.itin. .,,o,.l- srrnnir mmltclnes.preat rcwuuaiwiv.i -' " n excitement, or mental occupation are to De ayoiaea. ioe aiei uugu. w UK l.tifr mtlvlMriiia milk is UHeful. Ullk uuk uu w"" taken to the extent of 1) or 2 pints in a day ; as a ruie, no spin to should be allowed. Chickes Pcddisg. Cut up a pair of young chickens, put them into a stew- tnan with enmiah water to cover. adding two tablespoonfuls of butter; pepper ana sa:t to taste; lev i. gently until about half cooked ; then i,t ttit t h chickens and let them cool, pouring the gravy into a separate dish. Prepare a oaiier oi a quri ui milk, six well-beaten eggs, a table spoonful of baking powder, a little salt, sifted flour to mix to the proper thick ness. Put a layer of chickens at the Kr t.im r.t th Timid in f dish and nour over some of the batter, then another layer or chicken anu more uanci , uu so on. having batter on top. Bake for one hour, or even longer, in a hot oven. Beat an egg into the gravy re served, let it boil up and send to the table to be served with the pudding. Spiced Figs. Fill a large Jar with grapes picked from the stem ; add a little water, cook slowly and stir oc casionally to prevent burning. When tender strain out the juice through a line sieve. (Tbe white Muscat grape is best. To one pint of grape j ulce add three pounds of sugar aud a bag of bruised spice mace, cinnamon and cloves, to taste. Pare seven pounds of figs very thin ; have them ripe enough tiTbe so It but not to crack open. Cook the fik in the grape syrup until ten der enough to iass a straw through easily, then d Ip out carefully and seal in glass jars. A spiced jelly can be made Iroin the syrup, if any is left over after the tigs are done. ei'ac-l CciiKT of Cold Koast Fowl. Take two large onions, two apples, two ounces of butter, a deasert spoonlul of curry powder and one tea spoanlul of flour or two teaspoonfuis oi curry paste w ithout flour, half a pint ol gravy, one tabiespoonlul of lemon Juice, and two tomatoes fresh or preserved cream, and rice. Fry the lowl aud the onions to a light brown in two ounces of butter, then put them into a stew ing-pan and add to it tbe gravy, tomatoes, apple-sauce and cream. Let it simmer about thirty minutes, then put iu a tables poonlul ol lemon juice and serve with boiled rice. If tuny paste Is used instead of curry powder, only a teaspoonful ot lemon juice Is required. Nothing can beat this; this was tbe Kajah's own recipe. Baiikg I mii as FuDoixe. Tour enough boiling water ou two cups ol meal to wet it thoroughly ; then add one-hall cup ol butter, well beaten with one cup ol sugar, till like a cream ; two well-beaten eggs, a little salt, two cups ot milk, two tablespoon luls ol molasses, nutmeg and cinna mon to suit the taste; one teacup ol st oued raisins, slightly chopped ; bake slow ly three hours. If preierred, use tw o-lhirds of a cup of finely chopped suet instead ot butler; instead of rais ins act p and a half ot dried whortle berries are very nice, or two cups of finely chopped sweet apples instead ot any olher lruit is excellent. Boilikg Fish. Ten minutes to every lunti ol fish is a lair average; if large aud thick, a few minutes longer; cover close; simmer rather than boil; take out mimediaulf wLen done. A fresh cod, of four or five pounds, takes about twenty minutes to boil. Never put tbe fish iu till the w ater is boiling hot. bait fish should never boil for a mo ment, as it makes it hard : it should lie in scalding w ater two or three hours and then be allowed to simmer, and the less water you use and the longer It simmers the better it will be. Tbe fish is done when the meat, is easily detached lrom the bones. Pcddisg Without Milk ob ggs. Make a dough as lor biscuits, or to eyery pint of flour cne teaspoon cf baking powder, half tablespoon of melted suet or butter, saltspoon of salt w ater or sweet milk to make a sou dough : roll halt inch thick.cover with iruitof any kind, sprinkle with sugar and roll, pressing the edge down and ends together; lay a cloth in a steamer place the dough on it and steam an hour, if dried fruits are used, they s ht'Uld first be stewed. Serve with sauce. This may be warmed over by steaming. Excellent, and may be made with chopped suet and steamed three hours. Cbiesk Socffle. This dish must be sent to table, direct from the oven, in the pan in which It has been baked, as it falls it kept standing. Beat separ ately tbe white and yoiks of two eggs; add to the yolks one tablespoonful of silted flour, two of grated chesee, a pinch of cayenne, one ot salt, and one cup of milk ; when well mixed, add the whites beaten to a froth, and stir briskly; pour into a buttered, shallow pan, and bake in a quick oven until a rich brown about tit teen minutes. Woolen shirts are the best for farmers, both in summer and winter. They abeorb the perspiration, prevent chills and protect the person from sud den changes ot temperature. The colors are permanent, and with wide turndown collar of the same material, blue flannel makes an appropriate and tidy garment. Cocoa ntt s for HxXGrNS Baskets. The shell oi the cocoanut Is so hard and durable that it can serve an excel lent purpose as a hangung basket for small plants. If cut across in the mid dle, a single shell will make two baskets; it is perhaps more artistic to remove one -third of the space of the shell and use the rest. The shell on itself Is "rustic" and harmonizes with plants. Apple Crol'tes. This simple and dainty little dessert is one taught by Miss Carson: Peel and core the ap ples and halve tbem ; take half slices of bread, spread thickly with butter and sprinkle with sugar, then lay ap ple ou bread, core side down ; sprinkle on more sugar and any kind of spice to taste. Bake. II ow to Make Tea go Fckthkr. A method has teen discovered for mak ing mere than the usual quantity of tea lrcm any given quantity of the leaf. The whole secret consist of steaming the hat before steeping. Byhis pro cess it is said fourteen pints of good quality may be brewed iroin one ounce of tea. Composition Cake. Two and one fourih pounds of flour, one and three fourths pounds ol sugar, and one-half pound butter, three pounds fruit, six eggs, one pint milk, cup molasses, two glasses brandy, two teaspoonfuis sale ratus. Cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg-,&c. To polish Tobtoise Shell Articles. lake seme whiting (having rubbed it betw een the finger and thuab that there may Dot be a particle of grit,) mix with water to the consistency of cream ; mo with a very soft rag ; pol ish w ith some of tbe dry whiting. WIT AKD HUMOR. A tocku gentleman of Xew Haven, writb a love of romance in his nature, foil rlocnoratAlv in lOVC With the daughter of an up town business man, who was rlcn, ana paia uis iurraw lailv with timidltv. tear ing that his suit might not be cordially received by the parent, ue was usuer ed Into the parlor and the old gentle man, receiving him with a great deal of politeness, said : 'Young man, here are two volumes of love poetry on tbe table, a Might guitar" stands ready for your touch in the corner, I've arranged for a moon beam to shine through the window blind, and Augusta has practiced sev eral effective sighs. 1 h ape you'll take hold and enjoy yourself." But he didn't. It was too tame al together, and before she had swept across the threshhold clad in rustling silk, he bad skipped down stairs in search of a step-lather who had less of the sarcastic in his make u The preacher was talking to tha Sunday-school about the power of re ligion, and the devotion of the zealous to the cause and their attendance upon the services. Finally he asked if there was anything to which people wouid go tw ice every Sunday and through the week as they did to church; when small boy with a twisted tongue on the front seat spoke out: "Yeth, thir, a thircus would ketch 'em every pop if tiiey could git in free, like they do to church. The preacher thought it was time to sing. 'Toe ought ter have been ter the pantermine," said Jimmy Tuffboy. That's the fun ; more pounding with stuffed clubs, and smashing window glass and stealing sausages, and get ting he best of ttio 'cap' and, and oh " "Twasn't half so funny as the picnic at our house last night," said his listener. "Pa chuckled the ser vant girl under the chiuand ma caught him at it- Maybe there wasn't a pan tomime then." A painter holding a pail of white paii.t in his baud stood on the near platform of a street car up town about 9.30 o'clock this moruing,wheii the for ward wheels became bewildered and tried to move in two directions at the same time. The result was the car gave a sudden "lurch to port," and the painter made an expedition into lhe air. He alighted on his back with tbe paint pot uppermost, and when he arose bis appearance justified the con ductor's remark that "There's tbe whitest man in Troy." It was his first appearance at church, and in order that he might sit perfect ly stiff and keep bis little chatter be tween his teeth, he was told that a big dog would bite bim if he didn't keep that quiet. The little fellow cast sev eral glances up and down the aisle.and at last, just iu the most interesting part ot the minister's prayer, startled the congregation by piping up: "Minima, where is the dog?" A FAKiiER aud a truckman were try ing to trade horses. The truckman had a large, stalwart animal, the farmer a small bay mare. "That horse of mine," said the truck man, "is six years old, and stands six teen hands hih in his stocking feet. Yourn's notliin' but a little runt," "Wall," said, the other, "she's only foir, asd if she hadn't been worked so hrd ever since she was a colt, bhe'd a been six by this time." A womax a lovely woman it is to be suppose! had her first political trouble at Port Jarvis. A horrid and wicked man challenged her as not be ing twenty-one years old, and instead of swearing her vote in she commenced to weep bitteriy and tore her ballot t tatters. If a woman has got to .swear to her age before she ean vote, the knell or female suffrage is already sounded. " 'Tis said that absence conquers love," quoted a husbaud, in writing home to his w if.), from whom he had been some time away. "I hope, dear, it won't be so in your case." "Oh, no," she replied in her next letter, "the longer yon stay away the better I shall like you." A wobd to the wise is sufficient. A minister made an interminable call upon a lady of his acquaintance. Her little daughter who was present grew weary of his conversation and whisp ered in an audible tore, "Didn't he bring bis amen with hi ui?" A rich Scotchman at the point of death said to his pastor: "Do you think if I left 10,000 to the Presbyter ian church my soul would be saved f " "I can't promise you anything," an swered the good man, after a second thought but then it's worth trying." Wk all know there have been mer cenary men. One of this sort bad the good fortune to be accepted ty an heiress. At the wedding, when begot to this part of the ceremony, "with all my worldly goods 1 thee endow," "There goes his valise," said one ot the bride's relations spitetully. Things that people would like to see: Our society girls before break fast church choir that never quarrel ed, a Church out of debt aud with money to lend, an editor who can please everybody, and a high school girl that cannot whistle. It all came from educating his daughter at a seminary. She reproved her lather for wiping bis mouth on the table cloth, aud he went to the barn and hung himself. Patrick comes to the morgue to claim a tost relative. 'lias he any pecu liarity by which he can be recogniz ed V asks the guardian. "Yes, he is dumb." A fellow w ith a prophetic eye fixed on Christmas asked his girl how much it took to till her stocking, and now the won't speak to him. A max may be very well behaved before marriage, but after ttiat knot is tied he is inevitably "made fast." Tub reason men succeed who -'mind their own business," is because there U so little competition. It Is not necessary for a man to keep his mug at the barker's shop, but he must take it there to be shaved. Bear axd for bear Bruin and his dinner. "If you wane me, drop me a line," said the fish to the augler. I f Margaret is a nut brown maid, can she be pet-named nut Meg, for want of a grater ? A pcmpkix weighing ICC pounds has been raised in Morrisania. It will soon be knocked into pie. "There's pleuty of room at the top," as the bald headed man said to his lull beard. The "Happy Hunting Grounds" are located In a State where there is no game law. Thk man w ho uttered burning words consumed much time in making his speech. Thk man who know s you well may forget all about you when you are sick. Htmkx comes when he is called, and Love when he pleases. Kisses sweeten a farewell. They are the cream of ta-ta, as it were. Ax epitaph for a faithful car-conductor He took his last fare well. A stakdikg nuisance The loafer on tba curbstone. ww - ....... 1. 1 rliu1r nr Si m- Itsa cuwiium" mons' Liver Regulator Almanac, pub lished by J. U. Zeilin A Co., proprie tors of Simmons' Liver Kegulator, is a most desirable book for any household containing valuable Tables, useful Receipts aud much other information, including the valuable properties of Simmons' Liver Regulator. One of the original features of the publication Is a column in Germai, French, Spanish and Portugese, which will prove In-lere-ting when compared wl'h lhe column in Englich, and show that Simmons' Liver Regulator is good In all languages. Prof. J. A. Ettiuf lately described new seismograph before the Seisoiolo gical Society ol Japan. There is one of the Instruments now in course of construction at the University of Tokio. It draws two curves representing on a magnified scale two rectangular com ponents of the horizontal movements of a point on the earth's surface, in conjunction with the time, when an earthquake occurs. -The curves are drawn by two levers, which have their short ends in contact with the bob of a long pendulum, and their long ends free to slide across the lace of two sur faces, which are kept moving continu ously by means of clockwork. rtrjudicw KlIUw . "Eleven years our daughter suffered on a lied of misery under the care ot several of the best (and some of the worst) physicians, who gave her disease various names but no re lief, and now she is restored to us in good health by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we bad poohert at for two years, before using it- We ear nestly hope and pray that no one else will let their sick suffer as we did, on account of prejudice agilnat so good a medicine a Hop Bitters." The Par ents. rdrgrnm. From an examination of a photograph of the spectrum of the planet J upiter, Prof. Henry Draper finds that there is an absorption of solar light in the equatorial region of the planet, and a reproduction of intrinsic light at the same place. He reconciles these "ap parently opposing statements by tbe hypothesis that the temperature of the incandescent substances' producing light at the equatorial region of Jupi ter did not suffice for tbe emission of the more refrangible rays, and that there were present materials which absorbed those rays from the sunlight falling on the planet." Card collectors please buy seven bars Dobbins' Electric Soip of any grocer and write Cragin A Co., Philadelphia, Pa., for seven cards gratis, six colors and gold. Shakespere's "Seven Ages ot Man." Ordinary price 25 cents. Scicntittt vary much in their belief regarding the probable heighth of the earth's atmosphere. Sot many years ago the general idea placed it at less than 100 miles. Some investigators hi ve reached as far as 250 miles i but now comes Professor M. Landeur, after several years of study and investiga tion, who places the distance at not less than 22,000. In corroboration of his calculations he shows somewhat conclusively that the height at which meteoric matter becomes incandescent on approaching the earth is far beyond the distance heretofore assigned to it, aud therefore there must be an atmos phere at that great distance to pro duce the incandescence. His theory is also strengthened by the belief of other eminent scientists, who attribute the accelerated movement and the revol ving of the moon around the earth to the influence of this extended belt of atmosphere, Otherwise, these gentle men claim that the moon would revolve as do other planets around the sun. Greit Improvements have recently been made iu Carboliue, a deodorized extract of petroleum, the great natural hair renewer, and now it is absolutely perfect as an exquisite and delightful ly perfumed hair dressing and restorer. Everybody is delighted with It. Sold by a11 druggists. 77 following is uie system of disin fection recommended by the Austrian government for vessels that had cases of small pox on board : Sulphur to tbe extent of twelve grains per cubic metre of space to be disinfeeted Is to be burned in an earthenware basin, placed in the centre of some sand to prevent all risk of Are. All the linen, clothes, etc., are to be hung across tbe cabin, which is to be hermetically closed for three hours, and at ter ward exposed to the strongest possible draughts of air for twelve hours. Then the walls, floor, ceiling, Ac, are to be washed with one kilogramme of lime or one halt a kilogramme ot chloride of zinc to every hundred litres of water. Vegktine is not a vile, nauseous compound, which simply purges the bowels, but a safe, pleasant remedy which is sure to purify tbe blood and thereby restore tbe health. Talcing a hint from the photophone, M. Germain has described to the French Academy a photo electric regu lator of heat for the burning in of stained glass ; tbe principle being, that when a part of the inutile-furnace at tains a cherry-red heat, this reduces the electric resistance of a ball ot sele nium at the focus of a parabolic reflec tor, and the selenium being in a thermo-electric circuit, give free pas sage to the current, which rings a bell, or works an arrangement by which the fuel is turned aside. It thouJd be widely known, because of evident Importance, that at the In ternational Geological Congress to be held at Bologna, in lSSl, a prize will be awarded of 5,000 francs for the best international scale of colors and con ventional signs lor graphic represen tation ot formation on geological maps and sections. Many of our geologists might go in tor this prize, not for Its money value, but for the sake of mak ing a certain department of geology in telligible when presented to the eye. The Babel of coloring in geology at present here and in other countries is enough to cause a dispersion of those that come to learn, and depait in dis gust when they fiud that a very im portant means of convey ing knowledge is in itself conflictarory. SitmenM and JIaUke, of Berlin, are no .v constructing an electric railway between Llchtenelde ami Telion with a branch line to Grosse Kidettenhau. These same men have also just patented a hammer and rockborer propelled di rectly by electricity. A rod of iron or soft steel moves within the axes of three coils. A constant current iu tbe mid dle coil magnetizes the rod, and alter nating currents ihrnuvh the nthsr mill cause the rod to be lorced in and out wiin great rapidity. The recent dredging of tbe Sea of Galilee, under the supervision of Mon sieur Loilet, places its depth at 250 metres. Twelve species of fish are found in these waters, the maiorltv of which have the peculiar habit of hatch ing their eggs and protecting their young in their mouth, and are said to be mueh more numerous than in waters of this country. By parsing air through a fermenting mash, E. C, Hansen has observed that the number of yeast cells is increased twice or thrice as much as when no air is bubbled through, and that about twice tbe quantity of liquid is ferment ed. A constant supply of oxygen is therefore, very favorable to fermenta tion. 'Ins popular prejudice agiuust propri etary remedies has long since been con quered by the marvelous success of such a remedy as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Used everywhere by everybody. Price tfetata. A workingman says; "Debt. poverty and suffering haunted me for ye, caused by a sick family and large bills for doctoring, which did no good. I was completely discouraged, until one year ago. by the advice of my pastor, I procured Hop Bitters and commenced their use.and in ne month we were all well.and none of us have been sick a day since; and I want to say to all poor men, you can keep your families well year with Hop Bitters for less than one doctor's visit will cost." CAn'stiaa Advocate. If we imagine the area of England -tinw f 53 300 sou are miles to form one river basin, the i de livery of water by sucn river woum 6S,450,36,80 tons, or 18.3 lucbes per annum, containing total of 8.3,0,6J0 tons of sellds in solution representing a general lowering of the surface from that cause alone of .0077 of a foot per century, or one foot in J2.973 years. Taking the "soluble denudation oi other parts of the world lmo considera tion, Mr. Reade considers "that about 100 tons of rocky matter is dissolved byraiuper English square mile per annum." This, he states, contains fifty tons et carbonate of lime, and twenty of sulphate of lime, etc.. an i proceeds, "If, as is generally supposed, the aea contains only what is washed into it from the land, and we can estimate Its numeral contents in tons, we at once get a minimum measure of the age of the earth." As Herechel states that the ocean contains 2,494,500 billions of tons of water, and the mean of Dr. Frank land's analysis gives 4S.9 tons of carbo nate of lime and magnesia, and 1017 tons of sulphate of lime and magnesia in 100,000 tons, it follows, according to the author .that it would take 25,000,000 years to accumulate the quantity of sulphate of lijae and magnesia con tained in sea-water, but only 480,000 years to renew the carbonate of liniesnd magnesia,and the discrepancy is caused by the appropriation of the calcic car bonate by mollusca for their tests. The amount of visible sediment brought down mechanically by rivers is calcu lated lor the whole world upor. the re sult of Humphreys and Abbot for the Missttsinni and the estimate is given at six times the amount of the soluble matters. This produces over the wnoie rvf den tillable matter equal to 600 tons a square mile per year. Going back in ail time at tuis nw, allowing for coast erosion, glaciers.etc, iii rtn Fii!l,s of sedimentarv strata must have occupied 520,000,000 years in accumulation. From, the results of 31. Roudalre's recent Algerian survey, as reported by him to the French Academy of Sci ences, it is generally believed that an inland sea may be created, 250 miles in length, without serious dilliculty. 1100,000 Reward wonid be a safe offer for a more infallible cure for pilea than Anakesis. 5U0.000 person bear willing tentimony lo the beueliceuoe and cieuutic triumph of the great discovery of Anakeais, Dr. d. Bilubee'e giternal Pile llemedv. Lotions, electuaries, oiuuuenta aud quack nostrunu have bal their day; no longer nail the aliheted like Job cry out! 'Weari some ninhu are appointed to me, when 1 he down 1 eay when hll the night be Rone, oh ! wherefore is light given to him who i in miser? ? Anakeaia will lustantly reUere the pain "from pil.s, will support the painful tumors and ultimately cure tbe worut caeea. Doctors of all ecaooU dow use it for there in no nubslitute for it, nothing so simple, nothing more safe, nothing so prompt and permanent. It is the discovery of a saenUno physician aftar 40 Tears' experience, aud has been used successfully almoot without an excepuou by over ball mii.iou of sufferer. It combines in a mere suppository the methods of Euglian. Frenc 1 and American Smyeonj and is pro nounced to be tbe neareit to an infallible remedr yet diicorered. .Samples of "Anake is" are sent free 10 all sufferers on appli cation to P. Neustatdter Jfc Co. Box 31)46 New York, sole ma mfactureni of Aiiakvuia."' Bold Ly draiiista eTerrwhere. Price LW Dtr box. X More Hiiro r Baea. After the sufferer from a trouble of th kidoers has been drenched witu bnchn, nitre and sli sorts of diuretics he or she will find certain core in KiJney-tVort. Tbe stomach recoTem tone, and evacuations become regu lar. Union. Vcgetine WILL CURE RHEUMATISM. RHECwcrrsH niDisustor th Blood. To rrat CHKCutTis rr acsT as nuru as a Blood Uitiui Be. WK. T. WOBTU Recommends Veetlne for Khemnailim and sciatica. Fall River. Mass., Miy IS. 1S7. Mr. H. R. Stithns Dear Slrr for sonw lea.Ti I have been, at tniiea, much troubled witb acute auacicso! Kb umaelm. I e-p-ciaily suffered tortures from .tciaiica. By the advice of trten a wb knew tiie beutl.a con erred by Veeiine. I began lta use, aod -luce ill u tlm- I ha,e-tinl no attack tike iliiwe I previously guff red. K -r .metime past I bav hid no return ot tbe trouble, el'tei'l occasionally a faint tntlmillou. whlcb disappeared upon taking a few doses ol the Vegeilne. I also tae le.uur In recordln,' my testimony In luvor or iw excellent effect in auatlng an Inveterate Salt Rheum, and I count It no small pleasure to have been tbtu made tree. Hespeclfuliy, WM. T. WO'-tTH. Pastor First M. K. church. Vegctine Ha Relieved and rare1 Sufferers ! tlieaiamllvra kijr tke Tkssaaada RBA.I TII I Mi If Ton Have Rheamntlm. Take te Metllrlae Ibnt Hill tare Van. BCTua Switch. Jennings Co., Ind.,1 MiV l. 1st. ( H. R. 9txvms Dear sir: H ving In oar f unity receive! great benefit from tbe Vegetlne manu factured by you, I tbougbt I would give you 1 be facts 01 tbe cas.-, h plug I' might meet the et e of some suit-ring one wbo in ght ibus be re lieved. 1 have a gr ind cnlld, t-bout 111 year- ot aire, who. two years ago or over, had a severe attnek of Rn' Utuatism. and for two long years was under tbe care 01 as good a ph slclan as we have In this counny, and yet all ibis tune grew wor-e, till we f ave ber op and tbougbi she must die. sue was much deformed, an 1 we were bild by a doctor that. If sbe lived, sbe wou d always be deformed: buts thanks to Vcg etine. sue 13 to-day perfectly well, and as straight as an arrow. Last, December we ab.tnd'ined all hope of the doctor anlng any thing for her, and commenced using Vegellne, according to your directions. When tue tirst bottle was u-ed up we could not see much Im provement, but we continued on lb- second bottle, and could -ee some change ior go d. 8b' took six bottles, ami. Uia-ik lisi,acouiplete cure was eueciea ui every icapecv T.- r ,-.... 1 11 7" . uuia Huij, U. BCRGESSL Vegetlne Is Sold by all Druggists 1 be 1 rarest sad tt XnliriBs ever Hade. Aeolmfcaattoa of MOM. tiuchii. Maiv draaleaud Dandelion, wiia j iaebei mod it tire properties of all other Biltera. mkitheccre Blood Purifier. Liver Re u ln tr J LCe u1 "oka Kotunuf Atvut aEBfSSBBVfsleaita. So dliMse ck a posribry lone extet when Ttop Bitten mn sftVedovacaslaudparfectanUaur ri:j gin at um'' slrrtstbt ftiisiliSa. TomU whojw WrapOTmmt runm trreralart trof tbeboweaiorV onaary Orleans, or wbo ra- quiraaa AppeuaErVToale ana mild suianlsnt. Hop Bitten sra umijue, without Intox icating. sonuiterwbalyoiirfeW'tlBn er symptoms sr what the disiojs or siiwaens tone Bop Bis ters, boot wait aocil yoa iWrs sk-k bat if yow only feel bad or ausvrmtAe.miaMitbeai st ones. It oaay save your life.lt auftve aaadrooa, SOOwlU be paid for seal they win ant eareorhelp. Do sot snffer 01 lt roar friaads uaerMl ueandarm UiemW Hop Brawsaber, Hop Bitten te draakea aoetnua. but Uw Pnrestbv a S Bert Medicine ever maile;tbs vujDeb-v fmaa aaa aonr saa ao penoa or family www Be wwwbi - "HI P-I-C.H an aMnlnte and hTMnlMe c iCTunuiKeanew, use an inn a narcotlcm. Ail sold by dru loreiresjar. fill L b-e eMto. a. Ca f ami Tuewntiv Of. I SViebeJterT - I DrDHlMEHTLY CURES KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and PIJ- n aarth BWo-Tl. says. "Is JT: - j7- - acted IOaorD. n ef klejiTtreaew M rue-, ss4 ass has cared svuiy ZfiTLSm " it has wnvo WONDERFUL ill j POWER. Isstaaitt lot a tt tfu BOWXXS sat tkt XHSSTI at Ik ma Iomum H damn "T!,?f rhs poisonous humors that desktop InKldneyand Urlruiry S1. louanaaa, J a u ml loo, Con.tlpart on. Pilaw, or n ftftoumatlsm. Hsuralgla an Mrrous disorders. BTBWCT- WT tw a dry i Mi sails "" pass! il TS- T " " " Oaosarkairawlll atakaatr ataaf aeedldw. row XT NOW t BTBwr U OS tko leraarltata. f-Mea, et-O-a, WZIX3, KC8AX9S0X OCV, rnjslttsra, 12 WUel paw salt) sillaabas, Tl. Sleets. Afpfpetlle, Strewa-tnt iw viirn wnea niwiwi b " svstemattcallT used by a bilious dy-peptlc suf ferer. Morecver. since tbe brain sympathizes closely with tbe stomach and lta associate or trina. the liver and the bowels, as their de rangement la rectified by the action of tha Bit- - . ... otAmafl, Rlttura IU lent, u.eii ai wjuj a -t - k .1 nriimriata t.nff TWm1erm M W MaO IV J tawU a-r la, m, un Sterling Music Iooks. NXW ENGLAND (t)NSEUVATOUY METHOD OH TilK hlA-SuFOkTE. In three pitrts : each ;.50. orcomp'ete, ttsv. Ths Is a method of eatablishetl reputation, wblcb has been In cons ant use In ihegre.it Conservatory, and la gelling lobe ev-rywuete known &nd vaiued. lias received decided com mendations from tbe beat teacbera. rtlrllnaiairy r Mwalettl iBfnrmntloa. (I .lij.) t ery convenient book of reference. Unvt't Dictionary aI yi aisle awl 31 asiclajss. Vol. I. iKi.o..) A grand encyclo pedia. Htalwrrawtl Barrett Oietlnrary wf teal Term. (.Complete, ai.uu). A fa mous and nseiul work. KlrhterslaiiBterpolBt. (ti.00) Kir ti ter's I sise. itim.) i wo standard worts ou Composition. The Welrane rhorat, (fltm) for ntb ScLO'K and Kama Bell, (.xicts.) for Common scuoois. should be in liie nilua ot every teacuer la need of new books. Jeihsiaon's Sw JfetheMf far Ilsie. anowy. (fi.) By A. X Xinnson. Is unexcelled tor ease, simplicity ana thoroughness. Tf-nperaaes l.lxbt as cts.). Trm pe rwnre Jewels (Vets.), and II all's Tern per ore ulee Bonlt (to i-rs.), are our tur.e bust Tempeian.e booa. THY Tii EM I Any book mailed, post free, fur above prices. OLIVER DITSON & CO.. Boston. J. E. DITKOSI. aTt CO. I92S rfceaaawt ttrve. rtalLaelefihla. Battle Creek, Michigan, TaU3rt77aOTCaBjBl OF THK OSLY Gmm THRESHERS, Traction and Plain Engines and Horse-Powers. Factory J Established 1848 ia tbe World. 00 YEARS J X maiuhft tutnit, or k ration. ( " back p " . w:tiiout cnantre of nLn STE.OI-POWFTl SKFAR ITORS Mwt Complete !ceM Out til" ')"' yuaif.-. 'miat Tntrtloa Eainrand PhM -Ls-sBUics ver ween ui lhe Allien -itn market. A MtiiMjwiU of tpmeiat fmxtwrm md tmprmwmttnt t. F ia! trajMha wit tl swturii MraJirieT tm mmjtirm. (aMt wtatrruxiM wA dn-wtrwd of by ouyi mafef ra. tour tiz ox hviAntoni. lrom t lo ldS I mwi.y. For mam or mnrmprrr. Two ftylt-a of " Mante-i H'rPrnrern. OAA wf rlrptri Lnmbrr tUvVVV ( . thrmr to rLz yrtr air-irte0 nnrtantlT oq hand, fmra hioh la bailt tha uv ouiupaabltt wooti-work of oar maduBirv. TRACTION ENGINES s, iv, tiuroe rawer, t f 7 Farmers and Threhcrtnew an, hrrit-l to lm,ntnram tbiK vuitehu Threi-luuir alaebiiM.rv Cuxulara i-nt f nsi A.!.! NICHOLS, SHEPAKO A CO. Battle) Creek., Michigan. ENCYCLOPEDIA . TIQUETTEi BUSINESS This ialho cb aeai: and only rrmalete and r.lia Ble wira on Eliga.ua ana Iciimn anU SiK'ia. I.inna, It Mis h..w to aerform all tha tariotailo ttes ..I life, ami bow to appear to ta4 taat advaaiaaw on all orraMons. h.t. riSiaU! ASJtD.-JeiHl foretreohraeontaln Fi ?"l idlr7J,AT,0-NAL ri'BLlSUINU CO., Brmlw rod cares .l-rroaa Dehi.tt, j. a "ii-i -ma ura. oi u-neraliva Orsan., Slall .a"irat'AaI'dj!0V;ir;U',U kAU'" Pbaraiaty, Cb iT"' aaponaaa to a. ta Add rasa P. RUPERTUS' Celebratec Si;. 3rei Laiiij shot Cunt at .. Pil?ile T"- "'"'-T-tadina Raw. Rifles and l..S!5 i 5f !-'M,r,l" l"nle,el. an l anule, JinirMl b" Sc"rfni:n anluoiimakera. toll's .Nets Brr,'.,,-,7,,,.!,"b,,' " " up. lji !tV4',i'LB!t I Market Mt. iav fn-lK Philadelphia, fa. aasvwras mat aararaaMutii wu J?. V. tmrar upon Uu AtlnttlHt and tb rabliahTbrstaUD(UiatUuyaawUialTw s aaaaoaia fas tHss sawraual fapslw ssms cvaoas 111 f tip Wfej r " far f3atalraa. KnVa.ShBtOaaa.ft.ml. . . - a a '-mtias KIDNEY DISEASES, IfH05.' sreoatekly sad sorely oorod fc, thsuo, XTDirCT.wOBT C. ', aavuuraacaaaiiEmaiiaoBalalii lwtaiK. H. . inroQwitan'-r- j . sad tens to th dScaaT.yT.!:-JOJ1trT- """ aatural prjicipiea. It ream rrrhrtffT'dia bars bera and. ai, Puea. Conatinatioo. Bg. jmZrr Tn l. , Tm , rt"'or W bars rolojao. o taKunotr ofita wondprfui c-" OR. RADVVAY'S THE GREAT BLOOD PTKIHEB, FOB THS CURS OF CHRONI" DITtaa fiCitoyULA OR SYPHILITIC. HSKioi. TAJtl OH COMAGlUl'a, Bo If Ssfw I Tn I-anra sir Stomaet, ai-. r xMbwm, Floab or Msrrss, coKBurrraa ths solids and vttutio Chmnte KbetunattsDi, STttfqlv 0!attditt0 Sweillnit, Baokln? lrv fontra, Canrmns ffeT Cons, f-yphillilo CmpUn ti, Ble-xlinr of tha LunfTs, Dyspepsia, Water Brtah, Tie iir)nJ7 "hit &weiiit.ir. Tumors. Llo-rs x in twi H a DIseaMM, Meidtlal DLte .. F-ml co-n. alalnts, oout. Crop J.sUlt, tLueum, B.ontaii ConsumpUou, Liver Complaint. &c. wit only does tbe aanaparQilaa Keaotrm xoei all remedial agents la tbe cureo.Tr.ro:,ia tVirorQloaa. Constitailoual anil bila iHa. bat tt la taa only poalurs core for . ' CID-1ET1JB BLlDDEEC0SPLAin trrmary aad Womb Tn jm Aravel, Diabeus Dropsy, toppag of Wa.er, Ini-OBtin-ncs of CrUia, Brlif.l's DUa-aie, Albamtnurta. uil Hag oasae wkere tbere are brica-dut d-p-j or VAs water la tblek. cl u.l, mliei w ;n nut), atanoea like tbe whlU of an ecu or threL- it . wblte silk, sr tbere la a morbid, d-irt. b Lou. appearance and waits bone-d'iat di-p-jiu, aVi tbere hi a prxicliif. burning uji;, wbes paaslng water, a d paia la t.. sn.a.i of the back mid t on? tbe lo:n. Said by iru fUtav FBIOK OHM DOLLAB. CTAIttAW TTTMOR Of TTT" TEART ORr.WTl OCitaD BX IiB. R-iIAr SltivMIJlai. R. RADWAY'S Ready Relief, OYSENTERY. DIARRHCEA. CHOLERA MORBUS FEVER AND AGUE. RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, DiPHTHERA. INFLUENZA, SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. BOWEL COIIPLAIJ5TS, Looseness, Dlarrhoyt. Choleri MO'b'is n-rai. tU dX-tcbaTKee f rou the bowels ire SnpD-.j i. lor minutee b,- uklni? kiidways h Z'.; rZ Uef. No congestion or InQammti'in. n i w-at gew or laaeiluile WU follow tue Oas of uie a. k IT WAS TUB FIRST ASD IS The) Only rain Remedy -a.it Instantly stops tbe him ev-m -U'l-f palna, a lays Infliainatior.s. and ci.res i '-i Uoni. wnt-taer jt liie Luns. iiouitt-.u. r? i r otber elands or or.'in, bv on- nt-l ''ttf-a. rriai ante ts twenty mliiule. n ter hnw Tloleni. or ezru.i iiiLir t ie p-n t a itneum -uc. Bed-ndleu, liiQrni. C'"1di-1. NVrv. u.i. Neuraie c or proftrateil win iti-ets. mat Mffer. KADWAY b KAII BEUcr1 !;1 ajri Instant ease. amiaMitl of tlt HMney. IsliwamHilon f the filad?r latOanaoauattwu af IU iluarl, ixet ln r tie I.san lart Tbtrssf, IXrHrolt Brent I, Int. faliiitnllun ol 111 ii .art. jsterlea. Croup, 01talceriai l aurrli,ibtlutaia Heatdaehe. Toe-ltlarlie, rrviiii,iir, faleepleasne-s, Sstrala;ta, AtlieMuiaiil.iu .- 4 Isill. A:ns hills, Chllblalmvwna trust Cf.ea The application of tbe Kea ly he;t f o sr parta wbere thi pma or uiuicuity eiiaf w i tSurd ea- an-1 cm: .rv, Tbtrty to sialy diur.-t In a b.V.f tu'Mr wat r will in a few ui!nute-i , ur- r-'inr Bpralns iur 8 otn itl. 11 -ortbnru, i:m! ai.'be, UlarrhCEi. Iivs-nicrv, colic. ui m Lt Bowel, anl all Internal pmns. Travelers -h' U. i am i . carryabrt!?' 3 way s he:ly Keli.-f witti tt em. A ft-w -iiii s J water-Kill prevent a.ci;6"-ii or part :-' a jban ye of water. It la i-'ti?r tL:ti.i re t Bran ay or B: ura as a stuuoUnt. fr.:e rJ.j Cent-, prr i-otue. Radway's Regulating Pills. One tvjtm eeatataa store of tbe utive ptart- flse ef Medlolnea Iban any otter Ptvrur&t: i aksa la Teaepoonrul tutrm. wtule uuiert is. Hire are) er eu uuea aa mu.ua. Ferfeea rwtall , Root Mo r Apwtna f As erttnout Pain. Always Keilals t aad aturl la tbetr Uporatlaia. A TSQXTABLS IUR5TITUTE 1MB CALOMH rerfertTy tasre'.ess. '11-try eoatrd wt iwee' 20 ra, purs. re;uUu-. purity, eeaiists areiisuiea. Xadwiti Ptlip, for tb" enre r-f a!l C'wrim e-the -W.miicb, Liver, Kowels. Km i b:1 wer. N, r-ooi Diec -es. Head ,ch&, I i n t .; 1m, Joatlvnes8, Imiltf' ntlon. l'ys(ri. B. ci aeas F- ver. Itttlxmniat'on of t :e Hjw M-x and all ayr-tnirenn ntts of tbe l'.'nu.-u V'.s..-i Wirranl'4 to erieit a perfvt cur ptittij "jretab'.e, er'ntalnUiZ ao uercury, m'-Bnai-i w oeieterlous dru.-a. nr-OtMerve the follrwlnr sTtrptoms ren!i!!t trotn lns-'ases of tb- D es l-e nr ns : tiS.,L patlon, Inwird Pllea, Fu l.-.e- ot the B: ol m liKiA, Aotilty ol the Stomach, 'isei. H art barn, Dis'n,t ef P'i, Kul Les -r We'.-3t a the Stomach, Slur Eruetatlons. idhoj a FitV ter ng at tiie Bean, t'bukii or txr.-f set sattons wbea in a lyluaj postnrv. Urr. vi-ioe. Dots er Webe beioro :h i:gbt, Kev-r I bull twin In the BVaO. I rlclT.c. of P- r-rt-a Bon, Yellowness o. tbe 8lctn anl Eye'. 1 a;a ii Hie Side. I'hext, IJmbs. nad Buildca riu&ies a Heat. Burn n lu the r.e-h. A few doses ot Raowam frujl will free tat ystem tram ai tba abore-aaiued disunlera. FTtea, S3 Cesita fr Rex. We rpeat that the reader mnt eectnjtt ew books and paoers on the subject of d'x- a tit their eore. amour which may be named : "False ! Trne , "Hadwuy Irritable Crethrm,' "Kavdway tterofwia." and othara relaUaj to ajtarsct n'mre ef R OLD ST SEUOwlSTk BAD "FAUI AXD Tttl." Send s letter atajnn ro RiriwIT A f. s. S4 Warraa, t. t bairebi at., I a ari, ar-inronuuea werta tkoaaaada will ce tayett. TO THE PUSLIC. f TSerecai be na better tf-arartt'e PfrsTf I of Us. KaDwav ii ou c-L. ltahed K. K. K- R t las tbaa ttiA bo-ie and worttile- s fmltatio"! ibem. as there a. e False Rasotvenw. h ani ftllsi Be suie and ask for Kad nnv'?, U see that tbe lau "MaJway" ta ea wiiat T J ovj- P02E Ull ?J flTf I .t h 'l1 -.rtet eocum-f . Ur--f 1 fUin-r . Ur."' t tmtlMeoQorry ; tonality and ten th- l"- J COMPANY.a)! roUottStN.T P. . E i f ""SALARY pri-noct. All E KP"5-- f aa.aac.il. W .,';' amojativ .'- SLC" AtCevaite btom -St. tiat iaaiak SEWING M VIIINE X-rtLK'-1,ix '" B':' ! 27 ccat-i a -li'ZM .p -1 pnl. A'.lr- 1 i JAMl.l w. O LlL. 1 1 -r-: 1' I aUC.lTS w AM 1 tl lor iu- II .tin. " CHEAPEST BiSLESal,;-."r -oleirJu,NCftiK PRzr,:: , - a.' I V'0P'"",5 Is. T.l-rrapyt r I lwa month, lira-l'in'a a - rrj t 1 ' rifle... Addr.as VALk.MlNa l,liOs.. Jaaf'"J w iacoDia. i FLATS I PUYIt PI.AT1 1 PU'1, nr Rrsillns t"lnt.'ir mat-nr TtiWrif 1-T t eranea PL,v. lira -ins. K ta f:.v., r.irf Kthiopian Pl.va. Gile H,,-l., Sf ;i!:t". tniiiai, r.blanx t,:;ra. M:,cti-- imL '''t,t'"',i Fira, Bnrnt i ' rk. 1 h-- r.eil P' "r"..,t Jarler's Wat Woik-. W:ic. II. a-l-atl H ""'i-J at rvilarei prios C-wu-nra. !c-'.-rf. N.w Catalog Hi-a afn' frm, c t -n ni:fi::t '."rr s and ariia. SAHl'EL KRK.Sl.il a soN. 4 Vuariacnili--tr.at,Xcw 1 . ik. . . . k 1 "-TaAireati in Sell tbsSMo4.nl A--i-f-rlr" Farming for frcnij Xw. Amintf. Com rwheniTt. A T tnp LtT-ilT in ita-lf. A -"-re tu: i tt ut-.- : i TELLS HC.V VfJ !.-' - Make Money I U &rZi.t : Miy llmvei It rw4 vvrry f-cu-u- " Ww liiu'nATi St-uJ t-- t, i- a"; i t-ra J. f4 T.V- a. A a .i.:i.. iI ..ltlaW f I ii i y ifT" "rrr- mjt!s,rrriafwwiTarifWp n i. ',imT, w iiT. .bTm 7 - """ .... . t , : u