...... -vt " SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWX. nv-vtictidaj, October '29, 1T9. F. SUIIWEIER, iniroK a;:d raoraiKToa. -Espublican State Ticket, FOR FT ATE TREASURER, SA3II! I j Ij BtTLER, OF CHESTER COUNTY. ,- , - - - m Eepublican County Ticket. FOR FHERirF, Lieut. JI.MCS It. KELLY, OF MltTOKD TUWSSHir. FOR REGISTER AND RECORDER, KEI ULt C.iVEXY, Esq., OF FAYETTE TOWNSUIr. FOR JCUT COMMISSIONER, Capt. JOIIV I. If II1KTO"!, or POST BOVtL. Xrvr Yokk City Las forty miles of elevated railroad. Vote fjr Kelly, Caveiiy and Butler. The result of the UJtimoie elec tioii, l:it Wednesday, was the reduc tion of fie DtarwiTatie majority of 141,fiOS. last year, to 5,8!t'., for May or. Yote for" Kellv, Caveny and B'.it ler, " The En.''is.t farmers who went to ! Texas are .1. -gusted with the conn-1 trv. v-hich thev snv is entirely unlit for fai-nrnu". "Thev sav thev have i been swin llecL" eny and Butler. te fur Kellv Cav-' 'Rep. Pyramid. Dem. Pyramid. owo K KTA KE MINE KE.V ('('.OKA DO KENT f LIKt'K.V I A KHM'LTK C X ECTICUT. KE.VTl'CK X." Th:tt i.-. a -ood sho .ving ; make it bet ter by voting for Keliy, Caveny and Butler. ' The Chinese troverninent in An pist issued an erdei- forbidding the I fused to alio the people of the party j a taking of any living thing, even ajtovite n it, as to whether they " cincken or a nsh, to propitiate tue Deity, who, it was believed, was dis plertsed, and had iuar.guruted a drouth which ruined the rice crop. The sen tences of raen to be killed were not executed until rain came." Yote for Kelly, Caveny, Wharton and Butler. " Tom Ewiso is something of a hu morist even if he is a defeated Dem ocrat He recently sent to a friend a di- patch, signed tearfully, Thomas Ewing-," of which the burden is as follows: "I have just succeedl get ting ray rag baby to sleep, after tin -Willi::,; 'y giving it four bottles of lie .publican paragoric." Turn out at ihe polls next Tuesday, and the elec tion of Kelly. Caveny and Butler will be certain in this cmnty. The Democrat anl Rrgudrr ilots not like our presentation of the side of the b: oly ki .L, the bludgeon, tiie work ,: : s l:iiJ4 z.r, and says, that is xi:gKertim : but then, in a labored article it tried to prove that in the rani" of the Democracy the work of the bull-do.:er is carried on through the legalized forms of law, that julg . uis, aa I mortgages, and other legal inavLincry are brought into use to bviil-'.'ai-e people. From a Demo cratic standpoint, as developed by th"ir journals in thi.4 county, Low "Van the people vote with them. Yote for Kelly, Cavenv, Wharton and Butler. Tin. "rtrf A -7 mfTim n enrfl TVA fill- cnmti", of !, f;r.nlmek partisans into tLe two great historical parties does not necessarily carry witu it the inflation elemett as a living power any more than the absorption of the Know-Nothing piirtisa'ts kept alive their hostility to the Catholic Church. The simple fact isth:.t tie rag-mom y heresy is dead, very dea.L essentially dead slain in battle. Yote for Kel ly, Caveny and Butler. "The Boston Advertiser i Washing ton n - has heja'd of a private letter from Yaz&o saying that Representa tie singleton in a recent speech en dorsed the la.Lng f Dixcn, since it was done to sav the country from a race issue. Wnen Le was up north a few weeks ago. Singleton said it w is on'y a personal row ' Sing would be a representative Democrat for the southern lail end of the ticket nexi vear." Yote for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. u The DeTuo-raiic b.)lu in Lalti- more nic--.: s that the Democratic Cia - jority of 1,60S las year Las been reduced to a majority of ,KVi this T"u:, showluij a ReiMiblican pain of .' 0 ) : whereas L'st year the Itcpul licai i had r.o representation in coun il, tirs -'r thev elected three me:u lrs of o ..ncils, and rwned largely ra nearl rery w;rL It is a boom . sue.1 as 11 e i;epuuo "ns iikc. xi it booiujd str.' nger it ha 1 been better. Vote for Keliy, Caveny i.nd Butler. The Jews of Europe wu! soon hold a conference at London on he ques tion of abolishing the Hebrew Sib bath and adopting the Christian Sun day. This singular step is tikt-n be cause even thrifty Jews cannot hold their own in the commercial world if they are compelled to give two d:ys in the reek to religion. All the cities of Europe will be represented in tl;e conference except Hamburg." Yote for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. A corkespondest of the Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle evidently has not the most tXHhl opinion of Washington society. He sjivs: "If I owned a fine house in Washington, I would rather have a lot of cows driven through it than give a general recep tion with refreshments. It is the re freshments tlntt people go for, most ly; and they crowd and jostle each ciV, crush e.xch other s corns, ruin di - ' liat cost money and hibor, put . beyond tue power of the oieaiser. lor an amount of refresh--c!--;- that they could buy at any restaurant for liaif a dollar. Yash ington society speaking at whole ! is an ugly drove of cattie."V Yv-j for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. V. Hope, ot Cbanceford town fitip, is the tallest man in York cotinry, , oeing o leei i i incurs u'gu. tie is a stalwart man. Yote the stalwart tick et, for Kelly, Caveny, W'barton aud Butler. fHiHfWaWHtnB injji:- -"?-ri'H:f'iri i'.-.i.-j:' Ui ::' 4- Letter from Tort Eojal. Post Royal, Oct 25, 1879. Editor Sentinel and Republican : Sir, L, too. was too, was np to the county seat when the Democratic County Con vention met, on the 16th of June, 1S73, and like every observing man in the convention, whether as a dele gate or as spectator, I was deeply impressed with the effort that was made tj lift the Democracy of this county out of the deep slough into which it has floundered, on to the true American idea or plan of gov ernuient, that of POPULAR SOVER EIGNTY, or majority rule by a pop ular vote. It was a grand effort that was niade in its favor ; but art, mo chiue politics, prevailed, and the ques tion was ruled out It is a correct principle to fctrug gle for. The men who are to fill the county oflk-es this fall will be elected under it If county ollictjr, and State officers, and Representatives to both branches of the Lcglolatre, and mem'jers of (.Yreref , and Gjv- J criers are elected by a popular vote, why not app'.v the same system in selecting men by the same way for nomination at the primary elections. It was with a Popish grip, as Port Royal" itn I Tuscarora " truly any. that thc rrect system was IhruUied, strangled, at J kicked out But the execution of kicking out the popular sysu-ui was net more masterly than was the effort to keep the enlarged del- tgale system, mar was au-.j-iea .j iu convention, lft.-M going to tue people ' "'"lu"u.t luc" r "ejection. What would the people oi i-eunsyivania uavj none u tue late (Joii;-titut;onal .invention had not submitted their woik. to the people for their acceptance or rejec tion ? D.iubtless the work would all have been done over. The people of the Slate, without regard to party, would not have been satisfied with out having the Xew Constitution sub mitted to them for acceptance or re jection. The late Democratic conven tion in this county framed an en larged delegate system a new con stitution adopted it antl then re- would Irive it or not. V. They ki -ke.l out the popu- lar sovereignty system. Second They enlarged the dele gate f-ystrm. Third They would not allow any resolutions to pass that submitted the new system to the Democratic party for acceptance or rejection. Is the Democratic party blind, tlat it does not see that all such conven tion work is but a bitter satire on the fair honest expression that is pre sumed, or lelieved to underlie pri mary election work. The convention must have been uuder the delu sion of the Pope's infallibility doc trine. lVpe-eraft and King-craft could do no better in its palmiest , Lours. A la-ge percentage of the Democ i rav fi'.nl expression against such work in having a candidate Mr. George Shivery in Uie lield. as against the nominee of toe conven tion Mr. David Fowk-s. The Tri bune champions the cause of Mr. Shivery, and the Democrat and Remitter champions the cause of Mr. Fowles. The Ti ibune, in its championship, got almost tntiiely away from the fiai'la mental woik of the convention, and professed to go behind the curtain and strike at the prime movers of nil the opposition to the work of the reformers, and keen and cutting wtre the blows that were dealt personally, riht and left. It declared, There ! Look! There sits the King! See him! He's the author of all our trouble. Last week the Democrat and Rois ter came to the front tind charges that the heavy band of king work is more heavily felt on the bide which the Tribune csjmjuscs than was ever felt le'ore in the politics of tha county. It says that it does not run so much n the groove of conventions, but that it sLakes out the pocket-book. It says tout it reaches for men's ' iuort gages, and judgment notes, an 1 deals out a k:ngly iespot:.s- in that way. It says that t'.ie law, which is intend ed to be a shield and protection, is made an instrument to bring men np to obedien -e to the behests of certain masters. In-lirectly, it tells that a fearful practice of bull-Jozing Lis been indolgs J in bnlUlozing tliat is J as complete as that in practi e in the bouiu, of course, leaving out tue work of the knife, the torch, and the pifetoL The organs of tlie Democracy in this conn lv the TV ibum and the Dem- ocrut and Re nsler miiko the charges. ' I am simply repeating wh it tho two J organs ! IT. In the face of the ! chai-gcB, tuer is no encouragement !fr the rink auJ file of the Deni- ocracy to vote either of tho tickets they have m the te; U and k is the plain duty of Kepubli- ans to bland up for their part witu ever. The more unanimity than shocking work that I have b" iefly outlined above is confined to the vork of Democratic lexers. I uic couies.Mou oi ireu j'.nue leu'i , one tgainst the other, and it will re sult iu driving hundreds to the 6tip port of the lepubli(n c.indi Jutes. They will fly ta the Republican party as they did in ol 1. n times to the ; cities oi refuge wiien the fell de stroyer swooped abroad. They will enter tho ranks of the Republican party as a place of relief from the blighting work of the Democratic leaders. No sneh record as that held np for each other by the leaders of the Dem ocracy, is to le seen on the escutch eon of the Republican party in Ju niata county. Every Republican should rejoice that their candidates, Kelly, Caveny, Wharton and Butler, represent no such grievances as Lave been set forth by the respective lead ers of the Democracy iu i his county. Yours, trtiiv, A REPUBLICAN. u DcRiva her we-'k from New Or leans to Philadelphia, Martha Potts had eleven offers of uianiage. An nnfecling esclunge expresses the fear that the spread of this fact will cause an epi Iduic of fen & e peoestriamsm. A pull altogether for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. Mr. John Horner, of Ligooier West moreland county, fell from a chestnut i tree breaking an arm and erusbiu? his skull, Death was instantaneous. His wife and children were beneath the tree at the time. Vf 'i'-..i..w.i.! -.V-f- , -i-,r Address of the Eepublican State Committee, Some Truth for Thinking Men to Pon derThe Dangers Which Threaten ihe Country What the "Solid South" Mif Lead To Pennsylvania's Duty in the Emergency, 4 c , 4 c. To TBI People or Ii!tlvasia Tbe solid South ouly requires tbe aid of a few Nurtberu States to reverse tbe verdict of tbe wr; to ideuiiiify un rrpaotatit traitors for losses incured in rebellion against tbe natiou's life; to destroy the public credit by plunder iug tbe N'ltioua! Tra.-ury, and to blast (be restored prosperity of tbe people by reptaling the finaucul eud protect ive legislation to wliich me owe the re vival of business. toes this overstate tbe danger to which our country is al Ibis moment exposed ! Tbe unrestrain ed rule of tbe rebel Democracy mans turn. Tbe leaders of lins dangerous eoali ion will never hesitate to carry out their schues if (be power to carry them out cau iu any be grasped. Ki-iueuiber (bis anj man who, on the night sbeu tbe whole North was sbuutiujc over tbe surrender of Lee, bad tredicted that in fourteen years tbe Democratic party would be in tiie ! uisj'iri'j in the united Mtes oeoaie and House of KepresfDtatives, ana tl:t this Democrat io majority in each House would bo compo-ned of two rebfl iiQiocis to oue Northern Democrat; that tbe rebel general second in command under Lee at Appomattox, would be a tfenatsr from Georgia, that the Pest uia.ler General and the Vice President of (lie Southern Confederacy would be in the House, with more than a huo drod rebel veterans making laws to govern and to punish their conquerors tbe man then making such a predic tion would have been believed to be on tbs road to tha mad bouse; and yet what would have been considered in sane ravines in 1805, is disgraceful his tory in 1879. With this fact in re tjeiuberanee, who will dare to place a limit to Southern arrogance and Dem ocratic cringing.' Will tbe salutary laws protecting industry, will the pub lic credit, will the Nation's honor be maintained and defended by tiie malig ant enemies of them all ? J-hall our heroes continue on the rolls, or will tbey be forced to retire in favor of tha veterans of the rebel armies? A reb el Democratic restotation in this coun try means that tbe "lost ciuso" Las been regained and no sane man can doubt this, do honest man can deny it. The safety of our country demands the ettrual exclusion from power of that party in which every uurepentent reb el fiudi coLgenial home and a hearty welcome, and finds it there because be remains in bis sins, aod for that reason only. We are admonished by the rebel Democrats and ibeir brevet assistants that State issues alone enter into loeir present campaign. The Republicans have nothing to avoid in even a harsh reriew of thtir record since 1860, in tbe conduct of State affairs. But State : .... a ;i.. v. i iue confronts c. Political murder has cemented the South into solid mass fur whomsoever the rebel Democ racy nominates Leresfter on a National ticket Euough of the North is to be brought to follow the lead of these as sas;us. And this combination of mur der on the cue part, and fraud and brib ery on the other, is oc trial before the greit tribunal of the American people On this august tribunal, Pennsylvania's voice must nike a profound impression Her voice struggles for utterance, and it cannot be st fled. Pennsylvania can only speak in tbe returns of tbe election on November 4, and then the verdict of the people will be recorded, whether the reble Democrats will it or not, and and while they clamor for silence on National issues, forced on by crimes at which human nature stands aghast, the whole country anxiously awaits to bear from us, because these returns will sig iiily our position on National issues, and and on thee alone Maine. California, Colorado, Iowa and Onto have spoken nobly. It remains for us, men ok Pennsylvania, to give forth uo uncertain sound on this momentous issue It is the duty of every Republican and loyal Democrat in our State to S3 vote that the settlement of the war shall stand : that liberty for all shall be en forced ; that fraud shall no longer sub vert Slates; that the purcha:e of the Presidency shall ne'er succeed, and that assasinatinn shall be forever ban ished from aicongst us, as a political aeeney. And every man who sustain ed the Union against the rebellion is earnestly urged to step forward now to again defend tbe Uuion fioin the same foe that assailed it from Fori Sumter to Appomattox. F. C. Hootex, Churman Rpnhlican State ( ocinittee. Samuel F. Barr, ) C L. Maoee, ( Secretaries. Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 5, 1879. The Harrisb'.irg Telegraph says: The solid North produced the solid South, shrieks the Patriot, in its agony over the defeat in Ohio. Well, the solid North crushed the treason in the South which the Democratic ! i l.4...l,1 1 l. 41. ..1.1 - . .-l i:fii i i. t francliises of a citizen t"fl traitors who had been frustrated in their e2 designs. Was there anything wrong in such a solidity on the part of the North ? Was it a cause to impel the South to becoming solid in an effort to defeat or set aside ail the logical results of the victory over rebellion T Was it a cause to justify the murder of freedmen, the persecution of Northern men who went South for legitimate business purjioses, the de nial of the right of the franchise to colored men, tiie refusal to pay na tional taxes, the effort to saddle the rebel debt on the Federal Govern ment the cultivation of feelings of treason and the fanning of the dames of reliellious war. The solid North was in the interest of the Union, equality before the law, exact justice, and the upholding of the Federal power. The solid South is a remnant of ti e Confederacy, a secret impulse of treason, a longing for another chance to strike at the Government, the excuse by whipped traitors and cowards to vent their spleen on their conquerers. Now let the solid South maintain its attitude to test the force of the solid North. Let the Patriot continue to preach that solidity in favor of the Govern ment as a just cause for whipped traitors to unite against it and we will be able to tell how many votes it can make." Yote for Butler, Caveny ' and KtUy. , .q-y..r.tSr..m c'wt'lAi.e-. STATE ITCH. The segar makers of Pittsburg have arranged lor a strike. Vote for Kelly aud Caveny. Womelsdorf, Berks county, is be come one of the most extensive sugar manufacturing towus in tbe Slate. Turn out at the poles, aud vote lor Kel ly and Caveny aud Butler. A Scotch girl iu Altooua bas beeu sent to jail for cheating three Glasgow lawyers. The thing to do is to vole for Kelly aud Caveuy. Our State military are talking of having a week's encampment at Get tysburg next year. Turnout! Turnout! Turn out at tbe poles and vote for Kelly aud Caveny and Butlor. Panthers are killing cows on the borders of Franklin and Fukon coun ties Yote for Kelly, Caveny aud Butler. Mr. Ph'lip G . rdon, of Fulton coun ty, was chased by panther whilfl out gathering chestnuts. Vote for Kelly, Caveuy and Butler. A young lady iu Shamokin, while oo ber way to a magistrate's to get mar ried, was seised Dy her two brother, who were opposed to tbe match, and forcib'y taken borne. Yote for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. Tbe Huutingdon Globe says Mr. Isaao Dell, of Hare's valley, gathered on Tuesday last some fifteen or tweuty quarts of whortleberries on Jack's mountain. Tbey were of tha black vsrietv and as nice tnd sweet as if gathered in August. VTortlcberries iu October are indeed rairity. Vote for Kelly, Caveny, Wharton aud Butler. There was Licking match at Shen andoah, Sjhujlkill county, ou Thurs day ni-'ht. The men wore heavy bro gans and were not allowed to kick above tbe knees. There were thirteen rounds and the lower extremities of the men were badly mutilated. The bet was fifty dollars. Yote for Kelly aud Caveny, and Butler, and Wat ton. A small boy, named Weaver, from near Richland, Lebanon county, fell from a chestnut tree thirty feet high into a bugh pile of locks- H? got up, "shook the dust" and walked away ap parautly not much hurt Vote fur Kelly, Caveny and Butler. A mute wedding took placo at Mer cersburg. The marriage cermony was interpreted by tbe bride's sister into the sign language in a manner most in teresting aud pleating to all the wit nesses whose pleasure it was'to be pres eni. Vote for Kelly, Caveny, and Butler. A young farmer named Laae War ner, who resided near McCunuelNbur. Fulton county, while attempting to jump on a funning mill backward, Fridiy a week slipped and fell forward on bis hea'l breaking bis neck. Turn out at tbe p ills and vote lor Kelly, Caveny ami liutler. Mr. S. L Harvey, of Greenville, met with a singular accideut a lew days ago. He bad boiled som chestnuts. Alter takiug tbeiu front ha pot he poured cold water on them and immediately placed oos in bis incuth for tbe purpose of breaking the shell. Tbe hut water bad bl!ed tbe nut with steam, aud when the shell burst the steam escaped, burning the gentleman's niou'b so badly that he waj unable ?i parl'k- f :ooi for two d-ja. V ote fut Keily, Cav eny Mid I-utler. While engaged in threshing on the farm of Judge Motzer, in Madison township. Perry county, on Saturday a week, a young man named D. Heifer, made a most remarkable escape from a terrible death. Ho was taught by the clothing at the waist, by tbe tumbling chaff, aud when tbe mauhine was stop ped be was stripped entirely naked, ex cept his boots aud Ihe wristbands of bis sbirt. Had bis clothing not given way nothing could have saved bim. Vote for Kelly, Caveny, W barton anil Butler. On Thurdsy morning last t -ek Miss Lizzie, daughter of lion. J- V, - .. Is Brown of Milton, r .n irried to Mr. David K!er of 1 nre. Miss Mrown bad been sick : i : . ie time pre vious but the guest cre iuvited, as the doctor pronounced ber sickness to be nervous prostration. Before the wedding the sickness was pronounced malarial fever, and on Thursday she could not leave Vr bed. There were a large nuiubri ol iuvited guests pres ent, aud tbe marriage took place in the sick room She continued to grow worse, and the fever took the form of typhoid, which terminated in ber death at an early boar last Weduesday morn ing. On Wednesday night an outrage was perpetrated on the person of an old Ger man rag picker named Jacob Scbuell back, who lives by himself in a little shanty near tho village of Aioey ville, Lehigh county. It seems be had ship ped some rags to Philadelphia lately, iu payment of which be bad received about $10. The fact that the old man bad this money became known, which prompted three villians to rob bim. Two of tbem broke in tbe doer, while the other remained as guard upon Ihe outside of his shanty, and after beat ing and otherwise maltreating the old man, wbo is not expected to survive, escaped with their plunder. Tbe per petrator; are unknown, and tbe only description that Scbnellback can give oi mem is mat iney were young .uen. Yote fr Kelly, Caveny and Butler. On Toes jy evening a week about a quarter past seven o'clock, a horrible afiir occurred on the Philadelphia aud Erie railroad, at Williauisporr, Pa. A young man named William H.Maurer, of that place, who was employed in the Philadelphia and Erie railroad yard as a switchman, was iu the act of drawing a pin from the coupling between two cars while tbe switch engine was back ing them op, and in gtepiug back bis left foot caught in a "guard rail," throwing him upon the track. One truck of a heavy laden car passed over bim, crushing aud almost severing his left leg at the hip from his body, badly lacerating tbe right leg and cutting through tbe bone to the skin of the right arm. Tbe left arm also recieved serious injuries. There were do in juries about the bead or chest. Tbe mutilated body was carried to the office of the despatcber oo a stretcher and an engine sent up to tbe Seventh ward for Dr. Eves, tbe coroner. When that official arrived a jury was eninu nelcd, which, t.'ier au investi-uon of the filets, rendered a verdict that 'William II. Miurer's doath was causd by bia foot catching in a guard-rail of the Philadelphia and Ert3 railroad, and a ear passing over his body." Tbe on fortunate young man was 21 years old in April last, and was unmarried. Yoto for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. illstinntiB: STATE ITEMS. I Daniel Walters and daughter, of Franklin towufhip, eslmorelaad coun ty, were bound and gagged, and tbe premise! robbed, on Monday oigbt a week, by three men, whose names are unknown. They secured about 100. Vote for Kelly, Caveny and liutler. On Monday a week three children of Amos H. Weutzel, of Alsace township, Berks couoty, during the absence of their parents, put a powder born into the stove. The explosion which follow ed badly burnd and injured two of tbe children. The eldest child bis since died, and the other is not expected to live. Yote for Kelly, Caveny and But ler. Nine years ago, Tillie Wilson, a Pbtcuixville girl, placed a cherry seed in ber ear which the doctors were un able to get out- The other day while at school she was picking at ber ears from fotce of babit, when she felt the seed auJ fiinally got it out. Yote for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. Iu oue of the corridors of the Wilkes barre court house a drunken woman of great proportions met a rotund lawyer, whom she bnrged until be cried for help like a man would hava done when cauifhl between the bumpers of two freight car. Yote lor Kelly, taveny and Butler. A swarm of bees reccatly took up their quarters in a grocery store iu Pittsburg. The proprietors of tbe store, ii.ii did net Uioltst tbe bees, for obvious leasonp, soou discovered tbat iheir stuck of honey for sale was dis appearing rapidly without a correspond ing ii.flux of shekels te explain the dis at'ptarauce. Upon investigation it was discovered tbat the little bmy bee. which improve each shiuing hi ur, b.d stolen tbe boney ant! placed it in ao out of the way corner of tue store, under a shelf. Yote for Keliy, Caveny and Butler. A wagon containing three men, of Reading, were thrown down ao embank meut near Dxetcr station, Bucks coun ty, by tbe horse taking fright at a train. Tbe team rolled over aod over aud landed in a ditch between tbe railroad and tbe embankment witbio six inches of the whec.s of the passing train ot i fortv cars. One of tbe hind wheels of tbe wagoo was struck by every car. A can of red paint in the wagnu was smeared all over the men, and fright ened spectators who ran to their assist ance thought it was blood. The wagon was smashed, but tbe aien esctped with slight injuries. Vote for Kelly, Cav eny and Butler. A Huntingdon paper says : M Mount Union bas a Cow Insurance Compauy, which is a very good inntitntioo resident of the town who owns a Any vow may become a member by paying an admission fee of one dollar. -The reg ular dues are teo cents per month, lo be lessened if less mr.ney be needed, the rule being to always have at least twenty dollars in the treasury. If any member bas a cow killed no tbe rail road bs irjoiej'.aiely rectives twenty dollars from tha company, with which . . . ..i , . - has been killed since the cr.au.zv .f tbe company." Yote for Kelly, Cav eny, Wharton and Butler. firTCR ll ITEMS. Miss Miller of Ferris, Texas chloro formed her fathers dog's and eloped with ti e young .nan whom her father had forbiddeti the premises. Mous K. Lemoine, in Cnwne, France who- keeps 3,V 0 fowls on twenty-two acrts, says it has been found an excel lent practice to give young chickens a few nrops of n. phate of iron in their drinking water. Vote fwr Kelly, Cav - eny and Butler. Twelve bundled and fifty air; ; of ber s hsve been grown this year in M.iilj and three hundred in Massachu setts. It is estimated that refiu"d Ml-g-r can now be produced from the j beet root at a cost rather less than sev en cents a found. Yote for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. A special dispatch from Grayson, Ky., relates that 200 men mde into Martins burg, Klliott county, on Monday night a week, surrounded the jail, overpow eaed the jailor, took two prisoners, John W. Kendall and Williini McMil- i lan. to a tree near ry and nang?f I until they were dead. The men who were hanged were known to he!- ng to a I gang cf nntlawa. Yote for Kelly, Car eny and liutler Lime occurs to a greater or less ex tent in all plants, especially in clover, pea straw, potato vines and tobaeoo. The phnspbate of lime is found ia every animal tissue, as well as in fruits and seeds. It forms about half the sub stance of tbe bones of animals and is contaioed in Ibe vegetable flesh form ing sulsliDces, as albumen casein, and fibrin from which source it is o btaiued r.,., from animals. Yote for Kellv. Cavenv and Butler. The Diiluth, Minn., Tribune of the 10th. says : W'e nre in receipt of a letter from C Viela.nl, F., Amlitor of Lake county, dateil the 3.1 inst, of which the following in the Bub stanee: Yesterday afternoon, while August Burr, aged seveu yearis, wan playing with his sisters one, five years old, and the other thiee-and-a-h;ilf near by his father's house, an enormous e;ig!e pounced down upon them, throwing the two "iris to the ground. It immediately attacked 1 the younger one, grasping one of the child s arms with the claws of one loot, Willie Uie Claws OI tue Oilier f Kit were deeply buried W llie child s face ; and it attempted to carry the child off, but was prevented by its struggles. Little Angust, seeing that he couid do nothing with his own hands to help hL sister, ran -piickly into the house, got the butcher knife and came out and whacked away at the eagle's legs, cutting one of them severely near the foot, whereupon the savage bird let go of the little girl and attacked the boy, knocking him over, tearing his pants, and giving him Bonie severe scratches. In the meantime, the screams of the chil dren brought out their mother, where upon the eagle flew off to the barn, on which he sat and looked as though tie woniu iiKe io renew uie contct t. ..1 11 r 1 1 1 n siiuuiu a luvoraoie opporium:y ouer itself, but he stayed there a little too ipng for his own good, as Joe Botz It, a us.IfeLloi', was called, who took down his gun and shot this great "emblem of American liberty," and and his eagleship, when killed, was found to measure seven feet from wing-tip to wing-tip. The little girl who had this 1. uarkable encounter is very badly scratched, but not seri ously hurts GtliKR.iL ITEMS. A New Haven dispatch says Thou. Blake, formerly a janitor of Yale Col lege, Conn., Is missing, and fears of foul play are entertained He left this city on October 6, with a through ticket to San Francisco, and a large amount of money. Two days later his wife received a letter purporting to have been written by him, from Buffalo, stating that lie had keen roblied, and asking that money le sent to him. The college authorities interested themselves in the matter, and sent joo to William Foster, edi tor of the Buffalo Commercial Jldter liter, requesting him to investigate the case. A jierson much younger, and in no way resembling Blake, called for the money. Suspicions were aroused and the man was arrested. He finally acknowledged t!mt he was un impostor. President Porter haB telegraphed to various leading jioints on the line to San Francisco, but has so far discovered no trace of Blake. It is feared that he has been murdered. STATE ITEMS. Johnny Steel, '-Coal Od Jol.uuy," is now Working iu M'Kean county, as a tool drivrr, lor 90 cents a day. Vote for Kelly, Caveuy and Butler. A short distance beyond Concord, Fiankliu touuty, io "I'Le Narrows," stands a white oak tree that has become historical. The three counties of Frank lin, Huntingdon and Junu'a lutersect there. Vote for Kelly, Caveny and Butler. Leal JVolicrs. CllTIOI NOTICE. ALL pirmonsarc hereby cautioned arainst trespassing on land sot the undersigned, in huiitiiiR, cutting timber, breaking dow n fences, sic. II. L. McMecn. John Grey. Alexander Anderson. John Milliken. Jjne McCuliocb. t -ii, l79-ti CAlTIOt. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against hmitinir or otherwise fn-spwirur oo the lands of the undersigned in Walker town ship. I .Samuel A niter. Jncle Tyson. Kuril Kautlinan. Keiibeii M'H-t. Jonas KautTiiMn. octl , Ti Iaac Auker. David Auker. Joseph Auker. George Dy singer. Executor's Notice. Ettalt of Sophia lliwiLL. dtctaitd. LETTERS TestameDtary on the estate irf Sophia Oiald, Ule of .ViHhM.iuo, Juniata countv, Penn'a, deceaseil, havinir been gran l-d tw the uiidersit;ned, all persona indebted to said estate are reile.U 1 tt stjki Tkivtuent. and thieo- bavine j claims or d-.-mands are reiau--ed to make 1 known the same wi:liotit delay lo JOHN MOTZfcK, Executor. Oct S, lf7'-t Ai ui roa s .UTK E. FTlHH nnilersigtred, Auditor, appoint-il by J the Court to dintrihule tiie luAince in the hands of 1-Ura Sluilh, Assignee ol :!' nion Cotl'uaii, as per statement of second partia account, Kilt attend to the duties ol Mid appointtuenf, at hisctli'ein .Virllii town on TI KSDAY, OCT. -tKii US. !7J. lot veen tue Dour ! 10 a. a. anil & r. attend. GEOliftK JACOBS, Jr., JwlUor. Oct. t, lf7'. Notice to Tas.-1'ajcr. f J1HE undersigned, Treasurer and l'uec-J- tor of the Kertiianagh ?choo trnct, will meet the tix-i.ivers of slid v-h nr district, at 'u:re Parker's otti -e n .V itiin towi., on Ihe l.th day of M)VE.BEK, lrT'.S to receive schoo tax. AW person who pay Iheir sclio. tax between the date of tin not'ee end the th d ly of ovem- . ber, ltl, Kill be aoweil an ahite nent of j Pverwrcent. Af'er iuvember 7'. I thev wii be required to pay tiie lull amount, j if ( ji.j uv , j ber. IST'J, coectiot he i th day of Decern- I n wi le; made with au addition ot five per cent. MICHAEL STOXL2, Collector. Sept. S'J, lHT'J. oRriiANs couirr sale" or It E A L ESTATE rjlIIE undiTsrgned, Admtnisfratnr of the X estate of Elizabeth Fry, deceased, late of DcLiwtre tow nship, w ill, it pursuance of an alias order of tiie Orphans' Court ot Juniala county, oiler at public sale, on the prcmi.es, one mile northeast of East Salem, at one o'clock r. w , on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1879, The following described real estate, to wit: A lot of ground situ, .ed in Delaware town ship, Jur.iala county, containing about Twelve Acres of Laud, bounded ou tiie nor'h and east by lands of David Siiurti. on t. . westbv lands id' Nich olas Arnold, ami on the south by l inds of Jacob lloo,.s, ha- i-15 thereon ercct-d a TWO-STORY LOG HOUSE, LOG BARN', ami other iniproveuients, be ing the man? ion tract. Also a (. iod Apple tire hard, peach and cherry trees. A stream 01 water near Ihe door. TEKMS OF SALE Tew percent, of the pnrcha.se money lo be paid iu h and ; titteen pel" cent, on continuation of sale ; one-half ol thn balance on the 1st ot Veoriurv. ltsii I a:"' lhe "'her half on June 1st, !8MJ, with 1 interest from April 1, l(vi. EZRA SMITH, Adm'r ol EUzabeth Fry, dee d. Oct. 1, 1H7'J. ORlHaNiS' COTJilT SALE! rilllE nndersipned, Administrator of the A estate of Christian liuscbotl'stall, de ceased, will sell at public sale, on tbe prem ises in Valker township, JuaiiU county, at i o'clock p. m., on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1X79, The following described valuable real estate, lo wit : A farm in said township, contain ing 195 ACRES and 28 PERCHES, having thereon erected a good larpe DWELLING HOUSE. i Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, and other ont- buildings. About ltiO acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation the balance excellent tiiubcrland There is a good lime stone 'iarry and lime kiln on tbe farm, and a good orchard of choice fruit, and pleuty of good water. TERMS OF SALE Ten percent, of the purchase money to be paid on the day ol sale; 0 per cent, on confirmation of sale by the Court ; 2 per cent, on April 1. Imsso, when deed will be delivered and possession given ; and the remainder on the 1st ol April, issl, with interest from April 1st, lefcO, to be secured bv judgment. DANIEL ZEiGLER, Adm'r of Christian Imscbotfstall, dee'd. Oct. 8, 1879. CAl'TIO.-I SOT ICE. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trespassing upon the lands of th un dersigned, in Favi.ttc lltdavar, , w.ib " vnstnp, by babing, hunting, or ia anv ... u..- 0 - other way. Jonathan Eiser Wm BranthotTer Henry S piece Catharine Kartx Job:. McMeen D B Ditura ti W Smith S J Kurti Henry Auker Noah Cameron J W Hosteller Christian Kurta Jesse Pines. Jacob 11 oops. C G Shelly A H Kurta David Smith S Owen Evans Teston Benner C. F. Spicber John L Auker J B Garber S M Kautl'man J F Dettra John Lycom David Ilnnberger Arnold Varnea Levi X. Jfyers Legal Yolieet. HUB SATE TUE COSMOS WKALrit. ELECTION PROCLAMATION, w I1KREA3, by an act of General As- f ennsylvanit, entitled " Ad act reltting to Klvciions of this Cuniinonwraltli," pa.-ue'l i tit; J. I Uv of July, 1K:W. anl its supple ments, it is toe dn'y of the Slit-riir of every county wilhin this Commonwealth to five public notice jd1 to enumerate The Oltieers l. be Klecti-.l De.igioite Ike Places at which tho Elec tion is to Uo h'-l'l ; ami (iive notice tint Terrain persons holding other otlkes of rotil or trnt are iocJ' i!le of holding or r-niiliifr, at the aamn time, the otlice or appoiit'mi-m of judge ol elec tion, inspector, or clerk of any election of thix Commonwealth; therciorv, 1. WILLI A 'i D. WALLS. Hirh Sheriff .i ... . i tors of the county ol Juinau that on Tuesdar, .1oetabr 4, ;. l-.W.n. ih flrr TuhiIii mtl.r ilm Hr.t Monday of mid month,) a U.-nval Flection ill be held in the several Election UUfkt .... established bv law in aaiil coiiniv, at nieh time they will vote by ballot Itr the aevcritl ollucrs lierinalter named, io wit: ONE PKK.StOf fr TKEASt'KEK of the CouuHonwcalih of 1'enni.ylvaitij. COISTT. ONE PEItSMN lor SlIEKIFFof the coun ty nf Jiiniila. I)r. ftKfllJ tilrKMil.1ir.KA.MIH tl)K!)!H ol the county : Junmu. U.E PEK-ON' lor CtjRiJNEIt of the coiiutv of Jiriiata. TWO PEK.X)S for Jl'KY OlHiH SION'KKSol tne county ..I jin.it! . irU- h pernou ti, vote for but one of atd Comuis Moliem. I also hereby make kuown a id give no lice, mai me places lor uoi'ioiji mo w rc- said General EL-ctioo in ihe several hor- ougba and towiil.!; wilhm ihe county of . . . . i i . e ii . . t. junuua, are as loiiu.n, 10 wu : The freem-nof Ihe U.ronph of Mi'Hinlown are fo ho'd their election i.i the sntnt-asc room of Ihe Court House, known as tje Shei itTs otlice. in said boronjrh. ti... r ..r .i... ... ...K.n ..r v...- . Kgh are to hold their el.-cttou m the north east room of the Court HoHie, known as the Treasurer's otii-'e, in Mittl.ntosma borvub. The freemen ol the township of Walker are to hold their election at the School lluUse in ilelico, in said lownsbip. The freemen of llie township of D-Uware are lo hold their eleetM.n at bmlth's School Douse, in said township. .... . - ineireemen oi ...c o-.r-.u,. ... , ..u,p- sontown are to bold tm w ek-rtion at the I Si'lioul Ilu.ise in said tr..gh. Tli. freemen nl thm townsliio ol Green ( wtm4 e , h,(1,j ,irjr ici,, ,t the Pub- , TiMIIli. .. j,..,,! towushio. The Ireenien of the tooniJnp of Monroe are to hold their election at the School House in KicLticld, iu sal'l tonhip. The fre-meoj of lire township of Susque hanna are to ftoid their election at Ery nt oyer's Hotel, in s.tld lntu.,bip. The freenieti of the township of Fayette ti, loi'.I rh ir ek-tioti .Lt tba. Sch.ml House iu McAIistervilic, in sai I tow.h:p. The In-eruen of the borough Patterson are to Son tn ir election al iie acnuti ; IIuiim! in saiit I.r.ub. Th-j Ireenien of the boroujrh Port Ki yal ere to hold their elec'ion at the Schol House iu said Utrotieb. The freemen :f the township, "f MilforJ are to hoid Iheir election at Locust Grove School House, in said tvwnsh.p. The fn-emen of the township of Spruce Hill are lo hold their election at spruce Hill Sthool House, in said township. The freemen of the township ol Turbett are to hold their election ,t IneChiircJ Hill School ileti.se, in said loarnship. Tiie fretn'en of the township of Be ale are to hol i tlieir election al the School House at Aeadenii.1, iu said lonhip- T!ie Ire. men l tte township of Tnscanra, except that portion of it lying nucth-west-oiid ot the summit of the tfimlw mountain, are to hM their election at the School House uear McCu!lochr Mills, iu said town ship. The freemen of the township of Lack, ex cept that portion of it Iviu iiorth-vrcstw rd ol Ihe summit of the b.uie mountain, are to hold their election at tbe Lick School House, iu said township. The freemen of so much of the townships of Lack and Tuscarora as lie north-west ol the summit ot the Sh ide mountain are to hold their election at Lauvers School House, iu said district. The elects n is to be opened at 7 c'Clock iu the forenoon, wnd shall continue w ithout interuiisoion or adj um nieni. and is not to be closed before 7 O'clock in the evening. I also hereby make known and give no- tice, as iu aud by tiie l.ith. section ol the i alore.i.d act I am directed, thai --every s?r u.n v r.-...,.. In.iu.. .., tl... D.. I sliall hold anv oitii-M ur .intii.i.l .f ..f. K.-e or trust .' il.. I'.. ii ....i.. Mate, or any city or incorporated district, I tih, hunt, gather o-Tri-s. bPJ. w hether a commissioned olticer or other- ! "P"" " es, -r cut wooa aryounf---wise, a subordinate tdBcrr or agent who is fr '" anv mmecessary way trtspsf' or shall be employed under legislative, e- j ,a"lls ol ,hu undersigied. ecutrve or judiciary departments of tins ! Sum Minmti. I. t owns fsin' Slate, or of the L'u.teil sutes. or of any j Gro. Dirrrs' vsrxR. V.tt r"'J incorporated city or district, ao.1 who that ! Kreocrick H tns. Fscisl' " every member ot Congress and of the State Lc'siatnre ami of tiie select or common council of any city, it commissioner ot any incorporated district, is by Law, itH.-ap.ii!e of holding or t-xerci..iiig at Ihe s-iine time tbe i Z . 11 "' '." J"-e, ii.srts. lor or clerk ol any election to Hits Commonwealth, tftlal talk ltl VuWs . ..s tiiid.A ..tl,... ..M .. .... ... r., a- slletl elef.tiihn sKill Vw ie. .1, . ... ...... .... then to be voted for.'' Also, th.it in th-j ith section of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relatu. ;. ex ecutions and lor other purposes," approved April ISth, l!-40, it L. enacted that the afore saiil 13tb section "shall not be construed so as to preveut any military officer or borough officer ttoru serving as judge, inspector or clerk of say general or special election of this Cooiiui.nwealra," As therein directed, 1 also give official notice of the follow ing provisions of au act approved M:u-ch 311. Htj irll An a n gui inng io m.ie or voting at all eloc monwealth ''" .. ' "riw lUHIlim WI . .4)111- Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Ibe Com monwealth of Fennsylvania in General As sciubly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority ol" tbe same, That the qualified vo'cis ol tuu several counties of this Com monwealth, at all general, township, bor ough and special elections, are hereby here after authorized aud required to vote by ticket, printed or written, r partly printed anil partly written, severally classitied as follows : One ticket shall eiuLrace the tixiucs of all Judges of Courts voted lor, anil lo be labeled outside "judiciary;" one ticket shall embrace all the names of Slate officers voted lor, and be labeled "Stater," oie ticket shall embraca the names of all county officers voted for, including oibce of Sena tor, member aud members ot Assembly, if voted for, and members of Congress, if" vo ted for, and libeled "Couuty ;" and rach clasa shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes. i "in and. Stand Sections of the Jet of Con grtu of March 31, 1870. Sbctiosj 1. Bt it enacted by Ihe Senate mnd Home of RrprrsentaUte, of the United Stale of America im t'osgres assembled. That all citizens o! tbe L'uiled Slates, who arc, or shall be otherwise qualified to vole at any election by the people, in any State, Terri tory, district, county, city, parish, town ship, school district, municipality or other territorial sihdi,iins,hill be entitled and allowed to vote at all such electiens without distinction of race, color, or previous con dition of servitude, any Constitution, laWj tuMom, u r n Terntori.orby.or undTu ,,rJJ the contrary notwith,t.nli'U WUi" Srrrios 2. l. ,i if, l.y or under tV s'ltution or law oi Jy ,, " .. - of any Territor.-. .... . T f p.. . be ironired i., h-rt,! ' or qo .imra :ii tor Toli- t on.-tifitK:. ur lj . ithil: be charged, wi--. diitl, in turnishi- - , ' --. nity to p.-rlorm sn,-h". -.-r',tV '. " qnalilM to v..,- ', every ;r- ...u M .. , . ol the United States th opiortiiiiity to pTt..r!i, '. ' aiid to beronit: ir, ': t'vii-: Unction ol r.ier. , 0;.,r .., "'' " Hon of ,erv,..V, il .nTT ..Iheer sh til refine orfcuowi,.,!., ' f.m,tw, t..u.u,i,,Bhe.. nm-h offence, forfeit .! ! hundred doll.tr- '"I pit thi- " ' '. reor.j (, ine ca. wun tii.l e..aN , s h""1 h-'lt a'so lor n.-, ......... --!.ine curt ,i.,, . Jeeiucl Kui;iy ., a iiii!e,Bur "" "" be lin.,t I nv'M lillti.l r. tl .I..II . . ''-'it : " "- " ' or o- i,., less t!:ir. one nmr.lii n.ir m..r . "V oi both, at the ilircIion or C r .. i i . u.i.T my n:inl at mvofflr,: t.n t...,fl. H.. ... ";. year ot o-ir Lord one ill ,S' dreil and Mrrerty-mn-, 1M. , i iH-ndence of the Tinted SiUra. ' hundrs! ai.d toisrth. '-I W'M. !). WALLS SherifTs lfice, MitKmtown t "K' IM"lT li, l0;x 'j CilTIIIw JOTKfc" 1. L JM-rsons nre hen ti- o : r th.iaelve t,, '' ( ; or cut wood or voeri; tir.i(, r ..r i- " ' r iioj, tlj . Greenwi)d r aiynilw-uar.r.1 1. - j pett-r vjller pJ? . whMj j. fc jj; j Jf J Ervdi-rick R-, J m uban j i ' 'ov 2Ht li.;s VAtTION SOilfc, & r t .. . . A fr-"" uerv t.v t-.u-itol jo tren.Mrig on Ihe lauds ot .iei either in I.e(aare or WV.-'-v - at"?' f,,r ' t S.-h:ng . L i ' - " Vffr. L. E. Jtsh- octSl-tf UI3!. CACTIOX -tOTICE. I 4 LL persons are hereby e.xUtiior4 if ! xs. nniog. tiiuili.'i;, iM-eakit.; or ! ferces. or cuttir.g .m. or j .r;r. lt or in any utiuece!..-.ary ar trcius.:' - , , hft Uudj Q. U1u.r - - township and a tract ol wood'.o'l:3?' to-vnsfiip. - i irikiiel Wtfa J..hn B--W. S. C. liven. J.i V,no-r. Wiinuu Th.'ir v i-z:'. Hush T. McAliler. ' J..hn V.,-r James Mc.Vecn. Robert McAtvt- CAtTFOw. VLL persons are hereby caar.inl alio their cN,:s to run. or tbri. lo nh, hunt, zatber b-nies, br.il; fences, or c.it wood or younj anv uiim-ce.-wirrv wiv trclK' -. I l"t "'"'ersined I M. K. Beshore. I Oavid Hetrkk. M. fc. J. P. v,:.. Henry I'j;mu. i'orter listc--t Wiliiam f. D.inl w. Thoin.is Benoer. Christian Shoati"taIT. Jobn M. tjer. Henry Kloss. CilT.'OJI. VLL persons are hereby c i :!;.p!;? fish, hunt, break or op--i tea.:- wood or younjj tinibe-. or i.t n ik, s;ry way trespass o thelau'l.. fv -siifrie.1 R M Thompson T ? Thnmp.nn J B Thompson E V II !( If ml) Thon.pson .'hrvuSael! Davis Smith. Jr. A the-v.r Oct IH7j. Police to Trer ' jVTOT K'E is he- f " . t,: u a;. -1" found tresi-'-ssi.i:: . ti.e in'. nuftersignei i i l-iw:ire tutn.r!r by tishins, lufiiu c, c:.t: e l rh ; iiif? fires, or it. :wy wav wturr- r, dealt with as the law l.n-e' 1. W. .'?HMT. (iSoR'.F SpEvMc. M. C. 1'aiiih. niayH,lh7'J-tr Jlas.M'erK CAI'TlOt "50"": - A1 LL peisous are fc ;:. .jjtt n-ii.. trespsssinf? on f f;e j.iimIs jl rtle r siirmtt in Greenwtl aid S;i 13 " township, for ihe purpose of fcir.;i :i ' inp, cuttkjj; timber, or lor ray om ;. pose. 1.FVI .'.IfiHT. sept 2, 7-ly H.itaiN .HOTM r.. ALL persons arc hereby c :i".tincl rrespsssintr. lor hunting. er.'':"r: p,se.. on the lands ot the ua.iervjLni. Milford township. Juniati con:.ty. Hurt Gbonixgkr. K. E. Brtri- ' Johx Ci'mmixcr r, Htsit C lec 10, rt77-tf S a-. 4 LL Is-r sons are le reev rnti5rt t'criuaiM; ri Twp., Ji'.ne -U. I CCTIO"I. 4 LL persons are hereby c inri'iO'Sl'-1 V hunting. til.i;.r. raihrr'ar j ; bnildirg hres. or It. anv war t.-es . the Und:, of UIllier!1i;n - ' . i township .... may i4. 1879-tf PiUVATt S A TRACT of la:d, srrt:ATi5 Milfi.rd towusnip, Juni it enwty. x t weat of Patterson, containing TO! il" ten clwareil, the rest well timbered; r thereon erected a Log House and f'' Barn. There is an excellent sfrin? .. fl , At ih. p.; ii hnnr1s'il 'S. - I dollars. Im-u-.-s t.li. oltice. THE HEIRS OF PETER A"" MINGLE offer at private sale, the - ' late of s:ii.l decedent - it-da"'""'" agh township, Juniata tounty, Fa ne west or JJiMiintown, ciihu"i"S &f Acres of Land, nearly all of which and in a good state of culti-1""' ,v thereon erected a commodious DWlU IIOL'SE, Bank B.wn, and al! tec J' bui.dir.?s. There is a Urge vark-ty ' cel.ent Fruit on the premises, "! f" good water at the door. For ticulars apply at the Sentintl ,Sc?' town, Jacob Beilli-. Mit:iin","n' Hesst Mlxgls, on ue premises. A FARM OF 18rt ACRES LV rora township, Juniata connty, Be" of a mile west or McfoysvUIe, 130 ' which are cleared and i'j ' ". y -1 tw'' cultivation the balance in S'Jl" The iaiprovepients are a Uu-je Fraui 3U.xoO leet, Fraaie Barn, 4"i f ' ; . ci a ...j fs., Pirriaee "r Hog Pen 30ilO fe-t. , JiiMI.-. Oivbiel Spring House, a gol yoi.Dtf about 50 peach trees an. .1 rhcrrv trt- stream ru.H wnter nassi'S tef and. barn. For further pirtico Jilvi.i"- " n.t JtcCoysviUo,Jut Co