Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, August 13, 1879, Image 3

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da.v. August 3, 1ST0.
- v'wVon, jl. I" ar-ina. If Pid
Jt"0-' .v,. .' al.im If hot naid within
2 aiwuii I , r
" deal aivrtisecenti. Inserted at i
Tt-1 . .i 4 .- insertion-
C ; . i,u--ice.s notices In local col-
lOcr.ts per iii'8 f esrit insertion.
5' -ups w:!l tie male to those desiring
JJfiu K tQe ?er' hau or wte'
Bjrr.Vi. Tragedy in Perry County
Tt yewpirt Veirj of the 9ih inst.,
itrt tl" l--''-w-uo account of Lor
irtv't that etiaotoJ at Jlont-
C'rJ : . ,
- ,.f tbi t"01 mc"m " pre--jiti-ol
Carder that ever occurred
j,. coaatv, f comtuitted at the
f;.fBnf --"r.v Hani-maker, at Mont
'"'... i-rrv. in buffalo township.
E.ir ---- Newport, --3ng Sus-.jur-na
river, on Thursday mooting
i, abi-.it 9 o'clock.
i tease man nstt'' K. Miller,
j. talrloTM " ,',e Pennsylvania rail
rV 'iV ' Harrishur-e, f, 'h0-' -n-l
it-sta'tily killed by Sauiucl E.
licet:, ho'"7i''tis character in the
t'j,D,,ri!Hid of Mimliiiiuierv-'s Ferry,
rjai,4 tw been indicted for stealing
stt'i, Jnd tth-r crin:es c-tinniilted in
Kf tf m(!birb jd of the Ferry. He
r.j..t ir'.t'd frr the ofTt nces charged
k'j bec.ue of his ab-eice ia Texas,
rji!iris butTecectly that he made
tttt't''"ce 10 ''is old ne ighbiuhuod
It win 'hit Albright had. at 004
jti-.u a 1'iver of Miria i Uamuia
Itt ii5.trof Mrs Mnry IIiuuiaker,
.j'.irrceui'V' rseuted bio love advances,
&ir:t f.'UiiJ a mia who pleased l.er
j.t;ti nettr.
lriA lived Pit at ser
Ilirrii'jirg tamiiy, and
ra it fai that :he became acquaiut
,o .:h Mr. Mii'er, who was a yuonp
iics-.r. Toe acquaintance ripened
jtwl'c, zr.i v?bteally a narriagt
in rcsuuiiLated bet w. en the two,
iit 'Iti-e weeas ago. Mr. and Mrs.
S:i!.r arrive! at tbe residence of Mr.
HiaxaWoa U'eJuesday evenirg, on
ieir sed sing trip, intending to return
00 n Fri'isy, tittle thiokttig that bis
rf-nrn wf-u'd fce as a corpje icd at the
iisJS of a!i.isin.
0 -T! crd .v u crnlng Albright called
i't:c L.'J.-c of Mr. Htmoaiker, hesai j,
M purpoe of assisting Mr. No-
tli't ti thresh grain, and, afier being
BT.i?cd to .';I!er be banded Mrs.
)Li?r a ieiter and immediately fired
hoi3 at iilkT, both of which
itm.i ti rer?ou, ecd either one of
vai.-h coaio dave teruimated his ex'ut
;. A'lri'.t !iea to-k deliberate
11 Mrs. Miiler, but by the ioter
uce o' Mrs. liauimaker, the shot
i;?sd hi s;ark, leaving the lady ua-
ilr " left the premises for tbe
-vKtains, jjursoej by a Mr. Silks and
:.: NvHock ; but the presence if a
p!ol in tl.i bauds of the villain, be
wrap''. V. oil via? at once sent to
Sr:jft. and Coroner Zinn was Dcti
ifi of ;he tunrdcr.
h tl 'Ut au Lour after the ehootiug
t't-ictt wi -ra lurkiGg abnat the
L"3 tr striie of the women foikf, but
U.:t; th" alarm comd be given he had
it . ....ppeared lu a corn field and
ffi K tue mountains.
IVirnner Znn, in comrany with Csp.
5. F. Miller. M. L. Liggett, J. M.
53; 'j, S. K. B-ijer and the writer,
cre s-ion ou oir way toward the sceee
c! tb nnricr, and it t. k but a very
at:t time after resiling the place to
?oiaa! a j'iry, h;ch consisted of 11.
f M...er, foremao ; M. L. Liggett, G.
'Hai, t-Larle V. Vacderau, John M.
cjiiih au i S. K E)jer, who, upon be
cg 6o!y swen, examined he bo-iy ot
tit do.cia.d, ndmg two woutils on bis
one in his In ft l-reast about two
iviMi t'jli.w the coiisr bone, aud the
t'b'r lu Lis left side between the two
Icwer tils.
The jrv proceeded to examine wit-
t?-ia, b..."Wf : 1
I'r L. Trank Klugh, of Buffalo, af
i'nti : I bsve examined tbe body of
2.. K. Miller, and find tbtt death was
s?-2 by . t'istol shot sinking his per
t-atc-Ior tbe collar bone, midway be
the f lertium tid shoulder, about
'J iuefces o the left of the sternum,
ob'i'i'i-ly downward, and to tbe
tg, citlier ptnetraiirg the heart or
nni,f 0Iie ,.f iie aortas leading to
tie heart ; snd cj.on f'iriber exanana
Udb 1 Inn j second pistol shot wound
K tt .tft side below The upper fioat
rr:!t. Li'.ucr sbct would hare caused
ii if-:, j.
John .V
"i sworn: I live at the
-iJu'Sta Ii?r; quarries, nd own tbe farm
which the murd-T was committed;
ca.e Imm hom down tbe road pt
AlLrigUiV residence, when Sam-
. . '
S'l AiLr'sht came out on tbe road from
father's bouse ; asked biia to get
it; my txa-roa to rid-' be thanked inc
lidly atid said h t)rt gomg far :
tltobitii, "lou had better go to
Biiimiier"B to set Maria ; be replied
-t-it he d:d tot think Maria Hamma
l?rr.uli go away any more ; 1 drove
" to Ihmmakcr's aud went to the bato,
M in about twetity minutes 1 beard
j-fee pistol sht!s, an! there were four ;
'm to the fro"!' of the barn and saw
tUl Aihrf;'it rimnif.ft wirfi '.'.it'll in
fctol ; I-aiah Silks aud uiyseif gave !
-ue, and carte within arm's length of
- -"glit, Let he threatened to shoot us
we let Lioi go ; t '.hen ran tc. tbe
- '. "d fouLd that Miller bad been
-ot; he died :n a few tainutes. ( Here
ollowir.g letter was shown tbe wit-
s. hn i Jentifi-d it as one given to
house. Tue bitter was addressed
--t ruLIic," aud reads :
t M . Toowrsy's Feist.
-hr -!ti;ens ot the surrounding coiin
kcociuir that there will b quite an ex-lut-nt
and talk about tbis little fuss I lake
"taa to make things A little plain to
la tlx first plai-e, I 'biiifc I aia doing
,-luiv. la the second place I am keep
? ("t sr.inf ) maria from being lollowed
. like A da-u dotr Sv tbis cuss wbicK
ecxu.-l tot k-: i.ay from ber and tn
(ttl":'i pLc.ao"what every man should
''-'tec; what belongs to him.) Con-
myself yoa all knotv about as well
.' LC:n '"" ''' reiat.-oiisuip bas
e f.,r i-.stelr !-..g ere tbis. The binding
1-etoH by herself if she sees fit.
jeuirec;,,,,.. i Uks vou nmst And out your-
Stfl I.... I . . .
ui ieao nju.t meet aeay oad who
-- vu mtv trail
T ........ tr.. 11 S
6 79. S. E. Albrite.
If b' l,e"'on has been warned twlcf
IWi Wn!d come UP here -1 ou,d
kj..' nr--n -hat fotlowi another's
Sim" lw,a ft-ker affirmed :
,t. 'tnght cama to' my residence on
n Ornir-tr r.t a nnn- t t.-. 7
, Q vs ungual , ikiscvu
oloekf Igaje him Wiotraduc-
. .. .
, , f'r, nil mrst Lb
asked aae what Mr. flamtr.ak.er. Was tak
ing ; I replied be was at tba barn '-j,e
then said that lie came to help Mi. Jfo
Tiock tbti-sh I I went iuto the kitebert'
leaving Albright and Miller talk.-n,,-
and in a few momenta I saw Albright
have a pistol in bis band, and be fired
turee suois ; be said, Tfiere, damn
you I theo caiue oat and aaid, "My
Uod, Sain, wbat have jo'u done" aod
zave him a push ; be theo left the house
-laxia Miller is iuy sister. '
Maria Mt!lrr, affirmed: 1 am the
wife of Wka. K. Miller ; my maiden
name wis Maria C. Ilammaker ; on
Thursday, the 7lh of August, about 8
o'ciock A. Si , Samuel Albright came
here ; be asked me whether I was goit.w
borne on Friday ; I said I intended to
Ce as ted my husband if be was going
home; be replied, yea ; Albright baud
ed tue a letter, ssyrng that it was given
him by a friend to Laud to me ; be im
mediately reached to his side and pull
ed oat a pistol aud. fired threo shots,
iwn at inv nusoana. an tbe tbird. 1 ba-
j lieve, was at me ; tnv husband fell bhek
upon tbe fl lor ; after tbe Erst shot my
habaud cxcliimed, " Oh ! my !" I
took eharge of my husband snd did not
ee where A!bright went: ! asked my
husband whether be cottld speak, when
he replied, "I am gone '." lie died in
five minutes.
This is the letter Albright cave Mrs.
Miller :
JlosTOomat'a Fcaar, A;ig 6 T9
As I tM you frijm the first tirao you
told me liiat iiuo was roinir to full.iir nn
froiu .. j
he mut.i bo b'i: t if ba
conic, ho no be hA gut it sure Dont
tilime me bill if any one hv your own dear
sell and bini aU guud by I mill nee you
agJiJ love ropect 4i.e
Maii you mill remember now wbat i
you and all yocr lauit .Never do a trick like '
bat again good by tiU 1 see you again
Isaiah Silks was affirmed, bat Lis evi
dence was much the aau.e as Mr. No
voick's. lbe.Mrv then rendered a verdict.
I'L.. II t. r - i . . .
xuai u m. rv. tinier came tj bis ;
.)ai. i.r i : ...i - .i.l
" - 1 uriu; pum VI piSIVl, 1U IDe
bands of Samuel E. Albright."
Undertaker Lu:r, of Liverpool, took
cbarge of the body and placed ir iu ice.
we go to press tfca murderer is
stiii at large , but detectives are already
on his ttack, aud before a ereat while
we bope to bear of his arret
Tbe llarrisburg Telegraph of Thurs
day evening, says : "William K. Mil
ler was a citizen of llarrisburg, bis
rcotbeb residing on ( umberlaiid street.
Deceased was a widower, leaving two
children, lit was an employee of the
i'ennsylvaDia railroad, an inspector and
register of tbe coal coasJibed by tbe
locomotives. lie was in bis twenty
seventh year."
The Tyrone Herald of last week pnblish
ed tha following : A ccse Of rare Occurence
was tried in ctnrt on Monday afternoon.
Since the time of tbe revision of our Penal
code it has been generally supposed that tbe
old common law against witchcraft, com
mon scolds, tc., bad become ob.-oU-te in
this Slite, and weie consigned to oblivion,
alc.g wiih tbe puiii.-lmietit on tbe ducking
stool, pillory, whipping post and the like.
So wbea it was announced about tbe Court
Uoune that tbe Hrjt case would be the trial
of a woman for being a c?mra"n scold, tllee
was a great deal of speculation as to whether
we were indeed about to return to the an
cient practice of ducking women for having
unruly tongues, aud lor riding through the
a!r on a broomstick, and whether the gal
lantry of a more civilized age, which leaves
out of its stat ites the spveitte oflence of
common scolding, bad disappeared. It Is
said that a case of this bind was never tried
before in this codntj ; and in the reports the
last mention of a ca-e is contained in a re
irak by one of the Chief Justices who is
r ported to have said that there was a tra
dUHn of a woman having been tried in
Huntingdon county, somewhere about 1811,
and that she was acquitted; In tbe case
tried here, Sirs. Anoe Walker, a resident of
Seventeenth street, Altoona, Pa., was pros
ecuted by W. C. Jacobs, a nt'fhbor, living
in a house on the same lot with tint occu
pied by Mis. Walker, lor being a common
scolJ, to the nuisance aud evil example of
ber neighbors and Otber citizens. Mr. Ja
cobs and bis daughter testified t having j
been persecuted lor months by a constant
(low of Biliingsgate and abuse from the
tongue of tbe deleniant ; but admitted that
Mrs. Walter had been orderly enough until
a difficulty about a spitx dog arosn Ivtwctb
the lamilies. Oiher witnesses were called
to prove that Mrs. Walker had assaulted ber
landlords at two qjber bouses which she
bad occupied v itbin two years, and that on
account of complaiuts of neighbors the
iatidloids bad in each case forgiven her
Irom two to three months' rent as tbe con
di.ion of Irer removal. Other witnesses
were called to teil their experience in the
lV veceiving abuse f.om tbe defendant
I..'.-. . ;. .. . . . - fhit 1 1. wit.
Biit in every caw it apj-eared that the wit
nesses who irop'.aitlcd of Mrs. Walker s
tongue, bad personal quarrels with her; and
this lact formed tbe ground ot tbedofens?,
which was, that bowever violent aud abusive
:be defendant may have been toward those
with whom she came in personal contact,
yet she was not a public scold, because it
was not shown thafcthe general public was
inconvenienced by her acts. A Lumber of
neighbors were called to prove that she had
never been unruly excepting with those
.;,h li. un ah had a private uuirrel. Tbe
defendant herself was put upon the stand
aud related, for an hour or more, iu the
mildest, meekest matner imsginsble, tire
grievsuces Bhe had suffered at the bands ol
those wbo testified against her. During the
whole time she was on the stand she never
displayed the least sign of temper, either In
tbe examination in chief or tbe cross-examination.
The defendant's counsel asked
that the Court direct a verdict of acquittal,
citang tbe ore washing casej Commonwealth
vs. S. C. Baker, as a precedent. But upou
the Court suggesting that there was an ex
cellent jury in the box, which could dispose
of the case as well as the Court, the case
was left ith the jury, which found a ver
dict acquitting tbe defendant, and dividing
the costs equally between bef and tbe pros
ecutor. '
Tbe llarrisburg Telegrah on
-t., .r- The rumors concerning
" -J -' . n. . .....i..
hticht.s ir.arnaso to
Iit35 illtuuii
all tif vesterdiT, even
naming Jbs pastor who performed tbe
ceremony. An interview with that
gentleman only revealed the fact that
while be wis stationed in Mimiuiowu
toung tnan by tbe came or Albngnt, in
company with a girl named Hammaker
called at the parsonabe to be married,
aid that be declined to comply with
the reduest becauss both were under
.ge at the time. He bas no record in
his regular diary of having performed
tbis ceremony, herefore judges
d t mart tb. parUes.
W .T.D. iv. Millet, who wassittin
in Ih. rlnnt- at.t, at. ' . .-.
. ... ', Til9 Hog Law.
This standing of a hog in lkw is "a
question that is imperfect'T under
Btoxd, and because of this lmiwfect
OnderetanOiiig grett disputes and
troubles oftlines arise aiiiong neigh
bora. A case that was brought be
fore Judge Junkin has resulted in
fixing the standing rjf the hog to such
a degree that every ohe who reads
the decision of the Court can plainly
understand it The latvvera in tiie
case before the Court were. Stone
for pauntifl; Atkinson for. defendant.
The decision, as rendered bv Jude
T T. " i ... J O
o uuh.111, rt-aus as lollows
ttsA McCtanr
In I'nf Common Pleat
No. 176. S. p. T. '77.
V..ti..M .... - KT..
TaKoboac Tbompsox.) Trial.
Pra ciaiAB Defendant was i-.K-d before
Justice Lnkena in technical tixpasj for
seizing the plaintifl-a sow, and Inserting a
ring in ner nose, from which tbe i.liintiff
aiirgea the hog had died. This sow was
found wanderiug i:pun tbe land of tbe de
fendant, without a yoke on her neck, and
w'lhowt a ring in ber nose. Undoubtedly
If Mrs. McCurdy permitted this sow to run
at large unyoked and without a ring in her
nose she was liable to be shot down, or
taken ativo by tbe owner of any premise
where (die uiijjbt bo found under the Act of
17U5. Mr. Thompson did not wish to de
prive ISe plaintiff of l.er pork, but on the
contrary, undertook to do what the plain
tiff ihou!J huve done, namely, ring the hog
biuiself, which be did ; but a Jury bas found
that in Consequence of ibis ringing the sow
A I . ...
uicu, ana nave valued hr at six cents.
Xow the defenda ?yS as Ke ha.1 a right to
kill the hog oht and oat fmid there is no
doubt of ibis), aJiiori cJuld he do tU
thing be did, ring her, even tho'ilsh she dkd
Irom the effecu. He says, tbinirs that mral
' : - t.
' ' ""' Male r
tar, and thia is true, lie Eo-ten.-!.' ih
under the Act of 1705 tbe owner tf Hie
lai.d where unyoked and nnringed hogs are
trehjiasriiig may do one of tvro thing-., (I)
be may peu up tbe animals alive, and pro
ceed to bare tbem apjaised, pay iti oae-
l If . i i. ... l
n" " r vaiue, a:;n inus tHrome owner of
the whole ; or (2) be may shoot or kill the
hogs, and say no more about it. For H
- '"ij , .i i ii m iiuiui retrei1 mic
' . . . ..-.
construction, and then arose tbe
ea.se of tbe Common ealih at the relation
of John Wilson vs. Fourteen Hogs, If S.
fc. R. H',17. But in that ca.se tbe bogs were
not killed, but seized alive ; so that for 174
years there bas been uo decision, as to
whether when the hog is ki'led out and out.
I the party doing so, must proceed to have an
appraiseuieut made as in tbe case of live
lue evoressinn of the statute is, that tbe
owner of tbe premises niy " kill and take,
and drive and carry away, or cause them to
be killed, taken, driven or carried away ;
and being so taken and carried away, tbe
said Ukers shall forthwith acquaint a justice
of the p-ace thereof," aud then follows the
appraisement, fee. Now, o:ie of two things
is to be done, to wit: ' Kill and take," or
drive and carry away." The statute uses
'eJ"' where "or" was mauilestly intend
ed ; so that w bether the owner of tbe prem
ises kill and take, or drike and carry away,
be must proceed to inforiri ihe justice, and
cause an appraisement to be made, whereby
i! either event, one-half the value of the
forfeited swine wili be returned to Ihe owoer.
This is a reasonable construction, and con
sidering tbe Summary Character of tbe pro
ceedings, altogether uccessary.
The hog is an animal of incalculable value
to a majority of the families of this com
tilon,S'fca!!h; enteri"g iarjelv Into the meat
diet of n.illioh.1, and Vc n.aa't be astute to
save bis life fruin indi!cria'.!aite slsauit.
There is no poetry iu bis life to bo sure,
fcnt much to cbecr many ho'iseholds.
Indeed the Supreme Judges in tbe Com
monwealth vs. The Fenrteen Hogs were
not without some apprehen-ions that tbe
Act of Kl'j was inconsistent with the Con
stitution afterwards adopted, in this, tbt
tbe trial was too SUrmiary dud without that
due notice to the accused which experience
has taught us is essential to personal liber
ty ; and heuce they held that a forfeiture,
utider tbe act, would be sustained only
where the requirements of tbo Act were
rigidly pursued.
Had Mr. Thompson klMcd Mrs. McCur
dy's sow, we think he was bound to pro
ceed all the same as (bough he had penned
her up; tbe ringing of tbe animal was not
tbe equivalent of either mode of capture,
but au act unwarranted by the statute.
The remaining question is, whether the
plaintitr under the verdict lor six cents can
recover mori tdsts than damages, under tbe
proviso in the Act of 22d March, 1814, (B.
P. p. 807), and the Act of 9th April, 1SJ3,
which makes tbe costs on appeals abide the
event of the suit. But this point is ruled
in King vs. Boyles, 7 Casey, 424 ; here a
plaintiff iu trespass before a justice remov
ed $1!5 ; tbe defendant appealed, a refer
ence to arbitrators, who reported "no cause
for action ;" and from this plaintiff appeal
ed, and recovered a verdict of ten rents
dmsfe : Held that bo was eutitled to fell
In tbe case before us tbe plaintiff recov
ered $17, before tbe justice, aud defendant j
appealed, and the verdict was six cents lor
the plaintiff, which carries lull Costs
Aud now, ciOth July, 1879, the motion for
a new trial is over-ruled, and tbe plaintifl
permitted to enter judgment on tbe verdict
w ith full costs of suit.
now child-like and bland " the Demo-
iral and Remitter appeared last week, when
it published a Republican Pruriary L.ecti-ea
Ticket in full excepting the name of one tf
the candidates. -Oh lab me!" It's ex
clamstion was like tnsl ot --innocence
abroad," when the ticket w!tH one name off
fta Handed. What its sfirpr.se would have
been if it had seen a ticket with the ftlrric
that it missed In print, instead of the niriie
that it saw- can only be conjectured. Pos
sibly it Would have said "Lah me," lorir or
6ve times. Ko one knows better than the
Democrat and Reguler people, that candi
dates, when they send out tickets, do not
generally send sdeb enes as carry the name
of their opponent; thai Is a common under
standing among all Jtecpte'i-boare acquaint
ed" with election matters; Snd that's why the
assumed innocent inquiry of the Democrat
aid Atguter creates a smile wherever it is
read. It is so "child-like and bland."
FisTlvitTbe Methodist ladies of Mif
flintown and Patterson will hold a Festival
in the Befford Building durmtf Court week.
The orthodoi Democrats in Msssa
cbussetts will oot support Butler fdf
governor, but Will. make no nociina'tfon
and vote for tbe Republican candidate.
Tbe friends of Jeff Davis are work
ing up his case so as to send biai to tbe
United States Senate from Mississippi.
A party went up to Strfjktf Springs
in Bom vauej.
Short locals.
Squirrel shooting Delias September 1st.
Newton Hamilton camp meeting begin on
Two weeks more ao4 tba eyster will be
in season.
. Judge Slerrwtt U afflicted with coioidc
People looted dp ttjeter clothing on Sat
urday morning.
A new facade bas been put on this end of
tbe river b.idge.
A Bsltimorosn, it Is said, bas discovered
a process for making sugar out of corn.
A tidal wave of cholera morbus swept
over the place on Friday and Saturday.
Tbe Fish Commissioned propose to stock
tbe Susquehanna river with Holland carp.
Chew Jackson's Best Sweat Nary To
bacco. Dec. 4, 1H78-Iy.
Several eitineo are o(T to Niagara
The wbrid is to come lb an end on Satur
day, according to tbe pVediction ofAdvent
ita. Kelly is tbe man for Sher!!, and no art
khodld be able to move you to vote against
. The rain of Thursday did not prevent
sonic people from attending the show at
A picnic party will go to Macedonia on
Thursday, the 14th Inst., accompanied by
tbe Eand;
The pilgrim ige id the sulphur spring, in
Horse Valley, at the west end of the county,
! still continues.
The champion pitcher of quoits at thb
j Dthin Cl"'"ty ricultu1 uir ' '
a d lamoiid pin
The tin wedding of Mr. and JtiJ. Joseph
Landis was celebrated at their hdius ia Pat-
temon last week.
Terry county declares emphatically that
it bas a first rate quality of nmlerat faint
within its borders.
A nun In Spring township, Perry county,
bas three collie buhes iu biscaiden, laden-
i t with h.w i..t,;.
A b:i.h m-!eting of Ev.tngMfsts was held
til nifiej. antilfl .it' f"dti tVrt Lutr fltilrrl.ir.
e , , . ,
sUDdav and Moiidav.
Tbe Presbyterians will bold prayer-meeting
iu tbe Methodist church on Wednesday
eveninf !!t 7.P0 o'clock.
The traulp law goes into c!ect tn Friday,
and iu consequence thereof, it ia said that
Mar. land is full 'if tramps.
The late lish sign ws a success as far as
bringing rain is concern-'!, bnt the rain did
not end when the sign closed:
There are several tobacco p!a:iis gfdwihg
on tbe Jacobs tobacco plat, along the biter,
that have leaves that are 40 inches long.
After the rain, last week, there was a gen
eral cleaning aud weeding np of gutters,
and so foi tb, in town, under an oH-jr cf
A crowd of buggies at William Kurtz's
store, at Van Wert, last Saturday eveuing,
indicate that Kurtz is doing a prosperous
store busiuess.
A horse owned by Emanuel Mover, of
Fermanagh township, had a pastern joint
dislocate last Wednesday, while working
in a manure wagon.
The highett interests of the property
bnlders of the county will not be jeopard
izid, but be made sicurc, by placing Cav
eny iu the office of Register and Recorder.
The Presbyterian congrega;ion hive
leased a portion of the lot ol (icore aJxuu
n'sn; Wabinton strevt, for the purpose
of erecting a temporary church to worship
It is said by those who believe that they
know, that tbe fruit, such as peaches, pears
and plums, has not been developing tully
since tbe storm of July 11. Tbe storm put
a blight on tbem.
1 he wild nieauow 111 at at one time fringed
! the west end of the Curran larra in Walker
I . 1 : 1 t I A,i,l .,1.n..l
itw Usui11, lias uccii i-iiiiu..
in cdra by Latimer Wilson, tbe preseut pro
prietor of the plantation.
The s-ats Or pews hare been t iken out of
the Lutheran hurcb, abd bereatter, till the
church building owned by the Lutheran
ptiople bas beeu rcpairi-d, the congregation
will Worship in Oray bill's ball.
Tbe pic-nic in Thompson's grove last
Thursday Was largely attended, but had the
eather been less threatening the nhmher
present would have been doubled. It was
a party like that of ye oWrn t'nies."
' Miss May Etka and Miss Katie Books pur
pose holding a Festival in Mis. Belfvrd's
store-room, on Friday and Saturday after
noon aud evening, Aug. 22 and 23, for the
purpose ol raising funds to repair the Meth
odist church.
Tbe Presbrterian congregation of this
place will hold a meeting in Gray bill's ball
on Satnrdiy eteuing ato o'clock, to con
sider questions that have arisen through the
destruction o'. the Ffcsl'yteri.-tH Church
bntlding in ibis place.
There was a nice rise in the fer on Sat
urday, and w ise people Bow say that it was
ell,.gj, lo SWePp way all stagnant mi
terial of a iiralari-.ns nature, and that, there
fore, there wi'! be few casea of fever aud
ag!e tbe ensuing fall season.
Last Sunday a boy named Major was
taken with convulsions iu the Presbyterian
Sabbath-school. He was taken out, when
lie called ior an onion, which was procured
for bim, and as soon as be got a smell of it
he was almost instantly retired. Hinting-
dun GUM.
u A meiiical nidh ha now arisen who says
he can prove to anybody's satisfaction tPat
the bites of rfiosquiioes are positively be!i
Scial to tbe huirJan system. He avers that
they drain the fyslem of bad blood, and
that a person bothered with pimples coemp
tions would lind relief by permitting them
selves to be bitten thirty or forty times per
New England wassgi'atell last week, over
tbe alleged bankrnptcy and elopement cf
Kev. II. H. Marry with his type-writer.
Tbe young laJy has written home, tb it ihe
story is not true, as far as the elopcuv-nt is
concerned. Tbe preacher sent a dispatch
from California, that he is away only ior
recreation, and that tbe ft frort is not true.
Tbe Juniata Valley l?ac!t, at its recent
election, re-elected the old Board of Direc
tors, namely President, J. Nevin Pome
roy; Directors, Georjfe Jacobs, Sr , Dr. L
. Atkinson, Philip M. Kepner, Joseph
Rothrocit, tf". C. Pomeroy, Amos G. Bon
sall. T. V. Irwm and ff . C. Pomeroy were
ret-rincd Ss cssLlers. The stock is at par.
Arrangements for (he repairing of tbe
Lutheran church have been made. th6
building will be brought out even with the
paveniet.t. "Th building committee con
sists of tbe Pastor, and Joseph Cottiruck
and Joseph Briodle. Services will be held
Sabbath morning and evening, at the usual
boor, hi GraybiU's Hall.
"See ! there s'heia; down tbere.dVwn th'ef.e
inai-a narpmeas, cries Hope; "for sen I
n oai croraa rash on, ber smiles to a bare,
From kliigs to wea of Idw degree."
Cnea Hope: Beyond a d.iubt 'tis she.
But quick I lorwu've-lib time tosou-e:
She's waiting for ua there, down there,
uuwd men), down there I
"See ! there she is :' down there down there
Benesth the spreading boughs reclined
ureaming ot Ceauty evar Mir,
And luve that's always trite and kind,
ilow happv tHev such dreams who And I
But quick t for we've no time to spares" etc
"ae! there sheis ; down there, down there I
Mid countrv scenes s.i hriirh! nd r.lm
Oliildren and com sheaves v-srvwhero :
Kougn courtships; too, but where'a the
barm I
now happy hu who owns a farm !
But quick! lor we've no tiuu to spare;" etc
"See! there sbeiij down there, down there ;
Her tcci AigniiDl L. S. V.
Wh it pride in yonder millionaire I
n ho wina so much respect as be t
How hanpv uuiNt a banker be !
But quick I fur We've no time to spare;" etc.
"Se ! there she is j down there, down there i
ane marches to the droiu and tile.
And bears the cannon's voice declare
Tbe lame that waits on mortal strife.
How happv ia a sol-iier's lite!
But quici ! let we've no time, to spare;" etc.
'See! there she is; doiln there, down there;
Where jolly tars the anchor weigh.
Smooth ia the sea, the wind blows fair,
With rainbow tints the heavens are g.iy.
l!w happv in thtt ship are they I
But quick ! lor c're no I'u'e to spare ;" etc
"See! thsresheis; down there, down there;
Where clouds receive the setting sun."
"A hi" said the tired man, "I sweare
With useless journeys I'll have done.
Indeed, I'm now too old, to run.
But, children, you wi.u've time to ipare,
For you &he's waiting theie. down there,
Down there, down there!"
On Monday, September 8th, the Twenty
sixth Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylva
nia Elate Agricultural Society will open at
the Main Bhildirar, Ceiitenn'il Grounds,'
Fairmouut Park, Philadelphia, and continue
twelve days, closing on Saturday, Septem
ber ljth.
From present indications this exhibition
of tbe Society will be the l.rest, grandest,
sud most varied that hs ever beer! held by
any State SViety; and will be second iu
uumliers and merit Of!y to the ever-memorable
International Exhibition, lieid at the
same place during the Centennial Tear.
The tire mi u ni list, which can be obtained
from the oflieers ol tbe Society, at their
othec, Northwest corner Teut!: auii Chest
nut Streets Philadelphia, is the most com
plete and thorough that has ever been pre-V-nt-.il
by any similar organization, and
od'ers for competition in tbe Live Stock
Class alo:ie tt:c lian'tsouie sum of $'Xii;
Jn thi) Dairy, Frii't, Vegetable, and Floral
Departments the further sum of $1200 is
add ed, besides a large number ol elegant
aSd valuable gold, silver and bronze mi-dals,
rhose intiinsic value will aggregate Ihe en
tire sum of more than $15,0XI in aclilll
The display will Include a large number
of Imjjiirted, Tb'c'rbiigb'red, Fiue Bred, and
Draught Horses, herds of obort Horn, Dev
on, llolstein, Jersey, and Guernsey Cattle,
the t-hoicesi hreeiis of Sheen. Swine. A;c..
t......l,.., ;tK . .;.. .1 C..fr..i .!... ...H
r . . '" ,, - '
Manufacturing Col.ect.on seldom, ll e-.
brouglit together in any community. Ex-!
cefleiit and commodious stabling h is been
prepared within the building for H-erses and
Horned Cattle, ssd a Suitable space assictl-
ed ou :h-: grounds ati.i iccit lor the accoiu-nTe-dation
oi Sliea-p and Swlue. Th? Ma
chinery, Dairy, Fruit, Floral, ami Domestic
Departments are all provided uu-Itr cover,
and will nndoubtedly prove attractive and
instructive features of the Fair. A spice
bas also been assigned for tbe exercise and
fli play of all the entries iu the Live Stock
Classes. Green food will be sni plied all
the Milch Cows on exhibition, and hay and
tta furnisb'd all eutries'gratis. .
Excursion tickets will be furnished by all
the railroads centering at Philadelphia, and
al articles inteuded tor exhibition Carried
on liberal terms:
.in aguA and Clasucal School for Ladies
and ticnttemtit.
Tlix regular Academic year begins on
Monday, SeptkHbeb 1st, tr79.
Students are carefully prepared for Col
li'ge, Bnsine.'s, or Teaching.
The Ei.glish course embraces the essen
tials ot a jrood Knglih eiucation.
Mifsri, b.wwtPg and Painting.
Expenses to suil liie times.
B"ard an! furnished room, T2.75 ; paid
in advance. $2.50.
.Tuition lor common English branch", ta
advance, iXQ jer i".llt.T uf ten ( 10) weeks.
or, WM. GRIER, Proprietor,
New fiioo.Ll-e'd, perry Co., Ta.
Aog. 13 3t
CawphoM M'lk Dr. OCerholtzer's Lini:
riletit bas been used by thousands, and has
proved to be of tbe highest value to the
community. It bas effected many cures in
Rheumatism, Sores, Swellings; Sprains and
Frosted Feet, and rfurty peM?nirCcoiiinieiid
it lor Cuts, Galls aud Swellings in horses.
It costs it cents. Sold by Banks &. Ham
lin, Miilliotown, and Hamlin av Co., Patterson-
Pa: inarl'.'-lm
fcamptor Milttcur?s Headache arid Neu
ralgia. CaiflpbT Mil eureS Rheumatism and
Lame Back.
Camphor Milk cures Cuts, Bruises and
Camphor Milk costs 2c ; 5 bottles $1.
Sold by Banks St Hamlin, Mifllietown, and
Hamlin k Co., Patterson. mrl9-ly
Phrenix Pectoral will cure your Cough.
PliEtiix Pectoral cures hoa-setiesa quickly
Phoenix Pectoral tastes good and brings
Phrrnix Pectoral costs 2'; 5 bottles $1.
.-.-A by Banks &. namlin, Mifllintown, i.
Saiiiiiu .'t Co., Patterson. marl9-ly
FOR SALE. A commodious Dwelling
House, and two Store Koouis, in the bor
ongh of MiiHintown; Juniata counfy, Pa.
This is a rare chance to acquire a dwelling
house, and business place In MiiHintown j a
chance, which if left pass, may not be
equaled in many years: For particulars,
call at, or address this office. jan29-tf
Will find it t" their advantage, if they warit
Books, Rewards; or Requisites; to address '
VT. M. FEtffXQtB,
S. S. Book Depository, Ilarri-'burg, Pa.
WASfft) A few hundred dollars, for
which a good int-rest w ill be paid, and se
curity given. Address ..
3. F. G. Lo.vo,
Spruce Hill P. 0-, Juniata Co., Pa
Subscribe for Ihv Sentinel and RrpniUcan,
1 tba btwTziaper ia tha aouatry.
AX'KEH On the 6th inst., at the resi
dence of her husband, near McAlisterville,
Mra. Joel AukV, aged 3d tears, 8 months
and 9 days. Her remains were buried' in
Ihe Smith grave-yard, near the town men
tioned. SHE'HMKR On thii 8th ef July, 1S79, aV
the residence of C. A.Shermer, near Thouip
sontown, Flofw AdelAide Sherrr-'er, da'trgb-
ter of JoKd and Lii-'e Shercior, agei 4
years, 4 months and 2(3 days.
Our darling Flo is at rest.
With tbe angels gone betore;
Ever lo be with God's blest.
Who have crossed to the other shore.
The chastening rod is bard to bear,
For our loved one was so dear ;
But we know she hasasceuded the golder
To her Ileaveuly Fattier, who was so sear.'
Suffer little children and forbid tbem
not lo come unto me, fur of aucb is tbe
Kinsdom of Heaven." ,
Fatwta asn Moruaa.
o. 40 South ThirJ Street,
Stocks Bought and Sold either lor Cash or
on a llargin.
.lug. 11, 1979.
Bid. Askkd.
. HM It).-,
C. S. S's 18H1
' Currency. 6's
S's, 1881. new .
41,'s, new,
Pennsylvania R. R
Philadelphia 4. Reading K. R.
Lebltrh Valley R. R
I.ehicli 11d.iI i. Na iz.itom Co.
Pnited Cotupa'iies 61 8.3
Northern Certril R. K. Cc. ..
Heatonville Pas R. R. Co...
'itts.. Tit fc Buff. R. R.Co..
Central Transportation Co ...
Northern Pacific. Coin. ......
. " . " . Tref 'd
'lrcr, (Trades) i
OQ.lt ME RC.f tTi:
MirrusTOwa, Aug. 1:, 1879.
Eyes. ....
Sh()ulder ,
iocs. ; . .,
Corrected weealy by Kei:ic'r?y A. Doty
QroTATioss roa To-dav.
Weduesday, Aug. 13, 187.
Timothy seed
Cloverseed...... ..... . ....
1 00
1 40
4 00
Putt nr.iP!itA, Aug. 9 Cattle, 3to.Sc.
Cows f -'itoJ.j. Sheep Sto4c. IIogs4to4c.
Spfcwl JVollces.
L. D. WtTBiax's ALrnsArivt Srair.
rr7-AremedvusedTIIIl!TV-FIVE VERS
I , ,ivjU. prtice, sai uevcr miag to
radically cure
Ii H E U M A T I S M"; Ii O P 3 V ,
rr.-sie!as. Scrofula S-er.ondarv Syubil',
fravel, l)ialte i; ririct s!l diseases in whieb
lie bloo-t is iuiplicale-l, is now offered to
tbe pi.blte.
Sold bv nil K tail Ih-'i? ists. and (whole
sale urlv) bv Tint W'ETsrps Mkdiciss Co.,
P. . Bos 3o Rochester; T.
I will mail (Free) the recipe tori simple
V.ocr mti Balm ili.it will reniuve TAX,
l-aving tbe skin sott, clear and besMtiful ;
also instruct ions f.tr producing a lux'triiut
ernwth of h '.ir on a bal l hea l or sm- 'itli
taee. A-blres?:, rnclosipg ;ie. stamp, Ben.
Vatidclt i. Co., '!) Aiirt strtet, N. Y.
The advertiser, having been permanently
cured ol that dread disease, Consumption,
by a simple remedy, is anxious to niaiie
kuon ti bis fciloir-suilcrs the mert!s of
cure. To all who desiie it, he will send a
copy of tlie prescription used, (tree ol
chirge), w ith the directions lor prep iring
alii using the Suue, which I bey will H:id a
si kit ii E t'oi ; Consuinit!on, A-thma, Bron
chitis. A,c. l'arties wi.shirg iho Frescrip
tiou, n iil please address,
104 Tenn street, Wiiliauisburgh, N.T.
fIkrors Of Yoliii.
V GENTLEMAN who sutrere-l for v-ars
from N.-rvous DKHILITY, PUhMA
Tl'RK DECAY, and ail the etl ets id youih
t ill indiscretion, w ill lor the sake of Butt-Ting
humanity, send free to all who need
the recipe and dlrecliur! for making ihesirfi
fie remedy by which be w:i eto-edl .uof
terert wNiiinr to phiHt r-y tlif .-"jiverii Vs
etrs-rloiice can do so by addressing la per
fect confidence,
42 Ceuaa street. New York.
Of all kinds, TUMORS,
discharges of BLlMll), or
rimeiis, and ad diseases of thre KKCTCM
quickly and perfectly cured by a simple and
soothing REMEDY. For information ad
drcrs Da. J. FABElt & CO.,
22 Ann street, N . T.
Jan 5 i87'rn
(Successors to Buyers 4. Kenned,)
Calcined TlastM, Lacd Plaster.
We bay Grain, to be delivered t Mrtflin
town or Mexico.
AVe are prerared to li!rnljil Satt tb dealers
at reasonable' rates.
April 21, 1870-tf
FOR RENT. The Corner Store-room in
the Beltord Building, now occupied by R.
E. Parker, ia for rent. Inquire of
Makoaset Bairocn.
LUMBER. All kinds, sizes and qqaliries,
for sale at prfcea to suit -t lie tim-3. Call on
or address Jss. C SpittWDsroaD,
mar-t N ear Mt A?ittrvUle, Pa.
JJ it ii do re 5 ?o., 1j i m i $ e d,
dry goods, Groceries,
Kalians. Esady-Kada Cfciliirg, fats. Caps, ikU anti Stcss,
KLOUli, FEED, DliUGS. ic , &c.
lolinstowii, .fmiiuta County, Pa.
t'.isnkful to the public Iwr Ih-ir liberal patrettag? tu be past, We solicit a cotrtiauancs
: the aaiue. A II kinds of
Proiuce taken trv Kvchange for Gomls.
dundokp: & co., limited.
WMmrt P. O., Juniata Comity, Pi.
May 1. I-7S
Is the place where you caa buy
Tnu irr.sx ami thi; ciii:iii:sT
HE Is prepare1 to ejtlni.it one ci fbe nwv't .-J.1.i.;(- and select st.x-ks ever offered ia
this market, and at JSTOMSkt.i. L? LOW PRICES I
Also, measures taken for suits and part of suits, which will be uiaJe tS oris
at short uotic, very reasonable.
Kemomber th plsfi. in HolTman's New Buildine, coroer of Hridse and
Water s'reets', U 1 FF LTV TO ITN,' PA. " (Jan. I, l'J-U
lias just returned from the uurt. ciiits wiih a fu'it vari
GENTS' FCrriSIUNO GfKns.-Go,d.of 'l kinds are lon.Comt and see uio
and be astonished. I'.u.fs at T1 Cent.. CT SUITS MADL1 T OHb&K.n
Psttirson, Pa., April l'.. Ie7y. SAMUEL STKATF.S
71 il'eler'. Guide.
1 )I E - T A 15 L B
TuaotoH ASD LoeAL PasscsoEB Taatss
Bctwces II1BI ac; A.VD Alioosa.
sr o
A 11. A. Jl. I
I2;i0 S0C I'hra-lel a
P. - A.M. P. M !
5 UO 8Wj 1 .iii'llarri-b'g
4H, a 12 1 4-t Itockvil e
? 5 it l. . 1 jti.M tr.si e
i"4, 8 27. InO Cove
6 D'l Cii'J, i'M Duncan'n
6 2-"; b4 i 2l Aqnedurt
L f:!.' 2 2V bauv's
ti.j.. yt;-;. 2o"i ex.tt
7 10 l'j 2 4T Millerst a
7 20, 9ii 3 ol l iioiup'n
t! Mi ', :J l-ii Mexii.. 1
7 "2 02 o 2o Pen i n 'e
8 0t 1HI..-1 8 27 M.trin. '
I10 4U o -W i.e Ijtu'n
ilO.Vij 4 'S A:iders..n :
II 12 I2t M. VeM'n
112 447 Mji.ai'nk
'11 3s 4 52 N ilatiiifi.
II I'i 1 r.o l-in
I! 4 0 V7,M.iple.n.
I'JIH S i'i Viilfre.-ki
ll2 ix ." ri'intnii-'n
.l:p r.Sl P.-terrb'g
I '2 Si' -lVl"k
) 1 H4 fi 2" brrwli'm
J 1 ' ti .11 Tvrotie ;
I 1 21 4.; f i;l..n !
I I 3' 6 S3 Fcstoria :
j 1 ?t B P B'-l'sVMi.'
I 1 50 7 rti. AI"oua :
F M. I
8 10
7 Oil
" f
h 1-
7 ;'.''
X h;
; (n,
, 40
ij :;:
P. .' A.M. ' iA-M.'A
j 9 "5 12 00 Pittsburg ; 7 41),
Westwaih Fast Ta.iixs.
Pacific Express leaves Philadelpbi 11 50
ni; llarrisburg 4 2I a m ; Dunrannon 14
)an! Newimrt 6 H a m : Mifllin S'n'a
m; Lewistowu tj s a m ; McVeyti.wn till
am: Mt. Union 7 'SS a n : llnntinidii 7
am; I et-rsburz 1 41am: tfrrn e I'reik
Pet'-rsburj 7 41a
am; Tyrone Sixain; Bell's Mill.-
s a m ;
Altoona 8 -Vi
m ; Pittsbjig
1 4 " o ii.
l'i'tshnrtr Express leaves T'bilsle'iihia at
fi 20 p tn ! Il.irrisbur 1 1 t.i i m l.ir ill..
1031pm; Mittl.r 41 u m . I.ewit..wn
12 04 a in ; I!uinip.f-n 1 a m ; Tvr..mi
1 ! a 111 ; Altoona 2 20 a m ; Pittsburg 7 Ml
am.- I
Fast Line leaves Pbila le-lpl.t 1 st 11 4;
m ; llarrisburg :i 40 pm ; MttHin 0 p in ;
l.ewi.toarn 0 27 pn ; lig-itii..-l:)n ri 2m pm ; i
Tyrone 7 p n. ; Altoona 7 i j p iu J Pitts- j
burg 11 40 pm. j
Eastwasd Fast Taslsi. j
Philadelphia Express leaves PitNhnr- -it
4 40pm; Ahoona S 50 p la ; Beil'a .sliilsj
0 10 pm; Tyrone 'A 24 pm; Spruce Cr-eL i
938 pm; Huntingdon 1" 02 p lit ; Lew's-
town 10 .V. a 111 Vittliu ! 1 1 ! a m ; Harrist'
b.inr 12:15 am; and arrt.es in I'iiilaitulf.ii'jt i
at 3 51 a 111.
Atlan'ie Express e ,re. 1'ittsbiirg at 1 1 j
p ni ; Altoona ti 10 pint Trolii till p 111 ;
llur.tiiiiT'lori 7;M fin; Mt. Loion "0 p 111; I
MeA'cy ttivin 8 20 p t:. ; Lew i-town H 01 p 111 ; i
Mifflin E 12 p 11: ; Ncwp-irt '.) Oo t ni Dan- j
c union lit J1 p m:. II rri-burg lt 5 p ui , j
arrives tn fhilauelt hia 3 IKJ at. i
Pacific Express leaves Pittsburz at 1 1 0 a j
m; Altoona 7 30 am; Tyrone 80" a tu , i
Huntingdon 8 3 a In ; Le istoH ;t l-l-i a ni ; I
.Mimin yoiSTu; llt-ri-hiirg H l
arriies in l'biladelpbii.i 3 11 p tu!
m ;
Better Times
n o ua wi
Double Bats
Gml-irt . ...
l ulia Boir
Jiccvrdeous . ,
. .$1 onto on 11A
. $2 7Ot.0uOi
. $1 20to20UO;
Uictti and Vf:?ui Strincs. Boxes, Bridies,
Keys. Tale Hoards 4.C.
Mouth Organs, extra o ialttv.
ri . i , i-i . 1-1 '- . n '
Flutes. Fi'es, flageolets. Clarinets, Dritrns;
. .1 . '
and B.Si Instruments at lowert
c - h t ic s
T pries...
Sheet and 3Xi Ecokn mailed on rect'l't of
Prv e.
Piano Stoolsj Music Stands, I'iano aud
Organ Polish. Any of the above instru
ments w ill be fcrwarded at short notice b)
addressing the
Arte tl-xans at aslonishingly low pi ices.
Second-hand 01 otUer makes at a bargain.
For further particulars address
Organ Manni irturer.
320 X. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.
Dec. 4, lfe78-in
The Sentinel and R?Ftlican olftteMs the
place toget job work done. Trv It. Itwilli
par yoa if jon need anytbieg ia' ttat lu.
sty of
PLiladelphia & Reading Railroad.
Arrangement of Passsrnrfer Trains:
! Ji ?r 23tb, 1873:
j 7i lean Hrrrtslnrg oj follow :
j For Xew York at 5 15, It) a: ut.; and 200
P- m
1 For Philadelphia at 5 10, 8 10, 9 45 a. -n..
aOlsr-.d 4 l" p. m. '
For Reading S 15, 8 ltl; 9 15 m.t j rj!J
4 Ot' and 7 5- p m.
For Pottsvilie at 5 10, 8-10 . m., and 4 110
Sm. and via Scbnvlkil! 4 Susquehanna
r incb at 2 40 p. m.
For Auhum via S. 4; S Branch at 5 33 rn.
For Allontown at 5 10, t !'J a. hi., 2 W,
and 4 O-i p. m,
Tb 5 li and 8 10 a. m. trains have through
cars for Xew York.
The 5 10 a. m. train has tbroii--h cars for
Philadelphia, "
I For New York at 6 .j ,.
; For Allentown and it stations at 5 30 a ri
1 For Reading, Ptiltfde'bhiA aid wav stations
j at 1 40 p. m.
I Train) fr Hur:'-Inr Icr-'t as fifoiri .
t Leave New Toiit at b 4-i a. m., :J0 n-i
j0 p ia.
1 Leave i'biiaileipiiia at 3 40 a. hi., atd 4
1 and 7 2j p. m.
1 ecve Ksniin. at fl 1 V 7 21; 1 1 5 a. ta.;
j . I 3u, H 13 snd lo 30 11. iu.
I Leave Pottsvilie at 5 Oil. ' iO a. 11. an ! 4d
j p. m.,siid via Scbov IkiU ana Sus-(uehaa:
Leave Auburn via S. Si S. Br -inch at II ofj
a. m. .
Leave Allontown at 0 4-), 9 90 a tb , I 10'
4 30 and 00 p. ,a.
I Voce not run on is-.Vyi.
Leave Xew York at 0 So j. ni.
Leavw Pbiladelphis at 7 2' p n
Leave Reading at 4 4d aud 7 40 a. m. mz'A ii
o p m.
Leave Ail. i,:r ?!!. p in.
J. E. WXTTr..
. u -. C'n t XiS'irr.
C. C. nAXCO' K.
General Pnn'r Ticket .1ent.
Manhood: HowLost-HowRcstored
Jo iri!!i!d.
ps-s. s'-iition of
ie'yv.ci Esssr
vr. I i:;verweli s. (
on if" ra-J.cat cure imli.oiit Medi
cine) of Sre'ri'i.ttor.li.i'.i .r Seri.'nal wt-ik.
nevs. Irr!ii'ir-?rr "s.-t-.o,.! In. 1.. . .
I ti-ney. Mental iA PhTsical I iiV.,.r"irr l.n-
! pe.iiiue;it to M.irria- :-. etc : :, '....-
iiiij r; .11, tfilepsy aid Flia. indueed hr
1, t..
sell-itululceiire or sexual e.it.-avagance, tc.
The celebrated author, ;i this adtiiinbla
Ess iy. c!.:irly dciuotistri'es. from a thirty
year.,' succe-stii; pra-.tip, that the alarm
ing c- :i.-c jiiejices 01 ii ii-abnse may lie rail
ica::r t itred wit ,,; tli,. daniferoua use of
i'lter;:,' t:. Tie!'-; 'r the application ol this
knite; p,ii.inr , t n r.io.le ..I cure atone
sir.t !e, certaiiL.tnd 1 3. etna!, hv means of
'Vu. every 'nflVr.-r, no msittc'r w h it hia
condition may be, my Kiire himselt cheap
ly, uivat..ly, and raJica'Iy.
C7"Tb:s Lrrture sinn.1.1 be in tbe hands
uf every youth and every roan in the land.
Sent free, under sea!, in a plain envelope,
to jfny, address.
-i(r. the T!ivln rs.
TiirtTLTruw ill .urnifALcV.,
41 Ann St.. .New Y. :
j liwIS-Ty Post.OiUce Bo v 45:
Cl A pertect wori iu Siiirl ri. soin
iC J-'Streteher anil iroi'ih ( hoard. . Best
selling krtK-to in riarkV.:'. Sellout
ajsi2bt, both in e??y and cchntry. It
Ja-jis superior in every respect, and
i j.l'oort- sakaUe than anv other hoard.
j'be latest Tmprove-ui-jit overalls
Pat-nt.-d ... -jij i-frr. Lar-re rer
I cents ee Haul. T5'rV?t,irv st-lb-m r..t n.
variM-rs wate4. A'jnits do rnt fail to send
tor circn!arr feircs' to A. V. Smith. Hc
Keesportj Aii.'giicny counfy. !'. Say in
what pa-.r y6r saw' tliis a lt't. jrtl'
O Yt. IfliKLAX, "
f.'.trre r.--nsite Lutheran Chun b.
V hero ltc will auend tbe first ten das s of
u ii month, cnniu'em ing lec tuber ist
Toe I if.. ica. of the tie his ottiee will hV
ocrnci-.-r! by J. S Kilmer, a young man
j wortf.e.' f eonmlenee. and who has been
""ocia'ed with the Doctor as student and;
' . , , .. , , .
assistant iwi vears and upwards. Thoso
k. A ;" r u , r .'""'
during Dr. Burlan'a stsofe fcr
I pror.-ssinnaa s.rrvice, mav. and wH ffmt)
arran-e the time with Mr. Kilmer wiie,, trier
may bo serve.1, on the return of f"S 'ictor.
AdmlnNtrator'.-r 6tfire.
t' slate of Mrs- Juno Von-.lrU dtctaied.
Ihe e.-tate of Mill. Ai.na Van Art. de
eea(st. lale TSy'.i township Jriiata
count v, L ivVjr- Sewn granted Ihe under,
sijpied. all pervns indebted to aaid-pstato
aro roT"?es1fc I to make pa r.u-at. a--l tl oso
having claims or demands art ruesttd tV
Caiii know ui tLi same i !..--t" lel.iv j
- I I.. VAX stir,
Jane If, - - JJministratur.
Sale Bills printed on short notice at
ofisce of Ww Stntttel and litfuJiHcn.