SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN MIFFLINTOWN. Wftfaendar, June 4, 1ST9. B. F. SOI! WE IE It, Eirroi asd ran? surma. Tut present session of Congress would out have been necessary, it" the Congress f last session Lad done iia duty. If the iasl session Lad provided fur keeping cp Itib government, tbe preseut session would not bave been ctHud, en 1 now the present session is doing Jus: wht tbe last session did, it is telling tbe President that if be does toot agree to sign btils tLat will destroy the power tbat was granted to the Presi deut in Waebiugtou's time to pat down rbt aod rebellion in tbe Statu, and if be doe not agree to sigu bill thai wilt tike awsj the power of tbe President to quell riots un days of election tbat they will not provide the nieaus to run the guvernuient. Very well, if the Democracy can afford to go before tbe country with suob a record, tbe Presi dent eaa sUod it, for tbe people of tbe Republic will uot allow tbe government to suffer or fall to pieces because a rebel Congress will not provide tbs tueaos to enrry on iho govcrnuient. Wben tbe Congress fails to provide tbe means to keep op the government, tbe govcrnuient niust come to an end. If their reasoning in tbat way is correct, the i-ame raasoniug must apply to tbeni, aod Congress, too, must ccme to an end, aod new government will bave to be creaed, or a new election held to re-elect new government. But tbe people wiil say to President Hayes whenever Lis Qeans appropriated by Confess are exhausted, Here is our credit ; we wilb furnish you with all the means you need." Tbe brigadiar. desire to trin tbe government to an end by nullification, by limitation, by allowing it to fail by nut providing rue&as to keep it up. O.N tbe 19th of last August tbe Con vention of Kcpubl can Return Judges met iu the Court House iu this place, to count anj annouuee the candidates tbat Lad been Dominated by a direct vote of the Republican party at tbe primary election held on tbe 17th of August, Is5, and to transact sucb other busmen as tbe Judges might, or may cousider when sitting as a Conven vention. It. H. Patterson, of Peru, offered tbe following resolution, which was unanimously adopted, to be voted for, as an amendment to tbe system ' employed to conduct the Primary Eles tion of tbe Republican pirty io Juniata county, at the uezt Primary Election : Retolcei, That the Bctnrn Judges and C lerks tall be s-rorn, according to the gen eral election laws, before receiving ai.y votes at tbe Primary Election, tnt they will honestly and faithfully discharge tbe duties devolving r.jwn said olhcrs. S. C. Jlyers, of Fayette, offered the following resolution, wbicb was unani mously adopted, to be voted for, aa an amendment to tbe system, at tbe next Primary Election : HtiofreJ, That tin Chairman of the Coun ty Committee be voted for and elected at each Primary Election. A ctcloxe. or rather three cyclones appeared last Friday evening about 6 o'clock one at Franklin, Kansas, where it tore luwn houses and barns, and killed many people ; one at Lee8 S'Uiimit, Missouri, where it was as destructive as the one in Kansas ; wl one in Nebraska, where, as in Kmckhs and .Missouri, the de 6tiu'ti.n of property and loss of life was btond prev'edeut in those States. Ii, is conjectured thiit the three dif ferent storms that appeared at differ ent places at one and the same hour, vero parts of a great storm tht was Lroken asunder out on the plains. The following- in regcrd to arrears of pensions was dia'ched last Wed usday from Washington.: " Comruis aioner Uentiy having disbursed the first allotment of funds for the pay r arrears of pensions, has asked for 000 to pay cases just disposed of. Ou of this aggregate amount tbe agencidf at Philadelphia and Pittsburg will each receive $10.0l0, wbicb is the highest amount allowed to any agency except -Chicago, wbicb wiU receive $50,000. The king that runs tLe Democratic party is Wng caucus. They get a few of the faithful in a room togetLer, set C,'- a job, and whip the party into sup port of their measures. That is the case iu this county among tbe Democ racy, and tbat is tbe caso in National affairs, the brigadiers being the Nation al caucus. A St. 1 oi is bank cashier named J. P. Kreiger, is in jail for having used $240,000 of tbe bank funds without ever returning any of it. Tbe concern bas closed, and the depositors threaten tbat if the; can get their bands on the cashier they wul bang niin. Last week the Legislature cu'led the appropriation bills to tbe amount o' $300,000. The appropriation for tbe Insane Asylum at Nomstown bad $170,000 taken off. All tbe evidence againt M. S. Quay Secretary of tbe Commonwealth in re gard to tbe riot damage bill, is heresy, ana wortn nothing. STATE ITEMS. Samuel Green .rood, of Chester Val ley, has been awarded a contract for making tea thousand shawls for the United States Government, tbe shawls being intended for clothing of tbe love ly forms of Indi&o woman in the West. J he government bas the right to in-cr-me tbe number if desired. Kdward Tiilotson, a plowman, was struck by lightning while at work iu William Painter's dam, Chester county on Wednesday afternoon a week, aod at last account was lying in a critical condition. A six month old child of Mr. W. F. Hoover, living at Summit City, McKean county, fel! from a carriage, on Mon diy a week aud was crushed to death Doting a storm in Lanoaster, on Wednesday evening a week four bouses were struck by lightning. The roofs aod upper rooms rf three were burned off. the loss amounted to several thousand dollars partial! insured. A two story brick dwelling waa blown diwn. Ex Senator Cameron Is raising to bacco this year on his farm in Luzerne ecnntj Tbe dogs in Chester county, as a ruje, 4o tie tatter churning. Ohio Republican Platform. The Ohio Republican State Conven tion, last Weduesday, nominated Cbmt. Pinter for Governor, aud m complete set of State officers, aud adopted tbe following platform : CARTISAL DOCTRI.M. R voiced, 1. Tbat tbe Republican party of Ohio, re-afBrruiug the cardinal doctrines of i's adopted faith as hereto fore proclaimed, especially pledges it self anew to the maintenance of free suffrage, equal rights, the unity of tbe nation, and tbe suoremacy of tbe Na tional Government iu all matters placed by tbe Constitution under iu control. EARNEST APPEAL. 2. That we earnestly appeal to the people in the exercise of their power through the ballot-box, to arrest tbe mad career of tbe party now controling both brauobee of Cougress, under tbe domination ef a majority of m-.n lately in arms against tbe Government, and now plotting to regain through tbe power of legislation the cause which they lost iu tad field, namely : tbe establishment of State sovereignty by tbe overthrow of national supremacy. BREAK I'P THE GOVERNMENT. 3. That the Democratic party, having committed itself to an attempt to break p the Government by refusing to ap propriate to their legitimate object the public moneys already collected from tbe people, uniess tbe executive shall give bia official signature to measures wbioh be conscientiously disapproves measures plaii.ty intended to allow free course to fraud, violence aud corrup tion in the nationat elections and to iui pair the constitutional supremacy of tbe nation, deserves the tignal condemna tion of every honest and law-abiding citizen. EXTRA SESSION OV CONGRESS. 4. Tbat the present extra session of Congress, thus compelled by Demo cratic conspirators, bas been prolonged beyoud'all possible excuse, not only to a depletion of tbe Treasury, but also to tbe grave detriment of every industrial and commercial interest of the country, by uncalled for agitation of several questions ; by persistent efforts in hos tility to the resumption of specie pay ments, already Lappily accomplished ; by constantly tampering with tbe cur rency system, unsurpassed in the world ; by re-opening and stimulating sectional controversy, avowed determination to repeal all war legislation, and by seek ing to inaugurate a reactionary revolu tion, designed to restore full power to a 'solid South" in tbe affairs of tbe Gov ernment. FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION. 5. That tbe financial administration of tbe Republican party in accomplish ing tbe great work of the resumption of specie payments, io restoring our cur rency to a par value, in greatly re ducing tbe burden of tbe national debt, in refunding a large proportion of tbe same at a rate of interest one-third les ibau the former rates, thereby alone saving to the treasury $13,000000 per year, and in enhancing the national credit to a standing ucver before at tained, is a source of just pride to tbe Republican of Obio, acd deserves tbe wa: m approbation of tbe American peo ple. THE PISTI UBANCE. 6. That this perpetual disturbance of the couutry in response to the concilia tory measures of the Administration, should, by the judgment of tbe people, be thoroughly condemned. i'R'UI BAD TO WORSE. 7 Tbat tbe Democratic Legislature of Obio, gotrg on from bad to worse, from O'Connor 4reforms" of out public institutions, resulting in scandals un numbered and mischief anmeasured, to outrageous attmpts to revise and re verse the will of tbe people aa declared by tbeir suffrages, foisting upon them legislative usurpation, defeated candi dates for local i.ffiee in place of those duly elec ed by lawful and unquestion ed ballots cast in tbe iu teres t of honest and deceut home government!1, merits the most indignant rebuke of every in telligent voter of tbe State. OIR DEAD HEROES. 8. Tbat tbe memories of our dead, who gave their lives to save the nation rout destruction, protest against the expuht.:n of their living comrades from public oieM to gratify the parti ran purposes of t'e don'ioaut psrty in Congress. SEND GREETING 9. Tbat we send greetiL" the President of tbe United States a."d our Republiean members of Congress and we cordially thank aod bonor them foi" the firm and patriotic stand they bave taken in opposition to tbe designs of the majority of tbe present Congress, and we hereby pledge them our earnest and undivided support. STATE ITEMS. The city of Altoooa is said to Lave a cheerful outlook. Tbe shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad at that point are running on full time, and 100,000 a month is paid cut by the company f its employes in that city. Miss Moore, tbe young weman who ran eff Ircm home and married a negro at Beaver bas been sent to an iusaue asylum. A fiend in Luman form entered tbe stable of .Mrs. William Lord, living near Donglasville, Berks county, Sun day night, and cut out tbe tongue of every valuable mare. Five thousand persons attended tbe circus at Bradford. Eli Wherry, of Somerset township, Washington county, recently killed a black snake tbat bad feet. Thousands of sparrows are slaughter in tbe eastern part of the State, because they are an injury to all crops. A Tionesta man claims to Lave caught with tbe assistance of his two sons 050 trout in two days. Greensburg is to have a military pic- nio on the 4th of July, wbicb .will take in all tbe soldiers in Westmoreland couoty. An unaccountable disease bas des troyed thousands of young fish at tbe batching bouse near .Marietta- Tbe Northern part of tbe State baa been visited by tornadoes of a very des tructive character. Tbe board of school control of Scran- ton refused to pay bills contracted by members Tor carriage hire. Tbe dis cussion created bad feeling. florae tbievea are operating extensively in Jercer county. very a be principal of the Titusrille schools bas been arrested for cruelly beating pupil. Peaches from Georgia are in the Philadelphia market. Sketch of the Eobisoa Family. BY D..E. ROBISOJf. cowfrkciD raxm last wziw.j THIRD BRANCH. Alexander Robison, son of Alexan der, married Jan8 Sanderson, of Per ry county. They resided ob: the old homestead (Doty) firm, where he died in 1303 ; she died at an advanc ed age in the year 1846. They were buried at Mifilintown. They had chil dren as follows : 1, Alexander ; 2, George ; 3, Elizabeth ; 4, Robert ; 5, Margaret, and 6, Jane. She died younsr. L Alexander Robison was born XLirch 1st, 1793. He married Mary Hardy, daughter of Hugh Hardy. They had children aa follows : 1, George ; 2, John ; 3, Elizabeth ; 4, Jane ; 5, Margaret, dee'd ; C, Mary ; 7, Belle. Mary, wife of Alexander Robison, died March 1st, 1831, aged 35 years. Interred at Academia. After her death he married Mrs. Catharine Arm strong (nee Reynolds, daughter of Jesse Reynolds). Alexander Robison owned und resided upon the farm now owned by his son John. He died January 23, 1814. Interred at Academia. 1. George Robison married Eve line Hardy, daughter of Christopher and Nancy Scott Hardy. They moved to Carroll county, Ind. They are both doe'd. They had children as follows : (a) Nancy Jane ; (b) Mary Belle, dee'd : (") Ellen Emma. 2. John Robison married Sarah Ann Armstrong, daughter of Robert and Catharine Armstrong. They re side in Milford townsliip. Their cliildren are as follows : (a) Rev. Thomas A. RobiHon, Pres byterian minister. Potter's Mills, Cen tre county, Pa. He married Ella P. Wilson, danghter of Lucian Wilson, of Oakland Mills, Juniata county. Pa. (b) Horace Brady Robison. He is a Civil Engineer, and is now City Engineer of Oil City, Pa. (c) Clara Ann ; (d) John A ; (e) Genevieve ; (f) Sarah Grace ; (g) Maud, and (h) Benton, dee'd. (3) Elizabeth Robison married Christopher Brandt She is deceased. Their children are : (a) Sanderson ; (b) Catharine : (c) Alexander. (4) Jane Robison married Dr. Noah Hackendorn. She is deceaseiL II. George Robison was born De cember 4, 171)5. He married Pris cilla LairL daughter of Stewart and Pnscilla Turbett Laird, and grand daughter of CoL Thomas and Jane Wilson Turbett. George Robison owned aud resided where his son Robert A. resides, in Milford town ship. He died November 19, 1847. Their children are as follows: (1) Robert A. ; (2) Stewart L., died 1875, aged 42 years ; (3) Anna ; (4) Jane S. ; (5) Nancy ; (6) Rebecca T. She died August 20, 18G0, aged 21 years ; (7) Mary, dee'd. 1. Robert A. Robison married Elizabeth Laird, daughter of Hugh Laird, of Mifflin county. Their chil dren are : (a) Stewart ; (b) John ; (c) Annie, and (d) Sarah. (4) Jane S. Robison is tlio wife of Captain James Kelley, of Beale town ship. Their cliildren are : (a) Fred erick, and (b) George. (5) Nancy Robison is the wife of Dr. Robert Campbell, of Lewistown, Pa. IV. Rolert Robison, of Milford township, married Sarah Jrvobs, daughter of William and Sarah Ja cobs, and (.inter of Gsorge Jacobs, E.. of Milmntown. He owned, and resided on, the f:;rm now owned by Evard Meloy, in Milford township. He died in the year 1854, nged about 52 years. Their cliildren were as f 1 lows : (a) Thomas Kennev Robison ; (2) ElizalH-th Jane; (3) William El liott ; (4) Alexander, dee'd; (5) San derson, dee'd; (6) George; (7) Rolv ert Wilson; (8) Samuel; 'i) Anna Sanderson. (1) Thomas Kenney Robison, of Beale township, married Louisa, danghter of Caleb and Ann Jones, of Port RoyaL Children: (a) Sarah, and (b) Rebecca. After the death of his first wife he married Catliarine, daughter of John and Harriet Galaher Reynolds. Chil dren : (a) Homer R, and (L ) Robert Eiliott T. K. Robison resides ou his farm in Beale townsliip. (2) Elizabeth Jane Robison is the wife of Robert E. McMeen, of Tur bett township, late Prothonotary of Juniata county. Children: (a) Wil nni Elliott ; (bl Elsie Ann ; (c) Sarah Beri'ia. Willie tn Elliott Robison married Georgians Morrow, of Indiana. They have one daughter, Jessie. He is telegraph and ticket agent at Ko komo, Indiana. (7) Robert Wilson Robison, of Mil ford township, married M. Caroline, daughter of John and Susan Wise hanpt. They reside near Patterson. Their children are: (a) Annie; (b) GeWe Jacobs, (and Sarah ami Ju niata M.. Ith dee d). (8) Samuel lioL'son married Mary, danirbtcr of William mid Christy, of Fermanagh townsliip. They rtsiue in the State of Indiana. They have one son, William. (9) Ann Sanderson Robison, is the wife of Leyman O. Boyer, of Turbett twp., son of George and .Mary Boyer. They have cliildren : (a) Sarah Hul dah : (b) Mary Haller ; () Elizabeth ; (d) George Wilson ; (e) Catharine. IIL Elizabeth Robison, daughter of Alexander and Jane Sanderson Kobison, became the wife of William B. Reynolds, of Milford township, son of Jesse and Mary Guinna Reynolds. Their children : ( 1 ) George Reynolds, who now, 1879, nils the oflice of Pro thonotary of Juniata county; (2) Marv, wife of Enoch Horning, of Fermanagh township : (3)Jes6e,who married Elizabeth Groninger ; (4) Margaret, wife of Leonard Gronin ger ; (jI Robert A., who married Maltha M. Robison, daughter of James Robison. ElizaWth Robison Reynolds died in M y, 1 38, aged 41 years, 5 months and 15 days. She was buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Mifilintown, IV XL Wm. B. Reynolds still lives, aged about 87 years. VII. Jane Robison died abont 1821. V. Margaret Robison, daughter of Alex, and Jane Sanderson Robison, married Armstrong Crozier, of Beale townsliip. biie died young without children. Aud thus the issue of Alexander Robison, the third child of Alexan der Robison, is recorded, completed to- May 23, 1879. SEVENTH BRANCH. Thomas Robison, seventh child of AlexYMder Robison, was born in Afilford1 township, in what is now J a niata county, Pa., ia the year 1774, and died at the house of his son, John Robison, on his farm, near McAlis terville, Juniata county. Pa., Decem ber 3, 1848, aged 74 years, and was buried at the Presbyterian grave yard at Lost Creek Church, one mile from McAlisterville. He was "quite well off" at one time in his life, but by "bailing" oth ers he lost such means as he posses-e-.L before he reached the age of an old man. He was twice married. The name of his first wife was Miss Eelecca Elder ; their issue was one danghter. The first wife died, and he was united a second time in the bonds of wedlock. The maiden name of his second wife was Elizabeth SteeL The issue of this marriage was eight children. Five of the eight children died unmarried in their na tive county. Three of the eight children mar ried and left issue, and of the three that lived, married, and left issue we now make mention. The three were John Robison. Elizabeth Robison and Martha Rob ison. John Robison was born on the liTm of his father, Thomas Robison, in what is now Milford township, Juniata county, Pa., May 12. 1808, and died Angust 25, 1872, on his farm near McAlisterville, and was buried at Lost Creek Presbyterian Church, in the congregation of which he served many years as a ruling El der. John was married to Miss Marga ret Davidson, daughter of a Revo lutionary Captain, who lived and died in Lost Creek Valley, and was buried in the U. P. grave yard, in Walkur township, between the farms of Jacob Adams and Michael Sieber. The issue of the marriage of John Robison, and Margaret Davidson, was fiat children, namely : David Steel Robison, born May 15, 183:1, and who at this date, May 28, 1879, is living unmarried near East Salem, Juniata county. Pa. The second child, Sarah Ann Rob ison, was born September 12, 1835. On the 16th day of November, 1855, she (vas married to John A Thomp sen, of Luthersburg, Clearfield coun ty. Pa., and at this date. May 28, 1879, they are living and have three children, two boys, Milton and How ard, and one daughter. The third chilil, Martha Jane Rob ison, was born August 25, 1837. On the 4th of July, 18(!7, she was mar ried to George Heimbach. At this date, May 28, 1879, they live at Mill erstown, Perry county, Pa. They have no children. The fourth child, Margaret Robi son, was born December 20, 1839. She died unmarried at the residence of B. F. Schweicr, at Mifilintown, June 4, 1874. She was buried at Lost Creek Church grave yard, by the side of her father and grandfather. - The fifth and last child was Eva line Robison, born April 18. 1842. On the 8th day of January, 1803, she was married t B. F. Schweier, of Mifflintown. The issue of B. F. anf Evaline Schweier have been six chil dren, namely : John Franklin, Wil ierfori-e, Annie Elizabeth, Fornev. who was born Nov. lst, 1SG9, and died July 25, 1870, and was Juried in Union Cemetery, South of Mitliiu town where his grand father. John Schweier. lies buried ; Mary Evaline. and Isa!e"a, and thus is recorded the issue rf John Rubison, son of Thomas Robison, son of Alexander Robison. complete, to May U8, 1879. The first wife of John Robison, who was Mu-s Margaret Davidson, died December 31. 1802, aged 00 years, 3 months and 2 days. On the 19th day cf January, 1805. he was married a second time to- Miss Eliza Bratton. There was no issuo from this marriage ; since the death of her husband Mrs. Robison has lived among the Bratton people. John Robison had two sisters, as stated above, who married and have children. The sisters were Elizabeth and Martha Robison. Elizabeth Robison was liorn on the farm of her father, Thomas Rol- ison, in what is now Milford town- hip, Jnniata county, Pa.. Decem ber 12, 1810. She married Benjamin Betz. She survives her husband at New Castle, Lawrence county. Pa., at this date. May 28, 1879. The is sue of the marriage was two daugh ters, namely: Henrietta, and Ellen Betz. Ellen Betz married Robert Gilli land ; they have one child. His name is Frank C. Gilliland. He was mar ried in the year 1878 to Miss Mary Kobison, all living. Henrietta Betz married James Smith Agnew. They uave had Hvp children, four of -whom now live, namely : Alice Myrtle, Lizzie Mary, Benjamin Sterrett and Edwin Irwin Agnew. Mr. Agnew died about 15 , -ears ?.o and thus is recorded the issue oi" Ehzalse h Robison, daugh ter of Thomas iwIVMn, son of Alex ander Robison, complete U this, ib I 28th day of May, 1S79. . Martha Robison, sister of John Robison, was born on the farm of her father, Thomas Robison, in Mil ford township, Juniata county, Pa., February 13th, 1812. She was mar ried to Lazarus Holliday, they had four children, Russell, William, Mary, and Iowa HolliJay. Mr. Holliday, the father, died some years ago. William Holliday was unmarried, and was killed in the armv, on the Union side, in battle. Russell Holliday died unmarried at Millerstown, Perry county. Pa. Mary Holliday married Philo Ham lin Rice. They had one child, How ard Rice, who lives with his grand mother, Mrs. Martha Holliday, at Millerstown, Perry county, Pa., at this date, May 28, 1879. Mr. P. II. Rice died a number of years ago. His widow, Mary Rice, married a second time ; her husband's name is North Bolinger. They have two children, William Bolinger and and Willaminah Bolinger. Iowa Hollid'7 married David Bo linger. They live at Millerstown, Perry county, Pa. Their marriage has been blessed by two daughters, Mary Martha and Annie Bolinger, and thus we have a record, complete, of the issue of Martha Eobison, danghter of Thomiwi Robison, son of Alexander Robison'. Of the seventh branch, or child cf Alexanders Robison, who was born in Cumberland valley in 1732, only one member lives at this date, May 28, 1879, that bears the name of Rob ison, namely: David Steel Robi son, son of John Robison, grand son of Thomas Rjbison, and great grandson of Alexander Robison. David S. Robison is unmarried. The issue of the seventh branch, or seventh child of Alexander Robison is not so numerous as the first and third branches, and has followed the female line so closely that the name of Robison in that branch has al most become extinct STATE ITEMS A wolf with five young ones bas re ctntly been seen io tbe neighborhood of Womealdoif, Berks county. Gobbler L'ity, a town of the oil re gion not far from Bradford, tbat bas t-pruog up very recently, bas fifty gam blers io its population, and tbe first ebild was born Saturday a week. This latter event was tbe cause ot great r j licing. A singular accident happened in Paradise township, York county, on lat Wednesday afternoon a week. Jnon-l Stable, a black-smitb, aged iweuty-two years, whose borne was in Littlestown, attended tbe funeral of Mr Mary llantx. There were many persons about, so Stable and other young men threw themselves down on the grass io the yard. Stable bad bis open pocket koife io bia baud wben one of tbe young men jokingly rolled bim over. Tbe blade of the ktiife passed through tbe ribs aod pierced tbe heart tbe heart Stable died in stantly. Jared Brossman, farmer of Nortb Heidelberg, Betks eounty was thrown down by horse attached to a barrow on Monday a week. The barrow ran over bia body and he was terribly mangled. A Philadelphia jury gave a verdict of $9,000 for damages for injuries receiv ed by a lad of thirteen years wbo was run over aod knocked down by a teas. It waa in evidence tbat tbe driver of tbe team waa druuk and driving pretty rapidly. Oil bas been found in the second sacd, at a depth of 750 feet io a well just put dowj in Platngrove township, Lawrence county. An old man named Samnel Wide man, whose residence was in Clearfield couoty, aod wbo bad been swindled out of considerable money by some of tbe bbowmen followed the rascals to.Viltoo and while making search for bis man through side shows in company with Constable Rissel of .1ilton, fell dead. Up to the time be dropped a corpse be seemed to be in good health, somewhat excited, it is caid because he bad seen tbe man wbo had wronged bim io tbe tent. .Vr. Jacob Ilartranft, landlord of the Broadway House, with whom the unfortunate was during bis stay in town. took tbe dead man to bis former borne. GEXER.tL ITEMS. A skipping-rope was placed among the flowers of Kittie Boylan's coffin, io Clyde, Ohio. She bad died from jumping 120 times without stopping. Probably not less tbao sixty thou sand idolaters in southern India cast away their idols and embraced Christ ianity io tbe year 1873. In the Mis.ti.ippi penitentiary there are over two hundred convicts wbo are ! imprisoned for life. Major Little and his wife quarrelled , while out riding at Kastoo, Me., anc1 io j the excitement Mrs. Little let ber baby roll off ber lap to be killed uuder the wheels of tbe wagon. Eight years ago a man residing near Caia.iauqua, tamed Uecy .lulbard was married aod for some time appear ed to live happily. Suddenly be dis appeared and remained away for some weeks. When be returned his wife wm gone and be failed to obtain any intelligence of Ler. He subsequently married again. Last week after an absence of seven years, wife No. 1 re appeared and bad her husband arrested and bound over to appear at court for desertion Elia Hampton was so particular in buving re volver iu a Buffalo store that the cl-iij ;i;quutd for what pur pose be waited it. kl am going to 'hoot my father in-law and brother-in- i iw." Tbe clerk thought be was j. k- iog, but be wasn't, for before right be bad lodged a bullet. io each of those relatives. A funeral procession io a Massachu settss town was baited on its way to tbe cemetery wbild tbe body was takeo into a photographer's gallery and pho tographed. A recent dispatch from tbe town of Newark Vermont, relative to a terrible ease of poisoning io tbat town says: The latest reports state that nine of the children are dead. Tbe supposed cause of tbe poisoning is tbe tbrowinp of dead animals, a borse and a no ruber of sheep, witb potatoe top? poisoned by F.ns green, ii"0 a brook which runs by tbe school house where tbe children attended school and drank of tbe water Tbey died witbio a few hours after drinking the water, and decomposition set io at once, making immediate bur ial neccessary. Twenty-seven oases of poisoning are reported, and it is not be- lieved tbat any cf t;t recover. Tbe tbe afflicted children ere is talk of arrest- ne (be uuu oo whose premises the car non was throwc into ln atresia, woo lives near the school bouse. A dispatch from San Francisco, Cal ifornia. May 28th, says : About a quar ter after 12 o'clock this morning some one called at tbe door of tbe Court House, at Bakersfield, Cel., and was answered by Jailer Reed, wbo was re quested to open tbe door. Mr. Reed refused, wben the door was forcibly broken in and about seventy five men entered. Tbe jailer was ordered to throw up bia bauds, wbicb he did. Tbe keys were demanded but refused. Search was then made and tbe keya fouod. Tbe mob then entered tbe cells eoutaining Thomas aod William Yoa kum, and lynched them by banging them in tbeir eells. William was chained to tbe floor of bis ceil. As tbe cbaio could not be loosened, be was bung wiib tbe cbaic oo bis feet. He was bhot several times after having been banged. Tbe Ynakums were in jail for tbe killing of Johnston and Tucker, at Long Tom, more tbao a year ago. William Yoakum bail bis trial and was convicted of murder io the first degree, but tbe Supreme Court ruled last week tbat bo should bave s change of venue, and bia ease was moved to Farenno eounty. Tbe mob were all masked. Bra as, ITEMS- There is a young l.dy-s l9rf.f o:. u: !. reeutiv efe birtO AfcllUUlU BVHUiJ , to five c'-ildieo. Tbe youi u the author of ber misfortune has sinee married ber, rod ' Among fiftv-fotlT persons oapi. by tbe Rev. Henry William, Jr., tbe baisio in Petersburg, Vs. , oo Sun j k ... Knrwelt Lancaster, a colored man, wbo has been deaf mute since infancy. Wben Uncaster was raised from tbe water after immersion, those around bim were tbnnderstroc. to bear him cry oot: Thank uoo. Thank God:" These were tbe first words ever spoken by bim, and probab l will K ttiA last, for he was sub- qoently unable to say anything. This is aliened by tbe re'rourg j.--Appeal a truthful and self respecting journal. Tao Umperor of Austria bas oeen preseuted with a remarkable suit of clotbes. The wool from which the gar meuts were mad wa upon tbe sheep back eleven hours before the suit was completed. At 6.08 o'clock in the moroing tnesbeep were sneareu, i .h. ahit at 0 37 dved. at 6.50 picked, at 7 34 tbe last earJing proce was finished, at 3 it wa rpon, . - t . rt o . i . at 8 10 spooled, at o me waij ; th t 4.1 the shuttles were ready, at 11.10 aeveo and thn-e quart era ells of cloth were cempleted, 12 C3 tbe cloth was foiled, at 12 14 washed, at 12.17 sprinkled, at 12 31 dried, at 12 49 sheared, at l.Ui napped, ai i.iu brushed aud at 1.15 pressed aod ready for tbe shears and needle. At 5 o'clock the suit, consisting of a bunting jicket waistcoat and pantalnooe was finished. Legal jYolices. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the - Fer managh Building and Loan Associa tion" has received its Charter, ami ia organ ized and ready to receive subscription for stuck at the office or tbe Treaaurex in Mif UiutowD, Pa. R. B. PiBKER, Treasurer. E. J. Xaxcli, Secretary. june4,79. Protbonotarr's Notice. TVOT1CE is hereby jriven that Louis E. ll Atkinson and William Van SwcrinRen, Assignees of Hugh W. Davis, have UIhI tbeir account, as sail Amignees, in the Prvthowotary's oltice of Juniaia county, and that tb same will be presented tor continu ation ami allowanc at the Court House in Miltlintown.on TUESDAY, JVS& 17, 1879. GIIJ. REYNOLDS, trothnotwry. l'OTHO.XOTAr Or r ICE, llittliutown. May lt, IS 79. Protbonotary's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given tbat Ezra Smith, Comiui'tee of Caihariou Dunn, a lu:ia tic, baa bled bis account, as said Commit tee, in tbe Prothmiotary's olbce of Jnniata county, and that tbe same will be presented to the Court for eontirmittion, at the Court House in MiHiiutoirn, on TUESDAY, JUNE 17, lttfy. GEO. REYNOLDS, Prothonotary. Protboiiotary'a Ottk-e, ) Mittliatuwn, May. 14, 1879. Register's Notice. Notice ia hereby given tbat the following persons hare tiled their accounts in the Reg ister's Office in Milllintown, and that tbe same will be presented to the Court Inr con firmation anj allowance, oa TUESDAY, JUNE 17. 179: 1. Supplemental aceountof Ezekiel Camp belt, ailiuiuistrator wl Daniel Irtvem. dee'd, aa stated by SaiiHiel Kli-im, one or iho ad ministrators of Ezekiel Campoi ll, deceased. 2. The account of Henry Titzell, admin istrator of Win. Price, Ute of Tuscarora township, deceased. 3. TLe account of Calvin Burton, admin istrator of Johu Bowers, late of Beale town ship, deceased. 4 The ai-court of J J Rhine, executor of the last ail) and testament of Mtry Leister, Utn of Fayette township, Juniata county, dec rased. 5. The first and flnal account of Louis E. Atkinson, administrator of Elizabeth It a ru bier, late of Lack township, Juniata county, ueceasea. t. The first and final account of II. Lati mer Wilson, administrator of Benj-tiuio Trego, late of Fayette township, Juuiala comity, deceased. 7. Tbe first and final accouot of J. Har vey Beale. executor of tbe last will and tea t iioeiit of Jane Beale, Ute of Boald t wn sbip, J'iniata county, deceased. b. Tbe first an.! partial acemmt of Ezra Smith, administrator of Elizabeth Fry, late ot Delaware township, Juniata county, de ceased. 9. The first and intended as the final ac count of Philo D. II imlin, administrator of Dr. Philo Hamlin, late of tbe boron rb of .:.u: - . . jtiuiiniown, juniaui conniv, aeceaami. 10. The account f John Hepner, admin istrator of Mary Hepner, late or Fayette township, Juniata county, deceased. 11. Tbe account of Davi.l B. Cox, admin istrator of Saran Cox. late of U-.ei.wood township, Juniata county, deceased. 12. Tbe account ot Samuel Ck-ck, admin istrator of Barbara Clevk, late ot Walker township, Jnniata county, deceased. 13. First and partial acconnt of James North, administrator, and Keherca E. Kep ner, administratrix ot Johu M. Kepner, late of Milford township, Juniata county, de ceased. 14. The account of John UcMinn, admin istrator of Joseph Gonrley, late ot Walker township, Juniata county, deceased, aa stated by Kot-rt McMeen, administrator cum testamento annexo, of said John Mc Minn, who is himself deceased. 15. The first and final account of Eliza beth Savior, administratrix, and John Sav ior, administrator of Jesse .Savior, lata of Tuxbftt township, Juniata county, dee'd. 16. The partial account of Ezra D. Par ker, executor of the last will and testament of John Wright, Ute of Mitilintowo, Juni ata county, deceased. 17. Tbe account of James J. Patterson, guardian of Lizzie E. Coder, minor child of Coder, deceased. 18. First and final account of Ezra Smith. gnardian of Louis Albert Crater, son of L.OUIS 1 rater, aeceawd. 19. The h.-nt and final account of William Thompson, gnardian of Evaline Thompson, minor cuiiu ot Jaiucs Taompsoa, Ute of Delaware township, deceased. 20. Tbe first aud final acconnt of John Gingikb, guardian ol Greeley II. Giogncb, minor child of William Gingrich, late ol Miami county, Ohio. ZI. The Secono and partial account of .Alfred J. Patterson, execntur of the but will ahi testament of Da id Hoke, late ol SpT'.ico HiU towii'hlp, deceased. 1. V. ML'SSER, Rtgfttr. Register's Office, Mittlinton, May 17, 1879. Administrator's Notice. Ettatt of Jotepk funk, deflated. WHEREAS Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Funk, de ceased, late of Walker township. Juniata connly, having been granted to tb under signed, all persons indebted, to said estate, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will please present them without delay to ABRAM E. SIEBER. Mm'r, Thompsontown, Janiata couuty, Pa. May 14. 1679. Administrator's Notice. Eilatt of ilieiael t mrnk, iecemted. ETTERS of Administration dt tnuin JLi having been granted to th under signed un the estate of Michael Funk, de ceased, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them without delay to SAMUEL FUNK, Adiu'r, Mexico, Juniata Co., Pa April 9, 1879. Sale Bills of all kinds printed on short notice at this office. Ltnl Mice' 7 TTnp-a naUCfk ; sotos Srs j. C. Fiea. ,M.167rM..,L. CAfTIOJI MOT1CE. A trtf.- Walker w5'a other eJ Jmiathan Riser Wm Branthotfer Henry S piece Catharine Kurta John McMeen ll B Dimia O W Smith S J Kurts Henry Auker Nosh Cameron J W Hosteller Christian Km fa Pines C G Shelly A U Knrts David Smith S Owen Evans Teston Benner Dai-I Spicber John I Auker J B Garber S M Kaufman i f Dettra Jhn Lvcotw David flun'jerger Arnold Varnea Oct io, 18"9 . Cil'TION NOTICE. A LLlH-rsonsareberchyeautioned against A trelpLssing on the lands of the under signed ei"her in Delaware or W.Ike. Un ship, for the purpose ol fishing or hunting, or for any other purpe. 5. A, Lsa-ass. ocm-tf G. 3. Ltaaaa. CATTTON, ALL persons are hereby cantioned not t fish, hunt, gather berries, break or open fences, or cut wood or young timber rin anv unnecessary way trespass on tbe lands of the undersigned. Smos Mc. Lidwics SBEAoaa. Gko. Dirrz-ifABraa. Willi l'ori. ii HMII. raEbiaic ni.. . - Fermanagh Twp., June 2J, Io.S NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trespassing, for hunting, or other per poses, on tbe land or the undersigned, in Milford township, Juniata ennnty. iusar Gaotiiioia, E. E. Biaat. Jons Ci-sxwn. IUsav Caae. Dec 10, 1877-tf caItion. ALL persons are hereby cautioned not to tish, hunt, break or open fences, or cut wood or young timber, or in any unneces sary way trespass on the lands of tSe under signed. K M Thompson T S Thompson J B Thompson E P Hudson Wm ( Thon-pssjn Abram Shelly Davis Src'rth, fr. CAShcrraer Oct 9, 1878. C ACTION NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby cantijoed" not to allow tbeir does, cattle or hogs to run, or themselves to fisb, bunt, gather berries, or cut wood or young timber, vr in any way trespass on the buds of the undersigned in Greenwood or SuMiuehaniia township. PetiT Miller Henry Rush Daniel Shadle George Dressier E Long at S Dimm Frederick Roats Joel Dressier Jonathan Miller Nov 20, 1878 C ACTION. 1 LL persons-are Rereliy cautioned against 2. hunting, fishing, gathering berries, building fires, or in any way trespassing on tbe lands of the uudersigned in Fermanagh township. wm. Mclaughlin. may 14, 1879-tf C ACTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned not to allow their dogs to run, or themselves to tish, bunt, gather berries, break or open fences, or cut wood or young limber, or in any unnecessary way trespass on the lanJa of the underpinned. M. R. B -shore. Davi.l lletriik. TbtHiias Benner. Christ Hid SboaJTstall. John Votnrr. Ilenrv Klo-s. M. &. J. II. Wilson. Heury Hartman. Porter Tborupmn. Wjtiinm Hetrxk. David Sie&er. fang", T8 Professional Cards. JOUIS E. ATKINSON, ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MiFFLINTOWN, PA. Uncollecting and Coarerancing prompt ly attended to. ' Orrica On Main street, in bis place of residence, south of Bridge street. JOBERT McMEEN, Attorney and Counselor -at-Law. Prompt a:u-ntion giri to tht securing and collecting of claims, and all legal busi ness. Orrica on bridge tret, first door west ot the Belford budding. April 14, 1875-tf LFKEdT PATTERSON ATTOB Jl EY-AT-LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA CO., PA. K7 All business promptly attended to. Orrics On bridge street, opposite- the Court House square. J) AVID D. STONE, ATTO RX EY-AT- LAW, MIFFLINTOWN, PA. XT' Collcrtiocs and all professional busi ness promptly attended to. june20, 1877. J S. A B N O L D , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, RICHFIELD, JUNIATA CO., PA. AH business promptly a'tendod tw. Con sulfations iD two Uuguages, English and John Mclaughlin, INSUSANCE AGENT, PORT ROYAL, JCXUTJ CO., PA. E7-On!y reliable Companies represented Dec. 8, 1875-ly TMHIAS A. ELDrHuTir Physician and Surgeon, Mlt'F LIXTO Wy, rjl. Offer hnnr. rVnn O . . - fOCtJ-lf T) M. CRAWFORD, M. d7 mu meir collateral branches. Oflice at the old corner of S and Orange streets, Mifflintown Pa March 2'J, 1876. J) L. ALLEN, M. D., Haa commenced tbe prsctioeof Medlcin. "nT " ,hei"''ateral branches OrbcB at Academ ia, at the ;Ti CapL J. J. Patterson. ef fJn'v H. 1874 J9 M. BRAZEE, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Jlcademia, Juniaia Co , pa. ' Otice formerly occupied bv Dr Profeio-s buainea. WoB, W at ail boura. F ' y attended to Snbacrine for tbeSrsu,,; n . , " tb. be paper h, tb. co ?. PRIVATE SALES. persons desiroiia or selling property priVate sale, may arrange to have tbe prop; trty mdiertod M the Stmt m mnd ReptU- on the terms of fff ' . If sold, to pay at such rates aa have previous ly been agreed upon. A FAR" F BETWEEN ONE AND' two Hundred acres, about 3 miles from Mir aiotown, bavin- thereon erected a goo Dwelling House, good Trame Bank I-..-, and Tenant Ilouse. There ia a spring it tbe house, and running water on the propi erty. For sale at a moderate figure. For further particulars address RUTH BCNCE. iiSidtows, Juniaia Co., Pa. A TRACT Of TWO ACRES IN FER managb township, about two mi!ea east of Mifflintown, but a short distance from tb Main road leading to McAlisterville. House and Stable thereon erected. Fruit of all kinds. Spring of water at the -W. Fr further particulars address JACOB CLECK, Mifflintown, Pa. A HIRE CHANCE To Buy a Large Tract tf Good Land at a Moderate Price: to s msn wLo desires to make farming nd stock-raising his business, this is the' greatest bargain in Juniata county. Thru Hundred Jeres and wort, baring thereon a large Brick Dwelling Honse in good condition, Barn and other outlmild ings ; a running stream of water near the door, also, good wll water" in 7arcf ;: aa Orchard of 8 acres, as (jjod as a..y in tbe county ; a grove of 50 maple trees, wbioh, n attention were slirectea to, could bo turned into a source of income, as aucb groves are in bomersct county, this State, awd as such groves are in New England. GtjtmJ amcsn- o the farm. The farm will produce 40 to 50 tons" of hay 4u.u.ill , and grow grain of all kinds. We repeat, this is the greatest barg. now offered in this county, to the man b' Bas energy, and d-s:res to farm and raise stock. To aucb a nun, who has a moderate sum of money for first payment, t' -rie "s rare chance to secure a prorvrty, that ir. tu nature of things vmi w.cna- in valn j gradually, for the period of a lu'.l g.'-er-tion yet to come. Time, 5 to 7 years, to suit purchaser. If von have the inclination, tLe means, and the pluck to devefope one cf the fines: tracts of land in the county, call at this of-- flce for particulai s. --. FARM 59 ACRES, ABOUT 50 ACRES clear, 1 1 miles west of East Saiem, oa tbe Mifflin road. Running water between bonso and fcirn. All kinds, of fruit, ircf rove ments a Log House, weatherboardeU Bank Barn, Wagon S bed, Corn Crib,' Hog Pens,. Spring House. The quality of land i goody and clear of stones. This farm is in Walk er township. For further sarticn.ars, ad dress G. W. SULOCFF, East Salem, Juniata Co., Pa. A FARM OF 180 ACRES IN TUSCA rora township, Juniata county, one-fourth of a mile west of McCoysviile, ISO acres of which are cleared and in a good stite of cultivation the balance in good timber. The improrements area-large Fr&nie Houso, 3Ux50 feet, Frame Barn, 40x80 feet, Wagon Shed and Cn riy Cvriage Douse and. Hog Fen SOilO feet, Tood House and Spring House, a good young Orchard and about 50 peach tre and cherry trees. A stream of good water pa-e-wv the bousu' and barn. For fnrtfier particulars address NICHOLAS iCKES, McCoysviile, Juniata Co , Pa. A LOT OF GROUND ON THE SOUTH' side of Main street, McAlisterville. this county, having thereon erected a Dwelling House, and Shop or business p!ce, Wasls House, and Spring House, and Stable, a Weil of gootf wafer with pnmp in it. Eleven apple tres of choice fruit. Th lot is well fenced. This i. .l-iirM.. e-ty in the locality ia which it is located. ana can e Douebt at a reasonable price. For further particulars address NATHAN GRIFFITH, MeAIirrille, Juniata Co., Pa. THE HEIRS OF PETER AND SCSA.V MINGLE offer at private aale, the real e tate of said (Wedeats. siin.-.ted in Ferman agh towwship, Juniata county, pa., one mil -west of Mifflintown, containing abont 20 Acres of Land, nearly all of which is cleared aud in a g.-od stale of citltirttiow, fcivir. thereon erected a rm.rdiwiis DWELLING IIOL'SE, Bank Bare, and all necesairr ont Tbere is a Luge variety of ex cef.ent Kruit on the premises, and a well of good water at the door. For further par ticnlar. apply at tlle Snthul oftice, Lewis town, Jacob BaiDLtit, MitHiotown, or t Utsav Sumt, oa the premises. A TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED IN Milford township, Ju.iiau eouatr, six miles est of PatterD,cnitoin-ln5 rirty Acn.j; ten cleared, the rest weil timbered j having thereon erected . Log ,loM , Tnml JherU",eMel,'Prmg or water t the door. Price, two hundred and Cfy dollars. In,,ire at this office. A VALCABLB FARM UP 120 .-teS ore or .es,. ,o .cres cIeared nJ ' U""of JuhYoder,deceed, is borebv itTlZ The Farm isTt o vnship, abont t. miles aortK. . " ' 1 " .wicimtown provemetits ar . v T'n ii i- Bank Barn, and other ombniid House and Then - vnng of neve,-faiiir, aer at the A. Orebard f ' -Hg conditi- U coT "ment buildings. Fur formation drea. W m- DA. YODER Pwt Ry', Juni.uCo.;p. iUIXIATA VALLEY BK OrMlFFl.INTOWN,PA. WITH BRANCH AT PORT ROYAL. Stockholders komdaallj Liable. VAN IRWIN, Coiairr. r vs j. BonsaJl r " l'" r, W. C Pointy, ' U"' E- AtiiMonV loLDEas : Philip v Kepner Joaeph W,rock George Jac.djs, . Atkins.,,, Ofcesoo, VanSweringerK fane II. lrwi ry Knrfs. Samuel M. Knrt,, i- iJ.o,r'.,rwi. . Irwin, . B. qw. John Hertsler. . "ureroy arlotte Snydi,