SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN " MIFFLINTOWN : ffednendaT, Jane It, 1ST9. TZKMS. Subscription, $1.50 per er.nnm, if paid within i months; $2.00 if not pud within 12 months. Transient advertisements inserted at 50 ceits XT inch for each insertion. Transient business notices in local col umn, 10 cents per line for each rnsertiin. Deductions will be made to tl.ose desiring to advertise by the year, half or quarter vear. Committee Meeting, The members of Republican County Com mittee are requested to meet at the Penn sylvania House in MitUintown, on SATURDAY, JUNE 21st, 1S79, at 1 o'clock p. M., to fix a time for holding the Primary Election, and transact such other bus'tie-ss as nisy come before it. iOHX T. NOURsE, Chairman. The following named Republicans com pose the Committee : Jons T. NoritsF, Caai'rmaa. Miiiiintown I" D Hamlin, 0 ft Horning. Patterson S B Caveny. I (J Marks. Thoinpsontown--i,evi Myers. C W Steinmeti Del mare IVier Tron-, II R Sowers. Port Koa! W C. Pomeroy, T M Moore. Tiisearor W S Fisher, T Creighton. Wall or Michael Coldreu, Henry Look. I$!i,k Log A W" Opple. Turbi'tt -Joim G llertzler, D E Kobison. L.ii-fc M Stump. Wiii Ross. Mi'.ford John T ? hover, W N Sterrett. Monroe C S S heller bcr,rr, I) V Weiiner. Spruce Hill A V SnycVr, S P Wharton. Fayette W S Brown, David Charters. Peaie W B Young, Joseph Walters. CJr-enwood Harrisn Minnium, lienry F Zeiders. Susquehanna II K Freymorer, S G Dress ier. Fermsngh Isaac Sieber, Joseph Brent. John S. Graybill. of Mifllintown, is the memlier of the Slate Central Committee tor Jnniala county. John Balsbu-h is the Representative Dal egate to the State Convention. Eiibn Benncr is the Senatorial Conferee to meet the Conferees of Perry and Millliu counties to elect a Senatorial Delegate to the Ute Convention. LETTER FRCM BLACK LOG. Blick Loo Tassebt, June 2, 1?79. Editor Sentinel and Republican Desr Sir, Your Iai-er reaches us alter a bard road' travel every week, and the local news of your fo n is always read with an anxious eye. We never see anything of our Blaek Log- Valley reported in it. If I succeed in writing anything tiiought to be of interc t to your readers, by cum priril'.gio of yours, I propose to give it currcmio talamo of the climate, soil, crops, education, tl hoc grnat otnne et imprimatur. The climate will claim my first attention. After a so'Uid winter, with unusually good sleighing, we had a pleasant spring, and just now we would bail a good rain as a re turning lost friend, with the benediction, Praise God. troia m horn all blessings fiow," etc. We b :vi, take it all over, I consider a most delightful climate, and healthy be youd a doubt. The air seems so pure and rnvrgorating, that it is a grand pleasure for a person with weak lungs to inhale it. There is no doubt in my miud that this is a gooi climate for those predisposed to consump tion, if they were careful to remain indoors on the mor; windy days; but you must know that what is considered a ttiff blow a'.ong t' rs river and on the open land, is only a pleasant breeze here. Our mountains and the valley are a per fect picture of loveliness, ith many new and charinine feature? to the tbiuking and l.alirg friend of a wild romantic nature. 1 admire especially these grand old Blu k I - . ... I.g and Shade mountains, covered with . j , v clnmpsof trees and shrubs, Those leaves 1 , , , i .i clist- n in beautiful gnvn, and nvul the i fc , , . ' . ,. flowers in the valle-v. Our orchards aud there is one here at the Tannery that often yields over a thou sand busiels of apph.s have been a long time m bloom. The gardens and yards are lull of perfume, while the leaves of some varieties of spicewewx -re as fragrant and beautiful as the flowers. Nature could not wear a briphtcr aspect ; and If the people living ia this valley are not as happy as they seem to be if their brigl t and healthful faces only serve to conceal the discontent, the despair or ihe sufferings within it is b;cars- sin fcss entered fhs world with s'l its woe, ar.d that 'man's inhumanity toman n:akes countless thousands mourn." Among cur local new, the most importai.t affair is, that Mr. T. English West made an ?-rrr of land claim in the valley by arresting certain p-rties f r trespassing on land he has uoiion to claim. So you may exp' L another of Mr. West's land suits at Cc September tertr of court. But I am tiring you, and will close by promising to give you in my next not only the advantages of nature here, but the dis advantages of bad roads, the condition of M.r c boots, and theraKig in politics, etc., which mar be a novelty coming from B'.ack Log. A TEUTON CHERUSKER. Tue Bioomfield Time of last week relates the following : Mr. Adam W hite- kettle. of Markilville. is the owner of an o!d fasbiobed horse-pistol of large sij, which has the aj pearance ot a relic of tbe last centurj more fhan the lock of the dangerous weapon it is. 'fit- pistol he kept in bis sleepfug room. A sLe't time since Dr. 11 , ot Yoik, accompanied by a friend, stopped with Mr. V. over night aud were put in tbe room where the pistel was allowed to rcQiain. Early in the uiorning the doc tor difeoer-d this pistol and examined it as a cnri-.ty, and thinking it a good joke oo his friend to awaken biui bj riointirifr it at biru and snapping the flint, did so. The first snap did T. '.i j above the lev: of the river ; but mountain arouse him a:u o he repeated it several eers say eels are plenty at this time in the time, without success, Lie then r iaced the pistol in such a manner that tbe lock came close to the s.eepiDg man's ear and snapped it again, when, to bis horror, and to the terror of Lie friend, the weapon was discharged with a dcafemrg report, the charge passiDg down through the bed-clothes, teariug ft large bole clear through tbe mattress Tbe only dumage done to either geulle fajpri was to scare them balf to death and to affect the bearing of tie wan whose bead was so close to the pistol, eo much so that be has not yet recov ered from its effect The escape of the doctor's friend from death is the more remarkable, as Mr. VTbitekettle says be never kiiew tho pistol to miss fire to fore nd, that it slonld tbco miss sev eral times in succession !eerocd like a! interoostnnn of Providence. It is another instance proving tbe dacr of pointiD a gun or a pistol at a per aot. A McVeytown 14-year-old lad, named VT. E. Sumnierville, at a late walking match walked 101 miles in one hour and a balf. laUkaaiaiBBlattsfi- SHORT LOCALS. Electioneering. Oats baa a promising appearance. The 4tU of July will come on Friday. Barns are being prepared for new iay. The price of wheat has an Upward ten dency. " riant potatoes en the longest day," is an old saying. The Fresbyterian church In Lewi. town has a pipe organ. The Democratic primary election will take place on Saturday. The young com Is large enough for this time in the season. The sjarrow is befouling the cornice of the Court House pilasters. Snow storms Were hard on the growing crops down in Vermont on Saturday. Why not have" a ten -nine walking match for men, at Riverside Park, next lair time. Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy To bacco. Dec. 4, lS:8-ly. bbatj was adelichtfuldav, and brought ' ' B out a large number of people to the churches. Harrisburg is making, ex tensive prepara tions for the celebration of the 4th of July. The meetings of the German Baptists at Rev. David Mmst's, last Friday and Satur day were largely attended. If all preceding rains thh summer were wanting in thunder, the loss was more than made up by the storm of last Thursday. The House, when it adj-mrned, was turned into a mutual admiration society, and almost every member gave some other member a j present. And still no one has learned the habits of . the bass well enough to lay down a rule to j catch them by. Their habits are pst fir.d ir.g out. j Marks, the pea-nut vender, has a herd of i goats, which pasture on ground that slopes at an angle of 43 degrees, from the canal to the pike, north of town. The Lewistown Gazette says: Mr. Moore, who figured in our town and county some time since as an eloquent preacher and lady's man, is now in the New Jersey insane asy lum. Vacation season of Soldiers' Orphan Schools wili commence July 19th, and con tinue till August 3'). Regular examination of the McAli-tervi'Ie School will commence at 9 o'clock A, M., July 15. ''The heaviest storm of the season prevail edt ist Thursday evening about 6 o'clock. The rain-fall ws "leavy, dashing, tho light ning was bright and Hashing, andthe thun der was a con'inuous roll and crashTj By a special meeting of the Committee ippointed to examine legal students, Bro die Crawford passed a highly creditable ex amination last Wednesty. Tkj Commit tee consists of Lyons, Patterson, Atkinson and McMeen. r-Tfieodore Thompson and family from rhorofsontown, Alton Adams and friends from Walker township, and Thcophoius Thoirpson and sister from F..yette, attend ed preaching at the Presbyterian chcrch in thisplace on Sath.-s ( Some days ago a Hvc-y ear-old child fell off an emigrant train near Van-Djke station, thisconnty. Th chili was not hurt, but was taken on the train again, whieh had been stopped, as the f-'l ot the little one had been seen by a brakeman."" I the Harrisburg lubby,tbat did its best to put ihe Riot Damage Bill through the Leg islature, was ling or itself, and had no money to spend, or, if acting for other par tif iitir it " iminev inttkifs on n ttocket. and tiied to gel the bill through on promises. . . . , , On ThursJav cveni'i; about a o cock the liehtn rig strurk Dorr's barn, in Snyder 6 eountv. about one mile cat of Lie.MteM, - th s conntr. The ham was destrove-d bv j the fire that Was kit died by the lightning. ' The rain and hail did great damage to tbe crops in Monroe township. The second regular m:eting of the Mif aintown and Patterson S. S. Association was held iu the M. E. church on Monday evening, and was largely attended. The next meeting will be hi'ld in tue Presbyte rian church next Mouday evening, at 7J o'clock. The stcrm on Thursday evening seems to have extended over a large district. It was violent in parts of Perry, Cumberland, Dau paiu, Berks aud Moirgomerv counties. Barn ere destroyed by lighting in all of the counties mentioned, and in places hail j --4?ed the standing wheat to a cousider- able extent The rains this summer have been of the most beneficial kind, falling so m leratjly that no water has rua off into the streams. Not enough water found its way into the streams to color the water, and yet enough water loll from the clouds to put sufficient moisture in the ground to make plowing casy. he gas machine in the M. E. Church, which has been out of condition the past three or four months, has been put in work ing order. The obstruction in the machine was a trifling one, and it required machinist Ed. Shellenberger but a abort time to re move the obstruction, and now they have satisfactory liglrS ' Samuel Wagner, an old and respected resident of Duncaunon, was instautly killed on the railroad at that place on Saturday morning. Ue was walking on the noith track, and in order to avoid an approaching train stepped to the south track, when be was struck from behind abd hurled iato eternity Post-master Books was up to a mountain stream to fish for trout, last Friday. In fishing a pool be discovered a large eel, but all the efforU to capture the slippery thing was a failure. It was a new thing to find in i a stream in the gsi of a mountain 100 feet year, in mountain streams. A friend contributes the following, which explains itself: A record, kept in Raleigh, N'. C, in the closing Confederate days of February, 1865, showi that were sold at $3.00 per dozen ; bacon at $7.0)to9.00 perlb.; butter, $10.00 per lb. ; beef, $2.50 per lb. ; corn, $30 per bushel ; coffee, $40 perlb.; eggs, $4 per dozen; flour, $175to $525 per bbl. ; sug ir, $17 50 to $20 per lb. ; syrups, $25 per gallon; sheeting, 4 -4th, at $o per yard ; salt, $75 to $100 per bushel ; calico, $15 per jard ; wood, $85 to $100 per cord. CSome one, a thief, a conterfeiter, a nata ral bora worker in frauds, passed a false marriare notice on this office last week, whereby Mr. Robert Humphrey and Misa Bell Kinicr. of Delaware township; are rep resented as having been married. Hereaf ter no marriage notices need be sent to this office for publication unless they be so well authenticated that no doubt of their genu ineness can arise. Ten dollars will be given fr information Ihat will lead to the detec tion of the scoundrel who forged the mar riage notice referred to abovj An English journal frankly gives credit to the American genius for at least fiftee'a inventions and discoveries which have been adopted all over the world. They are the cotton gin, the planing machine, the grass mower and grain reaper, the rotary printing press, navigation by steam, the hot air or caloric engine, the sewing machine, the india rubber industry, the machine manufacture of horse shoes, the sand ballast for earring, the guage lathe, the gram elevator, artificial ice manufacture on a Urge scale, the electro-magnet and its practical application, and the composing machine for printers. fatife, & seven-year-old son of John Fa eiik, acitiaeu ol I'at'.ersou, last Thursday, while lookiig down into the river at a tur tle, Irom the third pier of the river bridge, on the nor'h side, lost his balance and fell onto the ice-breaker and thence into the river. A mm bur of h-ya were with Mui; they gave lie; alarm. Thomas Reese lound tho child on the button) of t'.ie river, in about tonr feet of water. -It is a wou'ier the child came to life, fur it was almost drowned, and a fearful gash extruded . .... . nose, arid uver the chin, caused hv conta. 1 wiib the edge of a railroad br th it is fast ened to the ice-breaker. At latest accounts the boy was doing as well as could ba ex-p.-etedP A. G. Bonsall aud John Hollobauch re ceived 4,000 mountain trout, on Saturday, from the State hatching house, for distribu tion in such streams in this co'?nty as the gentlemen to whom they were sent might select. Joseph Martin and A. G. Bonsall put a number of the little fish in Big run, and in SulouS'a or Homing's run. Fra k Books and John Hollobaugh stocked Mace donia run. The streams joit mentioned all haad in Shade mountain, on the north side of the county. Slieriff Walls took a mimtxrto the west end of the county to stock streims that flow through Juniata county to the Junta's river. The law im poses a peualty on ail bo fish for trout in streams that have been stocked by the State, within a period of three years after the fish have been put into the streams. For some time past Mr. Samuel Riizman, a citizen of Spr: e Hill township, this coun ty, has not been in good health, because of some ailment of his luugs. Last Thursday Le was prostrated by hemmorrhage. His brother, P. T. Ritzman, came to attend to the affairs of the farm, and look to th feed ing ef the stock, &c. About 6 o'clock in the evening a violent storm of wind, rain, and lightning passed ever the valley, doing considerable damage to the growing grain. P. T. m was in his brother Samuel's barn when the storm came up, and contin ued the work that he was at. He went to the hay mow, and was in the act of pitch in; hay down for the stock when the barn was struck by lightning. The lightning struck his body about the ir.Hclle and passed off by the feet, tearing hi clothing and forcing one of his boots off, and rendering his lower limbs useless. At the same time the hay around him took fire. Mrs. Sam uel Ritzman ran to the bam, and by 'the help of a boy succeeded in getttng her brother-in-laT out of the burning building. The un fortunate man lingered in great pain till Fri day evening, when he died. Tbe fire that was communicated to the barn by the lightning spread rapidly, and before the entire movable contents of the structure couli be removed it was con sumed. AH the live stock in the barn ex cepting one horse and twelve sheep were gotten out. Most of the farming utensils. machinery and wagon" of the plantation ' were in the barn, and of c nrse were de- j ! struved. The insurance amounts to only six hundred dollars. The deceased was j ! married about three months ago. Tue Se;ond Term of tbe Norm il CUm at Airy View Academy will commence JULY 21, lt79, S"d continue Five Week. Spe cial atte ntion given to the subjects required in the coming Public Examinations. Tui tion, $1.00. Board and furnished room, $-. c 'J per week. J. T. AILM.AX, A. B., Principal, 2t Port Royal, Pa. As to trespass on lauds that are fenced or enclosed, an exchange says : But few peo ple understand the purport of the trespass law; we publish the following sections, as contained ia Purdon's Digest : If any person or persons shall prsnme to carry a gun or hunt on any inclosed or improved lands of this province oth-.T than his own, unless ne snail nave license or per mission from the owner ot such land, or shall presume to fire any gun on or near any of the highways, and shall thereof be con victed, either iion view of any justice of the peace within the province, or ly tne oath or affirmation of any one or more wit nesses, before anv justice of the peace, he shall for every offence forfeit the sum of ten dollars." Again ' It is not necessary, however, that an actual loss should b; iToved. Every entry upon the close (field) of another, without bis permission, unless justified and authorized by law, is trespass lor which suit may be brought before any alderman." " Yrs, I'd love thee as well, my own true heart. Were thy face twenty times less fair. And thy soft flowing tress I woula fondiy caress, If gray were tby sweet brown hair. Should thy brow become withered and worn, sweet-heart. And thy lips should look ralo and grow sad, My true love to kiss 'twould be exquisite bliss, And th smiling would make rr.y heart gld. If thy beauty should all pass away, sweet love, And bliulit sheuld my violet enfold ; Still, as constant my love as the brigbtstars above, And my heart it could never grow cold." Th Detroit Free Press relates the fol lowing : A resident on Brush street wbo had a hnru tn sell was directed to a citizen of Ninth avenue who wanted to buy, and al ter liiilo talk the two made a trade. The Ninth avenue man gave an old hcrse and eighteen dollars in cash for the other, and cretvthing seemed perfectly satisfactory. In a day or two, however, the Brush street man returned and aaid : " You and I made a trade the other day V Yes," replied the ether. You are a member of the church, I un derstand T" I am." u Wen that horse yon traded with me h.. a snavin. and vou never said a word about iu What sort of trickery is this for a Christian man to engage in t" Tbe other entered the house without a word, but after a minute re-appeared with tbe family Bible, and said : " Mr. Blank, here is my gnide and conso lation. I have read this book through and through, and if you will take it and find where a Christian is re-juired to point out spavin in a Lorse trade I'll buy you a bet ter horse than you ever owned i" The Brush street man' went home with new thoughts in his head, and he faid no more about tbe exchange. JUNE. Fair girlhood of the year I In which' she weaves More gaudy colors in her simple dresses, And knots the waxen lily's buds and leaves . Among the braidings of her glossy tresses; In whose enjoyment, all the afternoon, Like lovers at the thriue where Love re pose. We live enraptured thon art here, oh Jlrne. All fragrant with the odor of thy roses? Upon the leafy lute strings of the trees The aephyr ships its niouody of sweetness. The feathered warblers hearken to the breexe And trill the echoes of the song's com pleteness ; The lit lie brook.t, whose waters hum a tnne Uuto the ovurhanying reeds and grasses, Uplift their notes t bid lhee welcome, June, Ai.d nod their lilies as thy footstep p isses. And when at eventide the jealous night l ids guarding day ber tutelage surrender, What time thu gulden stirs display their light, The silvrr moon her most enchanting splendor. So lolh is day to speak the last good byes She tarries ahile the sombre night ad vances. And lingers on the threshold ere she Hies To catch the latest of thy wakeful glances. Back from the sunny Sonthland in thy train Return the bobolinks, the jays and thrushes, The blue birds warble in the fields acain, Kingfishers sw ing above the river rushes ; The shady groves are eloquent w ith song, The flowery meads melodious with num bers, And music walks bsidft thee all d.v. 1 '"T, And lends its cbarius to beautif y th- s'm li bers. Itotton Pott. In Spruce Hill township, in Tuscarora, and in Monroe, and in Susquehanna town ships the hail da-nag.-d the wheat to a con siderable extent, and knocked off peaches and apples in great nuuiDera, last Thursday evening. Notice to Bondholders. The followirg circular was issued last week : TaEasiar DcpaamcNT, Or rice or Ssc BETaar, Wasuisgton, May 2i, 187'J. Holders of called bonds whieh mature be fore the first day of July next aie requested to send them to the Department for pay ment during the month of June. In this way the holders of snch bonds will receive payment for them with interest to maturity before the. bonds mature. The very large payments of called bonds to be matle in July will fully occupy the different ofiices of the department in that month, and pref erence in the order of liquidation will be giien to maturing bonds rather than to bunds past due, the holders of which have failed to present theui for payment. All United Slates bonds forwarded for redemption should be addressed to the Loan Division, Secretary's Office," and all registered bonds should be assigned to the .Secretary of the Treasury fr redemption." W here parties desire checks in payment for registered bonds drawn to order of any one but the payee, they should assign them to the Secretary of tho Treasury for re demption on account of the owner or own ers, giving name or names thereof. As it is impossible to notity directly hidders of such bonds, the press of the country is respectfully requested to give publicity to this notice, that there may be no delay in the payment of the bonds, and that an accumulation of money in the Trea sury may be avuided. Johx SnERMix, Secretary. FOR SALE A commodious Dwelling House, and two Store Rooms, in the bor ough of MilPintown, Juniata county, Pa. This is a rare chance to acquire a dwelling house, and business place iu Mitllintawn ; a chance, which if left pass, may not be equaled in mary years. For particulars, call at, or address this office. jan29-tf Caamos Mita Dr. Oberholtzer s Lini ment hvs been use 1 by thousands, and has jirovcd to be of the highest value to the cotntuuuity. It has effected many enres in Rheumatism, Sores, Swellings, Sprains and Frosted Feet, aud many persons re.toia:ueud it for Cuts, Oails and Swe-liiugs in horses. It costs 2 cents. Sold by Banks &. Ham lin, Mifllintown, and Hamlin II Co., Pa'tor Soti, Pa. marllMui Camphor Milk cures Headache and Neu ralgia. Camphor Milk cures Rheumatism and Lame Back. Camphor Milk cures Cuts, Bruises and Burns. Camphor Milk costs 2oc ; 5 bittls $1. Sold by Banks illam'in, Mifllintown, and Hamlin &. Co., Patterson. marl9-ly Pbo?nx Pectoral will cute your Cough. Phoenix Pectural cures hoarseness quickly Phoenix Tectoral tastes goeid and brings rest. Phienix Pectoral costs 2; 5 b.itt' :- T'. Sold by Bants &. Haiiilin, Xiflliutovr, ! Ilamlin &. Co., Patterson. mar:9-ly Fabucrs, do you want pood Land Pias ter, Lumber, Calcined Piaster, Kosendale Cement, or Y'ork county Lime 1 If so, call on Kennedy &. Doty, who have just re ceived a new stipjly by boat, and all at bottom prices. may! -St O YES, LOOK. THIS WAY ! ! For your Grain Drills, Reapers, Mowers, Wheel Cultivators, for either one or two horses, 7 to 9 shovels, best in the market. J. F. O. Loso, Port Royal P. O., or near Spruce Hill, aprlO-tf Juniata county, Pa. SUNDAY SCHOOLS Will find it to their advantage, if they want Books, Rewards, or Requisite's, to address W. M. FavsiscKB, S. S. Book Depository, Harrisburg, Pa. mavH-tf FOR RENT. The Corner Store-room in the Belford Building, now occupied by H. E. Parker, is for rent. Inquire of Ju ABGAaET 1SELPORD. yew Advertisements. NEW STORE IN McALISTERVlLLK. Grand Opening ! Great Bargains ! O D. WATTS has just returned from 0 Philadelphia with the largest assort ment of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Notions, Fancy Goods, Boots. Shoes, Hats, Hats, Caps, Qnecnsware, W ooa ana Willow Ware, Hardware, DRUGS, PAISTS ASD OILS, ever brought to McAliterville, which will be sold at REDUCED PRICES. All kinds or Produce, Meat, Dried Fruit, Grain and Seeds or all kinds taken in ex change for Goods. ECall and examine our stock, in .the room former occupied by J. R. Boughner, opposite the National Hotel, JKcAlistervllle, Juniata county, Pa. 8. D. WATTS. April 2, 1879 CANDIDATES' CABD3. For SHERIFF. Editor Stntintl end Republican Sir : At the request of many Republicans, I present the name of I.ieut. James R. Kelly as a candidate for the .ffice of Sheriff, subject to the rules that govern tbo Republican party. Should the Lieutenant become the standard-bearer for the important omce of Sheriff for the cain(aigii that will close in November, he will prove to be a tower of strength before the whole people. JUNIATA. FOR SHERIFF. Editor Stnlinrl ani tttpnblicnnS'xr: At the request of many Republicans I present the name f Mr. I.rta Davis, of Walker township, as a "can iidato for the office of r-heriff. subject to the rules that govern the Republican p-ity. Should Mr. Davis be nominated and elected, be will make an efficient u dicer, being qualified in all re spects to fill the office. THOMPSON TOWN. FOR JURY COMMISSIONER Editor Stntinrl and Republican Sir: It is the desire of a number of tbe Republican friends of Daniel Coffman, of Patterson, !hst his name be presented to the Republi can v. !" of Junia La county as a candidate for tie hC' s of Jury Commissioner, there fore I ask that bis name be announced in the columns ot the Sentinel and Republican, as a candidate for the office mentioned, sub ject to the rules that govern the party. May 2u, 1879. PATTERSON. FOi: JURY C0MMI.S3I0.VEit. Editor Sentinel and Republican Dear Sir, As the tiina for announcing candidates is approaching, I would recommend C. S. SiiELLKSBKBCEa, of Monroe township, as a suitable person tor Jury commissioner, sub ject to the rules of the Republican party. Mr. Shellcnb.'rgur has always been a true aud trustworthy Republican, and is a man of intelligence, possessed of true and cor rect business qualifications, and, if elected, would make a good officer. MONROE. CLOSING PRICES or DE HAVEN & TCWNSEND, niXKERS, No. 40 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. Stocks Bought and Sold either for Cash or on a Margin. June 9, 1S79. Bid. AiKrn. j U.S. 6's 1881 l'7 W7J " Currenrv, 6's 12i l'J'i 5's, ltsi,new li:l H.-tJ I " 4i's, new, 10;f Wf.j i " 4's lO-'J lr;;j Pennsylvania R. R 37 37 J 1 Philadelphia Je Reading K. R.. !' 2') I Lehigh Valley K. R 39J 3P- j Lehie'li Coal i Navigation Co.. It 24 J j United Companies of N. J .... H 14:lj Northern Central K. R. Cc... lrtj 17J i IKstonville Pass R. R. Co.... 1$ 1 Pitts., Tit i. Bufl. R. R. Co... 6 f.J Central Transportation Co ... 4I 41$ i Northern Pacific, Cora........ 15 15J , " Prefd 4'J 4H Silver, (Trades) ! 9HJ t ' (t'sand fa.) W 9:i " (Dimes ami Dimes.)... lv 9VJ , -. : " I CO M 31 la IIC I la. i ,,-'1 ; . jj! MIFFLI3T0YX MARKETS. MirrixiTows, June II, 1879. Butter " Eggs l'l Lard Ham 9 litiitUer tides Potatoes ') Onions...... 4') Kags 2 SIIFFLINTO'iYN GRAIN" SlAkKET. Corrected weeKly by Kennedy t Doty. Qi:otatiois woo. To-cai. Weilnesday, June 11, lf79. Wheat 1 "5 Corn, ; Oats '-" live Timothy seed 1 OOtol 10 Cloverseed 3 23 PI11LAILL1'HI.V ORAIN MARKETS l'liiLADkLPHt e, June i. Wheat $1.1 to 1.17. Kve octc'i ic. Corn 3'Jto44c 35to4ic." Oats IKITI11 GRAIN TRADE. LivcapooL, June 6. A leading Erin cir cular says : j;ra'n markets have oeeii stead ier this week, but inactive, the millers Lny ii.f onlj to supply their ininiediite re.piire met,' . A the markets dinir.g tbe pa.t three ' i. 'tie supplies ot Kngilsh heat have I. .en t uall, and previous rates ere supported. Forei ju m jved slowly, but was quotably iinalterel. Cargoes on the coest are in rather betie-r reque-st. with fume de mand tor tbe Continent. Only six cargoes remain unsold. Business he-re and at the neighboring markets has been dull since Tuesday. Wheat and corn were unchanged. At this market, to-day, the transactions in wheat were moderate at the currencies ot Tuesday. Flour was in slow demand and unchanged. Corn was in fair demand, wnu the tendency iu favor of buyers." PRIVATE SALES. o A FARM OF 75 ACRES, 53 ACRES cear and in a good state of cultivation, the baance in timber, in Spruce Hi township, Juniata county, Pa., one-hif mie from the projiosed rairoad fro:u the Juniata to the iotouiac river, six mie-s from Port Roya. The improvements are a Largo S tone Duel ling House, 2Sx30 feet, with a we of good water at the door, Bank Sarn, Corn Cribs, and other outbuildings, a large Apple. Or chard, and a great variety of fruit. Aso the neht to auarrr lime stone on a farm about a liaf distant. Tbe farm has been limed rece-nty. Tf!s One-haf cash, bance in two annus payments. For tutt'jer rarticuars address S. A. HOFFMAN, Spruce Hi, Juniata Ce., Pa. A TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED IN Milford township, Juniata cou.itr, six miles west of Patterson, containing Fifty Acres ; ten cleared, the rest well timbered ; having thereon erected a Log House and Frame Barn. There is an excellent spring of water at the door. Trice, two hundred and fifty dollars. Inquire at this office. A LOT OF GROUND ON TnE SOUTH siJe or Main street, McAlisterville. this county, having thereon erected a Dwelling Hjnse, and Shop or business place, Wash House, and Spring nouse, and Stable, a Well of good water with pnmp iu iL Eleven apple trees of choice fruit. The lot is well fenced. This is a desirable prop erty in the locality in which it is located, and can be boueht at a reasonable price. For further particulars address NATHAN GRIFFITH, McAlisterville, Juniata Co., Pa. LUMBER. Ail kinds, sisfs and qualities, for sale at prices to suit the times. Call on or address Jas. C. SsiLtnosroRD, uar20-tf Near McAlisterville, Pa. Special .Vol ices. THE WORLD'S Da. L. D. Waiacsm's ALTaTiva Sranp. Z7 remedy used THIRTY-FIVE YEARS in a private practice, and never failing to radically cure RHEUMATISM, DROPSY, Erysipelas, Scrofula, ?econdary Syphilis, (ravel. Diabetes, aud all diseases in which Ihe blood is implicated, is now off-red to the public. Sold by all Retail Prurjists, and (whole sale only) br Tub tt'iTseai Mkdicisk Co., P. O. Box 338, kochustr, N. Y. I will marl (Free) the recipe for a siiupli i VroETABLa Balk that will remove TAN. FKECKLKS, PIMPLES and BLOTCHES, j leaving the skill soli, clear and beautiful ; I also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth ot hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address, inclosing ilc. sianiD, Ben. Van.lelf At Co., 20 Ann sin et, N . Y . f TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently rnreii of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to mane Known to Ins ic-llow-sunVrs tbe means ol cure. To all who desire it, be wi.l send a copy of the prescription used, (tree ol ch irge), with the directions lor prepiring and using the same, which Ibey will find a srK craa for Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, Aic. Parties ishiug the Prescrip tion, will please addri-ss, K. A. WILSON'. 191 Penn street, Williamsburgh, N.Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. V GENTLEMAN who suffered for vears from Nervous DEBILITY, PRE'4 A TL RE DECAY, and all the effects of youth ful indiscretion, will lor the sake of suffer ing humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction lor making the situ pie remedy by whieh he was cured. Suf lerers wishing to profit by tne advertiser's experience can do so by addressing in per fect confidence, John b. or; den, 42 CeJaa street. New York. PILES Of all kinds, TOMRS, discharges of I1LMI). or umriis, and all diseases ol the Kl.OTt'M quickly and perfectly cured by a simple and southing KE.VIEDY. Kor lnturRiati .n ad dress Da. J. F.VBEH &. CO., 2 Ann street, N. Y. Jan 20, 187!M5m Anr Advrrtiement. JUMATA VALLEY BANK, OF3IIFF1.IXT017.X, PA. WITH BRANCH AT P.jRT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. J. NEVIN POM FRO Y, Preudent. T. VAN' IRWIN, CasAier. DlBECTORS : J. Xevin Pomeroy, Joseph Rothrock, (ieorge Jacobs, Philip M. Kepner, Amos O. Bonsall, Louis E. Atkinson. STOCKUOLDFKS : J. Xevin Pomeroy, James B. Okeson, Philip M. Kepner, Wm. Van Sweringen. Joseph Rothrock, Saml Herra Ueirs, (Jeorge Jacobs, Jane H. Irwin, L. E. Atkinson, Mary Kuril. V. C. Pomeroy, Samuel M. Kurtz, Amos C. Bonsall, J. Holmes Irwin, Noah He'rtzler, T. V. Irwin, Daniel Stoutler. F. B. Frow. Charlotte Snyder, John Hertzler. 37 Interest allowed at the rate of 3 per rent, on 6 months certificates, 4 percent on l' months certificates. jan23, lS79-tT Better Times AuiiraacMn?. Violint . Viol'tnceilds ... Double Butt ... Unit in 1'ioia Box ... Accerdconi .... $i ooto-'iOcn ' $10oi:t's't)tr) I iZ 3 liOloVMitl ii ;.t.s3 n .... I'ltol'jIK) $I23toi-0 I l ioia and '.' itar Strings. Boxes, Bridget, Keys. Tale Boards &.C. ST jitth Oig ins, extra quality. Flutes, Fit'e, Flajeolet--, C!armis, Drums and Band Instruments at loe.- t cah prices. Sheet ani .Vatic Rooki mailed on receipt of Priie. Piano Stools, Music Stands, Piano and Onan Plih. Any -f the above instru ments w ill be forwarded at sli irt notice by a'lilressing ihe Mi KILLirS ORGAN MANUFACTORY. Atir Organ at astonishingly low prices. ;"-cond-h.nd of other makes at a bargain. For further particulars address ALF.X. M. KILLIPS, Oritan Manufacturer, 320 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. Dec. 4, 1878-oui KENNEDY & DOTY, (Successors to Bnyers fc Kennedy,) DEALERS IN ;iti, CO Ala, laUMlHaR, CEMENT, Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster SEED, SALT. ttC. We'buy Grain, to be delivered at .Mifflin town or Mexico. We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. KENNEDY fc DOTY. April 21, !S79-tf ROOTS AND SHOES. T my residence at East Point, J town, I am prej-ared to promptly till orders for HOOTS A.1D SHOES, LAD1LS'. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR, at prices to correspond with tbe times. All kinds of REPAIR .VC also promptly attended to. Hoping to re ceive a share' of the patronage of the peo ple, I subscribe myself their obedient shoe maker. A. B. FASICK. Feb. 3, 1875-tf J M. BRAZEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON, Academia Juniata Co , Pa. Orrtca formerlv ocenpied bv Dr. 9 f-rrctt. Professional business promptly atteci-.d to at all hours. Large stock of ready made clothing ed the latest and choicest styles, for men a:d boys, hats, caps, boots and shoes, notions, furnishing goods in endless variety for sale at Samuel Strayer's, in Patttrsoa. Consult your interests and advertise in the SiZ and Republican. MtSCELUVtEOUS JDundore $ (Jo., jLimited, DEALERS IV HARDWARE, IKON, NAILS, ALL KIND OF STOVES. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Minns, Esiuy-Mius Chilling, Hits, dps. Bests Sta, flour, fe::d. diu gs, Sx. &t. HARDWARE A SPECIALTY. Johnstown, Ji.Zfhitu County, Pa. T'linkrnl to'the pcb'ie fT fh-ir lilwral pilroaige io th" past, we solicit cootinuaocw Cf the same. Ail kin.i. of Produce taken in for (Jix!s. DUN DO RE & CO., LIMITED. Walnut P. 0., Juniata County. P. May I, 1878 D. W. HAKLEY'S I the place where joa caa hay Till: UilST AM) TUB C'lIK.irilST MENS' YOUTHS' & ROYS' CLOTHING HATS, CAPS. BOOIS, SHOES. A SO FCR.XISHIXG GOODS. HE ia prepared to raltibit oiie of tin mnt ehoi--p and select aiirks ever offered in this mark.t, and at ASTU.MsHI .Vl7 LY LOW PRICES I Also, measures tahen for suits atid parts of suits, which at short notice, very r.sonab!e. Remember the r Iner, in Hn2"inaa Water s'reets, Jllf FI.INTOn X, PA. SAM'L STRAYER Has just returned frnui tbe Eastern cities with u fu!I Tariotj of MEW & BOYS' CLGTKmG, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SIIOKS, ALL SIZES, GENTS' Fl'R.VLSHIN'J GOODS C.di an I be astonished. Pants at ',.' cents. Patterson, l a., Apnl lo, Traveler' Guide. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TIME-TABLE roa Through aid Local Passaaaa Taeiss Benin IiataiBcao asn Altoos. LE4VI WESTWARD. i LESVC . i EASTWARD. I disss' S : 5 s 5 -. 55: 1 ? 3 i L t I 3 a I A.M. I A.M. P. M. S 00 Philadel'a 3 00, 5 40; P. M ! P. V. P.M. A 1230 A. M. P.M. 5 30 5 t'i 5 5V 6"4 6 1H 623' 6 4" 6 33 7 Kt I'M 7 4-i 8 tt 12 8 19 8 27' 8:11 8 4;: 8-v; 9 Oi ; ! 19 y :1 U4ti 1 .Ho-Harrisb'g 1 4 ! Koekvil.e 1 ."iii.Varvsvi'e 1 31-' Cove 2 V Dune in'n 2 14 Aqueduct 2 23 K.ii:v's I 2 S3. New pert 1 2 47 Miltersfn 3 HI I hon.p'n'i i IK Mexico j 3 2" Perrvsv'e 3 27 StitKin 3 3' Lrwist.Vn 4 (is Anderson 4 21 MeVeyt'n 4 7 Manav'iik S 13 7 5!: 1 :Vh I 17 9im i c -43 I 3-5 ; f 21 8 12 K C-2 ' 747 - . ; 7 I-J 7 00 8 IO fi 23 : 6 25 i 7 52 111 7 41 l.3l 7 32 l2 5o; 7 22 I2V 7 07 12 35! o57 12 24 f.4:; 12 II 6 32 1 1 of 6 18 II 43; 6 12 11 3 6 07 II 34 5 42 1 1 PI 5 2!) H52 o 14 10 35: 7.2 932 8 0x plot: l4tt :!0.V: 11 12 ;H2i 113" I14H. Hot 12 0:i .12 IS , i a s " , ji2 n j'2J,l i r- I 1 21 1 SO 131 ! 155- p. . 5114 lo2'i! 4 32 N llainil'n 4-'l 10 II 4 M Mr. Union 4 4. 10 1 5 07 Ma; leton., 6 15 Miil Creek. 5 3v iliiiit ne'ii 551 Piltrsb'g 6 02 Harree , 6 in Spr'ceC'kj 6 23 Pirnih'iu, 3t Tyrone I 6 4tj: Tipton ! ft 5.1 Fost.xia t 6 Bells Mills 7 2')' Altoona 4 3.1 4 3i 4 17 3 3 51 3 Iti 9 50 9 -' 9 22; 9 r 9 I" y 5; 3 8 27, 851! 3 17! 8 4l 3 12 3e 250 h oti 8 33, 8 15 A.K. A.M. 9' 5,12 55 Pittsburg 1 74:), Westwabd Fast Tais. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia 11 53 pin; Harrisburg ?ipj Dnimnnon ft 5') am; NewiMrt 5 14 an-; M.fllin 5 .Mi a m; Lewistown ti IS a m ; McVeytown 6 41 j am; V:. Union 7otam; Huntingdon 7 JSun; Petersburg 7 4 I a ni ; pr-iee Creek ! 7 53 am; Tvrone 8 18 am; Bell's Mills' 8 a m ; Altoona 8 50 a m ; Pittsburg 145 pm. Pitt-burj Esprrss leaves Phi!ale'pH- ist I 6 25 p m ; ILirrishur? 1 1 1-5 p ni ; Marvsville ! 10 31 n n ; Milll.n 1 1 44 p m ; I.ewitown ft 111 . . If ,.nt;l.n 1 Tt . . Ta.r-a. I. "1 4 III iiii")tii; a a w t a j flit . 1 5;t a ui ; Aliooiia 2 25 a r ; Pittsburg 7 L'O j Tho ecl-urate-d author. In this a-Imfrabli m- Essay, clearlv deiiMnstrates, from a thirty Fat Line leaves Philadelphia at 1 1 43 a years' sue, e-smi praete.-f. ilwt tho alarm m ; llarrisbnrir 3 45 p m ; MiiHm 5 09 p m ; in cor.s.-qiineea ,f si-If-arm-e nav be rad Lewistown 5 27 p nc ; liuntinedon 6 28 pm ; :.aily cnre.t without the (ran-erons nse of Tyrone 7 t;8 p iu ; Altoona 7 4" p ra ; P.iU-1 menial medicine or the ar-plication of the burg 11 45 p m. kni:e ; pointing out a mode of cure at once Eastward Fast Tains. , simple, certain, and e3'.-ct;ia!, by means of Philadelphia Express leaves Pi'Nr-nrjr at I " n;ch every sufferer, n matter hat bis 440pm; Alt.s.ns 8 55 p ru ; lull's Mills I "mlilm mar tw. ra ctrre LimM-if c!r;- ( 9 10 pm; Tvrone 9 24 pm; Spruca Cr.tsk lT P'ivatel.v, and rai-cot!. 9 SH pm: lliintinedon It) 02 p in ; Lewis- Ibis Lecture should be ban town l;'.Sam; Mi:!lin 11 14am; Harris-! "r every vontb and e"-ry n;an . . bur- 12 35 am; and arrives in Phibdelj.bia j Sent nnder seil, in a plain envelope, te at3o0am. any address, post-vnil, on the rect-it-t of Atlsntic Expre leaves Pittshnrg at 1 10 r'17j'nr'ir ,H pu1 t,,n,FS' AM" ' pm; Altoona l-ipiui T.rone 051 pm;l -.IVT-rV X r Dirn r frr,.r . v r HunliniT'Ioii 7 H nm; Mt. I ulon 8 I'D o in ; McVeytown 8 2 p m ; I.ew;st.wn 8 o() p m ; Mitlliii 9 12 p m ; Ne-n pirt 9 .V p m ; Dun- cannon 10 20 p n: ; Hjrriburg It? 55 p in; arrives in Puiladelphia 3 00 a m. Pacifio Expr-s leaves Pittsburg at S 15 a m; Altoona 7 35 am; Tyrone 800 am; ll'tntinftdon 8 :n a ni ; Lew istown 9 3fi a iu ; ITtiiin 9 55 am; Harrisburg 1130 a t;i arrives in Philaiielf hia 3 15 p m. I WE HAVE IT AT I A ST. A ix-rtect working Shirt bim Strelcher and Ironine Board. Best selling article in meiket. Sells at -lght, both in eitv and conntrv. . It s-sperior in every respect, and r.ore saleable than any other b-"nj. rhe latest iuiprtve-ront over all atented Nov. 20, lSi i . Large per cent.ige wid. Territory sellers and car. rassers wanted. Agents do not fail tos.nd for circular and terms to A. V. Siuitb, Mc- Keesport, Allegheny county, Ta. Ssar what paper yon saw this adv't. octlb RE. BCKLAN, 2) EXT I ST. Office opposite Lutheran Chart!), PORT ROYAL, JUNIATA CO., PA., Wnere he will spend th'-first ten dais ol each month, commencing lec mber 1st. The balance of the time his omce will be occupied by J. S Kilmer, a young man worth.? of confidence, and who has been associated with the Doctor as str.dent and assistant two years and npwards. Those who call during Dr. Bnrla3's absence for professional service, Diay, and wi.l please arranee the time with Mr. Kilmer when they may be served, on tbe return of the Doctor- l.are stock of Heaeiy-maile Clothing inr ale by HAKLnY fc CO. Subscribe for the Sentinel and Republics,, 1 .iDl'ER TISEM KJ IS. rill be made to oro'q Ne I'uiUinr, eoroer of V.riJg and Jan. 1, WJ-lf of a'! kin !, are W.Cornu and see me CT'SLI'1 MADE To tihDF.K. SAMUEL SlU.AiER. Philadelpliia & Reading Railroad. Arrangement of Tassc asrer Traill. Mat 11th, 1879. Trains leave Hirrulurg as followt t For New York at 5 13, b It) a. m., and 2f0 I and 7 53 p. m. ! For Philadelphia at 5 I , t 10, 9 45 a. m., 2 IX) and 4 'jil p. For Reading a 5 1". 9 10, 9 43 a. m., 2 0i 4 is' and 7 5 p iu. i For Pottsvilie at 5 13, S 10 a. m.. and 4 W p. m-. and via .Schuylkill k. S us.inrhann Branch at 2 40 p. m. For Auburn via S. tk . French at 5 JO a m. For Allentown at a 15, 8 10 a. m., 2 I"), 4 On and 7 55 p. m. n o io, s n a. m. anrt "7 5. p m. trains have through cars for N-w York. The 6 15 a. m. train has through cars for Philadelphia. SCXD.1TS. For New York at 5 13 e. m. A'lcntown and way stations at 5 13 a. tn. For Rejfv,p, Philadelphia and way otaiiou at I 4 p. iu. Train for Hurritburg leaie anfolioxe : Leave New York at ! 45 a. m., and 1 00, 5 an.t 45 p. M. Leave Fhii i lelrh'.a at 9 45 a. m., and 4 00, and 7 2 p. in. Leave Kea linsr at f I 40, 7 25, 1 1 50 a. m., 1 3:, t 15 and 10 35 p. v.i. Leave IVitsviilo at 5 5i 15 a. r-.:. and 4 4i p. r.i.,and via Se hn;. !U:'l ami Susquehan na Kranrb at 15 a. ni. Leave Alburn via s. at S. Branch at 11 r,ij a. m. Leave Allentown at t2 30, 3 40, 9 G3 a. m., 12 10, 4 2d and 9 05 p. m. t Dots not run c .Vi.idayt: SV.SDA VS. Leave New York at 5 So p. n. Leave Philadelphia at 7 21) p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40 and 7 4-. a. ni at"l It S3 p ni. Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. ni. and 3 05 p.m. flit Warns and Essex R.nlroad. J. E. WixjTTEV, General Mxnaitr, C. G. HANCOCK. General Ticket Aeni. Manhood: HowLost. How Hestored Just peb'ished, a rew edition ft Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the ri-fieW curt (i!hoiit medi cine) of Sjieriiiatorrho-a or Seminal weak ness. Involuntary Seminal Losses. lmpo teney, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Im pediments to Marriage, etc ; also, Cou-siimpt'.-ti, Epilepsy and Fits; indneed br scil-in.liilgeuce or sexual extravagance, fcc. E-Price, in a sealed e-ov.-l. r finlv ai T J ."". ' vi 41 nn ?t.. New York: aprll-ly I'ost-tvr.c-i Bo: 43-'i. rn. j. LiVKPei'ooL's PGGKET YMTOSfi blEES. Th want that Ias lone been Jnnfed f .r by Ihe Profssio-i is an Inhak-r Itucl Jan b-r carried hi the pocket, anl is reari-r Hr ns-. at ary time. This Vaor.-ain? inhnier i neat and cerapart mv thu any ofhei Inhaler n'-w in the rrket and can be H for one-.jaarter tho une-nnt any other InhaTe.-can be. !t is o- ch-.-ap Ih it any mair or worhs;i that is trotiied witl Catarrh, Itronr'.il ti, Atbnaa, llradix tie, and all diseases of the Lun;s and Air Pas .iffes, and tor the sa:'c and etl'.-ctiial Va;or-ii-ig of anv meetieire. This little Vair- m J izer is ntrniy rnlrJ an-1 re;-.mnen.e,t bv the Profession fee whtt Tr. Kisst sa;. s al ut it ; ;.', Dr. f n ssi, hot of whom are highly appreciated as tuerfrcaj ext-. a--t respected German physicians of Chicago : Tsea lro : You h.tvr an Instrn n-nt that I highly at'preci-t'e and indorse, and -' feel congti.Mit that It w be of 2"-ei bene fit to the Prole-ssirtn and public in general. I rof. .. J. bitz, M. D-, Prof. U. Fbass. M. D.. Chicago, III. All comtnnxieations rr.rtst bead-iressed, DR. J. LIVERPOOL. 1011 Walr.utitn et, Phil;delphiaw C7" Send i-tamp fo,- circular, or ?l .00 fr Inhaler. uar26-2m The Sentinel cacj Republic, office is the place tozct iobwerk done. Trvit. Itwilt ytf you if y.-i ned anyihitj in, tiut line.