Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, July 30, 1879, Image 2

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Wefi'a-ssJ.'-, July 3, I8?Di
Scputlicaii Sui: Ticliot,
S , 31 1" 13 Is IS ITLKU,
of i iiESTU: eorxTV.
THE Republican Stat Convection
tiiat met at liarrttburg last week dis-
posed .t busiues lu an expemiious
E;-"acr and placed Simuel Butler of
.: . s.cr county in i.jminatiou for tbe
ije "f Sa i'.- asnrer.
'J be tii "iina:ion is a first rate ODe.
The ,T '.) ..! rule iu uoujiiitiug cao
di.! . li r Stcie eff " -.a lias beeu to
ii.s by tbe diss to . bieh he belongs.
loe general role of couveutious bas
been to lific'e a ti.in wih a nuiil
l.l.md lit,. .,r hTilr.r rir a n,tn tt;lfh i
" . : r , ,
oriti .u ins L.ioi rna s parcie oi
u ins i.ijti rim a parcic oi i
cli-nis at !.is Leeis, a Uwyer, or a wuu
, - . . ...
wuu a :se of lustruineuis, and J ill i
. '
'i-rt s reauy to serve ti tieuis, a a-;3tor.
. 3 r , -
lui lime s :l unl'T wme miraeu-
. . , , . ,
. . . '
' b i
vote for Li '
o- 1 t 'I bar
!eU''i'us','tfin ant
e iusitiiai.an ,
Kvery farmer should vote for Liui.
I'be coarcution was com
inoniots, witb ihs fin.
ep .ou .., a ,
.... .....l..-.. i
lietaei-n ieuti'irary cairu.an tiau, anu
' ... '. ,
r jrei u.i.ivB n Oil. a nuii ue read-
- , . . , . -
li tr nf rt ri-wnr.iliili that matl. n; ''lniil '
to ;.:! iti.it i 'auiage a tust was oe
tre tbe Legislature iast wiuer.
Ibc lie i-ub lieu party bad tolbing
to do wi'.b the rint or with tbe riot
dsm-.ge act. Doth tbe riot and tbe cf-
liTt to get tb- State to pay for it as
. i . l . . . r
try w.tu wbub panics b.J nothing todo
resolutions otfered should co to" 2om
uiittee .tiiuut debate. U olf offered a
resi iutiou tbat uiide sotue referease to
the riot daumge act, or tbe effort to
pss it t'.rongb tbe Leifislature wuicb
J .r smue rea-on caught lla'l tbe hair
i: it ungtierded'y ai.d moved bim to
decide tbat the resolution should go to
loinmittee witUont being even read.
H rnl"d tbat reading is debate, and
Mood by his ruling, but the couvemiB
ci.J nt nnJ-.-rs'.aad tbat leading is da
i'i'.e. The oun.n:on understsnoiiig is
d''."is:.,a i diiate and tbat read
:s not ui.-enssioo, a.td when the mo
ti n ws rrde that the r-!olu!i;ju of
!r. Wolf be redd tbe eoa?ci.:io voted
t':n: it sHrr,',; be road. It was simply
a !'t?'o piece of argrjvated plca.-antrv
rciweeu Mr. llsli and Mr. Uolf about
s cUfiut.-s tr- uble tbat spruug uj
ii.i.r.g c-rpuraticn people.
Tbe c. cvcn'ion siw that and speed
i'y d:?r.)sci of the oranV, and it is
I r ur:.' i '!.-t lon before this time Mr
SialiandMr. Wo!: ta h have sheathed
tiie ralpio kuiT, a-j J buried tbe turn
' , aotl smoked tbe p;p3 of pejee
Mr. iiutkr will be elected by a large
I.ATE intelligence from Maine says ;
Thr acosuLts liom Mioe grow more
oac-.ur'.g:;. every day. A unlive ot
' tat State, after a visit of some
w.; is, rcurucd. and says that tbe
nffmation of tbe L'eunciats hud Green
l.j... t. bas driven a large uumbcr ot
!n 'I-pub'icacs, who voted witb the
rerobaok -is Uat jcr, buck witblu
ibe party lines. A number of bard
i.toey I'emocrats have a!o come wiib
lu the Ur.nbl can rauke to escape tbe
fiun.cui bf-rehies of iheir own party
Io ditT-'-nt parts of the State journals
v.hich latt year ie ci'hsr Democratic
or Gie--' -.A, Ue says, have placed tbe j
n". : tbe liepubUean candidate at
' i- bred. He said tbat tbe financial
;--ua is regarded as .settled aad 'he j,eo-
r are -L. :bis cotiiett on tue "sue
of lcsalty ted t 'inst tbe Dti.iocrats
who, in ibe ertra seiaion, planted them
t -ivts tquaroly in si:' ..rx .:ace to the
uistaiioo of the rebel element of tbe
Si.u'h. He said tbat Maine would lead
. IT ia tbe canipsi?n for lojal men for
ofn-c, ?".d to hurl ba-V the aggressions
of iisicalty and S.ate rights.
Recently the police of Chicago
wore rer.'Jrcd to .i Ii.k after thiev n,
c.iuii Viuev neu an 1 all kinds of criia
iat'.s that the bul people concluded
Jifel wee. to leave C'u-ugo .or other
piri-i. ti i the wrath of tho city j
a jHinst them hrs r.mewbat abated ; j
cir-se'iuenf y thieves and thf-r crim-1
in-ls ft iu that phwe are tiiotributiiig
themselves -ver the coantry. I
" . 1 ." , 7
"1 !
the Catii-.-.l.c churcli, aro not feeling
t3 -iiufoj table now that thev must
bu;port Mr. B.ur. Democratic candi
late for Slate Tieasurer, Le being a
An ordtr has b-.-u prepared ia
c5i -e of she Chief of Engineers of tbo
L"n-cd States, for tbe survey of tbe
viusquuhanna ruer, with tbe view of
ascertaitiitig whether the stream cau be
made tuav'-ble for steam boats.
" James Gope He.n.vett means to
have good, fr.sb milk while in New
port, lie has hired pasture near his
e.ittage and placed six cows tbere,
which will yieid nearly sixty quarts of
miik per d:iy."
Tii" French engineer, who dug the
Suez Cu.-il. is making an effort to
raise stock in ibis country to build !
or dig a CAiial across the Isthmus of
E. V". Stoiuiitos, Unked States
Minister to Russia, has tendered his
reMirnulioE, and it has been accepted
bv tiie President.
Ewr., the Democratic candidate
for Governor of Ohio, missed it in
coal sjH-cnlations, and is bankrupt
.Ma.M" merchants have moved their
r;ooi!a from Memphis, because of the
ravages of the ye'l-iw fever.
Read the platiorm, as Adopted by
tii Republi aa Stf.tu Convention last
In Dauphiny, ia the southeastern
part of 1'ranCe anow fell last week.
Tit Zulu war is about to close, with
the lcgl'2Q as victor.
CaoP reports from Europe continue
Yittow fever ia spreading in the!
3Hxith. J
Kepublic'sti State Convention.
Tie Kepub'ieas ssiale ('euventioB
wet at Ilarnsburg last Wednesday, iu
tbe hail ot tbe House ot Kvresenta
lives. At 12 o'clock, Donn, Colonel Qosy,
Chairman of tbe Republican Siate Com
mittee, called tbe Convention to order.
Lewi W. Mali was fleeted temporary
chairman, wnh a full bet of officers.
After the usual preliminary arrango
noO'shad beeu perfected, Galusha A.
Grow was elected permanent Piesident,
witb a tu.I itotutilcui?tit i f oCicers. Mr.
Grow delivered au able speech, after
' wbicl. Samuel Butler, of Chester coun-
1 tr. was nominated by acclamation for
' t!.-.- T
mile iicAuicf.
Sami'el Butler.
amuel Duller was boro in Uwch
lau township, Chester county, on Feb
riurj lb2.'), bis grandparents and
parents beloi ging to the original sct-
tiers of tbe county, lie is a brother.
rf linn. William Uutler, Judge of tbe
United States 1.c-i riot Court of the
nisleru Uistrict ol 1 enns ivania. Jlr.
was tdujsled at Lnionville
. . ... r,m !
V"'". VI " V " .
l,i auuniii', loum ciui'ui in-.r
. .t
-ral years, lie substoueutly
, . . . ,
butler eouutr (Jbio, where b
i i m i .
i-cbool. Iu l&oO .Mr. J)Utlor
graduating tenght sebout there fur sev
uioved tr
be taught
to Lwouiau tuwuhp, to fuilow apilcul-
lural pursuits, and has remaiued tbere
f ver SIDCe ,s farmer. He is held iu
es,e lu ,':e resiJcnls of Cbes
,er couc,i k'' filled nearly all tbe
jucij (()WOtu,p , Qcrs, an d was 1'irectt r
pf tbe ,.r,r foia jrg ,0 lsc5- ,je
, , .. . . -
was eltcted a heprefentative ta tbe
, r .i . . t lt-p i
L"ci(laiure for tbe sessions of loto 7,
c . - .. . ...
ana last l.il was re elected. Ills ennstit
uents wi'h one accord tendering bim
tbe uoaiin-.tinn and polling fi-r bim a
f'plenai'l n.ajori'y. Mr. Duller was in
the aimy in 1802 3 and holds a dis
charge from .the L'uiied Stu'.es service.
i'ersrnally be is a very plca.-ant, cour
. . . , ,V
Thomas V". Cooper, of Delaware
county, Irom tbe Committee on Keso
lutiuus, reported tbe loilowiug, wtiicb
were adopted :
iieiolced, 1. Tbat the Republican
party, agaiu forced to stand forward
tor the det'eu.-e ol human rights, after
a struggle lading through a generation,
find itself cunfrobted by the nuie foes
of Federal uuty, political freedom, and
national bouor, wbu!' it his so often
overthrown iu civil cmtests and iu
armed conflict.
2. That we appeal to tie Uuioa lov
iog people of Pennsylvania to arrest, by
ibrir votes, tbe Uiad career of the l:.'tii
oeiatic party, wL.cb insists upou placing
tbe iSmiouil lioveiiiment uuUer the
dm!iation of meu who but lately
lougbt to destroy it, and wbo are now
plotting to gtve triumph to tbe doc
tricce tiu-y lulled to establish iu the
fi-dd ibe estab!.sbu:etit of State sov
ereignty tbe overthrow of national su
premacy. o. We declare t'ieir implacable bos
u.ity to the repeal of tbe national laws
hich protect tbe purity of tbe t.s!!ot- j
box and secure tuir eitctiot-s. Ibe
eUctioU l Ci-ugressmcn and Presiden
tial eieetoiS being clearly subject to
national coutroi, any attempt to throw
off that control is simpiy au effort to
establish fraud at national elections.
Hone.-t suffrage, tqual rights, the unity
of tbe n.'iou, and the supreioacy .of
tbe Naii-.ul Government mall matters
placed by tbe Constitution under ij
c.in'.rol can be maintained only by tr:
Uepublicau pariy, which is alone com
mitted to tbt ir delense.
4. That tbe D- uiocratic party, Lav -i.ig
commiited itself to an attempt to
break up tbe Government by refusing
to appropriate moneys already collected
Iron tbe peoe to sustain the Govern
ment, unless li e Kxrcutivd shall sanc
tion iuea-u?es intended to foster fraud,
violence aud c riuption iu tbe national
eiections, and to impair the constitu
tional supremacy of tne oation, de
serves aud invites the signal condemna
tion of every law-abiding aud honest
5 That we are in favor of the dis
charge of th natioual debt ia coin ac
cording to tbe understanding between
the Government and the lender; of a
paper currency redeemable io coin ; aad
of the existing national banking system
We congratulate tbe country upon re
turning national prosperity, aud the
accomplishment, under a Republican
V.t,oiiaI Administration, of tbe sue
Cessful resumption of specie payments,
y,:r currency, tbe best ever afforded
lue COUntrv, is restored to its par value ;
lue nati0nil credit has been maintained
and strengthened ; and the burden of
the national debt largely reduced. To
- omr,ete what bus been so we 1 done
we demand tbat uur present financial
systeti reaiain undisturbed.
6. That to the policy aud practice of
protection to hi uie industry and Lome
production inaugurated and sustained
by tbe Republican party we are indebt
ed for the growth and development of
C!r domestic and foreign commerce,
and for tbe prosperous condition and
strength of tbe national finances ; and
tbat to tbe coniinrjauC? of that policy
must we look in the future for as.-nrea
prosperity and peace throughout our
whole country, la fostering the same
we desire to iusure constant employ
ment to labor at remunerative wages.
7. That the firm aland of tbe Presi
dent ia vindicating the prerogatives o
the co-ordinate departments of the Go'
; eminent meets the hearty approval of
tbe Republican party of Pennsylvania.
8. W'e cali on tbe veteran soldiers of
the war for Uoion to join us in resent
iog the ui ju.it ext ulsinn of their wound
ed comrades from offices by the Demo
cratic Congrtfs and tbe transfer of tbeir
places to rebel soldiers, whose, chief
: recommendation seems to be unrepent
ant treason and unending bate of the
9. That we earnestly sympathize with
our Southern Repu'ilican breihreu, who
are now passing urtder the barrow of
I political persecution. W'e bid them be
of good cheer. Fraud and force cau
! not always triumph, even in a region
where fraud and force bud a coogenial
Lome. If a solid South now deprives
hem of their j'ist rights, a solid North
; will uot fail, in due time, to secure
them that perfect freedom which is tbe
birthright and inheritau. e of every
American citizen.
10. That tbe United States of Amer
ica, is a nation, not a Jcag'ie ; its con
stitution and all laws made in pursu
ance thereof are the supreme law of
tbe land ; anything id the constitution
or laws of a State to tbe contrary not-
i withstanding.
11. That the tribunal established by
the ConstUution to determine whether,
the laws are made in pursuance thereof,
is thereof, is tbe Supreme Court of tbe
United States. Ail laws once enacted
nuleas repealed by tbe law-tuakicg
power or declared void by said court,
neither law-maker, cit:x;a oor State bas
a rifbt to nullify.
12. Tbat the success of the admin
istration of tbe State under tbe man
agement of the Republican party, the
steady reduction of tbe State debt, and
the enforced compliment of the present
Democratic Treasurer that not one
dollar of tbe public funds bad been
lost or misplaced during tbe seventeen
years of Republican custody of tbe
fund?, prore tbat official integrity and
financial skill bare been the benefits
conferred by our party on the taxpayers
of tbe State, and merits tbe approval
of the people of 1'ennsjlvania
13. That we pledge ourselves in favor
of such legislation as will prevent un
lawful and unconstitutional discrituina
tion in freights by tbe carrying com
panies of the eouutr.
14. Tbat we heartily endorse the ad
ministration of Governor Eloyf . and tbe
stalwart attitude of Secator I amerou
. . . .
,u """""K " revolutionarv riders so
! persistently presse t oy tue iemncrais
iu Congress.
The Harrisl'tirg 'telegraph says that
lnre stones that nsuJ to lie in the
river in fnint of the citv have bef-u ,
taLon out ntiil used for liail.lin pur
poscR, an.l thereby hijin? jiluces for
tih;h Lava be n so dinjiniishetl that fish
inj,' ia front of the city is not vrhiit it
w:;s when the boitoru of the rivor was
ilotte-.l ever with lorsre stones.
1 tunes past, when a man wanted to
indulge in tbe luxury of au elephant
ride be was compelled to go to ludia ;
uow, however, he msy be indulged, or
may have tl.e experience of elephant
riding by p"irg to the Zoological Gar
den in Philadelphia.
I'ivk hiir.ilretl peoplo went out to
wiciicss a ibttl between Captain Ilnui
phrcj und Major Moor, down in Ala
bama, a few days ayo. The distance
betwet n the mon was ton aet s. The
weapors were pistols. .Result no
ono hurt.
A week njro two nmidea sisters,
liviiig in Chicag-o, locked thedo'rs of
their house, so that they could not
be molested, and then Ringed them
selves. It is believed that they were
Those who claim to know, B.iy it is
estimated thnt Europe will have to
import 272,000.000 bushels of grain
from this country during the coming
t reive months.
Irteli.'Ten''e from Lancaf tr county
on tile xnc vnniuy
S; rinrvii!e, "ajwut twelve milt s from
Jrincasti r, was tarv.-n into prcut ex
eitonitnt vestrrdav 1J ail attempted
outrage by a tramp on M.bS Mninw
Wid acred 1" years, a dn!iErLr "f
Mr. I. X. S. clerk to the conn-V
-omi:.ussi-.ifr of Lar.-t;i?ter. ShcMtj
home eailv in the morning to visit t
lady friend at the residence .of Mr.
Jacob iv. Xissley, aliout one and a
half milos across the country. The
vi-it c .'.ir-iude'l. she was returning
home between the hours of li atid
12 o'cl.H-k in the forenoon, and had
reached a lonely point about midway
between Mr. Nisiev's and lur hem.-,
when she was suddenly confronted
by a villainous-looking tramp, who
commanded her to halt. There was
no dwelling within sight and no
friend'y hand to save, but, remtm
liering that Mr. Jnas Hostetter, a
f.irn.tr, lived only a short distance
awnv, across the lields. she leaped a
ft nee and commenced to run, the j
tran;p clofly pursuing her. She
gave no outcry, bat reserved all her j
strength for running, and, when the j
scoundrel Lad gained on her until I
the distance between them was not !
more than thirty yards, tbo reached
an emit.enee that brought her within
view of the farmer's house. Only en
orchard lay between lier ami uer,
friends, and the tramp, fearing de
tection, retrei.ted. Miss Wills man
aged to reach the house, but in such
an excited and exhausted condition
that the could not tell her story for
a few minutes. Meanwhile the tramp
effected his escape, but a volunteer
vigilance committee did some ener
getic searching for him List night,
and had he liter, found he would have
been called upon likely to name an j
early day tor a tuneral, and the viqi
lantt would, doubtless, attended to
having the c oqse ready, iliss Wills
Ei ffels greatly from nervous prostra
tion. On Thursday evening a week, a lot
of roughs took possession of tbe town
of Sbtckstiinny, au the Suqachauna,
below Wilkesbarre. Tbey proceeded
to make it uucomfertable fcr a picnic
party. The cutire body of polico and
other officers of the burrougu iucluding
iLe Burgees and Justices, made a ral
ly to drive off the rioters, but were
themselves roughly bandied and put to
Bight at the muzzles of revolvers aud
by tbe use of ciubs. For a season the
rioters maintained their ground and
successfully defied all resistance- Fi
nally tbe citizens and law-abiding
members of the picnic party rallied en
masse and mads a final and successful
ousiaugbt, expelling tbe marauders
It is said that there were eicht bun.
dred excited men in the streets. Two
of the leaders were safely lodged in the
county jail and detectives are searching
for tbe retuaiuiog fugitives.
One day recently Granville Mowrer,
a boy of about eleven years, son of
Isaac Mowrer, of West Vincent town
ship, Chester county, was sent to a neigh
bor's bouse on an errand. In getting
over a feuce tbe lad was bitten ia the
leg by a snake, supposed to bave been
a copperhead. Tne venom from tbe
bite took immediate effent, and the boy
became aim ist blind, suffered intense
ly aid was unable io get borne lie
was foULd in a field shortly afterwards
his limbs aud body considerably swol
len, both bands being black from tbe
fingers above the wrists. He was dos
ed with whisky, and is now thought to
be recovering.
The wife of Taylor Tome, who farms
the Cochran place ia Mill Creek, Erie
county, bas this year reaped with a
spin of. horses about forty acres oi
wheat and barley, without the slight
est assistance from any person of the
male gender. The work was done as
neatly as it could have been done by
tbe most experienced farmer in the
county. Mrs. Tome ie about twenty
eight years of age and the mother of
four children.
It is reported in Lancaster that a
party of capitalists were recently there
looking fof a sight to locate a tobacco
factory that will give employment to
three hundred bands.
Several young men residing near
Castlo Shannon, Allegheny county,
gave such hot pursuit to cattle thieves
that they were compelled to abandon
their horses aud a drove of cows they
bad stolen.
A horse in Lancaster got a rear foot
so tightly wedged in his mouth fighting
flies tbat half au hour was consumed iu
extricating it.
Colonel McLaughlin and Professor
Miller, tbe celebrated wrestlers, Lad a
tussle at Titusvilie on Saturday night
a week that lasted from early in tbe
evening until after midnight, when it
was declared a diaw.
Three Lancaster county men have
perfected a machine which makes 6,000
pretzels an hour. -
The 15jl!eronto IVnlchmnn says the
grasshoppers are destroying almost
everything iu ibe shape of vegetation.
In some parts of Centre comity tbey
have cateo all tbe grass and corn, ajid
are now working industriously on tbe
Iruit trees-
The wife of Alex. Jobuson, of Wash
ington township, Indiana county, pre
sented her husband witb triplets on
July 13th two boys and a girl.
There were 3,000 Spiritualists in
camp meeting ia a grove near Erie last
Sunday a week.
Michael Iliekey a youth of 19, was
killed on the railroad at Erie while un
der the influence of liquor. The par
ties who sold bim the liquor are to bs
hunted up and prosecuted.
An Alleutown uan has a thousand
Potter county was risited by sever
al flight frosts within the past three
Tbere Lave been 1,200 applicants
for peusions from Luzerne county un
der tbe arrears of pensions act.
A cat in U est Chester is uursing a
pair of rabbits, which it fouul among
Ler kittens.
Louise Johnson, a Swedis-fa maiden
of 19 summers, residing iu a backwoods
portion of Cleaifield county, attacked
with an ax and killed a large black
bear. Kruiu was iu tbe act of carry
ing off a piggie
A number of cattle hive been found
dead along the Wyomissing creek,
berks county, supposed to havo been
poisoned by drinking tbe water tin
pregnated by the dye stuffs from the
bat fa' lories running into the stream.
A 29 iuch salmon, weighing six
po: uds was gigged iu Sberman's creek,
P'rry county last week. Tbere was
no sport in tbat capture.
The authorities of Konigsberg bave
issued a decree forbidding even tbs
transit of Russian cattle or sheep
through the district because of the rin
dwpest. Sa-?h animals will be slaugb
lered aud buried and all fresh meat
coming from Russia will be sieied and
.MicLael McSbaae, of Rjihichem was
attacked last Saturday evening by a
pat !J o" roughs aud severely beaten.
To e-.cpe further pounding McShsue
suddenly fell to the ground, feigning
death. This,' scared tho roughs, and
after a brief cou"sul!a'.ion, they carried
tbe-hody to the'Xjr'h Penn Railroad,
which was only a short distance, and
laid their supposed victim across the
tr .cfc for tbo down express fc? cover up
their crime. The assailants tLen de
parted and and as sonu as silence i eign
ed, MeSbab did hkeni.se. Twj of ttiJ
men have been arrested.
A farmer named McQuinn, who lives
in Pleasant Valley, Schuylkill county,
was visited a few days ago by a gag
of eight or ten roughs, wbo entered l .e
house and demanded whi-ky- The far
mer gav j them a jug of liquor, and li e
men started of ni'b it. McQiiinn then
took out a revolver and rpcued fire on
the retreating crowd, hitting one man
io the face. Shortly afterward the
gang returned and seizing McQuinn
unawares, beat bim severely with clubs
They then liil seigo to the bouse, but
Mrs. Met'iino, having sustained simil
ar attacks by tramps before knew just
how to act. She withdrew to tbe sec
ond story and from the open window
opetied a brisk pistol fire upon the in
vaders. The roughs were not used to
this lndiau sort of warfare and soon re
treated. 6 reat excitement prevailed in V. ;!
liamsport on Sunday last over what was
reported io be a newly made grave in
the Ca'holic cemetery, and said to con
tain the body of a man with Lis throat
cut. Two hundred people gathered at
the cemetery to sec the grave opened
by tbe District Attorney and a squad
of policemen, when it was found not to
be a grave, Lot a mound of earth which
bad been deposited there during the
digging of a grave not far distant.
Speaking of the tobacco crop iu Lan
caster couuty, the IalUlrgencer says :
"As for tbe new crop notuing but a
good soakiDg rain of long continuance
will save it. The storm of ten days
did some good, but the hot weather bas
since dried the fields up again and wa
ter is badly needed The tobacco tbat
was planted late suffers incst, and some
of it is not over a few inches high. A
drive to Marietta from this city shows
some fine tobaccj in garden patches
and a great deal of very poor tobacco
in fields, but in the immediate neigh
borhood of Marrietta can be found
some of the Guest crops in tbe county."
Legal jYotices.
A f'fJ persons are herebv cautioned scainst
Xa. trespassirfpr, for hunting, or other pur-
poes, on tne ntiias oi tne undersigned, in
Milford township, Juniata county.
IIesbv Gboxisgcr, K. E. Bekbt.
Jons Ci'ssisrhah, IIe.ibt CaAatK.
Dec 10, lb77-tf
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
hunting, fishing, gathering berries,
building hre, or in any wsy trespassing on
the Unds of tbo auuersigned in Fermanagh
msy H,1879-tf
ALL persons are berebv cautioned not to
j.m. mi.ow men- o')s io run, or themselves
to fish, bunt, gather berries, break or open
fences, or cut wood or young timber, or in
any unnecessary wy trespass on the lands
of Ihe undersigned.
M. R. Beahure. M. & J. 17. Wilson.
David Hetrick. Henry Kartman.
Thomas Benner. Porter Thompson.
Christian Shoaffstall. William Hetrick.
John Motzer. David Sieber.
Hen.y Kloss. aug7, 18
The Sentinel and Republican office is the
place toget job work done. Try it. It will
pa; you if yoi need anything in that lint.
- .
F'JK SlifeKlFF.
Editor Stutiiui end Republican Sir i At
the request of many Republicans, I present
the name of l.ieut. Jaass' K. Kelly as a
candidate for the (.trice ot SheriU', sunfect
to the rub s that govern" the Republican
party. Should tho Lieutenant become trie
itand-ird-bearer lor the impcrtKit office of
Sheriff for tne cainpaigu
Sheriff for the campaign that will close i.
Xoiember, he will prove to be a tder of
strength before the whole people
Elitor Stntitul arA BtpMica Sir: At
the rutiuesl of many Republicans 1 present
Uid name of Mr. LrKL .Davis, of Walker
township, as a candidate for the ofbee of
sheriff, subject to tbe rules that govern the
Republican party. Should Mr. Davis be
nominated aud elected, be mill make an
efficient ollicer, being uualined in all re
spects to till tbe otlice.
Editor Sltuclen1 Republican Dear Sir,
Tbe time is approat'hing when the Republi
cans must select a candidate for the impor
tant otlice of Registerand Keconter. Allow
us to recommend I. G. Masks, of Patter
son, as a geutlenisn possessing in an end-
u.'t i gree ij.'Ueaiions titling him f.rr a
proper and satirfuctory discbarge of the
duties pertaining t that office. Mr. Marks
is a young m.in of marked ability ami un
questioned integrity an aetim ai.d ener
getic worker ho, if rhosen to bear aloft
Ibe Republican banner in the approaching
campaign, will call forth a ucHeJ aad hearty
Editor Sentinel aud Republican $r i The
numerous lrinda or Ktiuts CavENT, o'
Fayette township, are desirous of placing
him before the Republieans of JuniaU
eoniity as a candidate for the orflce of Reg
ister and Recorder. Tbey know his worth.
and Icvl confident that if be receive the
primary nomination be will maintain the dig
nity of the organization, ami be elected In
tbe popular vote at the Novenrbcf election.
Therefor they ask that he be announced as
a candidate for tlis ofhee of Register and
Recorder, subject to th rules tbat govern
the Republican party.
EJitor Seuliuel al Republican Desx Sir,
PR-are announce tbe name of Cai'T. Jons
P. VYiiartos, of Port Royal, as a candi
date for Jury Commissioner, SUlj 'Ct IO tilt
rules of the KeytiblKan pnrty. lie is a vet
eran of the late war, and, it nominated, will
re?cire the btarty support of tbe svldiers ot
J jniata county
Editor Sentinel and Republican Dear ST,
Permit me to recommend S. R. W a arias',
E--'j , of Milford to :s)it;, as a sirrtlie jst
on torJry Co!Bi'.urr. subjetf to tbe
rn'.es of tbe Repirfi-tifli ary.
July I, 1879. lifi.FoRD.
F Jit Jt'UY COMl!I3Sfi?N"f;
Editor Sentinel an! Repnl'heun Sir: It ii
the 'tesire of a number of the Republican
Irielids of Daniel Cullman, of Patterson,
that bis name be j.re.sott4 Jo tr.o r.epubli
can voters of Juniata countv as a can lid tte
tor the oiiice tf Jury t'otinuisiont.?
t4Te -
fore I ask that his name Jnnouneod m
the columns ti lh Sfnintf ami RrpnbHean,
as a candidate for the office irt ".iti..ne'l, sub
ject llie rules that govern tfce pu-ty
May Sd.It-79. VXTttT.HJS.
Editor Stfltincl and Rfuhticjn D-arS-r,
A the time for aniouin.;.ig c.inlidats is
jpproachin j, I would rec oi.uend C. S.
Siiklli ibkri:kh, of MonriM! loanship, as a
suitable person lor Jury commissioner, sub
ject to llie rules of itio Republican party.
Mr. Shellenb.Tjer h.is always been a true
and trustworthy Republican, ami is a msn
of intelligence, possessed of true and cor
rect business ip.ialirlcations, and, if elected,
would moke a good officer.
Legal JVuticei.
l'rotlioiiotary .Xotlce.
VOTICE is hereby given tb-t Ezra Smith,
I 1 Coiiindttee of Catharine Dunn, a lu
natic, has tiled his account, as said Commit
tee, in the Prothonotary'a ot!i?o of Juni
ata county, and that the same will be p-e-septel
to C'Mirt fT confirmation, at Ihe
t'ourt House in Milllintow n, ou WEDNES
GEO. REYNOLDS, froitonotaru.
Prothoi.otary's )tli':e.
Mifl:iulown, July 2H, H79. $
l'rolliouotary'a otlce.
""VTOTICE is herf'iy given that Joseph
i. V Jlcidi-r, Assignee .f John F. Kunrb
am' his wife, Caroline Barcb, has filed his
account, as said Assignee, in the Prothon
otary 's otlice of Juniata county, and that the
same will be J resented tor confirmation and
a'lonanco at the Court House in .Vitllin
GEO. REYNOLD?. Prolhonolary.
1 sothonotarv s trrrieE,
Mi'.l'iutonn, July 2, Its
Public Examinations.
THE Examination of Teachers for the
Public Schools of Juniata county will
be held at the lollowing times and places :
For Walker, at Mexico, Tueilay. Aug. 19.
For Fayette, at Jlclliatcrville, Thursday,
August 21.
For Mitllintown and Fermansgh, at Mif
flintown, Friday, August 22.
For Milford and Patterson, at Pat tenon,
Saturday, August 21.
For Delaware and Tbompsontnwn, at
Thoiiipsontown, Monday, August 2-.
Fur Greenwood, at Bethlehem, Wednes
day, August 27.
For Monroe, at Richfield, Thursday, Au
gust 23.
For S.usquehanna, at Prosperity, Friday,
August 29.
For Lack, at Cross Keys, Tuesday, Sep
tember 9.
For 1 uscarora, at McCoysville, Wednes
day, September 10.
For Beaie, at Johnstown, Thursday, Sep
tember 11.
Fur Spruce Hill, at Spruce Hill, Friday,
September 12.
ForTurbettand Port Royal, at Port Royal,
Saturday, September 13.
Examinations will begin at 8:30 a. a.
Applicants must be supplied with pen,
ink, and plenty of paper.
The grade of certificates will be in a?
ronlance with the instructions given ia the
May number of the School Journal.
Except by Vequest of Directors, appli
cants mait be examined where they expect
to ttfach.
professional certificates will be renewed
where the holder h is given evidence in the
school room that such certiQcate is worthily
held. Ail others must enter the class and,
il tbe certificate will not average less than
, and tney have had not less than tlrree
years practice in teaching, they can become
applicants, at a special examination, tor
such grade of certificate.
All are cordially invited to attend these
County &upennttdrui.
July SO, 1879.
- . - A C.
Legal Xotices.
PBt?.Hol BasT. F. Jc., resident
Judge of tbe Court of Common Pleas for
the 4Jsi Judicial District, composed of h
countieaof Juniata and Ferry, and 1 the
n .m... ..,.! A klder and rrancu
: c'our oV Common Pleas of Jnniata rouBtyt
have jssuet their precept to roe directed,
bearing date the 2liih day of April, li 9,
iKirtle, Associates Judges oi mo
L.r holding a Court of Oyer ana term.
ana oenerai jaii i-u-tiji -
Quarter Sessions of the Heace, at .Mir
SEPTEMBER, 1(479, bemg the first day ot
he month.
Kcffea is HEaEtr Gives, to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Constables
of tbe Countv of Juniata, that they be then
aud there in their proper persons) at one
o'clock on the al ternoob of said dityi witb
their records, in jtiisitlons, examinations
and oyer remembrances, to do those things,
that to their otfices respectively appertain,
and those that are bound by reccgn nance tc
prosecute against the prisoners that are or
then may be in tbe Jail of said codnty,
be then and there to prose ute against
thc:u as sh:tll bo .insl.
By an Act of Assembly, f-sed the the
day of May, A. D., 1854, it Is made the
duty of the Justices of the Fwe, of the
several counties of this Comi!ioiealth, ft
return to the Clerk of this Cmrt Of Qt artei
Sessions of the respective counties, all the
recognisances entered into before them by
any person or persons charged with the
couiiiusion of any crime, exceyt such casef
as may be ended before a Justice of the
IV are, unuer existing laws, at least tea d.iys
before the commencement of the session
I 0f the Court to which they are made re
i turTUtble respectively, and in all cases wN re
any recognizances are enterea tnio icss
thuri tin days before thtf tt.niiuencenit!it
of the session to which ti?y are made re
turnable, the sstd Justices are to return
the same in the same manner as if Said act
had uot been passed.
Dated at Miffliotown, tbe 281b day of
July, in the year of our Lord one thou
sand eight hundred and seventv-mne.
W.M. D. WALLS, Sheriff.
Sheriff"! Office, MitHiutowo, i
Juiy l71. $
'HE uodersiind, Kaecntors of the es
tate of Kr.hitl Campbell, deesert.
lale ot Lark township, Juniata couuty, aid
offer at public sale, od the premises Vj aaid
township, at 1 o'clock, p. a., on
Tbe following described "ral etate, to "it :
A farm of limestone and Unit land, tooUiu-
S 237 ACRES,
adjoining lauds ol John Patterson, Dr. Mor
rison and others. One bi.-udred clear, the
balance in timber. Tbe improvements area
Two-Stcry feion Hanse,
20 by 2-1 feet, with a Frame Kiu.ben attach
ed ; Tenant House, Rank barn Wagon Shed,
Corn Crib", Spring Iou, mxl other out-"
b iildings. A quarry ot gooti limestone has
tA-en opened on Ihe farm. Tkere are Ihree
spricigs o giod water on the remises, oik;
ol ii;rrf jSJntlieyard. T wo URCHA RD.s.
having a variety ot fruit, grace and add
value f the property. Tbe cleared land ha-t
been Well lime'l, aiu is in a god state of
cnttrrat"!!. The tract bas been patei.Kd, '
no the t'tle r nidisyitM.-.
W:ll be soli? in pieces, or iu one tract, to
suit purchaser.
TKKMS Ten per cent, to be paid at the
time-ot M e; two-thirds of th- pureb:ie
n o::"' to be pal l ou t::e 1st of April, 111;
lUo ba.anee to be seciir.t bs nstrt.ie.
SAM l" El." EI.INK,
Executor of Ezclei". Cumylill, rfcc'.I.
j June Ift, IjiTJ
rfllE untiersjneif, iippoiuted by theiir
JL phans' Court of Juniata county, Audi
tor, to iitriSule the money ir. t!n! hands ol
1 Er.j r :i Hb,- AV.ouoil,-at..r of Ebx ib th Fry.
bita ot Delaware otnsh:o, defeated, will
attetiti l the tiuTivs of si1 aj Dointinent, t I
ins otU.e in M.niiiitow r., on FRIDAY, 1
ALV.l T -ii. if.y. at 10 ocLh.:. n. , i
alien aud where ail persons iuiuieste4 will j
7.. D. PAKKEK, Acd.tor.
Julr Z, Ibl'J.
4dniinlt rat or's Police.
AV.rf .ttr.. .iwtrf Ft-n-.drt, detcand.
JLi Ihe estate of Mrs. Anna Van Art, de
ceased, late t-l Fave.te township Juna
county, having been prar-tetT to tSe under
signed, all persons indebted to s.ud estate
are requested to make payment, aud those
having claims or demands are requested to
make known the satm withnnt delav to
June 11, 1S79. Jdministratvf.
4 LL persons are hereby cautioned against
J. trespissing on the lands ot the under
signed either in Delaware or Walker town
ship, for the purpose ot fishing or hunting,
or lor any other purpose.
1.. E. Atkixso.
N. A. Likens.
oct?t-lf G. S. Licess.
s are hereov i
a. I.L p rs. rs are hereby cautioned not
A. 1
to fish. hunt, irather berries, break or
nn.n It'll... tr f.nl w...f! ni I'rtiin . tltuK... !
- I" ' ' - " - - w. ,
or in any unnecessary way trespass ou tbe
lands of the undersigned.
Smos Miamii. I.cnwtca Snatnra.
Geo. Pirrisi-ARrkR. Willi ia Peoples.
Fbederick Haises. Fbascis Mweb.
Fermanagh Tp., June 22, l-37i.
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
trespassing upon the lands of the un
ders'gned, in Fayette, Delaware or Walker
township, by fishing, hunting, or in any
other wsy.
Jonathan Wiser
Wm BranthoQer
Ilfnry !? piece
Catharine Kurtz
John McMeeu
I) R Dimra
t W Smith
S J Kuril
Henry Auker
N'oah Cainentn
J W Hosteller
Christian Kurtz
Jesse Pines
Jacob Hoops.
C G Shelly
A U Kurtz
David Smith
S Owen Evans
Teston Benner
Daniel Spic her
John L Auker
J B Garber
S M K .'itfnian
J F Detira
John I.ycoin
David Hunberger
Arnold Yarncs
Oct 23, 1878
Notice to Trepatiers.
1VTOTICE is hereby given that all persons
i. 1 found trespassing on the lan.1s of the
undersigned in Delaware township, either
by fishing, bunting, cutting timber, build
ing fires, or in any way whatever, will bo
dealt witb as th law directs.
Geobob Speakmas.
M. C. Fabe.
mayl4,1879-tf Wks. Sabt Keecb.
A LL persons are hereby cautioned not to
IX hh.
hunt, break or oiwn fences, or cut
wood or yoiiog timber, or in any unneces
sary way trespass on the lands of the under
sicned. H M Thorrtpsoo
J B Thompson
Wm t Thompson
Davis Smith, Jr.
Oct , 1878.
T S Thompsrm
E P Hudwn
Abram Shelly
C A Shermer
A LT. pt-.-sops are hereby cautioned not to
XA. allow therr does cattle or hg to run,
or themselves to fish, hunt, gather berries,
or cnt wood or young timber, or in say way
trespass on the lands of the undersigned ia
Greenwood or Susquehanna township.
Peter Miiler Henry Rush
Dan id S hadle George Dreosler
, '-""5 k S Dimm Fred.-rick Roata
Jool Dressier Jonathan Miller
Nov 20, 1878
I arge stock of ready made clothing ot th
JLU latcat and choicest styles, tor men and
boys, hata, caps, boots and ehoes, notions,
fanittniiif am!i 1 ..ji.
c. 5-" ouuicm vaneir for sal
at SaaaaJ Strayer'a, Patter.
Dundore Co., Limited
Mens, Esadj-Mada Clothing, Hats, Caps, Easts and
FLOUR, FEED, DI1UGS, &c , &c.
Johnstown, Junifttn County, pa
Thankfll to .the public for th-lr liberal patronagy In the past, we solicit cwij,-,
of tbe seme. All kimia of
Produce taken in Exchange for Goods.
May 1, ITS.
la the place where you can buy
EE is prepared to exhibit one of the most choice and select storks erer thai.
this market, an at JSTOXISHI.VGLY lO,f fP.ICZS! . B
Also, measures taken for suits and parn of suits, whieh wilt be maJetsarjj
at short notice, very reasonable.
Remember the place, in Hoffuisa's Sew BuilJing, corner of Brid
Water s'reets, MIFFLirTTOSVJ', PA. 'Jrt. ?, !:Va
lias just returned from the Eastern cities with a fall variety of
GENTS' Fl'RXISIIINO fiOODS. Goods of all irtnds are low. Ccta aid' leei
and be astonished Pants at ?5 cents. Z3 SUITS MADE TO OIU.ER.j-'
Ftterson, Pa., April lo, 17. SAMUEL STKaVEl
Traveler Guide.
THKPircH ao Local Passksoeb Tsiss
BtTwsfs ilaaaisBiaG a.sd Altoo-va.
r:.tv t
i :
. m. a.j.-.
12) (JO" 1'bi'aUl'a
r. n. a. x. p. '
a S't. Ji li 1 ;H Har-isVg
5 Hi' 8 12 1 i- Krx kviKe
5JV S 19 1 V Marvsvi e
b''l Is 27! l.Vi fnv
tj P.: H ,:tj 2i. rjn;.!!!-
'i 2'.: 8 4 5' 2 1 1 .Vim-duel
". Sa., 2 2-": Baitv's 1
o 6-" 9 Uo ia v ew jurt
7 to 9 t'.i 2 47 Vilt.-rst'n,
7 2i 9 ?! 01 I ho-ep'n '
7 4'. 3 1rt MtxU'O :
7 f2 902 3 2"i Perrvsv'e-
8 W-10 OS 3 27 Mit.i:n ;
;!H40; 3.-,.i Levfist'n
jl0.V! 4 Anderson '
11 12 4 24 McVevt'rr
1121 4 4; Mn.av'nk
1 1 4 52 N tUmii'n
ll4o 4.",0; Mt. ijiiion
1 1 54 6 tv' tJjfHtton. :
12ti: 5 15 Mill Creek
12 18 5 R'lnting'n
12 3" ooi Pt-tersb'g
12 41 02 Barre
I '2 51 6 10 SprVeCTc.
! 1 Ut 6 2" Lirmah 'm
A.M. P.M.1
3AI o l'-
p x. p.w. a
8 1". 1 CO &oo
7 51 117
7 52: 1 1?:
7 4? it.;
t i jr -t
7 2 - i 2 ':'
7 "7 :2:J5
0o. 12 21
a i : 12 n
&C2 11 O'.';
6 1 11
fi 12 11 .".S
"7 1 1 34
8 45
3 So
8 24
8 12
' ''.
I o-
7 1G
7 !0
8 40
6 3:1
5 42 MM
S.'.t 10 52:
5 14 lOo'v
5 04 10 2-i
451 1011.
4 45 10 til
4 3H 9 57
4 Xi I
4 17
3 51
3 !;
3 27
3 12
2 50
7 40
9 50
8 56
f 451
8 33:
8 15
11 t3f Tyrone !
124' 6 4'". Tipton j
1 .10 6 53 Fostoria
; 1 34 6'h Bells Mills
J I 55 7 2 Altoona
V. t. ' p. w. i
a. a.
&05 12 65 Pittsburg.
Westward Fast Tbaixs.
Pacific Express L-aves Phibtek-'.pliia 11 .55
pmj Harrisburg 4 21 a m ; Duneannon t
50am; Newport 5 14am; Miillin 5. Via
iu; Lewistowa 6 18 a m ; McVeytowu 6 41
a in ; .Vt. Vnion 7 OS a m : Huntin.-.ion 7
21 a m ; Petersburg 7 41 a m, spruce Cret-k
7 55 a iu; Tyrone 8 18 a m ; Bell's Mfls
8 ."..t a m ; Altoona 8 50 a m; PtiL.bmg
1 45 p m.
Pittsburg Express leaves Phriil.pr.i i at
fi 25 p m ; Hairisburg 1 1 15 p m ; Karvsviile
1031 pui; MlRliu 11 41 p m ;' Lewistov n
12 '! a ni ; Ituiilirgdon 1 13 a m ; Tyrone
1 53 a m ; Altoona 2 25 a m j Pittsburg 7 00
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at It 45 a
ni ; Harrisburg 3 45 p in ; Milllin 5 09 p m ;
I.ewistown 5 27 p ir ; Huntingdon 8 28 pm ;
Tyrone 7 08 p in ; Altooua 7 40 p m ; Pitts
t.irg 1 1 45 p m.
Eastwabd Fast Tr uss.
Philadelphia Express leaves Tittsburg at
4tOj.ru; ,.ltoona 8 55 pm; Bell's Mills
9 10 pm; Tyrone 9 21pm; Spruce Creek
9 38 pm; Huntingdon 10 02 p ra ; Lewis
town 10 56 a m ; Milllin 11 14am; II arris
bnrz 12 35 am; and arrives lu Philadelphia
at 3 50 a m.
Atlantic Express leaves Pittsburg at I 10
pm; Altoona tj5pni; Tvrone 651pm;
Huntingdon 7 38 p iu ; Mt. Union 8 00 p m ;
McVeytown 8 25 p va ; Lewistown 8 50 p m ;
Mifflin 9 12 p m ; Newport 9 56 p m ; Dim
cannon 10 20 p m ; Harrisburg 10 65 p m -.
arrives iu Philadelphia 3 00 a m.
Pacific Express leaves Fittsburg at 3 15 a
m; Altoona 7 35 am; Tyrone 800 am;
Huntingdon 836am; Lewistown 93ii am ;
Mifflin 9 65 am; Harrisburg 1130 am:
arrives in Philadelphia i 15 p m.
Better Times Approachbg.
Violoncello .
. $1 OOtoSOOO
.$li)0Ot 00OOO
. $2 75to8.3 OO
L able Bast
Gnitjrt .....
Vioi n Bowt ,
Jccor icons $!25to25 00
Fioiaand Guitar Strings. Boxes, Bridges,
Keys. Tale Boards Ilc.
Mouth Organs, extra quality.
Flutes, Fifes, Flageolets Clarinets Prcas,
and Basd Instruments at lowest
cash prices.
Sheet and Music Books mmltd on receipt of
Fiano Stools. Mnsic ynA. cr. j
Organ Polish. Any of the above instru
ments w ill be forwarder! at ihort notice by
addressing the
Aew Organ at astonishingly low prices.
oecond-h.ud of other makes at a btrgain.
Tor further particulars address
Organ Manufacturer.
n .S-?l- Q,,eea S, Lancaster, Pa.
Dec. 4, 1878-m
Consult yonr interesu and adTertUa
tha Sei Rtpxbtiram.
"WCT"Tii 1 i iiiimrniiiBMiHBiiBia trtT-?
A 73. 1
Walnut P. O., Juniata County,
Philadelphia & EeadingEaibaJ
Arrangement f PassenTer Tnijs.
Mat 11th, 1879.
Tratnt leave Hrrrii'uT at ii.Wi:
For NVw York t 5 jj, 8 10 a. ai., aU f
and 7 55 p. m.
For Philadelphia at 5 lo, b 10, 1Jas
2 0 land 4 90 p. rs.
For P -rfrng at 5 15, 8 10, 9 45 a. m.;:
4 W and 7 5.". p m.
For PottsviPe at 5 15, 10 a. m.. trdl
p. m. and via Scbrylk"! 4 ZiU,
Branch at 2 f p. m.
For Auburn ia S. i S. Branch at (39 1
For AMentown at 5 15, 8 !0 a. bl, !
4 00 a:.d 7 55 p. m.
Tbe 5 15, 8 10 a. m. and 7 55 '
trains have through cars for Nt I
Tbe 5 15 a. ni. trin has ihrooch can .
For reir York s? 5 15 a. m.
For Allentown anl way sfatio 1 i:ii',4:
For Re.iri-g. Pbilatrclpliia and waystit.
at 1 45 p. ft .
Leave New York at 8 45 a. ra.. and !
530 and 7 45 p. m.
Leve Philadelphia at 9 45 a. m., isdl
and 7 20 p. m.
Leare Reotiinj at 4 40, 7 20, 11 50 a-
1 3', 6 l i and 10 35 p. m.
Leato Pottsviile at 5 50, 9 15 a. m. and t-
p. m.,aud via Schuylkill and Suj:ti-
na Branch at 8 15 a. m.
Leave Aubaru via S. Sl S. Branca aCii
a. m.
Leave Allentown at 2 30, 5 4'y,9 85a:
12 10, 4 30 and 9 05 p. m.
t Dof not run on Mvmfayr.
Leave New York at 5 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelpbi 1 at 7 20 p. ia.
Leaye Reading it 4 40 and 7 40 a. m.td'.
35 p m.
Leave Allentown at 2 SO a. m. and 905;:
Fia Vornj and j.-x Railroad.
3. E. WW PTE X.
, General JliMitr.
General Ticket .Jgcnt.
Manhood: HowLost-EowFsste
Jst published, a new vli't.i
Dr. Culverweli's Ccleur.itid l-s
on the radical cure (witVata
ciney of Sw; matorrhu-a or Sen.loi
ness, Ii;vluntary Seu11n.1l !.. 1?
tency, M-nial ami pi.ysicai ..37c .v.
e.liiu"iits to Marriiir -, ere ; X.yu
siimptioTj. "Li".rpy auil Fii. ii.iinH t
selt-intltiieiice or s't.i! e:ra'-'sfa. a
The celebrated author, iu this tin'
Essay, clearly demonstrates. !ri a rksf
years' successful practice, tint th .irl
irg conse.',;:errre ot" se't'-aHise mar bet:
it'ttliy cured without tbe danj. .nas '
internal medicine or the jppiicili" a
knife; pointing oat a mode of cnr.-!'c(
simple, certaiu, and eff eti-il. by "f-
which every sufferer, no iiiutt-r j!
condition may be, may cure hiaiell cbi
ly, privateiv. and radically.
C7"This Lecture should be in tb 1&
of everv vouih and e'. erv .lion in the lUf-
Sent 'fri-e, under seal, in aplainrnr-
to any address.
Ad.lress h Puhlishers. rt
41 Ann 91.. ."if!.
junel8-ly Post.OtEce Ei -
A r.r:.- w-trfll Z 81"" '
Stretcher and ironing B'ard
selling artic'e in mirket.
-ight, both in city ana ci"
s superior in every MjP'i .
nore salt able than sr.r elherfr
rv. l....... ;...n-..rHTnHnt eoff1"''
Patented Nov' 20, 1J.77. V??
cent.ige paid. Territory sillers .
vassers wanted. A fents do not
(or circular and terms to A. W. ScHs.
Keespott, Allegheny county, Po.
what papTVoU saw this a in't- I Z
OrEce opposite Lnthersn Ch2
v nere ne win spenu j,
each month, commencing Pcvjn o
Tbe balaice of the time'h' ,-u"'e
occupied by J. S Kilmer, a yJ
worthv or conhdenre, ana
.- . .. .. ... urdeS'
associated witn tne uoruc
.s.ls.nt var and OSWaTlS.
who call dnring Dr. Burba's b-jjrtr
professional service, may, and "Lgjt
orrar.c the time with Ur. W""
may be served, on the return of tne
Admlalatratr' J"!"
Etlatt of Joseph funk, "g
"T niEREAS Letters of
W on the estate of Joseph
ceased, late of WjlSer ,nJnsfi'rw4r
county, having been granted to i
signed, all persons indobter! I to
are requested to wake imnu liSv
and those banng claims wal p!"" r
them wittont dewt j-v,
Tbompsontown, Janiataco""'
. May 14, 1874,