Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 15, 1880, Image 3

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(4nrtdr, Pecemb'f 15, tQ
s-?rbtfon. $1.60 per annum if raid
ln months; $2.00 if not paid within
Von.ient advertisementa inserted at 60
I as per ncn for ech tni,er,'"n-
' w cents per line for each insertion.
jKt'Etion" will be made to those desiring
I , advertise tr me year, auui or quarter
J Insurance in Juniata Cooity.
On Saturday, Dumber of citixeos
-moed to meet on the pavement, and
ine ciuien woo was aoiog
taik'nf nt ' " u certain
Amt that a lue insurance company
t,,, rrec organized bere in this town,
4 if it take a in many otber place,
K till not be long till tbe business will
hot in oar midst. "Why it is
oK It dJ Hi ,D'1 14 1 tnrai two
A.iiii bt neighbor told me that
, friend of bis wanted bitn to help
& to get wsuranoe on tne lire oi
l mother, but my neighbor, eitber
coosci:f rro'ia "or be wes afraid.
lio cot now propose to aay whether it
ii fear or conscience that kept bim
(rum helping bis woman friend to to iu
mrsnce, but if there bad been an
izeai here of coarse tbe neighbor would
. t l- -,i;
tot USVC Dceu ppiio W. U IJI"IUIU
f .H.d it is a inost profitable business
i,uui I
y directors and agents, though the
I .rectors get the lion's share. Report
, that i reliable report-, says that
be proportion of the divide be
teen the directors and agents, of
ji proceed en every one ins'iird, or
V division of the inoitiation, or policy
- is three filth for tbe directors and
oi two fifth for the agents. By way
illustration, it 14 said tbe old com
anies, if 'bey charge the speculator
4 hundred dollars to insure a eubjeot,
e agent gets forty dollars of the earn.
jud tbe directors get sixty dollars of
V sum.
Tbe whole rrrt of old people in Mif
i:ntfwnhas been talked oYet. Thrs
ifed mn, and that aged woman baa
'sen fahject to a searching examination
tbe mind of tbe speculator, as to
Lir fitness at subject wbo are not
:My to live so long as to fee rerv ex
t?ive as subjects.
Tie rc&l intelligent speculator de
:'s that Ae titiiirition of tbe 19th
gmry if a grand civilization compared
t.i the manner of treatment of old
rojie io the historic pat. In tbe past
iowg some of the triV8 f people
tats a man and a woman reached a
ruin age they killed them. There
m no uncertainly among each people
sta when t man 'aod woman should
sway into the eprrit land for tbe
., of the persoo fixed tbe period of
7rttjre. In those days they wanted
ret rid of old people aod forget them.
;'.iiOe days tbev want to make use of
j people to secure means, money.
"It is argued that men and women
-,nt file, such is tbe common lot, and
in? one will take peculators risk iu
, - - . i J . c
insTrauce, m ine agea ana mur m,
tt rill bvlp the nocial virctiaWtanee
ithe speculator, aod that tbe aged
i-oDle ill do jnt that much mtre
i in tneir oia umji. mn vuc
M sido of the question, s-ud the thorn
:u it, to the peace of mind of such as
trcinoured, is found in tbe reflection,
-rer such cases as that now in tbe
Xcrthuiuberlaod -flaty cfrt, tthfere
t toung man is on trial, on tbe charge
f having murdered bis father to ob
'na the money for which the father's
U was insured. A week from this,
mrday. the resnlt of tire trial doubt-
t will be known.
-There are three agents 'at work in
vicinity of R;c:field and tbe bofl
te is booiuiog out there. An agent
as betn to see the directors of a com
;ui for which be is operating, and
i told that it makes no difference if
ae tulject dies tbe next hour after in-1
-iriQce, the money must be paid. I
. jve Dot beard of thein holding a sub
i t up in bed to get their signature.
-. oo't know how some of lh ppecula
;.ti keep up the assessments. If seime
; s of the subjects fail to die soon,
:"mebody will lose by failure to pay
jitHssments levied.''
J "Ibere must be nearly or quite a
million of insurance on old people
fj to live within a circle of not many
Jsiiesto Richfield." '-Let. me sec.
awe is old Mr. Hecdricks, sged about
years, he is insured for $135,000.
'Irs. Sidt-rs, about the same ag iosur.
4 for $130,000, Mr Mot'onnall aged,
asared for $30,000. Old Mrs Meff
rd insured for $100,000 Mrs. Kars
tter iged about 80, insured for $20,
-00. Old Mr. Keller insured lor $00,
aO, wbicb swells tbe sum op to between
liar and fire hundred thousand dollars.
Eecentlj a Mrs. Cluck died. Sbd was
timely insured. I could mention otb
wt but the list is large enough for this
time. IVrbaps the next time we meet
Kd talk about life insurance tber list
be run up to a million.
Osi ef the pulp boilers ia the paper mill
Roaring Spring, Blair county, where tbe
tasters' Pic-Nic was held last autumn, el'
; Med sev era) da s ago. Tbe Altoona Tn-
I eat uts of tbe explosion : Tbe boiler was
Hn to the bright of several hundred feet
' 14 nearly demolished a dwelling at the
I V wlere it feU. David McKee waa badly
f W and scale,!, and died in about six hours
tlie exploaion. The loss may be $10,-
j' $12,000, partly covered by insurance.
i Se mill had just undergone repairs, and
; boilers were pronouueed by the persons
I "io repaired them to be in excellent con-
3n. This boiler had just been filled
1 wood for the first time after tbe re-
:n and steam applied to it about two
!nre treiious to the explosion. There
i '"only about sixty pounds of steam ap-
These boilers were tested to one
tidred and fifty pounds, and considered
jfectly safe at one hundred pounds pres.
I j1"- Mr. McKee, tbe person woo waa tn-
I by tho exploaion, had just chaxgod
' palp boUer and applied tbe steam to it,
aas watching it with great care when
explosion occurred. Ha was so badly
''I'led both externally and internally that
resulted in a few hours after the ex
.in, although every attention in the way
medical aid was given hint. He waa
nt 25 years of age was a faithful em-
, feys, respected by but employers, and had
-fmt nearly tbe whole of hie active life i
per mill.
Court jVroceedinCT
'.'"; .V - .
We went to Jweaa last week. wiUl.tJia ease'
of i Itemnilpger and Miss SUe Ken
nedy pending before the court. Verdict,'
not guilty. County to pay cost of (rose
cation. !
In the fcaae of 4h' jtnmon wealth ra.
Aartn Dpialdsoa on jfcrfo otaCtemptvd
lncert, tha jjetjlct wu n'6t fAjar that
the coats are ta bellvTled between the par
ties, equally. Donaldson paid his ahare of
the tost, ut Martha Donaklaon, the child
wbo Drought the prosecution, waa aent to
jail io default of tne payment of her ahare
or the costs.
In the ease of the Commonwealth va. WU
Hata Kelly, alias Keller iodic tmetit, assault
4ni batterr, Charles falm, prosecutor tbe
verdict waa guilty in manner and form aa
In the ease of the Commonwealth va. L.
W. tlamilton, the erdict waa, guilty ol as
aault and battery, and defendant to pay
costs of prosecution.
Ia the case of the Commonwealth va. Wil
liam Mankivell, .Sr. indictment, forcible
entree the Verdict was, not guilty; the
persecutor to py costa of prohecuUon.
In the case of the Commonwealth va.
John C. aloser indictment, selling liquor
on Sunday. Jatuea G. Krelder, prosecutor
the grand jury ignored the bill.
In the case of the Commonwealth va.
John C. Moser indictment, selling liquor
in quantitiea less than one quart without
license, James (i. Kreider, prosecutor tbe
grand jury fouud a true bill. Meanwhile
the prosecutor, James G. Kreider, waa
seized upon by a United Stales Court offi
cer and taken to Sunbnry on a charge of
having sold liquor in violation of United
.-tales law ; but beloro the case came before
tbe court for trial Krieder came back and
the prosecutions, one against the other, were
Tbe laud cue of J. M. Blair, J. Morrison
and Jason L. Kobinson va. Samuel Shearer
and William Gosborn, resulted in a verdict
for plaiutHt'.
Eleven cases were disposed of for tbe
Decemb'-r term by aetiioment, ruling out, or
The tree nursery case of D. R. V. Bealor,
surviving partner of John M. Kepner, de
ceased, vs. Joseph Gibson and Philip M.
Kepuer, consumed the balance of the wcelt, '
and was continued to Mondav ol tbia week, j
when ila trial was resumed. Bealor and '
Kepnerverv partners in a tree and vine
m-cty tn tiie land ttf Kepner when
Kepner died the tim of the lease tor the ,
occupancy ef tbe land hat not expired. '
Beakv was forbidden by the hem to giva ,
attention to the nurery. Suit is brought
to recover trj: that the trees sustained
while the niirstfry waa in a neglected state,
and for trees lit by tbe heirs of Kepner. I
The jury retired with the case ou Tuesd.iy :
at & A. Si. The jiir a n.-t loi.g ont,
arid when it came in, thexrntict was in
fvor ol Bearer fte sum of ,57 5. CO.
Tbe last case reserved for the present
session that of Bonawitx and wife vs.
J. M. Morrison was takeu up, when the
j-iry retired with tbe uursery casei The
troultle is in rejsrd to a preirf!ry note or
$3,200.0(1, which Morrison gave to Mrs.
Bonawitx as her interest in 480 acrea of Mia-1 evrning 6" '
souri land, which belonged to tbe Ruw j fM lay log the ..dew.lk. ,
ralate. Payment ol the rote is dis-pmed on Betieen this dU and the 1st dav of Feb
the grwrtd of belief tiased upon cerUia roory oi ei'le l bo aunt to all who are
acts ftat a job was engsaed in to disjn.se , in arrears lor subscription to the. Juniata
of the aaid interest to Morrison at aa rs
Hated figure.
The Court continued tbe appnmetnent of
tbe real estate of Dauiet Stotrier, deceasd, j
and and granted a rule on the heirs ol aaid
decedent to accept, or refuse to accept the
real estate at the valuatiou put upon it by
the appraisers.
The Court confirmed the sale of the real
estate of Thomas Morrow, ol Tuscarora
The report of A. J. Patterson, Auditor
to make distribution of rbe taiance in the
hands of L. E. Atkinson, Administrator d.
b. a. oi Joseph Laird ff!ed.
Petition of L. E. Mauger, for inquest in '
partition, in matter of real estate of Mi
chael Mauger, deceased. Inquest awarded
as prayed fur.
Report of E. D. Parker, aa Auditor in
final account of Ezra Smith, Administrator
of Elisbeh Fry, deceased.
Return of sale of real estate of William
Molson. bv T. M. UUey, Administrator.
Petition of J. C. Crawford, one or the
Administrators of Si B Crawford, dee'd,
for an order to sell rewl estate. Granted.
The time of the- rule granted upon the
heirs ol William Reed aud all parties inter
ested in tbe estate of said William Reed,
was continued indefinitely.
John S. Sieber wassppointed Guardian of
Carrie Bnrkbolderand Annie L. Burkholder..
Jacob 11. Smith was appointed Guardian
of Mary Aiice Smith, Laura J. Smith, Anna
E. Smith, Elmer E. Smith and Ida M. Smith.
In the matter of the Auditor'a report on
tbe estate of Mary E. Oles. Confirmed.
Order of sale granted to William Cox,
Administrator of tlenry Baker, deceased.
Old Paperl.
J. K. Patterson, fcsq., ol ueaie townsuip,
..... i.r
in lookmg over the paper, of Judge John
Beale. deceased, found a number ot old
deeds, for lots bourht in this town rrom
Jawe, Harris, EXeeUtor of John Harris,
who founded MirHintown Tbe deeds were
. . . . ..... iftiin a . njoeri at
. , .r:i. k.. u.. s. Alncks. dated
t 'C ii lea in uia jc -w-vw. ir i
IOIIOWS I 1" - - I
March 8. 1757 j Will of Sarah Hamilton, but was able to By away.
datedNovember23,:812; Article of Agree- 0 6atnrfay nlghl thieves entered tbs
ment between Colins McDonald and Jere- i, .tore of Stevens fc Uuss, in Pat
miah Lindsay, executed August 23, 18-3 ; WrmMf by ca.U.-g a gla.. out of the door.
Will of Thomas Evans, executed on tb j A ,.,,, revolvers were stolen. The toss
20th day of December, 180a Will ol aarau
Beale, executed July 9, 1810 I W Ul of I. J.
Beale, who died at W. Georges on tbe
Wand of Grenada, executed on the 27th
day or November, 1769- The paper, are
interesting because oi their age, aud past
A Philadelphia paper says: The Demo
crats of the Sixth Sudatoria! district of
Philadelphia have nominated a colored man
as their candidate for Senator against Msjor
A. Wilson Norris. Hia name is Dr. S.
Clark rrisby- He was brought out as an
independent candidate several weeks ago by
H. Price Williams, the great colored Democratic-
Greenback-Labor- Reli.rm- W.raan
S uffrage statesman of Philadelphia. W hen
the committee waited upon Dr. Krisby they
fonni him in bed, sick. When they in
formed him that be had been nominated by
the Democrats for Senator, tbe sick man
rained himself in bed and exclaimed s I
cant accept the nomination. I don't want
to be Senator, and I must positively decline
to be .candidate. I am a Republican
could not accept a nomination from a Dem
ocratic convention." , It seems the Demo
crats of the Sixth district will not hare a
chance to even play tail to the opposition to
Major Norris.
A number of the Democracy favor Tiiden
Peer ahooting closes to-dayi
The ahortaat daf aooa. 'Qukd of it
Do wot wait to have bill for subscription
eat you.
The shooting of qtntl will end on the
81st lost.
Now Is the time to send in bids for carry
ing the mails.
Another new moon, in the last daya of
this months.
Vannor and Defoe do not agree ia weather
Life Insurance speculators are looking up
good subjects.
Warm vinegar and water will clean mica
ia atore doors.
The M. E. church in Selinsgrove is enjoy
ing a revival.
The plaoe to buy nice holiday dress
is at Kpeu(ihad.
Monday waa anniversary day of tbe bat
tle ef Fredericksburg.
There has lieen a meeting in progress in
the church in Patterson.
Thomas Kelly, of Lack township, baa re
ceived $1,4(10 back pensiott.
There was enough nastineaa in the cniui
nal cases last week in court to
A . a. Curtin will lecture In Lewistown,
December 28. Subject "Russia."
Tbe attendance at court from Tuscarora
waa quit large a day or two last weefc.
Cumberland county office-seekerl are an
nouncing themselves for office next fall.
For Sale A second-hand Gulden Tongue
Organ. For particulars call at this office.
Bev. K. E. Berry has been boMing a pro
tracted meeting in the Licking Creek church.
The United Brethren have been holding a
protracted meeting in Wild Cat Valley, in
Perry county.
The anow of 11 febtls not toronie before
the 2'2nd. It will be down in time lor Christ
mas, ia what is said of it.
It is said that an oyster shell kept in 4
tea kettle will prevent the format-ion ol a
crust in the kettle.
The Literati announce a convoeaiiort to
be held in the Court !I-uv:. rVt'ro.iy IT,
!8, i9. 1881.
Samuel rl. Kii kei.l.sch t- ins; the Mgo
est price for -.. i.eire word ki Mur
ray's hotel, Mitttintown. 2t
John Kelly, of N'e York, baa bee a beat
en by Allen Campbell lor thd Complroller
ahtp. FOR SALE Five shares Odd Fellowa'
Hall Association stock. If you wish to buy,
call at thin ,flice.
George Jacobs, Jr., purchased the stone
house on North Main street, at a Loan As
sociaiion sale-, last week for $705.00.
Another cold wave came last Wednesday,
but the deep snow that Vennor predicted
baa not put in an appearance.
The bachelors that expected leap year
proposals have been disappointed. The
eleventh hour is beis.and, no otler.
Tae mail bag leaked so badly last Friday
:. . u . l . ...m , V. u MilaMaft
-aiinel and Repirbirew, V are in
arceirs more tha eae yeH? I Do notwait
for the bills. Send pay before the 1st of
February. .
K. L: Cinm, well known to a number ol
citizena of this place, has been quite siek
with pneumonia, at his home in Harrisburg.
The liarn of Abrjrham Partner, Frnk
Gus, aul Jacob Aoghey each, have fceen
robbed of wheat within the past few weeks.
A man named Mac Kyle, in Brown town
ship, Miffl in" county, stuff -d a sausage that
measni-d 4 feot inrhea. That is hat
tho Lewistown Gazette says aBattt it.
John Louder, who lell off a horse aouiO
days ago in Patterson, died on Tnenday
morning. The lad was aged about eleven
years, and waa a sou of Lucien Louder.
There is a large hak. that frr'quenU tfee
outskirts of the town, that has been shot at
time and again. The tfforls of sportsmen
to shoot it have all proved of no avail.
Citixens of Newport, Perry county, will
ask the next Legislature for a charter for
the organisation of the Newport tUnulac
turing Company.
Uauck's Fodder Cutter and Grinder is the
best machine in use for that purpoae Col.
Wm. Bell haa the agency for selling them ia
Juniata county, and is prepared to aupply
all farmers who want that most useful, prof
itable and economical macikine.
Oct. 27 -2
The Altoona Tribes of the 9th inst.,
says : On Saturday last the entirely naked
bod v of a new-born babe was louud in the
public road about three miles fioui Howard,
Cehtcr countyi
It is not natural for the winter to be a
I..-. nu wit h the atxeatus ao low.
oul, therefore, tor a breaX-up
i c ... i f M . nun wi:u Mv-
Vennor prea.ci.ou..
On Sabbatn, a .. .-v,.. , - -
countered tae natuc -.-.
,.)ra gla over the front j'' '
Third street, in ur. u. ,
1 A., The encounter o tr
- .
The bird seemed to be soroewbat snoeaea,
wjU .mouot to aboef aJti.uu.
Farmers will Hnd it profitable-to use w nii
... r..m and Cob M.I1. Col. Bell, of this
1 place, has the agency for selling them in Ju
imata county, and Is prepared to supply
111!" as v. "
fat-mera. t
The Musical Institute of Mexico will give
their closing Concert in the U. P. Church,
Mexico, on Friday evening, December 17,
11-80. under too direction of Mr. T. .
Cochran. All are cordially invited to attend,
aa a rare musical treat is promised.
The law is smple to hold the liqnor-seller
in check, if enforced. The man who vio
lates tbe license law may be punished, and
tbe law forbids profanity and drnnkennesa
on the afreet, and all kids U revelry that
dlsturba the peace of a neighborhood, or
the traveler on the highway.
Boatmen who had hope, of a break in tbe
weather that would reaped navigation suf
ficient to permit lhm to reatJh their desti-
. wastes aAtlV inced that no Snr.h
nation, , .
favors will be extended to them by the
weather. "' .
A colored soldier, a blind msn, who used
to sit in tbe Capitol grounds at Harrisburg
to receive such alms as tbe passer-bv chose
tns-ivebim, fass received
within a short
. s l, .s Mnalfin TO inv U'uii vs
$6,000, atid will leceive $76 per mouta
lime wv gr.r r
The Register at the Cutral Hotel in Pat
terson, on Monday, the 6th mat-, the Orst
day of court, revealed the presence of 92
guests ; Tuesday, 66 ; Wednesday, 64
Tburaday,45t Fnday, 89 Saturday, 47 1
total number, 842. Thia ia' good showing
for one hotel. r
The Huntingdon ioenu of the loth Inst,
says i Tha Philadelphia Prtu of Monday
contained A detailed account of a little
piccaninny," in that city, whose akin is
changing from black to white. A transform
ation of tbat kind ia nothing new in our
town, as a lady here, who a lew years ago
had quite dark akin, haa become perfectly
Col. John N. Moore, of Van-Wert, called
to See us on Friday evening, and read a let
ter, by Samuel Bryaon lochia sister. Miss
Jane Bryson, from Princefob College, Jan.
28, 1824. In speaking of revivals in Mil-1
BintdWttt Be says": "There is a prejudice in
Mifflin agaidst revivals, one a use, it ia to be
feared, the nature and imtJortance of them
is not known."
The Newport Ledger says Some women
bavd a practice of rubbing off their stoves,
af'er cooking, with a woolen cloth saturated
with coal oil, in order to remove the grease
and freshen the blacken. Thia is i Very
dangerous habit, and will result, some day,
la the burning of somebody. A lsdy of our
acquaintance had a Hash," whiie Indulg
ing in this dangerous practice, receutly.
The old blacksmith ahop of Showers
S-holl is a hidinc place for A number Of
rabbit. Occasionally the nimble little ani
mals will go out into tbe fields adjoining
town at night, and when belated in their re
turn till morning tbey invariably are chased
by the boys. Then there It a chase tbat
ta a chase." The boys know where the rab
bit will go, and every effort is made to bead
it off. Mr. Cottontail knows all about tbe
business of getting home, and runa ahead
straight, regardless of stones and clubs
thrown at hi hi, ofiimes running within a foot
or two of thos r who attempt to head him
Oklahoma, is the name of the terri
tory that sel lers, want to move into,
and which government is trying to pre
vent, beOaUn j of Indian treaty.
The Bt OOer Vet Made.
Tha Frank Leslie Publishing Co., 15 Dey
St , New York, will send Faaxx Leslib's
FaaiLT Fattsn, a 16-psge illustrated paper,
lor only $1.00 per year.
Frisk Leslik's Yocso Folks devoted to
the interest of young pebble, and contain
ing much to interest tho -eel a more mature
age. This paper contains 16 piper of illus
trations and valuable reading mailer. Just
the paper for young children. Price, pet
year oO cents.
FaaxK Leslie's Natiohal AoaiccLrra
st asd Wosklxo FAEaca. a lu-page illus
trated paper, lor only $1.00 per year.
Faaaa Leslie's Pilfit Or rut lUr, a 16
page illustrated patter. Just the (riper for
Sunday reading. Price only 5 rents per
Or mil four of tht asoes paMirafHM Jr
'i oil per ytr.
Any person desi'ing to act aa our agent,
on sending tw $1-50, will receive post-paid,
sample copies ol the above pt)blicat loiui, to
gether with a complete agent's Outfit ol 12
beautiful premium chromos, also a copy of
our Book oi Valuable Information, of uVer
500 pages, containing an Illustrated Dic
tionary of every useful word to bo louud in
tbe Etiglish LangiMKe. Vrdical aod House
hold receipts. Legal advice and forms, arti
cleai oa etiquette aud letter writing, advice
to merchants, clerk", mechatuca aud farm
Samples of sll onr Publications and Illus
trated Catalogue (without premiums) lor
15 cents. All d-siring steady and pmnta-
ble employment should send at once before
then- U-rritory is taken.
15 Dey Street, New Y'ork.
Pumps and Wind Engines.
Any one in need of a good Iron Force
Pump, or a good Wooden, or Rubber Buck
el Chain Pump, can buy the sttne of the
itndersigneJ at low figures. Also, Well
drilling in any kind of rock, from 25 to 150
feet in depth. Water guaranteed. Wind
Engines set np, of the best make, and tested
by actual trial before it costs the purchaser
a dollar. For prices and estimates address
Ne-v. 17, 1880-3ra Mifliintown, Pa.
Organs ! Organs ! Organs !
I buy direct from the largest and moM re
liable Organ manulactnrer iu this country.
Slool asd Book with each Organ. Call on
or address W. II. A1KENS.
Main street, Mifllintowu, Pa.
Room rormeriy ocedpied by W. F. Sny
der. sepl-3iu.
DON'T BE DECEIVED by such Jodgrs
as a $350 Organ at $55 to $s0, when you
caa buy the same grade, of instruments at
home at $00 to $r0, and save the freight by
Icalllng on W. H. Alkt.ua,
Main street, MtthiutoWTi.
FOR SALE A commodious Dwelling
n.... . it :-.. Store Rooi.io. iu the bor-
iou'b o; M.miM' wn, Juniata county. Pa.
' This a rw. chance 'o acquire a dwelling
bouse, ami bin:pes3 ol.ice in Mifliintown; a
i chat.ee. which if l-i e pat mv not be
! .:;.!. din uti.y eais. For particulars,
or ad lress 1: is office. jan29-tf
It I ED i
HARRY Ou the 9tb inst., at bis home
in Tuscarora township, Titus Harry, aged
65 years.
HACKETT On the 11 th inst., at tbe
residence of Dr. Graham in Turbelt town
ship, Mrs. Fannie Hackett, aged about 70
ROBINSON On the 12th Inst., at his
home in Waterloo, Robert Robinson, aged
71 years.
rUNK On Thursday, Nov. Sith, in
Madison county, Nebraska, of scarlet f ever,
Josie MlHord son of Jerome T. and Jennie
Funk, aged 15 years
litl.t iKEV On ihe 5th inst., at her
own residence in Tuscarora township. Mrs.
Nsncy Milliken, widow ot William Milliken,
deceased! aged about 73 years.
uft t ttf K-On the 10th inst.. at tbe
house of bis father in Tuscarora township
Guy Milliken, aged about 7 years-
Notice to Trespaaaeri.
NOTICE Is hereby given that all persons
fobnd trespassing on the lands of the
ned in Delaware township, either
k. K.hinv. hnntitir. cutting timber, ooimi
, ... r-.
nr in uiv wav wnsrever, win o.-
dealt with aa the law directs.
R. W. HcVPBftET.
George Speak.
M. C. Farha.
mayl4,1879-tr Mas. Mart Reich.
The Sehtimi ajin Rmbblica has
i a, I 1"" k - ... .
; ... dn Hvrriiinir meaiuni id una
euiuuj ii
, , nd M , . 0I rxried new.
i At vmiMaWI IMwB
"land reading it is not surpassed by any
j weeaiy rap"'
Those of our readera desiring atedy and
prod table employment, or valuable reading
matter cheap tor 1S8I. should send 15 cents
CO., IS Dey St., New York, for a complete
set of their publications and Illustrated Cat
alogue, containing list, of premiums, fee.,
or $1-50 for a complete agent's outfit Of 18
beautiful Chrumos and our Premium Book
of Valuable information, containing over
600 pages, with sample copies of all our
publications, eve. See advertisement in an
other column. , .
An active aeot Wanted in every town
twenty to thirty dollars can be made week
ly. , their Illustrated Publications with
their new Premiums, take at sight. Do not
delsT if you wish to secure your territory.
Address FaasK Leslie Pcblishikq Co.,
15 Dey St., New fork.
con ME ItC 41
MirrusTowi, Dec. 15, 1880,
Butter 21
Eggs...... Jil
Lard 8
Ham S
Shoulder ........................ I
Sides t
Potatoes OC
Onioaa. ............ ........ .... 40
Corrected weekly.
Qdotstiobs roa To-ttav.
Wednesday, Dec. 15, 18W.
1 or,
, 42'
4 25
vorn..... .
Philadelphia, Deo. 13 Wheat;
No. 2 Western red, $1 to 1191;
Pennsylvania red aod amber, $1 19 to
1 19. t 'orn. stesn-er or track, 51c;
yellow, old 564 new 56o. Oats un
changed. Rye at 95 to 9Co.
Philadelphia, Deo. 13. The cat
tle sales, 3.5lK) head; prime 52 to 6tc;
medium 4J to 5c; oommon, 3 to 4o.
Sheep sales of 7,000 bead; prime, 5 1 to
51 (rood 4J to5jc; medium, 4i to 5c;
oommon 4e Hogs; prime, 7 to 71 e.
common 61 to 6 in.
o '
Persona desirous of telling property at
private aale, buy arrange to bare tbe prop
erty advertised in tbe Seniiuel and Republi-.
caa, on the frrnu of no pay if tot toU. If
Sold, to pay at siitb rates as have previous
ly been agreed upon.
tuofe br less, all clear, and in a godd state
of cultivation, having thereon erected a
new Frame House, new Frame Barn, One
Hundred Fruit Trees. In Fayette town
ship. Within J of a mile to store, school and
chu-tb. Price reasonable, with eight years
j to pa it in. Possession given April 1st,
1!. if sold as desired.
Fur further itilormatioa call ou or addtess
Ibis otbee.
Tb Biy a Largt Trad of Goifl Land
at m .Moderate Price:
"io a man wbo desires to make farming
and stock-raising his business, this is the
greahyt bargain in Juniata county.
Three Hundred Jcrtx and more, having
thereon a large Brick Dwelling House in
goisl condition, Barn and other outbuild
ings ; a running stream of water neat the
door, also, good well water iu yard ; aa
Orchard of 8 acres, as good as any in the
county; a grove of 50 maple trees, which,
it attention wer directed to, conld be
turned into a source of income, as such
groves are in Somerset county, this State,
and as such groves are iu New England.
Go d timber on tha farm. The farm will
produce 40 to 50 tons of bay annually, and
grow grain of all kinds. There is an abun
dance of LIMESTONE on the farm.
We repeat, thia is the greatest bsrgaia
now offered in this county, to the man who
has energy, and desires to farm and raise
stock. To such a man, wbo has a moderate
sum of money for first payment, there Is a
rare chance to secure a property, that in the
nature of things must increase in value
gradually, for the period of a full ganera
tion yet to come.
Time, 6 to 7 years, to suit purchaser. I
you have the inciintion, the means, and
the pluck Id devclope one of the finest
tracts of land in the couuty, call at this of
fice for partkulais.
Large Farm atPri?at9 Sale.
The Valuable Farm ol the Heirs of Wil
liam Okeson, deceased, ia offered for sale.
It ia located in the ferule valley Of TuCS.
mr Jnni.ti county. Fa., one and a bas
miles west of Acidemia, containing S40
of nrinie limxstone land, all in cul
tivation, except 10 acres of Timber. Build
itgs good. Large Mansion Hotej Bank
Birri, 100x50 reel; Wagon Sheds, Corn
Cribs, Hog Pens. Good Spring and Spring
Uonse, snd all other outbuildings, also other
springs and running water ; J wo Orchards
bearing choice fruits. It is well located.
near to churces, schools, mills and stores,
Tbe land is well adapted to grain and grass
and for making money far a new owner, as is
well known, it did for many years for Us
former owner. Price will be reasonable,
and time given to suit pnrcbas-r;
For terms, fcc.j call on James B. Okeson,
Pleasant View, near the farm, or J. B. Oke-
son, Port Royal.
Valley, containing i acres, aootii io
acres clear. Two sets of buildings. No. 1,
Log House, 'i0x24, plastered and pebbled s
Kitchen attat bed, 12x18 j Spring, and also
Well of water near the diXir; Stone Bst.k
Bam. 40x! Oreha-d. Ko. 2. Iew Tr ime
HoUiiC, 283'J. good cellar-, Summer House,
Ux2ii; Spring arid Spring House; INow
Frame Rink narn. 4"x6o ; Wagon Shed i
Oood Toung Orchard, of grafted fruit, in
bearing condition Will sell all, or half, to
suit purchaser. The land is well adapted
by nature for the raising of grain and stock.
Plenty of lime stone. Tbe community is
good. Churches and school house conve
nient. Terms moderate. For psrticulars
call on or address C. MEYERS,
Farmers' Grove. Juniata Co., Pa.
may be purchased of the undersigned at a
reasonable pnee. The property ia situated
in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and wuu
the Smith stand includes a lot of about
TWO ACRES, having thereon erected a
corufortabie Two-story FrameHouse, a com
modious Stable and other outbuildings.
ll rifSTVI lK
There is a Well of ood water at me war
.. . - i . ..ii m a-
I . . .i
Walnnt P. O-, Juniata Co., Pa.
Proftttional Cords.
Attorney -at -LAW,
Cy Collecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrice- On Main street, la his place ef
residence, south of Bridge street.
QT" All business promptly attended to. '
OrrtcE On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House square. jan7, '80-ly
CyCollections attended to promptly
. OrrtcE With A. J. Patterson Esq, on
Bridge street,
feb 25, 80.
trSr" Collections and all professional busi
ness promptly attended to.
June 20, 1877.
C" AH business promptly attended to.
Orricx On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House square.
Homeopathic Physician,
Professional business properly attended
to at all times. jiiiie&3, !880.
Physician and Surgeon,
Otbee hours from 9 a. at. to 3 r. st.. Ot.
flee iu his father's residence, at tho south
end of Water street. rocl22ti
D. 51
ll.ts resumed acively the practice ol
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. Office at th? old corner of Third
and Orange sfreet.a, ilitiliiitown, Pa.
March silt; 173
Acadtmia, Juniaia Co , Pa
OrriCE formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrett.
Proteiaional business promptly attended to
at all hours.
L. ALLEN, M. D ,
Has cotptfenc'! the practice of Medicine
and Surgery and all theircollateral branches.
Office at Arademia, at tbe residence ol
CapL. J. J. Patterson.
fjuly 15,1874
hn Mclaughlin,
CCOnly reliable Companies represented.
Dee; 8, 1 875-1 y
Continues the practice of Medicine and
Surgery and all their collateral branches.
tro'ce at his residence in McAlistcrville.
Feb 9, 1876.
a roi.xnnv rou sale.
A Foundry, it. go.xl order, at Johnstown,
Juaiati C!.; Pa. The ejg-.ne is new. The
melting apperatns hs Just been overhauled
and made as good as when new The shop
is large and roomy. All of the several de
partments are nnder one roof. The Foun
dry his the best run of custom in tho
county. In connection with the Fodntlry
there b or 6 acres ot land for sale, having
thereon erected a Large Frame Dwelling
House, noarly Osw, and a good-sised Barn.
Good Orchard, Apples, Grapes, A.C. Every
thing convenient abont the premises. Will
sell all or part. For further particulars cat!
on or address J. 11. KOt.jP.KS,
Johustown, Juniata Co., Pa.
waste land ; all e'ear excepting a bait acre,
and only one mile and a half from the
county seat, tbe best market place and ship
ping point in the county. Good water.
Good Bank Barn 75 by 10 feet: Oood
Frame House. Four acres in Orchard.
But you will want to see the farm. CUI on
Patteson, Juniata Co., Pa.
N. B Terms easy. Payments to suit
MINGLE offer at private sale, the real es
tate of said decedents, situated in Ferman
agh township, Jn!ta bounty, Pa., one mi!.
west r.r UilHintown. containing about 20
Acres of Land, nearly all of which iscleared
and in a good state of cultivation, having
thereon erected a commodious DWELLING
HOUSE, Bank Barn, and all necessary out
buildings There is a large variety ef ex
cel.ent Fruit on the premises, and s well of
good water at the door. For further par
ticulars spply at the Sentinel oinre, i-ewis-
town, Jacob Bkiolke, Miilltntown, or
Henry Misgle, on the premises.
ot SlcCoysville, Juniata county, having
thereon erected a good Dwelling House 20 x
50 feet, new Stable 20x30 feet, new Wood
House 12x30 feet, Hog Pen and other out
buildings. Well of good water at tne door.
Fruit on the lot. Terms, reasonable.
For further particulars, call on or address
McCoysville, Jnuiata Co., Ps.
clear, 1 miles west of East Salem, on the
Mifflin road. Running water between house
and barn. All kinds of fruit. Improve
ments a Log House, weatherboarded Bank
Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Hog Pens,
Spring House. The qnaKty of land is good,
and clear of stones. This farm is in W alk
er township. For further particulars, ad
ares, G. W. SL'LOL'FF,
East Salem, Juuiata Co., Pa.
two hundred acrea, about 3 miles from Mif
flintown, having theicon erected a good
DweUng HoUae, good Frame Bsnk Barn,
and Tenant House. There is a spring at
the bouse, and running water on the prop-
For ule at a moderate figure. For
further particulars address
Mifflintown. Juniata Co., Pa.
Dry Goods,
Having Purchased the
Has opened with the Largest Stock ever shown in this market, and will continue to
receive, daily, all the Latest Novelties of th,- season. We invito ovorybody to c!l and
examine our stock and bear our prices', whethor you wish to purc'iso or not, foelirg
conllde.it that when you do, we cie uit you, both in quality ami prices.
This immense and elegant awrtmenl consists ot the lcad.it j i:upjrti and As ir'
cao Fabrics, from tbe Finest to tiu Cheapest. Ia
We have a large assortment, and our stock of
Is very replete, with the finest shados and designs. We have an elersnt stock of
Mnsiins, Print. Cassi:i-res, Oinsharus, Skirtings, Table Linens, Drillings, Shirtings
Toweliugs, Ticking i, Sheetings, Ermines.
Is replete in everything We open an elegant line of Trimmings, a lirga line ef
Laces , in Buttons we have all the New Novelties. We have a beauti:ni line of Shaw's,
a great variety o Skirts, Hosiery, Gloves, Tics, Bows, Sowts, Handkerchiefs, Collars
Cutfs, Corsets, Ribbons, Underwear. Shetland, Genuabtowd snd Uouie-mada Fautory '
Varus, in all colors, etc., etc. Our stock ot
Is the largest in llie county. . We have an elcg inl line of Ladies', M'stns' snd Chil
dren's Shoes. suiiaHe tor full and winter weather, at Prices that will astonish yon. Our
stock of Boots tor Men, Youths and Hoys is very extensive. Wo bs Iheia at a3
prices aud qualities. We keep a tiuo line f
, A largs stock of Floor, Tabln and Stair Oil Clutbs. Our st.k m too la-t e to sea
nierate. We invite you to call snd see us, and we will show you Ids Bist Stock ef
Goods in the CoiJnty.
Toars, resptitpj;:
Sept 15, 1880.
Sj -
W .2
asssj .mm
Self-Threading Shuttle.
ning and Noiseless. Largest Bobbin iu Use. Wiadi
the Bobbin without running the Machine or
removing the work.
Tbe NEW DOMESTIC takes no tautrumt. No long talk or artrntoont
requirfe J, every mucLiue telling its own
The IsF.W POMHSTIC hiw no enemies, except thoso who sell, or are in
terested in selling other makes of machines.
It Sews Anything.
Call oh or address
raT Also Agent for the ESTEY and
easy monthly payments.
I am selling all FARM MACHINERY of the Latest Improvements, of
Standard Manufacturers tried and wsrracted, for durability, anj not excelled
by anv other machines io doing cork.
Get 27, 180-3as WM. BELL, Mifflintown, Pa.
Having just op-ned a new stork of store goods, snch as Dry Gond, Xotions, Cloth
ing. Hats. Boots. Shoes. Groceries. Fih. and a general assortment of sterc roods, I
will take p!.Mii' in exhibiting goods to all ho may favor me wilh a cali. WU1 jay
the highest ninrket price for country produce.
Don't forset the place, at Todd's old Stand in Patterson.
Slay 5, lboti-Cin. T. M. COOK.
Is tbe place where you can boy
HE is prepared to exhibit one of the most
this market, and at JSTOXtSHIXGLY LOW PRICES
Also, measures taken for suits and pert of suits, which wi!l ht made to orde
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember tbe place, in Hoffman's
Water s'reets, MIFFLINTOWN, PA.
Has just returned from the Eastern cities wi?i a fall variety cf
GENTS FCRXISHIN'l GOODS. Goods of all ktnd are low. Com and tea us
and be astonished Pants at ?5 Cent. C7" SCTfS MADE TO ORt;ER.3
Patterson. Pa., April If., 1879. SAMUEL STRAYER
All persons ire hereby cautioned against
tressing upon thu lands of tho under
signed it. Fayette township, by opening
tences, cutting wood or younr timber, hunt-
ing, or in any unnecessary way trespassing
on the lands aforesaid.
Elizabeth Oarvcr
Joseph Sieber
John Saustoan
David Cramer
John K. Sauaman
Henry Sleher -
Anrtnda Bafbore
Jonathan Burris
S. S. Beaver.
Term and
P?? a s
a week In yonr own town
PUU $ outfit free. Address H. DaaslTf ,
! fc To., Portland. Msme
.1Dl'EK tlSZ.MtL IS.
Self-Setting Needle. Lightest Run
It Pleases Everybodt..
Third Street, MUfintowa, Jr.niafe Co., Pa.
other wakes cf Organs. SM on
Doc. 17, 1379.
choice and select sfoetcs c-ar osorcii la
New Building, corner cf KriJe and
Jan. 1, lfO-U
j C.it TIO.s XOTltE.
j . lL p-r?on are herebv cantioned sg ilnst
j fl.,in?. hnntinjr, breakint; or opening
fej.Pes or cutting wood or young timber,
or SJyr nonecessarr wav trepa.ing oa
. j:i. j,,, of ,le un.l,.rsiKned. in Fayette
towoshin and a tract of w.xdland in Walkar
Simuel Waff
Huffh T. McAlister.
John Benfioar"
C. Myers.
Jarb Winner.
W ilium Tboaipwip.
a ig 27,19
: """" 1 Z
j James Mc Heen-
Rofcwrt McAlister.
Sntweribrt for tbe Sentinel . R.yublicsw.
for the Presidewy fa 188. , wbiJe be llrt..
like a Joke. .
kH-Iifht oil for ealw B- B. Ftrker'e.