Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 24, 1879, Image 4

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li : Z
Entertaining Compur
H" A big feca"-tUit U a "good time'' ia
. U.e estimation of many. '-What Aid you
I - r ... n ......' nlA lanf anAthar
who has been -out to tea." In the old , ldie.. proc'ukhonimes,
fashioned settlements, where t"e ja the case r heavy fnrnlture pnt
, neighbors go "visiting," spending the terns, is supplemented by direct enjrav
afierooon, and busy with knitting or ; Ing with a graving tool by hand. Tho
light sewing, it is often suspected by i otier pis u is etching, the substance of
the hostess that her company Las ecu, ;
more for the sake of the supper than , 'nKe llS(iini Rnd wj,etl judiciously em
for the visit. Sometimes this euspie- ployed is of much ue. Generally this
ion Is rerr uniastlv entertained. I ; method consists m covering the roller
have myself been more than once very
much annoved by the way in which
. , . , .-.
ineuu-j i went, 10 v.sii, auuvieu luiU-.
seives 10 oe -cumoerea sno inucu .
scrvintr. so that it was almost imnos-
sible to have anv reasonable convcrsa- !
tion with them. I like geod things to I
eat when I am hungry
Tf . . i
ry, mil i leei ai-,
most insulted if that is the main enter
tainment offered me. I could get some
thing to eat at Louie, but not my
friend's company. The best visits
among neighbors, in my pinion, ar
otten those which are unannounced,
and where the visitors do not stay to
tea, unless very sure that they are de
sired to do so, and that their staying
will not make trouble for the hostess.
There is something decidedly vulgar
in the great spread" sometimes made
by those who entertain company. So
many kinds of eake and sauce so much
indigestible "duff to please the sen'e of
taste and make the visitors ill next
day. And yet is is both natural and
praisewortuy to wish to treat our
friends to something nice in the way
of food. Good tating is a privilege as
well as a dutv. We must eat to live,
and so tho first qnestion in regard to i
our food is whether it will "nourish
these frail bodies of ours," as many a
man has rrayed at the opening of a
meal which could "ueimsh" only by
the working of a miracle. Too great a
variety is burdensome to both guests
and bostesj, and it never really proves
the liberality of the one who euter- !
tains, but often shows only a love of J
display aud spitit of emulation. There :
should be enough of everything, ud ;
each dish should be good of its kiud, ;
especially the bre.ul and other solid .
articles. If we can possibly get a good ;
meal for our visitors the guest ofanj
afternoon or a single day without;
cookui" anything while they are with j iu winter, 0:1 the contrary, the lowest
us which necessitates our absence from continental pressures are in tiie south
. . .. 1 . . 1 ' hemispuere, aud the highest m the
the room for much time, it is best to do j Ilorttrc. hui g(imaicr exists iu the
so. We knew of a case in which two j "rih when lhe great minimum pr-s-ladics
went a lon2 distance to pass the i sures of Central Asia and of .North
day nitU the newly married wilo of an
old friend. This wife was so overcome
- .. .
bvthe occasion and so "laid Lersclf ,
out" to show Ler appreciation of It :
that iu nrenarinff an elaborate dinner
she devoted herself so entirely to .'t
that her visitors only saw Ler at the
Uble while the meal was eaten and ;
came away disappointed at not havir.
accomplished their object, which was !
to become acquainted wilh the wife of:
. , - . , , . i
thctrold triend. When we know bo-
forehand that company is coming, we :
can have evervthing readv to set upon t
the table, aud so not spend over half
an hour in getting supper. The sup
per ready, it is our part to r-ake our
guests feel perfectly free to eat or not
of the dishes set before them to make
them feel by onr coruifcl manners rath
er thau by words, that we like to share
our best things with thcin, and are
pleased to Lave them eujov them while : deutal d.scovcry of this ma;s proves"
we will not make them e'at merelv to '"at tW em be produced ou a large
Pleases, but let us talk .bout -ISStSiS
thing else besides the food. Cheerful' pruUucen in the laboratory a lact of
conversation at table promotes digea- j mucii iiuportance iu a chemical and
Salt Laks.
, . , I
iu the gieat bait
There are no fish
Lake. The only living tiling about its
iing aoout its ,
nuaiterof au
waters is a worm about a (juaiterof au j
iuch long. This worm show
iow up beau- :
of a iciero-!
tifullv beneath the lens
scope, v. hen a storm arises, uie
wirno in itrlven A.hrre hr ThonatiiTi '
.. - . - - .
and devoured by the black galls. We
found a pure stream pouring into the
lake. It was Ailed with little chul
na.mner.. uiU.. u.. iletropoUun line at jtratltrJ
ed, and were driven down the brook , sre thrc2 e?rlor ;Sar.a 0i;r inches wid
. i - .j., - ... i :i .
into the briny lake. The instant they ,
toached Its waters they caiae to tie
surface billv upwards, and died with-
...... Th water ii remarkably
r- i .
buoyant. Kgs and potaics float up
on it like corks. Mr. Kood and myself
Etrlpitcd and went in swiaimiuc. I
dived into the lake from a long pier,
which bad been built for the use of a
small steamer that formerly plied upon
the waters'. The sensation was novel.
The water was so salty that my eyes
and ears becan to smart, but s J baoy- i
idi that I found no dtfUcuiiv in float-
lng, even when tho air was exhausted
in my lungs. As I struei eut for lhe
beach 1 felt as liht as a feather. In
s pita of all that I could do my heels
would fly oat of the water. The iiht- j
ness of the water and the suTginz or
tio waves forced my leet from under
m. A person who could not swim
might be easily drowned ia bve feet of
water. His head would go down like
a lump cf lead, while his feet would
fly up like a pair of ducks. The water
is as cioar as the watarof .Sinrei Lake;
so clear that the bottom could be seen
at the depth of twenty feet. When we
reached the shore aud crawled out up
on the sand, in the light of the gun,
our bodies were quickly coated with
alt. We were compelled to go to the
little stream from which we had driven
the ibuls end shiners, aad wah iu
fresh water beforo we put on our
clothes. Onr hair was tilled with
grains of salt which could net be wash
ed ont. The Mormons occasionally
vlsit the lakes in droves for the pur- i r' a&sorptron of soma vary danger
pose of bathing. Jtfanv of them say j us tunsor Inareryfcv hour?, under
that their health is improved by leav- j th i?flace or mere terror at tiie pro-ling
the salt upon their bodic?, and 1 Pct of the pai'i of the surgical opera
dressing without wiping themselves j "ion it wis before the days ofcnloro
wlth napkins. j form wi.ioh had bean determined u
t m , j to remove it. Iler was a cas. where
An rnlaaky Color.
Under the vigorous administration of
James IV. of Scotland, the young Karl of
Chhress incurred the penalty of outlawry
frritiir fnr fti.timn rr an i-iftniit
feud. On the evening preceding the batt!
of Flodden, accompanied by three hundred
young warriors arrayed in green, he pre
sented himself before the Kin, and submit
ted to bis mercy. This mark of attachment
was so agreeable to tliat warlike Prince
that he granted an immunity to the Earl,
and all his followeis. The parchment on
which this immunity is inscribed is said to
i, ,:it -h ; Iia ofpHi.,, rt tliA
I t.
Earl of Caithness and is marked with the welir ,u(1 seir u( t!ie d .cillrs,Dg tn!,ei.ou im- ; gien. Thi Anakei. (cr pLe remeJv. is elm
dninistrirgs, having been cut out of a dnim-! norwi tiron tlieci Iv nature. M rreovtr, as i ol and aT of application, c.vts iiiatant re-
head, as do other parchment could be found
heart, as no otnerparcmneni coma oe iouna
in th. armv The Earl and his "allanl Wid
J.,.! ..ftrr
icii iv, ,i.u.u ... ..i ... . -
den : since wtucn penoa it Has Been recs -
oned unlucky in Caithness to wear green a alug!tl. Mate. Wbcu i tue sanal p-ceuvaor : kr.ep tLeia eared. Half a million of persn s ' 2d minutes. 3 pounds, quality inferior
or cross tho Ord (a huge mountain betwixt j of dm. tse. Wnat .hen can to oi crcster ttr-1 pr. Loaace Anakai tire mi-t buneficeut di j r;:ort of what is required ln our mark
Caithness and rjoutherland) on Jlonday. j th' "d-eine -abirh irop; them to carr ot !! uJ e UUv- tbera. An. et j raTihet ssr, 1 made a eo
j. - M hip.v, fK. ' greatsr aei v.iv w. tn .lotLfiil ? ho rcsiiJiM ir; Dr. 9. brUbe' i-xternai Pi.e F.atr.ar '.a , , . v.
tie day of the week on wbioh the chieftain ; ... . . r!l:Jag, Trice 61 CO. on(l trU1 wi-haboat the same reulf
advanced Into bomheroind, on his way
toward the south.
Zngravinj Cupper Bulicrt. Copper
print'iug-roilers are usually engrave,
in two wa6. one of which. l the im-
with amarnio or varnish, which protect
the places whioh i are not to be . acted up-
on. and which leaves the pattern to be
enr3Te(1 open. The roller thus pre-
pjr9ll j, tlien vi,1Blped into abatu of nl-
Uric acid of 15deir. or ?tronsrer. l-mie-
limes a littlu hvdro-ehluric acid is add'
th dissolving action of the
aciu. Aiie operauoa gcuniii.j .rr
, fl , minntes. This
no more than live or ten minntes. 1 his
proses has grave inconvenience", es
pecially in place where there is not a
sufficiently strong ventilation to carry
off at once the fumes which are rormeii
in larxe quanities. This free acid is
not only uanserous for the workpeople.
but, spreading in the room, soon affects
the machines. I her is aio tins uraw
back, that tho acid acts underneath the
varnish, resulting in uneleau edicts of
the engraving. A German chemist lias
for some time employes! cbrotiieaeid iu
place of nitric acid, aid from all ac
counts with very satiifat tory resuiu,
cruecia!!v in tiara locaiiiits. The at
tack of this acid upon the me.ta'is a lit
t:e slower, but the engraving is sharpe.
and cleaner. Tho solution i- the lol
lowintf.- 5 oz. of commercial bichre
wat of potx-a dissolved in 2(1 oc. of hot
water, after which 12 oz of sulphuric
acid ot 66 dog. are carefully added, aud
ihe whole weil mixed. This balii gets 1
brown from us:
usae; If after a lew days' !
lucli so it wus: be tiirown I
it becomi'. m uc
away. It is neceary in order to ob;
tain good ruits, to beat slightly the
b:uh, which is du'c by placing the
trough containing It into a bath of tep-
ic water. J l.e cost ot worKirg witn 1
cl-.romsc airid thus obtained is said to i
be cheaper than with nitric, aud alto- j
in reenumiiil it ta enlieo orintui i. i
At tue last meeting of the French !
t'ue last meeting of the French
AcaJeifly of Science il. L. Erauit read 1
a memoir on two phases of the auuual
eircuiat:ou of tlie air. lhe stuiiy ol ,
baroir.elrie pressure vcr the entire
globe Lad leu to two important results; ,
1. lu eauiiynr the low.st pressures on j
Ihecoutiueias are iu the northern lit in i-1
spaere, au the highest cmitinental '
pressures in the southern Leusisphere: I
Affier.ca, buli tiie maximum pressures j
ot Saulh America, Austnu.au and ,
ssuiavru Sirica arc e-"iauiiucii. vu
,i. .rr.. r tim i-. I
est coiitinenul pressures of the summer i
mouths becime in win'er the highest, '
1 and. reciprocal :y. the higlie-t becomes j
' the lowest,. j-itteu the two seasons j
:li i.ra-.nre ij rMtfcst in lhe North i
Atlantic and South Pacific Octaus. I
. A'c"'r"u'e 1 " " "':"" '
iron Las beeu exmbiud to the i renca
Ac,,jSIj,7 of ovl.ce. It was a piece of
j,ig metal of ahout three kilograms
weight, and of a brilliant surf.ee whic
esists almost u!l omn.arv cheiuicai
agen.s. The color of the Wi was
nearly the sicn as that of platinum,
and us s;?citio weight rs a'woiit G.5J.
The result, as given, of lhe iintstig
tioa to wiiah iue-Piciiucp wajsulmit
ted. j.roved ILe luetahc uiais i l a
silicuiettevl ircu, rcaiarkablv rich i:i
siicon, and liial it was evidently the
product of a blast furiiacv. The acci-
wulaliui'ual j o i.l of view.
It is now prcAscd to make railroad j
tics of gts?.. J-o withe
aU(f tieJ uf w
car-weeis ot pa- j
per ami ties or g;a.-s we may soon x- i
iyct rail of putty or some such null-)
(,Sl;t rail of putty or s
stam-e. boon tlinr Ie
boon tlinr Lie I Uastu: uitro-!
duced Lis method of tuuLeniu.
ilr.F. Siemens. of lresden, com
, a srits of reaei.rt.hes, which have cul- I
'Inimf..! itt rn-1-.riir. in the lioii ili'tioil
.. , .i in
ol J
of a very Lard glaff, which, unlike
j rle
material proii-ccd by thu De ia
t.istic meiiiod, dot-s not fly into a in il
licit li-atruieiits when broken, 'i he
s,rr;..:i f", ti ai.u nia .tin i
which are leiii2 te-ted on tlie
i,y 4jx iuohes d-t'p, tiic irpper side beinj
: shaped to : the rails. The plas sleep
. ers ure i;ot o stronr? a Ihose cut from
' 'l,r'1 P!lie' but l"c' "re lractiOally
j indestructible, and, what is more, are
i Cheap.
X" Stviitg Machine. A Vienna me
chanician has recently saeeeeded, afier
many fruitless trials, in coi.structiui;
a sewin? machine which does not re
quire the iersou workin-; at ic to suit-
nit tf. tl.A unulAQUnt l-.ii iir.hclt-hv te.
:e,gitv of cousunt hoailvexerti-n v,z :
aattion the machine in motieu with the i
foot. Since, for pscuuiarv re aseri. ttic
application of electricity, steam er wa
lV l'"" "i."''.
of the Blew raaehino was restricted te
j gravitation or elasticity, and he, pre-
lerriug the lane.- lorce. contrive-j to
make springs strong enough to ketp au
ordinar v-.-izd machine iu luotiou lor
Msatal Cares of Physical DiMusa.
The American young lady who be
beved that she bad ge. a bristle of her
teoth-'erush fixed in her throat got
wort and worse, though there was no
bristle there, llil she was persuaded by
her dueior's ruse that he bad extracted
it, after which she recovered as rapidly.
Oa the other band, there are very well
attested cases, i:i which mc-e flight.
directed to the exaecte'I suffering of a
l Jiseisod part, has caused a powerful
! but salutary revolution in the condition
j ef the diseased organ. Dr. Carpenter
if we mistake not i.i his "Xenial
Physiology," gives a cuit oftheeom-
; attention and attention of no hopeful
I kind produced the very cpac-site effect
! to that which, in the American young
j i,.p,'s Cll3(.. attention of the. despoil Jcnt
j j k:l,j.p:.0juclhe ver7 eC.
feet. Indeed, which a remission of at
tention, when accompanied by the
hope of cure, had in that case produced.
A Gentle Stlmulm
Is inr parte 1 to the t Liner an! LlaJder by
, STarocm-ug brp.d tj ol tb.-.e orens. Alcaldes
i iaiu-mg moie activity into thesi. Iuih oseal-
ucatetters i.itora wmcn is oi.si Ucetui ui
itm wuio ecuowa iiifa a-.aa auuiuuirai Tit;cr
additional vifrcr
tnil fntr.lM Irfm tli rtiar Ol nnrarfra l.
, they are the cLauriel f. r the em-ape of crta.u
; icov are me cianriei i. r me nvape oi ctna.u
anpnr.tita from tie birod, it i: cretses ttmr
I nalfulneP bv etrtnrtienin? and Lealthfaliv
. gt mu:aUug thr:n iu mctbA touL.
, ,,, ...... nr.nj i-.iT f.ri hito
i unB . rnd a mid.c.ua chicii - aert th
perd ahoaid ba Hhlj eteea.i.
Ar.ntr.wrrtnr. ! " HOMK.STIC. i , BOIOKOUS. - '
FAEi.lUcnisi.ST. Amsricanciaun-i
faeii.rt- r of farm t.rfils ,h:.r.e. thein in .
sneh a i7 as to do the work with the 1
leas: phys'.cal labor. TbeKnglish man
ufu'lnrer nit the of nor hand, has a
nri(ieinu.akinevervthinzubs:antial.!tothis'i!L'e. One wishes to know Low
heavy and solid without any regrd to
the weight or strength neeJcd. Why, ,
there Is more wood and iron n an En- 1
KlUh farm-cart than would make two!
American cart and yet with their mend any special treatment, d:ic a roi.
sujierb roads the v load tiieire no heavier i Wilson-! Engianti.who is.'certed hi!i
thau we doours.' An English manure ' authority 011 ns luur. coii.'.cmin wa-1:-fork
ii of the same size and pattern It I ing it, sad advUes, i:is;ead thorough
wa? half a century ago 1 square, ' brushing. This promote circulation,
roii'sh. tine shouldered near the puiut removes s-cii.r a:;d i' iuall rorpocts, he
caliing lor the greatest amount f lorce ; says, better than water. (Jutting the
in loauing or unloading. The American 1
lor U a rouud pol
gradually lroiu
ud calling fcr
weight of an En
three f inie4 rhat l
about twice, and yet it takes neither i
wider Tor deeper furrow-l;ces than
our best plows, la fact, ,uc pair of
hnni'i attached to one of our bet i:it- !
tern plows will dofrom a third toaiiaM
more workin thesamo number cfhouts !
tuan an a.ngiisn iirmer wun 11:3 long, 1
unwieldr jitiern that is out ol ali nro- i
portion, both in length and weight, to ;
tue work it is iutemieil for. The raac
is true of the English harrows, cultiva
tors aud ail of tiie Implements 1 tounu
iu coEiino.i u-o for turning or cultiva
ting the soil. Tho ordinary wooden
hand-rake is a clumsy, heavy thing, :
having Iroui a third to a tiaif more v ood i
than is actually neceisaiy. Ii: many j
instances, in going through England,
1 in manT 01 the agricultural ttistrlcti
which I visited, lanners cultivating j
irom lorty TO a nunureu acre 01 ianu 1 is
tlill eontiiiue to cut tln-ir grain crops
with the reading hsx.kj and cradle. !
The Eujii.u crauio iias a scythe Made !
of ordinary size and length, with two j
short wooden lingers, 'l he man cut- j
grain arouud against the uncut stand
ing grain. Another man loilows t:ic
cradler, equipped with a pice of slick 1
aDaut turee leel in lengtn wuii an iron
hook 011 the end of It, and gathers the !
cut grain into sheafs aud places them j
lie cur. The American, or what is com-!
j rnor.lycRlleu the "Yankee," iriai ha. ;
j a wide sevtl.e-bl.vle sim ilar !a size and
,.,.;, . " .... v,,iuti hut ii.ste.i nt I
rivTsherl lin"ers it has' four loii"ones. '
anil lhf ,n(.r:.lrtr f'llf. the IT.llll. U i::.'Il I
,, tl, .;no.(.rj u l.i. li 1. thraun
!. . i!ik .nrh'iie .ntindr oct
of the war r the next cradler w ho lI- '
lw le-.vimr i!ib r.lil. rKulv to be !
bound, one man with usdoin,' the Wcrk i
rt iu.;u rr.irtiii. In iHlkinir iiu the !
subject With an ii.tc'.:ig..t fa-mer ii.
Essex countv. England. 1 bad diflicuitv '
ished tii.c, t:ipe"'?;iroiiioto HSgiowtn. uwtoiuie intiUU. liieoin.'cr agreeu w uu w .. - j pwirt Uk, UotMier, j "o: V.orwe a .!. ' eie .. m -.
tho point to ttie hase, ; nics recoiU.nenaoa i.r oai uu-r.i, 1 ne wouia in turn grain mm iuo mo. ! to ta nervi. ei. " - v:. T,sg tf,., .
the least power. The ! excepting pttroieum, are mere stiin- ; favor ha woui J a.-k. I svr . il and ea y "J1' p'-of .Xrc t'n-'r 1. .r
gii.,11 piow l at left : ul:n:ts, audare seluomor lirv.irperiia-. Mr. ilorrl-oa azreed to this, in a Lif In tiiim. i :n . ir eu'f ra. ' ,vl " ,'i ;l ' . .''
.,.,.1 ;tJ l..,,,,tl. I 01...... fi.l Sntnn of r!ieni i.'ire .1.,,. i,r.i dm rfK ',r deir.aruled that ..' . 1. I VL y'. .. 1... v ca. n l v o.a " ' '
' in convincing him that the long tiugeis - aud wheu ad is dour, invert h pan!
let' the "Yankee" cradle would not or ; over tiie top of the di-h, and put Km,
j could not get landed up in ti e straw, ; the oven. Cook, covre 1 for ten uiin
nor cofcld 1 induce him to send and g i 1 te. then remove tae pan, a:i I place !
. .in lt.ii.ri!'!! nro.ilp .ilrl!i!ii 'li lie Ud;
oon,rl:linin-of the high price of farm
,abcr 1;C!1 t.0!11I):,rea wit;i tiic lo.v
.,,; r,r .,r, nro liu'e
I'rite 01 ,-rm Pro llut
How to Avoid Uai Kitttck. In a
lecture belore tho New Yotk btatc
Agricultural .society, lion. L. E- Lewis
s7j : "In my opini.ni a grrat auioant
r.c l. tiiot- i i w 1V1I tirsr.liv iin. ieriiili- '
ne-s in r.. n. ifacture ; se.-ou-!, by to-
i:iu(h acid iu f:e c
aeeln in a decompose
fourth, by t.'O much
in eh i. m !!. and v,tri
:ng siabic.-, ii-ijctre
earn: third, !y
! state iu Ijuttei ;
ric'.ion i n ho'ii-i
'.i.g. i't iil ::;iii.
i : r . o lor lroiu
i.uCOTIlpo..:!! ItiU.'iT, ai
cct tue qi;.i.-
ir y of 11 e ir.iik. I i.':ri'
more :u gar iu a Lund re
than there is of butter
ii .vi r a p i.;n..'
pO'iiiil-Sof ll.iik
s.ig ir scid is
j ii.. lii-st sign of tiecotuM.stiiv!i in the
j milk. 1: d-stroys tl.e sagar. The st
tonl, or lactic acid, nets upon :.n i ic
siroys lhe .-il. that give Lu te." iu tin
aroma. When tlitse t'o nclds ar; ful
ly developed, cesiroyi;g the ugir and
' aroin itie properties, we liae what may
j be called the na'tiral clioia-irgariiie
I butter. It is scarcely bi.tor tli i:i l lie
patents: liv lo. Cream should be i l:'iru-
el while in the lirst or second sugar
laciJ. The best is luade from sweet
I cicala is more susceptible to odors t.'.au
aour cream tu'ier.
j " Kcr.TiNE," si?ys a Bo-;oa physi
I clan "i.as no ci'ial a. a bio.id puritic; .
j Healing of its many won lerfui cures,
i alter all otLer rcii idles It. 1 laiic.l, i
I visited lha la! oratory ar-d eoi.vii.cetl
my.eif of 'ts grnuine merit. 1: is
: pit-rare 1 from ha! i.s, root i'.id l.ti '.).-,
cr.cu i l wuicii is i.igu.y ti.viof, a.:.,
t-iey are couii.ouutltd in such a !:a:.
ncr' to produce asroiii-Iiing re.ults."
Tnt il A-NAGiiitxi op Uonsrs. They
sl'.ouid te fed in proportioa to their
work. An id:e tea-si luay bo w iutere.i
uno:i good hay alone; when wcrLiu.z
ltiitly a leed o" -jraiu at noo.i will
sjdicieat, -aiih hay uioruinand nij'nt.
With Leary ork, ten uusris ol ground
! coi a aad oats, and e.iatlcd iitraw or
I fxr.-!- f. 1. 11 t : 1 !.( tT.vi I I....M!... fl-1.1
in many cisss for s:ual! horses less v.-ii!
do. (ioo.l jrcomiujj is necessary fr
health iu winter. Ground pypsmn
spread itpou the floors will j-revtiit the
pungent odor common to subles. This
vaper of ammonia is hurtful to hordes'
eyss an. I the ;ri'ieBtcaiis ot oputnai-
aiia, and resulting In Lliudnest, wi;h ,
lieii so nsanv m.r.-es are troubled.
Throw a few pa:l-ful of water upoa the :
floor hrst, aed tten natter around a
shoveltul of the gvpsurn. l-'re-h air
should cntor the siui'ics i;t the bottom
! and tire tout air esi.ioe at t
.e top.
AIa!:e sinallslidingdoors for ventilation
and cover them j. ith irc netting on
laths, to exclude vrmin.
Watcb FfliRjwa. VM.cn all elsa is f
done, make the necessary water fur-j
rows al once. These may come a rain '
tho next day tnd do damage. Di-perse
tire water intd several ch iiinels, rather
than let it colieet in one cr two. When
the field is tn grass, these water fur- .
rows will be useful in spreading u.e
raia more evenly over the Held.
IIar.tes Foi.tsn. To make a good
harness polish take of mutton suet two
ounces; beeswax, six ounces: powder
ed siu ir. six ( iiuces; lampuiacK, one
ounce; green or ycilo-.v s'ap,
ounces and water, one half pint. Dis
solve the soi.p in walcr, add tho other
soiid ingredients, mix well and add
turpentine. Lay on wit
nollsh oil with a Itiu-h.
i a sponge and
A !.r.-' Wi-ii. ' Oil, !i.t.v I d"!
w ish my skin v.a aa "cioar as yours," ;
said a I.i'lv lo her fticid. "Yci can;
eii!'.- iriak " it so," aiis'.vr-d tiie fi iem!. I
"liow?" :i r.rnl the nrt l.'-.'y. "Ky '
r.Wi nr.!) L.H10TF, in:.i rrra.es pure
rich oloo I atri biffOiiixisr hfalth. It .il l
lor in?, as yan ou.-ervi!." j.eii c. u.
r;7,W.., . .r-a ll,.r nr.?
a i
T....t jtn.il u ifrt. IT.i irr.r..rt cttn..
.-.f t li A ,.i... p r rL.-a 1 pi T. i. -. p. 1. ti .-i t .1 i i
ruiid niaiiure everv (i.iv last summer
. ,.i i-.ii ..,,1 ; S,. , tr. i,.o i.r..
the fruit in.'i s.ised in sizeai.d quality.
Tiuiatv l.'iacovcrx.
"Great men re not atv-s.T3 wise, roi'h'r do
ibeastred nial'rotaiiil j iiria':iit." Job. T-iis
ilflicted pstr.ar.'ii ia ,r.t hive known cf tha
ociees and pur.Iul trcaULaut or Luieroit:
iu his owa tun, but hi w.T.'a would bare I
beea evea more appacsUa had Lis prophetic I
eye locked dowo tbs ions vista ol msdical h.a- !
birr and wiincrraej lha ctifl. a'oaurd aud in-.-f- j
f rcvaal treattceat of i dea bv lbs njiat sckooU
of "(treat and a?rd prufeaira." until at last a
diagusied doctor proaouncedpiha
Jca ' Iheoppro-
' nr.ra or ine art. it. . isn.
! Uaia, by the simp Icity and ei
great p.le reme.i.T, net ouiy the
cf rpiack nostrnto't. whftaf nam ia leuioa. but
ei enacn noirnin!. wacie? naica
i tr.A rp.rn.terl w ailom nf lha marliial nr.-ifi...
liof, and by eombiuing the msii'a of a poaltice
i not, ana dt eomoiuiog m9u' oi po'iiuca
. to socrlia. rn mstroment to hold up and com-
1 pr the tnmor ni a .kilfuliTdovlaed medi.
j;, ..j dir6ct.T to the d:ncEd pirt rd-
! t.tr.i.t..itr er.re. tim worat of n,lM mil
: f-jBi;'e mailad free to ill aflrrer by P.
j iieuataedter 4 Co., Sex X'v York.
i . i
Treai scsi ct ihb hair
rireerve tlie hair
is a sutject which I
feeius to inierec aliuor-t everybody, H ,
we may j'oj
fro-. the trcn lent imiui-
rics from every direction which coins
to prevent baldness, another how to
preserve their hair from turning gray,
another Low to eradicate dandrull, etc
Xow, It is .1 delicate matter to recoui-
hair, doe nor, as coiiimomy inougiir,
rie tocongestica of the scalp. When ,
la stimulant is desirantf , a.nnaouia is j
the best. It is
of the l.air. Dr.
safe. For falling out j
Wilson nreeribes a lo-
tion composed of water f aiiimonn, '
ai'notid oil, !.d chloroform, one part:
eacn. uiuiie'i w u u; iai
or spirits .f rosemary, the wholu maile ,
frarmt with a drachm of oil ef lam-I
on. IVib it on the skin, after thorough .
friction with the hair brrvti it may ,
03 Uteu sparingly or Biiniiua::i:j , u.niy 1
or otherwise. j-urcoel!Pg lotitjn, one
. UOW lO i
ma le of two drachma of borax and ly-1 "Well, then, 'Ayr. I begin by the j erers:ea together on the street. Cbiu
eriue to ci'lit ounces of distilled s-;llinar question. Yon acknowledge w j,ulbands are extremely jealous if
terii incnve, a.lsj.rg drynes', , sub- yourself the la.her of this puppy? " rwiTM and are afraid of evilspir
duingirriial.ihtv, and removing dai-l-! A r0:,r f laughter bural irom tie , tue,r W1T0. nu " ' ,
rutr. 15j.ii b! !::e?s ami grayness d- j trwj ; the officer threw the candidate j Its; and 111 order to keep one m aut
r.?nd on defwtive powers of the scalp fr banti-'in awav. and thus the witty i the otiier out. their dwellings are sur-
skin, and are to he treated alike. What
needed is moderate stiuiiilation, !
w;tl.ot any irritation. The folio ing j
;oo l: rua into the bare rd.ices i.ai-1
or even twice a day, a liniment of t
camphor, ammonia, chloroform, i
aconite, equal part . each. Tho lVict
ot '
ton '
jIacaboxi with Ciibeje. Creak the
macaroni into equal leng-tis aim cirop
saucepan of tin to prevent Its stn king
to the bottom. About twenty minutes
will cook it tender, when it must be
imu.ejialeiy Uken from
the tire, ami
prepared lor baking, iiutter a pudding
di.ii BTiJ ui;h a skimmer, put a layer
of well drained macoroni in the bottom
of it. Add salt if nccc.fary, then a
lUlie Ol
iter aim a layer ci cneee,i-
another layer of drained
macaroiil. tl.cn mors butter and gratcu
chees oiiti:iue alternate Ijyr-is un-
til all til lliaCVrUB. H Used, .:itt!llg
che.sa at the top a;i 1 over all a tlnu
lav.T of silted crcksr-cruaiS I'ut
hall a cupful of sweet cream into t!:e
i'h before arranging the top layer,
t!.e on tlie upper gr.li'iz to brown
tristop. It should he served in the dish
i:i whicb it is like.l, auJ a. soon as
posiibie, as standing makes it dry aud
It tra'.es a person leel si:l to hear a
otyuig -, nihoring pr..bat.y irom
suu.e saxl.t pain, whii h could be easily
r ii,;v d bv ti:e US? of 1 r. Hull's Ilal.y
v. UICil
I Krssiax Samp. f it a lobtcr li1
.uall loiiiid s.ices, ald to it an e'ia:
quantity of liiii is of aaciiov.e-, t.vo
. l tzju slirimp-, o.ic doz -u praa ii--t.tr,
1 Jt Zca etUil'id o'lV.--", o: c ta!lepnin;"-.ll
ef capi-rs, iii"i-t-ii '.v.:h om' j.i
(i .is'., ni'.x and ihl into a border made
a: to. low;; iJiil l.vo betts, six 'new
potaii.es, twenty a-p.irngits top-, ovn
e.faa! 'iJantiiv of siring hems; cut the
' beets ui si.CJ t io ii:t In? tl!:ik,-:;ni!
s.aiiiji out uiaii partii-le- with a round
vettablc cutter; cut the h- a:is or ns
iia.,.1 ilic Winn length: pine a bo.-diir-iLOiild
cn a (i'-ii, sm roairl i'. isiih
r.oui:i-'i u-e, nr.dllsieit wilh alternate
:ayrs of tl.e vegetable d.ppe 1 i.i tuvat
jny to hold ihfin in piace tae green
oti'.s ne .r tiie bottom, and the b.e:s
ati'l pctuloes btive when the liorder is
firm, turn it on a flat d't.-h, llil it n ith
t:ie above sala l an i serve.
Fisa TiT-niNO. An Anitrsean In
. IV i in. jen writei; "-I sen 1 you a re
e;pt for a delici.'US spei'tuiiiy of the
!laois!i cliire. I i;ia.; U'.'q:;j;ii
tame kt the h.j liable table of a coun
tryv.ou.an, whose husbsiid represents
i us at the Danish Court very t-fflcie.iiy,
and with fentral avjuaiiitame ana
eonuueiidston, wi;oe brother is tnc
i mo-t distinziilshed American living,
and T. ere I to mention his iua evt-i'v
true Kepublicau would at once order
I iv v receipt for his diunsr. it is for a
fish pu i in :e, lo ba ssrvs I after soop 1
or es an entree. T.'iree houihIs ef;
b.iiitd !"!!, a lario lump of butter, a
I;i!.U.pooi;fal of llour, lit cups of
irc-h milk : when biieJ it inuit reol a
! I i : f r,. il tli r.i'l-i(,rti.i',n f.f'.:
' ti;u whit-s be:irn, and stir it around;
i tiien add salt, pep;er, and uutmcir.
j 1'ut it in a huttered dis i und caak for
, o.ii hoar iu a pretty warm oven, then
: serve. Ssuec I'iour and butter, and a
; little broth and capers.
Cars im Ki t ac r. The niaiii cinie
vf nrrvo-n.rtiss is iudigeitiot, and liia-
! caused fcr weakaoae f ths st iin.i.rii.
Xoone can have Sound nerves and g-'C.-f
stales without usiiig II. p I .ttwis to
strengthen tlie stomach, purily the
biae.!, tud kep the liver au 1 kidneys
atiivt, to carry off all the poisonous
and waste matter of the system. s.e
other coiuoiu.
In raf. kiriir cheaj l.re.i.1 pudding soak
bread crii:.ib iu cold waier ail niijlit.
squfeza ti'e wsier out.ndd chopped on
icis, lierbs, and parsley, pepper and
! a!r, wiiti a little atiet or Jrippin;. I
; flako in a Yorkshire pudding iiu and
ic.uontin fqiiar.-s. For sweet pud
jding use currants, spice, and brown
: elixir instead of onion, herbs, pepper
, and salt.
To rrtrvEXT Lock-jaw. Lock-j-.w
i is one of tr.e most terrible diseases to
! which mortal are exposed. A Califor-
inn sxchai.pe asi 'i ts that no one moo
ho in ilancr of such attack from wound
cans-" hy rusty Iron. The worst cati
ol inllani.e wound, may hi -;irI bv
a iioViug the i.ijured part with burning
4.-ll llinirtiilii
siich"a f.-.;al tbs -
w o or woolen ch!.i.
produces s.iiefy from
.se is wer.h recor.iii
ArrLE KiTTEB I'l ddin-g. One ri..t
of milk, tlneeeg.s. two cirr.s of fl.nr?
j ,w0 c,,,,, , appij-s. cut nrall.
: one hnllt an, tJi Kilh taUie.
Tut A Clc.tr Thliijt
i.e. ir-iir: doe- inanv for vo;: '
I Oft
cs, cooks, scrubs aud mends. Wnr
work is lr'ever dorc. Gi?r, from vour
! ?f.-"r r P'" a"
is r.r Ci!t-Kd-.) Butter
rcr wot. more bufur.
-i.iker lor len
i arid ot a color lii.it she v. iii he proud;
T he valuable book, -Ilir.t to But-
Jiaaers, ia given a;vay oy ail store -
Xova TosTOrncE, Ashland Co. O.
Jlay 2S.h. 1873,
Gcntlemtn: lly uttentiou was c-'l -d :
by jour correspoudeut of Elyria, Mr. j ATV'srnx paper describes' a very
Boypton, toyourGilt-Edgo Ji-atter M- i Ii'U man as being tail enough to go In
ker, end wished me to give it a trial. ' to t he woods and pick a met ofaiuir-
Me cnurned onezaiion or cream ac-
I eordin-r to
a.h" Py'jterto Jilr. Boynton, witii the lollow-l
TvaM TfaaiiiJ in rMf tio.eof churning 13 minutes
' 103., cotor good and quality Ur
better than anyttiini; that 1 have tried
previously. I have been enesged in
lhe dairy business more or less 13 years
j i !,0 took of lhe same cream the m.
1 ' . , " ," 1 '.me
tlm8 a"'' f.rom tbe me bulk, omitting
your powder, as per direction, with
the following result, time of churning
Truly your.
C. . Tax AuAiw.
A Scotch clergv- i
man by the liamu of AVatty :dornon ,
whs a man of iron irrenressib.e humor
On ouoocca.ion a vo W2 ifflcer scutU-d ,
at tne ilea that it required much
innnsieid preccini, ami vcik
that he wou.d preich a an hor on any
passage 1:1 tiie UM Testament without
tl!esli''!.t pr.p!rr.tion. Mr. Morns-.
ob took tho 1m t, and he gave tor a text, 1
"And the as cm-r.cd his
uiouth and
lie sp ike." The parkin won the wager,
' the otil.-er being rather ilisiii'-'lined l
' employ Lis tloii-CTice ui"r that text.
, On another o-;';.ion -Mr. Morrison
i entreated ai: cLL-er to jLtrdou a poor
dicrfor soriin oiu-nte he had com
tiie ceremony of baptism should be per
The clergymaa
formivl on a puppy.
agreed to it; and a party of many gen-1
ren:en aseuiUed io witness the novel
Jr. Morrioon
desired the offlcer t-,
noiu up ihb piiin'j , .
i tiie batitism ol children, and said : I
customary i
"As 1 am a minister of the C'uureh j
0f Scotland, I must proceed according
to the ceremonies ot lhe Church " (
'I ex- '
"certainly, sai.i toe jaayur.
Met all tbe ceremony.
n:inistr turned the lauga against the
in;i,!t-l, who intcndml to deride t!ie i
crc,i ordiuatce.
For Leoxc-uial, Astdmatic, and ;
Catarrhal Omtdaints, and Coughs and ;
Cold, "VroiCHM l.runUdil Troches
inaiiiicst reniarKau:e ciiiaiive 'ru,)ri-
.ties, lulitatk-ns are otlered for sale.
'many of whici ar! injurious. The j
genuine "limva' UnnthUl Trochei" j
j are sold o'y in 6n.
Tlie ciik of the court hade the wit-
i.t, . ..., o.i trt r.,,.1, ;
alJ loU, ,,'p",.;, i:a!',lt"to be swoi n. He j
took 1 he. oath with such dignified com- J
' p,.stire and del.heratenes-i that every , Tlie onjy curMncy r tie country i
one Kit that ricr. st uj! before them a . fc , , u iCM
ca m, self-poi-id, truthful man, whose 1 """" . t:.
evidence wmiM go far to settle the J with a square Lole in the centre. MX
minds of the jurors ia this sensational 1 hundred 01 them make one dollar, bil
c.se. There na uiiii-uiur as every 1 veT eirtIltei through the Empire, but
one settled hinueif to drink in his tes- j u 4 fc weight altogether. There
i ilil '.h.1 JrJ wEal j - banks in the large towns that issue
you know ivoiit this important cae," their uotes, but their notes are not
!--i umi't know anyl'ilng abuur il," 1 Iejal-tender cash for the payment oi
'ald thi witf.e., biaudly. "Don't I a.,,. 0v nassiu the towns where
know anything a )')i.t it
nytl.ir-g aVmt it? then why ;
lid vo'j live vourself snuaioned as a
. ;-.io-.: v '-..iMi i.i iti't ;i t'ni.ii i;i.t i
w here 1 could i.ear everything. Tick- j
ets weren't to le bad for love or '
A DaNBltr hoy w discovered
"playif-g huoI;ey ". yesterday by an un-;
eie. ii.! -A-a vo'-Liug a veicipeue in
the I'liirb. It was tuppowJ by the!
uiic'.e that tiie boy lud taken auvan-
t:.-e of l i lather's sbs'jtiseout of town !
fui I'ne c -y. J:-;t tl.is young man de- ,
del the impcschini ut, r:i I claiuied
tltr.t he st t cd from s.-iio;.! because of a
st.ie bee! i.ot sere e:!oii?!i to prevent 1
workliiga velocipede, tut too sore for
ltett -r S-op M-s:li voar lat'uer IT
new p nr d'Wa'ei, )ni', und run in aud
wan.i jour ii.i'K -. bv lhe tire, iij you
reti.ctou lik' v.!iii solemn fact that
ia seventeen ciiliion yeais sn nisteroi
Ice, i'-xiccn tec; tnicK, will cover this
planet if
Those who ue i.'arloline, as now
improved an J pcrfeete-1 theprea:pe
troieiiiu iinir rcio-'.v. r, arc always dis-lii-.iiis'ie-l
!v the bea'itiiul sole text
rre of tlie hair pr -!u-. e I by tin tire ol
th-; most txti'iiiitc of all toilet prcparj-
.y 0: 1 barhi lor wns cn-.tiiu a wid
ow, arid boih h::tl sought the aid of art
to ive l t.ifir fa im-x hair a darker
share, "lliat's fniu to be. an aft'ec-'
tio;iare eiiijile," Snid a ' w.ij. "How i
so?"usked a fiier:d. "tt'liv. don't you ;
see tlo-v are dve'.!: ' for each other al- i
" . v Fntrltah vi?nn:i ' trlrt ia
: iirave "of sentiment," siv3a Spring
, writer. -I have seen 8 Countess iro- ' Buddha 70 feet hii'.i, made iu the pro
trude from her carriage i:i lt?geut ' portions of a man. From 2.0oO to 3.0CU
' street a riiimber uii.e Contress' Loot, , . . ... , , '
the clastic worn a.id stretc-he-l loo,e, ; Fr,''s m'i,at9 " tUi u,ul)le- ur
landthestraptopiill tiiemou by stick- missionants raw I,o.J at one time
ing out." Ltt American, read ai.d Le kneeling on mats andchanting Buddha
Twk .Vtrfm TKm..(r,t un Kankakee
h-.. . i. -i..- . i... 1,...,,. ti Lin .:i i, t).a
way ol doiu-i iiji a job of uralriuiouial
spiiclnjf with reatiieis and despatch.
This is the formula: "Have Vr?"
"Yrs." "Uave 'ii?" "Ves." Mar
ried; $2."
Ira boy's boots wero made of cast!
iron, corere-.l with tar and gravel, aud The William H. Lackvrood is a ste.im
then painted fo'ir coats aud varui.hcd, ,r cf forty-nine tons burden, high in the
; mother uculd still have cause to . . . v ,..,
: wonder how on iart:i "thar; boy"
his leet sopping wet.
i Vir. no not believe tn medicine for
, ehildien. but we do bclievj in Dr. Bull's
i Itahy Si ruti and a--crt that uo lamily
! , , ,
.co:jbbodt who sees through appear-
Innces t-- reality says that keeping
, house means keeping a small family
hotcl to accommodate ut least one hus-
baii'l, two children, a cou-iu and an
A Xebiiau'a monument to a horse
tiiiel Ls s mply a stone at the head of a
nive and a sign reading; "It would.;
been cheaper lor him to go on
ith all the Frrnchmau'a boasted
economy iu culinary matters, he never j
laniksoi serwuj i.p iauio
it own
IH iinKs iii w either Sirip are
cuoueir, ai.'t no wonder; lhe weather
nut-Mrlps nil their efr'trt toward mak- !
- . i . .,t
1 ,r!i."0,ir houses warm and couifortab,-.
' ..... ; nected by a erie of ropes,
, iKVKcrrifrry, ;si.otluyirgtbelow;,.iroi,h, .,,.,,
i ---"-. t.. ...... -i..r-i.,n, kTK con;iocteI with tin en-'iua. '
.? w.ta I ,V.,it, Electric Soap, (ta.leTh ... ... . - ar, j
Eake.oy crag a&u.. rinl i .a.,) it is bes.
fIiJ Mi out rcader ,P
, w,i i. for t.icaiM i.. i
! .
lrke fiirures in ariilimetlc. tl.rf las?
a i i vi. Liu no j a ' a uiuuitu I I
1 Jt.inds for more than all thit went bi
; tore it.
J attfiE Is plenty of bottom there.
; remarked a s.orlii;g tnan. pointing to a
. pcuestrlau wttn s
ia puirof enurmou leet.
' Kisses are the right kind rf smack
i to sail down the stream of life with,
a.tliougU taking a bus ia not bad.
"Bleid are the peacemakers,"
j fia lhe m11 wh dropped a cost
A STkoxa will does a man more good
ill thi life than a lively imagination.
Famiuks that cannot pay the baker
are liable to be stricken from the rolls.
Wwi W rsD .so EnaT in r.rrnr aoa-m. x-:th
eo!d eztremttiea. a ) iirv.i.fa la li.e sain, eo
; tlT.D.aa, emj badcb, aad an tDdiapntutlon u
;a Ir about, bt aur you ar in for a ll u At
; Virk, spr.aclnf from a more or lass TKcraaTetl
I J.rter. Dr. juts aaLattr KTls win bn th
. LtTr to a heal, ay aoodiMoa, aad apteOlly ra.
I Bove.aU biuary dlKMa
ConsninpStoB Cured.
.3' i. ;.n relired from prso
; m cm i.u h...ds bv
tice. having
an t-st in reinedy for the
01 a -imir '--I""" - -, -fnr Con.
9?eny 1 ....,,,. Asthma
"T'i0 Throat anJ l.ung Affeciions,
:r;;..d d,cal cure for Xer-
i .,,1,-
j Jhavng tcod if wonder- ,
P1'"'"; ?t'r L " " in thousands of !
yu,u .' 7..it ir h:s dutv to makf 11
fellows. Act'i-
a'e-i bv this motive nl a oeiire 10 .1
K?e hnman sufieri, 1 will send free
of charge to all who deire . 'U
ell, in Germaa, French, or f iS-n
wtth full irecuon or Pp..ijf
h:noe hf ue are uuany ui ;
brick, one story high, and covered tin
tiles aud earth. They are built 110
h;autT tar fear of disturbing the good
t . . ,,,,.!,,.. ,nd
tiabr is scarce, lhe nouses
Tj,iej iito two rooms, one for the males,
. . - ,h feDlaieJ. Each does
hi 9r 8r own cooking.
cooking. Husband and
wife never eat together,
nor are they
roun(iej i, a hi'i v-oV. The trrr'-
turo ol-a Chinese" lvet.iag .u -.-isi of
a small table abeut three feet square,
chairs similar to a bar-room chair, aud
.j,e Clu2 (bed) is buils of brick soiue-
... Hk old-fashioned oven and
has a flue or the amoke to pass ofl.
When a CLiaaman wi-.hta to retire, he
builds a Ire under his bed, warms il
Up good, arranges sheep skin and blan
kets, crawls in aad 14 Jiappv. aueir
i dishes are not very extensive, the
kwaeuae (ehou-slick.) bting most liu-
portant, as they are used for coavey-
jng all mauacr of food to the laouta
, v . . f ., . Cni In
case a
bank should fail the banker
would ke behead-.d. Auy person who
receives money or other property from
his customers for safe keepiug must re-
turn the san.e when called upou to do
s, or be held as guiity of a high crime.
tt,e uuuishment lor which is death.
After the debts are paid, all else that
he has goes to the (joverr.nieat. Iu caso
iie has biddea the property so it eat.no;
be found, the proper! of his relativo
first in line is lakeu till the depositor i- i
made koixI, itauken tire benest iu
Ci.ina. Chinese physicians know li.tlt ,
or lioihiu abojt the huuiaa system, I
do at ail for a mail a .id s woman, though j
their complaint b; the eai.:e. Thf I
beasts of burden are cows, donk'yi. '
hores, mules, aud camels, and they
freij ;cntly g"t tlicru strai.'uiy mixed ;
A great uiauy caiiieU are tistJ for thr
purpose of carrying tea to ltii--i.u. j
siheria. The prii;ciial temples, 1 1 cm t
which they try to exclude foreigners.
re as follows: 4iThe Temple oil
Heaven," the walls of which are two j
tailes sijuare. The U rople itself cover j
about one-fourth of an acre; and is j
built in the form cf a dome. Here the j
Euiperor is supposed to attend everj j
three months to offer saerilloe. h.cl
; consists of from six t-- eight hogs, four
or five sheep, and two or three oxen.
' At lue "I-ama Tcnirle" is aniiuagaol
praise. At the "lempie or the ureal
' liUl Ui largest hanging Ull in the
. world, beiaj thirteen leet iu diameter
' ftnil hltivn toff nlo-li I imr. nr. . uutt
I 75,010 different characters cast on the
bell. The bell is rang wheu they want
; rain, aud no other time.
Steam Dredging of Ojrslars.
bows, of wide beams, built iu a style
! peculiarly adaptal to work of this kind
; She is 83 fee, long, and has a draught
j of water leet. She carries in the
j aUrn of tUe bolt ail unsuijy powerful
! . . . . . , ,.
engine a boat her s:ze, madd,-
J tiou to which is a double cylinder en-
K'ne for the hauling in of the casters.
i Uoused over, the men and boys are
! protected from exposure to storm, sun
and cold, and can work in the coldest
weather. On either side are two door',
provided with rollers, over which the
ropes run smoothly. The. Ore'lgcri
proper consists of a piece of apparatus!
which resemb!e3a carpetbazm its cen- !
, er,Uppearaace. It u m,.,e f piece.
of linked chain, stronz ar.d serviceable.
, nJ connected ta the rope by three
irou bars which prooee 1 from the ends
; and middle, and whicb.aiet in a com-
! moii centre, forming a ring lo which
1 r0Pa '3 Inched. There are four
of the dredgers, and a man t:i lo-k after .
the interest of each one.
pc;bai, as one will call th
Theso car- ,
lem. are con-
wh'ch run
an.l li?t .r.-. '
j B ,h9 oW . th9 tMn'
-axes tha muscular power of the !
, to iW utraes:. By tae new the steam
' A-tinA i ffa Tefi-T.-
O-.T Ciiosa- I
akc B iv oredgsrs
would regard a 1
euahel of oysters evil tiun the rilirsi
arc run up a a fair haul. Tie Fair!
Haven dredges, worlted by steam, j
;. n and gather at a single haul I
iwlve buaheia. Bvthe new msti.ol !
lias aud labor are totn raved, a.id the j
fxpo.ure in wiutrv weather, v.hie'i
rroaks down tiie consti f.tioii f our
hardiest oysiermen i? almost wholly ;
avoided, A very serious question wiii i
probalkiy eome up. however, as to the ! .
rilect upon the oyster beds of. tl: s j
uew process. I
Ir von ara Xrrim an! Dp.-ey-3l tak
Botaad' German Bittcra.
IIiFszinx's Tetter Ointment vn ear Fcr
Fralid. laor kOj. Eat Us r' a Itch on the ac, i
or Groow'a Ite on tba baod it nvr fsoa. j
au cuts par or a. kh oj man irv to ernw.
Johnatnn, EnlowaT Jt Co.,
Hrraxrxr's Tetter Ointment irUl cere all
cabby or aeslj eeaa ef tb ik.n.
Tban aiianii an AOvarttMnnaas wll
eeiBfar a Isvor Qpoa th AdrarUaor aad tii
raUaKar By annua Sna tar adva.
i hb tai iwiaai rnaW)- tee miit
1 1 Wll'i i;iuil. u.in.i r . . ...... r -.k I u;U.l ......
in s iro-? H "sfV;'n I'. I-Ycn! 0 'ire.-i.H
Of ou.r lr o . " ; nil ,.ue..:.y.
i.y me ,ul a a-nr.r .
Lp fc
u n-
iI.hh-. Ilile- sei.i a r (clurj
tf tn - in,-
I his t f".l e.
7K":'. ... . ... .aan-i.
I .f.TlS ; ai.O i.1. " , k. j L Vc
10 lnWi a 4
h 11 k'
fre-l.::.,' W ,i.' K"r"a T.il o.u r.a
,r.:i te.t;i. ''.'. "' ''".1. cK tie-,-.
lil .riVa Xt.ae:.
. i.tpiTTTV
iiiv.O.T. Walfcertjs.
- r:'V I.KM, . n UiMTltA-VSlTSMBiT.
. . 1 .... uimi.i tt'ir
St. Oi
',J.,iv st-i It f .r 1'. t
.Ht-l. IB
lliei: ! W I "I'D
Formerlr raster or ua.-a i-ioare Cliurca,
1 ;:.cin'sti.
MB. H. K. 8-TKVjss:
s, v-r.'l Of.'. Ins ot v:'-
. . ... 7. ".A- 1 nv.r ii-l a rem-.lv -
rseff'ts; Ujerelor 1 may lecummead ;
w -1 u'ren,rs-
acre la
W. L. C"I.I,
Walna-. Elilo. i toart Street
riteriRKB bv
D. tt STITl't Boston,
7egetlns is SoliVf all Lrcggis's
PuSniiT IS Bill
I.W T 1-.Dr. Snog. Of th. biit Ukllt'.
ceu;a. ( 1 i
Book er.r
mad, js -
!"Tl.reBllec:ioB of Ai ttins f-r Chcrci Sfr-
T1C. $1.IM
A put Crtam B S-ill.". C-untnded to
Uusicill s-c:. I... 75i; .u-s.
ItiiM Vo en. On of tL v-r b.rt Glee '
Ci-OlU. C. $
Fur Vote tttlni ij. (iM. ft'n' TTli
I)U. Of A LC A. TAP. A.
TiM 0r. CA Jtm o udv-if to git. J!J9-
Wljrlir"t th
of t. l.l-l6Ui.
.ha rt-U p i s.
or ' r
'r, lot
Oliver D'.tsrn & Co, Boston.
PHI tA. JIAK2. p-iL
aid CPRl'illT.
AWAni!! ir-TZ wwurri-ani
CENTBSNIAt 3ViiJ f FUU a.Ailr;a.
S3-3ci for onr Sew Catitofn. nl Pries LI- fiS
C :-!-!.
li. ,l- J. JJKC1C.
i.t-, Ot.: c .IT". I .; .it r-
.1 4 l..;ci CaLtitt i- oi .11 fJri--'
s I-if- f.
?Tii rfactv
-I rtui 1- r
IU atetiUiiM., m lrt&0.)
cam, Brcsrt, Hfosaaji
. AX3 tXM PVrVJ? UT3 J--. T J7.UI, r '.T--.-.
1 rrsdjjG-r ou-jm
r.ot raj or t-. c:
). V-M' tk :S I
i '.I be pH tat m rvryrCS
'rnr sra-a-Kj incm cr rtor!ra Imi tx :aes.
?j-fsr. rc a8Ta.
2c Covsa Cess r t i-, -. s4 t
iL-i i'l-t.-a j
r Mrr P.-. tr.r Pnivr;, L W r-"v tl
mMflieTiO Uttii!. i i..t. ' )
iukfiws. rv r ' . c.
Pi&.Eriipiis, itfl,
Itch:rr. si .1 al it n rti-
un lil twrcc wu.tr 1 r iu J
. fc(rtl. it Liberty Iu S w T
S 7.5
k a u y y s
UslteX ma la tow Lanza. t4 im imm d
llnf. to to Fnaona
Sa lv; luna. kw srOxa aa4 mj jifura
Ttaaniat oltfi tall !afsra.aaaa Ballad tsata. ApXT h
D. A. McKiaLAY, -Land Com'r,
- k. a. at. raai, ama.
I Thr Mora:.. tlltt. rVaitv. V.rV, Amn..-itBi.
Mtt.b-r., M.-pt. Sat r ' .pi st..p-l' .ti nr. at!
ei-a it i-.lt ;:, I, fnarinollnx al.ll-. f il ot
ranee4o a"i lt. Un.. temtit r1 ilia
' tl. :,. t W .p... tfTlI p.t. P ta... t.
j low Mlf. o-. w...i; i. hoi mi ro aVa:
Af IHNIi.,kCft lLtS. rfo.a iiaa .1 t
j bpu pactii.t,! .
Kcr tni. !-Tit:n ap-1 .:r. tir... a'rfrv..
i -'. lSet ls Ji o.. I'bi.artelph. Hav
set r
OfHco of Dr. M. W. CASE,
i fef fi lO)sO3 5
sA Q Mli?id
t-..--: -pt .-.-..r-.H. ..
jf tauraig ri.-PaMiul aad pl"aair,tlB:p.::-n...i u
as KUliik
M.k.j . .
taj rnfunii; i-a tnan . """ ' ' "
tiii.nw ma Tili: of r.pb.l.t. .r T. 4
! tha noat healiarand l'r. "a
1 Ki,i..irL-.r..nTii:i,?"
n not water. aba:1r roimMm, ar 1... 7717.1 Ileut.
at aadoread b. ahTsflu. ., .-k I 7
'; T aV i!,n. TT.iE.i
li'.UA5 ui luu JlUii:;uVS
Ctira'a M lf Fit.
174 IlIcSrai!ona.
Qunrto.d !. Ut! . Il .:. iDa .
k 1 'n
tt - pi..i l4.ilc:Mi .1. I
' :bj...i
1- ii c . 1
l' ATI"'1 1! rt p;;v 'I,. M
!!!' KtiM', ,sr-
t... i.iiar.
li-r. fl unn -a-rp'
r-axtxi coATns tiro .,, klt4
lie LargiS-iLl Its. Eelcct;.- S'.
r; r;i:i At f lph.a
Tift' mil . "
i'y. t!rj
n l.i .ui.:.h.
W. Car. NiiTii A. CiibtMt S.rcc'i
p;;iLADt:Lru: a ""'
'J i !'" WiTl; !1S: P'-'i'X f
;y -St. Uu! rib1 -:ij! Lr 'fc.M.;
'A 4Lv.ri'3T B'jnH THE !lAND
;;. &i.ViS3;--:-
Importers of Diamonds
M-a7iilbMirf5?3 cf Qr-ff-'sVti
IS A NOIl fetrect, I'lblladripati.
Illuitrxted Price List ep.: to the ttaia
en VP1'' -it: r..
liul'lw titlii t-i ii ii.taJl
T. CI.
. L.Ult.1
Tre r
:. c;.t -u
:.:.'n .' r in? - .
. r a: v.ii.t ''-) t
Li t-tr e.l v.
p-..- :
I .1 At
i c
i 5'-.
J (1
11 I ...
Alp!' 1 1:;.:-N ' i
IL ! X i t ..l.r F.i
A a: la lei
; f: s-ait-;:.
r- raj'
;r j- r
.Turk-.j- :
P .1-, ! :
K tie
f: t-'
For sale b Dook5lle;s eur.wlnre.
' Tt -.e.)' l . a ie:r
. .3 r irP i.: it- ,-
. t -.
t!:a t K 'i
I. Jilll
v r -.
: a.
0 , ftnnsor, .M
la.'i Crsjt
--5...r. e
i i.. . . .
.. m 4 .jp p.-
riv. .t.: -i- . f l..., ,.
Life Inciirance Cciapa.ny,
r r i fil i-fcLr'ii v.
Ineorvoratetl la la 17. Axt.ia. -; S.TiU.030
Fsr.ia. r.ta.-a4 a it.l . m r.a.;c ion or 7 tfj-.i
aia..,. i.. icfr.... BLi.:r.i.t.. Poiiclp- a i ( r' -
b l:,. rl-. r ra. im.rtp fcutl aurul t i
lci.a ne-1 .t l.na .ktel. c.itM t .-..I
Aft. It.. UMllKIJI.I r.
"litis IftTf
- : .r-e-v vi
a h:.a 'rjt.j'. f.:,
r-V V -r..ri T -' cl -tw. --" w v .,
-t ;ru
Cj. i(t aa PX..-T
Ecjiwisa Vrbn Cs CJti.-.?-
ARE TEK tlttrs
ai k aa .aiiit, -.1 -Vii : i-t.
i ' r To A ' I
v - a; - r-
Thw rondp aakea -Gilt.r.ttc tatitr th ji-ar ronad.' fom.
Bion-wuv aatl lhe Srirpa r (hptiMry a; - Had t Butter-aakln-i.
J-Jy, Aoan t anj Wiatr Batter aiaile equal ta tha
o Jan irtKtia-t. I-.rr.a t prailart per cent, larnta
jiual.ty at kM 2J p.r teat. Uatl'area Liaor of ca.roia? eae.
bair. rmts Hatter lirnminr rancid. Iwtirotaa a.a.-ket
vaiae 3 t 6 crata a bosbO. taaraataed fra froui aU b-jnrioa.
Iai.-reuur.tF. l.i.a jce Coliea tolor IU. jtzr raanJ. Ii
nab.' worth ;a pro-inca f S..J0 ia iatre r pro-tart aa4
a-arket ats. Czm joa make a better luTetaieail Beware
T lir..ta-lo. Geirti;!i sol.t e:.W ia boxes wi:.i trs.Ie
msrK of .Utrrniaid, to;re:Ler wi:a wor.J -GrLT-llix;
Bitte liAKKR" printed oa caeii pactar. rT.terU
bl tracers and tncrl Slenskeej.er.. Ak vo.rr dealer fcr
onr look "Hlnrs to BnKer-Maker," r .i s;a,, to ui
for it. bmail cue. K to., at ii eent.; Larje .iio, 23 lbs.
i0"-- 'V'nS br bn"'"S the larger wzc.
v AdUress, , BUTTER W?aGVEMEM CO. Prop'n,
933 ArhTt!i,de!phla
Jerr5Ws CSee. Iiif.-.-'uip
.rw; tiAU I.t. ,. .... Il
f into .4.11. it wnauai;uva. 1..
A 1
. - . r wy . ni,,"-.
. . ... 11.x
5 n it
'" frS " . 1 m - 1-. . IT . .
corim c-p-- -.-'., v? J r'. H J t i 1 -1,
',tf;.iwiwcj&,p - .
. J caala ran. - rC
i -I
s . UH. B. u. CAtE, 5 At,a tt, raUadaphU, Fa.