Juniata sentinel and Republican. (Mifflintown, Juniata County, Pa.) 1873-1955, June 04, 1879, Image 3

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Wetfiaefldnj. Jane 4, 119.
Ssbscription. $1.60 per annum, if paid
within 12 tuouthsj $2.00 if not paid within
12 months.
Tranent advertisfr.ents inserted at SO
ceiiW per inch for each insc-tion.
Transient business notices in local col
cmn, 10 cents per line or each insertion.
Deduction? v. ill le male to those desiring
to advertise by the year, bull' or quarter
ConuiiUso Meeting,
The members of Ri publican County Com
tbiltc ire requested to mcjt at tbe Penn
sylvania House in Mitiiintnwn, on
SATURDAY, JUNK 21st, 1379,
at 1 o'c'ir!. p. m., to fix a tiuia for holding
the Primary Election, and transact such
titer business as may come before it.
JOUNT. NOUKSE, Chairman.
Tbe following named Republicans corn
pone the Committee :
T. Norass, Caatrmtw.
?';.Tintowu P P Hamlin. C B Horning,
r.itterson S B Caveny. I G Marks.
Thompson tow : Levi Myers, C W Steinmelx
Delaware Peter Troup, H R Sore-.
Port Koyal V C Pomeroy, T '. Moore.
Tuscarora W S Fisher, T Cieiirhton.
Walker Michael Col.lren, Houry tlook.
Black Los A W Opple.
Turbet. John O Ileiizler, D Kobison.
Iick M Sl:.ip. Win Ross.
Miilord J )hn T Sbover, W N Sferrctt.
Monroe C S S hellenlKTgkT, D W Weiuier.
Sprme Hill A W Snyder, S P Wharton.
Fryette W S Brown, David Charters.
Beale W B Votij, Jc-ph Walters.
Greenwood liarrisvn Minnium, Henry F
Susquuhnnna H K Frevmoyer, S G Dress
ier. Fermanagh Isaac Sieber, Joseph Brent.
John S. Graybill. of MifHintown, is the
member of the Slate C entral Committee for
Juni.U c""-tity.
Jchn Balsb ich is tbe Representative Dal
egale to the State Convention.
Elibn Benner is the Senatorial Conferee
to mett the Conferee.! of Perry and Jlilliio
connties to elect a Senatorial Delegate to
the State Convention.
Letter from an Old Jacksonian Democrat
of Green wood Township.
i b,t on .hing s, ciin, ti,st j Juniata Countr SabbathSctool
tw ol United State senators
in tbe elec
they couid not nuke greater mistakes thso
,re "te bv Legislatures ol times. The
President ought to he elected by the poo
pie. Ton know what a row was gotten up
at the last Presidential election, over the
counf of the elector in certain Sonthern
Sutes. Both parties charged th-it offers of
bribery were nisde, but the only clear thing
bout tbe charges are, thst dispatches were
(?ot by the Democratic investigating com
mittee of the late Congiesa out of the tele
graph offices, and the dispatches proved
that Tilden's nephew had offered large sums
of money to buy the electors of some lour
different States. That is exactly what is
aid of the delegate system; that almost
always enough of the delegates can be
bought, one way or another, to run the ma
chine to suit th bosses of the system.
Tou know that it is common talk that Some
times a candidate will go into convention
with a leading nnn-.ber of delegates, and
still come out at the little end of the horn
All officer in a system of government pro
fessedly free, should be elected by a direct
vote. This is a broad and important ques
tion, but I must lesve it for this time, so
good nif.ht till I write you again.
Yours, truly,
Near Seven-Star Tavern, )
May 31, 1879.
.My Dr or Mr. Editor : Of course I have
been down to the Stars this evening, and as
I wa'kei home through 'be shimmering
silver light of tUe moon I could not help
but feel that to-night the two lite mouths of
all the year are j inei together. The two
months men. Slay's merry, mirthful ctrug
agaiust cold -lid Irost was but for June.
They meet to-night May and Jane and a
hapiy, joyous meeting it will be. They
Bay leaves, and grass and all sv'h things
breathe. D they .eel J Do they speak
wb'.-D they rustic in the brecre ? Do they T
W ho knows f We are told that among cer
tain kinds of plant life, two sexes exist. Is
that true ? I it trne that there is a male
and female among plants a man and a
woman I Be that ss it may, to-nizht is the
tight that men go among the w omen, and
many a man is now declaring to the object
of his love, I am
" Thine own true knight,
By day or night.
Or ai y kiud of light,
With ail my mieut,
For thee to right."
are often entrapped by such sweet
Jingling promises into reliance on men who
are not worthy of the trust of a good girl.
Old Hickory was oiten told of how the men
deceive the women, and by w ay of cousola
lioa he genera'.y repeated the following
verse in the hearing M those who were
smarting under iaise promises:
u Sij'- .o more, ladies, sigh no more,
'.a were deceivers ever,
t a loot in sea, and one on shore,
To one thi' constant never."
On a tender night like this the tenderest
suhje-ct th. of a man and a woman is
usuailv aiscussed at the Sur wish a relish,
tat politics, which comes next, is ahead
now, aud nuy bo expected to lead all other
questions tilt slur my eld party friet-ds
have settled -he political qnestioii that is a
h.miiiir amonff them Bow. You ee my
oU friends ate getting their eyes rubbed j
Notico to Bondholders.
Tha following circular was issued last week :
TatAsrar DsTABTBrsT, OrritE or Sec
bctabt, Washington, May 20, 1879.
Holders of called bonds which mature be
fore th" first da' of J ill v next aie requested
to send tlieni to the iJepartment for pay
ment d'iKng the month of June. In this
way the holders of such bonds will receive
payment tor them with interest to maturity
before tha bonds matare. The very Urge
payments of called bonds to he made in
July will fully occupy the different othces
of the department in that month, and pref
erence in the order of liquidation will bs
given to maturing bonds rather thsn to
bonds past due, the holders of which have
failed to present them lor payment.
All Uuited State bouds forwarded for
redemption should bd addressed to the
'Loan Division, Secretary's Office," and ail
registered bonds should be assigned to the
Sectctary of the Treasury for redemption."
Where parties deire checks in payment
for registered bonds drawn to Older of any
one but the payee, they should assign them
to the Secretary of thu Treasury for re
demption cn account of tbe owner or own
ers, giving name or names thereof.
As it is impossible to notily directly
holders of such bowls, the press of the
country is respectfully requested to give
publicity to this notice, that there may be
no delay in tbe payment ol the bonds, and
that an accumulation of money in the Trea
sury may be avoided.
Johm Sheika, Secretary.
Tha' Thirteenth Annual Conveatloa of
this Association met in the Lnrheraa church
at Thompsontown, on Wednesday and
Tftnrsday of last week. It wasr one of tbe
Krget, most Interesting and enthusiastic
Conventions ever held in the county. About
one hundred Pastors, Superintendents and
Pub-gates were In attendance, mho were
most hospitably entertained by lite warm
hearted people of Thompsontown, under
efficient management of K. A. Tem.is, chair
man of theComiuittee on F.ntertainment.
The sessions were opened with devotion
al services. The subjects were taken up in
their order on the programme, and discuss
ed. There was no lagging no lack of
speakers, so that when the time allotted lor
any subject was op, there were f till many
ready and anxious to speak.
Following a some of the proceedings
more in detail, but all more or less imper
fect, but they wilt serve to give sumo idea
of thu character of the Convention :
The Convention assembled promptly at
the bour appointed, Rev. R. F. Wilson,
Prerident, in tbe chair. A. J. Patterson,
S. L. McAlistt-r, and Jaiues McLaughhn
were appointed a nominating committee.
Before taking their departure the Secretary,
Dr. Thomas A. Elder, who had served for
eleveu years, proffered bis resignation,
which was accepted only as a personal favor,
and then by the casting vote of the Presi
dent. Tbe Constitution was amended so
that the Executive Committee should con-si-it
of one member from each borough and
township. The nominating comuiit(ee re
ported the following officers, who were
elected :
President, Rer. E. E. Berry ; Vice Presi
dent, Rev. G. A. Singer ; Permanent Sec
retary "Jacob Bridler; Treasurer, Elihu Ban
ner; Executie ('ommittee, H. II. North,
Patterson, chairman ; D. E. Robison, Tur
bett; Mrs. David W ilson, Port Koyal ; Dan-
Tax Banks observed Decoration day, and
it was with tome difficulty that the paople
of the town, asd the business of the place
could divest itself of the holiday feeling
that seemed to be abroad everywhere. Ko
organized demonstration, however, was par
ticipated in until in the evening.
At 04 o'cl.ck P. M-, the Patterson schools
to the uumber of 13 persons, all tt-aring
flowers, joined the scho.HS of this place, in
the school bouse, whwre they organized,
formed in procession, and marched to the
Court Housi yard, and gathered around
the monument erected to the memory o! the
cilixeiuaoldier 'bo died that thd Republic
may live;)
Rev. K. E. Berry delivered a prayer.
The Schools sang 'Columbia, Gem of
the Ocean," after which the ceremony of
tbe strewing ol tbe tluwers wa couducted
by the schools, which ceremony was fol
lowed by a DcclaiuaUoj by Leoua Lemon,
aged about 12 years, son of Jacob Lemon,
of Patterson. Upon the couclusi'ju of the
Declamation, a Mentor: tl hymn was sung,
which was followed by aa address by II. II.
Tbe address was an able one, and, after
revertirg to the sad events that occasioned
the pleasing and yet solemn memorial cere
mony of the bour, the speaker deduced a
lesson that stamps him aa a msn ho under
stands the high duties that devolve on a
citizen of the Republic. Mr. North gestic-
Common mistakes in teaching," was
taken np by Dr. G. L. Derr, who mentioned
the following i I . It is a mistake not to look
for immediate conversions 2, It is a mis
take to rest satisfied with tbe work done in
class tbe seed must bo watered with lieart
felt, fervent praxer; S. A mistake not to
maintain a consistent walk and conversa
tion ; 4. A mistake to leach only historical
or geographical portions. Rev. R. K. Wil
son thought it s great mistake' to place an
unconverted teacher over children ; if you
are obliged to have a teacher of that kind,
give him a class of adults, wbo ate able to
think for themselves. A. J. Palterson
thought it a mistake not to teach the his
torical part of a lesson ; not to keep order ;
to use a question-book or lesson-paper in
teaching ; to sit in teaching f to go around
the class in order.
What can we do to extend the Sabbath
school work in the county t" Wellington
Smith said all the other subjects ran into
this one. We should have more thorough
study, more competent teaching, and organ
izing Sabbath-schools in neglected districts.
Dr. Elder thought the most important work
was the organization of Borough and Town
ship Associations, and nrged "pvu the mem
bers of the Executive Committee the im
portance of Inking hold of this work.
' What are we doing for the work in onr
una m-ighhotbood 1" was discussed by H.
J. Ail man, C. C. Tennis, and A. II. Weid
in in.
The afternoon session on Thursday com
menced at 2 o'clock. The Topic, Duties
of parents to their children, aud the school,
in connection with the lesson," was dis
cussed by Rev. K. F. Wilson, E. E. Jami
son and E. W. II. Kreider.
The report of the formrr Secretary, Dr.
Elder, was read, showing the number of
Sabbath schools in the county reported to
tbe Association to be 5S, itb an aggregate
attendance of 2f officers, 481 teachers,
and S'.Hil scholars. There are about 22
schools in the county who failed to report.
Report of delegates to the State Conveo
FOR 8AI.E A commodious Dwelling
Hansn, and two Store Rooms, irr the bor
ongh or Mifflintoirn, Juniata Cbttbiy, Fa.
This is a rare chance to acquire m dwelling
honse, and business place in MitBintown a
chance, wbiclr if left pas, may not be
equaled in many years.- For particulars,
call at, or a1dres this office. janJ9-tf
Cabphob Mil? Dr.- O'-arholts'sr's Lini
ment bas been i.'ed by thousands, and has
p-oved to be of tbe highest value to the
roiiitiiuiiity. It has effected many cures in
I;..--.tnaism, Sores, Swellings, Sprains and
Frosted Feet, and many persons recommend
it lor Cuts, Oalls and Swellings in burses.
It costs 2o ceuts. Sold by Bank & Ham
lin, Mifflintown, snd Hamlin l Co., Pa'ter
son, Pa. marltf-lm
Camphor Milk cures Ueadauhe and Neu
ralgia. Camphor 11 ilk cures Rheumatism snd
Lnme Back.
Camphor Milk cures Cuts, Bruises and
Camphor Milk costs 23c ; 5 bottles $1.
Sold by Banks 4. Ham'in, Mifflintown, and
! Hamlin A Co., Patterson. inarld-ly
I'h'i-nix Pectoral will ccie-your Cough.
PhuMiix Pectoral cores hoarseness quickly
H0PaR!!Y--Kl$ZER On the 25th
olf., ty Re. 8v Kistci-, Mr. Robert Hum
phrey and Miss Bell K inter, both of Dela
ware township.
VAN-ART April 17, 17!. at the home
of ber son, in Fayette township, Mrs. Anna
Van-Art, aged C'J years, T months and 10
Special .Yutices.
Da. L. D. Witsisx's Altkkativb Starr.
07-A remedy used TlIIilT Y-FI VB YEARS
iu a private practice, and never (suing to
radically cure
Erysipelas. Scrotula. Secondary Syphilis.
Urat e). Diabetes, and all diseases ffl which
the blood is implicated, is Bow off-Ted' to ' oJi 1mj fcllue
ine piiiic
Sold by all Rt-tail Driigzists, and (whole
sale oulv) br Tuc M'tYBia Mkmcixb Co.,
P. O. Box 33S, kochest .T, N. Y.
D under e CV,-. JLi mitcdt
him, hdflkk Zl&g Ms, Caps, Mi and Slices;,
FLOUR, FKED, Dlll'GS, &c , ic.
Johnstown, Juniata Coimty7 Pa,
I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple
Vkoktablk Balis that will remove TAX,
iel Conn, Spruce Hill; Rev. A. Copenhaver, Uml- Md at williamsport last June, by Mr.
Fayette; J. Nevin Pomeroy, Beale; Miss
Jennie Robison, Milford ; John T. Dimm,
Greenwood ; Mrs. Salrfe Patterson, Tusca
rora ; Thomas Kelly, Lack ; Miss Mollie
Funk, Walker ; B. F. Oliver, Delaware ;
S. R. Ulsh, Susquehanna; W. B. Horn
ing, Fermanagh ; Dr. T. A. Elder, Mittlin
fOwn ; George Muterling, Monroe ; E. A.
Tennis, Thompsnt'wn.
The Topic " How to prepare a lesson,"
was introduced by Dr. O. II. McAlister,
wbo would devote great attention to the de
velopment of tho ipiritu-al truths. Dr.
Stone would study tbe lesson under two
beads: 1. Preparation of the heart; 2.
Preparation of the mind. James McLaugh
lin thought the great trouble was to get
competent teachers. J. Nevin Pomeroy
would devote great attention to: 1. Tbe
study of the "Daily Readings," 2. A thor
ough understatsIlR- of the "Golden Text,"
and "CenUal Truth."
The Topic, "How to teacb a lesson," was
opened by II. U. North, who thought thor
ough preparation should be made, aud then
each teacher teacb according to bis own
plan not be iinita'ors of others. James
McLaughlin thought Ibis a difficult work
very often poorly done. A. J. Pa'terson
didn't believe in lecturijs to a class, nor in
asking questions in order around the class.
He believed in a combination of the Platon
ic and Socratic methods: I. Give; 2. Get
from the class what has been given. Dr.
Stone thought that : 1. The teacher should
be earnest; 2. Must have tbe attention and
consideration of pupils ; 3. Eometinies well
to lecture, sometimes, toqnestion ; 4. Must
adapt leach n g to capacity of popila. Rev.
A. Van Fnssen gave the exjierieuce of an
unconverted young lady h was appointed
to teach a class, who not only was convert
ed herself, but ber class and family as w 11.
Must teach in such a maimer as to interest,
instruct, sud lead to the Savior. Dr. II. J.
Hunt pursued ihe lecture plan in part, aith
good rtsults. J. C. Cullen thought it very
important, 1. To have the scholars commit
tho lesson to memory ; 2. To search tbe
John T. Nourse and Rev. E. E. Berry, del
egates. Election of delegates to the State Con
vention, to be held at Altoona. June 3d, 4th
and 5th, 1879. Alfred J. Patterson and E.
W. II. Kreider were elected.
Twenty-seven dollars were contributed to
defray rxpensea of the Slate Sabbatb-school
Association, alter ahieli J. Nevin Pomeroy
conducted the "Teachers Conference."
Tbe evening ssssion was devoted to the
consideration of miscellaneous questions
relating to Sabbath-schools, which the writer
hereof had not the pleasure to hear dis
JIcAiisterville was selected as tbe place
at which to hold the next Convention.
Jacob Beidler is having a well bored in
his lot on Cross street.
Bass Ashing has been going on since Mon
dsy, with varied success.
The Lewistown Academy school picnick
ed at Macedonia last Thursday.
The sale of the 4 per cent, government
certificates bas been iliscoutinued in cities.
Chew Jacksou's Best Sweet Nary To
bieco. Dec. 4, l&To-ly.
Exchanges from different sections of the
c-untrT speak of gambling in social and
family circles.
An Aitoona man received a peach from
Texas last week. The expressage on it was
forty cents.
In spearing nMi at night, fiiheriuen gen
crall Hnd la-ge carp in the river, shout the
bead of the Island.
The Hirrisbcrg Telegraph says fbt the
spring chickens iu market are ol the size of
English sparrows.
Tlio wheat crop in this connty, from pres
ent appearance, will be larger than in many
past years, excepting last year.
The annual iu-eting of the D linkers, held
at GooJw.U church, in Fayette township,
Ph.nir Perioral lastly !rud and brinvs Reaving the skin soil, clear and beautiful;
also liiati uui ions lor pi.muviiig m uaui.,--
growth ot hair oa a bald head or smooth
face. Address, inclosing 3c. stamp, Ben.
Vaudelf ti Co., 20 Ann strict, N. Y.
The advertiser, having been neriuaneutlv
j cured of that dread disease. Consumption,
Pheenix Pectoral costs 21c ; 5 bottles SI.
Sold by Banks A Ila.ulin, Miftliutown, &.
Hauiiin A Co., Patterson. luarlO-ly
Fas bebs, do yon want good Land Plas
ter, Lumber, Calcined Plaster, Rosendale
Cement, or York connty Lime ? If so, call : by a simple remedy, is anxious to mane
Tiiank'ul to the pvbiie for th-ir liberal pitroiuge iu the oast, we solicit a continuance:
Ail wuios i t'
Pro-luce t;iken in Exchange for Goods.
Walnut P. O., Juniata County, Pa-
on Kennedy A Duty, who have just re
ceived a ntw supply by boat, and all at
bottom prices. inay"-3t
known to his fellow-siiff.-rs tbe means of
cure. To all who desira it, be will send a
copy of the prescription used, (tree ol
chrjr), with the directions for preparing
and Using the same, which they will Hnd a
. .. t - : ", . V. u
For your Grain Drills, Reapers, Mower-, j hili, ic. fart.es wishing the rrencrip-
nulla lil pifTsv autirrin(
Wheel Cultivators, for either one or two
burses, 7 to 9 shovels, best in tbe msrket.
J. F. G. Loxo,
Port Royal P. O., or near Spruce Hill,
aprl6-tf Juniata county, Pa.
Will find it to their advantage, if they want
Books, Rewards, or Requisites, to address
S S. Book Depository, Uarrisburg, Pa.
may 14-tl
LUMBER. All kinds, sixes and qualities,
for ssle at prices to suit the times. Call on
or address Jas. C. SmLLisGsroan,
mar2U-U Near McAlisterville, Pa.
A new combination among coal men, to
force a rise in prices, is reported by dispatch.
194 Penn street, Vt'illiamsburgh, N.Y.
4 GENTLEMAN who suffered lor rears
jY from Nervous DEBILITY, PREMA
TURE DECAY, and all the effects or youth
ful indiscretion, will lor the sake of suffer
ing humanity, send free to all who need it,
the recipe and direction lor making thesim
pie remedy by which he was cured. Suf
terers wishing to profit by the advertiser's
experience can do so by addressing in per
fect confidence,
42 Ceaaa street. New York.
11 r TO Or all kinds. TUMORS,
1-LjJiiO discharges of BLIM1). or
mucus, and all diseases of the KKCTL'M
quickly and perfectly enred by a simple and
soothing REMEDY. For inioriuiii..n ad
dress Da. J. FABEK A CO.,
22 Ann street, N. Y.
Jan 20, 1879-6m
Sew Adrertisetnents.
Batter Tims3 Approaching.
Editor Sthtintl and Republican Sir; At
the request of many Republicans, I present
the ntme of Licit. James R. Ki.lut as a
candidate for the cttice ol Sherid', snnject
to the rules that govern the Republican
party. Should the Lieutenant become the
standard-bearer for the important ollicc of
Sheriff for the campaign that will close in
November, he will prove to be a tower ol
strength before the whole people.
JUNIATA I Month th-gans, extra quality.
- 'Flutes, Kites, FIiteo!-ts, Clarinets, Drums,
FOR SHERIFF. aud Band Instruments at lowest
Editor Stutinet and f.czttblicasT : At 1 cash prices.
the reouesl of manv Rep-.ullcans I present . Sktet and Music Bcikt maneJ on receipt cf
Violoncellat .
I Dvukle Bass
J Guitar
VuiliK Botrt .
1 jiccordtam . ..
. $1 OOto-'O 00
.$10Wto."0 0,
. J7")to.vC0
1 tr16 IHI
. $l2-ito2-3U
I'loia and Guitar strings. Boxes, Bridges,
Kevs. Tale Hoards Ac.
May I, 1k7s
d. " w! 'IamIts
I tFie place where yoa c bnf
HE is prepared to exfiibit one of the most choice and s lei-f stocks ever oCert ia
this market, arid at jteTOSiSHIaLf LOW VRWES f
Also, meaurrs taken for suits and parts of irnVrs, which will be made to-orJs
at short notice, very reasonable.
Kemember tbe place, in HoSaisa's Ifcif SailJing, corner rf Frf-ue and
Water s'reefs, IK KLIN TOWN, PA. Jan. I, l7'j-i
Has just returned from the Eastern eiliea will a full variefj of
GKXTS FURNISHINO GOODS. Goods nf all kinds a: low.Como and see me
and b. astonished Pants at 75 cents. E SUITS MAM: TO K;;Ett
Patterson, Pa., April li, ls7y. SAMUEL iiTlTaYER-
Trantteni' GuiJt.
r oa
TuEorCu asd Local PssrsGia Tiaras
Betweib Habkisbckq ask Aitoosa.
Philadelphia & Beading Railroad.
Arrangement of Pafn?er Trains.
3 1? !
is:!: ?
3 a
Piano Stools, Music Stands, Piano and 6 4n 8 12
the name of Mr. Li sa Davis, of Walker I
. 1 : 1 . I Ktt y.f) . a ,.f 1 I
ilDn.p,i... I Organ Polish
Sheriff, subject to the rules that govern me t ., u;n D.
Republican party. Should Mr. Davis be adln-ssing the
nominated and tlected, he will mike an ' ilcKILLIPS OKtlxN MANUFACTORY.
Any of the above instru-
forwarded at short notku by
efficient oliie
spects to till 1-
'ti nualillvd in all
re-j Atur Org 111s at astonishingly low prices.
Iw.-ohit-lian l ol other makes at a o.rgaiu.
For further particulars address
Orpin Manufacturer.
320 N. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa.
Dec. 4, lt7S-(iiu
Scriptures, so as to tie full of the lesson, j last week, was largely attended.
open to a little bit of light, and that little
lit of ujht is enough to let tbein see that
no one in their party bas the ghost ol a
cha-ice for a nomination wt office unless cer
tain parties ami -g them have taken tbeir
measure and prononncea on it. If it suits j
tbe parties, all right; ir not, the candidate
mnst ta-e a back seat, and sit, and sit, sit,
sit, sit till he finds out that his turn is never
to come around.
Old Hickory's ides cf iis government was
thst its offiejs were not made for any par
ticular .t of men ; neither did he believe
that everybody should be an office seeker,
bat he believed tbal when a fellow wpts an
office be shorld have the right to go before
the people for tho office, and if they elect
him, all well and good, an! if they elect
Lira to stay out of the office, well and good
again. Well, that's wh.it my old frienls
wsnt to keep trom bcir. done. Yon know
that my cid party bave the DtUgate System,
eui you know that a few s-'.ive men can
run a svstem of that kind, and make nomi
nations" to suit themM lres. If Old Hickory
could be al-tit r'.-, he'd favor the election
of Un.ted States Senators and Presidents
by popular vote. He wouia "pes anu
write in favor of an amendmeut to the dif
ferent State Constitutions and the Constitu
tion of the United States so that United
Btates Senators snd President should U be
iected by a direct vote ol tbe people. The
way the thing stands we elect a Legislature,
and the I 'islat Jre elects the Uuited States
Senstor. We el-et sn F.:ectoraI College,
and the Electoral College elect or count the
rote for the President. You see when this
government t us made there wss no other
to Dattern after, but the old kind that bad
Kn ; nn-r five thousand vears, and it
had got to believed that the people could
not be trused ; it was thought '.oat ihey
could not be trusted to elect a Uuited S tates
Senator, or PresKent direcL Old Hiekory
ns one of the people, and he always said
that while the people generally did some
queer things sometimes, they always meant
right. Of course, he did not mean bad peo
ple, for they won't do right, but be meant
tbe general run of people meant to do right,
and when they did wrong t1' did it be
cause they did not understand the subject
they were aetir.g on. That was Old Hickory's
belief, and he ha Urge experience in the
world You know tbe people wer-wrong in
blindly following tbe lead of the Democracy
and votiug with them till they got op the
Feilion nnder Buchauan, but they did not
.now they were deceived, and they did not
believe it when they were told of it. They
did not believe it till tbo Johnnies fired on
Sampter s that opened lie cyea of the mass,
and tbey swnrg around.
It mar be so that Ilia Dio of peo-
i-le are reH-r to adopt the bad side of
humankind, than to adopt the good side 01
mates with ease, and has a lull and manly
Tbe Juniata Cornet Band discoursed its
richest music at the conclusion of the ad-
I dress, aud all withdrew, well satisfied thst
the ceremony was witnessed by a larger
concourse of people than any other previous
one of the same character in the county.
The assembly numbered nearly if Lot quite
6W people. So little previous p. eparation
bad been made that it may be classed as
among the impromptu ceremonies in honor
of the heroic dead. I. . -Marks and other
schoo" people have deiprastrated how effi
cient hey can be, once their energy bas
been enlisted in s ca"se.
vThe d.mger to life, in walking on a rail
roiul track is again illustrated by the death
of two young men, named Fillmore Dutt".
and David Burger, of Cbambersburg, cigar
makers by occupation, ho were instantly
killed on the Pennsylvania railroad, at Bai
ley's Station, last Wednesday morning.
The men were walking westward on the
north track, a freight train going .st on
tbe south track. The noise of the freight
train prevented them from bearing the ap
proach or the Pacific express west, and al
though the engineer made every effort to
attract their attention aud slop his train he
did not succeed, snd they aero both ttruck
.-j ;i...t:- tilled. Tbeir bodies were.
taken to Newport by train dispatcher Crea
mer, of this place, sui placed in the hands
of ihf poor director
A I arty of Gypsiet, ten days ago, broke
into a church, in Perry county, and stole
therefrom a lot ol cs-pet snd other articles,
and not far from the church they broke
their wagon, which mishap, however, did
not delay them long, f they went to a barn
not far off, and, without the knowledge of
the owner, exchanged their broken wagon
for the farmer's carnage. Tbey had a grey
horse hitched to tbe carriage, and came
across tbe Tusrarora mountain, by Run
Gap to this county, and tuenco to Mifllin
county, where they wre overtaken last
we-;k by Perry county authority, and taken
back to Perry county, to answer for the
Capital punishment was abolished in
Switzerland a number of years ago, but the
crime of murder since the abolition has in
creased so rapidly that recently the' qaes
tion as U wbeiher capital punishment should
be revived ha 3 been submitted to tLe peo
ple, and by a large majority the people roted
in favor of again restoring capital punish
ment in that country.
It is not the furniture, or fine things that
are in a house that makes tbe pleasant hour.
A palace w U"iont the right kiud of jwople in
it can be no pleasant home.
for one cannot te ich what he does not know
To teacb 1. Attention, 2. Then teach, 3.
Apply to each one; 4. Pray for the class
evarry day, and tell them so ; 6. Cannot da
anything aitbout thu Holy Spirit.
The evening was taken cp with a preach
ing service. A very good sermon, by Rev.
T. J. Sherrard, on the importance and re
sponsinility upon parents, Sabbaih-school,
and church, In the proper training of chil
dren, especially spiritually anJ morally.
The text was, Judges 13:12, How shall
we order the child, and how shall we do
unto hilar" Rev. Mr. Sherrard was assist
ed in these services by Revs. R. F. Wilson,
G. A. Singer, and E. E. Berry.
The first Topic on Thursday morning was :
" The organization and mansgement of the
Sabbath-school." The discussion was
opened by S. D. Batesholtx, who confined
his remaiks to the Superintendent, snd
msrie the follow ins fourteen points: 1. A
Superintendent should be thoroughly in
earnest; 2 Must pray for the success of
his school; 3. Must not allow himself to
be nnduly influenced by unwise or untimely
suggestions; but, 4. On the other hand,
should not be arbitrary and unreasonable ;
5. Be prompt ; 6. Enforce good order ; 7.
Select only converted persons to teach ; 8.
Endeavor to ascertain whether teachers are
teaching the truths contained in God's
Word, or whether they are imparting their
own views merely, snd urge all to teach
such truths as may lead the pupil to Christ ;
9. Urge weekly teachers' meetings lor the
study of the lesson ; 10. Endeavor to pre
vent trashy books from gutting into the
library; 11. Must himself lead a consistent
christian life ( Must interest himself to in
crease aud improve bis school ; 13. Should
look alter absentees; 14. Should be partic
.,i.r t., nntire and sret kindly !o teachers
and pupils whenever he may meet them.
E. A. Tennis followed, snd spoke ol the
ordinary duties of the Assistaut Superin
tendent, Secretary, Treasurer, and Libra
rian. The Teachers,' was tho next subject.
This was tbe great subject of the Conven
tion, and Into which nearly all tbe others
ran. Itev. A. copennavcr was
ion that none but converted persons should
be allow-4 to teach. No one can teach
spiritual truths of which be has no experi
mental knowledge. Rev. J. C. Oliver took
strong grounds on this point rested not en
man's opinion, but on the authority of Uoa a
Word, and qnoted 2 1 im. 2 : 2. in support
or his position. Dr. n. J. Hunt thought
that it is impossible slwsys to get such
teachers, and in some cases he would use
nnrnnrerted nersous. Rev. R. F. Wilson
thought it was better to have tbe children
tanght by an nnprofessing person alwsys
moral, thongb than not to have them
taught at all; Ood has often blessed snob
teaching. Dr. Elder was of opinion that
bat we wanted was more entire consecra
tion on tbe part of teachers teachers wbo
feci the responsibility resting upon them a
the teachers of Gel's Word, a-d who, feel
Ing it, wiU make tbe rP" preparatieu.
But a few months ago the Greenbackers
were in favor of all greenbacks," now it
is nulimited silver coin. What next t
ffrs. Kreider, living on Cherry street, be
tween East Point and Third street, has new
potatoes ready for use in her gardelnT)
The Kiver Brethren will hold communion
services at the residence of Mr David Moi.t
iu Fermanagh township on next Sal-bith.
The turnout from town to the Sabbath
scbool Convention at Thompsontown, last
Thursday, comprehended quite a number of
Silver seems to be more sought for in the
money markets of this country, and in Eu
rope, than within the period of a number of
years past.
Dispatches from abroad state that the
prospects for a full crop of wheat in Eng
land are not good. It is estimated that
England will have to import at least 60,000,-
UO0 bushels.
It Is reported that near Newton Hamilton
a lormation of rock has been discovered
that yields $9 worth of gold and $3 worth
of silver to the ton.
An exchange says that a teaspoonful of
coal oil to a gallon of water is a Certain
destroyer of plant lice. Sprinkle from a
watering pot or band broom.
Cohere are bo Ssbbath-schools in Juniata
county. The largest Sabbatb-school in the
county is that ol the Lutheran church in
tms place , ine scuooi uumucrs 1 (fcovui
Tbe fourth annual meeting or ihe 1'enn
svlvania State Association for the Preserva
tion of Game and Fish, will be held in
Huntingdon on Thursday, June 17, at two
o'clock P. X.
'The well thst was pnt down at the inter
section of Lemon, sometimes called School
House street, and Orsnge street, generally
called Cherry street, L-s been -completed,
there being 81 feet of water fn it. j
The Committee on Transportation snd
Music of the Juniata Valley Printers' Asso-
... .... i m . I
ci. Ion raei in ine a rwaae ouico at uw
on Satniday, to arrange for the holding ol
the printers' ricnic, to be held at Cresson
In September.
The Legislature bas passed tbe bill en
larging the powers of Justices of the Peace
to consider accounts or cases in which the
amount does not exceed $300. The origi
nal bill provided for the empaneling or a
jury, but the jury clause was stricken ouL
The Legislative Committee of Investiga
tion on the Pittsburg Riot Bill has reported,
and name a number of members as having
b-.-cn guilty of violating the Constitution
and laas of the Commonwealth, in making
corrupt solicitations to secure the passage
of the Riot BUI.
B yon nse Paris green on potato tops to
kill bugs, be Careful as to where tbe tops
are nut, or any plants or weeds that are re
moved from tbe patch. Read the dlrpalch
from Vermont, relative to theeffdet of such
Sentinel ami Republican Sir: It is j
Ihe desire or a number of the Republican ?
Wends of Daniel Coffiuan, of Patterson,
that his uame be presented to tho Republi- 1
can voters of Juniata conntv as a candidate i
fur the office of Jury Commissioner, there- j
fore I ask that his name le announced in ;
the columns ot the sentinel ami Republican, j Grand Opening I Great Bargains !
as a candidate for the oflice mentioned, sub- J
ject to the rules tbit govern tbe party.
May 20, 17. PATTERSON
5 5
i K.
I J "i
C t
6 o 1
7 10
7 4"
7 62
8 10
8 27;
S ;J.,'
8 ;o
0 ;
9 1U
7 51 1 I7;
7 52 111
711 113
72 i2-v:
A. B. A. X. ; A.M. P. ).
12 30 W, rin'adel'a 3 00 5 40
p. a. a. a. p. a. ' r.n. p. a.
5 3" Et' ! :i ll.vi.sKg . I V IV)
1 40 !t-H.kv ille
1 -V' il irysvi'e
lo:-l ..ve
2 ij'j ! ine IT.'u
2 11 .Vi'icdii;!
2 2 i llai y
2 3-1 ewport
2 IT Millerst'n
311 lliom''n
3 1'i Mexico
3 20 perrvsv'e
3 27 VilMin
3 -m Lewisto'o
1 w.
9 1 hi
8 3-i
8 12
1 ;
22 12 "! H 02
;: 7 4. 1
D. WATTS has just returned from
O Philadelphia with llio largest assort
men 1 ui
Editor Sentinel and Republican-Vine Sir, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES,
As the time for announcing candidates is
approaching, I would recommend C- S.
fntuityrKiiora, of M"iroe township, as a
suitable person lor Jury commissioner, sub
ject to the rules or the Republican party.
Mr. Shelienberger bas always been a true
and trustworthy Republican, and is a man
of intelligence, possessed of true and cor
rect business qualifications, and, ir elected,
would make a good olG.-cr.
No. 40 South Third Street,
Stocks Bought and Sold either for Cash or
on a Margin.
June 2, 1879.
Bio. AssKn.
Notions, Fancy Goods, Boots. Shoes, Hats,
Hats, Caps, Q'leensware, oou ana
Willow Ware, Hardware,
ever brought to McAlisterville, which will
be sold at
All kinds of Produce, Meat, Dried Fruit,
Grain and S-e.ls ot all kinds taken 111
change lor OikkIs.
CP" Call and examine our stork, in tile
room formerlv occupi.-d by J R. Boughner.
opimsite the National Hotel, AfcAlistervilic,
Juniata countv, Pa.
April 2, 1879
1 . :
till 12 2'
ft 43 12 II
6 3 2 1 1 -V.
ti IX 1 1 13
6 12 II 3r
8 00 10 (St 3 27 VilMin iC i)7 1134
ll4'; i -w Lewisto'o, .i 42 1 1 Hi
10. wj 4 (ls Anderson ; 5 2: 1" 52
11 12 4 21 McYevl'n oil 1035
1121 4 37 Manav'i.k 5l4l02i
11 3S 4 52 N HaiuilV
Il4'i 4 "'. Mt. Union
11 54 5 07 Ma;ieton.
12 11 1 5 15 Mill Creek
12 1st 5 tluiitiiiK'ii
12 35 5 5! Peters!.',;
12 41 6 02 Barree ,
.'2 51 6 10 Sj.rVeC'k
j 104 6 25 hiniili'iu
I I 15 B.U Tyrone
j 124 6 4H Tipton '
i 1 3l 6 33 Fostorla
.134 K H Bells Mills
! 1 55 7 20, Aitoona
P. . A. SI.
I 9 0d 12 55 Pittsburg.
Mai lltb, 187'J.
Trains fare Htrri$bur as fulltmr :
For New York at 5 15, b 10 a. in., and 200
and 7 53 p. m.
fur Philadelphia at 5 15, 8 10, 0 45 a. m.,
2 00 and 4 'iO p. iu.
For Keadin? a 5 15, 8 10. 9 45 a. In., 2 00
I 4 ' and 7 55 p m.
' For Pottsville at 5 15, S 1 a. m., and 4 :0
j p. m. and via Scbnvlkil! A Susquebauna
Branch at 2 40 ,-. m.
s j ' 51 Fr A ubnrn via S. A S. Branch at 5 30 x m.
" i s ! . ! For Al!.-nt wij at 3 13, 8 10 a. ui.. 2 00.
4 no and 7 55 p. m.
The 5 15, 8 lo a. m. and 7 53 p n.
trains have throngh cars for New York.
The 5 13 a. m. train has through cars for
For New York at 5 15 a. m.
For Allentoa n and way stations at 5 15 a. ra.
For Raiding, Philadelphia and way stations
at 1 45 p. in.
Tia.nifur Hnrrxtbur leave a follows 1
Leave New York at 8 45 a. ro., and 1 CO,
530 an.l "7 45 p. in.
Leave i'hi!adelihia at ! 45 a. In., and 4 On,
and 7 20 p. m.
Leave Reading at ft 4, ? 25, 1 1 50 a. ra.,
1 30, 0 15 and 10 .'." p. m.
Leave Pottsville at 5 5, 9 15 a. ni. and 4 40
p. m.,an l via Schuylkill and Susiiiehaa-
n i Branch at 8 15 a. lu.
Leave Aubnru ii o. A S. Branch at 11 50
a. m.
Leave Allentown at 12 So, 5 40, 9 03 a. m.,
12 10, 4 HO aud 9 05 p. m.
t Does not run on .Vo.ays.
Leave New Tork at 5 So p. m.
Leave Philadelphia at 7 20 p m.
Leave Heading at 4 40 and 7 40 a. m. and It
35 p in.
Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 905 p.m.
Via Hjrrit and Essex Rmlrnttd.
General Mjnnger.
ll.S..l.l 11 (V,
7 lii
6 40
6 33 i
0 25
4 51 10 II
4 45 lOOti
4 38 9 57
4 17
3 51;
3 t-i
3 :
3 27
8 17
3 OH
2 50
9 3
9 3'.'
9 22
9 15i
9 10
8 56
14 51
8 40
8 36
H 33;
8 loi
A. W.
7 40,
Westwasd Fast Tbaiss.
Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia 11 55
pm; Harrisbnr; 4 20 a in ; Dnnrannon Jl
50am; Newport 5 14am: Mitttin 556 a
m; Lewistown 6 1 a m ; McVeytown 6 41
aiu; Mt. Union 7'Msmt Huntingdon 7
ex I 2 a m ; Petersburg 7 4 1 a 111 ; S prm-e Cre k
eoaiu: Tyrone 8 18am; mil s .Mills
8 33 a in t Aitoona 8 50 a m ; Ftttsbuig
1 45 p m.
Pittsburg Express leaves Philadelphia at
6 2 p m ; llatrisbiirc 1 1 15 p 111 1 Marvsville
10 ;J1 p in : MilH.n 1 1 4 1 p m ; Lew Mown
UnntinjMiiit I I i a m
(Successors to Buyers A Kennedy,)
6's 1881
Currencv. 6's........... 123 124
5's, 1881, new l' 104 j
4l's, new, 1.J ltl
4's " ..i.... . 103 1(
Pennsvlvanis R. R. ...... .... 37 37)
Philadelphia A Reading R. R. 21 1 2.J
Ihigh Valley R. R ' 40
Lehiali Coal A Navigation Co.. 211 25
United Companies ot N.J. H 143
Northern Central K. R. Cc ... 17 18
Hestonville Pass. R. R. Co.... lti' lh
Pitts., Tit A Buff. R. R. Co... 6 6
Central Transportation Co ... 4I 44 f
Northern Pacific, Com H
Pret'd 424 -l
Silver, (Trades) 9f 9'4
's .... 1 . , m . 3
(J'sanu)so ':'t
(Llimesaud I Diiues.).u 98J 9'.i
u:...m Jutim 4 1m?o.
Butter ....
Ham .....
Shoulder .
Sides. ....
.4 4 1
CO A la.
Calcined Plaster, Land Plaster
SEEDS, SAL. a, fctfi
C. G.
General Ticket .Ijcnt.
Manhood! KowLost.HowP.c
Just published, a tew edition cf
Dr. Culver cli's ! Iir'.-. E. s.-r
on the raihrnl curt (itin- .: :, ti-
cine) of Spermatorrhea or Senili:at -ne,
Iiivcliiiitary Seimn:.l Losses, Iup.
telicy, Menial and Physical Lieajxeity, I111
pediments t Marriage, etc. a'so. Con
sumption, Epilepsy aud Fits, iml ued br
selt-iiidul;eiice or sexual extravagance, Ac.
2v I rice, 1:1 a sealed euvelope,
lililr six
12 04 a m ; ltuntipgloit I I-J am; lymnei cents;
1 53 a in ; Altovna 2 25 a 111 ; Pittsburg 7 Oil The celebrated author, in this adii.lr ihlo
am. Essay, clearly demonstrates, trom a thirty
Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 1 1 45 a years' successful prwtiee, that the alarm-
m ; Uarrisburg 3 45 p ni ; Milllm 5 09 p lu ; I ir.BT cnnseo'.ienci-s or Seir-..luse m.iv he rad-
- . - .1- . 1 . 1 no 1 , . , . ... ....
i.ewisiown o p u , o v iu , ieai:v etirtu wi:not!t tlie nanir.-rous use u
Tyrone 1 18 p m; Aitoona 7 40 pm; Pitts
burg 1 1 45 p m.
Eastwaid Fast T is:s.
Philadelphia Express leaves Pittsbu-g at
4 40pm: AlLn.na 8 55 p ib ; Beli's Mills
9 10 pm; Tyrone 9 slpm; Spruce Creek j
938 pm; Huntingdon l' l2 p m ; Lewis-
town IO 56 a m ; MUttiu 11 Ham; Hams
burg 1235 am; and arrives 111 Philadelphia
at 3 50 a m.
Atlantic Express leivcs I'itfshii'g at I 10
pm; Altoont 61pni Tyrone i. '.! piu;
Punliupdon 7 38 pnt Mt. Union 8 00 p in;
A" Vej town 8 23 p r.i ; Lewi-t.wn 5i p ni ;
M liin 9 12 p in ; Newport 9 5 p hi t Dun
c.u non 10 20 p 111 ; Il.irrisbiirw It? 05 p m ;
arics in Philadelphia 3 00 a 111.
J acifie Exjwess ltaves Pittshur- at t 13 a
m; Aitoona 7 35 ami Tyrone am;
Huts ingdon 8 36 a m : Lewistown 9 36 am ;
Mifflu 9 55 am; Uarrisburg llo'Jaul;
arrive-- in Philadelphia 3 15 p 111.
Corrected weecly by Kennedy A Doty,
Quotation m To-dai.
Wednen!., June 4, 1879.
Wheat;., i I."'
Corn, ..ii i.i '
Oats; 26
R i I.:.....; "5
Timothy seed;...;....
Clovers eed...;
1 OOtol 10
3 25
We buy Grain, to bo delivered at Mifflin
town or Mexico.
Y e are prepared to urnlsh Sal t to dealers
at reasonable ratea.
April 21, 1877-tf
may be purchased of the nnders'gned at a
reasonable price. The property is situated
in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with
tbe Smith stand includes a lot of about
I TWO ."RES, having thereon erected a
comfortable Two-story Framclbinse, a com
modious fc'talle a-.d other outbuildings.
There Is a Well of good water at the doer
of the house. For particulars call on or
address WM. HOOPS.
Walnut P. O., Juniata Co., Pa.
internal medicine nr the applicit'nn nf iUn
kiiitr ; p mtins; out a mode of ri:re at ici
simple, certain, and effectual, by nieasa. oS
which every sufferer, no 1.1:1 tl. r V a his
condition m.-y be, may r-ira li.msel: c irari
ly, privately, and radically.
CjWis l.ertnre should lie in. e 1isr1!
of every vonth and every msn U rlie lund..
S-nt under seal. ir. a plain mvdope, t v
any a.ldress, post-p iid, on ths- ouipt of
sis c-nt.s or two p t t:iiura. adrasa th
THE ll'LTER W ELL .HE StP.t t 0.,
41 Alio St.. New York:
sill-ly P.sj.04Lce Boi U'.tiS.
ForriET immm mm.
Ir a . '1
The SuxTist- aw
RxprtlCAS has no
! superior asa-i alver'uing mediun. in this
i.nnne. and m a iournai 0! varied news
poison when in water, as published among reading it is not snrpassed by any
the new items; reekljr paper in central Pennsylvania.
FOR RENT. The Corner Store-room in
the Beltord Building, now occupied by R.
. Parker, Is for rent. Inquire of
Uaboabet Bkltobo.
A perfect w.tkins Sliirt B isoui
Stretcher and Lonin; Board. Best
celling article in market. Sells at
-ight, both in city and country. It
s superior in evt-rv respit-t, ant
uore s.ib al'le tB.n any .itlier bard.
The latest i iit'roveirlent over all.
PateuU-d Nov. 20, 177. Lr.rge per
cent;ige iai i. Territory sellers and can
vassers wanted. Arenls do not fail to send
for circular and terms tu A. W. Smith, Mc-
Keesnnrt. AlleSh IV clunty. Pa. Say in
what paper you saw ibia adv't. octP;
Office opp.vite Lu'herau Chnrch,
port royal. Juniata cro., p..,
vru. liw wall ".ift ihi. Hrxt ten dss i.t
each month, commercing Ileci mber jta.l feJ esmftS
The balaoce of the time bis office will bv
occupied by J. S Kilmer, a yonag man
orthy of eonf tence, and who has been
associated with "ie Doctor as str T.-nt and
assistant two and npwards. Those
who call during Dr. Burlan's absence for
professional service, rn.-. and will please
arran3 the time with Mr. Kilu-er when they
may be served, on the return of the Doctor.
Consult your Interest and advertisw in
tbe Stntinti and Republic.
Insure stock of Headr-mmle C!o!li;nc tnr
sale by HA RLE Y & CO.
The wmt tka; h- ho JV-e: looked for
by the I'rofessjua is an Tiihali-r thnt can btr
earned in Ib pocket, and is - a.lv for uso
at any tiiae. This Yaponaiiir Inhaler is
neat and cumnw-t rtj'n an than any otln-r
Inhaler bow i tl e market and can be sold
for l-e-.iter lh- amount tli.it aev other
j l.lhil.f san brt. Ir. w ,d che.ip Iht any
man or woman flat is troubled uilft
Catarrh, UraocSilils, Asthma,
and all diseases of lh Lnns and Air Pas
sa;es, and t-r the sate an 1 etlVtml Va-.r-ixing
of Si.v meittrme. This little V:ip'r
isur 5s fiich'y en lorf and rei!.iunwn.sl
nv the Meili.-il pratession Se what IV.
Kimst saysah.nt it ; also, Dr. Fassx, t'.th
aboio are Lighty arpreciatod a iihstical
xiierts. s.l respected Oermin physicians
ot Cricsgoi
ItA Doct'ib : Yon h;v s.n Insfrnrnent
thit I highly- acpn.-eHiie and eudorse, and
nt that it W ill IV ol great b-ile
al to the Ptotessi n and public in general.
l"r.r. A. J. Farrx, M. D.,
Prof. H. Tbasx. M. D.,
ChUapo, UK
All commnuicattotls mnst be aMrs.scJ,
1011 Walnut street, Ph'-Uk-lphia.
C7 Send Stamp for circu-'ar. or $ 1 .00 for
Inhaler. uar26-2m
Subscribe for tbe Sentinel and Rr?nHcn.
The Sentinel and Republican orhoe ia tha
place tngct job work done. Trv it. It will
py yni if von need anything In that line..