Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, September 15, 1880, Image 3

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?f r gncstfay, Sepfr 15, Mso.
Subscription. $1.60 per annum if paid
Within 12 months; $2.00 if not paid within
)2 months.
Transient advertisements inserted at 50
cents l-T inch f'r each insertion.
Transient business notices m loes.1 col
umn. tl cents per line lor each insertion.
Deductions will be nuule to those desiring
to advertise by tlie year, half or quarter
Court Proceedings.
Court adjourned on Friday evening after
a full week.
The !t case was that of Lutz against
llawn Brothers, of Huntingdon county, but
property owners in Juniata county. The
action was for damage that Lull alleged he
sustained in But petting possession ofHawn'
mill in Miltord township. He claimed that
be had rented the mill and was to have pos
session April 1, 1880, but when he came to
enter into possession the man who bad been
running the mill would not go out, claiming
tn bold the mill under a lease till in Sep
ieuiber, 1SS0. However, the mill was va
cated on or about the 14th of April, 1880,
but tien Lutz would not enter into posses
sion. The mill has remained out of Use ever
since. Lutz brought suit to recover dam
age for not having obtained possession on
the first of April, 1SS0. Verdict for plain
tiff for $102.10.
The case of Jacob Zeigler vs. David Wil
son was an action that grew out of the tres
pass of a cow on the property f WiUou.
Cattle had broken into his wheat Geld, lie
stabled oue cow, Zeigler's eow, aud under
the law sold the animal. Verdict for the
All other civil cases were either continued
or settled.
CoMoswBALTn Cases.
Commonwealth vs. A. W. Broofes, alias
C.H.Brooks. Indictment 1. Kmbezzle
uient; 2. Embezzlement ; 3. Laiceny as
bailee ; 4. Larceny as bailee. Prosecutors
Win. H. Egolf and Showers & ScLolI.
The action grew oat of the fact that Brooks
Bad gone out on a tour to the counties of
Snyder, llililin, Northumberland and Union
to collect money for Egolf. When he lelt
he obtained a horse aud saddla from Egolf
U Ms through the journey. He came to
Showers & Scholl, aud of them obtained
harness and a auiky, and, thus provided
with horse and vehicle and account, be
proceeded to collect. The money collect
ed he put into his pocket ; the horse and
suiky he sold, and went to Baltimore, from
which place he was brought to i'liin, and
loilged in jail on the above charges. On
one count he was sentenced two years; on
another be waa scnteuced one year to the
Western Penitentiary. The sentence on
the two other counts was reserved by the
Court. The Sheriff took him to Titt.-burg
on Friday night.
Commonwealth vs. Lucius Hamilton. In
dictment Assault and battery, and assault
with intent to commit a rape. Manila Mar
tin, piofecutrix. A true bill Verdict,
euilty. This was a case that grew out of a
visit to a cake-walk in Licking Creek Val
ley, at the house of Mr. Phaler. Hamilton
and Miss Martin met there, and seemed to
suit each other so well that they took a drive
in a buggy that Hamilton had there, and
what took place on that drive '.e? to getting
both parties in court under the above
charges. The Court resem d sentence till
Tuesday, 14th inst., day for argument court.
After argument the case was set apart for a
new trial.
Commonwealth vs. John Zimmermm.
Indictment Larceny. A true bill. John
McConnell, prosecutor. The defendant had
made an attempt to enter the store of Rhine
Al Graybill, at Richfield, and wasdl.-covered
In the act. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to
three years in the Western Penitentiary.
Sheriff Kelly toot him to Pittsburg on Fri
day night.
Commonwealth vs. James Helvick. In
dictment Having in possession stolen
goods. He was charged with having a
watch that giinruerman stole from Shelleu
berger. Bi'.l ignored.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph Brnnfr. In
dictmentFornication and bastary. Re
becca Branthotfcr, prosecutrix, Not a true
ti!l. Prosecutrix to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph II. Long. In
dictment Fornication and bastardy. Child
not yet born. Case contiuued. Annie
Isenberg, prosecutrix.
Commonwealth vs. Henry Tyson and John
McCoy. Indictment Breaking and enter
ing Sarsaparilla Manufactory, and larceny.
John McNulty, prosecutor. N" a true bill.
Commonwealth vs. John Bartlcy. Indictment-Larceny.
True bill. Verdict,
guiltv. Sentenced tc the Western Peniten
tiary for a period of one year. The action
was'brought for the theft of sugar from the
Rauncls store in Port Royal. When Bart-
. . -.-.,... H ihe Kucrar was
lev s House wan
fo'.,d. He was arrested aud put in jail
H tnld that Coffman, Mills Harnian and
vi.lr we concerned with him in thiev-
nitrations. The three latter were wc
he the Grand Jury. Coffman has
w .rmsted. The search that follow
ed the arrest results in the securemei-t of
. : .mount of meat, haras.
m cuuju:iuiw .....
ikonldo. honer. butter, and other things
A large quantity' of the meat was placed in
.p Tr,d inrv room, also other articles.
Mitchell Varn'es, David Wilson, Michael Sie
W. R. D. Keener and Henry Gronmger
:.i.:r-j f the articles as belonging
t. fhpm respectively.
Comnfqnwealth vs. Caroline Coffman
Indictment-Receiving stolen goods. Trne
bill. It was charged that she had in her
. -i afnlpii Articles. Ver
ne use meat kuu vu.a t .
a f iitv. The plea under which she
was aeouitted was that she was coerced into
the concealment of the goods by her hus
Commenwealtb v.. Silas Shamp. lodict
tml,m..nt as a public officer.
True bill. Defendant not being arrested
i a a Atlt
no trial.
This was an action ma 6.- ---
of Shamp acting as
, collector of the bcuov.
r,inl r.r (Talker township.
Commonwealth vs. Elijah GemberHng
Assault nd battery.
RKii(r prosecutrix. Gemberling was
charged with having stoned Mrs. Shineloff.
rr uni "w1 Int. not euilty.
iruB .. . ------ f - shineloff. wife
Commonweal tn vs. o -
v..- Mr.. Phaler, prosecutrix
This action was bronght because of thre.U
. . K;Minirs and do other
diaal work. The Court put Shineloff
m -r keen me
and wife under Dona w -
a .u citizens, and espe
peace - .. d
cially toward Airs. i "
. 1 , ,tion. and stand com
to pay cosia ui uiwow- ' . .
mifZ ,.n .he sentence ha. been complied
with. The daughter, Mrs. McNew, was dr.
i?nn Views
D Tri,.,,on. Wm. MHliken and D
out a road from mountai
borough'., ia Spruce Hill township'
road to R. Kinga-
in toe vicinity of Slc-
Coysville. J.n... an ' " ol
. . ' , "'" nomas Murphv and
J-eph Bell were .ppointp(1 to
Pmbvlut UOySViUet0 the
1 retbyterian grave-yard.
Susan C. Kepner brought an action fordi-
The Court filed an opinion, and directed
that the verdict of a former jury as fou-,1
thu e of Juniata Count m"l.$
Im, Groninger and Cox, ex-Commisaiouers,
be entered in the sum of $486.44.
The return of Constable A. C. Powell for
the borough or Patterson, induced the
Judge to make the following announcement :
f "Br thi Cor et. The Constable of Pat
terson returns- generally, that spiritou.
hquors are sold there contrary to the license
"? D'mv no one, but.it is well Tor
those having license to ell sucb liquors to
take notice that infractions of the law are
observed and it is their duty to see to it
that the law is strictly adhered to. Those
to whom license is granted dishonor the
law and the Court and all who have recom
mended them as safe depositories of the
right to vend liquors, wheu thev soil con
trary to that law, and are besides exposed
to a penalty or not less than $200 for every
such violation."
Plenty Cider.
Come to tlie Fair.
Court closed on Friday.
Scare Butter and eggs.
The foundry is bciiig re-roofed.
Who cares for the ice famine now.
The Juniata Hotel has a new landlord.
The State Fair is kept open on Sunday.
Qa great walking match will take place on
the fair ground on Thursday afternoon)
Dr. Brazee, of Academla, has been quite
It rained on Thursday, both dar and
The stone quarries at Huntingdon are in
full blast.
About oue hundred bass were caught on
John Martin shot seven gray squirrels on
Clhe turtiah has become quite fashionable
for WdleS and gxrlsj j
Agricultural implement agents were plen
ty during couit aeek.
When you come to the Reunion and the
Fair, stop in and see Gra bill's stock of
General Grant's Turkish horses are at the
State Fair on exhibition.
This is the week that !aot farmers wish
to devote to son ing wheat.
Candidates were around among the at
tendants at court last week.
tCitween E vandal" Snd Richfield there are
seventy five acres in tobacco.
Old folks of Warriors' Mark, Huntingdon
county, are to hold a reunion.
H. G. Fisher, Republican candidate for
Congress, is in the county now.
To-morrow, Perry county soldiers will
hold their reunion at Marysvllle.
The Republicans carried everything in
Vermont by an increased majority.
Governor Uoyt formally opened the State
Fair at Philadelphia, on the 6th inst.
r Reuben Caveny is home from Atlantic
City, where he kept a cottage for boardersj
On the 2Mh of this month the Lutheran
Synod of Central Pennsylvania w ill convene
at Milroy. MillHn county.
The finest of Upholstered Furniture at
G ray bill's Furniture Store. Stop in on Fair
week aud be convinced.
It is not the last rose of summer, but the
golden leaf of au'umn that is looked for.
A. J. Patterson has been talking for the
Democratic erring brethren in Perry county.
Presbyterians held a festival for the Sab
bath-school in Patterson, last Saturday even
The Shellenbergers, at Goodwill, in Fay
ette township, have housed a lot of flue to
I Rev. R. F. Wilson, pastor at Port Royal,
reacUea in me 1 resoj icruui lunu uuu
People Ulked horse and agricaltural ma-
hinery rSore during court week than poli-
Robert Parker leads the fashion in hats.
He keeps almost everything else for sale in
bis store.""l
The Republicans carried the Democratic
ity of Wilmington at the late municipal
i r l, vn moron features of the fair
. -
will be a mule race, on Thursday alternooiu
D. D. Stone and E. S. Doty, J. .have been
sT: 1
making speeches ror the democracy iu u
fiin county.
The Republican Senatorial Conference
will meet at Foormau's hotel in Patterson,
on Thursday.
Wilson Goodling, a lunatic from Susque
hanna township, was lodged in jaU a lew
days ago.
One of the places to visit when yon come
,1 j : . iu. U in m i it K
to town on iveunion u
Furniture Store of John S. Gray bill.
Wm. M. Allison addressed the Garfield
and Arthur Club at McAlutervme imi Sat
urday evening.
Harlev is now in the city and will be home
with a lot of new and fashionable clothing
lor reunion day and fair week.
The citizens of Milliintown and Patterson
reauestd, so far as possible, to deco
rate their houses on Reunion day.
Cob. OH UfcCOEATioss.
When Frederick Burns, lunatic, was taken
. . s. . II. .... ha axid to the Court,
into tue ivouii ""
I am running for Governor.
I N'eal M. Stewart, oi mi
r.... .t rourt last week, took the
mnmos. which caused him to feel quite nn-
Bead Espenscbade'. advertisemeuu
I A MiMitiAnMl. GO tO
has many articles not,
his .tore, and ask for what yo. want.
, rTi;, Post G. A. R. of Lewistown,
attena me -oo.. -
. -i CM,..!.' Kenniou "
n.e next week-on the 23rJ inst.
A excursion goes toay-Wednesday-
" : " Vh. Rbat. Fair at PbiWel-
at 1 1 oiciocw, w . .
hia. Trice of tickela, down and back,
, a riicha. from a
All kinds or gooas
Ue ft rood time to call n&
Pnnnion. it Will DC ft Euw
atm vnnrself
t.st srriug Mr.. Magruder, wife of Jack
""r ...... nlantea, auu
niin Tneromiu"' r
Irani wuii"
The potato i.
the yield m' busheU'
called tho" Ohio Beauty.
FOR SALE Five shares Odd Fellows'
Hall Association stock. If you wish to
buy, call at this office.
"Shall I hereafter darn j our stockings ?"
is raid to be the fashionable language for
the young lady to ruse when making a leap
year proposal.
Many people have hay rever now, that is,
cold in the heaJ. Take care or your diges
tion, and yon will not be troubled with cold
or any kind.
Un Soldiers' Re-union day, Jeremiah
Lyons will deliver the addrvs of welcome,
and Charles A. Smiley will deliver the ora
tion for the occasion.
There was a man at ihe JVinters Pic-Nic
who looked like John A. Lemon, Republi
can candidate for Auditor General, and Was
often taken tn a mistake for that gentleman.
The Republican majority in Vermont over
the combined vote of Gruen backers and
Democrats is 2,000 larger than over the
Democratic vote in 1876.
T"o inen were severely hart at a Demo
cratic pole raising at Landisbnrg, Perry
county, lau week. A derrick nsed in the
raising or the pole broke down, and by its
Tall they were hurt.
k OTICE The Garfield and Arthur Club
of Fayette township will be addressed by
B. F. Schweier, on Saturday evening, Sep
tember 18, at McAlistervilie. The public
are invited.
The tramps that were brought here from
Altoona and committed bv Justice Caveuy,
of Patterson, to jail, have been discharged,
the period of their commitment having ex
pired. The quantity or phosphate fertilizer sown
this year in Juniata county is large. Should
the expectations that are centered in it be
realized, the trade in the loud-smelling
stuff will be doubled next year.
Rev. Francis H. Hemperley was the new
rourt reporter last week, Mr. Cuinmings
having become private secretary to Mr. Dill,
Chairman of the Democratic State Central
The Presbytery to which Rev. Mr. Be
nangh belonged, in Philadelphia, has re
leased him from hia ministerial work there,
and he may be expected in this place be
fore long to preach for the people who
called him.
In Chicago they ran men against horses.
The men won the race. On the fair ground
on Thursday afternoon there will be a great
race between fast horses. The association
so anneunce it.
"Martin Pannebaker, aged fonr years, son
ol l'h'ltf Pannehaker, in this place, was se
verely scalded on Monday evening, by pull
ing a tea kettle that was full of scalding
water off the stove down over his body.O
General Jniues A. BcaVer, of BvDe-
fonte, is expecttnl to aiLIreas tlie Re
publicans of Juniata and other coun
ties at MeAlit-terville, on Tuesday
evening, Sepieuiber 21st, on wliii-b
occasion there is to be a parr-Jo of
the GarlifclJ and Arthur clubs of the
Mr. 5 peer, the Democratic candidate for
Congress, stepped off a train at this place
some nights ago, at midnight, and what
took place from that time till the next morn
ing no ene knows who was outside of the
room where be lodged at Nixon's hotel. He
left about 10 o'clock next day.
A child about one year old, daughter of
Mrs. Cargiil, in Patterson, was scalded on
Monday ,'cvening. The mother had placed a
jar of scalding jelly on a shelf. The child
was creeping on the floor directly under the
shelf. The jar or jelly exploded, and the
scalding contents fell down'onto the face
and neck and bead of the child. It is an
ugly case."
Last Thursday night a safe in the raihoi d
warehouse at Mapleton, Huntingdon county,
was blown open and $200 stolen. Harris
burg detectives were. sent for, and succeed
ed in arresting five tramps. The tramps re
sisted the arrest, firing pistol shots at the
officers. The thieve, were taken to Har-
risburg Jail.
The Democratic party is bold enough to
now tell the people that if it succeeds in
eloctiug a Congress and a Democratic Pres
ident, it will pass a free-trade or revenue
law. Are miners and manufacturing peo
ple who are Democrats queer enough to
vote with the Democracy after that t
Tobias Auker, State and county tax-col
lector for the borough of Alifilin for the
year 1879, closed his account last week.
He had only between four and five dollars
exonerations, and part of that sum was for
clerical mistakes. Well done, good and
faithful servant."'
NOTICE The Garfield and Arthur Club
of Milford township will meet at Locust
Grove School House on Saturday evening.
September 18. Pror. David Wilson and L.
E. Atkinson. Esq., will address the club.
The ladies are requested to' grace the occa
sion with their uresence. The public are
Previous to the Vermont election, the
Democracy were pleased to call the Repub
lican work a dress parade. Since the State
bras given a Republican majority or 27,000,
they have quit that kind or talk. They have
discovered that the people, irrespective of
Democratic affront, have vote the Repub
lican ticket.
The sixteenth annual convention of the
Pennsvlv ania State Sabbath-school Associ
ation will be held in Lancaster, Pa., Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday, October 12,
13 and 14. The convention will be pre
ceded bv a grand union children's meeting
on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, and will
close on Thursday night at 10 o'clock."
The Republican party is the only party
that stands between the manufacturer, the
miner, and the free-trade. Strike down
the Republican party if yon must, but know
before you do it that you will bring a lo
tariff, or free-trade tariff, upon the country,
which will directly affect ten millions of
people who arc engaged in manufacturing
interests. Take care how you vote.
While the Galveston grand jury was iu
session a kind-hearted citi.en took the fore
man aside and told him that the grand jury
ought to inspect the Galveston City Jail and
report unfavorable on it, as it was not a fit
place for a prisoner to stay. Raid the fore
man: "That's all nonsense . Two or three
of the jurymen went inside just to find out
how a felon feels in there, and they said it
was just the thing. It felt like home to
An Indiana youth Committed suicide the
other day because he loved two girls so well
he couldn't decide which one he loved best.
Both or them returned his affection, too,
which made matters worse, and one of them
had jnst sweetly reproached him because
She saw barn kissing the other one. Moral
Never try to love two girls at once. To
love one girl at once is more than some fcl-
lows can stand."
It is with pleasure that we acknowledge
the receipt of a fu'l set of cards ror the
Twenty-first Anniversary Exercises of East
man College, Poughkeepsie, N. V-, begin
ning Thursday, September 16, continuing
through Friday and Saturday, closing Sat
urday evening, September 18, with a recep
tion by Mrs. Eaitman to pupils and alumni,
at her residence. Eastman College is noted
the country over Tor Ihe short, sharp, prac
tical, systematic business course that it im
parts to its pupils.
f'jjtor Auman, aged about 11 years, son
of Wilson Auiuan, or this place, while
crossing the ridge north of town, on his
way to his father, who was mining iron ore.
was bitten on the hand by a copperhead
snake, one day last week. By the time
he reached his father at the mines the effect
or the poison sickened him, and the band
and arm became much swollen. He was
brought ho'.ce, and Dr. Crawford was called,
who prescribed wliiky. An onion was ap
plied to the wound by the family. The
boy is getting along quite welhj
The heirs of John Adams, late or Walker
township, deceased, w ill offer at public sale,
on the premises, at 2 o'clock r. u , on Sat
urday, October 2. 1880, a fine farm In said
township, containing 150 acres, more or
less, limestone land, 10" acres in high state
or cultivation ; the remainder in good tim
ber. Large atone dwelling house, large
bank barn, full complement or out-bouses,
good water. Only S miles from Milliintown,
the connty seat. Also a tract or two acres
of laud, with house and stable, and good
The Newport Liitr sayf : Rev. Tbos.
Guard, D. D-, of Mount Vernon Place Meth
odist Episcopal church, Baltimore, Md.,will
preach in the Newport Methodist church on
Monday evening, Sep'ember20. Rev. B. B.
Hamlin, of Altoona, will also be present.
Services will commence at 7 o'clock. Dr.
Guard is known far and wide as an eloquent
speaker, and wherever he has been an
nounced lo speak, hundreds of people have
Socked to bear him. Go early and get a
good seat well up front, that you may not
fail to hear every word.
The BelUhoover letter is a fair specimen
or the spirit of the Democratic Congress
men who are sent to Washington to repre
sent Northern Democratic constituencies.
They ever were the tools of the champions
of the Lost Cause that is, the cause of
slavery, he , and when Mr. Beltzhoover said
that he could do nothing for the cause of
tha pensioning of Northern soldiers, be
cause a rebel was at the head or the Pen
sion Committee, and because the Demo
cratic Iiouse was in no mood to grant pen
sions, be made a most humiliating confes
sion. Why do people of the North send
such spiritless men as Beltehoover to Con
gress I
In nine cases in ten when a man is beard
denouncing the community in which he
lives as an old fogy community, he himself
will be found to be the fogy. He is gen
erally one of the smallest tax-payers,
and consequently one of the smallest con
tributors to the keeping up of the affairs
in the community where he lives. He does
scarcely anything towards paying Tot the
schools j he pdys , scarcely anytMng toward
keeping up the public buildings ; he pays
scarcely anything or nothing to the poor-
tax fund ; he pays scarcely anything or
nothing toward keeping up the roads. Keep
your eye on such people.
Some time ago Christian StoulTer, a citi
zen of Chaii'bersburg, went out into his
corn-field on a Saturday evening, with I
gun to get rid of dogs that bad been break'
ing the corn down in chasing rahbits. A
potato jiatch adjoined the corn-field, and,
to Stoufi'er's amazement, he there discov
ered two men raising potatoes. When he
walked towards them they ran. He called
on them to stop, but they ran on, into the
corn. He discharged the gun at them, but
he did not know that he had killed one of
the nartv till on Monday morning, when he
again went to the corn-field, and while pass
ing over the ground where the thieves ran
he came across the dead body of a man
named Robert Allison. He went to a Jus
tice and surrendered himself. The fellow
thief of Allison cameforward and testified
lo being jvith the deceased on a Ihiev-
iug excursion in Stouffer's field. The trial
at court came off last week. The jury ac
quitted Stoffer of the charge of murder, late
on Saturday. The verdict was received
with app'ause.
Breathiit county, Kentucky, is the classic
region that was so notorious for its murders
a year or so ago. They have been having
a revival of religion there recently, and
some of the scenes are naturally peculiar.
The first convert of a certain day, dressed
in a linsey hunting-shirt with pants too
short for him, walked forward to the pulpit,
pulled a huge flint-lock horse-pistol, and
without a word banded it to the preacher,
who as silently took it. Then the convert
drew a fifteen-inch cheese-knife from his
belt and also handed that over and took a
seat. Another convert came forward in
bacKwood costume, drew a navy revolver
from his left hip, offered it up, and then,
diving into a huge coat pocket, brought out
a piut bottle full of whisky and surrendered
that also. The congregation seemed to be
used to such proofs of reformation, and
solemnly took them as matters of course,
while a Louisville tburkr-Jimraa corres
pondent sat on the back bench with opeu-
mouthed awe and wonder.
PrBLic Sale. David Musser, administra
tor of Martin Musscr. deceased, lale ol Fay
ette township, will sell, at the mansion farm,
about one mile south ot Oakland Mills, al
10 o'clock A. on Tuesday, October otll,
1880, six horses, 1 one-year-old colt, 10
cows, 6 head of young cattle, 6 calves, 14
head of sheep, 9 head of hogs, 14 shotes,
9 pjgs, and agricultural machinery, and im
plements, and tools such as are found on
the farm. Terms made known on day of
The following is from the Altoona Tri
bune of the 9th inst. People here believe
that the man who was killed Is Wesley Mc
New instead of John McXew :
Yesterday about noon Coroner Humes
was called on to hold an inquest on the body
of Johd McSew, who was killed a few hours
before on the railroad at Glen White. It
appears from the testimony offered that Mc
New was a brakeman on the coke car which
was being drawn by mule. As the car
ran past a post which was standing but two
inches from the edge of it, the deceased
stuck his head out to look back. It was
caught and terribly crushed. He fell to the
ground dead. The Coroner, accompanied
by Dr. Walker, made an examination and a
verdict of accidental death was returned
Deceased was a single man, aged ahout 45
years, and formerly a resident of Juniata
A snake about ten Inches long in a hy
drant in Lewistown, has led people to won
der what kind of other reptile they may be
The undersigned have a large quan
tity of the Sbarpless Seedling strawber
ry plants, and now offer them for aale
to all who are desirous of cultivating
this choice rariety ol Trait.
The Sharpies is the largest and
most prolific strawberry ever known,
and ia offered at one half tba usual
Prico 50 cts. rr dozen, $3.50 pr
hundred or $25 00 per thousand
Will be shipped by express or other
wise to any point, (.'all I'n or address
E E. Berry or H. A. Statnbauzh, Mif
flintown, Pa. augJ5-4t
DON'T BE DECEIVED by such Jodgtt
as a $350 Organ at $65 to $y0, when yon i
can buy the same grade of instruments at
home at t'0 to $70, and save the freight, by i
calling on W. H. AIKEN'S, j
Main street, Milliintown.
Tbi Twentieth Annual Exhibition of the
Juniata County Agricultural Society will be
held ou their grounds at Port Royal, Pa.,
on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Oc
tober 6th, 7th and 8th, WHO.
Noah HcarzLEa, Ples't.
Jon P. Wbabtoh, Sec'y.
Organs ! Organs ! Organs !
I buy direct from the largest and mo'l rt-
liable Organ manufacturer in this country.
Stool and Book with each Organ. Call on
or address W. H. AIKEN'S,
Main street, Milliintown, Pa.
Room formerly occupied by W. K. Sny
der. fsepl-8ii!'
MiirnHTows, Sept. 15, I8S0.
Butter 15
Eggs ..; 15
Lard 7
Ham 9
Shoulder.... ........a 7
Sides ; 8
Potatoes 00
Onions...... :. 40
Rags 2
Corrected weealy.
QrotArioiis fob To-dat.
Wednesday, Sept. 15, IM.
Oats ,
3 7i
PiULAnKLrniA, Sept. 13. Wheal is finn
: No. 2 Western red. $1,041; Penna red
$ 1.00a 1.06; amber $1.00al.0? Corn is
Drme; steamer 52c ; yellow 0Ua5ufc; mix
ed 52Ja53c Oals are steady; No. 1 white
4UI2c; No. 2 whit6 4lalolo ; No. 3 white
3fcit:!'.tc; No. 2 mixed 37,c. Rye is firmer
at 00c.
v PniLAMiLruiA, Sept. 13 Cattle Sales
4,000 head ; prime SJa'.c, good 5' me
dium, 4ioJr, common 4a4e. sheep
marker is active; sales, lO.OOH head ; prime
4J i"c, good 4c, medium 4 Je. common 84
at :, culls 3c, lambs 4Jir.;,-, sttK-k ewes,
$2.75a3.o5. Hogs market i active ;sales,
1,'M.' head; good to extra TJ;"-, mixed
light, fc'iTlc.
Largs Farm at Private Sale.
The Valuable Farm ol ihe Heirs of Wil
liam Okeson, deceased, is offered tor sale.
It is located in the fertile valley of Tusca
rora, Juniata county, Pa., oiu and a half
mlit's west o Academia, containing 240
Acr9 of prime limestone land, all iu cul
tivation, except 10 acres of Timber. Build
ings good, Large Mansion Hor.se, Bank
Barn, liKlxlO fevt ; Wagon Shells Corn
Cribs, Hog Pens, Good Spring and Spring
House, and all other outbuildings, also other
springs and running water; Two Orchards
bearing choice trtllts. It Is well located,
near to churcts, schools, mills and stores.
The land is well adapted to grain aud grass
and for making money for a new ewimr, as ts
well known, it did for many years for its
former owner. Price will be reasonable,
and time given to suit purchaser.
For terms, tc, call on James B. Okeson,
Pleasant View, near the farm, or J. B. Oke
son, Port Royal.
A Foundry, in good order, at Joliustown,
Juniata Co., Pa. The engine is new. The
melting apiert is has just been overhauled
and made as good as w hen new The sh.ip
is large aud loomy. All of the several
partments are under one roof. The Foun
dry has the best run of custom in the
county. In connection with the Foundry
there S or C acres of land for sale, having
thereon erected a Large Frame Dwelling
House, noarly new, and a gocd-siied Barn.
Good Orchard, Apples, Grapes, 4tc. Every
thing convenient about the premises. Will
sell all or part. For further particulars call
on or address J.H.ROGERS,
Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa.
waste Und ; all clear excepting a hail acre,
and only one mile and a hall from Ihe
county f est, tlie best market place and ship
ping point In the county. Good water.
li.Mid Bank Barn 75 by 40 feet. Uood
Frame House. Four aeres in Orchard.
But you will want to see ihe farm. Call on
Patteson, Juniata Co., Pa.
7. B Terms easy. Payments to suit
of McCoysvlll", Juniata county, having
thereon erected a good Dwelling House 20x
50 feet, new Stablu 20s30 Teet new Wood
House 12x30 feet, llog Pen and other out
buildings. Well of good water at the door.
Fruit on the lot. Terms, reasonable.
For further particulars, call on or address
McCoysville, Juniata Co., Ps.
One Hundred and Sixty Acres, in Ihe best
wheat-growing district in the State of Ohio,
situated one-half mile' from Amanda rail
road station, in Fairfi. Id county, and one
mile from a good pike. The improvement
are a large twstorv PKICK HOUSE (13 j i- ally cured without the dangerous use of
... .. . n ii i u internal medicine or the application of the
rooms, hall and eel ar). Double Log arn,knj(,; po,:Itl otlt m,ie,r cllre at once
and Stable, and other building, and a well j ,inipit.( ccrtain, and eftVctna!, by means of
of good wat. r. A stream of spring wafer I which evCry sufferer, no matter what his
traverses the centre of the f irm There is ! condition may be, may cure himself cheap-
. , , ! Iv, r.iivatelv. and radically.
a large orchard on the premises. Will take - 'y, noll,f be in the tand8
$70 per acre, part cash, rest in payments. of eTery youtn ,hrt eT(rr man tn the )an(i.
A lar-o adjoining soH for $100 per acre. Sent Irce, under seal, in a plain envelope,
The rcanon'for selling, is Ihe desire to invest i to any address.
. . m l .oi. p... nil in i Addres the Pnnlishers,
in ciiy prupcri , iu vut.i.i i..-.. ... - j
formation address J. SWETEK,
' Circleville, Fickaway Co Ohio.
Subscribe for theSiraffirpaiiica,
the best pper in the connty
To Buy a Large Tract of Good Land
at a .Moderate Price:
To a man who desires to make farming
and stock-raising bis business, this is the
greatest bargain in Juniata county.
tkret lluiulrtd Jcret ami mart, having
thereon a tarice Brick Dwelling Houe ia
good condition, Barn and other outbuild
ings ; a running stream of water neai the
door, also, good well water in yard ; aa
Orciiaid ol 8 acres, as good as any in the
county; a grove of 50 niaple trees which,
it attention were directed to, could be
turned ftito a source of income, as such
groves are ill Somerset county, this State,
and a such groves are in New Engl mil.
Go'hI timber ou the farm. T!i farm ill
produce 40 to 5 tons of hay annually, and
groT grain of all kinds. There is an abun
dance of LIMESTONE on th farm.
We repeat, this is the greatest bargain
now ottered in this county, to the man who
has energy, and desires' tl farm and raise
stM.k. To such a man, who basa moderate
sum of money for first payment, there is a
rare chance to secure a property, that in the
nature of things mn't increase in value
gradually, lor Ihe period of a full gxnera
tiort yel to come.
Time, 5 to 7 years, to suit purchaser. If
yon have the incliu-ttion; the means, and
Ihe plnvk to develops one of the finest
tracts of land in the county, call at this of
fice tor p.irticul us.
may be purchased of the undersigned at a
reasonable price. The property is situated
in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with
the Smith stand includes a lot of about
TWO ACRES, having thereon erected a
comfortable Two-story Framelloiise, a com
modious Stable and other outl!u'itings.
There Is a Well of good water at the lo r
of the bouse. For particulars call ou or
address tt'M. HOOPS.
Walnut P. O., Juniata Co., Pa.
managh township, about tteo miles east of
nillliiilown, but a short distance from the
Main road leading to McAlistervilie House
and Stable thereon erected. Fruit of all
kinds. Spring t'l Water at the door. For
further particulars address
JACOB CI.ECK, Miffllntown, Pa.
S'ew A ilrrrfi 4 III ( n fx-
Stockholders Individually Liable.
Di RitcTo as :
J. Xevin Pomeroy, Joseph Rolhrock,
(Jeorg Jacobs, Philip M. Kepner,
Amos (r. Ronsall, Louis E. Atkinson.
W. C. Pomeroy,
3. Xevin Tomero-,
Philip M. Kepner,
Joseph R.'tliroek,
(leorge Jacobs,
L. K. Atkinson,
W. C. Pomeroy,
Amos f,. Bousall,
Nojh H-rtiler, '
P:inie ?lf.llf!.T.
R. E. Park-r,
Sair'l llerr's Heirs,
Jane II. Irwin,
Mary Knnx.
Samuel M. Kurtz,
J. Holmes Irwin,
T. V. Irwin,
F. B. Frow.
John llert:!er.
Charlotte ?nyd;r.
IT" Interest al!ow.: at tile rate of 2 per
rent, on 6 months certilicates, 3 per cent, on
12 month certificates.
jan23, 1879-tr
Of M A lisf-M-villp.
Has j-ist p't'irm d Irom Phdsde'pl'ia wi:h a
full assortment of
Axate Iron, Granite Iron,
Prrssvd and J;ipinned Tinware,
(jlass Coal Oil fans with Tin Covers,
He has also on hand a god assortment of
all of which articles he offers to sell at the
lowest prices.
Spouting and Rooting
done at the hiiriest notice and on reason-
aide terms.
Th ii.kfui for pit patronage, he hopes
to receive the same in the future.
May 26, lS0T.l:
(Successors to Buyers &. Keiitiedy,)
CO A la
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster,
We buy Grain, to be delivered at Jlilliin
town or Mexico.
We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21, 1879-tf
Manhood: flowLost- How Eestored
Just l.ubli.ihed. a new edition of
( Ti rr- Cnlverwell's Celebrated Essay
on the radical curt (withont medi
cine) of Spermatorrhea or Seminal weak
nes, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impo
tency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im
pediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Con
sumption, Kj.ilepsy and Fits, induced by
sell-indulgence or sexual extravagance, 4ic.
The celebrated author, in this admirable
Esay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty
years' successful practice, that the alarm
ing consequences of Celt-auiise may beraa-
41 Ann 91.. Kew-York;
jnnel8-ly Post.Orlice Box 458.
. If yon wish to buy real estate, eonsnlt
the columns of the Sentinel and Republican.
Professional Cards.
nCo!lcting 2nd Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to;
Orrice On Main street, la his place of
residence, south of Bridge street.
1X7" All business promptly attended to.
Ofrici Or Bridge street, opmxit the
Court Ilouso Square. iu'7, My
rrCn'Ieetions attended to proinwiv.
Orricr With A. J. I'.itt..-rsn Kvi, on
Dridgn street,
leb 2-5, 80.
OT Col 'notions and all professional busi
ness promptly attended lo.
juneO, IK 7.
(X All business promptly attended ..
Office On Hridge street, opposite the
Court Hoese !Mtiare. . .
TX ASD ER TA1T, M. !.,
Homeopathic Physician,
Professional business jrrperly attended
to at ail timet. '.iO.
Physician ?ii Surgeon,
Mit fLixTony, r.i.
Orhee fioiirv fro?" ?..t3f. .. Ol.
flee in his father's n i enoe, at the south
end ol Water street. oct2--tf
Has resumed actively the practice of
Medicine and Surgery and their collateral
branches. UlTVe at the old corner of Th'rd
and Orange streets, MifHinioun, Pa.
March 1S6
.lendemia, Juniata Co , Pa.
Officr formerly occupied by Dr.Sterrctt.
Professional business promptly attended to
at all hours.
lias conmcncel the practice of Medicine
ami 3 iirg.ry and allthrirt.otlatera! branches.
Oilice at Academia, at the residence of
Capt. J. J. Patterson.
fjulv 15,1874
port roy jr.. ji'xht.1 co., r.i.
GOniy reliable Companies represented.
Dec. 8, 1875-ly
Continues tl practice of Medicine and
Siirsory and all their collateral branches.
OihVe at his residence iu McAlistervilie.
Feb 9, 1876.
Warner's Safs K:dn;y arl Liver Ci?2.
A Tffi;ihle ptvpi,rMt:'n it. !(; mra
rmr4lf in th W'r! t ( r KrlfblS iiw,
liMtM-is. nnd ALL klUut't, larr, aaii
I rinnr prw.
w l t-.tititmnaisttM' ihe highest order In proof
of t h- Hi:t:i'niMit.
wtrt K.r iir-firt'of iitWflr, cIl lw War
nr' s-jfv IHfr" inrf.
a t't m cure l ICriM an! tr othr
r.i! fr UwiH-r' iMtke Kidt-ry
mud Uver nrr.
TTy fiinrion it ni-n .ilitiful act ten, aud
iAT)iiis Kniii in ail di";!-.
A tfrx :t ml n")iT Sort.
n lM;M-rM.M. H PiikiM-n if thf Slomnrh.
tv,t-.. -ire cur-i Uy tii- atr Kltirr-s ll i
uniinalx a ti aitt'ti2rarnt icular t'fii".
B.Kll!4-f two s.itf;pn-w. ninl HI.OO-
Qit.-klvci- an-! Sit ti t tni'Snff": irft,
1 t-.itfrtoll '(, an I rvh-v.- ntu.rnM
'i -., -V 'HUM ;-n.rvt. IWi'l tri. rt.s--..
pi.r"-tul trtil isto.t'Fp fnii ftil -w-ut he ni-
nj pi.r"-tul tl
ti in "mall or lAry 1of.
. l , . .. r, anil traa at tmii 1 1 ttT M,
rlma, Malana. Fvr
ved An. himI h.'t'lct
b vt:A wheu'Vf r ite
thu Kto not oivn-.ti
fiwlv and ivcnlart?.
t itrr rtK rrmirr- -4rf
W-rt. rrttx- 4t -
a rVftirr
r -4 tmr haU
..4 r.
wy--wg - c . rrrxrr
Limited to the Seven Townships East of the
Juniata Riter,)
Insnres IT'i'ises, Furniture, Merchandise,
Barns and their contents, I.ive .Stock, c,
against loss by Fire or Liehti inr:.
This Company h.is, by Its economical
management, secured the confidence of ihe
public, and h is, derinii the first ix month
of its existence, i.tliied (lolicieson proj-rty
to the aggregate amount of
and we havt no hesitancy in predicting that
in less than another six ui'nins it will reach
The object of the association is
and each memiier has an interest in the pru
dent and economical management of Ihe
Company thereby affording a guarantee
tor it proper control.
Applicnions for insurance may bo madq
to the Secretary, who will either call on
yon, or promptly send an agent.
Dirkctor :
lion. Simnel Watts. VI. II. Knouse.
Joseph T. mith. Gtrge M.irtio.
John Niemand. William llirnnn.
Jonathan Keier. John N. Moore.
William People.
V. H. Ksoisk, Sec'y.
mail. -6m
a week in your own town. Terms and
U outfit free. Address II. Uauirr
k. Co., Portland, Maine.
Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republican.
It gives yon a greater" variety of reading
matter than any other paper in the comity.
mm . w r :' ? !. if ka.-aw t-V m , I
H rf ia 5i r-,T'4 ! Tvrone tor Ciirwensviile and Clearfield a4
I HH.J&i i : r4 ""'-1 9"Oam,72pn. ,
i M" f ' ;f T-S f 1 r El i Trains arrive at Tyrone from Fellefouto
1 hi 4t w J and Lock Haven al 8 10 a ni, and 7 (1 p m.
H p. T5 -TS J Arrive at Tyrone frorc Cnrwensville and
P imi .iuili r. ;J Ch-arfield at 7 45 a III, and 6 00 p m.
Ban mi V H V Txi ti
Traviltrs' Guide.
TiiRctcii at Local Passkxocb Tiaix
LlikL;.? HaaaisBrea aso Altoosa.
t.KVC I titvi
$ !- ! i mr
c i iATtos. !! 3a
Is'?88- I r;! ii
i IU i L?L
,.. .
12 ;o
. W. ' 'A.M. . M.
7 r'hi'a-iel'a. 4 lo. 6 30j ,
r. . a. h. r. m. j p.m. p. .
"HO 8 Oi" ISO rtwrisbV! 8 15; 14-
8 35
8 13
8 02.
7 47,
7 32
7 16
6 40
6 33
ZZ t ! I ... K'H'knoe
a:'.S 1 o' M irvsvi'e!
s ! & an; i in. Cove
oil. e4'' 2 06 Plincaa'n
rtu- 8 4.il 2 II .Vjucduct.
C oi. toj 2 Bailv-s
f. ii 9 14 2:i Newport
7 Id '.127 2 47 Villersfn
59 1 17i
7 s2 1 1 1 ;
7 44 103
7 32.125!;
7 22 I2 4"
7 07 1235'
(5 57 12 24'
f4" 1211:
IS 9 4" SOI Ihmip'nl C 32' 11 59.
7 41 9i4 3 Hi Mexico i 6 1 1143
. 52 10 00; 3 2il Perrvsv'e,
SO" 10UV 3 27' Milllin
i 10 ly S .V Lewisto'n
1 1 1 IN i 4 OS Anderson i
6 12 1138
6 07 II 34,! 6 2
a 42 1 1 OVi
O -., IO ,-.;
II 17
11 2S
11 41
ill 50'
'11 5
'12 1
I 1 15
1 2
! 134
' 15-
I McVeyt'n, 5 14 10 351
4 -7 Manav'nki
4 52 X Cumin!
4 59 ML Union,
5 07 Mapleton.!
5 04 10 26
451 1011
4 45 10 Oil
4 38 9 57
5 15 Mill Creek
5 "o Huniini n
5 51 Pi terra's;
6 02 Barree
4 30
t i7
3 58
9 39
3 511 9 15
6 10 Spr ceC k 3 41 910
ft 25 Uiringh'm S 3:, 8 56
6 Si Tyrone I 3 27 i 8 51
i4o Tinton S17. 8 V
CM Foftoria j S 15 8 36
6i8 Beil-iKiils 3 08 8 33;
7 20 Altoona i 2 50 8 15
' l
P. M. A. . A. I A.M.
8 5') 12 55 Fitt.-dmrg.; 7 35,
Westward Fast TAn.
Pacific Expre IcaVnj Philadelphia 11 55
pm; I!arri?bur 4 20 a ni ; D'incannon 4
50am; Newport 5 11am; Mitllin 556a
m; Lewisiown 6 1 a ni ; McVeytown 641
am; lit. Union 7 06 a ni ; Huntingdon 7
28 a in ; Petersburg 7 f ? a m ;-Spruce Creek
7 55 am; Tyrone 8 18 a ui ; Bell's Mills
8 3;i am; Altoona 8 50 a m; PiUabuig
1 45 p rj.
1'iit-hurg Express leaves Philadelphia at
6 25 J i.'. f ll.irri.hurg 10 25 p m ; Mar sville
lo II pm; Mi!!lin 11 43pm ; Lewi!owa
12 O'J a in ; Huntingdon 1 13 a m ; Tyrone
1 5-t a m ; Altitvna 2 25 a ni ; Pittsburg 7 00
a ni.
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 1 1 50 a
m ; Harrifiburir 3 45 p m ; Mitllin 5 09 p ni ;
I.ewisto'ivn 5 27 p n ; llunting.lon 6 2 pm ;
Tyrone 7, n p m ; Altoona 7 4 j m f Prtt?
tnrg 1 1 45 p m.
Chicago Express leaves Fhil.idelpliia at 9
00 a m ; llarrishiirg 12 3i p ni; Milhin 1 45
pm; Lewistoun 202 pm; Huntingdon 2
59 p m ; Tyrone 3 31pm; Aitonna 4 05 p
m ; arrives at Pittsburg 7 30 p in.
t'a't Line H'rs. CH .SCaiyt, ri'f tlop at
Daron, JVfi pari. .liV lVyrcwa, Ml. Cawa,
Petersburg and Belt's Mills, a At a Flagged:
Eastward Fast Tiains.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg at
4 20pm; Alioona 8 35 p m ; bell' Mills
. ... r ... , - - - - - - i " i -
9 1o p m; Tyrone 9 22 pm: Spi
9 37 p m ; Himtinr-tim 1" !! p i
pruce CreeK
town 11 10pm? Millliri ll2.pif; rnrei
at iI.iHlt!' j rt 12 55 a m, aud Philauvlputi
at 4 15 a m.
Pacific Express U.aves Pitt.bnrs at 3 15 a
m; Altoona 7 45 am; Tyrone 812 am;
Huntingdon 8 45 a m ; Lewistown 9 17 an! j
Mitl'in 10 06 am; D'incannon 1102 Am
llaTisburg 11 50 p m; arrives in Philadel
phia Z 15 p in.
r.iriHr Fzpress Ejsl on Suntluyi rilTstop
at Bell's Mills, Spruce Creek, Petersburg,
Mill Creek. Mt. I'nion, Mcl eytown and .lew
port, ir.'ica Flagged.
Trains leave Lewistown Junction for Mil
roy at 7 M a m. 1 1 06 a m, 4 00 p iu. ; lor
Sunhnry at 7 25 a in, I 20 p ru.
Trains arrive at Lewistown Junction from
Milroy at 9 30 a m, 3 CO pm, 5 25 p m i from
Snubnry at 10 35 a m, 5 15 p m.
TraJ-.'s leave Tyrone for Belhfont? and
Lock 'laven at 8 20 a m, 7 08 p ni. Leave
Philadelphia t Eeading Kailroad.
Arranenifnt of Passenger Trains
Mat 10th, 18S0.
Trit!is leave H trrisburg as follows :
For New Tork via Allentown, at 5 13, b 05
a. ui., and I 1 p. m.
For New York vit Philadelphia and "Bnnnd
Bro. k Kute.' ti i (at Exp ), 8 05 a
111. and 1 4 p in.
Through Car; arrives in New York Vl
For Phil i.Ielph.a at i 1.1, 6 10 (Fast Exp.),
8 0.1. (throng1! car), 9 50 a m, 1 4-') and
4 p m.
For Reading a 5 M. B l (Fat Exp. 8 05
S .10 a ni. 1 4-1. 4 t and 8 en p ft.
For Po'tsville nl 5 15, 8 0.1. !5'l a m, and
4 10 p. m. and via Schuylkill Sl Susque
hanna Br inch at '1 40 p m. Fur Auburn,
." :Jn a 111.
For Allentown at 5 15, 8 05, 9 SO a m, 1 43
ami 4 0 p m.
Tlie 5 1.1 and 8 01 a m, at.d 141pm trains
have through cars for New York via Al
lentown. St'.VD.f VS.
t or New 1 ork at 5 JO a. m.
For Allentown and war stntinriS at 5 20 a m.
For Keading, PhiUdelj hia and way stations
at I 11 p m.
Trams fur H trrisburg leave s folloies t
Leiive New York via Allentown at 8 43 a m,
1 '0 and 3:?ii p m.
Leave N'-w York via" Bound Brook Ronte"
and PUiilelpiii t 7 41 am, M :0and 4
p 111, arriving it Harri-bUrg, I 30, 8 'IV
1 hrungh e.tr, ?TciV York to Ilarrislmrg.
Leave i'hiUiielj.hi.t at '. 4-1 a. m., 4 0) and
5 50 ( Fa-st Etp.), and 7 41pm.
Leave Pottsville at 6 00, 9 10 a. m. and 4 40
p m.
Leave Reaoing at 4 50, 7 25, II 50 a m,
1 30, 6 lo, 7 45 and 10 35 p ru.
Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque
hanna Lranch, 8 . a m.
Leave Allentown at 5 50, 9 03 a m., 12 10,
4 30 and D'Jipm.
Leave New York at 5 30 p. t.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 45 p m.
Leave Heading at 1 a m and 10 w. j p m:
Leave Allentown at 9 05 p m.
Iltl.DiTI UR4XC1I.
Leave HARTLSBt'UG for Paton. Lo-'h
iel, and Sfeeltnn daily. except Sun lay, 1! 40.
3 35 a ni, '1 H) p m ; daily, except Saturday
and Snnd.iv, 5 45 p m, and on Saturday cniy
4 45, C10, 9 30 pm.
Returning, leave STEEI.TON dailv, ex
cept Sunday, 7 00, 10 00 a m, 2 M p m ; dai
ly, except 34tmday an I Sunday, 6 10 p m,
and on Saturday only, 3 10, 6 30, 9 50 p tn.
General Pass'r Ticket Jml.
Gtneral Manager,
No paper in the Juniata Valley pnbiisbea
as larirrs a quantify of reading matter as thu
S'nlincl and Republican. it above ail
others Ihe paper for the general reader.
$12 a dar at home' easily
If! I It made.
Costly Outfit free. Adilre.s
Tacr It Co., Angasta, Maine. lec3-!7
&C In $9(1 P6' ,,T non- Sarcp'ea
tJ IU LJ orlh $ free. Address ijTiM
son It Co., Portland, Msiae.
Consult yonr inter, sts and advertise in
the Sentinel and Repnohcan,
. ., ...: .nnointed to Vl d U'
A 'Jf