jNi fcS5Tim & REPUBLICAN' MltTLIXiOVN: WedDCfulay. January i. 17 9. TERMS. Subscription, $1.50 per annwc, if paid srittin 12 mouths; $2.00 if nut paid within 12 munths. Transient advertisements Inserted ai 50 ents per inch for each insertioa. . Transient business notices in local col umn, 10 cems per line tor earth insertion. Deductions will be male to th-v desiring to advertise by tko year, half or quarter Tear. FESK'A. E. BTIMETABLE. OV and after Pnnday, Nor. lOth, 1878, pasen srer train will leave Mifflin Sta tion, 1'. II. K., as follows : Jt EASTWABD. -v .-s da Sfwid i TV m Thi ' Johnatw:ii.K., daily ex. Sunday 11 82 a m Nail, daily f.0.ipni Atlantic Express, daily. ..... .... 9 1" i ru J'hi'.a Ex., daily ex. Sunday night 12 -Vi p ut Sunday train ...... .... ........ lo" 10 a in " Gliapm - " 910pm WESTWABD. Pacific Express, dailv 5 58 a m Wav r"ass eneer. dji.'v ..10 IK) a in Mail, daiiy except Sunday. 3 S3 ; m JrtitKin Ace , ii.;i!y except Sun-lay. H I'll p in j Pittsburg fv.. il.ole -r Simihv 1 :1N 11 11 Sunday traiii. ....."...... .. .... ... ,;1 .lOfJam KOTICS. Hunters are hereiy cautioned agninst trespassinc on th lands of til! under-ieued. E- . l. . i . . ... i .. . i . . f (cm,w.w.,.n,h ... " aqmn-eis, wuuoul me consent oi me. .uuer. B. F. SCU'.VEiKi:. STATE ITK-IIS- Christina lleicnu, .f licidelburg, York couutj, was waylaid and Leateu to death a tVw niguts ao wL.ic returo . itig lroia a rartj. A guu formerijr owned by Alexander tlsio, tne lanjcas ormtiuil"? it. is now depth ot tiiree-foiinhs of an inch, on Mon ia the :o.fsion of Willis I. ii2ard j ciay uior:iii t-, btferc d?y light. tf est tJlifster. George Conawar, colored, was sent to the Petiitenf irry lrm limtgctoery ccontv, for n'eaiing seven fat steers. Mary A. Urown, of Reading, Las re covered $3,U'JJ from the Connecticut Plntual Ijiie Icsuratice C.n pmy, ine;,! amount ot a po.icy on lue mo oi tier Lusbsnd, who lirowned himself soiue . time ago. ItJ One hundred l.Tses have becu stolen Sn Lancaster county in three years. Tbo average price fur d miili cows in Moiitgouiery county is $ 10. Lsrge quauiities l wild riie will be own on t;;e bottom UuJs aiur.g the Su daehauDa. llirani Wilfou was inntsntly killed . by a rolling I .-g near Warreusvillc, Ly , coming ci'UJ.tj. Ferry five tuurdnrers liaTa befti exe cuted curing Gorcrtor liartrauli'. term, and foar mora seuteuced to be banged. 'r:pare the rod and the c'aild,'' is an ansient saving that must be dear to dei.iz-"3 cf llazU'ton. In the pub lic- schools toi-i far this winter i i'o I cases of E 7ing ."e reported. On Suudiy a week, at ( 'ox'on, Ltj rerne county, Mrs. Sarah Plioy, while enggd in drawifg wter from an un- Tt're is conideiable destitution in Ilfailoff. Owr a hundred Tamilies are furnished relief every day. Mr. J. O. Hoover. .f Oil r-ntrf, ls s...l';'cu i.i i.- loaf piac on Sundav nipht a week by hibwayiueu aD-1 rob Jed of $1,000. PicVpoiltets were disiovered in a car in Allegheny City, and, although three hundred citizens j lined in the chase, they made their escape. The depression iu tlie oil regions is becoming calamitous threatening the solvency of the oldest business men known in tb3 trade. AH the IE en vbo left Milton for Bra til bare returned home, disgusted with their experience in that country. Tbe I'rison ln-pcctois of Lelngb county hare decided that all tramps cent to the county jail will have to break stone fr-r at least eight hours every day. Tramps will be much less ctcituon in tbat county thin they bate ieen. A scbst?nce T.btch can be used with cr without oil as a paint has bern dis covered in Tore? county. It i-" be lieved tlat its commercial Taiuu wi.i be far greater thatutiiat of petroleum. The tew Court IIoue at Warren cost the coantt SlOS.'ioO. The Jack-ou Deuocratio Asoeiation f liarrisburg proposes t revive the observances of the Stb dy of January as a Democratic anniversary. Meadviiie is arrauging a loan exliibi tion. Tbe Allen Continentals, cf Allen town, will attend Governor lioyt's in auguration. The Aitoona Tribune's correspondent ays a New York party is about i.ego- j ttatiog to lease or purchase the Tyrone forges. A confectioner at Heading exhibits a Candy elephant, "4 feet 5 feet high and i I feet wide, weighing 80" Ji&auds. It is composed ol nut randy, except the tusks, which are .f solid, clear candy, and tbe tongue which is of pink sug.tr. Messrs. J. Coleman t Son, of Alle pbeoy, are making ittHX' rai'road wheel barrows to Gil au order from 809th America. JJme, lafgsn Si Co., bare also got an order for G00O picks and shovels. The goods will be shipped by way of lia'tiuiore. Judge Pershing, at Pottgrille, ha? rendered a judgment of onster against John Jones, who was elected Chief Uurgess of Mabanoy City in February last. Jones acted as inspector at the same election, and on this ground the V"-"""luifr. iiiir iuiatr4: Uis term of ofnee would bare expired next April. John Iresnn, cf Lebtnna, was mur dered on Friday niirht wees, at the Louse of Henry Peoples. They bad been drinking, and towards midnight at down to diecuss a bottle of whisky in company with a German tramp named lS'imrod SpateuUower. Ivesou and tbe tramp quarreled, aud tbe former was fatally vtabbed. In Beaver county the olber night, Mrs. Jones, a lady supposed to be about rne hundred je-irs old, who has been icsane for cereral years, and who Las been iivii-g by herself in ac old lop building on her son's farm, was bnrned to death. It is probable her clothes caught from '; fire place. 'J he fire was discovered by ber son from bis boase, wbo went to tbe ttscoe, bat too lata to tare her lifa. SHORT LOC.iLS. Ice hauling. The shoricsi day is past. Diphtheria in Huntingdon. Extravagance is c at of fashion. See estrty notice in this paper. Congress will ro assembled on the 7th, Rejoice not at the misfortunes of others. You turn new leaf lo-dav, and to mor row you A lot of good Bran for sale at Rohra'a Mill. jtnl-St The river at this place frose over on Tues day morning. AVho is a middle-man f The man with a girl on each via. Philadelphia will have one thousand sher- lIPs sales this month. ajrfWfJjkson'a pest Sweet Wary To bacco. Dec. 4, lS78-ly. The Stite Legislature meets on the first Tuesday in January. ' Afghinistan is almiit to submit to the British, and that ends the war. "For the liirid of a young lady you may becon e a suitor. If yoa Suit Vr." "What kind of pudding does a lawyer i pref.-r t Suet padd ing, of course." Tobias Auker, Henry and illiam Hank, i hunting iu comrajiy on Monday, caught 11 raout.a. 1 he law forbids the shooting of rabbits and partridges alter to-day, the 1st of Jan uary Thewcaiber on Christmas dav was old- i feM.jt.ned tL.-Utu.as weaiher old, pierc ing cold The nun who predicted a hard winter, is Ijaj .y in the belief ot Lis ability to foretell the kind of weather. " When you wake up at night and hear the b.iby cryinj:, lo.k out for Canger for there's a rock ahead." Ti.e sixth :im of the teaon fell, to the " The uiati who had married an incorrigi- I Lie shrew declared to a friend that ho had i ovutrae.ti-d a dangerous scuM." , The Cub Sjbua'h Schcl celebrated the ' birthday ol the Redeemer of man by meet- .n ra.I... .1 1 1ij.ii... atij iltMrtiiiiit rtir l!ornington Sabbath School pirticipatcd in the Christmas festivities, on Christmas evt'iii g, i r school recitations and CLnst ms tree tiecoratiotis. On Friday a number of town bays skated up the cuiul as far as the Lewistown dam, but T.cni-tonu boys did better, they skated down the c inal to this plicj. D. M. Kickabangh, merchant, of Mil lerstown, Perry coiiuty, has prefente-l the Presbyterian congngition of that place wiili a ha:idsome clock lor their church." The winter his been hard enough to sat-i-fy Hie h:ver of hard or coM winters. It H as said last w inter that the Russian and TutkWi war caused the mili weather here. Ten days ago two val"i:ible blooded heif ers w. re received by General Langhornc Wi-ter, from Li jland, and placed among his l.vrd of catUe, on his farm in Perry ; county. J Skitiog was quite good in the canal last we,k. nt a niuuber of lov tumbles were exienencidU bcrinners. and mors than . . . . . . An(To:t will Us made m t!ie pisent Cot.gress to i-ise the silver do:larfroiu411'i . . . ... grains tit 4.-0 erains. to as to make it ex- . .. e ,. u . hat.g.-i.ble -t jar with go.d. Sec bill pub- i . . ...... ;., : .,, .,- - K-,- at I anil JUynbiuun. The pi: i s in ilie school taught by I. C. MaeXs presented iheir teacher with a g'ild pen, a silver penholder and a bottle of musk, hs a Christinas present ; which was acknowl edged by thanks, and a distribution of mixed cand:es among the icbolars. A German paper asserts that prussic acid only causes suspension of life at lirtt, and that one who takes it can be restored to an imation by the pouring of acetate of potah aud salt, dissolved iu water, on the head and spine. A rich Califomi in named Smallman hat a money p:ice on the virtue ol his wife, as he has commenced a suit iu court, in Sat. Francisco, for the sum of SJW,000 against a man named .Mai key for unlawful iulimacy r.i.1 1 , Smallman 's, wife. A coal oil lampexpl-ded in the residence of Mr. John V. Muthersbangh last Friday event! g. The timely arrival of citizens at Hie lire saved ihe building from destruction'. Considerable damage was done lo the furni ture in the room where the explosion took place. "An extensive plot to liberate ai the prisoners in the Scrauton jail was discov ered last week. To women. Belle Mc Donald a'id Minnie liiifton, who asked to visit the prisoners, were CL.-avcbed, and in Ihe hollow of their leet under their stock ings, were found periect keys to fit the cells and outsi io doois. ikr. Shenaol, pastor of the Presbyterian congregation iu Was place, lias requested ih.a ceh men. ber of his church read the lii'.ile through the coming year, beginning on New Vear day. To do so, will require tbe reading of 23 chapters every week, or the rea lii g of three chapters each secular day and live ch. piers each Sunday. The Master in the C':urch case between the Lost Creek rresb terian congregations took evidei.ee in the Urphars' Couit Koom on the l'.lili and 2oih ut December List. Lawyer Smiley, of lilooniuV-ld, is the Mas ter, slessrs. Atkinson, Iloty Sou, Par ker, I't-ttcrson, Lyons, Harnett, and Spang ler are tlie lawyers. The casa will be up on the 2Cd of this moain, again. Owen Jones, a prominent citizen of Phil adelj Lis, aud kauwn to many of the riti letis of this ccui.tr, as Captain, as Major, as Lieutenant Coionc1, and as Colonel ot the First Pennsylvania Cavalry, was found dead on Christinas nigt at 12 o'clock, about a quarter of a mile from his house, near Yi'ynneu'ood Station, along the Penn sylvania Ilailroad. The Pre.-lyterian Sabbath School, as has been its custom in past years, tnls season celebrated Clnistmas by a school meeting in the church, on the eening alter Christ mas. The children were fresh and rosy looking, clearly indicating that in the house holds from w hich they came there had been no wild dissipation to break them down. Prof. I. D. Stone dct.rcred an address, af ter which tbe scuool engaged in regular class exercises, quite a wile, which, when completed, was followed by a distribution of paprr cornucopias, filled with candy toys, that had been hung ou a pyramid ot ten feet iu height, tbat ' od in front of the pu'pit. Ac e-.ergreen arch had been sprung over the irraniid, and arch and pyramid were radiant in light, that beamed from can dles that twinkled like so many stars from avid at the toy bags and avarfrvM." DONT STOP MT. PAPER." Don't atop my paper, pr'nter, Don't strike my name oif yet Ton know tbe times are stringent, And dollars hard lo get; But tag a little harder Is what I mean to do, And scrape the dimes together. Enough for me and you. I can't afford to drop it ; I find it doesn't pay -To do without a paper, However others may ) . I bate to ask my neighbor To give me theirs on loin They don't just say, but mean it, WLy don't you have your own f Tor! can't te'l how we miss It, If it, by any fate, S hould bappon not to reach US, Or come a little late ; Then all is in a hubbub, And things go all awry, And, printer, if your married, Ton know tbe reaiou why. The children want their storiel, And wife is anxious, too, At first to glance it ovtr, And then to read it through, And I, too. read the leaders, And con the bock reviews, And scan the correspondence, And every scrap of news. I can not do without It, It is no use to try, For other people Ulie it. And, printer, so must I ; I, too, must keep me posted, Aod know w bat's going on, Or f? and be accouutcd A fogy simpleton. Then take it kindly, printer, If pay be somewhat alow, Ecr cash is not so plenty, And wants not few, you know ; Cut I must havQ my paper, Cost what it may to me, I'd rather dock my sugar, And do without my tea. So, printer, don't you stop it Unless you want my Irown, For here's the year's subscription, And credit it right down, And send the paper promptly And regularly on, And let it bring us weekly Its welcomed benison. 1. Never try to skate in two directions at once. It always cnas lit sorrow. . Eat a few apples for refreshment's ;rke while sUting, and be sure to throw the cores on the ico. 3. Sit down occasionally, no matter where. There is no law to prevent a new beginner f-oiu sitting down where he has an inclina tion to do so. 4. When you meet a particularly hind some lady try to skate b.ith sides of ber at ouce. This is very pretty, and sure to cre ate a sensation. o. Skate over all the sma';! boys at once. C. If you skate into a hole in the ice take it coolly. Think bow ) ou would feel if the "-' s oo"'g noi. T. If your skates are too slippery, buy a new piir. Keep Ira; ing ne paus tiU jou 6ud a new lair that are not slippery. . In sitting down do it gradually. Don't straits oi your wtaiea er uuuu.s imvib n 6U "P. 10. t ear a heavy overcoat or cloak till . a, votl eet thoroiiehlv warmed op, and taen , ,r , " . . ... ' ', r.. """" 11"" " J " 11. Alter you get so that you can s&i'e tolerably well skate three or four hours skate Iractically skate till you can't stand np. -- A veoetabli roET writes thmt Potatoes eonie from far Virginia; Parsley was s--nl us from Sardinia ; French Beans, low growing en the earth, To distant India Iraco their birth ; Bnt Srarlet-raiiner, giy and Mil, That climb upon your gird en wall A cheerful sight to all around la South Ainjrie were found. Tbe Onion traveled here from Spain ; Tne l.eek lrom S win :rl md wo gala ; (iarlic from Sicdy obtain. Spinach in Syria grows. Two hundred years, or more, Iir-aztl thj Articliokd seut o'er, And Suutluru Europe's soa-coast shore Beet root 011 us bestows. Tlien good Queen Bess was reigning here Peas came tn.in Holland, and weir dear. The South of Kump lays its riaim To lieaus, b 11 some from Egypt came. The Kidishes, both thin ami stout, Natives of China are no doubt ; But Turnips, Carrots, and Sea-Kale, With Celery, so crisp and pale. Arc pro I ox Is of onr own lair laid ; A Cabbage, a goodly tribe, Which abler peus might well describe Are also ours, I understand. Tim latest exploit of the San Francisco reporter is the alleged expoture of a pro cess for manufacturing hens eggs from del eterious materials. According to- thj nar rative the albumen is imitated by a mixture of sulphur, carbon and falty nutter obtain ed trom the slaughter hoiis s, and rendered sticky with mucilage. Ths yolk is made ol b'.ood, pb0phato of lime, magaesia, muri ate of ammonia, oleic and margaris aciu, and colored with crome yellow. The shells are shaped by a blow-pipe from a mass of eypsuta, plaster of Paris, carbonate of lime and oxide of iron. Alter the shells arc blown the albumen is forced in through a hole iu the small end and sticks to the sides; then the yolk is added, and after being covered with more of the albumen mixture the hole is scaled with cemcnl, the complete egg is rubbed prsity smooth and laid aside for packing. It is as-jrted that many barrels of these eggs have been ship ped eastward lor consumption. The Perry county .idtocalt says: On Thursday a week a singular and almost fa tal accident occurred to a son of Mr. Jona than Forney of Liverpool. Mr. Forney aud hit son were about killing a porker, and the son was holding the legs ot the hog and tha Ihe father was about sticking it, when the auimal struck tbe arm of Mr. Forney with one of its feet, driving the knife into the wind-pipe ot the son cutting a gash of an inch and a half. At first it was thought the boy had received a lata! inj'iry, but we Iraru that he is in a fair way for recovery. Mr. linimor Miies. l l ieksmith at Ever hart's Grove, with his tv.o assistants, put on 101 new horse shoes with sharp toes, be sides sha'-pening and putting on twelve old shoes. This was donn. between 7 o'clock a. w. and C o'clocs r. a. His apiircnticc, John Jackson, 19 years of age, drove bo of the shoes and clinched 104. This is certainly a a good day's work. Wist Chester Local Alfred Crimincl a ught an Opossum in Milford township last week, the first auimal of the kind that has been caught in this vicinity in many years. Rev. E. E. Berry and Jacob Magrodcr taught 12 rabbits last Monday. SWEETHEART, t. Oh, earth and heaven are far apart I But what if tbey were one, And neither you nor I, sweetheart, . Had any way misdone t HThea we, like laughing rivers fleer, That cannot choose but flow, Among the flowers sbouid meet and grti Should meet and mingle so, Sweetheart . That would bo sweet, I know. . n. JTo need to swerve and drift apart, Or any bliss resign ; Then I should all be yours, sweetheart f And yoa should all be mine. Bnt ah, to rush, defiled and brown, From tbtw .f smirched show' To spoil the corn, be&t don and dross Tbe raih, red lilies low k Sweetheart, -J 1 do not want jou so I ' - HI. For you and I are tar apart And never may we meet, Till you are triad and grand, swee their, Till I am fair and sweet. ; Till morning light has kissed us white . As highest Alpine snow, '. Till both are brave and bright of sight,. Go wander hit h or low, Sweetheart; For God will have it so. Oh, heaven and earth aie far apart I If yon are bond or ftrc, And il you climb or crawl, sweetheart. Can no way hinder me. But see you come hi lordly state, With mountain winds aglow, When I, by dattlirg gate shall wait To meet and love you so, Sweetheart I That w ill be heaven, I know. Tux executive comniittee of tho v gelieal Alliance of the United States male tho following suggestions for the obret- ance of the week of prayer, subj ct to syh alterations as local circumstances may ra der desirable: I For SaTibath, Janu ry S, as a subject ;or Monday, January 0 Thanksgiving for t - bles-.ngs of the past vear, and pravor lor wfcfco onty t..-.:r ruuiiie.l misoM on 1 litirs-the-r continuance. " " i ( day, are The iny l aatd Tuesday, Jaauary i rrayer for the ! Church of Christ, ts ministers, its growth in grace and its enlargement. Wednesday, January 8 Christian iJuca- tion ; the family, the young. co.Ieges, seaii- naties of learning, PaMuth an I other s -hools; Christian asttc'.atious of yoarg men ani young women. Thursday, January 9 For nations, raiers and people ; for peace and religious liberty in the earth. Friday, January 10 The press, for a bits sing on publishers, e'tors and authors; the cause of tenipcroncii and other social reforms. Saturday, January 11 Home and foreign mission, and the conversion of the worll. On Ssbbaih cvctinf, Janniry 13, it is suggested that public Cuioa mectiezi !) held for prayer, praise and the presentation of the object aud work of the Evangelical Alliance. Piilic Sale or Woodlaxo. SamuelAn- kcr, Executor of tea estate of Michael Urubaker, dee'd, will offer at public sale, on j . r- . , I o'cio;; r. if. tract of Woodlaud, contaiuicg 8 Acres, more or less. Terms m ule known oa day of sale. ADAMS' EXP11ESS OFFICE returned 10 its old location on Water Street, Viiilin towu. Special lieduced Kates to Uegular Shippers. Park ages delivered free to aj parts vf iiitliin aud Patterson. A. U. WEIDMAN. Nov. C-3ra LUMBER. AH kinds, sires and qualities, for sale at prices to suit the times. Call on or address Jas. C. S'.iiLLisr.sroED, niar20-tf Near Me.Atisterville, Pa. M AHMED: IRWIN MiLLIGAN On the2lth ult., at the residence of the bride's mother, in Newport, Perry county, by Kev. J. Lynn JUliigan, the bride's brother, assisted by Ker. W. II. Logan, Mr J. II. Irwin, cashier j of the Newport Deposit Bank, aud Jibs' Clara E. Milligan. , StEBER JACOBS la Port Koyal, D.-, ccmber 21, 1S78, at tL: residence of the bride's father, bv Kev. R. F. Wilson, Sir. . . , , ... . Isaac Sieb.-.-, of Patterson, and Hiss Ann Bell Jacobs, only daughter of Oeorge . Jacobs, Eq., of Port Koyal. GLACK POLLOCK Oct. S2, 1S73 bv Kev. J. A. WcGill. Mr. William W. Olacc, of Eart Watcrl'ord, and Miss Jennio S. lock, ol Waterloo. a-..1 NERVOUS DEBILITY. Vital weakness or depression : weak exhaut.-d leettnir. r,o eiK-r,;y orcoir ac; the result of montal over-work, Indoacrctlons or excesses, or snnx drain upon the system, is always cured kr BI:KEls, BosEcmmc specific so. a It tones tip and lnv;gorats tlio systen, dispels the gloom and dtpond. tiey.imparti slreneth auJ euenrv. stops the drain a.K rcjuvenatts the entire mau. Been U- twenty rears with perfect success by the sands. Ntd l-v ilealers. 1'iiee, fl.00 l single vial, or $."..00 per package of live via and f-.00 vial of mwder. N-nt lr mail wj reeeiflofpriee. A!.ln-s 111 Jli-nilEl'f HJBKnP.tTBir !SITIir:H fitfA."!! lus l LLTO.i tliiLEl. .N.Vi For sale by HAMLIN & CO., Patterson, Pa. July 10 Cm SPECIAL NOTICE. Axt person wishin First-Class Orgar, will save 25 to 50 PES CENT, by Liyitij the FAVORITE OKAN, din-ct from tbe manufactory, as 1 have dispensed with the service of an agent, and w ill hereafter se,l direct to the purchasers, giving them the benrfit of the agent's fee. ,, , Please send for particulars before pur chasing elsewhere. ALEX. JlcKILLIPS, 1 Manufacturer and Proprietor," Dee. 4, 187S-5m Lancaster, Pa. ESSENTIAL OILS AVIMBG8EES, PEPPKRMINT, tLSU'- ROYAL, SPEARMINT, fcC, of prime quality, bought in any quantity ?r cash on delivery, tree of brokerage, coa mission, storage, tc., bv IHiDti E fc OLCOTT, Importers . Exporters, 88 Wiiliani St., Nf. June 5, lSTS-Sia No paper in the Juniata Valley pnbli" as large a quantity of reading matter as tf Seuliuil and Republ can. Jt is above .1 others the psper lor tht general reader. uhserihe for the Sfnttuel and RciubHe&- It contains more, and a greater variety good and iiretul readirg matter tm'U ay other county pap-r. I OB PRINTING OF EVKBT KIM) term at this rfociaH CLOSING PRICES DE HAVEN &T0WXSEXD, BACKERS, No. 40 South Third Street, PIlILADfcLPIUA. Stocks Bought aud Sold either for Cash or on a Margin. Dee 30, 1378. Bid. Askkd. . 10CJ Vl'Ji , cllvt. , IflT, 1(1.. i C.S. C's IWI.: " 1885, J "t J " IStil " " 1S.8 ; 1)8 1-1 " 10-40's.i Ill KifJ t'nrrenry. 6's llff ll! - 6', 18St. new lf;$ H. " 4fs, cew VH 1MJ ' , lOf.I UN I Prnn-urlvania R. R 3- 3-i Pbitadelphia k. Reading K. R-. 11 " IK.h Vallrr K. R Sl flS hiirli Coal & Xavigition Co.. 14 1), ratted Companies .r N. J .... IS-J Northi-m Central K. K. Cc ... 13 14 nt-vi!lo Pass. K. K. Co.... ( H ld ; 100 100 Silver, (J's and 4 , 90 9f (Oimesandl Di uv.)... 9c OS COMMfiKCJU. HIITLIXTOWX MAKKCTS. UtrrLixTowi, Jan. I, 1879. Butter Eire 1-ard Ilatn....... Bacon ..... Potatoes... -Onions..... Kags , 13 i0 8 10 6 00 40 MIFFLIMTO.V.V UK.VlN MAKKET. Corrected weekly by Bnyers &. Kennedy. Quotations tob To-dai. Wednesday, Jan. 1, 18T9. New Wteat;.... 9) Corn, 40 Oats 22 live Timothy seed 1 OOtol 10 Cloverseed 3 00 BKlTlrU G-". VlX TiiAF. LierpooL, D-c. 27. A leading grain circular sis : -The majority ol t.'ie British heat iiiarkels are unaltered. The markets hve ben irregularly held, and in many in-siam-ra sn-e:ide:l. Tridrt has been m.l &.nT un a a ronipioa wiiw 'n ,i nceii tutcers. Cargoes off thi coast, ot . . . . . . .... ... ,., . ,. h..,. (iu:itt :.. 1 .t. but i ricesare steady. Corn is easier I.. ; Mcntise. In this market to-day there was i. tolerable de nand, considering Ihe limited attend nice of .the countiy trade. chietlv lor. red American wheats, wbicU maintain ihe improvement of a week ago. For white there is little inquiry, ami it is a shade easier to sell. Calilomia .lour was iirii! ttU Sold slowly. For Corn there wa-s ouiy a retail demand, and the prices were Eriii at SaCd under those of ten days ago." PHILADELPHIA OKAIX MAirKETS. PiitlADtLpniA, Pec. 23. Wheat The wheat market is inanimate, but pries rule steadily. 13,ikn bushels cii.'jignl h.indsas lolion s : lied at $1 ' il. C ; No. 2 do., i t elevMni-st $1.01 J ; aoiberat $1 .$.l7, the latter in elevator, and while at al.i'al. Iifj. Rye is unchanged. Cor;i Is q .1 -t t'd st-advj with sales of ,(J0. bushels, mclnd U;g r. j.x.ed at G?a4! Jo ; steamer nl ila42c; new sail, track, at 4.!e ; do. do. elevator, at 4:14c ; old do. do., whirh IS very scarce, at 4;c, and old yellow at 4c. Oits are dull a-.id e;.hr. Sales ot 4.4-tO bushels, nelu di. jr mixed, at itri9c, and whitj at oi-a.'!A-. Seeds Fur and go-sd cloverseed is in reqiie-t at CJifiJe, but low grades are not wanted t iaxsecd is nnuiy nciu ai i. per Vishel. iXADzt.PlU.i;A"TTl.E UAHKETS. Pi-iLm.Lri:iA, Dec. 28 Catilc Choice itooj;, lighter tr.iile:;itic. slock 0 n4 trertws ?iT5, $J.0i and S i.O" ihe. p $i.oUl-r4. jUIXIATA valley bank, Or JlIFFLMTOTTai, PA. WITH HRAN'CII AT PuIlT ROYAL. Stockholders Individually Liable. J. NEYIN P01IEROV, Preudttl. T. VAN IUWIX, CatAtrr. DlRECTOBS: J. Nevin Pomeroy, Joseph Knthrock. Ueotge Jacobs, I'hilip M. Kepner, Aimisli. Bousail, Louis E. Atvinson. W. C Pomeroy, STOCKHOLDERS i J. Serin Pomeroy, James B. Olteson, Philip U. Kepner, Win. Van Swirinrea, II. II. Bechtel, Jane II. Irwin, Slary Kurtx. Samuel M. Kurti, J. Holmes Irwin, T. V. Irwin, F. B. Frow. John Uertzler. Joseph -Hotlirock, l.eorge Jacohs, I., fc. Atkinson, w. c. V eroy, j Amos 1J. ii cisall, ;'' Hertsler, il)aniL-l Stout'er, :,;iar,u SV(. r feaiu'l llerr's Heirs, Interest allowed on twelve months' cer ::ticates of deposit, five per cent. ; on six iionttu cerliuc&tes, tour per cent limit, 1878- tr CASH! CASH! CaSII! TTs Ll. SECl' RE B.IRG1IXS. I hire returned from the city with a full stcck of MEN'S CLOTHING, Overcoat!, Hat and Caps, At November Prices, Reduced. BOOTS 52 25, I F SUOSSSI.CS. TO LADIES No Sboddj. I have a-i Ud aline of riUXTS AXD JIUSLIXS To stoc' Prints, fast colors, at 6 to 6 eta, Also, Arbnckle's CoC"..-e 28 eta., cash. Also, the genuine Syrnps. Eorsa Blankets, Eobes, Clioap. Call and see, aod be convinced. J. B. M. TODD. '. Patterson, Nov. 20, 1877. GREAT BARGAINS ! . I will sell the following named Sewing Machines at Greatly Eedaced Prices. $25 TO $30 WILL BUT A White, Remington, Howe, ew American, Weed, New machines wholesale i-iccs. Singer, Whitney, Davis, Urover & Baker, The New Domestic. sold. in fots of four at All attachments fmiished cheap. Also a full assortment of needles, and oil of the best quality. By sending CO cents yon can have for. w aided by return mail 12 assorted needles by J. B. X. TODD, Sept 24, IS77 Patterson, Pa. PRIVATE SALES. Persons desirous of selling property at private sale; haav arrange to have tbe prop erty advertised in the Sentimet and Republi can, oft Ihe term of as pirj f tot told. Il sold, to pay at sucn rates as have previous ly been agreed upon. A LOT OF GROUND ON TIIB SOUTH aide of Main street, Mdlisterrilie. this county, having thereon erected a Dwelling House, and S hop or business place, Wash House, and Spring House, and Stable, a Well of good water with pnuip in it. Eleven apple trees of choice fruit. The lot is ell fenced. This is a desirable prop erty tn the locality in which it is located, and can be bonght at a reasonable price. For further particulars address NATI1AN OKIFTITH. HcAlisterville, Juniata Co., Pa. A FIK9T-RATE FARM, CONTAINING One Hundred an 1 Sixty Acres, in the best wheat-growing district in the State of Ohio, situated one-half mile from Amanda rail road station, in FairSeld county, and one mile from a good pike. Tle improvements area Urge two-story BRICK HOUSK (13 rooms, ball ami cei'ar). Double Log Barn and Stable, and oiher buildings, and a well of good water. A stream of spring water traverses the centre of the firm. Thera s a large orchard on the premises. Will take $70 per acre, part cash, rest in payments. A far-A adjoining sot I for $100 per aero. The reason fortv!ling,is Ihedeslre to invest in city property, in Circleville. For all in formation address J. SWEVEK, Pickaway Co., Ohio. ONE OF THE MOST PROFITABLE BLACKSMITH STANDS la ihe county may be purchased of the undersigned at a reasonable price. The property is situated in Johnstown, Juniata Co., Pa., and with Ihe Smith stand includes a lot of about TWO ACKEi, having thereon erected a comfortable Two-story Framellouse, a com modious Slalle and other outbuilding. 1 hero is a Well of good water at the doer ol the house. For particulars call on or address WV. HOOPS. Wainut P. O., Jmiiata Co.. Pa. . n ; - I A FARM OF FIRST-RATE tjCALITT of laud, ia tha Le-irt of Lost Creek Valiey, only one mile west of McYlisterrWe, con taining 80 ACRES, mostlt cleared, having thereon erected a LAItfiE FRAME BNK I5AKN, commodious weather-boarded LOG HOUSE, and other out-lmildings. First- rate Fruit, a well of clear, cold Water at Ihe kitchen door. This is a desira t farm, and can be bought at such a margin that it w id prove a proR table investment. For fur ther particulars address lira. SOPHIA OSWALD, Mdllintown, Pa. . A VALUABLE FARM OF 120 ACRES, m -ro or less; 11$ acres cleared and in a high state of c i.tivation, belonging to the Heirs of John Yoder, deceased, is hereby offered at rrirale Sale. The Farm is situ ated in Fermanaj-h township, about three miles northeast of Mifflin town. The f.n provrmenta are a New Frame House and Bank Earn, and other outbuildings. There is a spring of never-failing water at the door. A stream of water traver-es the farm. An Orchard of fruit in variety, in cluding grapes in bearing condition, is con venient to tue buildings. For further ii- P A. TODEK, Port Royal, Juniata Co., Pa. A FARM OF ISO ACP3 IN TCSCA rora township, Juniata oounry, one-.'onrth of a miio wert of McCoysvlle, 12'.) acres ot which a.e cleaie-1 and ia a good st-itj of Cultivation tho balance in good timber. The Improvements are a large Frame House, 3'.v30 leet, Frame Born, 40x50 Teef, Wagon S hid and Corn Crib, Ca-riage House and Hog Pen 30x10 leet, Wood House and Spring If e-use, a good young Orchard and about 60 peach trees and cherry trees. A stream of gmd wa'er passes near the house aud barn. For further particulars address NICHOLAS ICKES, McCoysville, Juniata Co , Pa. T7I3 nEIRS OF PETER AND St'S.VN MINGLE offer at private sale, the real es tate of said decedents, situated in Ferium ag'i township, Juniata county. Pa., one mile 'A est of Uiillintown, containing about 20 Acres of Land, nearly all of which iscleared and in a good sti-.to of cultivation. bivin thereon erected a coiumouious DWELLING HOCSE, Bank Barn, and all nectss-iry out buildings There ia a lirge variety of ex cel.ent Fruit on the premises, and a well of good water at the door. For further par ticulars Sf ply at llio Smliucl olhVe, lewis town, Jacob Bkiulkk, Mliillnto'tvn, or to IIeskt Mixole, on Ihe premises. A FARM OF 7i ACHES, 65 ACRES clear and in a good state of cultivation, the baance in timber, in Spruce IIi.7 township Juniata county, Pa., ons-haff mife from the proposed rairoad frori the Je.n'.ata lo the Potomac river, six Uiies from Port Royal The improvements are a Large Stone D ef fing Uottse, JlaSO feet with a Kelt of good water nt t'.e dimr. Sank Barn, Corn ibs, -.ml other ontbuif ltngH, a large A ppe Or chard, and a great variety of fruit. A so the right to quarry time stone on a larin shout a ha1 distant. Tho farm has been liim-d recentfy. '.tuns Oue-hiiT caih, fcs7ince in two annual payments. For timber farlicnZtrs address S. A. HOFFM AN. 2ir-:co lull, Juniata Co., Pa. TAKE NOTICE. I would rcspectinlly inform the Citizens. f Milliintown, and surrounding country, that I have commenced the Ksrcliiint Tifeg Business on Ihe East side ol Mai.i Street, live doors North ot the corner of Main and Cherrv Strrels. in the house formerly knosn as Ihe Kinkead house, and latterly as the Weller house, where t will be ready to give allcus. tomors FITS. To nc cntonH-r. I would sar, give me s trial. To my old friends ami rcstorneis thronchoiit the county, I have but to say, I am here. GIVE ME A CALL. mayl,7e-f.m. G. S. .HI M.S. WE 1111 V. IT AT LAST. A iK-r'ect working Shirt llosom Stretcher and Ironinj Hoard. Best t !se elling article in ni-.iket. Seils at i r- i-'tght, both in city and conntry. It lis superior in ever- respect, and ,r;4"ire saleable than any other boarr?. I I'll. I i.iTirm-Hni.ini .11- Patented Nov. 2t, 1X77. Large pet- prntnge ps'd. Territory seller and can vassers wanted. Agents do not fail to send . . : . . I I . . ... 1 ,T- o l.k 1 ( . l lor circular anil irruia m a. - OUJiiu, mk- it . . n.. i ...... ik. o..- wbat iNiperyon saw this adv'L (octl4 The Sentinel and Republican office is the place toget job work dot.e. Try it. Itwul par yow if jom seod anytblna; ia that Use. MISCELLANEOUS ON THE IX THE BELFORDIBTJILDING.,. COSSEIl 15RIDGE AND MAIN STREET3, 31IFFLINT0WN, PENX'Ju ROBERT E. PARKER, lias Opened Ilia Iarge Stock Of Sry Goods, Groceries, REAlT-lAIIa ClaOTHla, Ilata, Caps, Doo'ts, Shea, Queens ware, Glassware, Tinware, Spices, Notions, Soaps, Salt, &c., TOBACCO AND SE&ARi3, Anl will be fold at astonL-hingIv low pricils. Now;is the time lo save money by and examine 'iUT goods and hear oar pricea. MiiHintown, April IT, 1877-tf D. W. HABLEY'S I tie placa where joa can baj Till BEST ATfU T1IC CJIKAPaCST MENS' YOUTHS' 5t H.IT3. CtPS. BOOTS, SHOES, HE ia prepared to exhibit one of the most tSis market, and at .iSTOMSlllMlLY LOW PRICES ! A!.o, measures taVen for suits aud parts of suits, which will be made to order at short totk-e', Vdry reasonable Kemcmbcr tho ptnee, ia HoiTnian's Water a'reetS, UIFFLINTOtVN, FA SAML STRAYEB Has just returned from the Eastern cities with a fall Variety of MEN & BOYS' CLOTHING, HATS & C.rS, BOOTS & SHOES, ALL SIZES, GENTS FL'RMSflINU t;OOD3. Goods of .11 kinds are low. Come and ara m and be astonished Pants al ?J cent 4. Pattersuu, Pa., ilay 2, ISitS. Jiliscellanedss. U OURDORfi S GOm eiAiias m niROTTAnC, I ROT, SAILS, All Kind of States. aDRY" GOODS, GROCERIES, Xotions,iteadrj-made Cloth ing, Jlats, Caps, Boots, SJioes. FLOUR, FEED. DRUGS. tC, tC. Hardware a Specialty. joniSTowii. mmk co., pi Thankful to the pnbtic for their libera patronage in the past, we solicit a continu ance of Ihe same. All kinds of broduee.TakcB In Exchange for Goods. Ia. Dl'XDOKE A, CO., Tfslnat, Juniata Coauty, Ia. May 1,1678. BUYERS & KENIXEDY, (Saeceaaors to D. P. Salons1',) . DEALERS IK IaC31BEK, CEMENT, Calcinod Plaster, L2.1.J Ilaster, 3EC3S, SALT. AC. We buy Grain, to bo delivered at Mini in town or Mexico. We are prepared to furnish Salt to dealers at reasonable rates. BUYERS A. KENNEDY. April 2f, 1877-tf YOU'LL EE S011UV If von n-iila-e that ol,l pnn-p with a new one, and do not ilrjt caret ullv examine tbe utrKCTR fodce prim. The Euckeve is the very Utest improve ment in pumps. It is constructed w'nh air chambers, mhieh make It very easy to oiiera'e. Hose cm be aftaehed to the Burkev e. sod water on be thrown noon any buiMtng, ;n ease ol Ore. 1 ou can water your garden, wash Windows, wash buggies, and Lave a FIRE E.VGl.VE, ever ready upon a onr own premises, at no I more cost than an ordinary pump. It is an j oneir.-rut to your y.u-1. It ranuot freete in cold Weather, aod is durable beyond a doubt. TU Trrj Pnmp for IVtlh of all Depths. Tbe working parts are leather suctions nJ Va.ves, williiT. porcelain chamber. Noth ing to rot or get out of order. Hie Ircn Tarliiue Hind Engine i . , , is a greai improvement in Wind En gines. Call at: t see the above pumps lu operation, or address lor pirtH-uiars W. C. itRATTON. Lewistown) atitttm Co Pa, Oct 0, 18TH 4m ;SDl'E&mZMtL 7.V. CORNER! 7 bnying at the Comer ?aUee 3 lore. Call to N trouble to show goods. ROBERT E. PiSH.SB. BOYS CLOTHING .f.VO FCRSISUiyG GOODS. rhnieo and select storks ever offured ia New Building, coroer of IiriJ-a and J.;n. 1, 1;9-U D7 SL'ITS JIAUK TO OK 1ER. SA JIL'KL STUaTER. Philadelphia (c Eeading Railroad. Arrangement of Passenje r Train. Nov. loth, 1S73. Trams It ate H nrisinrg as follows s For New York at 5 2i), b 19 a. m., and 2 C9 and 7 5- p. rr. For Philadelphia at 3 27, 3 13, 9 IS a. n., 2 1 and 4 Vi p. m. For Kearling a 5 2:. 8 10, 9 45 a. m., 2 59 4 and 7 o' p m. For Pottsville at o 20, S 10 a. m., and 4 "0 p. m. and via Schuylkill & Sasquehanna Branch at 2 40 p. m. For Auburn via S. & S. Br inch at S SO m. For Allentown at 5 J, tt 10 a. ui., 2 i"J, 4 bo and 7 ."v. p. c;. The 5 2, 8 IU a. m. aid m7 f,5 p W: trains h ive t-ronh cars f jr r r YoK. The 5 20 a. m. train haa through ca: fr. Philadelphia. SUSD.iTS. For New York at 5 20 a. m; For Allentown and wav stations at 5 50a m. For Reiding, Philadelphia and way station at L4i s. m. Trains for Ilrrrtsburt; tears as fallows t Leave New York at 8 4ia. m., and I 00, 530 and 4d p. re. Leave Philadelphia at 9 45 a. m., and 4 0'?, a-id 7 20 p. in. Leave heading at t 40, 7 40, II 50 a. m.. 1 SO, '. 15 ami 10 3-i p. m. Leave Poitsviile at e 10,0 5 a.m. and 4 40 p. m., and via Schuylkill and Sns.iuchan- a branch at 8 15 a. m. Leave Auburn via s. k. 3. Branch a: 1203 noon. Leave Allentown at 2 30, 5 50, 9 C5 a. D.a 12 15, 4 30 and 9 05 p. m. t Does not run on Xonjayi. SCXO.IYS. Leave New Tork at 5 30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia at 7 20 p. m. Leave Reading at 4 40 and 7 40 a. nt. and 11 35 p m. Leave Allentown at 2 30 a. m. and 3 05 p.m. k Via Morris and Essex Rmlroal. J. E. WOOTTE.Y. General Kunarir. C. G. FIANCC K. Gettral J ket .igent. SEE! SEE! GO TO THE Port Eojal Agricultural igeacj ran yova THRESHING MACHINES, HOUSE POWTEK?, STEAM ENGINES SEPARATORS) ClaOTEK IlLIalaEKS, Plows, Harrows, (Jrain Prills, ZJ Fifteen Trr CerJ. Less Ihua Can it had EUrv'itrt.jrr 3. T. JACOBS t CO . Tort Riral, Juniata Cc , Ta. July 23, 1877. Manhcod: HowLost.HowEeoiorc 1 Just vub!isli-d, a new edition of -Si Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the rnificul curt (without neslt- cine) of Spermittorrhora or Seminal weak ness, Inrolnntary Seniin.-il Losses, Iinpo tency, Mental and Physical Iicaj.acily, Im pediments to Marriajre, etc ; also, Con sumption, Epilepsy ami Fits, induced by selt-iniliilireiicc or sexual estravsganee, .c. Mjr Price, ill a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated anthor. ift this adn.ir-.bla Essay, clearly demonatrat'.a, from a thirty years' sncee-sriil prat-tV;, that the alarm ing consequences of scll'-al-nse may be rad ically cored wiihit? toe danri-rnus us of internal medicine or the application of t.. knife; pinti;ij oat a mode of cure at one simple, certain, and eOVctiul. by means of which everv snfferer, no matter what Lis condition ii:ay be, may cure hirusj;U cheap ly, privately, and radirc'.lij. fTJrii's Lecture should be in th. 1. vn of ewry vonth and every rn.1 in fi 'nd. Srnt nuder seal, in plain tn.-i..:. to any addrvss, pot-pH, on tho re of iiT. certs or two jost stan.ps. Adu.esS th r uoiincrs. THEtTLTEKTVELLStDirALf 0 41 Ann it.. New York; aprll-lv Post-Othce Box 45t?. SiibscrilK for the Sentiutl and Republican, a paper that gives you a greater variety, and oetter selection of reading nis'ter lhau any other papor in the Juniata Valley. Sale Bills printed on abort notice at t'tw - - - .... -. - -- - - .- -.-"- - . . ...... ... .. . " '