Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 03, 1879, Image 4

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I'oloird Oernn or Malaria.
Innumerable attempts have been
made to ascertain the poison that pro
duces malaria, and in every iustance
until recently they have failed. This
poison is not cognizable by the senses,
nor con hi it be detected by chemical
tests. The air of malarial districts has
been analyzed, the toil has been sub
mitted to ruierorcopieal examination,
but no light was thrown ou the subject
by any investigation that had been un
dertaken. It was not difficult to des
cribe the places favorable to the pro
duction of the malarial poison, or to
prescribe the proper medical remedies
for those who were suffering from it.
It was easy to fay that the poison was
generated in salt and fresh water
marshes, iu wet meadows, from vegeta
tion decaying under a hot sun, in lauds
alternately flooded and diaiiicd, m the
moving of earth rich in vegetable mat
ter, and In the drying up under certain
aimospheric conditions of stagnant
pools. But what the poison was that
produced those remitting and intermit
ting disca-cs which are known by Ihe
various names ol marsh lever, malarial
fever, fever and ague, and popularly
as "chills" and "shaes," nophyslci.in
could explain. At length, however, a
vries of investigations into the origin
of malaria has been crowned with suc
cess. Two men of science, Signer
Tommasi, of Kome, and Prof. Kicb, of
Prague, after spending three weeks in
.that fever stricken region, the Kmiau
Campagua, experimenting on its soil,
its atmosphere and its stagnant waters,
"have succeeded," it is said, " in dis
covering a nii.seroscopie fungus, which
biing placed under the skin of healthy
dogs, caused distinct and regular par
oxysms of intermittent fever, and pro
duced in the spleens of thsse animals
that peculiar condition which is recog
ed as part of the pathology of this
disease." The report of their investi
gations and experiments, and the suc
cess that crowned them, was read a
short time since In the Academy of
Koine, and if further tests substantiate
the truth of their discovery, the next
series of experiments will have for their
object the means whereby these poison
ous fungi may either be destroyed or
rendered innocuous. It is doubtful
whether anything can bj done in this
direction. The practicable agricultu
ral remedy for draining and liming
must remain, we apprehend, the only
certain one. But the discovery of the
source of malaria iu a minute fungus,
discernible ouly under the microscope,
merits nevertheless the applause with
which it has been received, and will
strengthen very materially the belief
la the germ theory of disease which has
f jund in Tyn Jall one of its ablest advo
tates. Frightful lialiooa Adventure.
W. W. Austin recently made a bal
loon ascension from Sail Francisco.
NVhen tlie balloon was set free she siiot
i into the sky like a rocket and made
uudglit for tiie Pacilk'. They lowered
thensclves in hopes of getting into au
easUrly wind, but fail?d. The account
says :--ilie situation was desperate. All
e-urreut of air tet to the westward.
The vabe was opened a second time,
and a secijj circle of blue gas was vom
ited uponriie atmosphere. They sank
until they ouii i,L.ar nlt! roar of the
surf 0:1 the ockj ot the Go'.dtn Gate.
The anchor ,pe was again trailing iu
lhe water. i,e la-t bag of sand went
F plashing into '.c waves, uu.l they shot
upward for i, fett. xi,0y looked
downward. Thet was uo uUmke about
it this time. Alrea.. ;10y w?reouUide
the Golden Gite ai m.,viiig towards
the Sand wicii ldauu Ainliu iuade a
,v:.i.. v,i a vue. Jve ri jl0- Tiie
balloon dioj ped like a ltnlllett wiien
w un:n aoout j.h; ieet oi .
excursioiii-n saw beue
fidierman rowing a boat.
water the
tiit. il two
iey shout-
eu, acd tiie uslicrman ii-.iiii
liiein in
'ou was
return. At thu time the b.
lour maes irom land, and w
ping toward me water at au a.
te an-
le. The car struck the sea.
wind began to drag it throng
waves, ciougu sprang oat, aim
rescued, jteiicvcd ot his weight, -l0
great bladder shot into the heavens. .
the rate of a mile a minute, cirrvii.
Austin with it. He was drenched lwrt o! oxide of carbon, one quarter of
His eves weresmartiinr from ther!r..ets''e:l globulus .f his blood became inca-
of the salt water. But he retained hU
presence of miu J. For the last time he
pulled the valve rope. In two minutes
lie was aain iu the ocean, wound in
the netting of the car like an eel in sea
weed. Unable to swim, l.e made an tf
f ort to free himself. The wind draijej
hlia through the ocean swells The
fisherman pulled after the balloon,
with poor piospects of overhauling it.
They saw a ship away out at sea. it
lay in the course of the balloon. They
were about to giva up the cliasj on the
possibility of Austin's rescue by the
tailors, when Clougli oll'ered them $JOo
if they succeeded iu savimr the life of
his comrade. Inspired by this oiler
they pulled with redoubled vigor, and
were successful. The balloon was
caught, and by the aid of a boat-hook
Austin was fished from tiie car more
dead than alive. The air ship kept on
its way toward Honolulu, and lie was
rowed buck to San Francisco." Austin
finally revived, wrote up his account
for the Chrenkle, got au extra chcijtie
for twenty dollars, which he gave lo
the fisherman, and doesn't care to hunt
again for that all tiring easterly current.
A Tea Hun.
An American is about to carry out
the railway dining-car system iu a
novel direction. He ha? designed, es
pecially for the use of I.oudoiier.s, a
"tea bus." In this vehicle there will
be every accomodation for "live o;clock
tea." It is expected that the 'bus w iii
be a great favorite with the la lies, who
will take advantage ol it not merely for
shopping purposes, but aiso us a pleas
ant way of spendinir the afternoon and
haying agreeable chats with each otlur
over their teacup-:. A narrow table
runs along the middle of the vehicle,
and behind the seats there will be room
for the conductor to wait on the tea
drinkers. Water will be boiled in a
little apparatus beneath the seat of the
driver, the tap being inside the 'bus,
so that kettle may be filled without
difficulty. The tires of the w heets are
to be india-rubber, to prevent unpleas
ant jolting, and the springs of the car
riage will bs adjusted on an entirely
nevy and improved principle, insuring
the complete case and cjaiiorts of its
occupants. With a plentiful supply of
biscuit and bread and butter thescheme
may prove a success, ut the 'bus will
Lave to t3 driven with extreme cate,
for the horrors of a collision In the
streets will be' enhanced by broken
crockery and boiling water. I
raris Jstronomical Museum. Consid-
erable progress has been made with the ,
new museum now forming at the Pari !
Observatory. Among other objects of .
liUtnrlir lntprest.it will contain a nair !
' i i
of Menator'a elooes. dating from the
iniilille of the sixteenth renturr. That '
tignring the earth is the first on which 1
nier-vilirins of longitude and riarallnl-s Ol !
latitude were laid down. The treat
i - i
equatorial lakes ot Africa, it Is reported, i
are all to be found on it. The class cases '
contain the first portable meridian cir- !
cie constructed on Aiimnai .Moucliez s ,
..i- -is
mention emnloved by Captain Kralssi-;
net and Duperciu their voyages around 1
the world, for the determination of the i
solute value of the intens.ty of the ;
centripetal toree and of gravity at dil-tiou ol .,,,,, ,. i.-....: have au"ul -' 'grain.-, in km piri.-, auout , as well as I do. You've seen it many,,. .... ' . .,' , r,(.
fercnt points of the earth's surface; cVn vaterrl'veraHrr'rto.e ! le" '"r;s v""Ui '"" i Urn. s and it aint no ue " i i,00 drI,ti:l- ' '!ort!'
and the apparatus used by M. Cornu, I. iLi,,,,,,-' ,, L!.i , ',, ' aml thirl' The white of the. "Come. come. ilrs. ." interrupt- more than a mWts high. One ot
of the Institute, with a view to deter- i nlonr.in i,n-n, i 7..1a- i., inn : e?S contains a larger proportion of wa- e.l Judse Cromer, "tell the gentleman children wa .1 girl, X :tt:e, eight
mine the velocity of light from obser- ,hfi 1?.lnt2r.,B ne . " ,,, invi,r. i ter t!,a" .,,:0 3"ok- " coni.-tins no fatty j where the I, of your house issiluated." : o!j. a t,e other was her lit Lis
vatious made between the Observatory ; an theories out we know thnt onijii nla,,,r- oi:sir ch! P.v of alhiimeii j 'Haven't I been telling hiin just as ; or ,Vlfu. f(l,lrrplra 0ij n0'h
and the Tower Montlhery. Anotlier st;, . . . . AlZ.Lt
contains the standard metre of the first , to,.pilt te.mcious nature; consequently,
i:epublic;tl:etoi?suscdinl,ainPeru!to niake tho profitable, a man
for measuring a degree at the equator; lieeili, to be tarefiu h, mhig a seiec
the toise used in Lapland some short tioo for an onion a;i.h j.0w land,
time atterward lor measuring the polar j which ,,a, bcea arljiieiallvdrained, like
degree and the platinum kilogramm the bottoms contiguous to creeks and
maue oy me j.epuoucan ommi.-s.oii oi .
eignts and Measures. I resncl s lens,
ted in tue new
museum, ana tue od-
i - a rft er w.-t t- s..na.n..As. .a
jVw-s.. y" "'".t'''""'3""'t-""-
,.u,L.u. i1!C, Ui.uvLnl,, "V
I" 1 .oh,,; ,C.h!
vM? r . .
..wa . . . 7. 1
(wkrni'ii 1 1 i I ti aii -I unit ir a tuilf mi '
the vast velocity of his rotation, as well
as inai oi iar. i,. auoi. er .
,,-,,u.ta i -i. 7-m .h a,i
wg pn.-ins ith the help of h ch Ara- .
i , Voo, . .l, . i S !
planets, -eptune excepted.
0 Copper. In reecnt .paper ;
the French Academy, M. Uicutait
taies inac copper exisis 111 corapie e
u.M-.ui.K.i.u,. imiiusn w ,
1" i
Silurian and infra-Silurian or reaching
nin me irias. ii, uas never uceii it-
Unas. It has never been re
cognized directly in sea-water, but the
lat mother waters of the salt marshes
of the .MeJitcrMncau eouU n smiie or
natural Mt uerrane
i 1 n a 1 it f !,J?, The hi L
tn'lf l.t" -f Sff,
ted iu natural or artilicial basins when
sea-water is lei t to itself, always con
tains copper. The metal is accumula
ted in sensible quantities in sea-water
wherever this has long washed the de
bris of primordial roek9; and this cop
per is precipitated when (as in aband
onment of sea-water to itself in basins
or estuaries) substances are produced
c.pabie of forming insoluble coinbina-
lions with copper. Thus are indicated
the conditions of formation of ores of
conper. One consequence of the dis-
j semination of copper through the prl
I mordial roi ks is that all waters miner
alized in this formation or in its imme
diate dependencies should contain cop
per. The Trp-jrnt,h. A new instrument
for niiiltipii ing copies of letters, etc.,
has been introduced into England un-
dcr the name ot the Trvpograph. It
seems a mo'iilication ct Edison's elec-
trie' pea. A siicec oi special paper is
place 1 ou a pt-rioratin tablet, and the
wri.ing is dune with a lirm hand and a
uel pointed stylus. This has the ef
fect of piercing the paper with a num
ber of very minute perforations,
iliro igh which it is pos-ible to force
ink on to the sheet of paper placed be
neath. The making of the stencil is
llio mo-t important part ci tne opera-1
lions, a attic practice win snow tiie 1
pr per amount of pressure to put upon !
tiie stylus and the easiest way of
writing; and this ouce accomplished, it
will be understool that the number of
copies is limited only by the duration
of tiie steiii-iis, which can be stored
away for future use, and brought out
as required. Vo press is needed: all
me propori.uu. ar,...g ...ucu. expense, but as a preparatory step for j encc bv bit
no o wao 11 iircCary lu use u.u.e I.rm..nPnr nl.-intati.in. Fertilizers of ' in-- their n.frLetin.r MI ).. well a. re. ' ai j-iieiiueu Old Sliipe
than llWgr. or roc 111 order to is- gome kUlJ will necJ to be UeJ ovtrv ; m-.mbcr tUM Vuu- VMih,v or-"
la:e the metal. Copper also exists in .tr ,.,, , , .,.,:,,. 1 ,.,, ,7. i:r..,lit i:.. : "1 hat will do,"
all ordinary direct sedimentary dc- t . ,,....... rRlliil. ' infr -, 0:lt;lr ,'lw. ! . the witness,"
posits from primordial rocks, wliether f.in v..Biie, ..,; .i .i. . if, i.,,..i., ,n ' Wren, the
tiiiit is waniea n so.iieuiiug w mi a u.u ; yards and buildings? Could you not
surface, the means of holding the stcn- savr lJ:ltf ft bushel a day, bv being care
eil firmly, and a squeegee for scraping fu:r ud the liquid manure is there
tiie ink over the svrfaee. not enough lo-t every day to make a
" good many long cars w here we snail
roUoiioui Gas. lleeent experiments j probably lind onlv uubbins next fall''
have demonstrated that the poisonous
liects of oxide of carbon are much
mi.re virulent than were supposed, a
much weaker dilution of this gas iu air
tving. In fact. I'.iiil that is, any man
or ahimal that breathes during half an
hour an atmosphere containing 1,7711
p irt of exi le of carbon, absorbs a sulli
cient quantity of this gas to make half
the red globiiit s of ids blood become in
c.ipable of absorbing oxvgen; and if
tiie aliiio-phere contained merely l.H'J
.line d' iibsurbing oxygen. These ex
.rimeuts "lemoiistrate the danger of
eral sorts f stoves. Whenever
y-rc is an incomplete combustion, os
hk.f carbon is iiivariably produced.
-ai..,iC all(.jj;.., narcotic cardiacal dis
easeirg thought to he caused by thu
:ii).-or,iOU of the moat
poisonous gas
maiiUtuc.rt .1 inim notatfies in Kr.'iiiee.
A peeled .,,ata is al.ieed in snli.hurie
acid and n;er j the proportion of
. : .1.. .... . . i .
eiglit pirts.r fi.. frmer to one linn-
dred ot the i.ier. . remains iu this ccptille. Aithoii-h the summer may Cottage Vvvvixr.. T o -gs, lialf
liquid thirty ;x hours to blacken, is iu some degree remove the ctl'-et in cup of smrar well-beaten to.'ei nei , add
dried with blot ng paper and submitted i winter, no animal so treated ever be- CVe tablespoons melted butter, stir
to a certain ri;ire. when it becomes ; comes w hat it might have been ia size, . well, then a i l ciiii of sweet milk, tcn
a material that ., i,a P ..ai-. e-irrod symmetry of form and iicliiliiess. bv Bmi. imnfrrMui-uf.! irtir 'i
Tiie counterfeit i a;(i ta lie er elient!
An imitation Ivor sufficiently hard for
billiard balls, cat be m.ilia- ,f eim ;
greater pnssira. v resemblance of;
coral Is obtained by Uating carrots iu
tlie same ina:iner. i
I'uintinj in milk Is sal. t0 an nearlv
equal to oil painting in bo v an,i jura.
oiiuy, w nae its ireeuom I0m anv of
fensive odor renders its adopt,n o"(ira
ble for sick and weakly person Tal-n
I ... i r .. l r .i.s... '...1
in ji.iiiini ui AMiuuitt'l ill) J
ounces oi ame newiy siackec fnnr
ounces oi iKippy, anseeu or nut i anj I
three pounds of Spanish white. rut
the lime into an earthen vessel orcea i
bucket, and having poured on it a sun. '.
. ,- . " -
cieut quantity of milk to make it abo.t
the thickness of cream, add the oil i. :
ouirtii tiuanuiies at a lime, Slirrillg tlie
mixture with a u-or.den cniinN 'i i,
put in the rest of the milk and after-
Scientific Ft'cts. A douhle weight ia
a cast-iron girder is required to give 1
equalstrengt i with one oi w rought iron. 1
T.mher is permanently injureil if,'
more than one quartet of the breaking
weigh: is placed on it. " '
... - il - vt, 111.11 iai 11 a a UCUIl CU
in urcci.ui tcuip'esas much as eighteen
ieei in ine cicar.
Parian maiMe consists almost entire
ly of carbonate of lime.
Tlie iseat Way to cheer t p,
If roa are a drar.oniVnt i:. M i- i . 1
Htronc r. This yon cau do if vou will take a
piece of ajviee Lich ha the "L'lit of Lit;U
u.eu.e! uiuur:i; 10 ub'i 11. itiatiatou.se
inipk iirirm'i.;,,! M ? j.i.ii., 1 ;
Mitrai compiainta. It ia aiao iouud" Tt-ry :
nnful in com,tcractinj a tendencv ti weak- i
neaa or disorder of the kiJneva and bladder. !
r., .u?'T, iT?M(:i V" T,heu'?u,n!
npon t ie entire FTrtem
promoting aa it do: a the
appetite, and the acqciaiiion of flesh and j
a.reiitin. a euent reproof of ihe
tie follr or
eyed in th.
naueeoua drag medicatioa ia coavevod
eneoeaa of tUia pieaaaut and effective
cai meaicina.
1-tteT.ai ssrs ritD int,
Oxios CrLTtRE. The onion appears
t0 be one or the lew exceptions to the
general rule that a rotation of crops
upon any givea picce of ianJ u prefer.
..i.i .: . .: , r ...
a u i v. in n v'iiu luuun r 1 1 1. 1. 1 . P 1 V 1 1 ui I'll': i
1 .i.- ........ -l.. t- : ,
k i - .iT.i.. v.-I
w )vuu am uuuud luata uiiiuiio Ilia uv i
hiv.fd Ior I119r MI1-.iv. rMr .
....... r.:i
uivu iiic catnc eru n (inuuL lis diivv
,i r ,i-.tr,o,ti ,l
w-ell is this known that it has' almost ;
wn. . HI,Hn ,m- .h.!.!,,
0, thu bul5 ..tnat ,n old onion patch is
better than a new one " ir i sl-iree'v :
oe.ur umn a Vew one-. ins siarct.y
the soil can be of any benefit to it in
t),e wav of iuii.artin fertility therefore '.
we inav atlnbute the liniiroved condi-
i Knit Vrr nnnrlv rt iiin:n -f m i.iuir
rive are HSUalIy wcll
cultur'e. Wc know of
dapted to onion
of some quite ex- I
1.111 V iMur: -1 i..li pa ! I lt Alio (
tilllluqnii (lA,M A ... ....
vuvmiu vaHi-l "I Ill'IIVtll' ttlll,OIII-
ply on account of their adaptability to
onion culture, the crop being almo-t j
certln' tUith the season may be
verv van a Die. nue low. Delv soii.
. . . .
cnormou4 cro , d are autej t0
Rn, considerable extent by droughts,
Wher low Iuuist fdls cannot be ob-
uined fof 0'Hion u , d goU CT
be 'aJ,? available by ploughing deep t
nJ uMil)g ferllijzers. Wherever a
man can Cud a ready market tor onions
at lrow for, ceutg lolie Uollar
bugheI he c.-;n we aflorj t0 epi.ud
. huiljred dollars an acre in the
preparati0n f the land. Of course,
we ,io not unnne this :o bs an annual
time iu fact, the only proper time to j
i.,,.,. :.i ,,:,, j ;
"V-"" - , I
";""'-"" fT,A i. Ii -7.1 !
Uoll of any kill(i of coarSe nianure to be .
ail l'c ,,one Mon
weather sets in. if the land is thrown !
P . W frosts in winter will ;
disintegrate the exposed particles and ;
breakdown all lumps and if coarse, :
vegetable manures are applied, the :
juices will permeate every portion of i
ihe surface soil before spring, and be j
iu condition to be taken up by 'lie plants :
In due tunc. i
t- : 1 .. : . . 1 . : ...
.IUIDUUI 13 I1iC.1-.CII UII 1111'
nrnviil t'urhnHiie iteikilnr iye.l PTt r-let
0f petroleum. It is as clear ami limped
as sprinrr water and was ori-jiually in
tended by nature as a panacea lor all
diseases of the scalp and skin, and us a
natural lu-ir renewer.
Saving by Haxdsixi.. One handful
of hay is uot much, nor f.r the matter :
of thai are twenty haitdfu! ; t heaving ;
or wasting of so much would neither
j make nor break a man. Luc with
twenty head of c:i!t!e to feed twice or
thrice a day the saving of a baiulti;! ;
apiece, every time, would ammiiit t"'
something before the pastures aregr. cn I
a 'ain unon our In st bitten lulls 1
you ever think cf it? H'e are not hint
' ing at Minting tl.e e::ltle. Hut how
. many of us allow animals to waste a
handful each at every feed, for want ol
i a little attention to feeding anange
uients? lio-.v many head ot' stock o;i
our northern farms require a handful
. morcol hav at every le -d to keen i;:i
the animai bear, than they would re
-juireii ninrM ura uiiui, ,
stopped, and lct in the coid winds of ,
waiter? A haudlulol manure is but ,
a trille; yet the addition of a single:
handful iu a hill of corn may make the
difference between long, lull ears and :
stinted nubbins, when the harvest j
comes, 11. A many haud-ful of miiiiire .
are coing to waste every day r.bout ' ur j
; Jlandsful of hay ; haud.-ful of manure!
these are small matters, say you.'
Yet on just such small matters dep?::ds :
many a man's success or failure in life.
Here is one man that attends to it care
fully, and at the end of twenty or thir
ty years lie kas a competency for old I
age; another neglect-" them as beneath ,
his notice, an 1 is always liuhind hand;
he lives and dies short In pocket and :
short iu comfort. We do not preach 1
uiijgardiintss: it Is by saving w hen
vveinavtli.it we prepare ourselves to
be liberal
hand. fill.
when wc will. Save the'
r.-iiSiSG Colts. -There is a crude no- 1
tion prevailing that hard-hips make :
hard.iiips make
A colt that is
i . 1.. v .!.!.. :.
j uuiii; ri'vi.ii i..iinj
weaned iu tiie fail, as is commonly the
case, should not -lie allow i-.l to become
poor ia its first winter. It is true that
it will often improve to raphlly in I
sprin? that its wretched condition dur-
ing the winter will setm really to have
I ueeu an auvauiace io r, urn mis is ti
grave mistake. It tlicsame cemation
were imposed during the vv
.i. .i. - iv. . t i
hole period
or growtli the tilect would be very p r-!
generous 1 1 i-aiinrm. i uvnete uiai
there is profit in breeding nice cairiage J
and drait lierics. As a general rule it ,
costs no more to raise a goul colt than 1
a poor one, while the former wi, I brine; '
tw o or three limes as inudi as the latter. ,
I have seen colts that were kept In a j
stable Hark as a cellar. A dark stable '
is a poor piace to keen a coit.
eWitl it 4 no hrm '' 1 h'tf t' th- 4aslip eftn
ak1. Hurt lb nnw.T ip It can i nl." i-.r I r. Buli V
' llnliy S)rup i li inuuci. t r m lijr, wurrxnol to ,
i coulain utirti-r Ouiuiu, Morp'na, ur hbrlbuitf in- :
r rice zsc -iii a 1A le. i
li.v'P 1 If . I trril. I.U-IVC Ilia t.,.7.....
- ; -..-... ......
Ftr ys that most Uriiiers liBve.io-;
ticeil that in rattening svvine, especial-
'-T when they are crovvuc.l rapu.iy, they
always appear weak in their land legs,
and sometimes lose the use of the.n cn-,
- - D .....i .
he and his neirhb.irs have made a iirac- !
' iie ot fe"'"I'"K uolc Rlt'a! in such c isc.
:idlnid that a small quantity mixed
i . r . . . "-" I
weikiiess and strengthen tne iinimals
so a to adnatof the most ranid f.jrciiia.
As lin.il moil i L iin rn t.i I10 n r.rni-o... '
u-e tf cripple ail ami weaKuess 111 .
COWH I looks reiioiviiilo th-if it Klu.iil.l i
t-onn, I. lOOhS rea-OllJOlO lll.lt It StlOUlU
also be i bencht to hogs, w Inch are of-
tencontnedto a diet coniainitii but!
------ - - v uii.-iuuniu V ta.
itr.i-i.u AiTus i- .-sad. a w riter :
says that he finds fruit to keep best in j
perfectly dry sand. He keeps fruit in 1
this way al: the year round. He has
had French crabs two years old. The
Catil lac pear has remained sound tw elve t
faunae pear nas remaineii sound tw elve t
moui.i,. a neiruii must lie soiltiU w hen !
months.. 1 heiruit must be sound w hen 1
"'. ".ani" ,lJe ssl" niuil be quite dry.
1 "e cn:el a,lv wges ot packing 111 sand ;
"i civiusrai 01 air currents, 1:1c
pcnu on tne apartment in w hich the
experiment is tried ; a dry or cool one J
being best. j
uv tuv oiuika A 11 v iiiii u 1 nun n ill 11 lie-U Jk-3Lia-. liau.ll.
w in iiienraaum 1 To Aftokd Imukdiate Kflikp ik AsrnnA.trv 16 compound mnu extraet ot smart
emedT. Iu lnnnenee ; Dr. Jayne'a Expecioraur. nhicri acts proinptlV we e-l, cr w ator-pepper, Jamaiea gin
is highly IxijenciaL ! hy oyerto'niiiir me si a-modicc niracilon ot .he ' ger and other intredienti know 11 lo Im
e return of eleep and ! lnd-tul. ami l y causlue ihe ejec..cn oi Ihe eilii.jciT i Zn 7n . ,r r 1,
naiiion of fleeh and i ""ieus which lops them, tor w i.oopimttuch: ; i'llt:"-"0U8 V1. el'rLn colie, diarrhoej,
ToArroKD Ljikdiati! itFxiKr m AsTnHA. try '
muc"s wnleu lofs them. For w 'iiooplnCuuchi
"-TOUP ''t "''eness, ihls niedieinei. equally ;
ffi U'STTe
boUni-jciiraitre,anda8iireai,d prompt remedy for aU '
' Mubiwrn Cou.ha an-J Colon. j
A food, egcrs are exceedingly nntri-'.
tious. They are asy ot digestion, and, !
when 1 ue s.iicil is include I, they may j
be said to contain in t;.eiuelv s nil
mai is reiiH'.reu ior tne ro'..triieiioii oi ,
i i . , , , ,. . .
the body. It lias been claimed tor them
that they may be M-rved in about 000
.... i . u - - i
lto--JJi u i- generally loui.d
tuut II
ihe more timplyihey are iireparcd j
ttin more tuey are iii provi. Altimugn
H:i,e!; t!,n" ,"0t! ' . b,r !s r.ei,f- ,
en (or iitanre ti-rtle s eggs it i
Rewrally Ci.n.-cdwl that the eggs ot the ;
' t'--""
, r,,.i.f.at nll,i K,..,r il iv..r. An'
hen's eg- weighs from one !
a" . a. to tno :"uI a 0"lus
avoirdup-.N, and the unai.tiry of dry ;
:l " r """'"i' u 1 to ;
yolk, which ontams relatively a ;
smaller proportion of iiitrogetinus mat- j
ter and a l-irger pronortintl of Solid
matter, than the hit.-, li is s:iid that ;
raweg'sarc more easily !ig -ted than ;
ti e tor.kcd ones. A hard-boiled egg ;
presents a decided rvsisMuce to gastric ;
soiytiou. j
llii'rjvl'.i ...... C .-. a ...
5, . ..r ' ..
, I J . ' M " I il U i K IU (JUHIII litr I'ltllll
fowls. Knnove the thnudi before!
sending roa-t fowls to the tabl
winter kill the poultry three days to a
week before cooking. Poultry and
game are less nutritious, b.it more di- I
gestible than other meats. Sinire with i
alcohol instead of
...,ri.- 1 1. c.i
piper a tia-pw: f il
is suflicient for either turkey or chirk
i:onlemIr.much of the skillot cook
iug poultry iu the best manner rii pe.ids i .
upon basting fai'l.fuily. To give roast j 1
birds a frothy appearance, itrlge, just
before they are done, with llour and
baste liberally with melted butler.
When onions are addej to stuliiag,
Ii ( .r. tl. 1111 fi.io t'..i. in k'llitt.r tit-.
mixture one do n-H detect their pres-
ing in a piece, l.adies do-1
eye, pliant feet and tolt moist skin.
HfsK JIits. These convenient, cco-
mlly tor those who live where mud
"bounds. They are easily made, and,
do a great amount of service. Sort the
corniusks, selecting the longest for
braiding, lake nine husks and .ic tl.e
butt ends with a piecs of twine; then
divide them equally in three parts for
braiding; as each Mrand is laid over,
have three more "nusks ready to put in,
leaving about au inch and a half of the
butt ends out. Tue underside of the
h ai.l will he niiinlli while the in.tier
. ... ..11 .
side will be as ioiiIi as p""ib!-,
takes from six to ten yards of braid for J
a mat, according to me size which yo'i 1
wish it. li the husks are verydry.lt.
s eaicr to dip tii'-m iu water as Vitt '
braid. '1 he braid mu.-t be et when!
you sew it, which mn-t be done w ith a
stout twine and a very long needie,
fastening the ends we').
Salt roH thuTiikoat. In these day
when diseases of the throat pievail, and
particularly a dry hacking cough,
which i not only uNtrc-i-iiig to our
selves butt thoss with w!n.;:i v.e r.ie
brought into b;!;i;u -s contn.-f, ill ise
thus alllkti-d may !,e beiu ilited bv ti v-
i iug the following retiK-.ly : "I. isr Fall
wo were indueed to try w !i:it vii .'i'!
, there was in co:;;:ii i.i s ill in ali.i'it l.:di
a tumbler of cold Water, and v. ic I thi
we g.irg'.ed the thro.it mo t elioetualiy
just belore e::L-ii niel tiaie. The re
sult h.: Lee. i that "luring the win er
v.-; ( re i.ot oiily irte fr. ni tl.o n-iir.l
I coughs atiii coblf, t which, us iar as
.e Mihjeer, but tl.e drv, hiici..g
. , ' ' iri.ir
attribute it entirely to tl.e s.d; g.ir
gie, and do hiist Iieartiiy iccom
meuditto tl.o'e of our readers, wh-
are sulJ- ct to di-c.-es ef tiie throat."
I'nAti.tM Hiscrns. Two e'tips el
gra!:am llour, o:ie cup of whi'e l'"i;r,
one chp oi sweet milk, two; n.le-pjo::-fnls
ol brown siig ir, lour litbicp.n u
fuls yeast, one t.-iblesnoouful of incite !
butt"-", one-half tea-poniilul suit, and
the same of sod i, liih-olve iu hut water.
Mix well together, except the sod.i, to
ri-e over Light, and in the morning
add the soda: knead quickly and roll
alioiil hai f au ineli t'lick, eiit out, and
let them rise about t':'tee:i nannies be
fore baking.
Fi.Kiii.t: I.ai.i; s. i hoe languid, tire- ,
some sensations, causing you U leel
scarcely able to be on your l-et; that
constant drain that is taking 1mm ycur '
s.y!cu; r.ll its elasticity; driving tlie !
bliKim fri.in your checks; that icon- ;
tiuua! strain upon your vit.it forces, ;
rendering vou irrd ible and fretful, cin-
easily be removed bv the use of that
remedy, ll-p Hitters. Irreg-
,;' 'eA ". U!'S. "' :
leu. .iu ii:nvivu ul unit-, v.iuivj mi;
special caii-e of periodical pain is p.r-
j niaiieul
i this?
!y removed tViil
j ou lived
Sl'IiDEN CllANGESOF HI T. WltATl. 1.1!
olten cause I'ui monary, Krouchial, n la
Asthmatic troubles, "Lr;irn'n Urmi
chiul True hi'" will allay irritation,
which indii.'es coughing, oiieiilime.s.
giving iniuiediate relief.
cups ol Hour; I'aKe la sijuare tiu.
and serve with panic nir.dn as follows,
bich is nice ioraimoft any inldiii":
teacu; of sugar, tcaciiji d' v'me'ar:
teacun ot writer: set t.v r U-e l,.1n..i
when' it boils add a t.iblesp.ju.i of llo:;i ;
and butter rubbed together.
. '
i.AKi.B jkoi.'t. rut liisi.ie tlie lisii
a piece of butler the s:e of a. egg, in-
to which a due quantity ot salt, j.oiv -
dered i pner and mince 1 par.-iey have
been worked. I.ny it iti a !aki:';g liish
iiieutitcl'v billtercd. suriakle n.-nner i
- . I "I.
., t;.it OVl.r ,t lliei4 l:!v- a piec.s of '
oi.t,j p:II,rr ou 1C ,is!lt am,-bil(J j iu ;
a ll)o.Jl.r.,t0 cv. iraho:it half an hour, !
0 . accoidinrr lo the si. i
tl(, fcervc ,.MrilU,,cJ ,vilIl ..: ,
of lcuiou- " !
1 akracox i.m.gak. laKe so;i:e
tarragon ; let it dry in the sun, p'.it it !
J ir. wnicn II. I willi.vinegar. Let
,r ... ., i, . . .. ..
"u " me nquiii irom tne j
,,rriis, ami inter me whole; Dottle it
cork it tjirhlle. an. I keen in 11 i-i.l i,'.. ..
fcwrm.-iinr In f l.n I ?h nMkrw t!. a!n- of
rr Bl, , ,,,isrro, ad ,..r , ',,,
ic irum ..pi .t. i-riceaieiit.iiiwtiie. 1
ak t a V allu. Vll-J UUtt 1 1 li I OI
"ice xuu-k crt'uiu, J U'usiiooii sal
eratiis: mix urn m l r isi-n-le- ,.n i.,..i.
tliiek, then spread w iih fruit ni.d roll !
up and boil or steam in a s.uk for two
hours. K it w ith cream and su"ar.
Xose Blekd. If the use of rr.h! w-n. i
ose Blekd. If the use of cold wa.
icr n-i:l m.r mn l.in.tt.,,. ..1. '
ter will not stop the Weeding, ulaee
powdered alum in the nose and leave it
there until the wounded veia is healed. I
1mi innc rrii.n n. 1 i
Dn Tierce's J:xtr.;ct of Smart-w ee.f
ia a 'on'P"nl fluid extraet ot smart-
itr ii iiic t-- is ui-i-iiuiuiaitM in im; nncre ! the I. situateu? ' saiu ........
uysenitry, uioou-l!ux, and kindred af-
" lio hr9k' UP ' - 'fi
vt " 8,1(1 inflammatory attacks. Sold
by all druggists,
HLiior.ous. &J!&i:UF&JzarrriU
w ast to Know. Mrs. ." intcr-
rnnred Hubbard : "I want io know ou
which tido of your house the I. is,
north, south, cast cr west ?'
'It's an tii4 siilo " r,.iIi.,l the ladv
motioning with J r hand. i
The east side?"
"The wet side?"
it's Hralcht across from Mrs.
B.'s parlor window, no: twenty feet
from it, yoa "
the Captain,
-.Mrs. touted
-w ai vou leu lae ii mat l, is ou uie ;
..... ...... i. .. -, I
"It ain't on any side ot the house,"
replied the witness, compressing her j
,,.,; "fs at the end. -ou know
Hubbard desperated v.
"Jti..t in tho lot, bacx against
end oi the hinie "
"Will Vou answer my question?"
shotitcd the i. liable Captaiu. running
Ujl ha;r n desperation.
"What question ?"
"is the t. cn the east, west, north or
: r-outh sida ol I lie hoHse .
I "Judg'..', I've toil him just as plain;
as ever a woman could. 1
c I. ,
here to be wed by no one-horse law-
i i i i .- .i i ;
l y irr. i kiiuw mm, anu 1114 jaiuur w- 1
. " . 1
? ""'gy airs. nat kiiiu 01 a iam-
-'. ,
.Jiience; - inuntiered eroraer.
.,v. .... . . . f
house does the sun' rise on ?"
That one," said the witness Iniiicat-
"Is the Lon that side?"
'Yes, sir,
"Then it's on the cat sldj."
"Whv didn't you say so, then?"
H6,1' the exasperated Capta
L ,;Vlus.e 7" u?ver "9.Ke
nsked me, vou
1 Know a tning
said Hubbard. "Take
he added, lurnir.g to Tom '
opposing counsel. .
... home two davs afterward.
One l-xi'tRiExcE ritoM Mjisr. "I i
had been sick and miserable so long '.
and had caused my husband so much j ir TrooaleJ with Constipation, take Uocf-
trouble ami exp:nse, no one seemed to ' ' Herman hUUrs.
know what ailed me, that I was com- j
pictely disheartened and discouraged. Foa PrxrLra on lhe Fioe, ns HietktKt T1-
In t.'iis frame of mind I got a bottle of ' tr OinlmenL
Hop Hitters ami u?ed them unknown ,
to my family. I soon began to im-, Tbk prerai iuk farlii.ni for eak oeKero' tN
tirov: and gained so fast that my hus- od hudkeicb:efs for latiie anj chiUlreu m
oand and family thought it strange and mo-u"S w',n mented faTor
iiuiiatiiral, but when I add them hat 1 1
had helped me, they said 'Hurrah for.
flop Hitters ! long may they prosper,!
for they have made mother well and us I
hai'DV.' " The Mother. '
A llHill I'ECO.-illLXDATION. UilC
night a clever Irish actor's house-maid,
who h id never been th a theatre, was
-cut to see her master p'mv
1 1 ' er," "Well, how did vou like the
play, Katty?" inquired her mi-tress
il.e next mori.ing. Ocii. uiH'ani, it was
beautiful tl.e lines: 1 ever saw! Many
thanks to you. ma'am for trating me to
thatsame." "Iiiil you ree your mas
ter, Ivilty?" "Indeed and I did,
ma'am. " "And how aid he look?"
"Ocii, like a rial enti-.'ma:i every
iin'h, when he sot out el his work
ing cio!lic- !"' "And bov did he act,
Kauyi" "iV'i.y, truth be t':d, uia'an
I can't s.iy iiiitiii for !.is acti:ig. 1'at
Kotitiey, oi T.iii Fl innigai'.or any oth
er tib-r would have done ju-t as he did.
X oll'eiie.',iiiaaiii : but if 1 hadn't knou n
it was uiat-ii r. 1 .-iiotndu't have taken
it for .-.etiug." "Hut tii iu't he make
you ! uib, Kitty?" ''Indeed a'vl be
d;.l:i't iiia'.ui!. My heart was too heavy
fi r thi.t." f..o " heavy " "Troth it
was. iiia'aui." 'What do you ineuu,
child "Uh, ocii. don't ax, ma'am
don't ax.'' "S.ji Jaii'1 "You'd bet
ter n. t ma'am you'd bet'er not; you
won't if you're 'i-e. t)ch, och, such
a bunii-.iiiie, sneii a goo 1-na! ured lady
ocii. o h !" ins:-t i-pon kuo .ving
'.vhal j(;i m. '.in this instant!" "li:cii
if 1 i.iu-t spake, ma'am, the master's
t onduet w:is stiativfu! !'' "Shameful ?"
"Oeii, stand iloi.s, ma'am scandalous!
May 1 die ii ha ui "n't kiss eycy lady
l.e c.uiie near, without inemioiiing the
At a I.'itiiernn (.March in Louisville
rceiiliy a novel eiiti-rt.iiianent was an
nul. :iee 1 t.e pi iiieipal le::tiire of which
w-is tiie e.'i'i. ui'iny rf "bre.ikiiig tiie
lit tie brow n mniiey-jiigs.', AniiescJ
are a lev point of tiie programme:
I'lcl.e-tral mu-ie.
"Ju :s biokeii.
"Vocal music.
'More j-igs broken.
'Siime good readitig-.
'.itore a.d more jus broken.
"Mai:; nuartet.
''Adtiilioiiiil jugs broken.
' Interesting seeues.
'"And again still more j;is brokon.
Mahv hi a little lamb, its fleece w as
, white as sno.y, sha vvashe l itoft withi,.jli.
l'ob'iiiis' Soap, and that's w iiat made;
. it so. (made by C'ragin & Co., l'hlladel- !
' dhia, I'd.) Try it once.
'Is your foiks rich, Johnnie?" sail;
a siiiiiil boy to a iiiin-ijkinr urchin us i
they sat in the gloam wiiiiiiig to kill 1
c.i's. "1111 ty well oil"; do id i man j
o-.vh.s .1 di, mother's gut a silk dres, I
I rot a rabbit. Is your folks wealthy y"
"So we aiu'i got no dog or ral!it, "lint I
mother'c sot a rilk dre-s." "What did !
ycr ask ni fer?"' "Cos mother say. '
she thinks your folks are pm.r. !s:ie '
looi.c-d our o your clothes-line yestcr- i
day, an' she only saw two shins, an' a
pair o' socks, an a nightcap!" T:ie ca! i
killing v as lcscmcd.
Is Germany women
"saw nu. !
pllt !
Slid '
wafer, wood, toal
sionr on ii.eir Head, tlircli tiie ;
. crops," etc. I. is al:r.o-t us ha 1 in ti.U '
, c uiiilry. Jiere woiiieu siiiit woo l !
a;ul make tie fire, cany d'-.nl pec pie's I
'hair on their heads, raid thrash their'
hu-bain's. And i; im! i -ni'ie m.r .i 1
- - - . - - " " .
hmaired deseri-e t hr:isiii:i-. I
A mob tarred an I le ithercd a comic '
sin-'er out west torclot.iiar with anoth.
er man's wife. His manager I -ills him
now as the "Ureal; leathered Son--!
Wubs the li n !l.ny puU un the nrli e !
. of hoard the fourth llour baek tenat.t1
Iierforms the same onera: inn wiili Ii at
: : . .. '
. ,. ; ,, "'.
euiei. .-ue is protiaoiy me Cillel 1
.;r,l0,. .i.,.-.,; , l,,,:..;, ,,.'l
" i"'1''"' s mnu.
..,.,.,..... . . "
IUlf J t U.trKI . r' 'OIS MV.n O XU9. XI
U 101 J '
pir.-i.iii.t tu tiika; vti-rrchi d liki ic
Never despiso a n-ustache when It is
JP It tuir bristle up and make a
good showing in time.
Therk is no necessity of "keeping
vour tiowder ilrr." when vou are lnni!-
"' a -"l'lTf-gun.
A pretty girl has a right to bare'
arms. And most of them had just as
el., eve do it. '
Ba.a,Ba. i
1)un"t TcjircHTzE wrrn I'ilfs. Ointrrent', j
lo bug, tlectuariei and all manner of quack
ncBtrums are a waste ot lime and money. The
on'y ABsoLcnxr ixrAi MBI.E care for t'us .
I an .'ui CLscane ia ANAKtsiS, discoTered by!
lr. Silhbte. It hie bten pronoonced by rciec- !
titio men u the barnieet discovery made in j
ccdicino for .O yeara It arTorda in-tant r -lief
fr..m pa.n in the wontt cases and baa cured i
more than 20 000 aefferera permanently. All
doctors prescribe it. "Anakeais" ia aeiit nn
by mail on receipt of price, SLCO per box.
Samplea gratis, by. the ao'e maunfactarera.
Met ant. P. "N'euatatdter t Cm, Box 3'JiC N. Y.
yrr"1"" ""' - Mwafwl !
Ol the 21'C of September, M,
sailor named Brook, tilled his iron
ship with gas on the farm of a Mr. Har
vev, who lived u-.arCetitraiia. He x-
rwr fo.l in un In the fcfternoon.
About noontime Mr. H irvey put his
! two children into the baiket of the
balloon just to please them, and not
thinking for a niomc-n: ot any uaugei.
The balloon was tied to trees by roiws.
All at once a gust of wind brose t.ie
. . billcon shot up into the
h is on the'";' . . .
- .. . . , . i.iMrwi
skv wan nobody but the two eiuiti.iii
iu the basket. Mr. Harvey was wad
wuii griet and shouted aload: "luev
are loit tJiey. sre itl" Ail ihe neish-
M ral, . .,, sr,(1, ol.,r t se lhe
critd ,
leiviug i
j the ground and going on a very strange ,
t,lcjjouruey indeed. Nettie looked overs
the edge of the basket and saw her la
ther wringing bis hands away below.
Soon the people looked to her smaller :
than babies and the houses like toy
houses, .flie and IViliie were going up,
I up, up all the tiufe. "I expect we are
ruuix bu ii;avii,
Willie," suiJ -Nettie ;
lliou3ti S it w:.s very eo.u ...
ilun...... ri.u. r... :,al.i,r'iAr tdr.t' went
iuv-u, 1. m. m..,,.. j
" ;-. --- 1 -
willie in he. apron and heal t:is lie -.u
'in her lan until he ci icd himself fast
. 1 i
aslcen. Then Nettie foide.l her hands
laud waited. She said:I think we
uiust be near the eate now." SIio
tlio cr:ii of lipuveii that she had
'heard about in Sunday-school. iut
ieitiJ fell asleep, too. Wticu she
an oke siie found that some strange man
was lilting her from the basket. The
strange man was a farmer in Northern
Illinois, w ho had seeu a balloon drift
in2 low down across his tleld. Ti;0
.ir M.n.o- xml i lie ea:i"iit it
' --"-- ri.T- n - " . n
and lauded me children sauiy. ine
balloon had floated all nigiit. eftu
tyiitie'i father soon icirnedth.it
ihey had been found and took them
Ir Ton Wou'd EdJot r.ood Health Tsie
UoolUtui$ German hitter.
IFitike'J I Teller OinliHtnt
Will care every
vim ot Xe.tor.
,14?r, ZO Frutlu in 30 D;J.
i 10 in lccitixate Siock i"icii'nt:.nB in
.' i," , I 'floe' pa-8 luiiaei se rroiiiA. fjui;hitti e.'.l
leddy the'iUiuin?tTettai::gei,t tree. 1UTH i Co.,
i-ruKera. lilOidway, X. 1.
Ir Yon are Dyspeptic IIooHawT$ German
Edttrt will curuT- u " 1
Ir Yor.r Liver is l);jr.lf.rel Uocilamls Ger
man liiUt rt K.ll net it sriLC
"Ma. Aumrt'to' kfk tti? w-i!-Xnow aru.-l t
and a: o liecary, ol prlllyvak'. .e., i;lv.i a-I-vi
v s eveiy oi.e trjuUicd v.na liiieuaiatisiu to
lr Vei'cti'.e.
lie.Kl 11 U Slalenin:
M-aiNJViLS, liii., Oe:. i.
Mb H. 11. VTrri-ss:
l'EAa mk. rliteen rears -o l.LSt Intt I v.-.i-
i.li.e.l S i-ii Willi 1 lU'llllKlt :l, V..1S HI. .iii. i iu
iu ve 'I'll I :.e nei ;mii. l 'a iiml lime nii
iil tiir.e tais a-,'i iliis Iiul I .uiT.-re i ". -i i lei'.
witii r:ieu;i,aWui. .:ii. :.(.: A ii'Te v.i ui l L-'
v.ei;..iii a mat; itiiit 1 cm- d ut t s t;i or.- .f-'p:
tiers..- at acts were quite eii 'n. t mi . t l
eve yili.iie uiat a man eori it. averii.r.:.' . .i.s
a-n l.i-t s;i-in' 1 c.ji..iiiein tii l.e.liii: Vest". lie.
iiini ii.ii jui'ii it up i l::1 I h .d tai.ea e-.. m i: 1.
tirs: lia-o a.ia u.j"rlieu....it:.iii .-.uiee l li.it t..i:-.
I al . i.i s .ul.e every oi e ra.it :s tr. ui-;. -1 .ri
rli -'iDiK'.l-iu to try Vryeilte, ami Lot .u':err..r
e.llS US i U i-.e d T.C. X:ll.. st:itet.;0!.l t .uiai
teas as lar :n Mr. S'.ever.s is :. r; .1.
ourS. t''., Al.iiKKl' eUuoKLii.
1 :rta i f A. revk-r " u.
Priir-'l lsiiLd Ayihes rl. s.
IIa i:ntirc5-r Cured 3Sc.
IST IX. O t. Is. .
Ma. n. H. Si evkss;
I K a r sir.Mv Uanrh!er. aier!.av!na e.m t:
Ritaek of v.iix'p iiir i ou;ii. v. ,.s lell in a I.
fii'.e (if le'ii'l i. teliii: aivisel be a tr.eiul
ire il tlie Ve .iine. uu.l ;.ftr u.n a Ie. ox-tit-i
w,iu t idy rcMored to h -.iltii.
1 Lave Ken a (Treat sufTe er trera I'M- nimt sin.
1 have t.iic n seiend bonies or i'.e Ve,friurT lor
til h eoiup! :li.t, anl ala ii:i; pv to 'ut if u .s t-u.
tn-eiy eur. d me. 1 nave ri eiiiiiiiieii't.-d Hie Ve,--
et.nc lOOl.l-Ts Wltil llld &.1111-- t:-.v-l r.-e.: i
is a irreat ci. tins -r and pari .r .f "t M.-e t : ii
Is rieasan; l-i inKeaii 1 1 ni-.-erialiy r. eoiiiu;ei..l
it. J.Mi;s MLiil-ii i ..::.. sir v .
'Vejret'ni." snyi a msto l pliv.l tin s to
ef(H 1 as a bl'iotl pur Her. llt-atini; .1 i s in .n.
v.or:drrInl i ur.. att-r ;dl o'n -r rea e !! im I
rule 1. 1 visile J tlw Uuuiatirr ai.t i-m.vin. .
lu.seif of tin gemi;ii incut It Is !r- j : :t I
tro:n ti.irks, roits a ,d herbi.ev no; wtii. j i
bl:ily eff. etiie. and in y are eeiii:)iiiinle i In
l a luanuer oa lo yrodu e as.jiiii .:: re-
Trep. red by
II. K. STEVENS, Eosio.v, Mass.
Vriatlne la Sold by all Dross!: v.
Mi lA li 4J
trrlti rticnarvt rul -r'nmm Piauo l-i !
nWifl. Ca.-litud c"t iirirra. r arcd ltr
l iiultale ! tulnlncar and I'll l.l.C
Tarcrooni-t t 61t ArrU Mreet,
rttliad pbla. .
r7 mr-rr-
innirra: o"m-u r.i r..reiTa. u . ...
-in eni 10 ..n ,jru... i.,r -.i. .ni
H.ilase,..Bipi,anaa,t,..a th . pPir,,ua a!4...i
i. T", PImm'i l..l. Inn &r-.t:i m
lur.i vinr. ami mrionilinir mc-hcu.e.
1 . n.-1 ! 1 v hn it minilMf.l if. . . n .
!. tore r.yea. tierofato-a kanW
Heck, and Enlarged (.land.
If toii feel duil, drowsy. iletiilitale-I, I nre
rn face or brxlv, frequent he.-i i.iche or ilu.m
n lri-n.'l.il Willi l.i ll.l,. -H-..in -
.i. . i. uinucrj com ii llamors. I. ::i t c ir.n.i Keru'n; in .
criminrin Blotch, rimplr. or Frupl.oa. r.r?,ip,ia. itatt-rhpn.:.. lcir Cores V, 2
Koach ftkin. in hon. all dumti ciuuii l,v u,i 1.1..1 -'..:,. . s' "r-,i.v r
i. i i .V11 U":''.lr:JV,:''"'; are .
r , , , , . ... w . .
"Ucilical discovery bin no equai, n it aect
... iv v ... v h 1 .1., M-im isacas raii I nuns, nii-t
aaruplion, it li.n astonished tl.e nicLcal faciiiir, ami emiim T 1 , . ,
cieatcjt mcifical UiKorery ct the age. bold l,y iiruKgiSL. " ' '
0 a qntt f"".r",,.T"' S,a-!.-. no rar.iealar r-
ar twriatwa
svsiem, diet,
- 1 -- WUUI !- W-.msi.vI
JTbtTLiHTui Kit L0Nttr.K,!
7Z7i 4,
'm JL iM B3THWAYSV , i
JIV-:T (H.Ti
... n r or
nil x . lit
A !v'-
. tin
; i. jr. i
i e. s ii iiij ii
.. 1- I. ll ' :
rr-'ir. .i" '
iii. .ifr:i .n
.i: y
!!.;..! c
i. l j c-.i
Til..: i:
I cbiiuti
ii nr
MTS OI5K, -itiV t. t. a-f
VPircor K'orau:r, (i..
0. Eaierja I
'"thk rr.npi.i:.( .. Pki-. Sp'rdo
SrlK.xt furSloslaa- lajr, (A.
J i.-i on l v i ii . :t.
V,. a: J one ibrei L-.t Si mr Sfhol
r. - s I E' ,u'1 "t Jl lulI
S. f i'I V.n
i.. iil -n;.i. lit:j i:l
dii r.fijriuei il aii b
SUf? ?l' :c .r-'rj w k In
. I n t H lbs w .y ! k
a u i. M .ea furvcti.
V.'.i : f-ir tinned ki. (.i'.ni .t thr'-atb th pre):
Tiiiipr.-n Jrnp!". J 11. TeunT.
ixmii Aiit...J Il'ioti. ,
ln ur urjiu Iiilru.liu Coa. A. a
Oliver Dstso.i C Co., Boston.
J.E. I'lTiO;; CO. 3 ('hestisai St.. Phi'a.
!L1 alcAel, ax a 1,'ri j.)
s E?n, imir. f ? -'DaaaTis
1 xA;EL:t3f,
iWKKicf liiiSioir.is-a EoiiU. Btooi, ITrv
. - i. - J 1 V- "I, J . .1C7T'JKV,B
I', r-jzem 0i sciai. ; t'.: -li c .-"-Jj--s
e-u-" lC 5 iU GOi.3. C
yijk.aiittjri e- e-.tj r.-J sot ac ve kelj, r,
"3r rr: il.i nrrK-r. -jr :.in.y.uji ?cui La tita. t
A L car amii'K ts? ti.? t;-:e mi4 trf lita
x.'er fen st -j. 7; lieao a'.tcr
ri i.-dKU4
". T. C. M 1 "!. .
w- JX
1 Jim ii s
i - r.ax r.itjia.
i :: i : ' r" t v-"7
'ifl ' v
r-F M r. j m
; t i i ; : f .'
iuiuiiikni ic!'i i U4w!jLiini,"li
-t BASi5t3 lrt;t, T llK-fHX.
:s x -3 a-a y xooX.
i i '- i !t
m i ii.-.-.. n i.-t.
ci- .-.- -i . .it n. t, . la-riliriiii;
v-rilul a unit, vn;, -w.
f1 . III., t wi b.i. r
miy i". t r of
il . ..-r j i;Ja
A . ;J!1-l..Vi S.AI.K. .i.,.M,.,.
t "r -ti v ir1- xy
-Tii !-
i., y.
& i-";-wui -! n-.:. i. c-a- ejw.4
cmo 1 1 jit
by illdria.' N--ut i.y -nv.; .r J. : Ml-.j -u'm. t..
1 . IWUU MmMM Area f
I i-liiUuiq..r
''.. tt n. . liiTtin
r '--- . ( :ii"Ta;.Hl
y- r s .t m p-r - vi,)-.
I m un r t inn
lrtttli inut -t
f . fttit :.. in t-t
- -. . u 1 -. " -. ,u
I. - Jl p r. V T
i ti-'- I" . J- I, u-vi
"I'.oiSi 1 I -iU n n.
Iirtf . , r-l r
i T:t- tii t, tt
" r-v : 2 ctn
n. r. r two
iM i:i -.t;r.-n y or
s- 1
" S"-
t-T !-l
' i-i.n. i 111. vnci
. . n. al
1-"- V"'-'m-
miIott eotor 1 f sLin
- u. 1 t.-i-ro in .,'
' C liv.i
-n-'irown 'io;i
l-.'it IT Ci. ill
Ivrmx i-v.11,
in.'. .. 1 t :ui . :. :i r;.,., r. 1
rxrtf.-i a;n! r: li-- -.1 c.:rc-.
t!:i.-- rr i ov
1 .'.iiiuuiirs 11 in
T! e--n
l.iau luu.aarii
n reniilrrtl 1
"-m. xiie. o;.er.iTfi u i.:..i,.f
or occuniii m. -.. ..1
ill l:,I:ro 10 t'.io I
MltCAL ASMX IAT10.V, Prov-f, tzluUt s. j.
k. K W K .
w an ir vj- .
C'if v"vi i"". yi'ii-'n c'!s
5 ij c-i i.'-5 . - $ J .J!
i fi
I BaWs Sarsajiriilijii 'Mvsi
1 '
1 pur? '4 makes -nn! 8---ti.H5rfm sa.
e ear skin. !:. u w.u.4 nav y j.ir a .1 tta,
your bones SOU.."!. wfli.llfi-.ir'(.nB-ly.,iir .
' v-xl .11 tur. ite lt:MlJiSar;jirillla0
I KrMlTrnl.
I Ti eire a cnaosic or texo stisbwi ri-ti.j
' IstrolT a Ttclory In 1 lie hejiln ar- Ti itr ao.
i p..wpr Hi -t el any d siwni tiEfiierat ! s p.
I ph.sarerr-'i; : "): r,"'"',-1. s." '' P-lv
I j....ris X?-S: !! ! I a b -a Mu-.v..- n.
1 1 u:keJ an I .
u.t vuy 1!.' J,I
n ui o i
r?- t I -.1 -1 r.
v ii 1 r--t-ii 1 m
r: 1 'I !. it. k 1
Ic n I wi'ii i'' wn-v'-rf'!' r it I. .
mn it.irlllla Kelt '
p. -ii-s t'!i. ! -i;lt. 1 i"ir 1
wto!.ier "at au exist ; . . 1 pvi
r it I . Ktiiiwa'
:i il u
r ii'M
. t'llITl
1 lh.r
I u
e is anu
;rai Vi .
I X I. -
1 We pxf-.i'' f'oTi It. rili'i'.'VT c.t
I I.l't o lslea' 'ara by
Ftii.if.!-.tyra"t "" "a
or u'-.n i' u-m1 1 ' 1 " ' ' 1 ' .1 . -f.f.
-1 v ' ' ' M ' '' : s.r
!.' un. itt'-it-.-". K "-;': " i.
ft !:, . 1 '' ' " ' :-I...--.
.." I . ' ! ' :..
I'lni'jH ' ' e T : -" 1 1 1 Kl
CC-. :l 'IT -." '-I- i'- r '1 . ' i 1; :
n r-1 : .M . t r;i-!. t' ! 1. r ' ' I ' . - .,
. ' J'l . l , I li ! I I'i . " - O. i : U -' I ' 1 ,l ;,'l
vt ui ' ; ' ' J 1" ' N "! s - :-i''..
Wt- -". t ' t 1 1 :
p.-a -se l.i ' i-'" ' " 'r ' '-
nir. . M""l fry
il, ill.
lion. In,l r-r. :e - " : I- 1 '
I .-n'ail CO ;lf;. r. 'l.rtt'l til tbly
j Hr MAppfld M'l llilll V bliNll i kit p.
UllfdliliarnTMrlll Ii'-. I! i-a
I u-r:ai 1- 107 k 1
I r ) p.
t M-r
piwcre! KlDlAIS iUSiH.""' NT. I i
Mlisr-m tM tx-ea n'.:-..del a.
.Ifnlex-iUVfr. "orro-tve siu i.:i.. i ,. ,Vi- a
l..l-'it unit !v,:.ie d -p. eJ !.i : V 1 !"'.
1 e;c..Ciii"-.iiirnrls ot in" fr.o-.ea. a . . sn:a4i
jcurraiuru H oiit,ril as. -wei r.-
cose vtns. .e.. t1 SB;pr.::.i.ti w :re.-..i.-.
wut those aepoe no i ei'eiiumaie iuj vnoi
.,t ihe iiis-.a 'e Irom The ;;,n :n.
I I; tiiostr wiio .re tik nr I ' - Pi-it'f'ms fir
tr.ecureof e'.ron'.e. s r titmisor S. ; u.l.c : 11.-ea-Sf-s.
ho-.vevf-r s ow in iv t i-i i-m-v, - .e I h-t.
tor." and find their K-'ie, l beail.1 lmji-n.inr.
jlflpirirjiuiiiiuni 's .1. in- -in-. --- . .
I lis 0.VQ. i-i n siire v'.':i !li l'.- e.i-e Is :.r -
zren!C.x. 10 tiiesc ei e lapaii'ii. ;i.i.r
' ret b -tier or w: .re t a-J v'.iii-
Is not insetlve: If B"t fiTi-eed and
: ri 1 1 i i
the bl'ma it wlii S'.iTi'.d aai e lutin'-e- : ) u v.r
mine tne coaiOtut' ia. As siOi " tin-Mi:-.
rABiuiAS mal:s tue pa' lea' J-e''- t.r.'e-
imur you will crow tetter as-i in-.-r.v.e ia heaiUi,
-ti-ii".a a&d ttesii.
Tlw remiTnl rf tin-e t nn rs liv Radh-t'j
H90I.vbst !s nor so eertainiy e .t iiiiKii.-J i .&t.
whai was co-.si'I. re l almj t 'ii.i i.ii:. .u s
a co-mnoa rec.vn'it -I It! ml pi-l s.
w.toe s tiiera ol llann Oi V. Kmpp. Mrs
Kranf. J'r J. H. J .ry a-.a .Vr. I: i. ii.-r.1-;.
irati lsiiel In o ir Aim in ic fer 1JT9; nl-.) ilmt i.r
airs r. se Bitibins. u luc nreseLi csi..im oi ou:
Faavaanl T.-a-."
n Dallnr per Bottle.
On!y riTi!res mlnntra, not h'.ars, to relieve
POaA anl cure ucu to disease.
In from one to twenty rrl ';. novcr f i'Kto
relieve PAIS WitM ins tbivru,-n ao;- le tl ei
No ma-fer how viol 'tit or exeimi d rii the -I i
the HliEL'M v l'l.', B -d-rldil n, iatlrm. c p-.il-il.
Servom. Neurit! -v. or p r tlwitiid se.i- '
miv vUnrr, KAOiViY'a l:K.l'Y KEUKr' m.t
a.'Ionl ln.unl e-5.
! luH.imniali io of th KidnPT. Tnflainn-.n-
timi oftiiti I'lmlder, ltiihiimiiii'inn ut am
lUiwcl. vmi;itein f thti f. lints. Sore
llinmt. llltlieuit I'.relliiiii;. riii;.ii ilion of
tin Heurt. Hyfenr. 4'rmiti. Iniiillrlit.
Cntiirrii. lutiueuz.i. llemlittiie, l'.uliini-'ir,
ieurls',i. Illieniii.iliiu, fold f?ii:-.
A?ue Ciiiil. 4 hilli.iiiin. Krost llite..
Hrittt-S. Mllullier Ciilii.iiuiuli. C'mili.
Culii. pniim. 1'iiiiM in tne I'liesl. li.ir ur
Lam.4. are iuni.tiitiy relieved.
Fever are! Acie cored for Fifty :-. i..-i.-la
not a reaiedi il aect n iho woii i ili.tt
cite Fever and A.-i-, and ill t.nT .v .
ailtO-U. N'lT e. 1.Vii-3!.l. Y,h!W
levels (il l d by liAD'Vil'S 1'lLLs) SM IjuJ
IUdttvt's KEiur lti;:.i r.
It will In a civ iaone.'ni whiyntiffra acootj
in,' to dire i:o . c ire Cr.::n .s. s'j,i'u. s. :f
-"'.oui.ii.'h, U srUjarn. S.ek ll-.ili -t. Inirrli.t" .
D.aealer.'. c.-lli:, ivlnd i iuj BjwcL-i, aad jil
lai--ru:i Pain.
Traeters !ionii fUvrav eaTy a b-vtMeof R.vr.
ffl? d KEAL'T KriLlE Willi t'll'Hl. A t W ilroM.
la wa er wll pr..-vent sleka-si or pvlus frofii
chaa'9 of water, it Ij o- 'ti-r Uia i'iei..a
on i. a- or titters as a M.m ii.ii.t.
SineraAuil I. u ui lv r lit p u sliulJ aivray
Oj provided wua iu
A!l rcmMta! acnti eanaMe of ilestrwtn; Ufa
by aa oi'-r 1 j e tU iUl I ! uvoi.le.i- M Tpuln-.
oi.eim, strrehalne, amiea, hvu.el itnus. aa l
otii.-r IlOlveral reaiediirs, (i as a-, i crt-iiu t in- s.
in very .:ui I iliv. s, reil- ve th p ii eni (l irrn:
ttielr ae'.iun ta tha ar-t rn. - lint l erii.irn ti j
a con I d ie. il re;ie;iteii. la.iy a4"a"ut-' nil !n-erei.-etli
airTe.i , an 1 a'iiiiijr S s; i-i:s
iieaUi.r- Tfre H L ueees-i! v i .r uini t
Uiie'Tt.iln uTeiC w!;?:i a f. .siiivi; r. uu.Iy l i
KAl'WlTj ISKADT itKUlV Will St'ip the III' !t Pv
ei'Ueiaii'i- piiin liui 'itv-r. w.t.iuu: "iiti'.llin,; ILt
Ira-itd.Ci.'uliy ta eitaer InfiUiier ailiiiu
Rabwats Readt liitiirr u fie or.lv remed'ai
agaat, la voue liuit, wiu uutantly st. .p j-aui.
t l ifty Cents per Kail If.
Radway's Kegulating Fills.
Parreet rnrctlTn. Knot r in- A perl
ant, Act W lll.ual lilii. A !. KellK
tle aii .Vataral la their Uprrallua.
Perfectly tastrtess, e!i?-j-.n'y rnri ed witu
aweet irum. puri, reuate, purliy, cleans '
an J urn iivtiifi.
Kadwats Pili.1. for tho enrarf u'l d'soMen
of tlie Sinmai li, IJvr, l'owu. Kuliivs 11 .i-
l-r. Nerrnus I. 5ih. . Uc'id.! h". C ins'lia-'i.ri
". oatiTeiiea. Inuietloa, liynprmii. Bil:..u
nr-i. Fevrr. In.'UmiujiiiKu oi tiie li.i.vets. I' l
aad ail iler.mifi-meau ot tlie l'it-rnv vis
Harrauled roeite. t a perfect cure Purely T -
etaiie. cr;'.iltimi ao nierearv i,..r,.,r . r.
etiT'ius druci. " "
Ur-oisrert fi.lfrw nT !iTmrK:ri rsult
trur rrom l)lsn.. 3 n! tne fi'i'tf lve arinn- Oe.-i
s!lp.t,:. Q.lriwur4 1 11 s. rinin.ss 01 iiie 'm.i
;n tn H.-ai. A.-l.t - of tit S'oie.aob. Knuse'.
lathe .sii.cqjcii. Mmr Km. tA ! us. Mnktn.oc
8 rii-atioiia hnn In a i int.- risruri Di-nuis it
IMeri. Ii-if-H or WVI.s t.i.l. P- the SI l,i Kevuf
anDnilP.tin in tii Hfu l. IVH ipi,.-,- ci Hr-sp-.rail'.n.
Yr!Wivaciot til- .-..x!:i a: f.-f - pi.,
in tlie Sal, t ries- L'm n 1 sjrvm....' ini,... . '.
!0l Heat, Biirtiln ,n t ie Flesh.
Afevrd. ss ot Kauyiy's l'n.isw'it frpe tis.i
Sjstem from nil the af ore-n one 1 iMvor.Lerj.
Price, 25 t enia per Box.
frOLD BY U!:LIJ..!T-s-
S . 33 WAKIU.N. l0r. CULi.C'J M.. Xrur V,.,;
J Informatloa wortii tliO'isaLtU will be s- nt juu.
Thb--t I n rii-ft tr 1 r. i-a-t 11 wl rvK'
Am-rr. n .-n n- K,icui. a. a." a-
Tbe MtindarJril. mv . ; ,!, corrMy,Kiut and
leribeSc..o..t.iiw.iKce.aBj:t: Ccuorir,, Ko, m
C0tPKHiN3:vS l'l jTlONASI
r.,1. b, .11 Book-HI-r,. K..r ,..,,,, .
J. B. Lirrivi nir -,.., .
- .. . -. nmn pn:
!m.1i. fn t!i
lbvI a live ittMl I
ilI'Jl.K,".th.,., -!"-". -""
aa u ia. taa UH ZZrZ. J XT.
! Uill. 1. .- w
, - w
I RED Rivrrjuai 1 tt
- McKIN-r. Land ComV
t- M. A m. ut. rtv. rui. an.
AT Tl:Y I.O'. tRCEa
-al h Copper liiard.
Kubbcr Buek-ta. steel Cha-o, tc '
M IlKGETlii . .
Radway s Ready Reliefs
! 13