Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, December 03, 1879, Image 3

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Wednesday, Dec'r 3, iST9.
Subscription, $1.50 per annum, if paid
tjthin 12 month $2.00 If not paid wiibia
12 months.
Transient advertisement inserted at SO
cents per iucli fur each insertion.
Transient business notice in local col
umn, 10 cents per line for each insertion.
IVd'ictiona will be made to those desiring
to advertise by the year, half or quarter
The Polier county jail is empty.
imaa ciay dm oeea lottad near
Test oil wells are beieg sunk trotted
Joseph McCahster of Freeport who
went i.utnuntiug last week baa since
bieu n.lving.
Rerks eouuty wants $348 of Sehlivl-
iciu county tor toe board of tfce Hunts
iugers while in jail
Work on the Middle Penitentiary
, .-
Das Keen suspended until spring.
.Mr. Lhrich, the wife of a stone qir
ry man, liviug in Allentown, made tur
attempt to commit suieide tn Tuesday
a wees atiiie ttmporariiv insane.
Martin Uockenberg, of HoutadaU,
Clearfield county Was Mrttck on a
tramroad by t !vg last week and in
staotly killed.
Mis Aiders was declared by tbe
School Directors of Est Deer towo-
fbip Allegheny county, as not having
oeen legally elected a teacher. She
sued and got year's salary.
A man b tbe name of Bear was to
have been married to young lady in
Waynesboro, Franklin county, last
week. In the morning a lady, who
claimed to be his wife, and little child
arrived from Virgiuia. She had Mr.
Hear arrested for desertion, but be
denies that she is his wife, which the
courts must now determine.
A well-to-do farmer in Perry county
Was splendidly taken in by a brace of
sharpers a few weeks ago. He bought
a wind mill from the rogues, and then
signed a paper which he thought was a
contract to act as an agent for tbe sale
of wind-mills in that county. Tbe pa
per he signed turned out to be negotia-
ble nnie for $3lK), which the men sold
to a third party. Tbe wind-mills were
forwarded and are now for sale below
cost price.
John Johnson a farmer living Dear
Went Fairfield, Westmoreland county
was t-hot and killed by his hired man,
Jerry Telford, on Wednesday morning
Tbe object was robbery and Telford es
caped. On Friday morning James II. Rid
dle, President, and bis son James
cashier of tbe Franklin Savings Hank,
of Allegheny, charged with the embec
zlemcnt of $118,000, were seoteuced
The father recieved one month and tbe
sou four months in jtil. The Court
apologized for the light sentence on the
ground that the evidence did not show
that the defendants really intended to
defraud the other stockholders, having
been misinformed as to the financial
condition of the firms of which tbey
were members. Tbe scntenc is receiv
by the public with dissatisfaction.
"From all qna'ters," says Lincas
paper, "reports continue to reach us of
heavy sales of tobacco at excellent
prices. The truth is, the prtcys rcalit
ed by our Lancaster county growers
throw everything in the shade wo hear
if, either in Connecticut, New York,
Olio, Wisconsin, or even York county
Our firmer are reaping a rich harvest
from their tobac?6 which is turning out
to be a most excellent article Tbe
prices are der-iddly higher than was
anticipated by tbe best informed deal
ers, and so remarkable are tbey, in
fact, that no one seems able to under
stand the boom that has set in,"
The Lebanon Couriei of last week
says that search has failed to discover
any trace of tbe valuables stated to
be hidden in In.liantown Gap in the
letter pnrportino; to have been writ
ten by Charles Drews, before his
death," to Israel Brandt It is now
believed that Drews had nothing to
do with the letter, and that it was
concocted by Brandt himself and
written by HumuieL What the mo
tive could have been it is difficult to
isay, unless Brandt desired to play a
practical joke on the officers.
The Harrisburg Telegraph of last
Fridays: In the neighborhood of
ltcily and new Fourth streets yester
day 'afternoon six women, all drunk,
engaged in a depera;e battle. Hair
pulling, beating, scratching were
what was done, but what was said by
these foul mouthed viragos was sim
ply shocking. One of the women,
rinding she was getting whipped, ran
into a house, but another ran after
aud dragged her out on the street by
the hair. It was a high old time for
a while, and a crowd etood around
powerless to separate the fighters.
Tbe congregation in tbe Lutheran
church at Wayuesboro, on Tuesday a
week became panic stricken at the
"breaking of a bench, sod a rush was
made for tbe doors. A number were
injured, and among tbetu were the fol
lowing; Mrs. Weagly, arm broken and
otherwise injured : Rev. Mr. Richard
son, of Switbsburg, Md., trampled up
on and injured : Mr. Suauk, ol Smitbs
turg, arm broken: Miles Comar,
t.boulder bone and several ribs broken;
Mrs. Mers and two sons, severely in
jured ; Rev. S. W. Owen, of Haeers
town, badly bruised; Henry (J. Fink,
seriousiy hurt, a lady unknown, was
taken to the hotel, where she aow lies
in a critical condition. The sad affair
has created intense excitement in the
-village. The damage to tbe church is
estimated at $500.
At Mountainville Church, Salisbury
township Lehigh eouuty tbe minister.
Kev. Mr. Bleatn. was called a liar, at
dast Sunday morning's srvice by a Ger
man named Charles Neiser, who said
lie knew tbe Scriptures better than tbe
minister. Neiser was drunk and bad
to be ejected, when a friend of bis,
A J.iur,h Geieer. who was also
druuk, became noisy and was ejected
r.T the hnildinif. The drunken men
attacked the building from tbe outside,
and finally the congregation bad to ne
dismissed to et rid of tbem: Tbey
were arrested aud let off with fines as
too oue appeared agat ist them, owing
to their having expressed sorrow for
their couduct.
Two young chaps in Spring township
Perry county, saw a Strang black and
white cat run into a chicken yard last
t Thv sot it out. Their clothes
will be dug up next spring when tbey
Lope to be able to bear the small.
The days are short daylight ts scarcely
" la enaea.
Thanksgiving may be a great Hay, but
-"or'u -anin knot a wild turkey, while
t-..l. M .
u was Dying, t Wednesday.
o,ow yams or Prints at only 5 cents per
i me ieniral Store.
There is no Presbyterian congregation
iiuiu uie uinits ot Sayder county.
- ny mis place on
nis way to Harrisburg on the loth inst.
rVfi mil V-a ii t - .1 c . .
- sewing xachine
-call on W. U AIKENS, Mifflintown.
vnew jkihd'i Best Sweet Snrj To-
hcco- Dee. 4, 1878-ly-
Rev. R. E, Wilson preached the onion
thanksgiving sermon la (he new Piesbyte
rian church.
President Hayes and Mrs. Daves were it
Philadelphia last week, and attended the
Methodist Fair.
Ouly l.vsji) yards of our 8 cents dress
goods lei L Call soon at the Central Store.
We are indebted to Hon. Wm. G. LeDuc,
commissioner of agriculture, for a copy of
bis annual report.
Thanksgiving day was observed by the
business of the town, the stores and other
business places having all been closed.
Do you want a first-class Organ. Call on
W. H. AlKKNS, Third street, MiHtintown.
Adam Wilt, County Surveyor, was in
town Ust Friday and Saturday in tbe dis
charge of duties perUluing to bis office.
bt -proceeds of the dinner and supper
given by tbe ladies of the Lutheran church
oalbanksgiving day and evening was $109.
Just received at the Central S tore another
lot of beautiful Black and Colored Cash
meres, the handsomest stuck in town, and
at prices that beats them all.
Springs in the mountains that have run
water during tbe past forty years are dry
now. So people acquainted with tbe moun
tains say.
FUR SALE A One-horse Phaeton, good
as new. tor particulars, address Mrs. J. D.
Magruder, Mifliintown, Juniata Co., Pa.
Dec. 3, 18i9-tf
No canvassers are employed to sell sew
ins; machines. Tou will save commission
by buj ing from W. II. A1KENS, Third St.,
Mittliutown, Pa.
Some one said that lovers of a celestial
turn of mind sat np all night on Thanks
giving night to see the stars faU. Well
aud what if tLey did t
The Fulton Rtpuiltcan says i There is a
Democratic negro in alcConne!Uburg, Ful
ton county. He makes a living by hiring
himself to exhibitions.
(Cp to Thanksgiving day, the Cake Walks
were the successful mediums through which
the Band raised a fund of f 235, net, with
whlcn to purchase new horns
A full line of Single and Double Shawls,
Skirts, Gloves, Ties, Bows, Trimmings,
Laces, Yarns, Knit Goods at tbe Central
Store, MiHtintown, Pa.
The Third Annual Sunday-school Con
vention of the Presbytery of Carlisle will
be heM at Newport, Perry county, on the
9ih and 10th of December, 1679.
The Harrisburg Grant Reception Com
mittee have sent itivitations to civil and
military bodies in towns and cities within a
circle of 125 miles of Harrisburg.
Rev. Joseph Mathers preached in the old
frcibyteriau church on Sabbilh morning
and evening. Rev. Mr. Robinson will preach
in the same church next Sabbath moraiug
ard evening.
Satisfy yourself as to the cheapest and
best Sewing Machines and Organa. Call on
V. II. AIKEN'S, Mifflintown, and see the
dinereut kinds, prices and quality.
The store of John Partisan at Uilroy,
Mifflin county, was destroyed by fire on
Sunday night, while Mr. aud Mrs. 11 art
man were in church. Children found their
way into the store and upset a coal oil lamp.
Mr. William R. Flumrner, Sr., an em
ployee of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany a number ot years, at Tyrone, was
struck by a passing tram of cars, a few
days ago, and killed. Deceased was 65
years old.
Over one hundred styles of Carpet, frtim
the commonest Hemp to the finest Brussels,
at the Central Store. Call and see tbem.
A medical exchange saysi Phare's
method of treating colic consists in inver
sionsimply in turning the patient no-tide
down. Colic of several day's duration has
been relieved by this means in a few min
utes." Says the Bedford 7jau-r: "The Hunt
ingdon ana Broa lop raiiroau aioi nu
jumped from $4.00 per share, several months
ago, to $11 .50 per h ire." ir some ot too
stocks held in Midliiitown would boom, the
holders would be glad.
Organs froiu $45, and upwards. Organs
sold on easy monthly payments. Call on
or address W. H. AIKEN'S, Mifflintown,
Juniata Co., Pa.
A strange orator delivered himself of a
speech against the rich, the lawyers and
judges in general, and against uenerai
Grant in particular, on Saturday atlernoon,
from a point on the pavement along the
street in frout of the Court Housef
Tbe Pennsylvsnia Railroad Company have
required a number of the Division bosses
to change places. For ex imple, David Kink,
of tbe Karrows, goes to Millerstown ; Geo.
Heinbach, who was at Millerstown, goes to
Lewistown, and Jacob Esierline and Mr.
Collins go to tbe Narrows.
Tbe other night, when- a citiren of Chi
cago was reckoning np his accounts, his
wife spoke to him several times, and re
ceiving no answer, said : " Tou treat me
cruelly. I fear you no longer love me."
And the husband and father replied : " I
love yon passionately, devotedly, frantically
madly ; but if you don't hold yer jaw till I
get these figures added, I'll give yon a clip
in the eye." Baliimort Bnlltti.
The Harrisburg TtUgrapk of last Friday
says : While the band was passing a promi
nent church in this city yesterday, playing
at a lively rate, the minister paused in bis
discourse and requesed the audience to rise
and sing "Praise God from whom all bles
sings Bow." At the conclusion of the
singing the blare and boom of tbe band had
died out down the street. It is not right
that a band should bang away while passing
a church in which services are being held.
-On Thanksgiving day the votes were
Counted that bad previously been cast on
the question as to "who shall have tbe pic
ture ?" that was put up for the bjneflt of the
Band, by T. C. Parker. Tht sum realized
on the picture was $76.03. Tbe number of
votes polled were 1520. The citisets voted
for were John C. Moter, Henry Watts and
David Craig, colored. If oier had 657 votes,
Watts "had 269 votes, and Craig had 394
LS4,f.week J,me! Ag,u M
I -o jcaia, raiueui 01 Walker
township, was in Loudeuatager's wood in
Walker township. His dog barked np a
tree. He could not tell what kind of game
sat on a branch of the tree up which the
dog barked. A couple of men working near
by were called they pronounced the game
to be a wild-cat. The boy, having more
faith in their quality as marksmen, offered
tbe gun to them in turn, with the request
that they aboot the animal ; but they de
clined tbe honor. " Well," said tbe boy,
"I am not afraid," and suiting an action to
bis word be raised the gun and Bred ; but
Ine animal did not move. Tbe Bring of the
gun did not even diatuib its composure.
The young huntsman speedily reloaded bis
gun, rolling iuto it a few buckshot, and
when all was realty, be "Bred" the second
lime. Down came the game. It was a wild
cat. It was shot in tbe head. It mea
sured 4 feet 111 length from tip to tip, 18
inches in height, and weighed lb j pounds.
Loudeelagers woods is about a tulle aud
a half southeast or VanVVertTN
Tbe Central Store, Milllintown, Pa., does
the leading business of our town. They
keep a larger and better grade of goods,
and sell much lower than the rest, hence it
is lo your iuterest to do your 'railing and
buying from them. Try them aud be con
These was a young man with a shaddock,
Who met a young maid with a haddock.
He thought, How I wish
She would give me that Hh,
In legal exchange lor my shaddock !"
The maiden, who did not like haddock,
Thought, -O, what a beautif ul shaddock !
If I were not so shy,
I should certaiuly try
If he'd give me that fruit for my haddock."
He went on his way with his shaddock ;
She went on her war with her haddock :
And so cruel is fate
That, until 't was too late,
Neither one of them beard
That, by speaking tbe word.
He might just as well have had haddock,
And the might as well have bad shaddock !
Ladies who once see and try the light'
raaaiag. uouelm and beautiful new Domes
tic Sewing Machine, cannot be induced to
try any other. Full instructions given and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Third Street, Mifliintown, Pa.
Wl were exposed Ust week to a pitiless
storm, that wet our feet and stockings, and
indeed our person all over. In fact we took
a cracking cold, which brought sore throat
and severe symptoms of fever. The good
wile asserted her authority, plunged our
feet into hot water, wrapped us in hot blan
kets, and sent our faithf ul son for a bottle
of Ateb's CBEaar Pectobal. Ii is a splen
did medicine pleasant to take, and did the
job. We slept souudly through the night
and awoke well tbe next morning. We
know we owe our quick recovery to the
Pectoral, and shall not hesitate to recom
mend it to all who need such a medicine.
Tthacaa (Texas) Prttbyttna.
', Rev. J. E. Kearns, of Waterloo, this
Crranty, moved with his family on Thursday
ot last week, to Morning Sun, Iowa. Be
fore leaving he called upon W. II. Aikens,
and bought one of the latest improved
light-running Domestic Sewing Machines
to take with bim to bis western home.7
.. J
A Wonderful Eecord.
Myriads of so-ealU-d specifics " and
cures " for Rheumatism have already been
brought before the publie, and many of
tbem bave even been endorsed by the certi
ficates of respectable and prominent cili
lens, who have derived beneHt from such
preparations. There is no doubt that a
great many of these "Liniments," "Oils,"
etc., so widely advertised and freely recom
mended for Rheumatism and paint ul com
plainta of a similar nature, have genuine
merit and will relieve certain tpes of the ;
complaints nsnied ; but when Klieuraatisin,
Neuralgia, and kindred diseases bave be
come chronic and threaten serious results,
you may ret assured that they will help
but very little. Although not recommend
ed as "infallible," tbe peculiar qualities of
St. Jacobs Oil especially adapt it to those
cases which may be termed "chronic" and
which have previously withstood all known
"specifics" as well as the prescriptions of
the best physicians.
We would meution, as an example, tbe
case of Mr. A. Heilman, Editor ol the Pitts
burg Republican, who suffered with Rheu
matism tor two years. After vainly using
all the best recommended remedies and ex
bausting the skill of tbe most experienced
physicians without even temporary relief,
it required only two bottles of Sr. Jacobs
Oil to effect a permanent cure. Mr. C.
Hanni, a well-known citizen of Youngs
town, Ohio, secured lor bis wile, who for
twelve years had been a constant sufferer
from Neuialgia in tbe bead, the services of
tbe ablest physicians in the land, but they
were unable to do anything for her; half a
bottle of St. Jacobs Oil cured her. Mr.
Wai. Reinbardt, Elmore, Wis., reports the
case of a neighbor, who for twenty -four
years had suffered so terribly with Kheuraa
tism that, at times, be cont'd hardly move
around ; a few bottles of St. Jacobs Oil
cured bim. "To cap the climax," however,
Mr. A. Neiger, of laylorville, Pa., writes
that his mother, who had been a continual
suflcrer with Rheumatism for the past thirty
years, used one bottle of Sr. Jacobs Oil,
and was immediately relieved of all pain.
Ibesn are results which truly deserve to be
brought to public notice ; but tbey are not
exceptions, as will be sen by the numerous
other certificates from all parts of the Uni
ted States. It should be tbe duty of every
one to call tbe attention of every one to
call the attention of bis suffering friends
and neighbors to this wonderf ully efficacious
preparation, especially as tbe low price of
fifty cents a bottle places it wiibin the reach
of all persons, rich and poor.
A Pennsylvania Border Tale.
In tbe Philadelphia Weekly Pbess of
date November 29 is commenced a thrilling
Pennsylvania historical romtnee, entitled
"The Brady Brothers; or, Bald Eagle's
Nest." Its scenes will be located on tbe
West Branch of the Susquehanna during
that bloody and troubled period immediate
ly following the massacre ol Wyoming, and
the great runaway." John .Brady ; his
brave and stalwart sons, James and Samuel ;
Colonels Kelly and Plunkett, and Queen
Esther, Bald Eagle and other border celeb
rities of that time will figure prominently.
The theme Was suggested by the late Brady
centennial celebration at Muncy.and is from
the pen of Charles McKoieht, author of
"Our Western Border," "Simon Girty, the
White Savage," and "Captain Jacx, the
Subscribe for the Snttntl and ArpsMieaa,
the beat paper ia tbe country
Juniata County Teachers' Insti-
Jtnnonnetmtnt to Ttacktrt, Dirttttri and
Fruudt of Edict tun :
Tbe 13th Annual Session of the Juniata
County Teachers' Institute will be held lo
the Court House, at Mifliintown, commenc
Ing on Monday, December loth, 1879, at 2
o'clock P. M., and closing on Fiidsy even
ing! December 19, 1879.
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all teachers and friends of education, with a
special invitation to teachers of private aud
public schools of Juniata county.
Pains have been taken to make this Insti
tute the most profitable and interesting of
of any ever held in the county.
The Day Sessions wiil be principally de
voted to tbe best methods of teaching the
different branches, to discussiooson educa
tional subjects, and to answering questions
proposed by teachers. The Evening Ses
sions will be taken up by popular lectures,
recitations, mnsic, c.
Miss Mabia L. Saxfokp, of Swathmore
College, Pa., will be present the entire week
to give instructions in Primary Teaching,
History, Composition, Reading, English
Literature, ate
Pnor. Edwasd Bbooks, Ph. D., Principal
of tbe Millersville Normal School, will in
struct iu Arithmetic, School Discipline, and
Philosophical Methods of Teaching.
Paor. A. N. Rai b, Principal of the Cen
tral State Normal School, Lock Haven, will
give instructions in Methods ol Teaching
Grammar, Course of Study in Ungraded
Schools, Orthography, fcc.
Paor. Silas Weight, Principal of S. O
9. of McAlisterville, will instruct in Pen
manship and (jcography, and conduct exer
cises in Pronunciation.
Paor. Jahes J. Pattebsos, Principal of
Tuscarora Academy, and a number of the
leading Ttachers in tbe county will give in
structions on various topira during the week.
MissMabt J. Wise, Miss Mabt Corr-
Paor. David Wilsos, A. M., of Airy
View Academy, will read a paper before the
Directors of the county, on Thursday after
noon, subject : Common school curricu
lum. Addresses will also be delivered by A. J.
PATTtBsos, Esq , Miss Samtobd, and Pasts.
Bbooks and Ravb.
It is needless to say that these addresses
will bo able aud of rare value, and that
every school officer who can possibly be
there should come and bear them.
Monday Address by Paor. J. T. Ailmas.
Discussion "Should tbe State Enforce At
tendance at our Public Schools ?" Opened
affirmative by A. J. Pattebsox, Esq. ; neg
ative by B. F. Schweieb.
Tuetday Lecture by Paor. A. N. R.irs.
Descriptive Reading, by Wm. H. McCollix.
IftJntsJaf Lecture, Rome and Italy,"
by Miss Mabia L. Sasford. Illustrated by
over 1"0 Lantern Views.
Tkurtdat Lecture, by Paor. Edwasd
Bbooks, Ph.D. Lecture, "Success in Life,"
by 5Iiss SANroBO.
FridagWu. II. McCollix, lite gradu
ate and instiuctor in the Pennsylvania In
stitute for the Blind, will give Descriptive
Readings, Recitations and Ballals. '
It must be apparent to every live teacher i
that the calling of school teaching will be I
elevated and established as ono of the
learned professions ouly by encouraging aud
enforcing a system of professional training,
and with those educated and interested in
the art and science of teaching rests the re
sponsibility ot dignifying their vocation by
the discussion and adoption of methods and
processes worthy of the high claims of pro
fessional dignity. The law authorises and
reqrires the County Superintendent, once in
each year, to call upon aud invite the
teachers of the Common Schools and other
institutions of learning, to assemble to
gether and form themselves intoaleacbers'
Institute, to be devoted to professional im
provement. It fuither provides that all Boards of Di
rectors may allow teachers in tneir employ
the privilege of attending such institute
without making any deduction from their
salary, and that any teacher who absents
himself from the Institute, without a good
reason, may have his professional zeal and
spirit indicated by a loaer mark on his cer
tilicale iu the practice of teaching, than he
otherwise would bave received.
Last year all the teachers of the county
but one or two were in attendance at the
Institute. Let every teacher strive to make
the attendance this year as good. Remem
ber that the Institute is lor you, teacher,
and that it is your duty to fit aud quality
yourself more and more for the responsible
place you fill.
Couuty Superintendent.
The undersigned begs lea e to return his
sincere thanks to his numerous friends, and
the public in general, who so generously
supported him in the contest for the Paint
ing put up by the Junior Cornet Band, and
to John E. HollobAugh, Esq., in particular,
for bis earnest, nnffigging. enthusiastic and
successful canvass in my behalf. Rest as
sured that your kindness is duly apprecia
ted and shall long be remembered by me,
and shall ever- be held as a green spot in
my memory.
Vendue Cryer and Auctioneer.
Address Joseph Page, Cocolaiuus, Ju
niata county, Pa.
Prompt attention given to auction sales
of store goods, public sale or land, sale of
lire stock, farming implements and house
hold goods. dec3-4m
Yiolest Cocgrixo racks the system and
brings on hemorrhage. Pbonix Pectoral
cures cough, brings rest and gives strength.
It tastes so pleasant that children cry for it.
Price 25 cents. For sale by Banks k. Ham
lin, Miitliotown, and Hamlin h. Co., Patter
son. a
Camphor Milk cures Headache an! Neu
ralgia. Camphor Milk cures Rhenmatism and
Lame Back.
Camphor Milk cures Cuts, Bruises and
Camphor Milk costs 25c ; 5 bottles $1.
Sold by Banks Jt Ham. in, Mifflintown, and
Hamlin It Co., Patterson. marl9-ly
Phsnix Pectoral will cure yonr Cough.
Phoenix Pectoral cores hoarseness quickly
Phoenix Pectoral tastes good and brings
Phoenix Pectoral costs 2-jc; 5 bottles $1.
Sold by Banks k. Hamlin, Milllintown, ft
Hamlin k Co., Patterson. marl9-ly
ATTENTlOX ! Dealers in cattle are
hereby informed that John Balentine, of
Fermanagh township, baa a number of
cows that will soon be in profit, for sale.
The New Djmcstic Bible. j
This splendid Royal Quarto Edition of;
the BiMe hi luade (telt-exUtnin?, uei:a a
Complete Library ot the Holy Scriptures, '
and contains, in addition to its Old and :
New Testaments, Apocrauha, Concordance
and Psalms, and nearly 2,00 Illustrations ,
and 36 Full-pipe Engravings; and 115 a.l- :
ditional features, the mort itiifiorlsiit of
which are a Bible Dictionary, History of the
books of the Bible, History of Jiflii- us
denomination, History of the naiions,
cities, rivert, fcikis, birds, beasts, r. piiics, ,
insects, trees, fruits and ffwers ol toe Bi
ble, 100,000 lutrgiuai relerences, M rr:ae '
Certificate, Faintly U- coi J an t Puotngra a -Album.
Printed with clear, Urge type. "
pap.T of first-cljss quality. Siz i of pis.
Hxl2 iuch.-. The work is superbly -bouud
in morocco, massive raised puiei.
) giit edye aud back, and was sold two years
ago at $lo per copy.
The piale alone cost $ 11,110. H' war- i
rant iu Bible lo be t good mt Uiote told for ,
$15 ia r bui'k elore. A Fecial tlrrs !
To introduce our Bibles we aicree, Uu the ',
receipt ot $1, to the post-ge and o'her i
espouses, to send any reauer of this paper
a copy of the Holy Uiole, with a snperb
aork of art. produced In ten b--aiiiilul colors
and ricblv illustrated, entitled "The Loan's
Pbatek." This ia a bvbk comouutiou.
and a hig field lor agents. Tnii oiler is
good tor 60 day-i ouly, and itay not app -ar '
again. We seud thiee copies lor $.75.
Money may be sent at our ri-k iu a plain
letter. Older now, and address.
dec3-2t Philadelphia, Peuiia.
FOR SALE A commodious Dwelling
Honsn, and two Store Rooms, in the bor
ough of Mifliintown, Juniata county, Pa. J
This is a rare chance to acquire a deliiii :
house, and business place iu MillliuUwo ; a '
chance, which if left pass, liny not be :
equaled in many years. For particulars, i
call at, or address this office. j.iti21-tf j
AC 1. fi0n per diy at bom-. Samples
ibj ill tiU worth 9 free. Addicss Mis- i
sob & Co., Portland, Maine. j
jhpp a we-k in tour own town. Terms and
VC $') outfit tree. Address II. Hallett
4. Co., Portland, Maine.
70 A WEEK. $1- a day at home easily
$ It made. Costly Outfit free. Ad licss
Tbcb at Co., Augusta, Maine. 'tec .1-1 y
McUIM -.UILLitvEN Nov. 27, 1879,
by the Rev. J. A. McGill. Mr. Win. C. Wc
G ill and Miss Jennie Milliken. both of Tus
carora township.
DOBB3 AXDREWS Xov 27th, 1879,
by the Kev. William Wallen, Mr. Miller
Dobbs and Miss Sallie Andrews, both of
Tuscarora township.
II A -t K E R S ,
No. 40 South Third Street,
Stocks Bonpht and o!d either tor Cash or
' on a Margin.
Dec. I, 1879.
lim. Asirn.
D. S.
6's 1W1 li'tj li.S
Currency, 6's 12
5's, 1881. new 10:-:' im
4's, new, 10 lis ; !
4's " 10J lil-JJ I
Pennsvlvania R. R 4i 4r j i
Philadelphia It Reading R. K.. 1"J '. i
Lehigh Vallev R. R 41 41,1
1-hisrli Coal 4. Navigation Co.. 24) J 1 J !
L'nited Companies ol N. J .... 14-f 111
Northern Central R. R. Cc ... 17 18 !
Ilestonvillc Pass R. R. Co.... 17 17J I
Pitt"., Tit It Bi-tT. R. R. Co... SJ i' f i
Central Transportation Co ... 41 "!
Northern Pacific, Com 15 1"!
Prel 'd ' 4.
Sliver. (Trades) !. &
COM 31 13 RC A I,.
MirrLUTOwa, Di.-c. 3, 18
Potatoes. ......
Corrected weealy.
Qcoravioxs roa To-dat.
Wednesday, De. 3, 1879.
Clovers ced
1 3d
4 50
PmLtntLPHiA, Nov. 29. Wheat, red $1.
40tol 4'i Corn, 60to61c. Oats, 41to45c.
Rve, 88c.
Sew Atlvnrtlat-ment.
(Successors to Buyers It Kennedy,)
CO Ala,
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster.
We buy Grain, to be delivered at Mifflin
town or Mexico.
We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers
at reasonable rates.
April 21, !?79-tf
ir.j "hereon erected a frame Dwelliug House,
situate in Spruce Hill township, near Tay
lor's blacksmith shop. Good location lor a
mechanic For further particulars call at
this office.
may be purchased of the undersigned at a
reasonable price. Tbe property is situated
in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with
the Smith stand includes a lot of about
TWO ACRES, having thereon erected a
comfortable Two-story FrameHonsc, a com
modious 8 table and other outbuildings.
There la a Well of good water at the door
of the boose. For particulars call on or
address . WM. HOOPS.
Walnut P. 0., Juuiata Co., Pa.
Xern Aelprrttitrment.
WaTiisi's Safe KiiiBj a! Liier Care.
ror-TV-Hy . rVrr7 ."Mvf Vw
A Trvfhie prcparntion n t Ihtt tly mmrm
rrmfdv in tn wotvi frr Rrlelkl 1iWi-jm,
.is!. t,t ALL ItltiMej, iar, mmA
li-innr.r lia4-jw. .
Ter..u(Hiimjt of the highest order ia proof
of tu " Hlatrfn4Wfits.
Car for ih ' cure of mIWw? call for Wai
oer' Mafr Dlakrl1 Vw .
t ur ib cu iv ir Uriah. nn1 fothr
mm Liver '.
It is Uib-t t loC fMrf fl-t and iti'milaC
every function to more fr&jihfui acuou, aitd
ia tbu brMwiit In ail dlwa-.
It rur rwfulaiM and her 91.1st T.rwy
ilotta ami D; i. iuclutLia4 iMMcrra, L't
cm, nt rtur Utorea.
lfwplV falmtM sf INe gfeyWMH-waV
4 Miaaiki(tn. IHniNm C-eiweral iJelHft
tl. vtr., are cire-1 hy the Hme U
unstinted a an appetiir rt-yuiinr tonic.
JSoiUe of two siaur ; price, fttte. and I1.N.
Qntrklr ire Itp4 an.) MWa tu thMiflVrtntr,
cirf HradarlHi anl ewrMlffta. prevema
t llleC.e fr'll. ami relivrWwrw mmm rm
trmt tot hr.iux.it on bv exrr.ive ftnnk, over
work, riavutai 9hrk4. mn't iHhrr ihiism.
Piiwprftil an i is to nj'tp rain and auothedt
iurbHl INervfa, it n vr Iitjurea the ayatem
wheiuor i:ilcn in niuall or Iqivp down.
IfcHUes of two six- ; price. Me and
Art an liiimrd'ate finrt antv attnititnn frrr
, Eiiiaaa
it m .
' constant use by "'it ft
nnhlli! fnV Sf tweet) V - S: -
years, and is the beat
preparation etrr In
vented for r.ESTOKINfi
As Barer
j Chcx-it
snppllra lh
rml food sad color ta the
hair R-landa wlltoal
staining the skin. It will
Increase and Ihlrkew the
growth) of the hair, pre
vent Its blanching: and
tailing otr, and thai
f ltd
cures Itt hing. lrs
tions and Iantlrn. As
is very doslrable, giving
the hair a silken softness
which nil admire. It
keeps the head clean.
as a
i great
I triumph
I in medi
sweet and healthy.
w ill hmise the beard to a l;i.GW'
or HLACK at discretion. Seine in
one preparation It Is easily api'lia,
an'l produces a permanent color
that will not wrsah ofT.
Vtik.i'AHt.l BY
R. P. HALL & CO., hASK'JA, R.H.
Sold by aD Doalsn la Mxiicua,
rrcfrtsional Cards.
tt7"'""!lecting and Conveyancing prompt
ly attended to.
Orrice On Main street, in his place ol
r-sideuce, south of Bridge street.
Attorney and Counselor -at-Law.
Prompt attention given to the securing
and collecting of claims, and ail legal busi
ness. i IrricE on bridge street, first door west
ol the Keiiord building.
April 11, 1875-tf
All busiuess promptly attended to.
OrriCE On Bridge street, opposite the
Court House sinare.
CT Collections and all prolcssional busi
ness promptlv .-.ttemlcd to.
June 20, 1877.
joun Mclaughlin
PORT ROY.it.. JUSltT.i CO., PA.
ttyOnly reliable CompaTiies represented.
Dec. 8, 1875-ly
Physician and Surgeon,
Omce honrs frcm 9 a. h. to 3 r.
flee in his father's resideuce, at tie south
end of WaUr street. cl22-tt
Has resumed activelv the practice of
Medicine and anrgery and tleir collateral
branches. Othce at the old corner ol Third
and Orange streets, UilUiuttwn, Pa.
March 211, 1876.
J M. B RAZEE, il. D.,
.IcaJcmia, Juniata Co., Pa.
OrriCE formerly ocenpied by Dr. Pfrrrtt.
Prolessi'inil business promptly attended to
at all hours.
Has commenced the practice of Medicine
and ?urgery and ail their collateral branches.
Ollice at Arademia, at the residence ol
Capu J. J. Patterson.
fjulj 15,1674
Continne the practice or Medicine and
Surgery a.id all their collateral branches.
Othce at his residence in MeAliaterville.
Feb 9, 1870,
C kTJJatf fTtk JL rasa. Malaria. Trwr
M lOJbiaMi' f tut Art, and shr-iiid
wnaljEW J rwl i'-! wrt-frv-r the
E wwLTTy - aLsawTa txtweLs do not orrai
Pi TXJ 4j4 lpv3 fT-Hy ftfH! rwilariy.
I '-TT1. ' . s T Kl asvs4l Asms, tor lliawwwa
i l.iV'sV' BJ rrir 2b rtav
' HriT Mrl.1! fUl WaVs.l4tslrlUtsrs.l.ar
3 7 jjay1-' Iwl aasM DrwsnriU a IVaiaai
E Vlfj " I Jl'Vi r 1 Lat arstkbast rrywatrrsa.
yj i
W the place where yon can bay
Tilu tis:sT A-i this ciikapuvi
luts. c?r. it-jo rs. .... .i.ttj runste-iiixu goods.
HE is pr7aret lo fxrt;it rt most rfnttrr nuf m let stncfe ever ofTjred ia
tills Uia.Uet. and m .is ro.MsfU.X.Tl.r LO'.V PRICES!
Also, measure fr3sr T-r j3t's nA parts of snifs, which will bo made to ordtf
at short notic?, f ery rasu As.o.
Uemrmber thi plar-, in II. fTmiD
Water s'reets. Krtf Li iij X Zi, fJk
lias ji-t returneJ from tbe Eastern citit with a fa!i farietj of
GENTS' Fl'!?XIS:i:iJ GOon.S. Goods of .'I kmds r Iow.Co.ne and mt at
and be a-tmiihed Hants m 95 f tnf. rr 3V '. MARK Til OHlim.
Patterson, Pa., Ao. il I'j, Ist j.
:l Ti- I--..
Tr irrftrx' Guie..
Hrrwirs Hissi-bi bo ai Lruo i.
a :" I 1 2
5 i --
r t I : i I i
a. . '.. j . . r. .
I2:ti 8IM i'M'alc:'., -Itlt' j.H'j
p. w. a. a. r.M r . .p.w.
-5 'S' 8i". l;t(r -larrisb'jf 8 15 145
8 4".
8 35
8 24
8 12
8 "2
7 47
7 32
7 n;
7 W
6 40
6 33
6 25
5-J2 8 VI 1 4:i 'to. k il:e
5 -Si 8 l'. 1 o' Mar-sviV,
" lii 8 2.; 1 .; Cove
5.Vi 2(h; Dunc m'n:
t.S 84 j 2 l .Aijiiednct
6 o5 8 ;;: 2 2".; H.iilv's j
ti 55' UlXi. 2 35 e:rt i
7 lo M V.I 2 47 VillcrstV
7 2l 9 31 3 1 lhooip'u
7 4 i,- 3 iu tliiieo ;
7 3 2' PerrvsvV
8 0t Hli-rs' 3 27 Mif'llin ',
7 5!' 1 17
752 1 Hi
7 41 HI
7 32 12 53
7 22 I25
7 oi 12 35.
657 1221
H 4 t 12 II
3 2 1 1 VJ
18 11 43.
0 12 11 3"
i7 M3I
5 42 HOI
5 2'.i 1" 52
5 14 10X5!
5 04 li2ti;
451 10 1 1
4 45 Hlfsi'
4 38; 9 57.
4 3 n v
10 fill 3 5."i Lewisto'n
; i .-.-,
li ns
1 1 4.1
; 12 03
12 18
.12 35
,'2 51
! l ii
; 1 l'-
! 124
' 1 3'1
1 3
: 1 55'
p. .
; uo5
4 0f Amlersoii
4 24 McVevl'n
4 :7 M.m:i 'nk
4 52 N ll.imii'ii
4 5'. Mt. 1'ninn
5 07 Vapleton.j
5 15 Mill Creek;
5 llunlin'n
5 5! Pttersb'g
Siri. Rarree i
6 lo "Nj-r'tw-rV
t 25 Hirniiih'iu
6 31 Tyrone j
; 4i-, Tipton '
t 13 Pot toriT
: 8 Bells Mills:
7 AUoona i
. M. 1
12 55 Pittsiiiirs j
4 17
?. r.8
3 51
3 4-;
3 27
3 17
3 12
2 50
9 3J
J 22
9 15,
9 10.
8 5ti!
8 31". I
8 S-
8 1.il
7 4H
Wfstw.ibd Fast Tbaiss.
Pacific Evpres leves rhi!;:de!ihi 11 55
p r.i ; ILirristmrs; 4 '!' am; Duneaiinon 4
50am; Newport 5 14 am; Miillin o5tia
iu; I.ewitown i I4 a in ; MeVeyiown H tl
a in; Mt. Union 7 H! a iu i Hiinfinud u 7
28 a m ; PetPrsb.ir- 7 44 a m ? prdee I ',re k
7 55am; Ttrone 8 18at.i; Bell's Mills
s a m ; A.iooua jO a ia ; t ittii. g
1 4 ' "u-
I'itt-liu-j Express leaves Philadelphia at
j 25 p in ; H irrtsluire H 25 p m ; M.irsvi'le
'.'Ml p m; .Miltl.r 1 1 4! p m ; I-wislnwn
12 !! a in ; Ii.:n!i:iz.l.m I 1:1 a ... i Tvr-ne
1 5! a in ; Aitooiia 2 25 a m; Pitlsburg 7 bO
a ni.
Fast Line leaves Phil.vle'phi at 11 Via
m; l.jn i-h':r S i i p m : V ilflii S i!4 p ni ;
I.e'A istuwn 5 27 p n. ; lltiiitindon ri 28 pm ;
Tyr. ne 7 l8 p n ; Altoona 7 i' p ni ; l'ilis
t.irg 1 1 45 p in.
Fait f.'ne Wet on $nJtiy. tr-!l ttnp at
Dnnitumn. Struort. .11 I'ry'unra. Mt Union,
Velersbnrt and Btll't Milii, when Flazied.
Eastwaed Fast TBjrt.xs.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsburg st
4 5o pm t AlMna HI ini p m ; Bi ll's Mills
lOlpm; Tynmc 10 43 p ni ; Sprue? Creek,
Hl48p?::; Ilnntiiiedon 1 1 Hi p ni : Lewi
town 12 30pm; Miillin 12 54 p tu ; nrrlr.j
j Harrisburg at 2 i p m, and Philailelp'
at 7 IHI p m.
Atlantic Express leaves Piltsbure at
pm; Altoona iiI5pm; Tvrone "' m
Huntingdon 7:1' pm; Mt. Uuiou 8P m'
Me Ve town 8 25 p m ; Lew istown 8 J P m
Mi!!!iii9 12 pm; Newp t tt 5(i p rl D,,n"
cannon 10 20 p m ; II ir isburg 1J P m
arrives in Philadelphia 3 0O a in.
Pacific Express haves Pittsb; ' 8 13 a
m ; A ltoona 7 4 5 a ni ; T vro 8 ll a m i
Huntinsdon 8 4'am; Lewis"n 9a- "
Mitllin 10 li am; lrncann- 11 'J '" '
ll.vrisbe.r- II 50 p m; arri' 111 Pbiladel
phia o 40 p ni.
Panfic Esprc, E .st o'-'S" '"
at Held Mi'h. S,.rn.e Peter,bnrg.
Mill Creek Vt Union, '"'" c
port. trhrn f ' ....
.Ill.mlU Kxprtit ojJ'JI mill t.op at
V.iU Creek, Miple'on. ittule, when
Flat zed.
OF j5IF'Li.rrow:i, pa.
Stcckpjldera Individually Liable.
j. yrVlS l UMEltOY, Pretidemt.
T. VAN IHWIN, CosAier.
. Nevln Ponieroy, Joseph Kut'irock,
Jeorn Jacobs. Philip M. Keener,
AmosU. Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinson.
W. U. Pomeroy,
sroccHi.LrEEs :
J. Nevin Pomeroy, J.imts B. (Jkel'm,
Philip V. Keener, Win. Van Seriiien.
Jeseph Kiittirock, S.im'l llerr's Heirs,.
George Jacobs, Jine II. Irwin,
L. E. Atkinsoa, Mary Knrtx.
V. C- Pomeroy, Samuel M. Knr'j,
Amos (;. Bonsall, J. Itolires Irwin,
Noah llerlxier, T. V. Irwin,
j Jlanitl Stoiitier,
r . Krow.
Charlotte Snyder, John Ilertzlcr.
XT' Interest allowed at foe rite of 3 per
cent, en fl months e.-roticates, 4 per co-.l. ou
12 months ccrliUca'cs.
jinCS, l79-tf
X-. DEXTlsr.
Office opposite Lutheran Chun h,
IxiliT CIlTM.. JUNIATA CO.'. T V..
I.. hi.will sptn,i ;be Bn.t ten das ol
eaeh month, commencing leet mlK-r 1st.
The balaice ot the time his ohVe will be
occupied by, J. S Kilmer, a yontrg mail
worthy of confidence, and wo has been
associated wiih th-j Doctor as student and
assistant two yesrs ad upwards. Those
who call dnring Dr. Bnrlan's rbenco for
professional sen ico. may. ur.- will pleas
arrance the time wih Mr. Kilmer when thej
may be served, on the return of the Doctor.
La e stock of ready miidec!rthhig ot tu
latest and choicest styles. fjr men and
boys, hats, caps, boots and shoes, notion,
furnishing goods in endless variety for sale
at Samuel SOrajer s, in Pattircc-a.
iiiii i. ht nwjs'tim
.1DI Et;fiSKMF.. IS.
New I3ui!diiig, corner of Bridge and
(Jan. 1, i. -U
. . - .."'A.
Spexicl 'ui't.
J Tilt: WORLD'S III Lit.
' Ds. L. D. VVmai as's Ai.rKTira Sr-p.
J CT7-A r -m.dy n d TiriitTY-FI VE VE K-1
; in a private practice, and never iailiug tu
i radically cure
i R I! E 1' M A T 1 3 XI , DROPSY,
j Erysipelas. S-nfi:!i. Second .try Syj.nilis,
; 'iravt-l. Di.ibetes. 7id nil disea'.s in which
j the bloisl is implicated, Is ww oilered tc
! the public.
Sold bv all Ri-tvl Drejt. and (w!i'!e
, sale onl ) br The iVar ( x Mrcicisa Co.,
r. U. Hov 3 j, Km'h. st.r, .N. X .
T will mail I ('reel tht. r,ivr ftr m vin.r.f A
' VtiisrtSLE 1! ttn that will reinovo T.V,
j leaving the ffcin soli, cletr ad bi-siit'f' i ;
also instructions lor pr idncinpr a l: risnt
growth ol h:r on a b-d head or smootU
f-e. Address, me osing 3r str.mp, Bon.
Vandull i. Co., 2' Ami strict, N. Y.
The advertiser, hiving been tmnaner;Iy
cured of lhat dread disease, I'onsuiopiiim,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to w -.iLo
known to his fellow-surtVrs the n.ear.s of
cure. To all who desire it, h iii end
ropy of the prescription used, (tree ot
charge), w iih !lu. directions tor ;in (ilrinf
and using the snue, which ihcy w II t!nd
si as Ci'RE tor Consumption, Asthma. I'.ron
chitis. Jtc. Parties wishing the Prescrip
tion, will please address,
191 Penn street, 'lilijiibuh, N.Y.
V GENTLE 'I AN who sullen I fur ve-irrj
from Nervous IlLKIl.in", PR KM A
TL'RE DECAY, and aUtlie.X-. ts -fy iiii
ful indiscretion, will tnr the cxkts uf suifer
ing humanity, send tree to a'! who neel .',
the recipe and d:reciin toniMkiiii; 'iesiin
ple remedy by which he was cured. Suf
ierers wishing to prt.fi' by lia adv"'i"r's
ex;erience can do so by addiessin par
ted contidcuce,
JOHN P.. OfflFV.
42 Ce.t.u street. York.
Philadelpliii & Readio, Railroad.
Arrar-ft?mPot of Passjor Trains.
NOVEXBKB l') Is' 9-
Trans Uaet Hirri T' frltomi
For v,.w ynrk r, , rnto.vn, at 5 So, 05
! a. ..... and I 45 p. - 3 ,
! fr Ne York vti "'ad.-jphisj nr.! 'Honnd
; Brotk K nt-," (P-st K.ip ), 8 Uj a
i , and I 4 p -
J riir.nir'l r u arriv.-s i i N.-w Y irfc.
yor Philadelr '
2" (Fast tap ),
q - - I 4,. 4 I'll and t 11 p in.
.a r . .... ,
For Potf,"! ' " . ' '
.t vi ijchuvlki:! &
IIP" III is U It U a
Brir -2 4ipm.
pur Aumirn, 5 3t
a n . , , , .
iicsiij aim ioiu:uui'i
ai 5 15, 8 05
...I 1 11 r. i.i
p4'Xllent.wn at 5 15, 8 05, !) 5o a m, 1 4
u-l 4 Xi p in.
se 5 15 and 8 05 a m, ai.d 145pm t.-aina
have through cars tor New York viaAi
lellti.wn. The 8 5 a. in. train has through cars for
The 8 1-5 a m at.d 1 15 p nt m.ike close)
connection at R -vlin with uniii line traina
having through cars fur New Yotk, vi
Philadelphia and -' Bound Ufok H.ute."
For New York at 5 20 a. m.
For Allentown and wav statics 1 1 20 a m.
For Reading, PhiIadJ.hia -ud way stationa
at I 45 p m.
Traint for Horrnbnrt leave aso.'ioirt s
Leave New York via Allentown H, 8 45 a m,
1 X and 530 p m.
Leave New York via "3 mnd Kc ok Unnte"
and Phil.ule!..lii i 7 45 a in, 1 oo and 4 's
pin, airiviug it lUrusbii g, 15'), 8 -i
'. 2.1 p ni,
riirmu'h car. New Yolk to It 'isburg.
Leave La.ic i.-l.-r 8 05 a m ail 8 '.0 p in.
Le:ive Co'ni:i.bia 7 55 a m and Z 4 p m.
Le .ve i'ii:'a.iel.l'.ia at u 45 a. in., 1 00 an 1
6 IKJ (l"-t Exp.), and 7 45 p in.
Leave pottsviUe. at ti oO, 10 a. Ul. -i d 4 4D
p m.
Leave Raiding at 50. 7 25, 1 1 50 am,
1 oO, ti 15. O-i and 10 :( p iu.
Leave Pnttswile vi i Selnr Ik il and -Suqne-
bt'in t Branch, 8 25 a in. Lejva Auburn
vU (.h.ivUnl aud ijusq irU-uua branch,
1 1 50 a ni.
Leave Aile.ito-vn at 5 50, 9 Pi a nr., 13 10,
i 3.) and '4 05 p m.
Leave New York at 5 3I p. m.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 4 p in.
Leave Reading at 7 35 a in snd 10 U5 p i-k.
Leave Allentown at 9 05 p m.
General Pats'r TicAr! .lyem!
General Minuter.
TO !OlS(i 31 IIX.
Just Published, i a Seil'-l Luit'tpt. I'rict
six rculs. ,
A I.ecte.rr V.r th-; Nature. Tn atu.-i.t sn-t
K.i.lic.i! Cure of Spriautorrlioa, or S'.-uifal
Weakness, lnvi,lnnt t-y Emissions. jivual
Dcbi.ity, and Iioia.limen.s- to Marri.ige gen
erallv ; Nerviuuess. C' -uiupti..ii, tpi-ep-tv
sind Fil M-ntal and Phvsical 1 a
pvitv, resoltiiif !' ito S. !l- Abas., etc. i"
KUKESlT J. CULVEliU'EI !., M. D , Au
thor ol the -'ij-een Book,"' 4c.
The worid-'enoKr.ed a'llh-.r, in this ad-niinl-ie
Ltvtiire, CM-arly ro"ca i.vi.i lua
on eupcrience t'.iat liie iul cmseiiiei'.
ce of Self. Atwise miy bc-if :cfi"aily rci.:oV
el wi.'iioiil medicines, and ilhoul d u.ii r
"iis sririeal open; ions, boui'-s. instrn-ni-'niy,
rins or cordials, pni;;;in? out a
imle of rare at onee cert.4i:i a::d ell. ctail
by whieh evry sutferer, no i:;lfer vihatnia
coi.'ti'ioii in tv he, m iv cure nuusell cheaply,
pri'at lv and rnlic illy.
Tflhts L'rtnre will prort noartna
ian f ant Ibontauds.
Ment. "jrHler seal, in a p'ain envelope, to
any address, on receijt of si cents, or two
postage stamps- A iilrcss the Publisheis,
41 Ann s?t.. Ne yrk ;
jnel8-ly Post-Ortice Hov 4:'B.
Subscribe for theSmiscani liepubliean.
It roi.tains more, ai.d a grvatc; taiiety of
giHi anj uselul readirg mailer than any
i ktber connty paper.