Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 25, 1880, Image 2

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Wednesday, Ausast 35, 1S80.
tmron axd raorairroa.
Republican National Ticket.
Republican State Ticket.
Eepublican County Ticket.
(Subject to decision of District Conference.)
(Subject to decision of District Conference.)
cocxty siBVtroH,
Ole Bi ll, the great fiddler, i dead.
He was aged 70 years
Ax Kris millionaire, M. L. Scott,
gives one hundred thousand dollars to
the Democratic campaign land.
Last Wednesday " was tha hottest
day at St. Louis since August, iStl.
The mercury at 11 A. it marked 92 de
grees, and rose to 1C1 between 1 and 2
P. si.
A convention of Odd Fellows was
held in Pittsburg last Friday that was
not in harmony with the urand Lodge.
The trouble grows out of the payment
of dues.
The Democracy seem to be disturb
ed by the statement of Mr. Cessna, that
Pennsylvania is going to give Oarbeld
sixty thousand majority. Live, gen
tlemen, and see.
The Equal Riehts League, an organ
ization of colored men, met in Altoona
la?t week. They declared for Garfield
and Arthur for President and Vice
New. Jersey Republicans are re
joiced over the nomination of Freder
ick A. Potts for Governor. He is a
native of Pennsylvania, and is quite
popular in hu adopted btate.
If a Democratic President and a
Democratic Congress be elected, . the
National Banking System will be legis
lated out of existence, and in its stead
the State wild cat banking sj6tem will
be instituted.
Asiatic cholera has broken out in
Erie, Pa. That is as unaccountable as
the breaking out of cholera in Mifflin
in 18oi There are no cases near trie.
There were no cases near this place in
1852, though there were cases of it in a
number of the cities of the country.
It was Grant that said General Ben
Butler bad bottled himself in a canal
before Richmond during the ficht with
rebellion. He was helped out of that
predicament, but now that be has gone
over to the Democracy, from whence
he came, and seeks a nomination for
Congress, they say now to him that be
is again bottled, with no one to help
him out.
Bccbanan, the Scotch doctor who
issued so many bogus doctor diplomas,
committed suicide one day last week
while crossing the Delaware river from
Philadelphia. He threw off bis coat
nd leaped into the river from a ferry
boat, and was drowned.
The latest report is that he was not
drowned, but that it was all a trick
and that he swam to shore, and is now
in Pittsburg.
Elect Hancock and give him a Dem
ocratio Congress, and you will have to
help to pay for every slave that has
run away or been killed. 1 on will
have to help to pay to pension the rebel
soldiers. l'ou may be slow to believe
that, but it will certainly come, just as
certain as the firms on bumter came.
The people could not be made to be
lieve that the leaders of the Democracy
would make war. They did not believe
it till bumter was fired on.
There are two reasons whv the Dem
ocracy will uproot the National Banks
and the National currency. The first
one is that they were part of the finan
cial machinery that crushed rebellion.
The second one is that the whole sys
tem is in opposition to the pet theory
of State Rights. If you vote for Han
cock and a Democratic Congress, and
. bring about suoh a state of affairs, with
other calamities for your country and
yourself, don t then bang your harp on
a willow, ait and cry and say that you
were not cautioned. Stand up like a
niaa, go to the polls and vote the dan
ger out of existence.
Senator Wade Hampton made a
speech in July, af Stauoton, Virginia.
in the issue following the speech the
Staunton Valley Virginian, a leading
Democratio paper in that connty, pub
lished largely from Hampton's speech.
The paper reported bim as having said :
Consider what Lee and Jackson would
do were tbev alive. These are the same
principles for which they fought for four
years. Kemenioer the men who poured
forth tlitur lile-ulood on V irginia's soiLand
do not abandon them now. Remember that
upon yonr vote depends the success of the
Democratic ticket."
The saying of Hampton has been in
terpreted just as it is expressed, is
meaning that if Hancock be elected the
Lost Cause will b revived. Alow
however, Hampton writes to deny ibe
speech. Tbev denied the purpose of
rebellion in I sou, ana yet wnn Bii mat
they went into rebellion.
Democratic Primary Election and
The greatest event that haa taken
place among the Democracy in Juniata
in many years, came upon that party
on Saturday. It was a revolution in
the interest of popular election that
is, election by the people. The manner
of Dominating candidates in the Demo
cratic party baa been by the delegate
system that is, each township and bor
ough elected two delegates to a county
convention, that would be called for a
particular date, and then, in said con
vention, each and every man who had
ambition to become a candidate for
office was compelled to go to the con
vention and submit bis name to the del
egates for endorsement, or rejection.
W ben a majority endorsed a candidate
be became the nominee of the party.
Within the past few years a large num
ber of the membership of the Democ
racy expressed themselves in favor of
changing the system of nomination
from the delegate system to the system
that requires the man wbe seeks a nom
ination to go directly to the people for
nomination. The Republicans in J u
niata have nominated by a popular vote
a number of years, and they are pleased
with it. The onlj dinger of trouble
lies in electing return judges who will
falsify returns. The membership of
each party should guard against allow
ing such men to be elected.
The vote of the Democracy on Sat
urday was so largely on one aide that
the opponents of tbe popular system
made n show. Indeed, as far as can
be learned, there was no opposition ex
cepting that an individual here and
there who does not believe in it voted
against it. The Democracy may be
misled, but the vote on Saturday may
be taken as an index that when they
understand a question tbey vote right,
and they are at heart in favor of a ma
jority rule, the very foundation prin
ciple of the Republic.
Tbe Democracy on Saturday under
stood the question of a change of sys
tem. If they understood tbe National
question as well as they understood tbe
question of popular voting as it was
submitted to them on Saturday they
would reject tbe Democratic nominees
for President and Vice President by
almost as large a vote as tbey rejected
tbe old delegate system. If tbsv under
stood, or could be made to understand
tbe truth, that in the South, under the
old Constitution which rebellion swept
away, no popular election was held in
several generations, that tbe elections
there were worse by a thousand times
than the delegate system ; if tbey
could understand that to-lay in eight
or ten States there is no such a thing as
a free election ; that elections are car
ried by the bull-dozers ; if tbey could
understand that the bull dozer ruled
the Democratio party, tbey would vote
almost unanimously against Hancock
and English. But as tbey would not
believe that rebellion was being organ
ized in the interest of slavery ; as they
did not believe that rebellion was pow
erful till Sumter wis fired on, they will
not now believe that their party is ruled
by tbe men who stand in the way of a
free election. It is said that " ignor
ance is bliss," and tbey must be allow
ed to pursue their blissful state while
others fight tbe battles for free eleo
tiong. In the National cause tbey cer
tainly believe that tbey are working in
the interest of a free ballot, when in
fact tbey are indirectly against it. Like
the Massachusetts Ysnkees of long ago.
when tbey hanged people for witch
craft, they thought they were serving
tbe Lord s cause, when in truth they
were working in the vineyard of old
The election was held on Saturday,
and tbe candidates put into the field
this year, of oourse, have been nomi
nated under the old delegate system,
and it will not be until another year
that the new system by popular vote
will be put into full practical operation.
At 2 O'clock P. M.,
on Monday tbe delegates met in tbe
Court House to nomiuate candidates for
tbe several offices and to announce the
vote for and against the change of sys
tem. Thomas McCuiloch, outgoing Chair
man of the County Committee, called
the convention to order, and moved that
George Jacobs and J. V. Murphy act
as secretaries during the pendancy of a
temporary organisation.
A. G. Bonsall was requested to read
tbe order of busiuess, as adopted in
caucus. It was. 1st, Organization ; 2d,
Credentials ; 3d, Nomination of candi
date for Congress ; 4 th, Nomination of
Congressional Conferees; 5th, Nomi
nation of Senator ; 6tb, Confirmation of
Senatorial Conferees ; 7th, Nomination
of candidates for Member; fetb, ;
9tb, Chairman County Committee; 10th,
Adoption of general resolutions ; 11th,
Appointment of County Committee;
12th, Announcement of the vote for
acid cgainst the Crawford County Sys
tem. Tbe following is the list of the mem
bership of tbe convention, as per cre
dentials :
List of Delegates.
Miffliotown A. G. Bonsall, Saml Showers
Fermanagh Win. Banks, Philo Snivel)-.
Patterson John Copeland, Wm. Beale.
Miltord Alex. Meloy, Charles Wareara.
Beale William Millikei,, Robert Inn is.
Walker James KauH'iuan, Bcnj. flubler.
Favette John Leister, Wm. Co pen haver.
Monroe John Nieaian, Samuel Swarts,
Tuxarora Kpb. Duncan, W. K. Woodward
Lack J. W. Murphy, Jos. D. Simonton.
Turbett Franc Goodman, Wm. Turbett.
Greenwood John Kh'iaclii, David Cox.
Port Roval John McFadden, D. .V'Culloch.
Blnck Log Geo Hott'oun, Michael Himmel-
Susquehanna John Weiser, G. W. Lyter.
Thompsontown S. S. Feehrer, J. Daugh
erty. Spruce Hill Wm. McKnight, Jaa. Beale.
'Jelaware John Lantr, ilahlin Parrer.
The list of delegates to the eooven
tion was called, and every man an
swered to bis name.
H. M. Speer, of Huntingdon, was
nominated for Congress unanimously. '
By resolution James North, Dr. L
Banks, and Porter Beale were appoint
ed Congressional Conferees.
William U'sh, Thomas McCuiloch,
and J. T. Dimm were put in nomina
tion for State Senate. Tbe first bat
lot was a miscuuut. The second ballot
stood, Ulsb 11, McCuiloch 14, Dimm
11 ; after which announcement tbe
names of Ulsh and Dimm were with
drawn, and McCuiloch was Dominated
by acclamation. Mr. McCuiloch was
authorized Yo seleet bis own conferees,
which be sreedilr did by handing in tbe
names of J . L. Deering, William Ulsb
and J. T. Dimm, and asked the conven
tion to confirm tbe choice of his con
J. D. Millikei was Dominated for
Assembly, having bo opposition before
the cootcdUou.
Joseph Middagh was Dominated for
County Surveyor.
A resolution, offered by Ephraim
Duncan Dominating Dr. Arnold as
Chairman of tbe Connty Committee,
was passed.
Mr. Copenhaver reported a series of
Tbe 1st resolution was in regard to
Hancock and English, bnt it did Dot
state that tbe inscription over the chair
of tbe President of tbe convention left
English out entirely, and read " Han
cock, Harmony and Victory." The
committee on resolutions should be
called, so as to get the resolution and
the declaration on tbe wall to har
monise. The 2nd resolution started out with
a mention of tbe principles of tbe Re
publican party, but it never stated one
of them ; it did not state that tbe prin
ciples of tbe Republican party abolished
slavery, and raised labor to the stature
of manhood. It spoke of corruption,
just as if there has been no corruption
among the Democracy. It insinuated
tbat Garfield is not a pure man, bnt it
did not state tbat tbe millions of debt
resting on tbe Commonwealth, came
through tbe corrupt public improve
ment of the State during tbe days that
Democracy ruled in the State. It did
not state tbat all of the corruption tbat
was bred during rebellion came indi
rectly to tbe surface through the war,
and is chargeable only to one place, and
tbat place is tbe organization of tbe
Democracy, for within its organization
rebellion was born and reared.
Tbe 3rd resolution was in regard to
tbe Democratio nominees for Supreme
Jndge and Auditor General.
Tbe 4th resolution endorsed Senator
Wallace, but it did not tell tbat tbe
Senator's Congressional committee, tbat
was looking around in Northern cities
to find some business men who bad
urged their workmen to vote as tbey
wanted them to vote, so that Wallace
could say tbat there are bull dotert ia
the North, utterly failed, and tbat in
stead of the frauds they looked for,
tbey found that in a number of tbe
wards of the Democratic city of New
York more votes are polled than all the
people there, men, women and children,
and tbe dogs, cats and eattle thrown in
to boot
Tbe 5th resolution was an endorse
ment of tbe political course of Senator
D. M. Crawford.
The 6tb resolution was sa endorse
ment of the eouTse of Representative
Lucien Banks.
Tbe 7th resolution was a bigh-falu
tine glory ebout for tbe ticket -
On motio the resolutions were adopt
ed, as eipressive of the true sense of
the Democracy of Janrata connty.
Tbe next business was tbe announce
ment of tbe vote, as cast on Saturday
for and against tbe change of system of
nominating, candidates. Tbe vote
stood, For the oew system, 1292 votes;
Against tbe new system, 43 votes.
There was little fun in all this for the
bovs. Mr. Fink, of Port Royal, con
eluded to enliven them. He arose and
proposed three cheers for General Win
field Scott English and the whole Dem
ocratic ticket, whiob was responded to
by about one-tenth of tbe audience
quite lively.
Tbe next business was tbe passage of
a resolution- that the Chairman of tbe
County Committee call the County
Committee together on tbe first day
of December, 1880, to formulate and
systematize the system tbat bad been
generally voted for on Saturday and
adopted by such an overwhelming vote
of the Democracy ; to provide for the
election of a Chairman of tbe County
Committee by tbe people, and to pro
vide for the election of all the candi
dates by the people, and all other
things that were implied if not ex
pressed in tbe election on Saturday.
Adjonrncd sine die.
The man in the West, who bas writ
ten a book of exposure of tbe whisky
ring business, mentions presents tbat
were given to ex- President Grant, but
in all his exposition, if every word of
it, as be reveals it, is true, nothing ap
pears to implicate Grant directly
with the bargains of tbe ring Jn&t
at the point where Grant should
be connected with tbe ring he is not,
and some other one, and not Grant,
bas transacted the bargain. It ha
been so from time out of date. Cabi
net minister have in the past been
identified with enterprises tbat tbe bead
of government knew nothing of. The
gravest iniquities have been committed,
when it seemed as if it could not be
tbat tbe chief of government knew
nothing of it. So tbat when the whisky
ring and the army ring got close to
Grant through Baboock and .Belknap
it did what baa ofteo been done before,
and still tbe head of government knew
nothing of it A bad man is a bad man
everywhere, and when a king, presi
dent or governor gets a bad man or two
near bim there is no telling what may
be done. The whisky ring, by having
Babcock near to Grant, carried on its
work with great satisfaction to tbe ring,
Tbe military ring, by having Belknap
near to brant, made money very fast;
bnt Grant knew nothing of tbe transac
tions tbat were going on. They were
more particular about keeping the secret
from him than from other people. Tbe
Democracy, when tbey attempt to ignore
the truth that Grant kcew nothing of
tbe bad work of subordinates, ignore a
fact tbat is an almost everyday event
in private life, and public life is only
tbe practices of private life on an en
larged scale. How often does it hap
pen in the private walks ol life in every
community, tbat certain members of a
family will engage in practices that the
beads of tbe family have do knowledge
of, and which tbey do not suspect are
carried on practices that are known to
almost every one excepting tbe head of
the family. There have been a number
of such cases io Juniata, and tbe future
will doubtless develope others, and tbey
are a perfect illustration of bow tbe
head of a government may not know of
bad work tbat certain ministers do.
Grant was pure, but be bad some un
worthy, corrupt men in tbe service of
tbe government. So it was with presi
dents before him, and so it will be with
presidents to come.
A number of Pretbyterians of Obio
propose forming a colony with tbe in
tention of purchasing lots from tba
Baptist association at Point Chautau
qua, and erecting cottages thereon.
Tbe Huntingdon Journal says : Minnie, a
little daughter ef John S. Warfel, of Hen
derson township, see day recently, had ber
left hand caught in tbecog wheels of a wind
mill, by which the ends of two fngers were
terribly lacerated, and bad to be amputated. 1
The Democratic platform ia in favor
of a tariff that will get revenue suffi
cient to pay tbe running expenses of
government; that is all, and that
amounts to free trade. The Republi
can platform is in favor of adjusting
the tariff laws so tbat there shall be
protection given to American labor.
Tbe large population of people in Eu
rope must live, and the great abun
dance of labor makes it cheap, and,!
therefore, all articles of manufacture
can be made at a less cost than in
America, where labor is scarce, and, on
account of its scarcity, much dearer,
if tbe European can send bis articles of
manufacture, bjiat have been made by
cheap labor, into America without a tax
or tariff, the American manufacturer
will bave to go out of business, for tbe
reason tbat tbe European can sell his
goods cheaper than the Ameriean can
manufacture bis for. The adoption of
the Democratio views on the tariff
would close np Amerioan manufactur
ing establishments. It Would reduoe
tbe population or all tbe large manu
facturing towns and send tbe people to
farming, which in a few years would be
so overdone that the price of agricul
tural products would fall to suoh a price
that there would -be hard work to
get along, on the part of tbe people
generally, in many oi ine iiorioeru
States a large percentage of tbe people
live in towns, where they are employed
in manufacturing establishments. If
tbe tariff laws are broken down, all will
be changed. Europe will become tbe
workshop for tbe world. ' If you want
free trade, vote for the Democracy. If
you want protection to American man
afactnring establishments, Vole for the
A GreentTacker In the South.
How As was Treated in Alabama His
Own Story, as Told in the National
View, a Greenback Paper Published
at Washington, I). V.
Citizens of M iffliot own remem ber tbat
a couple of Green backers heid forth in
speech and song in tbe Court House
two years ago. Tbey were called tbe
Moody and Sankey Greenbaekers. Well,
tbey went south, to Alabama, this cam
paign. Randall tells of their reception
tbere as follows :
Mr. Randall found that the Demo
erata everywhere insisted upon dividing
time, and raising the south side "bloody
shirt," and appealing to So at hern preju
dices. Tbe Democrats finally began to
disturb the Greenback meetings. At
last, at a place with the remarkable
name of Sbubada, tbe Democrats de
cided that thev eould tolerate free
speech no longer. At tbe closing meet
ing Randall reports one of the Demo
crats as saying this : "The confederacy
still exists, my friends, and Jeff Davis,
the best friend we ever bad, is yat onr
President and devoted to oar interest,
and if Hancock is elected, and we bave
no doubt be will be, you will be paid
paid for all the property yos have lost
through radical rule.BDd you mast stand
by the great Democratic party, lor s
solid South will now give ns entire con
trol of tbe General Ooveronteot, and
we can redress all onr wrongs." Mr.
Randall bad not proceeded far In reply
to this speaker when be beard, "We
don't want no damn Yankee to come
here and talk to ns ; we had better shut
bim up." " But," says Mr. Randall,
'he was pacified and quieted by tbe
disciplinary eon d nut of onr friends
We bad been talking about twenty min
utes, when the Sbubuda band, abont
one hundred and fifty feet from tbe
speaking stand, began to play, knowing
that we could not be beard while it was
kept up. We
that we were at the mercy of tbe Dem
ocratio managers of the meeting, and
were to speak at their invitation, but
we would not go on. If tbey couldn't
stand our kind of talk we would wait
until the Democrats got done, and then
bold a meeting under tbe management
of the Greeobackers." Uut interrup
tions continued, so tbat the speech
could not be beard.
Mr. Randall thus describes the sub
sequent proceedings : M We walked into
tbe business part of tbe village to nod
some water, and on onr bunt passed
through a group of youog men, several
of whom we at onoe recognized as
players in tbe band we bad particularly
noticed that started tbe disturbance at
tbe time of our speaking at Kizer Hill,
and they at once recognized ns and
commenced with . ' J bore s the Green
backer, now, damn him ;' 'Three cheers
for Hancock; Damn the Yankee
Greenbacker, be ought to be killed ;'
'Let's give bim bell,' and some other
phrases of a like cbaraoter. u e quiet
ly passed on, said nothing, got our
drink, returned back through the group
to tbe team, being followed part of tbe
way by these young men, yelling at us
as we baited about fifty yards from tbe
team. In about ten minutes a young
man, well dressed and perfectly sober,
separated from the group, came up to
me, and we bad, as near as we can re
M B. D. (which means Mississippi
Bull dozer) "Is your name Randall 7"
'Yes' sir."
M. B. D. "Are you Randall, the
great Greenback speaker V
"I expeot 1 am."
M. B. D. "1 bave a note I was re
quested to give yon ; read it and give
me your answer."
"Very well, sir."
"We took tbe note, written on a leaf
torn from a pocket memorandum, and
read as follows :
Auo 1, 1880. Dea Sir: We will
give you and your party thirty- five min
utes to pick up your duds and git out
of tbe town, lours to death.
The Bots op Shcbuda.
Mr. Randall "Do yon mean to tell
me that an American, law-abiding citi
zen, on the way to attend to his busi
ness, cannot stay in this town to take
tbe first train of ears going south !
M. B. D. "We know you, and you
can't stay ; jou must gd to the next
Mr. R. "Who gives this order !"
M. B. D. The Boys of Sbubuda
Your time is passing ; you'd better get
right along or you II catch bell."
Mr. R. "You don't mean tbat tbey
will lay rough hands on me, a peaceable
citizen 1 Yon citizens would not ap
prove of any suoh conduct toward a
a peaceful, law-abiding citizen. JJe-
sides, sea what a refection it would east
nAfl WATI AaWtrl "
ULuu vr iaa arvww
M. B. P. (going off) " To better
go out of here while jou bave a ehanee."
- We started directly for the group
of ball-dozers, making inquiry oj per
sons we met where the marshal's bouse
was ; bad it pointed out to ns, but were
told be was rirjt at home. Noticing a
man sitting Under a store shed near the
railroad track, we went up' and asked
him if there was any protection there
for a civil citizen from an insulting and
meddlesome mob. Tben, turning to a
group of bull-dozers, five of whom were
gentlemanly, well-dressed and sober, be
said : I guess be won't do yod any
barm, boys, better let bim alone.' By
this lime there bad gathered fii(een or
twenty black men and two middle-aged
white men. The M. B. D. said : Yon
don't know what you say, nor who he is ;
we beard bim yesterday. Tben, turn
ing to us, he said : 'You're
Come down here to divide tbe Demo
cratic party, and we don't want and
won t bave no such damned men in toe
country. Tbe party who bad served tbe
note of warning to leave on us followed
up with : He's ufie of tbe trump eards
of the Greenback party, and yesterday
be gave tbe Democrats bell. Damn
bim, we can fix him. We run things
Tbe result was that Mr. Randall was
escorted by tbe Democratic leaders to
tbe railroad station and pnt upon tbe
train, from which be addressed tbe vio
lent crowd as follows : I am sorry on
your account tbat your conduct bas
been such toward me this day as to eon
firm me in the belief of all tbst has
been said in other parts of tbe country
about yoar treatment of men who bon
estly disagree politically with you, and
reflects discreditably upon you is true.
I shall take particular pains to air your
conduct toward me throughout tbe
whole country ; not out of any ill-will
towards you, but because it is not right
for aoy people of any State to act as
jou have acted. You endanger, and by
sash conduct destroy, persona! freedom
of thoogbt, popular liberty, the fcrun
datton of all our institutions and anni
hilate all honesty in elections"
Sew Advertisements.
or TUB
AgricnltTiral Association of
Juniata Connty, Pa.,
SEPTEMBER 22, 23 AND 24, 1880,
Agriridljtrtt Machinery, Implement, tec
Jaa. MoCauier. Vies Preaideal, FermaviD Urn
ship. Superintendent of Department.
(a) Agrieullurt,
For best bwsbet white wheat. ...-j... ......... S 75
second best do de...; ,rtu.. ;.-.-.-. .....r SC
best Wneiml red wueat ..j. IS
stoma beet do do . so
beet bushel Folia wheal 75
second best do do SO
brst bnsh'l cent tin ejre) T5
beet btif sweet corn tin "..... ....
best siieciinen corn on Raits tone dom
stalks h, bench? 60
&et bwueloa!s ...................... SO
btrt r-rbrl elorersrrd 1 00
best bosne! timothy eeed 75
beet lull bushel S-iiaeed..... ...... ...... So
beet bh bushel buc-kwhest .....-....v. 50
H-Jl hslfliUBbel barley ........ U
beet lflll Dm wheat Snor 1
brst ! rye eonr i SO
best bm n ka'a-wuat Suur 0
best ltpsre corn ueml.. fin
brst head wheat, 4, or M do sea sneaee.. 1 00
second best do do. rf..... 50
beat I dos ulk corn, wri k ears 50
second best do do 25
(6) Comiqfunea, fanning ImpianenU and
Ff.-best fonr.borse wagon.-. tit. fl 56
best two or tbrerbvrp wairOo.... ... .... I W
best sprirW- wagon. ......... ...-.-..-....a. 1 SO
best family Carriage . 150
br. top tracer SHipre or double-seated .. t Ji
best open bogs. Iibt Irattitig ....- 1 1
bas. trotting salty 50
best sleigh, siuge or duuole seated ...... 100
beet plow 1 00
beat cultlrator I 00
best drag harrow ........... 1 Ou
beet bar laAleTa 1 1 IW
brat wagon bed . , " 1 CO
'TbefoIlowuiaMatj-tn th"V efekg. la free to en
trance from abruad. and win reoaire special care
and :.laoe, a i wit! aw a-fjolged according to Quali
ty, and routed an award of Trier or dHp.-.ma,
which will be read and pttuisbod with the bX of
premiutva :
Hest reaper : com blued reaper and mower self.'
binder ; threshiug machine ; dorer hrriler and sep
arator; cornebcJier; fanuingmill; horse sod bny
rske; straw cotter; corn planter; plow 5 grain
drill ; cultivator ; co-a plow ; harrow ; bay fort ;
pump for wells ; cherry seeder ; eppte parsr 7; cider
press, hand or horse power , patent bee hire.
(e) Artida of Manufacture Made in ike
For brat lot of cabinet work S3 or)
best Cham brr set 100
best parlor set SOS
beet lot of tinware 151
beat lot of carted wotk 1 00
best msrble work S 00
beat bushel basket 75
best hand basket 50
best market basket So
best cedar tub or meet tsssc.1 loo
best refrigerator IN
best corn, wire or split brooms, four la
bundle 78
best exhibition of foreign cutlery or hard
ware of any sort 35
(tf. Leather and MittxUaneou Article.
For best pair fiue boots f 50
best pair coarse boots SS
beat pair lady's shoes . ............... S
best pslr Isdr's gaiters .................. 50
best side of sole leather Itas
best aide of cap or apier leather 75
best Sutsbed harness leather 7
best art harness, double.... ........... ..100
beat set harness, slne-l 1 00
best saddle and bridle 1 OS
best heavy wagoo gears 1 0
beat hand-made horse anoea aod nalla ... SO
brst display of ready-made clothing 1 HO
best acap bees 1 50
A suitable place will be i.e. 1 red on tbe ground
and in the exhibition rooms for ail patent right ar
Uclea that may be presented for exhibition.
Horticulture, Poultry, etc -W.
Porter Thompson. Vice Pre .dent. Walker
township, Superluleudeut of Deiartmeut.
(e) Wine and Cordial.
For best gaUon rioegsr .. S 50
best displsy of dumestkc wines 100
For brat collection of fall and winter apples,
half bosh el each $1 OS
best collection of pears...... 75
beat collection ot peaches... ............ 75
best collection of plums 75
beet Of Election of quinces 75
beat eoUsctiun of grapes 75
() Horticulture.
Tat beat collection of potatoes
second best do do....
third brst dodo 50
br-t half bushel sweet potatoes SO
best half boshei beets SO
best hah' bushel carrots.................. 60
best hslf bushel at-sula 5ii
twer display of rad'sbea. 50
best belf boebel ouious 60
beat ten Tarwttes of garden vegetables .. 76
Fur beat collection of eoap braus ,$60
best bueoet iosjIM 60
brat 4 Sekl ptrakiua 25
best cabbage 50
beat 4 awen pumpkins, brsTMSt ...... .. 75
beet sqaasnes 75
colleeiHMt of peppers 60
bee 1 1 cocim. lie. a ........... ..... 60
best S watermelons ...................... 60
best S roots celery 50
brst half icck seed onions fill
beat half bushel lornips SS
Ag) Poultry.
Tat beat pair of turkey
brat pea t -keya, all or mors.... ,
best pair geese
best patrducka ......
beet 1 lr pes fowia .'.
beat t chickena, cock asd 1 bens .
brst coop chicken. S or mors,
beat coop ducka. S or mors . . . ,
beat snow of pigeons
beet cage of rquirreh-
bast half dosen Guinea fowle.....
beat pair Gullies pigs
.. tl OS
... 1 50
... 1 00
... 1 5U
... 1 60
... SO
... 6'
Fine Art. Household Industrie md Xitett
laneou. W. D. Cramer, Patterson, Supsrmtsnacat of De
partment, () Painting, Penmanship and Photographs.
Far beat quality nf oil pah-dugs ............ Si 00
best pteeaof portrait m oil .. 60
best Undsaepe psratisg tnoil......-.w 50
best frs I painting m oil ...... ... ...... 6
best animal painlaug la oil 60
bsatdiaplay of water paintings.... ..... 75
beet landscape rn water colors SO
best fruit la water colors .... n. ...... n SS
Aetc Advertisements.
ffat Sxnnn In waicr eulgra SO
hfi$ display of cotond crajooa ..
hot lgl irHma St
best display plain enjns M
best ltaplaj pencil aketckeS 10
best display pan drawing 1 A
brst ornamental psnaiansalp ............ B
brt plain penmanship...,
beat Bjcimen ixd canon- 3S
bast sptrtmea wood frllhiuf
bast display af plam and eokmd pboto-
grrspha .......... ....
best display of eards or fancy printing .. 24
(i) Musical waVmri.
For best piano I Sward
beat cabinet organ f "
best mekxleoa ) Merit.
(j) SetdUmnk.
Fur best bed (ntK tl
second Best oo on
best detains bed fuilt ?
eeeond bestdodo. ......;;.. St. SO
beat aim spread...... SO
best doubts corer Q
best woolen rug 80
beat woolen nvtteoa i .... .. - SO
best woolen glores ........ tin.. it;..... SO
aeooud beat do do
best woolen stockings 3S
best cotton stocking ...tit:...:.. . S3
best hsmsapnn wouten yarn, not lea than
one pound .......... ............ t..... SO
setymd best do do
heat knit snread .....i. ........ BO
best knrt buresn corer ....... .. 25
best silk sofa euahion....;. ...... ...n 4. SO
beet ehlrt, made by hand 100
brat ahlrt- made dr martftne TS
beat displsy of all art idea of needlswork
In this class.. 1
best display of all articles of knit ling m
Uut-daaa 1
(i) Embroidery.
For beat yoke and aleeree.....;
best collar and con
best lirwn and oambti Handkerchief ...-
best Kkirt .-
best child sdrrs, ......
seeood best do do...
beat tarted chair eoTer on doth or eanraa
best rroaa-slitcned So do
pest tnrted Ottoman eoer .1.
brat table corer on cloth' -.
neat Diano corer on dot D
(f) Knitting and tridH ftort,
........ .i
For best crochet shawl
$1 00
best knit anawl
brst cotton tidy .-.
ttrst repbyrdo .....
best fnH tontsg
best knit hood
beat afghau
brst sTocbet slippers
bast crochet basket m it. -..
(m) Leather, Haiff ifosf, Shell Work, ax.
For t St ftletoo lesree S 6S
brst d-spbiy of burr work 50
beat display of seed work 5
best display of leather work 5U
best displsy of hair work 5s
best display of shell woak "
best design mmo..-., .-. Sil
beat collection of dried Hares
best drfpiay of dried leareg .... IS
best display of wax work 10
() fifth, Linen, Blanket, Sliirting, etc.
ror best ee Tarda lruen S SO
second brat cWr .-- SS
beat Sr yard! cloth 9
best are yards eaasimerea.....
best fire yards Sannel
brst fire rsrds satinet ...................
best palr'wouleu blauketa ......
best hearth rug .-..-sr..-
beat rag carpet.
(o) ireaf, Cukes and Pdrritii
Tat best home-made wheat bread, 1 loaf
brst bran breed
best home-made rya bread, 1 loaf
best rusk
best fruit-cake, at least one pound
best lady cake do do
brst sponge cake do do...
i 00
brst gold ake
ao 00
do do. ..
do do............
do do...-.
av ..
d 6e .-.-j.j.
best silver oaks
best jelly ok
beat cup cake
best seed cake
test 3 varieties small Cakes, dux. each
brst giugtlbiesS
beat doughnuts
beet display of pastry
best pastry, single specimen
brst display of cskea.
(p) Presem and Jetlie, Spiced and Canned
Tar beat preserved pesetiea etie H?. . .-. .
best preserved (trtnre,.- Tie Jur .........
feet pi-eserved atrawberrX, one jar
best preserved pine-apple, one Jar.... ...
beat preserve- plnmt, eTte far
brst preserved elt row, arte r. ...........
best prrserrrd cherries, one
best preserved pearsvone jar.... -
best apple telly, oce jar
best rrtrince e)V( one jar...-.-
nest currant jelly, one jar
beat p.nm jelly, one jar.. ......
beet elderberry jelly, one jar
rest apple butter.................
It h butter .-
best pear butter .-
best quince niai-malade... ........
beet peach mantra le. .......... ........
best orsrree- nrsermiatde. ......... ........
brat pinCa-ppis irarmaavde -.-..
(?) FruUt and Vegftaoles, m air fijht cans,
For best d ranlay of fruits ........v.-.. 1 Of)
aenmd Lest do do ...... 75
best display, of veartanleg. .-. , .. 1
brat siugle sitecimen fraft sr segetsf te.. 60
catsup, auy kind..... .-.-s.-. ......... v. .- 60
(r) Spiced Fruit and PicUes.
fofrXt display of spiced fruit 75
ta-eond brst do do 5
Vst single specimen of any kind f fruit SS
brat dieplay of picklea.. .......... ....... 35
() Butter, t-neese and Honey.
for brt Ave poatida print butter
bM flv poDDda lump bo tt-r.
b: twetity-flv poiuida ctaette... ........
bspvst sssxa of Ur4. -...-
t- A pntida booey...
(I) Ftowri, x.
For t-Mtf ttt.4iot. of fcwerm...... .....
-svosontl rwsat do do
brst collctMci rmrvmttt rm4 lanw..
beat O0.ktka alortr and Actm
btt ooilrf ton rttriiHm
Mwt OiUvifov gtrniimui. .-.
brtlt t-olrTOD TrbUM.... ....... ........
btwt oo).?-.oa poni4t... .......
YmeM. colirtrom ros-ctf. ... .... ,....,-. .T.v
bHt fprrtiie-ni Girtor-rn pb.au. .v.-...
1 f
1 e
bf-at orvtatfe trtM. ......... ...... ......
(e) on Fiowtt, dV.
For brat 6otrlitm h.Uit . . v.
bMrt o (Fvton roW. .-.v. ..
brwi ssoWftixm wvrbt-ttaa.....
bnt oullfH-tioa phkni-a ...
btst eolkcijeOB tjx!ualjsme... ........
btttt onHcf ron r..
beat eoUf-ctkm r1avdroU.
beat display bten.--, (lady . a.,
brat parlor bonqiMi. pair..............
bvat baod boaqiimvt, lr.... .... v.. .
btat croaa of fluwira. .....,...
brat bmrt of flowta.. ....... ,.......
baat wreath of flowarm.....
baat banffiDR baak
beat ataud of towers.
Howe, Cattle, Sheep and Suine.
Vatthew Bodgera, Walker township. Superinten
dent of Department.
Hone, Heavy-Draught Mare, and Colts, two
year out tndudccL
Tar beat rctt. leae than 6 months oei. S 00
second best do..... 3 00
third best do. 1 00
beat yearling colt.. ............... ........ 3 00
second beat do. 1
beat two year old colt 3 00
second brst do.. 1
beat three year old cult. 3 00
around best do..
1 M
1 00
eeeond best do-
best span borsea or mares...
beat etallwtu.
second beat do......... ......
1 00
6 OU
....... 300
Light Draught.
Tat beat apart driving borsea. carriage or bug.
beat single boras or mare to lurneaau....
Cuttle Durham.
For beat boll
bst bull between 1 and 3yearsold
eeeond beat do do
beat heifer calf less than a moatha..
second best do..
best two ysar old heifer
seoon 1 beet do tlo
beet eucaltng, lean than two month old.
second beat do do
1 00
J 00
s 00
1 0
1 5
a us
1 00
1 so
1 oo
S us
I 00
3 00
1 SU
3 00
I so
For best buIL. .
baat cow. ................ ..........
.viad best do.
best hefer. 00 year old or under.,
beat self under S month old
For beat buck (CotawoU) 1
around brst do do 75
brst awe so
arsoud best d.. 100
brt back (Deiceatar, Merino, or Honth
dow. ). I
beat ew dodo do..... .... 1 SO
best pen ewes Sor more). ......... ...... 3 00
eeoood beet dodo.... 1 INI
best pen lambs..... 3 Oh
eeeond beet do do 1 3q
Fur brat boar one year old or mora. 1 SO
baat aow and litter of pigs (four or aaore)
lean than lake old. SOS
eeoaud beet do do too
beat hoar p.'f leawthaaSmosokL. 1 SO
All arrictea entered for which do provhuon has
been made tn tbe foregoing list, wilt reeeiva a pro
poruouabar prerainm, if deserving.
Fast Hone, Speed, tee.
Henry Suionir, Vice President, Fayatta towa-
onperui letwtent of popart.
Ope. to aS hoi at owned tn the ersrety that have
nerves haatea 4 mm u tea. Premie ma Sao el to Arat 1
H to eeeond ; to third ; ft to fourth.
Open to aO liuisua owned tn the connty tbat hav
nerver he tea S!f rarontes. Premiums l SJO to
arret ;HO to stsand ; S5 to third ; t tolsvrth.
If rite race hindmost male wina ; tores hull
Chang rkter seen, hi at.
Tbere win b boys' rasss and otl
during Urn oonvmoanea nf the Fa.
ThO . Pert fVa.al Xaxawil aeW-a. t. .H
! am Thursday afleravooav
New AAcertxsements-
ttam will baaSr
1 panda on Friday aftsr-
excursion rjraeas eu wv 7 .
will bs issued between flarrleburg and Aiittuna.
. ..... . . -- ;t 1
tat. The nsM of competition free to all eicopt
trials of speed. . K.aubHhr
3nd. All entnrs iiar i-ai..".. ". f- ----u
13 o'clock ol the Srst day of tfcs fair. Kutnea
a. 1. vMvvona In the fan-, try addressing to
lh; evrrrcury mmiutawu. t. , ,
Xlvs etoCK juagea ere tM1" -r . ,
President's ofilbs, at o'ckK a. X..00, Jhursday,
when they will bs furnished with bouse of entry.
All Judge of all articles to report at the same office,
ou Fridayi at t a. .. and make a return of their
award on the asms day to the ijetrstiry.
jaCgra, If not aatished aa to the regularty of an
entry, or ebotH rli cetri.g with'o the regulatiot-S,
will apply to the Sehreure for rn format ton.
When the majority of the Jl.lges on any section
are present they shall eutnf.iteta a duomm, and arc
aatborud to award premiumo ' .
1. Judges wtU award no premium, on animals
or article having no eompstitioa unless they axe
especially worthy. ....
x. No single art ids shall be en til red tea premium
which baa drawn a premium1 fn ah assortment or
pair, pen, herd. Utter or nock. ,
, so exhibitor will Me permitted id hit erf ere tin
Judges while examining animals or article rboan
by such exhibitors, i'lt any rteb oeveje no pr
mium will be given for eh aBiitfal-'or aricVra.
4. All stock competing for premirim H Ms "Jwned
at least one month by the ethilNior. Ave rf horse
reckoned from January in the year when foaledi
Kn trice for speed mist be mails cat or before
Tuesday. September tf, at S oVrluck, P. at.
Tbe association wSl f Cm lab Siy free to alt ner
acua exhihttlug stock. , ,
All wagering oh the result of any trial of speed is
stneily prohibited, and if tha owner of any horse
ahaU be concerned in any bet or wager, hi bora
ahall be exclrdd from the course.
All QiiesiKTos repertm the trials of aoeed eh
be determiuVi by lb JiMgea, anbleet to an appeal
to the Board of Director.
Mo srtlMes or animals shaU be removed from the
grout;if before the dose of the exhibition, except
by trie prrmawion from the Preeideut.
Tfe AaorritkMi will oarelully preserve an article
... ... i. ..... ..... Im anil iwK he re.," llllblC for
an Irfeea or accident that rii-ty oerttr.
Suit for borer Ud oat lie, and pens for sr-je,
and Barf, will be furnished tree of charge, tl
prrtraevd hands will bs In sttrmlsivee, to tale cars
of stock during the absence of tns exhibitor.
Gambling atnetly orohiblfed.
All articles entered fur premrtntr must be report
ed to the e-tprrrtitendrot of tit respective Drpert.
ment before 8 o'ekick r. at. of September rend. .
So contest for si-ed erpt orn aa are Sanction
ed he the fiVxrd of Directors. .
All d)touiimicatkua to be sdre4rd to
Ota. Jacobs, Secretary
tdf. Miffiinlown, Pa.
BT virtue of snndrjr writs of Vend. Est,
Leva fa. and fi. .Fa-.assoetl out of the
Court of Common Plea of JdOiata count;,
and to me directed, will Ve espoiwd to sale
by public outcrv, at the Cernrt Utrffse tn
tbe borongh of sniii""n, en
St I o'clock P. the followlDg described
real estate, to wit :
1. A tot of grond situated in the village"
of Johnstown, Bwile foTnlitp, jufrfu:s
county. Pa.. bonrKfcrJ on the weirt By an al-
lev. oo the nortb frt land of Samuel S. Pan-
ut baker, on tbe eact by lot of Louis U. At
kinson, orr? the grrntb try puStic rol, avi!g
therron erected a Urge new Frame Dwel
ling House and Frame Store House. Seized
and taken in execution aw the property of
Levi 1J rind ore.
2. A tract of land sittfcrted h Honroe
township, J no rata connty, Pa., bounded on
tbe north bv lani of Fraleieh. on the
west try lands of Vf Hliam Townsend, on the
east and sonth try lands or Kra.imiul T3ore
rtrrnj Braving thereon erectutl a Frame House
and Log SuMe, and containing Twenty-one
Acres, more or lean. Seised ant taken in
execution aa the property of Peter B. Zong.
3. A tract of land situated in Beale town
ship, Juniata county. Pa., bounded cm the
north by lanrrs of David Eicbarff-ion, east
by lands of tbe widow McDonald, north by
lands of James Bntler, and west by ptlblic
road, containing One Hundred Acres, more
or lefts, having thereon erected a Log
Dwelling House, Frame Kara and fttSer oot
buildingr). Seised and taken in execution
as the property of Jacob Andrews.
Co.iditio.i or Sale.
Fifty dollar of th price or turn at whuh
Ike property thall bt struck off all be paid
to th ikerif at th time of tale, unlet Ik
purekatt Money tkall t lets thaw that agin,
ia traiii eat only tkt pmrckate money tkall
b paid, olktrwitt tk property milt o?ai bt
immediately pnt Wp and told ; ike halunc of
the purchase money mutt be paid to thi tker
ijf at ki ofict untkin fire day front tkt time
of tale, untkout any demand ohsg fflaiic by
tkt tkerijf tkertfrrr, otkeriite Ike properly
may bt told again at tke erpenst and mk of
Ike person tirhortt it if rdk of, mko, in
eat ef auy deficiency at ttck ramie, tkall
make good tke tvm.
JAMES R. KELLY, gxtrif.
SjrgRitf's Orricc,
Btftrntown, Aug. 13, 1880. j
ReglMer'9 Aotlce.
ftorica is hereby given that the following
persons have Hied their accounts in tbe Reg
ister's Office h MHrrfrwri, and that the
sum will be praserrtett te tJre Court for con
fcTwsrion nrr aJowane'e, err TUBSDAY,
SEPT Kit BER, M, 1880
1. The first and Anal sceennt of Daniel
Ziegler, Administrator of Christian Im
scholfstall, late of Waiter townsrVip, der'd.
. Tbe first and tmal account of James
iiondon, Adminigtrstor of Eliza London,
brte Of Trricarora township, dee'd.
3. The' first anf final account of Ezra
3 m it Jr. AdrrriYrfetrator of Elisabeth- Fry,- rate
of Delaware township', dee'd.
4. The first amf partial aceocrrt of Thorn
as T. Patton, Administrator of Robert Pat
terson, late of Spruce HfH township, dee'd.
5. The SrSt and partial se'conul of Afa
thias Stump and1 SawMel Kline, Adruini-'
trators c. t. a. ol Esekiel CnJell, late of
Luck township dee'd.
S. The first and final acconnt of Louis E.
Atkinson. Administrator J. 6. a. of Joseph
8 . xUn-4, late of Toacarora township, dec 'd.
j.-st McDonald, jugitr.
Register's Office, Mitllititenrn,
Aug. 16, 1880. T
Hottee mf PartKlOaa.
In thl Orpkant' Court of Juniata County
Writ of Partition in tkt Ettati of John
Yodtr, dtetattd.
To David Totter, Gideon TocJctV Jonathan
Yoder. John Toder, Abner Y oiler, Mary
Esh wife of Joba Eah, Lydrn KVanifmaa
wife of Joba 6. Kauflrrmn,- Martha T offer,
Mary Yoder, and Jonaw . Reno, Gnar-
dian ad! litem of Isaac Yoder, Lixzie Yo
der, Malinda Yoder and Lydia Yoder,
minor children of Fanny Yodfer, dee'd.
TAKE notice tbat by virtue of a Writ of
Partition, issued by the Orphans' Court
of Juniata County and to rati directed, an
Inquest in Partition on the real estate of
John Yoder, late of Fermanagh township.
Juniata county. Pa., deceased, will be heir
at the late residence of the deceased in aaid
township, on TUESDAY, the 17th day of
AUGUST, 1880, at 10 o'clock a. ., when
and where all persona interested nay attend
if they aee proper.
J. R. KELLY, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Mifflintown, i
July 10, 1880. (
Teachers' Examinations.
Examinations of teachers in Juniata
connty will be held aa follows i
Port Royal, Thursday, August 26th.
Tbompaontown, Friday, August 27th.
Jobnatuwn, Tuesday, August 81st.
Wisdom, Wednesday, September 1st.
McCoyiv ille, Thursday, September 2nd.
Cross Keys, Friday, September 3rd.
Examinations will begin at 8.20 A. M.
Applicants should be provided with pen
and ink and plenty of foolscap.
Recommendation in regard to moral char
acter will be expected from all that are not
pvTrsonally known by the Superintendent.
Secretariea will confer a great favor by
seeing to it tbat the school rooms are open
in time. Directors are expected lo be pres
ent at the examinations, and the public are
cordially invited to attend.
Connty Superintendent.
A Of. 4, 1890.
m4talalstFatr'a notice.
(VTOTICE is hereby given that letters of
X" administration, on the estate of A erata
Barge, late of Monroe township, deceased,
have been granted in dne forts of law
to the undersigned. All persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate are
requested to make Immediate payment, and
those baring claims will present "them prop
erly authenticated for aettlement.
July2918d0. Mmtnmtraior.
Legal Notices.
the Hon: Bxxj. F. Jdsus. PretdJ.i
Judge) of the fjrjat-t of Common Plea foe
the 41st Judicial District, composed of th.
C0nntleS of jnnlata and Perry, and the
nonorarjies i oau a. mucr ana Francis
Bartler. Associates Judges of the a.;i
Court of Common Pleas of JuniaU conntr
hare issued their precept to me directed'
bearing date tne autn a ay or April, k$o"
for holdings Court of Oyer and Terminer
and Geueral Jail Delivery, and Generd
Quarter Sessions of .the Peace, at Ml p.
f SEPTEHBKR, 1880, being the 6th day
ot the month.
Notics is Hsafsr Gitei, to the Cnr'.
oner, Justices bf the Peace and Constables
of the County of Juniata, that they be then
and there in their proper persons, at one
O'clock on tbe afternoon of said day, with
tbelr records, inqnisitions, examination
rhil oyer remembrances, to do those thifigg
that to their otHces respectively BDrjertum
and Uibse that are bound by recogniiarite to
prosecute against tne prisoner tbat are 0r
then may be in the Jail of said county
be then and there to prosecute against
tne:n as SDtfil unjust.
. Bv an Act of Assembly, passed the Oth
day or Mdyj, A: D:, 1854, it is rrlade tha
daty of the Justices of the Peace, of the
seveTICdrrities of this Commonwealth, to
return to tbe UlerK or mis uotrf t eryrartey
Sessions of the respective counties. J1 the
fecogniiances entered in'o before them bv
any person or persons charged with the
eomuiittlon of any crimed clfcept such cases
gs may be ended before a Justice of the
Peace; under existing laws, at least ten days
before tUe commencement of the ses.iva
of tbe Ccmrt td Which they are made re
inrnabie respectively, and in all cases where
any recognizances are entered into lew
than ten days before the eomruencemant
of tbe session to which they are made re
turnable, tbe said Justices are to return
the wine in the same manner as if aaid act
had uot been passed.
Dated at MirUintown, the Utrf day 0f
August, in the year of onr Lord orr
thousand eight hundred and eighty.
JAMES k. KELLY, Skerif.
Sheriff" j Office, Mini in town, )
Aug. 2, 1880. ,
TUB undersign ed will offer at pnhffc sale
tbe Jericho Mill Property, in Ferman
agh township, Jtfniatii comty, Pa., on the
premise, fou mile's ffotri il.Whitown, at 2
o'clock f . on
(ie following valrtatle real ostate, to wit :
1t. fne Hiintired and Seventy Acres,
more or less, of which 140 acres are clear,
10 acres in meadow. The improvements
are a
a never-faffug Fountain Pnnip, a Summer
House, Large BASS BAS:., Carra-
House, Stirtre Wood Uonse and Smoke
House two stories bigb, Hen House, Hog
Pen, and Corn Crib, a Large Stone
twenty feet bead, two Turbine Wheels, acd
four ran of Burrs, oo a stream of never
failing water, a good STONE DWELLING
HtJfpsE for miller,
Blacksmfth Shop, and other mproveinenu,
-Viking, all told, a very valuable property.
2nd. At tbe same place and at the same
time, 190 acres of TIMBER LAND, lying
three miles away, will be offered for sale.
Persona who are seeking investment id
real estate, jfiuulr! not furl hr (Jive th above
mentioned? propertr then attention.
July 31, 1880.
THi rm 3ersigned has fur sale the Tain
able ptrrperty, known as the
located about two miles north of M itf! in
to wn, Juniata connty, Pa. The advan
tages of this property are unequalled in the
Partivs interested m tre Milling business
would to weH give flint notice prompt at
tentrrMk. Applr to
Attorney at Law,
July 23, 1880. Mitfliutown, Pa.
the Erst,
best and only
authentic low-priced book containing the'
lives of
A complete record of early life and pub
lic services of JAMES A. GAKKIELD, ilio
inspiring rerun? of a progressive anil bril
lianf career a striking illurrtration of the'
mareS of geni.Ts nndef free institutions.
Also life of CHESTER A. ARTHUR, richly
enrbellibed with numertms artistic illustra
tions, maps of battle-Held and handsomely
engraved portraits of each c ud idate. Sure'
success toari? trho tre bold ; will positive
ly Mruerf all books. Send for circulars ami
extra terms.
Address, U. W. KElLHY t CO.,
711 Sanson) St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Jtry 1,
OH Major Vundyt - lifi vf Garfield.''
Tae Tow-Boy, t&e Scholar, the Citizen
Soldier, the Statesman.
His personal frrend,- reeeMlr his gnest st
Mentor, and with every lacilily given him"
by Gen'. Garffelrt and hia wtosf intimate
friends, for compiling the most readable ami
satAir life'. "Major Bundy'a Lite or
General Garfleld',,y aaya tbe ContmereiatJd
nertittr, ia the beat one thai has yet f
sver), and frr undoubtedly the best tbat
will be published." Price, paper, 60 cts. f
cloth, $1.00.
A. S. BARNES ft. CO., Publishers,
111 ft. 113 William St., N. Y
Aug. 18-4t
Of JTAlistervflle,
Das just returned from Philadelphia with a
full assortment of
Aarsite Iron, Granite Irea,
Pressed and Japanned Tinware,
Glass Coal Oil Cans with Tin Covers,
Be bas also on sand a good assortment of
all of which articles he offers to sell at the
lowest prices.
Spoatlaa; and Reefing
done at the shortest notice and on reason
able terms.
07 Thankful for past patronage, be hopes
to receive the same in the future.
May 26, 18S0-6m.
Setlce to Trespassers.
NOTICE is hereby given that all persons
found trespassing on the lands of the'
undersigned in Delaware township, either
by fishing, hunting, catting trmber, build
ing Are, or in any way whatever, will be"
dealt with aw the law directs.
R. W. IfrarrHBsr.
Gsogex Sfbaexas.
M. C. Fasba.
aaa7l4,18;.tr alas. Max. Kjicb,