Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 11, 1879, Image 1

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    SY. Sit
Editor and Proprietor.
NO. 24.
When the ong'a gone out of your life,
That yon thought would but to the end ;
, Thmt firet sweet song of the heart,
; That no after-days can lend
j The song of the birds to the trees
j The song of the wind to the flowers
; The song thai the heart sings low to itself ,
i When it wakes in life's morning hours.
You can start no other on ,
! Not even a tremulous note
Will falter forth on the empty air
It dies in your aching throat.
It is all in Tain that jou try.
J For the spirit of song has fled.
FLUID EXTRACT t e uBd: no mol Vhe w
W hen the beautiful flower is dead.
' So let eilence softly fall
' On the bruised heart's quivering strings ;
'; Perhaps from the lo of all, you may learn
j The song that the seraph sings :
' A grand and glorious psalm
j That mill tremble and rise and thrill.
And fill your breaat with its grateful n t
' Vr.d its lonely yearnings stilL
j the taller of the twain, gruffly, "and don't
! make any noise, if you don't want your
j neck twisted around like a chicken's."
j While the other, busying himself in re
1 connoitering the cuplioords and the shelves,
j turned suddenly around with a valley of
1 "Nothing hut tiu and pewter," he
, snailcil. "Tell us, where is the silver,
"We have no sil"er," said Dora, falter
ing. "What should poor people like us do
with silver:"
"The money, then? I know there is mo
ney, for I saw him come out of the bank
' yesterday with a wallet full. Quick, we
haven't any time to lose."
"It's it's up stairs, sewed in the liottom
, of the feather lied, in the siare rami," he-
sitated Dorah but you won't hurt me?"
j "What should we hurt you for?" scorn
: fullv demanded the rulllan. "Go up stairs'
; Jack, and see, while I stay hereto keep this
girl from raising the neighborhood.
I "I sliall not scream," said IVira. elevat-
: ins her head contcniptuonslv. Vt ho is
there to hear me. if 1 did .' We arc far
! from any house,"
"That true enough," said the man called
i Jack, Give us your knife, Casey, and
we'll stir up the life gixwc feathers to some
I purpose. 1 he g:u won t trouble us.
I Hut the heavy footsteps of tlie men had
, j hordlv sounded at the head of the stairs
: The blood-red ril.Ums of the storm whl.u' ix.mL's languid assumption of indif-
; uirwuening sunsei were uums "V feivnc vanished. Like a w ingcd spint she
. west : the huge oak-trees and pines ot the flow the niomj alul nj!lt.i,,iy prying
: forest were murmuring ominous., am. ...c the loose boards with a knife, caught
one chimney of the small farmhouse on the j:lI)anlle,i Ktx all the stocking, and
! 1 . 1 I. 1.1,,., ..I.ii.,,, 1 1 .
eugeoi me wonus ci.i .... ........... h ulmg t hem in her ai.ron. liimm-d Irom ine
smoke, like a cherry haml beckoning to ,i(W window l(, avlu tm. ,,,.. f ti. rusty
dir hings. and struck into the wxkU at
the back of the house.
No hare ever darted more swiftly through
the tangled forest than did Dorah Klein,
Adventure With a Panther.
! coming down the river and intended to at
i tulc lis. The liovs had a consultation and i
-Such la Uto.
! expression on his apiallid features he must !
i have suffered considerable, in an aujoin-
The Love stnry off a Murderer.
Rieli:inla Ts.-ucs was recentlv executed
TIkw has recentlv returned to Baltimore . .
. . . ... - .... . .- - . ' tnir if I miir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . , 1 1 ir in'' Hnc iuwtiui in iiuj i . in... -' - ...... ... ------
",... I 1 I.-.. ..l-onjl. luum vulltllllill . ., 1.. . ... ... -...1. ...... tT... .. I i i.l'l C HS - .. I , ...t . Knr ""ft ,n . , - '
bv a rifle ball. Having warned the village ' tjlt,y dovn in theircanoca. TIicIhus . wll)Se marriel life has been an unusual
shikaree to keep close U-hind me with the went dwn and hid in the rocks and watch- 1 m;xture f romance and uidiappiness. Not
heavy spear he had in his hand, 1 began to i e,i,They said that as I had only one arm j many years ago she was a belle in Baltimore
follow the wounded panther; but had j tnal was genii, 1 had lictter stay up tl,c i wu-ty, and many a wooer paid homage to
scarcely gone twenty-five yards, when one ' ca,.ir & I lay down on my slonmch to ; U(.r lKilt v Among her admirers were two
of the beaters, who was on high ground, j watch the fight. Presently I saw a lot ol m particular one a Baltimorean and a sol-
oetKom'U xo nie, ami niueu a muc iiiacK tilings mai iookcu hkc nr;s j Jit-r, the other a l uiiaueipiiian, ncn anu
him, and in front of me. There was the , w,iring down the river, and then came a , prominent lloth courted her assidumisly.
large panther sitting out, unconcealed, lie- i(t f 8ilarp rep,rts, and I saw the little : am at entli she decided between thein
tw-een two bushes, a dozen yards liefore me. : w,ite clomls of smoke rise up from the 8nj ci1)Se the Ilaltimorean for her husband.
I could not, however, sec his head; and ; nka. The Apaches were taken complete- Tlic n,!UTiage was celebrated with great
whilst I was thus delayed he came out w ith y j,y SUq,rLse, and although some of them Sj,i0ntlr, and was one of the fashionable
a roar, straight at me. I fired at his chest ,t in the rocks, the most of them were j eventg uf the time. The gay belle became
with a ball ; and, as he sprang upon me, shot or drowned. When the 'tight was ; s dt.volctj wjfe arul mother. Less thm two
the shot Inurel was aimed at his head. In ahout over, all of a sudden I felt cpicer. I j V(.ars the husband died, leaving his wife
the next moment he seized my left anil and ft., jjkc when a man is shut up in a ; wjtu folir dmorcn. Her grief was intense,
the gun. Thus not lieing able to use the n:lTn an,l can t see, and soiiuIskIv aml vu. a ghort time afterward, one of
gun as a club, 1 forced it cross-wise into ins ooim-s m. lie may not be able to see or tu(J t.i,ii,ut.n die,!, she thought her loss
mouth. He bit the stock through in one WM the person, but something tells l'i" i "Teater than she coulil licar. Sow the dis
place, aqd whilst his upper fangs lacerated ' there is somelxxly near him. 1 "ever f-lt !lril(.)j ,Vcr appears in the miilst of her
my arm and hand, the lower fangs went in- g,,ft.r j ,y lifo than I did up there, but , an,i rem.W8 his suit hut she refuses to
to thegun. His hind claws pierced my still I turned around to where the path was, , fL.,.- to him. At the opening of another
eft thigh. He tried very hand to throw ami saw the face of an Apache just com- r slic ig foumi wauhiiig by the sick bed
me over. In the nu-anwhile the shikan-e, jng alxtve the rock. I jumped up and o!0f her youngest chihl, when the rejected
a lio, had he kept the spear before him, did he, I did not have time to get out a suit(r .r.,-,n appears and offers his comfort,
A Faithful Maid.
'. the way-worn traveler over the hill. And
how bright and cosy the interior of the
' kitchen looked, as IVra Klein stood on the
threshold, cold, hungry anil inexpressibly
might have stoped the ch;ugc of the pan- ; wt-qvm, for I could see the Ihush of his
ther. had retrc-ated some paces to the left tomaliawk. 1 went at him and then he
suitor again appears i
his aiil and his heart.
She was driven by
i nivi-tiitv to accent his aid. and after the
lie nan insieau oi six-arm;; me pamim, threw ms muciiei. liicuim eui;- mi k fimeralof lieryoungestcIiildshemarrn-imm.
shouted out and struck him, using the spear on the forehead, and it split my sliull open. 'rather they sailed at once for Kurope
as a club. In a moment the animal was Set feel that," and the Colonel took the j ,," iiardiv had the ship left the wharf wh '
uH)n him, stripping him of my shikar bar, j writer's fingers and guided them along a she founj that the man she had manieil
his turban, my revolving rifle, and the ' wrt 0f ranal or open space on his forehead, i was j,.alus tyr.uit. Her every act was
spear. The man passed by nie, holding his I "Well. I didn't like that very n.ticli. I i ...j.nnnil bv him into an inmropnetv.
wounditl arm. The panther then quietly ' f,.) down on my knees, and I saw all my j jIis tr,-,tment of her was sliameful, and the
crouchwl five paces in front of me. I knew jfc j ,, sct-omL I sa'nl, fharley, you ; nimcmbnincc of that voyage will always
carrying around their necks boards about days before the execution took place, he
two feel square, which were ciaspeu on , mane me iouowuig snswm i im-!Hi"ii
them when first brought up for punishment, j put to him:
and are not removed until their terms expire, j " Where did you meet (lark ?"
Brass nails were driven through and pro-j "I met him in Bates County, and we
traded at least an inch at the bottom, serv- , travelled together two days."
ing to keep the shoulders of the poor men "Iid you have any trouble with him?"
raw with the pricking caused by the slight- j "Xo."
est move. Holdingout theirthin, trembling j "Did you talk to him a'xmt buying tin-
hands they beg for food. A female was in cattle !
the room, a sister of one of the criminals, "les; and he agreed to urive mem io
bringimj him food and bathing his head and ; I jiwrence, Kan., tnm wmcn place mej
shoulders. I gave her a few silver pieces, j were to lie shipped.
,n,l imve her to understand through the! "Did he have any arms about him I"
euide that it was to lie used to procure food "He had a revolver in his belt, and at
alxmt 4 o'clock the second day I let my
horse fall luck a few feet behind his and
drew my pistol."
"What theni"
" I rode up to within four fei-t of him
and fired."
" Where did the ball hit him ?"
I I? i.rht in tho liftlr fif hi hpHil Ikllll hp
slid off his horse on the prairie. I then
win always; , . : ,i:.v-..rf ;..
mm. "ii i mi; nii- i in- i iiv . .f-' -- - reaclU'ii ine v oniineni ni luaimj uiimmn.u
stnppitl fpm the suikiuw, anmim ami un- iK.illn,i nie, so 1 stayeil where i was. ,ad as a hist resort, she confided her
for her brother and companions. These
five lieing all the inmates at the time, we
started for the purer air outside the walls.
As a general thing, long terms of confine
ment are customary in China; grave offen
ses are ntinished bv decapitation, theft in
many being thus punished, lesser offenses 1
by punishment like those just witnessed
mid rloTifinr.
On our way out we passed that group of , ritled his pockets and secured 12 anil a
dying wretches in the open square, and no- silver watch, but did not touch his pistol."
ticed that one of their number had disap- 1 " You left him where he fell '.'J
peared; he expired a few minutes after we ! "After driving the cattle about a mile I
passed, and was by this time under ground. I went back and locked at the body. It was
Breathing the pure air again, and away from I cold and I covered it up with a blanket
so much tilth and misery, I could not help and put the dead man's hat over his fac-e.
Ix-ing struck by the contrast of the fine , I was a fool for leaving it on the prairie,
buildings, the handsome equipages of the . and had no business to kill Clark, and must
wealthy, and the scenes of human misery ' suffer for it."
and wretchedness iust witnessed. I found! After the murder Isaacs drove the cattle
and snipped mem to i.
ayni-ahle curiosities, in the restaurant ; luis where they were sold by Hunter and
weary. A little girl, lilue-eyca anu mono. untU u, lust in ,,. deepest n-cess-s.
haired, scarcely yet sixteen, with a shy as- iltrp I)0 OIU. w, was not nimble as a deer
pert and a shrinking mien, she had walked , , , herself, could follow, and
trom the city, stvkingly vainly for work at . j cr.mohin" d.iwn among the undi-r-
various places she had pas-1, a"'1 ' jmli, she watchiil and waited. As night
' approached, and a friendly dusk crept over
For rtebilttv. Loss of Memory. lnltpol
tiun to Kxertion or Ituiinews liortne-i off
Brrath.Tronlileil with Tuouiclit of IH--as,
limine, of Vision. Pain tn the Itnek, liet.
and Hn.t. Rush of Blood to the Head, I'ale
CtHintenanee. and Dry !kln.
If thee syniptoms are allowed to go on,
very Iretiiientlv Epileptic Kit amt Con
umptmn follow. When the eontilutton
htK-oiues affected it requires the aid of an
Invieoruiinc medicine to strengthen and
toue up the ystem a hieh
hill and dale, she ventured by ilegives to
approsich the side of the woods, w here the
north star lH.aincd overhead, R-assuriiig her
of her whcrealKwits. And w hen at last the
hoarse voices of the two men, hurrying
i down a secluded by road struck momentary
1 terror to her heart, the afterthought follow
ed w ith blessetl relief the certainty that
: thev were gone and she was safe.
: Mr. Myers and Jane were seated by the
Stay ad .,t inct ri'kinilliwL neitlilT of
' I them with any hi-art a!out the preparations
lie door
; glided
"Helmbold's Buchu
Bv anv rcmedv known. It ts prescribed by
the m'os.1 eminent physicians alt over tus
world, tn
st niybtfall she was nearly discounmeiL
"A girl?" Slid Mrs. Myers, dubiously,
as Dorah Klein proffered her meek re
quest. "I don't know anything aiKnit
Mrs. Myers tumed to her husband, who
sat by the fire, trotting a two year-old on
his foot, "What shall I do, James J''
"She's a total stranger," he replied.
"But she looks so weary and worn out,"
said the wife.
"Well, let Iht come in and
nUrht; a 1hw1 of bread and miik and one
night's lodging won t break us. j ef the frugal evening meal, when the door
to Dora Klein wxs admitted imo ine cracktHi on us hinges, and somethin,
farmers suiail tamuy, and f neai ami jn p:lie and silent.
handy was she aliout the place, so li jht and i .rjje m.xt monu.nt tlc jai:umed 1hx and
agile in her movements, so quick to learn s,,,,., .IV m jfrg. Mvers' lap, and Dora
and steadfast to remciiuVr, that giHl-na-! Klein was "sobbing on 1T shoulder,
tured little Mrs. Myers had engaged her le-1 4. why Dora," exclaimed the fanner,
fore she had leen in the house a week. I wna, J(K.S ,U1S mM
"You women are so impulsive, said the : nd Dora told her storv, incoliereiitly
honest fanner, shaking bis heait anj fu g,,i,bin2 pauses, and when it was
"Supose the should turn out tai l ." ! concluded Mrs. Myers tlircw her arms
"How t-an she, James;'' said r"-: around the irirl's neck and kissing her awin
Myers, indignantly. "1'' 'li,s fa,'e 113 and again.
innocent as a baby's." I "James, James." she crieil, almost hys-
"My dear, 1 don't lM-l'.eve in I,!i.vsi"?-; terically, "you will never mistrust Dra
noniy." . KleinaMin."
"Nor I, altogctlitT. but I do N lieveiai AndJames Mvers. wiping, a str-iV dew
: Dora Klein.
And as the davs and weeks
; Mr. Mvers was obliged to confess to himself j JlKin of Arc llPrst.f.
that so" far, at lea.st, his wifi-'s judgment or:
instinct had in-en correci.
i The last Novemler leaves were fluttering j
l down one clear, cold afternoon, when Mrs.
: m..h: . -1 .it li ilimr- reiiilv to inin her i
hilslndaiid baby in the wagon, to attend ; thow l''cr fellows who jok every
'a merry making" at the nearest village, j w here, in all company, and from force
me distance "in-low, while Dora Klein 0f habit. lie was attending court in
was to remain at home to keep In ux?. -answer to a subpiena, and was dining
' "Mind Dora yon feed the chickens at , at tJie lio uWc e . chat
fli-o aVI.wL- i)irM and lon I iorgei ii:e 111-1 . . -
; tie calf in the pen; and if you have any
extra time, you can just chop the meat
and the apples for the Sal unlay n.ince pies,
1 and"
'Come wife, come!" called out her hus
band from the wagon
OI llie lloll-l fit' l OloniCS. in condemn!!"" mm ill. urn V .i- hi, u t".
I :. . I - w.n-n lt.it- ni't ti liia ln if liirin-hivrd in WUItliwslrTt
ueriiiiii. m- u .e,. was coniuseu, om . ......... "'- ' -, troubles to a party ot Ikiltimore inen.is ina. ,ini(riof nfteen years ago. It is truly Kansas, and tiegan to work for Mr. Chil-
wanls ; k.-eping my y on the pan h.-r I I was a g,H l,.xer, and although I coUd rfie Im.u with ., 8ht. f,mnd a pla.-e of o the horr bTsteuche, the stench ' aiieighlring fanner. When sp. -.i-
fell upon my ba.k ...to a thick bush l.av- not w, v,rv- well on Krotnit of the hi,.!, rt.f S)im ufur sIlL. n.turm,, , 15aiti, 1 1 "J . . u . niimv ino W()rli,,g for Mr. Chilson the prwrner
ing slipix d ,K,n he r-x k. Here 1 w.,s 8tilI " kept my hands going, and I expect- ni))rc ;, Ucr new found friend leaving a , . SaSti iiumlinS many I sud, lenly turned his head aside,
still within one spring of the amma. ho , frt., thill h.Uowll s,,.!,,,,,. kn.feon my ,1(.r jt,lI(ms ,mslaml on the ot!uT sldeof the ; ""i.X most disagn-eable.3 I and his whole frame shook with a thrill of
appeared, as far as ' could , to be ,,, , c.v,ry SC-.O.I.L He cut at J11', !' ! water. She is now living in rc-t.rc-,.,e.,t , '7 '9,. " -1 ease nice that the I emotion. Tears fell fast, and it was some
n.H a alld.si.bled by the tight. -Nothing or ,hr,-e t.ine cut my and check , those who will see that she never j nd incidents given are from the ; minutes Wfore Isaai-s culd sav a word,
could have saved me had he again attackeiL ! ud eyebrow, but I shoved h.m away. I mttl.n airlin at the hamls of nian who e 1 life-thev are n all i -U I.-n-nh he said:
I n-treate. step byst-p, my facx-sfl towarils nMlU. a ,,ig ,frrt to s.-,-, and I got my righ WM wht. a wool.r bul .yr-anni- " th" "I was going to marry Allie Chilson."
the foe, till I got to my horse, and to the ,.ve open and jumped at the Apache and rai wH.n husband. ' ,"!:" f VZ. T7avteri.'htlv termed a "You were am-sted near Mr. Cl.il-
other b,-aters who were all cll.-cUsl to-, hickilv kn ked him down. Thenlgoton . j m?' ? ul fa . " . , "lT ...! L-.V" mar
getl.er some forty yanls fn.m the fight I top of him as quick as a flash and grabU-d
immediately loaded the gun with a charge at j, knife. He was too sharp for me,
of shot and a bullet that 1 by chance found aI,d jie cut my thumb oin-n, but I did not
and taking niv revolver out of the holster, 1 seem to fi-el it at all. Then he threw his
Timrlr rrrcantlon.
behind his shoulder. In one moment he
:us again upon me. 1 gave him the charge
of shot, as 1 s:ipioseil, in his face, but had
no lime to take aim. The horsek-eK-r, in
stea.i .f siK-aring, fell uixm his back. In
ers, willing, a str-iy dew :,.., .i. ......th.-r .r,,t hul.I i,f n.v
j drop or so from his eyes confessed that lit-, 1(.f, f -it will ,lis tt, anil t,r,.w- ll)e on
went o;.,i iL,n k'li.in li-nl lnH-n a. true heroine an i i. 1 ... I. ... I.:
in- -... ...... . .. --- -- .... i :ruiK a. i.i.ii i.ii nn ,-nii't.
! giin, and he seized the barrels in his mouth.
'r his was his last effort I sprang up, and
seizing the sjn-ar from the horsi-ke.lK-r,
drove it with lx.ll. hands through his side.
miserable, superstitious class of p.pl', the son's
! minority show to a decidedly better advan- "Yes; a dozen men mslied upon me with
t . ( itage. Ihey compnse merctiants mecnan- 'drawn revolvers, anu i neggeu naru u si-e
"I bauge a nve- ; gprya,,, ttnd fullowers of all vocations. I Allie once more: but they pulled me away.
i 1 ie lUl-SUOU U8 r. au i d.i . . - ' i i .i .i ..: ... 1.
and sticking it into my Wit, determined to kllifc aw.,y a.l put N.th arms an.und my lM mall wll had rushe.1 in from the J? CV ! Z " ' 8 "
carry on the affair to its issue, knowing how n(K.k alld vMtl my head down on his breast , str., without a hat, and seemed somewhat , 1 ''""" f,! aA Zr j v,, w. r.- -vili;,,., to ,-,,,.,.."
rarc-lv men recver fro... such wounds as and tried o smother me. I ducked my out (lf ,,,,,. ; P'I f f f"''," ..nS SZ'lrt
.ii- a- i - - . . . ii . t .i i - , . . .i.i i i ; rare nmtcnuLs. his heaii anu cue are alwa s i M. 'rt;uiii 1 oiiirnt to 111111, aim i.ih"1-
mine, I was bli-.-d.ng prof usely fro n large hc.ad so that could br,a he. Bo 1, of his . a llv,.;" ,I1(,llirt j ,I,e chier lan- ! " Uor(k. his featu , t5 bllt , d(n-t w'ant a ',,, tl,
tooth-woumls in the arm; the tendons of i,aIULs were in use holding my head and .ruidlv, aroitsing fn.ip a doze. H ertainly ; K 1 1 1 e I11 v,',".. . j ,,., .
my left hand were torn open and I had five ,, t gave me my right hand free and I used j, exclaim he with the u.ly l-jcks ; , t? Set that his first tn.ul.le was .
c.aw-woun,U in the lug u 1 he ra-Hr Mil- ,h,,v gen,len,en, if ever 1 M I pun ch- , k at yours.lf, ' and he laid the bi!l on j !;mt nunl,,r of thenl ! Vm a rain ,,,,, him
r, I" u " ,".:r7.r . '::.n hi, him U"X-, ..!lu,ve mastered the English and read and of raising . ciu-ck and procuring
" ... V. . .,"..,"." . " . ".r:.,". write to perfection. Theyare shrewd in.utwn it. This accusation.
..on ... ...e . wuu.u g.. ..u ... ... . ,n ine s;.mr piacc eer, . pioy.n a. .lie ou.er e..u o. .... r-..m u., ... ' ;,h .,;,!,, nmnoumt-d false, was the beginning of his
lernblv fnghleiKil as lie was, ms f.-It something give wav. I had oroKi-n drew nigh, "what sort of a bill is that.' ; . ' - ;..,t,i.. tu; -i.;i- -
H Walked. : pngap would have nothing more to do
At an early hour a man who had au i with him. The girl aftt-nvard, however.
. i , !., .,,.i.- partiiillv relented, and said if Isaacs could
eve brimful of confidence m inmseli . ..-,,.. , .. . - ..
- I raise if H'lMi she would lie marneil to him.
entered a Detroit restaurant kept by a T)) wm ,w, r h(. . ,u. ,.inmittj ,i.
man who takes intere-t in manly sports ,Time.
1 ...... 1 i m.
. illiu ...us uiaii .
Y "Jiy name is susw.
1 acihe
which Isaac
man. lernl.1V tnghlcned as lie was, ms f.-It something give wav. I nan on.Kin drew tngl
wounds were not so bad as mine. I lcr-' um of his rilis. Then every time I hit him don't touch it:" "That" said John, sliding
siiaded my l.ors. keeper to come with me; I could hear him gasp for breath for I was furtively toward it, "that's a V.
and, taking the hog spear he had in his driving that bp .ken rib in on his lungs. In. "Sure it's a Y" asked the cashier, while
hand, we went to the spot where lay the a ft.w seconds Ins arms dropjicd down and the man of hyacinthiue tliatch nervously
weaons stripped from the shikan-e. A I f,.t him bile nie in the shoulder and try wTigiledhisfingersaiidU-trayedimpi.tien.-e.
few yards Ix-vond them was crunched the t() p-t Int. bv the thnat. I was gettingaw- 1 'Vourse it's a Y von can see it your-
hilge panther. Again, 1 ct.uld not sec tus f,, wi.ak, but this reminded me mat l niso
head very dL-tinctiv, but fired deliia-rately iad teeth. I fateu.-l them on his wi:id-
IiH-. 1 d-.n t remcnilicr any more. When
the loys came up and found me, the
Apwhe was stone di-ad and ni- teeth had
met through bis windpipe. The Ih.vs dickens do you inca"..:" iiniuir.il the p-rs..n . one thousand miles in '
How Old lie Wu.
Smith II. is a notorious joker one ol
ri"'ed up a blanket Int ween two mules and
took me down to a Sonora nmche one hun
drcd and sixty miles off, and there I was
laid up for four Months. On New Year's
morning my hair w as long and of deep
brown, but five days after, when I got to
the nmche it was as white as it is now. I
came to mv senses on the Dithof February,
The Ciust off sraukv 11.11.
a 1 I'w whili- urn I eontinui-s to In- a
von can go and call the notary." Kxit L i nved. in case i can raise su...c.e..L smoky Mill on the Kansas
u. c. 1 "What are vou up to.' hat the : interest in this city I propose to walk ! raiIroal, is haunted by a ghost.
rears ago before the railroad was
of niddy plumage,
don't vou give me
in a nutter,
the change, if
Aches and Pains,
General Debility,
Kidney Diseases,
Liver Complaint,
Xervous Debility,
Head Troubles,
General IU-Hcalth-
Epinal Diseases,
Nervous Complaints,
Female Complaints, &c
"And if the house should catch fire or
anything," added this prudint little edition
..r...i.., ..vititihil with n:tm- e:in-s. re-
..Ii- that the money is in "an old stock-i surprise, but said nothing
ing under the board by the south window,
and the silver in the japann.-d Ik.x near it."
"Yes, m'm," said Dora, kissing her hand
' to the laughing baby, "I'll reniemlicr."
i ' Some people would say, my dear, that
that wasn't a venr sharp proceeding of
yours," said Mr. Myers, as they drove
" What do vou mean ; asked his wile.
with an acquaintance, who presently
asked :
"Smith ! how old are you ?"
"If I live," replied Smith, solemnly,
"till the MlU of next month, I shall be
i seventy one."
A lawyer, who sat opposite, here
looked at him with an expression of
The next
day Smith was called as a w itness, and
alter giving his name and residence,
was asked his age.
"Fifty-three was tin: prompt re
sponse. "What!" exclaimed the lawyer.
"Didn't I hear you say at the hotel,
yesterday, that you would be seveuty-
The Mal.its of Itirds.
The extinction which has latterly threat
ened the pure breed of Newfoundland dogs
lias Ih-cii fortunately arrested bv the impor
tance of several splendid specimens of the
I-onls-rg breeiL which is the result ot sMI-
fui crossing Utaeenthe St. Bernanl, the
New foumllanil, and the wolf dog of the
IH'n.iii Tin- ilo. were recentlv brought
to this ountrv in charge of the famous paper on oirus, ua-eu uim.u ...s o..
conchologist Herr I. A. Yerknizen. llusis i-rsonal observations. Most birds, lie
"To tell that girl just where our valua-1 one if you lived until the 30th of this
With that cor
bies sre kent"
"James, what an idea! Why, I can
trust Dora as implicitly as I would tmst
i Mr. Mvers w histeled and drove on, and
his w ife" was vexed w ith him for even
thinking such a doubt of Dora Klein.
i But as thev were jogging slow ly home
ward in the November starlight a neighlior
hailed them, joyously, from the top of a
load of lorrels.
"I sav, it's time vou were home, said
IHxSnouarro Hardl-niks" 'your gal's got corn-
Taste In tue MOUl... ..p.."" ' l.- . . , , . ..... ,... t.i.t MnlMl.l.t
" hat do J'OU mean : uenianueu ... j ruuij , a.ot uu ..... j
"Why the diK.rs and windows were all i jays; and when I see the 30th of Feb-
oiien as 1 came by me crossroaus, j. i ruary j eXpect to be seventy-one:"
where ye can see across u.c u.c.u... j..." rourt ,i,e i,ar aa the audience
Heart. Fain in the region ot ine iveuiju.
and a thousand other pamiu. syiapiu,
aretheoir-pringsof Dyspepsia.
"Next month, sir!
rection, I did say so.'
"And now you swear that you are
but fifty-three?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Well, sir! tell us what kind of a
witness vou are. any w ay. AVhat do
you mean?"
'Whv. I think if vou live until the
30th of next month you may be a hun
dreil because sir. next month is Feb-
Helmbold's Buchu
Invigorates tbe Stomach,
i'KuS! Joined in the laugh and f
j you7 folks, tiU I see your wagon just now." j examination was proceeded with
I...,,.- M.-i ra looked at ll'lS wife.
! Mrs. Myers white, anxious face returned j
; the gaze. i
. ., m ... I XT- lli-.rc f
"llora IS lliere, a.-" mm ... ... I il.nrm..ntm
t . . . iiai.i tti-ruL:iii . in iiix mr.ii ....
i "ht the very reason i in worr.nu "" - , ... ... i
. nvs wmcn l nsa ca..!iiii in ine w.rm.
Ocrman Tree FrRs.
Kcturning from the University of Glesst-n
"that's the very reason Fin worriiiL
I .i . . ..... ;,. .ml 111 o what's in
...C lUio uiui, i.j -
r.ld :
. , . A I - I
A MDKie uu m j . , -T.. i ,iUi.iu . .i.:i ,rt o...
ronTtnw tbe mo?t Uesiuung oi w i..u-w- ( rw nrs OI a panorama, iiu- , , , ' . i " .u. lm
wtt.. . i 1 rarfiiii v. nave iitM. wu tuji-c v ni
near the town. Thev are most difficult
things to find, on account of their color so
ewfiu.itluiiil ln.
"Call again very busy sec you built an emigrant faaiily was inur
ter got to go right over the river !" j jert.,- there hv in,ixnz. This is the
- ' j.. ;.l tkA atiiixint mnn ia tin rnt imv i t i i i . ..r t.:..l.
of th. si- little formalities," said the cashier, "..l " " ' , "-eu .egeoi. oi.l . ...c. ...e
with a deprecating bow, "deeply ;" and he out of slht- ! "nance has grown. V, hether the nn-
ti.k a two il's and two half dollars The man named Shaw dnlu t ff'" ea-y spirit is one of the nameless vie-
f roin his drawer and laid them by the side greatly surprised at hi-, reception, anJ ' tims of tlie savage atrocity years ago,
of the Y. "Don't touch 'cm. if yon please," his chin was still high as he walkel of t.ourse We are unable to tell, but the
he aiI,li'L as the man of illuminated tresses . ill.,Mter's am? asked : ,i... ..,..,.-: ti. .i...
... - . cumuli 3 . inaif vi v. uuij m. awm -
lisii anu. ..i,,.. to innrooriate them. 'Tiler.-s .............. .w,;,. r.- ; .. ... . " ..... - ..
- i vdu.vuuu9.Miic jv... r mil oi mhokv mil oi moon-in nigiHs a
a man waiting for me next door, said the ...... , t..... a..,i ., . . , . ., ,
instep When the people si.ke to me in .-pan.sli or , ,3..r witu a tw itch of his evebrow, . J , -' " . , '"" lwm l"c
Knglis 1 could understand it and thought , ..aml he WilI)ts , t-af,.b the train." "I the whole year that we dou t post of approaching trams. Sometimes it
it was German, but all my answers were in ,i,vr,v ret the necessity for these little P a' lca-"t one dodger for some one or come3 w alking down the long reach ol
German. Gentlemen, you can eat what fonnaliti.'-s." n-iN-ated the cashier in a pa- other," was the reply. 'track, to all appearances a veritable
and thus killed him. I imiiicdialcly had but the funny part of it was that my brain
n.v lxi.it pulled off. Mv foot bled profuse- . was so muddled that I forgot F.n:
lv" Fortunately, the wound was in the I Spanish and could only speak German.
Inn part of the foot, and not in the
ir ..kle; but the teem had mei.
you please, but for me, I don't want anv
more live Apache in mine. Uood night,"
and the Colonel went to lcd.
thetic but melodious tone of voice. And' "1 may want to put out 10,000 three- Woman, in flesh and blood, but when
he took from a side drawer a legal Mank, 1 Aiect bills nex,t week," observed Mr ! uie train Is almost upon her, and the
calmly tilled it up, after asking the stranger s shaw ,.j ..ro, to begin here an at 1 en-'ineer's hair ii standing on end with
.:a:i.C ...ii. . .ue.,,1, a u. ......... . . . . . fc Ittfl miles in ' . .,...1 h. ..l-n'4 hl:M' tn -.void
tion of him on the outside. He then read : j 'M
All our boards are secured for
'Know all men bvth.se presents" i " "UI 1 a tragedy, a lorm .usappers in mist,
At a recent meeting of the Maryland '-See lien-: are vou crazv:" said the per- two months ahead, interrupted me ami nothing more is s.en of it. As all
academy of science. Otto Lugger read a s. n of capillary fervor. " 1 lter with terrible earnestness, and lhu i,.,,,,,, on a treeless plain miles
the dustv
notable news for the outside world, because
evcrylxxly has a f.-cling for that sagacious.
brave, and handsome brute that bears the
name of this lslanil, though few persons
would I inclined to credit the fact that
there are not half a dozen dogs in the whole
United States of alisolut.-ly pure Newfound-
says, take hut two meals a day early
in the morning and about dark; birds
of prey rarely more than one a day. ;
seem sufficient rest in sleep tor singing
birds. They are sensibly affected by
away from any habitation and the
phantom invariably disappears in the
full blaze of moonlight, it must be con
fessed that the thing looks as if was re
ferrable to the inexpiable agencies of
the world of spirits. In conversation
That Kichanl Jenks. cashier of Uank s he at once began to sweep
restaurant. No. 1 1,417 Broadway, party of floor w ith a dry broom.
first part," continued that gentleman, "and ; jIr shaw coughed and w ent out.
Henry W. Swazer, hatter and furrier, Na r,ie g,ore of coumlence in Ui3 eye had
"-Yeri.'S"! But what in thunder f'ecn reduced about one half but he
r.t rvf tt.o tttPlltV-tOlir -.re Vol. H Mll.t.' - ; iiau fcuwu .... J
"Why, you see, 1 want to just cxciiange 1 10 a iooacco.ii.-i s s.ore ....- w.itu all ,.in,.cr or the division tiaunt
d.x ume'nt.-C duly att.wted, showing that the headiiuarters of lovers of horses, etj by tbe u,.easy spirit, the question
that bill of yours is a five and that 1 gave ,02S) dumb-bells and athletic sports, , was aked;
you the right cluing.-. To k.-ep me fn.ni (ie pllrcnasej a cheap cigar and casual- "Have you ever seen the nhantom?"
Jf-;; i.'J'fiftrilTotaerredtothei-rowd: , "Often:"
derstaniL 1 might swear 1 gave jou a nltj, 'i " . .
don't vou sec. I deeply regr-t No. ; "Gentlemen, my name is Shaw. I W hat docs it look like?"
guarding her while she builds the nest ll.ol- Broadway, party of the second part was thinking n a nan coun. oe seiurcu ! can g.ve you a better i lea ol it oy
on iavorao.e icrms vum .ii ". , reiaiing mv nrstexjerieiice witu it. i
had heard a good deal about the ghost
every ni.-in in -the
less than fifty
rage heiTht ol the true -cwiounu anu uog - - , COIUls Bi, u;,u ...cu um uu b--nv. ...v..
Islhirtytches. He is entirely black, his crimination as to what kind of eggs are ; hall by this time. G.t out with your infer-, Tben tobaccouUl rffM
.... ... fi. I.;, n,... nlaeed under them in me nesi to incu- , nai nouse.isi-.
elans ai c muiitu v iiii- i..i,., ..... -.... ,
are massive, his gait majestic, and his bate, and will try to hatch acorns or)
countenance strikingly and deeply trustful. nUts if placed in the nest instead of eggs.
i. in Tttf n-rif'w i'i iiiiiiiif-N ii iiii? itiiiitrttn t A t I xi. nntr r ?i ri rt'ii iit'i I. . -... , " a
.. ,t ,-,A,ii.r tl.esoleml.-d '. , .i. 11,1 ' "1""" "! ne couia use is .nr. cuaw mauc ...c.e shiniii2 clear and brilliant, l saw a
, i . .,,! ' xi.,1 crei. ,orl':"- ' ' 1 -door wli.we angry siam siHiruie.. nwr a
" : . most birds' eggs. The young are not wwtk.
i: 7Z:,n tm-Utedby their parents to leave the
r- " - ,
land breed. More marketlly than any other atuiosphericconditions.singing less.and
canine species, tuis di perpetuates all the legs ju0ii3ntlj- during cloudy, wet
traits of his breed, even to the progeny of wcather Male birds usually mate with
animals that are very distantly ninoved f:1i,hf,,l to her.
Hence the uiiake that many Ialwr umhT
i; .1 . V f.....ll I r.v frl.A rti i rr hniAil flini IPi'lllllir HIT nil.
Tim'? , ..I "Ixx here'." exclaimed in wrath the!!.pinnttowulk
"Wait:" shouted
. , .XT, ; ; ; :w . ,aK"'" " l"a. c " a f.-,i: You bi I n. going to stand lu re ; , ch an(1 in
I V. .IIM 'IIIIIVl. ,i iai' waa m . .- ...,., rr I ...... I l.'iP.lJ lulta I ft 1 I I i .. - . . .-111 lw. nitK I
....... - r n... ij trail: ii vi ah niint'Tiir i nmiu nave iniic w ut ..i..h i...,ti...i a...
And he graMa-.! his bill and tied as the , win lor ins s.u..g-..oi, ...
cashier s:iiil : "Why, don t hurry, the nota- that 31 r. Miaw nad uriven aw ay sete.i-
7 7, r- will lie here shortly. I deeply regret teen of his best customers, but before
LIIUCI. I , . . I
ot Smoky Hill before I ever made the
run, and of course believed it was all
moonshine, so when my turn came to
make a trip over the haunted track, I
felt very littlacoii. ern about it. Bul
about midnight, when we were run
ning at full Seed, and t'ie moon was
temnt to walk past one street corner in
one Y'ork minute, and he achieved a
their third year. Baron Essig of Leonlerg, 1 egg, but when each one has broken its j Horrible siBi.ta in a ciae city.
Wurtcmberg, Germany, was the gentleman way out tnc parent careiuuj rrmmra ,
who undertook the pnxluction of the new i the nieces of broken egg from the nest. l.v'mg in an open space In a street some-
anech-a. and the specimens brought lu-re1 ti,. i-nnnir irr-nomllr rairrirn from the i what larger than the n-st we saw four
were careiuiiy scieciea m.m " i ,. ...i f ,,. ,,. Wore com
: grand guccess.
A Gentleman' Kebuke.
(;ood specimens sell for 2.50, and supe
ri dogs command as high a price as $.oo.
! ing out, can be heard at work, breiking
TWT UIMIS COmillUI.U as ...nu a ... ...XT na y . -
At all The great d. shows of Baden, Lima, j their wy. 1 hey are torn hungry, and
General Washington was dignified
! i ; ,.h . nitifnl state of .lis- manner and speech. He exacted appropriate
eae it made me shudde
three males, alirost
woman coming down the track towards
the train. Of course the fl.st thought
that occurred to ine was the ghost.
But the woman looked so lite-like and
j was heading towards the train in such
'n a confident way that I concluded it
must be a living creature. By this
r; one female with ' consideration for himself and his predion; i waj near y uron ner anU
nude, incapable of , but he exhil.it.-d a trait among men ol high ! , Q ev,lences of an lntetion to
raoving, civ
en-d with sorJs, insects and , station he was always considerate towards ; : e "
i-rc dving slowly, in fart were .his associates tliis high-bred courtesy, and leave tne
And stimulates the torpid Liver. Bowel. ; Dobbin. ..... , ,
and.Kldneyj to healthy action n c.ean. B . ,Iow they tueu over ...e -u. , , the ,caVes on which tl.ey
vlioVtuthesV. :''"!"!,XLlbI:nvc. I have frequently heard one singing
i small busli, and, though I have searched
Or Six Bottles for S5.
anxious hearts of wife and husland, every
moment seemed an age. The house was
dark when they reached it. Mr. Myers flung
the reins over the dashboard and sprang
out . . ... ...... niirht on n.v homeward iournev by the
"Dorah: Dorah Kkm: He , diligence, and" put the Inttle containing tin.
n- was no answer save u.e .aim .--' . .. . - ...... f .
1 1 .ir naasi11.
ingS .lllO ll.e Uli.. hit. ...w
e-ers were sleepy, old, smoke-dried Ger-
The only way is to remain quite quiet till
he again begins his song. After much am
bush work, at length I collected a dozen
fiYvs and nut them in a bottle. I started
i there was no answer save 1
, his own voice.
t .InA wlum the himn was lighted. It Slione : 2 ...i,n took nlace.
I n a scene of dismay and ci'nfusS10"' mu i ana after the first mile every one settled
Delivered to any address free from observa- j the firjJt at w,ich the farmer glanced llimst.If to slecpi wlt goon all the sleepi-rs
1 - Patients" may consult by letter, roeeiv- ! revealed to him that the loose boards be-, at lhe mnmcnU 0n
lnr the name attention aa by calling, by , Mth ,i,e gouth window had been torn . , f were ut.picted fear and
" . .. .. i .. r.t inn. ... 1 I
answering the following questions . , and ,,. treaure nook which had Htm . h.ul kc M u g,, mi.
1 Give vonr name and post-office address. ! the giver gpoons and the st.x kings full ol . . mornin; wa9 j,Lst breaking,
" - I -u nut I I l"t"l FMi . .1 1!illn nll n- 4 O f . TAT V J " . .
mK notes uicir unit fnv, though in the uarK pocsei oi
"So much for your girl and her friends ,(ic ila,i found it out ; and with one
snel" siud Mr. Myers in the bitterness of , accorj an twelve of them began their morn-
: . ir!. l.mili.n thi-v n-c-ive.! ooen t neir niouines jor .oou as ow.. , ,.,,..,,
the highest premiums. They attain the ' born, and are great eaters. Their eyes i nI:lct.j .here to die, no one'with the: to ' also his tender sympathy.
height of thirty-six inches and arc in- open in from five to ten days. hen ; aiy a kind wonl; even the passers nj omj
qucntly over hundred pounds in weight young bird is old enough to forage I gave them a glance and passed on.
...i l 1 . . . 1 1......1. .,.. & 1 . i I 1. . 1 ...... . iiiifiii4ilnillM
l neir n.-aus are .iu;r, am. i.mn,.-
.uui;.i. am a.riL-imrlv
H.ia.KTl, anu will. wuui'o o......... . .
1 . . ..i nmnt r.irils
nob e in their svmestrv. lhev inueril witu i i -
l,.....lj onil
track, I whistled ''down
brakes," and made every exertion to
Stopping one day during the war at a stop the train. But when it seemed al-
Asking!kouse in New Jersey, he tound mere a most Impossible for her to escap" i.-ung
heads are large, and handsome i "' " ia rll,.n dri venawav bv the the guide who these unfortunates were, and omcer wounueu. ..e umu killed, sue seemeii to nie to spring up
iingy - - ... - . , i .,, ,... i,,!,,,,,,.,,, ty wi a owed, he re- i ocu ami was so .u. ...... . : ,i,p ..iP. and disaDnear in acloud-like
Many birds are
ur,n. in...r,t all the crentlcncssof the New-! "7 la "u 1"" '"-
fo.indland, their intelligence surpasses that
of any other species of dog, and they are .
capable of being trained to do almost any- j
thing within the possibilities of dogkind. i
It will be a rare sight to behold four of i
these handsome brutes, this winter, brilli-
antly caparisonod, and perfectly tractable,
Sled ! why aucli inhumanity was allowed, he re- be.L and was so feeble that in the air, and disappear in at-
! pliJu that they were afflicted with an incur- j agitated hun. A ashington spoke in such ,
outlie.r.r; H, to the ..j,- a ,ow tone, and while at d-nm-r -as , . t. sure o that,..
L. ... ' .. !t nVht to on et. as to influence his othcer to a sinu . s.
A Loral Miasonrian.
Why man, I saw it with my own
am. .. a u. .... ' ,,,, Wlln,led man.
! brbudTtht piiblh" EnuM-hited bT. 1 hri did he left ,te mnm, and eyes, and have seen it acted oyer again
' 1 . .. .. . .m ,-..;n.ul Ins nnnr(i. 1 . .li.,mi limns aim-p 1
frightful degree, they lay there an uncon- ine ou.cvr, ......... j r , .
A man with a one eyed horse, rigged in
scious and indifferent their ayes fixed in
a straw collar and dilapidate.!, old-fashion
. vacant :
amiy caparisonou, an.. iK.-r.ecuy inuamt, , . ," j ... .,, Ieature
hitched to a commodious dog sleigh, and cd trace chains rope l.neN and w agon to
.... i. match, was seen in camp on the banks ot
living over i..e low., ... mc cm. ."' , . ' ... , , ... ... . -,..
. t . ..:..: s-.nd f'n-ek last week. He wore a coon
oi m. uoun a, or over u.e si.i uf c o uunu. .
V'uli Lake. ! skin ca,i, breeches of many
Katinff a Live Apache.
ii.u iiivi.ii. IW ...... .' - -- - , - - - . .
stare, tbe stamp of death upon their Suddenly the dr opened quietly,
i r .r i C?a will..! nfl Illi'ir fX- 11 U.SI1H L'lCiU CtlldA K ' " T
to ea.un., a ..... - ; . , wUhout uUer.
H. I ""I """V .:...,.:' 1
Wp were nowaliout bfteen minutes in ine ng a woru, q...e..jr ..v..t
" 1 ,," i place, and my friend said he felt as if he lhe de
huTtern. it ' ntfd to go out. I felt much the same; for a hint.
"How do you account for the strange
harm a in their hilantT tUe poor wuicrer.
i .lnt.'f oinriimr fr it fit 1t
A UV1I aawvriaaav " -
eoonty and State, and your nearest exprew , notc9ti1cir little all was empty.
omee T
t. Tour aire and sex?
3. OccnpntlonT TMnP
JJirir?'!!..- n t,eitht i i.i. firt anger, and Mrs. Myers buret into ; Mn!.. As if at a given signal, they.
inns have vou own sickt . ,., no much, at all. at the loss of the , ,! nil ,,f thenu becan to enrak as loud
;." yourwmplexioncolorofhairandeyesT : aiti.OU!rh that was a serious enough i ,h,... &)yli The noise their united
K ST. TOU 1 Bl." "I i."' . - ...... T, 1. L I. .in
... . ....... 1 1 . .1. .11
8. UeiaU! '
know aOiit you
as consul.. ni.
receive ourai
opinion cncrn."F. - -.- eorres- day life story at the cottage: a.... "--' the window, but 1 gave tne imtie a gou
!? ill leite.a Should b art.ireed t . peep at the other. Her master gIll4UinSt and made the frogs keep quiet
oDi-pen'satory, 1217 Hlbert treet Phila ; mistregg had been gone an hour, and German8 all went to sleep again, but I
jlphia, ra. j pura wag chopping away at the meat, sing- WM 0hiiged to remain awake to shake the
I i .. . l. -,-L-.wl when - . ' .1 1 1-
1 ing some rounueiay a sue irogs wnen luey oegau .u u.
la cracking on the floor, and turning her; ,,,
head, she started to heboid two very .a.., j
! ..d miff looking men in the room. j
r .. , ...j rv,
! groundwork of which was yeiiow t.uutrn.... , Wn informed that to-dav was by a consult
i He sported a long, old-style niie, and a - vLait to ,he was
1 I I I l. I Ilrt ... 1
I "jailer aog gu.uu.-u ...c .j. . nwe(. i braced up, and con.mcnng the
Blank with family was all in character, but beyond our ...,,. '' , with the eniide ' A lady who
witern knowledge of nullincry to descnl. nen ; " . . r,..rhe.l sire, ts ' Bov who d
1 . . ... 1 ...u-ilh. inmuui. .- -- . 1 -. ,.....
01 aiimewhul arger struct.: re i i copic .."
Tlie delicate suggestion.
was not lost. It
rate quietness.
too courteous
was followed
Peculiar People.
VOU ..... B tn flunk- ...lit ll.I.e AH.UU iVHHh i ....l.rt mailii BrMl.Of. in.I.e P MM ..IllIHUT-
11, ui 1 . . . . u.aiiei, ........ . , ... ..... . . . 1 ..... -, - 1
r case. Knci """J.." h' cf whom she had unconsciously grown so ; nM.nt of tlie ,1 t,uite deafening. Well
'!7l' "., o. .ir von ' r...wi ou unworthy of a tender tiiouguu n.;i,t the Cernians kM.k angry: they wanted
vn..r disease and our candid 1 ti, ... one side of the little, every !,,..- froen. lKrttle and all. out of
Druggist and Chemist,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Why is it that at the hotel the man
,u p. - , , , ... , ., ir.n-s Is called the waiter, auu uie
"Who are VOUt aemanueu innait, . r, -- ,
-y .. ... j ..."
man who really waits for him to corae
In the whiter of 1853 Colonel
fifteen associates, were in the south-'
. t.f 1 Ft7ima wlil.n AH l.P Sl.ilL 4
I'll! . ... ... ....... .. ... ... v . .
. . . . . I . -II. 1 ... . .1 . r.. nf 1 1 . 1' Til M. '
ty of Mexicans lixeu up a pian 10 nine us , ue sam uc uau ir-.-. ...u.. ... ... ,
all scaloed. Thev got Young Grizzly, the and when asked where he was lamnd for.
youn" war chief of Uie Apaches, to come j he said : ."Back home to old .Missouri, i
after us with about seventy-five braves. On ! left there just after the war, when the rcbs
Christmas afternoon, aliout four o'clock, as ; had everj thins-their way, and went to
we were coming through a canon on oinyuxas. liut i muer uuy i ........ .v....
tlmt the thing WHS all right
wav to camp, a pcr.cv.. u.uuu ....,.-. no., .u - ,.,. ...... - . r. - nntrnnce
came down on us from the rocks anove. again, apd that ine oiu ..u...jr .... -"' ; vcnU wito wnh rtroiig wooilen do and
feels natural in rubber lxxits.
ion't like to throw snow balls.
go out in the rain with their
umbrella closed.
People who turn paper collars, forecoiu-
I my s sake.
Young men who can can n a
leiier . - . , . .,
,, a perfect cloud of arrows read in a paper that the thing was all right ; . the corridor, along which are , she has passed by.
n na tmm the rocks aliove. ftn-.in. an. 1 that the old Is.unty on wolf "'"""''I ... '..i.; and Young man wit
One of the Commanches was killed and sev- skcli had been put back again to . and : ' n.inese l.x-ka was pitiful. He was cringe when reminded of it.
. -w . i !.. ia . rtff a innif anl'lilltr ' '
end of us were wounded, l got uiree r- i mougni i " .--
rows in my left arm and one in my left Who says there is no immigration to Mis
hand. You can see the nuvk there," and aouri ?
the Colonel showed a whitisn zigzag scar
on the back of his haud. "We got out of j
u... i. nrrttv muck don I VOU snow, ior
lll. tW' ." --s - t . -.
it was not a good place to stay. On i
I don't
undertake to do it. All I know is.
there's a ghot on Smoky Hill,. and it's
about the most weird and unsatisfac
tory ghost I ever heard of in my life"
was the energetic and eonsciencious re
ply of the stalwart engineer. "When
a person sees a thing, he's not likely to
be deceived about it."
"Surely and you saw It?"
"I did and others have seen it too."
"And looking always the same?"
"Always the same."
A HuumtIioI.1 f et.
until arriving
than those in the immediate vicinity, we
entered, gaining the good will of an official
by the gift of a franc. Filth and stench, I
' .. ...... ia m-vuiliil Tlie sight I
11.1 LH l n in iv vi.-., I ' . . i
. . . , , - i . i.;..r ' fmr tu fore a crowd.
of a criminal ciiainc. ... au uo. - ------ , , f
reopie " "" "" " - J , ,. ,
c has passed by. I One of the strange things In India I
Younmftn with red hair who doesn't the number of little lizards running
about the ceiling ot tne nouses, iio
-JZtl. fo.Ti.tve- and was to be taken Young hvjy who does not wok in a p.aic wnere you win, you. ...
a recaptured fugitive 1 clas8 window, as she is passing by. ! at night thev come out and hunt for
thm times , week to "JP'.Jf j 'r, over foiuTeen who dot t : flies nd other insect, (and there is no
.'SS 't t ! UkTSTaS talk slang. There are a fe - , scarcity in either). They make a kind
good place to stay. On JNew
Y'ear's morning about sunrise two or our
scouts came in and said the Apaches were
- , itmi nrnnps. ami iiruKru Liaao mnnv.i, ia. . e ' . . i: . FAuamh mo (Uini
mnn to be a suctiess mun noi oe , , -w:tKfti v.ftioiw to this latter assertion. ;oi uuiwns iiuibt, v,.v.... : -
pure alism, but he must have ideas i-WCT ! Man who can face a bald headed deacon whatthe , of a blens ,
lie aoes noi vnuii . " ! , . hottie. broken fine, d d not when ne tnrusis me comrun....... uuasv.-. r-- -- v
sun-blind, but he must keep him from j The glass J ..f,,, hilwithout ontributing something. I household pet.
Clil Illiu 11) uih i" J"'"o-"
knocking himself against the wall.