i ,. mmm a amesm n r n r - mrr -- --- -"" : - 'ii-2y- 'llr'V.;M .. j, T- AGRICULTURE. The Pig's Stabt fx Lifk. The ptg la an animal tbat has iu wits about itquite as soon after birth aa the ehickeu. 1 therefore wleeted ft aa a subject of ob servation. The following are some of iny observations: That w.gorous young pigs get op and search for the teat at once, or within one minute after their entrance into the world; that if remov ed several feet from their mother, when aged only a few minutes, they soon liud their way back to her, guided appa rently by the grunting the makes in answer to their iueaking. In tL cae I observed, the old ow rose In less than an hour and a half after pigging, and went out to eat; tVe pigs ran about, tried to eat various matters, following their mother out, and sucked while she Mood eating. One pig I put in a bag the moment it was born, and kept it in the dark until It was seven hours old. ben I placed it outside the sty, a dis tance of tea feet from where the sow lav concealed iiifide the house. The pig auon recognized the low grunting of iu mother, weut along ouwide the sty struggling to get over the under or the lower bar. At tue end or live minutes it succeeded in forcing its way through under the bar at one of the few places where that was possible. o sooner in than it went without a pause into the pig-house to its mother, and was at once like the others in its behavior. Two little pigs 1 blindfolded at their birth. One of them I placed with its mother at once; it soou found the teat and be- van to suck, bix hours laiej I placed the other a little distance froiu the sow ; it reached her in half a minute, after eoine about rather vaguely ; In half a minute more it found the teat. Next dav I found that one of the two leit with the mother, blindfolded, had got the blinders off; the other was quite blind, walked about freely, knocking against tilings. In the afternoon I un covered Its eyes, and it went round and round as if it had had sight, and had suddenly lost It. In ten minutes it was scarcely distinguishable iroin one that had had sight all along, n hen placed on a chair it kuew the height to require considering, went down on its knees and leaped down. When its eyes Had been uu vailed twenty minutes I placed It and another twenty feet from the sty. The two reached the mother in five minutes and at the same moment. Cons Uuseek. A friend In the coun try sends us a sample of the popular corn- husker of his section. A sliver of horny hickory wood nicely polished, sharp pointed, three or four inches lone according to the breadth of the hand is strung by a string of buckskin to the inside of the middle Anger, then the point is ready to engage with the thumb or forefinger in splitting and stripping off a section of husk while the other thumb Fcalps the tip of the ear of Its silk, and the rest or the nusli, and holds the naked ear by the butt ready lor the final cuff which tumbles it into the kasket. A young man from Water- town sees this hickory busker and gives us the thought of his country side done in iron wire, lor use in precisely the same manner, wire of one-ten to or one-eight inch diameter is made to have a loop at one end lor the little, l lie other end about four and one-half or live inches away (for a hand of medium size) is nicely pointed, and thrust twice through a loop of sott leather, for the middle finger to be stuck into. This rig, you sec, with two fingers in it, is very firmly fastened to the hand, and seems to an unexperienced person, the more recently scientific tackle. Very likely the busker is a relic of scieutilic I'equot farming. A Good Mess fob a Milch Cow. A writer who says that one good cow gives all the milk needed in a family of eight persons, and from w hich was made two hundred and sixty pounds of butter last year, gives the following as his treatment : 'If you desire to get a large yield of rich milk, give your cow every day water slightly warm and slightly suited, iu which bran has been ttirred at the rate of one quart to two gallons of water. You will And if you have not tried this daily practice, that 3 our cow w ill give twenty-five per cent more immediately under the etlects of it, and she will become so attached to it that she will refuse to drink clear water unless very thirsty; but with this me she will drink most any time and ask for more. The amount of drink is an ordinary water-pail full each time, morning, noon and night. Apri.ts rs Pad.-A writer says that he tiiids Iruit to keep best in perfectly dry sand. He ki'e;s fruit this way all the year round, lie has had French crabs two years old. The Catelac pear has remained sound for twelve months. The Iruit must be sound when stored, and the sand must be quite dry. The chief advantages of packing in sand are the exclusion of air currents, the pre servation irom changes of temperature, and the absorption of moisture which txvors delay. Much will depend on the apartment Iu which tha experiment is tried, a dry or cool ono being best. The Pennsylvania Lutch farmers have long practiced this way of keeping ap ples. A Pexxstlvaniax says that a hand ful of bran in each hill of potatoes, when planted, will increase the yield one-third. A ClerjTnao'a Involuntary Dftncc. I have had, said a well-known cler gyman, some very droll experiences. Among the most exciting was the one that I will now relate. A well-kuown merchaut was very sick some thought iiigh uuto death. He would see no pastor, nor allow any one to talk to him on the subject of religion. One day he mentioned my name, altliotieh be was no acquaintance of mine. He named me two or three times. At length bis wife asked him if he wanted me to call. He hesitated for some time, and then asked bis family to send for me. He added : "Tell him to come rigbt away." I obeyed the summons was ushered into the sick chamber, and at once recognized the geutleman as one who bad been an occasional bearer in my church. He greeted me with srreat cordiality, and a-ked that all should leave the room- He wanted to speak to me privately. His wife left with evident reluctance. The man was so weak tbat be could with difficulty turn in bed. As soon as the door was closed the patient sprang from his bed, turned the key in the door, seized me with the strength of a giant, and said: "Xow wo will have a nice dance,'' clasping me about the body, and be in his nigbt shirt, commenced to caper around the room, humming in a low voice, I and my Father are one, equal in power and glory." He kept bis pace for a full hour, till I was nearly dead from exhaustion and fright. He was a wild maniac Once I attempted to scream. He seized me by the throat, bis eyes flashed fire. He said be would brain me if I was not quiet. Kound and round be turned, keeping up the refrain, "I and my Father are one, equal in power and glory." Pretending to be pleased, I suggested tbat we call in some of the family to join ns. He caught at the idea, die opened the door to call the household np, and I instantly fled down stairs, pursued by the mad man. He was arrested, taken to the mad-house, and in twenty-lour hours died a raving maniac I Lave never since beard those words repeated with out beirjg thrown into a cold sweat I bad dance enough that nigbt to last me the balance of my life. DOMESTIC. Sick Headache. "This complaint la the result of eating too much and exer cising too little. Nine times in ten the cause is in the fact that the stomach was not able to digest the food last in troduced into it, either from its having been unsuitable, or excessive in quan tity. A diet of bread and butter with ripe fruits or berries, with moderate continuous exercise in the open air, sufficient to keep up a gentle perspira tion would cure almost every case m a short time. Two teaspoon luls of pow dered charcoal in a half glass of water and drank, generally gnes instant Te ller." we are Inclined to think that the above remedies may do in some, but not in all cases. A sovereign remedy lor this distressing disease is not easily found. A new correspondent from Connecticut contributes the following on this subjects: hick beadacbe is periodical, comes on at regular intervals, and is the signal of distress which the stomach puts up to Inform us that there is an over alkaline condition of its fluid; that it needs a natural acid to restore the battery to its normal work' ing condition. W hen the first symptoms of headache appear take a tablespoonrul of lemon juice clear, fifteen minutes before each meal, and the same dose at bed time; follow this up until all symptoms are passed taking no other remedies, and you will soon be able to go free from this unwelcome nuisance, How to Impbovk Flour. It has long been known by experts that the keeping properties of fiour may be very greatly improved by the simple expedient of driving off a portion of the water present in freshly ground grain by means of heat. Indeed, this fact was once tor all fully established by a series of experiments carried out under the direction of the eminent chemist, M. Payen, between 1S60 and 1S67, some of the samples of flour thus treated having been keot for now upwards of sixteen years, without undergoing the least deterioration of quality. The greatest drawback to the general adoption of the system has hitherto been found in the want of suitable apparatus. But this difficulty has now been overcome, it appears, M.Touaillon having succeeded in perfecting a machine for the purpose, in which, it is stated, four metric centners of fiour per hour can be effect ually heated at a trifling expense. XerRALGiA and Rhecvatisx. A very simple relief for neuralgia is to boil a small handful of lobelia in half a pint of water till the strength Is out vat the herb, then strain it oil and add a teaspooonful of fine salt. Wring cloths out of the liquid as hot as possible and spread over the part affected. It acts like a charm. Change the cloths as soon as cold till the pain is all gone; then cover up till perspiration is over, so as to prevent taking cold. Rheumatism can often be relieved by application to the painful parts of cloths wet In a weak solution of sal-sen! a In water. If there Is inflaruation in the joints, the cure is very quick; the wash needs to be lukewarm. Baltimore Apple Bread. Piepare a dough exactly as if for rusks. When.it is very light, roll out a cake about half an inch thick. Spread stewed apples over it, and over that place another cake of dough like the first. Put it in a pan to ligiiten for a short time. Bake it. nave some thin slices of apples stewed very tender, and when the bread is baked lay these slices of apples all over t"p sprinkle them with sugar, son small bits of butter, and either nutm g or cinnamon, which ever you like. Put it buck in the oven long enough for the sugar to form a coaling on the top. Take it out, and, w hen cold, slice it nicely for tea. Care of Goldfish. GoldCsh require great care, as they are very susceptible. A loud noise, strong smell, violent or even slight snaking of the vessel they are in, will often kill them. Smail worms, such as ara common to tie water, suffice for their lood in general; but the Chinese, who bring goldfish to great perfection, throw small balls of paste into the water, of which they are very fond. They give them also lean pork, dried in the sun and reduced to a very delicate powder. Fresh water must be giveu them every day. Removing Bad Smells. Smoke will remove bad smeils more effectually and with less labor than anvthing else. If the hands smell of anything disagreea ble, remove the stove-lid and hold them over the smoke a minute, and it will be gone. Fill an empty barrel half full of straw and set it on fire; it will clean the barrel, and a little care will keep it from scorching. If any of the young oiks go rabbit bunting, and make a mistake in the game they tree, they can lose the unpleasant remembrance of it by setting tire to a bunch of straw and standing awhile in the smoke. Ix snirpiva honey, be sure to turn the top bar downwards; this will otten save it from being broken down and leaky. Many boxes or sections are not built quite down to the bottom bar. In transit these will be almost sure to break down if shipped the same way up as when standing on the hive. A friend tells us she was told by an excellent cook, to thin her buckwheat cakes in the morning with a half tea cupful of cider. I.n poahino eggs. If the bottom of the dish be greased before pouring in the water, it will prevent their sticking. Catching Turtles. The turtles of Florida leave the sea on moonlight nights, and aftercarelully looking to see that there is no danger, slowly crawl about to find a proper place; they then, by working with their hind flippers, make a bole in the sand about two feet across, and each depos its about two hundred eggs. Their eggs, like those of our land-tortoises, have a soft, parchment - like shell, with a little dent at one side; they are about the same weight as a hen's egg, and are highly esteemed as food. Though the turtle neglects her eggs, she is very careful in covering them, patting the sand down upon them with her flippers, aud then bringing the weight of her body down over the spot. Though very shy when they first leave the water, when they get fairly at work at their nests they do not care for the presence of strangers. This is the hunters' time; they can go directly up to the turtles without disturbing them, turn them on their backs, and they are caught. When thrown upon its back this turtle is unable to turn over; the poor creature Is quite helpless, and must remain until it is carried off. It require? some skill to turn over a large turtle, as the animal makes, a great struggle.'and if one is a new band at it he is likely to be bruised by blows from the powerful flippers.or be blinded by the showers of sand that are thrown up in the struggle. The turtle hunters have pens placed where the tide will flow into them, and where they keep great numbers until they have a chance to send them to market. A great many are sent to Europe. The turtle tbat furnishes the beautiful shell of which combs and ornamental articles are made, is found in the Pacific and Indian oceans. The great Loggerhead turtle is sometimes found as far north as Virginia; when full grown it weighs 1,500 to 1,600 pounds, but is of little use exrevt for the oil it yields. HUMOROUS. Tocb Dollab. In the darso'Joha Jacob Astor, in New York, a man called upon him, armed with a revolver. "I am a French Communist," said he; "I believe in a distribution of property, and I want some of your money, or your life. I believe money should be equally divided." .-o do 1," said Mr. Astor. "You are said to be worth ten millions,' said the man. "Well, I suppose that is about the turn," said Mr. Astor. 'Xow how many people are there in the United States?' "About ten million, 1 believe," said the Communist. "Now, how much would that be each ? About one dollar T" asked Mr. Astor. "Yes, about," said the Communist. "There's your dollar," said Astor, laying down a bill. The American Agriculturist, X. Y. says: 'From Dark to Dawn,' Rev. Dr. March's new book, published by J. C. McCurdy & Co., Pniladelpbia, is an elegantly bound and printed work, illustrated with fine, full-page, steel engravings. These stories of notable incidents of sacred History are written In a very attractive style, and the work has the endorsement of prominent divines for accuracy, purity of senti ment, and high moral tone. It will and a welcome in many homes. The work makes a magnificent holiday resent. Agents wanted, everywhere, to sell it. So maxt exaggerated stories about the heat have been put into circulation during the past few weeks, that some of onr readers may be dilatory in credit ing a statement made by a correspondent writing from St. Louis. He says that during the recent hot wave In that city "three tinman skeletons In a medical college perspired profusely and called for soda cocktails, while an Egyptian mummy, 4,000 years old, in the pro fessor's room, begged to have its wrap pings removed and a cabbage leaf placed upon Its head." "Eii.lt how did you lose yjur finger?" "Easy enough." said Lilly, "1 suppose you did but how t" I guess you'd lost yourn If it had been where mine was." Meat doesn t answer my question." "W ell if yoj must know, 1 had to cut it off, or steal the trap." Fbixno (to practical joker) : where are you going' . 1 ii ml w . 1Uitir tar w. vn "Hello! ' Joker fish." Friend (honor-struck) : "Dead fish t" Joker (still more solemnly) "Do you generally eat it alive?" (Exit.) Good at a Bargain. Doting mother : "Yes, 1 shall be happy to give you the wages you ask; but 1 shall expect you to love the dear children." Nurse: "1 shall be very happy to do so, ma'am ; but, of course that would be aii extra." A thief broke Into the house of an Illinois editor the other day, while he was attending church, and stole his United States bonds and a pair of cast off suspenders. And yet editors will persist in going to church. Even if we are not smart, we know what to do wueu troubled with a con eh or cold. So doctor bills for us. We take twenty-five cents, go to the near est Druir Store and buy a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. One dose relieves us and one bottle cures us entirely. It is pleasant to the taste. Scene. Examination of siteclal classes in agriculture, commerce, etc. Examiner. "Well, can you tell me what a square root is?" Student: "Ex cuse me, sir, but I'm not in the Agricul tural Department." A aiiNXEAPOLis cat lias achieved a kitten with five beads, and we can imagine how sweet it will be when that cat attains its majority, to have it sit on the back fence aud commune with itseli. Scene, Yale Campus: "Did you see Dean Stanley in chapel this morning?" "No. Who's Dean Stanley?" "Why, the great African explorer." "Is that so! 1 wish I'd seen him." What a common expression Is: "How do you do?" and yet, what a queer one would be: "How do you don't?" Yoc vat chew, you may swallow the clove if you will, but the scent of your breath is the scent of the still." Not mich communism in Philadel phia. Kearney's krowd kollected just eighteen dollars for his expenses. Dr. Bull's Coined Syrnp is a purely vegetable compound innocent in nature and wonderful in effect For children it is invaluable, curing Croup, Whoop ing Cough, etc., iu a few boms. Price, 35 renU per bottle, or five boltks for -1.00. "How do you feel this morning?" "Well, I've just had a bath and feel towelable, thank you." No one can do mor'n his duty, but how many mourn because they neglect to do it. Thb best style of ties for business men Advertise. Kema and Forrest. A writer in the St. Louis Herald has lately published some interesting rem iniscences of the late Edwin Forrest. Here Is what Mr, Forrest replied to an inquiry made by the writer as to what kind of an actor the elder Kean was : "The greatest 1 ever saw. I met him In Albany, where I was his support. 1 was cast for Iago. Kean did not come to rehearsal In the morning and I went to his hotel. I sent up ray card, and was shown to his room, where I saw a little pale-faced man, with a flue head of curly hvlr, and with an eye be bad a perfect mirror of an eye. I said: 'Mr. Kean, I am to play Iago with you to-night. You did not come to rehearsal and 1 thought you might have seme particular business for me to do; so I called to know.' 'Oh, said Kean, 'you come on the stage at night and look at me and It will be all right. Come, sir, sit down'. Do you drink?' I declined. Well, I will,' and he called for a gin punch, which came np; and from marks on the table, I judged be bad made the same order, before. Kean then sat at the piano, and sang 'Believe me, if all those endearing young charms.' He was the finest singer I ever beard In my life, and I have heard them all. Night came and with it 'Othello. In the third act I bad to say, 'Look to your w tie, watch ber well with Cassio; wear your eyes not jealous nor secure' (looking him in the eyes aud placing my face elose to his) 1 meant don't be too sure of her. At the close of the act, Kean came to me and said: 'young man, where did you get that idea of looking me so intently in the eyes and thrusting your face into mine?' I got It, sir.when I said 'nor secure, where you got your great style of acting from Nature!' Kean took me by the band and said : 'You will make your mark.' He after ward made a speech at a dinner-party, in Philadelphia, and pronounced me the coming man of the American stage. I would give $10,000 for a report of tbat speech to-night," YOUTHS' COLUMy. The Bighlt of Children. The childrei have a right, first, to find their par ent'a affection in the teacher's chair inspiring their faith, hope, and pert verance; second, they have a right P sound instruotion and correct example third, they have a right to that perfot and strong maturity that comes of C W rect training. 1! 1. Schools and teachers are artincflll contrivances; there are no such exis ances in the natural order of thing Instruction is a parental duty. It founded upon the affections, which -cure to the parent the custody of tje child. Love considers the welfare & its ol ject, and instruction is necessarf to the welfare of the child. Many etf cumstances make it necessary to pro cure this instruction through school The teacher, when such a contrivanf is devised, is simply a person in loeo p rent it, vested with certain parental lit tles. We have said that the one imff- lous moral desire of the child is 11 desire of love. The child has a r.Tiw-a that love which it craves, and ?tu1 never be out of ita atmosphere, 'tis presumed that the child is ever withia reach of parental svmnathv and assist ance, both at home and at "hool. Its duties to the teacher are likewise the same as those to the parent; viz.,obedi ence, respect, and filial love. The mut ual relations remain unchanged. 2. The susceptibility to tnstructiot and f xtmple gives rise to the right U sound instruction and correct example. The child Is helpless to select w holt some, physical, mental, or moral fooo. Hence the selection is a parental dtitj. Sad, indeed, are the results of lailure to real the whole meaning of innocent, helpless, trusting childhood ! Intamout are the customs that make traltic of their rights, and change them Iron buddinz angels into incarnate fiends! 3. But towering above all the specific rights ot cliildnood. and embracing tnej all in its wide significance, is the grant right of maturity, the right to tin complete unfolding of its powers; th) right to attain its end; the right to bj a in-jn ; the right to read the Creatin Mind spread abroad upon bis works; the right to the infinite pleasures thx await upon mature susceptibilities; the right to scatter happiness here; the rlgh. to retire in peace Irom a well-employee morality. This is the meaning of childhood ant its rights. 1 his is the grand fabric whicl auction should build, but which ruth less injustice is everywhere preventing by making an early ruin. Kmemna j-ieasnnllu. narrv had other boys flying their kltea from the tops oi the bouses, and he thought it would be nice fun if he could do so too So he came to his aunt and said : 'Aunt Mary, may 1 go up to the tor. of the bouse and fly my kite?' His aunt wished to do everything to please him, but she thought that it aa. very unsafe ; so she said : 'No, Harry, my boy. I think that It is a very dangerous sort of sport. I'd rather you wouldn't go' 'All right. Then I'll go out on the bridge.' His aunt smiled, and said she hoped that be would always be as obedient a that. 'Harry, what are you doing?' sa!d lib mother, one day. 'Spinning my new top.' 'Can't you take the batty out to ride! Get the carriage, and I'll bring bin down.' All right,' shouted the boy, as he put his top away in his pocket, aud hasten ed to obey bis mother, 'Uncle William, may I go over to your 6hop this morning?" said Harry one day at breakfast ; I want to see those baskets again tbat 1 was looking at yesterday., 'O yes, Harry, said his Uncle, I'll be verv glnil to see you. 'But I cannot spare vou to day, Har ry,' said his niotuer. You sluill vt to the shop another day.' "I 'I All right," aid liarry, and he went on with his breakfast. No matter what llarrv was asked to lo. or what refusiU he met with in aiW J nig for anything, his constant reply was, 'All right.' lie never stopped to worrv or tease, lie never aked, W by can't I?' or 'Why mustn't 1?" Harry had learned not only to ohey, but lie bad learned to obey in good humor. Youthful Depravity. List evening a a reporter was walking up Main street he happened to be behind three little boys, the oldest of whom could not have been over 10 years of age. Just as the news paper man came within hearing, his attention was attracted by the following conversation : "My mother thinks I'm a darned lit tie saint," jaculated the smallest one ot the three. "She does, eh ; an' what in h is a saint?" queried the one who walked iu the middle. "Oh, don't yer know what a saint I yit?" put in the third boy. "Why, it ie one o' thvin good fellers yer see In pict er books, with a crown on, an featacs stickin' out o' him." Dropping a tear for the degeneracy of the coming race, the scribe parsed out ol earshot. The Bntter Tree. There is a tree In Africa ealle the shea tree, from which butter of amo-t excellent kind is obtained, it is tunil near Kaaba, on the banks of the Jiger. These trees grow in great abuifjtuee all over that part of ISaiubarra. Tiiry are not planted by the native, hut a-e found growing naturally in the wool; and in clewing woodland for ciiltivi tion, every tree Is cut down but tie shea. The tree itself very iimeU r -senibles the American Oak. tie fruit from the kernel of which, beiig first dried in the sun, the butter is pie- pared by boHing the kernel in wafer, has somewhat the appearance of tie Spanish Olive. The kernel is enveo ped in a sweet pulp, undera thin grfn rind, and the butter produced from ;t, besides the advantage of its keeping the whole year without salt, is whit-r aud firmer, and of a richer flavor thin the best butter ever made from cov'g milk. The growth and preparation of this article seems to be among the first objects of African industry, and it crt. stitutes a main article of their inliud commerce. Facts About Ventilation. Tr.e average pupil vitiates .OS per cent., or in 10.S5 cubic feet of air iu one minute. In ten minute lie will re quire 10S.5 cubic feet, nnl in twentv minutes, 209 cubic feet. The entireair in every school room should be changed six times ait hour, or every ten ruin utes. It I not lit for human lilavi;' breathe unless It Is changed at J',t three times every hour, or every te- ty minutes. 1 he best accident.-il venr lation changes the air four times m hour. There is a difference of oiiiiiim as to the per cent, of carbonic acid tint may be habitually breathed withoutaj parent injury. o authority allow more than .03 per cent., but man rs- gard this quantity as injurious. Ai that has been once in a healthy lunf contains from three to five per i-eut. o carbonic acid, and in such air a canJli will not burn. One percent, in the ir is beyond the limit of ordinary emii rance, and one-tenth of this amouit soon makes itself felt by persons whde sensibilities have not been blunted. ' During the year ISM, 165 men were hung in the United States. Of tils number only seven could read and wrbe. YH at a lesson. Bird Iatelll-rerx-e. In the spring of 1877, my gardener m as requested to try to rear a pair of young blackbirds. He fixed on one nest in some ivy, about thirty yards away from the house. On a certain Sunday, be saw that the birds were hatched ; on the next Sunday he peeped into the nest, and saw the little ones were going on well. On the following Sunday morning be peeped again, and lolthe nest was empty. He was very much surprised, and as be stood by the tree, wondering what bad become of the birds, be was attracted to a pair of parent birds, in a neighboring tree. They bad food in their mouths, and made a curious noise, as they flew rest lessly from one tree to another. Think ing they might be the parents of his lost proteges, he decided to watch their movements. The flew away and back again, returning each time to rest near er the house, until one of them flew rapidly across the drive, under the ve raudah, and back again, as in a mo ment. The other followed immediate ly la the same war, and then both flew off. Seeing this, the man placed him. self In half-hiding, determined to await their return. In due time they came back. Hew fearlessly to tlieir young, and less hurriedly went away again. Thus their young were discovered in a hollow over a projection under the ve randah roof. There cannot be a doubt that these were the young bird re moved from the nest in the tree to this very safe and very unlikely place of retreat. Assuming this, and consider ing the whole incident Irom the point of view of human intelligence, there i a series of complicate menial acts, which seem to indicate a very large measure of mind in these two birds. There must have been suspicion, pas sing into conviction, of the intention of the gardener; determination to pre vent the robbery contemplated ; agree ment as to the manner in which this could be accomplished; the looking for and choking the most likely place for their new home, then choosing the time aud arranging the manner of the re moval; and finally, the' mechanical act of carrying their three young ones, al. ready a rrtuicl. oM, from the nest, a distance of full thirty yards, to their new home. Cartloads or Medicinal Kubhlah Are swallowed by invalids, and their phrnical troubles thus kept alive tor year, when that Deerieas touic stimulant and corrective. Hostel ler's Stomach Bitters would speedily art the d.sordered and worn out mechanism of the avgtem hi active an J healthful opeeauon aaiu. It has been demonstrated over aud over again that the requirements of the sick arc answered far better Ly ttie Bitters than by a majority ol the nwtHcalled remedies of the banuacopu-ia. The stomach is s:renthened, the liver regu lated, the bowels put in proper order, the blood enriched aud punned, and the nervous system rendered tranquil and vigorous by this uiesu mahle family mt-dicni anl safeguard against dixeaxe, which is. moreover, a niont agreeable and effective appet4KT.au J a cordial peculiarly adapted to th wnls of the a,ed and inurm. delicate females, and convalescing patients. It is, besides, uameuse'.y popular as an anti dote to malana. Tea Cojimos Snrproxs of liver on.pIain are sallow skin, coated tougje. eostiveuess, offensive breath, i row-metis, headache. Per sons tbua aiTected may be sneedilv cuied by a tew doses of iSctienck s Mandrake Tills. They are applicable in all ditea-tes where mercury is usually prescribed, while they possess t-i ad vantage over mercury; they are piuvly vegeta ble and perfectly harmies. All Druggists sell them. 1 TaorBLFD with Constipation, take HovJ 'rtW erw Jlttlers. jIebsbs. CaaPDOCK Co., 1032 Kaos St. '.'en'enien. l'lease send me another box of India Hemp. My w.fe is decidedly better and think. Tone meiieine will core her: she has tried msuy consumptive remedies aud all have tailed to reach her caie except yours. 1 have had some experience with your medicine before, over twenty years ago, when all our best phy sicians had decided that my mother had iM'-'ir-ahle Cvnrumptii' and she m lir. We sent to the doctor for some Cannaba Indies, it cured Act. Win baa lived 20 vests since.is well now and free from any lung trouble. Her fa.th is so strong in it, that she thiuks if any one will fo according to directions with tlie hyrup. I'lLe and Ointment, they will be cured; aud if they fa:1, there is no u-e of trying aurtbiu,: else. nespoctfullv. I'LUKY MAKKLF, Turre llauto, InJ. I Yora Liver is Disordered BoufiniTt Ger man lUUtr will set it aright. Good Art vies Better than Gold. If yon are within reach of Philadelphia, an J snRer with Ilheumatism. enquire of Captain Curne, Police Headquarters; A. V. Flirt Esq . of the Kerning Bulletin, or of 51. Ilartman, Truck I), rhila, t ire Department, as to what tht v know of the wonderful curative powers of i'r. Hemdnus tiTrtir.T's O.trr. Hold by all linmi-t in l'liiisdelplita. Keud for circular o J. J. iJnn.lail. Uox 520 P. O. ilaltimore. Ir You are D.vr,"r,'c n,f-ntT German I invert sill oure you. lien. A. II. Ktevrna, j The preat rtatesman of the South, says: 'I used Duraug's Kheumatic llemedv for rhenro a.wn with great benefit." It never fails to I cure the worst case. Bend for cirruiar to Helphenatiue A Bentlev. Drutfkwta, Wasluriif tou. D- C bold by all druggists. If Yoc Would Enjoy Good Health Take IfjujUml t German UxUxr. Reliable Dry Goods Honse. , . . u.ll. 11!. rtnrwla rkreaa Onnrls nosiery or Dry Goods of any kind below the market prices, and wish to have the advau- . -a -ii . 1. - M. t rl a ..1. anil nf Irauwa wge or w wo N- made by importers, r-end your orders or wnte for samples uu. r. l'ewtean.i iuiuku; m - ir w l ..,.. .fu.1 Thav aan.1 out thoUcSnds of aam-'les and till orders daily from all parts of the country. Rkad the testimonials. In an adjoining col umn, of persons who have osed and been benefitted br Hance's Epileptic Fills as a rem edy for Epilepsy, or failing lit They are certainly connucinii ri.va oa M tla Fua Tina HieaktlTM Tet- er ointment. It never fails to remove them. rot This Out ft May Hare Tonr Life. There is no person Living but wat suffer more or kaswith Luu? Dinease, Coughs. Cold, or Consumption. yet some would die rather than pay 75 cents for a bottle of medicine that wouid sure them. Dr. A. Boschee's Uerman hvru,. bas lately been inlrodnced in th e oonntrvrrom Germany, and its wondrout cares astouishe vervoue that try it. If you doubt what e ay fu print, cut this out and take it to yotn Druggist, and get a sample bottle for 10 cent, uul by it, or a regular a:xe fur 75 oenlsv If.tsl.-ffr Tetter Ointment Will cure every form of Tetter. I Tbosai autvennc aa ArtTemaemsnl will sonrer a favor ddoo the Advertiser aad tie PubUshs r by statin that taey saw the adwwt a tlsaaaana la Ihla louraal tauarailw tbe pap-r WE HAVE IT AT LAST. A PERFECT jA Shirt Bosom Etratcher V"- - -.:;' "tU AND IRONING BOARD. J'"- ' 1 Beat arlling article in Market, sella at aight, ix.th In city and country. 1 here are Ageot aeiling Tea lioaea dailr. II is Huperiur la every reapect. ami . more salealile thaa snr other board. It waa Int erned oember at. 1-77. Largj percentage pai.l. . T-mtorUi .ud stetnll gtBts waaled. mai. i AND COUNT. aMUtiia sua aaLa. 6atd l-t : circuiara aau tonus Mr A.. W. S3IIXII, HrKcMParl. Allrarkaniu' Caaaaty. fPa. (har ra what paper yo. aaw this advertiseuietil. I iiHl)v Auotner hattie ou bUh prices RAClfi. Vliliii: aroBtl.etr,onopli.M,ew-d. r-'-a"a Beuttj s late-t Sew.paoer full repiT erul :r-. Uefore buying PIANO or ORtiA.V read air Ut et.tr utar; loweet prices ever gives; Bluet aueceaaful boo in America; eouimeBced a lew J ear, ago without ay 13 aVillar: aslea n..w nee ly jJuiu (JBgik't Z21 annual p. I. t. Beafy. a .-a . v J '""" I ! r i ii iii r VEGETINE Will Cure Cancer. PK00F1 PEOOF FEOOF! Ma. H. BL STaTKts: Da-aa sir, Atxnit two years (ro. a cancer made its appearance oa my Lu-e, left aide of my cose. Wuen 1 arst noticed It, twas about Uie sue of a plnbead (very sinail). It Increased in site, and spread on By luce unt.l n cecame as large as a common rent. I tried all kinds of remedies aud advice from a pby-lcUn. It was spreading' and eaung Into mv Dealt very fust. I a as verv much alarmed. I went 10 see a Physi cian woo cured Cancers; be did not give ma much encourairemeDt. It pained me very mucn; I tittered uinnl and dav. It would clevd at, times very proruseiy. Krerythin was done tbat could be, to 1 ry to cure Uie cancer. My brother bad a Cancer on bis Up; be submitted 10 an operation, being well discouraged. I wan one d.iy in i.r. wooduerry a apothecary stora.of tins town, lie (rave me jour pampuiet ex. taming many cures br the use of Veirenne. 1 round on pae it wbere Veireilne had cured aconcer 00 a lady's no-e. I then bou.tit a botUeof jo-.r Veg e Ine, ai.d it proved a irr-at blosm to tie; 1 could see irood effects from It rijrbt . After taking three bottles It stopped the -pre !lnr ot til- cancer ithout tne edtfs; It cnecked the ea n.g Into my fienn. I could see It wis trraiiua.Iy b a.ing. 1 kept on takli.2 Vrifetln, the cancer .-IoaIv d sup.ieannir, until 1 bd token sixteen bottles and It comp,et ly cured IU I has ieit a buve arai oa one sideof my no-e; and 1 feel It my auty to recommend Vetretlne ro a.t 1-ke nf fcrera. as It In certainly ar.eAt-Bkd Puruw." I am now sixty three years of and V eotlua ban greailv unproved mv ireueral bealtn. 1 ma, most respectfully, . P. CLKAVKA. M federal M., Beret ly. M sa. We, whose names are annexed, can testify 10 the above, as Mr. Cleaves is an ou resid- nt of iblotown. C WouDKKKKT.Aoth-car . KI H AKO PtDKICR. HKKHhHT S.SM1TH. ANDKEW L. KATVN, A. GL11JUKN, UlvO. S. H1U.KI T. Veostims. Tot eradicating all Impurities o tbe blood rrom tne sy ein. It bas no equal. It has never failed to effect a cure, giving tone and BtrebgLb to the svstein debilitated by dis- VEGETINE Cured after 20 Years Suffering. RR4DVTLLK, MASH.. Feb. 18, IS,. Mi. D. K srwrass : 1E ta Sir 1 gives m great p'eure to give In my testimony 10 the (rood effect i oe Veje tind has had on me. 1 have been troubled for twenty years with aa enlliiy Ulcer on my siln bone. Dunnir tbat time f have trie. I many remedies, but have not had It cur d till now. home three uioniiis ao It was very bad, so that tbe Dealt was eaten Into tbe bone, from a place as lanre as tbe palm of y ur bund. I was r commended by Mr. Tllion to try your Vevetlne, and I di J so. In uklni; t ie nrst i ttln. It com menced to heal; and 1 have ouly I aken five bit t es. and It Is a I he-aled nicely, and I would cbeenully r ommeud .t to all alike afflicted. Kespcctfully youia, WILaO.N &BAH.-1. Vegetlne thoroughly eradicates every kind ot humor, ad restore Uie enure ayntoin to a helUvy condition. VEGETINE A Va'uablo Medicine. ClMCIXlUTI. tSTT. Jta. n. H. juttitss: Hear sir I nave used your Vecetlne In my family, and Enow It to be. and cut rec iminend It as a good punncr and deauruf the bio d. I bv ued aereral buUies: U is a valiubl medicine. Keiectiuily, 1. B. 8TEBBITT, Oroeer, N. K. cor. Main and Kranadn Sts. Thousands will bear testimony (and do tt vol nnlarl y). thai Veellne Li tbe best medical compound yet plat-d before the public for renovai lug and purifying tbe blood, eradicating all humors. Impurities or pd-ionous secretions irom the ysiem. invigorating ana strengthen lug I he sy-itetn debilitated by disease; lu fact, II is. as many have called It, "Tub lreat ileal IT Kcstorer." VEGETINE H. a COTTON, Prescription Druggist. Chicago. Hit noil Vepetlne Is the best-S"lltrig bluod pur in -r and gl es the best sat.s.'acUon ot aiiy In lb market. VKGimNE, Prepared by II. K. STEVfcVS. Boston, Havta. Vegetlse is Sold t7 all Druggists IT COSTS NOTHING! T try onr nrnni. at w n1 oiw t. tr on ten day triaml.aiMl rt-fuitsj ir-tUt if bvl cttav-rti. N.liit walnut c4t. It upt, 2 .1-5 ol r-eu. IMMaML1 7I Fit mn rrnty lk.LJX j 'Cilm Iirt trorn ihr factory. Alleger, Bowlby & Co.. Istaiuuv Ires. SAilllMiTuN.hniJom. rheanest Tov Lantern to Bet Stereopticor LAlALOI,llt illllii OC.Ml tANll.Di Oreat Neihm 1 1'lTHO J. xajua.cl Muaical Marvel. 1 bJ ruiieri at . i ----. - O. OLXJ'X'aSCIII sSc CO., MAXUFACTUIlEnS OF MUSICAL BOXES, 'enova, Switzerland. The gro t mrrn attending atir aal In tl.la -ltv last winter. In.lnel aa to SMke a larre hnprtafos ortlie 6iie.l Mimira- fvva ar--illr f. th- triarK-f. a rail -t euiion lo our r..laina ip-ial l-e. Tneaear.of be higher (radref Vf-alral Haaueo-.M ar.uaa-l nib am.la'"r the -n-ral n arkat era-Id in thia cwuui. "I.ipi caaive-ttaraiweiir-F'tef le. S nd i e. n,l..: -'Haai iollwerert . p-lao." r . eia.. - Ilarpe-Uliaar.'' a ai..4 c uii .: "Uarpa.Harawaluar.'' 4 ranila; al-. -Kevelrrr Vfaraleml Btin." p a rnt Irom H f7Iair ith .ii! , hange..f cvln .1-r. Kerkaapo aa-atral itoxea," atili -i.n .u l. inl l.i lal..ea. p!ai..( 'ri.m it f 1J0 sir.. Tne- ir.emimenie pr ..ira tliematel ! ate ami dilllriilt p ec ot mu-ic wi.h a l-ril i M acrnrai-v trnlr .i.rpri.ins. w'th an sleet eo pnel.nli. oe and p-.f.t aa to b air-.In air ..ilil. Tih-t are all ulihthe Harv-itbar attM-hnient.llierei.v pr. during at will tlistra.at rhannlug .aiuati s the-e prettr inlriinin'. ln-e in atrorontaareaell ai tir.s: thy are w und i p l-r a pa ant leiar and kp IB motn n h powerrol eprinn. The wi.rkaare.r I.O-.I in be.niMil inlaid rawnod and frtwh salnol O.ieae. V a ma printed In.troe tltma with eieh iiiairumeiit. 1 her era err .imp v ma if 4. VI itlt our sew aierhanical ennatructtos, two and Ihrs aprn a. and .Irtntila m rh;ihi-m. th -y alll Uat ae long aa a e;od ea en. titilr en eec;ieiaa4 clauning ien-ll. I'ull tini-a hue pteantM the emp'--Bt nt of anv other tlutn 'ha bio t akilltui work men Br pureha.lng n-.w.d.iect Iro'.i ih" manstai-ttir ra ).'! will 11 enl S t a Ine inetrnnient but vo sill alao aatafr m .w 1041 pr c- nt Th- nt ra .tork.oier iilv pi tea aauat he cl avd oatduru-g the U.i laja. oiler arh ins ruinet at th pra. ntk.w SWISS IVCTOTIY PTIICE, r,-t f aianuraetnrtnr w th email drne ..f ep. a a an.1 hniiTt dnti'e lee than half the prtra r'd for int-ror aiv-i in th. countr . e ala.. niv. a tars al.a-a nt .nu-ic. nose win nriav vraan, r.J..a AreMarea and t'elretlal Vaim Ala., a la .l -ck of am.ill Muai ai lioxee. Vie lavite aa eaannaatMin ot our sleek, ahu-h aill piors the facta abore atated to b- true. 8ALESEOOM, 829CHESTHUr STBEET, PHILADEXPHIA, TA. PaTlTaatasBasBaTsasBaaa. I S lRi BLP US, Tl ai b From the Manufacturers at First Cost. Tapestry Brussels, 75 cents. (-0NTIXUEI) SALES OF THESE rOFULATi 0001 S. Body Brussels, $1.25. Best Ext. Supcrfincs. all wool. 75 els. Best Thrcc-phj. .$1.00. Assortment full anil complete; manufactured from the best material, and for durability warranted to wear as well as any carpets made in this or any other country. JOHN & JAMES DOBSON, Kos. 809 & 811 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. New Style o 5 .. C -a it 2 o X 5 Tha above cut la a rerneit '4 of our saw atyle Eater Orcaa.for wnlek tWs Is already aa raare saHlewte asMaaal. cwlsg ts the vsry law ch w k" ea laoa. stuck of Organs oa hand, which ws are selling lower than aver before, si tha eld stand. 18 North ScTentli Street, PHILADELPHIA. E.M. BRUCE &C0..0 General Managers.. B rsi sail ar wrtae Is saswar Is this aovsrrlsaraaat. I 'ease aantll (as !aot of savig eaea tt la this laper. U U U ViV FITS! FITS! FITS! CCRX OF ETIUFSTi OB, FAIXIXO FIT BY HJLXCrS CP1XCPTIO PIXXJ. Pifttu la-horfaf mffr lhi dirtr -trine mmwif m.il firM Htvai .pilpti fiila to b in abIt reav rAy vr wUsoovrd tor Mnaf Kjuliftwir r FftUattg T ft followln 4wrtlf-tM ihMl4 b rm4 hj mt ttf ffttcfvl; itj svr In Try wmpmet tra. ua boaid thj b ivcvs bf aw o who ks) at ailtict. 4 iluMlf, If M tkAA ft (n -hi w iV t nffrr. h wi I do. a UkM act f calling- Uua omt mj ding it to -out. A ISlT aCXAJUaaYBaJI CCBK. rnutnrau, Jo a. rr. rra Hc, Baluaiar, Md. Dsar Mr: iMaing toar advrbaM:t, 1 was ladscd fc try your fcsi pus Pdta. Isa attacked wua Cpli.iar lajair. laiswliauiy air snvaieisn wat anioDi. L eoald giv. sis oo ratlst. I tba uesoiud maotbw pars cso, but 1 Mfn.l to rw or. 1 issu triwd tb. treatai.BC of siivtaar, sat wtebvel any g -oU tGmcl. 1 agais mturasa to air tauiiir aar-Kiaa; was capped a'ni tia aevsial tia-s. 1 u gsawr.llv aitaead w itliuu 1 as? r.sHUl ry jMtuak. 1 bad bad frost t. fcdv Auadar. at latorval. f two woaaa. 1 ws, oflos attata..! IB sir ale.p, as .aal!.1 1 waals , or wiiat.wr b. , . .i -T?!!! o-v. rly Iojutm "rai tuuc iruai ca. lalla. I . afleid so ueB that 1 kiot ll uaa..u lu rlf . lalauwaa atiecla la air BaalnM., asa 1 O'Saidor ISM j'.mr Kpil.f'U. Pius ouroa b. la Fobrwarr, ItwS. 1 aaiotol to bm roar PUB), sad oalr sad two attack. ai US-ward, las last so vh April S.ISSS, and Lo.r w.ro of a raj. sonus. .haractor. Wits too bUMlncof rroTkioaeo rsr awdic.a. aa Bade ta. Inetraaieal by wuich 1 waeeared of that ditcrwlns arfltciRa. 1 taiak taat tas fdlo aad their gavd covou Swald b. aalo auuwn oerraeio, tbat pereoa. who or olBiilarlT affected air have the beoettt ol taeia. Aar aemia toning further laf .naetioa caa obraiBh br calling .1 a; r 1 lo.no. Ho. attaeitf laird sueoc r auodeipaia, ra. Woxiaa aXaaa. nin la a rnaa wm mixkist. The hjiiiaos oil, answer. Gas.iaaa. !) . Jane : m S. ars Bear Sir .- Yaa will Sad lackieoS o dollar. whKb 1 ood roa f.-r two boxoe of rour apiWptic Pills. 1 caa the Bret pora bo tried rosr PUle is this part of taeeusntrr. Mr oa as badu afflicted wua tutor I roara. 1 ordto tor and ro cetved two boiea of rosr Puis. hicb ho took accard lag to dlrecUoae. Ha has nevrr had a ttt since. II ae br my perauaatua that air. Lrtrn triad rour Pllla. Ilia case was a ior bod one; he k-.d his neaxlr U his lit.. Persona Bars wrtttea to at fruoi AULaraa and TeuBjetoee oa the aobjeet, tor the puro-ae of aacer tainlag aar osiuioa la regard to yar Ptils. 1 bars atwar firnaimemltd them, and ib so Inataneo hero I save had s caaocs of hearing from tuetr etteet hats ther ielled to cure. Toure. eu , C. H. kiiv. Orsueda, lelasnaha Co.. M -a. ASOTHIB BIMARSABLl CCBKOr Kr-ILKPSY; UK. rAAXlNO FIT. BT HA5CB s BPIXEPTia PLLLS. MosTseaSBV. Texas, Jane a), W7. To t-th . Hascac-A ri la aty emptor had bee- sffiietad -lib Flu. er hpili eer. fur thirteen rara. a, had then, altatkeet lu:er.a.a of l v to fust eaa. sad mi i. lis--, a'.iw uihh. ,uf... auoe.ieee cwaui.utas fo two or three daja. Oa ear oral occeaioos th. , .aald aolU hie Bund sppead totally deranged, la ahica atati ha would oiul.ua for a dar or two aflwr the dta had ceased. 1 tr.ed eev eral remedies ar-acuib-d br oar reeideut pbr-iciaas. bat without eacco a. UavuKeaeaiouradtertueniaaJ cooeiBded to trr rour r. inau r . I obtained twu hoaea of rurPilia gar (beat aconlingt directions and Cher eAocled a r-raural care. The sersus la B a eat'Bi aad heealhr sia-i, abvat 3P tears ol age mjiA ha ass had a St eiae ho coounvsced taking r Ul Bl'dmao. aea reare a. sea. lie was sir principal we7ner aad haa. aince that lie, bat a eapvoad tc ae evarvet of waeta-r. 1 bar. a-reet coaAuVnoe la rour rau-dr. and woaid like evecr one aw haa Sua to iTt a utsU. a aw viauau. Tiisi. asothcr crm& mm4 tW foiioit tw4moui. from rctbl ClLlsWU of (iriUlkV ' , MiM. Birra 9. Bsc. BUuitur. M4.-Drr fllr I takt fTatu -sBir ta ruti..4f civ of Spvtfii, or Fa curml f vur luBvi..i PiU. M l.rothr, J . J. L Jon, b- long Iimii aWtti withlttivawfiti J ! . Hi w m ttrtt tuu;k"4 biit oit yoauc. U ouM h on or t ma str-a-uM 1 u rtacH t Rni, bat m L crr o.J-T tu-y tni4 to irvcr . L to th titn couuiirC'-xi Ulaii.f our Pilia hliwlthn very fin tU quit protttrannif 'h.m, boxij ui M.iitl. Uia luiuit b4 alTr-w-rsoUrtly.but iww I iu hmpoj to M. b ta cutel of thm ttU. U bat enj-7?i bit o--lib for lb tavst hv Mtontha. Ilia mm baa ! reiurtd ! iu oriKioaa briKhtm-aa Alt 'bi 1 Un nrotU pa-kpnirc la couiLuaiiit.Atiii.r, It b tba MtM of mitsUB tuimtm 11m raMir UiaU will car tn- tu. loan raap-wliHr aa. W. P. Lraoa. Pmut to mnj part of tba eo-mtrr mrnll, fr- of r-i.w. or rariptnf a rrmillrC'. AUlra rtTH HANCE. KM Uirttrt.. Biuiar, Md. Frvc, n h i, i. to. A. l-la, a7. VFl-aaa atioa wbar m tkto t-d-wtto tiaut. MATTRESSES Of Carle- Ha.tr. VfltMai arvrf ta.Tswa.C WavfM'Hirr mil all eWbrmt-.i ff)ric lira, imf aV'eaUAltrrtk thorouifhly a-rct- ait) .tifaiu tr--VHXi.i gH.r"t.iJ nv.r t" "tor 1 1, in bailbt . and xuviv ub in PI I Iowa. tSAMrrt mud Mr.1i Li.m STERN BERGERS OM RaliaMa rrathar anil Bnlrting TVpnt. IIS WeMrtli Wee el t above Arch, fnillaalm. i rro9.MafBula-as Par a raam Hh reaalt capital. r-KU k GaKATLT BKULLKO. H U Esley Organ, O C n n r- o o o n -i tn 2 O we O D . 3 " o n CD 3 rd 3 01 r . ta Representative Business Houses OF PHILADELPHIA. i xPii pon atjIj, t ho Irowost I'l'ioem. UE NATIONAL TYPE Co.. (.4UikLUc, u ceiiu. PKTI.l nrff Hi a TO Jl ttiAZI.XE 'lt B-iFTTtKA: 3-BUTTO.M KID GLOVES. FBEXCH Af EXalLISH r.MUItkt AND kLEliANT.-ILK UKk.-S PATTKUSS GIVJb:i I IN lltl-a.UIUMM Tor Subacribera. at i lmm Raxes, to Artinr's Eoms Maaziis far 1879 ! of ilw ptiup , mum w ih-m n'iaKii-'.U cri ui uu llf, ttiiii ka:u1 lite, iutt-rvitsBU ul dWiUt it h n lor th visA 94-C Uitviig wU. -usi Um ii CuiiLa Hmuj new writer of talnl win h 1M diint-f ItQriu unr airn-vtlv UruM lit ol couiru ut.r, uud upplie of ctiuic ticrtry m AU-r wiu b iiiu rm il aauiatl t-ari.t- .tnt t- ii tii liny K Jl itt ta - - J'r- rCl4 b fa.aP IsTaa, sVa.A IU VIUu O . v4arr . B..aaaaa. Club wit. bf vl w) wur.h tt butivnci. faU'-rai 1 LsalMr Di CauUirvu lroN. 1 w-r --. ana I ... Cli.b-0lt-r17..n4. !, sum! l u Ju1-iIUt HaV.sV. Prt-toium un $17. Clnbvio-a tlr 41-1 ibi-ww FavtleWtiai. Prvminaa oa Chib Ti Mir l Thrw iatt'in KhituSfsTaua iow wrtuol Batl rt,v PttriM. .ARiiCR CLriM.-FortWti(rr mm Tr llUIlt. 1U.1 lrt- I'AUi TUh ot mu.Ul 3alik JE QUO k.Ok,llrQ aaaad HtuCh leM.s&V tK. y Fill. BiH Qlani in rrfavrtl U th lr m l vtiuab. Prt'tniutus. will b- I -uixl 10 our nvii a ruUr 10 t tub ii-tt r. Inch w it. Im mil'-J -n cti.M t Mil u ilfptir t nirilie up Club- fur k. i. T. M. AKTIIl It PliRMANENT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION.. CKNTEXN IAL GROUsNDS. y" orr.x etckt day. ADMISSHiX liCfi'-. CHlLlKi.N,a v.nttm. !plfttlit imr of EihiMti in d?Trtm-nt tt diiviKvs Art kuucdttion, Ant:ult..r-, iiuu, fcPtrlAL MtSR'AL ATTRACTIONS UAlLl. Alx, th Lr;)t RULLF.R KATlNti ClMv 131 TIIE W'.SLD. Op-n nvh Ht-e-i tnj fnm 9 A. H. to 12 M., ant 1uj0 y. M.. mui u Vw.inrAj aui tuw-a seisU.tfa fit IB 7 Iv 'M v'tktk. HL Bt'ILDINU IS H E ATEI. siiElIi t 'NCEKT It V ttt If MND X Aaixrs W-TIP roa Pa. MARCH'S NEW BtXK, From Dark loDavvn. In tMa pyw Itima, fh ptp'iNr 'thr of Nuht tu tir Bible V nm; inh iM atnl ti' itt.u fore th a-v-.i:a of Sktrni Truth, .d ! a friftit . tnit-n In tin t- lit, , ptlh a a t anlli:tlrv of th Slort-aof ill- nii.l.-. Ahi-Tilw) will Iii,.i I hi bi-k., with ita iarklniif th-u-'br'. b- anf.lnl t-nir.k '11, Jtwl n H b uliiitf. ttw bvt iii the ni.trkt. Trto) (b er.il. i-xttttaga.a, fitj. J.C. ilc I ilT a CO , fu.U.lel: b ., Pa. COMPOUND CXYCEN Ma, VtMar k, Hrvm kitts, iVif..-A, lfrfrprntm. kQi aj Chronic lManaaea, j a rmwuatuvmf p:. REMARKA3LE CUHE5 rtTJ STRONGLY ENDORSED Mil fl l-KV. T. H AkTulT. ii jri. yuHljuuLlI Bxata,aa4 Others who have nrevl thts Treatriierit. Cr'JT CDrri Brra-Jnrs n ppl lilt anan tafclll inCLI taatftnoniaa to aat raarWia "a Dra. BxanaxT a: liui, Un Olrard ML. ftt.le CaNNASIS ir.DiCA POAITITELT CltttH CONSUMPTIOri. Dr. H. JAMra prepamt on of Fast IsdU Hrap lia bome a Iauiotis li ilii ei is iu Iml s tor the enreor t'ssiaapllsa Urwneliltls ind Ailurns. w Duw iiii irui the nuijii. (tar we hive ma.le the tmportailun of Hits art I. le lntu 'i.e I til etl Siatt s our araiiALTT. As we biv . al-r. atri fa-iine and tr.ti;tle. mide pet-tnajieiii a ran mems lu Itiilli tor uni.tiu b Pure lien....' Saibeiii if l at til rik-iti i.i..r, s. il U iii . exinicu-d upon Its own eoil, we .oow .!a' wo aav tlwGgacuta asucLg la all II Parity- gad Per reellon. It one ott!e will gatt'fy rhe m.jsc s;.er"!' THESE IS HOT A SITJGLB dYIIBTCM Ol? COEUJKPTIOa .ht It "- B"t at once taia toM nr anil pute tlie nerves, lai.uio ,! u.c.i. -i . , "i . tiiratl-.n. toiarp p:ilns la tue iiui.. a,.re thru it chilly sensstioiis. nausea at tli- loui.i.-h, li.--ton ol tlie bowels aiitl waituiisT aaav oi tue musi'l s. Ask v-rje rtmtrr't fnr Rr.JAOtS' 11. XABI.H IS Kit A, and if iti l.i.juii.v.o to u tiirect. a per bijitle, or ihr-e tMt'Aii a lor W. l-.ns anil oiuiinciit, e. .en. Adiress. CRADD0CK 4 CO., 10J J Kara St.. PbllaUelpbla I. B.-CI1U fL.AK.-i KUEE. 0 ''XTS FOR lItri.IMIVART ISaTIiri--9 ti'.a is Xieir ieci.iai elitia of Burniae I'rim-r an in.'i.e-n.al.l-- rompani 'n for M.ieic -ta d-nt-; l.i bl-. ct-.; harel-. aielv b end la e!.-ti, Z'lt.M . G -ma -.f Vtu r.cn - nr. in i-d-.,41'. loth, a?.!'.; kilt. -..'4i. All th- atati.lnnl ne.l .-j .r in.r n.-t-.m I-.. k. and nit.a:.'. Lit g.vVALKClt, UUt Ur.sr.MT ht.ert. l'b.i.Jelih.a. P AGENTS WASTE.) rOR THE ICTORZAL HISTORYtheWORLD Bmbrmcinf foil awl uth4rBt1 ftocoont f O MtterB f klidOHt VUrl tTtU-irm IIC. ftn I lOvr'rfcllUC m history f i ho riw n-l fil of tli ir-rk ti K--. Eaipti'w.tb ftowxu ot th- ntti' n.i.lro ff;ruf Ul IDIrliU th Ce'llMaJewa, ttr fU :ft. t)M- U . Ma r-frtrmat.-bo, th ataewvary aoti Mttiaowaat al Uu Ma World, te., ate. lteoDtainafaftna hltjtorfral nrratTin tv4 IM tmrga 4oaM column fvr, and 1 tha mtt orrj v Biittiry a." tha Wortd avr piiMUh!. It ai;t al itfbt. 4Vr4 for e-rimo pvtr-a nitrav iti ta Affota, ani xa why it !! leurr thua ny othwv vovk. AOOi-Ma, -.ATlOAAla Pl KLIHINi; CO., FtailaJ-tlaku., Pa. LANDRETHS' SEEDS ARE TIIK r.KST. . 0. LANPItimi a rf). jl i ti S. SIXTH Si. I illLAULLI'lllA. Barrel, iron. 115 up. Liowbie li,rrvi, :nm up. 4uiia, Kifl- an'l Pistols cm mt ai-prov Knirltsu aud Autv-rtrtiA nwKf. Paper ana brsua. 5ii"U, Ads. ap-i. et Prices ou apiiloat!u. L tXTkU di-scoiuiib to de&lers. II C. B3 1 3. 712 MAEKET ST., Philadebliia. Ensic Mi M Presents ! ;emarrriclUla .- .n .tr t .-.l it. a. tnb Mf f Mn(, t tHlrr ol aMta. It Mr tat. Kt-psj urtaa MrlwMiir-k Prfrt of wach In t.oth. I " .ra l.if . a 4 l!arua, i M. Th a- ar cimp't f SO mr ttn a fo!vfV'ri-. f k-.u(ul tnit-ic. jh c Dia.niii.t 3 t'.-5 laiV t -.i rh- I i Mi or p: c. T " i . f r m ;-! with rativ r dittvMiit ii itv 1 -!?, ai d C1rk- a lib tU t-l ai-iatige-l RerU Oig.a luuafta .ataa.t. Eleffaat Bakt f 9IvafrI I.ltmlr. fJilt m)?4. inti-r-'lrv. ara h- T.'yj of Mr1r.i ton, -'int.iin M 'iri.il ?r - e-tciil, ai-l h Cre-ftt Maatari. KlTThk S HI-TOR 1 w )UM . tZfoia. -. h 915 aii'l CrbiBA Mnacal -iiotcra lhi ilJ"-r- Mw B:an; fnctW 01 i-rti.m .,1 dr. -rii. I'a-f!. ti- t,.nliJ rNi.l.HT Or !-)Ntr.(ii!0-tr'vvii. Th- m f .IFK l.on.-wt t illua tiktv-d . iht w.ll lurow taa I tU un a 1 t e- f Mlahitrr'a Dlrtlonary t 7ttrt 1 triwa. ' f5 0)i a irmm;prw'it l:'oirrf1 1ttical Eu;? j CManlia,oi grMib4 rrtuaiit a.a-?. ! Any bi'k Balled p( fr- ;orr-tall prlca. t OLIVER DITSWJ St CO., Boston. I. J.. TJlrSOM CO K2 rheetnnt t Phua. BCDKS FOR EOLIBAY GIFTS j - AT BEDl'ttO PBICCH. CHILtiREN S BOOKS IN CHEAT TAMETT AT ! McCAULEY'S. ' I30S CHnT.V.IT Klreet. Pallaetelpalsw j Ord-ra p- r mail promptly attended to. lWrT fill am avaaiaiTflAn AVI SML Li Ivi ii JVltk Tmo9W4 as4 rtwvfana rhfa9 1IA0I3 LAltlSSl? SLI3E3. . si. ASCT, lsVM CH4aC-t St., rkitelpft) ,3"-" - J ala... taaaa MaMal aata ts ea