Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 03, 1880, Image 2

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WndaMdaj, Koremb'r 3, ISSeX
knrroa add raorarrrnu.
Garfield Electee! !
Excepting, 1'erhaps, New Jer
sey, Secures the Northern Civ
ilization upon a Permanent
Mer Elected to Congress
Eight Hundred Majority.
Smiley Elected to the Sen
ate by 150 Majority.
Both Brandies Republican,
House, 154; Senate, as
sured, 3D.
The Work of the Mob.
The forged letter against General
Uarneld on tbe t binee question pro-
duoed its mark wherever Chinamen
live in this country. Ever drop of
blood that bag been 9bed by tbe mob
in iu outrages work uiust be charged
to tbe leaders of tbe Democracy, for
they are the men wbo have been guiltj
of inciting the worst elements, against
John Chinaman. How would this peo
pie take it if Americans in China were
subject to the treatment tbt Chinamen
are subject to in America ? ould we
stand it? We would break off all
treaty relations with China, and that is
what China should do with America. If
this oountry wtll not receive Chinamen,
what right bave we to ask Coma to re
oeive us. Are we ready to close the
ports of tbe respective nations against
each other T
Last Sunday, mob. acting under
tbe inspiration of tbe Democratic circu
lars against General Garfield attacked
tbe Chinamen that are living in Denver
Col., The despatch as sent on Sunday
says ; Denver has been in tbe bands
of a mob for eight hours and there are
now fifteen hundred rioters in tbestreets.
Tbe trouble has been growing for days.
Ever since tbe publication of tbe alleg
ed Garfield letter violent partisans Lave
striven to make an issue ol tbe Chinese
question and tbe Democratic press baa
been filled witb articles awning that
as soon as Garfield wag elected the State
would be flooded with Chinese and all
the white labor driven out. Saturday
eight the Democrats bad a procession,
carrying transparencies with inscriptions
and cartoons tending to excite amjio
ity against the Chinese.
A considerable portion became in
Wicated aud remained out all night,
lnis noon tuey made an assault upon
the Chinese houses, tearing down tbe
bouses and beating and driving out the
Chinese. Une was dragged from nop
Lee,s place with a rope about bis neck
and bis skull crumbed in witb boots and
Cricks i be police were called out.
but were unable to control tbe mob.
J be fir department was ordered to
throw water on tbe rioters, but tbe
mob attacked tbem and badly wouoded
two fireman. Many Chinamen were
fearfully beaten. One wa rescued by
the police and taken to jail, wbioh was
immediately surroundei by a mob of
bout 1,000, who burraBed and yelled:
Lynch the Leper." Speeial police
managed to keep back the crowd. The
other mob remained intact in the low
er part of the oity. About dark tbey
were entirely beyond control and
marched from street to street, gutting
Chinese bouses wherever tbey saw
them and assaulting oitizens. On Law
rence streer, from an isolated tenement
a Chinaman was dragged, bis ears were
cut off and be was otherwise terribly
mutilated. Ha was finally rescued in
a dying condition, placed in a carnage
and driven towards the city jail. At
Sixteenth street an unsuccessful effort
was made to drag bim from the wagon.
Several are reported killed, but the
condition of tbe streets is such that it
is imp ossible at this hour to get a defi
nite report. Many colored men were
knocked down and beaten. There is
a great deal of inoendiariein to night.
Ibe Chinese population here cannot ex
ceed 150 all told, and from the begin
biro ol this disgraceful riot not sin-
gle inoident is reported of any one of
thejn having resisted the onslaught.
Al! G.sbing operations in the bay at
Erie bave beeu suspended on acoouut
of the cold weather.
There is a fruit drying company at
Chaabersburg whiob sends goods to all
parts of Asia.
Martin Stenger, a pedler, was killed
by cars at Meadville on Monday a week.
A twenty-acre farm in East Lampe
ter township, Lancaster county, was
sold at $357 per sore.
Mr. J . ltshaw, of East Coventry,
Cheater county, picked forty bushels of
apples from one ttec.
Tbere is a statement in some of oar
exchanges that farmers in various parts
of tbe State bave kept their borses
from contracting epizooty by mixing
slicen apples in their feed.
William Householder, of Kittaoning,
was struck on tbe bead by a stone from
a blast on Saturday a week, and bad bis
skull crushed.
Charles Weaver, an old man, who
was shot at Ebeusburg on Saturday
week, wbile attempting a robbery, died
of bis itijuries tbe next day.
A frame shanty at Yorktown, North
umberland oouuty, wa destroyed by fire
on Saturday a week. An old woman
-ttamed Williams perished in tbe flames.
Tbe Tree-Hun Flouring Mill of Elli
ott Robley, near Huntingdon, was de
stroyed by fir on Monday a week. Loss
$12,000 ; no insurance. Tbe fire ori
ginated in tbe engine room.
The State Fencibles, of Philadel
phia, heretofore consisting of a single
company, will be increased and organ'
iied as a regiment after the elose of tbe
Farmers in the northern counties who
experimented with amber sugar cane
were very successful, and tbe plant will
be oontiuued next year on a larger
Clarion county now has more packs
of bounds than any eounty in tbe State
A former millionaire is mending um
brellas in Bradford.
Joseph Ritter, wbo, bas been tbe
court orier in Berk county for forty
years, died in Readiog on Wednesday
in bu G9tb year.
A small army of tramps made a raid
upon tbe town of Susquehanna a few
nigbtg since, and tbe authorities cap
tured twenty three of their number.
A bicycle club is now tbe feature of
many ot tbe eastern towns.
Diphtberid coutinues to linger with
fatal effect in Johnstown.
Al. Donly is under arrest for steal
ing a horse from Daniel Laudermilcb,
of Leoanon.
Noah Beintel, a farmer near Suhl
town Westmoreland connty, suicided
with a pistol on Sunday evening a
week, lie was well to do.
Zacharia Miller, aged 35. banged
bimself near Stanton's mill Somerset
county on Saturday a week.
A West Chester barber was sutpria
ed the other day by the appearanoe in
bis shop of a well dressed, fine looking
woman aud of man of digtiioVd bearing.
Tbe man a.ked for a keen razor, which
being furnished, was used by tbe wom
an to shave tbe man. Tbe tonsnrial
operation was quickly and skilfully
performed whereupon the strangers
left, with thanks.
David J- Evans, of Pittsburg, aged
6 year, while alone at home thought
to surprise his mother upon her return
witb a basket of coal. U bile picking
this on the railroad he was killed. Tbe
mother was a widow and be was ber
only cblid.
Monday evening as a passenger train
on the Leb'gb Valley railroad moved
out of tbe Matingtoo depot, Dr. A. C.
Transue attempted to get on tbe train.
He bad a large bottle under bis right
arm and with bis left band tried to get
bold of tbe railing of tbe car, and juat
be stepped be missed bis bold and
fell on the track. An attempt at res
cue failed, a man having bold of bim
beicg compelled to let bim go, fearitg
;bat be too would be drawn under tbe
car. Dr. 1. was so fearfully mangled
that be died next day.
Michael Halton, a trackman, was
found at tbe lower end of Altoooa on
Thursday morning early, lying under
railroad car intoxicated. A wbeei
rested on one foot which was badly
bruised, and his left leg was broken
and the ankle joint crushed. The left
leg wa. afterward amputated below tbe
kuee and Hal ton was sent to the Alms
house. He says he has a brother in
good circumstances in New York.
Altoona seems to be prospering. Une
j hundred aud tigbty-two new buildings
bare seen erected tbere dunog the
past summer.
Cameron county will be the scene of
great activity in lumbering this ffmter,
a number of new firms having been :
formed this winter to cut tui. lions of
Two young men named Francis and
Luke oryne, of Susquehanna township.
Cambria county, claim to bave cut
down a few days ago, in just three tnin
ntes, a chestnut tree which measured
over three feet in diameter.
The Franklin Repositorv says : As
ueorgeswnpe was descending the mono
tain, at Pine Grove fnrnace, recently
witn a six borfe team, be was run over
and killed. He bad stepped back to
put on tbe lock, and in some way fell
Tbe borses started tn run, and before
they could be stopped, upset the wagon
and killed tbe two wheel animals.
Harry, aged 16 years, son of W. H
Brown, formerly Superintendent of tbe
Lewistown division of the Pennsylva
uia railroad, while out sailing on tbe
Delaware river near Philadelphia on
Saturday, Ootober 16th, and in the act
of drawing a bucket of water, lost bis
balance, fell overboard aud was
George Letnioger,
Spiings iu Cameron county are being
spoiled by leaking oil pipes.
The Potter Enterprise says that $109,
000 is spent every month in Bradford
for liquor.
William Reed, of Erie, while oat
hunting, saw a large snake, and taking
his gun by the muzsle atruek tbe rep
tile with tbe breeoa. Tbe blow die
charged tbe gun, and Reed receivsd tbe
contents below tne knee. Amputation
was necessary.
A lady in Titus ville became iasane
in consequence of slanderous stories
published in regard to bar husband and
some woman.
Philadelphia manufacture tbe most
shoes of any oity in the world.
Cattle feeding in stalls, has become a
profitable business in Lebanon eounty.
Corn raised in West Bradford town
ship, Chester eounty, averages 100
bushels to tbe acre.
There is war in Allegheny city on (be
subject of placing eolored children ia
tbe public schools.
Fully one thousand hog bave died in
Huntingdon and Blair eountiea ibis fall
from cholera.
A young man named Long, of North
umberland eounty, but residing near
Uniontoan, Dauphin eounty, was plaoed
in jail at Sunbury on Friday for the
murder of his father, aged eighty. Tbs
old man was found dead on Thursday,
with bis bead battered iu. It is said
that tbe crime was committed by bis
son witb a club. Tbe eause of the mur
der is believed to bave originated in an
order of eourt compelling the eon to
support the father, whiob the son . was
not inolined to do.
A rural couple in Clinton connty
were married by a Lock Haven alder
man. Tbe groom gave bim $3 50 for
bis services, and was told to eome on
Monday for bis certificate. Wben he
went for tbe certificate, the alderman
said. "Now you give me a dollar and
a balf more and I'll get you a fine cer
tificate." To all of which the young
man roared out: "see yer! What d ye
take me fur? I've paid you more'n
your fee now, and I've a darn good no
tion to bring tbe girl back and bave
you undo it and get tbe money again."
The alderman backed out, and said
nothing more about a"fioe certificate."
He saw that tbe groom's motto was
"business is business."
On Thursday night of last week the
Hamburg Band went to Port Clinton to
atteod a political meeting. On tbe re
turn tbe band's coach, which was drawn
by four borses, fell over an embankment
to tbe river shore, twenty feet belo
Tbe road was narrow and it was dark
so that tbe lead borses lost tbeir reck
oning aad went down. Their weight
and desperate efforts to reach the road
agaio drew the pole horses over and tbe
coach, containing twenty-eight persons,
followed. ibe vehicle turned enm
pietely over and wis about taking i
second somersault when it fortunately
came in contact with a tree. Tbe lat
ter was stoat enough to bear tbe strain
and tbe eoaeb with its load of niusi
cians was checked in a descent that
would have undoubtedly resulted in tbe
deatb of some of its occupants. As it
was nobody was hurt very badly.
iHSPATHESlrom across tbe sea are
devoted largely to accounts of a great
storm in England, and to the destruction-of
Susan Gladden, of Unionville, Ohio,
being very angry at Forest Morfet, told
bits ah would shoot bios or bis horse
with the gwn she carried, whichever be
chose. He said, "neither," and sbe
mercifully decided na tbe beast, send
ing a ballet through its heart.
of Wnmelsdnrf
Berks county, bas gathered over twen-
tv bushels of acorns and carried tbem
borne from the mountain for bis pigs,
Ue says tbey prefer them to com.
A man named Arnold is reported to
bave wives living in Lnrerne, Susque
baona, V yoming. Cameron aud Sulli
van counties, and also in Eugland and
Samuel Davis, of Scranton, a few
days ago, was seized witb a fit of cough
ing while testifying in eourt, and died
a few moments afterward.
Two oitizens presumed to have been
murdered and another supposed to be
drowned, and all in three days, is a sad
ebspter in Erie life.
There is a man now living in Pitts
burg, named "Yankee Sampson," who.
although blind, signifies bis willingness
to fight any professional bruiser in the
dark. He is over fiftv Tears of sge.
was for years connected with Dan Rice's
eirous as a cannon-ball tos&er and ath
lete, and at present gives musical and
sleight of-hand performaac.
A Sacramento bride whipped ber
father because be induced her husband
to drink in a bar- room.
Some of tbe aged fig-trees of India
are said to eover as muob as two aores
of ground by the simple extension of
tbeir branches, and regiments of sol
diers bave taken refuge under tbe
shadow of a single tree.
Tbe epizootic disease has spread all
over tbe oountry, and bas proved fatal
in some instances. r ua onions are
being need witb good effect as a oure.
It is announced that Miss Parker,
ibe English female swimmer, who it
nineteen years old and weighs 210
pounds, will attempt soon to swim the
English ebaonel.
Kansas City bas a girl dentist, and
she pulls out tooth witb snob ravish
ing sweetness thai balf the youths in
that place now live on gruel.
Ob, what a blessing ia Sunday, in
terposed between tbe waves of worldly
business, like the divine natb of tbe
Israelites through Jordan! There is
nothing in which I advise yon to be
more strictly conscientious than in keep
ing tbe Sabbath day holy. I ean truly
declare that to me tbe Sabbath bas been
invaluable. Wilberforce.
Cbiet crooks, of tbe Secret Service.
afu r an interview with the counterfeit
er Doyle, in Chicago states that be
thinks counterfeit United six per eent.
bonds of tbe issue of 1861, of tbe de
nomination of one thousand dollars,
uZ" been hypothecated by Doyle,
Bruckway Cl al, and that some of tbem
are now in tbe haoJ? of private indi
viduals or banking institution ,bii
country, as collaterals for loans ; aJ;
that this class of bonds bave been for
warded to Europe, and bave been or
will be hypothecated tbere.
William U Connor, wo arrived at
New York Oct. 23. on the brig Riobard
Smith, was on Friday night sent to
quarantine Hospital by order of the
Health Officers. He was found sick at
a lodging -bouse, suffering apparently
Irom yellow fever. It is stated that he
bad tbe disease in Savannah, but was
discharged from tbe hospital tbere ap
parently cured.
There is a woman in San Franoisoo
wbo makes money by a pretence of east
ing out devils with incantations. Sbe
says that imps possess everybody who is
insane. Sbe says : " I bave ez Del led
hundreds and hundreds. One case 'I
bad last fall was a gentleman living in
the eountry a man of fine intellect
and cultivation, who was regarded by
ma friends as on tbe road to tbe lunatic
asylum. He was impelled to go days
and nights without any food ; to take
long tramps which bis physical strength
would not bave been sufficient for. Ue
ould talk brilliantly, and as if inspir-
eo, one moment, and tbe next use low
language. He came to see me six
times, and tbe last time I sat with bim
from five o'clock to eleven o'clock, wben
my baud of spirits effeoted bis Coal
l a i . ...
release. Aooioer ease is mat or a
young daughter of one of the most
prominent and wealthy families of the
oity. she is highly educated and re
fined in ber natural state, but nnder the
strange control to wbioh she is subjected
wiu swear or appear in the greatest
agony of mind and body."
Altoona has been burglarized to such a
to such a degree that citizens there declare
that no protection ia found in the police
force, and therefore tbey will fall back on
their natural rights, and defend their prop
erty as best they can. Tbe AltoonaTribnne
says that that means that some one will be
Chief Victorio Killed Sixty Warriors
Slain Ming fVotmen and Children
A dispatch from Galveston, Texas,
under date of October 28th, says that
Col. Terrassas wrote as follows : " On
tbe afternoon of the 14th 1 attacked
Victorio'a band in tbe Castillo Moan
tains. He bad fortified himself in tbe
mountains. I surrounded him in tbe
morniug and by a simultaneous attack
took bis positioo, leaving Victorio and
60 warriors, 18 women and children
dead and 68 women and 2 captives
prisoners. I bave taken also 180 ani
mals. I lost 3 men killed and 12
wounded. Thirty Indians wbo are at
large went in the direction of Bosque
Benito. ' A competent force follows
them." General Grierson also tele
graphs : " Between 40 and 50 Indians
from Mescatuo, the Apache agency in
New Mexioo, were going as far south
into Texas as Sierra Diabalo, evidently
with the intention of assisting or join
ing Viotorio, bat were beaded off and
turned back by troops from Eagle
Springs and the Gnadaloup Mountains.
Tbe troops were pursuing the Indians
through tbe Sacramento Mountains.
Tbe cavalry along tbe Rio Grande are
aotively soouting and watching for tbe
30 wairiors not killed by Terrassas."
A Blood-Curdling Epitodt That Sttrllti a
Ttxat Community.
From the Waco (Texas) Examiner.
A lady residing on Fourth street, sod
who bad beeu temporarily left at borne
by ber husband, who was away from
town on a business trip, was shocked
on going into ber room an evening or
two since to discover what appeared to
be a man stretched prone upon ber bed,
witb tbe cover drawn close about him.
Her first impulse was to flee, screaming,
from the room, bat a second thought
came, and with it nerve enough to put
tbe thought into execution. Tbe lady
stepped noiselessly into au adjoining
room and armed herself with a club.
Sbe returned with it and touobed the
object of ber fright. Tbere was no sign
of life. Sbe touched it agaio, and still
harder, but still tbe object did not
move. Sbe now thought tbe man was
sleeping. And a third thought oame.
Hurrying into another room she pro
cured a bottle of chloroform, saturated
a cloth witb tbe drowsy drug, ciept
back to tbe bedside and spread tbe cloth
over the sleeping man's face. When it
bad been there a minute or two she
knew ber foe was vanquished. Sbe now
ran out and told her neighbors of what
bad occurred. Men armed themselves
witb gnus and sticks and marched in
solid phalanx to where tbe interloper
lay. Tbe eloth and tbe bedclothes
were carefully removed and tbe object
beneath tbem was plainly revealed to
A School Bof Kidnapped dd Killed.
Old books give accounts of how
children stealing was carried on in
past days. In modern times there
has not been much of it done. The
notable case in America is that of
Charlie Rosa. A shocking case of
child stealing and murder was dis
patched from London, England, on
the 12th inst The dispatch wa4 sent
to the New York Evening Telegram,
and reads :
Lokdos, Oct. 12. Tbe particulars of a
most atrocious crime, committed a short
time ago, are published in the English pa
pers this morning. It has an especial in
terest for those who have made the Charley
Ross case a study, as the confession of
murder, made a few days ago, shows that
in this, as in the American case, tbe object
of the criminals was to obtain a large amount
of money as s ransom.
William Marianus de Jongh', clerk to the
Minister of the Colonies at the Hague, ton
fesaes to murdering a school boy named
Marias Bogaardf, a son of a former Secre
tary General, now living a retired life. The
Lmurderer laid bis plana very cunningly and
before securing the boy had written a letter
to the father asking for 75,000 guilders, or
$30,000, for the 3rrehder of his son, but
how and where the ranson was to be paid"
was not clear, though it is supposed De
Jough had accomplices.
The confession of how the murder was
committed was told by the prisoner to his
sister, to whom be was devotedly attached
De Jough wept bitterly while giving the fol
lowing account of tbe motives and circnm
stances under which tbe murder took place
He said that on September 23, before he
committced tbe crime ant before he had
even possession of the bof, he wrote the
letter relerred to, demanding the ransom on
a certain date. The letter was writter in the
Cafe St Hubert, from which be weut
William's Park, where Mr. Bogaardt resid
ed. It was 2 o cluck in the afternoon. Mrs,
Bogaardt bad just left her house and driven
in her carriage to Schevingen. De Jough
thereupon went to the Kheiuish Railway
station, and, having directed a letter, pnt
into the post office letter box at tbe station
Ae then tok a cab, but as tbe cabman was
asleep when De Jough entered the vebicl
be did not not notice his face. De Jongh
drove to the school and asked for young
Manns Bogaardt, a fine-looking boy thirteen
years of age.
" Do you know me J" he asked of tbe boy.
To be sure," tbe latter replied : "I have
often met you in the park."
" ow, my boy, your mamma asked me
to fetch you from school," said De Jough.
" Did sbe not, then, go to Schevingen I
inquired the lad.
Yes," replied De Jongh, seeing that the
boy knew hi mother's intentione;- but
she told me she Would on her return wait
for ns at a peastni'a bouse on toe down
near the tun." 'I he bov then fetched bis
Sew Advertisement,
sight. It proved to be nothing more articles, asked permission to eave hcx
than a stuffed dummy with a false face . school and accnnini-d De Jough in scab.
upon It. Ibe lady s young son bad j When they arrived on Ihedowns thetnnr
fixed it up, thinking to give bis mother derer sought a quiet place, where he threw
a scare. Sbe didn't scaroe worth a cent, the boy on the ground, bound bis band's and
nowever, ana ber brave couduet bas feet with cH, which he had bought th it
made ber tbe heroine of the neighborhood.
Playt the Part of jfsgat Belmont' t XtphtM
jor Uvtr a tar.
Minneapolis, .Minn., Oct. 30. This
city bas a sensation of no small preten
sions. A young woman was arrested
yesterday who has beeu masquerading
here for a year and a balf as a young
man, giving bis name as Leon Belmont
and claiming to be a nephew of Angus!
Belmont, of ew lork, and that be
would soon oome into possession of a
large property. Belmont was a great
Hirt, making love promiscuously to
many young ladies of (he city, wbo re
garded him as a good catch. He be
came engaged to Miss Grace Watts and
Miss Baackett, both prominent youog
ladies. This dual engagement led to
trouble, which ended ia the aftest of
the supposed young matt and the dis
covery of ber sex. It is said that Mies
Brackett bad before expressed doobt ot
Belmont's masculinity, but was buffed
into silence by ber lover. Other and
more serious charges will probably be
preferred against the young ladvrhose
real name is not known. She is sup
posed to Lave stolen various sums of
money in Watts bouse, where sbe
boarded, and never paid a board bill
for more than a year.
Three of Them Receive a Very Light
Herbert Gould, Joseph Belts and
John Martin, three of tbe railroad
trackmen convicted of involuntary
manslaughter because of their connec
tion with tbe drowning of Robert Bry
son (tbe bunch of grapes murder) at
gnew Station, was called up lor sen
tence y terday before Judge Kirkpat
rick, ai Pittsii- Tbe juries had re
eommendad tu:w to be extreme merey
of tbe court Tbe ju-'ge sr.ted that be j
considered them technically iP'''J Cn I
der tbe law rather than actually guiiCJ
of a crime, and that a delegation of
some of tbe best oitizens in tbe neigh
borhood of Agnew Station bad called
opon him and testified to the prisoners'
uniform good reputation for peace. He
then imposed upon each a aentenoe to
pay a fine of six oenta and costs and to
undergo a term of three months' im
prisonment in the eounty jail. Luster,
another of the prisoners, will be sen
tenced probably next week, in case tbe
court should over-rule a motion for a
new trial, wbioh ia pending. Tbe ease
is stronger against bim than against tbe
others, andtbe jury did not reoommend
bim to tbe extreme mercy of ibe eourt.
Harrisburq Telegraph Oct 28tb.
morning. Remain hire," be said to Ma
rlos, till I return with the money I have
demanded Irom your father, stop vonr
crying if yon do not want to be killed."
He covered tbe youtiV with bia coat and in
tended to go, but tbe boy cried so loitdlv
that be returned. Fancying be beard foot
steps, De Jongh took bis swonl out of bis
walking-stick and killed tbe child, stabbing
him seven times in the breast. In a very
agtafei state of mind' too" ruffian fled to
Schevingen, washed hia hand at the sea
shore, and returned to the Hague, after
having thrown away his sword-stick into
little channel by tbe roadside. De Jongh
was arreste4 on the downs, whither be re
turned early the following moroioc, but
after being confronted witb the coachman
and other witnesses he was liberated. He
was arrested afterwards on hia own confea
After bs avnwcl of hi Crime bis sister
asked him what motive be had for tbe hor
rible deed. He answered : " I saw our fa
ther die in poverty. As for myself, I could
not make my way in India, but I bad a place
hi the same office where father worked", witb
no better prospect than he had. What
would be my mother's lot and yours t 1
wished to assure to her a comfortable old
age, and wben I heard from a family wfet are
acquainted with his circum-tanres that Mr.
Bogaardt was a tery rich man, I was seized
with a desire to constrain eius to give me
money by stealing away hi only son. I
did not intend to kill the child, except in
case he should possibly become my accuser.
My only motive was my wish for money.
Nobody assisted me either before or at the
The accused maintains he is the sole de
linquent. He will appear at the end of this
month before tbe Criminal Court.
Killed a Bear IT It h a Billet ef
From tbe Brunswick (lia.) Advertiser.
Tbe Altamaha swamp abounds in
bears. Although not bunted as regu
larly as deer, many are nevertheless
killed every year. A colored- man bad
an enoounter with one a few mornings
ago tbat is worth narrating. The negro
was crossing over to Butler's Island in
a little boat just at daylight- Mrs.
Brum, too, bad concluded to pass over
and was swimming for dear life wben
tbe negro, observing her, paddled bis
boat alongside of ber, and witb a bil
lot of wood quickly dispatched her.
She was full grown, and would bave
given fight had they met on terra firnia
instead of in the water, where tbe ne
gro, bad every advantage.
Tbe Japanese Government has re
cently withdrawn from circulation about
tea million dollars in paper currency,
which is to be publioly burned.
Sixty Miles a Minute on a Tlu
From tbe Pittsburg Telegraph.
Arthur Fuzpatrick, who returned
from Colorado a short time ago, gives
tbe following glowiug accouut ol an oc
currence in tbe mining districts, of
which he was an eye-witness : "A miner
; and so!ue companions were crossing tbe
Continental Ihvide when it was covered
with snow. Three miles below tbem,
down a decline of 45 derees, deeply
covered witb frozen snow, lay the epoi
they desired to reach, wbile to go rounu
by trail was 15 miles. Tbe miner took
a tin pan, nsed for washing gold, spread
bis blanket over it, got in himself in a
squatting position on bis bsuuubes,
tucked tbe blanket around, held bis
rifle and other traps over bis head and
got one of his companions to give bim a
puih. He states tbat he weut down
at the speed Ot sixty ui'les a uiiuute,
and shot ir nut iott It.e va'iey at the
foot of the tuouuutn. Wheu lie atop
ped he fi.uini tt.e soldering of the pau
meuea irom iriciiun, bis DianKet ou
fire, and it was Ins impression thst bad
he gne much further he would have
been burned up, together with all his
FOR 1881.
Free for Keit Two Months to New
The Wisely TiLioaara, which Is tbe
oldest and largest newspaper published in
the State Capital, will be furnished at
for the yeaf 1881. Ia addition to general
sol local news, Tbs Tiliobafh will con
tain reports of Legislative and Congres
sional proceedings Stories and Miscella
neous reading for the Family, aa Agricul
tural department. Markets etc , making It
one of the very best newspapers for tbe
Family, the Fanner, the Mechanic and tbe
Business Man. In order to place Thi Til
tnaapa within the reach of everybody, it
will be furnished to subscribers at the fol
lowing very low prices :
vkoM nor. 1st to Die. 8 1st, 1880.
Single copy 20 cents.
Ten or more copies, each 16 cents.
t oa rat tkab 1881.
ltigle copy (outside of Dauphin
couuty) $1 W
Ten or more copies, each 100
Twenty of more copies, ec h. ...... 90
New subscribers who pay for the year
1881. will receive Tbs TxLidaara FREE
OF CHARQ8 for the balance or 1380, from
tbe dale of subscribing
Any person sending a list of ten Or more
subscribers, will receive an extra Copy With
out charge.
The amount most accompany the order in
all cases, and should be sent by registered
letter or postal money-order.
Address all letters to tbe publisher,
Caas. H. Btaoata,
cov3-3t Harrir-burg, Pa.
Legal Jfatice.
THE ceneneAtMmnxjt
estate of Levi Van-Orroer, deceased,
late of Fsvette township, Juniata connty,
will offer at public sale, at the manwou
house, as hcreinslter mentioned, on traet
o. 1, at I o'cloca r. ,
S.TfiRDAY. NOVEMBKH 27, 1880,
The following described real estate, to wit i
Ko. 1. A tract of land l Fayette towa
shnl two miles north of McAl.stervi !e,
bounded by land of Willismson an-vr
mer. Nelson Van-Drmer and others, con
taining HIITT ACRES,
more or less, aU cleared, having thereon
erected a good
weatber-boarded outside, a good Oot-kitch-m
and a rood BANK BARN. The prop
erty has on it a very good OrehaM and pre
sents as good a site for a Peach Orchard as
tbere ia in Juniata eounty.
Ho. 2. A tract of WOODLAND ia Slim
Valley, distant one-half mile from the above
tract, containing 24 Acres, more or lest.
Mc Alisterville, containing 4(1 rercners.
Terms made known on day of sale.
Adm'r of Levi Van-Ormer, dee'd.
Nov. 8, 1880.
EieCHtor's Soiree.
Ettatt of Jama Leach, dtcta$ed.
state of James Leach, late of Beale
township. JuniaU county, deceased, having
i been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted to saia esiaie are request
to make pavment, and those having claims
or demands are requested to make known
the same without delay to
Nov. S-4t Executor.
FOR Sl-E !
THE undersigned bas for sale the valu
able piopertr, known as tbe
located about two miles north of Mifflin
town, Jnniata county, Pa. The advan
tages of this property are unequalled in the
Parties interested in. tbe Milling bnsiness
would to well give this notice prompt at
tention. Apply to
Attorney at Law,
July 28, 1880. Mifflintown, Pa.
Stockholders Individually Liable.
T. VAN IRWIN, Cathttr.
J. Nevin Pomeroy, Joseph Rothrock,
Jeoiye Jacobs. Philip M. Keoner,
Amos (. BmiSaff, Louis E. Atkinson.
W. C. Pomeroy,
J. Nevin Poraeroy, R. E. Parker,
j hilip v. Keener.
Joseph Hothrock,
Oeiwge Jacobs,
L. E. Atkinson.
W. C. Poraeroy,
Amos G. Bonsall,
Noah Hertzler,
Daniel StouSer,
Charlotte Snyder,
IT Interest allowed at tbe rate of 2 per
cent, on o moo ins certificates, 3 per cent, on
monms certincales.
jan2?, I87P-tf
8 ami ilerr's Heirs,
Jane H. Irwin,
Mary Kurtz,
Samuel M. Knrts,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Frow.
John Hertzler.
THE undersigned, appointed Auditor by
the Orphans' Court ol Jnniata county
to distribute balance in the bands of Daniel
Zeigler, Administratorol theestateoi"Chns
tian Imschoftstall, late of Walker township,
deceased, gives notice that be will be at bis
office for the purpose of his sppomtmeni, in
Mifflintown, on Wednesday, November 17,
1880, when all parties interested may attend,
or be deoarred from participation in said
Oct. 27, 1880. Auditor.
Evecutor'a Hot Ice.
Ettatt of Joseph Light, dictated.
ETTERS Testamentary on the estate of
a l joepl Lia-ht, late or ."Susquehanna
township, Jnniata connty, deceased, having
been granted to t.Ve Qndersigned, all
persons indebted to said estate arc request
ed to make pavment, and those having
claims or demands are requested to make
known the same without delav in
LEVI LWHf i Ezeinlor.
Oct 20, 1880.
CAME to the residence of tho under
signed, in Fayette township, Jnniata
county, a stray Heifer, attont two years old,
of a don Color. The owner is requested to
eorme forward, prove property, pa ex
penses, and take it away, otherwise it will
be disposed of as tbe law directs.
Cocolamiis P. O , Juniata Co., Pa.
Oct. 20, 18!0-8t
(Successors to Buyers A Kennedy,)
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We bny Grain, to be delivered at Ififflia
town or Mexico.
We are prepared to furnish Salt te dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21, 1879-tf
Of M AIisterville,
Has just returned from Philadelphia with a
mil assortment of
Agate Iron, Granite Iran,
Pressed and Japanned Tinware,
Glass Coil Oil Cans with Tin Covers,
He bas also on hand a good assortment of
all of which artk-les he offers to sell at the
lowest prices.
Spouting and Roofing
done at tbe shortest notice and on reason
able terms.
C7" Thankful for past patronage, he hopes
to receive the same in the future.
May 26, !880-6m.
Tbey procured the assistance of five
other gentlemen, and proceeding to tbe
store room, surrounded it The man
who was oo tbe watch saw them and
attempted to escape by running Ue
was shot in the back and arm, receiv
ing desperate wounds, from tbe effeote
of whioh be died. The other and
younger man was captured by Hon. A
A. Barker aud gave the name of Al
bert 't ilson. . Both men are strangers
to bensburg and refuse to gratify
public curiosity concerning tbeir past
history. Tbey had in their possession
a complete set of burglar's tools and
aro evidently old eriminals.
Consult the columns of the Sentinel and
Republican for bargains In real estate, gee
frtrate sales.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned not to
allow tbeir dogs to run, or themselves
to bh, hunt, gather berriea, break or open
fences, or cut wood or young timber, or in
any unnecessary w y trespass on the lands
THE Executors of tbe estate of George
Miller, deceased, late of Waiker town
ship, Juniata county, Pa., will sell at prbtic
sale, on the premises, at 2 o'clock p. an, on
SAT t EDA T, NOVEMBER 20, 1880,
The following descriaed real estate, to wit :
A Honse and Lot of Ground,
containing ONE-HALF ACRE, more or less,
situated in Walker township, at the turn
pike, two miles west of ThonipsnntownLad
joining lands of Qeorge S. Smith and Ben
jamin Keigel, and in close proximity to
churrh and school and in a pleasant and de-
siraoie commnnity. The honse is a
almost new. There is also on the lot
good and commodious Frame Stable, capa-
oic vi aianuing iwo norses ana two cows ;
also a full complement of outbuildings, such
as srooae nou.-fy wood shed, corn crib, h.c
Tbe fencing is in excellents condition.
MJ Terms made known on dav of sale.
ExecntcTv of the estate of George Miller.
ucvnseu. fUCl. ZO, 130.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned againa
trespxmpg nm the lands of the nn-
dersigneo, in Fayetrn, Del iw are or Walker
towns!!!., by Jsbiog, hunting, or in, any
wtiier a .
Travelers' Guide.
Thbocoh in Local Passnon Taaa
Bbtwsbji Haaaiaaoaa An Airoos.
w -laava
a.M. la. si.
12 30 7 30
p. .!. w.'p.
M 7
3 .-
6 22 8 15
6 32, 8 22
6 4H 8 80
SOW 8 WW 1 aOjHaiTtsb'gM 8 151 too
I 43;Rockville! 759, 1 7
I SOioIsrysvi'e
1 56j Cove
2 06! Dnncan'n
i IX
J62! in ssa'
744, 103 824
732 1253! 812
214!Aqneduct' 7 22 1241 802
Baily's 7 07 1235 7 47
"5:i2 24 73
431211 7l
.9! 700
.t! sen
012 1138' 433
07 1184 426"
5 42 1104 !
6 2 10 521
6 14 1035'
604 10 261
6 56 8 40
B08 8 48
35! 021 225
6 55! 014i 2 35! Newport
7 in! 27l 247 Millerst'a
7 26 9 40 8 01'Thomp'nl 8 32 Us
7 46; 9 54 8 18 Mexico 618 1l43 640
i os l'l wi 9 ' rerrysv c
800.10 1 3 27! Mifflin
10 46! 8 56 Lewisto'n
1100 4 (H Anderson
1117 4 24 McVeyt'n
1128! 4 37 Manay'nk
114 - 4 52 N Hamil'nl 451 1011
1 1 60; 4 69 ML Uniooj 4 45 10 04:
1168, 907 Mapleton. 4 38' 9 57
1206, 616 MillCreek' 4 3li 95t)
1218; 5 30 Honting'n. 4 17; 93
12 35; 6 61 Petersb'g; 3 58: 922
12 4 4 6 02 Barree j 3 51! 915!
12 61. 6 10 SpVcetTk! 8 46) 910
1 04 6 25 Birmgb'm. 3 33i 8 66
1 10. est' Tyrone 3Z7, 8 51
124 6 46! Tipton
1 SO 6 53, Fostoria
134 0 58 Bells Mills
1 65: 7 20: Altoona
. at. 'a. m.
j 8 60,12 65 Pittsburg.! 7 85
317 8 40
3 12 8 30
808. 8 33
250 816
Jonathan Eiser
Wra Brantboffer
Henry S piece
(.'athnrine Karta
John tfeMecu
D B Ditnni
O W Smith
S J Knrts
Henry Auker
Sfoah Carmrnft
J W Hosteller
Christian Kurtx
Jesse Pines
Jacob Hoops.
C G Shelly
A H Kurts
David Smith
S Owen Evans
Teston Benner
C. F. Spicher
John L Auker
J B Garber
S M KautTman
3 T Dettra
Jobn Lycora
David Hnnberger
Arnold Varaes
Levi K Myers
Oct 23, 1878
Xollce In Trespasser.
NOTICE is hereby given that alt persons
found tresinvisinc on tlw ftin.ls r th.
undersigned in Delaware township, either
by fishing, hunting, cutting timber, bnild
ing tires, or in any war whatever, will ha
dealt with as the law directs.
It. W. GllfPHSIT.
Gcoaoa Spiikxas.
M. J. Faaaa.
msyl4,1879-tf Mas. Maar Kiech.
ALL persons are hereby cantioned not to
allow their dogs, cattle or hoes to ran.
' iunuriii iu nsn, num. gainer berries,
or cnt wood or yonng timber, or in aav wav
.LA 1 . - . . J
.rcipwi, ,ii iu, lauus oi me unaersigned in
urcenwoou or ousquenanna township.
feter Miller Henrv Rush
Daniel Sbadle Georre DressW
E Long fc. S Dinitn Frederick Roar.
Joel Dressier Jonathan Miller
Nov 20, 1878
of the nndersigned.
M. K. beshore.
David U.-lrk k.
Thomas Benner.
Christian Shoaffstall.
John Hotter.
Henry Kloss.
M. JL J. H. Wilson.
Ilenr Hart man.
Porter Thompson.
William Hetnck.
David Sieber.
ang7, 78
GttJftyor Smt4y "Zie f GorftU."
The Tow-Boy, the Scholar, the Citizen
Soldier, tbe Statesman.
nis personal friend, recently his guest at
Mentor, and with every facility given him
by Gen. Garfield and his mott intimatt
friendt, for compiling the most rtadablt and
authentic lire. Maor bandy's Life of
General Garfield," says tbe Commercial Jd
vtrtittr, " is the best one tbat bas yet ap
peared, and ia undoubtedly the beat that
will be published." Price, paper, 60 Cta. ;
cloth, $1 00.
A. S. BARNES A CO., Publishers,
1.11 11 William. St., N. Y.
ALL persons are hereby cantioned not
io anow ineir ags to run, or themselves to
flsb, hunt, gather berries, break open fences
or cut wood or yonng timber, or in any
w my trespass on iau laoas ol tbe under
James Wallace.
Benjamin Moore.
Lemuel Ramsey.
Matthew Clark.
Jan 28, 1880-ly
Isaac Kira.
John Woodside
Alexander Wallace,
J. H. Wallace.
Joseph A. Ross.
ALL persons are hereby cantioned against
hunting or otherwise trespassing oa the
lands of the undersigned in Walker township.
Samuel Auker.
Isaac Auker.
David Anker.
Joseph Auker.
George Dysinger.
N B Alexander.
Kurts Kauffman.
Reuben Moist.
Jonas Kauffman.
f.octI5, 79
ALL persons are hereby cautioned not to
fish, bunt, break or ones Onoc. .
wood or young timber, or in any unneces
sary way trespass on the lands of the under
signed. R M Thompson - T s Tk..u.
J B Thompson E P Hndson
Wm O Thompson. Abram Shelly
Davis Smith, Jr. CAS hermer
Oct 9, 1878. -
Wssrwaaa Fasr Taatxa.
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia II 60'
p m ; Hamsburg Lliinj Dnncaonon 4
50am; .Nevrport 5 14 am; Mitt! in 656a
m Lewistown 6 18 a m ; MeVeytown 6 41
am; int. union iwin; Huntingdon 7
28 a m ; Petersburg 7 44 a m ; S proce Creet
7 65 a m ; Tyrone 8 18 a m ; Bell's Mills
8 33 a m ; Altoona 8 50 a m : Pittabais
145 pm-
Pittsbarg Expr?ss leaves Philadelphia al
6 25 p m i U.trrisburg 10 25 p ra ; Marysvilla
10 41 pin; MiQltn 1149pm; Lewistown
12 09 a m ; Huntingdon 1 13 a m ; Tyrone
1 53 a iu ; Altoona 2 25 a u ; Pittsburg 7 00
a m.
Fast Une leaves Philadelphia at 11 50 a
m ; Harnsbnrg 341 pm: Mimin 5 09 n m :
Lewistown 5 27 p n: ; Uuntirurdon 6 28 n m :
Tyrone 7 08 p m ; Altoona 7 40 p m ; Pitta-
snrg IMopnt
Chicago Express leaves Pbiladelphia'at 9
00 a m ; Hamsburg 12 30 p m ; Mifflin 1 45
pm; Lewistown 2 02 pm; Huntingdon 2
59 p m ; Tyrone 3 34 p ro ; Altoona 4 05 p
m : arrives at Fittsbirrg 7 3U p m.
East Line If tit, v Sundae, will tton at
Duncawtttrx, Newport, Jtc Yey town, tit. Union,
rtttrtevrg ana Btll't MUU, when t laggtd.
Eastwabd Fast Taauis.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg at
4 20pm; Altoona 8 35 p m ; Bell's Mills
910 p m ; Tyrone 9 22 p ra ; Spruce Creek
S7 p m ; Huntingdon 10 02 o ra : Lewis-
town 11 10 m ; Mitltin 11 29 p ra ; arrivss
at Harrisburg at 12 55 a m, and Philadelphia
at 4 15 a m.
Pacific Express kaves Pittsburg tfS 3n$ sf
ra; Altoona 7 45 am: Tvrone 812 in:
Huntingdon 8 45 a m ; Lewistown 9 47 a at ;
Mittlin 10 06 aiu; Duncannon 1102 am;
Ilarrisbnig 11 50 p m: arrives in Philadel
phia 3 15 p ra.
Pacific Exprtst Eatt on Snndavt witFtton
at Btll't MUU. Struct Creek. Ptttrikurr.
Mitt Crttk. Alt. Union. McVevtown and Arw-
part, vktn Plagjed.
Trains leave Lewistown Junction for Mil
rost 7 00 a m, 11 06 a m, 4 00 p m ; for
Sunbury at 7 25 a m, 1 20 m.
Trains arrive at Levrrstown Jnnction front
Milroy at 9 30 a m, 3 00 pro, 5 25 n a ; freir
Sunbury as HfSa a m, 6 15 p m.
Trains leave Tyrone for Bellefonte eni
Lock Haven at 8 20 a m, 7 08 p m. Leave)
Tyrone for Curwensville and Clearfield at'
9Kam,7 20pm.
Trails arrive at Tyrone from Bellefontat
and Lock Haven at 8 10 a m, aad 7 02 p m
Arrtve at Tyrone from Conrensvillo andt
Clearfield at 7 45 am, and 6 00 p m.
Philadelphia & Beading Eailroad.
Arrsageastnt ef Passenger Trains.
OcToasa 25th, 1880.
TV-aiaa Uavt tinrruburw at follow
For New York via Allentvw'n, at 6 00, 6 OS
a. m., and 1 45 p. m.
Fn York rim Pufodelphia and "Bound
.vrMiira,- 0 W, 8 03 a in, and 1 'f
p m.
950 am, 14a and 4 00 p m.
For Readinr at 6 00. 8 OA. a so . iu.
4 00 and 8 00 n m. '
F or Pottoville at 6 00, 8 OS, 9 60 a m, and
7 P- m- na via Schoylkill A Susque
hanna Branch at 2 40 p m. For Auburn,
o .10 a m.
For A lien town at 6 00, 8 05, 9 50 a m, 1 4
and 4 00 p a.
The 6 00 and 8 05 a m, and 1 45 p m trains
, . "ga cars ror n ew lork via Al
lentown. SC&DJYS.
For New York at 6 00 a. m.
Fov AlleMo-en and way stations at 6 00 a m.
For Readine.PhiladKlnhi. I
- r b.ivLia
at 1 4-j p m.
Train for Hamtburg Uavt as follow t
Leave Nes- York via AUentown at 8 45 a m
I 00 and 630 pm. warn.
Leave New Tork viaBouad Brook Route"
-ou ruuaqeipnia I 45 am, 1 80 and 6 30
p m, arriving at Harrisburg, 1 60, 8 2f
pm,iM 1235 am. 8 '
Lwe Philadelphia at 9 45 a. m., 4 00 and
7 45 p m.
Leave Pottsville at 7 00, 9 10 a. m. and 4 40
p m.
Ifvf"3 "r 4 50 8 0. 11 60 a m,
Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susqrje.
hanna Branch, 8 80 a m.
Leave AUentown at 6 25, 9 00 a m., 12 10.
4 80 and 9 05 p m. '
Leave New York at 6 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 45 p m.
Leave Reading at 8 00 a a and 10 36 a tar
Leave AUentown at 9 05 p m.
Leave HARRISBURG for Paxton, Loch-'
lel, and 8 tee) ton daily, except Sunday, 6 26.
640, 935 am, 200 pm; daily, except Sat
urday and Sunday, 5 45 p m, and on Saturday
only, 4 45, 6 10, 9 30 p m.
Returning, leave STEELTOS daily, ex
cept Sunday,6 10,7 00, 10 00 am, 2 20pm :
daily, except Saturday and Sunday, 6 10
p m, and on Saturday only, 5 10, 6 30, 9 50
p m.
r Generml Pott'r Ticket Agent.
General Manager.
No paper in tbe Juniata Valley publishes
as large a quantity of reading matter as the
Sentinel and Republican. It m abova al
others the paper for the general reader.
Costly Outfit fr
Taca A Co., Augusta, Maine.
so A Co., Portland, Maine.
The Sentinel and RrrmhU, nm.- i. .v.
place toget job work done. Trv It.
pay yea If you need anything in that Une.
Consult VOIir internal snf
the SeniuMlamd Rr W