Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, November 05, 1879, Image 2

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Wednesday, ov'r ft, lSTSi
ii. F. SOU WEI Eli,
IDITOB and raorsirroa.
Pennsylvania railroad stock sold at
noon on iS'iluraiiy at 482. les8 the
senii-annuul dividend, which is 2J per
I'nrsinEvr Haves lias Leaned a proc
Luu ,t;ou ajjpointin Tuuroday, No-27--;,
as a day of thanksgiv
iijj ;-ayer.
Ma or Gu-tAX. Jania H0OE.RR
duM) nt Garden City, Long Island, on
I .la;. 'tfternocn. He was a West
Point mldier, born in Massachusetts
in 1S13.
Th;: Republican majority in the
CaL'tort Legislsttue in only two,
but quite Urare enough to stfiire the
1 eturn of a Republican United States
Col. Kino, t.iie great Teias cattle
:;er, carries off the palm for big
furais. He has a pasture' 3.J7 miles
squares, which furnishes grazing for
11000 cittle."
The Brooklyn Union calls to
rtr.nd the fact tint only a few years'
ho all the Dciaocralii! papers in
A.ier:ps. v.iiled and howled and
gnashed their teeth because Grant
voidn't stny in Washington all the
t:m. Now tlicy are wailing and
weeping t:ecanse th'jy ..re afraid they
can't keep hiui awiv from there."
Warrants btvo ben issued for
Ibe arrest (if all persons ku 'wn to ba.e
bean engaged in the lynching of Kill
Young, at Luray, Mo., last Wednesday,
fetter his acquittai of murder. Detec
tive La no, who was very active to pro
cure fcviJ;uce against lOung, in said to
have I -.1 the lynching mob. J. C. Cuff,
irj, one of Young's lawyers, it i said
adonis that attempt was male to !
J J'
Ci.-VroB Z.acfajah Chaxpleb. OI
Michigan, v.-es found dead in bed in
a CiiiraRj L-tel on Saturday morn
iiig. He tail addressed a Iletmblican
Meeting in the evt uing. When he
retired he ct rr jjlained of ind'gei-tion
and c.'i 1. lie o-rr.e to the public
Bin face c:s an opjoiient of the South
em s;sleui 01 civilization, and he
never lli::. hod an iota. Ho was an
uncompromising opponent of every
thing that favored a system of slavery.
Ho was born in New Hampshire, on
a farm, in the year 1813. Alas ! Alas !
He dic-d within sight of the jroniieed
1 m
" At ditob General Si'heix has pnb
lir.hyd i'l convenient pamphlet form
Lis letter of instructions to connty
commissioners regarding the collec
tion of Si. te t.xes according to the
laws governing fcuch action. The
Auditor Geuer.d thinks that hereto
fore the asvT.sracnts have frequently
been vry carelessly made, and tliat j
at least one-half the moneys at inter
est subjec t to Slate taxation have not
been rett-ned. The law fixing the
State tax on the moneyed capital at
four mills on the dollar requires the
assessors to as-ei tain particulars of
the projM-rty so taxed, and to require
every taxable person to furnish a doc
unif.'wy statement of the monoj
u-ie L w 6 olvcnt debtor?. All such
sHteTneM.-; i':quii6d of tasables mnet
!e fir uished within fifteen days. The
law Lf3 100 the penalty of non
ce jjoliMK-e, one half to go totbeper
hon at whose inrtance the suit for
iV.;? same is brought in the county's
-A .mlo Frencii nuepberd girl one
diy told her employer that while she
wis looking after ber sbeep a man bad
taken ber into a wood, given ber a glass
of white wine, aud showing ber a light
huruicg in a fir tree, and that she bad
there received a visit from the Blessed
Virjio, who bad enjjiaed ber to ask for
money to build a ciiir.pel on the npot
where she first manifested her presence.
Several people came in the hope of see
itgthe same vision, and though the Yir
giu's presence was not visible to them
tbey all beard ber conrsrsinj; with the
f irl. Miracle of a certain kind were
also performed, and a child dug np
some b&ricut beau at a spt where the
girl said she would be oertaiu to find
them The police beard of it, arrested
ber, and she confessed that she bad
been making use of ber talents as a
ventriloquist to mystify tbe public,
and that she had done so in tbe bope
of l-i-g "received into a convent and
treated as a saint." Stern French
justice sent ber to a reformatory for six
stats: itcjis.
A new oil belt Las bc-n f?und in
Armstronsr countv.
Erie aud Latrolte systematically in -
vite nnraigration.
Fai-ing health induced Miss Agnes
White ox Crawford county to blow
rv.i her brains.
Dipntheria has become bo preva
lent in Fetrolia that the schools have
beer. d:.snissed.
Joseph Hooter, an old German of
Luzerne connty, has twenty living
children, of whom fifteen were in the
John CI rist sued the Bloomfield
1'imex for libeL but thought better of
it, and withdrew the suit at his own
Albert Huntsinger, the younger of
the I'ottsville bankers now in Read
ing jail, is dying of debility. The
cl lor U fat and happy.
There were sis marriages in Cha
tauqua on Wednesday night, which
nearly blew out the brains of tli6
loial band during the serenading.
Preparations are making to get out
an immense amount of timber the
coming winter from the forests of
Orubria, Clearfield and Clinton coun
ties. Tho passenger trainmen on the
Per asyivania railroad have received
instructions that while on uuty they
must appear in full regulation uni
form, and while on the train they
must keep the coat always buttoned.
A jury in Somerset county delib
erated nntil they were tired, and find
ing that they could not come to a
conclusion, placed twenty-four bits of
paper in a hat Twelve bore the
words "for defendunt," and twelve
for plain (iff." These were drawn,
to. f resulted in- favor of th defend
sai. The case baa been appeal! to
tbe Sfoprcm Cssrt.
Victory! Victory!
He it the First Republican Sheriff Ju
niata County Ever Had.
A quarter of a century Las elapsed
since tbe Whig party elected a Sheriff
in Juniata county. No place outside
of old IScrks bas been steadier to Dem
ocratic majorities than this county.
Lt year the charm Was broken. The
Democracy disenthralled themselves,
aud voted for Republican Commission
era, a.i;? ao well pleased were they with'
the ezperioient that yesterday they i
elected a Republican Sheriff. A ma
jority in the Board of County Cunjuiis-
aioners, and a Sheriff, is a some
thina I
that never before fell to Whig or Re
publican lt in Juuiata county. Tim
will demonstrate that the trust has not
been misplaced.
The Democracy bive long wished for
an escape Iroul toe almost military ais-
cipine t0 W0ICU tlej have been tXih
jected Juuiata stands with the State
it large in a suosianuai nrpuuncau
victory. By dispatch, Butler' major
ity is estimated at 18,001).
New York 25.000 Republican.
The joyous expressions of victory
that are sounding throughout tho al
levs of Juaiata should not give offei.ee
to those who have lost the fight. Tbey
should remember that in their days of
past triuuipb tbey were joyous and
happy over new won victory. Rejoice !
Rejoice! Hurrah!
In ISS1 tue State will be re-districted
A panthtr in Fulton county has giv
en many people there severe frights.
Parties ia Beaver couuty propose to
get up a belt for the best lady cook.
A tbre year old colored child, re
siding with its grandfather, John Wil
liams was burned to death in Reading
yesterday. Tbe little ouo bad been
left alone wbeu its clothing caught fire.
Tbe farm of a tain named MacKeown
near Sandy Creek, Allegheny county,
was visited by thieves a few days ag'i
who drove off 103 sheep and disposed
of tbein to Philadelphia butchers.
A party of f portsnien in Perry coun
ty a few days ago killed eight wild tur
keys, forty two pheasants and two bun
dred and eight squirrels.
A Lehigh county ben now clucks
to six chickens and twenty quails
the latter birds of her own discovery
and adoption.
Last Wednesday a youn lady nam
ed Butler living with Mrs. Lindematb,
in Lewistown, while washing a window
slipi-ed and fell, thrusting ber left
hand through a pane of glass, lacerat
ing ber wrist so severely as to lay open
tbe pulse sinews.
Emma Furnice, Mifflin oounty, wbicb
has been idle for sever il years is being
repaired, and tbe managers expect to
have it in blast in about two months.
Its capacity is from 40 to 50 tons per
Tbe Berk county bonanza is owned
by Samuel Bittenbender, who has un
til lately bad a bard struggle to keep
nut of tbe hands of tbe Sheriff, bat i
now receiving fifty dollars a day from
tbe Reading Coal and Iron Company
for iron ore taken from his land.
Adam Hatfield, an old man, and a
resident of tbe Trappe, Montgomery
countv. who stopping at tbe Sined
lev House on Filto"t street, below
Thirietinth Philadelphia, took an over
dose of laudanum (four ounces) on Fri
day rjitfht acd died from its effects.
Diphthctta is said to be ragiug with
terrible virulence on O'llara street.
Allegheny, aud vicinity. The case of
one family in particular, living oa tbe
street named, is notable. Last week
1 it consisted of father, mother and six
children ; Fiiday of but the parents and
one child, four months old. The
others are said to bare taken sick last
week, and tbe five of tnein bave been
buried within the last ten day. There
are numerous other cases on the street
The Rev. II. A. Hartzberger is the
pastor of tbe Lutheran church at Hones
dale. He baa borne a good reputation,
and wbeu, about a month aifo, be ap
plied tor a leave of absence to visit
friends in ( bicagn, it was immediately
granted. It is charged, however, that
instead of going to Chicago, Mr. llartz
bergee went to New York city, and was
afterward seen in Port Jer vis under tbe
influence of liquor, conducting himself
in an unseemly uiauoer. A report ol
this escapade reaching bis parishioners,
some of them on bis return immediate
ly demanded bis resignation. Mr.
llaruberger strenuously denied tbe
charges and refused to resign until tbe
first of January next. In this be is
supported by a part of bis congrega
tion, who refuse to believe th allega
tious against biui. A fe days later
some of the opposing party secured tbe
keys and locked up tbe church. The
following Sunday Mr. Hartzberger went
to tbe building, and finding tbe door
locked be was obliged to force it open.
He then beld service as usual. Not
long after bis enemies bad all tbe gas
fixtures removed from tbe baildiog.
Mr. Hartzberger Heard of this and bad
tbe fixtures restored at bis own expense,
and wbn Sunday came again beld ser
vice. He announced that if tbe gas
jflts were again removed that be "would
bold service as usual, if lie bad to use
candles." He still "holds tbe fort,"
and will neither diaeontinne preaching
Bor resign aotU tbe lit of January.
Pittsburg baa invited Grant to pay
.tbe ci'ly a visit.
Horse stealing is a business along the
lower part of York and Lancaster coun
ties. Since the 1st of January las tbe
Delaware and Hudson eoal company
(Lehigh countv) bave lost 41 mules,
valued at $175, each iu their mines
An incendiary fire at Parker, on
Thursday moruing, destroyed about one
hundred buddings, comprising tbe priu
cipal business portion- of the town. Tbe
loss is estimated at $500,000.
Gypsies and borse thieves botber the
people in Cumberland county, panther
are making il hot for tbe farmers in
Fulton and Franklin, and masked reb
berr prowl around inr SouVerset.
Martin Padden, of White Haven,
took shelter under a eoal train, at Fair
view, during a storm on Wednesday.
The train started, and cut off ao arm
and leg of Padden, wbo died While
being taken to bis borne.
Willie Peters, living at Fayetteville,
Lawreuce couuty, has raised a cabbage
weighing tweuty aud a half pounds and
four feet in circumlerence.
Mr. A. 8. Heffner, Siegersville, Le
high coont) , took out of bis field two
ctks ago a bead of cabbage which
measured three feet in circumference
and weighed thirteen pounds.
Eight years ago a man who was ready
to be married was sentenced to tbe
Western Penitentiary, aud on Thnrs
day, when his lung service ended, tbe
faiibful woman stood at the prison door
to receive her lover, and there be foiMid
wedding garments which friends had
Two stallions, one named Gold King
and belonging to Mr. Robert Dunlep.
of Philadelphia, and tbe other named
Schuylkill Chief, bad a terrible Cght
ueai ff rieuensuurg, ov-uu miii cuuniy,
where they were quartered for the sea
sou, a few days ago. Both auimals
were terribly injured before they were
A seven foot fence has been built
around tbe Carlisle barracks to keep in
tbe frisky young Indians.
Henry M. Hart, of New Brighton,
Beaver county, within the short space
intervening between September 17 and
October 10, has been bereft of bis wife
and all his children, three in number,
aged respectively 8, 6 and 4 yeprs.
Oil bas b;en reached in Jefferson
county, about five miles east of Punx
satawney, at tbe depth of 1600 feet.
John Ripp, a West Chester boy, was
killed by tbe explosion of a gun while
buuting on Thursday.
Tbe Wilkesbarre Record says a buck
was killen on tbe Nurlh uiouutain last
week that weighed two buudred and six
Thirteen thousand unstamped cigars
were seized in Bethlehem on Saturday
by a Revenue 1 ollector in tbe store of
William II. aod Isaac Fuubz.
Mrs. Mellon, of Pittrtiurg, while suf
fering from tbe effects of drink, got out
of bed on Thutsday night and cut her
throat. She was found dead early the
next morning by ber husband.
Several days ago Frank Meisner and
John Bodler, small buys, were playing
upon the street iu Ueruiania, a lowo iu
Potter county, with a gun. The wea
poo exploded, killinfi a man named Jo
seph Suigerly, wbo was passing.
During an altercation at a ball at
Drtftou near Alleutown, Friday tiiglit,
Condy Brisliu aooidentatlv shot him
self while brandishing a revolver, and
died in a few minutes.
Near midnight of Saturday a week
a pu liter iu Pittsburg, named Young,
fuund a cailor named Crow conversing
with tbe former's wife in ber sitting
room, and firijg upon Crow with a re
volver, killing bim almost instantly.
Young aud bis wife bad a serious quar
rel some time ago, and be claims that
Crow alienated ber affection from bim.
On Friday morning in the Lebanon
jait Drew, oue of tbe condemned Raber
murderers, bade bis wife aud daughter
good by, giving them directions as to
the disposal of bis body. Slicblvr, an
otber of the Raber murderers, bad an
interview with bis mother tbe same day.
Tbe scene in both cells was very affect
injr. Another of those remarkable stories
comes from Pike county. This time a
.lia Clara llendersnnt, who lives near
Sbobola, is the heroine. W bile rowing
in ber boat she met a deer, a big fellow,
swimming leisurely along, so that she
might overtake bim. fcbe fired and
wounded bim slightly. Tbe animal
made for tbe boat, and tbe girl lunged
a big knife in his throat and carte off
Tbe fi-ih way, which bas just been
completed in the Columbia dam. is
located about one third tbe distance
from tbe Columbia shore. It is 150
feet Iocs and 125 feet wide at mouth
or toe of dam and 40 feet at bullhead.
It bas been substantially constructed
of tbe best material, reflects credit nn
the contractor and it is believed will
prove to be a great success if the fish
are net taken in too great numbers in
Maryland and Pennsylvania waters be
low the dam. To prevent shad from
spawning in tbe upper waters of tbe
Suqaehanena is to eventually eiter
tninte them, and make Susquehanna
shad a toing of the past.
Samuel Franklin, a farmer of East
Uonegai township, Lancaster county,
while returning 00 haturday night from
tbe village of Mount Joy, in a carriage,
to wbicb place he Lad been during tbe
day, was attacked on tbe highway by a
notorious character named John oatup
son, alias Fred Jackson, wbo leads a
tramp's life. Tbe hour was late and
Fraoklin was driving along as fast as
tbe darkness would admit, suddenly
Sampson leaped from tbe side of tbe
road, caught the horse by the bridle
and feiied thj animal to tbe ground
witb a heavy blow from a club. He
then seized Franklin and demanded bis
money or bis life, at tbe same time beat
ing bim over the bead aod shoulders.
Franklin bad a revolver in bis pocket,
but could get do chance to use it. He
was finally knocked to the ground in
sensible, in which condition be was
found early tbe next morning by people
living near by. He was carried to tbe
honsn of a farmer. Medical lid was
summoned, and his injuries, wbicb are
severe but Dot fatal, were attended to.
Upon recovering consciousness Frank
lin said bb watch, valuables, papers
and about ten dollars in cash bad! been
taken. His team was found near the
ceae of the oatragn. Franklin Is 43
years of age. He bas a wife mod four
children. Sampson, at last accounts,
bad not been arrested, hut a party of
citizens are oa tbe hunt for bim. Tbe
outrage causes mucb exoitcmeDt is tbal
Give the potato anhes, lime,- super
phosphate, bone-flour or plaster.
President Hayes bas sent a telegram
to General Grant Inviting him to be the
President's guest when be visits ash
ington. Cider may be preserved and be kept
sweet by putting It In wine bottles, add
iog a teaspoonful of white sugar to each
bottle aud corking tightly. Ibe corks
should be tied down.
Five counterfeiter broke out of Lud
low street jail, New York, on Saturday
morniog by sawing the bar of their
cell iu half aud wrenching tbem out of
tbeir sockets
A man named James Lowell is in the
Maine State Prison serviug a term for
alleged wife murder. His wife is now
said to be alive in Cbtssgo. A deteo
tive was set to work to buut her up,
and tbe City Marshal of Lewiston bas
received this letter from him : ' 1 bave
just seen a gentleman wbo says be knows
Lizzie Lowell. 1 showed bim tbe pic
ture, snd be recognized it as tbe per
son. He says she is in Cbioago witb
Al. Sutherland."
A New York tramp begged permis
sion to bleep in a farmer's barn. Tbe
larmer bad left some wheat iu tbe barn
shed to take to market next day, aod
during tbe night some thieves drove a
borse and wagon up to steal it. They
bad placed all the wheat in tbe wagon,
aod tbere was one large hag of phos
phate, wbicb one of tbe thieves said was
too beavy, so be gussed they'd have to
leave it. Tbe tramp awaked by tbe
Boise, said "Hold 00 boys, and I'll
help you." The scared thieves ran off,
leaving the loaded wagon and horses be
hkid. The tramp, who thought they
were farm employes, reported the oc
currence to tbe farmer in tbe morning.
Pensacola, Fla., bas been bragging
about its ghost for some years, but
won't brai; any more. A few nights
ago a merchant of that place did duty
as night watchman at bis store, tbe reg
ular employee for that purpose having
! bad extra work in tbe daytime. About
1.45 A. M. the alleged ghost came from
the graveyard, dre-std ia white like all
well regulated ghosts, and witb two
yards of tail. Tbe merchant bid be
hind a tree till bis ghostshipwas witLin
fifteen feet of bim, and then, drawing
bis revolver, be jumped immediately
across its path and commanded a bait,
demanding at tbe same tiase the name,
and threatening to shoot if not given.
That ghost gathered up its skirts in a
hurry, and skipped off at a Very undig
nified pace, not the least resembling
either a stately stalk or an airy vanish
ment. Tbe merchant fired bis revolver
after it twice.
Paris detectives are smart and tricky
A fashionably-dressed traveller, as be
stepped out of a train from Brussels,
was a.-ked courteously ; "Do you wish
a porter, sir: 'lbe very thiug 1 was
looking tur. Will you take this valise
and show me tbe way to Hotel d la
Roumania, Boulevard St. Michel ? As
this is my first visit to Paris, I prefer
goiug there on foot.' "At your service
sir,' Ou they trudued. When they
had crossed Pont St. Michel, the port
er, instead of following Boulevard du
Palais, turned to tbe left, went do'o
Quai de l'riorologe, and entered tbe
Prefecture Police. He said to tbe
owner of the valise : '1 am going to
introduce you to tbe master ot the
bouse," as be ushered bim into tbe
olhce of tbe head detective. Tbe later
no soouer laid eyes on tbe stranger
than be said ; "H by, grvid day, Mom.
Yanwatcr. You have just come from
Antwerp, where you stole a large sum
of money. Yuu have already spent
five years in jail for a similar ci'.me.
What on earth possessed yon to want
to put up at Hotel de la Roumanie,
where lodging are dear, when you
knew 1 had a chamber at ynur disposal
for which I should not charge one cent?"
This kind of thing obviates tbe neeces
sity of using clubs.
In New York, on Tuesday evening
a week, whilst Mrs. McCortnick, the
wife of a hard-working blacksmith,
was waiting on the street for her hus
band to join her, he was approached
by an elegantly-dressed man who
threw his arms round ber neck and
with an expression of endearment
leaned over and kissed her. The lady
gave an alarm and the man was ar
rested. He was arraigned before a
justice on Wednesday and gave the
name of Francis Howland. He at
tempted to blacken her character by
saying her actions seemed to invite
his company. The justice reproved
him severely for this. o:yiig his con
duct was brutal and cowardly, and
concluded by imposing a fine of $10,
and requiring Iwiil in the sum of 500,
in default of which he is to remain in
prisou six months. Howland gave
his occupation as that of a gentle
man. In China mothers arc unwilling to
allow the arms of their daughters to
be scratched with the lancet for vac
cination, because unless a Chinese
girl has 0 few marks on ber face,
giving evidc-nce that she lias passed
through small pox, she is considered
as la -king one of the chief qualifica
tions of a marriageable maiden.
Bob Toombs, full of Bourbon whis
ky, walked into a parlor of the Kim
ball House at Atlanta one day, where
a Sunday-school conference was in
session. "What'n thunder are yen
fellows about T" he roared familiarly.
A horrified brother meekly informed
him of tbe nature of the gathering.
Bob wasn't awed one bit " You're
all wrong;, gentlemen, all wrong. I
don't believe Sunday schools do a
blamed bit of good. If you want to
make the rising generation good, in
telligent citizens, don't Sunday-school
'em teach 'em arithmetic and so on,
at a common school, and here's twen
ty dollars to help you along," and be
slapped the money down on the table
and stalked out, stroking lii ample
ana sliming snirt bosom.
Miller Hurst was disohargsd from
tbe Tennessee Penitentiary on Wed
nesday at Nashrillo, where be was
serving out a life sentence for the
murder of one Cwptain Staples, Upon
proof before Judge Trigg that Hurst
was in tbe Union army and Staples in
the confederate army at tbe time of
tbe killing'.
At tbe wedMIng of the tuSilghteT of
L. D. Heath, at Spring Lai, 4. Mick,
on Wednesday evening, all of the
guests, of whom tbere were more
than a bnrrdred, were nfetdelll by poi
son in some of tbe ingredients of the
food, supposed to be arsenic in the
baking powder or flavoring of tbe
cake. Although several were dan
gerously ill for several boors, all are
expected to recover.
Chopped ouious, with a little gioger
niixVd in, is said to' tt a uT' cure fur
tbe chicken cholera.
Seven counterfeiters' bave been ar
rested m Andrews codnty. Mo., and in
their utiut a large quantity of bogus
half dollars, moulds, dies, presses, and
metals were captured.
An attempt was maJe It arrest Big
Snake, a chief of tbe Ppneat near
Fort Reno, for brutal conduct to tbe
Indians and agency employes, on Sat
urday, wbeu be resisted, and ii shot
dead by a soldier.
Tbere was a heavy snow Irl Aber
deenshire, Scotland, on Saturday; arid
the harvests were interfered witb
A school-master at Tiffin, Ohio, used
a piece of rubber, bose witb which to
whip bis pupils, and it proved SO effec
tive tbat a little girl was nearly killed.
Tbe Menuonites are about to estab
lish a mission among the Indians id
the Island or Koojab, 009 miles
of Sitka, Alaska.
Tbe judges of Franklin eotla(f
Missouri, wbo bave bten locked tip id
tbe St. Louis Custom bcuse for. to
months for contempt of tbe United
Sta'es District Cmrt, in refusing i
n'andamus on tbe county authorities to
levy a tax to meet a judgment, were on
Friday released for a little season, in
order that tbey might go borne and 1
bold court for tbe dispatch of local bus
iness. A despatch from London nnd"r
date, of October 31st, states tbe fol
lowing terrible crime : In HalbsUdt,
iu the Bender District, Bessarabia, tbe
wells used by the Gcrtnao eolony bave
been poisoned with arsenic. A bun
dred persons are ill and five died. Tbe
perpetrator of the crime baa Dot yet
been discovered.
Everything was ready for a duel
near Berlin tbe other day. Principals,
seconds and a surgeon were there all
ready, when tbe wife of one of the
principals drove up in a carriage,
jumped out, drew a pistol, presented it
to ber own breast, and said she would
kill herself unless the duel was giveu
up. It was.
a i
A Virgiula newspaper of October
30 says j Information reached here to
night ot tbe death of one of the most
notorious characters in tbe country.
This was Mrs. D. E Smith, who lived
near Legtner, Westmoreland couuty
Her proportions were extraordinarily
large. She measured thirty-four mclies
across tbe shoulders, aod weighed with
in a fraction of six buudred and ten
pounds. Tbe coffin was necessarily of
immense size, and before it was deliv
ered two ordinary oen lay in it side
by sido on their backs without crowd
ing each other in the least. When
brought to tbe hou?e it emild not be
got through tbe dr, and it ffa nec
essary to leave it outside uotil the
time set fur tbefuneral, whin tbe corpse
was carried out to tbe coffin.
Tbe same paper says; Two eolnred
men while coon bunting neaf Flint lii'l
Rappahannock county Va. Tbsdy
niht, became separated One f:und
a tree with a coon in it and ascended to
capture it. His companion approach
ing the tree found the dog as Im gttf
posed treeing a coon and tired into tbe
tree, killing his companion instantly.
About two weeks ao a widow nam
ed Avery, about 45 years old, left her
borne near Salem, Wayne couuty. Pa ,
to visit a brother living near the Lack
awaxen river, in Pike county, Pa. She
was making the trip on loot While
passing through a dense piece of woods
iu the western part of Lackaw.txen
Towusbip. it being alter d irk, she lost
ber way and waudered into Tiokwig
I Swamp, a short way to the right of tbe
j uLiio uihray, where she oecame fast
ened in tbe mire. Wbeu she found
tbat she couid not extricate herself,
she called lustily for beip, but as no
oue lived within some distance ber
cries were not heard. Her struggling
to tree herseif caused ber to siuk deep
er and deeper in the mire in which she
waj caught. In this position she re
uiaioed for eight days, with no food ex
cept bark from tbe bushes which grew
within ber reach. Tbe water sbe drank
she dipped from tbe bog witb ber bands
Mrs. Avery's brother, whom she was
ou ber way to see, was not aware of
bis sistcr.s inteuded visit, and no search
was made for tbe missing woman. A
man named Basden, residing iu Lack
awaxeu township, happened to pass
through Tinkwig Swamp a few days
ago. He was returning from Rowland's
a few miles distant, to bis borne in the
western part of Lackawana township,
and carried bis gun in tbe bope of kill
ing some game.
As be was passing aloDg tbe edge of
tbe swamp be beard a peculiar moaning
noise. He at first thought it was tbe
moaning of cattle tbat might be graz
ing in tbe woods. He paid no iutber
attention and passed on. Soon tbe same
noise was beard again, this time more
distinctly. He followed in tbe direc
tion of tbe noise and was soon in tbe
very beart of tbe swamp. He stopped
again to listen further, when, looking
to bis right, he saw an object moving
wbicb be found to be Mrs. Avery,
struggling between life aod death. He
attempted to extricate ber, but failed
and was obliged to walk some distance
for help. After giving notice to tbe
Dearest neighbors, be returned, accom
panied by a number of nieu witb a wa
gon. Tbey finally succeeded in extri
cating tbe woman, and sbe was driven
to a neighboring house, and medical
assistance summoned. Alrbongti Mrs
Avery is yet Very weak from tbe ter
rible ordeal through which sbe passed
sbe will recover When questioned con
cerning ber feelings while imprisoned
in tbe mire, sbe replied tbat they were
beyond description. Sbe bad, 00 the
seventh day given tip all bope of being
rescued alive, bat oa the morning of
the eighth day sb had a presentment
tbat help would reach her Mrs Avery's
mind is somewhat impaired by the ter
rible struggle between life and death.
- tm mm 1 , ....
Miss Lizzie Qjx of Curweosville,
Clearfield Bounty, wS so badly injured
few days a?o by the explosion of a
eoal nil can, from which she was pour
ing oil on a fire, tbat sbe died Boon af
ter. A party erf scamps professing to be
sheep buyers, have bees swindling tbe
people of Centre. Clinton and Lycom
ing counties. Tbey purchased sheep
paying part in cash and giving checks
oa a Philadelphia bank for tbe balanoe
tbe checks were sent for collection and
were returned at wortaleew.
ircli eavT i.f irfissorittv
A dispatch on he nisfht of the 29th
ult, from Kahoka, AlkSoiiri, aays:
The case cf Bill Young; whose trial
for the murder of Lewis Spencer and
his four children, near Luray, Clarke
county, Mo., in 1877, closed at Ka
hoka, on Saturday last, and resulted
in a verdict of not guilty, culminated
to-day in a resort to mob vioience.
There was strong drcninstantial evi
dence against Young, but the prose
cution Wi greatly weakened by tbe
flasc of Detective Lane in attempt
ing to account for the bloody over'
ails. Although jufqtlitted, a majority
of tbe people of Ciarke ctmrity were
convinced of his .guilt, and however
much they may dtpfecate lynch law,
it is safe to say that, tbe fufcHc at
large who bad reaJ th'? evidence
shared this opinion. It was not
known or even Cpreafl ontsido of
Clarke connty, however, that any
mote would be made to execute sum
mary punishmeraL On Sunday a!er
hoxm Young was triaTried at K-jrlfce'a,
to Miss Lydia Jrayj of Ohio, to whom
he was engaged tefoi'e bis arrertj aftd
bo has been in thia .Stdtf f ? the
psM fir mouths nsstsfihg biin in pre
paring bis defense. They arrived in
this city on Monday evening, and re
wif' lrTe trLtil thi WtTCrfj wheJf
tby left for Young's home, near Ltt-ray.-
Their movements have leen
closelj-" watch 51 Lasf nL'bt rooV
mimbering from 100 to 2JO inen, as
seiuMfd north of Kahoka, and was
waitir-jf her tbi n?orcm "l
train pcsSd.; FindWig 'n.i louiig
went on to his borne, they followed
on boreebwk and in wagons, and
after his errival there, surround!
his house afn-1 iWeJanfded bi3 su"reu
der. Yonng, who was accompanied
by J. C. Coffiimn, of Toledo, Ohio,
one of his attorneys, rcfsd o tt
render, and opened ft e 011 the Aiob,
but without effect, tfhots were ex
changed and firing v&i kept up until
Young was wounded Eighlj men
then forced their way into the hiine,
tok young ont and banged bim.
The most intense excitement prevails.
A dispatch from the same place on
Thursday night, the 30ib ult, says :
Physicians from Kahoka went to
' Bill" Young's residence last night
His heart was beating when they th
rived, at, 5 o'clock, but their efforts
to revive him failed. An examina
tioti of the body showed that he bad
received a shot in the right forearm,
and four in the right bre-.ist Only a
few people veiled tbe house to-lay.
Freat indifference is manifested by
the citizen". The corpse lies half a
mile from Luray. Detective Lane
states that he did not raise the mob,
and is no more responsible than the
300 otbrs.- The windows of Young's
residence were broken out by pistol
balls ftom witioit and within. No
other property or persons were in
jured Coffuian, Young's Ohio law
yer, is missing. He w last seen in
the custody of the mob, going from
tlx. Kin. He has made a partail
statement intimating that there was
bribery of some of the members of
the jury which acquitted Young.
This is lieli'ived to be false. Three
hundred men were present at' the
fyhchrfngV aid Ote third of them toofc
an active part Nine picked men,
strangers here, did the shooting and
hanging. The mob was half com
posed of men from Lee county, Iowa,
aM Ifu'hcork county, I1L No effort
Ns V- nad to teak aiy ar.'CTts.
The sheriff is powerless to do any
thing. Nothing is likely to be doue
without orders from the State capi
. 1jUc fce protected by 500
men should there be aft effort nude
to take him into custody, Lane will
leave bro next week tc slfltend court
in Hlinc-is- "Torrr.'g h-ifves five young
children. He asked to be VAfrievI he
side his first wife at Luray- I'o'.itii-s
hail no connection vvith file death.
No further trotd aSitic'rpfl'Vil un
less officers sliofhl attempt fo" arrest
any members of foe? mob. The citi
zens of Luray took no part h the
Legal .Volicrs.
1 LL persons arc hereby caurioned against
-- trespassing on lands of the undersigned,
in hunting, cutting timber, breaking (town
fence, Ac.
H. L. McMeen. John Grey.
Alexander Anderson. John Milliken.
Jane McCulloch. Oct 22, 1879-tf
ALL persons are hereby captioned against
hunting or otherwise trespassing on the
lands of tho undersigned in Walker town
ship. Samuel Auker. Judo Tyson.
Isaac Anker. Kurtz Kantl'man.
David Auker. Reuben Moist.
Joseph Auker. Jonas KanrTman.
George Dysinger. octl , 79
Executor's Ifotlce.
Eilatt of Sopkia Ostcald, dictated.
LETTERS Testamentary on the estate of
Sophia Oswald, late of Uiftlintown.
Juniata countv, Fenn'a, deceased, bavin,;
been granted to the undersigned , all
persons indebted to said estate &ru request
ed to make payment, and those having
claims or demands are requested to make
known the same without delar to
JOHN MOTZEU, Eitculor.
Oct e, 1873-41
Notice to Ta "Payers.
THE undersigned, Treasurer and Cnfec
tor of lite Fermanagh Sthoo District,
meet the Ux-payei of said arhooi
district, at Sduire Parker's office in AfifTlin
town, nfl the 15th day of NOVEJBtR,
1879, to receive schoo tax. Ail persons
who pay their school tax between the date
of this notice and the 'J'.'th day of Novem
ber, 1H79, wi be aowed an abatement of
nve per cent. After November 29, 1H79,
they wi be required to pay the fuH amount.
and if not paid bv the 27th day of lleceni-
ber. 1879, eo-rfinn wi be made with an
addition of rite pvf Cent.
Sept. 29, 1879.
ALL pronsr hereby fauf fCfred against
trespassing, for hunting, or other pur
poses, on tbe lands of the undersigned; in
Millord township, Juniata connty.
(Ii.nt Gao.MsGia, . E. Bxkit.
Joh Ccssisohah, Hiaar Caawcgt
Dee 10, 1877-tf
ALL persons are' freretry cautioned ftbf
to 8sh, hnnf, gather berries',- bfeafc or
open fences, Ot Cut wood or ycplt'tl 'ituber,
or in any unnecessary way trespass on the
lands of the uhdersrgned.
Saon Mtnitnti. Lrnwica Srkadkb.
Gr.ff. DirrtseAarza. Willi ax Peoplzs.
Fbidcekk Ha is is. Fsascis Howia.
Fermanagh Twp., June 22, 1878.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
hnntiDg, fishing, gathering berries.
building fires, or in any way trespassing on
the Unds of the undersigned in Fermanagh
township. . . .
may It, W79-tf
lethal XJicet.
7; axioms'. W H E EA3
pROCfcAWATIO-J. perfect
couctie, OT Jnnlata Kranci.
rc-rJTotdln.Conrt of Oyer
and General Jail Delivery, "
Quarter Session, of JviU V of
ri INTOWJi, on tbe MRST "
PtCKMBER, 1879, being U. fit day ol
'"deal's Hi"" G""' ,othe vT
ofne Countv or Juniata, that they be then
and tbere in their T?T?1 "
o'clock oa the Utternoon orsald day, wiir.
tte Kto.as, Inqnisition., "n,1'''"
.Sdoyer rontl'fh&rtnc, to do those things
a, Wtbeff o-tPce respectively artafh.
ibd tho tbat i-fe ai by
prosecute against the prwners that are t
!hen may be in the Jail of aa.d county,
be if aiil tbere to prosecute agamat
them as sbsrt fe jrst: . ,
Pv an Actof Assembly, paased thf tie
an ct My. i., is, " ro!
duty onbe Juses rece. of the
A-vertrcotinties of this Commonwealth. U
1 . r-trt .. thia Court of Qrartei
Sessions of the respective counties.all the
recogmzaoces entered into belore the by
any person or persona chaiged with the
.nc.'WeVacej.t such cases
iarnay be ended before Juvtice or tn
n-ace, under existing laws, at leas"- ten days
before- the commencement ol the aenaion
! of tbe Cnrt to wnica iney a ..-
tamable respectively, sbu iu ao
anv recognizances sue enUred "i'r1
than ten dj before tb commie. Jvat
of tlx? ae- to wK- rt.-y Sre A.e re
UTfttf&s, tue sail! Justices are to return
the same in the same manner a if said at
had not been pissed.
Ujted at .Mirtlintown, tbe 6th day ol
November, In the year .f r Lord one
tStotri-imr eight hundred ai'.S seventr-tine.
W!W. D. WALLS, Sherrf.
Sheriff"! Office, Mifflintown,
Nov. 5, 1679. I
A LL pei-ona are hereby cautioned rfgaT4'
A trespassing npow y. Iimrtrf of the un
drsignT, m Favette, Delaware or Walker
township, by tiabfng, ttun'HnrV or In any
other y.
Jonathan Kiscf
Wm Brantrrotf:
A U Knrti
laid Sniito
S (AreD itvanrf
Teston Benrier
C. T. .Spirher
John L Anker
t B Gather
S M Kaiiriiuan
J F Dettra
J-hn l.ycom
Iavid ll -jnttrgir"
An'ild Virhea
LeVi X Mjer
I nc'A'fy Spce
Catharine Kurt:
John McMeeu
D B Dimra
il W Smith
S J Kurtr
Henry Auker
Noah Cameron
J W Hostetler
Christian Kurts
Jesse fine
Jacob Hoops'
VLL persona are hereby cauti ned not to
allow their doe, eulile or hogs to run,
or themselves to rtsh, nnrrt, father fterrfes,
or cut wood or yvTirVg timber, or in any way
trespass on tbe lands of tbe undersigned in
Greenwood or bus'iuehanna township.
Peter Miller Henry Rush ,
Daniel Shadle George Dressier
K Long at S Dimm Frederick Rfmti
Joel Drrsaler Jonathan 2tler
Nov 20, 178
VLL persons are hereby cautioned against
trespassing on the lands of the under
signed either in Delaware or Walter town
ship, for the purpose ot fishing or bunting,
or lor any other purpose.
I.. E. Atkissoh.
N. A. l.raiss.
ocl3i-f G. S. Lkks.is.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
flubing. hunting, breaking or opening
li-Dces. or cutting wood or young timber,
or in anv unnecessary my trespassing on
the lands of the undersigned, in Fa;, ette
f.--vn-i-p and a tract of wuistlaid in Walker
Saninel Watts
HuiCh T. McAlister.
John Muasrr.
James McMeen.
Rri SfeArnter
John Besboar.
S. C. Myers.
Ja:ob Witiuer.
William Thompson.
prig 17, '73
LL persons are hereby CaTttro-eed not to
allow their dogs to run, or themselves
to INR, btiM, gather berries, break or open
lences, of cut wood or young timber, or in
any unnecessary w ij trespasa 00 the lands
01 tne nndersigueu.
R. rVhYe.
ST. J. IT. WSsou.
Henry Hartman.
Porter Thompson.
William Hetrick.
David Sieher.
faag7, 7S
Daviil Hetrick.
Thomas Bennrr.
Christian ShoarTstall.
Jef Hotter.
tteaY A loss.
t LL persYms are berrbv cautioned not to
jCa. 6h, hunt, break or open fencr'yCrciit
wood or vour.g Umber, c m an riuneccs
sary way tresy-je cs tie land's of the under
STrrnf ft ThoWrSotf
t S Thompson
E r Hudson
Abrarn Shelly
C A SSwrmer
J B Thompson
Wm U Thompson
Davis Smith, Jr.
Oct 9, 1S78.
Mlef Trcsp'aisHett.
lyrOTKE is hereby given that all per-r-ms
1.1 fuund treSpassfng on the lands tt tie
undersigned in Delaware township, either
by fishing, hunting, cutting timber, build,
ing fires, or in any way whatever, will bo
dealt witb as tbe law directs.
R- W. fli- fHBi.
GaoAoa Sri?.js-.
M. C. Faaa.
mayl,IS79-tf lias. Maav Ktaca.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned agajnst
trespassing on the lands of tne under
signed in Greenwood si.d Susquehanna
toanships, for the purpose of hunting, rlsh
ine, cutting timber, or for any other pur
pose. Levi Light.
opt 2, 79-ly Uaaaisox Tisicw.
Mil ford township, Juniata county, six miles
west of Patterson, containing Fifty Acre ;
ten clvared, the rest well timbered ; having
thereon erected a Log House and Frame
Bam. There is an excellent spring of water
at the door. Price, two hundred an fifty
dollars. Inquire at tuis office.
MINGLE offer at private sale, Are real es
tate or said decedents, sittMfed in Fermtn
agb township, Jimftrta connty. Pa., one mite
west or Itifnintown,- containing about 20
Acres of Land, nearly all of which ia cleared
and in a good state of cultivation, having
thereon erected a commodious DWELLING
HOUSE, Burfk Barn, and all necessary out
buildingf. There is a Urge variety of ex
cel.ect Fruit on Ibe premises, and a well of
g"Wod water at the door. For further par
ticulars apply at the Sentinel office, Lewia
town, Jacob Beidlsb, MillJiotowo, or to
Hesbt Misgli, on the premises.
clear, 1 miles west of East Safsm, on the
Miffl in road. Running water between house
aud turn. All kinds of fruit. Improve
mentsa Log House, weatberboarded Bank
Barn, WagnnS bed, Corn Crib, Ko- Pens,
Spring House. Tne qpiaT.fv of land . good.
and clear of stones. This farm is in Walk
er township, for further particulars, ad
rw G. W. Srt.OT-K.
teat SsJain, Juniata Co., Pa.
Persons deiroeof selling property a?
Atm ma'v ai-hrrize to have tbe prop
erty advertised la 'he StmHntl mnd KtpbU.
taa, on the tmsi of no pay V H
sold; W pay at aocb ratoa aa have p.-iv wus
t teen airee'i spoil".
To Bu a Large Tract of Good Lnl
at a Moderate Price
To1 2 man wbo desire to make farmiog"
an stock-raising bis bnaineas, thia is tba
greatest bargain in J"n'Mt eotfnty.
ikrtt Hundred Jcres end more, baviuj
thereon a Urge Brick Dwelling H--rae ia
jowl condition. Barn and other ou:buU;
ings ; a running stream cf water neai the
door, also, good well water in yart ; aa
Orchard of 8 acre, good a any in tbe
couuty j a grove of 60 maple treej, nkt.
it attention were d rectwl to, cooM lo
turned into a source of fncome," as such
groves are in bomert county, this Sut,
afid as such grove are In Sew Eni-i
Good timber on the farm. The farrj
prince 40 to 50 tons of hay aanuiiy, and
grow grain of all Srnfls. T are u aa abun
dance of LIMZSTOS E on tbe farm.
We repeat, this" la the greatest barsr4iu
now oflVrred In this county, to the sua b
ha tntif., and desire to fare, aid ra'se
stock. To each a man, who a moderata
sum of money for first paymeat, there is a
rare chance to secure a property, that iu Ui
nature of thine mnV u"raa fa valutf
gradually, for the period of a full g.oera '
tion vet to come.
Tit.u. to 7 Tears, to srslt purchaser. It
ycu Lav tho mcEnotioV the mea;ia, an.i
the plnti to eVvelope' oa of tb naesJ
tracts r land in tbe county, call at uwi of
nee for partic uiat.
One Hundred and Sisty acres, in the best
Whifat-erowintf district ia the state of Unia,
situated one-half mile froi' Amanda rail
road atation, in Fairfield count. , and one
mile Irom a good pike. Tbe improvement
area farge two-story BRICK HOLba, (l
rooms, hall and cel'ar), Donh!a Log Warn
an Statte, and eth-r buildings, and a woii
of good wafer. A stream of pnng wattr"
traverses the centre of ibe farm. There isr
a Urge orchard on the premises. '.Vil! take
70 per ecre, cash", rest fn payments.
A far o aJijiuing soM for 100 per acre
The reason for aellin ;,ia the deairo to invest
in cifv wropt-rty, in Circle"''1'. Y't -Tf is-
teruiation address J- SWE ill.
Circleville, Pickaway Co., Otl-i.
inoreorless; 100 acre cleaid and in a'
high state ol" coUivalloo, belo-iug to the
Ueirs of John Yodcr, decear. ;d, is hereby'
oiTered at Private Sal. The Farm is situ
ated in Fermanagh tow'nsalp, about torea
rrrilrs norrWeeM of MiSintown. T" im:
provein'ents" are a New Frame House and"
Bafik Bam, and other outbuildings. Ther
is a spring of never-failing water at thr"
door. A stream of water traverse the
farm'. AO Orcfcinf of fn It in variety, ln
cludindf grapes fu Searing condition, is coa-
venient to the buildings'. For farther is
formation address
D. A. YOIF",
Port Roy a!, Juniata i.o., Pa.
may be purchasel of the undersigned at
reasonable price. Tbe property is situate.!
in Joh:i..tovu, iuniata Co.. Tu., and x:F
the Smith stand include a lot of about
TWO ACRES, having tht-reon erecVi a
comfortable Two-story Framellouse. i wiai
modioua Stable arid other ontbuHdings -There
is a Well of go..:! next at the doer'
of tbe bouse. For pirticu'n c-1! on o
address WM. HOOPS.
Walnut P. O.. Juniata Co., Pa.
A FARM OF szi'-:z:r.' OXE ANP
two hundred acres, about 3 miies f.-m j it-
flintown, having t hereon ereeled a g"od
Dwelling House, gooa Frai9 Bank tarn,-
and Tenant House. There ia a f 1
the bouse, and re nl. . . :. tie ; .
erty. For sale at a mortei.tte. hgure. For
further particulars addrea
MifRrtftown, Juniata : , ja
A FARM CT 1st) ACVvs i." TL.-CA
rora township, Junic'a cou:.:y, one-fout "
of a m"!e -s -jst of JttoCoysvrile, 130 a.- . f
which are cleared and u, a g-'i i.f
u!tivat:n the balance m gocd timi-e-.-The
iiuproveiuntsarea!irre Frame l-use.-3;'.50
leety Frae JbV, WI feet, Tav-
Shed and Cora Crib, Carriage House
Hog Pen 30x10 ft- t, wyi .. -v s "
"spring HoiiBe, a good v,. i? lirc-jard anil
aboirt iVO bech lre t cherry trees. A
strcai.-V Of g'd'id' Wet(.r parses aear the house'
and barn. For fnrtcer par'iculars artifres
Sc'C'oysville, J.miata Co., Pa.
marnagb township, siort two vi
Mittlintnwn, bnt a short dlstanc ftom tuw
Main road leading to McAllsterviilo. Dc2
and Stable thereon erceted. Fruit cf a!!
kiuds. Spring of water at tbe door. For
fcrther particulars arli'rrss
JACOB CLEi K, Mitnintown, Pa.
ing thereon erected a frame Dwelling nutise,
situate in Spruce Hill township, near Tay
lor' blacksmith ihp. Good location lor a
mechanic For further partic.!-j cJI a
tUis oce.
A FARM OT 7o"7cRES. 6"i ACRE?
cear and irr a gborf state of cu."ivatiob, tho
oaur.ee in timber, in Sprnce Hi township,
JnnUta county, p,., one-haf mile irou the
proposed rajroad from l"j Juniata to thj
Potomac river, six nies from Por Royr.
The Improvements are a I.ar S tone Dwef
fing House, 28x3ij f a, with a we'f of good
water at tbe door. Bmk 3-r Corn Cribs.
and other on;bniMinz,, a sarge Appe O--
chard, and a great variety i.f Iriit. Aso"
the right to quarrv iime stone on a farm"
about a haf distant. The farm has beeC
limed recentv.
Tas One ba cast, taance in two
annuai payments.
For further particulars address
Spruce Hill, Juniati Co., Pa.
Office oppositt: Lnthoran Church,
Where ke will spend ;he first tn da s o?
ear-h month, commencing Llecember .St. '
"icij or t'je tiwe bis office will l-a
eteupted by J. s Kilmer, a young ma
worthy of confidence, ard who has beery
associated with u,e Doctor as srr.dent au
assistant two years and npwarels. tnos
-eaI-' dnrin8 Or. Burian'a sbseuce '.t
professional service, may. and will please
rr""lf 9 be time witU Mr. Kitmer he. hey
ny be served, on tbe return of the doctor.
The Sentinel and Rcpnbltran office ia l9
PUc togoijobworkdone. Trv iu It wiflf
P7 yotj If you need anything ia tbat Une.