Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, January 26, 1881, Image 3

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tTedneadaj, January 2tt. ISSi.
nbcr!ption, $1.60 per annum if paid
within 12 months; $2.00 if Dot paid witbia
12 month. .
Transient a-'vertisements inserted at 60
cents T inch for ech insertion;
Transient business notice in lota! col
umn, 10 cents per lino tor each insertion.
Deductions will be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
The rate of fifty cents for four insertions,
or lor lew than four insertions, will be
charged for all sales registered in this col
umn, and 1- cents per lime (or each sub
sequent insertion.
When bills lor sales are misted is tiiis
irricK, or the same are adtebtiskd I tun
FArra DO Charge will be made for
placing them in ibis register.
It i important that jx-rsons having sales
of personal property or real estate should
have tlietu promptly rcgisteied in this col
umn, to retain the day lor themselves ex
clusively in their neighborhood, and that no
misunderstanding may srise among buyers
s to the time of sale. Many dollars will
be saved the seller br nsing this Register.
The Sentinel and Republican reaches pur
chasers ho can be addressed in no other
way so conveniently and satisfactorily.
Jan. 19, John II. Mayer, Assignee
of J. Holteiuan One Uavi.i trans Sale, a
!t of railroad ties, one building lot in Kgg
Harbor City, X. J , one sausage, cutt t, fcc.
Feb. i'j and 17, KsSl Nicholas Iek's. at
bis jlsee of residence in Tuscarora town
ship, "lile west of .McCoysvi'ie 5 horses,
mare ilh foal, colt, 4 cows, bull, IK head
yor.ng cattle, shrep, hogs, chickens, (arm
ing n isils, and household furniture.
Feb. 2", 11. Edward M. Kelly, per
sonal property, at Ins place ol rsiienc iu
Millord tow uship, 8 miles southwest of Pat
terson. Fib. 24, Itl. Joseph Book Personal
Vorty, at his place of residence in Fer
managh township, not for from Jericho
Mills. JI. H. Snyder, auctioneer.
March 1, 1SK1 Joseph Rothrock Per
sonal property, at bis place, of residence
vue ai'd a-half miles east of V.itllintown.
March 10, 18S1 D. P. Minnichan, at Port
Koyal, personal property, horses, cattle,
tihecp, other stock, farming implements, &c.
George diet's Romola.
A timely interest is given, by the death of
the author, to ".!ia new edition of her mas
terpiece, '.Koiiiola," just issued by the
American Book Exchange. New York. It
shows her work at its best and strongest,
and at the same time gies tte reader the
opportunity to acquire a lasting faruiharity
with the scenes and society of mediaeval
Italy. It is one of he lew really great his
torical novels of the world. It is issued in
hrody and beauiilul form, extra cloth bind
ing, simple but rare ele2aice and taste in
design, and like the other issues of the
" Literary Revolution" its cost is almost
nominal, viz., 35 cmts. It is one of a
series intended to form a library of classic
fiction, which will include one representa
tive and characteristic work ol each of the
great authors who have w on lasting lame in
i lie realm of fiction. Life is too short and
too full of work to permit the reading of ail
that is beautiful and valuable in these crea
tions of the imagination, bat even very busy
people can hud time to read one book by
each of the score of authors who have won
immortal fame and place iu the affections ol
the people. Not to be acquainted with
them is to be igaorai.t of tuuen that is most
important and most interesting in the his
tory of nations and of men. Not to pos
sess theiu is to be deprived of most fruitful
aud profitable sources of enjoyment. Among
those issued or nearly ready are : Scott's
I'auboe," Bulwer's '-Pompeii," lrwing's
Knxkerbocker," Cooper's -Mohicans,"
-Toni Brown a' Rugby," "Adventures ol
Don Quixote," and " Uarda, a Romance of
Ancient Egypt." Full catalogue of stand
ard publications will be sent on request, by
the American Book Exchange Tribune
Building, New York.
The danjrere of coasting are set forth iu a
dispatch from Paterson, X. J., under date
of January IS. Five lads, from 15 to 18
years of age, met w ith a serious, perhaps
lata!, accident last night while coasting en
Ilalendon Hill, in the northern suburbs of
this city. All were on a long "bob," and
when near the bottom of the hill, while
moving at a rapid speed, the bob era.-hd
into a telt graph pole, shivering the Tehicle
to splinters and injuring every one of the
lads. Frank Harris had his nose broken
and driven into his face, also bis tenth aud
jaw broken, the imprint of every toth iu
the upper jiw being lett in the pole against
which the bob ran. James Acker sustained
a broken arm and was injured severely iu
the groin. Alfred Deliope, who sat in
trout and was steering with an upright
rratik, sustained a compound fracture of his
r.glit thigh and had his leg broken beiow
the knee; a so a probably fatal wound in
the groin caused by the crank as he was
hurled lrom the vehicle. Jerry PcIIope,
a brother of the last-named, had bis nose
broken and was badly injured in the groin
troni the same cause. James Smith was
picked up unconscious, but is the least in
jured of any. The distance from the top of
the hill is about a quarter of a mile.
Tun Chanibersburg Repository says : For
nine months Miss Lillie B. Alter, of Green
castle, bos been deprived of her faculty of
speech and was unable to articulate above a
whisper. She has been under medical
treatment for a long time, and recently came
to Chanibersburg to consult the physicians
of this place. The physicians who attend
ed her arrived at the opiuion, after making
a careful examination, that uo human power
could cure her. Thus being left without
an- encouragement, aud believing in an
swer to prayer, she placed herself w holly in
the bands of the Great Physician, and for
two months her malady was the subject of
earnest prayer. She telt confiileut the Lord
would answer aud never ceased in her sup
plications to Him. While in attendance at
the revival meetings, which are now in pro
gress in the South Second Street U. B.
Church, a few eveuiegs ago, her speech was
restored and in a clear, and distinct voice,
the said, Bless the Lord, for he baa again
given me my voice." She retired from the
church feeling without doubt, that it was
an answer to prayer. The restoration bos
continued up until the present time. We
liave the above from a gentleman who bad
a conversation with Miss Alter after the
services and we can vouch (or the above
Most people ol to-day believe it to be a
great feat (or a man to drive a horse in a
buggy or sleigh one hundred miles in two
days. If a man of 75 years of age is talked
to, be will tell that it was no uncommon
thing in his youth for a man or boy to walk
an hundred miles in two days. Don't yon
wish you lived in the oldeo times I
Coal piles are getting smaller.
Send y oor sweetheart a valentine.
Every woman has a right to bare arms.
Buy Dr. Morrisoo'a aoti billions ptlla.
The ice farmer reap where he did not
Commissioner J. B. Wilson U on a visit
to lllinoi.
Tightly-fitting gloves are no '.onger fashionable.
Vennor predicts an early spring,
are, Mr. Vennor.
There are eighty -nine prisoners in the
Harrisburg jaiL
A number of towns propose to elect wo
men school directors.
McAHsterviile will bild a musical conven
tion in the near future.
The Lutheran congregation Mil elect a
deacon next Sabbath.
Mrs. Joseph Sieber, residing near McAl
isterviUe, Sled last Wednesday.
The school at Carlisle received another
instalment of Indians last week.
- A safe business, surely. The dealer in
LinibueT cheese never loses a scent.
An Englishman in 1802 wrote that the
world is to come to au end in 1S81.
The Sentinel and Republican office is the
place at which to have sale bills priuted.
Ever body is anxious to know bow the
wheat will come out from uuder the snow.
93. OO) cash, w ill buy a second-hand
Uoldeu Tongue Organ. Call at thia office.
A barn owned by Mrs. Kline near Lewis
town was destroyed by fire on Saturday
The Dui kers expect to begin a meeting
on Saturday eveuiug iu their church at Van
(jrold has been discovered tu Alaska. A
great crowd of seekers are preparing to go
to that coenfre in the spring.
Rev. Mr. Copeiihaver h is been conduct
ing a most successful revival meeting in his
church iu Mc Alisierviile.
Spring election day comes on the third
Tuesday in February, being the I5th day of
the month.
M. L. Bashore bought a farm of the John
Yoder hein in Lost Creek valley for the
sum of $3,5C).
levers of ice cream in Huntingdon are
rejoiced over the fact that an ice cream
dealer will run his freer er bv steam.
Read official return of the census for 1880
in this State, by counties, iu another column
iu this issue.
The Presbyterian Sabbith-School will
hold a sociable at the bouse of William
Banks in Fermanagh township on Thursday
The State Editorial Association met at
Harrisburg last Wednesday. The attend
ance was large.
FOR SALE Five hres Odd Fellows
Hall Association stock. If you wish to buy,
call at this office.
The th.iw last Friday put an end, to a mea
sured degree, to the coasting mania that
seized upon old and young.
Wm. Crawford, foreman of the Democrat
and Register oifice. sprained his left ankle on
Monday evening while coasting.
in many towns, old tune plays at social
githerings art! revived, at which forfeit
plays and kisses are free! v ind ulged in.
Dr. J. Jay Villers entertained a large au
dience on Friday tvening in the Court
House, the entertainment was humorous.
The Danbury AVar man suggests that the
man who loves diamonds should wears ten
cent piece on bis shirt front and call it hia
dime and pi.
The silver 20 ceut pieces, silver 3 -cent
pieces, and copper 2 Cent copper pieces,
when redeemed by Government are not re
issued. A silent, self-closing door has been put at
t,he main entrance to the court room. The
bang of the old wooden door; distuibcd the
Court, bar and jury.
Dispatches from the western section of
the couutry say that the wheat crop the
coming year will be a failure that the ice
and snow have smothered it. -
Miss Elizabeth Saiisman, residing about a
mile south o( McAHsterviile, died last Fri
day eveuing. Interment in the Lost Creek
Menonite grave-yard on Tuesday, Jan. 25.
How doe this suit you 1 Out in Michi
gan, young ladies refuse to accept as escorts
from cburcb young men who don't walk to
chnrch with them.
A man who claims to know, says : " The
cost of keeping the Pennsj Ivania railroad
clear ol ice and snow this winter has been
double that of any season for ten years."
Ayer's Pills are the best o( all purgatives
for family use. They are pleasant, safe and
sure, and excel all other Pills in healing and
curative qualities.
Charles P. McCuIly, Supervisor of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company's yard in
Altoona, has been awarded the prize of
$100, offered for the best-kept yard on the
line of the Pennsylvania Division.
Exchange papers publish the following as
a remedy for diphtheria: Takecommon red
onions, cut them up, pound to a pulp, and
bind on the outride of the throat, renuwing
as often as the pulp becomes dry.
W. II. Patterson, son of 'Col. John J.
Patterson, ex-Snator from South Carolina,
was married to Miss Georgie Evans, of
Washington City, several days ago, in As
cension Episcopal Church, Washington,
D. C.
Read this carefully, and then don't forget
it. You cau get any small picture enlarged
Tor 75 cents, at Hess's Photograph Gallery,
and done as well as any copying bouse can
do it for twice the money. janl9 4t
The men who write and talk so much
about the inconsistency of women, perhaps
would be more consistent if they would
once in a while write and say something of
the inconsistency of (heir own sex.
Snooks went borne the other night af
flicted with double vision. He sat for some
time with his sleepy gase riveted on Mrs.
Snooks, and then complacently remained :
"Well, I declare if you gals don't look
enough alike to be twins."
Between this date and the 1st day of Feb
ruary, 1881, bills will be sent to all who are
in arrears for subscription to the Juniata
Sentinel and Republican, to all who are in
arrears more than one yesr. Do not wait
for the bills. Scad pay before the 1st of
There have been quite a number ol minor
accidents by people who coast. Those who
have been hurt will refrain from further
coasting this winter. It is fortunate for
this community that no one here has been
killed or seriously crippled. The most se;
rious accident is a broken leg. The charm
of sliding is on the community, and if 40
per cent get hurt, the balance will slide.
About 11 o'clock n Monday night.
rjumbrr of citizens iu different parts of
the (own, were awakened by a dull vi
brating sound, as if made by a d.siaot
ctribqnake or explosion. What caus
ed the noise, ia the question.
Some one, that claims to know, says that
the star o( Bethlehem in its periodic revo
lution of about 315 years will appear as a
bright star in 1887, aud that the earth will
then undergo convulsions, physical and
moral, with civil strife.
Wiliam Robinson, of Tuscsroa Valley.
I died on the morninv of th 50til inst.. seed
about 50 years. He was a good citizen,
ne contracted disease in the army, which
he entered with Coj.pany A, First Pennsyl
vania Cavalry. His remains were interred
in the Presbyterian grave-yard in this place
on Saturday afternoon.
"I don't believe in these secret societies,"
said one lady to another. "That's very
singular, replied the other. " Your bus
band ia a Forrester, a Knight of Pythias
aud a Knight of Honor, and you will bare
at least $10,000 when he dies " "But what
good does all that do lue," was the tearful
response, "when he never dies ?" And the
poor creature burst into tears.
The Chicago Tribune of a few days ago
says : Jacob t lovd, of Concord townshio.
near Dubuque, set a (rap to capture wolves
on Monday evening, 17 ih inst. The next
morning he went out to examiue, and fouud
in the trap a man instead of a wolf. One
of his neighbors, tempted by curiosity, was
experimenting with the trap, and bad both
bands caught in it. He was nearly frozen
to death a hen found.
An exchange says t Mr. A. C. McCoy, of
tlollidaysbnrg, to protect bis fancy fowls
from the cold winter blast, stuffed 'the
cracks of bis chicken house with excelsior.
a Sue to'igh wood shaving used as a cheap
filling for mattresses. The chickens think
ing it new kind of food Ulltd (heir crops
wilh the indigestible wood, which formed
into a solid ball about the size of a base
ball. The fowls sickened and died. A
post mortem made plain the " mysterious
cause of the iowts death.
An item relative to great smokers in
America reads : "General Grant is said to
smoke a hundred cigars in two weeks. He
gives away as many as he suiokes. He has
used the same brand of imported cigars (or
ten years. They cost $!.50 a huudred.
Colonel Bob Ingersoll pays $50 for a box
and uses from live and ten cigars a day.
General Butler pays $10 and sometimes $ JO
for a box. Senator Matt Carpenter, who
neariy killed himself by smoking, has been
reduced to three cigars a day."
A Tuscarora Valley man named Keller
assaulted a neighbor last fall. For (he of
fence he was taken to court in December (
h.t was found guilty. He was not able to
pay the costs, and in default of pay ment of
costs was sentenced to a term in the county
jail. Lsrt Thursday Deputy Sheriff Wilson
was greatly surprised to hear Keller cry and
sob. When asked for the cause of the dis
tress he said that he had just received word
that his wife had died. It was a perplexing
moment for the Deputy Sheriff. He was
stunned iuti complete silence, in wonder
ment as to which of the three wires of the
prisoner had died.
An evening or two ago, as a freight train
from the east came into the Patterson yard
a br.ikeman thought he beard a pounding in
a car. He weut in ti e direction of the
sound. He saw a man come out of a car.
The brakenian arrested the man, who proved
to be a (ramp. An examination of the car
revealed the tact that a box of shirts bad
been broken open. Three new shirts were
found on the man that was arrested. He
was aken before Justice Careny, wbo sent
bitu to j.iif, where he will remain till court,
when he will be put upon trial for (he
offense stated above.
A scientific gentleman introduces himself
by sing (hat "the theory that plauts in a
sleeping room are uuwbolesome is being ex
ploded. R. cent scientific experiments have
proved that the carbon supposed to have
been evolved from the plants was evolved
from (he earth in the pots, and that the
plants themselves give ont nothing bnt ox
ygen, and this in considerable quantifies.
Along with the oxygen and nitrogen the air
contains a very subtle poison, in the form of
carbonic acid, and by extracting this car
bonic acid from the air the plants produce
the extra quantity of oxygen required.
Some scientists say that Were the carbonic
acid removed from the houses little medi
cine would be required in comparison wilh
what is now used."
Railroad officials in Patterson brought a
charge against William McCoy, William
Reiser, William Rapp, William Hawk and
William Bender, before 'Squire Caveny for
attempted larceny of coal belonging to the
railroad company. It is charged that they
climbed on coal cars, and threw off coal
while the trains lay in the yard. William
Zeiders was also arraigned at the same time,
before (ho same Justice, by the same author
ity, for having received stolen coal from
the parties nsmed above. His defense was
that the lads proposed that if he would
make coasting sleds for them, they would
furnish him with stone coal. They said
that they could gather such coal as bad
fallen off coal cars along the railroad track.
He was released. The boys were beld under
bail for trial at court to answer the charge.
Blair county has a hunting organization
called M The Tussv Mountain Coon Club."
The President of the club, George W. Otto,
was married to Sarah Sehiers in the First
Presbyterian Church of Altoona, last Thurs
day evening at 7.40 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Cor
nelius performed the ceremony. The cburcb
w as crowded, and hundreds of people could
not enter the building. The bridal couple
entered the church precede! by members,
and followed by members of the club, all
marching in perfect stately step to a grand
wedding march as performed on the church
organ. Several nunarea people pressea lor-
ward and shook bands, and congratulated
the happy couple. A special car carried
the President and his wife to Williamsburg,
Pa., where a grand reception was held. It
cost the club several hundred dollars to
marry their Presidebir Colonel John N.
Moore, of Van-Wert, this county,' itnessed
the marriage.
Use only Dr. J. M. Morrison Sugar
eoated Anti-bilious Fills as they are
now acknowledged to be the best Liv
er Pill made, a box of them should be
in every family. They are also a good
physio. Can be had at Dr. Bank's
Drug Store in Mifflin town aod at most
of tbe country stores. The Dr. for
merly practiced in Waterloo this coun
ty, deo 21 80.
DON'T BE DECEIVED by such oWgri
as a $350 Organ at $65 to $0, when yon
can buy the same grade of instruments at
home at $60 to $70, and save the freight, by
calling on W. H. AIEEXS,
Vain street, Mifflintows.
Thi people of the town w -re a good deal
moved laar week, by information that Was
made, before 'Squire Parker in this bor
ough, against Joseph L. Deering. The in
formation was brought by Samuel Panne
baker, of Beale township. The charge is,
that Deering raised the value of, and length
ened tbe time, (or (he payment of a prom
issory exemption note. Psnnebaker al
leges that tbe note he signed with Deanng
was for seven dollars, and was given for a
period of six days. Tbe note, as it appears
now, ia for the sum of seventy dollars, and
for a period of sixty days'. Proceedings
against Deering for the same offense as that
charged by Pannebaker have also been
brought before 'Squire Richard Doyle, at
Johnstown, cy J. H. Rodgera. These sev
eral financial operations made a case for the
officers of tbe law, and Sheriff Kelly went
to Johnstown (o see Mr. Deering, to have
him arretted. Dsenog was not about. The
Sheriff locked up the tobacco store where
Deering has been doing business, and at tbe
same time deputized Mr. Carbaugh to mako
the proper arrest at the first opportunity.
Mr. Pannebaker, one of the parties whose
confidence has been misplaced, concluded
to keep up a sharp lookout lor the man
whom be charges w ith having victimized
him. On f hursdav be became convinced
that Deering had taken np his abode in (he
(he house that the Sheriff had placed under
lock aud key. Believing that be could not
remain in the bouse a very great while, he
urged Carbaugh tu put a guard around the
premises. Tbe deputy officer did so, and
the bouse was guarded during (he first part
of Thursday uight.- Meanwhile Carbaugh,
accompanied by another citizen, came to
town, arriving here between 12 and 1 o'clock
on Friday morning, to obtain the keys of
(he house lrom Sheriff Kelly, so that the
place might be searched. The Sheriff sent
Deputy Sheriff Wilson (o Johnstown (o un
lock (be house and search it. When Wil
son arrived upon (he scene he found about
twenty-five citize'is of tbe community do
ing duty around the premises as a guard.
It was then about 1 o'chick on Friday morn
ing. A light was obtained, and six men
led by Wilson searched the bouse w ithout
result. Pannebaker was not satisfied, and
req nested one more search, which was made
by himself and Wilson. Down in tbe cel
lar, as they passed by a large pile of eeS
tobtrco tied in bundles, 'vVUson thought he
saw tbe toe of a shoe proji-ct from among
the tobacco. The new object was looked
at more closely, then examined, and, lo
and behold, it belonged to the man they
were looking for, and the owner was with
it, and lay nicely rolled in behind the
tobacco bales. Deering was taken out,
brought to (own, arraigned before Justice
Parker, and in default of two thousand dol
lars bail was sent to jail. On Tuesday morn
ing at 10 o'clck A.M., Deering was brought
before Judge Eider on a writ of kabeat cor-
tti, for tbe purpose of hearing reasons of
coiiniel, why tin bail of $2,090, in which he
was held, should be reduced to a less sura,
it being alleged that if (he bail be reduced
his friends will biil hitu out of prison. Tbe
lawyers in the ras.? are Doty, Sr., Patterson)
Jacobs, Lyons and Atkinson. The four
commitments uuder which Deering is beld
were read. The prosecutors are, J. H.
K-xIgers, John Ksuflinan, Samuel S. Panne
baker and Peter Erans. The chirfe is
forgery in raising promissory negotiable
notes, from seven to seventy dollars, and
from right (o eichty dollars. The Judge
reduced the bail to $ JiiO for each forgery,
w hich will bring the snm required on the
present charges from $2,000 to $1,000.
Thi preachers of (he River Brethren
Church make appointments months ahead.
Tbe iollowing are (he appointments for (he
year 1881:
Feb. 6 Pike Meeting Houso.
Feb. 20 Red Rock School House.
March 6 Jacob Shirk.
March 20 Pike Meeting House.
April 3 Abraham Book.
April 17 Happy Hollow School House.
May 1 Pike Meeting House.
May 15 Swamp School Uoue.
May 29 Henry Yoder.
June 5 Simeon Lauver.
June 12 Pike Meeting House.
June 26 Red Rock School House.
July 10 Jacob Shirk.
July 24 Fine Meeting House.
Aug. 7 Abraham Book.
Aug. 21 Happy Hollow School House.
Sept. 4 Pike Meeting House.
Sept. 18 Swamp School House.
Oct. i Henry Yoder.
Oct. 9 Simeon Lauver.
Oct. 16 Pike Meeting House.
Oct. 30 Red Rock School House.
Nov. 13 Jacob Shirk.
Nov. 27 Pike Meeting House.
Dec. 11 Abraham Book.
Dec. 25 Happy Hollow School House.
These are few cities in the United States,
or Canadas, that have not several well
known residents, who have been materially
benefitted by the use of Ateb's Hair Viook.
The original youthful color has returaed to
faded and bleached locked ; or brashy, dry
and wiry bair has been brought to a smooth
Read the following plain statement, every
word of which is true :
Mrs. Oliver Davenport, of Williamstown,
Vt., and 59 years old, lost ber hair 39 years
ago, by a disease of the scalp, presumably,
as she had no sickness. For 88 years she
tried many "restorers," 4tc, with no effect.
A year ago last May, coming by chance in
possession of a part of a bottle of Ayer's
Hair Vigor," she applied it and a downy
growth of bair began to cover ber head.
She has since nse three bottles aod about a
half, and at this time her hair is twelve
inches in length, brown in color, not at all
gray, and covering ber bead, with the ex
ception of a spot on top, and that has a
downy growth starting upon it, which she
thinks a persistent use of the Vigor will
bring out in time like the rest.
Oct. 22. 1880.
Tbe particulars ofthis case can be verified
by the Postmaster and other prominent cit
izens ; also, by the editor of the Nortlitield,
Vt., Ai.
The Hair Vinoa is prepared by Dr. J. C.
Ayer k. Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by
druggists iu this town. jan!9-4t
Mother, may I go ont to skate V
" Yes, my darling Julia,
But don't you try the figure 8,
For it will surely fool you !
Jnst as you make the lightning whirl
To show your springy mi'scle,
The boys will see a foolish girl
Eleigh-riding on her bustle."
llacktmack Republican.
Pumps and Wind Engines.
Any one in need of a good Iron Force
Pump, or a good Wooden, or Rubber Buck
et Chain Pump, can buy the same of the
undersigned at low figures. Also, Well
drilling in any kind of rock, from 25 to 150
feet in depth. Water guaranteed. Wind
Engines set up, of the best make, and tested
by actual trial before it costs the purchaser
a dollar. For prices and estimates address
Kov. 17, 1880-3m Hifflintown, Pa.
IRON BITTERS are hi-hly recommended for ait diseases re
quiring a certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, lypejma. Inter
mittent Peters, Want of A ppetite, Lot of btrengik, Leiek of Energy, etc Enriches)
the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They art
like a rhsrm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, suela
as Ttuting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc The only
Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or glvo
heiulaWae. gold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of
useful and amusing reading free,
The Beat Ofl'er Yet ."lade.
The Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 15 Dey
St , New York, will send Fsa.sk Lislik's
Family Fricxd, a 16-page illustrated Laoer.
lor only $1.00 per year.
Frisk Leslik's Voixa Folks devoted (o
ine much to interest 1I...0.-1 '. mji,
age. This paper contains 16 paper of illus- I
(rations and valuable reading matter. Just
the paper (or you ig children. Price, pel
year 60 cents.
Frask Leslie's National Agricultur
ist a.i D Workino Farmer, a 10-page illus
trated paper, lor only $1.00 per year.
Frame Leslie's Pilpit or the Dat, a 1G
pige illustrated pip,-r. Jnst the piper for
Sunday reading. Price only 75 cents pjr
J ear.
Or alt Jour of the abort publications for
$2.50 per uear.
Any person desiring t. act as onr agent,
on sending ns $1.50, will receive post-paid,
sample copies of (he above publications, to
gether with a compete agent's outfit of 12
beautiful premium chromos, also a copy of
our Book ot Valuable Information, of over
500 pages, containing an Illustrated Die
r n .. . ..i a ... t. - i :
the English Language. Medical aud House-
iioiu icvrims, uriai mitin sou lonus. aril- ,
cles on etiquette and letter writing, advice
to merchants, cleiks, mechanics and farm-!
era. I
Samples of all onr Publications and Illus- !
tratcd Catalogue (without premiums) lor
15 cents.. All d -siring steady and profita
ble employment should send at once buiore
their territory is token.
15 Dey Street, New York.
KOONTZ ROHKEK On the 20th inst.,
by Rev. C. Myers, Mr. William Koontz, of
Chicago (formerly of Port Royal, Juniata
Co., Pa..", and M iss M. E. Rohrer, of Honey
Grove, Juniata Co., Pa.
inst., by Absalom Earner, Es' , E. A. An
niiller, of Diimuville, and Liura Rumbaugh,
of Oriental, this county.
SIEBER TREGO On the ICth ult., by
Rev. W. V. Ganoe, Gideon H. Sieoer, of
Walker tow nship, and Rebecca Trego, of
Oakland Miils, this county.
CO U 31 E IK CI Ala.
MirrMKTcwa, Jan. 2'J, 18M.
Butter 20
Eggs 25
Lard 8
Ham 3
Shoulder.... 7
Sides k 8
Potatoes i 00
Onions ...;....... 40
Kags a
Corrected weealy.
Quotations roa To-oat.
Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1881.
Wheat 1 00
Corn 42
Oats 82
Rye 75
Cloverseed 3 75to4 25
PniLADLLrtiiA, Jan. 21 Wheat is quiet;
No. 2 Western red, $1 15!il.lS; Pennsj I-
vania red and amber, fl.llal.l'i. Com is
quiet and steady; steamer, 52t52:; yel
low and mixed, o-tc. Oats are quiet and un
changed. Rye is firm at 9Jc.
Philadelphia, Jan. 21 The cattle mar
ket is fair t sales 3,000 head ; prime, Penn
sylvania, bje ; good, 5Jo-".Jc ; medium, 4J
5 : ; common, S J iljc Sheep sales ot 1 1,
Oisj head the market is slow ; prime, 5i
6Jc; good, 6 J !' ; meiiium, 1 to J ; com
mon, 44 4c. " Hogs sales of 4,on) head
(he market is lair; prune, o8c ; good, i J
a7Jc ; medium, 7c ; common, 60.
Special .Vol ices.
I will mail (Free) the recipe lor a simple
Vegetable Balm that will remove Tax,
FRECKLE? , PIMPLES and Blotches,
leaving tbe skin soft, clear and beautiful;
also instructions for producing a luxuriant
growth of hair on a ball bead or smooth
face. Address, inclosing 8c stamp, Bex.
Vasni.ir &. Co., 5 Beekmao St., N. Y.
The advertiser having been permanently
cured of that dread disease, Consumption,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to make
known to bis lellow-sutlerers the means of
cure. To all who desire it, be will send a
copy of (he prescription used, (free ot
charge,) with the directions for preparing
and using the saine, which they will find a
sraa ia ke ior i. o.vst mptios, asthma, diiij-
chitis, Slc. r art ics wishing tbe rrescrtp-
tion, will please address, ,
Kev. E. A- WILSON,
194 Penn St., Williamsbuig, N. Y.
Work. Steady Eniploi ment. Sam
ples free. Address. M. L. BYRN, 19 Nas
sau Street, New York.
GENTLEMAN who suffered for vears
DECAl, and all the rn'ects of youthful in
discretion, will for the sake of suffering hu
manity, send free to all who need it, the re
cipe and directions for making the simple
remedy by w hich ho was cured. Sntfereft
wishing to profit bv the advertiser's expe
rience can do so by addressing in perfect
confidence. JOHN B. OGDrN,
42 Cedar St., New York.
Jan 26, 1881.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
trespassing on the lands of the under
signed either in Delaware or Walker town
ship, for the purpose ot fishing or hunting,
or for any other purpose.
L. E. Atchisoii.
N. A. Li'KE.is.
oct81-tf G. S.LtaBjs.
Professional Cants.
Uncollecting ami Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orricc Ou Main street, in His place o(
i residence, south ot Bridge street.
E7" Ail business promptly attended to.
OrricE On Bridge street; -ppoie the
Court House square. ja"7, TsO-lv
ECollections attended Jo promptly:
Orrics With A. J. Patterson ., on
Bridge street.
feb i , 80,
I ) lv v- MUafc,
II f Collection and all professional busi
ness promptly attended to.
june20, 1877.
Uy AU business promptly attended to.
Orrics On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House square.
Homeopathic Physician,
Professional business properly attended
to at all times. juneifo, !8S''
Physician and Snrgeon,
MirFLiXruiix, r.i.
Othce hour from 9 a. M. to 3 r. .. Ot.
(ice in his father's residence, at tbe south
end of Water street. ocl22-t(
) M. CKAWFOKD, M. I).,
Hra resumed activelv the practice of
i Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. Office at the "Id corner of Third
and Orange streets, Mitf intown, Pa.
March 2'J, lSItJ
.Icadcmiti, Juniata Co., a"a.
Orrica formerly occupied by Dr.S(errett.
Prolessional business promptly attended to
at all hours.
J) L. ALLEN, M. D ,
Has commenced the practice of Medicine
and urgery and all theircollateral branches.
Otlice at Acadeinia, at the residence o!
Capt. J. J. Patterson.
rjuly 15.1874
john Mclaughlin,
PORT ROY J l.. J V SI IT J CO., rj
EOnly reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1875-ly
Continnrs the practice of Medicine and
Surgery and all their collateral branches.
Otlice at his residence in McAlisterville.
Feb 9, 1876.
(Successors to Buyers St Kennedy,)
CO A la
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We buy Grain, to be delivered at MuHin
town or Mexico.
We are prepared to furnish Sale to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21, 1879-tf
vjlLuable ill wfin
THE uudersigned has for sale the valu
able piopertr, known as the
located about two miles north of Mitllin
town, Juniata county, Pa. The advan
tages of this property are unequalled in tbe
Parties interested in the Milling business
would to well give this notice prompt at
tention. Apply to
Attorney at Law,
July 28, 1880. Jtifnintown, Pa.
Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republican.
Dry Goods,
Having Furchassd ths
Has opened with the Largest Stock ever shown in tKis market, and will continue l
receive, daily, ail Ibe Latest Nov-ltie of the season. We in vice everybody to Call anil
examine our stiKk and hear our prices, whether you wi.-,h to p'lre'.ase or not, Icclu-g
confident that when you do. we can suit you, botii in q i ;liy aod prices.
This immense and elegaiit assortment om:-ts ol ihe leading Imported and Ameri
can Fabrics, from the Finest to tbj Choapesl. Iu
We have a large tt9-rtm.-nt, and our attrck of
la very replete, with the finest sliade and designs. We he 'n elegant slock of
Muslins, Prints, Cassiioeres, tiingbani. Skirtings, Table Liueus, Drillings, Shirtiuji
Towcllugs, Tickings, Sheotiugs, Ermines.
Is replete in everything We open an elegant I'ne r TrnntuWgs, a large line of
Laces, in Buttons we have all the New Novelties. e have a b--anti;ui line of Sliiwis,
a great variety of Skirts. Hosiery, Cloves, Ties, Bows, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs, t'oll.ira
Cntrs, Corsets, Ribbons, Underwear. SheOand, Geriuautowu and llu:iie-uidj factory
Varus, in all colors, etc., etc. Our stock ot
Is the largest in the enmity. TTe have at. elegint line of Ladies', Vis.es' and Chil
dren's Shoes, nulla!!-) lor fill and winter weither, at Pricr that witi astouisli vou llur
stock of Boots tor Men. YoKths and Boys is very extensive. Wc have ILeui at ad
prices and ipiahtiea. We keep a tiuo line of
A !are s'ock t.r FIt. Table and Slair Inl Cloths,
merate. U"e invite yon (o call and sCe n-, and we will
Goods in the County.
Sept 15, 1880.
s i
Self-Threading Shuttle'. Self-Setting Needle. Lightest Kun
ning and Noiseless. Largest Dobbin in Use. Win Is
the Bobbin without running the Machine or
removing the work.
The NEW DOMESTIC takes no iaiJrum. N, long t:uk oi ui --t intent
reqnired, every machine telling its own story.
The NEW DOMESTIC has no tnemiei, except those who sell, or are in
terested in selling other make of machines.
i'ttOST Dl RAHLi:,
It Sew Anttding.
Call on or address
t" Also Agent for the ESTEY and
easy monthly payments.
T am selling all FARM MACHINERY of the Ltpt Improvement, nf
Standard Manufacturer, tried ami warranted, for durability, and not excelled
by any other tnaehirjes in doing wort.
Oat. 27, 188C'-')tn
Having just r-p -ikh! a new stock of store goods, such as Dry Gooils, Notion. C'oth
i'le. Hats, H"4its, Shoes, Groceries. Fish, anl a general assortment of stf-2 roods, I
will take i.lfaii'e in exhibiting g'io.s to lf who may favor me with a call. Will pay
the highest market price tor country product.
Don't forget the place, at Todd's old stand iu Paitvrson.
May 6, lU-Um. T. M. COOK.
Is the place where you cau buy
the hkWt AS ii tzii: ciihaij:nt
HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most rhoieo aod select stock ever offered in
this market, and at JSTOXI.SHIXHLY LOW PRICES !
Also, measures taken for suits aud fart of suits, which will be tudie to urde
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place, in Hoffman New Huildinir, craiT of l?riilee and
Water s'reets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. Jan. I, Wj-ti
Has just returned from the En. tern citi.s ,th a fi!l variety of
GENTS ITRNISHINU GOODS.Goo.N ,.f ) klnjs,r! !.w.C...r- ,u0
aud be astonished Pants at ?. Cent. X3" Si l l S Jl.V.Ji: Tl OKIiEK.
Patterson, Pa., April 1H, 1879.
All persons are hereby raiuiom-d agiint
trespassing upon the iunds of the under
signed ic Fayette towtisMp, by opening
fences, cutting wood or young timber, huot
ing, or in any unnecessary way trespassing
on the lands aforesaid.
Elizabeth Oarver Henry Sieber
Joseph Sieber Amanda rWb'ire
John Saiisman Jonathan Bums
David Cramer S. S. Beaver.
John K. Sansman - octij
CD a week in your own town.
Terms and
VPUO So outfit free.
Address H. Uallctt
fc Co., Portland, Maine.
Our stock is ton large to entl
hoW von the B-'St 3 Col ol
Y. urs, respectf ully.
frERi frCTSEWaXG tlU UnX
It Pleases EvERnwDr,
Third Street, Mitllintown. Juniata Co , Pa.
other mates of Organs. on
Dec, 17. 1S7:I.
WM. BELL, Mitllintown, IV
SAfcl'r.L M KAVM:
cai'tios .toru-E:.
VLL persons art- hereby eautioueii ag tinst
lishi'ig. iiiiniiiig. breaking or opening
; lei res. or cutting or young timber,
or in ativ unuecessarr Way trespassing on
! the lands of the undersigned, in Fayeltu
j tonsl:i; and a tra. tol woodland in Walker
i Samuel Watt
J tin Beshoar.
S. C. Mver.
Jacob Witmer.
W iilisin Thompson.
laag 7,19
llngh T. McAiister.
John Mn-wi-r.
James MrMn-n.
Robert McAiister.
Subscribe tor the Scufincl at Kej.iiUi. a3.